#exercising outdoors
y-rhywbeth2 · 8 months
Strangely when I think of Durge as the head of the temple I'm seeing less murder time and more paperwork and management. It's an active temple and a "legal" religion, which means its got tithes and taxes and responsibilities to the government and thus has finances and shit that needs managing. Also they need to network: Bhaalists are tasked with infiltrating the halls of power, and there are the faith's sponsors amongst the wealthy and the nobility, who attend the red rooms and hire their assassins. You need to keep on top of the magistrates and law makers and who to bribe and so forth... and the prison times for members of the faith who get caught...
Bhaal is, after all, lawful evil and so is his church. Edit: except apparently 5e has been pointlessly changing things and puts him as neutral - in every other edition he's lawful and that doesn't change that temples have paperwork and taxes to do.
Everyone thinks its daggers in the dark and ominous chanting and black robes but it's actually late nights with a tankard of kaeth getting eye strain, wishing Bhaal would bestow his gift upon you so that you could escape the hell that is life: The certainties of life are death and taxes but gods, when will the Lord of Murder finally give you the first one?
And Orin keeps stealing your blacksticks, inks and quills and they always turn up in corpses found by the city watch a week later.
I mean you can delegate, I suppose. I wouldn't trust Sceleritas to do it, personally, after that "washing the dishes means smashing them into shards and sprinkling them in people's beds" thing. I would love to read that petition he sent in seeking to get the temple recognised as a heritage site.
Orin? I already fully supported Orin's murder attempt, but if they made her do their paperwork for them then honestly I think she deserved to win the entire game.
And none of it is anywhere near as bad as the paperwork and ridiculous levels of legislation that I'm sure Gortash gets working for Bane. Wherever the hell that temple/shrine is.
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uw-wb · 1 year
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Climbed a mountain, saw a bear, sat by a stream.
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todayirun · 2 months
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I've run a really slow 5.2k this morning, and I loved it :)
It was a small charity race with a beautiful course that goes past old windmills.
According to the event website, I finished in 42 minutes.
I could not even run through the whole thing, I had to stop after 33min 37sec (then I walked, and then ran some more). But I'm kind of proud that I even lasted for that long, because 1) I am not used to running uphill for long, which I had to do here, and 2) I almost always run in the evening or late afternoon, and for this event, I had to get up at 4:45 and leave the house at 5:30. (My metabolism is slow, it only decided to wake up and get things moving during the last km of the race, from which point on I was running for my dignity, if you know what I mean :D )
All in all, it was a lovely race with super kind organizers and volunteers, it was fun!
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rainyfestivalsweets · 3 months
My 5k was awesome.
New PR 36:15.
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creations-by-chaosfay · 3 months
If you would like to make my husband and I very happy and help us improve out health, I have low-cost home exercise equipment on my wishlist that I would really appreciate having. Gym memberships are a nope for a long list of reasons, and I can't go for walks during this time of year due to dry air, heat, sunshine, and soon smoke.
My husband's 50th birthday is next month, and he's had a craptastic year. There are two XBox Series X consoles on the list; one for him and one for me. He has his original first edition XBox One, and can't play most of his games because the disc reader no longer works. I can wait seeing as Dragon Age: The Veilguard doesn't come out until probably November.
If you purchase any of these for us, I'll offer you something in my shop of equal or lesser value. You pick. If there isn't anything you want there now, just let me know when you see something you want within the price range. Commissions open in September! You can think of my offer as a sort of voucher to use later, if you wish.
Samples of my work:
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tombama · 1 year
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Try doing this 20 times
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butcherlarry · 1 year
Exercise Fic Recs 21
Sorry I’m a bit late posting this, I just got back from watching ATSV.  It’s just as good and everyone has been shouting about and I don’t know why it took me so long to getting around to watching the movies.  Anyway, on to the fics!
The Only by pasdecoeur  (Superbat, complete.  Felt like being a little sad, so I read this fic again.  Bittersweet, read the tags.)
how many roads less traveled? by TopHat  (Superwonderbat, complete.  Polyamory negotiations between the trinity.  Very sweet, features ace Bruce.)
be my kryptonite by renecdote  (Superbat, complete.  Clark has a sensory overload, Bruce helps.)
Courage by LemonadeGarden  (Batfam, complete.  Bruce has a run in with fear toxin and Dick helps him deal with it.)
Stuck in the Middle (With You) by TheResurrectionist  (Superbat and Batfam, complete.  A re(re)read for me, I needed some good humor.  Damian gets stuck and Dick calls for help.  Shenanigans ensue.)
Just a Formality by FabulaRasa  (Superbat, complete.  Bruce and Clark get married for work reasons, and Clark has So Many Feeling About This.)
misty by TheResurrectionist  (Superbat, wip.  Different first meeting.  Bruce crash lands on a cold, barren planet and Clark finds him.)
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9  (Superbat, wip.  Another merbruce fic update!)
Midnight Hour by BisforBread  (Superbat, wip.  Medieval/fantasy au.  Clark is a prince and Bruce is a knight and they have Feelings for each other.)   
a world in repair by Batbirdies  (Barfam, wip.  Part of the Emotional Motion Sickness series.  Jason and Damian go on a trip together, but not everything goes according to plan.)
Veritas by Anonymous  (Batfam, complete.  Batman gets hit with truth serum and talks about how he loves his kids SO MUCH.)
Jesus Is Not A Zombie by Sadsnail  (uuuuhhhhh, bible fic?  I blame @beachcat0772 , she posted this in our friend server and told me to read it.  It’s just crack fic, but GOOD crack fic 😆)
They had a pastry with lemon curd on it, I couldn’t resist!
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It was so rainy this morning!  It pretty much rained the entire time I was birding.  Got so cool pictures though!
The baby geese, they are growing up!  They are looking more and more like adult geese everyday:
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Wasn’t able to get a good picture of this guy, but it’s a brown thrasher!  This is the second time I’ve seen him running around the area:
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Look at this funky lil’ guy!  A grackle!  They were so fun to watch:
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There were SO MANY swallows out flying around.  They kept flying around me, they were so much fun to watch!  And they’re SO PRETTY too.  I tried to take some pictures of them in flight, but it’s SO HARD.  This one is ok, I need to practice more.  This guy is a barn swallow:
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A red-winged black bird chilling in the rain:
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This is also a red-winged blackbird, but a female!  She caught breakfast!  This is probably my favorite picture I took today:
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A robin!
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When I got to the arboretum, some tree swallows were flying around!  Here are the best pictures I got of them midflight:
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A titmouse grabbing a snack in the middle of the rain:
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There’s also a big flock of goldfinches that hangout here too!  I thought this guy looked handsome:
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This white-breasted nuthatch was having fun hopping around on this tree:
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OMG.  I didn’t realize this until I got home, but these are juvenile eastern bluebirds!!  Wow!!!
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This has a parent and a baby!!  Holy moly!!
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An indigo bunting in the rain.  I think my lens was starting to fog up:
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A downy woodpecker.  I like how it looks like they’re peaking around:
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A black-capped chickadee!  They snagged a treat:
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An indigo bunting again:
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I love this picture of a female cardinal:
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Now onto some scenery!
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ngl, the rain made everything look prettier.
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mistakes have been made...
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
like man. it's already terrible enough when your very specific post in your very specific tumblr circle escapes containment and you get randos sending you hate mail for days. now imagine tumblr's algorithm (which i'm sure would be as functionally terrible as the 'for you' tab) pushes your post out to thousands and thousands of users who did not want your post in their stratosphere. i'm never turning on anon again lmao.
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of-two-lands · 2 years
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44°58'23.5"N 6°03'54.8"E
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sunshineandlyrics · 1 year
Michael sharing his struggles (2 May 2023) x
His new single 'Easy' playing in the background will be released 12 May 2023.
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todayirun · 3 months
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I'm in Switzerland again (for work, this time for 2 weeks). We have bad luck with the weather, it's been raining most of the time. I do enjoy it, but I wish we had some sunny days as well.
Anyhow, I visited this waterfall in the area, there is a really nice path around it which can be walked in about 40 minutes. I wanted to try 'trail running' there. In the end, I didn't do much running, I was mostly distracted by the beautiful view. I just had to stop to take photos again and again.
I'm not sure you can tell by the pictures, but it was pouring.
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Weekend photo dump.
Balance means:
Active lifestyle - kayaking and workout 2 of c25k
Lots of veggies- ordered zoodles at restaurant.
Shared appetizers.
Cold.stone ice cream treat- tried the silk almond ice cream.
A delicious watermelon 🍉
My thought was: every choice matters.
Enjoyment matters too.... every choice, every day will make a difference.
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conkreetmonkey · 24 days
Running on a treadmill is great! I don't have to constantly be wary of the road so I don't trip, I don't have to worry about sunburn/the heat, AND I can watch old Oneyplays videos while I exercise! Def going to favor this over outdoor jogging from now on. I can get my outdoors time through walks or just chilling, and that way I can appreciate the scenery more instead of viewing it as an obstacle to be overcome. I can't very well stop and look at bugs and flowers while running, after all.
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butcherlarry · 1 year
Exercise Fic Recs 17
Oh my god, I read so much this week.  What is happening.
isostatic by mediant  (Superbat.  Clark accidentally proposes marriage to Bruce.  SO GOOD.  PLEASE READ.)
Fears Unfounded by OdosBucket  (Superbat, kinda.  Bruce and Clark start dating, and recently adopted Jason is worried about it.  Misunderstandings and Bruce being a good dad.)
Like Father Like Son series by ManURonaldo  (Batfam, Jason focused.  Bruce and Jason come to understand each other.  SO GOOD.)
Stranger in a Strange Land by Mithen  (Superbat.  Clark grows up on Krypton and comes to Earth as an adult.)
Safe Spaces by Cerusee  (Batfam, young Jason.  Jason and Bruce come to an understanding of who is supposed to take care of who.)
Everything Will Be Just Fine by lonelynpc  (Batfam.  Battinson is the best Goth Dad ™)
10 Things Every Brucie Fan Needs in Their Life by pomeloquat  (Superbat, an update.  Oh god, this one is so funny!  Bruce advertises himself as the nation’s boyfriend.  Clark is a super fan.  Shenanigans ensue.)
Reservations by LemonadeGarden  (Superbat.  The Batkids make bets on finding Bruce a girlfriend.  Clark’s not jealous at all, what are you talking about?  lol)
Children Will Listen by ParkerAvenue  (Batfam, wip.  Different first meeting between Bruce and Jason.  Batman befriends this adorable feral child like one would a feral kitten.)
All fae-n and games series by oliviaandersonisntmyrealnamelol  (Batfam.  FAE BRUCE FAE BRUCE FAE BRUCE FAE)
mission parameters by shipyrds  (Superbat, complete :D  FAKE MARRIAGE SUPERBAT MY B E L O V E D.)
I changed it up and got a dirty chai latte with my croissant.  DELICIOUS.  Also, a close up of the dirty chai latte because it was PRETTY.
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An eastern phoebe.  I like how he was looking at me like I was sus (which, valid.  If a strange girl was walking in the woods taking pictures of me, I would be weirded out too.)
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A female summer tanger!  She was not weirded out by me at all!  I swear, sometimes I thought she was posing.
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A carolina wren.  I love how I got a picture of him mid call. 
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Easten Bluebirds!!!  Two of them!!!!
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A cute little titmouse!
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I didn’t get to the birdwatch station today, there were a lot of families there, so it felt crowded.  Did spot a cool butterfly though!
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A bee!!
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I just liked the yellow flowers.
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The orange flowers with the lily pads are so pretty!
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A picture I snapped of the same area when I first arrived at the arboretum.
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Another pretty flower.
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Love the flowers growing and blooming up the pole.
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Another picture of the bridge in the morning.
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This is the beginning of the trail I walk in the morning.  It’s been getting so green and full of growth!
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