spoopthatdoop · 5 years
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Weird flex but okay
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spoopthatdoop · 5 years
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Soup man
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spoopthatdoop · 5 years
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My sister barely made it
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spoopthatdoop · 5 years
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Zoning out is the best
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spoopthatdoop · 5 years
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'Fake news'... is it a problem?
Hello again everyone, i just wanted to post a little something in regards to the essay i am writing for one of my classes at university in regards to fake news because, wow, i found a lot of information. Some of which are humorous examples of misinformation and others that have proven to be harmful.
Im sure a lot of you have heard the term fake news at least a thousand times because of the uprise of Donald Trump and his election. But did you know this term (fake news) is problematic to the delicate content of what is in fact, information disorder?
Im going to be short since this is a dragging topic, yet it is one we should be aware of. I know a lot of us scroll through tumblr, facebook, instagram and other platforms seeing first hand the viral nature to fake news. Here i will give a short list of examples to misinformation, disinformation and malinformation and just how these categories of what is widely 'information disorder'— fit into the picture.
Misinformation — this term is used within information disorder; that has been generated with no intent to harm but all in all; is still false. Such as Justin Bieber eating a burrito sideways. Did anyone else see that? In fact that photo was a fake, the man was a 'doppelgänger'-look-alike of Justin himself and was sent to America to shoot those controversial photos because seriously, who eats a burrito sideways? Thats madness!
Disinformation — disinformation is actually intwined a lot with misinformation, just with a bit more seriousness involved. The content of disinformation is deliberated shared and created to decieve the readers. Its the soul purpose in the creator/s mind. The group of visual artists and photographers that had the decieving idea to share a fake Justin Beiber eating a burrito works with this category.
Malinformation — this is where it gets serious guys. Malinformation is the creation of harmful conent with the underlining intent to in fact, harm. This stuff is what is put out there to strike some fear into the readers mind, scare them, hurt them and worry them. We see this a lot these days with islamic content and the mislead of muslims, to the mass shootings and the killers purpose all the way to the defamation of celebrities and rumours, sex scandals and illegal doings. Such as the Pizza shop incident, a store innocently known to sell some great pizzas. Rumours spread that this shop was in fact the show down of a sex ring scandal involving Hillary Clinton and other famed members. The malinformation spread like wildfire, as a rumour that complex would, and resulted in a shooter to come in one day with a rifle. Luckily, no one was injured. But it is a prime example of malinformation.
In saying all of this, my research in information disorder and such else has shown me a few things. Ill list them here.
Information disorder can be commonly involved in political events such as elections (as we saw with Donald Trump) and allegations. Which makes sense, politics is politics, if things werent to be misconstrued there then where else? Exactly, 'where else', everywhere.
Information disorder and its spread actually causes more harm than good once we disregard the 'entertainment hit' we get from gossip and content. Such as false body imaging, which stronger leads to the rise in eating disorder. Research shows body image and false imaging of standards can impact eating disorders, causing women and men to avenue their lives through unhealthy paths.
Unbelieveable content is in fact, believeable. I saw so many stories that were a big 'wtf!' Moment in my mind. I questioned how on earth could something like this be believeable to not just a few people but hundreds upon millions.
Habits. I learnt this not in my research but in a book i am reading. The spread of information falseness can in fact be linked to our daily habits, the ones like brushing our teeth and how we get out of bed, how we spend our day. A lot of us find a habit much like flossing, in the process of 'fake news'. Habits are a cue, response, reward type deal. And if we are going to put this into media terms we would say this:
Cue — a controversial 'fake news' topic blindly hidden within allegations and media. Such as what i said about Justin Beiber side ways burrito or a news article on mass shootings etc.
Response — share it! The brain almost unknowingly most times, tells you to share it with the intent it will get that reward. Without thinking to much into 'is this real?' You are most likely just going to like and share, right? Everyone has done it.
Reward — likes, comments, shares. Attention. When others see the topic you shared and like it, its almost as great as someone liking your new profile picture. Your opinion, your freedom of speech? It was heard by that person. It was liked and shared therefore you as a person feel good. This is the reward process.
I was amazed just how much i have learnt so far on this topic. And how it has led to the paychological impacts to individuals and surrounding society. I think the fact i can write this essay and link it to a psychological aspect is great since that is something i want to study in the future and i was amazed to find out just how much psychology is involved in things like this.
That is all for now everyone, i hope you found this just as interesting as i did. Who knows, maybe you even share the same view as me. Heres just a little section id like to take for you to get to know me a little, send some asks, it could be on anything i dont mind. Is there a topic youd like to see my opinion on? Ask away. Or do you just want to ask something weird like 'do you put milk in before cereal?' Im fine with that too.
P.s. cereal before milk, always!
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spoopthatdoop · 5 years
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My desk has finally arrived and is all set up so i am now more focused than ever to study. ive been going through my notes and writing in the parts of the brain, who doesnt like brain study?
But, i did unfortunately injure my writing hand while making this desk so working is hard. Hopefully it wont get in the way to much!
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spoopthatdoop · 5 years
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So because it has been raining today ill just share a few past photos of the last time it rained when i actually did go outside.
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spoopthatdoop · 5 years
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Its been raining the past few days and i have had a bit of a downfall with my health. So i spent today indoors with a cup of coffee and a good book.
Despite this, i was able to hang up some lights in my room (hence the random photo) ive been meaning to do this for months so thank gosh i finally did it.
Also, i didnt manage to do much study. Instead i only listed a few things for my essay regarding psychological impacts of misinformation from media to individuals and the effects information disorder has on society as a whole. Ive been struggling with ideas, but i think im finally starting to curve up a good essay!
Also, the book is Sigmund Freud — The interpretation of Dreams
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spoopthatdoop · 6 years
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this was supposed to be funnier than it actually came out 
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spoopthatdoop · 6 years
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I wish
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spoopthatdoop · 6 years
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It was difficult, but i finally drew a decent brain!
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spoopthatdoop · 6 years
Thats me with milk, i take it all 😂😂
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spoopthatdoop · 6 years
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Hello again,
It has been a while since i have wrote anything in since i have nothing new just yet to share. But, i bought some more psychology books and they arrived today. So i am starting my reading journey with Sigmund Freud, the interpretation of dreams.
I heard his work has been really controversial for psychologists and scientists to agree with and most of his work is questionable at the least. So i felt i should have a read up on his work, see how i feel about it much like how others have. I also know he is a topic well discussed in classes of psychology so, i suppose i am getting in early to understand him.
I did buy other books yet to pick up and ill get there, with updates of progress and how good the reads are for any of you looking for a good book.
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spoopthatdoop · 6 years
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Hello everyone, i havent been active for the past few days and ive noticed that, i dont want to be inactive but life happens and ive been rather busy for the past few days. Theres been a lot happening and this is just a small post saying it all!
I bought a brand new desk, since i didnt have one before and studying long hours without one is hell; i decided to go out and get one. Well not really, i ordered one online. Its going to take a while to get here but thats okay!
I also bought a lot of atationary for my desk that has already arrived so its just sitting in a box in the corner all lonely.
I decided on what to pursue as a career! Of course ideas and interests change but i feel extremely confident in this one. 'This one' being psychology! And as if fate put it there, i have been already doing pre requisite corses for the degree!
Because of this interest i went out and bought a book on psychology for a bit of a head start in what to expect. I cant remember what its called but it was recommended to me, once it arrives ill be sure to post a picture and keep you guys in track with it just in case you too want to study psychology and need a starting point.
Also, i know ive been studying hard lately and i have been flying through course workout. This hard work needed some type of reward (not really). So i went out and bought a small crafty project i have always been dying to get into and that is sculpting! I will probably be terrible at it at first but ill get there. I bought all the needs for it and im thinking of making a doll for my first small project!
I bought a white board! And thats probably the smartest thing i have done yet, i underestimated just how easier it would be to work with one and now i have a mind map sketched out on it for an upcoming essay.
Alongside the whiteboard i finally got around to drawing up an academic calender of this semester. Because i juggle a few classes its good to have a visual on 'what am i doing tomorrow?' Something i highly recommend on doing!
So there you have it guys, thats what ive gotten up to in the past few days. Oh! And this picture is a book recommendation, i said in my last post ill start throwing aome recommendations up and here it is. Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. I cannot fathom and express just how great his writing is! He is extremely descriptive to the point you feel like you are there. I highly recommend giving this a read if you havent already!
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spoopthatdoop · 6 years
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Study tip!
Even when you arent studying and today is your day off, or if youre having a weekend away, even just some spare time. Pick up a book and start reading, even one that you have read before or got half way through. When you read it will not only bring along some language that can benefit your study but it will keep your mind rolling.
I recommend any of the penguin book classics, they are usually short enough to not feel weighed down and the stories are great, you will be surprised how much your mind will benefit with just a few pages a day.
If you can; avoid ebooks. Trust me. Its proven that with ebooks your mind does not benefit as much as it would on paper, go back to tradition and find a book with pages you can feel in your hands. The content you read will be more remembered and you will get way more out of it! This doesnt just go for reading novels, this is the same for study textbooks and anything thats reading material.
No, you dont need to race to the finish line with reading. Take as much timeas youd like, a few pages a day is fine enough. You dont need to heavy read.
The image is my own book, so i did not take the photo from others. Ill also start putting up some book recommendations in my future posts for anyone that is interested in especially older literature.
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spoopthatdoop · 6 years
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Study Tips!
I am now into almost the third week of the first semester at University. This being my second semester of study altogether at a University and i have to say i am loving it, all of it!
I have been putting in a lot of Active reading methods that i think everyone should take note of when their starting out or even just lacking some motivation in. So please read these tips, they will help, trust me!
Last semester i had some set backs with Mathematics as i always do because lets face it, maths is hard. But i am pushing on from that and going above what i did last to achieve even better grades. Here are juat a few tips you should keep in mind on your next study day.
First things first!
Highlighting: I will always stand by this point, highlighting will do you a world of favours. No body likes to sit at a black and white desk writing down in black and white because then you will ultimately learn, in black and white. Trust me as simply as that sounds its basically the bad side of ''simply'. Your mind will not be able to focus well, you will eventually lose your motivation, you will tire trust me. So invest in some highlighters! Be a kid again and get some cool ones even, what ever makes you have a study bomb burst of excitement to actually study! Get various colors, sizes, whatever. But in saying that dont go over board with highlighting. As much as you will LOVE the colour, remember the content; only ever highlight the things that are relevant and of importance.
Marginal Notes!
Marginal notes; thats right guys, margins, we are using them! You cannot go wrong with marginal notes, you just cant. So leave out that bit of space from the lines to the edges to put in something important. But dont worry, it doesnt have to be boring either. You can write in a small quote, keywords, even tiny sketches in order to help you. I have found that relating the contents of your textbook work to something personal will really get your brain gears rolling. Doodle a small sketch of aomething visual, something comical even to make you have a bit of a smile when you look back on aomething that many find boring, relate it to your personal life. Go wild with your imagination as long as it benefits your study.
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spoopthatdoop · 6 years
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Id like to start of with this isnt my photo.
But, i have just finished a day stacked to the brim full of study. And this isnt a complaint /yet/ i actually enjoy studying a lot. Mainly because i learn so much along the way and everything i do is self taught, i read, i judge, i test myself.
I never thought id make it to a university, and i know that what a lot of go-getters say but its true. My home and childhood hasnt been a stable one and until recently? I thought i wouldnt be here today actually learning something new and enjoying it.
I was given my marks for last semester, i recieved a mark of HD (high distinction) and being new to university i panicked. Because i thought recoeving two letters as a mark was a 'holly hell i messed up!' But no. A friend told me it was the best mark you can get, exstatic was what i was and still am and i know i worked hard for it, which gives me even more reason to work hard again and again and push through university.
So to everyone else out there studying at university or just in general. Just remember that when you started? That reason for why you enrolled? Its still there, dont let go of that.
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