pink-prince-poetry · 4 months
Who are you when the lights turn off?
When I am in the dark, I am a different man
Hardly a man at all
More like a beast
Someone who’s mind is wandering and thoughts are fleeting
No organization
No true conscience
I simply think and I am
I am a man
I am in a bed
I live in a house
On a street
In a country
But am I really there?
Because when the lights are off
I am a beast
In a place
On a large island
On a floating rock
In a galaxy that goes on forever
What is a man?
What is a house?
Those things do not mean anything to me
For I am a beast when the lights are all off.
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pink-prince-poetry · 4 months
“If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.”
— Banksy
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pink-prince-poetry · 4 months
Nobody Loves Me
Some days I think nobody loves me
I try and think of my friends, my family
But nothing seems to work out the way I thought it would
They meet new people
They all make new friends
And so do I…
But it all feels different
Like I’m playing a part
Being who people want me to be
So they’ll like me too
I crack sometimes
Let something out of the cage
I always regret it
The stares
The panic
I cover it up by saying it was all a joke
It almost never is.
The mask goes up again
And the play, after all, must go on.
All life’s a stage right?
So I’ll play my part.
And they’ll all like me
Until they do not.
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pink-prince-poetry · 4 months
i don’t love you anymore
(TW: abuse, alcoholism, cancer)
I used to love you
I adored you
I thought you were a god
But then came the screaming
The anger
The drinks
And all I could be was empty
Nothing could fill up the hole in my heart
You screamed at me for the smallest things
I couldn’t stand being near you
I didn’t think anything could be worse
Then you holed yourself away
Never talked to our family
You became isolated
I never saw you anymore
Talking once a day turned to talking once a month
Turned to talking every few months
Turned to never seeing you.
You got cancer.
I felt horrible for it
But if you’d died
I don’t know if I would cry
You threatened everyone
My siblings
My mother
You threatened to leave so many times
I told you to go
You refused.
You blamed your wife for everything
Even when she wasn’t there
You always say that you’ll get better
But we all know that isn’t true
You say you’ll quit
You never do.
So we’re stuck in a cycle
I don’t love you anymore Dad.
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pink-prince-poetry · 5 months
Things I saw on my walk today (That I took instead of going to class)
I saw two birds, so in love
A black, shiny beetle who was hiding from predators above
A flock of hawks circling around
An old friend from my hometown
A stream of water that gently wept
Friends together working on a project
A tiny little bug, who decided we were friends
And flowers galore that all bend
To reach the sun.
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pink-prince-poetry · 5 months
Panic sets in
I don’t know how to breathe
Nothing seems real
So I go back to sleep again
And when I wake up,
It’s a bit more real again
But I’m still suffering
Stuck between the dimensions
I try my best and calm down
But I’m still stuck.
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pink-prince-poetry · 5 months
Some people you meet and you know for all your life
Others leave you quickly and it hurts
Some you betray, some betray you,
But most people, most people that you leave or that leave you
It's not dramatic
You don't cry tears
You simply pass each other
and watch as your friendship deteriorates
You see someone who used to be your best friend
and now they are no more than a stranger.
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pink-prince-poetry · 5 months
My mother told me that she was grieving her daughter
That she was sad that I’d never wear a wedding dress
That I’d never give her grandchildren in the way that she wanted
That I was shedding my name
But when she told me that as a six year old
I had told her I was a boy
I had to ask myself
“Why is she grieving?”
I told her who I was years ago
I was finally breaking out of my shell
I was becoming reborn like I had so many times before
This was not new information
And I realized
It was because she never saw me as a boy
And probably won’t for a good long time
I’ve been a boy for eighteen years
Nothing has changed
Except that now I am a Man
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pink-prince-poetry · 5 months
I try and pick up pieces of the mirror I smashed six years ago sometimes
I pick up the pieces but they cut me
When I put it back together my reflection is twisted and broken
I’m not who I was anymore
Sometimes I have to force myself back into that reflection
For work
For family
It hurts.
I don’t like it.
I don’t fit.
I’m not a little girl anymore
I never was to begin with.
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pink-prince-poetry · 5 months
Sometimes I think I’m broken
I try my best to validate myself for who I am
Tell myself I’m not broken
Seeking sex isn’t the entire point of life
No matter what society says
Not wanting it is okay
I don’t have to push myself to do something
I don’t want to do
I wonder if the only reason I want to do it
Is because everyone tells me I need to want it
It’s what makes us human
People will leave me if I don’t
People have left me because I haven’t
I try my best
But I doubt myself
Even if I can’t even picture myself with a real person
Doing that…
It’s alright
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pink-prince-poetry · 5 months
I’m in a half state
Feeling half alive, half dead
Nothing seems real anymore
But it’s all as real as can be
I’m trapped just beyond a dimension of reality
I’m stuck
I can’t pull myself out
I’m trying my best
But I’m still drowning
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pink-prince-poetry · 5 months
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pink-prince-poetry · 6 months
Reality is strange to feel again
Like an old coat that doesn’t quite fit
The seams rip as you’re putting it on
And it needs a few patches
It gets caught on wood
It’s dirty in places
But it’s real
It’s what’s real
And you can’t help but an snuggle into that old coat
And hug yourself.
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pink-prince-poetry · 6 months
I’d like to pretend that we’re still together
That you still love me
That we’re still dancing like we do in my memory
You’re holding me
That the light is still golden
That it just rained
That you told me you loved me
That we’re planning our wedding
We still volunteer like we used to do every year
I’ve met your family
And your brother is now my brother in law
That we cut your parents off
Because they were horrible to you
That you chose me over them
But you didn’t
And I still see you every now and then
And I can’t help but wonder
What would’ve happened
If things were just shifted
Slightly to the left
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pink-prince-poetry · 6 months
I miss your touch
Your hands on my thighs
Fingers in my hair
Kisses on my neck
I miss how you made me feel beautiful
I miss your kisses down my body
I miss the way you made me feel
I miss you inside my core
Leaving me yearning for oh so much more
I miss the sight of you in the morning
I miss your laugh
I miss your smile
I cannot separate the fact
That I cannot untangle
Who you were to me
And who you pretended to be
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pink-prince-poetry · 6 months
Hi! Don't have a question just wanted to let you know that I'm a young and queer poet and I find your writing very inspiring. Much love <3
Thank you! I love poetry, it’s my favorite art form! I love that you find me inspiring! It’s how I’ve dealt with everything for a long time.
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pink-prince-poetry · 6 months
Sometimes I think of you
The way your hair curled
The way that the freckles were all over your back
The first time we kissed in the rain
When we said I love you for the first time
I want to thank you sometimes
For how you made me feel
For how much I discovered myself
But after all, it’s been a year
And sometimes I miss you
But most times, I am glad we ended
We weren’t good for one another
One too kind
One too brash
We were always going to clash
But I miss the way you kissed me
The way that you made me feel loved
How much you desired me
And how open we were
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