cosmohotmic · 3 days
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cosmohotmic · 9 days
The curse of wanting to read specific fanfiction, but the only kind that itches your brain just right is what you've written, but you also want to read something new.
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cosmohotmic · 1 month
Anonymous asks are for being embarrassingly into something and being embarrassingly into something ONLY
why do i feel like there has been a surge of mean anons lately or has it always been like this and im just now noticing 😭
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cosmohotmic · 1 month
I love that computer man I want to suck his flat face
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cosmohotmic · 2 months
i don't understand the thing of doing modern aus for originally fantasy stories, like, why would i prefer to read about this guy being a high schooler or a frat boy when his original story includes dragons, magic, superpowers, aliens, etc?
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cosmohotmic · 2 months
The priorities of you people…
(Me too)
hey did bruce just kill those guys??
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cosmohotmic · 2 months
batman caped crusader episode 8: so this kid called "dickie" goes to a carnival
me: yes... and?
batman caped crusader episode 8: that's it
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cosmohotmic · 2 months
(These are starting to feel like cameos)
batman caped crusader episode 8: so this kid called "dickie" goes to a carnival
me: yes... and?
batman caped crusader episode 8: that's it
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cosmohotmic · 2 months
Let’s not forget the little redhead boy named Jason (Jason Todd used to have red hair pre crisis)
batman caped crusader episode 8: so this kid called "dickie" goes to a carnival
me: yes... and?
batman caped crusader episode 8: that's it
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cosmohotmic · 2 months
"you should be at the club" I should be working on my fanfic
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cosmohotmic · 3 months
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cosmohotmic · 3 months
I am going to write so many words that all make sense together just you wait
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cosmohotmic · 4 months
Not relevant to me I think but I had to reblog it somewhere
whatever you go by, i mizz you.... pls dont get pregnant 😢💔
I run an x reader blog. What sex do you think I’m having?
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cosmohotmic · 4 months
Update to inform all you lovely people that there isn’t an update. Finals are kicking my ass and while I probably could force myself to write, I don’t think anything that I produce with that mindset would be any good. I do have every intention to continue writing but the next chapter will probably not be out for a while. Thank you all for your patience!
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cosmohotmic · 5 months
I have been struck by indomitable forces beyond my control. The universe itself works against me, against nature, against all logic and reason to hinder my progress
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cosmohotmic · 5 months
x reader should be (and, generally speaking, often is) the most accepting fanfiction space because its consistently, and almost exclusively an expression or fantasy of being desired or wanted or wanting—or in an even more basic sense, considered. even if you dont explicitly self-insert, even if there’s a an oc thats just you but better or a faceless insert u make - it starts with the same premise. which is wanting to be seen or desired by some extension of who you are. or wanting to fantasize explicitly about a life that isn’t yours, any life but yours. its admitting more openly than other mediums—i want someone to want some part of me. to take interest in me sexually or romantically or platonically. i want this element of myself to be considered or thought of. sometimes that is accomplished through writing, and sometimes that is accomplished through reading and seeking to bits of yourself in other peoples. the other half is having space to want and yearn for something else. how liberating it is to admit that you’d like to be somewhere else.
and it is hardly a flawless medium and im really, really simplifying it but i do think that there is something uniquely enjoyable and freeing about it. i want agency in the stories i love. i want my presence to haunt this fiction like a ghost. i want to be loved, i want to be interesting. i want to experience hundreds of lives that aren’t mine. i want i want i want. this a story of you. this is a story of me.
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cosmohotmic · 5 months
The Stars We Share
teen!Clark Kent x gn!Reader
Summary: Your family summer vacation takes an unexpected turn when you form a connection with the friendly farm boy from next door!
(A/N: First time posting any of my work on tumblr! Please don’t crucify me. Clark isn’t even in this one but TRUST there are more chapters coming.)
When you heard from your parents that you would be going on your first family vacation out of the city in years, you were ecstatic. How could you not be? They seemed so excited to tell you! When, with pure energy coursing through you, you asked where you would be going, your parents shared a look. When they uttered the words “Smallville, Kansas”, you tried to hide your disappointment, you really did. Still, you couldn't help how your face fell slightly, breathing out all the excitement in your body with a small ‘oh.’
You did your best to stay interested as they went through the details of how they found the perfect place to stay, how this would be a great chance to go somewhere quiet, how it was right within our budget! You smiled and nodded.
Of course you didn't mean to be ungrateful. It's not like you expected to go somewhere lavish, just somewhere…fun. Somewhere with things to do. Honestly, with the option between going out or staying in the city, you’d much rather just use that vacation money to do something fun where you are. At least you had your friends here.
You packed nearly everything you owned, all the clothes you wouldn't die of heatstroke wearing packed as dense as lead in your suitcase. A couple pairs of shoes, toiletries, this, that, and anything else you could find space for. Whatever you packed, you had to make it last two months.
Your eyes turned to the pile of books you had yet to read. You had every intention of getting to them, but life gets in the way. You stepped away from the bags you packed your life in, reaching to cradle the cover of a novel your friend lent to you a while back. You promised them you'd read it- they spoke so highly of it after all. You could still hear their rambling voice going on and on about the characters and storyline and world-building.
“You’ll love it!” they told you, “It's about a group of scientists trying to find a new planet for humans to live on after Earth was hit with a meteor while also trying to find the cure for an alien virus!”
‘The Last Hope’, the title read, the background a deep blue, some mix of colors reminiscent of the northern lights. Your finger ran over where the pages flipped up, the slight wear on the spine, and creases where its paper cover had been so lovingly pried open. The unread pile enticed you. With nothing to look forward to in Smallville, maybe this was your chance to work through it.
You emptied your school bag to fit as many books as you could into it, strategically stacking them to make the most of your limited space.
Stumbling back from the weight on your shoulders, you tugged your bags down to the car like an ox tilling field. Your bag of books, which you were sure was heavy enough to count as a second person, sat snug with you in the backseat. The car roared to life, passing familiar roads until you were lost in the blur of it.
You were going to make the most of this. You were going to try.
The house you were renting was nice, perfectly fit for three people with enough land around it to build a stadium parking lot. There was a small porch out front, a single deck chair sat out by the door, and a small table with white rings staining the wood. You traced the watermark with your finger, standing idly as your dad opened the door in front of you, no key required. A trusting neighborhood then, you guessed. Though, you suppose even if they weren't, it'd be too much work to come all the way out here. Not to mention the house hardly looked like it held anything valuable. It was nice, not luxurious.
Getting settled in your room wasn't hard. It looked like a room display you'd see in a furniture store left to sit untouched for years. The bed was made neatly with its navy blue sheets framed by the quilt folded at its foot, the wood of the headboard lightly scuffed and dusted. The walls were strikingly bare. You could imagine they once had something decorating them. The closet was much the same, an empty cavern, seeming completely untouched. Yet, you could so easily imagine it full of mismatched hangers and shoes piled up on the floor.
The more you unpacked the more empty the room felt.
The house had a looming feeling over it. So much empty space…
There were pictures on the wall, a family of three. The house's owner had a son, you discovered. He had graduated high school just last year, the shiny satin glinted just the same in the picture, proud smiles on both their faces. There was no mother present. You could only imagine what happened to her. Maybe she left or tragically passed on, maybe she was just behind the camera. Your thoughts moved to a more optimistic place despite the glaring opposite staring you in the face. You just didn't want to feel sad right now.
You picked up the remote from the top of the boxy TV, switching it on to flip through the channels. News, static, news, bible study, static…You let out some dreary mix of a sigh and a groan, falling to drape yourself across the old couch like someone's discarded coat when they return home. Your parents came down the stairs, your father patting his pockets.
“Hey, honey, your mother and I are going out for a walk.”
“Mhm…” You groaned in response, hand tossed over your eyes.
Again the sound of that screen door, shutting you into that quiet house.
You tossed around, laying your weight on your splayed limbs at awkward angles, as if that would somehow give you the entertainment you so desperately craved.
It was becoming increasingly hard to remain optimistic about this trip.
In an empty house, surrounded by nothing but fields, it felt like a kind of purgatory. An unsteady stillness made you want to switch on one of those channels again, just to kill the silence that pierced your ears.
The pull of gravity dragging your awkwardly distributed weight off the couch worked in tandem with the heavy sigh that labored out of your lungs. You pulled yourself up, feeling the wear of the carpet like a well traveled path, hearing the hollow thump that came with each step you marched up the stairs. You stood in the doorway to your room, the only thing marking it as yours being the empty suitcase laying like a hollow shell on the floor.
You flopped into bed, rolled around, sat up. Your eyes fell on your overstuffed backpack, heavy with books and pages you had only skimmed through. It was a defeated effort, dropping to your knees and hearing the distinctive hum of the zipper being pulled open. You had really hoped you would have more to do, that reading would be more of a hobby to fill the time rather than the only thing you could do other than sit around.
Staring into the face of the cover, that deep blue and hazed with iridescent greens and pinks. Looking through your window, the sun still so far from setting, you sighed.
Cozying yourself in your bed, you flipped to the first page.
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