bfitnesswitty · 1 year
KAUST Accelerator (Middle east) - Be an Adventurer
TAQADAM Webinar Registration Apply
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bfitnesswitty · 1 year
Personality Test (16 Personalities Test)
What is Personality Test A personality test is a tool or technique used to assess human personality . The purpose of a personality test is to identify a person’s personality traits, characteristics, and patterns of behavior. The test can be taken by an individual or administered by a trained professional in a clinical or therapeutic setting. There are various types of personality tests…
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bfitnesswitty · 1 year
All what you need to know about Enneagram in ONE ARTICLE
Enneagram types •The Enneagram is a personality typing system that describes individuals in terms of nine distinct types, each with their own motivations, fears, and internal dynamics. The nine types are often referred to by numbers or names, and include: 1. The Reformer/The Perfectionist 2. The Helper/The Giver 3. The Achiever/The Performer 4. The Individualist/The Romantic 5. The…
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bfitnesswitty · 1 year
What are glutes and how to strengthen them
The glutes, also known as the buttocks, are an important group of muscles in the human body. They play a crucial role in many everyday activities, such as walking, running, and climbing stairs, as well as in sports and other physical activities. In this article, we will take a closer look at the glutes, their anatomy, and their functions, as well as some exercises that can help you strengthen and…
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bfitnesswitty · 2 years
Best effective workout for crunch
When it comes to targeting the abdominal muscles, crunches can be a very effective exercise. Here are some variations of crunches that can help to strengthen and tone the abs: Basic crunch: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the the abdominal muscles, crunches can be a very effective exercise. Here are some variations of crunches that can help to strengthen and tone the…
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bfitnesswitty · 2 years
Best effective workout for belly fat now
Best effective workout for belly fat There is no one exercise or workout that will specifically target belly fat. However, a combination of cardio and strength training exercises can help to burn fat overall, including belly fat. Here are some exercises that can be effective for burning belly fat: Walking/Running Biking Rowing Swimming Group fitness classes Burpees Mountain Climbers Turkish…
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bfitnesswitty · 2 years
How to look pretty without makeup?
How to look pretty without makeup? There are many ways to look pretty without makeup. Here are some tips: Take care of your skin: Maintaining a good skincare routine can help improve the appearance of your skin and make you look more radiant. This includes cleansing, moisturizing, and exfoliating regularly. Groom yourself: Keeping your hair and eyebrows tidy can help enhance your natural…
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bfitnesswitty · 2 years
How to have a charisma?
How to have a charisma?Charisma is often described as a combination of traits and behaviors that make a person appealing and influential to others. While some level of charisma may come naturally, it is also something that can be developed and improved through practice. Here are a few tips for developing your charisma: Be authentic: Charismatic people are often seen as genuine and authentic, so…
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bfitnesswitty · 2 years
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Keep in touch ;)
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bfitnesswitty · 2 years
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(via YOGA: Off to a Good Start IMMEDIATELY)
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bfitnesswitty · 2 years
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bfitnesswitty · 2 years
Skiing and snowboarding-Getting your cardio in the snow
Skiing and snowboarding-Getting your cardio in the snow
In some parts of the country, winter is so blustery that when you see someone walking, running, or cycling outdoors in the dead of January; you can only shake your head and say, “What, does that person have brain freeze?”. In these places, your best outdoor cardio options involve snow. We’re talking about cross country skiing and snowshoeing, activities that allow you to enjoy the elements rather…
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bfitnesswitty · 2 years
Swimming with good form
Swimming with good form
If you swim for water exercise, you’ll probably spend the bulk of your workouts doing the front crawl, also called freestyle. It’s generally faster than the other strokes, so you can cover more distance. Swimming Guide: Don’t cut your strokes short; reach out as far as you can. have your hand enter thumb-first so it slices the water like a knife and pull all the way through the water so your…
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bfitnesswitty · 2 years
WATER EXERCISE:Exercising Outdoors: up for Challenge?
WATER EXERCISE:Exercising Outdoors: up for Challenge?
Exercising Outdoors: Water exercise is truly zero-impact Although you can strain your shoulders if you overdo swimming, there’s absolutely no pounding on your joints, and the only thing you’re in danger of crashing into is the wall of the pool. You can get a great aerobic workout that uses your whole body. Plus, water has a gentle, soothing effect on the body, so any exercise you do in the water…
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bfitnesswitty · 3 years
In-Line Skating Exercising Outdoors: up for Challenge?
In-Line Skating Exercising Outdoors: up for Challenge?
Wheels at the toe and two wheels at the heel, the four wheels were positioned in a single-file line. This was the biggest innovation in skating since a 16thcentury Dutchman patterned the first pair of roller skates after ice skates.In-line skating — often called Rollerblading — isn’t as popular as it was during the early 1990s heyday, but it’s still the skate of choice for more than 17 million…
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bfitnesswitty · 3 years
Cycling Exercising Outdoors: up for Challenge?
Cycling Exercising Outdoors: up for Challenge?
Talk to a group of cyclists and, chances are, you’re talking to a group of ex-runners. Cycling is perfect for people who can’t take the relentless pounding of running ;or find the slow pace a real drag. Cycling is the best way to cover a lot of ground quickly. Even a novice can easily build up to a 20-mile ride. Cycling is also a great way to burn calories and spare the environment; while you…
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bfitnesswitty · 3 years
Running: Exercising Outdoors: up for Challenge?
Running: Exercising Outdoors: up for Challenge?
Like walking, running is a workout that you can take with you anywhere. You don’t need a rack on your car or a suitcase full of equipment; you just open the door and go. Plus, as any pathological runner will tell you, nothing is quite as satisfying as getting a good run under your belt. You work up a great sweat, you burn lots of calories, and your muscles and your brain feel pleasantly…
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