#"I mean… You don't seem like a threat so sure I'd love to!
Hm... Do you have anybody who's your friend? Do you want us to be your friends? I'm saying that since I have so many other souls and me, all shoved into a smol bot.
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"!ot uoy evol d'I !erus os ,taerht a ekil mees t'nod uoY …naem I"
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".mh ?syug elttil elpitlum er'uoy ?yllaer osla"
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"...won thgir em tuoba gniyrrow eb thgim yeht kniht I tub ,od I ..sdneirf yna evah I fi rof sa"
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bhaalble · 9 months
I like that Last Unicorn quote as much as the next guy but I do always wind up feeling a little detached from analysis that paints Astarion's disapproval as purely envy. Partly because. No one's doing this for Lae'zel for instance even though she has similar disapproval and similar trauma (all she can remember is a hostile physically and emotionally exploitative environment which expected perfect strength and obedience from her or else she would be punished or killed). But also partly because it feels pretty detached from everything he actually has to say about it.
The thing about Astarion is he loathes weakness. He loathes sentiment and he loathes dependence. You can see this when he actually opens his mouth up about the people he disapproves of saving, but also incredibly loudly when he talks about the other companions, as well as his fellow spawn. If Lae'zel submits to Vlaakith he talks scornfully about how some people just come to love their chains. He's confused and put off if Wyll submits to Mizora to save his father. In every conversation with his fellow spawn (at least when hes not actively manipulating them) he's dismissive and harsh, and clearly he's perfectly willing to sacrifice them for the sake of himself.
There's an obvious origin point of those feelings, of course. Cazador's abuse is designed to actively kill off empathy in his spawn, both towards each other and towards victims. The last time Astarion prioritized someone over his own skin he got locked in a tomb for a year. We can see glimpses of it with the other spawn too, how his siblings are (apparently uncompelled at first) willing to drag Astarion back to their master for their freedom, how Petras' first dream of freedom is getting to drain another person dry. Astarion certainly doesn't seem to feel any real sense of solidarity with them, likely because Cazador understands that them building a community is a threat to his authority the way it was to his own master.
I'd also argue its Astarion projecting his own self-loathing outwards. So much of his quest is about his desperate attempt to escape from who he was. He's been given a chance to slip free of the limitations of being a spawn. He clings to that because of course he would. He also instinctively begins to run over everything in his path, because if there's anything he has learned over the past 200 years its that good things can always be taken away unless you make sure to remove any and all possible threats to that scrap of well-being. He's disdainful of people in need of help because they represent who he fears to go back to being! He calls his siblings "poor fools" while refusing to confront the fact that had it not been for the tadpole he would be in exactly their position, forced to cling to the hope that Cazador is telling the truth for once because escape isn't an option either way. He becomes irritated when Tav slows down to help the unfortunate because they represent roadblocks on his own path to safety.
There's an idea in mental health stolen from airplane safety: that you shouldn't help anyone else until your own mask is secure. What they don't tell you, speaking from personal experience at least, is that PTSD, especially for long term trauma, has a way of making you feel like your own mask will never be secure. And while that's scary, and it sucks, and there should be the utmost patience for it: no one is going to realize that mask is secure for you. Eventually you are going to have to accept the fact that you are breathing just fine. Eventually you are also going to have to accept that people asking something of you isn't them endangering you, even if it can sometimes (often) feel like it. It doesn't make you obligated to help them. But it does mean you have to stop reacting to them like a threat, because not 5 minutes ago that was you.
I think the idea that he's only mad because he's jealous is a gratifying fantasy. He didnt feel safe before, but now through your PC and the power of love he'll feel warm and cozy enough to forgive you for not being there to begin with. But I also think Astarion cannot live in a reality where he's never pushed back on. His instinctive self-protective movements are a coping mechanism, yes, but coping mechanisms developed under survival conditions can also be a way of keeping you frozen in your trauma. Outside of the environment they were necessary for, they can even hinder you from growing in the ways you need to grow to move past what happened to you. Sometimes, you need to stop a baby tiefling from getting crazy murdered by a snake because it turns out. That can happen to anybody not just people who are weak and stupid and deserve to die anyways not like me I'm normal-
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spiderfunkz · 9 months
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— summary : when baking cookies with natasha turns into a flour fight.
— word count : 0,6k
— warnings : fluff, fem!reader, established relationship, nat & reader live together, flour fights, pet names, nat being a tease.
a/n : it's october so the autumn-y fics r here !! also i am a firm believer that nat struggles to do basic cooking.
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baking was something you've always loved to do, since ever. you loved the process of buying the ingredients, picking the flavours, toppings, decorations, everything.
you especially loved baking for other people. it's your way of showing that you love and care for them, a love language sort of.
and it's always been a tradition for you to bake fall cookies for your friends. today, you were baking them for clint.
it was the perfect time to bake. the weather was perfect, it was foggy but not too foggy since you could still see the reflection of sunlight. the music was playing in the background, and nothing could possibly ruin this you thought.
tying your apron, natasha walks in to help.
"you look good in that apron." she smirks.
you ignore the comment as you grab the eggs from the fridge. "stay focused, we need to finish these cookies."
"well, i'm more or so thinking that you should wear that apron more often." she teases. "these cookies are for clint. realistically, you should be taking the lead." you reply.
"i've never baked before."
"ever? in your entire life? not even once?"
"i'm pretty sure that's what the word never means." — "do you at least know how to crack open an egg?"
you were met with silence. is she serious?
"just crack these eggs to that bowl, please." you point. "like this?" she asks.
you stare at her in disbelief. she seems confused, possibly wondering what she did wrong.
"you know, maybe, without, the eggshells."
she looks down at the bowl, "i think we should leave it. crunchy cookies, you know? it adds more protein, so it's healthy." she awkwardly smiles.
"whatever, i'll just pick the eggshells out." you carefully grab the slippery shells.
"soooo.. what's next?" she wipes the egg residue on her pants. "i'll whisk the wet ingredients, you can help me by grabbing the flour and baking soda."
natasha nods, as she grabs the ingredients you asked for from the cabinets above. "you know i've always wanted to do this with someone." she says, toying with the bag of flour.
"yeah well, this feels more like a me effort instead of a team effort." you state. "there's no me in team." natasha replies.
"yes there is. there's an 'e' and an 'm'." you stated.
"you're so smart, detka. keep blabbering. see what happens."
was that a threat? you look up from the bowl to see her grab a handful of flour. "put that down. don't get closer." you commanded.
"or what?" — "or the cookies won't get done, and clint will have over-floured cookies."
natasha shuffles forward.
"nat. i swear. i just cleaned the floor this morning."
"i'm not even moving."
"i can see you shuffling towards me."
"i'm standing very still. actually, here, catch!" she throws the flour to you. your clean apron was now covered in flour.
"oh you are so gonna regret that, natasha."
you swiftly grab a handful of flour from the bag, throwing it right on her black top.
natasha gasps, before throwing another handful to your direction.
this went on for a good minute before natasha finally stopped it by grabbing the bag from you.
"okay, okay! time out. i've got to take a picture of you, you look like a ghost!"
"really? because you should really look in the mirror, natasha. i can barely make out the red in your hair right now."
she glances at the reflection of the fridge. "that's. rude."
"who looks like a ghost now?"
"you still do. if i poured the mixture on you with chocolate chips and put you in the oven, would you become a cookie?" she jokes.
"don't you dare mess with the mixture."
"don't worry, love. i'd still love you if you were a cookie." natasha smiles.
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itsjaywalkers · 4 months
a lil smth under the cut for u guys <3
part 2 part 3
"Potter, if you dare to step any closer, I swear I will knock your teeth out."
Potter halts his advancement as soon as the sentence is out of his mouth, but Regulus remains tense, alert, shoulders stiff and hands itching to curl into fists. Maybe it's because he knows Potter more than enough after all these weeks of watching his matches and interviewing him after them. Weeks of listening to him brag, and taunt, and flirt shamelessly, despite Regulus always being set on retaining some sense of professionalism.
Maybe it's because of the way he smirks at Regulus' threat, or how he raises both hands in mock surrender, the gesture lazy and insincere.
Or maybe it's the fact that they're alone in the ring, even though Regulus should've left with his crew more than half an hour ago. And the fact that Potter isn't wearing a shirt, but he seems to be allergic to them, anyway, so it's not like it fazes him at this point.
That's what he keeps telling himself, at least.
"You can certainly try," Potter says with his hands still up, and offering a tiny shrug. "I don't know if I like your chances, though."
Regulus narrows his eyes. "You don't think I can fight you?"
"I don't think you can win."
He crosses his arms over his chest as he lets out a scoff, and Potter's smirk seems to grow bigger at the sound.
"And why the fuck not?" Regulus questions.
"Because I'm a professional boxer, love," Potter explains, his voice patient, but there's a certain mocking edge in his words that makes Regulus grits his teeth. "I wouldn't be where I am if someone like you could touch me."
"Someone like me?" Regulus repeats a bit incredulously. He can already feel that one vein in his forehead starting to pop out.
James chuckles, shaking his head a little. He finally drops his arms down. "You know what I mean."
"Actually, I don't. And I'm not sure I want to."
"C'mon, love—"
"Don't call me that."
"—you don't even know how to throw a punch."
Regulus blinks at him, not sure if he's heard correctly, and then he does a double take, barely repressing a derisive snort.
"Excuse me?" he murmurs. "Of course I know how to throw a punch."
"You think you know how to throw a punch," Potter corrects him, that infuariating smile still in place. Regulus is tempted to prove him how well he can actually throw a punch just to wipe it off his face.
"I mean, obviously I can't do it like you do, you're a professional athlete, for fuck's sake—"
"Oh, love, don't worry, I'd never hold you to my standards," Potter intervenes with a laugh, eyes shining with mirth. Regulus face is beginning to heat up, and he isn't sure if it's because of anger or something else. "I'm not talking about a boxing punch. I'm talking about a proper punch."
Regulus exhales loudly, fingers twitching. "Potter."
"I know how to throw a fucking proper punch."
Potter raises an eyebrow and he lets his gaze to go up and down the length of Regulus' body, slow and intentional. Regulus has a hard time not squirming, battling against his instincts to keep his face empty, to stop his thighs from pressing together.
"I bet you don't," Potter comments, once his eyes finally find Regulus' again. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't make breathing any easier. "You're too pretty to have been getting into fights."
Regulus is unable to suppress an indignant huff, cheeks coulouring at an alarming pace while his expression twists into a scowl.
"You don't fucking know me," he seethes, jaw so clenched it's slowly becoming painful. "You've got no idea of how my life looks like, or what I've done to get where I'm at."
Potter seems unbothered by the outburst. In fact, he kind of looks a little entertained.
"Maybe so," he concedes with a tilt of his head. "But I know you'd break easy."
Regulus' heart skips a beat. "I don't—"
"Just look at you," Potter goes on, staring him up and down once again. He still sounds slightly mocking, but there's something else in his tone this time. Something darker. "So fucking gorgeous. Holding yourself like you're goddamn royalty. You're feisty, and you're sneaky, I'll give you that, but you'd fold embarrisingly fast against me, wouldn't you, love?"
Regulus gulps, throat suddenly so dry it feels like sandpaper. He tries to shake his head, but his body isn't responding, and when he opens his mouth to snap back, nothing comes out of it.
"You like to act all tough and cold and as if nothing can touch you, but if I were to lay my hands on you—"
"Potter," Regulus manages to spit out, but it sounds hoarse. Weak.
"Oh, you'd break so beautifully for me, right, love? You'd put a bit of a fight at first, because you can't help yourself, and I like that about you anyway, but you'd let go at some point."
"Potter," he tries again, and it sounds a bit sharper, but still too close to a whimper for Regulus' tastes.
"I'd fucking ruin you if you allowed me to, Regulus." His name makes him tremble, goosebumps breaking into his skin, and Regulus has to bite his tongue to stop an inappropriate noise from escaping. "I know you want to. You're really fucking stubborn, and you almost fooled me that first time, that's true, but one can only keep that facade for so long. I've seen how you look at me."
"And how do I look at you?"
"Like all those girls who can't ask me for an autograph without blushing, thinking of me when they have their hands between their legs," Potter responds, gaze so intense it makes Regulus want to scream. "Like your cameraman whenever I stand a bit too close to him, always shifting his body the slightest bit so his shoulder grazes mine. Like Lily whenever I'm between her thighs, and she's begging me to let her come."
Regulus almost gasps, burning with fury but also with something that has nothing to do with it.
The audacity of this man, really. Regulus hates him. Despises him, even. Him and his absurd amount of confidence that has no business being this attractive.
It's hard to pretend to be unaffacted. To pretend he doesn't feel a stab in his stomach by that last statement, by the thought of James and Lily being together, even though it's something he's known almost since the beginning. To act like he doesn't care, like he isn't fucking aching between his legs, wet and hot and desperate.
Regulus doesn't think he completely manages it.
"You're so fucking full of yourself," Regulus grinds out, digging his nails into his arms so hard he's sure to leave marks.
"And yet I'm not hearing you deny it," Potter sing-songs, still grinning widely.
"I don't like you," Regulus insists, raising his chin.
"But you want me to fuck you."
This time, a strangled sound, high-pitched and bordering on needy, manages to slip out of Regulus' mouth, and James shows teeth, that feral light that appears every time he wins a match shining in his brown eyes.
"You wish," Regulus says, trying to save whatever dignity he has left, trying to fix this stupid mistake, this amateur slip up.
"I do," Potter confirms with ease, and Regulus can't swallow properly with the knot he has stuck in between his vocal chords.
"Shut up," it's all that Regulus can get out, which is quite pathetic, but still better than nothing.
"That's still not a denial," Potter points out, satisfaction oozing of him and making Regulus see red.
"I literally can't fucking stand you. I don't think it's necessary for me to tell you that I don't want anything to do with you," Regulus snaps. "Besides, if so many people are tripping all over themselves for you, then I don't understand why you're not bothering them instead."
"Because I want you."
Regulus actually chokes after that, a gulp of air getting stuck in his throat and his heart beating madly between his ribs.
"No." He shakes his head, furiously, desperately, and takes a step back almost at the same time that Potter takes a step forward.
"Yes," the other man presses, undeterred. "I want you, Regulus."
"Potter. Shut up."
"I can make you feel so good, love. You need to stop depriving yourself."
"I know you've thought about it. About me. I'm sure you're thinking about it now, about how amazing I'd feel between your legs, on top of you. Inside you."
"Potter. Stop."
"I bet your underwear is fucking soaked—"
It slips, sneaking past his lips without Regulus' permission, going unnoticed until it's too late to stop it, or take it back. He has the silly urge to cover his mouth with his mouth, as if that'd be enough to erase the word, the power and implications that name holds.
The reaction is almost immediate.
James' pupils spread out, eating at his irises at a concerning pace. Regulus is so distracted looking at them, that it takes him a moment to realise James is advancing, rushing towards him like a man on a mission.
Regulus retreats, nearly falling over in his haste, doing his best to get as far away from the other man as possible. But James is faster than him, and his back ends up colliding against one of the pillars of the ring. James has his arms bracketing his head in a matter of seconds, and all of a sudden, Regulus is trapped. With absolutely nowhere to go.
"Get away from me!" Regulus exclaims, voice all wrong and wobbly, hands coming up to push at James' chest but not daring to touch.
"Say it again," James demands, completely ignoring him.
"Say it again."
Regulus scoffs weakly. "I don't want to."
"Get. The fuck. Away. From me."
It shakes him to his very core, and he's helpless to the shudder that rattles his frame, to the way his eyes screw close, so very tight his vision fills up with shiny spots.
When he opens them again, a few moments later, he ends up meeting James' hungry gaze head on.
It destroys the last of his defences.
"James," he repeats in a whisper, heat coiling in his stomach at the other man's intake of breath.
"Again," James asks, almost demands, voice low and strained.
"Again." And it's a beg.
"Yeah," the other man mumbles to himself. "Yeah."
James leans forward, and Regulus feels like he's about go into cardiac arrest until James turns his head at the very last second, mouth grazing the lobe of his ear instead of his lips.
"I'll teach you," he tells him softly. Quietly.
"What?" he asks, hardly breathing and refusing to move a single muscle.
James huffs, and it's amused. "How to throw a punch."
"My brother already taught me," Regulus retorts with a roll of his eyes. "And he's better than you."
"Was better than me," James shoots back, and despite this being a topic that usually annoys him, always getting him all petty and defensive, it barely drags an irritated sigh out of him this time.
"Winning one match doesn't mean anything."
"Except that it does."
"No, it doesn't. Sirius' been unbeatable for literal years, and he's worked his arse off to get to where he is, and you'll never—"
"C'mon, love," James whines against his ear, and Regulus has to swallow a gasp. "I'll lend you some comfier clothes and I'll show you how to stand and some tricks, make sure next time I'm being too much of a prick you can shut me up nicely. Maybe you'll even break my nose."
Regulus bites his lower lip, refusing to allow the corners of his mouth to curl upwards. "That does sound good."
James chuckles, and Regulus doesn't acknowledge the way that sounds fills his chest with warmth.
"So? Okay?" James wonders.
Regulus closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Hopes he won't come to regret this, and sends a silent apology to his brother.
He opens his eyes.
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m1ssunderstanding · 4 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.4
Oh, John. It's hard because I'm like “fame was not good for that man” but I'm also like “he would've gone crazy with self-loathing if he didn't have the fame.”
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John and Paul start to answer a question at the same time. John: no, go on, you can say it. They're seriously so married. 
John's schoolboy flirting is cute, but what's more noteworthy to me is a) how happy Paul is to be shoved and b) how he instantly leans back into John. It's like they're bungeed together or something. 
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John gets me. Look how much he loves Paul bringing out the forced confidence shield to protect him. He's so in love. So turned on. 
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Here's my question about the death threats. Did the other Beatles actually receive them and tell Brian about them and keep them from John? Because that would be incredibly sweet and noble of them, but also, in that case, surely John received death threats too. Meaning he just didn't care about his own life and assumed the others were being left out of it because they hadn't actually said they were bigger than Jesus. Or did they have people filtering all their mail by that point? And Brian had been keeping the death threats from all of them? Because that could be interpreted as both protective and selfish of him. Does anyone know?
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Again. I just love how Paul goes to bat for John over and over during this tour. Batting his eyes and playing with his hair and shouting down any and all criticism of John speaking his mind.
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This moment is so telling to me. An interviewer who was up front at several concerts points out the looks and smiles between John and Paul which you can only see from the front and asks, “is it really that much fun every time?” The easy answer is, “Yeah. We like what we do. It's fun!” But Paul gets cagey. “Oh well the thing is you know with things like that it's probably…” and he makes up a bullshit story about messing up on a song they haven't performed in a year. Why do that if you don't have something to hide? (Even if you're subconsciously hiding) That right there is a tip-off for me that they're not normal about each other. 
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Interviewer: are you guys breaking up? John, immediately and emphatically: No. Paul: "Depends what you mean by breaking up, you know . . . Because we can't go on forever like this, so we've got to think now and prepare for, you know, if it did happen. The time has come for us to break up, but we've realized the possibility . . . Of breaking up as a natural progression." Literally shut the fuck up right now, you're going to give John an aneurysm.
I understand. I know. I don't relate to Paul much but I do relate to his hyperactivity and his avoidant attachment. I make sure constantly that I'll be okay when all my relationships end. But you don't talk about that in front of the other person. Especially someone like John whose worst fear is being left. Come on. Think. 
See, now look what you did, Paul. Here's John's answer the next time they're asked about breaking up. 
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And yeah, the klan being the ones to “stand up against the Beatles blasphemy” really proves my point from the last post I think. It's just masked racism. 
It actually seems like Paul's more vocally political at this point in time than John is. I wonder what happened to change that? Was it just the influence of their respective wives? Was it just easier for them to play up the roles they'd been assigned for the most part?
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Okay on this round of “are you breaking up” they look at each other first before they answer and then Paul goes “all together probably.” I wonder if they talked about their previous answers together and admitted – however cautiously or however veiled – that hearing the other say they might leave hadn't been fun. Who knows, honestly.  
Paul and John often talk about making a radio show together apparently. Gosh if only they could've done that now. I'd make them my token white boy podcast. It'd be great. They'd be so lame and so adorable and they'd talk about recipes and politics and they'd gossip and rank other people's music. But anyway, what really gets me is the often bit. So they really did plan their post-beatle future together. Enough that it was a frequent topic of discussion between them. They planned to be together forever. 
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Ugh it always guts me that Paul brought a girlfriend to Paris with him to meet up with John.
Okay my tin hat is glued to my head for this but. But. Hear me out alright? So John starts filming on 09/19/66. He's there for 6 &½ weeks. Putting the end at the beginning of November, right when Paul goes in disguise and alone to Paris. Do we have tabs on John for those dates? John just talked about going around Paris in disguise. What if  they met up by themselves and in secret? What then?
 No fucking wonder John was exhausted with him. Damn. He takes a month and a half to write strawberry fields, shows it to Paul, then...
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Interviewer: the songwriting team will keep going whatever happens will it? John: yeah, we'll probably carry on writing music Forever. It's just so ‘Obviously. Might as well ask me if the sun's going to come up tomorrow.’
His friend – try dangerous drugs with and take home to daddy type “friend” – just died brutally and suddenly two days ago, and this is what he looks like and talks like and he's going in to work like it's nothing. I just. Compare that to John talking about Brian's death? Obviously two very different relationships but still… Paul's upbringing really fucked him up so hard. He thinks he's not allowed to be human. What can I say? It's a drag.
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AKA the happiest 6 months of John and Paul's lives. 
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I find it fascinating that Paul alone is asked to compose and record what would eventually become the carnival of light and that he just went ahead and included everyone in that. Really makes me wonder if he got a vibe off John that him doing the family way alone was hurtful or if they maybe even talked about it? Or maybe he just didn't like doing the family way without John.
Actually quite a lovely, forward-thinking, humble speech. Imagine being John, though. Watching that from home like “why the fuck is he philosophizing to the world without me?” Because you know John shares all those sentiments and might even have got there first. It would be infuriating.
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“A lucky man who made the grade” is an interesting way to describe Tara and I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with Tara being cool enough for Paul to associate with him. And Paul is many things but stupid is not one of them. He's going to at the very least wonder if this verse is about John laughing at his friend's death. Right? Like I know Paul's the repression CEO but seriously I don't think even he is that good. 
Maybe that Leopold and Leob quote isn't just about tearing people down verbally. Maybe Wooler genuinely got a vibe of a sense of superiority and therefore lack of empathy with Lennon/McCartney.
I mean he really does sound like he's describing sex though, doesn't he? Emotional, loving, romantic sex. Followed immediately by Paul's “I'd love to turn you on” lyrics and the “down with pants” and “sword swallower” pins. Alrighty then. 
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What I would call my Beatles bio after watching this. "They Touched Dicks: The Only Logical Conclusion."
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We've created a Monster Pt.II
Diavolo laughed at the screen of his DDD, hurriedly gesturing for Barbatos to join him.
'Come see this, Barbatos, Lucifer just shared the most delightful video!'
'I'm sure it must be of great importance for you to neglect your paperwork, my lord.'
Sheepishly, Diavolo turned to screen toward him, presenting the still image of an envy demon dwarfing their powerless exchange student.
'Oh my, lord this image is far from amusing.'
'Trust me, just press play.'
So he did, and was very much not expecting what came next. 'I see, it seems MC has grown rather more capable than I gave them credit for.'
'According to Lucifer they were rather unbothered by the threat, he even called a family meeting to address the event and MC just...laughed them off?'
Barbatos couldn't help but smile. 'How remarkable, expected though. MC has seen demons far more frightening than a lesser envy demon.'
'That's what they said to the brothers, though Lucifer seems to find it far less amusing than we do.'
'I imagine, it is not the sort of scenario he would find at all pleasant. Threat to our young human cause him a great deal of unrest.'
Diavolo grinned a conspirator's smile. 'Just him?'
'...fair point.'
'Why are the incantations so long? I'm trying to light a candle not summon a hurricane.' MC huffed, slouching into the armchair with the grimoire laid open across her thighs. 'It's like a religious text.'
'Magic's way of making sure you mean to get what you're asking for.' Solomon's smile was beguiling, almost sweet, but not.
He's a menace, and no one knows that better than MC, who's been taking magical instruction for him for months.
The sorcerer crossed his legs, flipping through a new spell book MC brought over from Satan. 'So, I hear you had some fun at RAD this morning.'
MC rolled their eyes, reluctantly going back to memorising incantations. 'You too? Does the entire Devildom know about that by now?'
'I'd say so, everyone who matters at least. We haven't told Luke, poor thing would loose his mind if he had actual proof of how dangerous the devildom really is for you.'
'I'm not in any danger, you're starting to sound like Lucifer.' MC huffed. 'Next thing I know you'll be off on a lecture about my lack of self preservation and needing to be careful.'
'I would never, watching you get in trouble is my favourite pass time.' He winked teasingly, kicking his shows up on the coffee table. 'I am curious though, what was going through your head when he threatened you? I remember being a little intimidated the first time a demon tried to kill me.'
'I'm honestly surprised you remember your first anything anymore.'
'Don't change the subject.' Tutted Solomon with that congenial smile of his that was neither friendly nor threatening. 'What were you thinking?'
MC sighed, closing the grimoire and turning their attention to the plate of cookies Luke left for them. 'It was annoying, I went into RAD early to get ahead on a project I was supposed to be working on with Simeon. Could have expected that reaction when I told him Levi wears envy way better. That time he tried to kill me gave me nightmares for days.'
'...MC, how many times have those lunatics nearly killed you?'
'Pfft, you think I keep count? Between Beel's tantrums, Mammon's schemes and just existing in Lucifer's radius I nearly die at least twice a week. It was way more when I first met them though.'
Solomon had to resist the urge to gape. His sense of normal may be a few thousand years past twisted, but this is... odd even for him. A human this young should not be this comfortable with domestic danger, let alone love those who put them there.
Several, times, a week.
MC carries on eating their cookies happily, reaching for another one when their eye catches something on the table, half hidden behind a book, but that beastly silhouette is unmistakeable, and they immediately curl into the chair as though they've been burned.
Pitching a whine to alert the house, their wide eyes fixate on the eight legged monstrosity, arms coiled tight around themselves as their skin immediately begins to crawl and twitch as though being assaulted by hundreds of the tiny beasts.
'What?! What is...oh, hello there.'
Solomon is almost left a aghast all over again. Here sits the most desensitised human he's ever met (besides himself), curled up in a ball, over a spider.
Fair be it a decent sized spider, probably the size of his thumb, but a mere spider nonetheless.
'You looked a 20-foot snake in the eye, you take Cerberus for evening walks with Lucifer...' he trailed off, carefully nudging the arachnid into an empty glass and caging it with a book '...and you're afraid of a spider?'
'Fuckin' right I am! And I'm not going to justify it to you so get rid of it before I set you on fire!'
Solomon laughed, and laughed until he couldn't hold himself upright anymore, wiping a tear from his eye, but when next he looked up, MC was still staring at the spider, eyes so full of genuine terror and brimming with tears, he felt guilt strike him.
'This...genuinely frightens you, doesn't it?'
MC nodded, lip jutted in an involuntary pout, skin raised in goose bumps. 'I wish it didn't.'
'Alright, I'm sorry. I'll get rid of it.'
And he did, and made a point of making sure everyone knew about MC's phobia, and didn't make fun of them for it.
Was it ironic that someone who looked death in the eye and waved was afraid of spiders? Absolutely, but no one chooses fear over comfort, and MC has chosen to be brave one too many times for anyone to begrudge them one or two irrational fears.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Romantic Yan! Mauga x gn!reader concept
I'D LOVE TO. He comes out on my birthday so this is a bit special for me/hj. Hope you enjoy my take on him! Here's me pouring general thoughts down ^^ (Love you for your Overwatch requests, istg).
If it sounds like I'm self-indulgent, I probably am, my bad.
Yandere! Mauga Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Abuse of power, Kidnapping, Murder/Death, Threats, Intimidation, Violence, Possessive, Restraints, Dehumanization mentioned, Sadism, Forced relationship.
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I feel like there's a lot of scary things about Mauga.
First of all, he's huge.
He's been augmented from a near death experience to be huge and powerful.
His name even means "mountain".
Then there's the fact he takes joy in doing what he does... literal murder for Talon.
He even is oddly chipper/chill with his language.
Even when threatening others he sounds so... excited? Friendly?
He seems so nice to be around... but he's still a murderer.
He'd act the same with you.
Mauga calls everyone "friend".
If he met you he'd immediately be overly friendly.
He'd call you friendly terms, like "friend", "buddy", and "pal".
But if he felt flirty he'd probably call you by some sort of nickname.
I'm not sure what he'd call you exactly but maybe "Teuila"? It's the national flower of Samoa (from what I saw)
He could also call you the classic nicknames such as "babe", "baby", "dear", "doll", etc.
It's just "Teuila" seems more unique to him.
Mauga is another one who likes the size difference between you.
It serves as a good way to intimidate you and he likes it.
Mauga is a sadistic sociopath who doesn't appear affected by the crimes he commits.
In fact he depicts himself as "carefree".
Mauga could be the type to slaughter innocents then look at you with a big grin.
He doesn't mind if you fear him.
He'd part of Talon... he loves the fear.
He knows he's a bad person and doesn't mind.
His apathy towards the life of others is what makes him terrifying.
He only really cares about you, his little Teuila.
If I'm correct, Mauga canonically has sharp teeth.
Which means he would certainly bite you.
He may also like to hold/manhandle you a bit.
He likes the power and size he has over you.
Oh, fighting him a bit?
How do you like being pinned to a wall?
In his obsession he is naturally rough.
Mauga likes to have everyone know you're his.
No one should touch you unless they want a Talon agent breathing down their neck.
You could be a civilian or a fellow member of Talon.
Doesn't matter to him.
He plans to keep you all the same.
Would take you to bars when he could find them.
He sees it as a way to bond, probably.
Mauga could isolate you, yet showing you off can be quite exciting.
A silent challenge for others to take what's his... so he can have an excuse to break their bones, most likely.
He isn't one for "messing with your mind" manipulation.
More like... brute force.
He doesn't want to intentionally hurt you.
It's mostly just enough to show his mark on you, not to break anything.
He knows you're fragile.
If you tried to escape this mountain of a man... good luck.
He found Baptiste with ease when he left Talon.
He can find you.
He'll hunt you down and pick you from wherever you plan on staying.
He deserves to have you in his eyes.
You may cry or scream, but any hit against hist chest just makes him chuckle.
Your hits tickle him... he finds it adorable.
His "Cage Fight" ability implies chains.
This is just being clever, but imagine as punishment he chains you to him?
Now you can't run... he'll just drag you.
If anything you begin to look like a pet to members of Talon.
But they allow it.
They don't need Mauga becoming a problem.
Obviously he is quite possessive.
Loves your touch, your warmth, in a weird way your smell.
He may mark you but tries to treat you as delicately as a flower.
Like the nickname he affectionately calls you....
Mauga doesn't care if you miss your family when he drags you back to him.
He feels things would be better if you forget them.
He may end up doing something bad if you don't... wouldn't want that now, would we?
Overall, Mauga is a powerful and possessive man.
He is unfazed by what he does to obtain you... even when it includes others losing their lives for helping you leave him.
Mauga loves the challenge... even finds it exciting.
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justatalkingface · 14 days
New leaks are out
Izuku loses One for All. The one thing he wanted in life was to be a hero, and we all know Horikoshi wouldn’t let him be one without a Quirk. He got One for All for a year and change and then it just gets taken away from him.
It’s so mean-spirited
This shit. This shit is why I'm reluctant to catch up.
Worst thing is, this has been broadcasted as coming for awhile, because that MHA movie? Hero Rising, or whatever, the one where Izuku hands over OFA? If you believe (random shit I found on the internet) (which... admittedly, seems sus, I'm not sure of the validity) that was apparenlty supposed to be the original ending.
(Never mind that Bakugou only came into prominence after MHA got rolling, so unless he was forking it over to... I don't know, Shigaraki, or Uraraka, or Shoto (... my god, imagine the look on Endeavor's face if his anti-All Might child gained All Might's power and became his defacto heir, that'd be amazing) or something, that's already a different ending than the 'original' ending.)
That said, that rumor seems pretty damn validated now, doesn't it? I really don't get why Hori seems to hate his own character so damn much, because the first couple of chapters he seemed to like him well enough; the narrative respected him, he made sense, there was a steady build up of confidence and ability... and then he just... lost all interest, and just seemed to include him more and more grudgingly every time he showed up.
Considering how often the main character had to show up, it really feels like Hori built quite a grudge over the years. And between how damn hard Izuku has been side lined in every possible way, and how much Bakugou is being thrown into the spotlight, this really isn't surprising, all things considered.
A good deal of manga like to end with 'main character is brought down to normal', and honestly I've never liked it; I can only think of one where it was really done well, where I liked the ending (the main character never wanted it in the first place, he always wanted to be normal), and even in setting it only works because shonen manga in general love the 'secret world hidden from the rest of society' bit, so they can 'retire' gracefully to being a normal person without any issues (beyond probable PTSD), but in MHA they can't even do that, because there isn't a hidden world; Izuku is world famous, and without powers I'd honestly expect some random psycho to revenge kill him to get some fame, like that Ending guy.
(...I hate that that doesn't seem impossible still?)
Moreover, big part of that kind of build up is that the character has grown up, and doesn't need the super powers any more, to save the world from the world ending threat, to live the chunnibyo dream of being special instead of being part of society, but being a hero is a job, a career he can do for most of his life and make money in. The super police are still needed, because as far as I can tell, the overarching problems haven't been resolved at all. Just like how Naruto ended up, status quo is god, and the normal that was once terrible and to be fought against is good and just.
And, of course, he's just going to be happy about it, too, I know he is. That's how this kind of thing goes. He's going to be happy about losing everything he's always wanted, even though his friends (which he only got from being heroes) are still going to be heroes, even though Bakugou is almost certainly going to be number one at this point (speaking of which; whatever happened to the 'this is how I became the greatest hero' bit? Let me guess, he'll be referred to that somewhere, and that'll be it.)
He's going to be happy and content with what he was allowed to have (and even though he'll never be able to truly realize it, it is allowed, it's that Hori will allow him this much), and will never dream of wanting anything more. Just like an abused spouse in a truly fucked up marriage that has accepted that this is the 'best' they're going to ever get.
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storyofmychoices · 4 months
Sticks & Stones...
I'm sure we've all heard the phrase, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". Little kids learn it to counteract mean words said at playtime. It seems logical, physical harm should hurt more than words, but I think we all know from experience, that's just not true.
I didn't want to address this. I learned years ago in this fandom that if you address drama or anons it never ends well. However, I feel like this has to be said not necessarily for me, but maybe for younger me who wasn't as strong.
I received an anon that told me to kill myself because they didn't like a fic I wrote (I guess). I deleted the message because it's not worth my time. But those words are so hurtful. I thought back to younger me. Middle school me. High school me. Even early college me... I don't think that version of me would be strong enough to delete that message.
That version of me would hold onto it, perseverate on it, and those words would swirl in my mind and the anxiety and depression would tell me that's what people think. That's what you should do. I know logically that's stupid and it's an anon, delete and move on. But mentally, I wasn't strong enough...
I know that version of me is not alone. I know there are people in this fandom who struggle daily with their mental health. I know how hard it is for them. I can't imagine one of them getting a message like that.
Using language that promotes harm, like telling someone to "kill yourself," is harmful in so many ways. Whether you actually mean it and think that person should die, or you think it's just a phrase you say when you're angry, bored, or wanting to start drama, it's not okay. I'd love to say choose kindness and don't send any hate but I know that's not the world we live in.
However phrases like "kill yourself" are beyond the line. You cannot predict the mental state of the person you're sending it to. How would you actually feel if that person went through with it? What if their death is on your hands? Would you be okay with that? Would you be okay if the police came to your door and said you led to that person's death? (Don't think that happens? It does, the state police and FBI do investigate digital threats. I know because I work with kids who make and receive threats and have had to deal with the FBI investigating them... and anon doesn't matter the FBI will track the IP address). I don't want that for anyone here. So please, choose your words wisely.
If you are in a bad place and lashing out is all you have, come talk to me or someone else in this fandom. I know that it is hurt people that hurt other people. I know if you are sending words like that you've been hurt. Let's break the cycle together!
This post is not targeted toward any one person. Yes, it was motivated by the anon I got, but I really hope that anyone who has ever used that phrase might read this and take it to heart.
Please choose kindness or nothing at all. Our fandom is small enough. I don't want to see other people leave because they feel pushed out or leave because they did something they can't take back.
Oh, and to anyone who has received harmful words like that. You are not alone. You can come to me or others to talk. Please don't believe those words. You are stronger and better than that!
I'm not sure how to end this so, here is a cute picture:
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carlyraejepsans · 5 months
Yknow, despite how it is impossible by all Ingame options, I wonder how a neutral route with *ONLY* Sans (and Asgore ig) killed would look? Would he count enough as a boss monster (NOT a Boss Monster) to push it from a Queen Toriel ending to an Empress Undyne ending? How would Alphys react (She lost one of her closest friends, but she still has MTT and Undyne around.)? How would Papyrus react (Would he go full angst mode and try close away his heart? Would he become even more of a people pleaser, trying to make sure he doesn't repeat whatever mistake he made with you again? Would he go into denial mode, trying to find Flowey to set things right with him either finding him or not based on what Frisk choses after the FloweyX fight? So many choises), especially with how he seems to Know Something he doesn't let on. I'd imagine that (provided it's a Queen Toriel Ending) Undyne wouldn't be thar affected, sad that Papyrus lost a brother rather than sad that Sans died (she never is close with Sans. She doesn't hate him, but she doesn't know him as more than "Papyrus weird brother" and "My sentry that works the ABSOLUTE bare minimum needed"). I don't think mettaton would appear or be affected, leaving the call pretty limited. So we have Papyrus and Maybe Undyne, with Papyrus probably being... kinda miffed that everything is going along the same, as if Everything hasn't changed. Bonus points if it's Post Dates, leaving a pretty aimless Undyne moving into Sans room, trying to fill a void that she never can. It isn't some threat she can suplex or teach to cook, it's the world being unfair.
(This also would give a pretty Unique Undyne state, being halfway between her "I don't like that you had to kill Asgore, but it's what you had to do" mindset and her more common "You betrayed me in such a soul crushing way it'll affect how I love forever" mindset in most Neutral Endings. I can imagine her actually trying to rationalise it, because the human only killed Asgore (sucks but she Gets It), and... Sans. The easiest enemy, one too weak to make it into the guard, and almost too weak to be a Sentry (Sans would have no reason to reveal Blasters, and his magic would barely scratch the TRUE HERO of the Underground when Karma is factored in. All she would see is surprisingly complex patterns that don't deal even a tenth of her hp). So surely, they had a reason, right? Why else would they do it?)
Forgive any bad writing it's literally 2 AM rn where I am
can't not confess I've thought about it too, but it IS really hard to extend as a concept because there's just... really no way for sans to die outside of the NM run. and I don't mean logistically, i mean character-wise he is so defined by his survival. by his Being There as everything falls apart. the final girl last man standing in the story. so the whole concept immediately falls apart.
undyne wouldn't personally grieve him, seeing as they didn't really know each other, but she WOULD still feel his death on her conscience as she does with every other monster killed in neutral runs. plus, there's her friendship with papyrus to emotionally aggravate things.
papyrus would definitely go into denial. he would be annoyed about him vanishing all of a sudden, then it'd turn to worry, then as his worries become more and more plausible, he'd shut out all rational thought about the subject and pretend everything is alright. i like the idea of him reaching out to flowey, but he'd try to explain his plan while also comtradicting himself all the time in order to never say outloud "sans is dead. we need to fix this"
betrayed undyne... yeah this is where it falls apart again, since you'd have to reason why sans would die (or even instigate a fight at all) in the final corridor during what has so far been a flawless pacifist run.
buuut pushing past the visceral resistance to the concept. i can easily see a scene where the betrayal pushes her to lose it and seek revenge like it does in normal neutral runs, and her looking to papyrus for training help/human destroying plans. and just... meeting a Wall of denial. that would be a harrowing talk. something people don't mention enough is that papyrus sees himself as sans' caretaker as much if not even more than sans does towards him. a world where sans is dead is a world where he failed his brother. it would devastate him. so he clings to anything not to think about it/delude himself. and here comes undyne ready to shatter that fragile hope. it would be a horrible moment between them
but yeah. everything aside, sans would straight up just not die lol.
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meanbossart · 4 months
Asks about VaM, art advice, and miscellaneous stuffs
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HI! Real quick please refrain from referring to Sad Sack as S/S for the uh... Obviously reasons LOL We call it "sads" for short!
If what you're asking for are recommendations for a website to host that kind of thing, Neocities, Twitter, Itchio and as you mentioned AO3 are all perfectly good options! Patreon too (depending on how gnarly you're planning on getting) but I'd suggest keeping that as a secondary host option because I don't think it lends itself super well for getting your work circulating. I believe Bluesky allows that kind of thing too, but I'm not too sure since I don't use it.
Now, If you're asking about public reaction rather than guidelines, anywhere you go you might find people that don't jive with the work you do 🤷 just be upfront about the type of content you're making right off the bat to avoid having anyone stumble upon it by accident to the best of your abilities, otherwise, I wouldn't worry too much. I know we're constantly exposed to examples of overwhelming harassment and "dogpilling" happening to others but... Truth be told, most of us won't ever get to the size/internet level of fame where we experience that. I think the threat is a little bit... Overstated, nowadays. Not to mention that most of the time people are getting harassment for things that have nothing to do with their work, and rather relating to their behavior and attitudes. Play smart, be responsible, and be honest! Whatever comes next is in god's hands LOL
Thank you for the ask! Not sure I was of much help 😅 but frankly when you're just starting out it's best to focus on getting the work done first and just throwing it out there, wherever it may be. You can worry about technicalities like that later!
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I GOT YOU MAN the full sketch is now up on my patreon!
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I love seeing everyone's take on my weirdo so much, anything is honestly welcomed!
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AW DUDE thank you so much! Especially for suffering through the mammoth of a story that ANE turned into - writing has never been my strongest point so I'm always shocked to hear from people that enjoy it 🥲
About the booze question, honestly I'm not picky at all, I usually go by price and by that I mean whatever is cheapest LOL but I prefer a dry white as far as types go.
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You only have to pay for it once! You get a code that unlocks the software and all of it's features and you're free to cancel your subscription after that. At some point the code might change or there might be an update that requires subscribing again - but that seems like a very rare occurrence so I wouldn't worry about it.
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OH NO I HAVE DEFINITELY TRACED MY OWN REFERENCE BEFORE, but not entire poses! When something is challenging I'll make a point of drawing it out the usual way.
I can remember a couple of instances from Nick and mine's comic where I traced pictures I took of myself, just as a time saving measure. Again like I said in the post, there are several ways to employ tracing your own material that is perfectly acceptable. I have also traced bare-bones 3D backgrounds that I made for the same reasons.
I know you specifically asked about tracing when something's complicated, but I still wanted to be upfront to demystify the practice under different circumstances. The rule of thumb is to never use it when you know it would be inhibiting your skill development!
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Happy to hear you wanted to pick up the skill! I definitely understand the urge too LOL since playing BG3 and becoming so invested in the stories and characters my art has improved a ton, simply from forcing me out of my usual style and making me want to capture different moods and scenarios - finding something you're passionate to draw is, frankly a great damn start.
I replied to a bunch of asks asking for pointers and advice a while back, one of the questions was very similar to yours and I still stand behind the advice I gave then. Hopefully you can find something helpful here! https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/740543514692173824/some-art-advice-asks-ive-been-meaning-to-reply
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HMMM I don't usually think of myself as the best teacher/tutorial guy, but funnily enough I can think of a few things about this topic that I could elaborate on lol. If I do that in the near future, I'll put it up on my patreon (for free as with everything else.)
If there are any specific things about it that you (and anyone else who would be interested in it, for that matter) find challenging and would like for me to focus on, let me know!
That's all for now folks, and as usual thank you so much to everyone who's left a nice compliment, word of encouragement or funny tidbit in my inbox as well! I can't reply to you all individually, but I see and read all the messages I get c:
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elianaroselight · 23 days
So I have fallen into the CotL world and came across an awesome AU called the Heartstring AU by @bleeding-seraphic. I loved this post about Leshy meeting his soulmate (again) and had to write about it.
TW : talks of sacrificing another and mentions of genocide
How did he end up in this predicament? This was the thought running through Leshy's mind as he listened to the lamb that had somehow managed to make him mortal. “-welcome to your new forever home, you genocidal freak.” Ah. Still was quite the spitfire it seems. Even after all these years. “If you need anything, man up and deal with it on your own. Oh. And if you try anything, I'll break both your knees and sacrifice you to your brother. Bye now!” Well, that was quite the whiplash of a threat. 
Leshy listens to the sound of feet walking away, used to his dark world forcing him to rely on sound to orient and understand his surroundings. The worm sighs when the coast is clear, reaching down to scratch an itch on his pinky. ‘Damned beast.’ He thinks before being startled by the feeling of something on his finger. He feels it quietly. It was.. A thread? A string of some sort. Thin but strong. Almost like spider silk. It didn't seem to be touching the ground, meaning it was floating or tied to something else. Now he was curious. Where did this strange thread lead to?
He loosely holds it, following where the string directed him to go. A few times, he had to walk around a building or even past some plants. (He was especially careful around those.) As he walked, he could hear someone working in the dirt before standing up. He seemed to be nearing this person and planned to walk right on by, until he realized the string he was following wasn't going around them. It was leading him to them. He feels his hand touch theirs and feels a gaze upon his face. The gentle sparks and warmth he felt where they touched was oddly welcoming if confusing. 
They sat in silence for a moment before the other screamed, startling the god. Leshy flinched back, trying to figure out why they were yelling but before they could do anything, the sound of hurried footsteps caught his attention and he stepped back a bit more. “Okay. Okay. What is going on?” The lamb calls out to them. Before Leshy could speak, the other begins to yell at the lamb. “WHY IS THE GOD OF DARKWOOD HERE?!” He's been recognized? 
“You must have recognized him wrong, Mel. He is but a rescue from Darkwood.” They say as the lamb tried to calm the other. So Mel is the name of the one his string is tied to? Leshy quickly makes note of that information as he listens on. “My lamb, I think I'd recognize the god who tried to sacrifice me! And even if I didn't, our strings were the same the first time we met and-and they still are!” A sacrifice? There was only one sacrifice that had managed to get away from him. A silent yellow cat who had been set free after he was creeped out. So this ‘Mel’ was the yellow cat he set free? Huh. 
The annoying sheep pauses for a moment before speaking with a bit of an uncertain tone. “Are you sure your strings are attached?” “Yes! I've known since I saw it connect while I was at his altar to be sacrificed!” “I see. Well, he won't be able to harm anyone here so I'm giving him another chance. Why don't you take the rest of the day off, Mel. We can talk this over more when things settle down again.” 
Leshy hears the cat near him sigh. “Yeah okay.” They say before walking off. Leshy can feel the glare from the lamb on him, but ignores it to process this information. So this string was attached to Mel, a yellow cat he had set free a while back. The only thing left to answer was: what is this string and why is it attaching them? 
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
Chapter 4 of Sofie Plays "Slay the Princess": The Wild (Part 1)
I can hear what sounds to be a crying woman in the background music amidst ethereal vocals and I am not happy about this.
[ Beginning ] - [ Previous Part ] - [ Next Part ]
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Okay wait wait wait WAIT. I'm really latching onto that last line but hear me out as I ramble for a bit. The Princess is not human. As far as I know, she can't even die--- though that might just be my bad luck and decision making at play. She describes herself as having no beginning and no end. This game tinkers with the concepts of time being cyclical, and the Hero and the Princess's memories are both untouched by time looping, unlike the memories of the Narrator...
... Is she the reason time is looping? The Princess is without end and beginning. In other words, a circle. Is she the embodiment of a time loop?
Alternate theory is that this game is a surreal allegorical story for man's quest for immortality. The Narrator is somehow a representation of the fear of death, and the Princess's imminent threat of destroying the world isn't as pressing of a threat as the Narrator makes it seem. She's inevitable, but she's not in a rush to end things. She said in the first chapter that she likes the world--- though that might have been a lie, come to think of it. The Hero might be a representation of an individual's struggle with death, and how oftentimes when we fight against it, we only draw closer to it. Maybe the whole "this is a love story" line hints at the Hero accepting the inevitability of death, and therefore falling in love with life?
Y'all I'm just slapping things at the wall and seeing what sticks. I don't think either of these theories will prove to be true, but they sure are fun to speculate over!
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Okay yeah no I'm definitely playing an allegory for accepting death aren't I. Mankind trying to fight against death and prolonging lifespans past that which would be natural seems to be the symbolic undercurrent of that line.
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Narrator are you even listening? It's the wifey talking. But in a disconcertingly neutral, mystically monotone voice that concerns me.
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I wasn't even asking myself that second question before now and now I have MANY CONCERNS.
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OH MY WORD the narrator's memories are affected by the loop but he's aware of its existence. That's what this means, right?
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... I might have disobeyed the entire premise of the game? Just a little bit?
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Okay okay this implies that the Hero, if my "allegory for the inevitability of death" theory is true, doesn't represent mankind. But if he doesn't, then what is he?
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I'm picturing an exchange like the following:
Hero: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Hunted? Hunted: ... No. Broken: I do. Hero: I know, Broken. Broken: I'm sad. Hero: I know, Broken
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I mean, there are probably worse things to be... eaten alive, for one thing.
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Reading this and thinking about how "this is a love story" and losing my mind and losing my mind and losing my mind and---
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Asked the Princess why she was being nice to me after the whole, y'know, swallowing me whole thing, and she's a bit touchy on the subject. She just as quickly resumed the otherworldly calm front, though. Does she have multiple Princesses like I have multiple Voices?
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Ah. Hm. Well then.
If I'm going to be assimilated into the world around me and the being I'm struggling against, I'd like to do so after acknowledging the repressed fear I carry. It is time to ponder the orb--- I mean, terror in my heart.
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Hahaha thinking about Twig/Ark's early relationship and not crying whatsoever rn :))))
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Got a little worried that maybe I actually was a magic all-encompassing forest and had grossly misinterpreted the situation, but hearing the Broken express reluctance to leave a situation in which he's playing pretend at everything being okay makes me feel much more confident in the decision! Nice.
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... Are we the same being, but divided in two? That definitely doesn't sound right, but this line makes me wonder...
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Broken sweetie you read uncomfortably literally as someone who's been through a very bad relationship and I think you need therapy even more than the Hunted does.
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I'm really tempted to see what would happen if I actually fulfilled the premise of the title... but I'm really curious about where that first dialogue option will lead.
We cut her free.
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The Narrator threatening us for letting the Princess go is something very interesting and I don't know what else to say other than I'm worried.
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Hey chat why are the borders of the screen turning red?
Hey chat why is everything going dark?
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I barely got a screenshot of the last frame of whatever that was and nearly threw my mouse across my room in the attempt.
I am once again coping with humor:
Hero: I'm sorry I'm such a handful. Princess: I have two hands. Hero: I--- look. If you want to play semantics, fine. I'm sorry for being a hundred handfuls. Princess: Hero: Princess (while sprouting several hundred arms): Try me.
(Ran out of image uploads. See you in the next post!)
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mywingsareonwheels · 5 months
Here be yet more Fred Thursday musings ;-)
[Long post and spoilers for all of Endeavour here.]
So, I was thinking yet again (for the billionth time ;-) ) about Fred Thursday and the three people we see him kill over the course of Endeavour while trying to save someone else:-
Mrs Coke-Norris
Ludo Talenti
Raymond Kennitt/Peter Williams
The show seems to be pointing us into believing that the third of those is somehow much, much worse than the first two and I... have a problem with this.
I mean, in all three cases Fred was responding to an immediate threat to life (of someone he cared about, and in the second and third cases also Fred himself). In the case of Mrs C-N Fred was officially on duty which gives him some extra legal cover, but I'd say no extra moral cover.
I'm no legal expert, but from what I understand, under English-and-Welsh law, none of the three were murders; you're looking at manslaughter at worst, at best a good case for self/other-defence, which... is a grey area but certainly a decent defence lawyer could have had a good go.
(It is worth noting, of course, that this is the morseverse and this is Fred Thursday; he's made so many enemies both in the criminal justice system and among criminals, mostly through doing actively good things, that his chances of either a fair trial or then surviving prison are basically non-existent. I think we have to weigh all of Morse's decisions in "Exeunt" with that in mind because there's no way Morse isn't aware of it. Sam's chances of surviving prison for drug-dealing I think we can assume would also be remote, again due to the enemies Fred has made. And I think again, we have to weigh both Fred's and Morse's decisions with that in mind.)
So... yeah. I think there are only three things that you might consider as making the killing of Raymond Kennitt worse than that of Ludo Talenti or Mrs Coke-Norris:-
the use of the knife rather than a gun, which makes it theoretically possible that Fred could have found a way to end the fight that didn't involve killing Kennitt. That does strike me as something that's probably easier to see from a backseat than if you're Fred in the middle of what's happening, but still.
we know Kennitt's horrifying backstory (not that Fred does), and so feel huge amounts of compassion for him even though he's obviously awful in the "present", and sympathy for the grief that Jakes would feel if he knew what had happened. That's inevitable I think, but, well. Can we be sure that Mrs C-N and Ludo aren't child abuse survivors too? (We do know that Fred and Charley both are, though not the details.) All in all, I think this is a show that wants us to feel compassion for as many characters as possible, and I don't want to assume that Mrs C-N and Ludo didn't end up Like That for no reason.
the fact that Fred kills Mrs C-N and Ludo in defense of Morse (the protagonist, Fred's protege, and a character we all love) and kills Kennitt in defense of Sam (a more minor character, and Fred's son). I would hope that Morse wouldn't see it like that and that neither does Russell Lewis because obviously that's a dreadful position to hold, but... yeeeah. It would annoy me a lot if that's part of the reasoning of the show, but protagonist-centered morality is a flaw in an awful lot of fiction, and while Endeavour mostly doesn't give into it, I don't think any writers are immune. So I do have a horrible suspicion that this is the bit that makes the actual difference, even though I really think it shouldn't be. If Fred had killed Kennitt to save Morse rather than Sam... would we as an audience feel differently? (I ask that of myself as well as of anyone else who wants to ask it of themselves! And honestly, I probably would feel better about the killing if it was for Morse, even though rationally I know it's no different!)
I'd actually say that in the case of the killing of Kennitt there are a couple of minor mitigating factors that the first two lack:-
Fred is in the worst state mentally we ever see him in "Exeunt", and is completely falling apart; earlier in the day he had some form of heart episode or possibly severe panic attack. At any rate: he's going through hell and he is ill as a result.
I can't actually remember if he has his gun with him during the fight with Kennitt, but he certainly isn't willing to use it given the situation; the knife is Kennitt's not his, and a weapon you aren't intending to use is for practical purposes not here, so he's... taken on an armed man while essentially unarmed. Fucking berserker that he is. Rather than two people with guns going up against each other.
you can see a moment of decision in Roger's face for the killings of both Mrs C-N and Ludo; by Fred's own account to Morse (which I think we can take as honest) he didn't make any conscious decision to kill Kennitt (see above re awful mental state).
Honesty? I think that killing in immediate self-defence and/or defence-of-other is however as close to necessary and justified as killing ever gets, and I'm inclined to be extremely forgiving about all three deaths. I'm not sure Fred had a real choice in any of the three cases.
What Fred does do in the third case that really is different of course is the cover-up, in misleading everyone, in being an absolute arsehole to Morse when he comes to check on him that night. In all of it it's massively, massively understandable (as he's a) ill, b) still trying to protect Sam). Morse's sense of betrayal though is also massively understandable. Ugh. My heart hurts. *shakes fist at Russell Lewis, and also at Roger and Shaun for being so amazing*
Anyway. Do I have an overall point? Probably: Fred Thursday is a complicated character and I love him and I want to hug him and also throw things at him. He has horrible violent tendencies but he isn't a murderer under English-and-Welsh law, and I don't think s9 makes sense unless we interpret him as very mentally unwell by the end of it. Also: Morse and Thursday both need different jobs, holy shit. Also also: I reckon Morse ended up forgiving Thursday and being in touch with him, because he is pretty fair when given time to process things, and he doesn't have Morse-centered morality. Also also also: Russell Lewis is a meanie and I want more fix-it fics. ;-)
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Helpless part 10 (shocking that my internet hasn't given up yet)
"So Solace what exactly are we doing?"
"Down to play twenty questions?" Nico considered the offer and smirked,
"Sure." The two sat down next to each other on a log.
"Two skips each, but they get replaced with other questions."
"What's something that isn't a secret but most people don't know about you?" He was ridiculously bored and thought he could use this game to his advantage.
"I'm not actually blonde."
"Explain. Now."
"I was brunette but when I got claimed any part of my hair that was in the sun turned blonde." He pulled out a piece of his hair that wasn't normally visible, it was a light chesnut brown colour.
"Well that's shocking, you know when I asked that question that was not an answer I was expecting."
"I'm a mysterious person di Angelo, now, do you have any exes?"
"Solace I spend most of my time avoiding people."
"In hindsight that was a pretty dumb question."
"Too late, if you had to kill all the people in one cabin which one would it be?"
"Demeter. That was a bit of a violent question." He tried to play it off but his answer had been so quick and confident Nico started to wonder what had happened. "Have you ever drunk?"
"More than you would expect."
"Neeks! You're fourteen, have you ever wondered why there are age restrictions?" Nico just smirked,
"You asked Sun boy, anyways technically I'm older than that. What's the worst crime you have ever committed?"
"Love how you just assume I've committed crimes, but assult. The only reason it wasn't murder is Annabeth pulling me off."
"The fuck Solace, are you going to explain that?"
"I'd rather not, let's just say I was pretty...pissed that day."
"Well that's terrifying."
"I told you I have secrets di Angelo, who's someone you used to care about but now hate?"
"Is it true you liked Annabeth?"
"Really Solace? No it is not, otherwise Percy would have already murdered me."
"Had to ask, the Aphrodite cabin was trying to figure that out for two years."
"Truly incredible, can you fight with a sword?"
"Not in the slightest."
"I'm teaching you, archery will be useless in close combat. You will die in a matter of seconds ."
"You have so much confidence in me Neeks, but thanks for the offer."
"Wasn't an offer, more so a kidnapping where I teach you by force how to fight."
"Okay then...do you prefer the 1930s or now?"
"Now, better arcades."
"Great reasoning."
"What's your worst fear?"
"Pass, I would never hear the end of it."
"Can't be that bad."
"You would never shut up about it Neeks, I can guess that much." Nico locked eyes with the blonde boy, he considered the question he was about to ask.
"Do you regret coming out to all of camp?" So he did know, Will thought to himself. He didn't answer instantly but he didn't want to pass it either.
"Well, um.."
"You have skips, you don't have to answer Will." That was the first time Nico had used his actual name, Will desperately wanted to kiss him.
"I want to answer it just, thinking. I'm happy they know and I don't have to hide it but...some people aren't the nicest. Cabin four has the most for whatever reason, they seem to get joy out of making me feel like shit. Most people are nice enough, with the rest, well you get used to it." Nico grabbed his hand,
"Who. Has. Been. Giving. You. Shit? Give me a list, I will make sure they'll never do anything again."
"Neeks it's fine, I don't need you threatening them."
"I'll be doing a lot more than threats Solace, give me a list of every single person who has hurt you."
"Nico it's okay."
"Did I ask? You're a ball of sunshine, no one and I mean no one has any reason to hurt you."
"They do, there's so many people I couldn't save, I killed them. I deserve to suffer because of that, they deserve revenge on me for killing their friends." Will had tears forming in his eyes.
"Will it's not your fault they died, and either way you shouldn't have to go through this."
"Nico, are you straight?" He froze for a second, he had still been holding Will's hand but he didn't want to let go. He was warm, his thumb was stroking his hand warming up the usually freezing Ghost king. After Will had told him so much he couldn't lie, he always had a skip but part of him wanted Will to know.
"..n..no...I'm gay. Not that many people know, the seven and Reyna that's it. Please don't tell anyone." Nico shakes a bit and a few tears fell, he didn’t want to cry in front of him but he couldn’t help it. Will wrapped his free arm around Nico and pulled him closer to himself,
"Thank you for telling me, I know it's hard Neeks."
"How did you tell so many people?"
"Didn't like people assuming things, also I just...didn't want to hide I guess. Still though, I've been too scared to tell my mum, barely seen her since I'm here all year but even if I had the chance to I probably wouldn't tell her. As for the actual time well it was a while after Percy was missing, before Jason, Piper and Leo showed up, campfire, just kinda said if at the end."
"Did anyone know before that?"
"I told Annabeth first but Kayla and Austin found out by themselves pretty quickly. Who was your first crush?"
"Do not hold this against me, it was Percy." Will started grinning,
"Same, half the camp has liked him at this point I swear."
"Half of camp is pathetic."
"You're including yourself in that statement you know."
"I am fully aware, honestly I should have given up on him when I saw him talking to Annabeth the first time."
"Didn't they hate each other for a few years?"
"Hate is a strong word, I prefer to use hopelessly in love and oblivious."
"Lovely wording; I gave up when my brain started working and I realised he is straight."
"You think Percy is straight? Have you talked to him before?"
"Percy isn't straight?!"
"With the way he talked about Luke? Not a chance, and that was after he betrayed him. I can only imagine him pining over him at the age of twelve, completely oblivious, then also being hopelessly in love with Annabeth and being a helpless simp once more."
"So you are telling me Percy Jackson liked Luke Castellan, aka. the person who tried to kill him multiple times?"
"When he was twelve definitely, at least in the way he talked about what he was like before when I met him. Don't know if he realised it then, but he is not straight. You haven't seen him and Jason talk, if I didn't know how much he loved Annabeth, going to Taturus with her I would have been sure they're secretly dating."
"The more you know I guess. What's something you can do that no one knows about?"
"I can braid hair, I mean Hazel knows that but still."
"Emo Death boy can braid hair."
"Firstly, I'm not emo."
"Keep thinking that Neeks."
"Secondly, this is why I don't tell people this."
"Honestly the fact you can braid hair is adorable, also it proves that you are no where near as scary as you think."
"I could kill you right now."
"You sure about that di Angelo? Right now you can't do much without melting into a puddle of darkness, you're just a nerd that's pretending to be dark and mysterious."
"Oh shut up Solace."
"Have you been on a quest?"
"Nope, I just try to prevent deaths after them."
"How many languages can you speak?"
"Wait give me a second, Itallian, Greek moderen and ancient, Latin, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Polish, Finnish, German and Dutch. So that's twelve and a half I'm fluet in and I'm trying to teach myself Russian and Japanese." He said counting them off on his fingers
"Gods Nico, what exactly do you do with your free time?"
"Well first four are pretty obvious but Bianca taught me French and Swedish and the rest I've taught myself, writing's hell with dyslexia but I've survived. It's a pretty useful skill when you randomly show up in different countries."
"I can barely speak English properly half the time!"
"That sounds like a problem on your side Sunshine." He said messing up the blonde boys hair, Will desperately tried to hide his blushing. "Have you ever passed out because you healed too many people?"
"Yeah, happens quite a bit." Nico slapped him, not that hard but hard enough for it to hurt. "Hey what was that for?"
"You can't be overworking yourself like that Solace, you're a doctor for Zeus's sake. What help is it going to be if you pass out while healing someone?"
"It's the most effective way, plus I get more people healed."
"So let me get this straight, you risk your own health while telling people not to?"
"Okay when you put it that way-"
"Yeah it sounds bad! Please do not do that, can't have you dying on me Solace"
"I thought you were plotting to kill me anyways?"
"Exactly, can't have you dying before I kill you myself."
"Sure di Angelo, have you ever killed anyone?"
"Pass." He had become friendly with Will, he didn't need anyone else leaving him.
"Cats or dogs?"
"Do hellhounds count? I have a pet hellhound called Mrs O'Leary."
"Was that a gift from Hades?"
"Nope, from Percy."
"Wait what? I'm just going to accept that at this point."
"Good idea, I wasn't planning to explain."
"Course you weren't," Will checked his watch. "Come on Neeks, it's time for lunch, we got through ten questions each, same time tomorrow?"
"I don't have a choice do I?"
"Nope; head to the infirmary I'll get you some food."
"I'm not hungry."
"You haven't eaten for a few days, just try to eat a few bites."
"Fine.." Nico muttered before walking off to the infirmary.
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ro55ocorsa · 5 months
Honestly atp? I would gladly love for Carlos to quite that freaking toxic Leclerc cult that Ferrari is becoming. Like wtf are you talking about with "pausing the contract negotiation" while at the same time already preparing to have Leclerc for almost a whole more decade??? Like wth ??? Especially when besides Mclaren Charlos are the best drivers pairing for Ferrari. I'd argue the drivers aren't even remotely close to be the problem!!!
Also wtf is that ungrateful attitude with Carlos when he brought you your last fucking win! Like I freaking hate this. Also The Charles girlies should just admit they want to fuck Leclerc and get over it. Like I'm so fed up with them. Especially if they are the reason why Carlos will have to leave.
Ferrari will mess up big if they part way with Carlos. I'd argue that if they want Leclerc as their next WC, they SHOULD keep Carlos because he will never be a threat to Charles (not my opinion but the gen opinion I disagree with it). While going with another driver aka Alex will back fire greatly. But anyway if Ferrari wants to mess up not my problem I'll continue to support Carlos 🧡
Also I will not send this ask in anon I don't care about the haters let them come at me 😈
yeah i agree with this. I think Charles and Carlos are a very strong pairing just from the 'they work well together' stand point. That might change if there ever really was a championship on the line, but even if they fight on track they seem to get on well and their own strengths make up for the others weakness. But yeah. It's pretty clear who is most valued at Ferrari. Charles is THE golden boy for them and he is going to be 100% the priority, and Carlos the 2nd driver. Thats how its going to be with anyone until Charles stops driving for them, plain and simple. But I do agree there is often this attitude that Carlos isn't the one who's 'supposed' to win, and I agree he's been treated poorly after literally being THE ONLY NON RED BULL DRIVER to win against Red Bull. I think theres some salitness among the Chirlies cause of that lmao.
I think Charles suffers from 'he's the next big thing' syndrome, people are absolutely sure he can one day win with Ferrari and be their saviour, the whole 'predestiano' mindset has just really gotten to people. So they see Carlos as a threat to that. Which is why replacing it won't solve the Chirlie problem, they'll just move on to whoever ends up in Carlos' seat next if he does leave.
It does suck. Carlos' achievements can feel so undermined sometimes. Like he isn't worthy of being considered because he's 'Just Carlos Sainz Jr.' when he's proven to be a capable driver who really does deserve to be there. You can argue abuout him being just a nepo baby but I mean. Mick Schumacher couldn't stick around. Your name can only carry you so far, and I think Carlos has proved himself more than enough. It just sucks. I understand your frustration. 'They just want to fuck Leclerc' TRUE like i mean i understand the attraction guys but could you please stop trying to ride his dick in every situation like he doesn't need defending from his own teammate lmao.
But yeah. We'll be hated on together!
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