decaying-enigma · 2 months
[Space Core AU]
Danny could see it all.
Where the darkness meets the dance of light, a swirling canvas of stardust and celestial wonders—a symphony of colors, shapes, and energies unfurling across the infinite reaches of space.
Their radiant glow casting an aura that just beckoned him to join.
Cosmic tendrils weaved a labyrinth of star clusters, and stellar nurseries gave birth to new stars.
Nebulae shimmered with ethereal beauty, their wispy tendrils reaching out across the void like ghostly fingers.
Supernovae unleashed titanic explosions, scattering the remnants of dying stars across the cosmos in a dazzling fireworks display of light and energy.
Danny could almost feel it wash over his skin.
Black holes lurked in the depths of space, their gravitational pull so intense that not even light could escape their grasp.
Dark matter, the invisible scaffolding of the universe, weaves its enigmatic web throughout the galaxy.
He could hear the countless echoes, all worming their way into his being and, for a moment, pulling him closer and closer to...
He fell back into his seat instantly, two arms holding him down, as Earth's gravity once again took hold of him.
Blinking rapidly, Danny shook his head, visions of stars and nebulae sliding away.
Yet not completely leaving his mind.
It took him a moment to remember where he was as he turned to Tucker and Sam.
They sat on either side of him, both having a firm grip on him with deeply concerned expressions on their faces.
They were all outside, at a table nestled in the corner of the (thankfully empty) park, and had been in the middle of eating lunch from a new cafe that Sam had wanted to try.
Or, at least, that had been the plan before he decided that gravity was just a suggestion.
"You okay, dude?" Tucker asked, a hand still holding onto him.
"I'm fine," Danny replied immediately.
But judging by the identical unimpressed looks on Sam and Tucker's faces, neither believe him in the slightest.
And rightfully so.
Though they did let go of him, trusting he wasn't about to start floating away again, they were ready to react if it happened again.
Danny sighed.
"I just got distracted for a second."
"You were floating away." Sam pointed it out, making little wiggly movements with her fingers. "Plus, your eyes were doing that weird galaxy thing again.
"That was just some dust," he lied half-halfheartedly.
She raised an unimpressed eyebrow, not buying that for a moment. "Yeah right. If we hadn't pulled you back down, you would probably already be out of the atmosphere by now."
"I would've noticed," Danny murmured, his eyes shifting to the side. "...eventually."
Sam huffed in frustration. "So not the point I was trying to make."
"They are super weird, though," Tucker agreed, then took a bite of his giant BLT sandwich. "But still cool, in the way they turn into terrifying black-holes that they look like the endless and cruel vacuum of space."
Danny stared at Tucker flatly.
"That makes me feel so much better."
"No problem!"
There was a brief silence, only for Tucker to put his sandwich back down, showing just how serious he was, and ask.
"But seriously, dude, are you alright?"
Danny looked down at the table, wanting to ignore his friends admittedly reasonable concerns, and absently twirled the straw of his ice tea.
But, eventually, he gave in.
"I already stopped by the Far Frozen to talk with Frostbite," he finally admitted. "Even ran into Clockwork, who was feeling strangely non-cryptic, and asked him about what was going on."
"So, what'd you find out?" Sam questioned, leaning forward, eager to hear what he had to say.
Danny snorted, an impish grin growing on his face. "Apparently, I don't actually have an ice core."
They both blinked in surprise.
The fact that Danny's core, practically the ghostly equivalent of a soul and a fundamental part of their being, wasn't ice this whole time and was actually something different was... a pretty big deal.
Sam asked, both curious and concerned, "So, what core do you have?"
"Frostbite called it a space core, or, as Clockwork referred to it, a piece of the Void." Danny rolled his eyes. "I'm like, 70% sure, he only called it that to be extra dramatic."
"So the ice powers were just...what? The first side effect before the weird eyes and the 'spacing' out?" Tucker joked with a grin.
Danny chuckled at the pun, while Sam groaned.
"Do you know what powers you are supposed to expect?" Sam asked, hoping they would catch a break this time.
"Not a clue," Danny said, shooting that hope down immediately.
Tucker raised an eyebrow. "Isn't there someone in the Ghost Zone you could ask?"
"It's, like, super rare; I mean, the only other ghost I know with the same core is Nocturn," he explained with an annoyed huff.
They both winced.
Despite not currently being antagonistic with the Ghost of Dreams, Danny and Nocturn's relationship wasn't anywhere close to friendly, even by ghostly standards.
And considering most ghosts could beat each other up, possibly even dismember one another, and still be willing to hang out later, that's saying something.
Danny sighed. "Yeah, I basically had the same reaction."
"Are you sure there's no one else?" Sam pushed, looking for a solution.
"Ghost Zone's a big place and leads to a lot of others, so probably." He shrugged. "But, even if Nocturn or someone else was willing to give me advice, it wouldn't help very much."
Seeing the confusion on their faces, he continued to explain.
"Frostbite gave me a whole lecture about it, but it basically boils down to the fact that, unlike most core elements, space cores express themselves so differently that there's no real set of powers that they share."
Sam slowly nodded, understanding showing on her face.
"So, while one ghost with a space core might be able to make black-holes, another might control gravity or even create stars," she continued, a hint of wonder in her voice.
Danny nodded his head in agreement.
"Hey, for all we know, you might get the power to twinkle really, really brightly instead." Tucker snickered loudly, with Sam quickly following.
Danny dropped his head onto the table, not sharing his friend's amusement in the slightest.
The snickers soon died off, as Danny continued to mope.
"It's probably not that bad." Tucker pointed this out. "You already learned to control the ice part of your powers; you'll figure this part out eventually."
"And we'll be right there when you do," Sam added, fully believing they would find the answer eventually.
"Hopefully not too close. Frostbite mentioned a few...unexpected stabbings the first time around," Tucker muttered under his breath, wincing as Sam punched him in the shoulder.
Danny rolled his eyes.
He wished that he shared his friends confidence in his abilities, but he was nevertheless grateful for the support his two best friends were giving him.
Thankfully, the conversation soon changed subjects from his potential new powers, moving on to talk about a homework assignment for school as they finished their lunch.
Danny made sure to pay attention this time, staying focused on the here and now.
Yet, even as he grinned from the sarcastic joke Sam had made, he could still feel the pull in the background.
He could hear the symphony of celestial bodies, the stars, the nebulae, and the infinite reaches of space in the back of his mind, all calling out to him.
Just waiting for the day that he would give in to the urge, and in the moment of weakness, join them forever and always until the end of time.
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decaying-enigma · 7 months
In the Kalos region, deep off the trail of Route 16, in a decrepit forest that most people and trainers alike considered to be haunted, there was a sudden flash of light.
Which, followed by a visceral tear, split the air as a swirling, toxic green hole was forced into reality.
It was so sudden that most Pokemon in the forest, even with preternatural senses, had only moments to scatter, fleeing from the unnatural light of the portal.
Only the most curious, maybe a little stupid, Pokemon stayed nearby, hidden, but close enough to watch the peculiar tear in reality.
For a while, there were no changes to the portal; it simply hung in midair, swirling absently and basking the forest in its toxic glow.
Seeing this, most of the Pokemon relaxed, slowly realizing that they weren't actively in danger.
Sadly, just as most were about to return to regular activities, the portal suddenly stretched as a claw-like hand breached from the other side.
Then, just as suddenly as the portal appeared, a radiant creature stepped out, like walking through water, and into the forest.
The creature appeared bipedal and shaped similar to humans, but its skin was pure black with white accents around its chest and claws.
Its face also resembled a human's, remarkably so, yet it was different.
The creature's face was a dark tan in color; it had wispy, gravity-deifying white fur on its head and long, tapered ears on either side of its head.
And finally, what was most 'eye-catching' about the creature was its glowing green eyes, practically the same color as the swirling portal it exited from.
From the moment the creature appeared, every Pokemon in the forest felt its aura, overbearing and overpowering, like staring down the face of a rampaging legendary, and knew they were in the presence of something extraordinary.
The urge to flee and hide themselves was strong, practically overwhelming.
So that's exactly what they did.
In only a moment, the area around the creature was completely void of all Pokemon.
Except for one.
Hidden behind a tree, directly beside the glowing creature, was a single ghost- and grass-type Pokemon that was far too curious for its own good.
And despite the aura of power surrounding the creature, the curious little Pokemon couldn't help but notice something familiar and oddly protective about the creature's presence.
So it did the only thing that made sense: it approached the curious creature to say hello.
Taking in the abrupt and very sudden change in scenery, Danny willed himself to drop to the dirt ground of the forest.
Only before he even had the chance to study where the portal had dropped him, he suddenly froze—not literally, thankfully—as a puff of cool vapor escaped his mouth, freezing the air in front of him.
Spinning around at the sound, Danny turned to face whatever ghost had managed to follow him from the Ghost Zone, only to pause mid-attack at sight in front of his eyes.
It was some type of ghost; that much was obvious, but definitely not one Danny had ever seen before.
"Huh, who are you?" Danny asked, scratching the back of his head.
The ghost was small, barely bigger than his head.
Its body was basically a tree stump with a wisp of blue, ghostly fire on top.
The little guy had two small, stubby arms and a pair of round eyes, with black eyes and white pupils that gave him a somewhat innocent and curious appearance.
Danny could freely admit the ghost was adorable, and it already seemed to like him as it was playfully hovering near him.
The little ghost cheered before loudly exclaiming, "Phantump!"
Danny blinked, shaking his head at the coincidence, and wondered just what he was getting himself into as he hesitantly introduced himself in return.
"Well, Phantump, I'm Danny Phantom. Nice to meet you."
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A friend has given me an AMAZING IDEA. Hear me out.
Danny fenton. In the Pokémon world. Going around meeting ghost type Pokémon.
Especially if he’s world hopping and is NOT used to pokémon
“OoOo this house is SUPER Haunted!”
(Finds what’s doing the haunting)
“…… that’s just a weird cat. Not even a ghost cat- it’s just weird”
I feel like all the ghost types would follow him around, he doesn’t have pokéballs or anything they just like him.
His Pokémon just dragging him around to do Trainer things and Danny just having no clue what going on like-
Some random kid challenges Danny to a Pokémon battle
Danny has no idea what that means but definitely does NOT want to beat some toddler into the ground and is trying to find a way out of this “Pokémon battle”
His Pokémon on the other hand will NOT stand for this DISRESPECT and promptly ignore Danny’s attempts to leave in order to DESTROY THIS CHILDS DREAMS
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decaying-enigma · 8 months
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On his sixteenth birthday, Danny could only watch as his parents decided that he was a monster.
Sitting in the back of a relatively empty shuttle bus heading east, Danny Fenton lay curled up, his gangly body completely invisible to all, with a duffel bag hugging between his chest and knees.
For once, and for what seemed like the first time in his life, Danny was completely alone, both figuratively and literally.
After over two years of desperately hiding and fighting to protect his friends and family from ghosts, and vice versa in some cases, everything went to sh*t because of a piece of cake.
A freaking piece of cake.
A piece of cake that just so happened to be mixed with an experimental serum his parents had been working on for the past few weeks.
Danny had heard them talk about it in the lab; he always made sure to keep an ear out for their next dangerous idea, but compared to their more... gruesome inventions, this had seemed relatively tame.
This time it had just been a serum, and not even one for destroying, torturing, or inflicting pain on ghosts.
Supposedly, the serum was designed to only affect ghosts disguising themselves as humans. Once administered, it would force the ghost to return to their original form for all the world to see and, presumably, fire at.
Seeing as the chances of this serum either maiming or killing him even more were low, Danny hadn't paid as much attention as he usually did.
The thought of the serum being overly dangerous to him or any other ghost for that matter, as almost all of his parents inventions seemed to be, hadn't even crossed his mind.
And oh, baby, how badly that came to bite him in the ass.
All it took was one bite of vanilla buttercream before his life was over again.
Before he knew it, Danny had been forced to transform into his alter-ego, Danny Phantom, ghostly public enemy numero uno, in the middle of his kitchen with Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and most importantly, his parents.
And right there, in a single blink of an eye, everything he had kept hidden came crashing down like a house of cards, and his parents finally knew.
Or rather, they thought they knew that a 'disgusting, evil ecto-entity' had obviously replaced their son. Of course, there was no way in hell that their child could possibly be a ghost, especially one as conniving and monstrous as Phantom.
Thus, his parents had reacted as they usually do to anything even remotely resembling a ghost: they shot at it.
Which had hurt, despite it not even being the first, heck, or even hundredth time they had done so.
At this point in his half-life, the ability to take a seemingly debilitating hit—one that he definitely shouldn't recover from—was second nature to Danny.
Nowhere was really safe considering most of his parents inventions at home already targeted him; a majority of ghosts never really cared enough to warn him before they attacked; and there was always someone trying to fully kill him in some way or another.
An ecto-blast to the face? Danny could confidently say he got more of those than actual hugs.
An explosive rocket? Tis but a small scratch.
An actual bolt of lightning? Might be a bit worse, but nothing he couldn't walk off.
Hell, the inside of a dimensional portal? Admittedly, that did some damage, but he had partly lived through it, mostly on a technicality.
Thus, surviving a few point-blank shots from his parents wasn't something overtly dangerous.
Not that it didn't hurt, which it did and left a mark, but it wasn't that bad.
Danny had survived worse before—so much worse.
Heck, even as he sat invisible on the bus, his wounds were probably already healing on their own.
In another few hours, there wouldn't even be a mark showing that his parents had shot him.
Physically, Danny had come out completely unscathed.
So why did it hurt so much?
Danny winced, rubbing at a hollow ache in his chest, and forced himself to focus.
In true Team Phantom fashion, Danny, Sam, Tucker, and later Jazz had already planned for what they would need to do in this exact scenario.
As his parents attempted to end his half-life, a 'convenient' explosion went off in the lab. Danny knew Jazz had caused an explosion, one rigged to destroy not only the majority of his parents tech but also anything they could use to track him.
And with his trigger-happy parents distracted and looking away from him, Danny was already on the move.
Once he escaped his home—that building—Danny only looked back once at the burring neon Fenton Works sign; then he was gone and heading towards their designated meeting place.
From there, everything seemed to blur together.
Danny barely had time to react before Sam and Tucker had all but shoved a bag into his arms, filled with all the essentials any runaway, half-dead teen needed to survive, gave him a teary good luck, made him promise to take care of himself, and sent him on his way out of Amity Park.
Possibly forever.
From there, Danny was on his own.
He had only the vaguest of destinations in mind, but nothing else.
Which was part of the plan and something they had prepared for for years.
If no one knew where Danny was going, not even his best friends or sister, then no one would find him if he didn't want to be found.
All for the sake of his survival.
Over the years, Danny was forced to do a lot of things for the sake of survival.
His chest still ached.
Feeling lost, perhaps even more so than after the Accident, Danny looked up into the cloudless night sky.
Despite the light pollution, Danny's inhumane eyes could pinpoint almost any star with perfect accuracy, and right now, he could see the North Star, Polaris, shining especially radiantly in his eyes.
This particular star loomed, almost like it was the brightest star in the sky (Danny knew that it was actually the 48th brightest). Even so, it's about 2,500 times as luminous as the sun, making it a massive super-giant.
But Danny knew that the star had another meaning.
In a way, Polaris was a fixed destination, one that would always point you towards the North. Even as the world changed around you, even if you were lost and completely adrift from your home, the North Star would stay the same.
But that wasn't what made Danny feel fractured; something seemingly cracked in his chest as he realized the North Star couldn't help him if he didn't have a home to return to.
He was truly alone.
Danny didn't want to be alone.
Sup my lovelies! New Promt.
Danny Fenton has moved out of Amity Park and into Gotham.
Unfortunately, he suffered to a not so nice secret reveal at his 16 birthday party (just family and friends) thanks to an awful surprise in his cake.
His parents had somehow invented a serum that could affect ghosts "posing" as humans, and guess who's cake they decidedly test it on!
So. Yeah. He had to leave.
Tucker and Sam helped him grab his things while Jazz had distracted their Parents.
So, here Danny was, in Gotham, with no clue what to do.
But hey, at least the weird clown lady with pigtails is nice. I mean, she gave him free pizza for "helping" her with a douche (basically he told the man to stop bothering her then watched her kick his ass).
So yeah. Things are fine, Danny's fine.
No hes not hesnothesnothesnot
Danny's juuust fine.
In fact, hes perfect. This city has a great supply of Ectoplasm in its air, and everyone's so weird it's easy to blend in!
So. Danny's doing great, he's making a (undead) life. Now, if only that weird kid with a coffee obsession and that probably-trafficker with the skunk hair would stop following him.
Feel free to add on or use!
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decaying-enigma · 9 months
Part. 2
Flipping behind a fallen tree to avoid another blast of chaos magic, Batman barked out an order into his comms.
"Status report!"
"Cyborg and Flash are still down!" Green Arrow called out
Having already retreated to cover, the Emerald Archer carried two of his teammates, covered in intense magical burns from an unexpected ambush, but luckily both were still very much alive.
Due to their unique biology and powers, they were both already healing and repairing themselves.
Yet at the moment, they were still out of commission.
The Dark Knight grunted in response, already recalculating their chances of stopping the threat before them.
At the very center of what was formerly a park in Star City, there stood a burning red circle of magic enveloped in infernal black flames.
The circle was also completely covered in a physically impenetrable and incredibly dangerous dome, which kept all those on the outside from getting in, as Flash and Cyborg had personally discovered.
And at the very center of this circle was none other than Klarion, the Witch Boy and Lord of Chaos, along with his ever-present familiar, Teekl.
After throwing a few more blasts of magic with an inhuman smile on his face, Klarion went back to chanting in an unknown dialect that sounded more like static crackling than an actual language.
The more the Witch Boy spoke, a hairline fracture in the air seemed to be slowly widening, bathing the world in a toxic green glow as the ritual continued.
Seeing the bleakness of their situation, Batman turned to their only chance of getting the dome down to stop Klarion from completing whatever ritual he was trying to complete.
"Constantine, progress!"
Standing relatively close to the barrier, Constantine held his hand outstretched in front of him.
The British sorcerer's eyes glowed with arcane light as a web of mystic energy flowed around and into the barrier in an attempt to dismantle it.
A difficult task, especially considering how pressing the situation is.
It was only luck that Klarion hadn't attacked the sorcerer yet. But more likely, it was the fact that the Lord of Chaos didn't even care enough to, as he seemed much more focused on completing the ritual.
With a liberal amount of sweat dripping down his brow, Constintine was the very definition of calm in the face of pressure.
"Progress?! I can barely touch this shite without being bloody eviscerated!"
Or not.
"Focus!" Batman snapped back, already having silently appeared behind the British sorcerer. "We need to get through that barrier."
Rolling his eyes, Constintine barked out a laugh: "Oh, well, why didn't I think of that, Batsy? Let me just pop this bubble right open for you."
Running from the trees, Green Arrow interrupted before an argument could break out, saying, "Can you tell us what Klarion's trying to do? What are we going to face if he finishes?"
Taking a breath, he quickly explained, "It's a summoning."
"A summoning for what?" Batman questioned him, easily ignoring the glare shot his way.
"How the hell should I now?" Constintine huffed. "He's a bloody Lord of Chaos. For all we know, he could be calling a herd of unicorns—those vicious fuckers—to tear us apart."
"Seriously?" Green Arrow asked in disbelief. "Unicorns?"
Growling in frustration, Constintine jabbed an angry finger at Klarion, who was still cackling as the toxic green tear began to widen.
"That twit is tearing a hole in the fabric of our reality. There's no telling what cosmic horror he can-."
Suddenly cutting himself off, Constintine went still as a statue.
"Oh, Shite," he muttered as the blood slowly drained from his face. 
"What's wrong?" Green Arrow was immediately questioned.
But Constintine didn't seem to hear him.
Instead, the usually unflappable man seemed to get increasingly paler by the second, especially as he finally recognized the energy from which the exponentially growing fracture in front of Klarion was connected.
Spinning the catatonic sorcerer around, Batman said, "Constintine, get a hold of yourself. What's going on?"
Blinking out of his daze, Constantine spoke immediately. "I know what’s being summoned. We need to ru-"
But before the demonic sorcerer could finish, it was already too late.
The sound of reality cracking was an indescribable and terrifying thing to hear.
It went far beyond the boundaries of normal auditory perception. If you had to explain it, it can only be described as a cacophony of discordant noises blending together in an eerie symphony of cosmic chaos.
And with this horrifying event, the two heroes plus Constintine could only watch as reality broke apart as a swirling, toxic green portal in front of Klarion opened.
For just a moment, the world seemed to be still in the portal's very presence.
Then something tore its way through and stepped out.
Danny has an Ice Core.
He isn't aware of it, but this does, in fact, greatly influence how his ghost form looks as he grows up.
His appearance starts getting more rugged, eyes a paler, more piercing green, hair a bit more uncontrollable and wild.
He packs muscle easily, even in human form.
When in ghost form, he has an aura of something patient and dangerous, and that sense only grows the older he gets.
Basically, our boy starts to look like a viking.
No matter how goofy and bumbling he really is, his first impression is always a horrifying moment for whoever is meeting him.
And as his ghost form grows with his human form, he outgrows his hazmat outfit. Frostbite and the Far Frozen fashion him some new clothes-which only compliment and play off of the viking aesthetic he's got going on.
And with the height he inherited from his father?
Our man is a very, very intimidating figure to look at. More so than Dan; because while Dan was dangerous and scary, he was all energy and lightning and rage.
Adult Danny comes across as lethal and terrifying, all ice and persistence and that final, terrible silence before you realize you've already died.
Dan felt like the warrior in front of you. Danny feels like the wilderness in winter, vast and unforgiving.
Anyways, when a summoning for Klarion goes horribly wrong and Danny gets called instead, the Justice League has a moment where they're convinced they've summoned something much, much worse than Klarion.
And Danny, standing there completely confused, is not helping by remaining silent and still while staring John Constantine in the eye.
Good news, the bad guys are also very concerned about the weird ghost viking and are actually moving to stand side by side with the Justice League on this.
Bad news, who the fuck is this guy?
"...Fuck," is all Constantine whispers, backing away slowly.
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decaying-enigma · 9 months
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Love to hear your opinion.
Part. 1
The changes weren't noticeable at first.
In fact, Danny hadn't even noticed until a casual, definitely not suspiciously timed, comment from Clockwork brought it to his attention.
It was his eyes that were pointed out to him first.
Before the Accident™, Danny's eyes had always been a pale baby blue, the same as his dad's. It was only after that, around the time his ice core began to fully expand, that his eyes shifted completely.
What was once baby blue had become like a frozen tundra.
In human and occasionally ghostly form, Danny's eyes were now comparable to a mesmerizing spectacle of icy beauty.
They gleamed with a chill that could send shivers down your spine and mirrored the frosty landscape of a winter's eve. The hue of his irises now possessed a piercing glacial blue, reflecting the frigid expanse of untouched snow.
Though that's nothing compared to what someone experiences, ghost or human, when they catch Danny's gaze for too long.
As one stared into those frozen depths, a sense of serene stillness, a quietude reminiscent of the arctic silence, would slowly pierce their being.
It was as if everything, even time itself, had frozen and all life had come to a halt in the icy embrace of his gaze.
Danny could quite literally freeze souls with just a glance.
The changes, due to both age and growth in power, that continued after all followed a similar theme to his eyes, as his ice core was undeniably influencing his growth.
His skin further paled, slowly losing color and slipping into an otherworldly hue. Various other features, mainly in his ghost form, shifted to match these changes as well.
Furthermore, Danny also began to grow rapidly, quickly losing his smaller, more toned physique.
In its place, he shot up in height, matching the hulking parental figure that was Jack Fenton with a very developed muscular build to complement it.
Despite only having encountered two fully grown halfas, one of whom was a murderous alternate version of himself, Danny had a pretty good idea of what he would look like when he finished growing.
Dan, having been a Frankenstein mixture of his and Vlad's cores, inevitably grew to be an intimidating incarnate of a storm that raged with energy, lightning, and fire.
It was those factors that shaped the monster that mercilessly slaughtered an untold number before Danny overcame and deftly defeated him.
And as Danny had learned, even if it had taken a few years, he wouldn't inevitably become Dan, no matter how much he doubted himself.
As Clockwork loved to say, the future, especially his own, was an ever-changing tapestry of choices waiting to be made.
Plus, the core of his very being was practically the complete opposite of Dan's, which also helped to relieve a lot of his worries.
Whereas Dan had always felt like a storm that raged against the world, destroying everything within its reach, Danny's presence expanded in a completely different direction.
In a way, it was also just as overwhelming, if not even more, but not in the same sense.
Danny's presence could only be compared to the very essence of winter.
Like winter, his arrival can be felt long before it is seen, as the air becomes laden with a bone-chilling chill and a sense of foreboding creeps into the hearts of all living creatures.
And as he descends, there is a hushed stillness as the world seems to hold its breath, as if nature itself is awaiting the next move of this formidable force.
The presence feels completely indifferent to the plight of mortals; like an ancient force, it exists beyond the realm of others concerns in the face of its eternal chill.
Yet, amidst this cold desolation, there is a strange allure—an almost hypnotic beauty—that captivates those who dare to confront it.
But in the end, this cold, vast, and inescapable presence should be respected and admired from a distance. For it shapes the world in its own way, leaving an indelible mark on the memories of those who experience its chilling embrace.
So, yeah, Danny's presence was unique.
While Dan might have felt like a terrifying storm trapped in a monster, Danny had grown to become something far, far more.
Anyone who barred themselves against him didn't need to be snarled at or threatened. 
There was simply no point in doing so.
Once they went against him, their fate had already been decided.
Their only end was, ironically enough, inevitable.
Give me a like and comment if I should write the next part or not. 
Danny has an Ice Core.
He isn't aware of it, but this does, in fact, greatly influence how his ghost form looks as he grows up.
His appearance starts getting more rugged, eyes a paler, more piercing green, hair a bit more uncontrollable and wild.
He packs muscle easily, even in human form.
When in ghost form, he has an aura of something patient and dangerous, and that sense only grows the older he gets.
Basically, our boy starts to look like a viking.
No matter how goofy and bumbling he really is, his first impression is always a horrifying moment for whoever is meeting him.
And as his ghost form grows with his human form, he outgrows his hazmat outfit. Frostbite and the Far Frozen fashion him some new clothes-which only compliment and play off of the viking aesthetic he's got going on.
And with the height he inherited from his father?
Our man is a very, very intimidating figure to look at. More so than Dan; because while Dan was dangerous and scary, he was all energy and lightning and rage.
Adult Danny comes across as lethal and terrifying, all ice and persistence and that final, terrible silence before you realize you've already died.
Dan felt like the warrior in front of you. Danny feels like the wilderness in winter, vast and unforgiving.
Anyways, when a summoning for Klarion goes horribly wrong and Danny gets called instead, the Justice League has a moment where they're convinced they've summoned something much, much worse than Klarion.
And Danny, standing there completely confused, is not helping by remaining silent and still while staring John Constantine in the eye.
Good news, the bad guys are also very concerned about the weird ghost viking and are actually moving to stand side by side with the Justice League on this.
Bad news, who the fuck is this guy?
"...Fuck," is all Constantine whispers, backing away slowly.
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
DP Prompt #5
In most of the art I see, Danny is mostly small, never fully grown, or just stuck being adorable for the rest of his life. Which is a completely valid interpretation, and the fan-art is always amazing to see.
But come on, we’ve already seen what Danny will eventually look like or at least resemble in the future from Dan Phantom, aka that Salty Bitch in a soup can.
While you can argue that Dan only looks like that because he fused with Plasmius, I think otherwise. When they first fused, Dan could be seen gaining some of Vlad’s ghostly features, blue skin and pointed ears, but the flaming hair was all Dan's, and he kept the body of a teenager.
Therefore, my point stands that by the time he enters his late teens, Danny will become an absolute gigantic chad of a half-ghost and I refuse to believe otherwise. I’m talking Olympic statues physique with a minimum height of 6′10, at the very least.
It’s canon that Jack Fenton is around 6'9 and Maddie is above average height, so Danny does have the genes to be tall. That’s not even counting his funky ghost genes that could potentially do just about anything.
Over this, I will fight anyone, man, woman, or small infant. I know in my heart that Giga-Chad Danny Phantom must exist somewhere.
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
DP Prompt #4
[Taking a different approach to Danny’s first meeting with Nocturne]
Danny was lost, very, very lost.
And not the kind where you can't find which aisle in the grocery store the fruity pebbles are in.
No, Danny was lost in the Ghost Zone, a dimension otherwise known as the Infinite Realm by its inhabitants, all by himself, without anything dead or alive in sight.
"I hate my life sometimes," Danny bemoaned, as he stiffened a long yawn into his hand.
He was exhausted and hadn't had a full, uninterrupted night of sleep in what seemed like forever. Which was all thanks to the ghosts, who didn't have the common decency to wreak havoc at a reasonable hour.
Was that really too much to ask?
As a result, Danny hadn't been able to have a restful night in weeks, no matter how many times he caught and threatened the ghosts.
They just kept coming back.
And now he was lost in the Ghost Zone. 
It was all because one ghost managed to snag his thermos when he hadn't been paying attention, mostly due to lack of sleep, and flew off into the Ghost Zone.
Danny, of course, had chased the ghost and eventually got his thermos and some payback. The only problem was that he hadn't realized how far the chase had gone until he looked around and couldn't recognize anything.
Now, Danny was lost in another realm. He had only just begun to explore, which was especially difficult given that every time he came to the Zone, he was either chasing someone, being thrown in prison, being kidnapped, or fighting for his life. 
Honestly, could this day get any worse.
"Are you lost, child?"
Danny spun around, ready for anything, only to freeze as he saw what had gotten the jump on him.
They were made of stars. 
Bright, beautiful, fascinating, like the night sky, dark black with shining dots in it, cascading upwards into a looming figure. The being seemed as if their entire body held a galaxy within its skin. 
Their head was a white porcelain mask, crowned with two curved purple horn-like appendages on either side, with ruby-red eyes, and they had a curved scar along the side of their face, going through their right eye.
The star-like being stared curiously, observing the young and tired halfa.
Shaking out of the trance, Danny narrowed his eyes. "Who are you?!" he demanded, eyes glowing a toxic green and similar rays of energy gathering in his fists. 
Instinctively, Danny was already preparing for a fight.
But the beautiful, odd-looking ghost surprised him.
Instead of getting ready to fight, the star-like being calmly held out their hands in a calming gesture, "Peace, little one,"
Blinking in surprise, Danny almost listened before realizing what they had just said. "H-hey! I'm not a kid," Danny bristled, his face flashing a bright green. "I'm a whole-ass teenager. I even have chest hair to prove it!"
Technically, there was only one chest hair, but it was still there. That totally counts for something!
"A teen, you say," the star-being pondered before their eyes and smile widened ever so slightly. "Ahh-you are the hybrid child. Danny Phantom."
Their smile seemed excessively wide, but oddly enough, Danny didn't feel threatened by it. The being seemed almost happy to meet him.
Which was definitely weird.
No ghosts really liked to see him. Hell, there were even fewer humans that liked him, which was saying a lot. Whenever other ghosts knew who he was, they either wanted to pick a fight or straight up called him an abomination and declared he should be torn apart molecule by molecule. 
How original.
As if Danny hadn't heard that same speech enough times from his parents every day.
The only ghosts that actually liked to see him were a select few that he could just barely count on one hand.
...Danny hadn’t realized the list was so small until now. That fact stung a little more than he was expecting it to.
"Huh?" he said, eloquently. He was too lost in his own depressing spiral to hear what they had just said.
Luckily, they repeated, "My name," Nocturne confirmed, introducing themselves with an elegant bow, the stars that made up their being shining brightly. "You may address me as Nocturne, Ghost of Dreams and Sleeping."
"Oh-umm, hi?" Danny stumbled, slightly caught off guard. "Y-o...I’m Danny, I guess."
Nocturne quirked an eyebrow when he didn't continue.
"And your title?" Nocturne asked, leaning in closer, as if they were looking for something.
Danny blinked, "Title? Do I have a title?" he asked, mostly to himself.
Danny knew Frostbite liked to call him a lot of things. But he wasn't sure that counted as an official title like Nocturne's seems to be. Maybe the protector of Amity Park or the boy-who-couldn't-even-die-correctly could work as a title. It certainly flowed right off the tongue.
Nocturne blinked, momentarily surprised, before shaking their head, "It's of no matter of importance then.”
"Alright?" Danny said, totally not unconcerned about what that was all about. "So did you need something from me or...?" 
Danny didn’t want to be rude, but he really wanted to get home and reunite with his bed.
Nocturne hummed at the question before replying.
"I was merely curious, as an unfamiliar being had stumbled directly into my lair," Nocturne said, now looking pointedly at Danny. 
Though, oddly, there was still no accusation in their voice that suggested they were angry. They still just seemed curious.
"Your lair? What do you mean? I don't see any-,"" Danny stopped mid-sentence, as he finally looked around at his surroundings.
Looming directly behind Nocturne was a gigantic castle that Danny could have sworn wasn't there just a second ago. 
The castle was a gigantic structure, reminding Danny faintly of Pariah’s Keep, except for the fact that it seemed much more well taken care of and was colored with softer purples and light blues.
It was actually pretty pleasant to look at, something Danny never would’ve thought he'd say about a gigantic castle. But it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen stranger things before. Plus, he was still almost positive that it hadn’t been there a second 
That, or maybe he was more sleep-deprived than he had originally thought.
"So?" Nocturne asked, still being weirdly nice to him.
Snapping out of his surprise once again, Danny shifted awkwardly, "My bad," he apologized sheepishly, self-consciously rubbing the back of his neck. "I got a little lost on my way home. I’ll leave right now. "
Danny turned to fly away, hoping to not embarrass himself anymore, but stopped when Nocturne called out.
"Wait," they said, an unreadable expression on their porcelain-like face.
A sinking feeling settled in Danny’s gut as he prepared for anything to happen.
"Yeah?" Danny cautiously asked, wondering if Nocturne did actually have a problem with him stumbling into their lair. It wouldn’t be the first time a ghost tried to fight him for doing so.
But Nocturne managed to surprise him once again.
"You haven’t been sleeping," Nocturne declared suddenly, looking at him with an honest-to-Clockwork disprovable in his eyes.
Danny blinked. "Wait. How do you-," he began, before slapping himself in the forehead for how obvious the answer was.
Nocturne had literally told him when they introduced themselves.
"Ghost of Sleeping. Got it."
Nocturne seemed amused, before another unreadable expression settled onto their face. For a moment, they did nothing but stare at Danny, as if they were still searching for something that only they could see.
It took a moment before they seemed to find it, as suddenly, Nocturne waved their hand and a twinkling sand-like substance was released, spreading itself over Danny before he had time to react.
"What was that?!" Danny coughed, wondering why the hell Nocturne just threw freaking sand at him.
Sadly, it wouldn’t be the first or even the 20th time someone had thrown something of questionable origin at him with the purpose of harm. 
God, his life sucked sometimes.
Luckily, after a few moments, Danny realized that he wasn’t dying, at least not fully, and he didn’t feel poisoned. So, a small victory. 
But the fact that sand had still been thrown at him was still a mystery.
Fortunately, Nocturne was willing to answer.
"That was my dream dust," Nocturne explained, a gentle smile on their face. "You shall fall into slumber peacefully tonight and feel refreshed once you awake."
Danny blinked in surprise. Then he blinked once more.
That actually sounded kind of nice. 
"Thanks!" Danny exclaimed, actually surprising himself by how amazing getting a restful sleep sounded.
Nocturne shook their head, disregarding any thanks, "Think nothing of it, child,"
Because truly, it was nothing.
Nocturne was the Ghost of Dreams and Sleep, after all. This wasn’t even a gift worth mentioning considering how easily it could be accomplished. Furthermore, it would be wrong for a child, especially a half-ghost child, to be unable to sleep peacefully. Not if they had anything to say about it.
Danny gave Nocturne a genuine smile. "Well, I should go now. Thanks again, I hope I’ll see you around!" he called out, as he blasted away from Nocturne’s lair, almost giddy to collapse into his bed.
"Farewell, Danny Phantom," Nocturne said softly.
Then, like a switch had been flipped, Nocturne's friendly demeanor faded from view. 
In it’s wake was an emotionless mask that settled as they stared off into the depths of the Infinite Realm. There was a sudden tangible weight, one shared by few other beings, that entered their gaze. Then, with absolute certainty in their voice, they declared.
"We shall meet once again."
It was a promise.
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
DP Prompt #3
[DP x DC]
I love crossovers, especially DC and DP, but it’s always Gotham or the Bat-family somehow being the connection between Danny and the rest of the Universe. This time I want to switch it up a little.
“Do I really have to wear this?" Danny asked, for what seemed like the thousandth time. "I really don’t get why I even have to change."
Standing on a podium in front of a mirror, Danny found it odd to see himself in ghost form without his jumpsuit on. He didn’t even know he could take it off until recently.
Standing proudly behind him, Pandora smiled at her child, Danny, in the attire she had provided him.
He looked so much like one of her people that her core swelled with love at the sight.
"Of course," Pandora declared, leaving no room for argument. "You look very handsome in these clothes, just as one worthy of your status should be. 
Danny shifted awkwardly in response to Pandora's compliment, self-consciously adjusting the fancy clothes and accessories Pandora had forced him to wear the moment he arrived at her realm. 
Pandora had forced him to wear a black tunic embroidered with gold, similar to what she wore minus the armor and helmet, with a short white cloak draped over his shoulder. 
The cloak was Danny’s favorite part of the outfit, especially considering that the inside somehow looked like a midnight sky full of stars. He also wore sandals, a pair of golden bracelets, and a wreath that sat on top of his head.
Except this wreath was black. 
And it was on fire.
Danny honestly didn't mind the black flames; they weren't even hot, at least not to him. The flames sort of just...sat there on his head. Plus, they sort of made him match with Pandora, so he was cool with it.
It was fine. He was fine.
(Despite his nightmares mostly involving himself with white flames, red eyes, and blue skin.)
Everything was fine.
Shaking his head, Danny floated off the podium and turned to look up at Pandora. "So where are we going anyway that it’s so important that I need to get all fancy?" he asked, absently playing the golden bracelets on his wrists.
As Pandora reached down and slightly adjusted Danny’s cloak, she smiled proudly, the pink flames on her head rising slightly to match her mood. Her mood improved even more as she announced their destination.
"We are going to my home, Themyscira, the home of the Amazons."
[CUE DC Crossover of Epic Proportion]
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
DP Prompt #2
I like the idea that after one day, after reaching a certain power level, Danny managed to form little minions from his energy. He does this completely by accident and can just make a shit ton of them, just like the other Ancients, not that he knows this.
He doesn’t even realize he is doing this until someone points out how they are forming, depending on what you want them to look like, and following after him and doing all the mindless work he doesn’t have the time to do.
I don’t want Danny to think the minions are his kids. I refuse to go down that lane. I would think of it as the minions being more of an extension of his awareness that he controls subconsciously.
Minions Appearance: Miniature versions of Danny/ Black-white blob ghosts/ Or something space themed
Examples of other Ancients and their minions:
-Nocturne: Sleep Walkers
-Vortex: Wind spirits/Ghost clouds
-Undergrowth: Sentient plants/Forest nymphs
-Clockwork: Time wraiths/Versions of Himself
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
DP Prompt #1
Okay, consider that Danny slowly became like an elf or fay-like creature in terms of beauty, except it’s only noticeable to people he doesn’t know or hasn’t been around before. 
For example, random people visiting or new people that just moved to Amity. Maybe think of it as another ghost ability, but instead of going completely invisible, Danny just becomes average-looking and unremarkable to everyone.
This includes his friends and family.
It’s a subconscious ability Danny can control on command. He mostly keeps it on since it’s an annoyance to stand out, especially when he’s trying to keep his identity a secret.
Random Outsider #1: *Visiting Amity Park for the first time* 
Random Outsider #1: “I wonder what I’ll see today?”
Random Outsider #1: *Casually witnessed the most gorgeous ethereal teenager with flowing black hair, beautiful blue eyes that twinkle like the brightest stars, and moved as if the world was bowing down to him*
 Random Outsider #1: W-who is that? Is he even real?
Amity Park Resident: *See the scrawny, very tired, and barely put together Danny Fenton limp his way past them, while muttering something about sharp cardboard boxes*
Amity Park Resident: “Oh, that’s just Danny Fenton. The poor kid must have it rough considering how normal he is compared to his family.”
Random Outsider #1: *Having a mental break down trying to picture this entire family of supernaturally beautiful people* 
Random Outsider #1: “HE’S THE NORMAL ONE?!” 
I think it would be hilarious if someone saw Danny and asked about him, mentioning how beautiful and gorgeous he is. But every time, every single time, they say this, they get strange looks and are asked if there is something wrong with their eyes.
Basically, it’ll seem like every Amity Parker is just gaslighting this poor outsider into thinking that this ethereal-looking beauty is a plain and average-looking kid that could probably use some sleep.
This keeps happening until one day, because Danny’s power finally kicked in, they notice that this kid is actually very plain-looking and there is absolutely nothing special about him.
Random Outsider #1: “How can you not see it?! The kid is fucking gorgeous!”
Amity Park Resident: “Nope. Seems pretty average to me”
Random Outsider #1: *Very angry noises* He’s Beautiful! Admit it!!
*Cue Danny’s Background Character aura activating*
Random Outsider #1: *Sudden 180* “Oh, never mind. That kid looks like shit.”
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
Dimension: DC
“Last order up!” Lunch Lady yelled from the back of her kitchen, as a large steaming container was levitated onto the counter.
Looking up from his phone, Danny floated over to the container and quickly put it in his Fenton-approved food container.
100% ensured to keep any food or beverage, or fudge, at an optimal temperature while doubling as a portable trapper for ghost hunting on the go.
“Thanks so much for doing this, sweetie!” Lunch Lady smiled, looking more luminescent than normal. “Wulf is usually the only one who can handle delivers, but Walker has been on the prowl for him again.”
Danny shrugged, “No problem. Honestly, I'm more surprised you were doing Door Dash from the Ghost Zone in the first place.”
Tucker had been the one who had first noticed that the Lunch Lady was advertising her lair as a restaurant. For both the Ghost Zone and the human world, likely everyone had assumed it was just a ghost-themed restaurant and not being run by an actual ghost.
It was easy to see that Lunch Lady had gotten the technological help to do this from Technus considering his face constantly popped up on the Lunch Lady’s menu.
But what surprised Danny was the fact that there were no secret motives behind this. No evil plan to dominate the food market. No ambition to become a giant meat monster again. Nothing.
It was surprising...normal.
The food was even pretty good.
And honestly, if the food wasn't hurting anyone-it wasn't, they tested it to be sure- then Danny saw no reason to put a stop to it.
Danny was even okay with helping with deliveries, especially if it kept the Lunch Lady busy and covered for Wulf as he got Walker off his tail.
After making sure he had the order, Lunch Lady then presented him with a giant oatmeal cookie. “Have a cookie.”
Now knowing not to refuse food, Danny munched on it as he strapped the Fenton food container to his back, and made sure it was safely inside. He had more than a few meals to deliver and didn't want to waste any more time.
“Alright, I'm gonna go,” Danny announced, already having the directions implanted into a Technus-styled GPS to help with the deliveries.
Watching as Danny flew away, Lunch Lady called out, “Thanks again, ghost child!”
Smiling to himself, Danny felt a bit happier to see his help was wanted as he waved goodbye, shooting off into the Ghost Zone while following wherever the GPS told him to go.
Hopefully, it would take too long.
Cleaning up in her lair, Lunch Lady turned just as a blue blur appeared with a crash and shouted loudly
“Beware!” cried the Box Ghost, before smiling brightly. “Hi, honey!”
“Sugarplum,” Lunch Lady replied, equally happy to see the Box Ghost, which was not something anyone ever really thought.
The Box Ghost seemed pleased before pausing as he looked around. He then asked “Was the ghost boy here? I thought I heard him running from my spooky presence.”
The Lunch Lady nodded happily, “Oh, yes. He's delivering for me in place of Wulf. What a sweet child.”
“Ooh.” the Box Ghost nodded, but then tilted his head. “Do you tell him about the few orders for different dimensions?”
Lunch Lady blinked in surprise, now remembering what she had forgotten to mention, then ultimately just shrugged, “He’ll figure it out eventually.”
DP crossover prompt
Danny Phantom dimensional DoorDash delivery boy
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
DP Crossover Prompt
DP x Harry Potter
Please bare with me as I begin:
We, as a collective, have established that it was Lily’s sacrifice, via when Voldemort killed her, that protected Harry and rebounded the Killing Curse back at Tom Riddle that night.
Yet, if I may take this a step even further. Some may ask, where did Lily possibly learn how to do this? Realistically, there’s no way that this magic was just something Lily invented, no matter how talented she was.
I am a little lazy, so it easier just to say she either found a book or scroll in the Potter library/vault or was somehow ‘mysteriously’ *Clockwork* led to find the ritual.
A very specific ritual that called upon the MONARCH OF THE INFINITE REALM to protect someone and place them under their rule.
This ritual was originally used by Parish Dark as an easy method to damning souls to eternal servitude as mindless drones in his army.
Lily didn’t see the eternal servitude part, as it was in the fine print, and honestly, who actually reads the fine print anyway. She did the ritual, but ‘accidentally’ mistranslated some words.
Who knew protection and adoption looked so similar in Ghost?
Anywho, by invoking the power of the Monarch of The Infinite Realm, Lily thought she put Harry under the Monarch’s rule and protection.
Which, if she translated it correctly, it would have. But since she didn’t….something else happened instead. Something incredibly unexpected.
For example, making a deal with the Monarch of The Infinite Realm to adopt her son.
Thus, enters a very confused and very tired Danny Fenton simply trying to get his college degree when, completely out of the blue, he can immediately recognize that he somehow just adopted an infant.
A actual human infant.
It’s a wizard and has magic, but still human for the most part.
*Cue Danny realizing this as a soul appeared in front of him*
Danny: “Fiddlesticks!”
*Immediately calls Jazz, the only Fenton with properly functioning brain cells*
Jazz: “What’s up?”
Danny: “I got another kid.”
Jazz: *Not even phased anymore* “What is it this time? Clone? Alternate timeline? Emotionally imprinted?
Danny: “A witch did a blood ritual invoking my status as Ruler of The Ghost Zone to save her kid’s life in exchange for eternal servitude. Now I kinda own her soul, and I sorta technically adopted her son.”
Jazz: 😐
Jazz: “…Huh. That is a new one. So when can I meet my new nephew?”
*Danny sending Harry off to Hogwarts*
Danny: “Okay, repeat everything I’ve said back to me.”
Harry: “If I ever see something dangerous, I shot it immediately then asks questions after.”
Danny: *nodding* “Good. What else?”
Harry: “If a evil person tries to make me their evil apprentice, I shoot them twice to be safe.”
Danny: “Better. And what if you discover someone is plotting to destroy the school or to use a powerful artifact to gain power and become immortal?”
Harry: “…I get the bazooka?”
Danny: *tears in his eye* “Your grandparents would be so proud of you.”
-Harry will not, under any circumstance, stay with the Dursley’s (Not if Danny has anything to say about it)
-Lily will become a ghost/or shade that will help raise Harry. It takes a few year for her to fully form after dying and regain all of her memories.
-James Potter can either be fully dead or also become a ghost since his soul was technically involved with the bargain Lily made.
-Harry will be mostly raised by Danny, other ghosts, and the Fenton’s(debatable if you want Danny to have a good relationship with his parents) (#Dissection)
-Harry is not a Horcrux. None of that bullshit.
-Good amount of Dumbledore bashing, but not too much. Snape, on the other hand, will be crucified and nothing will change my mind.
-100000% see Danny as the Ultimate helicopter parent, but also be, like, super involved. I’m talking forming a Hogwarts PTA, randomly showing up to Harry’s Quidditch games and no one being able to stop him, and will for sure threaten anything remotely registering as a threat to Harry.
-Danny will become friends with Hagrid, and visit Hogwarts so Cujo and Fluffy can have play dates.
-Dani will be the Wine Aunt/older sister that randomly shows up sometimes. Clockwork is the fun grandpa that always gives out random fortune cookie advice. Dan is the weird uncle that likes to encourage mildly illegal activity whenever possible. And Vlad is just there.
-Daniel James Fenton/Phantom will not be nerfed in any way. My boy is the ruler of an ENTIRE DIMENSION. Ain’t no way some pasty dudes with sticks are gonna beat him or be even remotely close to his level.
You can fight me on this.
Like, Follow, and Share any suggestions!! Thx
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
Short DP Prompts
Tucker: “Hey, you remember that time you went into Doomed to stop Technus from, like, controlling the internet?”
Danny: “Vividly. Why?”
Tucker: “I just thought about it, but does that mean you can enter any video game? Like, whenever you wanted to.
Danny: (☉_☉)
Danny: *Starts to vibrate*
*Inhumane Screech of Excitement*
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
*Sus Green Cloud Appears*
Random #1: Oh, darn! I guess we can’t have that picnic.
Danny: *Only wants a non-murderous hot dog for once*
Danny: “... I’ll be back.” *Cue death of a child*  
Phantom: *Homicidal raging into the sky*
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decaying-enigma · 2 years
Danny Phantom crossover
For the moment, Clockwork, the Master of Time, ignored the vibrating teen-sized ball of anguish and hormones looming directly over their shoulder. They were instead in favor of subtly manipulating a pair of idiots from creating a paradox from afar. Truly the bumbling of mortals was endless.
Unfortunately, such a trivial task took so little effort and attention for a being of his power.
Thus, Clockwork inevitably turned and raised an eyebrow at the obviously irritated half-a floating over their shoulder. Toxic green eyes glowed in annoyance and a mouth set in a stern (adorable) frown (pout).  
How precious!
“I’m not going to do it,” Danny announced immediately, not even waiting for the reason Clockwork had asked him to come to their lair.
Shifting into an old man, Clockwork chuckled, “I haven’t asked anything yet.”
“Yeah, but you have that shifty look in your eyes-err eye,” Danny stumbled, but still shot back, somehow looking even more like a glowing feral cat in spandex.  
Clockwork merely smirked, “And what 'shifty’ look would that be?”  
Danny actually growled. “Ugh! You know the look.” And began ranting in midair as he paced back and forth, “The ‘I need you to do something super important or space-time as we know it is going to be destroyed, blah, blah, blah!’ Like the time you throw me into Ancient Egypt to prevent some stupid mummy, or Mesopotamia to destroy that stupid meteor, or that one time I had to actually prevent a GIGANTIC VOLCANO from erupting! You made me fight an actual volcano. Who does that?! Do you even understand-.”
Amused at a moment, Clockwork merely watched as Daniel continued to throw his tiny tantrum-which would end in the next 36 seconds. 
While they couldn’t deny that they needed Daniel’s assistance with this particular situation, the problem wasn’t quite as dire as the young half-a seemed to think it was. 
At least, without their interference it wouldn’t be.
[Exactly 35 second later...]
“... I can never look at frogs again!” Danny finished yelling, coming to a stop directly in front of Clockwork.
Shifting back into a child, Clockwork grinned and leaned into their staff, “So you agree then...?”
An eye began to twitch violently.  
Wanna guess whose?
For what seemed like eternity, Danny glared down at the Master of Time with all the spite he possessed in his 5’6”, and admittedly scrappy frame. Which was a lot considering he was mostly held together by spite, pure concentrated will, and whatever else he had for lunch earlier.  
So, there they were, two extremely powerful entities floating. Eyes locked together in a battle of wills where only the strongest would come out victor-
“I’ll make you a few batches of cookies,” Clockwork offered suddenly-shifting into an adult as they did so.
“...Damn you, I’m in,” Danny huffed, not even an ounce of shame at giving up so easily.  
Danny knew just how stupid amazing Clockwork’s cookies were. He also knew just what he was willing to do to get some, thank you very much. Anything short of murder, and even that was questionable depending on the number of cookies offered.
Flipping moods, Danny grinned and cracked his neck, “So what’s the problem this time?”
Victoriously-just as they knew they would be-Clockwork nodded their head and affectionately squeezed the half-a’s shoulder, in place of a verbal praise, even though they both knew Daniel was going to agree with or without a reward.
Danny ducked his head slightly, but still leaned into his mentor/ghostly guardian/father(?)figure. He wasn’t sure the exact nature of their relationship, but he rather not go down that rabbit hole again. Luckily, his attention was directed back as Clockwork turned him as they spun their staff, causing a swirling image to slowly form into the image of.... the Earth? 
Please like, follow and share any suggestions you might have with me for a crossover or just any type of fic you might be interested in seeing. Thanks!!!
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