mrsparker3696 · 2 years
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Born September 1, 1996
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
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The kids buy a van, unmask the evil head of Hawkins lab and adopt a dog. It is then revealed that Stranger Things is simply a Scooby Doo prequel series!
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
Peter parker x reader - baga-boo and silvy pt.3
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You walked out of your room, storming into the living room.
"Y/n? How was date- whats wrong?" You mom asked Suprised.
She sat like almost every night, on the couch watching Grey's anatomy, drinking coffee or wine and complaining about how lame the plot is.
"I just found out who my boyfriend really is" you said, walking back and forth anxiosly behind the couch.
Your mother paused the show and turned to look at you with a worried look "and? What he's not cute? Got a huge nose? Don't tell me he got a goat beard, those are th-"
"No mom its not that!" You stopped her. Your voice was loud and you mom could see how stressed you are by the way you snapped.
"Do you remember the boy I told you about?" You asked hesitantly. You mom nodded and waited for you to keep going "the one Who always teased me and annoy me at school?" She nodded again.
You waited for her to connect the dots and gave her a look.
It took her a few moments until she gasped loudly and jumped out of the couch "no. Fucking. Way"
A few moments earlier.
No no no no no.
This is not happening to you.
It can't be.
Its just a really messed up dream. Right?
"It was you all this time?!" He squiked.
Peter begged that it was just an illusion.
Maybe you're messing up with his head with your powers.
"Yeah no shit parker"
Nope. Definitely y/n.
"How long have you known?! Are you?- am I?-" he breathed heavily.
"U think I'm gonna throw up"
You frowned your eyebrows and rolled your eyes at his over reacting "stop being dramatic. And I've just found out!" You yelled at him
"What? How?" Peter was upset for a second. How he didn't figured it out himself?
"When you said 'that girl went over the edge'" you mocked his high voice.
Peter rolled his eyes "trust me, im not happy about it either"
You shook your head frustratedly
Your mind flew to all the thing you two did together.
All the kisses and the whispers...
All the hickies and the touches
All the promises and confessions.
Nope. You can do it. its too much especially with him looking at you like-
"thats it. I'm leaving. I can't do this. Especially when... you're here" you snapped putting on your mask and flying away.
"No wait y/n! Dammit" he tried but you were already far gone.
"So what are you going to do?" Your mother broke you out of your memories.
You sighed and moved to sink down next to her on the couch, buring your face in your hands and leaning on your knees "I really don't know mom. Everything is so confusing"
Your mother sighed moving her hand to rub your back comfortly "I know sweetie. And I know you don't like this peter boy because he tease you at school-"
"Made my life miserable" you corrected her.
Your mother rolled her eyes "but remember our conversation from just last night. You told me how much he cares for you and how much you care for him. Maybe he's just teasing you because he was just used to it after all those years. Maybe it all just a misunderstanding" she tried her best to calm you down.
Your mother loved spiderman.
She saw how much he made you happy and how he changed you in the past year.
You used to be quiet and introvert kind of girl.
You would never stand up for yourself, you would laugh and smile only with your mom and it was hard for you to make friends.
Being silver witch made you feel free and made you forget about your social anxiety.
When you met spiderman, he made you laugh so hard you kept giggling even after you got home. You got more confident and happy. Your grades jumped up and you were better in general.
It took so much effort from you to convince your mother that he's alright just to hang out and patrol with, and when it got to actually dating you almost begged her.
After a few calls and stories, she finally agreed and learned to love the way he treats her daughter.
But seeing you giving up on this so quickly, only a day after you lectured her about how much he's important to you, got her mad.
She understood how confusing it must be for you, she really did.
Be she knew better than letting you giving up on this kind of love.
You walked over to your room, shaking your head "you just understand mom. I- he- we-" you started to say and groaned when you could find the words, then fell on your soft comforting bed "its just so confusing"
Your mother walked over after you, seeing you cuddling yourself in the blankets and sighed.
She knew you need time.
She walked over to you and kissed your head "okay honey. I have a early shift but if you still feel bad, feel free to skip the day, alright?"
You nodded, happy that your mother understood you "okay, thanks mom, I love you" you whispered.
Even though your voice was muffled from the pillow, your mother heard and gave you a soft smile as she stood up "i love you too. Sleep tight"
Peter's pov:
After you left peter, he swinged back to his apartment.
"Pete? Is that you? Are you home already?" He heard his aunt yelling at him from the kitchen.
Peter pushed the spider button on his chest and his suit turned big and loosed up from his body.
He changed quickly and grumbled to his aunt.
his aunt and incredible ability to read people quickly saw his upset mood and frowned.
She left the towel from cleaning the dishes and walked over to him, sitting in front of his next to the small bar table "hey, whats wrong? I thought you had a date tonight with your witch girl"
Peter shook his head and ran his fingers through his head shakily.
The scenes from earlier kept repeating in his head.
Your broken voice after you found out who he is and the shock and disappointment on your face after you took off your mask.
"I messed up may. I messed up so bad"
May looked at him worriedly and took one hand from his head, taking his attention "you want to tell me what happened?"
Peter took a deep breath before starting "everything went good at first. She was happy and i was happy and then she asked me how my day was, so I told her and then I told her about this girl, y/n, and that she punched Harry and-"
"Wait, a girl punched Harry? Why would she punch Harry?" May cut him off.
"Because he teased her and her friends. I teased her" he admitted, ashamed of his actions "she got mad and told us that she won't let us hurt her friends"
"You teased a girl and her friends? Peter!" She pinched his ear and he yelped "I thought I thought you better!"
"I know i know!" He said "but its a long story may..." he sighed.
May rolled her eyes.
She thought her nephew was a sweet gentleman. Apparently not to everyone "you're going to tell me about it later!" She raised a finger at him and he lifted his hands up in defense "but keep on"
"Then, she recognized me. Silvy- silver witch, I mean, she's y/n. Then she yelled that she can't do it and another bunch of stuff and took off" he sighed and covered his faced with his hands. "The girl i love is the girl who hates me, may. I don't know what to do"
His aunt sighed and walked over to him and hugged him from the back.
Peter gladly excepted her love and held her hands that were on his chest.
She kissed his head.
She knew peter fucked up. Badly.
But he still was her nephew. Jerk or not jerk.
"What are you planning to do, huh?"
She asked after a few moments of silence.
"I really don't know may"
May took a deep breath peter letting go of him "Alright, you go get some rest and you can stay the day over tomorrow to think. But that it! I have an early shift and when I come back home I want you ready with a plan to get your girl back. On this kind of love you can't give up" she kissed him one last time before leaving to her room.
May was right.
He's gotta think of a plan.
And do it fast.
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
Friends to lovers prompts:
Being cast as the main characters in a school play and having to perform a romantic confession scene together. You're okay with it since it's your friend playing the love interest, and they (probably) don't mean it anyway. But when they start acting it out, it almost feels real. Once the scene has ended, you realize how much you wished it was
Or being the one who has to act out the confession to your friend (who you've been crushing on for years) and trying so hard to not faint from embarrassment
Calling each other by nicknames
Accidentally confessing to each other while laughing over something
Being separated from each other for sometime and realising how much you miss the other's presence
Sharing a book and reading it together in a library, when your friend rests their head on your shoulder. It's been a common thing for years, so why has this fuzzy feeling taken over you all of a sudden?
Drawing small doodles in each other's notebooks, when one day your friend writes 'I like you'
Helping your friend move to another place, coming across the teddy bear you gave them ages ago
Sharing the most awkward first kiss ever, but becoming better at it by the second try
Telling their friends about their relationship, only to be surprised by the fact that they already knew and placed a bet on when they'd get together
Proposing at the same place where they first met as kids
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
Pete parker x reader- Baga-boo and silvy pt. 2
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You woke up with a giddy feeling and a smile.
Not only because of the previous night, but because it's dare night.
Date night usually were going to a drive in movie if there's anything good or just snacks and star gazing through the whole night on top of the empire state building.
You were in your bathroom, just before putting on your shirt, you looked at your neck and all the love bites that covered it.
But you needed to hide unfortunately, you knew that Ned and MJ wont stop asking you questions. So put on some make up to cover them.
You bite your lips to hide the smile before putting on your shirt and heading out to the kitchen.
"Well someone's happy, what your spider friend sneaked in again last night?" You mom smiled as she handed you a 'to go' cup with your favorite coffee.
You blushed and took the cup.
Your mother didn't really cared when spiderman sneaked in.
She bumped into him a few times and he even saved her one time when she came back from work and some guy wanted to play.
But she always rathered that you'll tell her first.
"Shut up mom" you shook your head and took your backpack from the side of the couch "its date night"
Your mom and spiderman's aunt were actually the one who suggested the date just idea from the first place, so she smiled at you, happy that her kid found someone who makes her this happy.
"Right,how could I forget, my baby taking her man for a special night out" she sighed and placed a hand on her heart with a dreaming look in the eyes. "You know, your dad used to take me on many special nights at the time. Of course our special was different from your special. He used to-"
"MoOooOOm!" You groaned and scrunched your nose.
Thinking about your parents "special nights" didn't do good for neither your imagination or your stomach.
"I really don't want to hear about it, and oh! Look at the time, I gotta go pick up MJ" you said and rushed out of your apartment, running away from any possibility of hearing another story.
You got in your car, your baby, your precious, your whole life (don't tell mom or baga-boo), the same car your worked your ass off for six months as a waitress and a worker in delmar's.
And turned on your song (a/n: everybody talks in full volume=best morning)
When you got to MJ Street, you honked a few times like every morning.
"Shush there! Its 7:30 in the morning for god's sake" Stan, MJ's old neighbor yelled at you from the window, like every morning "those damn young basters..."
You mumbled a sorry and unlocked your car doors to let MJ in.
"Morning loser"
"Morning grumpy bitch" you smiled back at her.
She took a seep from your coffee and you both went off from school.
The hallway was full of hormonal teenagers like always as you and MJ walked to your lockers.
"Again? Seriously?" MJ sighed and rolled her eyes.
You frowned and turned to look at her "what? What Again?"
She nudged with her head to her left, looking disgusted towards a boy.
Harry Osborn.
The biggest jerk in midtown.
Well not the biggest but he's definitely in second place.
Harry was an ass.
The type who would fuck and throw, objecting woman and think that the world works for him.
Currently looking at the cheerleaders ass.
Well, yours too.
"Looking good y/l/n" he winked at you.
You gave him a sarcastic smile with a middle finger before you slammed your locker shot and left with MJ to your first class.
Later, in lunch, you sat with Ned, since MJ had her lunch only in the 6th hour.
"So you really think that silver witch could beat up spiderman in a fight?" Ned questioned as he took another handful of fries to his mouth.
You sipped from your coke can and nodded "totally. I mean, she have awesome powers and she can fly"
Ned nodded "but don't you think he can just, I don't know, web her?"
A smiled formed on your face when you remembered the time when spiderman tried to web you to the wall and you easily ripped the webs off. He was so shocked that he chased after you all night and asked you how you did it.
"I think-"
"Well, well, well. Look who it is! Our lovely grumpy hottie and her little Chinese friend" Harry Osborn walked with a gross smirk to your table, leaning against it. "You know what, i take it back, he's definitely not little" and then he laughed like he said the funniest thing in the world.
"And I personally wouldn't say hottie"
Another voice from the other side said.
Of course. 
Peter pakrer,
The number one jerk.
"I'm not Chinese" Ned looked at his food and mumbled.
"Gee bud! We were just kidding, why don't you just go back to eating until you'll explode, alright?" Harry sat next to Ned, in front of you and peter and patted Ned's shoulder.
That's it.
You stood up and grabbed peter and Harry from their ears and shoved them against the cafeteria walls, grabbing their shirts by the collar and lifting them just a bit above the floor.
"Listen to me you two little dickheads.
You better stop messing with me or my friends or else I will rip your throats out" your said, pressing them a bit harder than a girl technically can.
"Ooh feisty. I like it" Harry smirked and winked at you.
So let go of him and used your hand for something else.
Breaking his nose.
"What the fuck y/l/n" he groaned and bend down, holding his bleeding and sore nose.
Everybody looked at you now, but you just looked back at peter "I don't have the time to spend on messing around with assholes, so if you will excuse me and leave me and my friends alone, you'd be able to keep your nose in his place" you threatened with a final push before you let him go and we t back to Ned.
How was is total shock.
"Um, are you.... are you okay?" He asked hesitantly, a but scared of you right now.
You sighed and grumpily sat back on the bench "yes. Don't listen to them, they're idiots"
But what you didn't knew, was when Peter took the whining Harry to the nurse, he kept thinking how you did that.
And a few theories formed in his mind.
And he didn't liked them.
Finally, school's over and you can put on your suit and just let out all your anger from today.
You were after patrol already, fought a few guys who tried to steal a lady's bag and helped a kid fund his dog.
Nothing special.
But now, now you can meet him.
You sat in your usual meeting space, waiting (a bit unpatiencently) for spiderman to show up.
You couldn't help but let you mind wonder.
Since you moved in, in the beginning of freshman year, you turned into an official avenger after fighting with steve.
The story about how your mother found out was exhausting, and too scary but she eventually understood you, and let you free.
You didn't really knew peter when you were new, but he quickly showed up, missing no time in ruining your life.
Thank God that around that time you saw spiderman again, because you couldn't survive all those years without him.
Peter parker wasn't always an ass.
Actually, he was the nicest kid in school when you first got there, but after a week, he turned into a jerk.
He always teased you. Always.
He laughed at the way you talk, eat, walk, write. He made jokes about how stupid you are when you got only a point less than him.
But spiderman was your comfort.
You waited all day, every day, just to get in your suit and meet him, even before you got officially together.
He listensto to your moat stupid stories, he comfort when you feel down, he kiss, hug, and brush all your problems away.
Even if it's for only one night.
"Whatcha' doing?" A smooth voice said behind you.
You turned around to see your boyfriend, his mask already half off, like always so you could see you smile.
You looked at him and then back to the city and just shrugged.
He sighed and walked over to you.
He sat close to you before holding your face gently, making you look at him.
He rubbed your masked cheek with his gloved thumb. Even though there was no actual skin to skin contact, it still felt warm and intimate.
"You know you can always talk to me, right?"
You sighed and nodded, leaning your cheek deeper to his hand and closed your eyes. "It just- a lot happened today"
He nodded and moved his other hand to cup your other cheek too "at school?"
You nodded "just a bad day I guess... I really needed to see you" you whispered to him.
He smiled softly at you before sliding his palms to your neck, lifting up your mask just above the bridge of your nose before he leaned in and brushed his soft lips with yours, like he's teasing or maybe just making sure that he's doing ok. You moved your hands to his shoulders a d pulled him in, now fully and lovingly kissing him.
You sighed against his mouth when he ran his hand from up your waist and back to hold your neck and pull you closer. He pressed another final short sweet kiss to your lips before he pulled back, pressing his forehead against yours while he still held you close.
Those moments were your favorite; just being close to him, touching him and hearing his heart beating, holding him close and smelling his soft lavender smell he like to washed his suit with.
"I missed you too, silvy" he confessed quietly before giggling softly.
"What?" You asked, but your lips curved into a smile too.
"Its still there" he said before brushing his fingertips over your slightly exposed neck.
You blushed and shook your head "shut up its your fault. My mom made fun of me last night for at least ten minutes and I put on like, four coats of make up. I guess its just came off when I put on the suit"
He laughed and pressed his lips to yours for a small peck "I like seeing those on you. Its like a necklace, that i made"
You smiled with a laugh as you shook your head and took his hands in yours, intertwining your fingers as you pulled back to look at his masked eyes "so how was your day?"
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck "well, today was tough for me too, I guess" you nodded, sighing him to keep going "this girl i told you about, went over the edge. She almost hit me today and broke my friend's nose..."
But you didn't listened from there.
Your heart stopped beating for a second as you gasped and pulled away from him.
"Hey, silvy are you okay? What's wrong," he stood quickly and asked worriedly.
You shook your head.
It can't be.
It's not fair.
Its not possible.
"Parker?!" You breathed out almost yelling.
"What?!" He squiked, his voice breaking.
"Oh, come on I know it's you peter, you can't fool me now" you yelled at him.
"A-and is that- um, a problem?" He asked kinda hurt by your dramatic reaction for his true identity.
You shaked your head, walking back and forth and held your head in your hands "no no no. Why me. Its not fair!!"
Spiderman took a step closer to you starting to get worried "hey, silvy what's going on you're scaring me. Talk to me, please" he begged and reached his hand for you.
But you didn't take it.
You just pulled off your mask and looked at him with no emotion.
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
Peter parker x reader- Baga-boo and silvy pt.1
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You finely landed on the ground, straightened your suit and looking around you for any sign from him.
"Looking for someone?"
Your head shoots back, faster than a falling star as a smile curved under your mask.
Spiderman stood there, right in front of you with his hands on his hips and his head titled to the side.
Without even answering, you fly up, lifting your legs off the ground and flying away, hearing him yell your name but you just kept flying.
You wished you could just take that stupid mask off and feel the wind hit your face, the air blow your hair back, just feel truly free.
But you had enemies and enough people you put in danger without revealing yourself.
As soon as you reached the usual building, you hovered on top before gently dropping.
"Jesus, you have to stop doing that" spiderman came not longer after you, panting and leaning on his knees.
"I like keeping you on your toes" you shrugged.
Spiderman finely got his breath straight he took a step closer, holding your waist and pulling you flat against his chest "hi silvy"
"Hi baga-boo" you smiled, lifting your sliver mask just above your nose before doing the same to him, revealing his special smile, the one he only wore in specific moments.
"You wanna do it cheesy style, don't you"
He bit his lip and nodded, causing you to laugh and fly up, and back a few meters, landing back on the floor and running into his arms "oh baga-boo!!"
"Silvy!" He lifted you up wrapping one hand around your waist and with the other holding your thighs that were wrapped around his torso.
Your hands were around his neck rubbing up and down "I missed you baga-boo" you whispered leaning closer to him so your lips are almost touching.
"I missed you too silvy" he whispered back, finely pressing his lips to yours.
And like every time you kissed him, your whole body warmed up.
Sparkles, fireworks, tingles, call it whatever you like, but it was there.
You shoved your fingers under his mask, feeling his soft hair and tugging on it lightly that you knew drove him crazy. And like you expected, he squeezed your waist gently and moaned quietly into your mouth.
"I can hear your enjoying this, huh bug boy?" You mumbled against his mouth tugging again, hearing him moan again, sending vibrations through your body "you like it when I pull your hair?" You teased as you pulled back, but he just followed your lips and kissed you again "God yes" was the only thing that left his throat
He didn't really care right now about your teasing or sexual comments.
He just missed you so so bad and he wanted to kiss you.
When he finely was satisfied for now, he slowly pulled back, rubbing his nose with yours "I missed your lips"
Your face lightened up in light pink and your heart beated just a bit faster.
"We saw eachother three days ago"
"Three days too long"
You shook your head and chuckled, pecking his lips one more time before getting off his arms "so how 'bout date night until K.A.R.E.N cockblock us?"
He quickly nodded "delmar's?"
"Oh ho, my favorite superheroes" Mr. Delmar grinned as you and spiderman walked into his store.
It's started a few weeks ago, when you saved his shop from a rubbery. Since then, it was your favorite place to eat.
"Hi Mr. Delmar, how are you?" Spiderman waved at him, leaning at the counter.
"I'm good, son. So the usual for you and the lady?" He asked, nudging his head toward you, holding murf.
"Uh, yeah, and um, two bags of the strawberry gummy" he pointed and took a 10 dollar out of his pocket.
"Hi Mr. Delmar, how was your day" you walked to them, holding your boyfriend's arm.
"Good, good" he smiled at you. "You two are very cute, you know" he winked and handed you a clear bag "have a great night. Stay safe!"
You waved at him and wished him good night as well when you got out of the store back to the roof top.
You sat next to him, your right leg on his left thigh as he ran his thumb on your suit as you two munched the sandwiches.
"So anything good happened today?" He asked looking at you.
"Not really... same jerk ass kid who tease me, but I had this chemistry test that I aced. Thanks to you" you pecked his lips as a thank you "and tomorrow I have a big math test" you finished taking the last bute from your food.
"You want me to teach this kid a lesson? I could-"
"Baga-boo I'm not letting you kick some random kid's ass just because he's immature" you laughed taking his hand in yours.
"What?! He's annoying and bugging my girl. It my responsibility as your superhero/boyfriend to kick his ass"
You shook your head.
He always had a thing with protecting you, even though your powers.
All since the war with Tony and Steve.
"How was your day bug?"
Spiderman lifted his eyes from his lap to stare at the city in front of him, humming when your free hand moved to rubbing up and down from his head to his back "it was alright, like every day"
You nodded, eyes lighting up when an idea came up your mind "want me to make it a better day?"
He titled his head and shrugged "you're here with me, its already better"
You groaned dramatically dropping your head back "Jesus, baga-boo let me flirt with you!!"
He felt like he's on fire.
It's not the first time you said something like that, but no matter how many times you'll do it, he'll feel embarrassed.
You climbed to his lap, placing your palms on the side of his neck rubbing your thumbs on the exposed skin "so you wanna kiss me or not?"
So he did, gosh he wanted to so so bad.
But in the second he leaned, his spidey senses alarted him.
You frowned "what is it?"
"There's a rubbery in the local bank" he sighed, repeating what the voice in his suit just said.
You kissed his nose then both of His cheeks then finally his lips "let's go kick their ass, yeah?"
After you and spiderman took care of the rubbery, he helped you with your math.
You stayed even after, doing nothing.
Well, if you consider heavily making out on the roof nothing.
so around midnight, you came home to the same routine.
You stood in front of your mother, wearing shorts and a bra, with hands in the air, twirling around.
"Mom i promise mom, I'm okay. And bug, I mean, spiderman helped me, see?" You pointed at your ribcage, showing her where he stitched your skin. "I promise I'm okay"
After you reassured her she sighed and nodded "Alright. Now, tell me, how was your day?" She asked as she sat on the couch, looking at you with a smirk.
You put on a shirt before sitting next to her, pulling your knees up to hug them close to your chest while a stupid smile tugged your lips.
"It was okay"
Your mother raised an eyebrow, knowing that you're not lying but not telling her the whole truth. She moved her finger to the left side of your neck, flicking you there "your hickey says different"
Your faced turned in a shade of dark red, slapping your neck with your palm "shut up" you mumbled.
"Look, y/n, i know you, and I know you're careful but-" your mother started but you stopped her, knowing where this is going.
"But you should think about it. You're young and-"
"Sorry" you stopped.
"I just want you to be extra careful. Don't you think its a bit odd? You don't know him" she placed a comforting hand on your knee.
Your mother knew about your little romance with your partner.
But she didn't quite like it.
ou sighed and sat next to her, taking her hand in yours "mom im gonna ask you questions about dad and you're gonna answer me with a simple yes or no, alright?"
She rolled her eyes but nodded, waiting for you to start.
"When you met dad, he waited until the fifth date to kiss you, right?" She nodded.
"When dad was around did he made sure that you're comfortable with everything he's doing no matter what?" And she nodded again.
"Did dad kept you safe even if it meant that he'll get hurt?" She smiled softly and nodded.
"Did dad made you happy that you just felt you're the luckiest girl alive? Did dad helped you when you needed? Listen to you when you talked for hours? Comfort you after hard days? Made sure you're eating when nana and papa were at work?
Is dad your and America's hero?"
Your mom groaned lightly, knowing where you're taking this. "Y/n sweetie, what is your point?"
You squeezed her hand with a smile knowing that what you're gonna say will let her off you "spiderman to me is like what dad was for you. And I know, I know it's dangerous and I know that if something will happen to him it will hurt like a bitc- a lot" you quickly changed your language when your mom rised her eyebrows at you "but you met dad when he was in the military, right? It's basically the same!! And if I told you 20 years ago that dad is going to die after 13 years of relationship, he would leave and die would you do it again?" Your words were harsh and it hurt saying that. Because even if it been 7 years since his death, you still missed him and your mom still cried every once in a while in the middle of the night, thinking you can't hear her.
Your mom's sad smile showed up again as she nodded "of course"
"Spiderman makes me happy. He makes me feel special and safe and he helps me with school and he's listening to my endless talking and I know that it's weird that we don't actually know eachother or what we look like, but i know the real him. And he loves me for me and not the way I look!! Don't you want that for me?" You whined.
You won. Your mom didn't had anything to say against the boy you praised so much.
And you were right. Since you got close with spiderman, you smiled more, your grades jumped up and you were genuinely happier (even if that means that every once in a while you're coming home with a hickey or two), your relationship with spiderman is everything your mom wished for you.
She rised her hands in defeat "Alright, you won. No more reassure talking" she said. You crossed your arms over your chest and tilted your head and she let out a breathy laugh "I promise!"
You finely broke into a smile and jumped to hug her "thanks mom"
A short ring cut your sweet mom-daughter bonding moment short.
You looked at the table to see a picture  of spiderman with the name "Baga-boo🕷🍑".
His masked lifted just above his nose and his tongue poking out of his cheesy grin.
You pulled away from your mom, looking at her before she nodded "go, answer your little perfect boyfriend"
You bit your bottom lip in a sad try to hide your big grin as you jumped and took the phone, pressing the grin button on the screen "hey bug"
"Oh, slivy, hey! You answered!" His voice sound exited along with a heavy panting.
"Of course I answered dumbass. So did you get home safe? Why only now?" You asked worried.
It's won't be the first time he fought alone without telling you, claiming that "he wants to keep you safe" even though your telekinesis powers.
"Oh, nononononono don't worry! My aunt wanted me to bring some eggs for dinner and I probably have to go out again after she'll burn them" he joked.
You herd a thousand stories about spiderman's aunt.
Sad storied like after his uncle died and she couldn't stop crying that spiderman had to give her food to bed and force her to eat or else she wouldn't.
Funny stories like when she tried to bake him a birthday cake and burned half of their kitchen.
You giggled and shook your head "It's midnight baga-boo, you should go to sleep" you said and received a nudge from your mother and a "look who's talking" look before she stole your phone.
"Hey, spiderman?" She asked.
It's the first time you're mom is talking to him. You hope he's not freaking out.
"Oh hey Mrs. Uh... silvy's mom" he squiked.
"Could you get her to sleep? I'm tired of trying and I'm sure she'll listen to you more than she'll listen to me" you scoffed and rolled your eyes.
You could hear his faint laugh through the phone and smiled.
"Sure, i was going to anyway, she have a big math test tomorrow and she needs to sleep or else she won't remember what we learned"
And that's it. That's all it took from spiderman to make your mother fall in love with him.
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
peter parker boyfriend headcanons
the most awkward of boyfriends
for the first couple of weeks he would be scared
of messing stuff up
or making you uncomfortable
then you would kiss his stupid face
over and over
and reassure him that you liked him  for him and he couldn’t change that no matter what
would blush at absolutely everything you said
no matter how long you dated
you could always make his whole face turn red
“i can’t help it okay! babe stop laughing!”
he likes coming up behind you
and hugging your waist
when he says hi to you at school
its always with a kiss on your cheek
gives you a drawer in his room
and brings you your favorite snack every day
would text you thinks like “babe do you think dogs have names for us”
or “dude, ned just stole my legos can you yell at him”
all the time o h m y g o d
you’ve never met anyone whose love language is so obviously touch
invites you over to watch star wars and new girl
takes you on swings around the city
leaves you really long messages about what he saw on his patrol
“i told this nice old lady about you! she says i should put a ring on it, what do you think?”
coming over with a small embarrassed smile when he got hurt and needed you to patch him up
“babe how about you just kiss it better”
kissing it better
lots of pet names !
his favorite being ‘pretty girl’ and ‘babe’
ned introducing you as peter’s wife
both of you blushing
both of you loving it
holding his hand on bad nights
both of you crying into each other
peter telling you about tony
opening up about how horrible it was to lose him
“he would have liked you a lot”
kissing his wet cheeks
convincing him to talk to may about seeing someone who could professionally help
making a joke about how all of the avengers should do group therapy to make him feel better
getting him to giggle
your heart bursting at the sound
pretending to fall asleep on his chest to hear him whisper ‘i love you’ into your hair
making him pancakes and waffles the next morning
while wearing his tshirt
“god i’m going to marry you” comments all the time
yeah peter parker you will.
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
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crying my eyes out
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
best friends to lovers prompts.
going as each other’s “platonic” date to a mutual friend’s wedding
agreeing to kiss each other “just to see what it’s like”
punching the guy who broke your best friend’s heart at prom
refusing to admit your feelings but making up ridiculous excuses to spend time together
“i’m not in love with my best friend” but everyone knows you're full of shit
there’s only one bed, which we decide to share (obviously been waiting for this moment)
friends and family think we’re dating because we’re always acting like a couple
sharing clothes, we're just that comfortable with each other
accidentally blurting out “i love you” during a conversation
“i’ll kiss you right now to prove i don’t feel anything for you” but the kiss proves the exact opposite
finding old letters you wrote to each other as kids and reminiscing
is there a reason you're always staring at me in class?
knowing your best friend inside out, everything from their favorite song, to the name of their stuffed animal in second grade
hiding your feelings, not wanting to ruin the friendship, even going as far as avoiding each other completely, yet always ending up sharing an intimate moment
immediately choosing each other for a group project, but spending more time making out than working
the first kiss and the realization of “it’s always been you”
starting to see each other in a different light
i’m watching you date all these other people and i don't know what it is i'm feeling but it's definitely not jealousy
you don't have anyone to go to prom with, so i volunteer, but we end up ditching early, instead driving around town, stopping for some cheap burgers and incredible sights
complimenting your best friend over small things, that realistically only someone who’s in love with that person would notice
that “oh shit” moment when the realization hits you
the “date” that isn't really a date but feels like one
showing up at each other’s house late at night
you're upset and disappear for a couple hours, and i'm the only one who knows where to find you (which is at the location we always hung out at as children)
one dropping hints about their feelings, the other one is completely oblivious
hearing your best friend say you’re nothing more than friends, dying a little on the inside because you wish it was more than that
family and friends constantly pointing out how compatible you are with each other
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
injury prompts
“ how bad is it? “ “ it’s bad. “
“ let me have a look… “
“ how long has it been like this? “
'' are you injured? ''
“ i need to show you something. “
“ don’t freak out. “
“ you all right? “
'' you're not gonna pass out, right? ''
'' that's gross. ''
“ is that blood? “
“ holy shit... “
'' how are you not dead? ''
“ who did this to you? “
'' hey, look at me. look at me. who did this to you? ''
“ tell me who did this to you. “
'' holy cow... ''
[outrageous explanation for their injury] '' really? that's the excuse you're going for? ''
'' it's literally a mosquito bite... ''
'' i'm a little dizzy... ''
'' sit down for a moment, will you? ''
“ let me look at you… “
“ i'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier. “
“ someone has to take a look at this. “
“ that doesn't look good. “
“ does it hurt? “
'' what's that behind your back? '' '' well... it's certainly not a zombie bite... ''
“ are you okay with me touching you? “
'' sit still. '' '' i'm fine. '' '' you're bleeding. ''
'' oh my god… ''
'' are you hurt? ''
“ does that hurt? can you feel your fingers? “
“ let me know if there’s anything i can do. “
“ looks pretty rough to me. “ “ i’ll manage. “
'' it's nothing... ''
[character tripped over a rock] '' you're a fucking idiot... ''
'' hurts like hell, but i've been through worse. ''
'' you need any help with that? ''
'' let me bandage that up for you. ''
'' i could have died. '' '' don't be so dramatic. ''
“ let me clean that for you... “
“ i've got a survival kit in my car. let me go grab it. “
“ i can't believe you kept this to yourself all this time... how did nobody notice? “
“ hey, let me take a look... “
'' MY HAND IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR BURGER. '' '' shit, fine, let's have a look... ''
“ are you equipped to deal with this? “ “ most absolutely not. “
“ it's more or less healed up. “ “ are you sure? looks infected to me. “
“ you need to see a doctor. “
'' it doesn't hurt. ''
“ don't touch it! “
“ how did this happen? “
“ this is gonna sting motherfucker... “
“ it's my fault. i did this to myself. “
'' it's just a scratch. i'll be fine. ''
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
reassuring prompts
''am i gonna be safe with you?''
''you're safe with me.''
''are you okay with this?''
''i trust you.''
''can i kiss you?''
''kiss me.''
''does that hurt?''
''please continue.''
''are you okay with me kissing you?''
''i'm here for you.''
''you can always talk to me.''
''is something bothering you?''
''don't stop.''
''i want you to kiss me.''
''is that okay with you?''
''do you trust me?''
''i feel safe with you.''
''i'm extremely okay with this.''
''you matter to me.''
''i like spending time with you.''
''you make me happy''
''this thing we've got going on, it's pretty nice.''
''is this okay?''
''are you comfortable?''
''you can always call me.''
''you can always reach out to me. even if it's the the middle of the night.''
''don't hesitate. just call me.''
''i love you.''
''you're the best thing that has ever happened to me.''
''take your time.''
''we don't need to rush anything.''
''i don't want to force you into something you're not ready for.''
''you make me feel safe.''
''it's all right.''
''you're okay.''
''i'm right here.''
''you're safe...''
''i like being here with you. it's nice.''
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
&. 𝐡𝐢𝐭 ‘𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  more  angst  to  devastate  your  writing  partners.  metaphorically.  )
❛ you’re a weapon, and weapons don’t weep. ❜
❛ you can’t save everyone. ❜
❛ it should have been you. ❜
❛ did i do good? ❜
❛ i’m sorry that i can’t save you. ❜
❛ wait for me, will you? ❜
❛ i can’t lose you again! ❜
❛ you were dead, i saw you die. ❜
❛ we won’t forget each other, right? ❜
❛ i’m real. i’m here. ❜
❛ you already know how this will end. ❜
❛ it’s always my fault, isn’t it? ❜
❛ i don’t want to go. ❜
❛ can you remember how you died? ❜
❛ i love you, but you’re not mine. ❜
❛ have you ever lost someone? ❜
❛ i didn’t ask to get made. ❜
❛ you’re as beautiful as the day i lost you. ❜
❛ i never meant to hurt you. ❜
❛ is it really you? ❜
❛ their blood is on your hands. ❜
❛ it would have been better to die. ❜
❛ i’m not ready to lose you yet. ❜
❛ i wish i met you sooner. ❜
❛ let’s just stay here. grow old. ❜
❛ you’re the first friend i ever had. ❜
❛ i told you not to fall in love with me. ❜
❛ you always push people away. i just thought you’d never do it to me. ❜
❛ everyone i’ve cared about has either died of left me. except for you. ❜
❛ i know i have a heart because i can feel it breaking. ❜
❛ they’re not coming back. ❜
❛ i’m sorry, have we met? ❜
❛ in my dreams, we’re still together. ❜
❛ you’re the one good thing left in this world. ❜
❛ i hate the way that i don’t hate you. ❜
❛ it’s okay. you can let go. ❜
❛ you mean nothing to me. ❜
❛ we’re on our own now. ❜
❛ you can’t kill me, i’m not alive. ❜
❛ it wasn’t supposed to end like this. ❜
❛ do you remember when we first met? ❜
❛ we’ll see each other again. ❜
❛ there’s nothing you could have done. ❜
❛ we did it. we won. ❜
❛ let’s not go back. not ever. ❜
❛ thanks for playing with me. ❜
❛ why does it feel like this is goodbye? ❜
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
Meaningful Gestures Prompts
Welcome to my side-prompt blog! Ask me anything from writing, to prompt requests, and even join my discord where I can be frequently found!
Smoothing your fingers down your lover's tie, fixing where your lover couldn't tie it right.
Brushing your lover's waist/shoulder as they pass.
Instinctively pressing your hands against your lover's cheek as they passionately rave, only for them to stop talking and gape, completely distracted by the lack of distance.
Hooking your ankles together underneath the table.
Linking your hands together as you walk through school/a building/the streets--finger rubbing over your lover's knuckles softly.
Putting your hand on your lover's chest as they doze peacefully into the couch arm, focusing on the subtle beat of their heart on your hand.
Unflinchingly settling your head into your lover's lap while they watch television/are reading a book/doing their favorite hobby. Then asking your lover to explain what's going on/what they're doing.
On a whim, pulling your lover into an alley and pressing your lips firmly against theirs, getting lost in each other's touch while the streets bustle outside.
Holding your jacket over your lover's head as they hide from the rain, finding their formal outfit more important than your casual wear.
Whispering jokes/loving words in a lecture/school/church/a meeting. Trying not to laugh/flirt back in fear of disturbing everyone else who's trying to pay attention.
Putting your hand on your lover's thigh and feeling their eyes on you as they try to figure out your motives. Whether the touch is teasing or just for fun.
Mapping out your lover's features while they sleep in your arm, smoothing your thumbs down their cheeks, throat, collarbones, chin and nose.
Hooking a thumb into your lover's belt loop/pocket as a crowd surrounds you, making sure that you don't lose them in the people.
Pressing tiny kisses against your lover's shoulder while they're bent over a desk, trying to focus even though your touch is distracting them.
Wrapping your arms around your lover's waist and pressing your forehead against their back/resting on their shoulder, swaying to music only the two of you can hear.
At your lover's complaining, rubbing a spot where they ache, smiling as they lean into your touch and melt at both the touch and warmth.
Standing still as your lover rubs smudged lipstick/lipstick stains off of your skin, catching them off guard by pressing a kiss against their fingertip.
Pushing your lover against a wall after one too many teasing comments, but being met with unsaid tension instead of the quiet. Both of you unable to continue with the jokes.
After coming home from work/a long trip, finding your lover sobbing on the couch/in bed after a hard day, wiping away their tears with soft touches and gentle words--trying to convince them it's okay, and that you're there for them now.
Softly resting a hand on your lover's shoulder as they face something more difficult than ever, not bothering to exchange words as the touch does it all the same. You've got this in the bag.
Having your lover list everything they're insecure about, and responding with gentle caresses, kisses, and compliments about those areas.
While someone demeans your lover, standing up for them. Either in word, or by physically placing yourself right in front of them as a protective barrier.
Carding your fingers through your lover's hair after a bad nightmare, not caring that it's sweaty or matted, but just that they'll be able to get a good night's sleep, even if it's at the sacrifice of your own.
Protecting your lover's sleep as they doze on your lap, making sure nobody bothers them as they entrusted their peace to you.
Reading up on the things your lover enjoys so that when they talk about them, you'll understand a little better and be able to hold a conversation.
Tracing invisible shapes on your lover's skin as they're busy doing something stressful, keeping their attention half on what they're doing, and half on you.
Very softly placing butterfly kisses on your lover's skin up the length of their arm, either stopping at their neck, or drifting back down to their pulse point.
Reassurance in the form of food/movies/games, forcing them to take a second away and relax with you.
Not accepting that it's time to start the day, and pinning them onto the mattress with either your whole body, a leg, or more risque touches.
Visiting them at work, either with lunch, or just to spend the afternoon with them as they try to get things done. Whether they actually get things done, or thing devolve into flirting/romantic gestures is up to you.
"Hold on, let me fix this for you."
"God, you look so good."
"I'm... uh, dammit, your lips are so distracting. Are you doing this on purpose?"
"Your hands are always so warm."
"Be real with me, love. Do you really care about what I'm doing, or do you just want me to talk you to sleep?"
"If we get caught kissing in a small, dark, kind of shady alleyway, it's on you."
"Couldn't you wait to kiss me at home?"
"Please, I don't want the rain getting both of us sick. I volunteer to be tribute--take my jacket."
"Stop, stop! We're going to get in trouble, and I refuse to be yelled at because of you!"
"I am trusting you with that hand, darling. I hope my trust isn't misplaced."
"I promise I'll stay close."
"You know, I am trying to focus... but I can't deny that it doesn't feel good. Keep going, please."
"Take a small break, for me?"
"Never thought I'd have someone to sway with me in the kitchen... I'm glad I was wrong."
"You have lipstick on your cheek, here let me-- oh."
"I-- you-- where we we?"
"Kiss me, please."
"It's going to be okay, I promise."
"Let yourself cry, I'm here now. You're safe."
"You may think differently, but I love this about you."
"Every part, no matter how you feel, is amazing to me. I could spend all day explaining everything I love about you."
"You want to get to them, you go through me."
"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe."
"They're just a jerk, why don't we just go somewhere else?"
"I won't let them put their hands on you."
"I'm right here; I won't leave your side. Go back to sleep, darling."
"C'mere, I don't mind letting you sleep on me."
"Hey, leave them alone. They just fell asleep."
"Don't you dare wake them up."
"Wow, you really did your research, huh? That's amazing..."
"Next time, we can talk more about--"
"You know, you make these kinds of things not so painful, so thank you."
"Hmm... I don't whether to appreciate or complain that you're distracting me."
"I love how your pulse races for me..."
"Do I make your heart jump?"
"Come on, watch this movie with me. I promise it won't be as bad as the previous one."
"I bought this really cool game. Come and play it with me?"
"Hey, I got some food. Why don't we go eat in the kitchen for once?"
"Hrmg, I'm not moving. Don't make me."
"It's far too early for this..."
"Please, we need to get up."
"Touch me again, and I'm pushing you off the bed."
"I'm staying here, and I'm not moving. I do not care about your empty threats! Hey-- wait-- what are you doing?"
"I bought two sandwiches... by total accident, of course. Thought I might come give one of them to you, and maybe while I'm here spend some time with you, hm?"
"This... isn't doing work. But I don't think I mind."
"Thank you for joining me, love."
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
hurt comfort prompts
“ you can stay here, if you'd like. “
“ please don't go. “
“ why don't we stay at your place tonight? “
“ can i get you anything? “
“ let's be pathetic together. “
“ are you crying? “
“ i'm glad that you're here. “
“ you're not doing this alone. “
“ i don't have anyone anymore. “ “ you have me. “
“ are you sure [about staying]? “
“ you didn't force me. i volunteered [to be here], remember? “
“ you are what’s important right now. “
“ it’s okay, you know. if you need to vent. “
“ are you sure? it's quite heavy [of a topic]. “ “ i've got all night. “
“ tonight is about you. you can make it up to me some other time. “
“ i've got nowhere else to be. “
“ you said you needed a distraction. “ “ so... where is it? “ “ you're looking right at it. “
“ why don't you come here for a second? “
“ wanna talk about it? “
“ i can't talk about it. not tonight. “
“ you need to distract me. do something, anything. “
“ i just don't want to be alone tonight. “
“ i'm tired of thinking. let's just... make out, or something “
“ i feel like shit. “ “ you look like it, too. “ “ hey! “
“ it’s okay to cry, you know. “
“ you’re a little hurt, that’s all. “
“ anything you want me to get you? “
“ nothing a good [drink] can't fix. “
“ let’s get you cleaned up. “
“ this is you thinking rationally? “
“ you're really all i've got. “
“ c'mere. let me give you a hug. “
“ and you're absolutely sure this is what you need? “
“ you don't need this right now. “
“ how long are you gonna sit there? “ “ all night, if that's what it takes. “
“ what's it gonna take to make you smile? “
“ if you're not ready to talk about it, let's not talk about it. “
“ wanna play some mario kart? it'll give us both a reason to cry when you beat me. “
“ how about we stay like this, holding each other? “
“ i don’t know what’s wrong with me. “
“ i can’t stop crying. “ “ i'll be strong for the both of us. “
“ i didn’t know where else to go. “
“ the door's always open, you know that. “
“ i thought you were leaving town. “ “ i can't leave now. “
“ there's that smile i know and love... “
“ stay with me. “
“ hey, what’s your favorite snack? “
“ i’m not leaving. “
“ just let it out. “
“ you're stronger than you think. “
“ how about i make a quick run to the store, get you some aspirin? “
“ grab a burger or something on your way home. “
“ you were always there when i needed you. let me repay the favor. “
“ i don't mean to bother you. “ “ you're not. “
“ hey, listen to me... “
“ you’re not a burden. “
“ aren’t you tired? “ “ this isn't about me. “
“ you’re going to be okay. “
“ hey, look at me… “
“ i don’t know what to do. “ “ we’ll figure it out. “
“ you’re not alone. “
“ hey, hey, hey, it's okay... it's okay. you're okay. “
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
kissing starters
“ kiss me. ”
“ can't we just... make out, or something? “
“ i really want to kiss you right now. “
“ just one more... “
“ it was more of a peck... “
“ kiss me and you'll find out. “
“ i’m here for business, not pleasure. “
“ so you don’t want me to kiss you? “
“ i could kiss you for hours. “
“ how about a good night kiss? “
“ you may now kiss the bride. “
“ permission to lean in? “ “ permission granted. “
“ we should practice for our wedding day. “
“ you, me, bed, now. “
“ i want [our first kiss] to be special. “
“ i fell asleep before i could kiss you. “
“ we didn't kiss each other good morning. “
“ i’ve been wanting to kiss you for a while. “
“ kiss me, i’m miserable. “
“ who was your first kiss? “
“ did you do the laundry? “ “ yes, now where’s my kiss? “
“ if you want me to kiss you, all you have to do is ask. “
“ you’re a great kisser. “
“ with your mouth on mine, there's less bullshit coming out of it. “
“ teach me how to do it. “
“ can i get another one? “
“ every time you kiss me, i swear i'm falling even more in love with you. “
“ i haven’t mastered the art of kissing yet. “
“ wanna practice? “
“ you’re a great kisser. “
“ kiss the pain away. “
“ with your lips on mine... “
“ is there such a thing as love at first kiss? “
“ if i were to kiss someone, it would be you. “
“ you’re irresistible. ”
“ you said i had nice lips. who says that? “
“ kiss me again, but don’t stop this time. “
“ i love it when you kiss me. “
“ your kisses mean the world to me. “
“ i want you to kiss me. for real, this time. “
“ one last kiss is worth being late to work for. “
“ if you kiss me, we’re not getting out of bed today… “
“ you kissed me last night. “ “ and you didn’t stop me. “
“ no more kisses! i need to get ready for work. “
“ i really want to kiss you. “
“ it’s cute, this thing you’re doing. “ “ being all nervous? “
“ you’ve never kissed anyone before? “
“ you’re going to have to guide me through this. “
“ do i just… close my eyes and lean in? “
“ i want our first kiss to be special. “
“ [our first kiss] it's going to be magical. “
“ i kissed you. “ “ i know, i… was there. “
“ you just can’t help yourself, can you? “
“ i’ve always wondered what it would be like to kiss you. “
“ it’s just an innocent kiss. “
“ we’re friends, right? friends kiss each other all the time. “
“ people kiss each other all the time. doesn’t mean there’s feelings involved. “
“ i’m sorry for bringing it up. “ “ actually, i would love to kiss you. “
“ you mean, you and me? kissing? “
“ you’ve seriously never thought about [us kissing]? “ “ maybe once or twice. “
“ you mean us, kissing? “ “ can’t say it never crossed my mind... “
“ let’s kiss. just to see what it’s like. “
“ oh, what the hell. let’s do it. “
“ of course i'm a little curious. i've heard great things about you. “
“ all i want to do is kiss you. all day, every day. “
“ i’ve never kissed anyone before. “
“ well, if anybody were to kiss me, i would want that person to be you. “
“ you just can’t get enough of me, can you? “
“ and right now, i think you should kiss me. “
“ i’ll kiss you right now to prove i don’t feel something for you. “
“ you kissed me first. “ “ i definitely didn’t. “ “ you were literally all over me. “
“ did you just kiss me? “
“ you’re so full of shit... [if you think the kiss didn't mean something] “
“ did we just kiss? “
“ your kiss already gave you away. “
“ we don't have to do this if you don’t want to. “
“ don’t speak. just kiss me. “
“ come kiss me. “
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
Reblog if you write fic and people can inbox you random-ass questions about your stories, itemized number lists be damned.
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mrsparker3696 · 2 years
oblivious idiots in love
credit if reposting, don't repost to other websites, change pronouns as needed x
“ you really don’t see it, do you? “
“ if there’s nothing going on there, you don’t mind if i ask her out, do you? “
“ you flat out just admitted you have feelings for me. “
“ i think i’m falling in love with you. “
“ is that really all she is to you? “
“ he kissed you? “ it was more of a peck... “
“ she’s just a friend? “
“ you’re so full of shit. “
“ come on, you’re in love with her. “
“ doesn’t take an idiot to figure it out. “ “ are you calling me an idiot? “
“ i wanted to kiss you. i’ve been wanting to kiss you for quite a while. “
“ so you kissed him, and then you... “ “ ran away. “
“ friends don't look at each other that way. “
“ not like i’ve fantasized about you, or anything… “
“ friends don’t talk about each other that way. “
“ you said i had nice lips. who says that? “
“ it’s just an innocent kiss. “
“ it’s easy to confuse feelings for something they aren’t, especially when eye-contact is involved. “
“ friends kiss each other all the time, right? “
“ we're just friends. “
“ you're still hung up on [your ex]. “
“ if you refuse to make a move, i will. “
“ man, fuck that guy. go show her what she’s missing. “
“ just put us all out of our misery and admit it already. “
“ she invited you to her [loved one's] funeral? “ “ yeah, for support and comfort. “ “ ...why you specifically? “
“ you were practically made for each other. “
“ she shut me down last time, remember? “
“ you’re in denial. “ “ i am not in denial! “
“ that guy's a real jerk. you should be with someone who respects you. “ “ and who would that be? “
“ look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel something for me. “
“ do you have a crush on me or something? “
“ are you asking me out? “ “ no. i mean yes, maybe... as friends? “
“ don’t let this one go. he’s perfect for you. “
“ unless you don't like me, in which case i take it back. “
“ do you think that this, us… do you think it could ever be something more? “
“ she’s everything i ever wanted, but i don’t want to risk losing her as a friend. “
“ i’m worried that if we go there, and things don't work out... things might never be the same. “
“ you know that’s not the case. she adores you. “
“ you’re more than just friends. it’s obvious. “
“ of course i love him, we’ve been friends for ages. “
“ grow some balls and be honest with her. “
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