#How to target glute muscles
superficialdomina · 9 months
Fray (Into Submission, Part 4)
Part 3: Lost
Series masterlist
AN: An Avengers training session gives you a chance to show Loki how fun it would be to let you win.
As always, an enormous thank you to @acidcasualties for making this whole series happen. Special thanks to @lokisgoodgirl for checking the accuracy of my swordplay!
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: 18+; minors DNI. Thirsty with some reminiscing, but nothing explicit in this one. Inaccurate descriptions of combat training. Mostly just lurid descriptions of Loki's smoking hot bod in workout wear, with a touch of plot development.
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Days. You hadn’t seen him in days.
There were hints of him; you knew he was still in the Tower. You’d heard his voice a couple of times, and yesterday when you’d stepped into the elevator you could smell that he’d been there minutes before. But he’d upped his avoidance game. It made you sad, and a little afraid.
The look of anguish he’d worn as he’d cast you out of his apartment remained etched in your memory, leaving the subtle ache of guilt in your chest. Had you gone too far?
You mulled it over as you pulled on your gym gear. Loki might still refuse to talk to you this morning, but you were confident that you would at least see him. After several of your coworkers had missed Saturday afternoon’s impromptu training session, Rogers had rescheduled for first thing Monday morning, with strongly worded insistence that everyone be in attendance. His WhatsApp message didn’t quite single Loki out by name, but none of you was in any doubt about its intended target.
The spacious training hall gleamed with the sunlight that streamed through the large 26th story windows, casting a warm glow on the polished mats. The luxury of the Tower was as prominent here as on every other floor. The gym was loaded with state-of-the-art equipment and comprehensive accessories, all meticulously maintained - as though getting your arse kicked by a handful of superheroes would hurt less because there wasn’t a speck of dust on the yoga mats, you thought wryly. You peered hopefully around the room as you entered. I just need to know that he’s OK, you told yourself.
Loki and Thor were sparring hand-to-hand in the open rink, the soft thudding of their bare feet resonating as they moved around one another. Occasional grunts carried as one of the pair landed a strike. Despite Thor’s size advantage, they were evenly matched; Loki was always a fraction faster, seeming to know exactly where Thor would move next, as though each step were choreographed and practiced to perfection. Observing them was like watching an ancient dance. Which is exactly what it is, you thought, momentarily awed. A fierce, millennium-old dance.
Thor’s bare chest, though impressive, was still somehow less appealing than Loki’s lithe form, clad in workout wear that clung tightly to his broad back. You let your eyes blatantly traverse him. His elegant ankles smoothed into perfectly sculpted calf muscles; his Godly hamstrings flexed under the hem of his training shorts, which in turn restrained his flawlessly rounded glutes. His body was utterly splendid. A delight of form and function, forged by centuries of practice and power. A work of art.
If he would just put that phenomenal dedication and discipline to good use in service to you…
“Time!” Rogers called loudly, and the brothers stepped back, arms lowered, chests heaving. Thor clapped Loki on the back amicably, and for the briefest moment, you saw Loki wince. The small movement made your blood run hot.
“Three minutes, everyone!” Rogers continued, before consulting the pairs listed in the complicated run sheet on his ridiculous clipboard. “Two and eight,” he began. “Three and twelve. Four and… Sixteen.”
You groaned inwardly, pushing thoughts of your recalcitrant conquest from your mind. The Black Widow. Not exactly a leisurely start to the morning, then.
“Come on, sixteen,” Natasha laughed. “Show me what you’ve got.”
The room filled with the sounds of Avengers in practice: thudding boots, wordless shouts, the familiar hum of mutual respect and collective, focused power. As you sparred, you began to relax into the collaborative energy, muscle memory activating as your training partner led with her familiar fighting style. Nat feinted here, and you responded there; the two of you were strong, and graceful, and -
Thump. You landed flat on your back on the hard mat. Again. At least this time you’d seen it coming. Your body just… didn’t move that way. Or that fast.
“You’re getting better,” Nat insisted as she hauled you to your feet. “You almost avoided that one.”
“I saw what you were doing,” you agreed, somewhat reluctantly. “I just couldn’t do anything to stop you.”
“They rarely can,” she winked, as Steve’s obnoxious whistle sounded again.
“Drinks!” he shouted, “then re-pair for weapons.” He returned to his spreadsheet, muttering numbers to himself, as you reached for your water bottle and your thoughts – and eyes – returned to Loki.
He was sauntering towards the group with Bucky, shoulders thrown back in haughty masculinity, animatedly wiping sweat from his brow with his sinewy forearm. Whore, you thought lustily. They looked almost amicable. You gazed at him, curious; confused. He seemed… fine? Loki caught you watching him and gave you a wink. A wink. Almost like…
Like old times, you thought. What is going on?
You turned away, chugging water, then wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. He seems fine. Was it real? If he was truly so nonchalant, why the vanishing act over the past few days?
You were still standing there, bemused, when the team began to pair off again. In your distracted state, you’d missed the next call. Who…?
Only one person remained by your side, and his imperious gaze left you in no doubt as to your next partner.
You moved together to one end of the training mats. This close, you could see the fine trails of fresh sweat across his bare shoulders; smell the sweet scent of it heavy around you when he raised his arms to pull his curls back into a messy plait. You imagined the saltiness of it gathered in the valleys of his muscular, sinewy body, with which you had so recently become better acquainted; the way it would pool and concentrate in the deep hollow of his jugular notch.
I could make you sweat like that.
He continued to smirk at you mischievously as he moved into position, as grandiose and egomaniacal as ever. “Short swords, Agent?” he drawled, a short, thick blade appearing in each hand with a flicker of green.
“Just one, Laufeyson!” Rogers shouted, before you could respond. Loki raised an eyebrow at you, flirting with the idea of arguing; but he wordlessly vanished the weapon on his left.
“You didn’t want to lend that to me?”
“Darling, they are hundreds of years old,” he drawled coolly. “I don’t lend them to anyone.” Turning to fetch a training sword, you hid a smile at his words. Had he forgiven you?
Or he’s just feeling cocky.
The gym’s practice swords were hung neatly at the far wall. You tried to pick one that was long enough to be effective, but not so long as to be cumbersome. It was highly irrelevant; he was faster, stronger, and infinitely more skilful than you. You selected a narrow doge sword that at least felt comfortable in your grip.
The gym echoed with the ring of steel on steel as your peers sparred. How many rounds had it been? Each time you lasted barely a minute before he outdid you, the sharp edges of his blade finding their mark at your shoulder, your thigh, and once, your collar bone. Despite your budding fatigue, you found yourself mesmerised by him. He wielded the ancient sword with harmony and fluidity, so fluent was he in its unwritten language, so familiar with its little quirks. Like an old lover, you thought madly, as you struggled to steady the vibrations of the blade with each parry and clash.
His weapon whistled again; this time the flat of his blade struck your hand, and you dropped your own sword. He stepped back to patiently wait for you to ready yourself again.
His fitness was phenomenal - you were breathing hard, your arms burning, and he barely seemed to have slowed. The smirk he’d given you earlier was once again pasted across his beautiful, pretentious face. Patient, but smug.
“Where have you been, Loki?” you asked as you retrieved your weapon, buying time to catch your breath. Dammit, your knuckles stung; you hoped it wasn’t obvious.
“Here and there,” he replied easily. No denial this time. “Are you ready?”
“I was worried about you.”
“If you mean that you feared for my safety, I am most able to defend myself.”
“That’s not what I meant.” For a second you thought you saw a flicker of vulnerability return to his features. If you did, it was quickly swallowed by his traditional haughty confidence. “I just… Well, as long as you’re OK.” Ready, you lifted your blade - and a thought occurred to you.
The timing had to be perfect; if he hadn’t been looking directly at your mouth, he might have missed it. Provocatively raking your eyes down over his long body, you bit your lower lip, and gave a tiny, breathy moan.
It was horribly overdone, but it worked. Loki hesitated for a fraction of a second, his eyes widening, and you took advantage of his momentary distraction to slip below his guard; the steel of your sword captured his, and you pushed - hard. There was the harsh sing of metal-on-metal as you slid down the blade, checking his weapon against his chest. His move was forfeit. He stepped backwards off the edge of the mat, losing his balance - and you pinned him against the wall.
You pressed your body into his, your mediocre blade below his chin, and carefully assessed his face. Was he irritated by your trick? If anything, he seemed… amused.
“That,” he said lightly, looking down at you over his long, regal nose, “was an interesting tactic.”
“You know what they say,” you muttered, still breathing hard. “If you can’t beat them…”
“I dare say it would not be widely effective,” he added.
“More than you think, perhaps.”
And then you noticed it: the slight flush to his cheeks, which could be excused by the workout. The twitch of a muscle at the corner of his jaw. The feel of his perfect cock swelling slowly under his training shorts.
Not amused… Aroused.
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Loki knew the moment you’d realised his state of mind. Or rather, state of body.
You’d opened your mouth in mock astonishment, your eyes bright with barely contained glee.
“Are you enjoying this?” you had asked, quietly delighted. The crossed swords had still been pressed unrelentingly against his chest, his blade locked tight under yours. It made his pulse quicken pleasantly.
Loki had given a small, wordless huff, but he didn’t trust himself to speak. In truth, he’d found it highly enjoyable; your control, your audacity, your erotically mischievous little decoy. His own powerlessness. But how could he admit that to you?
The sounds of water splashing off bathroom tile brought him back to the present. Gingerly, he stepped under the heavy jets; steam enveloped him. Lathered soap formed clouds of bubbles that washed away the training-hall grime, the sticky salt that clung to his skin like a fragrance. The precious soreness that assured him that he had worked for this. That he had earned it.
How could he admit that to you? The question turned over in his mind like the soap in his hands, slippery and fraught. It should be simple, really; the evidence was laid bare before him, stripped of illusion and ego in the privacy of his mind. The chamber. The Genuflexa. The young man, beautifully bound. The way your body had risen in his mind's eye to bring him undone, not just then but so many times since…
He let the water run through his long hair, raking his fingernails to help it penetrate all the way to his scalp. He liked the way their sharpness felt on the sensitive skin.
… And in counterpoint, the betrayals of his youth. The early memories of hurt and rejection that had sown the seeds of distrust. The expectations of masculinity and dominance, and the familiarity of the long-worn mask.
Loki lifted his chin to shake the heavy, saturated mass of slick curls out behind him, squeezing the last of the water from it. He thought of you; of how much he would like to tend to your sore muscles, to soothe the bruises you would surely have sustained in combat today. To gently run his fingertips over your scalp, and hear you sigh with contentment.
There was only one sensible question, he decided as he stepped from the lustrous shower recess. Steam was clearing to reveal his glistening face in the bathroom mirror. Did he trust you?
He dried his hands, and picked up his cell phone.
Alright, Agent. Prove me wrong.
Almost immediately, he received your reply. The tone of it sent a little shiver down Loki’s spine.
9pm, my apartment. Be punctual.
Before he could interrogate his feelings about it, his phone gave another gentle ping.
Wear your cape.
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Tags: @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @infinitystoner @lady-rose-moon @coldnique @thomase1 @kats72 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @tomlugirl @lokisninerealms @missmushroomsstuff @ladyloki3 @fandxmslxt69 @sinsandguilt @sarahscribbles @lunarnights95 @meowmeow-motherfucker @simplyholl @divine-knight-hand @gigglingtiggerv2 @eleniblue @loz-3 @redfoxwritesstuff @wolfsmom1 @beksib @nyx2021 @lokischambermaid
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chichiscloset · 2 years
The 3 Best Pilates Exercises: For a toned body
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This exercise is a Pilates classic. It takes strength, flexibility, balance, and control to perform it. And it’s not an exercise you want to miss out on if you’re in the business of performing Pilates for core strength. So, how do you do it?
Start by lying on your back.
Perform a simple ab curl. At the same time, lift your head up and off the ground.
Also, at the same time (this is where coordination and balance come into play), bring your knees slightly back, so they bend over the top of your hips. 
As your upper body rises, straighten your legs at a 45-degree angle.
Reach your arms straight up toward your feet.
It should look like a ‘V’ shape at this point.
Aim to hold this shape for about 5 breaths. 
Then, slowly roll back into the starting position.
Want to engage almost all your core muscles in one Pilates move? The criss-cross beats out all exercises! When it comes to Pilates for core strength. It’s a tough one! And if you’re new to Pilates or exercise in general, it may pay to hold off on this one – at least until you gain a bit more core strength. How do you do it?
Lie face up on a mat or a comfortable surface. 
Place both hands behind your head with your elbows wide. 
Curl your head slightly up.
Bend your right leg and bring your left elbow almost to touch your right knee.
At the same time, extend your left leg.
Then, switch sides – bringing your right elbow to your left knee while extending your right leg straight.
Continue to alternate sides for 10-20 repetitions.
There are many more exercises in Pilates for core strength.
3.Plank Leg Lift
This core exercise targets your abdominals and your glutes. It also requires the use of stabilizer muscles throughout the back and the shoulders. It’s your basic plank with a twist. Here’s how you do it:
Begin in a high plank. Your hands should be right below your shoulders and your body should form a straight line from your head to your toes. 
Make sure your hips don’t sag! Keep your abdominals engaged.
Squeeze your glutes, and lift one leg straight back.
Lower your leg and alternate sides.
Perform about 10-20 reps.
All exercises listed above, are easy to do in the comfort of your own home. You can watch this youtube video, for further guidance.
Hope you ladies loved this post!
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therapeutic007 · 22 days
🌟 Why the AXV Vibration Plate is My New Bestie for Weight Loss! 🌟
Okay, folks, gather 'round because I’ve got to tell you about my latest fitness obsession: the AXV Vibration Plate Fitness Platform! 🤩 Seriously, this thing is a game changer, and here’s why it’s become my trusty sidekick in the battle of the bulge!
Whole Body Shakin’: So, you stand on this plate, and it vibrates like it’s trying to dance with you. It’s like a mini party in your living room! 🎉 Those vibrations engage your muscles without you having to lift a single weight. I mean, who knew you could burn calories while feeling like you’re getting a massage?
Time Saver Extraordinaire: I’m all about efficiency. With just 10-15 minutes on this bad boy, I’ve read that you can achieve the same benefits as a full workout. So, I can shimmy away while catching up on my favorite shows! Multitasking at its finest! 📺✨
Fat Blasting Wizardry: Users rave about how the vibrations help increase blood circulation and can boost metabolism. It’s like having a personal trainer who never yells at you! Just stand, shake, and feel those calories melting away. 💪🔥
Gentle Yet Effective: It’s perfect for all fitness levels. Whether you’re just starting or you’re a gym junkie looking for a new twist, the AXV is like a supportive friend who cheers you on. You can adjust the intensity to match your mood—some days need hardcore, and others just need a gentle sway!
Total Body Workout: Want to target your legs, abs, or arms? Just shift your stance! It’s like a customizable workout session without the chore of switching machines. Who knew I could tone my glutes while sipping my morning coffee? ☕🍩
In short, if you’re looking for aeffective way to kickstart your weight loss journey and add a little jiggle to your routine, the AXV Vibration Plate is an absolute must-try! Get ready to shake things up—literally! 💃✨
Check It Now !
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enm-enthusiast · 2 months
The Exhibitionist's Club Ch. 8 - Sebastian Part 2
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A Lacy Afternoon....
The past week has been hell.
I've been trying to stay away from the frat house as much as possible, but the time I've been spending there lately has been so humiliating. Eric's public punishment of me has been a target on my back, everyone in that house has the right to degrade and taunt me as much as they want.
A couple of times, I've been stripped completely naked as soon as I walked in the door! and always, they always tease me about the cock cage I'm still wearing. James has been helping me, thankfully, and his plan was starting to finally take shape.
All I had to do was get the campus security guards to hire me as a student worker. Apparently, it provided a lot of protection from student-run discipline, anyone caught violating this was subject to immediate expulsion from the University if found to be true...
Thus, here I stood in the campus security building, and had been forced to strip down completely naked for everyone here, as part of their famous "initiation." The security officer who hired me on, Jack Whittle had explained, in fact he just finished his by working the entire week at the office naked....
It got me incredibly aroused thinking of the muscular older man walking around the office butt naked. He blushed when talking about it and some of the other security guys teased him too, taunting him about the thickness of his cock and I salivated at getting to possibly see it for myself.
I had truthfully explained my situation to Jack, and he seemed sympathetic, and even said that Eric had been giving the University all sorts of troubled for years now but he was careful enough to not do anything that would have gotten him in real trouble.
He said that all I had to do was finish this initiation, then I could get my 'clothing privileges' back and even give Eric an official warning from the security office. That way, Jack said, he wouldn't dare touch me or anything near me, and it filled me with a sadistic delight at seeing Eric squirm in fear and fury at his revenge being undone.
The only thing that troubled me was James, he was taking an awfully big risk helping me, and if Eric found out....well, I knew first hand how vicious the little shit could be.
But I would worry about that later, first I needed to get through this, and I was embarrassed enough that all my new colleagues were already leering at me and sizing me up.
They got a weird thrill as I was slowly stripping off my clothes, some even whistled as soon as I took off my shirt. As expected, their eyes immediately locked onto my cock cage as soon as I lowered my underwear down my legs.
"Wow dude, did you lose a bet or something?" One of the campus security guards said, stifling his laughter upon seeing my cock cage, making my face turn bright red.
"How long have you been wearing that?" Jack said.
"....about....3 and a half weeks" I said, teeth grinding as my embarrassment and rage fueled me.
The guys shared looks of shock, amusement, and a few of them concerned, Jack included. I couldn't let them get involved, me and James were so close to giving Eric some long overdue payback, so I needed to bear the shame, for just a bit longer. I put on my best poker face despite that it was surely as red as a tomato at this point.
"Don't worry about it, the guys back at the Frat and me were playing around, I lost a few bets, and here we are...can we get a move one please" I said.
Most seemed to accept this, all of them, except for Jack who gave me a knowing look, but regardless he carried on.
"Well, you seem to be in excellent condition, in fact you've put in some great work in those muscles Sebastian, must get you lots of attention around this campus" Jack said. winking at that last part.
"Not a bad backside either, you got some good glutes on you" a blonde guard named Daniel said, a hungry look in his eyes. It was hard not to feel vulnerable and exposed as all of them, in one way or another, were devouring the sight of my naked body.
It was hard not to think of Thomas in that moment, who was dealing with his own problems at the moment, some classmate of his called George was giving him trouble and I wanted to find him and smash in his face for messing with Thomas, but I couldn't refuse when he begged me not to do something so foolish, and I had to admit he was right.
Speaking of, Thomas took a...interesting perspective on my cock cage, the two of us decided to make the most of it...I allowed him to shift our dynamic in bed, the first night he took control and made me get on my hands and knees and suck his cock until he flipped me onto my stomach and made me beg for him to fuck me....god if only I wasn't wearing the cage I'd have had the biggest erection in my entire life.
I only wish I could be out there helping him instead, but foolish me thought signing up as a student worker for the security office would be a great idea. Or rather, it was James' idea.
I'm still skeptical of how they told me all workers needed to take a fitness test, especially one that's entirely in the nude....
If it wasn't for the cock cage, I wouldn't feel as vulnerable and exposed around these other guys, they all seemed to take it in and good fun and none of them poked, prodded, or even made fun of me for it, unlike the frat guys who were hounding my every step and making my life hell, I just needed to get out of that house....
"So....does that mean I'm in?" I asked.
"We just need one last thing from you Sebastian, it shouldn't be a problem for a strapping young lad like you" Jack said, his tone neutral but his expression was hiding something mischievous.
"Okay...what is it?" I said.
What he said next made my jaw drop to the floor and nearly run out of the building.
"We want you to wear these as your work uniform for the first week, consider it....your training period" Jack said, grinning wide as he held up a red lacy crop top and a matching pair of silky red lace briefs, ones with design patterns that left the backside almost completely see-through!
"You gotta be kidding me!" I say, incredulous, my face already burning bright red and I felt a shocking jolt in my crotch followed by a slight ache as my cock was unable to twitch as it used to.
"I'm afraid not, hehe you see the boys here thought you'd look incredible in these, and I agree, but its up to you kid, so what's it going to be? us....or nothing" he finished, giving me another look that just between us, said:
"You either wear this for a week in the office...or you continue to be a naked frat slave with your dick shrinking inch by inch as each week passes."
It didn't seem to be a fair choice, but I knew it was my only one, and I needed this so I could start getting back at Eric, I wouldn't take it from Jaime and I'm not about to start letting some blowhard blonde do it to me either!
"Alright....fine, I'll do it" I said. Holding out my hand and Jack gave me another wide grin as he handed over the crop top and underwear to me. He merely looked down and back up once, that hungry look in his eyes again as he waited with his arms crossed.
My face was beet red I'm sure as I pulled the top over my head, I had to admit the material felt....good against me bare skin. Next was the underwear...I had to suppress a whimper as I pulled them up my legs, the material felt so nice and smooth just like the top. This only added to my rising embarrassment, I hated how it felt so good to wear these despite how slutty and exposed it made me look.
The guys jaws all dropped as I finished putting on my new 'uniform' and Jack walked over to me with a look of delighted surprise and said: "Wow...just wow, you look great in those, and I guess we got you the right size after all, those undies really make your ass look..." he trailed off, and I shuddered as he teasingly ran a hand over my right ass cheek.
I bit my lip as he did so, the contact of his hand against the material felt so good...I was really looking forward to tonight with Thomas with how horny this was making me.
I felt my submissive side take over as I wanted my man's dick inside me so bad, and I had to whip myself back to reality as I realized that I was practically drooling after what Jack did and the rest of the guys noticed. Several of them had bulges growing in their security uniform pants....
"Alright Sebastian, so far so good, you seem to really like those, so I'll tell you what...you can keep em" he said, rubbing my shoulder and giving me a look with that same look in his eyes.
At first I didn't respond, I was shocked at first but...I knew that I'd keep them, as humiliating as it was to have to wear this in front of all these guys, I had to admit they also made me feel sexy with how everyone here was reacting to me wearing them.
I decided to wear them under my clothes later...see how Thomas will react, the thought of it made me so incredibly aroused the simple contact of Jack's hand on my shoulder was making me weak at the knees. I was in disbelief at how my body was reacting, but it felt so good, too good to ignore, so I was ready to embrace it and I gave Jack a firm nod.
"In fact, since you're being so good, you work this whole afternoon in that and I'll get Eric to take that thing off you" He said.
My eyes widened in surprise, I'd have done so regardless but now I was more determined than ever.
"Good boy" he said, giving me another firm wink and gave my ass a real hard slap as he walked behind me and said "now get to work!" he said. propelling me forward toward the other guys who all took turns lightly touching and teasing my body.
They all knew how horny it made me and took delight at teasing me so tantalizingly and yet so briefly, after that, they all filed out and left one by one until was just me and Jack, who beckoned me to follow him.
The next few hours would prove to be one of the most challenging as Jack showed me around the office, while simultaneously showing me off and parading me around the entire building like I was a zoo's latest attraction. It was mostly men around the office, but a few clerical workers were women who all did a double take at seeing me like this, yet their gaze also followed me hungrily.
Some of them even snuck in some light slaps to my ass or even a caress of my muscles across my body. It took everything I had to keep concentrating on things Jack was saying, introducing me to what I would be doing in the office.
After giving me a full tour of the office, Jack led me to the student workers office, where basically I read through student complaints and calls and forwarding them to the security officers who would be sent out to respond.
Thankfully there were only two other workers, one of them a a shorter yet average Hispanic dude named Julien and a young brunette woman named Emily. Both of them were introduced to me by Jack, and surprisingly neither of them seemed shocked at my state of (un)dress. Yet, both of them had a similar look as the others, a lingering hunger that made me full that much more exposed yet it also gave me a thrill and rush of excitement.
"I'll leave you all to it, I'll come collect you in just a few hours Sebastian...good luck" he said, then left me alone with the two of them.
'So....hey" I said, trying to break the ice.
"If you're wondering at our expressions from earlier, its because its probably tame I'm in comparison to some of the other things we've seen working here, not to mention our own...initiations" Julien said, the both of them looking away from each other at that last part.
I decided to drop the subject then.
"Alright, well regardless its good to meet some fellow student workers" I said, giving them both a reassuring smile which they took to hear, returning mine.
We spent the next few hours getting me up to speed about the job, although sometimes I noticed them looking at me in a weird way. Other times, one or both them got too close to my proximity and I swore I felt a light finger touch or two, after the first hour of that I was starting to realize they weren't new at this...
The light contact was driving me crazy, being locked in this cage for so long was making me hornier than I've been since I was a teenager. But I managed to power through it, I was determined to be rid of this thing once and for all.
After my initial training shift was over, Jack appeared as expected and he smiled as soon as he saw me. "Wow, I half expected these two to have ripped those off you by now" he said, giving my fellow student workers a look that made the both of them look away from me and back towards the computers they worked at instead.
Part of me wanted to inquire further, but I decided to cast it aside for now.
I walked up to Jack and he pulled me aside and said: "I talked to my boss and he approved as well, we both personally called Eric up at the Frat...he'll unlock that thing from you first thing when you get back to the frat, and I even took care of the other part of your punishment."
"A-are you serious?" I said, ready to jump with joy.
"Deadly. But listen kid, Eric was LIVID, he kept trying to double down on 'frat autonomy' but as soon as we threatened to take it to the Dean he backed down" he said.
"Well...regardless, thank you, Jack, this means a lot, if there's any way I can repay you-" I began before Jack interrupted with:
"Any? Well....I can think of a few..." Jack said, giving me a look that said he'd have me bent over or on my knees in a heartbeat if he had it his way.
It made my face turn as red as the outfit I was still wearing. I looked down at myself and almost couldn't believe I still had to wear this for the rest of the week at the office....but a deal is a deal, and I keep my word no matter what.
"One more thing Sebastian...I know you said James helped you out, just keep an eye on him in case Eric finds out what happened, alright? he's a good kid" Jack said.
I knew exactly what he meant, Eric was vicious and petty, and would do almost anything to get back at someone for slights both real...and imagined.
"Don't worry, I will" I said and began to talk out towards the lockers where my clothes waited for me. Before I got far, Jack gave another caress of my silk-clad ass cheeks which made me whimper just loudly enough for Jack to hear, who merely smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
I practically ran back as soon as I got away, taking off the outfit and storing it in my bag for later with Thomas, then pulling out my clothes and getting dressed. I had one last thing to do before heading to Thomas' dorm, and I smiled as I couldn't wait to see Eric's face as he took the cock cage off of me.
I left the office quickly and quietly, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes knowing they'd seen me wearing that outfit, I needed to maintain my confidence to prepare myself for the confrontation that awaited me, and sure enough, as soon as I opened the door to the frat house, the tension was palpable...
Little did I know how much more things would escalate following the moment I closed the door of the house behind me, but I also wouldn't change it no matter what.
End of Chapter 8.
Author's Note: Hello everyone! I know its been such a long time since I posted, I've been going through a lot recently but I'm back and ready to give you guys more sexy naked adventures ;)
Sebastian seems to have gotten the upper hand once more, but can he protect his friends as well as himself? We'll see in the upcoming chapters.
I hope you enjoyed the different path this chapter took, sexy outfits like the one Sebastian was forced to wear this chapter have been an background idea for a while, so please tell me if you guys liked it...if you did I'll be sure to include it in later chapters more. But until then, enjoy this latest installment!
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cupcakeinat0r · 8 months
A couple of yall asked for the booty routine so here u go, shawty <3
Ik this looks like a lot, but trust, bae, it’s important. I felt like if ima talk abt my routine, might as well talk a lil bit abt food too since both work as a team.
[First, let me say that I am by no means a professional. This is something I've learned and acquired through self-research, as well as having two siblings, one who is a bodybuilder and the other who is a personal trainer. Also, the gym is a safe n fun space for everyone:) Work out because you want to, not bc you think you need to look a certain way <3]
Here's my Split: I added my upper body days as well in case yall wanted to kno <3
Monday: Glutes + quads
Tuesday: Back + Biceps
Wednesday: Glutes + Hamstrings
Thursday: Chest + Tricep
Friday: Full Body
Saturday + Sunday: Active rest!!! (Could be running, walking, bicycling, etc., whatever is fun to do! My personal fav is the stair master for an hr or Running for 3 miles, but you do whatever you can. Listen to your body.)
In addition, I do cardio after each sesh on the weekdays. For me, that's running for like 2 miles or so, depends how I'm feeling, but you do whatever cardio you'd like! A good start could simply be inclined walking!
Also, pls pls pls remember rest days are VITALLL. If u want to grow that booty (which is something the couple of you specifically mentioned), those rest days are important bc this is the period when those muscles are actually repairing themselves from the workout, resulting in growth!!! A huge misconception is that “the muscles grow during the workout”… no. Ur actually tearin up those puppies, so that’s what rest days r for! Both rest + protein contribute to ur muscle repair + growth (I’ll talk abt protein intake later). Naturally, I like to rest Sat n Sun, but it could be any 2-3 days of the week. Sometimes, I be usin that Fri full-body sesh as a rest day too so liiiike... if u need to, please do (especially during periods uuuuugh).
As for specific Workouts, I'll list em here. These r for the booty ;)
Hip thrusts, booty + hamstrings
Romanian dead lift, booty + hammies
Goblet Squat, quad destroyer
Hip abductions, booty burner, omfg
Leg press, depends on footing. Higher on platform works hammies n booty, lower works quads.
Weighted Squats, the whole damn leg.
Body weight squats OR lunges (good for warm-ups)
Leg curl, hammies
Leg extension, quads
Bulgarian split squat, booty n whole leg
I do 4 sets of 12 <3
Nutrition plays a huuuge part as well, but I'll only talk very lil abt it since ion know yall's specific needs<3
Generally, if u want growth, just take ur current weight and put that in grams, for example = 170 lbs. -> 170 g of protein each day. Now, taking in the amount of protein u need can be hard at first, so just for the beginning, just try to at least get close to it then work ur way up. Foods high in protein that I like are Greek Yogurt, Chicken, Lean Ground Beef, Salmon, and snackies such as protein bars (avocado is like the holy grail for a phat booty just sayin. It's not protein, but it's the healthiest source of fat there is!). As for other groups (fat n carbs) don’t be so strict, bae… just use your portions. No need to restrict urself from ANY food bc no food is “bad”. I can talk allllll day abt this one but ima just shut up for now lmao.
PHEW, honestly, don't mention the gym around me cuz I will not shut up. Ima gym rat at heart so like I could literally keep writing abt this but bc literally, like, 3 ppl asked for this, Ima just wrap up here <3
Hope this was a lil bit of help @gltzpzy @mybvalentine @icenbroo <33333333
P.s. would it be cringe if I said I sometimes use Miguel as motivation??? Like he’s watchin me or som??? Bye, I hate that I do that, I’m like actually mentally unwell bc of that stupid mass of pixels Sony created ☠️
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optimal-living-lab · 5 months
Strength Training for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide
Strength training is an essential component of overall fitness, providing numerous benefits such as increased muscle mass, improved bone density, and enhanced metabolism. If you're new to strength training, getting started can feel overwhelming, but with the right guidance, it can be both enjoyable and rewarding. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the basics of strength training for beginners.
Understanding Strength Training
Strength training, also known as resistance training, involves exercises that use resistance to build muscle strength, endurance, and size. This resistance can come from various sources, including free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, or even your body weight.
Benefits of Strength Training
Increased Muscle Strength: Strength training helps to build and strengthen muscles, making everyday activities easier and reducing the risk of injury.
Improved Bone Health: It stimulates bone growth and can help prevent osteoporosis, especially important as we age.
Boosted Metabolism: Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so building muscle through strength training can help increase your resting metabolic rate, aiding in weight management.
Enhanced Functional Strength: It improves your ability to perform daily tasks, such as lifting, carrying, and bending.
Getting Started
1. Consult a Professional
Before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns, it's wise to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified personal trainer. They can help tailor a program to your specific needs and ensure you exercise safely.
2. Set Clear Goals
Identify what you want to achieve through strength training. Whether it's gaining muscle, losing weight, or improving overall fitness, having clear goals will guide your training program.
3. Start with Basic Exercises
Begin with compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously. These include:
Squats: Targets the legs, glutes, and core.
Deadlifts: Works the back, glutes, and hamstrings.
Push-ups: Engages the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
Rows: Targets the back, biceps, and shoulders.
4. Learn Proper Technique
Focus on mastering proper form and technique for each exercise to prevent injury and maximize results. If you're unsure, consider working with a personal trainer initially to learn the correct form.
5. Gradually Increase Intensity
Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as you get stronger. Aim for 2-3 strength training sessions per week, allowing at least 48 hours of rest between sessions to allow your muscles to recover and grow.
6. Incorporate Variety
Include a variety of exercises in your routine to target different muscle groups and keep your workouts interesting. This can include different types of resistance exercises, as well as cardio and flexibility training.
Tips for Success
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after workouts. If something doesn't feel right, stop and reassess your form or consult a professional.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to seeing results. Stick to your strength training program and make it a regular part of your routine.
Rest and Recovery: Allow your muscles time to recover between sessions to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.
Fuel Your Body: Eat a balanced diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support muscle growth and recovery.
Strength training is a valuable addition to any fitness regimen, offering a multitude of physical and mental benefits. By following this guide and staying committed to your goals, you can build strength, improve your overall health, and enhance your quality of life. Remember, progress takes time, so be patient and enjoy the journey to a stronger, healthier you!
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healthy444 · 4 months
What are the most effective exercises for weight loss?
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When it comes to losing weight, the key is to find exercises that you enjoy and can stick with consistently. Here are some of the most effective exercises for weight loss:
Walking: It's simple, free, and accessible. A brisk walk can burn calories, improve your mood, and be easy on your joints.
Running or Jogging: These are great for burning a lot of calories in a short time. If you're just starting out, you can alternate between jogging and walking.
Cycling: Whether on a stationary bike or riding outside, cycling is excellent for weight loss and also builds leg strength.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): These short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods are incredibly effective for burning calories and boosting metabolism.
Swimming: This full-body workout is gentle on the joints and great for building endurance and muscle while burning calories.
Strength Training: Lifting weights or doing body-weight exercises (like push-ups and squats) helps build muscle, which can increase your resting metabolism and help you burn more calories even when you're not working out.
Group Fitness Classes: Activities like Zumba, kickboxing, or spin classes can be fun and motivating, making it easier to stay consistent.
Yoga and Pilates: While these might not burn as many calories as some high-intensity workouts, they help with flexibility, muscle tone, and stress reduction, all of which support weight loss.
Rowing: This is a fantastic full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups and burns a significant number of calories. Plus, it’s low-impact.
Jumping Rope: It’s not just for kids! Jumping rope is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time.
Dance Workouts: From hip-hop to ballroom, dancing is a fun way to get your heart rate up and burn calories without it feeling like a chore.
Hiking: If you enjoy the outdoors, hiking is a great way to combine cardio with strength training (especially if you’re tackling hills).
Stair Climbing: Whether you use a stair machine at the gym or take the stairs whenever possible, this exercise targets your legs and glutes and can really get your heart pumping.
Kickboxing: This high-energy workout helps you burn calories while improving your coordination and building muscle.
Elliptical Trainer: This machine provides a low-impact workout that can help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health.
Additional Tips for Maximizing Weight Loss with Exercise:
Consistency is Key: Regular exercise is more important than occasional intense workouts. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, combined with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week.
Mix it Up: Variety can prevent boredom and target different muscle groups. Combine cardio with strength training and flexibility exercises for a well-rounded routine.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking water before, during, and after workouts helps maintain your energy levels and improves performance.
Monitor Your Progress: Keep track of your workouts and progress. This can help you stay motivated and make necessary adjustments to your routine.
Rest and Recovery: Don’t underestimate the power of rest. Your muscles need time to recover, which helps prevent injuries and improve performance over time.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after workouts. It's important to push yourself, but not to the point of injury or burnout.
By incorporating a variety of these exercises and tips into your routine, you'll be better equipped to lose weight and improve your overall fitness. Remember, the journey to weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, so find what works best for you and stick with it!
Remember, the best exercise for weight loss is the one you enjoy and can do regularly. Combining different types of workouts can also keep things interesting and work different parts of your body. And don't forget to pair your exercise routine with a healthy diet for the best results!
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Ello good sir how do you do I humbly request a detailed description on shiggys squat prowess
But first, some introduction at how Tomura ended up doing squats in the first place:
In my mind, Tomura is the type that gets boring with repetitive exercises. The most working out he does is related to life or death situations. The rest of the time? Videogames, hating everything, you know. He likes to fight, but not much doing the same movement 20 times in three sets, okay?
It all started with Spinner.
As we know, Spinner visibly works out. Knowing him, he'd ask Shigaraki to train with him at some point. Tomura would try to say no, an opportunity for the League to make fun of him, saying he's the type who wouldn't stand one round or that he's scared of physical exercise, etc.
That's how we got Shigaraki Tomura to do his first ever set of squats.
Hmmm, I don't know how familiar my readers are with working out jargon, so let me explain:
Repetitions means a single movement, like each individual squat.
A set is the number of determined repetitions, like each set has 5 repetitions = 5 squats.
A round is the number of determined sets, like each round has 3 sets. 1 round = 15 squats.
Here's the thing: squats need strength from your core (abs, sides of the body and lower back) to stabilize your body as it controls the movement up and down. Squats also draw strength from the glutes (muscles around your ass and hips) and from the entire length of the legs (especially the thighs!). The basic types target the lower muscles of the body, but some combinations aim to work the entire body!!
Tomura starts out with the classical body weight squat like most people do, setting the goal as a round of 2 sets with 10 repetitions each.
I think Tomura would complain the whole time over how tedious it is, but he completed the sets AND did a second round. Spinner is impressed because he thought Tomura looked too skinny to be able to complete it successfully without being truly tired. He was not even sweating!
Let's say he rarely accompanies Spinner when he works out. There's no time anyway. They're too busy running away or trying to survive.
When he does, Spinner manipulates Tomura (or he thinks so) through his competitiveness to do as many rounds as he can. They make it harder by talking while doing squats. Spinner knows when Tomura is close to the limit 'cause his legs start to shake, his voice becomes breathy and he frowns more, as if he needs to concentrate to keep his usual control over his body. Tomura tends to lay down almost lifeless after each session, chugging down energy drinks or eating whatever snack Kurogiri has placed there for their post-workout.
It's not 'til Tomura starts fighting Gigantomachia and after My Villain Academia that Tomura turns into the squad monster that he is.
All that jumping from rock to rock to fight Machia got Tomura's lower body muscles made of steel. He inherited the body type of the Shimuras, who are naturally fit and tend to gain lean muscle if they work out. Have you seen Nana Shimura and how absolutely fine she looked in her suit? Have you seen her arms? Kotaro looked squarely built in the lean sense too.
You know how I know that Tomura gained muscle fighting Machia? You can compare his neck from his first chapters to his neck after fighting Machia for weeks. You can also check how the surgery to get All for one affected his body. Look:
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He's kinda cheating, but then again he underwent 4 months of pure hell to get the strength and the body. 4 months that looked like this:
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He destroyed Spinner in their squat competition after the surgery. Totally obliterated him, to the point Tomura had to try more complex squats or it'd be too boring.
I'm talking freaking about back squats with a lot of weight, the type that highlight all his muscles and have the sweat running through the lines on his skin where the muscles cave in. Front squads that have his pants suffering because they're so close to bursting given the pressure on the thighs. One leg squads with weight that have him going down slowly and up like it's nothing to him, like he is not carrying the weight of his entire body and some more with just one leg. He can do air squats and play videogames at the same time. He once carried Spinner on his back to prove he could do the squads with his weight as practice. His sumo squats are accompanied by his usual self-satisfied smirk, because that's the perfect payback for all the comments about his skinny ass. The minute he starts doing jump squats to push ups WITH FREAKING WEIGHT, that's when Spinner is out.
He's a total asshole about it because he knows he is that good at squats and doesn't care to point out if Spinner is being "pathetic", right before he offers a hand for Spinner to stand up.
I think he goes to sit on a chair and all his muscles bulge naturally. They need to shop for new pants (they steal them of course lol). That man has an absurd tiny waist and it doesn't help that both his shoulders and legs gain definition over time.
Just look for the latest panels with him in it. It's absurd!!!!
The only one who could win a squat competition is Deku and maybe Iida, because their fight styles are kick-based. For the rest? Crushing defeat.
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totallynotm4e · 3 months
🌺Here’s my summer plans and how I plan to achieve them
🌺So In my last post I posted my body goals so here:
Okay so my plan is to loss 12 pounds tone up and get flexible I want to shrink my waist 2 inches slim my thighs and arms and get bigger hips and glutes (I’m black btw)
Cw:110 lbs
🌺Here’s my diet plan probably 2-3 weeks each
- Fruit week (possible detox phase, limited nutrient intake)
- Protein and fiber diet (intermittent fasting, balanced nutrition)
- Protein-only diet (possible loss of muscle mass if calorie intake is too low)
- Balanced diet (final two weeks, focus on overall health and nutrition).
🌺Here is the workout I’m going to stick too just to generalize it.
1. Waist Shrinking: Focus on exercises that target the abdominal muscles such as crunches, leg raises, and oblique twists.
2. Thighs Slimming: Incorporate exercises such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts to target your thigh muscles.
3. Bigger Hips and Glutes: Work on your glute muscles with exercises such as hip thrusts, lateral band walks, and glute bridges.
4. Tone Arms: Incorporate exercises like push-ups, bicep curls, and triceps dips into your routine.
I want y’all approval
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nymphex · 20 days
How-to: Stay healthy while on a calorie deficit
Meal Ideas Breakfast:
Egg White Omelet with Veggies
3 large egg whites: ~51 calories
1 cup spinach: ~7 calories
1/2 cup mushrooms: ~8 calories
1 small tomato: ~16 calories Total: ~82 calories
Greek Yogurt with Berries
1/2 cup non-fat Greek yogurt: ~50 calories
1/4 cup fresh berries: ~20 calories
1 tsp chia seeds: ~20 calories Total: ~90 calories
Zucchini Noodles with Marinara and Lean Turkey
1 medium zucchini (spiralized): ~33 calories
1/2 cup marinara sauce: ~60 calories
3 oz ground turkey (lean, cooked): ~150 calories Total: ~243 calories
Vegetable Stir-Fry with Tofu
1 cup bell peppers: ~24 calories
1 cup broccoli: ~55 calories
1/2 cup zucchini: ~17 calories
1/4 block firm tofu: ~94 calories
1 tsp olive oil: ~40 calories Total: ~230 calories
Salad with Grilled Chicken
2 cups mixed greens: ~10 calories
1/2 cup cucumber: ~8 calories
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes: ~15 calories
3 oz grilled chicken breast: ~140 calories
1 tbsp balsamic vinaigrette: ~30 calories Total: ~203 calories
Vegetable Soup
1 cup vegetable broth: ~10 calories
1/2 cup carrots: ~25 calories
1/2 cup celery: ~8 calories
1/2 cup green beans: ~20 calories
1/2 cup white beans: ~100 calories Total: ~163 calories
Sliced Veggies with Hummus
1/2 cup carrot sticks: ~25 calories
2 tbsp hummus: ~70 calories Total: ~95 calories
Apple Slices with Nut Butter
1 small apple: ~55 calories
1 tbsp almond butter: ~98 calories Total: ~153 calories
Supplements and Nutrient Boosts Make sure you don't lose out on your essential vitamins, those are crucial for your physical and mental health - for example, some help get rid of brain fog, insomnia and/or trouble staying asleep **and you'll feel more energized which means you'll be able to move around more!** + workouts! (You don't want your muscles to hurt when you're working out.)
Multivitamin: Covers daily nutritional gaps, including essential vitamins and minerals.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: supports heart health and reduces inflammation.
Vitamin D3: vital for bone health and immune function.
Magnesium Supplement: supports muscle function and prevents cramps. (it also helps with period cramps!)
Calcium Supplement: crucial for bone health and muscle function. MUST have optimal levels of calcium at all times, trust me, hypocalcemia is no fun.
Probiotics: aids digestion and gut health.
B-Complex Vitamins: supports energy metabolism. **no, calories in pills DON'T COUNT.**
Workout Routine
Focus Areas: Building Muscle, Slimming Tummy, Burning Fat
1. Strength Training (3-4 times a week):
Deadlifts (3 sets of 8-10 reps): Full-body strength, focuses on legs, back, and core.
Squats (3 sets of 12-15 reps): Targets legs and glutes, helps build lower body strength.
Lunges (3 sets of 12-15 reps per leg): Engages glutes, hamstrings, and quads.
Push-Ups (3 sets of 10-12 reps): Strengthens chest, shoulders, and triceps.
Plank (3 sets, hold for 30-60 seconds): Core exercise that also engages shoulders and glutes.
Russian Twists (3 sets of 20 twists): Focuses on obliques and core, helps slim the waist.
2. Cardio (4-5 times a week):
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):
20-30 minutes per session, alternating between intense bursts (e.g., sprinting) and short recovery periods (e.g., walking).
Steady-State Cardio:
30-45 minutes of moderate intensity (e.g., jogging, cycling, swimming).
3. Core-Specific Workouts (3 times a week):
Bicycle Crunches (3 sets of 15-20 reps): Engages the entire core.
Leg Raises (3 sets of 15 reps): Targets the lower abs.
Mountain Climbers (3 sets of 20 reps): Full-body cardio move with core focus.
4. Flexibility and Recovery (2-3 times a week):
Yoga or Stretching: 20-30 minutes of flexibility exercises to enhance recovery and prevent injury.
Total Daily Calories
Average Calorie Intake: ~900-1200 calories This range is low, so it’s very important to monitor how your body responds and adjust as needed to avoid negative health effects.
Important Reminders:
Listen to Your Body: Regardless of what's promoted in the community, or how quickly you see others reacing their GW's, always prioritize your health over rapid results. If you feel fatigued, dizzy, or unwell, it’s essential to reassess your calorie intake or exercise intensity.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated, aid digestion, and support overall metabolism. (no, energy drinks and coffee doesn't count)
Rest and Sleep: Ensure you’re getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support recovery and overall well-being.
Self-Compassion: Remember that progress takes time. Be kind to yourself and celebrate every small victory along the way. You don't just become the butterfly overnight. Turn it into a lifestyle, rather than a fast road.
BONUS: How to get through a plateau Hitting a weight loss plateau can be frustrating and discouraging, but it's a common part of the journey. Here’s how to overcome it: 1. Reassess Your Calorie Intake
Track Your Calories: Double-check your food portions and calorie counts. As you lose weight, your body needs fewer calories, so what worked before might need adjusting.
Create a Small Calorie Deficit: If you’ve been consistent with your calorie intake, consider reducing it slightly—by about 100-200 calories per day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Metabolism Days!!!
Prevent Metabolic Adaptation: When you're on a calorie deficit for an extended period, your body can adapt by slowing down your metabolism. Metab days help to "trick" your body into thinking it's getting enough fuel, which can prevent or reverse this slowdown.
Boost Hormones: Eating more can temporarily boost levels of leptin, a hormone that plays a key role in regulating hunger and metabolism. Higher leptin levels can help increase energy expenditure.
Mental Break: It provides a psychological break from restrictive eating, making it easier to stick to your overall diet plan.
How to Implement Metab Days
Increase Calories: On metab days, you increase your calorie intake to maintenance level or slightly above. This can be an increase of 300-500 calories depending on your usual intake.
Focus on Carbohydrates: Many people use metab days to increase their carbohydrate intake because carbs can have a more significant impact on leptin levels. This might include adding foods like whole grains, starchy vegetables, and fruits.
Frequency: Metab days can be done once a week or once every two weeks, depending on your dieting strategy and how long you’ve been in a calorie deficit.
Stay Active: Continue with your regular exercise routine, as this will help ensure the extra calories are used effectively and support muscle growth and recovery.
Example of a Metab Day Plan
Breakfast: Whole-grain pancakes with fruit and a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Snack: A smoothie made with banana, oats, and almond milk.
Lunch: Grilled chicken wrap with avocado, lettuce, and a side of sweet potato fries.
Snack: Handful of nuts and a piece of fruit.
Dinner: Salmon with quinoa and roasted vegetables.
Dessert: A small portion of dark chocolate or a fruit salad.
Prevents Plateaus: By occasionally boosting your calorie intake, you help keep your metabolism more active, which can prevent weight loss plateaus.
Improves Energy Levels: A day with more food can help restore energy levels, making it easier to maintain high-intensity workouts.
Supports Mental Health: It provides a mental break from constant restriction, which can improve adherence to your diet in the long term.
Avoid Overeating: The goal is to eat more than on a typical day, but not to binge. Keep the increase controlled and within a reasonable range.
Monitor Progress: Track how your body responds to metab days. If you notice consistent weight gain, you may need to adjust the frequency or calorie increase.
Metab days can be a useful tool in a structured weight loss or fitness plan, helping to maintain a healthy metabolism and support long-term success. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2. Shake Up Your Workout Routine
Increase Intensity: Push yourself a bit harder in your workouts. Try adding more weight to strength training or increasing the speed/intensity of your cardio.
Incorporate HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training is effective for breaking plateaus. Short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest can boost your metabolism.
Change the Type of Exercise: If you’ve been doing the same workouts for a while, your body may have adapted. Try a new activity like swimming, boxing, or cycling to challenge different muscle groups.
3. Prioritize Strength Training
Build More Muscle: Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, so incorporating more strength training can help rev up your metabolism. Focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.
4. Revise Your Macros
Adjust Protein Intake: Ensure you’re getting enough protein, as it helps preserve muscle mass while you lose fat. Consider increasing protein slightly while reducing carbs or fats.
Consider Carb Cycling: This involves varying your carbohydrate intake on different days—higher carbs on workout days and lower carbs on rest days.
5. Manage Stress Levels
Stress and Cortisol: High stress can increase cortisol, which may lead to weight gain or hinder weight loss. Incorporate stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or even simple deep-breathing exercises.
Adequate Sleep: Lack of sleep can affect hunger hormones and lead to weight gain. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.
6. Hydrate Properly
Drink More Water: Sometimes, the body retains water, which can mask fat loss. Drinking more water helps reduce water retention and supports metabolic processes.
7. Cycle Your Caloric Intake
Calorie Cycling: Vary your calorie intake throughout the week. For example, eat at maintenance level (or slightly above) for a couple of days and then go back to a deficit. This can prevent your metabolism from adapting too much to a low-calorie diet.
8. Mind Your Eating Habits
Avoid Mindless Eating: Be mindful of snacks and portion sizes. It’s easy to consume extra calories without realizing it.
Intermittent Fasting: Consider trying intermittent fasting, where you eat all your meals within a specific time window (e.g., 8 hours). This can help control calorie intake and improve insulin sensitivity.
9. Evaluate Your Overall Health
Check Hormonal Balance: Hormonal issues like thyroid dysfunction can contribute to a plateau. If you suspect a problem, consult with a healthcare provider.
Check for reproductive issues - such as PCOS (can make you gain weight easier and/or have a hard time losing weight)
Consider Metabolism Testing: Some fitness centers or health clinics offer metabolism testing, which can give you insight into how many calories you should be consuming.
10. Stay Patient and Persistent
Reframe the Plateau: Understand that a plateau is your body’s way of adjusting to new changes. It’s a sign that you might need to mix things up but doesn’t mean your progress has stopped permanently.
Track Non-Scale Victories: Pay attention to how your clothes fit, your energy levels, and your body measurements. Progress can be happening in ways other than the scale.
11. Consider a Break
Diet Break: Taking a break from a strict calorie deficit for a week or two (eating at maintenance) can reset your metabolism and reduce stress, making it easier to resume weight loss afterward.
12. Stay Consistent
Stick to Your Plan: Even if the scale isn’t moving, staying consistent with healthy eating and exercise is crucial. Over time, the plateau will likely break.
Remember, patience and consistency are key. Weight loss plateaus are normal, and with the right adjustments, you can push through and continue progressing toward your goals. This isn't talked about enough here, and if this helped anyone, then it's what makes me the happiest. You don't have to make yourself get sicker, just to feel valid. Remember, being healthy and having your vitamins in check is most important, as your energy levels will be optimized. More energy -> more moving around -> more calories burnt!
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rachellaurengray · 4 months
Meet your new workout essentials
Looking to sculpt your dream physique? Meet your new workout essentials: Abs of Steel, Buns of Steel, and SteelFit + Tone by SteelFit. These revolutionary creams are designed to help you achieve a sculpted core, toned glutes, and overall body contouring with ease.
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Here's how they work:
Abs of Steel - Define Your Core:
Get ready to reveal those hard-earned abs with Abs of Steel. This advanced heat-activated cream is formulated to give you the appearance of a chiseled, rock-hard core. Here's what it does:
- Fat-Burning Formula: Abs of Steel contains a powerful blend of ingredients like L-Carnitine, Caffeine, and Coenzyme A, targeting stubborn fat cells and promoting fat breakdown.
- Targeted Results: The cream targets fat cells in the abdominal area, enhancing muscle definition and reducing excess fat.
- Skin Tightening: With ancient Chinese medicinal herbs, Abs of Steel tightens and firms the skin, reducing subcutaneous fat and giving you a more sculpted appearance.
Buns of Steel - Firm and Tone Your Glutes:
Say goodbye to sagging glutes with Buns of Steel. This toning cream is designed to firm and tighten your rear for a lifted and sculpted look. Here's what it does:
- Cellulite Reduction: Buns of Steel targets cellulite by promoting fat breakdown and improving blood flow, resulting in smoother, firmer skin.
- Skin Firming: The cream contains ingredients that help tighten and firm the skin, reducing sagging and creating a more lifted appearance.
SteelFit + Tone - Contour and Firm Your Body:
Introducing SteelFit + Tone, the ultimate contouring and firming cream. This innovative formula is designed to sculpt and define your body, targeting areas prone to sagging and cellulite. Here's what it does:
- Contouring Effects: SteelFit + Tone helps define and sculpt your body, giving you a more toned and defined appearance.
- Skin Firming: With powerful ingredients, this cream firms and tightens the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite and creating a smoother texture.
How to Use:
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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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fitnessnirvana · 1 month
The leg press is an excellent piece of equipment for both beginners and advanced lifters. The leg press can help you increase strength and size.
How to use the leg press:
Sit on the footplate with your feet hip-width apart and your knees at a 90-degree angle. Push out and straighten your legs, keeping a tiny bend in the knees. Slowly return to the starting position, taking care not to let the weights in the stack touch to keep the resistance on your muscles.
Taking it to the next level:
Every time you use the machine, aim to increase the number of reps, sets, and intensity. You may even raise your feet higher up the platform to concentrate on your glutes and do reps one leg at a time, which is especially good after an injury to avoid overworking your stronger leg. Squats and lunges are other exercises that can produce similar outcomes.
What are the benefits of using the leg press?
The leg press is an excellent piece of equipment for anyone who wants to strengthen their legs. While it primarily targets the quadriceps, it also works the hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Unlike the squat, the leg press does not require upper body strength, allowing you to train with upper body injuries or difficulties. It is also easier to perform unilateral exercises on the leg press, which can help to correct muscular imbalances.
Ready to give it a go?
Regardless of your aim or fitness level, there is a leg press training program for you. In reality, we have compiled our recommendations below:
Beginner: 3 sets of 12 - 8 reps (increasing weight per set and then loading every week) Intermediate: 4 sets of 8 reps with a maximum weight per set. Make sure you complete all 8 reps Advanced: 5 sets of 6 - 8 reps with alternating lunges (same reps as leg press) superset after each set
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zzzallnite · 1 year
- The Mole - 
“I swear on my children, I didn’t say anything to the cops!” Leo pleads, while nervously eyeing up the boss, who’s pacing around him with a gun in his hand. Leo has been working for Moretti for years as a book keeper. Things went smoothly for the mobster, up until a few months ago, the NYPD started intercepting his business deals. There is a rumor that there is a snitch within his organization. And when Leo was interrogated by the police, all the suspicions were pointing toward him, which made me slightly relieved, as I am actually the mole.
“Hm, look, I.... HRRGHHH!!”, Leo grunted as the butt of Moretti’s pistol lands on the back of his head. I could see the brief expression of pain writing on his face, before all of his facial muscles relax as he drops flat on the floor. The boss kneels down, and pulls the unconscious man’s shirt so hard that to the point that some of the buttons fly off, revealing Leo’s hairy torso with a small shaved patch where a small wire is taped on. The boss is clearly fuming as his face turns red like a ripe tomato, and he points the gun at Leo, ready to finish him.
Little does the mobster knows, that Leo and I have made a deal behind his back: Leo is taking part of Moretti’s dirty money to fund both of our secret exit from his business, while I cover up for him until the money is transferred. Unfortunately, the transaction made by Leo was what alerted the cop. If Leo dies, I will probably be stuck here until I fulfill my duty as Moretti’s human shield, or even the next target for his paranoia. I have to do something...
I quickly jump in between the big boss and the out cold Leo; it luckily makes Moretti lower his weapon and he waits for my next move. I take out a syringe filled with some sort of liquid and open the cap with my teeth, pull Leo’s trouser low enough so I could jam the needle in his glute and pump the content of the syringe into his body.
“Don’t need to spill the blood now, the cops are already on to us. The poison will do the trick instead”, I try to trick Moretti into believing that I just euthanized Leo, but it was just some ketamine that I smuggled from a local vet. Leo would wake up eventually unharmed, if ignoring the bump on his head. But for now, our lives depend on how good I am at lying.
“Check his asshole!”, the boss orders. It is such an odd thing to do, but understandable considering the man has been jumpy lately. I hesitantly pull Leo trousers and undies all the way to his knees, allowing his cock and balls to fall limp on the ground. I grab his butt cheeks and clench my thumbs on the rim of his anus, widening it so that Moretti can see also that there’s nothing hidden in there. “Now put your dick in”, Moretti says, while waving the gun at me. “This snitching fucker doesn’t deserve a nice, easy death. This would be your reward as well, I know you fag like to eat ass, don’t ya?”
Although I indeed like to fuck other men, the circumstance that I am in now is rather turning me off. But I have no choice but to comply, if I want to get both out alive. “Co’mon, do it! We don't have all day!” Moretti grinds his teeth as he looks into my eyes, while he lifts Leo’s limp dick up with his gun, flapping it around, waiting for my move. I look back down on Leo’s face and sigh; the poor guy does not know what’s going to happen to him.
I start to rub my penis until it is hard enough to thrust inside the unconscious man’s asshole; the lack of grip indicates that he is still lights out. I keep slamming inside him until the mob boss bursts out laughing at my visible discomfort, and then he stands up and walks out alongside another henchman. “I’ll leave you two ladies alone. Make sure to clean up before you go.” The moment everybody has left the room, I pull out my cock, now covered in scum particles, and blow a huge load on Leo’s buttock. I just use the rug on the floor to wipe it off, and proceed with the plan that I’ve been cooking up in my mind.
I put my hand on Leo’s chest to check if he’s still breathing; it is still warm and gently puffing up and down, which is a good sign. Unfortunately, the sedative I gave him is still having effect so for now it will be a one man show, featuring me. I throw the poor man’s limp body over my shoulder and carry him to the back seat off my car where he dozes off the drug, while I drive away from there as fast that I could.
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fitnessmentor · 9 months
300 Squats Every Day for 30 Days Transform Your Body?
Squats: Try this fun challenge.
Please scroll down to the video to find out how it goes.
What are the benefits of strong legs?
Solid legs provide several benefits for your overall health and fitness with squats. Here are some of the key advantages:
Improved balance and stability: Strong legs help you maintain balance and strength, preventing falls and reducing the risk of injury.
Increased mobility and flexibility: Strong legs allow you to move more freely and flexibly, improving your overall range of motion and reducing stiffness.
Enhanced athletic performance: Strong legs are essential for many sports and physical activities, such as running, jumping, and cycling. Having strong legs can help you perform better and achieve your fitness goals.
Reduced risk of injury: Strong legs can help support your body and reduce the risk of injury to your knees, hips, and ankles. This is particularly important as you age and become more susceptible to injuries.
Improved metabolism: The muscles in your legs are some of the largest in your body, and building strength in these muscles can help boost your metabolism and burn more calories.
Increased bone density: Strength training for your legs can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, especially for women.
Having strong legs is an essential aspect of physical health and fitness and can positively impact many areas of your life.
Video: 300 Squats Every Day for 30 Days
What are the muscles of the legs?
The muscles of the legs are some of the largest and most powerful muscles in the body. They are responsible for many essential functions, such as walking, running, jumping, and standing upright. Here are the major muscle groups in the legs:
Quadriceps: The quadriceps are a group of four muscles located in the front of the thigh. They are responsible for extending the knee and straightening the leg.
Hamstrings: The hamstrings are a group of three muscles in the back of the thigh. They are responsible for flexing the knee and bending the leg.
Glutes: The glutes, or buttocks muscles, are a group of three muscles located in the back of the hip. They are responsible for extending the hip and rotating the thigh.
Adductors: The adductors are a group of muscles on the inner thigh. They are responsible for bringing the legs together and stabilizing the pelvis.
Abductors: The abductors are a group of muscles on the outer hip. They are responsible for moving the legs away from the body and stabilizing the pelvis.
Calves: The calves are a group of two muscles located on the back of the lower leg. They are responsible for flexing the ankle and pointing the foot downward.
These muscles work together to provide strength, stability, and mobility to the legs and are essential for many everyday activities and athletic performance.
What are the best sets and reps for building muscle?
The best sets and reps for building muscle will depend on several factors, including your fitness level, training experience, and specific goals. However, some general guidelines can help you design an effective muscle-building workout:
Aim for 3–4 sets per exercise. Performing 3–4 sets of an exercise allows you to target the muscle group with enough volume to stimulate growth without overtaxing your body.
Perform 8–12 reps per set. This rep range is ideal for building muscle because it provides enough tension and stress on the muscle fibers to promote hypertrophy or muscle growth.
Rest for 60–90 seconds between sets. Taking short rest periods helps your muscles recover and maintain intensity throughout your workout.
Increase weight or reps gradually over time: As you get stronger, gradually increasing the weight or reps can help challenge your muscles and promote further growth.
Focus on compound exercises: Compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses work multiple muscle groups at once, making them highly effective for building overall muscle mass.
Incorporate various exercises: Using multiple exercises that target different muscle groups can help prevent plateaus and keep your workouts challenging and effective.
It’s important to note that muscle building is a gradual process that requires consistency, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest and recovery. Consult a certified personal trainer or exercise professional to design a workout plan tailored to your needs and goals.
Why is Consistency Important for Going to the Gym?
Consistency is one of the most important factors when going to the gym and achieving your fitness goals. Here are a few reasons why consistency is so important:
Builds habits: Consistently going to the gym helps to build habits that become ingrained in your daily routine. The more you go to the gym, the easier it becomes to make it a part of your lifestyle.
Increases progress: Consistency in your workouts helps you progress steadily toward your goals. When you consistently challenge your muscles, they adapt and strengthen, leading to better results.
Helps maintain motivation: Consistency helps to maintain your motivation and keep you on track with your fitness goals. When you see the progress you’re making, it becomes easier to stay motivated and committed to your workout routine.
Improves mental health: Consistent exercise has been shown to improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Going to the gym regularly can be a great way to improve your overall well-being.
Promotes discipline: Consistently going to the gym requires discipline and commitment, which can help you develop these qualities in other areas of your life.
Consistency is crucial for achieving your fitness goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By making exercise a regular part of your routine, you can build habits, make steady progress, stay motivated, and enjoy the many benefits of regular physical activity.
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enm-enthusiast · 1 year
The Exhibitionists Club Ch. 4 - Jack Part 2
Last chapter we saw Jack witness the preliminary wrestling match between his colleagues Daniel and Roderick, in which Daniel surprisingly came out the victor, but now before both of their cocks were put on display in front of the entire crowd. Now, Jack has to face his own boss, Henry in a strip wrestling match, can he emerge victorious and get through his initiation unscathed? Or will he end up a naked loser?...
I swallowed the growing pit in my throat as I followed Henry up on the stage, and as I did I took the chance to size my boss up. He wasn’t as tall as me, standing at 5’10 compared to my 6’2 but he was bulkier, his thighs and arm muscles far exceeded my own and from the stories I had heard around the office he knew how to use them. His casual clothes couldn’t hide his rather impressive glutes, either, and I couldn’t help but admire his toned and meaty globes attached to his backside. His graying dirty blonde hair was cut short, and had recently shaved his neat, handsome face, his piercing hazel eyes turned to look at me and flash a dazzling, knowing wink and a smile before taking the final steps up on stage.
I followed him up, the bright lights flooding my vision and making me temporarily squint as my eyes adjusted from the darkness of the crowd. Ian greeted us as he did Daniel and Rod, we introduced ourselves to him, afterwards he turned back to the crowd and said “There you have it gents, our next two volunteers! And may I say what hunks, am I right?” He said.
Many from the crowd voiced their agreement and I thought I heard one even say: “Tear his clothes off, blondie!” and I felt my face flush from heat as I knew who they were referring to.
“Let’s wait and see who rips off whose clothes first, shall we? Now, to repeat, there is no biting, kicking, or low blows to sensitive areas, either of you get caught doing this by me or security and we will remove you from the premises, right?” He said, matter of fact. Both me and Henry nodded our heads and Ian waved us down to the ring and we separated to take opposing spots with me on the left and Henry on the right.
“And remember! First one to lose all his clothes will lose the match, and you can either keep or return the loser's underwear, and with that, let’s get this show on the road!” Ian finished and me and Henry both took our socks and shoes off, taking our first careful steps inside the oil-slicked ring.
I was wearing casual navy blue shorts, a red shirt, and a red and black jockstrap underneath it all…I told myself that my opponent would be someone I could handle enough that I wouldn’t lose more than my shirt. True enough, if anyone else BUT Henry had been chosen to wrestle me my victory was guaranteed, no doubt it's why he's my opponent.
Henry himself was wearing black cargo shorts and a black tank top, showing off his muscled arms which threatened to put me in a hold I’d never escape from if he managed it. We began sizing each other up in the precious few seconds we had before Ian started his countdown to begin. My best chance was to evade being grappled by his arms and focus on his legs which would slow him down. I’d go for his tank top first, the straps were an easy target that wouldn’t be an issue for me to simply rip off of him. 
“1!” Ian shouted, his countdown had begun.
I spread my legs open and crouched, storing energy in my legs in case I got the opportunity to pounce and wrap my legs around him. 
Henry moved his arms up in a defensive position, which made me think he was either preparing for a straight up attack or was feinting and trying to catch me off-guard. 
The match had begun, and true enough he was feinting, because I didn’t move first, instead he lunged at me like lightning after the first few seconds had passed. My eyes widened and I moved to sidestep him but he reached his arm out which managed to grab right onto my left hand and he pulled me along with him.
I pried my hand from his grasp and moved before he could, he was against the edge of the ring and so I wrapped my legs around his waist and hooked my arms underneath his and pulled upwards. Within the first minute I managed to get him firmly pinned.
“Fuck…your quicker than I thought” Henry said, his voice hoarse from the breath being knocked out of him.
“Maybe you're just getting slow, old man,” I said, my smile widening. I noticed my crotch was pressed into his lower back, right against his firm ass. As soon as I realized, I could feel my cock start to respond and I cursed myself silently as the more I restrained Henry the more his ass pressed upwards onto my crotch.
My bulge was growing as I could feel his glutes rubbing up against me, despite the layers of fabric in between. Henry tried to free an arm and I responded by lifting Henry up further which as soon as I did it, I knew it was a mistake.
I landed his backside right in the middle of my crotch, my shaft was even rising in a way that nestled itself between his cheeks and at the contact I couldn’t help but bite my lip and said “Fucckkkk” under my breath.
Henry, damn him, heard me and even from this angle I saw a smile split his face. “What’s the matter, tough guy? Is all this muscle too much for you? Or are you just happy to see me” He said and I could tell he had noticed something poking at his ass and my expression of arousal had only confirmed his suspicions. 
I didn’t answer, but even while restrained he could still slightly move and so he took it upon himself to sway his ass from side to side, effectively grinding his ass against my quickly growing cock.
I sucked in a breath as the contact only made my cock grow to full mast inside my shorts and jockstrap. I felt my head swirl with lust as I wanted to completely tear off Henry’s clothes and bend him over and fuck him senseless but I had to focus, I had to keep him pinned so I could rip off his tank top. I managed to clear my head at least for a moment so I had to act fast because as soon as one of his arms was free it would only be a few seconds before he broke away completely.
As Henry continued grinding against me, I counted down internally and as soon as I hit 5 I once again lifted Henry up, bending his back and while he was distracted I let go of his left arm and immediately grabbed ahold of the left strap of his tank top and Henry was beginning to realize what I was doing.
I tightened my grip, released my legs around his waist, and whilst pushing my legs away while still holding onto his left strap…
I lunged away but half his tank top came with me, the rest was in shreds around him and was now stripped to his waist, and the crowd cheered as I lifted up the garment in a momentary victory and threw it into the crowd. Henry turned to face me, now bare-chested and as I always suspected was quite hairy but still very well built and stocky. His torso was already beginning to glisten from the oil, because as soon as I had jumped away he had landed on the ground, and it only accentuated his large male pecs which rippled with muscle as he instinctively flexed them as he ripped away the remaining shreds of his shirt.
The movement stirred something in me, his large dominating figure awakened something primal, and I felt an equal urge to both break and bend his ass over for me…and for him to utterly pound me into submission. My cock twitched in response as it continued to throb, still imprisoned within my jockstrap. 
“I see you haven’t lost your edge, it’s too bad though…playtime’s over” Henry said, his eyes locked onto mine and the look in them sent a tingle down my spine, and a chilling dread in the pit of my stomach. His expression wasn’t one of rage or amusement like it was before, no, his face was stone-cold and determined, and it both frightened and turned me on at the same time.
He readied himself, arms up in defense and I matched his movements in quick succession. We then circled one another as we slowly traversed the floor of the ring on our knees, each waiting for a sign of weakness, and it wasn’t until someone in the crowd nearby coughed that Henry made his move. 
He lunged forward and so did I, and our palms slammed into each other, the force of which had me slide backwards a few feet. This didn’t deter me as I knew my next target was his shorts, and I briefly glanced down at them until my eyes locked right onto his crotch…
He had a full on bulge going on, and judging from the size of the tent he was pitching down there, the old man had nothing to be ashamed of unlike poor Rod. 
I had to force myself to look away and locked eyes on Henry’s again, who noticed where my eyes had gone but his expression hadn’t changed, he still looked like he was equally ready to end me as much as strip me naked. 
Our arms were locked in a struggle, and I was holding my own for the moment but I could already feel the strain on my arms weakening my resistance against the slow push of his arms against mine. I tried to push back in a vain attempt to knock him off his balance and I did succeed in sliding him back a bit, however Henry just smiled, a cold, wicked smile and said “it’s cute how you think this is my full strength, time to show you how it’s done”.
He breathed in deeply and his arm muscles rippled and he pushed with much more force this time, and my arms, already strained, couldn't keep up and I lost my grip. Henry seized the advantage and lunged forward and I was too slow to react to try and evade him. With one arm he bound mine behind my back and slammed me down on the ground with my arms pinned underneath me. He used his right arm to hold my torso in place while his legs held down my own. 
He didn’t waste any time gloating or taunting, no he went straight for my throat with his free left hand and gripped the collar of my shirt tightly in his fist. He leaned down towards my ear and without warning he softly licked my earlobe which, despite myself I whimpered and felt my body tingle as he did so. My face flooded with heat as he said “you have no idea how bad you're gonna get it, this is just the start” and with a growl in his throat he tightened his grip on my shirt…and pulled.
He completely tore off my shirt, leaving my furry but stocky and well-built chest exposed. The crowd was loving it, they watched Henry completely turn the tables on me and had me firmly pinned, there wasn’t anything I could do to escape unless he wanted me to. Suddenly, he gave both my nipples a twist which made me suddenly gasp and say “Ahhh…fuckkk” I said.
My cock throbbed inside my shorts and Henry noticed the tent in my pants suddenly lurch upward. His grin grew even wider now, and he twisted my nipples again, and again. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from moaning, instead I put every ounce of energy into looking for an opportunity to escape. However, my hopes were in vain as  he twisted my nipples one last time, and harder too, I couldn’t help but let out a soft “Mmmmm” 
While I was distracted, Henry suddenly stepped off me and before I could react he flipped me over onto my stomach and quickly put down my flailing legs and held my arms down with his right. Henry didn’t waste any time in giving my ass a quick slip before saying “time to lose the shorts” he said out loud.
Some in the crowd had heard him and they began to chant the words “lose the shorts!” “lose the shorts!” “lose the shorts!” they said, each time more voices joined in. I couldn’t tell if our colleagues had joined in or not but soon enough their voices chanted in near unison for Henry to divest me of another piece of clothing.
After a few moments, Henry bowed to their wishes, because he kept my legs pinned down but used both of his arms and reached for the sides of my shorts. The soft contact of his hands against my bare skin at first made me gasp and my cock twitch slightly as it was pressed against the floor. He slowly started to lower my shorts, and I could feel the cold air against my lower half as he did so and my cheeks flooded with shame as I felt the top of my ass being exposed.
“Wow! We got another jockstrap here!”
“What a pale butt, he needs to tan more”
“Smack his bare ass!”
As he exposed the top half of my bare butt, Henry did just that and I felt his hand smack against me, the sting made my eyes water a bit and strangely my cock throbbed even harder inside the pouch of my jockstrap. After that, however, Henry lifted himself off me and quickly slid my shorts down and off of my legs, throwing them into the crowd which left me in nothing but my jock, and people quickly noticed my bulge as I flipped upwards to face him.
Before Henry could prepare another attack, I recklessly tackled him to the ground, and the crowd lost it as we each rolled over, our bodies becoming ever more slick with sweat and oil as they collided with both the floor and each other. Henry was caught off guard and I used it to my advantage as we wrestled across the ring, and despite my frantic, energetic attempts to reach them his powerful arms constantly blocked any attempt at grabbing for his shorts.
At one point he wrapped his arms around my stomach and lifted me upwards, holding my body against him, and this time, as I did at the start of our match, this time I could feel his bulge’s warmth against my ass and Henry growled in his throat as he thrust his hips upward, sliding his crotch against my exposed ass cheeks. 
The red in my face returned as it felt so good to feel the warmth of his bulge thrusting against me and that strange desire to submit to him returned. I briefly imagined myself in his office, this time both of us naked and me bent over his desk, with him pounding away at me like the alpha male he was that was claiming what was his. My desire to strip away his shorts now intermingled with my lust for my own boss, which only made me want to slap myself for acting like an animal when I had a match to win. 
I had to break away, but suddenly Henry’s hand reached underneath me, grazing my bare ass cheeks but reaching past to grab my aching cock through the jockstrap’s pouch and I audibly whimpered this time. Henry’s voice whispered in my ear “who knew that the big, tough, new guy Jack was secretly a slut that’s practically begging to take my cock” he said, chuckling softly and I felt my face flood with shame. He knew this was turning me on like hell, and had intuitively guessed at my lust for him. Even before today I caught a few glimpses now and then of his features, checking him out every time he flexed his muscles or bent over it would always catch my eye. But today was the first time I had ever felt anything so intense, especially with my growing desire to let him fuck my brains out, and the fact that he knew was just so embarrassing as I had always cultivated the ideal image of professionalism for myself, and with each time he massaged my bulge it made both my remaining dignity and self-control slip away ever further.
He continued to massage my boner through my jockstrap, and I knew that if I didn’t escape soon I might lose my only remaining piece of clothing or worse…shoot my load in front of everybody here. I couldn’t let that happen so with all my strength I pulled his left arm muscle which made Henry cry out in pain and I seized my chance to break free from his grip. 
I turned around and lunged straight for his shorts, and I managed to grab a hold of his sides but the oil made my grip loose, which made it easy for him to quickly side step me. I wasn’t letting him off easy, so I followed and tumbled with him, his arms again kept trying to hold mine down and overpower me, but I adopted a strategy of swatting his hands away whenever he tried, and my legs were just as powerful as his, indeed mine had the edge in terms of energy and training as his leg strength gave out way faster than mine did. 
His deeply-tanned torso was shining thanks to the oil, which some people continue to pour more into the ring to keep things from drying out. My own torso, much paler than Henry's, was glistening with sweat and oil, which made our grips and grabs flimsier and our bodies easily slid along anothers. 
The crowd was enraptured not only by our determination but also the sexually charged tension between us. Henry had sensed my lust but I was beginning to sense something else from him too, it was one thing to tease and taunt your opponent, however it was another to grab his hard-on and thrust your bulge in between his bare ass cheeks. 
My suspicions were confirmed when I made the mistake of trying to use the floor to slide away from his lunge and latched himself onto my shoulders, he quickly climbed over my body and used his own full body weight to hold me down on the ground, pinned beneath him. I felt it again as he did so, however, the same euphoric warmth of his bulge had nestled itself right along my ass crack. Because of this, I had a rough idea of how big he was and if I was right…he had at least 7 inches on him which I knew could utterly destroy me if he ever did pound me into submission like my cock was begging me to do.
Just then, however, I felt him thrust once, twice, three times, until he was outright humping me. I bit my lip once again and felt my face turn a crimson red as Henry utterly humiliated me by asserting his dominance and manhandling me as if I were nothing. That strange, suppressed desire was starting to take hold of me again, and it took all of my self-control to keep myself from begging him to fuck me right there and then.
I knew I was defeated, however, there was no escape this time and all he needed to do was snap the waistband of my jockstrap and it would be over. It made my desire to submit all the stronger but I held onto my defiance even as my cock was leaking precum inside the pouch of my jockstrap. 
Henry showed no signs of stopping, in fact his slow thrusts turned deeper, faster, more full of energy as he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and his voice in my ear said “Saturday, 9:00 o’clock at night, my office, don’t be late” he said before kissing the side of my face and licking my earlobe once again which sent shivers down my spine, before retreating.
In my confusion I almost didn’t register him suddenly wrapping his hands around the sides of my jock, and I sank my head in defeat as I felt the fabric give way with a simple snap and I laid there as Henry stood up and raised his arms in victory. The crowd cheered, but some expressed their desire to see me stand up with him, including, I noticed, our colleagues who were standing right beside the edge of the ring now. I realized there was no point in trying to hide, but thankfully Henry extended a hand to me and helped lift me up onto my feet.
“Jesus! That thing is thick!”
“Wow, Can you believe he’s already leaking?”
“Fuck, I’d ride him till he shot!”
Were all shouts from guys in the crowd I could make out coherently, but most of them drooled at the sight of my fully hard, 5-inch long and thick cock. My pale face was beet red, and I sheepishly smiled and chuckled at the guys from the office who all sported wide, shit-eating grins and suffered from bouts of laughter.
Suddenly, Ian tapped on his mic and said “Well well, looks like our winner is Henry Knight, and sorry Jack Whittle, guess you can’t keep your underwear, however, before you leave we keep spare clothes for those who lose them, but feel free to stay as bare as you want,” he said and gave me a wink that only made me turn my head away in embarrassment. 
“Alright folks, let’s get at least two more rounds here, come on, volunteers” Ian said as me and Henry stepped out of the ring, and the guys greeted us with, as I expected, laughter and teasing. I used my hands to cover myself until my boner went down though none of the guys let me off the hook for it.
“Alright fellas, a bet’s a bet, time to pay up” Henry said, and held out his hand, waiting.
The guys all lost their grins immediately and started pulling out their wallets. “Um, what’s going on?” I asked, and Henry looked at me, still bare-chested, and smiled and said “Oh right, well the guys here bet me you wouldn’t even be able to get a single piece of clothing off, but I had faith you’d put up a fight, and trust me…you did” he said as he gladly accepted cash from each of our colleagues, all except for Daniel who stood off to the side, seems he hadn't taken the bet.
I almost couldn’t believe my ears, my mouth hung open, and I was about to lose my shit but suddenly I remembered the second part of my initiation bet…
“So….I lost, and I said I’d do one favor for you guys if I did, so…what is it?” I said.
Henry glanced at the guys, whose knowing smiles returned but they said nothing. Henry spoke up and said “come into work tomorrow and find out” he said, winking and that’s all he would say about it for the rest of the night. We decided to stay and watch the other two matches, one was a Latino man that looked like he was a professional marathon runner, the other was a young blonde that didn’t stand a chance and got stripped fully naked within 5 minutes. The second match was a lot closer, it was between that one hottie I saw before, Sebastian, and some other student I had seen on campus, some red-haired jock that talked a lot of shit. Sebastian managed to put him in his place, stripping his arrogant opponent naked but not before he lost his own shirt and pants. Ian called it a night after that, I made sure to grab a change of clothes from security, which were unfortunately too small but…it was better than walking out naked.
"See you at work tomorrow, sexy" Henry whispered in my ear as he walked by and towards the main doors. I couldn't help but shiver in pleasure as he did so, and despite myself...I couldn't wait for Saturday night, and judging by the growing bulge in my new pants...my cock agreed.
Next day at work
I arrived at my usual time, and everything seemed normal at first until I had put my change of clothes inside my locker and walked out into the main office to see all the guys standing there, including Henry, waiting for me. 
“Uh…what’s up guys?” I asked, nervously.
Henry stepped up and said “Well, you wanted to know what your forfeit was for losing the match, and we decided that if you lost…you have to stay naked at the office for a whole week” he said, and some of the guys snickered.
My eyes widened and I could feel my cheeks blooming with heat as I panicked and said “What?! I’d never have agreed to-t-to this if I’d known this was my forfeit!” I said, my face now crimson red.
“That’s the point, you wouldn’t have, so we had to keep it vague, but you knew that we could have demanded anything when you agreed to the terms, it’s not our fault you failed to consider this possibility, so step up and take your punishment. Strip,” Henry said, that cold and serious look on his face again.
I hesitated, I began to think of what Henry had said last night right before he stripped my jockstrap away, and despite how mad and humiliated I felt…I already knew I was going to do exactly what he told me, and my cock began to rise at the thought of what he planned for me. I knew that there was no point in arguing, if I didn’t, they would strip me themselves, so…I began to remove my clothes.
The guys watched me like vultures as I stripped, first came my socks and shoes, which I left in front of me, then came my shirt which I slowly unbuttoned and I let fall onto the floor, next came my pants which quickly joined my shirt. That left me in nothing but my boxer briefs, and the guys all nodded their approval, including Henry, who watched me ravenously as I slowly pulled off my last piece of clothing and left them in a pile with my other clothes, leaving me totally naked.
Daniel, with a nod from Henry came over and quickly gathered up my clothes and walked off, which left me no choice but to stay naked. I used my hands to cover up and I hung my head in shame as I asked “Do I have to leave the office naked every night for the rest of the week?”
“No, you can get dressed in your change of clothes once you leave work every night, but not before then, oh and don’t worry I’ve changed the schedule, you're on office duty for the next week, so you better get busy naked boy” Henry said, winking at me before walking off.
The guys then walked over and started chatting with me, a bunch of them said they thought I had balls of steel to go up against the boss like that, while others asked if they could have another “look” but I told them to fuck off which thankfully they did. Through all of it, my hands covered what was left of my modesty and dignity. I thought I had found a way to make my initiation as least humiliating as possible…instead I managed to make it possibly the most any guy has ever had to endure.
As I walked past the guys who began to resume their work duties, I felt a stray hand slap my bare ass cheek as I walked by. I glared at them but they only grinned at me in return. They all talked among themselves and as I made my way to the reception desk, where the main desk worker was posted during the day, I thought again of what Henry said but also of how I had to stay naked for the entire week.
If they caught me trying to wear clothes at all they’d just strip me naked again, or worse punish me for disobeying…no, they were right, it was my idea and I agreed to their terms, better I just suck it up and deal with it…
What the guys didn’t know, or see, except maybe Henry, was that as I stripped away my underwear and stood naked in front of them, my cock rose to full mast and still hadn’t gone down. Thankfully I was able to tuck it between my legs and used my hands to cover it, though it made walking awkward. Still, the combination of confusion, embarrassment, and arousal only made things so unclear. One thing remained constant, however, and that was that no matter what, I was going to be in Henry’s office, at 9 o'clock ...on the dot.
End of Chapter.
Author’s Note:
Thank you guys for reading another chapter of this series! I know it’s been a while since my last post but don’t worry I haven’t forgotten you, I’m unsure which character to focus on next, please feel free to suggest any of the ones I’ve introduced so far or someone you’ve been wanting to see from the main cast list! Until next time, I’m always here and I hope you enjoyed ;)
These are my two main choices for the next character chapter, but again feel free to suggest otherwise!
Time for a blast from the past, either:
1.) Professor Ethan from The Professor's Anatomy.
2.) Thomas from Thomas' Misadventures
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drdemonprince · 1 year
ah, you've got a NONSTANDARD BODY!!! (this is the part where I have to moderate my reaction such that I JUST look enthusiastic to do my job and NOT...what I refer to as "autistic about it.") so, the easiest one-liner solution you've probably already heard is that you get a lift in your shoe. but here's the thing! YOU'RE NOT ALWAYS WEARING SHOES!!! so it's absolutely a question worth asking, even IF that's your go-to solution! your best bet here is awareness of your body. because your body, wonderful thing that it is, is MAKING IT WORK! it's shuffled the tasks around and redistributed the workload without your even being aware of it! so what you wanna know is, HOW is your body making it work. what're the specifics of the gait thing. what part(s) of your foot are you walking on. are your ankles coping. how's each individual knee doing. the hips. the GLUTES! (glutes are so so SO important, they do standing, they do walking, they do SITTING, they've got the RANGE!) while there are, like, broad similarities to the ways people adapt to these things, (pelvic tilt, WOOO) there's individual differences, too. like, where one person might walk more on their toes on one food and come down hard on the heel of the other, another person just STOPS BENDING THE SHORTER LEGS KNEE! and those will lead to COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PROBLEMS! and some people COMBINE THE TWO!! so this is a topic that I'd be ABSOLUTELY TALKING OUT MY ASS ABOUT if I tried to name any specifics, because fuck knows how your body's decided to address it! but!! YOU LIVE THERE!!! you're perfectly placed to gather data!! but to answer your question: your body was (THEORETICALLY) designed to have a symmetrical posture. so giving it that in the ways which are possible will feel good and (ideally) slow any joint damage and give any soft tissue stress a chance to resolve. BUT, trying to WALK AROUND WITH a symmetrical posture is not a thing I think you can do, if you don't currently have lifted shoes on. nonstandard body means the standard literally doesn't apply to you. how could it?? you WEREN'T MADE SYMMETRICALLY!! (if you're a "joking about the word 'straight'" kinda person, please observe this opportunity.) stretching (hunching in a different direction is a stretch!) when you are not actively standing sounds like a good way to give your body that symmetrical experience! there's gonna be a whole world of other stuff you can do, too, if you want to! exercises for muscles that aren't being asked to work as hard! stretches that target shortened muscles! roller tools for overworked muscles! but I can't tell you specifically what they are, because I don't know what your body's been up to about it. (do not waste your money on any motorized thing with "shiatsu" in the name. the robot doesn't know where your bones are. the robot would give the same rotatey balls to someone 4'8 and 6'2. one of those people is probably getting punched in a bone. you might get lucky, but it's a risk. handheld robots are fine, though!)
I should go to bed but for now ill share: my body has coped by having the longer leg sweep in from the side while i walk, while the shorter leg walks upright and normal. my right shoes all wear down at an angle. my left side of my body is stronger all over compared to my right despite being nondominant. even all the way up to my arms. some hip cocking out to the side and raising up action and a slightly fucked up knee on my right side too.
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