livefortmw · 5 years
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Asking about suicide can be a tricky thing, right? If the person does tell you they are feeling suicidal, it's really important to avoid any sense of judgement. Judgement can make them shut down or feel like they shouldn't have told you.
Of course, you might hold different views on suicide. Or you might not understand what it's like to be having thoughts about suicide.
For someone to get help, they need to feel like they can express themselves freely without fear of judgement or rejection. Because your goal is to help this person get some support, holding back from expressing verbal judgement, and encouraging them to share more with you, is super important 🥰
Found that tip helpful? For a more thorough walk through of when to ask, how and next steps, check out our EmpathyBot 👉🏼 https://m.me/livefortmw
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livefortmw · 5 years
Have you been noticing that a friend has been acting differently? Different in a way that's worrying you? 😥
Major changes in mood/behaviour or lifestyle in the people around us can be a pretty big factor in someone thinking about suicide.
Of course not all changes should be worrying. Here are some examples of signs to look out for:
🛑 Uncharacteristic impulsiveness or aggressiveness
🛑 Giving away of possessions
🛑 Saying goodbye to significant people
🛑 Uncharacteristic alcohol and drug use
If you are picking up on any of these or similar uncharacteristic changes, it's worth also thinking about these:
➡ Have they also been expressing any of the Language of Pain (see Saturday's post)?
➡ Experienced any Major loss events (see yesterday's post)?
If the answer is yes to some or all of these, this is when you ask about suicide.
We are very excited to launch our new tool tomorrow! It will cover this more, along with how to ask and other key aspects of conversations about suicide.
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livefortmw · 5 years
Did you know that major loss events — like a breakup — can be a big factor in someone thinking about suicide? Here are some other common examples to look out for...
➡️ death of a family member or friend
➡️ major physical illness
➡️ job or financial loss
➡️ big life milestones
➡️ previous suicide attempt
➡️ family history of suicide
➡️ military combat
Loss and grief can mean different things to different people. Depending on the person, there may be things you'd add to (or take away from) this list.
Do you know anyone who’s had a significant event or stress recently? Think about these in combo with whether they've been expressing any of the Language of Pain (see yesterday's post).
You don't have to be as fast as Mrs. Doubtfire here with your response but letting your loved one know you're there for them during tough times is super important!
Tomorrow we'll fill you in on the third sign to look out for 👀 And on world suicide prevention day, Sept 10, we’re launching an exciting tool to walk you through how to ask about suicide 💬⠀ ⠀⠀                                                                                                                                                                                                           
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livefortmw · 5 years
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So you're worried that someone in your life might be thinking of suicide. When do you ask? What are the signs to look out for?
The first set of signs we'll talk about is the Language of Pain. This is when someone is expressing:
- hopelessness or loneliness
- desire to die
- desire for pain to go away
- desire for 'it' to all be over
- feeling invisible or numb
- history of trauma or abuse
- isolation from support networks
None of these factors in themselves automatically means someone is thinking about or planning to commit suicide. But if you notice someone showing any of these, it would be worth checking in with them about how they are doing.
So make like the Fresh Prince here and put on your best listening face with the people around you! 😂 We'll be sharing more signs to look out for over the next couple of days.
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livefortmw · 5 years
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How often has someone asked how you were and you've responded with "I’m fine"? When that's actually the complete opposite to how you really feel?
Often when someone has been struggling for a while it can be hard to ask for help. This is especially true for people who have been thinking about suicide. But that doesn't mean that help isn't wanted!
If you are wondering if a person in your life has been thinking of suicide, the most helpful thing you can do is ask. Asking about suicide will NOT increase their risk or plant the idea in their mind.
Actually, the opposite is true. Asking about suicide and talking openly shows them that you've noticed that they're struggling. That you care enough to ask. Most likely, they'll feel relieved that someone has asked.  
Asking can be the first step in getting people we love the help they deserve. We know it's not always easy to ask — you might feel awkward or anxious about it. These are normal feelings to have.
We all feel more confident about things when we're prepared. That's why we're going to talk about the important bits of having these conversations in the next few days. We hope it will add to your confidence!
Suicide can be a pretty heavy topic to think and talk about — so stick with us! Having the care and courage to support people will help you to make a huge difference 💚
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livefortmw · 5 years
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This World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September) we're excited to be launching a new tool to help you guys have better conversations about suicide with the people in your life.
A lot of us wonder how to make a difference for people who are struggling with thoughts of suicide. Often, you can make the biggest difference by starting a conversation with them about it. But this can be tricky! We'll actually show you how!
We believe it's important to break the silence and stigma around suicide with our loved ones. So, we'll be taking you through some key aspects of having these conversations.  Why you should be asking about suicide. What are the signs someone might be having thoughts of suicide. How you can ask about these thoughts. And what you can do to support them.
We'll be dropping some more content over the next few days and launching our new tool on Tuesday 10 September. Keep your eyes peeled!
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livefortmw · 5 years
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Our team of Online Crisis Intervention volunteers take real-time interpersonal support to young people around the world whose social media posts indicate distress. We couldn't do this without the backing of @vodafonenzfoundation, and a few or our team got to spend some quality time with other change-makers at the Foundation hui last week. Thanks for having us!
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livefortmw · 5 years
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Simplicity calms me down - sometimes the smallest changes to daily routine can have huge benefits 🙌 Thankful for this simple list - among all the things that we're told support mental health and wellbeing it can be stressful to figure out which ones to follow otherwise! 
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livefortmw · 5 years
We won an award! Our Online Crisis Intervention project uses innovative approaches to technology to take online human help to young people experiencing distress. Thanks to our project partners @vodafonenzfoundation and Gravity Lab! 
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livefortmw · 5 years
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For anyone facing those unexpected challenges in life 💛 
Thanks for this helpful reminder @heyamberrae! 
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livefortmw · 5 years
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Sometimes, depression can feel like you're walking through mud. So help to support free youth counselling by taking part in the #gumbootupnz campaign! Wear your gumboots wherever you are and if you're able, raise some money or donate at www.iamhope.org.nz 
📷 @universityofwaikatotauranga 
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livefortmw · 5 years
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It can be easy to think we need to wait for a new week, month or even year to have a fresh start but every day is an opportunity to create change. The even better news is that change doesn't always have to be big 🤗 
Thanks Petazae for the 📷 and ✒ 
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livefortmw · 5 years
Which mental health app to use? Check out this handy guide!
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livefortmw · 5 years
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Being honest about how you're feeling can be scary. You are so worthy of finding someone you trust that you can vent to, especially when you feel like it's all getting too much.⠀
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livefortmw · 5 years
Instagram have made it much harder to be able to find images of intentional self-injury. Good step? Just covering it up? What do you think? 
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livefortmw · 5 years
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Find someone who'll listen to your story. It doesn't have to be fixed - just heard.
* Quote from one of our team 
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livefortmw · 5 years
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Trust that you'll grow the way you were meant to in this life.  
📷 @hamishclark_ 
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