accordingtolauren · 3 days
A creature of...
She was a creature of desire
A creature of desperation with a jaded nature
An opposer of benevolent tranquility
Yet a seeker for the havoc that cursed her into agony and torment
A creature of a burning flesh and a tempting beckon towards the collision of two hundred souls
Amorous and iniquitous, she was in nature
As she unearthed the lies
And the cold blue heart she couldn't champion
Due to her quiet demeanor and broken hope
She was a creature of a lonesome fate
Don't let the despair and sultry
Fool the onlooker
For she'll cause ache and pain
Feelings she herself is damned to harbor for enternity
A blind and wicked heart exiled her once ageless radiancy
She was a fallen angel
-lauren a.p
inspired by fka twigs
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accordingtolauren · 7 days
to love a playwright is a dangerous act
He had deemed her a tortured soul amongst his pretentious monologues.
His character had been etched upon decrepit papers from the late nineteenth century: seductive and yet laced with a stolen innocence, she roamed villages in a vengeance for what she would never be able to have. She was overcome by a lawless loneliness and sold into a life that required her to become a stranger, an enigma. Pieces of a woman that lay desecrated upon a porcelain floor, stained by the blood of suitors who failed to ease her pieces back into a whole.
Until. Until. Until.
Of course, he was only acting. The words that fell from meaningful lips were poised for an audience every evening, and she wasn't the woman formulated by a playwright in the 1800s.
She was, however, incredibly narcissistic.
But, on certain matinees, or over the late-night dinners, or half-asleep in the dim hours of the morning in which he'd practice, she couldn't help but be moved by the ways in which he enunciated poetic literature into a chaotic silence. The ways he would always find her eyes under the scrutiny of a darkened auditorium, the move of his brow in certain phrases, or the hum in his tone in fragile descriptions of gore and romantics almost brought tears to her eyes as it resonated far into the abyss that lay at the bottom of her stomach.
It also reminded her of how much she hated theatre.
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 9 days
Poor girl
What do you see when you look at me?
A broken girl with a need to bleed herself of foolish thoughts and meaningless impurities?
A thief running away with the others' hopes and dreams that she wish were her own?
The credit's applause and validation her drug of choice
A woman who took a step over the line too soon
But not quick enough to keep him there, with her, with them
Someone longing on the irreversible past, hoping and wishing for what cannot be
time, peace, forgiveness
It was never hers to manipulate between her parted lips
Parted thighs
Poor girl.
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 12 days
Are you real?
I want to ask him if he's real
To pinch the rough skin that resides upon a mirrored body
A clump of flesh and bones and hands
That I ache to hold for eternity
To see if he fades away as I open well-rested eyes
And awake from this illustrious dream that's painted my bleak streets a vibrant shade of golden hues
'Are you a figment of my imagination?'
Crafted by meticulous hands belonging to my villanous mind
Enchanted by stolen hope and fueled by petty tears
But your lips grace the thin skin of my neck and I feel your smile radiate through muscle and pulsing viens
And those worries melt and fade away with plotting thoughts
As I grow soft for your touch
I simply hope this lasts forever
As I fear I may crave you presence at every moment
Waking and deep in slumber
As you've cursed me to be in love with a slimmer of Earth's perfection
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 15 days
My dying wish.
All the cemeteries
That plague these neighborhoods
Are overrated in their standing
Who would want to curse their love into the ground?
A compact grief forever etched in stone
Tied to the lands that have been cursed by an unforsaken hand
As the bouquets wilt amongst their partners
Mimicking the dead that lay beneath them
Six feet under
If it was the end of the world
I’d ask you to flay my skeleton upon a flame
As all the life would reduce to ash
Speckles that once were remnants of a past life
And scatter me amongst the seas
So I’d drift away with the roaring tides
Pushing and pulling, pushing and pulling
Succumbing to the salty waters
With nothing more than the sound of a child’s laughter
And the crashing of waves
Would you do this for me, my love?
For I fear I may rot within a casket
During my untimely demise
Lost between the underground and another plane of existence
As I trace my fingertips upon the wood, counting the imperfections
Unable to let go for the worry that I may remain
In an unmarked landmark
A rusted grave with overgrown ivy
Envious of my neighbors
And their dwindling visitors
I will never have peace
Trapped under the ground
Unless you crawl in beside me
And embrace me
During my slumbers
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 17 days
that missing piece
I think there is something missing in me
gone, a runaway into that great, bright light
euphoric and serene in comparison to this lackluster realm of nasty disrepair
and a finite ending
It was small, innocent and fragile
a piece I hadn't realized had escaped
until roaming fingers intruded the hollow hole
of a naive memory wrapped in a child's hands
Maybe I was far too sensitive
too ill-equipped
to deal with the neon waves of trembling emotions
as I failed to intercept its getaway
in an effort to make myself complete once more
Since it had gone missing
my mother began to say
I was always in a hurry to go nowhere
hastily waiting with anticipation
but when I would get there i'd just stop
and relish in the chaos
complacent in the anxiety
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 20 days
to be seen, to be heard, is to be loved
The way in which he came and went was eerie, yet ineffably comforting. Like flickering prophecies or an aurora plagued by solitude, it was a captivation with an indescribable feeling only managed to be harbored by those whose chosen fate was to lose. Those with cursed fingerprints and skeletons that danced amongst near-empty closets and an ephemeral name that would never be theirs. Macabre was the weight of his lips upon bare skin, a premonition of an aching heart and empty bed in every stolen touch. A personified ardor that'd yet to be stoked by late January's biting attitude dripped from his embrace.
Maybe he was simply just a side-effect. A dissociation that leaked through the fabrics of reality and stained her present with a warming rouge. He was Norman Rockwell simplicity mixed with the oddities of the late sixties. Mismatched yet almost perfect, a thrift-store buy with a warehouse charm. Or had it been the other way around? Either way, she had an addiction to that ceaseless feeling of the blues he ignited within her.
And he could see her. And just for that, she loved him.
He saw every inch plagued by a fragile decay and baseless faith. Heard every syllable from that tired tongue. Understood all the angsts and desires and outdated apathy. Wrapped amongst her tear-stained, baby-pink sheets, he'd crack a smile that took her back to a youthful careless careful. A glimpse of meaning in a savior-less world unable to be purified by even the most innocent hands of a promised keeper.
"What's the point of getting everything you have every wanted anyway?"
He'd always whisper this as she would turn the news on and off and on and off and on to reveal the next city a higher power had engulfed into flames.
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 21 days
"a prophesy"
Those worn eyes sought it.
Craved it with biting teeth and a carnivorous appetite
Lusted for the illuminating show in back-alley lights
Like a sinful dweller hooked upon the next hit, inhale, high
Addicted to the climactic downfall
Prophesied to repeat itself
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 22 days
The words dripped from the tip of my tongue
Intoxicatingly sweet and desirable
What would it be like to be your clothes
On a stranger's bedroom floor
Her curves fit into the pads of my hands
As if it were made for my own 
The enthrall to discover the crevices concealed within her dress
Fading away as he enters the room
Her soft fingertips entrancing my being
Lost within the soft braids of her brown hair
Tangled between the persuasion of her blue eyes
If only they had belonged to me 
A curse from heaven
Yet a poison to the touch
She was the sin that developed from a forbidden tree
And damned me to an eternity of envy 
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 24 days
crawling her way home
Pastel waves of hurt washed over bruised limbs
crept over weeping curves and hollow crevices
and faded away down the spiraling drain of unkempt, persuading time
And a smile graced her pallid lips once in an aching century
as the seductive yearn of consolation grew like ivy upon fragile skin
in placement of a savior from a haunting isolation in the form of soft fingertips and familiar eyes
fueled by a faith for what could be
And as she fell to her knees
screaming for relief from a burdening weight of fictitious insecurities and unobtainable realizations
she crawled her way home on dirty knees
through tempting, broken mirrors and blinding lights coaxing her back into the busy streets of strangers' ignorance
As she arrived to the warm embrace of what she knew was her own, she shed tears
not for the pain she had once prevailed
but happily, for the lesions she had gained
and that it was all over
a comforting silence followed
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 25 days
My carnivorous heart
My heart is carnivorous
Making a wreckage of my rib cage
And lurching through my chest
With a red hot desire to taste the blood within your veins
And listen to that constant beat underneath pale skin and thick flesh
To burrow itself through your own bone and cartilage in an effort to locate the life source
Of another lonely heart
Oh how my pen only ever years to trace an outline of your name upon my paper
Those syllables that could write their own poem
A stand alone exposition, climax, and denouement
That presents itself to me on repeat in my mind as bursts of color in an otherwise drab environment
Now, I only ever want to be alone when I’m not with you
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 26 days
the necromancer and the beautiful, living dead
She was ice cold. Pallid flesh upon thinning bones, stretched so taught that a heavy touch could rip it as though it was a seam. A skeleton dressed in a sickly attire of paling skin and grim, decaying garb.
Her beauty was not worth the devastation that the years of burial promised.
She had hair like snakes; unruly, long trestles cascaded down the bones in her back, a fiery red hue still reminiscent in its dry, dirtied state. Her hollowed eyes spoke symphonies of endless memories, both glib and eventful, all of which he desired to learn and relive from the tip of her tongue. And her lips, oh her lips, still plump and mauve, although chapped and downturned seemingly permanently. (He could swear she still had the brightest smile when she was still living).
She resembled a willow tree in all its weeping demeanor as she stood before him, hanging in a fashion that allowed that pillow of hair to decorate her frame. The strands showered he figure, obscuring his gaze form her frame with each step she took, bones creaking as they awoke once more. Swaying in the cemetery's wind she met his line of sight, breathing in a new breath of autumn air as her lungs rattled like an old car that'd been rusting away in a garage, safe and sound and forgotten.
Her name was once Arabella.
-lauren a.p
That day he'd cursed his immortality for all he wished for was to rot inside that singular grave with her for eternity.
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accordingtolauren · 27 days
a reckless father's harrowing daughter
It strikes a certain chord within my heart when you say I'm just like you
The chord that sends an intolerable, dull ache to the center of my chest
Into the cardiac organ that was born from a sliver of your own being
But you never thought of it in that regard, that you had fragmented what was once part of your whole
When you broke it over, and over, and over again
And when they declare that I remind them so much of you
With that juvenile sense of humor and complacent sense of vexation for all that lacks logic
How I was stained with your darkened locks of ebony hair
And inherited that ivory skin that bore the reverence we both chased like children to procure
All I could manage to sheepishly murmur was
"I got it from my father"
That and the siren eyes assuming the same hazel tone that resided in your own pair of iris', vertical and resembling a viper
And your venomous tongue, words laced with a false narrative and deceptions far beyond a white lie
And your fear of commitment to something, or someone, that had the power to hold you still, that harnessed the potential of making you content
And your bottle of unsolved feelings lodged so deep within your being
A container of egregious notions and unfelt tenderness that inhibited your ability to touch another's skin without shockwaves of repulsion building within your system
Without the tick of that doomsday timepiece, that warning of a constant self-destruction in the pit of your stomach
As well as your beauty, and that performative knack for coercing those around you to stay and witness your own demise
However, though only a segment of your entire being, I think my mother's genes were overshadowed by your own
As every laugh and smile and wrinkle and blemish and conviction is polluted by you
In the ways of my musical intrigue and philosophical theories and open-minded tenet
And my vagabond spirit that grew jealous at just how easy some people settled into a singular home
I just only wished I knew what is was like to be a drifter who could leave calamity in his wake without a single care for those he maimed
To wash the mutilation off of his hands with that identical smiles on his face
And shove all of the harbored pain and regret into that bottle, pressure threatening to burst the glass
When you say I'm just like you, I hope its only the good parts
The gentle advice, and comical demeanor, and intelligent mind
The simple things that make me proud to be my father's daughter
As I shove my own anxieties into an even smaller bottle, same brand as your own
Placed deep within my tender heart where no one could ever discover it
-lauren a.p
I do not know how someone so careless could produce something, someone, so drenched in fear. An impulsive worrier.
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accordingtolauren · 28 days
to have a home.
I long to be middle-aged
To do taxes and dishes and laundry
And a house to call my own
To paint and ornament and inhabit
To plant and sow the seeds necessary for it to blossom
Blossom into a home
Where i'd never be a stranger
And i'd always have someone to sit with as i'd eat my lunch
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 29 days
11/19/22 (I regret you.)
I don't think I'll ever lose you.
A nameless presence haunting every faceless name I meet
Vilified by my own doing as their own soft touch reminds me of the scars you left in the shape of golden fingertips
A faulty Midas touch that brings forth pain to everything it graces
And though I was far too innocent
A bright-eyed youth plagued by a burnout so bright
That sent everything but you up into flames
I hate myself with every fall of ash upon the bed we'd lie within
Made up by predatory lies and societal fails and my pink baby blanket i'd never part with no matter how far your hand would creep beneath my dress
Now, I just want to drown into ultraviolet light
Screaming along to a poetic angst in an electric key
And i've been hurt with the might of a rapture that has taken everyone but myself and has sentenced me to an eternity in hell with nothing but a mirror and my thoughts where you you still freely roam
A permanent nightmare behind closed eyes
No one will put up with my bullshit anymore
And it has been so long since i've been touched
Or better yet, heard by another empathetic body
Kicking salt into the wounds you have left with those big brown boots you'd always wear
I flounder in the garden of Eden
Plotting a rage only known by those fooled by the notions of love
Phasing in and out of memories i've never lived
A mechanism i've mastered as a substitute to living in a world where you may wander
A world cursed by your presence is one I will never want to know.
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 29 days
the grounding of the five senses
She tells me to ground myself
In an order to escape the realities that scream perversion into apathetic ears
Five sights, Four feelings, Three sounds, Two scents , One taste
A tree, a bottle, a child, a pen, a bed
My skin, its scars, a permanent frown, the age lines of someone far too young
A simple song, my uneven breaths, static
A fading cologne and fresh nicotine
Blood upon my tongue
-lauren a.p
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accordingtolauren · 30 days
Hello all fellow readers and writers and observers alike.
I’ve been trying to find the right words to express a sincere introduction to my page and my presence on the poet/writer side of tumblr, and I hope this suffices (funny how I’m some form of a makeshift author and yet struggle to write a simple welcome note). So, I figured a quick awkward rambling and greeting would do the trick!
I have been writing since I was a teenager, and have kept all my deepest thoughts, feelings, desires, humiliations, confessions, etc. in multiple moleskin journals over the many years I have been spilling my guts upon their lined pages. Long has there been any source of outlet for my creativity, such as classrooms and clubs, that has surpassed the confinements of these hard back diaries. Recently, in an effort to express my thoughts, poetry, and mini excerpts in a manner that both brought me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to join a community of individuals who sought the same thing I did: to write and to read and to revel in the creative power that an author can emit through written word, I created an online form of a diary: accordingtolauren.
So, I guess all that wordy prose is to say thank you for taking the time to read my work! I definitely am not in any way a professional or educationally trained in the art of writing, but there is truly nothing I love more. My name is Lauren, you can call me that or lauren a.p, or accordingtolauren, or just another hopeless poet that will happily listen to your own vegabond thoughts.
Anywho, I truly appreciate each and every person who takes the time to check out my work during their scrolling. Please feel free to reblog, like, comment, or leave your own thoughts (even the random ones) as feedback and discussion is always accepted.
Welcome to my online diary/pocket journal. I'm glad you are here with me, and I hope I can produce something that brings any source of meaning or feeling or thought to your browsing here on Tumblr!
lauren a.p :)
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