this post is for the gays
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that’s not what it means and you know it
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Fact: bisexuals make up a majority of the LGBT population.
Fact: the majority of bisexuals are closeted.
Theory: If all bisexual people came out, straight people would no longer be the majority. 
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Aro Tunes Thursday | @aggressivelyarospec’s Playlists
Have you ever heard a song that describes your feelings as an arospec person so perfectly, even when that wasn’t the author’s intention?
Well, many of our followers felt this way and decided to share their songs with us; as a result, we’ve created some playlists you can now find in two different formats.
Aro Tunes Thursday is the chance to share the music that reflects how you feel about your aromanticism, whether it was written for us or not. Our goal is to show the vast diversity in our identity, not only in its musical taste, but in its feelings. So, if you have a song you identify with from an arospec perspective, share it with us and help us build the soundtrack of our community.
Every Thursday, let the music flow!
You can find the Aro Tunes Thursday playlists here:
{ A L L } 2 0 1 8 | {September} | {October} | {November} | {December} 2 0 1 9 | {January}
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Reblog this if your blog is a safe space for nonbinary people like myself. 💖
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make way for gay rights!
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i feel like this meme will be helpful
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New concept: Lets support all trans people and not just the ones we find attractive.
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List of LGBTQ+ Vocabulary
Abrosexual/Abroromantic - a sexual or romantic identity where your sexuality fluctuates
Aceflux/Aroflux - how asexual or aromantic you feel fluctuates
Ace Spectrum - the umbrella term for orientations that involve not feeling sexual or romantic attraction
Achillean - the lesser known gay equivalent of sapphic
Agender - identifying as having no gender
Androgyne - either another term for intersex, or used to describe the gender identity that is in between male and female
Androsexual/Androromantic - attracted to some men, males, and/or masculinity
Aporagender - a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between, while still having a strong and specific gendered feeling
Aromantic - Feeling no romantic attraction. Can still feel sexual attraction
Asexual - Feeling no sexual attraction. Can still feel romantic attraction. Not all asexuals are aromantic.
Bicurious - a form of questioning where you wonder if you're bisexual
Biflux - a bisexual whose gender preferences flucuate
Bigender - Identifying as two genders, either at once or fluidly
Bisexual/Biromantic - Attracted to two or more genders
Butch - someone who identifies as masculine
Cisgender - Identitying as the gender assigned at birth
Cishet - A cisgender heterosexual
Closeted - Not being open about your sexual, romantic, or gender identity
Coming Out - Accepting your sexual, romantic, or gender indentity, and sometimes telling other people about it
Constellation - refers to the structure of a polyamorous relationship
Demiboy - A gender identity where you partially identify as male or masculine
Demifluid/Demiflux - someone who is partially fluid, and partially static
Demigender - an umbrella term for all nonbinary gender identities that involve partially identifying with a certain gender
Demigirl - A gender identity where you partially identify as female or feminine
Deminonbinary - A gender identity where you partially identify as nonbinary
Demisexual/Demiromantic - Feeling sexual or romantic attraction only after forming an emotional connection
Enbian - attracted to non-binary folks.
Femme - someone who identifies as feminine
Gay - a general term for a homosexual man, sometimes used as an umbrella term for those who identity as homosexual
Gender Expression - how you outwardly express your gender, generally on a scale of masculine to feminine or butch to femme
Genderfluid - someone who doesn't have a fixed gender
Genderflux - someone whose gender flucuate in intensity. Agender is the base
Gender Nonconforming - someone who does not conform to the traditional/social gender norms
Graysexual/Grayromantic - The "gray area" between sexuality and asexuality; romantic and aromantic; generally described as rarely feeling sexual or romantic attraction
Gynesexual/Gyneromantic - attracted to some women, females, or femininity
Heterosexual/Heteroromantic - attracted to the opposite gender. Also known as straight
Homosexual/Homoromantic - the official term for being attracted to the same gender, but is now being seen as offensive
Intersex - having male and female genitalia
Lesbian - a term for one who identities as a woman or feminine attracted to other women or those who identify as feminine
Libragender - an agender who has a partial connection to masculinity or femininity
Lithosexual/Lithoromantic - also known as akiosexual/akioromantic; feeling sexual attraction but not wanting it reciprocated
MLM - stands for men loving men
Multigender - an umbrella term for someone who experiences more than one gender
Multiflux - someone who is genderflux with two or more genders
Mx. - the gender neutral equivalent of Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc. Generally pronounced as "Mix"
NBLNB - stands for non-binary loving non-binary
Non-binary - Sometimes shortened to enby, a catch all term for all gender identities outside of the gender binary. Also known as genderqueer
Pangender - Indentifying as all genders, either at once or fluidly
Pansexual/Panromantic - attracted to all genders, generally described as "not seeing the gender"
Polyamory - being romantically involved with more than one person at once
Polysexual/Polyromantic - attracted to many genders, but not all of them
Queer - a catch all term for someone who is not cisgender or heterosexual
Questioning - someone who knows they are not cisgender or heterosexual, but is not sure where they identify on the spectrum
Recipromantic - Feeling romantic attraction only after knowing the other person is attracted to you
Sapphic - a catch all term for all wlw
Skoliosexual/Skolioromantic - attracted to those who identify as transgender or nonbinary
Transgender - Identifying as a different gender than the one assigned at birth
Transition - When a transgender person "transitions" into their gender. This could involve changing the name, getting surgery, and/or coming out to family or friends
Transvestite - someone who wears the clothing of the opposite gender
Trigender - identifying as three genders, either at once or fluidly
WLW - stands for women loving women
Xenogender - a gender that is stated to go beyond the human concepts of masculinity or femininity
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captain on a sinking ship: women and children only
other girls: aw no! i will have to leave my husband behind :,(
me, a lesbian: *grabs wife* YEET
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Are you the ‘tags all my post with actual tags’ gay, the ‘adds actual discussion in the tags’ gay, or the ‘never uses tags and never will’ gay
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bi girls I love you!
trans/nb, ace/aro, disabled bi girls and bi girls of colour you’re beautiful and I love you
bi survivors and mentally ill bi girls, questioning bi girls and bi girls in the closet I’m proud of you and I love you
polyamorous bi girls, sexual bi girls and gnc bi girls I love you and you are not walking stereotypes
bi girls of faith I love you and no matter what you’re told your attraction is pure and is not a sin
bi girls with gender preferences, single bi girls and bi girls in same and different-gender relationships alike you’re valid and I love you
I truly am blessed to stand in solidarity with such a beautiful diverse community of women. I love you all and its never ok for people to invalidate your experiences.
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A professor asked if I prefer “Miss” or “Mister” (because nb) and I accidentally said “ya boi” without thinking so now I have a professor that calls me “ya boi Rogers” every time I see him.
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