#"Comfort then Joy"
devonellington · 6 months
Tues. Nov. 28, 2023: Just Chugging Along
image courtesy of Miriam Müller via pixabay.com Tuesday, November 28, 2023 Last Day of Full Moon Neptune, Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter Retrograde Sunny and cold, with clouds and snow coming in Hope you had a great weekend. Gemini Full Moon is not my friend. Today’s episode is from Legerdemain: Episode 141: Annoying Men Getting Annoyed Shelley doesn’t have time to soothe fragile male egos when…
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Servants of the Inner Dark or other dark forces: I have an army. The Green: We have the Walker girls.
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cerealbishh · 4 months
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"I give you what I can, Andre." // "I love you, until the end of time."
🎥: @starcuffedjeans
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Hagrid: I'm surprised yeh haven't thrown me outta Hogwarts yet...
Dumbledore: Well, at your current weight, I'd need some sort of catapult.
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einsatzzz · 6 days
art time-lapse of this piece that i posted in IG b4 to try out doing reels. i really like how this turned out overall plus "yasashii suisei" (link for eng tl) really fit the vibes so im queueing this here too
#khr#khre#khr oc#oniyanagi#hibari kyoya#ninomiya kanako#oc#hibakana#einart#tags yapping abt hibakana ahead 🫡#the quote that inspired this one still lives rent-free in my brain#“my alone feels so good i'll only have you if you're sweeter than my solitude”#both of them are the type of people who likes to move on their own and dislikes being restricted#and they thrive that way without needing to look out for things like social cues/other's perceptions/the will of a “majority”#there's this certain type of independence that i rlly admire for each of these two characters#if they don't feel comfortable with a person#or if the person's company does not spark any joy#as much as their peace and quiet does#then why would they even hang out and spend/invest time with them amirite? theyre not abt that fake life#nowadays its very common for me to hear abt boomers asking ppl when they're gonna get an s/o or marriage#or just others forcing ppl to conform with the social norms and what's considered as “normal”#so these two rlly bring me a lot of comfort#on their own; if i were to depict them on separate stories#khre aside and just considering khr; idt id ship hibari with anyone; he would be my a-spec king icon idol and legend who does wtv he wants🫶#kana too mdbxndbddjbd her previous version b4 this had another oc/canon ship but i don't rlly fck with that anymore (still funny tho)#(i realized that that previous ship rlly held her back character-wise---)#(but their (potential/established) platonic relationships with other characters are so *chef kiss* tho--working hard on brainstorming that)#on the other hand i started shipping hibakana for the comedy of their dynamic lmao (it should be around b4 sou & i reached kokuyo arc)#“wouldn't it be funny if---”#its just a joke there's supposed to be an “/hj” somewhere there i didn't know they would suit e/o's characters & personality this much wtf
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syrips · 6 months
doing this cuz its fun but i love my feed cuz its all like-
mutual 1 : -strahd art-
mutual 2 : here's some art i made of my DM/mutual 8's session, thanks for traumatizing me! -art with cw: gore, blood, religious trauma-
mutual 3 : -ao3 with tw: toxic, abuse, dubious vampire consent-
mutual 10 : -screaming- SHOULD I SAY IT. SHOULD I SAY IT-
mutual 4 : ✨✨ please make sure to hydrate and adjust your posture, your fictional indulgence is valid. selfcare and aftercare is love~ 💛💛💛✨✨
mutual 5 : -reblogged mutual 1's strahd art-
mutual 6 : gortash is canonically romanceable AND redeemable and in this essay i-
mutual 8 : first time running cos, my players just finished the durst house :) hope they like it, i was so nervous!
mutual 4 : i drew a cute sketch of my durge making out with gortash! cw: blood, gore, graphic, making out
mutual 9 : -reblogged a picture of duck- halsin 🐻💚
literally all of them : -reblogs stuff that says irl consent is good. healthy irl relationships are good. lists green flags in irl relationships-
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thevillagegay · 1 year
Wishing Out Loud
crossposted to ao3
Alcina is gone. Murdered.
Distraught moans ring throughout the castle, cries and wails shared by everyone in the family. Except for Miranda.
Tags: Alcina Dimitrescu/female reader, all the lords are here and present i'm just too lazy to tag, not mother miranda friendly, Character Death, Blood and Violence, not really graphic but maybe we'll get there, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Not Canon Compliant, canon? who's that, no really
Notes: TWO FICS IN TWO DAYS??? More likely than you think. ANygays, female reader with lots of angst because the fluff is not fluffing and lesbians just can't live laugh love in this village.
Also apologies for any mistakes I dont beta read almost ever so here, take your rations and starve
The dagger that was used on her wife was kept a secret, a myth among few. But one man had decided to act on a legend. After all, legends always ring with truths.
Instead of the fool going in recklessly like the others, he actually had a plan. The dagger wasn’t difficult to find, albeit having to sneak through a castle with a few loyal maids(who were good with knives) and two deadly women. The more difficult to please maids had helped him with that, because they apparently were living with monsters who never did anything for them.
The events unfolded not unlike this. Alcina had noticed a maid acting suspiciously, and decided it was nothing to worry about as she was most likely nervous about being brutally murdered for a mistake(which hadn’t happened in quite a while, mind you). 
She had gone to sleep a little earlier than normal after her wine had tasted off, and slept for hours while the man-thing broke in and stole the object of her downfall. As it turns out, nightshade acts less like a poison and more like a coma-inducing drug for genetically modified vampires. Who knew?
The daughters were at Donna’s house for the week, tending to her garden after wrecking it so they weren’t a problem. The maiden was easily called away while her wife napped to tend to a few projects she had as a surprise for Alcina. The only thing left to do was carry out the heinous act.
The nightshade had been quite effective, leaving her comatose for many hours. The man had gathered his courage and stabbed her in the side while she slept. The toxins forcing themselves into her bloodstream woke her with a scream of agony. The maiden quickly ran through the halls to their shared bedroom to kill whoever had hurt her beloved. 
The man realized his mistake as the maiden burst in and stared at him with a deadly rage. Her wife laid on their giant bed curling in on herself in an effort to minimize the pain.
The man didn’t deserve the normal punishment of being drained in the cellar and turned into both wine and a scarecrow, no that could come later. Instead the maiden reached for the small dagger and stabbed the man in the upper abdomen and dragged the knife down his torso to take care of him.
She was called back to attention by her wife’s antique wine glass crashing to the floor. Her arm was left outstretched, her eyes closed in agony while her mold-riddled body absorbed the deadly poison and further weakened her in her drugged state.
Her normally bright golden eyes were quickly dimming in the firelit room. Her grayish skin somehow getting paler in the feeble light given by the fire. Her hands let go from her abdomen and reached towards her wife. The dark red contrasted much differently in this situation than in most others since the blood was her own.
When was the last time I bled, Alcina wondered. Oh.
Now, her love was rushing towards her and holding her large frame close. Even though they were very different in size, Alcina’s wife was protecting what little she could cover of her quickly dying wife. Alcina laid her head back down on the plush pillows, bed sinking further with her weight. The precious embroidered dolls from their daughters were held close as Alcina closed her eyes and let the few tears that had collected on her long eyelashes finally fall. 
Her maiden thought that she was gone, no coming back. But before the inevitable, Alcina turned her head slowly and placed her large hand on her lovely wife's cheek for the last time. The way her lips were turning up as she smiled were forever etching themselves into her wife’s memory. 
“ Noapte bună draga mea. Noapte bună. ” Her final words were whispered as her eyes fell shut for the last time, the final tear streaking her pale face. Her wife allowed the tears to cascade down her cheeks for a few minutes before she thought of what she would tell the girls. 
Fortunately, she didn’t have very much time to dwell on her failure to protect her wife for very long, since Heisenberg burst through the doors only a few minutes later. The savage lycans must have been useful for once and informed him of the intrusion. His loud entrance into the room failed to rouse the maiden from her spot next to the bed as he rushed over.
His disbelief showed on his face, and where his words were once abundant they were left barren. Empty. Much like the corpse that laid on the bed. Once a powerful countess capable of crippling anyone in sight, reduced to a mass of poison filled blood. 
The woman laid on top of her lover for another hour, tears cascading down onto her wifes stained nightgown. Screams and begging echoed throughout the castle halls, maids and monsters alike quirking up their ears towards the chamber. Few of the maids were brave enough to travel up to the rooms, scared of the lycans and moraica traversing the halls in search of who had done it. 
Heisenberg and the loyal help in the castle quickly found the mole, keeping her in the darkest and most secure cell, surrounded by the monsters reaching through he bars to punish the traitor. They might have been mindless, but they held loyalty. And knew when someone had wronged their heads of house by the way they were treated.
Meanwhile, the few maids that had gotten to the room had started to coerce the woman away from the bed. She needn’t stay any longer provided she try to join her wife. They had Heisenberg move the body to the atelier, knowing she would be mostly out of the way until they could put her somewhere final. The knife was also given to the metal working man, to have in safe keeping and so he could melt it down with the wife at a later date.
Early the next morning the girls and Donna rode to the castle, and figured quickly by the excess of creatures roaming the usually empty halls that something was up. Upon hearing the news, the daughters had staggeringly different reactions. 
Bela was in disbelief, knowing that so very little could kill their mother, and just falling to the ground with her mouth agape. Few tears escaped the crestfallen face, hands held to her cheeks like her mother used to do. It took her several hours to even look at the body laying in the atelier, still thinking it was some cruel joke that her sisters or Uncle Karl had played on her.
Cassandra was explosive, crying violently as she dragged the dead man down to the cellar. Sounds of screaming from both the maid and herself were easily heard across the grounds. As wails echoing around Miranda’s church, townsfolk were terrified that another onslaught would take place. Cassandra’s only stipulation to having a first go at the woman was that she still had to be alive. She took that as a challenge to make her feel the most pain possible, knowing that it wouldn't even compare to what she felt at losing her mother.
Daniela immediately broke down, falling to her knees and crying so hard she ran out of tears. After that, she begged for her mothers corpse to reanimate as theirs had done so many years ago. She clutched at her mothers dress, gripping it so hard it was a surprise that it didn’t rip from the sheer force. Her futile attempts at seeing her mothers eyes again or feeling her arms wrap around her as she pretended to sleep continued, praying to whatever gods or deities would listen to please, please , bring her back just one more time.
Donna was more downtrodden than usual, despite her normal state of grief. Alcina had been like the sister she’d never gotten to grow up with, to have when she needed. Angie had lost her normal bubbliness. Her snarky comments ceased to ring throughout the rooms in search of the tall woman. She instead sat on Donna’s lap, curled into a little lump of wood and fabric, wishing she could cry.
Oddly enough, Karl was affected as well. He was more together than the rest however, knowing someone would need to take care of things since their main support was no more. He’d let himself have time to cry later, in the privacy of his factory. Throwing sheets of metal into the portrait of Miranda. Carefully rehanging the family picture they’d taken the year before. Yelling meaninglessly into the metal walls about how if only he’d gotten there quicker or left more lycans surrounding the castle instead of calling them away to spy on Miranda he could have prevented this. He could still have a sister. His siblings could be okay.
Her lover was numb. She couldn’t break down more, lest her children start to fear losing her as well. She kept a mostly stiff upper lip and made her rounds to the daughters, comforting and crying with each one as they tried in vain to process the loss of their mother. She stayed in the dungeon the least amount of time, knowing if she looked at that buffoon she would destroy every fiber of his being with her bare hands. She knew that all the time she had spent on making her anniversary present was spent pointlessly. She could have spent all of that time with her wife, holding her, talking to her, loving her . Instead now she got the man that killed her, the woman that helped, and her family in tears at the loss of their biggest support.
Karl eventually called Moreau, letting him know of the news and asking that come to show his support. He appeared in tears, his wooden crown missing and the growths on his back pulsing with every sob. He knew that Alcina would never forgive him should he ruin her carpet, so he stayed in the dining hall, curled up next to her large chair and wishing they could have just one more dinner, a concert, hell even a council meeting. Just wishing that she didn’t have to leave them.
The lords had rooms always made up for them in case of emergency, but they went unused and empty as they all cried together in her room. Moreau on the large plush carpet as his sobs died down, Donna cuddling the girls as they all held their respective dolls she had made when they were newly reborn. Her lover sat in her own chair, sitting in her wife’s would have been too painful to bear. Karl stayed closest to the door in a stiff wooden chair brought from the kitchen. Both himself and the widow had practically forced everyone to eat the bare minimum, knowing they would neglect to take care of themselves in their grief. Few words were exchanged as everyone knew what they were all thinking. 
Why can’t she just come back? 
Just one more time. That’s all.
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death2normalcy · 2 years
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Stray Kids Dynamics: Hyunjin and Felix
Hyunjin - I think I didn't try enough to make you my real friend. I think you make our friendship and I'm really thankful for that.
Fe - When I think about you, I feel like I have another reason to live. But it's too much that I sometimes need to calm down. Let's just naturally be good friends because I can always think too seriously about you. I'm happy because you're here. Cause of you, I am who I am.
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madamescarlette · 2 years
Absolutely wild how much more meaningful and warm and kind and gentle life becomes when there are people you love in it!
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Booster: I'm surprised you haven't thrown me out of Star Command yet.
Commander Nebula: At your weight, I'd need some kind of catapult.
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devonellington · 1 year
Tues. Dec. 27, 2022: Holiday Catch-Up
Tues. Dec. 27, 2022: Holiday Catch-Up
Tuesday, December 27, 2022 Waxing Moon Uranus and Mars Retrograde Chiron Direct as of December 23 Sunny and cold Hello, my friends, and I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend. Hopefully, the newsletter went out properly last Wednesday, and you enjoyed the holiday tale, “Comfort, Then Joy.” I am still waiting for my computer, although supposedly it is repaired and on its way back. So my…
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oh-okay-kay · 8 months
thank you stampy for changing my life for the better, for TEN years
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fatecanberewritten · 11 months
But I have one want which I have never yet been able to satisfy; and the absence of the object of which I now feel as a most severe evil. I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate my joy; if I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection. I shall commit my thoughts to paper, it is true; but that is a poor medium for the communication of feeling.
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
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A heavenly mind is a joyful mind; this is the nearest and truest way to live a life of comfort, and without this you must need be uncomfortable. Can a man be at a fire and not be warm; or in the sunshine and not have light? Can your heart be in heaven, and not have comfort? [On the other hand,] what could make such frozen, uncomfortable Christians but living so far as they do from heaven?… O Christian, get above. Believe it, that region is warmer than this below.
Richard Baxter
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everdeenxmellark · 10 months
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dancing fairies (1866)
by august malmström
“on warm dark nights i think i see
beneath the weeping willow tree,
the fairies dancing in the grass
on tiny feet that fly so fast.
the music is the wind that blows
while fairies spin on bare tiptoes,
and fireflies jewel up the night
reflecting fairies in their light.
round and round the fairies dance!
on bitsy feet they skip and prance
through tiny dew drops to and fro,
til morning comes, and then they go.
i wonder where the fairies live
and do they know what fun they give
to little girls and boys that see
beneath the weeping willow tree?”
- dancing fairies by c.j. heck
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