When I tell my team I’m suicidal and they want to contact my parents
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The way some people view those with mental health illnesses
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When I tell someone I'm depressed and they tell me to just smile more
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How I deal with all my feelings after a therapy session
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Finding my favourite binge food
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Trying to minimise my psychotic symptoms
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hey where have you been? i started following your blog i think November and i check every week to see if ya posted new stuff but i still see the same post :( i hope all is well and you return soon!! :)
Hi, I'm sorry, I've not been doing too well lately however, I should be back on soon.
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WHAT THE FUCK. Why are you SUPPORTING GOING INPATIENT? You must be fucking sadistic. You have no use other than to spread negativity, you're excused from living BYE.
Woah, calm down…if someone needs help sometimes inpatient is the only way, people go to hospital to get better, why wouldn’t you be in support of recovery?! And somehow I'm sadistic when you're telling me I'm 'excused from living.'
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Being restricted to the unit
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When my therapist asks me to say something nice about myself
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Before, during and after therapy
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I'm going inpatient for ED's, anxiety, self harm and depression/mood disorder in a couple days.... If you could give me any tips or advice it would mean the absolute world to me. P.S. Your blog is freaking amazing and I wish NOTHING but the best for you! XOXO
You're so sweet, thank you so much! I'm not sure what would be helpful so I'll just give you some tips I wish people had told me before I went IP.
- Mix with the patients. When I first was IP, I stayed in my room for 2 weeks because I thought the other patients hated me and were talking about me. This was just my paranoia and the patients were all lovely and welcoming. They're also good support because they actually get it.
- Find one or a few staff members you get on with and can talk to...it's unfair to rely on other patients all the time so find a staff member you can connect to, you're not annoying them or anything, it's their job.
- Attend groups. This not only helps to pass the day, but you never know when the group can teach you something useful.
- Keep in touch with your regular friends, I loved writing and receiving letters when I was in hospital.
I'm sorry it's not much, but that's all I can think of for now! If you have any questions at all I will answer as best I can :) thank you lovely anon and good luck...I know you will make it!
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I just found your blog and scrolled for a while, and I don't get the post about the one person on the ward who doesn't have a problem? Like are you saying they're full of shit bc they obviously have problems if they're inpatient or are you saying they're 'faking'
Yes, I'm saying they're faking. Of course not everywhere, but every time I was inpatient there was a patient who would copy other peoples' symptoms. It's quite hard to explain but really obvious when you see it!
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When someone asks me why I was put in a psych ward
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Submitted by marietcetera
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Being asked to complete a food diary
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When I start to dissociate
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884 notes · View notes