bookquotes-20 · 2 years
People of the earth we were ROBBED
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Deleted scenes from defy me
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
……. you just made my whole day 🥺😭💞
Can you please do a fic where kenji, Nazeera, and warnette are all hanging out idk what they’re doing tho probably playing among us 🤷‍♀️ (I really enjoyed For You ❤️)
This has been nearly six months in the making but I promise I never forgot it! I'm sorry for such a long wait but I absolutely ADORED your ask. Sometimes I was in months of writer's block, and other times I wrote more than I thought I could! Thank you so so much for your ask, I really really hope you enjoy it :)) ❤️❤️
Context: The fighting is all done but no Warnette proposal/engagement.
Peace in Your Arms
Juliette smiled at the feeling of soft grass beneath her hand, the blades tickling her fingers. It had been nearly a year since they finally put an end to the Reestablishment, all of it this time. The world had begun to heal, slowly but surely. There were patches of land where the Earth was returning to its prior state. It was on such a patch that they had chosen to host the one year celebration of their liberation. Liberation from a world filled with nothing but pain and strife, where hope was a rarity few saw. A celebration was necessary, a reminder that they were working toward a world where happiness was no longer scarce; that their pain and sacrifice had meaning, was worth it.
Juliette’s smile grew as she watched her friends enjoying the party. Tents had been set up for food, activities, and music. Children raced around playing imaginative games with each other, trying their hardest to pull the adults in with them. Most feigned a weak protest before joining them easily. She couldn’t blame them, the kids’ happiness was infectious.
A brush of warm lips at the base of her neck brought her back to the source of her own happiness. The one whose legs she was nestled between on the grass, whose arms were wrapped securely around her waist, whose chest was pressed firmly to her back, acting as her pillar of support in more ways than one.
She couldn’t hold in the content sigh that flew past her lips as she pressed impossibly closer into his warmth.
“Are you enjoying yourself, love?”
She could hear his smile in his voice but struggled to determine if it came from mirth at her curling into him or if he was simply smiling at her just because. Both made her heart race for different reasons. As he pressed another brief kiss to her temple, she decided she didn’t care. She simply reveled in the feeling of that rare curve of his lips against her skin. She was tempted to turn to face him so she could take in his smile with her eyes as well, but that would mean moving from her current position. And she was quite comfortable there, thank you very much.
“Immensely,” she answered. His arms squeezed her slightly, pleased at the response.
“Do you guys ever turn that off?”
Juliette smothered a laugh as she felt Aaron stiffen in annoyance at the voice.
“Shut up Kishimoto.”
Kenji held up his hands in defense from his spot across from them on the grass. “I’m just saying! Believe it or not, PDA can get annoying pretty quickly for anyone in your general vicinity.”
“Bet you wouldn’t find it annoying if you could get some,” Aaron muttered. Kenji’s eyes narrowed and Juliette shook with silent laughter.
“Behave boys,” she warned lightly. They were all used to Aaron and Kenji’s banter by now, but some days she still worried about it escalating to the point she had to restrict one from throttling the other. They never seemed far from the line between friendship and enmity.
“These two? Behaving?,” Nazeera laughed from her spot next to Kenji. “We’re more likely to see flying pigs first.” Kenji turned to her affronted.
“How dare you! I am not some little kid you have to keep warning to behave.”
She scoffed, “I’ll believe that the day you act like it.” Kenji opened his mouth to reply before suddenly freezing. His eyes went wide and the three of us stiffened in anticipation of a threat. Kenji scrambled to his feet before moving to stand in front of me.
“J, it’s the song. Our song. Come on!” The tension from Juliette’s body seeped out at the disappearance of the threat. She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Are you kidding me Kenji? You scared us half to death!” He held his hand out for her to take while look at me with pleading eyes and a pout that was too adorable to refuse. She sighed and took it, climbing reluctantly out of Aaron’s arms.
Kenji had made it his personal mission to rescue digital copies of what he believed to be the best music of the past world and had insisted Juliette experience them with him. As she listened closer, she realized it was their favorite song playing on the speakers from the music tent. A smile slowly grew on her lips as Kenji pulled her forward to dance.
She laughed as he led her in an energetic choreography that seemed far too planned to be spontaneous. His expressions changed to match the lyrics and beat of the song, further adding to her amusement, and she couldn’t deny she enjoyed his excessive twirling and dramatic pull-ins and pushes as they danced on the grass.
She was grateful for the lightness of the atmosphere and for him. How he was always there as whatever she needed, a supporter, a listener, someone to make her laugh, someone to tell her the tough reality she needed to hear and lend her the strength to bear it. He was one of the few people who never gave up on her and she would be eternally grateful for it. It warmed her heart to see the genuine carefree light that shone in his eyes; they sparked with true happiness.
“Thank you Kenji,” she said as he pulled her in after a round of twirls.
“What for?” He asked with a grin. “Being the world’s best dance partner?”
She shook her head. “For being the world’s greatest best friend.” His grin softened into a warm smile.
“Always, kiddo.” His lips quirked into a smirk. “You’re stuck with me now, whether you like it or not.”
“I love it,” she said pushing to her tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. “And same goes to you.”
She saw a faint blush creep into his cheeks and her smile morphed into a grin. “Aww are you blushing Kenji?”
“Shut up,” he muttered, “Stupid J, you can’t do something like that and expect me not to fall in love with you.” I shook my head in laughter at how easily he fell back on that running joke. The pair heard a soft cough behind them, turning to find Nazeera.
“May I cut in?” She asked with a faint smirk.
His eyes lit up. “Sorry J, looks like I gotta— what?“ his eyes widened to saucers and his mouth froze midway as Nazeera stepped in to take my hand for a dance.
She turned to him with her best look of innocence, “Were you expecting something different Mr. Kishimoto?” Juliette’s laughter was barely contained at the satisfaction in Nazeera’s eyes and the shock in Kenji’s.
She heard the music in the background change to a Latin beat as Nazeera led her in a casual salsa. She kept it simple and slowly Juliette picked up the repeated steps and found herself grinning the more she got into it.
“Looks like Kenji made a dancer out of you yet,” Nazeera laughed.
“You know better than most, when that oaf becomes persistent there’s nothing anyone can do.” Juliette replied with a wink. Nazeera’s eyes flitted away for a brief second as a faint pink rose to her cheeks. “When are you finally gonna end his pining and give in to what you both want?” Nazeera opened her mouth to argue but Juliette cut her off with a look. “Don’t even think of denying it,” she warned. “I’m not blind Naz.”
In the last year, her and Nazeera had grown much closer. Aside from Kenji, Juliette would call Nazeera her closest friend. The latter had been wary at first — a lifetime in the world of the Reestablishment created a twisted idea of friendship in her mind, one that was more dangerous than it was rewarding. To Nazeera, friendship had always been a farce, a game of emotions with the end goal of acquiring power and influence. The last year had slowly taught her different. And Juliette was no less persistent than Kenji. Slowly they coaxed her out of the metal shell she had covered her heart in and slipped between its cracks. So much so that Nazeera even acquiesced to the nickname. (She would take it to the grave that the night that Juliette first called her by it, she had cried.) So long as she could return the favor with a nickname of her own.
“One day, I will Jules,” she answered with a smile tinged with sadness. “You guys loosened the bars around this heart of mine,” she said with a playful nudge, “but it still needs a bit more time before such a big leap.” Juliette nodded in understanding. Nazeera had made great leaps forward, but nothing happens before the time it is meant to. Juliette was quiet a moment. “Something on your mind, Juliette?”
Juliette hesitated.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Do you mind that I ask you to call me Juliette instead of Ella?” The question had been weighing on her mind for a while. She had asked everyone but Aaron to call her Juliette, because that was the her they all knew. But Nazeera too had known Ella, and sometimes Juliette wondered if she’d hurt her by asking her to use the name Juliette.
Nazeera smiled at her. “Ella was the girl I was always looking for. Juliette is the girl who fought beside me and coerced me into a friendship I never knew I needed, but cherish with all my heart.” She squeezed Juliette’s hand. “I don’t mind at all, Jules.” Juliette smiled at the nickname Nazeera she had received in exchange for permission to call her Naz. It was a sign that they were growing, learning to let people past their defenses in a way novel to them both.
Nazeera pushed her back before pulling her in dramatically in time with the climax of the beat. A laugh spilled out of Juliette as Nazeera’s mouth curved into a grin. The two girls giggled and danced and savored the freedom to do so till the song reached its final notes. Just as it did there was another voice speaking up behind them.
“May I finally have a turn to dance with my girlfriend?” Nazeera turned to Aaron and laughed at the tired look on his face.
“Oh relax, I only borrowed her for one song.”“I’m sorry Nazeera, but I can not tolerate that oaf any longer.” They turned to look at Kenji whose eyes were narrowed in a glare at Aaron before turning to us and waving with a goofy smile.
The girls chuckled. Nazeera wrapped Juliette in a quick hug before placing her hand in Aaron’s. “Take care of her Warner.” There was a seriousness in her voice and the look she gave him that Juliette didn’t know how to interpret. Everyone knew how much Aaron cared about her, and she about him. Why the need for a warning? Regardless, Aaron nodded to her in kind. With a satisfied smile, she stepped away and headed off to go deal with her special oaf.
Aaron’s hand wrapped around her own, but rather than pulling her into his arms for a dance, he tugged her away from it towards the forest. She followed with confusion swimming in her eyes. He looked back at her and gave a small smile accompanied by a gentle squeeze of her palm. Trust me.
She smiled and returned the gesture. Always.
For nearly ten minutes he led her through the winding thickets of the forest, occasionally raising her hand to his mouth to brush a kiss across her knuckles. She smiled at the vibrancy of the green surrounding them. Their world really was healing. After so long, there truly was hope.
Finally, Aaron stopped for a second and she followed. Wordlessly he tugged her forward and all thought evaporated from her mind. He had pulled her into the most beautiful clearing she had ever seen.
The patches of Earth they’d been walking on turned to lush green grass. The clearing was outlined by thick, healthy trees, each of which looked old enough to carry stories of a world they’d never known but were coming to see. A creek wound through the bed of verdant, the water startlingly blue and glimmering under the rays of sunlight peeking through the clouds. A waterfall spilled into the creek, water misting all along the top to give them glimpses of a rainbow before crashing into a beautiful white against the rocks at its base.
Her mouth fell open, eyes wide as they take in the beauty of it all. Juliette turned to see Aaron watching her with an expression she can’t quite name.
“Aaron,” she breathed, taking another glance at the wonder around them. “It’s beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.” He smiled and extended a hand to her. Still in awe, she took it unsteadily. But the moment her skin touched his, it’s as if her every nerve calmed. The world faded away, all the vibrant hues bleaching to white until all that was left was him. Aaron.
In one fluid motion he placed Juliette’s hand on his shoulder, tugging her forward. His smile widened to a grin when she fell against him at the suddenness. His other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer still. She looked up to glare at him, but the moment her gaze locked with Aaron’s, all of the bite disappeared from her expression.
She was drowning in a sea of verdant. The hand not on his shoulder floated to his neck, carding through his hair. Every reaction of her body to him is unconscious, pure instinct. Her heart raced in her chest. She wondered if he could feel it through her skin.
It’s only when he began to sway their joined form that she noticed the music around them. Her eyes flitted over his shoulder to see an iPod resting on a boulder behind them.
Just as Juliette opened her mouth to ask where he got the old device, Aaron’s lips are at her ear. “A gift from Kishimoto.” He paused. “On loan of course.” She laughed.
“He let you borrow his iPod? What spell have you cast on my friend Mr. Warner?”
“Your friend is not who I care to discuss, Ms. Ferrars.” Juliette shot him a look. “I didn’t mean it that way,” he reassured. His voice quieted. “Right now, I just want to hold you. To dance with you.”
Juliette softened and pulled his head backward to meet his eyes. She rose to her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Of course.”
Aaron’s eyes crinkled at the corners as the smile returned to his face. Her favorite dimple reappearing. She shifted to press a kiss to it. He raised their twined hands above them and spun her, tugging so her back was pressed against his chest and his arms folded across her front. The steady beat of his heart blended with the sweet song that enveloped them.
His lips brushed the shell of her ear as he whispered, “Love?”
Juliette hummed for him to continue. When she was met with silence, she craned her head sideways to look at him. She could hear the hitch in his breath as their eyes locked again. Hear the speed of his heart quicken beneath where her head pressed against his chest. Her hand found his cheek and worry filled her gaze.
“Aaron, are you alright?”
“Yes. No. I don’t know,” he whispered. “I just—“ a sort of desperation took hold of his voice as he spoke. “I can’t breathe when I look at you. Or find the right words to say.” He turned Juliette to face him. One of his arms stayed wrapped around her waist, keeping her close. The other cupped her face with tenderness and desperation. “Ella, I love you. I have loved you most of my life. I love you more than words can express. There isn’t a moment to come where I won’t love you.” His thumb brushed over her cheekbone, wiping away a tear that spilled over. “You are the air in my lungs. The blood in my veins. You are my world. My universe.” Aaron’s voice softened. “I can’t imagine a moment of my life without you.” His eyes never wavered from hers as he lowered himself to a knee. Juliette’s heart froze. Tears flowed freely down her face now as her hand flew to her mouth. “Ella, my love, will you marry me?”
Juliette went still. Deathly still. Struck silent in shock. She watched the hope painted in every line of his face, shining in his eyes, begin to fade into fear. “Love?” He whispered in question. The near break in his voice shook her out of her stupor as she threw her arms around his neck. They fell backwards onto the grass as she pressed her mouth to his. Smiling through the kiss. Tears falling from her cheek to his. “Is that a yes?”
She let out a watery laugh. “Yes. A thousand times yes to everything. To a future with you. To a lifetime with you. Yes to everything with you.”
A dazzling grin split Aaron’s face as he laughed and pulled her to him. His arms wound around her waist and his lips were moving over hers. His head pillowed on the soft grass. Her dark waves falling like a curtain over them. Shielding them from the world in their own private oasis. They had stolen love in a world of hate. They had stolen happiness in a world of despair. Now, they stole this moment from time. As they prepared to steal a lifetime together from the universe.
(Kenji/Juliette's Song: Love Runs Out by OneRepublic) (Aaron/Juliette's Song: Medicine by James Arthur)
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
Can you please do a fic where kenji, Nazeera, and warnette are all hanging out idk what they’re doing tho probably playing among us 🤷‍♀️ (I really enjoyed For You ❤️)
This has been nearly six months in the making but I promise I never forgot it! I'm sorry for such a long wait but I absolutely ADORED your ask. Sometimes I was in months of writer's block, and other times I wrote more than I thought I could! Thank you so so much for your ask, I really really hope you enjoy it :)) ❤️❤️
Context: The fighting is all done but no Warnette proposal/engagement.
Peace in Your Arms
Juliette smiled at the feeling of soft grass beneath her hand, the blades tickling her fingers. It had been nearly a year since they finally put an end to the Reestablishment, all of it this time. The world had begun to heal, slowly but surely. There were patches of land where the Earth was returning to its prior state. It was on such a patch that they had chosen to host the one year celebration of their liberation. Liberation from a world filled with nothing but pain and strife, where hope was a rarity few saw. A celebration was necessary, a reminder that they were working toward a world where happiness was no longer scarce; that their pain and sacrifice had meaning, was worth it.
Juliette’s smile grew as she watched her friends enjoying the party. Tents had been set up for food, activities, and music. Children raced around playing imaginative games with each other, trying their hardest to pull the adults in with them. Most feigned a weak protest before joining them easily. She couldn’t blame them, the kids’ happiness was infectious.
A brush of warm lips at the base of her neck brought her back to the source of her own happiness. The one whose legs she was nestled between on the grass, whose arms were wrapped securely around her waist, whose chest was pressed firmly to her back, acting as her pillar of support in more ways than one.
She couldn’t hold in the content sigh that flew past her lips as she pressed impossibly closer into his warmth.
“Are you enjoying yourself, love?”
She could hear his smile in his voice but struggled to determine if it came from mirth at her curling into him or if he was simply smiling at her just because. Both made her heart race for different reasons. As he pressed another brief kiss to her temple, she decided she didn’t care. She simply reveled in the feeling of that rare curve of his lips against her skin. She was tempted to turn to face him so she could take in his smile with her eyes as well, but that would mean moving from her current position. And she was quite comfortable there, thank you very much.
“Immensely,” she answered. His arms squeezed her slightly, pleased at the response.
“Do you guys ever turn that off?”
Juliette smothered a laugh as she felt Aaron stiffen in annoyance at the voice.
“Shut up Kishimoto.”
Kenji held up his hands in defense from his spot across from them on the grass. “I’m just saying! Believe it or not, PDA can get annoying pretty quickly for anyone in your general vicinity.”
“Bet you wouldn’t find it annoying if you could get some,” Aaron muttered. Kenji’s eyes narrowed and Juliette shook with silent laughter.
“Behave boys,” she warned lightly. They were all used to Aaron and Kenji’s banter by now, but some days she still worried about it escalating to the point she had to restrict one from throttling the other. They never seemed far from the line between friendship and enmity.
“These two? Behaving?,” Nazeera laughed from her spot next to Kenji. “We’re more likely to see flying pigs first.” Kenji turned to her affronted.
“How dare you! I am not some little kid you have to keep warning to behave.”
She scoffed, “I’ll believe that the day you act like it.” Kenji opened his mouth to reply before suddenly freezing. His eyes went wide and the three of us stiffened in anticipation of a threat. Kenji scrambled to his feet before moving to stand in front of me.
“J, it’s the song. Our song. Come on!” The tension from Juliette’s body seeped out at the disappearance of the threat. She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Are you kidding me Kenji? You scared us half to death!” He held his hand out for her to take while look at me with pleading eyes and a pout that was too adorable to refuse. She sighed and took it, climbing reluctantly out of Aaron’s arms.
Kenji had made it his personal mission to rescue digital copies of what he believed to be the best music of the past world and had insisted Juliette experience them with him. As she listened closer, she realized it was their favorite song playing on the speakers from the music tent. A smile slowly grew on her lips as Kenji pulled her forward to dance.
She laughed as he led her in an energetic choreography that seemed far too planned to be spontaneous. His expressions changed to match the lyrics and beat of the song, further adding to her amusement, and she couldn’t deny she enjoyed his excessive twirling and dramatic pull-ins and pushes as they danced on the grass.
She was grateful for the lightness of the atmosphere and for him. How he was always there as whatever she needed, a supporter, a listener, someone to make her laugh, someone to tell her the tough reality she needed to hear and lend her the strength to bear it. He was one of the few people who never gave up on her and she would be eternally grateful for it. It warmed her heart to see the genuine carefree light that shone in his eyes; they sparked with true happiness.
“Thank you Kenji,” she said as he pulled her in after a round of twirls.
“What for?” He asked with a grin. “Being the world’s best dance partner?”
She shook her head. “For being the world’s greatest best friend.” His grin softened into a warm smile.
“Always, kiddo.” His lips quirked into a smirk. “You’re stuck with me now, whether you like it or not.”
“I love it,” she said pushing to her tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. “And same goes to you.”
She saw a faint blush creep into his cheeks and her smile morphed into a grin. “Aww are you blushing Kenji?”
“Shut up,” he muttered, “Stupid J, you can’t do something like that and expect me not to fall in love with you.” I shook my head in laughter at how easily he fell back on that running joke. The pair heard a soft cough behind them, turning to find Nazeera.
“May I cut in?” She asked with a faint smirk.
His eyes lit up. “Sorry J, looks like I gotta— what?“ his eyes widened to saucers and his mouth froze midway as Nazeera stepped in to take my hand for a dance.
She turned to him with her best look of innocence, “Were you expecting something different Mr. Kishimoto?” Juliette’s laughter was barely contained at the satisfaction in Nazeera’s eyes and the shock in Kenji’s.
She heard the music in the background change to a Latin beat as Nazeera led her in a casual salsa. She kept it simple and slowly Juliette picked up the repeated steps and found herself grinning the more she got into it.
“Looks like Kenji made a dancer out of you yet,” Nazeera laughed.
“You know better than most, when that oaf becomes persistent there’s nothing anyone can do.” Juliette replied with a wink. Nazeera’s eyes flitted away for a brief second as a faint pink rose to her cheeks. “When are you finally gonna end his pining and give in to what you both want?” Nazeera opened her mouth to argue but Juliette cut her off with a look. “Don’t even think of denying it,” she warned. “I’m not blind Naz.”
In the last year, her and Nazeera had grown much closer. Aside from Kenji, Juliette would call Nazeera her closest friend. The latter had been wary at first — a lifetime in the world of the Reestablishment created a twisted idea of friendship in her mind, one that was more dangerous than it was rewarding. To Nazeera, friendship had always been a farce, a game of emotions with the end goal of acquiring power and influence. The last year had slowly taught her different. And Juliette was no less persistent than Kenji. Slowly they coaxed her out of the metal shell she had covered her heart in and slipped between its cracks. So much so that Nazeera even acquiesced to the nickname. (She would take it to the grave that the night that Juliette first called her by it, she had cried.) So long as she could return the favor with a nickname of her own.
“One day, I will Jules,” she answered with a smile tinged with sadness. “You guys loosened the bars around this heart of mine,” she said with a playful nudge, “but it still needs a bit more time before such a big leap.” Juliette nodded in understanding. Nazeera had made great leaps forward, but nothing happens before the time it is meant to. Juliette was quiet a moment. “Something on your mind, Juliette?”
Juliette hesitated.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Do you mind that I ask you to call me Juliette instead of Ella?” The question had been weighing on her mind for a while. She had asked everyone but Aaron to call her Juliette, because that was the her they all knew. But Nazeera too had known Ella, and sometimes Juliette wondered if she’d hurt her by asking her to use the name Juliette.
Nazeera smiled at her. “Ella was the girl I was always looking for. Juliette is the girl who fought beside me and coerced me into a friendship I never knew I needed, but cherish with all my heart.” She squeezed Juliette’s hand. “I don’t mind at all, Jules.” Juliette smiled at the nickname Nazeera she had received in exchange for permission to call her Naz. It was a sign that they were growing, learning to let people past their defenses in a way novel to them both.
Nazeera pushed her back before pulling her in dramatically in time with the climax of the beat. A laugh spilled out of Juliette as Nazeera’s mouth curved into a grin. The two girls giggled and danced and savored the freedom to do so till the song reached its final notes. Just as it did there was another voice speaking up behind them.
“May I finally have a turn to dance with my girlfriend?” Nazeera turned to Aaron and laughed at the tired look on his face.
“Oh relax, I only borrowed her for one song.”“I’m sorry Nazeera, but I can not tolerate that oaf any longer.” They turned to look at Kenji whose eyes were narrowed in a glare at Aaron before turning to us and waving with a goofy smile.
The girls chuckled. Nazeera wrapped Juliette in a quick hug before placing her hand in Aaron’s. “Take care of her Warner.” There was a seriousness in her voice and the look she gave him that Juliette didn’t know how to interpret. Everyone knew how much Aaron cared about her, and she about him. Why the need for a warning? Regardless, Aaron nodded to her in kind. With a satisfied smile, she stepped away and headed off to go deal with her special oaf.
Aaron’s hand wrapped around her own, but rather than pulling her into his arms for a dance, he tugged her away from it towards the forest. She followed with confusion swimming in her eyes. He looked back at her and gave a small smile accompanied by a gentle squeeze of her palm. Trust me.
She smiled and returned the gesture. Always.
For nearly ten minutes he led her through the winding thickets of the forest, occasionally raising her hand to his mouth to brush a kiss across her knuckles. She smiled at the vibrancy of the green surrounding them. Their world really was healing. After so long, there truly was hope.
Finally, Aaron stopped for a second and she followed. Wordlessly he tugged her forward and all thought evaporated from her mind. He had pulled her into the most beautiful clearing she had ever seen.
The patches of Earth they’d been walking on turned to lush green grass. The clearing was outlined by thick, healthy trees, each of which looked old enough to carry stories of a world they’d never known but were coming to see. A creek wound through the bed of verdant, the water startlingly blue and glimmering under the rays of sunlight peeking through the clouds. A waterfall spilled into the creek, water misting all along the top to give them glimpses of a rainbow before crashing into a beautiful white against the rocks at its base.
Her mouth fell open, eyes wide as they take in the beauty of it all. Juliette turned to see Aaron watching her with an expression she can’t quite name.
“Aaron,” she breathed, taking another glance at the wonder around them. “It’s beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.” He smiled and extended a hand to her. Still in awe, she took it unsteadily. But the moment her skin touched his, it’s as if her every nerve calmed. The world faded away, all the vibrant hues bleaching to white until all that was left was him. Aaron.
In one fluid motion he placed Juliette’s hand on his shoulder, tugging her forward. His smile widened to a grin when she fell against him at the suddenness. His other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer still. She looked up to glare at him, but the moment her gaze locked with Aaron’s, all of the bite disappeared from her expression.
She was drowning in a sea of verdant. The hand not on his shoulder floated to his neck, carding through his hair. Every reaction of her body to him is unconscious, pure instinct. Her heart raced in her chest. She wondered if he could feel it through her skin.
It’s only when he began to sway their joined form that she noticed the music around them. Her eyes flitted over his shoulder to see an iPod resting on a boulder behind them.
Just as Juliette opened her mouth to ask where he got the old device, Aaron’s lips are at her ear. “A gift from Kishimoto.” He paused. “On loan of course.” She laughed.
“He let you borrow his iPod? What spell have you cast on my friend Mr. Warner?”
“Your friend is not who I care to discuss, Ms. Ferrars.” Juliette shot him a look. “I didn’t mean it that way,” he reassured. His voice quieted. “Right now, I just want to hold you. To dance with you.”
Juliette softened and pulled his head backward to meet his eyes. She rose to her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Of course.”
Aaron’s eyes crinkled at the corners as the smile returned to his face. Her favorite dimple reappearing. She shifted to press a kiss to it. He raised their twined hands above them and spun her, tugging so her back was pressed against his chest and his arms folded across her front. The steady beat of his heart blended with the sweet song that enveloped them.
His lips brushed the shell of her ear as he whispered, “Love?”
Juliette hummed for him to continue. When she was met with silence, she craned her head sideways to look at him. She could hear the hitch in his breath as their eyes locked again. Hear the speed of his heart quicken beneath where her head pressed against his chest. Her hand found his cheek and worry filled her gaze.
“Aaron, are you alright?”
“Yes. No. I don’t know,” he whispered. “I just—“ a sort of desperation took hold of his voice as he spoke. “I can’t breathe when I look at you. Or find the right words to say.” He turned Juliette to face him. One of his arms stayed wrapped around her waist, keeping her close. The other cupped her face with tenderness and desperation. “Ella, I love you. I have loved you most of my life. I love you more than words can express. There isn’t a moment to come where I won’t love you.” His thumb brushed over her cheekbone, wiping away a tear that spilled over. “You are the air in my lungs. The blood in my veins. You are my world. My universe.” Aaron’s voice softened. “I can’t imagine a moment of my life without you.” His eyes never wavered from hers as he lowered himself to a knee. Juliette’s heart froze. Tears flowed freely down her face now as her hand flew to her mouth. “Ella, my love, will you marry me?”
Juliette went still. Deathly still. Struck silent in shock. She watched the hope painted in every line of his face, shining in his eyes, begin to fade into fear. “Love?” He whispered in question. The near break in his voice shook her out of her stupor as she threw her arms around his neck. They fell backwards onto the grass as she pressed her mouth to his. Smiling through the kiss. Tears falling from her cheek to his. “Is that a yes?”
She let out a watery laugh. “Yes. A thousand times yes to everything. To a future with you. To a lifetime with you. Yes to everything with you.”
A dazzling grin split Aaron’s face as he laughed and pulled her to him. His arms wound around her waist and his lips were moving over hers. His head pillowed on the soft grass. Her dark waves falling like a curtain over them. Shielding them from the world in their own private oasis. They had stolen love in a world of hate. They had stolen happiness in a world of despair. Now, they stole this moment from time. As they prepared to steal a lifetime together from the universe.
(Kenji/Juliette's Song: Love Runs Out by OneRepublic) (Aaron/Juliette's Song: Medicine by James Arthur)
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
Bookish Playlist
(Been wanting to make a bookish playlist FOREVER)
Folk of the Air
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
day 02: the glint of your blade
@jurdannet @jurdannetrevels
written for day 2 of jurdannet’s folktober2021! :)
set after tcp and before twk
wc: 819 words
rating: T
Jude pushes open the door to Cardan’s quarters, then stills. Cardan is lounged on the couch, legs thrown up and one arm hanging off the side, eyebrows furrowed as he examines the object that holds his attention—Jude’s knife. The same one she held to his throat that day, right before she kissed him.
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
Honeyed Truths
Pair: Jurdan
“You love me,” he teases, a wry grin curling his lips. He flicks her nose lightly with his finger.
“I do.” She says it so simply. So plainly. An unchangeable truth. A fact as obvious as The sky is blue or Cardan is most always drunk. She brushes her lips against his temple. When she pulls back, there is a strange look on Cardan’s face.
“I cannot decide which is more unnerving,” he murmurs. He brushes a stray lock of her dark hair aside. Coils it around his finger, itching to tug her closer and closer still. “The ease with which you lie or when you tell the truth.”
She grins slyly. “Which do you prefer?”
Her kiss swallows his answer.
Just a little jurdan drabble that’s been sitting in my notes forever.
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
Cardan's Letters to Jude
—burned by Lady Asha
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
the tagline of warner’s first novella:
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the tagline of warner’s second novella:
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
Pairing: Jude and Cardan
Rating: Everyone
“Jude,” Cardan mused behind the High Queen hunched over her papers on her desk. “What is a bartender?” Jude looked at him with an unspoken question in her eyes. “Vivienne mentioned that it is a profession I would be well suited for,” he elaborated. “Is it one who tends bars of gold?”
“No,” she chuckles. “A bartender is someone who prepares drinks.”
“So a fermenter?” He offers her his hand. Deciding she’s done quite enough work for the day, she accepts it and rises to her feet.
“Not quite.” She wraps her arms around his neck, hands coming to rest at its nape. His move to her waist while her fingers play with the ends of his curls. She coils one around her finger and tugs. She knows it drives him crazy. Cardan’s head tips back at the pure shockwave of sensation that courses through him.
“In the mortal world, it is common to have drinks that are mixtures of other drinks. A bartender is the one who prepares those recipes, either based on what the customer asks of them or using creating a specialized drink for the person based on what they know about them.”
“I see, it does sound like a rather fascinating occupation.” A smirk curls his lips. He tugs her closer. “Perhaps I could be your bartender, sometime? I am confident I can create the perfect drink for you.”
“Oh no,” Jude laughs. “I’m not entirely sure I trust your taste.”
“Why not? I have excellent taste.”
“Really?” She raises a brow, eyes glittering with mirth. “Have you any proof?”
He spins her to face the mirror behind them and his arms come around her from behind this time. They wrap tightly around her waist pulling her into his embrace. His chin rests on her shoulder and she can feel his breath tickling her skin.
“I’m looking right at it.”
Her heart melts.
He sees her roll her eyes but there’s no malice or true annoyance behind them. The faint pink on her cheeks curves his mouth into a smile.
“I’m afraid the tastes I was referring to are of the intoxicating kind.”
“On the contrary,” he whispers, his lips skimming her neck. “You are without a doubt the most intoxicating substance I have ever had the fortune of experiencing.”
A shiver shoots down Jude’s spine and she finally allows body to do as her heart did. To melt into him. Rest herself against the hard planes of his chest. Trust him to hold her up. Trusting someone so completely was the greatest admission of love she could give. She didn’t have the same way with words he did, so she showed him in the smallest of her actions. Showed him how he held her heart in the palm of his hand. There was no one else she would rather trust with it.
“You are such a flirt,” she murmurs. I love it, she doesn’t say. I love all the sweet and beautiful words that fall from your mouth. I love that I can see the truth of those words in your eyes. He chuckles and she feels the quiver of his breath hot on her skin.
“Only for you,” he whispers his words slowly, languishly, as if he wishes to burn them into her skin. “My love.”
He is successful, she decides. They are burned into her. Her skin. Her heart. Her soul.
Just a super short drabble that came to mind while I was listening to a song (and going through writers block on my wips). Hope you liked it!!!
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
Pairing: Jude and Cardan
Rating: Everyone
“Jude,” Cardan mused behind the High Queen hunched over her papers on her desk. “What is a bartender?” Jude looked at him with an unspoken question in her eyes. “Vivienne mentioned that it is a profession I would be well suited for,” he elaborated. “Is it one who tends bars of gold?”
“No,” she chuckles. “A bartender is someone who prepares drinks.”
“So a fermenter?” He offers her his hand. Deciding she’s done quite enough work for the day, she accepts it and rises to her feet.
“Not quite.” She wraps her arms around his neck, hands coming to rest at its nape. His move to her waist while her fingers play with the ends of his curls. She coils one around her finger and tugs. She knows it drives him crazy. Cardan’s head tips back at the pure shockwave of sensation that courses through him.
“In the mortal world, it is common to have drinks that are mixtures of other drinks. A bartender is the one who prepares those recipes, either based on what the customer asks of them or using creating a specialized drink for the person based on what they know about them.”
“I see, it does sound like a rather fascinating occupation.” A smirk curls his lips. He tugs her closer. “Perhaps I could be your bartender, sometime? I am confident I can create the perfect drink for you.”
“Oh no,” Jude laughs. “I’m not entirely sure I trust your taste.”
“Why not? I have excellent taste.”
“Really?” She raises a brow, eyes glittering with mirth. “Have you any proof?”
He spins her to face the mirror behind them and his arms come around her from behind this time. They wrap tightly around her waist pulling her into his embrace. His chin rests on her shoulder and she can feel his breath tickling her skin.
“I’m looking right at it.”
Her heart melts.
He sees her roll her eyes but there’s no malice or true annoyance behind them. The faint pink on her cheeks curves his mouth into a smile.
“I’m afraid the tastes I was referring to are of the intoxicating kind.”
“On the contrary,” he whispers, his lips skimming her neck. “You are without a doubt the most intoxicating substance I have ever had the fortune of experiencing.”
A shiver shoots down Jude’s spine and she finally allows body to do as her heart did. To melt into him. Rest herself against the hard planes of his chest. Trust him to hold her up. Trusting someone so completely was the greatest admission of love she could give. She didn’t have the same way with words he did, so she showed him in the smallest of her actions. Showed him how he held her heart in the palm of his hand. There was no one else she would rather trust with it.
“You are such a flirt,” she murmurs. I love it, she doesn’t say. I love all the sweet and beautiful words that fall from your mouth. I love that I can see the truth of those words in your eyes. He chuckles and she feels the quiver of his breath hot on her skin.
“Only for you,” he whispers his words slowly, languishly, as if he wishes to burn them into her skin. “My love.”
He is successful, she decides. They are burned into her. Her skin. Her heart. Her soul.
Just a super short drabble that came to mind while I was listening to a song (and going through writers block on my wips). Hope you liked it!!!
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
*cries real faerie tears* :')
thanks to @ironicallyanemic for sending this to the gc! 🖤🗡
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
i would love to see a hc or a fic where cardan has an ed. or childhood trauma. idk
hi anon! i know this isn’t what you meant, but i wanted to play with the idea of cardan being affected by his time as a snake. i hope you enjoy!
tw//panic attack, ptsd
Cardan was going insane. 
During the first week of listening to ballads performed in his honor, he was glad that at least someone could enjoy his time as a snake. Instead of reliving the horror of becoming a monster, of having instinct replace reason, pretending everything away allowed him to find humor in the whole ordeal. 
“You should see someone,” Jude had said one night, after being woken up from Cardan thrashing around due to a particularly bad nightmare.
“Why bother?” he had asked, playing at nonchalance. “I am dealing with it on my own.” 
But dealing with affairs such as this was not Cardan’s strong suit.  
He frequented the cellars and became more outrageous than before. He wore more gaudy clothes and partied all night long and into the morning.  
“Did you bathe in wine?” Jude had asked him one evening.
Cardan had pretended not to see the concern in her gaze.
They were laying in bed—she had convinced him of laying down with her instead of partying with the Folk, though he was tempted to return to the festivities. Anything was better than facing what had become of him. 
He had laughed off her concern and said, “Why? Do you want a taste of me?”
She had frowned and rolled onto her side, effectively ending the conversation.
Why couldn’t she see that he was fine?
Another week passed, and yet nothing got easier.
Cardan found that he had developed a fear of the dark. He would laugh at his own foolishness if the threat of being consumed by the darkness did not haunt him. 
At night, before he entered his bed chambers, he would have a servant light a few candles if Jude was not already there. He told himself it was so that he could see his surroundings, but it was really to keep him tethered to the present. 
The dark reminded him of what it was like to be a beast, locked inside his own mind. For the entire time that he had been . . . out of commission, he had been in the dark. Thinking of it sent a chill slithering up his spine. 
Even sleep was a terror to him. 
Some days, when Jude was particularly busy, he would wait for her to finish her tasks before he went to bed. He was terrified of sleeping alone, of being strangled in his sheets by the darkness. It was not a rational fear, but it was fear all the same. 
The Court was not much better. 
Courtiers and nobles all had the same questions. Jude tried her best to keep them at bay, but not even she—the High Queen of Faerie—could control them. 
What was it like as a snake? Do you remember what you did? How did it feel?
How did it feel? He wanted to scream. It felt like he had become a monster. He did not recognize himself in those days between waking and sleeping. For the entirety of his time as a beast, it had felt like he had been underwater, clawing his way toward the surface.
He felt like he was drowning now. He could vaguely see Jude in front of him, eyes full of concern. Was she drowning, too?
It was getting difficult to breathe. His lungs were on fire, he needed air. 
“Jude,” he gasped out. 
He saw her mouth move, but he couldn’t hear her. Everything around him was muffled. 
His vision was flickering in, out. Darkness, then light. Darkness again. 
What was happening to him?
He quickly concluded that he was dying. A shame, really. He was too short of breath to tell his wife how much he loved her. 
Suddenly, two strong arms wrapped around him from where he had collapsed on the ground. Someone pulled him to their chest and held him close. They stroked his hair and whispered little nothings in his ear. 
After a few moments, he found that he could breathe. 
Through his haze, he managed to blink his surroundings into focus.
Jude was the one comforting him while he lay sprawled on the ground. His head was in her lap, though he wasn’t sure how he had gotten there. His limbs were shaky, but he made himself sit up.
“Jude?” He sounded afraid, but he didn’t feel weak. How could anyone feel weak when the strongest person alive was holding them up?
“I’m here,” she crooned. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. You’re okay. You’re fine.”
“No, I am not.” His voice broke at the end. The admission was the truth, one he had buried for far too long. By saying those four little words, he had realized how much pain he had been in. How he should have listened to Jude.
Jude’s eyes softened. “We’ll figure this out. Together.”
Cardan could only nod. His mouth would not form words. He was still numb to the world, but he was beginning to regain feeling in his limbs again, as well as his heart. And there was nothing worse than that. 
“I do not want to go through that again,” he said as Jude rubbed tiny circles into the palm of his hand.  
“You shouldn’t have to go through it at all.” Jude did not sound pitying; she sounded mad, on his behalf. 
He was strangely calm now. There were no more courtiers breathing down his neck. The only two in the throne room were he and his wife. The only sound that could be heard was their breathing. 
“Thank you,” he said abruptly. 
Jude gave him a quizzical look. “For what?” 
“For caring.” 
Jude paused and reached up to cup his face between her hands. “I love you, Cardan.” She searched his eyes, and then repeated the sentiment again. “I love you.” 
Jude leaned forward and pressed a feather-light kiss on his forehead. “I will always be there for you. I promise.” 
No one had cared about him before like Jude did. It was a new and thrilling feeling, to have someone love you for you. 
“This will all be in the past soon. Trust me,” she said, and he believed her. 
Cardan knew that to beat this, it would take time and effort. But Jude was right: it would be over, and he would have her to thank. 
Because his love for her was strong enough to overcome his fear. His love for was a light in the dark, it kept him breathing. 
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
I’d love to see something where Cardan is jealous and Jude is reassuring. Like they’re 100% in love but he can’t help being jealous kinda thing. Thank you ♥️♥️♥️♥️
no problem, love! enjoy :)
Jude had needed to grab a few supplies for Taryn’s baby shower later that day—a mortal pastime that Cardan did not quite understand but nonetheless tagged along for. What should have taken fifteen minutes steadily turns into an hour trip, seeing as Cardan is entranced by everything around him. His eyes dart around, landing on various objects. More than once, he had stopped to inspect mortal items, turning them over in his hands to figure out how they work. Jude continuously had to explain that not everything in the store was used for a purpose. Some things, like a strawberry-shaped vase, were merely used for decoration.
Now as they walk, Cardan’s attention catches on a wall of TVs. The same movie plays on every screen, one with superheroes flying around and fighting aliens. Explosions ring out around the heroes, but none seem to pay them any attention, too focused on fighting the opponents in front of them. It’s all very dramatic, but Cardan seems to like it since he stops abruptly to watch more.
“We should bring some of these,” he gestures at the TVs, “back home. Don’t you agree?”
Jude snorts. “I don’t think that we would get any service. Elfhame is not supposed to exist.”
Cardan’s brows knit together, but they continue shopping. Once Jude is satisfied with all of the supplies they have stuffed into their cart, they head to the register to check out.
“Why are mortals so slow, Jude?” Cardan whines after approximately five minutes of waiting in line.
“I think the better question is why you are so impatient.” Jude smirks at Cardan’s pout.  
They do eventually get to the register, much to Cardan’s relief, and they unload their cart. The cashier, a boy about their age, looks over the supplies, curious, before asking, “Are you expecting?”
The question is aimed at Jude, but Cardan’s eyes dart to the boy—Henry, his nametag reads—who should be checking out their supplies instead of Cardan’s wife.
Jude startles. “I hope not,” she laughs. “No, this is for my sister, who is expecting.”
“So you’re not expecting . . .” Henry says, looking her over. “Does that mean you’re free Friday?” He shoots her a grin.
It’s not like Cardan gets jealous often. Well, no one would dare hit on Jude in Elfhame in front of him, but he still feels the monster inside him rear its ugly head at the thought that someone would dare flirt with her. Is he aware that this type of thinking is a little possessive? Yes. Does that stop him from sliding and arm around Jude’s waist and pinning this cashier punk with a glare? No.
“Actually, my wife is not on the market.”
Jude looks up at him, lips quirking up a bit. She must take some satisfaction from his jealousy.
Henry sputters. “You look a little young to be married.”
“Why thank you,” Jude replies with a smirk, though her eyes are on Cardan. After that, Henry speeds through the process of ringing them up and does not ask any more questions. Once their cart is loaded with their bags and they have paid, Jude and Cardan leave.
They stop at the car they borrowed from Vivi—Jude had learned to drive specifically for occasions such as this. Cardan moves to unpack the cart once more, but Jude puts a hand to his arm to stall him. Her eyes shine with mischief when she asks, “What was that about?”
Cardan turns red, looks away. Rubs the back of his neck, says, “He shouldn’t be looking at you like that.”
“Were you jealous, Cardan?”
She seems to derive some sort of sick pleasure from this, Cardan thinks. He stubbornly snaps his mouth shut and refrains from speaking. Sometimes not being able to lie is unfortunate.
Jude’s lips curve into a small smile. “Hmm. Odd, considering that I would never think of anyone that way other than my husband. Whom I love very much.”
Cardan cannot mask his relief or the feline grin that worms its way across his face. “Good. Because I happen to love you more than all the wine in the royal cellars.”
Jude snorts and raises a brow. “I would not believe that if you couldn’t lie.” She grins up at him before planting a soft kiss to his cheek. “Now come on—Vivi will get mad if we delay any longer.”
“If we must,” Cardan acquiesces, helping to unload their cart. He watches Jude out of the corner of his eye. The sun halos her head and he cannot help but think how lucky he is that the stars aligned this way, how lucky he is to have her as his wife. His queen.
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
Fandom: Folk of the Air
Ship: Jurdan
Rating: T
Fluffy Angst
Little had changed since Jude’s ascension to the throne. As when she was Seneschal, she coordinated the kingdom’s affairs with unparalleled grace and tenacity.
Perhaps the greatest difference was the respect and admiration that shone in the eyes of her subjects and colleagues. Some entertained the sentiment freely while others offered their appreciation with reluctance, but even those that loathed to admit it, could not deny that their Queen was remarkable.
Oh, and of course, the revels.
As Seneschal, Jude could still make up excuses of work to avoid attending the unending festivities that were often separated by little free time. Cardan was never far from “a party mood,” as it was called in the human world. And when she was considered a mere accessory to the crown, she had no direct obligation to attend each meaningless celebration.
Now that she wore said crown, the lavish parties were considerably more difficult to avoid.
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
Tell Me What You’re Thinking
jurdan7 said:                                                                
- “I don’t deserve you. I never did.”~~~ jurdan pls💕from the angsty prompts dialogue for the 600 follower celebration! Congrats luv!!! I can’t wait to see what you come up with💖
Thank you so much for the prompt!! I had a lot of fun writing this, especially for my first time writing in the canon-verse. Title is based off a random song called Misery by Michigander that came on my recommended and I kept replaying while I wrote this. I just have to say though… this is very, very angsty. Read at your own risk.
Jude rubs her eyes, picking up her pen to respond to another of the many inquiries piled up on her desk. She knows she should go to bed, but she finds herself purposefully delaying herself yet again.
In the few months that have passed since her official coronation, she has found that she almost prefers being the seneschal, where she didn’t have to hide behind the guise of formality. Being Queen comes with many responsibilities, from coordinating diplomatic relations and hosting formal banquets. But recently, there is one responsibility that is weighing her down the most, that is keeping her hiding behind stacks of paperwork avoiding her problems.
After two more letters, Jude stacks them neatly in a pile to go over with Cardan later and resigns herself to return to her room. It is late in Faerie; sunlight streams through the windows, and most Fae would already be in bed.
She silently pushes open the door to their shared chambers. The room is dark, drapes covering the windows, except for a single lantern burning softly on the side table. She slips off her gown and changes into her night clothes and turns to their bed, expecting Cardan to be fast asleep. Instead, she finds him sitting up with a book in his lap, shirtless and with his dark curls mussed, as if he’s been running his hands through them. Even in the dim light, she can see the exhaustion lining his face, the shadows lingering beneath his eyes.
Keep reading
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
Idk if someone cares but my friend and I started reading the cruel prince together and I decided to make us some bookmarks!
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In case someone would like to use them too✨
But pls don’t steal them <3
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bookquotes-20 · 3 years
Colourful Writeblr Asks
Dusty Rose: Your personal favourite character in your wip
Sunset Orange: Your personal least favourite character in your wip
Lime Green: Your favourite kind of scene to write
Twilight Purple: Your least favourite kind of scene to write
Blood Red: Favourite piece of dialogue from your wip
Ocean Blue: Least favourite piece of dialogue from your wip
Morning Grey: Do you still want people to join your taglist?
Bubblegum Pink: If you could only write one genre for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Forest Green: What’s your favourite genre to write?
Primrose Yellow: What’s your least favourite genre to write?
Iced Coffee Brown: What is one character that readers wouldn’t expect to do what they did?
Caribbean Turquoise: Which character has the most traumatic past?
Brick Red: Which character gets the happiest ending?
Strawberry Pink: Ship trope you have in your book
Ice Blue: Ship trope you think is overused in writing
Forest Green: Of your main five characters, who is a tea, coffee, water or soda person?
Daffodil Yellow: Does worldbuilding come easily to you?
Leather Jacket Black: Anything you think I left off!
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