twgregory Ā· 1 year
Energize your morning: The power of a simple body weight workout
Greetings, fellow adventurers, Today, I want to share with you the transformative power of starting your day with a simple, body weight workout. As our lives become increasingly fast-paced, itā€™s crucial to find ways to nourish our minds and bodies, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Engaging in a morning workout routine can be a game-changer, and hereā€™s why. Amplified Energy Levels:Byā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 3 years
Crossroads: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Crossroads: Should I Stay or Should IĀ Go?
I was just about to close the shudders on this blog and take it all down. WordPress informed me via email that my credit card on file had expired and that I needed to update it in order for my annual subscription to be renewed. I thought, ā€œmeh.ā€ I havenā€™t had the time ā€“ or the travels ā€“ to write anything new in quite some time. So I simply didnā€™t act. A couple of months went by with no actionā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 4 years
This is Not My Story
Experience has taught me that less is more on social media. Iā€™ve never seen anyone change their political position as a result of pithy quotes, sarcastic summaries, or celebrity shares. On the contrary, I find that people from ā€œthe other sideā€ often seek out counter quotes or one-upped sarcasm to passive-aggressively show their disagreement. Even the most carefully crafted messages are oftenā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 4 years
Saying Goodbye to My Best Friend
Saying Goodbye to My BestĀ Friend
For the past 11 years, I have had the honor of sharing a household with the most amazing dog. He didnā€™t leap tall buildings in a single bound or learn to speak Portuguese in a weekend or anything like that, although he was hands down the most athletic dog Iā€™ve had in my 45 years of dog ownership. However, what made Rusty special among the many dogs Iā€™ve owned and met was his startling ability toā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 4 years
Separated by Ideology
Earlier this week, I went for a run with a dear friend of more than 30 years. It was special. Heā€™s a better runner than me by magnitudes, but he slowed down to my hobbling pace for a nice 6 mile run in a beautiful state park as we discussed life After COVID-19(AC). Weā€™re both introverts, so we mused that life AC hasnā€™t changed too terribly much for either of us personally. We had a thoughtfulā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 4 years
Don't Call it a Comeback
Donā€™t Call it aĀ Comeback
ā€¦ Iā€™ve been here for yearsā€¦
LL Cool J
If you know that song, youā€™re welcome. It should be running through your head for the 40 minutes or so. If not, I think itā€™s worth looking up. But music, like many creative endeavors, is a personal thing.
Speaking of creative endeavors, this blog had to take a back seat for a while. The primary reason is that I ran out of time and energy. In the secondā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
I Have Become my Middle School Assistant Assistant Principal
I Have Become my Middle School Assistant AssistantĀ Principal
First, let me get it out of the way in saying that I have the utmost respect for Mr. (Matt?) Mitchell and in this piece I mean him no harm. If there is any ā€œshadeā€ being thrown here it is all internally focused. You, dear reader, will also note that I am unsure of Mr. Mitchellā€™s first name. These are recollections from more than 30 years ago. All the more interesting that I have now become myā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
Why I Hate Home Improvement
Why I Hate Home Improvement. Double the cost, double the time, and this latest repair nearly broke me.
You read that right. I hate home improvement. Yes, yes, I enjoy watching The Property Brothers and Chip & Joanna just like everyone else. But when it comes to actually doing home improvement, I find that every project takes twice as long and costs twice as much as the most conservative estimates. Not only that, this latest ā€œsimpleā€ repair nearly broke me.
The Role Model
My father-in-law isā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
The Gift of Feedback
The Gift ofĀ Feedback
At work, weā€™re finishing up the dreaded mid-year check in for the performance review process. I have never met anyone who relishes this process. Employees and managers give different amounts of energy and seriousness to the process, and since it is inevitably tied to oneā€™s career and financial path, there is plenty of anxiety to spread around. As a manager, if I push too hard I can demotivateā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
In Pursuit of Zero
In Pursuit ofĀ Zero
We have two kids in college at the moment. One is finishing up, the other is taking off from her first year like a rocket, jumping from Freshman to Junior by way of a full load and a summer semester abroad in Ireland. Having had children early in life by modern metropolitan standards, I didnā€™t have time or the extra funds to save for college. However, I hold firm to the commitment that myā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
When Suffering, Smile
"When Suffering, Smile." What a dumb thing to say.
So letā€™s get started with all the appropriate waivers: Iā€™m not a doctor, I donā€™t play one on TV, seek professional medical or psychological help if youā€™re feeling an emergency situation, 9 out of 10 dentists probably do not recommend this, call your mother, and my dog ate my homework. That being said, the past several days have been rough. I havenā€™t felt exactly ill, but I certainly have not feltā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
The Curiosity of Premonitions
The Curiosity ofĀ Premonitions
Have you ever had a premonition come true? Have you ever changed your mind on something because of a premonition? Iā€™m generally not one for ā€œwoo wooā€ stuff, but lately Iā€™ve come to trust premonitions more and more.
A few weeks ago, my wife and I left our house while feeling completely in disarray. I donā€™t mean our house was messy, I mean our internal compasses were swirling. We were headed toā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
Area Man Just Wants to Work On Golf Game
Area Man Just Wants to Work On GolfĀ Game
No, not me. I couldnā€™t care less about golf. But I love The Onion (Warning: The Onion sometimes mixes in strong language). These Onion-esque headlines run through my head all the time.
This morning, I walked to the store and some young lady in a white SUV came barreling toward the crosswalk when I stepped into it. She stopped with plenty of space, but I couldnā€™t help but flash a spontaneousā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
The Last Parking Spot
The AM commute is always full of caffeinated, elbows-out driving here in my lovely city. I sometimes cringe as people jockey for positions in two lanes of essentially free-flowing traffic. I often wonder, ā€œare they going to get the last parking spot?ā€ It doesnā€™t matter. My 20-year-old car is only capable of so much revelry. Thereā€™s no way I can compete with the giant SUVs powered by V24 enginesā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
Lovely Lisbon
Melanie ā€“ my wife and better half ā€“ had a milestone birthday this year. We love to travel, so for her birthday we decided to have her pick a trip that she wanted. She had never been on a cruise of any sort and has been considering it for a few years. So she picked a river cruise up the Douro River in Portugal.
Anyone with access to a map will quickly recognize that the Douro River has nothing toā€¦
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
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I still have a keyboard and Iā€™m stillĀ alive It feels like forever since my last post. Life has been busy. My wife and I took a trip to Portugal, some details of which I'll offer up as an upcoming post.
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twgregory Ā· 5 years
Running: The Continuing Saga of Returning from Tendonitis
Running: The Continuing Saga of Returning fromĀ Tendonitis
Several weeks ago, I wrote about overtraining my way into Posterior Tibial Tendonitis (PTT) on my way to attempting my first 50k trail ultramarathon. Then, in a bold move of bravery / stupidity, I ran the 50k anyway. As one might imagine, running 50k didnā€™t exactly help my tendonitis, so I accepted that my spring running season was going to essentially be one of rehab. Mainly, I rested. I restedā€¦
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