#courier x victor
localcomputer-quotes · 3 months
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They have a reputation and House told tjem to not ruin it
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crossfalconx5 · 3 months
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I have NOT talked about these two enough have I mentioned I love Victor I love robot cowboys SO MUCH and I’ll be normal about these two amnesiacs LITERALLY FOREVER!!!
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everydayyoulovemeless · 10 months
FNV Companions (+Victor and Yes Man) Ranked From Best to Worst Yandere's
➼ Word Count » 0.6k ➼ Warnings » Yandere Themes, Stalking, Manipulation ➼ Genre » Romantic/Platonic, Yandere, Whumpee/Whumper
1. Yes Man wouldn't ever dream of doing anything that you'd dislike. He's always at your beck and call, waiting for any orders he can carry out for you. He's complacent, understanding, and very loyal to you and whatever cause you're aiming for. That alone makes him the best on this list, only downside is that he’s wayyy too obsessive and worship-y.
2. Veronica is so head over heels in love with you that it's almost wholesome? You won't even be able to tell that anything wrong due to how gentle she is with you. She's always getting you gifts, taking you out on dates, and if you ever talked to any of the other Brotherhood members, they'd roll their eyes and say that 'of course they know you, Veronica never stops gushing!'. The only yandere aspect about her is the slight stalking she does whenever you do anything without her.
3. Cass might have a bit of a jealous streak, but she means well. She'd never dream of harming you or anyone you're considerably close to, she'd hate if you had to lose someone you cared for. Instead, she normally relies on her louder personality to scare off any 'competition' she might have. She's more of a bodyguard than a threat, only wanting your safety in the Mojave and you'll sure be getting that when you travel with her.
4. Victor’s honestly pretty chill. The only reason he’s below Cass is that he’s way more likely to ‘get rid’ of someone for your sake. He also, by default, has to be a lot more obsessed with you as he needs that extra motivation to override parts of House’s programming to be able to act in the ways he deems necessary. Such as wandering the Mojave with you instead of staying at his post, and shooting his rockets on his own accord.
5. Arcade isn’t violent, but he is manipulative. The others above him are way more relaxed than he’d ever be, which is why he’s been placed 5th. He’ll always make remarks about how you’re ‘friends’ are all fake, and that he’s the only one you could — the only one you should ever trust and confide in.
6. Raul manages to convince himself that what he's doing is in your best interest, and that's what makes him so dangerous to be around. Everything he does is justified in his mind and he won't be willing to compromise. Everything is on the table with him, whether that be making threats or full-on murder. He's done this all before and he refuses to lose you like he has everyone else, even at the cost of his own life.
7. Lily’s schizophrenia mixed with her fear of losing another one of her grandkids causes her to become incredibly controlling and overprotective over you. She’ll constantly be asking where you’re headed or who you’ve been talking to, worried that you’ll somehow be harmed or corrupted in some way or another. Leo doesn’t help either, in fact, he encourages her behavior because a part of it makes him stronger.
8. Boone doesn’t care how you feel about what he’s doing, he’s still gonna do it. He’s the lowest on this list for a reason, and that reason is he’s the quickest to act with violence. There’s nothing that could ever stop him from pulling out his rifle and taking out whoever it is he wants. He’ll isolate you, injure you, try and keep you complacent with horrific stories. As long as you’re alive, Boone is happy, but that state you’re in doesn’t matter.
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biribaa · 5 months
Victor sfw alphabet yaya
i loove victor. he deserves way more fanfictions
TW/CW: FNV spoilers
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Victor can be as affective as your heart desires him to be. Being a cowboy also includes being a gentleman, and he wants to show he's the right man for you. Victor is more used to show his love by words of affection and being protective, as these are the easiest options for him and also the ones he claims to be professional with. The securitron do wishes he could show more phisical affection, but he's afraid with a body as bulky and hard as his, it wont do much besides somes hugs, so its better for you to show all the phisical attention.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Your friendship with Victor would start right after you enter the Strip, that if you have some time left for some talk and even some rounds of blackjack, in which he's very skilled at. And you both would have even more free time after House win the hoover dam battle.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Because of his model, Victor is afraid you are going to feel uncomfortable during cuddling, but if you're willing to, sure, he would feel flattered. In moment, Victor would attempt wrapping one of his arms around your waist, bringing you closer to him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
The idea of having a calm and sweet domestic life with you is comforting for the robot, and he will make the effort to bring this feeling to you at the Lucky 38. As a cowboy, Victor does knows a few culinary tricks, but nothing out of the ordinary or extraordinary, its the basic of the basics in gastronomy.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Victor would wait for the right time for both of you and then tell you everything. He would be direct, but also trying to not keep the scene harsh, constantly reassuring you that you two can continue to be friends.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Victor never thought that much about weddings, or that he would ever marry someone, so he doesnt have a much strong opinion about it. Victor won't rush you, of course, but if you did propose for him in the right time of your relationship, he would accept right away!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Victor is extra gentle with you due to his securitron model, every movement with you are made with extra delicacy for you and only you to prevent any discomfort or injuries. His claws always caressing your shoulder in a flimsy, yet firm movement.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs! Victor deeply love any any type of phisical affection coming from you. He just struggles when its him perfoming them. But trust me, he loooves them.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Victor is far more used with perform his acts of affection to you(protection and being verbal) as a way to say his "I love you" to you, and hes not accustomed with PDA. So hes more comfortable with using the phrase when hes alone with you, or when youre talking with only him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Victor only gets clearly stressy when someone is obviously hitting on you, in that case, the cowboy grinds his teeth and makes subtle movements that imply the relationship between you two. He adds one of his arm around your waist, uses more romantic nicknames than usual, and repeatedly mentions the fact both of you are dating during dialogues, this while a blatant gaze is pointed at the person in question.
Victor trusts you, so when you are the person causing all this jealousy with someone else, he takes it way less seriously. He does feels the sentiment deep down, but he rather joke about it, as I mentioned, he trusts you. Unless its actually getting very suspect, then he will push you to a talk.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He LOVES to be kissed by you in his screen. You press your lips against Victor's screen and you experience the same staticky feeling everytime while his strong arms push you closer. He absolutly loves to (attempt) kiss your face and any part of it, and the same goes for him. If not your face, then perhaps, if he could, your neck.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Some kids are afraid of Victor, the others really enjoy him! Its just the cheerful cowboy personality that attracts the children. Victor doesn't mind, he likes to show them tricks and teach them small things while also being a jokester to them. With that being said, hes pretty good with children!
He never really thought about the idea of him being a father, tho, it gives him a good feeling, but he would definetly question you if you really want to have a family with him, a securitron, or if even House would allow it. In the end, if everything goes okay with House and you fully convince him that you really wants him to be the father, he would feel more than flattered... For a good while Victor will be all soft towards you and call you all the names that one can imagine.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Victor always arrives in the right time if he's not busy with some work coming from House. He bids you a "g'mornin'", and waits for you to get ready for the day, or rushes you, if you have any appointment for the day. Sometimes, if hes feeling extra, he even brings breakfast for you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
If you do want to sleep with Victor right next to you, laying by your side in your bed, that would be...difficult. So mostly, when sleeping in the Lucky 38, Victor prefers to stay by the side of your bed, still counts as company and he is right next to you!! If you prefer, he even offers his arm for you to hold.
In other times, where both of you arent in the Lucky, and rather out in the wasteland, when you sleep in the ground, it would be far more easy for Victor to lay in the ground with you! But he still prefers to stay up, getting up from the ground is difficult for a securitron, and he wants to keep you safe while both are out.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Theres not much Victor have to hidden, due to his amnesia(more likely caused by House). So you pretty much know everything about him already, and he would love to expand his historic with you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Victor is a happy folk, but that could easily change with any threat towards you or him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Victor is a securitron, so excluding his amnesia about himself, he can remember several things about you! Birthday, favorite food, favorite book, weapon, flowers, little details of your backstory, pretty much anything!
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Victor adores the moments where both of you are out in the wastelands, alone, while youre laying next to him in the middle of the night. Its peaceful, no gunshots or anything of that except for the radio. A small moment Victor finds himself craving more.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Can be very protective to any threat towards you or any ally and isnt afraid of making a mess, unless demanded to not.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Victor got quickly used to perform everyday tasks for you sake, he even finds himself enjoying it, nothing more than his responsability. But when it comes to special dates, he adds some extra effort(with some help with Jane, too). Dates arent going to be perfect, of course, but he makes sure to make it charming for both of you, he cooks and prepare everything at Lucky 38 for you and you only.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
As I said, protective, sometimes a little too much. Without any warning Victor could be already poiting one of his weapons to anyone slightly suspicious or threatening to you. Hes already naturally protective, when hes with you it gets extra.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Theres not much Victor worry about, hes a securitron. And deep down, he enjoys the dust and scratches in his metal, makes him feel truly like a dusty cowboy.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Victor wont feel like a disaster, nor he ever felt before dating you, but will certainly miss you. You just made things more exciting and bright, yknow? But in the end, he agrees if youre happy somewhere else, or with someone else, hes happy too.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Victor is always using a cowboy hat over his antenna, it spins like crazy, yeah, but makes him feel different and more original than the others securitrons. I also hc him as bisexual
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Debauched people or/and pure cowards, it bugs the securitron a lot, and makes him wonder if he can trust someone like you. Victor enjoys actions some time or other and having a honest partner. Not choosing violent is something, running away from it is another.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He can't sleep! The most Victor can do is shut down.
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big-gay-apocalypse · 2 years
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// X-Men: Gambit - The Complete Collection Vol. 1
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S is for -- Sunny Smiles
Sunny was just so much fun, I loved her in-game, and writing for her was great! Ahh, another winner I was really happy to see recognized 😊
I hope y'all enjoy!
And here is the 2k event masterlist, for your browsing pleasure!
Pair: Sunny Smiles x g/n! Six
Dialogue: “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to help?”
Word: Savor
Rating: SFW
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 1.3k
“So, pardner, you gonna tell me what’s wrong, or are we both jus’ gonna sit here in the dirt and sulk?” 
Six only sighed in response, their eyes still trained on the way Cheyenne padded about on quiet paws, sniffing all there was to sniff in the old graveyard, as the meager wildlife came alive beneath the slow-rising moon. 
“Hey, not talkin’ to myself here, am I?” Sunny gave Six a shove with one hand, jostling the still-full Sunset Sarsaparilla they held, until little droplets darkened the dusty ground below. “What’s yer problem tonight? Yer the one askin’ me to come all the way up here just afore the sun falls, and fer what?” 
“Sorry.” Six managed, but their head felt about as jumbled as it had the first time they found themself in the Goodsprings Cemetery. “I-it’s just…” 
They trailed off as the words scampered away from their tongue frustratingly. 
How am I supposed to explain a problem like this? 
And why the hell did I think Sunny would be the right person to tell? 
“You drag me out here to tell me you’re in love with me or somethin’?” 
Six had, evidently, chosen the wrong time to take a sip of their sarsaparilla, as that too, sprayed over the ground in their shock.
“Heh, seems like it!” Sunny gave them another shove as she laughed, and though Six’s mind still ached and their conscience still ran amuck in every direction, they couldn’t fight the grin that tugged at their lips. 
“That’s not quite… Well, I do like you, Sunny. But I thought that bit was already pretty obvious.” 
They tried to tell themself that they didn’t like that smug look on their friend’s face, but… yeah, it would’ve been a lie. And Sunny could always see through their lies, even from the start. 
Six smiled all the more at the thought of it, of their first meeting, the way she’d taught them to shoot, how to live off the land without poisoning themself; helping them, and yet, she'd been anything but sunny to Six all throughout the first month of them knowing each other. 
Even so, it only made them more fond of her. 
Her prickly pear personality, her quips and shoves of her elbow into their ribs… But still, she’d helped them more than anyone else in the wasteland. Sure, without Doc Mitchell and Victor, they’d never have made their way out of the grave. But without Sunny? They’d have made it maybe 20 yards outside town before keeling over, dead by some gecko or powder ganger, an unforgiving plant, or just plain heatstroke. 
“No, I just…” They continued slowly, still wrapped up in their own fond thoughts, and their jumbled, upsetting ones.
“I came back here for a different reason than that. Hell, if that was it, we could’ve stayed down at the bar for me to tell you.” 
“That’s what I was sayin’.” 
Six braced themself for another shove of an elbow as their friend raised her arm, but Sunny only took a sip of her own sarsaparilla. 
“But okay, so that yer smitten with me ain’t it…” Six let out a giggle at the way she sounded annoyed by that, “Well, then what’s the issue? Spill it, so we can head back down the hill. Place creeps me out. Cheyenne too. 'Specially at night.” 
“Yeah, how do you think I feel?" Six scoffed good-humoredly, "I died here.” 
“That’s a little dramatic, don't ya think? You look fine to me. Now come on, Six. You’re stalin’, don’t tell me yer not.” 
She turned her body towards them with mildly violent intent, and the courier raised their hands in surrender.
“Alright! Alright…” Six took a breath as they looked back out into the, now blue-toned, desert. The heat from the orange sand contrasted greatly to the dropping temperature of the air, and they felt themself shiver. 
“I just… I don’t even know if you can help me, honestly, but... you’re the only one I could think of that would be honest with me."
They could feel her eyes burning into them, but Six only made eye contact with darkening horizon.
"Just... you’re sure you didn’t know me, like… before?” 
“Not sure I catch yer drift there, Six.” Sunny’s voice was a little softer now, as though detecting her friend’s delicate state. 
“I mean, no one knew the real me. I could’ve been anyone, you know? What if I was… horrible, or something? Maybe that’s why I’ve had such rotten luck.” 
“Six, you sure yer not–”
“No, but think about it, Sunny. You’re the best– I mean, the only good thing that’s happened to me since I was dragged out of that hole." They gestured to their would-be grave with one hand. "Maybe that’s karma or something, maybe I was kept alive, not because I was supposed to live, but because the world wasn’t done punishing me yet.” 
“I can’t be the only good thing.” Sunny said, and though she smiled, Six could see the sympathy in her expression as they turned to face her. It was a strange quality to notice in someone like her. 
It made them hurt, to see the way they pained her with their words. 
Didn't make their voiced thoughts any less honest though.
“I’m not even that good, you know? So if I'm all you've got goin' for ya, well...” 
Sunny cringed dramatically, and they both chuckled a bit. As the laughter faded, Six dropped their bottle to the sand with a definitive sigh. 
They’d gotten what they wanted out of their system, just voiced their concerns to the world, to her, those thoughts that’d been spiraling around their troubled head, uninterrupted, for too long now. 
“An’ ya can’t… I mean, there’s no way o' knowing.” Sunny continued, placing her own bottle on the ground next to theirs. “Don’t think it’s all as complicated as all that fate and destiny stuff. An’ the karma bit, too. Could just be yer an unlucky clutz.” 
“Thanks. That makes me feel better, Smiles.” 
As they twiddled their fingers together, looking down into the dark sand between their knees, they felt one arm sling itself over their shoulders, and then Sunny was leaning against them. 
“Look, I wanna say the right thing for ya, Six, but thing is, I just don’t know for sure. Like you said, we didn’t know ya in the past, but… That don’t really matter to me now. I like the gal/guy that was dragged outta the dirt by ole Victor, what can I say?” 
Another weak laugh escaped Six at that, but they found themself leaning further into her contact at the-- somewhat-- comforting words. 
“You know, Sunny, I think you might’ve just said it right, there.” 
Six felt themself relax a bit. Maybe they didn’t know who they were before, but… maybe that shit just didn’t matter-- matter as much as who they are now. 
“Are you sure there isn’t anythin’ more I can do to help? Yer so sensitive, you know. Jus’ wanna make sure you’re okay.”
“Yeah, no, your backhand compliments are really doing it for me. So I think I’m all better now.” 
“Well, I’m not just good for my backhand compliments," They heard the smile in her voice, "I’ll tell ya that much, pardner. Word on the road is, you like me… An’ maybe-- just maybe, now-- I might like you a lil bit too. I thought maybe we could explore those feelings some, how’s that sound to you?” 
Six's eyes were wide as her words met their ears, and they felt a warm flush rise to their cheeks, heating their body from the inside out.
Gotta be careful here. Sunny likes to tease me, maybe if I just...
"Care to give me, ah, a little hint as to what you mean by that?" They tried, "I don't wanna assu--"
Before Six could finish, Sunny pressed a kiss-- not to their cheek, not to the side of their mouth-- but she pulled them in with both hands, and kissed them like she wanted to taste the sarsaparilla in their belly.
It was exactly the kind of all-consuming gesture they'd dreamed she'd make one day, and Six couldn't help but smile into it, through their shock, and revel in the fact that that day is today.
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catierambles · 2 years
Public Relations Ch.14
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Pairing: Clark Kent/Superman x Charlotte Danvers (OFC)
WC 1355
Warnings: Eh?
@kingliam2019 , @greensleeves888 , @peaches1958 , @brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @summersong69 , @henryownsme
Charlotte printed out the article once it was released and framed it, hanging it up in the workshop. The main focus had been on her cars and restoration projects, but they had mentioned what she does with those she doesn’t have room for anymore, as well as some puff lines about her and Clark’s interactions. The terms “down to earth” and “genuine” were featured and Clark hoped it would quiet the naysayers claiming that he was only with her for her money.
She was in the study when he got done having a swim in the pool, sitting at her computer with WoW on the monitor.
“What’s that?” He asked, moving his head at the box wrapped in plain brown paper sitting on the desk next to her, his hands holding onto the towel around the back of his neck.
“No idea, just got here via courier.”
“Who’s it from?”
“There’s no return address.” Charlotte said and he perked a brow at it, going over to her desk and picking it up, weighing it in his hands. It was slightly heavy and he focused his vision, looking inside.
“It’s just a box.” He said and she looked at him.
“A box within a box?” She asked and he nodded. “It’s not going to blow up if I open it, will it?”
“I don’t see any wires or anything that could be a detonator. It’s literally just a box.”
“Well that’s weird and kinda boring.” She said, “Not that I want to get blown up, mind you.” He set it back down again with a shrug, relaxing his vision.
“You hungry?”
“I could eat.” She said and he leaned over, kissing the top of her head, making her smile.
“I’ll make us some food.” He said, “Any preference?”
“Not really.” She said, shaking her head. “You know I’ll eat just about anything.”
“I’ll be back up in a bit.” He said and she made an acknowledging sound, turning her attention back to the computer.
Clark was just about done with the sandwiches he was making when a shiver ran down his spine, the hair on his arms standing on end and a feeling of dread settled in his gut.  A scream, her scream, ripped through the air, filled with pain and he was out of the kitchen in a blink, racing up the stairs and to the study.
She was in front of her desk, suspended about a foot in the air, held in some kind of field, her hands clenched out at her sides as another scream tore from her lips. He tried to go to her, to grab her, get her away from whatever it was that was holding her, but he couldn’t get close to her, some kind of barrier keeping him away. He pushed at it, his teeth and jaw clenched, but it held strong and he was suddenly thrown back as a blinding flash of light filled the room.
Clark picked his head up from the floor where he had landed across the room, the light fading and he saw Charlotte lying on the floor so very still and it didn’t look like she was breathing.
“Charlie…” He scrambled towards her, pulling her into his arms and cradling her gently. Holding her up, he put his ear to her chest, but the sound of her heart was so faint that he almost didn’t hear it. “Baby,” He brushed her hair away from her face, “Stay with me, sweetheart, stay with me.” Looking up at the desk, he saw the cube as it collapsed back down again, a golden glow fading from within.
Bruce paced slightly as Clark sat in one of the chairs in the command center beneath Wayne Manor, Charlotte laying on a bed hooked to monitors in the med bay. He didn’t know who else to bring her to, as this wasn’t a normal circumstance, and he didn’t know what exactly had happened to her.
“Victor is looking at the cube.” Bruce said and he nodded, “It’s gone dormant again, no energy signals coming from it that he can tell.”
“It was definitely emitting some kind energy.” Clark said, “I saw it. I felt it when I tried to get to her.”
“She’s alive, Clark.” Bruce said, “Focus on that.”
“We know who sent it?”
“I found the customer's copy of the manifest from the courier service in her study after we got her settled and Victor and I went to get the cube.” Bruce said, “Tracked it to a shell company, more a front than anything else.”
“Owned by who?” Clark asked, but he had a feeling he already knew the answer.
“LexCorp.” Bruce said and Clark’s jaw clenched.
“She had a meeting with Lex Luthor months ago. According to her, he said a whole lot of nothing and she ended up walking out.” Clark said.
“Luthor is a narcissistic egomaniac.” Bruce said, “He probably didn’t like that.”
“So what the hell did he send her?” Clark asked, looking up at him. “What is that thing?”
“Why don’t we ask the man himself?”
Clark walked past the receptionist at her desk outside of the office, ignoring as she told him that Lex Luthor wasn’t seeing any visitors and pushed into the office, crossing the room quickly throwing the large desk out of his way, Lex jumping up from his seat and backing against the wall, holding up a small can with a spray nozzle.
“Unless you want a face full of aerosol kryptonite, I would think very carefully about what you’re going to do next if I were you.” Lex said.
“What is it?” Clark ground out, “What did you send her?”
“Did it activate?” He asked, his eyes lighting up, “Oh, please tell me it activated. Then again, you wouldn’t be here looking to rip my lungs out if it hadn’t.”
“What. Is. It?” He asked again.
“Is she still alive?”
“You wouldn’t be if she wasn’t.” Clark said, feeling his eyes start to heat.
“Eh eh.” Lex said, his finger tensing on the nozzle. “Settle down.”
“Lex,” Bruce said, “Answer the man’s question. What did you send her?”
“I’m calling it the Creation Matrix.” He said, “Catchy, right? As far as I can tell, it has the power to rewrite a person’s genetic code, kick them forward in evolution.”
“Why?” Clark asked, “Why did you send it to her? Because she walked out of your damn meeting?”
“Oh, please.” Lex said, rolling his eyes, “That meeting was just a way for me to get her DNA. As polite as she is, she didn’t refuse the glass of water that was offered. Once I had that, I started testing. You see, it only reacts to certain people, not everyone. She wasn’t the first person I tried, but when I synthesized and replicated her DNA strand, it reacted to it, started doing all kinds of interesting things. Opening up, glowing. So I looked into her family. Her dad is dead, she doesn’t have any brothers or sisters, no aunts or uncles. I thought maybe her mom made her special, but it didn’t react to her so I disposed of her.”
“You disposed of her?” Clark asked.
“I did you and Charlotte a favor, trust me. I approached her on the pretense of starting a smear campaign against the lovely Ms. Danvers, seeing as she cut the purse strings.” Lex said, “Meredith was all too happy to agree, bitter as she was, but it wasn’t her genetic code that the Matrix reacted to, so I didn’t need her anymore.” Lex said, “And like I said, her dad’s dead and cremated so I couldn’t try him.”
“You said it rewrote a person’s genetic code.” Bruce said, “Rewrote it how?”
“I don’t know.” Lex said, “Isn’t that exciting?”
“If she dies,” Clark said, “If that thing kills her. You’re going to need more than that little spray can to stop me.”
“I will be very disappointed if she dies.” Lex said.
“I don’t care how you would feel.” Clark said and turned, walking away from him and out of the office.
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couriersevenfuckers · 6 years
Oh gosh, I'm sorry for the Victor spam but aksjdhsjnaja. Could I request headcanons for how he'd actually propose to the courier? EE danke b
Of course! Here you are! If you’d like an actual story instead, go ahead and tell me! *makes everyone stupidly romantic* 
~Courier Seven
Victor Proposing to Courier Six: 
Now, Victor is an old fashioned robot. He’d want to meet your parents, ask your father/father figure for your hand, things like that. 
Problem is, neither of you knows who they are. And if you do, it’s unlikely you know where they are. Bullet to the brain can scramble things. 
So instead! Victor pulls out all the stops 
Flowers, sweets, a night of dancing or whatever you prefer. (He likes to dance tho) 
He takes you to the very top of the Lucky 38 and the two of you sit up there, enjoying the sights. 
Victor had been planning this for months by now. Right down to the letter. And he was ready! Super Ready!! But…
Seeing you there, under the stars, face illuminated by the lights below… every word he planned to say was, gone. 
You were just so… amazing! He couldn’t think straight, so he just said what he felt like he must. 
“Darlin’ I know. I know I’m a robot, and you’re a human but… I can’t imagine being with anybody but you. You make me feel alive. And for that, I ask… I ask you to marry me, partner.” 
You turned around when he began to speak, but you weren’t expecting this! You smile widely and gently take the ring out of his hands. 
“I’d love to be your partner Victor. More than anything.” 
Victor literally lights up, and kisses you happily. Or, at least as close as he can get. 
(Later on, you can help him upload into a Synth body, if you choose! Or just love him like he is, he’ll be happy either way! Although he does wish he could actually kiss you) 
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trapdoornumberthree · 3 years
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And so began an unlikely partnership ... 
(x voice) what if we were enemies to lovers... haha just kidding.... unless?
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Victor Plays Matchmaker
Character/Ships: Courier x Arcade // Courier x Boone // Courier x Cass // Courier x Veronica // Courier x Raul Series: Fallout New Vegas Word Count: 479 (intro) + 408 (Arcade) // 512 (Boone) // 500 (Cass) // 458 (Veronica) // 393 (Raul)
TW: Alcohol (Cass)
❤ ❤ ❤
The harsh Mojave sunlight beat down upon the glittering city of New Vegas. The flashing neon lights and signs  were dim against the bright blue of the sky, sprinkled with a few light clouds that did little to stop the intensity of the bright daylight.
On the Strip, there were a handful of rowdy gamblers and the occasional drunkard, but for the most part, it was quiet as the Courier made their way up the stairs of the Lucky 38. Victor greeted them with a flailing arm that was soon draped over their shoulder as he ushered them inside.
The doors behind them creaked closed and, as they stepped onto the carpeted floor of the casino, Victor pulled the Courier aside with a wayward glance to the elevator and lead them to the western side of the ground floor of the building, amongst the empty tables and chairs coated in dust and debris from the years of neglect. Victor gestured to one such empty booth, the torn and stained fabric that must have been an electrifying shade of red back in its prime now faded into an ugly shade of burgundy. As the Courier slipped into the seat, they idly wondered how much time had passed since it had been cleaned properly. Once they had settled into the chair, the Courier gave Victor a puzzled look, leaning over the table.
“I’m sure you’re itching to get back to the boss and tell him about your latest adventures with the Omertas,” Victor drawled as he parked himself in front of the table and rested his claws over the wooden surface. “But I wanted to have a word with you in private before you go gallivanting off to the Presidential Suite.”
The Courier raised an eyebrow. “Why’s that?”
“Now, your old pal Victor just wants to chat about one of your friends… One taking up residence upstairs there.”
“What?” The Courier sighed, exasperated. The beginnings of a tension headache buzzed in their skull. “What did they do this time?”
Victor chuckled. “No, no! It’s not what they’ve done. It’s what hasn’t happened yet…”
“What?” The Courier repeated. Victor clicked his claws together nervously on the counter. From the short distance across the table, the Courier could hear the creaking gears and whirring fans through Victor’s chest cavity. Was he anxious?
“I'm not one for beating around the bush, so I'm just going to come right out and say it." Victor placed a claw on the Courier's shoulder as he spoke. "I seen the way your buddy up there looks at you and I seen the way you look at them, and I think you two'd make a fine couple. I got the sense you just needed an outside observer to give you a push in the right direction, so that's what I'm doing now!"
The Courier spluttered. "You mean, me and…"
❤ ❤ ❤
The robot nodded enthusiastically - or, at least, he attempted to by rapidly shaking his monitor up and down in the imitation of human agreement. The Courier might have been amused if they weren’t horrified. Victor wasn’t done, however, and he quickly produced a menagerie of old, dusty textbooks from behind the table. 
Ah, so this was why Victor had brought them to this table in particular.
“Look at these! The boss was nice enough to let me give these to you; why dont’cha give them to your doctor pal? Bond over… Uh…” Victor picked up one of the pre-war textbooks and held it to his monitor. “...Human tissue!”
The Courier picked one up from the counter and ran their fingers over the gold lettering on the spine. “Victor, I appreciate it, but he’s a researcher - not necessarily a medical doctor-”
"You can learn together! The two of ya, bettering each other's skills; great idea for a first date if you wanna invite him out to that Fort you two like to visit from time to time."
“Enough! Victor, I don’t have feelings for Arcade.” The Courier drummed their fingers impatiently on the table as their face warmed involuntarily. They could feel the rising heat on their cheeks. "I don't know where your idea came from. Besides, we're friends! Wouldn’t trade that for anything."
The securitron brushed his arm affectionately over one of the textbooks laid on the counter before turning back to his friend. The familiar buzz from his monitor was comforting amongst the quiet of the abandoned casino floor. "Friends don't look at each other the way you two do."
The atmosphere had changed from painfully awkward to just uncomfortable, a change for which the Courier felt grateful as they shook their head affectionately at the securitron in front of them. Victor enthusiastically handed over the few books still held in his claws, and the Courier’s protests died on their lips as they thumbed through what they had been given. Despite their age, the books were in remarkably pristine condition, and covered a wide range of subjects from medicine to robotics. Maybe Victor did have the right idea. Besides, even if they lost their nerve at the prospect of asking the handsome doctor to work with them, at least they might learn something useful in the process. 
The Courier reluctantly grabbed a few of the textbooks and got up from the table. 
Well, here goes nothing.
❤ ❤ ❤
“Your friend from the NCR! That’s him, right?” Victor replied.
“Oh, no, there’s nothing going on between us.” The Courier murmured half-heartedly, rubbing the back of their neck. They stared at the table and grimaced in an attempt to suppress the blush forming on their cheeks. The act didn’t fool the securitron, who clicked his claws and huffed in response. 
“Don’t be so quick to deny it! I know I’m just an old securitron, but I see what I see, and the two of you are missing out on something if you don’t do nothing about it.”
“That’s sweet of you, Victor, but I’m not interested. We aren’t interested.” The Courier rolled their eyes and leaned back in the booth, glaring at the robot in front of them as if to say ‘bring it up again, I dare you’. 
Unfortunately for them, Victor was stubborn enough to not take the hint. 
“You both like putting those legionaries across the lake in the ground, dont’cha? You can make a date of it! The two of ya can sneak into that camp and give ‘em hell! And your date might even teach ya a thing or two about taking out someone at a distance.”
“Was that a pot-shot at my combat skills, Victor?” The Courier chewed their lip, attempting to turn the conversation back to the mundane. Victor wasn’t taking the bait. 
“It could be fun! And, you’d be doing Mr. House a favour to boot; don’t want an excess of those legionaries crawling around Hoover Dam when we get on the scene…”
The Courier groaned and held their face in their hands, rubbing their temple. The Mojave heat had permeated the building and the unusually warm temperature was getting to their temper. “So, this is actually for House?”
Victor brushed the dust off the counter absentmindedly. “Not exactly... I just thought it’d be the perfect way for the two of ya to bond!”
The Courier sat in silence for a minute and stared at the dappled sunlight streaming through the tattered curtains. The light illuminated the gleaming metal of Victor’s casing, and the Courier couldn’t help but let their mind wander so slightly, reflecting on what the securitron said. There was no possible way that this would end well. Boone had gone through such horror in such a short amount of time; losing his wife, combined with the Battle of Bitter Springs… Even if the feelings the Courier had secretly been harbouring for their sniper friend were reciprocal, they knew he wouldn't be ready to act on it.
No, maybe it was best to let it go.
…On the other hand though, there was no real worst case scenario; if they were rejected, they could always play it off as an order from Mr. House.
With a million possibilities swimming in their mind, the Courier rose from their seat and shook their head slowly at Victor as they let out a shaky breath. "What have you talked me into, Victor?" 
"The best first date you've ever been on, partner!" Victor replied chirpily.
❤ ❤ ❤
Victor chuckled once more, his metallic frame brushing up against the counter behind the booth. The scraping of metal against metal was a lightning bolt against the Courier's skull and they cringed at the noise. The heat was already getting to them; no sense in adding noise to the mix.
"That's her!" Victor replied, raising his voice to be heard against the ruckus he was causing. Eventually, he slithered back out from behind the bar, brandishing two bottles of expensive whiskeys. He gave a bottle to the Courier who took it carefully, turning it in their hands. Amber liquid sloshed inelegantly against the glass. 
"Betcha wondering why your old pal Victor's giving you something from the vintage collection…”
“Vintage?” The Courier echoed. It looked rather average to them.
“Vintage! Best whiskey that caps can buy. With any luck, might not even burn on the way down ya gullet! Not that I’d know, but, well, an old securitron can dream.”
The Courier’s gaze flickered from Victor to the bottle, then back to Victor. They lacked the courage to ask him what the point was of a liquor that didn’t burn. “Why are you giving this to me?”
“Did those bullets scramble your head up? Maybe Doc Mitchell didn’t patch ya up properly.” Victor almost tutted as he slid the second bottle down next to the Courier. “What’s-her-name… Rose of Sharon Cassidy enjoys a good beverage, and what’s better than a good whiskey and even better company?”
The Courier spluttered as they placed the whiskey back down on the table and shot Victor a glare. “C’mon, Victor. Leave it be. I’m not gonna get Cass drunk enough to... Well...”
Now it was Victor who was offended. “Partner, I thought you’d know me by now that I would never suggest you take advantage of a lady!”
The Courier sighed as they slunk in their seat, the fabric scratching against their skin as they did so. It was not unlike the prickling sensation that they felt under their skin at the mention of a date.
Victor clicked his metallic hand against one of the whiskey bottles, sighing. “I’m suggesting you give one of these to your lady friend as a gift, and the two of you split one. Go somewhere fancy, dress up, hit the town!”
“What for?” The Courier wrinkled their nose. The realisation that they hadn’t been quite so secretive about their feelings towards the charming redhead was an embarrassing enough notion; they didn’t need to be pushed into admitting it further.
“I won’t hear no more about it, friend. You get into that elevator, give this to her, and ask her to share a drink!” Victor declared.
Suddenly, the Courier found themselves being hoisted out of the booth and pushed towards the elevator by the securitron, bottles of whiskey in hand.
Despite Victor’s rudeness, the Courier begrudgingly went along with him. ‘After all,’ they thought as they looked at the alcohol in their hands, ‘what was the worst that could happen?’
❤ ❤ ❤
“It’s a perfect match, really,” Victor laughed from the other side of the table. He almost sounded smug. “She packs a mean punch, and you dish ‘em out!”
The Courier furrowed their brow in confusion and they drummed their fingers on the counter. “What does that even mean, Victor?”
“You’re both good at killing things, is what I mean. Gosh, didn’t think I’d need to spell it out so much for ya!”
“Great.” The Courier snarked. They stared at their knuckles, bruised and sore from the day’s efforts. It wasn’t even midday and their body was aching. How did Veronica manage to lug around that power fist so effortlessly? The sunlight poured in through the window, unbroken by the raggedy curtains, and the Courier followed the beams that settled on the elevator doors. Victor followed their gaze and snorted in amusement.
“Eager to get back to her, hey?” He commented with the faintest hint of a laugh. The Courier snapped back to reality, pink now dusting their cheeks. They shook their head, almost in an effort to rid their mind of what they knew their next thoughts would be of. Or, more accurately, who their next thoughts would be of.  
“Victor, no, it wouldn’t work out between us - not that there’s anything there to begin with, I mean.” The Courier added quickly. Veronica had loved and lost in the past; this much, the Courier knew, but knew little else of her love-life. It was a topic the pair were reluctant to talk about. Maybe it was for this reason. 
“You two are as cute as a button. I hear how y’all talk to each other. The gifts you give each other. You’re practically together already, it’s a crying shame I need to come and spell it out for ya!” Victor threw his arms in the air in an exaggerated act of exasperation, the essence of his humour still dancing in his words. The Courier was far less impressed as they turned around and crossed their arms, their back now towards the securitron.
“It isn’t like that, Victor…”
“Sure it isn’t. And I ain’t a RobCo Securitron.” Victor tutted. Quiet descended over the room as he leaned in towards the Courier, who was now looking across the room and avoiding eye contact.
“I ain’t saying it’s a sure thing,” Victor began, his voice low and oddly serious, “I’m just sayin’ I know what I see. Go tell her how you feel.”
For the first time in a long while, the Courier raised their head and gave Victor a look of abashed indignation. They sighed as they got up from the counter and turned towards the elevator.
“I’ll think about it, Victor. Thanks.”
“That’s good enough for me, friend!”
❤ ❤ ❤
Victor tapped his metallic claw on the table and wiped the dust off of it, then turned to observe the squeaking in his arm. He only hummed in response. “That mechanic of yours is gifted with a screwdriver. I know you’ve noticed.” He added, a hint of amusement in his tone.
An uncomfortable silence followed as the Courier only snorted in response and turned away from the securitron. Victor knew how they felt about Raul? …What did they feel towards the ghoul?
The Courier groaned. It was too early to worry about their feelings right now. Especially when the person making them feel like this was currently residing in the room above them. Close enough. Was it close enough?
…Yes, it would be close enough. It would have to be. With such biting sarcasm and indignant commentary every time they travelled together, there was no way that the ghoul might look at them in the same way that they looked at him. Despite Victor’s observations to the contrary.
On the other side of the table, Victor had fallen silent. Did he hit a nerve? Victor ran through the interaction in only the way a mechanical intelligence could do. 
No, no he was certain that he was on the right track. He was right about this. 
He cleared his throat; an act that held no meaning in his mechanical body, but the noise held all his intentions.
The Courier, lost in their thoughts, was pulled back by the sound.
“You alright, partner? Did I say something wrong?”
The Courier ignored the question. “What do you mean by ‘me and Raul’, Victor? Really, there’s nothing going on between us. We’re friends.”
Victor would have shaken his head if he were capable of the motion. Instead, he tutted and placed a bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla on the counter. The Courier eyed it suspiciously.
“Before you go jumping at the opportunity to ignore my advice,” Victor said, “Take this. I’m thinking a good first date between you two might involve a couple of cases of these, but this one’s all I got on me at the moment.”
For the first time that meeting, the Courier chuckled as they took the bottle. “Thanks, Victor. I’ll be sure to tell him that.”
“You be sure to!” Victor laughed alongside his companion as the pair strolled toward the elevator.
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localcomputer-quotes · 6 months
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Husband(Vanessa) and wife(Victor)
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Started a new playthrough of New Vegas that I want to be like… THE definitive run for my OC. So in an effort to actually stick with it, I’m gonna chronicle the (mis)adventures of my Courier Six. This is a HEAVILY modded playthrough and hopefully I’ll remember to grab some screenshots from time to time. Thus begins the journey of former Desert Ranger-turned courier, Paige Orlowe! Which starts with her getting her stupid ass ambushed. And then shot. In the head. Twice.
The first sensation she felt was blinding light. The second was a whole helluva lot of pain. OK, ow. Definitely still alive, somehow… she thought, squinting as she tried to sit up.
“You’re awake…how about that…”
“Y-yeahhhhhhh, I think that’s a mistake, Doc,” Paige quipped through gritted teeth. She was fairly familiar with the small town of Goodsprings and its inhabitants, and while this wasn’t her first time seeing Doc Mitchell, it was never for something this bad.
To his credit, the doctor chuckled at her joke and handed her a Reflectron to make sure he put everything back where it was supposed to be. “Couldn’t do anything about the scar, miss,” Doc apologized. “But I figure I got most of it right, stuff that matters.”
“Well, I never was plannin’ on making money off my good looks,” Paige remarked dryly, gingerly touching the scar. Must still be under the effect of Med-X, she thought. It barely registered to her touch, but it was definitely the source of the migraine. Her whole body ached something fierce, which she presumed was probably because she used to be dead. She gently combed a bit of her hair with her fingers and found it was easy to conceal the wound. Some scars were cool, helped you get a few free drinks. Until she got the lay of the land again, best not to go advertising her worst moment.
“OK, well, if you’re awake and able to touch that with minimal discomfort, don’t make much sense to keep you in bed anymore,” the doctor said, standing up and offering his arm to help Paige up. Nodding slowly, she took his arm and stood up shakily, clearly focusing on just keeping herself upright.
The doc ran her through a Vigor Tester exam and a psych eval, which helped distract her from the pain. “OK, that about does it,” he said, closing the small folder and smiling softly. “I put your items in that footlocker over there; sorry for going through your stuff, but it was kinda unavoidable with the whole ‘trying to save your life’ thing,” Doc explained.
“No need to apologize, doc”, Paige replied, walking over and opening it. Guns, check. Armor, check. Pip-Boy, check. Ammo, meds, food… check. Platinum-
“Shit. Hey Doc, did you see a poker chip made of platinum when you brought me in?” she asked, concern clear in her voice.
“Can’t say I did. All I found on ya, I put in there. Might wanna go talk to Victor, he’s the one who dug you up and brought you here,” the doctor replied.
“Thanks, I will,” she said, frowning. If the Chip is gone, then whoever that fuckwad in that dumbass suit was probably has it, she thought as she put her kit back on. The courier adjusted her chest armor carefully, making sure it was secure but not too constrictive. Next her boots, then the duster with the Old World flag on it. Finally, the slings and holster for her guns: her repeater, lever-action shotgun, and her trusty six-shooter. Paige checked each one to make sure it was still fit to fire safely; her revolver still had one dead cartridge in it, the only shot she was able to get off before one of the Khans jumped her. Sighing quietly in frustration at her fuck-up, the courier ejected the round, chambered a new one, then swung the cylinder back into the revolver with a satisfying click!
The doctor watched her quietly, a sad expression on his face as she checked each firearm. “I expect you’ll be wanting to get out there, but if you have any questions, I’ll be here,” he finally said gently, as she holstered the revolver and turned to face him.
“Thanks for patching me up, doc,” she said, pulling out a pair of aviator sunglasses. “I gotta get on the move, but if I do need anything, I’ll letcha know.” She bent down and pulled the last thing out, a dark, large-brimmed hat with a single red stripe around it. Paige put it on, gave the doc a final warm smile, and walked out the door…
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cheatdeathsarchive · 4 years
@tread-the-bear     /     closed starter.
The first time she saw herself after her stupid attempt for closure at the Sierra Madre was on her way down to her suite. The windows in the elevator provided a sort of mirror, dimmed and not very clear, but she didn’t think that really would have made any kind of difference.
She looked like a mess. Courier Six wouldn’t have even recognized herself if not for the familiar scar that tore across her forehead. Hair so dirty and matted that she would have thought she were a brunette who had just rolled out of bed. Her face was dirty, makeup from before she left residual on her cheeks. The white jumpsuit, the painted X across the back, covered in blood and char and poison that lingered in the air. She couldn’t tell what were bags from days without sleep and what was smudged off mascara and the shadow she’d brush there. She couldn’t bother to smile, and didn’t think she had in years.
But she hadn’t been gone that long, had she?
Six dug through the measly possessions she had to find one of the many ‘martinis’ she had left. It was a sludge, one strange and gritty and the way it slid down her throat made her feel a little bit better. At the very least, it helped her find the strength and gumption to step out of the elevators to trudge to her room. Her throat hurt.
“Well howdy there, parder,” Victor spoke, and Six didn’t say a thing. All she could manage was a look in his direction. She kept on walking to the double doors of her suite to shove her way inside.
“Well...” he replied, “I’ll leave you to it then. So long!”
It seemed... surreal. Everything was how it was before, only it was different, too. Six dropped her traveling knapsack on the ground. She didn’t know what to do with herself.
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its-freakinbats · 5 years
Hold Me Down-- r.s. x reader
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Hello, all! I have escaped my hole in the ground and decided to write. I saw Birds of Prey three times in theaters and did my best to not write for this asshat, but here we are. 
Roman Sionis needs to be dommed, and that’s that on that.
I plan on making this a two parter; expect a very steamy part two in about two weeks or so.
Pairing ofc is Roman Sionis and Reader
Word Count: 4180
 Rating: T ( i guess??)
Mr. Sionis and I have come to the difficult conclusion that your services are no longer required in an attempt to win the favor of Mr Crone.
✦ ✦
You prided yourself on your ability to handle most situations with a resolute conviction.
Between the piece of work that was your negligent mother and your strained relationship with your difficult father, you’d had more than enough experience with unmanageable situations with unmanageable people. 
It was what made working for Roman Sionis so easy. You could handle his emotional outbursts, and you could handle the sadism of everything he and his followers did. Everything they did was just a means to an end, after all.
A terrible, terrible end. 
But what could you do? Sionis had effectively found a lonely, capable soul with a tarnished family name and did what he did best: he commandeered your life, and promised that you would have nothing else taken from you. 
His only request from you was to do as he said. In a way, it was not unlike the years you had spent appeasing your parents. 
Sionis told you where to go, you did what was required, and then some.
What he had given you was more than you had at the time, and you were grateful for his protection, if anything else.
But over the years, you had proven yourself to be a valuable asset to the organization. You were relatively level-headed (compared to your boss), cunning, and resourceful.
It was far more than you could say for some of the bumbling fools Sionis had employed in the past. 
Victor Zsasz may have been the watchdog, the right hand man, even, but you were more. Where Victor was graceless and impulsive, you were calculated and swift. Roman had once said that they were your best traits. He had assured you that they made you one of the most important players in his game. 
Yet for the third time in the last few months, you were told to back off as negotiator. 
The email that you had printed out was clutched by a shaking hand. You couldn’t think of a time when you’d been this angry with him. It was one thing for him to be disparaging; despite his iciness, his words could hardly pierce you. It was something else entirely for him to be so resolute, to snatch your work from under you and watch you fall helplessly.
As you strode to the back of the club, you ignored the greetings that the barkeep had shot your way; it wasn’t often you were in a foul mood, and you hoped he was smart enough to know to leave you alone.
As you began your ascent to the top of the staircase, you felt the paper in your clenched fist practically burn you. 
The words from the courier were simple, and very few. 
But you knew their weight, just as you knew the weight from the other two messages you'd received recently. 
You knew it meant you weren’t to be trusted anymore, and it ignited a fury you couldn’t extinguish. 
Your steps were heavy as you stomped up the spiraling staircase, and part of you had wished that they could hear you coming. 
All sense of dignity left as you stood before the door to his pad and you pounded your fist against it.
The sound hadn’t even taken him aback, it seemed. When you heard Zsasz swear and cock his gun, you heard Roman merely tame him in response.
“Put it down, Zsasz, there’s nothing to be afraid of,” he assured the man.
Nothing to be afraid of, my ass, you thought to yourself as you clutched the paper tighter.
“Is that my sugar plum rapping at my chamber door?” Roman Sionis’s voice called from the inside of the room. Not for the first time, you thought about how satisfying it might be to sucker punch him in the throat.
Victor opened the door and offered a toothy grin in your direction. Before he could quip about your chagrined state, you shoved past him with a low, “Button it, Zsasz.” 
The man’s grin fell, and you heard his heavy footsteps follow you as you made your way to Roman’s desk.
The thug in question had his chin in his hand as you approached him. He tried looking child-like in that annoying way he sometimes did. Even after several years, you weren’t sure what was more frightening; his artificial pacification, or his bouts of rage. 
You knew just how dangerous Sionis could be. You’d known for years, yet that hadn’t stopped you from snapping at him and challenging him before. Roman was...not a good man. He was capable of pretty fucking horrible things. Hell, you’d seen some of the terrible things he’d done, and heard rumors of far worse. Part of you had wondered what had kept him from lashing out at you. 
You’d hiss some poisonous words, and he’d reciprocate before telling you that it would all be okay. That you had nothing to worry your pretty little head about.
The thought of his paternalistic cooing made your lips curl into a grimace. 
You didn’t speak, choosing instead to take a moment to calm your heaving chest and boiling blood.
After a few moments, Roman offered a raised brow.
“To what do I owe this...outburst?” he asked. 
“Boss,” Victor interrupted cautiously, but Roman held up a gloved hand.
“I’m sure whatever our little lady has to say, she can articulate perfectly without hurting anyone.” 
You gritted your teeth at the nickname and the way he spoke of you.
It was like you were pathetic.
You held his curious gaze for a moment longer before the fury inside of you snapped once more. 
You slammed the email printout hard upon his desk, not minding that your hand stung from the force. 
Roman’s eyes left yours for a split second to look at what you brought before him. He tutted gently, and the condescension wasn’t lost on you. 
“You couldn’t CC me in this email, dove?” he asked, and your fingers twitched at the way Victor laughed at the quip. 
You were never one to act purely on emotions. Your mother had convinced you that it was a weakness. After seeing how the two men you worked with had acted in moments of passion, you believed her. 
But now you shook, unsure of how to properly reign yourself in. 
“Explain to me why I’m once again being replaced, ” you said quietly. If you raised your voice, you knew neither of them would take you seriously.
They aren’t taking you seriously now, you reminded yourself. You clenched your jaw at the truth of the statement.
“Sweetling, you have more than enough to deal with right now—” the man started, but you cut him off sharply.
“Don’t you dare start to mollify me like I’m some sort of first week toady of yours, Sionis. I have been working to get this going in our favor for the last three weeks.”
“And what’s come of it?” your boss retorted without a beat. 
You blinked at him. 
You wanted to reply, to slam your hands down upon the desk again. You felt a slight swell of pride at your ability to restrain yourself. 
“From what dear old Silas Crone has told me, you were becoming quite a little problem for him. Not at all what I had in mind.”
He was quiet after that, and you took the moment to think on what he’d said. 
You weren’t necessarily doing anything he wouldn’t do. Actually, you were rather diplomatic compared to him. No, this was his way of feeling in control. This was his way of reminding you that he did what he pleased. 
“You’re...a spitfire, darling,” Roman continued, leaning back in his chair. “I know you can handle these things, but...I’d hate to see you do something you’d regret.” 
You continued to glare at him, so badly wanting to shout.
Instead, you bit the inside of your cheek and nodded. Placating Roman would be the only way to get something akin to a full answer.
“Like what?” you asked after breathing for a moment.
Roman folded his hands neatly.
“Well, for starters, you can be a little...pushy when it comes to offering deals to our potential clients. Losing us certain allies could cost us greatly.”
You didn’t ignore how icy his voice had gotten.
“So, you’d rather I was complacent with their refusal?” you asked, with brows raised.
Roman shook his head.
“Darling,” he said, dragging out the syllables. “I’d rather you use that suggestive force I talk about so much. You don’t need to be incessant, especially when you could use other means to win people’s favor.”
You didn’t need to ask him to elaborate. 
It wasn’t fair. You did your job, and you did it well more often than not. You could probably count on one hand the number of clients you’d lost the team. You didn’t need to sell your body to make it happen, either, and he knew that. 
“What do I have to do to prove to you that I am more than capable of getting the job done?”
But you knew the answer. 
Sionis would never be entirely pleased with what you accomplished, and it was futile to think that you were capable of anything more.
“When you stop going behind my back to do things,” Roman said finally.
You shot him a quizzical look. 
“Behind your back?” you asked incredulously. 
Roman leaned forward and drummed his fingers upon the paper. 
That damned paper. 
“You have an...annoying tendency to take matters into your own hands,” he elaborated finally. “Six months ago, it was the bank teller that you put a hit on. Four months ago, it was that journalist that you threatened into submission. Now, you’re insolent enough to go behind my back and interrogate those hookers found with Crone?”
You didn’t respond at first, too dumbfounded to understand his frustration.
“You tell me to finish my job, and that’s what I do,” you retorted. “That’s the way I’ve always done it. ”
“Without me knowing,” Roman said dangerously. “And you’ve been doing it more and more.”
His words had been spoken in an uncharacteristically diplomatic tone, and they were right.
But who cared if you found other ways of getting what you and your organization needed? The job was done, and the loose ends were taken care of with no one the wiser.
Without me knowing.
Your jaw clenched at the implication. You had to go through him to finish your job? 
Several years practically running his various operations and you were the one being belittled? Nevermind that he wasted his time on trinkets and sawing faces off. Nevermind that Victor had a ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ mentality. 
Nevermind that you were shouldering more of the responsibility than was fair.
Your lips twisted into a sneer as you spoke.
“Maybe I make my own decisions because I know how yours usually play out,” you answered coldly. Your fingers curled slightly, wishing that you had your knife in your grasp.
The smile fell from the man’s mouth, and you heard Zsasz shift uncomfortably behind you. Part of you knew that Zsasz wouldn’t dare touch you; you were too important in the great game you all played. But the way Roman was looking now, you almost feared that you’d gone too far.
You were surprised when he didn’t throw something. 
Rather, he steepled his fingers and his gaze grew observant.
He may have possessed the emotional capacity of a sleepy kindergartener, but you knew better than anyone that he could be calculating when he wanted to be. It was the only reason he’d made it as far as he had in the criminal underbelly. 
“How do mine usually play out?” he challenged you, his voice as sharp as his favorite knife. 
You bit the inside of your cheek and closed your eyes. 
You were waltzing right into a trap he was setting. 
When you opened your eyes, he was still watching you with imploring, cold eyes that dared you to continue.
Your lips twitched.
“You antagonize your enemies and then you play with them. You don’t worry about the repercussions, because you think you’re untouchable! You leave it to me to make sure your ass doesn’t get handed to you by the enemy. That’s why I have to play the way I do!” you said, exasperated. 
“Why do you think you’ve made as many allies as you have over the last five years? Because you had me doing the dirty work and making the hard decisions for you! And what do I get? Your ass taking things away from me like I’m some sort of child!”
Your voice was a snarl, and your hands fists. Emotion wasn’t your greatest asset. You knew better than to let him get to you.
Roman’s hands slammed against the desk finally, and you felt yourself jump back slightly.
“Enough,” Roman said, his voice unkind.
He stood up to adjust his blazer, before running a hand through his hair. 
He continued to watch you, even as he spoke to the third party in the room.
If you were honest, you’d almost forgotten the little sociopath was still there.
“Victor, would you be a doll and run through that errand list I had you look at earlier? Our sugar plum and I need to have some words alone.”
You couldn’t hide your slight quiver of fear at the way Roman spoke. Sure, you had a tendency to mouth off, but never to this extent. You’d always swallowed your pride when Roman got a little too possessive. You shrugged off the belittlements, and took the fits of anger in stride with the end goal always in mind. 
You took the opportunity to pull your gaze away from Roman, and you looked at the other man. Victor’s surprised gaze flickered between Roman and yourself. 
Had Zsasz ever spoken back this way? You couldn’t comprehend the man standing up to his boss, probably preferring to placate Roman like he always did.
Bootlicking sycophant.
Finally, he nodded and turned away though not before shooting you a yellow toothed leer. 
You watched him step away and slam the door behind him.
With Zsasz gone, you were left alone with the irate businessman.
You’d experienced Roman’s fits dozens of times. Triple that, actually. Probably more.
Very few times had you actually been on the receiving end of his tirades, but this was an entirely different beast. 
You finally pulled your gaze from the door and fixed your eyes on the blasted email that had started this all. 
“I believe you were in the middle of telling me how wrong I was?” the man said.
You swallowed your fear and looked at him.
He had seated himself once more, and you thought you saw him shake somewhat.
You bit the inside of your cheek, afraid of saying more. What more could you say? You’d already guaranteed yourself some sort of punishment. 
No one retaliated against Roman Sionis without repercussions, not even you.
“Go on,” he continued. “Say it!” 
It wasn’t the volume of his voice that made you flinch (god knew you heard enough of that), it was how quickly he fell back into his facade of stoicism. 
With his adversaries, or the one’s you’d witnessed, he toyed and played with them until they were assuaged enough to believe it was in their favor.
It was then that he struck. 
You couldn’t be sure what he was doing now. 
You looked back at the damned piece of paper that still lay before you, and felt your conviction build once more. 
If he really wanted to hear it, you certainly wouldn’t disappoint.
You braced yourself against his desk, and leaned in. Your voice was dangerous, yet somehow he remained unaffected.
“You gave me a job to do, no matter what it took. I did what was asked of me like I always do. And yet, you’re ungrateful for how fucking hard I work to appease you.”
The man’s lips twitched, and you wondered just how deep under his skin you had gotten yourself. 
“I don’t need to run every one of my choices past you, Sionis,” you reminded him.  
When you saw something glint maliciously in his eyes, you wondered if this would be when he finally ended you.
He stood up from his seat again to mirror your position against the desk. 
His gloved fingers just barely brushed past yours, and you considered pulling your knife out to pin his hand to the lovely oak that made up his work space.
“Every little thing you do goes through me, sugar,” he said coldly.
“Every time you breathe, I know about it. Every time you pay off that house loan, I know about it. Every time you choose to disobey me, I know about it. You aren’t nearly as careful as you think you are.” 
His voice was positively venomous.
Your glower deepened, and your knuckles turned white from how hard they were clenched.
“And next time, you will tell me before you make another idiotic decision like that,” Roman hissed.
When you moved to stand back, his hand grabbed your wrist and held it in place.
“Consider this your only warning, sugar plum. Insubordination is not something I take lightly.”
You looked down at his grip on your wrist before meeting his eyes. Your lips curled slightly.
“Thank you for your leniency, Mr. Sionis,” you said with disdain. “Now may I please have my hand back?” 
You could feel Roman’s eyes on you as you strode to the door, but you stopped yourself when you heard him speak up.
“Don’t be like that,” he began, his voice returning to its fun tambre. 
Your eye twitched as you regarded him.
“Just listen to me. That’s all I ask,” he continued. 
You didn’t stop yourself from stalking over to his desk again. The voice in your head shouted at you to back down; he had only given you one warning, after all. There wasn’t anything you could say to change what had happened. 
You looked back down at the desk and saw that the print out was still there. 
You lunged for the paper, but Roman was faster; before you could think, he had pulled it out of your grasp.
It was your turn to slam your hand on the desk, and Roman laughed slightly at that. You moved your way around his desk to snatch it from him, but he lifted it above his head. 
You started to engage in a childish game, with you doing your damndest to win at something today, but to no avail. 
After an embarrassing attempt to gain what little dignity you could, you stopped when you felt the concrete of the wall against your back. 
Roman laughed again.
“All this for a few little words? So many angry things said because you didn’t like an email you got,” Roman said lowly. He tutted once more as he leaned in, with one forearm braced against the wall. 
“Disobedience doesn’t suit you, sweetling. You know better than to act out like that,” he said, quieter this time. 
You ignored his gaze and his comment; you tried to pull away to leave, when you were stopped.
His other hand shot out and blocked your exit, and you noticed that he had taken his gloves off.
“You know I worry about you,” he cooed. “How can I keep my best girl if I don’t know where she’s going? What she’s doing? When she defies me.”
You could ignore his tone, and you could ignore his patronizing words.
You couldn’t ignore the way his finger traced the outline of your lips. 
It was a soft gesture, but this was Roman Sionis. 
You moved to push his hand away, but Roman was faster; he grabbed your offending hand, and then the other one. He shoved your wrists beside your head and leaned in closely. 
“When you started, you told me you’d obey me. Oh, I know!” he said suddenly, his voice jumping an octave. “It’s like a— a marriage,” he continued. “Think of what we have as a little marriage. You honor me, and you obey me. You hold to your vows, and I’ll hold to mine. I’ll protect you. I’ll take care of you. I’ll provide for you.”
You felt a gentle tap on your nose when he spoke next.
“We work together. We both contribute to this partnership. That way, Zsasz, and Crone, and all of our little followers see that mommy and daddy are working in their best interest. Then, they stay loyal.”
You didn’t meet his eyes at first. You’d known how fucked up your situation with him was when you had started all those years ago. It wasn’t until now that you realized the truth of his words. 
It was exactly like a fucked up little marriage, and you had no way out.
“It’s not like I have much autonomy, anyway,” you said stiffly. You held his darkening gaze while his other hand moved to run down your jawline.
“Baby, you don’t need autonomy while I’m around. Haven’t I taught you that lesson already?” he asked. 
His tone was soft, but the grip that had settled on your jaw was not.
“I think you’re too much of a control freak,” he continued, his voice just a harsh whisper in your ear. 
You laughed hollowly at that. 
You moved your head so you were eye to eye and you could swear you saw his resolve faltering; beneath you, you felt his knee settle between your legs. 
You couldn’t move.
“You’re the last person who should lecture me on control,” you hissed. You tried tugging your hands back, but he just pressed them harder into the wall. You wanted to lunge at him when he started laughing.
“Darling, I’m the only one who can lecture you on control,” Roman said, his lips ghosting from yours, to the highest point of your cheekbone, before settling on your jaw. 
You hated the proximity between your bodies, but you hated your reaction to it even more.
You tried to steady your breathing, even as a whisper of a kiss landed on the bottom of your jaw. 
Was this to be your life? To submit to people who protected and manipulated you? To follow them to the ends of the earth because you couldn’t find anything better?
The assault on your neck continued, but just as gently as the first kiss had been. You were still braced against the wall, but your body had slumped slightly.
Then, something came to mind.
You had intended on leaving with some dignity, and maybe, you could leave with it. 
You didn’t make a habit of it, but once or twice you had envisioned giving him a piece of your mind with the suggestive force he so badly wanted you to use.
You moved your head to the side slightly and saw him looking up from where he was. Slowly, he straightened up and his free hand came to grip your head. 
“What’s the first lesson?” you asked. You had said it so quietly, that you weren’t sure if he had heard it. He pulled away to watch you carefully, searching your face for any sort of falsity. 
When you continued to look at him with challenging eyes, you saw the corners of his lips twitch.  
“I’m not sure I have enough time in the world to teach you properly,” he said quietly. His fingers tangled in your hair and gripped roughly.
You remained unfaltering, and you looked at him almost expectantly.
Then get started, you wanted to say.
Instead, you quirked a brow slightly.
He wasn’t stupid. He was paranoid, and you were almost certain that he’d weighed the options before him.
But was also a hedonist, who had to feel in control. 
Oh, how you would show him. 
He wasted no more time after that, and he leaned in to take your bottom lip between his teeth. He began pulling harder on your hair, and you couldn’t help the gasp you had released. It had been silenced, though, when he pressed his mouth roughly to yours.
At some point, his grip had loosened on your head, as well as your wrists. 
When you had attempted to free your wrists, however, you felt his hands return to yours.
His grip remained firm, but the feeling was soon replaced by something much softer. You opened your eyes and pulled away; your wrists had been bound deftly by his scarf. When you looked up at him, he was watching you hungrily.
“The first lesson is to do as you’re told,” he said finally, before pulling away from you to grab you by the arm; you hadn’t spent a terrible amount in his place, but you had a feeling you knew where he was taking you.
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minjee98 · 4 years
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Yuri on Ice Chibi Laminated Keychains are now also available! 😀
Material: ~ Photo Paper ~ 250 Microns Laminating Film ~ Metal Keyring ~ Charm (choice of any letter in the alphabet)
Size: Approx. 3.1 x 4.8 in (7.9 x 12.2cm) - keyring is not included in the size. *Note: The sizes vary depending on the character.
Characters: ✔️ Victor Nikiforov ✔️ Yuuri Katsuki ✔️ Yuri Plisetsky (Yurio) - TBA
Use: Best as key holder, decoration for bag and a Yuri on Ice collectible.
Features: ~ Clear HD Image ~ Portable ~ Convenient ~ Sturdy
Price: •One-side print only = Php50 (US$1.00) each *Note: Shipping fee (SF) is not included. So please pm me for the total payment.
Payment: ~ via bank deposits (for PH customers) ~ via PayPal (for international customers)
Shipping: ~ J&T Express (for PH customers) ~ PhilPost (for international customers) - this is the cheapest international courier I know here in PH; but if you know a cheaper courier, please tell me.
Note: This is not an official merchandise, thus, a fan merchandise.
Please feel free to pm me for more information of the product. 😀
✖️We are not liable if the product has been damaged by natural phenomena, unfortunate and unexpected circumstances, etc.
✖️All cancellation requests will be rejected once payment has been made.
✖️Payment is NON-REFUNDABLE.
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couriersevenfuckers · 6 years
Hey b! Can I request beautiful Victor headcanons, for like what he'd do/say to the courier to confess his love and stuff? Have a great day beautiful bean💖
HELLO!!! Also oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see this until now! 
Victor Headcanons coming right up! 
~Courier Seven
Victor Confessing to The Courier: 
Victor is an adorable Robot, but he doesn’t quite know how to respond to feelings. 
So, when he realizes that he loves you, he freaks out and shuts down for a week and stays with Mr. House
He, of course, rambles to Mr. House about you, asking for advice and nearly begging for help. 
Mr. House eventually gets tired of it and just kicks him out, saying “If you care about them, tell them and hope for the best.” 
Victor takes it to “heart” and finally reboots his goodsprings Bot. Only to wake up with you right in front of him, fast asleep. 
His movement woke you up, and you immedatily asked him “what happened?”, “where did you go?”, and “Why did you leave?”
Victor is about to respond when you throw your arms around him and say, “You worried me, I thought you were broken and weren’t going to come back.” 
Victor decides then and there to just tell you. 
“Well, You see partner, I uh. I realized some things and wasn’t quite sure how to deal with them you see. I realized that, while I may be a robot, I sure as sun had feelings for you. I didn’t know how to handle them, so I, uh. I shut myself down and talked to the boss man about what I should do. He said to just, tell ya. So, here I am. Your Old Pal Victor, telling ya he wants to be partners with ya.” 
He sits sliently, waiting for a response. You laugh and explain that you felt the same, saying “I always digged the Cowboy stuff, Partner!” while chuckling. 
Victor laughs as well and Scoops you up into a hug. Or rather, the best he can manage on the floor. You laugh loudly, and kiss his screen. 
Victor grins as wide as he can, and yells “YEEEEEHAW! I’VE GOT MY PARTNER!”  
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