ruq-mk 11 months
Mary Macdonald Headcanons
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Home life
Originally from Ghana, she always felt out of place in a suburb in England
She tried to put on a confident, kind act in primary school but it stopped being an act very early
She was a muggleborn and the first signs of her magic only scared her until she found out what it was
Lily was her neighbour and although they got on well, they weren鈥檛 close until Hogwarts
When they were home over summers she tried to include Severus in their plans, but he preferred to spent time with Lily separately instead
She felt guilty for choosing the magical world after graduating, sometimes doubting her choice at fleeting moments
Life at Hogwarts
She was much happier about going to Hogwarts when she saw that she wasn鈥檛 the only person of colour anymore
It made her feel out of her depth when she realised how much there was to learn about magic
Of all her classes her favourite was herbology, professor Sprout often letting her take cuttings of plants to take to her dorm
Her part of the dormitory was made very obvious by the copious amount of plants that filled it up every year
Deja, Lily and Marlene knew when the plants had to be watered and would sometimes help Mary take care of them
She was also briefly interested in divination but she kept seeing a very distressing future and gave it up, assuming that it just didn鈥檛 work
It partially led to her interest in crystals, even though she wasn鈥檛 sure if they worked she used them like they did for her own peace of mind
She was the only one of her friends to not join the order of the phoenix, only helping out of fear to not be there to keep her friends safe
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ruq-mk 11 months
Lily Evans Headcanons
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Home life
She was very close with Petunia before they found out she was a witch
Severus gave her the sibling-type connection she needed after Petunia suddenly pulled away
She didn鈥檛 have many other friends in primary school so going to Hogwarts was just as scary as exciting
After Petunia admitted she was jealous of Lily鈥檚 magic she thought they could reconcile and be close again
She met Vernon soon after and Petunia pulled away much further again, devastating Lily
Her parents tried their best be as involved in her life as they could, but it got harder the more her life centred around the magical world
Life at Hogwarts
It wasn鈥檛 until the sorting that she found out her neighbour and old classmate Mary was also a witch
Mary, Deja, and Marlene became her second family and they frequently tried to include Severus because it was important to Lily
It angered her to see James pick on Severus and try to flirt with her right afterwards
She had imposter syndrome from being muggleborn and used being a star student to prove to herself that she belonged
Of all her subjects she took to potions the best, becoming Slughorn鈥檚 favourite
Her friends and teachers slowly helped her with her imposter syndrome, but it still came up again when she had to take her OWLs
Her friendship with Snape was strained by their later years because of his death eater friends and him putting his romantic feelings for her above their friendship
The nail in the coffin was him calling her a mud blood, but she was very upset about losing her oldest friend
She finally felt like she belonged in the magical world by her last year when she was made head girl
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ruq-mk 11 months
The Marauders
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Remus Lupin | James Potter
Sirius Black | Peter Pettigrew
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ruq-mk 11 months
The Ravenclaws
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Sybil Trelawney | Emmeline Vance
Alice Fortescue | Aurora Sinistra
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ruq-mk 11 months
The Slytherins
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Dorcas Meadowes | Narcissa Black
Pandora Lestrange | Zoya Zabini
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ruq-mk 11 months
The Valkyries
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Deja Cork | Marlene McKinnon
Mary Macdonald | Lily Evans
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