bennusimurgh · 4 months
In a world perpetually shadowed by the specters of conflict and crisis, the true essence of peace becomes ever more vital. I seek to delve into the history of air raid sirens across various cities during global conflicts. These figures are not mere statistics but harbingers of nights filled with fear, days cloaked in uncertainty, and the relentless echo of human resilience.
Here is a small statistic about Air Raid Sirens:
London (World War II): The city was engulfed in a loud chorus of air raid sirens, their shrill wails piercing through the night sky, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard them for 246 days. Berlin (World War II): For 1704 days, the city lived under the shadow of bombardments, the air filled with the ominous drone of incoming threats. Paris (World War II): The city experienced 1533 days marked by the wail of sirens and the anxiety of war, each alert a stark reminder of the fragility of life. Moscow (World War II): Moscow endured 122 days under relentless aerial assaults, the skies echoing with the roar of warplanes. Kyiv (World War II and Recent Conflict up to April 2023): A total of 1208 days, with 778 days under WWII occupation, pierced by the cries of sirens and 430 days of ceaseless vigilance and alarms in the recent conflict. Tel Aviv (Various Conflicts): Approximately 531 days were marked by the alarms of vigilance and survival, resonating through the city as constant reminders of the enduring struggle for peace.
Imagine a family in wartime London, huddled together as sirens blare outside. Their hearts race with each booming explosion, a grim symphony of war. Or a child in Berlin whose nights are haunted by the roar of engines and the fear of what the dawn might bring. These are tales of cities and people whose lives were irrevocably altered by the sounds that defined their existence during these dark times.
These numbers narrate a tale of war's grim reality. Each air raid siren marks not just an alarm but a day where ordinary lives are thrust into the maelstrom of survival, where families cling to the hope of safety. War brings desolation and suffering and imprints deep scars upon both the land and the hearts of its people.
In the wake of these alarms, cities lay in ruins, and nations faced the colossal task of rebuilding not just their structures but the lives of their people. The aftermath was about reconstructing buildings and healing visible and invisible wounds. It was a journey of resilience and recovery, a testament to the enduring spirit of communities that rose from the ashes of conflict, striving to forge a path towards a more peaceful future.
Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is a canvas where growth and development can paint their stories. In peace, people can build, create, love, and dream. The historical narrative of air raid sirens reminds us that peace is not a given; it is a treasure to be fought for, a blessing to be cherished.
Viewing history through the lens of air raid sirens, one realizes the fragility of peace and the importance of striving to preserve it. Every day of peace is an opportunity for a brighter future for all. Let us value and protect this opportunity, for peace lies the most accurate form of progress and harmony.
#EchoesOfWar #SirensOfHistory #ResilienceInAdversity #ShadowsOfConflict #HopeAmidstDespair #CherishingPeace #WitnessToHistory #TalesOfSurvival #LegacyOfTheBlitz #SirensAndSilence #DarkSkiesBrightFutures #WarAndPeaceReflections #HumanSpiritUnbroken #ArtOfWarAndPeace #AirRaidMemories #TimelessHope #EchoesOfThePast #VisionsOfPeace #HistoricalRemembrance #SilentSirensBrighterTomorrows
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bennusimurgh · 8 months
Dome Chronicles: Dual Realities
In a distant civilization that had reached the pinnacle of self-understanding and awareness of the surrounding world, there were two primary ways of life: Order and Chaos. Those of Order were peace-loving and creative, while proponents of Chaos acted on instinct, often unpredictably. However, instead of being adversaries, these two groups found common ground and learned to coexist.
It wasn't rare for families from one camp to give birth to children who identified with the other. This led to discussions and occasional conflicts, especially given varying cultural views and external media influences. Ultimately, society decided to create two distinct planets for each group, allowing each to live by their values.
The process of determining who would migrate to the new planet was left to chance. Special apps were developed to determine each individual's spiritual alignment. Additionally, options were available to remain on the home planet or transition to the new one. Observation zones also existed where individuals could watch life on the other planet and assist newcomers in adapting.
The initial colonists on the new planet were evenly represented from both camps, supported by the spaceship's AI. They began their lives in specialized domes, providing the necessary atmosphere until the planet became hospitable.
Those who chose a life different from their native planet's norm could live within these domes, abiding by specific rules and standards.
Over time, thanks to collaborative efforts and technology, the new planet began to flourish. All essential functions were performed by consciousness-lacking robots, which could be controlled by humans if necessary. These machines handled all routine tasks, allowing humanity to focus on pressing matters of culture, science, and societal advancement.
This new world was ripe with opportunities and promises, and its inhabitants looked to the future with hope and optimism.
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bennusimurgh · 8 months
Pearl from the Depths
Two divers, equipped with all the necessary gear for deep-sea diving, ventured into the hidden corners of the sea in search of pearls. These waters were unclaimed, yet held countless dangers. Sometimes divers returned with distorted memories, or didn't return at all. Yet, rumors of an incredible pearl, shining brighter than any star, compelled them to search.
One day, after morning preparations, they set out in pursuit of this pearl. The dive was long. The surrounding silence was only broken by the faint sounds of water and the bubbling of oxygen tanks. The water grew colder, the light dimmer, and the pressure increasingly intense. They swam side by side, communicating through hand gestures, their primary means of expression in this silent world.
Delving deeper, a crevice revealed itself, within which lay a majestic shell, reminiscent of a precious gem on a throne.
Drawing closer, they were met with a sight of sheer magic. The pearl inside the shell glowed in a manner indescribable by words. Its luminance seemed to tell tales of thousands of years spent at the ocean floor.
One of them gestured, "Are you sure it's safe?". The other responded with a silent yet confident sign, as if to say, "All will be well."
But, as the first reached out for the pearl, everything changed. The crevice began to close, and they realized they were facing a living creature, its trap now sprung.
The water's force pushed the second diver away. He tried to rescue his companion, but the latter, seemingly under a spell, resisted, preventing his extraction from the monster's jaws. The struggle depleted the second diver's oxygen supply.
He reached the surface but changed. His gaze was distant, his memory warped, becoming one of those unfortunate souls who fell prey to the sea's depths and returned no longer the same.
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bennusimurgh · 8 months
The Dome's Mystery: Forbidden Inscriptions
In the very heart of the city stood a massive dome. Its surface was smooth, reflecting the clouds and surrounding buildings, creating an illusion of a mirrored ocean. It was an architectural marvel, the stuff of legends.
Beneath this dome, it was whispered, a secret lay dormant. Some whispered of an ancient order, guarding age-old artifacts. Others believed it was a portal to another realm. Yet no common townsfolk were permitted to approach, let alone touch, its enigmatic surface.
Today, however, there was a change. The dome's surface was marred with an inscription: PLPTN DCKHD.
Two high-ranking officials found themselves beside the anomaly, their conversation a mix of confusion and concern:
First Official (distinguished by the number of wings on a crown above his head): "We must cover this up! What do these letters signify? Where is the respect for the grand design?"
Second Official (with a similar crown): "It seems an attempt to avoid vowels. The message is concise, but who is this Palpatin and why..."
First Official: "It doesn't matter! Rules are rules. And the author?"
Second Official: "Over there. Preparing for punishment - to cover their 'artwork'."
First Official: "Harsh... But rules are rules."
Second Official: "Yet, strangely, they've acquired a pass."
First Official: "Who granted these ignoramuses the right to choose? Only the Council of 12 can."
Second Official: "Or perhaps on the 13th floor... What have they decided?"
First Official: "Currently, a red line from left to center and lightning from the top right, with a green line beginning on the right. Though the decree states: actions on, in, under, and above the dome are forbidden!"
Second Official: "Drawing on the dome isn't explicitly prohibited."
First Official: "Must we convene the council again?"
Second Official: "We've amended plenty. Caution is required."
First Official: "I'm relieved the bill prohibiting bill discussions was declined. Otherwise, we'd be aiding them."
Second Official: "But the dome's interior? It remains a mystery. We require a safety-check."
First Official: "Yet, they remain sentient."
Second Official: "Concerning, indeed."
A pause.
Second Official: "I've always pondered the dome's true nature. Anyone attempting entry undergoes strange consciousness shifts."
First Official: "Maybe the dome has every answer, or perhaps a secret not meant for ordinary eyes."
Second Official: "We must uncover the truth. A chosen group, perhaps, to infiltrate the dome. But we should converse with the inscription's creators. They might possess the mystery's key."
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bennusimurgh · 8 months
World Killer: Mother Nature
An oil extraction company, after meticulous calculations, discovered a small patch of natural minerals at a shallow depth. Deciding to delve deeper into this discovery, experts lowered cameras and lighting equipment.
What they beheld stunned them to their core. Before them lay underground cities: houses, streets, overpasses, and bridges. By introducing water for a clearer view, the researchers found that most of the structures were in pristine condition, with some devices still operational.
The cities were covered by an unseen dome, which for a long time held back the Earth's pressure. But as years passed, the dome began to weaken. Cracks emerged on its surface, from which stalactites dangled.
The discovery sparked a multitude of debates. The main theory? We aren’t the first civilization on Earth. But who created us? And who destroyed the previous civilization? A theory surfaced that the planet is a living entity, and it buried the ancient cities under the dome. Perhaps, for some reason, the planet and its inhabitants became adversaries. Our task is to uncover that reason.
Don't miss the new captivating series "World Killer: Mother Nature." Exclusively for subscribers of the WE Premium channel. Thanks to your support, we’re preparing bonus episodes for you. Stay tuned for announcements!
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bennusimurgh · 8 months
Blind World
Under the night sky, two people sat, marveling at the visible aurora. The setting sun illuminated their entire valley, which was surrounded by mountains, above which the glow became even more pronounced. The moon was already high, preparing to take over as soon as the sun dipped below the horizon.
The first person was dressed impeccably. Their clothes weren't new, but they still looked harmonious. It was evident that they were chosen with taste. The second was dressed haphazardly, throwing on whatever felt comfortable at home. Their appearance was jarring, a clash of mismatched items.
The duo sat on a veranda filled with greenery and various trinkets. There was a sense of comfort around them, a feeling of protection and freedom.
The general landscape around them was quite bleak, with an oddly placed house having bedroom windows facing their garden. On the other side was another house, where the neighbors had been a bit wiser, positioning the windows of their bathrooms. Opposite them lay a field of sunflowers, and in the distance, mountains loomed. The sky had a dusty hue.
"It's all because of the Temnodumov law," one said, "which states that the standard for emissions is based on the number of complaints. And since no complaints are coming in, they keep raising the limits to save resources."
"Can we not talk about your conspiracy theories?" The other sighed. "Evolution is a process. We're turning into a toxic world. Why change anything? Mother Earth does everything for us; we just need to adapt."
"But what about those who don't like the direction we're heading?"
"Just look at our neighbors. There's your answer."
Only a few houses in the area had their terraces. Most of the space was built up with rooms. The view was decent but tainted by smog and the lack of forests. Only the distant mountains hinted that somewhere out there were forests.
"Why are people so nosy? Why can't they respect privacy?" The owner lamented, pointing to the neighbor's bedroom window overlooking his garden. "Always peeking into other's plates. It's infuriating."
"Don't get worked up," the guest tried to soothe. "People are curious. Maybe they find comfort in watching your garden."
"But some watch with envy, or worse. I've had to treat my plants for fungi because of them!"
The guest looked around puzzled. "Your plants look fine to me."
"That's because you don't see them as they should be. They should be green and lush."
"Well, I perceive things differently. Your garden is still a cave, but with good ventilation."
"There's always beauty in the sky... why not on Earth?"
"Why bother? People are content. Why waste resources on something that won't profit?"
Their conversation paused as both gazed into the sunset, losing themselves in nature's masterpiece. The displays of nature's art are universal, not requiring words. Details might differ, but beauty remains the same for everyone.
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bennusimurgh · 8 months
The Living Trees
In a parallel world where humans interact with nature on a new level, every garden is a reflection of its owner's soul. Trees here aren't just trees. They walk, searching for their owner, adjusting to their energy. But over time, their speed slows down, and upon reaching 250 years, they simply stop and grow.
Liam is a man with a green, flourishing garden. His garden is always in motion, flowers and trees stretch towards the sun, and they feel his love. His neighbor, Reynor, has a dry, bleak garden. Thorny plants and eerie trees, which never move, surround his home.
Liam cannot understand why Reynor has such a garden. After all, he has always been a kind neighbor, assisting in hard times. But every time one of Liam's trees got sick or died, Reynor seemed to rejoice in it. Yet at the same time, Liam saw pain in Reynor's eyes that he couldn't explain.
One day, when one of Liam's oldest trees died, Reynor came to him with a small sapling in his hands. "I brought this for you," he said. Liam was astonished. "Why?" he asked. Reynor replied, "Every time your tree gets sick or dies, I feel your pain. I want you to be happy." Liam smiled and thanked him.
From then on, the gardens of both neighbors began to change. Green sprouts appeared in Reynor's garden, and Liam's trees became even stronger and healthier. They realized that kindness and mutual aid were the keys to harmony with nature.
Thus, in this world where trees came alive and sought their owner, two neighbors found a true friend in each other, and their gardens became a reflection of their friendship.
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bennusimurgh · 8 months
Manifesto of Humanity: Behavior in a Strange World
Summary: In our world, there are peculiarities in human behavior, in their perception of each other, and the surrounding reality. Instead of seeing each person as an end in themselves, we often see them as a means to an end. It's time to stop measuring a person's worth by what they can offer you and start asking yourself: "How can I be of value to others?"
Main Principle: "Do not bring unto others the discomfort you would not wish upon yourself."
Interpretation of Key Words:
Do not bring: This refers to actions or inactions that might result in harm or inconvenience to another person.
Others: People in your life – not only close ones and acquaintances but also those you bump into incidentally. It’s every person that, for one reason or another, appears in your field of vision.
Discomfort: Any negative feeling, emotion, or physical state caused by the actions or inactions of another.
To make this manifesto alive, consider the following steps:
Self-awareness: Start with yourself. Before acting, ask yourself, "Does my action or inaction bring discomfort to others?"
Be open to others: Strive to understand and respect the needs, wishes, and feelings of others. Don't hesitate to ask questions and clarify details.
Practice gratitude: Every day, find an opportunity to thank someone – for help, kind words, or just for being in your life.
Share the manifesto: Share these principles with friends, family, colleagues. Create a community of like-minded people striving to live in harmony with their inner world and surroundings.
The world starts with each of us. Let it be filled with understanding, kindness, and respect for every living being.
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bennusimurgh · 10 months
Greetings everyone! This is George, and today, Karl and I will traverse the annals of warfare and peaceful times on planet Earth.
George: To me, the 1800s were pretty peaceful, but of course, Napoleon had to go spoil it all. Well, at least after his wars in 1815, we got a breather till 1853.
Karl: It seems, George, that you overlook the significance of peaceful times. It's in these periods that society makes its most critical strides forward.
George: Peaceful times, Karl? Who'd have thought... But you know, even wars sometimes become catalysts for progress.
Karl: George, I agree with you, wars impact development, but they also bring suffering and destruction.
George: Karl, as always, you're right. But it's undeniable that wars and peaceful periods both impact history in their ways. For instance, from 1800 to 1914, peaceful times were pretty long, about 38 years, and from 1918 to 1939 - around 20 years.
Karl: You're correct, George. And while we may debate the importance of war and peace, it's vital to remember that peace provides us with opportunities for growth and development, while war manifests our worst qualities. That's all for today, friends. Until next time!
George and Karl discuss military conflicts and peaceful periods from 1800 to 1939. Events mentioned include the Napoleonic Wars, the Russo-Turkish War, the Russian Civil War, the Spanish Civil War, and the Second Italo-Ethiopian War. Their conversation touches on ideas about the role of peace and war in societal development.
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bennusimurgh · 11 months
Flour of choice
The author walks in a circle listening to the advertising before he can continue a phone dialogue with a friend. 
A little child's voice said: - The saga continues through a 1999 episode, a serial drama, 'The Worm Assassins'. They have invaded our planet, decimating forests, polluting the oceans with refuse, and disrupting our management systems, leading to unchecked waste discharge. They possess the capability to infect humans, bending them to their will. In episode 1900, a new breed emerges, their origins still unknown. These newcomers reproduce via spores, akin to fungi.
The man's voice continues the sentence. 
- The greatest minds have yet to reach a consensus - are they a menace or a salvation? Yet, we continue to coexist and communicate with them...
Humanity stands on the precipice of an environmental, emotional, and physical catastrophe... A short pause and a third voice add the advertising information 
-Don't miss the new episodes of this gripping series from 8PO Corporation, exclusively on Subconscious TV. Premium users can enjoy the content without any dirtiness commercial interruptions...

Advertising is finished and they can continue a dialogue
- Blast it, they're even inserting advertisements into the dialogue now. I understand the need for graphics, I can even tolerate beer cans in a Viking series. The name 'Barbarian' is acceptable, but why in the conversation?
- Oh come on, it was just a voice-over. Remember when they showed an advertisement for men's sanitary pads? I mean, I understand hygiene and all, but it's a movie about the Stone Age, for heaven's sake!
- It's not my fault. I wrote a script about Neanderthals, they're the ones who adapted it.
- I know, I'm not blaming you. Just thinking out loud about where the world is heading...
- I understand that, but I still felt the need to explain.
- In this series, I try to insert good brands so they don't have to pay these profiteers.
- You're treading on thin ice, you know. They're the ones paying you.
- Yes, but 669 credits for a soul? Have they put a price on that now?
- There you go again, of course, attention costs money. And some souls might be worth much more...
- Agreed, the quality of a soul is far more valuable than its wrapper. But still, how much do you think they sold us for?
- Everyone sold themselves for what they wanted. I'm heading to the Shshs, if anything the signal will rfffvvy- shshsh start to blacKed up...
- No problem. Come over in the evening if you have time.
- I need to check the clnrshry BEEEP. Krxhvvyvv was empty tomorrow. Tlk to you later shhhhh
- Okay…
The creator of the idea paces around his home office, reading lines off his tablet... He's already worn a certain symbol into the floor, though he doesn't realize it yet. He still needs to come up with twenty-four episodes and think about the ending at the same time.
"There has to be some meaning, there has to be some meaning," he mutters to himself.
"Here I am, talking to myself again... well, at least I'll stick to the point. The stakeholders don't seem to be pressuring me, just expressing a little dissatisfaction," he acknowledges aloud. "Only one of them contributed 44 billion, what's there to complain about? The others sponsor as they can. One of them, oddly enough, brought a sack of potatoes in addition to the money, and another one brought rice. I wonder what that's about..."
He approaches a large table littered with papers. It all looks quite chaotic, but there's a certain order to it.
"After all, people like my series, so I have to keep going..."
"Why all the intrigue? Doesn't anyone want to know how it all ends, what it's all for?" he breaks off suddenly.
He sits down on his once luxurious sofa, looks at the fountain that was meant to be a disco, glances at the billiard room...
"Yes... it was all supposed to end differently," the author continues to think aloud.
"I had originally planned the idea for only thirty-three episodes, and they told me to keep writing because I was doing well. But what should I write about?"
A phone call interrupted his train of thought. He picked up a call from an unknown number, and they greeted him with, "Hello, here's some unnecessary information about some unnecessary information for you..."
---- "Thank goodness for reflexes," he thought, instantly realizing it was a robocall and hanging up.
"So, they've extended it by another 24 episodes and I still need to come up with an ending. It's so hard to keep pushing back what was supposed to happen in the 34th episode... Well, I'll go ask someone who might know how it all ends," he said, taking a sip of a strange liquid, and then went to lie down in the sarcophagus.
"Yes, it's definitely easier to think here," the author mused. "It's not the same as in a hammock, but it has its own charm. The ending will be just right."
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