#& fuck the xtian church
seraphimfall · 8 months
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excuse me????
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aropride · 8 months
me: yeah i had a pretty normal childhood lol it couldve been worse
my friends:
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archivlibrarianist · 10 months
Florida joins conservative states severing ties with national library group
And why are they doing this?
Details on their snowflakiness after the jump.
"...The agency in charge of Florida’s public libraries issued a new rule in October forbidding any grant activities tied to the American Library Association, a 150-year-old organization that aids thousands of libraries across the country with training and funding.
"The move by the DeSantis administration puts Florida in line with a cadre of Republican states and lawmakers leveling scrutiny on ALA, labeling the group as 'toxic' and a 'conduit' for exposing children to pornography — claims refuted by the organization and its supporters."
And why did they do this?
"Conservatives in a growing number of states, including Alabama, Wyoming, Missouri, Texas and now Florida, have severed affiliations with the ALA, in part over the group choosing a new president, Emily Drabinski, who in 2022 tweeted that she’s a 'Marxist.' "'I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary,' Drabinski posted on social media after she became president of the group. 'I am so excited for what we will do together. Solidarity! And my mom is SO PROUD. I love you mom.' "She later deleted the tweet and was shocked at the backlash over it. "Conservatives also raised concerns about a library bill of rights from the association that opposes efforts to restrict access to books based on age, a nonstarter in states that are attempting to limit what content is available to students in schools, particularly surrounding sexuality, gender and race."
So they're offended that:
The ALA doesn't think they should make decisions about who gets to read what,
That the elected President of ALA is a lesbian
That said elected ALA President additionally believes that the workers should own the means of production.
A piece of ALA policy that has been around for literally 84 fucking years.
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loudlystrangemagazine · 5 months
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Take me to church
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After all the hate I've seen Churches spewing. No more ignoring it.
I call this spell, Summon I.R.S.
Go to the IRS website and get the form 13909 to report a church for wrong doings and get their tax exempt status revoked.
Abracadabra fucker...
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allyricas · 1 year
people who get into fandom spaces and then invest most of their time to hating a character or ship (especially blogging and making content about it) just genuinely confound me
there's tons of shit i dislike, but i don't want to spend my time and effort on constantly posting about it
and better yet, there are so many younger members of fandom acting like the morality police about various ships and i'm sorry, do you really not have anything better to do?? these people would not have survived a day in the fandom spaces of yesteryear like be fucking forreal
if you don't like something, then fine but why ruin it for the people who do? why not filter the tag/cultivate your blog/engage fandom in a way that minimizes that content??
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eileennatural · 1 year
christian puppet ministries are my white whale i will never know peace until they are all disbanded
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goes to church -> hates it so much i start once again considering converting to judaisim
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scare-ard--sleigh · 2 years
okay so old college try came on and i think the Thing about joseph that i keep coming up against with fandom interpretation is that i don't see anger there, i see martyrdom
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damnfandomproblems · 2 months
Posting a compilation of responses in regards to Fandom Problem #5414:
"Christians are the biggest problem in fandom" not the literal predators who join to prey on minors??????? I might be misunderstanding this, but this feels odd: 1. This is a personal thing, but I'm wary of people who bring up predators unprompted when the original conversation had nothing to do with it. These people tend to not know what they're saying and are often just repeating things they heard without first hand experience. 2. I could be wrong, but there aren't more predators in fandom spaces than there are in non fandom spaces. I've heard some boy and girl scout places and church's had some problems, and I've used a few non fandom apps and apps that had non fandom spaces (had issues too) that had problems because of how the apps worked. Abusers go where they have easy access to their preferred victims and can get away with it. It's not an issue found more often in fandoms. The ones you hear about in fandoms are often false alarms or the minority. Most adults want nothing to do with kids anymore because a lot of kids don't know how to behave. 3. I hope this person isn't inherently wary of adults in fandoms. Fandoms are often mostly adults. And just cause a work features a younger cast it doesn't mean it's not for adults. And even if it is, they most likely joined simply cause they like the thing. I know there are predators in fandom spaces, but I don't think it's as big an issue as this person is seemingly making it out to be
@ that "I've tried to stay quiet" person but also @ anyone who says this generally: please stop censoring Christian to Xtian. My Mandarin-speaking ass reads it as a mistake for xian and I have to stop and think first, which character transliterated xian are you using and second, what the fuck are you talking about? (It's hella dumb to censor the name of a religion anyway unless you're going to censor ALL of them. Either fully commit and say *sl*m, T**ism, B*ddhism, J*d*ism, Y*z*dism, or grow up and write out the full word.)
Christians in fandom spaces play the victim but are super racist and homophobic freaks making others feel unsafe
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livseses · 5 months
It baffles me the offense taken at @sophieinwonderland 's plural trinity theory (that many others, including us, have come to independently) because she's checks notes using it to push an agenda.
Like, do y'all not understand how xtianity works? Have y'all listened to a preacher before? Have y'all ever been inside of a church after a big controversy has hit the news and heard a message relating to that from the pulpit?
Most scripture we see quoted is to push an agenda. Most sermons are backed by an agenda. Even earnest spiritual explorations of the Bible are informed by one's preexisting beliefs and biases (and those of the teacher if there is one). It's not wrong to push an agenda through theological interpretation. That's just what theological interpretation is.
The specific agenda may be harmful yes. But the problem is that they're pushing a harmful agenda, not that they're pushing an agenda.
Is it deeply offensive to make jokes/theories about Jesus being ace? Hell we've seen articulate discussions in xtian and ex-xtian circles about if Paul was ace or gay and doing a whole bunch of moralizing to justify his queerness. Would it be wrong to point out to a transphobe that Jesus (only having the XX chromosomes of Mary) would have therefore been either trans or intersex? How about to quote passages that seem to be Jesus specifically preaching that transition is holy?
Shit, when we had aspirations of becoming a pastor we worked on a sermon about how the early church in Acts was straight up communism. We wrote one on that meme where Jesus says "Did i fucking stutter?" We tried to get our church to start a queer ministry program. We tried to build it into a mutual aid org. Cause I'm a queer xtian anarchist and I have an agenda to push.
And I'm predicting a response out there. "Oh Faye! But that's not what social justice preachers or televangelists are doing. They're interpreting the True Word of God and building their agenda from that!" Which would be worthwhile to entertain and discuss. Except that the disdain at God being viewed as an endogenic median system is coming from non-xtians.
And sure, she's an atheist with an ex-christian host. So maybe you can think that it's wrong for her specifically to push an agenda through xtianity. But xtian theology isn't sacrosanct and immune to outside interpretation. It fucking lost that privilege when it forcibly tries to convert half the world. You can't tell someone to stop touching a religion when that religion is being forced on everyone.
Anyone who's fighting Sophie's take on the trinity on the grounds that it's wrong to interpret doctrine to push an agenda is doing christofascist colonialist's work for them. Christofascists are the ones that have a vested interest in xtianity having one true doctrine free of politics or agendas. It's those people that want to say that the xtian Bible simply agrees with their bigotry and any interpretation otherwise is blasphemous and degenerate. They want xtian doctrine to be a settle issue that lands squarely affirming their death cult of heteropatriarchial, xenophobic, antisemitic violence. Not something open for interpretations in ways that further equality or justice (exactly the goal that Sophie clearly states).
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aropride · 1 year
the most frustrating thing is apparently my dad used to be really cool. like gay communist, presumably tried not to be a bigot, type of cool. And then he started going to church again in college
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deservedgrace · 8 months
i took sermons of self-sacrifice and putting god and others above yourself and not being "selfish" really seriously and when that burned me out and i learned it's not sustainable to pour from an empty cup all the time i brought it up to this highly respected xtian couple in the church and the first (and pretty much only) response i got was "the verse is 'love your neighbor AS YOURSELF'" as if it was my fault for not "reading the verse properly" when the reason i was like this in the first place is because the church puts so much fucking emphasis on not being "selfish" and viewing others as above you and taking care of others above yourself and glorification of self-sacrifice while never having a single sermon that even says "it's okay to take care of yourself too" and the people who told me that don't know it but their response (and noticing how others respond the same) helped me realize how much this is all just bullshit and is one of the reasons i left
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cats-of-eden-valley · 8 months
ooo!! any thoughts on culture across the prides?
I'll try to convey some vibes let's go
Hot mom drama, but none of them are the POV's mom
First rule of Goldspring, don't talk about Goldspring
You know guys, I'm starting to think that authority within this group shouldnt be based on lineage, and instead the merits of the individual
Hot mom drama, but one of them IS the POV's mom
Superiority complex
Fuck the merits of the individual. I heard your great-great-great aunt's second cousin three times removed once said 'hello' to someone we hate, there's no WAY you should get authority in the clan
After this horrible tragedy, we are committed to a brighter future *elects a fascist*
After that second horrible tragedy, we are going to be focus on bettering ourselves and *elects another fascist*
What to you mean our obsessive commitment to appearing strong is counterintuitive to actually being strong *elects another fascist*
Identity crisis, the family
Xtian Church Group who constantly snoop and talk shit behind each others backs
Legend has it that if two Windswept cats ever agree on something, it heralds the end of times
Domestic Dispute
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hey atheists!
As an fellow atheist
You are literally required to stop harassing Jewish people, and specifically about Christmas. I am gonna explain, tldr at the end
if you aren't doing anything, then no, I'm not talking to you, you did *checks notes* the bare minimum. but still, not as bad as that guy.
PS fucking A:
if a Jewish person says that they don't celebrate j-boi Christ's rescheduled bday then ITS NOT UR PLACE TO GO AND SAY "WELL IM ATHEIST AND ITS NOT EVEN CHRISTIAN ITS FROM PAGAN TRADITIONS AND IT IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION" GOOD FOR YOU, REALLY, IM NOT SARCASTIC HERE, I ALSO HAVE A GRUDGE AGAINST CHRISTIANITY AND STILL LIKE COOKIES AND TREES AND ALL THE FUN SHIT, BUT NO ONE ASKED!! IF THEY SAY THAT THEY FEEL LIKE XMAS IS A CHRISTIAN THING SO THEY DO'NT CELEBRATE IT THEN THATS NOT UR BUSSINESS!! IT LITERALLY DOESNT MATTER! THEY HAVE A. get this. 💫diff-er-ent bel-ief sys-tem💫. wow it's almost as if, they are allowed to feel what ever way they want because it's very likely* (read: almost guaranteed) they face casual antisemitism during the season of one of the main holidays of the church. lots of ex Christian atheists probably also don't like this holiday, so it's not just "the theists". people aren't hate criming you for not liking a time where there is a ton of Christian imagery everywhere. I know it's toned down, but it still came from the church and it's called "christ-mas" and is a major holiday for xtians. I'm begging you, literally none of it is a personal attack to those that like to non-religious-ly celebrate, it's about how they have felt and been treated, bc literally to any Jewish info site and see what they are talking about. they are literally just vibing, what is yalls fucking problem?
tdlr : If ur an atheist that celebrates and is happy when it's Christmas, have fun, but don't harass jewish people (or anyone, but it's mostly antisemitism I see) for simply seeing Xmas as something from another religion/culture (Christianity). also let them be mad about the antisemitism they face. it's not that hard
(I'm not jewish so feel free to correct me, I just posted about this bc a ton of atheists can have a hard time listening unless it's another atheist)
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shield-and-saber · 3 months
guess who just finished path of deceit
guess who just had their fucking hear ripped out by path of deceit
what the fguck you guiys
KEVMO ZINK, MY BELOVED ADHD PADAWAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the way his relationship w/ the force and jedi teachings spoke to me !!!!!!!! he's just like me, for real!!!! i too would be swayed from my religious institution by a pretty girl with sharp teeth
his kindness, his empathy, his heart that is always always giving. and the mother fucking MURDERED HIM LIKE THAT???? AND ZALLAH TOO???
and marda. jesus fucking christ, i wanted so badly for her to see how she was being brainwashed, i wanted to believe that there was hope for her bc she's no different than any other fundamentalist xtian girl raised in an abusive church. and that speaks to me on a deeply personal level.
i just. i just wanted her to be free. BUT SHE NOT ONLY FORGIVES THE MOTHER, SHE BLAMES KEVMO AND THE JEDI?? SHE TAKES HIS SABER?????? (the symbolism is not lost on me and i am going fucking insane about it)
kor plouth, you deserved so much better and i for one cannot wait for both yana and the herald to fuck the mother up so hard that it shatters the space-time continuum
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