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this poem is about being nonbinary.
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insertedgyfangirlname · 3 months
Aromantic and asexual's emo ass flags combining to make the sunset aroace flag is the LGBTQ equivalent of sodium (explosive in contact with water) and chlorine (poisonous gas) forming table salt when combined.
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insertedgyfangirlname · 4 months
Happy pride everyone, it's all Ohio (always has been)
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insertedgyfangirlname · 4 months
Good luck during pride month to all the aroaces who are gonna be blasted with "love is love" everywhere
This post includes aplatonic people, loveless aros and any other people who fall anywhere on the aro and ace spectrum.
Stop saying "but theres platonic love and familial love-"
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insertedgyfangirlname · 4 months
Aro flag colour picked from Shrek.
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insertedgyfangirlname · 4 months
“platonic age gaps are problematic-“
are you guys really not friends with your parents? your siblings? your older and younger cousins? your professors and teachers and mentors? the regulars at the cafe twice your age? your motherfucking grandparents? open your eyes and your hearts to what a friend can be.
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insertedgyfangirlname · 4 months
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"can men be lesbians?" bestie in 100 countries women can't be lesbians is this really the most pressing issue rn
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insertedgyfangirlname · 4 months
It’s crazy how many people just don’t understand why a lot of aro and or ace people don’t like that Alaster gets shipped. It’s not that hard to understand we don’t have a lot to let ourselves lose. I mean can you name 10 asexual characters? 5? Can you name two aro characters. There’s the guy from Archie who they made have a sex scene in a movie version. There’s a few books. I think a background character in Heartstopper? Do you see the theme here??? You’re all queer people, do you not get it? How it feels to have nothing? Is it so wrong to be upset that there’s finally an outwardly aroace person in popular media and instead of people embracing that they’re fighting on the internet about why it’s ok to ignore it? And I will never in my fucking life have anything against the people who are aro and or ace and portray him in THEIR experiences, even if it is a romance or sex favorable experience, but it is obvious that way too many of you guys are allo and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t even like him as a character that much, he isn’t even made by an aroace artist. The show isn’t even that fucking good, I just want to keep someone like me for once in my life. If there were a million other aroace characters I wouldn’t care, but it just hurts seeing erasure coming from my own community. It just sucks, man, I don’t know. It just sucks
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insertedgyfangirlname · 5 months
‘there’s no platonic explanation for this’
buddy you wouldn’t believe what kind of platonic explanations im capable of
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insertedgyfangirlname · 5 months
Asexual/Aromantic Representation in Theatre
Hello! I'm having to reshare this as tumblr removed the form link I'm writing a play about different relationships, PLEASE boost this form so the play can be as true and representative as possible!
Thank you!~
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insertedgyfangirlname · 5 months
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insertedgyfangirlname · 5 months
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an aromantic person is someone who (fill in the blank here) // april 10 2024
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insertedgyfangirlname · 6 months
Things friends can't do according to allos!
(these are all things I have been told with 100% sincerity, and not stuff that I myself believe.)
Give each other meaningful gifts
Pay attention to the others likes and dislikes
Look at one another in a 'certain way' (???)
Match clothes or accessories
Hold hands for 'too long' (???)
Hug for 'too long' or hug 'too close' (???)
Cuddle because it's 'too intimate'
Not want to pull away during a hug or holding hands
Lean onto the other emotionally and physically
Smile in one another's presence
Laugh at each others jokes
Give genuine advice
Text each other 'good morning' 'good evening' 'good night' 'happy birthday' 'happy new years' 'merry Christmas' etc, etc
Ask how the others doing
I'll add more once I think of things I've forgotten
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insertedgyfangirlname · 7 months
honestly my advice for people questioning if they're aro is kind of the same as my advice for people questioning if they're trans which is do less worrying about whether or not you inherently fall into this arbitrary category and do more considering what you want in and from your life. like ultimately deconstructing societal ideals of what relationships (or gender) should be like and figuring out what you want them to look like in your life is what matters and whether or not you experience romantic attraction is kind of immaterial
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insertedgyfangirlname · 7 months
"we need more weird gays" you can't handle aces & aros. you can't handle queer-platonic relationships. you can't handle it/its users. you can't handle neopronouns and xenogenders. you can't handle polyamory.
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insertedgyfangirlname · 7 months
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insertedgyfangirlname · 7 months
here's the thing. "ace people can still have sex" and "aro people can still be in relationships" are objectively true statements. this is because people can do whatever the fuck they want forever regardless of their label/orientation. however some of you have GOT to get your shit together and stop using those statements to undermine larger conversations about aspec identity. following up "ace people don't owe you sex in a relationship" with "ace people can still have sex in a relationship though!" is not fucking helpful! yes it's true. yes it's a reality for many people. however if we used our fucking brains for a second and thought about how following up "people don't have to conform to societal expectation" with "but people can still conform!! don't worry they can still conform!!!!" is counterproductive and very frustrating for a lot of people then we could get back to the actual point which is not "aspec people can still have sex/be in relationships" but "aspec people can do whatever they want with their relationships and their bodies". which they can, by the way. they can do whatever they want forever. and you should give them 200 dollars every time you see them for dealing with this shit
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