thestarcollective · 10 months
Some items currently on my wishlist
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thestarcollective · 11 months
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My daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly maintenance menu... I use this as reference to keep track of all my self care routines <3
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thestarcollective · 1 year
My first mood board of 2023 !
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This year my main focuses are balance, and consistency. Instead of getting discouraged when I’m not perfect, I want to work on getting 1% better everyday. Everything I desire is already mine. Live as the person you want to be. Happy new year <3
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thestarcollective · 1 year
A friend of 9 years and I recently parted ways. It was sudden and I didn't really understand at first, but I'm starting to realize it was universe's way of showing me she truly was not serving my life anymore. Although I'll miss the good times in our friendship, I can't tolerate negativity and people holding me back.
i've learned over the years that your history with someone should not give them a free pass to treat you badly. Let go of what isn't working anymore in your life.
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thestarcollective · 1 year
My glow-up guide for when I'm in a rut
So just to be clear..to me glowing up is more of a mindset. It's your confidence, and how you treat your body in order to glow from the inside out. However, I do believe how you present yourself (in whichever way makes you feel best) contributes to your overall confidence and feeling your best.
So here are some of my quick tips to "glow-up" when I haven't been feeling my best.
⭑ step one: clean your space
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Personally, I'll never feel 100% unless my room/space is neat and tidy. Your space truly does affect your mindset, so this is always my first step in glowing up and coming out of a rough patch. This includes making my bed, doing my laundry, (and folding all my laundry I haven't folded) and lighting a nice candle.
⭑ step two: take a shower to restart
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I've always struggled with feeling like I've let a day "go to waste", whether it be from sleeping in or just not being productive. Then one day I heard something that really helped me... it was that if you're ever feeling like this, just take a shower and tell yourself you are restarting the day. I know. this might sound silly, but try it because it really works.
⭑ step three: skincare/ grooming
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So this is where the physical "glow-up" stuff comes in. Skincare/ grooming is different for everyone...so for this step, do all the things you've been neglecting. For me this means: doing my eyebrows, shaving, exfoliating, haircare, etc. These may seem like little things, but trust me they add up!
⭑ step four: nails
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The thing that pulls everything together for me are nails. Whether you get the, done, or do them yourself. Have them long or short, it doesn't matter. Just making sure they're cleaned and filled is perfect. I personally like to keep my natural nails with a gel polish to keep them strong.
So this has been my quick steps guide to glowing up when you're in a rut. Let me know what you do to glow-up when you're feeling down :)
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thestarcollective · 2 years
love nyc christmas
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thestarcollective · 2 years
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my updated morning/ night routines on notion
i've been loving updating my notion lately so I'll be uploading more <3
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thestarcollective · 2 years
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night routine inspo <3
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thestarcollective · 2 years
Reading Journey
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I've been on an overall journey to level up in all areas of my life. Part of that has been to develop healthy habits, and replace old ones that are not serving me. One of the habits I am ready to start up is reading. Reading has so many benefits and will also help minimize my screen time. I want to work more on having hobbies and enjoying real life away from screens. The first book I'm diving into is The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Anchor. This is sort of a self-development book that teaches the psychology of happiness. I might also pair it with some non-fiction reading. I can't wait to update you guys on my reading journey and share some tips I learn from the book as well!
Follow my reading updates on the #starreadingjourney hashtag
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thestarcollective · 2 years
Higher self morning routine
Morning habits to become the best version of yourself
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How you start off your day sets the tone for the rest of it. It is so important to have a morning routine that makes you feel happy and motivated. These are some of the habits I do when I wake up to start my day off right.
As soon as you wake up, say to yourself "today is a great day". This may sound silly, but your thoughts really do become your reality. Starting your day on a positive note allows you to receive more positive energy. Taking a second to reflect on things you're grateful for also brings you high vibrations and positivity. Doing this will help you see the good in life and your day.
·make your bed
This may seem like a little thing that's easy to push off, but completing this small task when you wake up gives you a sense of accomplishment that will set you up for further success throughout the day.
I never thought meditation was for me since I'm easily distracted and restless, but doing it for just 5 minutes in the morning makes me feel so good. It's such a positive start to my day that I actually look forward to. There are hundreds of free guided mediations on youtube. Try some out and find some that work for you.
I struggle to drink enough water everyday, but I found that hydrating as soon as I wake up helps me remember to keep drinking throughout the day. It's also super important to drink water in the morning since your body has gone numerous hours without it.
I know not everyone has an hour each morning to sit and write, nor do you want to, but taking even a few minutes to write down your thoughts is so beneficial to your mental health. I personally use a manifestation journal with guided prompts in the morning.
Now I'm not saying you need to do an intense workout every morning, but just getting in a little bit of movement in the morning to warm up your muscles will make you feel so good. You can do anything from yoga, taking a walk, or even just stretching.
These are some of the things you can incorporate into your morning routine to help you become the highest version of yourself. Remember even the smallest changes can make the biggest rewards. If you have any of your own tips to make your morning better let me know !
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thestarcollective · 2 years
minimizing screen-time
Hey everyone! I've been on a journey of bettering myself and getting out of a slump. One thing I did recently was delete tiktok. This is a big step for me because I've quite literally been addicted. Not only was I spending hours glued to my screen scrolling, the toxicity of the app was having detrimental affects on my mental health as well. After numerous attempts to cut down usage, I finally decided to delete the app all together. I also want to minimize my social media use across all platforms, and my screen-time in general. On top of deleting tiktok, I am going to be setting screen-time limits and actually sticking to them. I'll be documenting my journey and updating you all on how I feel! Stay tuned...
You can find all of my updates under the #thatgirldiaries hashtag
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thestarcollective · 2 years
sunday reset routine
starting the week of fresh
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Hey guys, today I wanted to share my Sunday reset routine with you. Having a day to get everything together will set you up for an amazing week. Take whatever works for you.
Clean your space
∙put fresh sheets/pillowcases
∙make sure you have clean clothes for the week
∙wipe down surfaces
∙sweep and clean floors
∙vacuum carpets
∙put everything in its place
Self care
∙hot girl shower (wash hair, use hair mask, exfoliate, etc)
∙light a candle
∙journal/reflect on the past week
∙get a good nights sleep
∙make a todo list for the next day
∙set out an outfit
∙write down any events/assignments
∙check calendar
These are some of the things I do every Sunday to reset myself and my space for the upcoming week. Taking the time to do this gives me the feeling of a fresh start and motivation. Please comment any of your tips I should try !
Find all of my guides and tips on the thatgirlguides hashtag.
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thestarcollective · 2 years
*That girl* Semester plan
Guide to having a successful and organized semester
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I don't know about you, but I had a rough first semester. I'm currently a freshman in college and my second semester starts in a week. To prepare, I wanted to develop a plan to stay organized and on top of my work. Here it is:
∙ keep a planner (digital or written) for everything you have going on. Whether it be events, school, or due dates, document everything so you don't forget.
∙ Plan out when you're going to do work. It's easy to keep track of due dates, but before you know it you'll have 3 papers due at once. This is why it's important to actually schedule time to do smaller parts of your assignments... so you don't get overloaded later.
∙ Keep a clean space. It's very hard to stay motivated when your room/ work area is messy. It's super important to keep your spaces neat.
∙ Actively listen during class. Last semester I was guilty of going on my phone and just waiting for the lecture to be over. Although this felt good at the time, it ended up hurting me later. If you're in college, you are most likely paying a lot to go, so there's no point of showing up to class just to ignore your professor. This only hurts you in the end.
∙ Take good, neat notes. Everyone has different ways of note-taking, whether it be typing, Ipad, or writing in a notebook. Use what ever method works best for you. Make sure they're legible and focus on writing the most important things down that you think will be on exams. Always take down something if your professor specially writes it.
∙ Read the syllabus. I kind of ignored mine last semester which was definitely a mistake. The syllabus's are basically a map to what your semester is going to look like, and is a useful tool in doing well.
What you do outside of school can actually have a huge affect on how you do during school.
∙ Getting a good nights sleep is essential to how you'll feel the rest of the day. Trust me, I am the biggest night owl... but one of my goals this semester is to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.
∙ Eating a healthy breakfast as well as during the day is essential to maintaining energy and focus. Either bring snacks, or prepare to buy food, either way make sure you are fueling your body throughout the day.
∙ Set out your clothes the night before. This is something I swear by. It saves so much more time in the morning than you might think, and picking out my outfit actually makes me excited for the next day.
I hope you guys find this guide useful. I will update throughout the semester with more tips and to talk about how it's going for me :) pls feel free to comment your own tips !
Find all of my guides and tips on the thatgirlguides hashtag.
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thestarcollective · 2 years
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year of leveling up
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thestarcollective · 2 years
Daily self care tips
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Here are some of my favorite acts of self care you can do on a daily basis :)
♠ Do a hair mask
♠ Take a bubble bath
♠ Bake something
♠ Watch a comfort show/ movie
♠ Paint your nails
♠ Light a candle
♠ Make your favorite drink (tea, coffee, smoothie)
♠ Meditate
Remember, self care isn't as simple as putting on a face mask. Although these things can help, the most important thing to focus on is your mental health and how you feel inside. Feel free to share your favorite self care tips.
Find all of my guides and tips on the thatgirlguides hashtag.
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thestarcollective · 2 years
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My 2022 vision board <3
I made this on the landing. It's a really cute site you can use to make vision boards and collages. A vision board is a fun way to visualize your goals, and they really motivate me to take action. When we can see the possibilities we are more inclined to work toward our goals.
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thestarcollective · 2 years
A new beginning
Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog. I decided to start becoming the best version of myself, and take control of my own life. I'm 19 and currently in my freshman year of college. I'm going to be talking about anything from routines, manifestation, healthy habits, and glowing up mentally/physically, sharing what I learn along the way. I cw to start this journey with anyone who wants to join me :)
stay tuned xoxo
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