celinelinesse · 6 years
Hello! So I'm currently in IL but I want to move back to Arkansas sometime next year. The only problem is that I don't really know anyone down there and I'm uneasy moving there by myself. I would have to get an apartment but probably wouldn't afford it without a roommate. And not comfortable with having a roommate that I don't know. I'm not dating anyone rn and none of my friends wants to leave IL for awhile so I can't take anyone down with me. Do you have any advice or tips?
hey love,
thanks for sharing this with me. I can totally understand where you are coming from! In fact, I’ve been in a quite similar place! When I planned my travels it always included my boyfriend. We would stay in private places together and share all costs and I wouldn’t be alone. This being said, we broke up a couple of weeks before the journey should’ve started. I was so insecure about what to do, going to the other side of the globe all by myself sounded damn scary. Also. I thought I’d never be the person to share rooms with strangers. Long story short, I ended up having the best time of my life. I didn’t go home until today which is over a year later and I’ve gotten used to all the things I thought I didn’t like in the beginning!What I want to say is that the things outside our comfort zone hold the best for ourselves. I know you might feel intimidated and alone, but I promise you that you are only facing this challenge with the intention to be positively surprised by the outcome! Give it a go. Take the leap! I believe that great things happen once we surrender and stop attempting to control everything, at least that's what I learned during my journey! I promise that once you’re there, everything will fall into place. You’ll meet the right people at the right point and you’ll find the perfect place. Maybe a roommate is the best ticket for socializing and feeling less alone? Who knows!Also, keep in mind nothing is forever and you can always change your situation. If you are uncomfortable wherever you end up, you can still alter your path.
I wish you all the best, looking forward to hearing how it goes xx 
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celinelinesse · 6 years
Hi I was hoping you could help me with some advice I've been away from tumblr for afew years due to things like mental illness, low self esteem, and going through all of that I never deleted my blog because I loved it & from my life experiences I wish to start fresh, revamp my blog and change it to a place where I can posts my interests but also help other people too like you do e.g give advice, im not in it for the views or to be popular I really want to help, what would be your advice?
hey darling, first of thanks for reaching out, so sorry to hear that you struggled so badly, but the happier it makes me to hear that you are back xx first and foremost, its a great intention you have and I wish you all the best with it. not sure though if I get your question right, but if you are looking for staying on tumblr you can always create a new blog connected to your main blog to separate your topics! hope you have a lovely day :) 
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celinelinesse · 6 years
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On my journey toward my true self, my purpose, and finding out what I truly want, traveling played a huge role. It’s been over a year now that I left home and hit the road. Ever since I’m telling everyone I’m coaching that they need to travel. This week, I talked about the emotions while traveling, the perks of traveling minimal and about why traveling is so essential and important for you. In fact, I poured so much love and energy into this 3 minutes video, that if you have time to spare, head over straight away and listen to why traveling will change your life. 
I saw my family after one year. This is what happened. (traveling back to europe) - watch the video here  I just came back from a trip to Europe to finally see my family again - after one whole year. I knew that I wanted to share those impressions with you, however, I wanted it to be kinda different from a usual vlog, which is why I decided that instead of showing you my experience, I’ll capture my feelings. It’s literally been a rollercoaster, and I wanted to give you an idea on how raw, authentic and beautiful it was. I made this compilation for me, too, which is why it’s kinda long, but I just wanted to have something to look back at, and at the same time I wanted it to be seen by you. Sharing vulnerability and emotions is something that I always enjoy watching since its giving me a glimpse of humanity - I hope, this one does the same to you. 
Taking less stuff - The Perks Of Traveling Minimal - watch the video here Traveling minimal is a thing I literally never did. When I was younger, I would visit my dad in my hometown once or twice a year a week or two each, and I would never have less than a big suitcase and a backpack. Anyways, ever since I was traveling in Bali, moved to Australia and started changing my views in many ways, minimalism was a topic I came across, too. Today I’m going to be talking about traveling minimally.  I tried to leave for two weeks with only one little backpack, and I captured it for you to see. The main perks of traveling with less luggage are that you have so much less stress. - Packing is super quick (even though I suggest spending some time writing a packing list so that you got all your essentials together). - Navigating while traveling is easier, I mean while traveling there’s so much stuff to pay attention to, it's good when you don't have to look after 3 more bags. Also, - I took better care of the stuff I had because I knew I really needed it. I wore everything I packed which basically never happened before, but is totally logical when you look at the concept of minimalism: downsize to only your favorite things and things that add value to your life. The rest is access weight. - Traveling minimal is engaging you to connect since you are more likely to ask, share and borrow from others whenever you forgot something. Another positive side effect was that - I was less tempted to buy things abroad cause I knew I couldn't carry them home anyways. - I collected experiences rather than things.  Saves money, too so - win-win. All in all, it made my travels so much easier, quicker and more comfortable and meaningful, the same positive effects minimalism, in general, has had on my life. 
Why You NEED TO Travel To Find Out Who You Are. - watch the video here How traveling changes your world. My whole self-development journey started at exactly the same point my travel journey started., too. Ever since, I keep telling people that to find out who they are and what kind of life they want to live, they should pack their backs and hit the road. But why is traveling so essential along the journey toward your true self? Think about it like this: when you, for example, read books, you educate your mind. You become smarter, more intelligent, more knowledgeable because you are collecting information from many different sources which expands the consciousness of your mind. Traveling is like educating your soul. You go to places and you are constantly collecting impressions. Different ways of living, different ways of working, different ways of surviving.  The essence which expanse the consciousness of your soul is the experiences you make while educating it. Many people think that they have it all figured out. They master life and they know what they want. But most of the time, the consciousness of their soul equals the intelligence of having read one book. You might know it really well, know all its twists and plots, even know the ending but if someone tells you a different story, you are lost in a completely new narration. Its the same as with mastering your life - if you are being put in another persons shoes, you would lose all your skills that you thought makes you capable of mastering everything - because you are having a completely different perspective.  So what we strive for, is reading as many books as possible to widen our knowledge and make up our mind on what we believe and what we don’t. This is how we build the consciousness of our mind. To build the consciousness of our soul, we must strive for new experiences, new ways of life. We must look for opportunities where we can be totally lost and out of our comfort zone again because this is the only way to grow. When first reading a new book, every word you read is something new and unknown.  But it feeds your mind and therefore, widens your knowledge. So when we go to a new place and meet new people and see new things, we strive for doing things for the first time so that we can make up our mind on what we like and what we dislike.  Which lays the foundation of us being aware of what kind of person we want to be and what kind of life we want to life. How can we know what we want when we just read the same book over and over again?
I hope this summary is something you can come back to whenever you feel like you need to revise about the importance of travel. Make sure to join our lovely email family, which you can sign up to for free and get notifications, more in-depth insights, clear guidance and heaps of special content. JOIN THE TRIBE HERE! Sending lots of love and good vibes your way, Celine Linesse
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celinelinesse · 6 years
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This week, I’m going to talk about subconscious and conscious manifestation and how we can attract love and meaningful relationships in 3 steps. I believe that everyone is capable of creating their own reality, which is why I guide you through these parts of manifestation and the application of the law of attraction today. 
We Attract Both, The Good and The Bad - watch the video here That sounds like a pretty daring claim - that you, somehow, have the responsibility for your own reality. You might think “how the hell is it my fault, that I, instead of sipping a drink in the Caribbean, have to wake up every morning and go to work??” or “how the hell is it my fault that I, instead of having a million dollar in my bank account, am sitting here at the end of every month struggling from paycheck to paycheck??” or “how the hell is it my fault that I was born into such a shitty life.” And don’t worry, I get you, but hear me out. Everything is energy vibrating on a certain level. So are you, your thoughts, your circumstances, and your reality. The truth is, that every one of us is subconsciously manifesting our reality - basically, manifesting means that you are attracting whatever you focus on into reality. Now, why you are responsible for the negative aspects of your life as well? I know that this might seem hard to understand because eventually we feel attacked by being the cause of our own misery. So if you stay with me now, make sure to not feel offended, but to open your mind and learn.  Our brain is conditioned to store negative experiences and thoughts because often we act fear-based and from a place of lack, so your brain goes: “see what happened last time, this time you won't take a risk” so it tricks you by pretending to protect you. In this attempt of protection, it clings on all the negative experiences and thoughts you’ve had. In fact, from all the 50-70 k thoughts, 80% of them are negative. Keep in mind, those include and mainly sustain out of subconscious thoughts. The law of attraction does work, and it does so all the time, not only when you want it and you think positive, also when you don't think about it and you’re negative. And by saying that you are responsible for reality, I do not mean that every tragedy, every mess and every unfortunate situation is because of you. It’s how you deal with it. Lets say you have a job which doesn't pay you enough - it is not your fault that the job doesn't fit your expectations, you can’t influence how much you get paid - but it is up to you if you stay in this job and go “I never have enough money, everything is so expensive, money is such a struggle”, because see what you do? You are, right now, with these thoughts, creating your reality.   So now to the fun part of how to create your reality by creating your thoughts: the main principles you need to understand and use are that first, you need to raise your own vibration to align with something in a higher frequency.  How? Via your feelings. So this is tricky: you need to feel like you already are where you want to be to raise your vibration. You need to feel happy, satisfied, and grateful for what is not there already. That's next level. So to keep it simple - your thoughts create your reality. So if you want to be happy, start feeling happiness. It is a decision. Think about things that make you happy, replay happy situations in your brain, focus on happiness. And I am 100% sure that there are plenty of things you can be happy about. Focus on the abundance, not on the lack. Focus on what you already have, and appreciate what is on it’s way to you. Positivity is the key.
Manifestation Methods that which work! - watch the video here Manifestation can be practiced in many different ways. In the video, I mainly present you the writing exercises you can do to create your reality, for example, “a day in my life”, “level ten life” or “manifestation speech” which all are based on the system of creating your dream life in the future and make it your reality. Further, I offer a way on how you can rewire your subconscious to reprogram your brain toward more positivity: You can record any of your written manifestation exercises with your phone and play it in the background while you walk, drive the bus, draw, before you go to bed - the beauty of this is that to reach your subconscious, you do not need to pay attention to it. To get an idea of what this could look like, I created you an audio tape which you can download, which includes a brain rewiring on the topic “self-love”. You can easily get the tape by signing up to my mail list which I’ll link at the end of this blog post, and answer the welcome message with a quick one-liner so I’ll forward you said email containing the free tape. 
Attracting Love and Meaningful Relationships - watch the video here So I talked about this topic from two different angles already - in my video about energy, I was saying that the energy between people is the main fuel for a successful relationship. In my LoA videos I told you that the key to everything is the vibration you are in, and how you are feeling. Because feelings, thoughts and emotions are energy which will manifest into your life according to the laws of the universe. Now, I’ll talk you through three steps on how to unite all this knowledge to actively attract positive relationships and love into your life. 1. Get clear on what you want. Not on how you want the other person to be, but how you want to feel. Loved, Cherished, Safe, Enhanced. 2. Feel that way already. I know its hard when you feel lonely, but this is really the only thing you must do to attract anything you want. Act as if. To feel that way, look for things that make you feel love, gratitude, safety. Raise your vibration.  3. Do the work and then surrender. One of the most discussed topics around the LoA: how much should I do, when do I detach and let go.  It comes down to doing what you know you can do and trusting in everything that will happen. You know, you can't just go around, put someone else hand into yours and be like, “I’ve done the work that's required to get a boyfriend or girlfriend.” But what you can do is, go out, talk to people, be open, give, radiate happiness and openness, and then most important: detach from the idea of needing a relationship. WHAT? This is the whole point of manifesting?! It is, but the problem is that as soon as you feel you need something, you are coming from a place of lack. When you are coming from a place of lack, you are in the wrong vibration to get what you want. So, when you have done your work, surrender. Of course you can still think about it, write about it, read about it, daydream about it - but in a way that you are assured of getting what you want soon. Do not daydream and be like, “Oh I wish I would have a boyfriend right now to go watch that movie together.” Be like “Oh I am so happy for soon having a boyfriend to do these things together.” And even though this sounds a little primitive, but this is the only way the law of attraction operates. It gives you whatever is in the same frequency as in the one you are aligned with. Its the same for love and other positive relationships. Open up your heart for the feelings that you want to attract. But feel them without any attachment to the outcome. Surrender.  I hope this summary is something you can come back to whenever you feel like you need to revise about manifestation. Make sure to join our lovely email family, which you can sign up to for free and get notifications, more in-depth insights, clear guidance and heaps of special content and most importantly, the audio tape about the brain rewiring I’ve been talking about. JOIN THE TRIBE HERE! Sending lots of love and good vibes your way,  Celine Linesse
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celinelinesse · 6 years
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love lʌv/ noun 1. a strong feeling of affection."babies fill parents with intense feelings of love"synonyms:deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment: 2. a great interest and pleasure in something."his love for football"synonyms:liking, weakness, partiality, bent, leaning, proclivity, inclination, disposition;  verb 1. feel deep affection or sexual love for (someone)."do you love me?"synonyms:be in love with, be infatuated with, be smitten with, be besotted with, be passionate about; 
The official definition of love. It’s is the essence of connecting with people and build a relationship, which is the theme I’m going to talk about this week. ♡
1. The Most Important Relationship You’ll Ever Have (watch the video here)  Let’s have a closer look at the most important relationship you’ll ever have and why the success of this one forms the base of every other relationship in your life. The relationship you have with yourself mainly takes place in the mind. Whereas your mind isn't something you can always control, there are active ways to talk to yourself through your thoughts.  Often, these conversations are based on our fears, what we are lacking, what we are insecure about - I don't look good in this, I’m not capable of this, she is better than me, I’m not enough etc.  Now imagine your mind is another person who says all these things to you. Would you still want to be with that person, would you still value and respect that person? When we abandon ourselves, there is no way we can create healthy relationships with others. Through our childhood, through society, we have been put in a place of constant judgment and comparison, which is the most unhealthy place to be. We often see in others only what we are lingering for because everyone is busy presenting their flawlessness. Self-doubt is something (almost) everyone deals with, but people handle it in different ways of hiding it. The problem with hiding your self-doubt by pretending to be flawless and invulnerable takes a lot of effort. Instead, treat yourself with love. The key of every relationship is love. Feeling unconditional love for myself, value me, be my own best friend. If I show enough respect to myself, I will not accept anyone else treating me below this standard.  
2.  Romantic Relationships - What they say about you (watch the video here) I have been through many relationships, many of them had a totally different nature. What I can say about this is that looking back, it wasn't just about the person I was with, it depended on the mindset and the beliefs and truths I carried with me at this point in time. I’m giving you a few examples to understand this concept.  Imagine coming out of a bad breakup. Your mindset: lonely, hurt, lost trust, doubtful - the relationship you will try to attract in your life is someone to give you back what you’ve lost. Because you are coming from a place of lack, you will always look for signs that this person is not giving you what you need. You will become needy, possessive, controlling. Also, because your self-esteem is low, you are more likely to chose someone who is covering your basic needs without looking deeper into that person.   Imagine that the last few months, you focused completely on finding yourself. You worked and naturally built a belief system, truths, values, you know what you want and you know what you need. You are content and you are coming from a place of abundance. Now when feeling attracted to someone, you will feel the pull because you resonate on a deeper level. Because your self-esteem is high, you won't settle for anything less and you are setting an example of how to be treated. Of course, these are just examples and I generally don't believe in generalization, but you get the point.  Often, the current nature of your relationship says at least equally much about your current relationship with yourself. Since a relationship is a growing and evolving process, energies between you and your partner can change. The mistake we make is that we are looking for the mistake in the other person, with the egoistic belief that we haven't changed, therefore, we couldn't be the reason.  Change is such a big topic in relationships because only when we place our own expectations on the other person, we see change as something negative since it differs from what we expect. If we are coming from a place of love, understanding, and compassion with the intention to bring up the best in the other persons life and character, we not only help the other person grow, but we maintain a deliberate and free state of being with each other, which is based on the simple truth that a relationship cannot work if you intend to possess the other person.
3. My Relationship With Strangers (watch the video here) It’s nearly absurd how much we care about what others think. Think about 5 people who behaved extraordinarily or outside the norm in the past week. In the rare case that something so significant happened that you can pinpoint a situation right now, its highly unlikely that you remember his or her face or would recognize her or him. Yet, we still care about what others might think of us even though we know their impressions of us lasts no longer than seconds until they go on with their lifes. Ever since I questioned my belief regarding this topic, I started caring less and less. And I can assure you, the less I cared, the more alive I felt, and the more absurd it felt, to once be determined by others opinions.  Think about the most successful and respected people you know and their tendency to worry about what other people think of them. Most likely, they don’t. If your self-respect and self-esteem are high enough, you will accept you, and only you as your judge. You know that your dreams, hopes, and your opinion deserve to be lived, seen and heard no matter what. And when you reach that state, the most interesting thing happens: people start to respect you, not for fitting into their expectations of you, but for respecting yourself.
Hopefully, you’ll find this useful to revise the content I shared with you in my videos - especially if you are more a reader than a listener :) If you resonate with my content and waiting for a serious opportunity to START IMPROVING YOUR LIFE - This Is It. Sign up to my mail list HERE, to receive free coaching, guidance, and content to start jour journey. 
Love & Hugs,  Celine Linesse Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celinelinesse/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf0SYLo-Imu_1d1I9nu5zQw
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celinelinesse · 6 years
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I’m absolutely passionate about the theme I’m coaching you in this week - which is probably because until a couple of months ago, I was super suspicious about it myself. The following paragraphs will summarise the main ideas of this weeks’ videos. 
Simple Proves of Universal Energy (Shakti, Spirit, Chi, God, Power...?) - watch the video here Since our brain is trained to believe only what is scientifically approved, I’ll start off with the physical perspective of Universal Energy. No other but Albert Einstein said: E=mc2 - "Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared." On the most basic level, the equation says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. An object is an energy vibrating on a specific frequency. So everything we know is energy vibrating on a frequency. The objects in our physical world as well as the thoughts and emotions in our mind. We can call it vibe, atmosphere, feeling - everything is energy vibrating on a different level. Focusing on the historical perspective of Universal Energy, we know that the eastern world has always worked, healed, and lived with this energy principles: teachings of yoga, mediation, chinese medicine & healing energy within us “spirit, shakti, chi” - the energy that can fuel us independently from how much we’ve been eating or sleeping. We will find ourselves in the same physical circumstances, the difference is our mindset - after a sleepless night, our energy level will be completely different if we look forward to going to school or spending a fun day with someone. And finally, the Universal Energy from a personal perspective: Commonly known under a different name, there’s a source of energy so powerful that it can change our whole experience of life: LOVE. When we are acting from a state of love, everything is beautiful, we feel energised, excited, happy. Nothing can bring us down. We are in a state of ecstasy. The incredible power of love has been proven so many times, its healed, protected and connected people.
4 Easy Steps to Access the Infinite Energy within you - watch the video here Imagine energy flowing in and out of you constantly. You can picture it like your blood system - the center of it is your heart. It pumps blood through your veins which then circulates in your body. Energy, too, has centers: one is your heart, another common one is your solar plexus or your third eye for example. But other than blood, energy keeps you connected to the whole universe. To everything around you. There is a constant exchange of energy, things you see, feel, sense leave an impression - an energetic print inside you, and you, too, leave an impression on everything else. The main source of this energy is love. This source of energy is so essential that love almost functions as a synonym for energy. The question is, how to experience life in a constant state of love? First, connect with yourself. Your soul is made out of the same essence as everything in this universe is - therefore, you are one with everything else. Second, focus on self-love: If you understand that you are one with everything else, and you practice self-love, you automatically find appreciation and love for everything else. Third, Gratitude: being grateful for all the miracles, beauties, abundances around you. Being grateful is feeling love for everything. And finally, open and never close: one of our main energy centers (=chakras) is our heart: we have the tendency to close whenever something gets uneasy - something does go our way, someone doesn't behave our way. When we close and shut down, we cut ourselves off our energy supply. We close our heart, stop feeling love and stop coming from a way of love.  We need to learn how to constantly stay open.
The power of energy in Romantic Relationships - watch the video here Why are some relationships working better than others, why do we fight with one person and are perfectly fine with the other?  The first thing that pops into our head is “different interests and values” but when we really think about it, there are people who make us feel great no matter what movies they watch or which god they believe in. The secret of a healthy relationship lays one stage deeper, on an energetic level. If a person has a good energy, we feel attracted to him or her, because he or she projects their energy on us and it lifts us up. Especially when we start feeling love for that person, we do the same for them - projecting the positive energy onto them so they feel attracted to us. In other words, we want to spend all our time with that person, because he or she makes us feel like life is so much more colorful, so much more intense, so much better. But this can easily get addicting. So why do some relationships end or become less satisfying? The reason is simple: before meeting that person, we got our energy from an independent source, or different sources altogether. Spiritually experienced people get their energy from themselves through connecting to their inner source. Some of us get it through friends, family, things that bring us joy.  Now that we fall in love, it can happen that we want all the energy from that one person that so deliberately gave it to us because this energy is different - stronger, more enhancing. Automatically, we expect them to give it to us. As we do that, we try to influence the relationship in a way it sustains as a perfect energy source. In other words, we want our significant other to be a certain way and to love us in a certain way. We are now coming from a place of lack which ends in a fight about this energy. If you can understand this principle, you can build better, more fulfilling and more stable relationships than ever before: do not disconnect you from your inner source of energy when receiving love from another person. Let it come naturally. Love and appreciate the person for who they are, appreciate, do not judge, and be grateful. Give as much of your energy - or love, as you possibly can.  This isn't just true for romantic relationships, its true for every relationship in your life. First, you must stay connected to yourself. Then, you need to focus on giving instead of taking. 
I hope this summary is something you can come back to whenever you feel like you need to revise about energy. The energy in relationships was my favorite one of this weeks points of focus because ever since I implemented this knowledge into my personal life, I took relationships to another level. It is fascinating how much happens subconsciously, yet has such a huge impact on our lifes. Next week, I will go more in-depth in relationships and what you can learn about yourself while observing them. 
Make sure to join our lovely email family, which you can sign up to for free and get notifications, more in-depth insights, clear guidance and heaps of special content. JOIN THE TRIBE HERE!
Sending love and good energy your way, Celine Linesse
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celinelinesse · 6 years
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hello love, I hope you’re fine. My guidance this week is based on the topic “reset”. In this post, I’m summarising the three main ideas for you.
Signs that you are off balance (watch the video here) The main distinction between having a bad day and being off balance is the length of the period in which we feel off (lazy, tired, moody, emotional). A bad day is easily fixed with a movie and a good night sleep whereas being off and disconnected leads to many attempts of fixing it without success (self-care, new habits, new resolutions - but you just can't seem to stick to it), You end up constantly feeling disconnected from yourself. When we are off balance, we maintain the tendency to close -  we get in a bad mood very easily, we feel tension, we feel overwhelmed by expectations and negative thoughts and we are identifying ourselves with them, which results in us closing our heart and cutting ourselves off the loving energy.   The best way of telling whats wrong is observing yourself - did something happen, is there something underlying your body has to deal with, are you going through a phase of process or development - our body sometimes uses up our energy for things we can't necessarily see: healing procedures, subconscious processes, cleansing from bad vibes. Physical energy drainage is worth listening to for a while, focus on doing what feels right, give your body and mind a break, get rid of expectations - and after a while you will be able to draw a clear line between “I’m having a bad moment” or “I’m off balance” which means it requires a more serious commitment to making a change to get out of this vicious cycle of energy drainage.
How to commit to making a change and getting back into balance (watch the video here) Everyone knows those days where you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you tell yourself “from tomorrow on (…)” but the next day you’ll find yourself back to where you started, and it can be endlessly frustrating. Some periods of feeling off balance require a more serious commitment to making a change than others, and the first thing you need to do is noticing and admitting that something goes wrong and you can not tolerate it anymore. Then you need to become aware of a couple of things: You are not under any obligation to being who you were five minutes ago, and you are the only one who can change your situation. There is nothing you can not change. You need to realise that all the things you came up with until know as to why you cannot be how you’d like to be are excuses. You can be whoever you want to be, you are capable of being your highest, most fulfilled self, and all it takes is a decision with commitment rather than the attempt to try until you fail. 
How to keep your vibrations high and not fall back into old habits (watch the video here) After contemplating a serious change in your life, it’s all about finding a middle way between going about your life the way you did and immerse new intentions and goals. After getting back into balance and alignment, you are able to figure out what you want and what you do not want anymore. Especially after a making a big change in your life, you will be tested in any way possible because your ego naturally doesn't want you to leave your comfort zone. That's what the brain does, tricking you into being safe and performing 60% out of your capacity of 100% so you will need to prove your brain wrong by using this simple method: Do the things you wanted to without thinking about it. No time to come up with excuses. Do what you have to do, push through and you will find comfort and ease in repetition. Everything is a matter of getting used to. Work for what you want and show up, and be sure that everything will work out. Dream big and bigger, do not let it scare you and be sure to stay ambitious. You are here for a reason, now go out and do awesome. Manifest and use the laws of the universe. And finally: trust in surrender. Everything that happens, happens for a reason. Its a test, a chance to grow, a gift, a sign. Keep your eyes open and be aware of not only your energy but the ones around you. Be happy and positive within yourself.
Hopefully, you’ll find this useful to revise the content I shared with you in my videos - especially if you are more a reader than a listener :) now, one last thing: this whole RESET TOPIC is going to be followed by a free ONE WEEK RESET GUIDANCE for everyone who can resonate with any of the above and need some help getting back into balance and alignment. I’ve been through this routine myself after weeks of struggling to find back to myself, which is why I want you to have access to this beautiful ritual, too.  If you are interested, you can sign up to my mail list HERE, to get more information.  I love you, talk to you soon, Celine Linesse
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celinelinesse · 6 years
Wie hast du es geschafft alles negative hinter dir zu lassen und positiv zu werden? Bei mir geht gerade so einiges schief und würde mich über ein paar Tips echt freuen! Danke im voraus ♡
hello love xxich glaube, am meisten hat mir der ortswechsel geholfen. so konnte ich alles hinter mir lassen, und mit einem neuen mindset in die zukunft starten. es hat mir viel geholfen mal von mir selbst den focus zu nehmen und ihn voll dem leben zu geben. mal nicht immer nur ich, ich, ich zu denken und selbsteingenommen sein, sondern nur erfahren und erleben, alles observieren. das hat wie ein “reset” gewirkt, wodurch ich neue kraft schoepfen konnte. 
Ich gebe uebrigens naechste woche eine kostenlose “reset guidance” vial email, falls dich das interessiert melde dich einfach nochmal ♡
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celinelinesse · 6 years
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Thoughts have been circling through my mind and I poured all my love and passion into this creation. If there is one message I want to convey with what I do, this is the one. Watch the visualisation here or just continue reading. Once, twice or even more until it reaches your heart, because the core message is so incredibly important. I love you, Celine Linesse
How odd is it to live life as we are supposed to? Like, how weird? 
All we get is one life to live. Every day we experience is unique and will never come again. Ever. Time goes in only one direction and it starts running out the second we are born. And yet we spend hours and days and years and maybe even a lifetime trying to live up on other’s expectations. When did it become a thing to live your life like someone else does? It seems so  bizarre to me to strive for a life that has already been scripted. And you go to school and you get good grades to get accepted by uni and you study to find a job to marry and you start a family, and then you work more to nourish that family and you’ll stay in your job even if it doesn’t fulfil you and you don’t find the time to do what you enjoy because you are so busy juggling all these things you SHOULD do. And ugh, there it is, my most hated word: should. 

Whereas I realise that I always sound a little judging while talking about a “normal” life, I’m not - I know that if you want this kind of life, you can make it extraordinary beautiful and fulfilling by living it with passion and that is awesome. But when did this become a thing? Who defined this as the right way, the safe way, the way to go? And even worse, when did living out of the box become a strange thing? 
When did we start to receive raised eyebrows and concerned looks when talking about our hopes and dreams? I mean, it always was obvious to me that I wasn’t attracted by living a life based on things I should do, but still I had underlying beliefs somewhere within me, saying - yeah but you can just roam free to a certain extend. You know, you need money and you need an education and you need to settle down at one point and face reality. Godddd, I was so wrong. Repeating this in my head right now sounds so painfully untruthful to me. Because there is no reality we are forced to face. We create our reality. We are the creators of our life and we are not submissive servants dominated by circumstances, we arrive on this earth with a blank page in front of us waiting to be filled with exceptional, fantastic, remarkable stories. But what happens is that society takes this blank page and prints its own concept of life on it in big block letters for everyone to see.
But isn’t it so extremely unnatural to do anything we SHOULD do just for the sake of pleasing others, or fitting into a box? When all we get is right here, right now? 
Listen, when you hear yourself saying - I know what my dreams are but they have to wait -  and ask yourself: is anything in this world guaranteed but the here and now? Isn’t the present moment all you are assured of ? And even if it sounds dramatic, couldn’t your life be over tomorrow and you could possibly never reach the moment where you untie yourself and go for what you really want? And isn’t this idea so much more terrifying than the idea of taking a risk in order to blossom? In order to embrace love and light and uniqueness with what you want to do rather than performing average with a silently aching heart? 
I do not understand when the gift of having a lifetime on this planet was turned into a dutiful experience of expectations that needed to be met. I don’t understand when the idea of living a usual life inside your comfort zone became appealing to anyone. 

When I look around I see people all over the world living completely different lives. People who worship the moon, people who live in the jungle, people who never speak and people who sing, people who possess nothing and people who posses everything and people who never see the sun and people who are honouring buddha, themselves or Mother Nature and people with passions and dreams and fears and stories and this thought itself scares me to a certain extend cause there is so much out there and I am only to live my life.
 And therefore, it delivers me the greatest fuel to make the best, the most, and the realest out of my experience on earth. So please question your intentions and ask yourself who you are and who you want to be instead of who you are supposed to be. 
Thank you. 
If you are ready to grow wings and untie yourself from expectations - I’m here to help, to guide and to listen. You can sign up to my mail list here, where I offer free, personal guidance and exclusive content. I’d love you to be part of this movement. 
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celinelinesse · 7 years
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Watch “HOW IT FEELS TO LEAVE HOME WITHOUT A PLAN Here. In this one, it gets personal. About 11 months ago , at the age of 19, I left home, and I went from having a plan, to having no plan b at all but realising I didn't wanna stick to plan a, to flying to australia without any money to thinking this was a bad idea to moving there and being the happiest and most fulfilled version of myself in my whole life. 
I’m talking about my motivation to doubtlessly, recklessly and trustfully pursue my dreams and follow my own way even though I didn't no where it did lead me. 
The three most important lessons I learnt during a year of traveling, moving to another country, seeking myself and finding my way are: #1: you are never alone (even if it feels like it) #2: everything works out #3: trust your inner voice If you ever wondered what made me become who I am or what motivates me to share what I create or simply if you wanted to get to know me on a personal level, I’d say this video is the most accurate me. 
I love my story. learn to love yours.
Hugs & Kisses, Celine Linesse
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celinelinesse · 7 years
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Discover All REVIEWS + GIVEAWAYS Here. Books, books, books. I’m not even lying when I say: books have started the biggest revolution in my life - designing myself. I’ve been reading through a lecture that left me stoked about waking up in the morning, that made me leave home without a plan and move to the other side of the world, that kept me going in hard times and that motivated me to stop worrying and start living the life I’m dreaming about.  Ever since I share all valuable lessons with you on MY BLOG or MY YOUTUBE. However, the books start piling up and since I’m into a minimalistic lifestyle and a traveler anyway, it's getting unpractical. I’ve explained my solution in THIS VIDEO, but to make it quick:
Every month I read a book about personal growth, self-development and growing in any way, extract the for me most important information and then - here comes the exciting part: giving it away to you. 
In this way, I cannot only share my knowledge through the content I create, but I am now able to give something back and pass on an actual tool for you to dive into living the life you want to live and being the kind of person you want to be. And this thought leaves me so unbelievably happy and excited!
So I plan on keeping this post updated so it’ll be something you can come back to and get informed about which book I currently read and which book I am reviewing and giving away at the moment. Simply click on the title to watch the review!
Also, in case you wanna be the first to get notified about a new giveaway, you can subscribe to my mail list HERE, where a lot of other great (& free, huzzah) stuff awaits you weekly. So here we go:
January’s Read & Giveaway: You Are A Badass - Jen Sincero (giveaway closed)
February’s Read & Giveaway: The Life-Changing Magic Of Not Giving A Fuck - Sarah Knight (giveaway closed)
March’s Read & Giveaway: How To Get Your Shit Together - Sarah Knight (giveaway closed)
April’s Read & Giveaway: The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer (giveaway closed)
More books that are life-changing:
The Alchemist - Paolo Coelho
The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield
I love so many things about this project: You benefit, I benefit, we connect, we are reusing - hopefully, you’ll love the idea as much as I am. Good luck to anyone who’s participating (all the details regarding how to enter the contest are in the description box below each video).
Hugs & Kisses, Celine Linesse
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celinelinesse · 7 years
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Sign Up HERE To Receive Challenges, Exclusive Content, Motivation And More FOR FREE. ♡ Hello Love,  The last 10 days have been super interesting for me since I sent out an email each day containing content around no complaining and cutting off negativity.  Together, we focused on topics such as:
Day 1 - Why we complain and what we falsely get out of it. Day 2 - How our negativity effects our surrounding and other people. Day 3 - How we can build a habit towards more positivity. Day 4 - How we can make it easier to choose positivity. Day 5 - How positivity influences us and others. Day 6 - How consumption and outer input influences our mind and mood. Day 7 - How we can use the LoA to cut off negativity. Day 8 - What happiness means. Day 9 - How to let go. Day 10 - How to implement the gained knowledge into our daily life.
Composing each mail was as enlightening for me as it hopefully was for you.I started this email list to give you a new and more accessible way to receive motivational content, reminders, a personal way of communicating and a chance for me to share content which will specifically benefit you. I simply love sharing everything that helps me grow, develop and improve with you. 
If you want to be a part of this special communtiy and gain free excess to everything I create for you, simply sign up here:  http://eepurl.com/djCfm1
 In case you are specifically interested in this 10 days challenge about No Complaining - quickly answer to the welcome message you will receive shortly after signing up and I’ll forward all 10 mails straight into your inbox.  Sending lots of love, excitement and hugs, Celine Linesse xx
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celinelinesse · 7 years
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WATCH “How My Life Improved Since Practicing Yoga & Meditation” HERE.
Until half a year ago, yoga and meditation were words I eventually heard and read a couple of times, but never considered either of them being “a thing that suits me”, whereas I am practicing yoga on almost a daily basis since 5 months and started incorporating meditation in my everyday routine, and since than have meditated over 10 hours (which sounds crazyyyy to me).
Here are my reasons & benefits of incorporating both practices into my life:
As soon as I switched to a more intuitive lifestyle, I needed a replacement for going to the gym. Fitness has been my balance for about two years before I started traveling, but I never quite got back into it afterwards. Something in my mind changed and I no longer felt good pushing myself to things I no longer enjoyed. Since I did a yoga retreat during my travels, I discovered that I loved it and it became my replacement. 
Within all these changes in my mind and way of thinking, I eventually realised that I was more into spirituality than I thought. I educated myself more and more about topics like the Law Of Attraction, Mindfulness and The Universe, and every topic lead me, in some way or the other, towards meditation, so I ended up giving it a try (and stuck to it).
Immediate Benefits Of Yoga: 

Grounding:  Coming back to the matte is a way of appreciating my body, thanking it for working properly and being grateful for what I can do with it. Basically, I got more self aware. For me, it was the first approach to “check in” with myself. 
Gratefulness: Before starting yoga, I took my body for granted, or more likely, I didn’t think about it. Ever since I started to pay attention, I got to understand my body so much better. Most of the time I can tell why I feel off, down, in pain, or tired and can work towards fixing it in a natural way.

Also, yoga is a great way of practicing acceptance and stop competing in order to celebrate your own uniqueness. While doing yoga you will realise that there are no two days where your body feels the same. You recognise  that there is beauty in change and no reason to compare yourself to the performance of yesterday cause it will already be different tomorrow. And this is where yoga teaches about life.

Physical Effects: Besides the amazing effects yoga has on my mind, it does have physical benefits as well: more flexibility, balance, body strength and a better body posture in day to day life. I am able to release blocks and tightened areas to feel better physically, and all in all its just an amazing way to start and end my day in order to do something just for me. 
Immediate Benefits Of Meditation:
Release Limiting Beliefs: I learned about meditation and since all I knew about it was that you basically sit there trying to think about nothing, it sounded impossible to me. Educate yourself first, kids! That’s not what meditation is about, its rather about letting go and accepting. I always was (and still am) the girl with the mind which won’t ever stop chatting. I couldn’t think of being able to not to think - ever. Meditation proved me wrong. It showed me that I can do everything I want to do if I just believe its possible and if I am ready to totally go for it.

A calmer mind: Whereas meditation needs you to step away from your own thoughts and look at them from an outside perspective, it became easier for me to control my thoughts and emotions, or more likely accept them as a temporal state of myself which is not defining me. Considering myself as a highly emotional and reactive person, thats one of the main ways to benefit not only myself, but also the people around me.

Awareness: Meditation is a lot about focusing on your breath. I got a sense of me breathing as a way of living - if that makes any sense. I breathe, therefore, I am alive. And, damn, I don’t even have to worry about that cause it works automatically. And whats this, my heartbeat, man it does that every second of every minute of every day and I don’t have to pay attention to it so, luckily, I am able to pay attention to something else - Boom. Awareness. Thats what happened with me.  Similar to yoga, meditation lead to heaps of gratitude, which is the main road to happiness. And thats the main way my life improved: Becoming happier. This is exactly why I want you to try it out. You can watch the video about this topic, otherwise you’ll hear from me soon, sending lots of love and positive vibes your way,  Celine Linesse
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celinelinesse · 7 years
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WATCH “5 Easy Ways To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone” HERE.
“To live a life you’ve never lived before, you need to do things you’ve never done before.” - one of my favourite quotes, which became my main motto.
The most amazing changes that I experienced, happened outside my comfort zone, which is why in order to change your life, you need to get out there, too. Here are 5 ways on How To Do that:
1. Speak Your Mind: If you like someones dress, tell them. Instead of biting your tongue and repeating monologues in your mind, go ahead and tell people what you think. Causing a smile on someone’s face is a great way of showing openness and spreading love and humanity and you never know what great conversation or even friendship it may lead to.  
2. Stand Up For Yourself: Its okay to disagree, its okay to speak up if you feel like something’s going wrong. Silently accepting life sends out a message of defencelessness and defeat. If someone owes you money, remind them. If you can't put up with someones drama, walk away. Way too often we bear the unbearable just to not make our opposite uncomfortable - but isn't that exactly how we feel in that moment? Standing up for ourselves does simply mean that we respect ourselves enough to prioritise our comfort over the need of meeting other peoples’ expectations. Furthermore, if you treat yourself with respect, it sets an example for how others will treat you - and this goes both ways! 
3. A really simple way to get more confident is to step out of your comfort zone by always being the communicator. Order the food, ask for the way, make the call. Whatever opportunity presents itself, take it. Putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation teaches you more about yourself than you can imagine.
4. Say “Yes” More Often: The more often I said yes, the more often I ended up having the best time of my life. This is a lesson I learned while backpacking: to receive the great things you need to stop blocking the good from coming by going with the flow. If life takes you by the hand to show you the way to the next amazing adventure, all you need to do is grab it. 
5. Change “but what if” into “lets see if”: It automatically changes a concerning, negative and doubtful approach into a challenging, curious and exciting one. Whenever you aren't sure if something is going to work out, remind yourself that you will never know until you try. Screw it and see what you can get away with. 
Alright love, thanks for your time and hopefully, those tips inspired you to push your limits to see what amazing things your life has to offer. Watch the full video here, it includes some extra, helpful tips on How To Apply Those Ways.  Also, I’m working on heaps of interesting projects at the moment so stay tuned for hearing from me again soon. 
Sending heaps of love and positive vibes your way, Celine Linesse
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celinelinesse · 7 years
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Clutter. Stuff. It just fogs my mind. As a traveler, I downsized significantly when I left home. Packing my belongings for a six weeks backpacking trip, I was able to fit everything in a backpack and a small handbag.
Now it’s already been more than 9 months, and even though some items did add to my collection over time because of different reasons, I’d still say I do not own that much things. I learned so much while traveling, but the 2 most important things when it comes to belongings, is: 
1. You never need as much as you think you do, and  2. I’ll always prefer spending money on experiences rather than things.
Less things do automatically mean less stress for me. Example clothes:
Less time in the morning to pick an outfit, less energy spend on doing laundry, less space needed, less opportunity for my surrounding to get messy.
And if you add up all the “less” on the stress-side, you immediately gain so much “more” on the valuable side.
More time, more freedom, more space.
I essentially don’t agree with the expectations that nowadays come with fashion, cause this is just what an incredibly unsustainable industry is trying to infiltrate in society to earn money. Go with the trend, don’t wear the same outfit twice in a row, 52 different outfits for 52 different occasions. Just in case.  Which case?
I get that it makes us feel safe and secure when we have „options“.  But first of all, that’s an illusion because in the end, how do clothes matter anyways? What kind of safety can you get from an additional pair of jeans?
And second of all, more options mean automatically more decisions to make. More mind clutter. I value to have options in deciding how I spend my time. And so I decided to downsize my wardrobe to a minimum. How?
First of all, sort out everything you either don't like or it doesn’t fit, there’s no reason for you to keep it at all.
Get rid of everything you haven't worn in one month. Believe me, you won't miss it.
Pick put your favourite items. Things you wear on a weekly or even daily basis.
Now, create some outfits with those items and add whatever is missing. 
Keep things that you can combine, things that easily go with your colour scheme. Get rid of everything you would keep because “...just in case.” 
If you feel like jumping completely into it, get rid of everything you are not sure about. Trust me, you won't be thinking about it ever again. If that sounds too extreme for you, pack it away and store the box somewhere not too easy to access. See how often you actually make the effort to get some items out of it, and after one month, get rid of everything thats still in there.
But, don’t get me wrong - if you get value in choosing between 30 pairs of shoes, keep them, all of them. I would never suggest to remove something which adds significant value to your life. 
I just prioritize other things. A simple lifestyle. My favourite quote: 
“ Love people and own things, cause the opposite never works. “ - the minimalists
Hopefully I could inspire you, if you want to learn more about that topic feel free to watch this video, otherwise I hope you have an awesome day, you’ll here from me soon,
Celine Linesse
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celinelinesse · 7 years
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Watch MY WEEKLY ROUTINE OF FOCUS here. Scrolling through Youtube, Tumblr or Pinterest, I discover thousands of great creators sharing their tips & tricks, morning & night routines, empowering rituals etc to help achieving a more organised and productive life. Based on how many beautiful individuals there are, and how many different priorities and lifestyles we all have, I strived for a solution which works for everyone. I worked on a system which is easily applicable for everyone by following a step by step guide to create your own, personalised weekly routine.
The beauty that comes with this concept is, that you’ll focus on each part; body, mind & soul, individually which gives you enough time to incorporate it in your daily life, but at the end of the week you’ll have all areas of focus covered. 
How to create a weekly routine of focus suitable for your personal needs:
Step 1
Write down all your priorities and interests: everything that is important in your life and/or adds value to it. You can watch my complete weekly routine of focus in this video, but I’ll provide you with some examples as we go: Health, veganism, nourish relationships. time offline, being productive, create (etc)
Step 2
That’s the most fun part: Draw three overlapping circles (as in the picture above), each for them stands for body, mind and soul, which are the main areas you wanna bring into alignment for a happier and more fulfilled life. The overlapping parts stand for the combination of the major categories, which results in 6 different categories (body, body & mind, mind, mind & soul, soul, soul & body). All you need to do now is allocate each thing on your list of priorities to one category. Make sure to stick with 5 or less things in each of them. 
This is how my result looked like:
Body: Activeness, Vegan Diet, Stretching Body & Mind: Time Outside, Time Offline Mind: Motivation, Awareness, Productivity, Success, Journaling Mind & Soul: Meditation, Minimising, Gratefulness, High Vibrations, Creativity Soul: Relationships, Pleasures, Connection, (Self-) Love, Joy Soul & Body: Yoga, Connect With Nature, Self-care
Step Three
Alright, so the last step includes two parts: first, you need to find 3 or less actions you can do to improve in that area.
My example for the category “body”: 
Detox in form of a raw vegan day
Go to the gym/another way of being active
“body & mind”:
Spend time outside
Digital Detox - put your phone on “do not disturb” for one day
Do some yoga
After doing this, you can match your 6 individual “to-do lists” to six days of your week. You can perfectly suit them your timetable by distinguishing which day requires a little bit more effort and which one doesn't. Even if you do not have a fixed timetable, you can match your days differently every new week.
The seventh day of the week is for you to catch up: you can focus on whatever got a bit of a raw deal the week before.
The great part about this system is that it allows you to nourish your body, soul and mind both separately and in combination, while you won't get overwhelmed by the attempt squeeze everything into a daily routine. That is what makes it more realistic to follow and the main reason why it worked so well for me. 
Even though this post has been a bit technically, I hope it inspired you and if you have any more questions, feel free to send me a message. Also, I’d love to know if you give it a try and how it works for you. Have a beautiful day love, you’ll hear from me soon, xx Celine Linesse
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celinelinesse · 7 years
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Watch “THE ONLY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION FOR 2018″ here. Hello beautiful, it’s been a while. It’s already december and the new year is around the corner. The best time to set goals, begin a “new era”, focus on a “new me”. Since I am a big fan of getting clear and setting goals, I’ve learned kinda the hard way to make sure to set the right ones. You can watch my story here.
Because life is a rollercoaster and you, you surrounding and your circumstances are constantly changing, there’s one thing you should always lay your focus on, which is your own happiness.
Happiness is the most important thing you need to focus on to form base for succeeding in any other area of your life. 
Above, I summed up 5 resolutions you could set for 2018 in order to become truly happy. I hope that helps you with all the goal setting and planing for the next year. And always keep in mind: you don't need to wait for the 31st of december to make some changes.
Sending much love, xx Celine Linesse
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