askjondami · 5 years
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askjondami · 5 years
What does Bruce think of all this Colin, Jon, and Damian drama
Bruce: I get an headache thinking about all this mess.. idk how it will end.. we to wait and see. I think i know who did this to Jon.. and I also find out the effect will were off.. and then the real drama will start.. it’s so hard to be the father of an omega.. I wish all of them would have turned out as alphas..
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askjondami · 5 years
So are Colin and Dami a thing now?
Damian: a thing? No we are humans
Colin: not like that, dami
Damian: what ever. let’s grab some food
Colin: ok
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askjondami · 5 years
Damian is so pretty
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Damian: i‘m not pretty! I‘m handsome! Why would u even call me that. No one calls me pretty!
Tim: *eating chips* dick calls u pretty
Damian: *rolling his eyes* he doesn’t count! He calls everyone pretty
Tim: true
Jason: he didn’t call me pretty.
Tim: cause you’re not
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askjondami · 5 years
Pssst, Dick, Jason, Colin is starting to make a move on Damian. U need to protect him and give some shovel talks.
Colin: *bount to a chair* the fuck guys.. if that some kind of kinky game then I don’t wanna play it with u two
Dick: *turning around dramaticly* is it true?
Colin: could u give me an hint.. what are we talking about?
Jason: *slaps him on the cheek* don’t try to play innocent! We know about your dirty fantasies!
Dick: *slaps his other cheek* no!!!! U aren’t allowed to have fantasies about my baby! Forget them rn!
Colin: could u please stop slapping me so we can talk like normal ppl?
Jason: *slaps him again* bold of u to assume that we are normal!
Dick: so what’s going on between u and baby bat? Tell us the true and we might let u go with some broken bones
Colin: I like Damian, I would love to be in relationship with him.. if he wants it too, of course
Dick: he doesn’t want that!
Jason: *slaps him again*
Colin: why?!
Jason: it’s fun
Colin: I know u two are really worried about him but I would never hurt him. I really like Damian..
Dick: ...
Jason: should we slap him again?
Dick: .. ok but if Damian cry’s because of u then I will make sure that u will regret it!
Jason: yeah! I’ve been in jail once.. am not scared to go back
Colin: don’t worry! I will be always there for him, as a friend, a lover or .. idk slap bag
Jason: u are doing an amazing job as a slap bag
Colin: thanks.. I guess
Dick: I’ll be watching u! Always! Just remember that
Colin: .. that’s pretty much nightmare material
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askjondami · 5 years
Jon, I don't think you and Jenna r ment to be.
Jon: her name is Jennie, not Jenna. And that’s not your decision to make. I love her! She is the one I’m going to spend all my life with
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askjondami · 5 years
Colin, what is your plan for wooing Damian?
Colin: Easy. I‘ll just say sixpack and icecream. U don’t know what i mean? Let me show u
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Colin: hey dami. I’ve got something for u. Wanna have a lick?
Damian: 😦 hope u are talking about the ice cream
Colin: the what? Oh yeah.. Of course, ice cream
Damian: is it vanilla?
Colin: *eats a big bite of it und kisses Damian, so he can try the ice cream too* u tell me
Damian: *blush* yeah it is..
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askjondami · 5 years
Jon, how is your new relationship?
Jon: *starring at Damian’s pic* [u know the one in the weddingdress]
Jon: damn it.. what’s that f*** feeling?
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askjondami · 5 years
I am pretty sure that anyone who wants to marry Damian is going to have to fight for his hand. Against his Father, brothers, sister, Mother, other suites and Alfred will probably want to give a few punches as well.
Damian: I’m no damsel in distress. I don’t need anyone to fight for me or protect me. Also I don’t think there is anyone who wants to marry me.. I’m not the typical omega.
-next door-
Dick: of course we won’t let anyone take our baby! He has to beat us to get him
Jason: yeah like it’s hard to beat u! He has to get past me
Bruce: ... Damian deserves the best and as his father is will make sure he gets that. Talia must be thinking the same even if she has a strange way to show it
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askjondami · 5 years
Damian, baby. Has your heat passed?
Damian: i‘m not a baby. Yes it did, thanks to my mom. She gave me suppressants. They worked like magic.
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askjondami · 5 years
Now that the baby shower is outta the way, next is the wedding?
Tim: yes but It won’t be anything big. Just something small maybe a dinner with our family and closes friends
Kon: we want it to happen soon.
Damian: of course u want that or Tim won’t be able to fit inside the dress.
Tim: are u evil tiny demon calling me fat?
Damian: what if I am?
Tim: u Little piece of shi-..
Kon: *holds Tim back* no bad words infront of the baby *kisses his cheek*
Tim: *pouting* but he is being mean!
Kon: let’s go for a walk. U will feel better after😘
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askjondami · 5 years
Did I miss the baby shower?
Tim: yeah it was last week. Nothing to big and only with the close family. Sorry I couldn’t invite u guys.
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askjondami · 5 years
Maybe causr you luvee him jon
Jon: me in love with him? Do u mean Damian? No. No. No! I’m not it must be something else.. it’s.. it’s just that i don’t trust ginger boy! He isn’t good.. he is up to something I can feel it!
Jason: no shit Sherlock. He wants to get into Damian’s pants! But why does that annoy u so much?
Jon: it doesn’t annoy me and I don’t love him!
Jason: *pulls out his gun and holds it on Jon’s chin* then don’t forget that and act like that.. I don’t care if u are drugged or enchanted! U aren’t allowed to hurt our shrimpy demon baby! Got it?!
Jon: .... got it
Jason: good! Now let’s get some pizza. U pay. I didn’t bring my wallet
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askjondami · 5 years
Oh, Dami. You look so pretty.
Damian: ok... thx?
Colin: *smiles* white is your color. U should wear it more often
Damian: *looks down on himself* i‘m wearing a red shirt and black pants..
Colin: Yeah.. i‘m talking about this *showing his phone wallpaper*
Damian: how did u? Who?! Drake!
Colin: u look so beautiful
Damian: *blushing a little* shut up.. trys to take the phone away
Colin: maybe i‘ll get u to wear this for me one day
Damian: *blush*
Jon: *looking inside from the window* don’t wanna be rude or something but we are on patrol tonight..
Damian: *looks coldly at jon* wait on the roof for me *turns to colin and looks at him with a little blush on his cheeks* idiot *walks away*
Colin: *laughs* i‘ll see u later
-later on patrol-
Jon: he isn’t wrong
Damian: what?
Jon: u do look really good in white
Damian: ..
Jon: why did u wear a weddingdress? Is there something between u and this ginger boy?
Damian: it’s getting late.. *turns to leave*
Jon: *holds him on his arm* is there something?
Damian: *pulls his arm away* why do u care? Want an invitation to my wedding? *leaves*
Jon: *punshes against the wall* why do I care? Why does it annoy me so much? Why?!
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askjondami · 5 years
What about Salvador, i mean of u are looking for uncommon names. Well, its not unheard of in Latin America. It meams savior.
Kon: i really like that name. How about u, baby?
Tim: i like it too. Percy and Salvador Drake-Kent
Kon: no honey. Percy and Salvador Kent-Drake
Tim: nooooooooo! They are in my tummy so I’ll get to decide!
Kon: i‘ll put them in there so I have a saying in that too
Tim: *covers his tummy* don’t talk like that infront of the baby’s, u pervert!
Kon: laughs! I think we did worse things infront of the baby 😏
Tim: don’t smirk like that, idiot!
Tim: this zwo names are my favorite for the time being. Thank u for your suggestion
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askjondami · 5 years
Hello Damian and Jon ^^ I wanted to ask, What do you two like about each other?
Jon: we solved our problems and now we are partners again.. u know fighting crimes and saving ppl. I would say that I like how dependable Damian is
Damian: like would be to much.. I would say that Kent’s optimism is annoying as hell but also makes Victims feel at ease and that makes my work easier.
Jon: are u really going to call me Kent?
Damian: that’s your name
Jon: yes but u call my dad as Kent and Kon too.. wouldn’t it be less confusing if u would call me Jon?
Damian: I don’t see the problem.. anyway I think we are finished here.
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askjondami · 5 years
Tim: *looking for a weddingdress* what do u think about this one? Should I try it on?
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Damian: *laying on the couch* it’s been 5 hours drake.. pick one already!
Tim: i can’t just pick one! It has to be perfect!
Damian: I don’t care! I will freaking leave u alone if u don’t pick one in the next 30 minutes!
Tim: don’t be so grumpy demon. It’s one of the most important days in my life.. so of course I want everything to be perfect!
Damian: perfect would be if we could leave this place and go home..
Tim: i know what will make u feel less bored. Let’s pick a dress for u.
Damian: no thanks
Tim: *already picking a dress for damian* U don’t get to say no, cause it wasn’t a question. Now try it on!
Damian: I don’t wanna
Tim: please?
Damian: no!
Tim: to bad.. and I was about to say that we will leave after u try it on
Damian: u mean it?
Tim: yes
Damian: ... ok.. *takes the dress and walks into the changing room* I hate u.. *walks out*
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Tim: wow demon brat, u look amazing!
Damian: *mumbles* shut up
Tim: *takes a pic*
Damian: hey! Why did u take a pic?!
Tim: just because. No reason
Damian: u are a strange person.. anyway let’s go home already *goes into the changing room*
Tim: i‘ll just pay for my dress and we can go *boughts both dresses and sends their pics to the batfamily, Colin and jon*
Dick: *texting: omg my baby looks so beautiful😍 u should have put him into a princess like dress too. It would suit him so well.
Bruce: *texting: how did u get Damian into that dress?
Jason: *texting: he actually looks good...
Colin: *texting: wow! That’s going to be my new wallpaper!
Jon: *starring at his phone*
Jennie: what’s wrong?
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Jon: *putting his phone away* nothing.. just my parents.. anyway I missed u
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Jennie: i‘ll missed u too
Tim: hey! Why isn’t anyone telling me how good I look?!
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