siss-snaps · 3 years
In my absence, the hellsite has only gathered more strength
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siss-snaps · 3 years
One thing I did not expect from 2020 was a match.com commercial where Satan was a total Chad.
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siss-snaps · 4 years
Drop your cursed dorm room suggestions
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siss-snaps · 4 years
Get in loser's we're going to
Femboy Hooters
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siss-snaps · 4 years
As a casual Unus Annus viewer, it was the strangest thing, watching my friend implode when she realized there was no new video today.
But even though I was a more casual viewer (only some of the videos were my speed), I saw the sheer effort and quality Mark, Ethan, and the rest of the team put in. I can only imagine the maddening amount of willpower they all have to possess to delete something they poured everything into. It's crazy to me. But art is a crazy thing, so here we are.
Momento Mori.
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siss-snaps · 4 years
Anyone willing to buy me a Car Duck will automatically earn my hand in marriage. I will not be taking questions at this time.
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siss-snaps · 4 years
"I miss our bond"
Okay, and you broke it, so...
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siss-snaps · 4 years
So I was hanging out with a guy friend and he pulled up this girl's Instagram. She posted a picture of she and her friends dressed up at a halloween party, and they were wearing shorter, low-cut costumes.
My friend points to their costumes and says something along the lines of, "I bet they're all sluts."
And I turned to him, dead pan and asked, "If I dressed that way, would you insult me and call me a slut too?"
And he said, "No, it's different for you. I've known you forever."
And I just gotta ask, is this what dudes think? You're only *allowed* to dress a certain way if they think you should, and by that extension, only because they find you attractive when you do?
I, personally, am more modest, but I do show some skin time to time because it makes me feel confident. The girls in the instagram post probably felt confident too.
I texted him shortly after and told him that he was being highly inappropriate, and that if we were to continue our friendship, he had to seriously re-think his attitude towards women. He didn't say anything back.
I'm saying this to say: ladies, don't let ANYONE tell you how to dress. Men do not critque our style of dress to protect us or to improve us. They do it to assert power over us. If anyone, especially a man, tells you that you're showing too much or too little skin, either have a very serious conversation with them or run for the hills. You aren't a dress up doll that wears an image of their design, you are you. Don't let anybody change that.
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siss-snaps · 4 years
If someone is hurting you, let them go.
I promise you, cutting someone negative out of your life will hurt way less than prolonged exposure to them.
Will it be painless? No. There will be days when you want to reach out and vent to them when you have a bad day, and then you'll realize you can't anymore and that will tear you apart.
But that pain is so much easier to overcome than the constant disrespect. That pain is so much easier to overcome than the constant fighting. That pain is so much easier to overcome than the constant feelings of worthlessness.
Cut. Them. Out.
There are so many people that you haven't met yet that will love you so much more. Don't give up.
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siss-snaps · 4 years
Growth is being a Jeffree Star super fan at 16 and not standing the sight of him at 18
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siss-snaps · 4 years
The most cash-grabby behavior I've ever witnessed is from the ACT sending me constant emails telling me to sign up for the next test while they're three weeks late (and counting) sending me scores for the test I just took.
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siss-snaps · 4 years
You know, I've heard people say, "If you wanted me to apologize, you should've just asked" writing it off as 'communicating clearly' and girl...
If you have to ASK someone to apologize, then they did not learn the lesson and they are not remorseful.
We ask toddlers to say sorry when they break things, not grown adults when they break bonds.
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siss-snaps · 4 years
If you have to ask yourself if they care...
they don't.
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siss-snaps · 4 years
My last molecule of serotonin when I see a dog:
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siss-snaps · 4 years
I have discovered you can carry a bra like a shoulder purse.
That is all.
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siss-snaps · 4 years
Friday, my friend told me that she felt like something bad was going to happen to her this weekend.
Flash forward to Sunday and she's in the hospital for 6 stomach ulcers.
I'm not saying I'm afraid of her, I'm just saying the Salem Witch trials are looking real good right about now.
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siss-snaps · 4 years
At this point, I'd invent a time machine just to go back and slap myself.
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