#intensity workout
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angel5ofp0rn · 2 days
Ghost listens to classical music.
Bad memories connected to the punk music his dad listened to, he had to go the polar opposite for when he does want some background noise.
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seiwas · 7 months
you send iwaizumi a progress pic of your butt sweat mark on one of the gym benches with your finger heart in the corner 🫰 (bc it looks like a heart!! and you think it’s cute!!) & he replies with: “have a finisher for you when you get back home 😏.”
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AU where Steve and Billy attend La Sierra high school in California and have to go through their rigorous physical fitness system for gym class. After years of training together, they make it to the Blue level, Billy in purple, Steve in gold. This is a shot of their gym class. Sorry photographer, someone just couldn’t keep their eyes off of him. Shit, could you?
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electric-friend · 8 months
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vohtaro · 1 year
Heyy!! For the art request can u please draw more of madara and gai being gay gym buddies its giving me life 🙏
thank u for being forever patient w me for this, i promise i’ve been thinking about it endlessly and i finally got some doodles together hehe
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
I wanted to bring up a silly ship idea. Just for fun.
03, 06, 09, 10
Was this before Kotoko attacked them? After? I dunno.
YES the cringefail 20yo polycule 👏👏👏 Thank you for the request! I've seen a lot about the individual pairs, so it was really fun to think about all their dynamics together! I have a set of hcs that could work in the current canon Milgram, and then a normal au set because it's so fun thinking about them :3
The I’m-a-loner-who’s-doing-it-for-justice-don’t-TOUCH-me pair finally meet their match when confronted with the I-loved-someone-so-much-and-don’t-plan-on-stopping pair. They all go into the relationship with grand ideas of love: they think it’s all heroic acts of saving, massive gestures or love, and dramatic confessions. Over time, they realize the real heroism/romance is in the little things. 
Mahiru has her hands full with three people who neglect themselves for the sake of their work/interests, but she always loves feeding them and helping give them what they need. In turn, they can give her more affection and attention than she could ever ask for. They make sure someone is always around to spend time with her.
Each of the three is a perfect match for dealing with John’s reveal. Mahiru is calming and helps tone down Mikoto’s initial stress. Fuuta is honest and will help Mikoto finally confront his own situation and move forward. And since Kotoko can match his strength, Mikoto doesn’t need to be afraid of accidentally hurting anyone. Mikoto becomes less stressed with the overall situation as well as more accepting of himself/John.
I always love the idea that Fuuta is secretly starstruck by Kotoko and John’s strength. He’ll never admit how much he admires their ability to stand up and fight. He feels really safe around them. He’s glad to have the opportunity to fight for someone else, too – he likes to be Mahiru’s self-proclaimed protector and hero. (Even though most of the time she can stand up for herself, she still likes letting him take care of her.)
Kotoko’s experiences let her hold solid conversations with everyone. She’s similar enough to Fuuta where they share some interests (social issues, schooling, etc.) She understands hard work and burnout to earn Mikoto’s respect. She understands physical strength to earn John’s. She has a lot of people-knowledge, so she can gossip and talk about Tokyo life to Mahiru (Mappi’s doing most of the ‘gossiping,’ but Kotoko has solid additions). She's a good listener and has a good memory, so everyone feels heard by her.
They start to rub off on each other. Mahiru and Mikoto learn to be a bit tougher in standing up for herself. Fuuta, John, and Kotoko learn to take a breath before jumping right to violence. They stay very much who they are, but pick up on just a few habits that make their lives easier.
Their styles also influence one another: Fuuta gets pointers from all three about piercing his ears (though it takes him a long time to get up the nerve to do it). Mahiru helps the others dress more trendy and boost their confidence, and they teach her to worry less about her appearance and relax more. 
If they get together T1, Kotoko is shocked by the T1 verdicts. She might pull away from everyone in initial horror, but after developing a relationship ahead of time, she doesn’t follow through with her attacks. If not, then maybe in T3 when Kotoko is suffering from her guilty verdict, Mahiru and Mikoto are able to bridge the gap and develop a friendship, leading to more. Fuuta would take longer to come around, but I think seeing Kotoko got through the same pain as him, his hero instincts would kick in and he’d gradually help. 
Mahiru once again tries out her lovers’ interests, and gets a bunch of new hobbies. Fuuta teaches her to game, she works out with Kotoko, and she tries out photography with Mikoto. She becomes close with Fuuta’s beautician sister, and enjoys bonding over fashion and hair. She helps redye Mikoto’s hair, and give the other two pointers on style now and then. When going to nicer events, she and Mikoto have to step in and stop the others from their sneaker/hoodie combos. As the only one with a license, she’s the designated driver at all events, but doesn’t mind. 
Fuuta uses his tech skills to set up social media accounts for the others. He helps Mahiru network her flower shop, fighting anyone who leaves a bad comment/review. He helps set up a complex online portfolio for Mikoto. He and Kotoko still have a passion for justice, and he becomes the tech brains behind her vigilante operations (very Ron Stoppable - Kim Possible) It’s not necessarily healthy growth, but they’re happy with it lmao
Mikoto is the only full-time worker, the others are all still in university, and he makes sure to keep them all on track. He knows the most efficient tricks and cheats about getting papers done, pulling all-nighters, and cramming before an exam. The others have learned to spot when he’s burning himself out for others, and will stop him when he tries to take on too much. They’ll take care of him and force him to rest. While he can still get into a bit of trouble, John learns to call them first and get some help. 
Kotoko has trained herself to find people and information easily to catch criminals, but she finds use for it in much more mundane ways – she tracks down clients for Mahiru, snoops around Mikoto’s company to make sure he’s being treated right, and keeps an eye out for the people Fuuta is calling out and/or hanging out with. She goes on runs with Mahiru, and bike rides with Mikoto. Fuuta tags along sometimes to strengthen his legs for soccer. 
There’s definitely potential for them all to have their murders pre- or mid- relationship, and they help one another improve themselves and heal. I’m also a sucker for the relationship itself to cause them to change their ways and narrowly avoid the murder in the first place. (For the latter, Mahiru would ironically be the last to join the relationship, since she’d still be with her bf until the other three inspire her to break it off with him gently.)
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enden-k · 11 months
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sm0kebreaks · 6 months
im back to work after leave but a magical twist happened... my coworkers from my old salon now work for the owner i work for now and one begged for me to come be her receptionist again whiel the other is like upper management who was like yeah go ahead so now im working again as a receptionist again and dont have to feel like im dying every day yayyyy
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awellreadkitten · 1 month
I'm so old I sprained my groin laying down
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clarythericebot · 1 month
Francesca: Wow, this is intense. Do all runners have to do this?
Dr. Myers: Just the ones that want to live.
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theth1njestersbrother · 17 hours
normalise finishing exèrc!se like a wet, red, vaguely human shaped thing that is struggling to move and breathe, instead of the slightly damp, barely panting, pristine people they show you on the television or inside your phone
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triona-tribblescore · 6 months
I thought you were dead....
Well, that's fine!
I'll tell you right away, almost all the winter months I did was harden up, swing.
And I think you should too~
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I collapsed immediatly after one.
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suzieb-fit · 3 months
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Another new week starts.
How are we all doing on that most wonderful of days - Monday.....?
Ok, that was mostly sarcasm.
But Monday doesn't have to be MoanDay. Hey. I'm an actual genius, right? That just popped into my head.
I know I'm very lucky to be early retired, at least for now (I may have to go back to work eventually for morbid reasons, but that's another conversation, lol).
But when I was working up to last year, I had a pretty intense daily work life, and I still did my best to appreciate every day, no matter what particular day that was.
But anyway, my Monday morning so far has been positive.
Sleep? Don't be silly. Mucus? Yeah, I don't wanna talk about it. Insulin pump efficiency? Ha, nope. Getting there, though.
Oops, this is turning into one of my essays.....Reel it in, woman!
So even with all that nonsense going on, I'm on with life.
Right. On with my day......
Up before six. Out for my 30 minute walk. An early one, but I'm happy with that. Great way to wake everything up.
Upper body/ab workout soon after gettinghome.
I like this one. Not done it for a long while according to the app data.
I then got my Monday house chore put of the way. Cleaning the bathroom (no pic of that, haha), then time to sit on the floor by the big window for breakfast.
Favourite time of day. I love my frothy collagen/inulin decaff filter. And I have found I love breakfast, no matter what changes I keep having to make. Tomorrow will be keto porridge made with coconut "flour", cashew butter, frozen blueberries and more collagen.
I had to get moving again, as my blood sugar was running way too high this morning. It had actually been settling down, so that was a curveball. I thought it was possibly a faulty insulin pod.
I haven't done anything for my YouTube channel for ages, so I got on with a HIIT workout. Takes longer to upload than it does to actually do the workout 😅.
Monday's fitness ended with lower body pilates.
Before starting that, my blood sugar went in the exact opposite direction, so obviously not a pod issue. Just a, y'know.....ME issue, lol.
Anyway, meh to all of that. I feel good.
Basic 15hr fast as usual. Same high quality food as usual, and a good, positive day all round.
Hooray for a happy Monday 😊.
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logorrhea5mip · 1 year
One of the many weird/unpopular things im obsessed with is so called sovietwave music. It's an electronic/synthwave genre, primarily inspired by nostalgia for the Soviet Union and its grand future that never came.
Apart from just sounding good, it's dripping with vibes. The longing for the utopian world never to be born. The sadness of the many who lost the way of life they had grown up with. The unkillable hope that it may return, and that the dreamed futures of the past would one day be the present.
Even if you don't like this type of music, have a listen. I promise it's worth it.
Молчат Дома - Тоска
Sovietwave mix - Наша Мечта
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