#anxiety struggles
adhdgirl-d96 · 2 years
ADHD is so depressing
•You will fit in everywhere but nowhere
•You are extremely arrogant but very much aware of your own faults
•Capable of anything yet not motivated to do a thing
•Witty and charismatic but low tolerance for bullshit people
• Great with advice but follow none of it
•You are most likely a genius but have trouble handling your own emotions
•You love being different but you hate being misunderstood
•You are an extrovert that needs a lot of Personal Space
•Easily understand the thoughts of others but find it hard to translate your own
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yourfavanxioussunshine · 10 months
istg if it wasn't for the sudden dizziness and jitters and excessive crying and constant nausea, i would've been unstoppable
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Making friends is hard.
I kinda hate when people don't take me seriously when I say I have barely any friends. Like I have two people I consider friends. One friendship is long distance across countries and the other is sorta hanging by a thread right now. I only message one person every single day and I only message four people on a regular basis (two of those people are my siblings whom I live with)
The thing is I'll have these random encounters with people, specifically groups of people my age and I'll of known atleast one of them from when we used to go to school together, for some reason they'll invite me to hang out with them which I agree to. Then once we've made our seperate ways, even if we've exchanged numbers or social media or whatever, we'll not speak to eachover again. It's not like these encounters have happened lots of times but I can count atleast three times and the last two were really close together.
My sister sees me hang out with these groups of strangers and jokes how I have more friends than her, I tell her I'll probably never speak to any of them again but she probably doesn't believe me. I'm sure I'm partially to blame I get too anxious to message these people first, I'm never the one to confront them in real life either it's always been them coming up to me.
And when I was hanging out with them I always felt so awkward and out of place. I just knew I wasn't one of them but I wanted to be, I wanted more friends I wanted a group of my own! I envied all the people I went to highschool with who'd post photos of them just hanging out and doing random teen stuff, all the stuff I missed out on. These random encounters are my only taste of that but it doesn't feel right and it doesn't feel real.
So I'll spend 90% of my time drowning in loneliness but it'll never be taken seriously because there's those moment of hope..that fizzle out almost immediately.
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thatcreepydoll · 3 months
im actually gonna snap if one more thing pisses me off i’m going to have a breakdown everyone and everything is so annoying and so mean and frustrating i can’t take it anymore i want to have one good day like please
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viablemess · 8 months
I'm telling yall what I need someone to tell me bc it'll help me cope and I hope it'll help yall too. An assignment (work or school) should not trigger a fight or flight response. Don't give it that much power. That is not to say it cannot be really, really important to you, but it is (probably) not a life or death situation. It's okay if you feel like it is, though, because I do too, and we will practice overcoming this together. So I'll sit with you while you remember to breathe, even if your brain is telling your body to calm down, even if you can't calm down.
In the big scheme of life, it is just a moment. It is just one thing. It does not define you as a human. Just breathe in and breathe out and remember that you probably won't feel the same way by the time the sun rises, and if you do, I'll sit with you then, too.
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c-calliope · 12 days
today was a high anxiety day for me and I've been fighting tears. I wanted to make a list of things I am grateful for lately to help.
☆ food we got from the truck yesterday (mainly flour to make desserts with)
☆ our youngest dog calming down and not being as reactionary as he used to be
☆ new friend I made at church and her familly being welcoming and loving
☆old church friend I have been able to reconnect with
☆ the beautiful area I get to live in
☆ bugs
☆ my good and caring pcp who was able to get me a higher dose of my medicine
☆ how much progress I've made with my struggles
☆my sister letting me use her computer to play minecraft
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spiderspectres · 19 days
unlike most of the world i actually like myself more now that i gained some weight, sure i wish i was a bit thinner but honestly looking at old photos of myself i just looked...sick. you could see in my eyes that i was not doing good, it's a sad view. if being happy and healthy means i have to put on a little weight so be it
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Is it just me or does everyone with high social anxiety stop hearing properly in scary settings and hence have to lipread or ask them to repeat their words again
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the-missann · 4 months
I think I opted against posting this because I was "happy" for a time, but for me, that never lasts and most the time it's never even real.
It's all just...
Sometimes, I feel motionless and it is something I wish would never leave.
Other times, I feel motionless and want it to go away, to never return to me.
I don't control either of these feelings, but they show how I'm feeling better than I could ever explain.
Sometimes, I'm motionless and everything stops. My fears, stress, and anxiety all stop.
Almost as if whatever I was dealing with has ran its course and is behind me.
Other times, I feel motionless like the world is trapping me in my worries and the future I know nothing about.
Feeling motionless is something I wish would happen more often, but I also wish to cease as well.
I try not to take this for granted. The feeling that I need to stop and pause because there's no rush to get to the end. I should take my time and just be motionless when I need to.
That feeling that the next second I waste doing nothing is only trapping me in my difficult moments. That staying still will only be my downfall.
No matter which one passed my night away, it's happening to remind me of the things that are gone and the things that will come.
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miss-saytr · 5 months
I was sabotaged.
I tried to end my life yesterday, but kind of yesterday, because it was around midnight where I can’t tell exactly what the time is.
Everyone I looked up to is now suspicious of me and does not want to be around me. All because of some things I said and regret.
I am yet again on a seesaw of trying to stand up for myself or wondering if I deserve this. Maybe I do deserve the stripes on my arm, and maybe I deserve the rain on my skin, the dehydration making me lick up what fell on me as I called an emergency number out in the rain. I let it pour. I let thunder rumble through my body. I let anxiety tell me that I deserve every second of suffering. Everybody who came off the bus saw me but did nothing.
I stayed in the rain for a long time and saw a snail crawl on the bike fence. It was small and cute, but I interpreted it as the meme, where if you touch the snail, you die. And it came to me to tell me what to do. I only called the prevention line because the thought of innocent people seeing my corpse disturbed me.
I also couldn’t let my internet friends down, despite how little we know about each other. I find it so strange that people over the phone through typed words and code and different colors of light can make you feel more special and loved in one day than a full year of a middle school experience.
Though existence is both pointless and full of meaning, beyond my understanding, I find life a fall of rain on my skin, my graphic tee shirt, my comfort characters, a boy in a red turtleneck, a girl in a yellow T-shirt…
And I took a deep breath as cops carried me back to my dorm room. All I could do was call out the names of those who will never love me.
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adhdgirl-d96 · 2 years
Rejection-Sensitive Dysphoria
This is an intense emotional reaction to perceived rejection. Because executive functions are altered by ADHD, feeling rejected can cause intense and long-lasting feelings, such as disappointment, sadness, shame and regret. In extreme cases, rejection triggers feelings that are so painful that they invest a lot of energy in pleasing other people in order not to be rejected. Leading to isolation, anxiety, depression, common characteristics in people with ADHD.
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yourfavanxioussunshine · 10 months
hate it when anxiety manifests itself in the physical form
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duodipersponsh · 6 months
you think i'm smart? me? you think my brain's extraordinary? aww thank you it allows me to overthink fourteen things at the same time <3
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selenepluto · 1 year
I love how I start to do something and I think about something else and now I want to do that thing then while doing it, I suddenly think about another thing and then I just sit down thinking about it and end up doing nothing at all.
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Hello i just want to know if you're doing okay , well you said you're dealing with anxiety? And believe me i know how hard it is to deal with such thing. But let me ask one question , are the things you're buying or spending your money on making you happy or making you feel better? Cause if you do then i don't see anything wrong with spending your money. I mean darling , money is supposed to be spent that's it's purpose, you can't keep it with you forever. Don't be too hard on yourself , take it easy , especially if it's your own money your spending . You're doing great . Relax .
(aah shit sorry about that just an opinion tho lol)
Hello there, anon 🙃
Thank you for your sweet response 🥹
I think you bring up a very valid point. Money is meant to be spent. And thank you for your kind and uplifting words of encouragement ♥️
I think most of my money anxiety comes from a) the fear of not having enough b) the fear of spending it ‘incorrectly’ and c) the fear of getting in trouble for what I buy. The reasons are silly, but that’s what anxiety does—> It makes me overthink every little penny and purchase.
For anyone else struggling with money anxiety or just anxiety in general: You are not alone ♥️
Talk with Me 🩷🐸
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thiswanderingmind · 1 year
“she was too quiet or she was too loud. she took things too seriously, or not seriously at all. she was too sensitive, or too cold-hearted. she hated with every fiber of her being, or loved with every piece of her heart. there was no in between for her. it was either all or nothing. she wanted everything but settled for nothing.”
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