#+5 red pandas
wildcatofgreen · 1 year
The wildcat practically limped over to the main arena, where Zao himself stood, practically waiting for her.
The applause and cheering and roaring echoed throughout the entire arena--and right now, it was a lot louder than it was before. Excitement filled everyone, and just... man she really wishes she could be apart of it. But her everything just hurts, a lot. Spirits above.
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"CONGRATULATIONS, CAROL!!!" He spoke into the microphone in his hand, loud and proud, "Everyone here knew you could do it!!! You are such an amazing Battlesphere Champion!!!!
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"And all of those fancy moves, that incredible style!!! Your eccentric flare!!! This is why you're the Battlesphere Champion!!!!! Not some two-bit criminal from who knows where!
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She reached the Mayor, and decided to squat down next to him, keeping a smirk on her face all the while.
She whispered in his ear.
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"I think we're gonna need 'ta do some contract renegotiation after all this, dun't'cha think, buddy?"
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She stood again, waving to all of her fans.
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"D-Do you have any words to say to the audience?"
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"Mmmmmm," she swiped the microphone from the red panda, "Maybe a couple.
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"No matter what, all of y'all out there, dun't give up for even a second!!!
"Even if everyone says you're gonna lose, even if nobody believes in ya."
She specifically looked down at the Mayor.
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"Prove them wrong in the most fantastical way possible.
"Dun't let anyone bring ya down, no matter what!!!"
The Mayor looked nervous. Oh man, did she miss seeing that from him.
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"U-Uhm, well!" He swiped the mic back, "We hoped you all enjoyed this entire BATTLESPHERE BLITZ event!!! Happy Stones day and Happy New Year, from all of us at Zao Incorporated!!!
"T-The concessions and merchandise are 75% off for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! So get them all now!!!"
She crossed her arms.
Of course he'd do more peddling at the end of it all. Of course.
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q8q · 1 year
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Pairi Daiza, Belgium
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arendiacrossing · 8 months
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Misty mornings with the island red pandas 🧡
ig: arendiacrossing
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ej-artyarts · 9 months
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“We’ll all be gone for the summer, we’re on safari to stay! Tell the teacher we’re surfin’ - Surfin’ U.S.A!” — SURFIN’ U.S.A - The Beach Boys
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magicalshopping · 11 months
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♡ Turning Red Sticker by The Tangled SLP ♡
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ambertheartist · 11 months
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Thanks for 5 followers
just 95 more to go till I reach 100
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ravonix · 1 year
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Siddy boiiii
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percervall · 3 months
What are your top 5 cutest animals?
ooh, I love this!
red pandas 🥺 they're so fluffy and make the tiniest lil sound 😭
otters! they always hold hands so they can't lose their mate
dachshunds! I keep getting tiktoks on my fyp of someone with a puppy who buys costumes to keep her little doggo warm and it's adorable
pandas, in all honesty they're so dumb sometimes
koalas! I love koalas 🥰
thanks anon! 💜
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doctorbeth · 5 months
A giant bear and a tiny monkey, from the same home!
Back in August a gentleman reached out to me about his wife's giant panda, Edward (Eddie) Bear. He wasn't just giant by breed, but he was actually a giant at about 5 feet from head to toe.
Here are some diagnosis photos:
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In addition to stuffing compression, Eddie had quite a few seam issues, and some (not visible) tears. He came to the hospital for a spa and wound repair. Here he is in his bubble bath (he gets the giant tub).:-)
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Restuffing took quite a few adjustments to get his shape right, but soon he was restuffed, fur fluffed, wounds repaired, and ready to head home:
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Now Eddie headed home and his family was very happy! They wrote:
"Thank you so much, Beth, for providing the excellent care that our boy needed and deserved.
S and I are 100% satisfied with his outcome, so much cleaner, much less slouched and his wounds are all fully healed.
I wonder how many people realize and act on their true calling in life.
I believe I do with my wood working, and I know you do with Realms of Gold."
Nice, yes? But even better... a few weeks later the gentleman's wife reached out. Now that Eddie was better, she wanted to get her husband's companion, Mr. Monkey repaired. She wrote:
"First off let me start by telling you how happy Les and I are with the care you gave Eddie Bear. He is like new again and we are so pleased! 
Sooo, it got me thinking about Mr. Monkey. Mr. Monkey is Les’ child and has definitely seen better days. I have my doubts as to whether he can be helped because of the shape he is in.  But I thought it was worth a try to inquire."
Here are his diagnosis photos, and if you've been a long time reader of my blog, you may guess my response... he's not nearly as bad as you think and we can definitely help him!
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The plan was a spa and recovering Mr. Monkey's brown. The brown area was originally knitted (which I don't repair), but we agreed recovering it in a fur or fabric would add to his stability without changing his personality. So he came to the hospital and....
Here he is in his spa:
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Much tinier than Eddie, Mr. Monkey is slightly bigger than a hand!
Of course Mr. Monkey (and Eddie) got hearts of original stuffing... here are the two hearts:
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There were several fabric options for Mr. Monkey's brown, and his people opted for a thin minky fur. Here he is all better!
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Mr. Monkey headed home and when he arrived his family wrote:
"Mr. Monkey is home safe and sound! He looks GREAT! He said he enjoyed being at the hospital, getting such great care from you! By the way he talks, I think he’s quite smitten with you! He says he’ll miss you!  
Anyway, we can’t thank you enough for your TLC and expertise! 
Don’t you love the red bow tie? It came on a Christmas gift and L snatched it and saved it for when Mr. Monkey returned home. "
And here he is looking spiffy in that new bow tie!
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wildcatofgreen · 1 year
She can never get sick of this applause.
It really did make her just... so damn happy, every time she heard the audience roar for her.
And after Stones day, there's still so many people who came out to watch her. Like, she noticed the audience isn't as full as it was before, but there's still a ton of people who are here for her, cheering for her, who just want to see her win.
She came out of those doors waving and smiling, treating everyone to the big time superstar that is Carol Tea! And man, man did they love it.
"HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PEOPLE FROM THE WHOLE PLANET OVER!!!!" The announcer yelled in that same tone to get the crowd even more hyped than before, "ARE YOU READY TO SEE ONE OF THE MOST HIGHLY ANTICIPATED REMATCHES OF YOUR LIFE???"
An explosion of cheering again. A little chant of Carol's name started to form.
Not letting her get a word in today, huh?
Eh, that's fine. This is supposed to be quick, ain't it?
All the wildcat did was bow.
He didn't even pretend like he wasn't teleporting this time--as soon as those doors opened, he blipped right into position, holding the purple gemerald and his couple cards.
The crowd was actually mixed this time around? Half were boos, the other half were cheers. Guess beating her to a pulp last time made an impression on some people?
The panda pocketed his cards and raised his hand into the air--a microphone lowered itself down in response. He grabbed it and spoke into it in that same smug tone.
"So we meet again, Carol. On this same stage, to do this very same fight.
"You already know what's gonna happen--so why not give up while you're ahead?"
Sonar played a menacing note or two to further emphasize his words.
What, no funny notes this time, babe?
The wildcat raised her hand in the air and grabbed the lowering microphone. Her voice was just as smug and smarmy as his.
"Y'know it ain't so nice 'ta steal my lines like that, dude. I worked hard on 'em!"
A light chuckle swept through the audience.
Spade just shook his head, "Your confidence is as high as ever, Carol. I appreciate it, I really do.
"In fact, I've been thinking... since we're privately wagering a little bit on who wins this fight, I wanted to add another, public consequence to this."
She quirked an eyebrow as she put a hand on her hip, "Oh yeah? And what have ya got in mind?"
"Well! With this being your main profession and all, I don't think it'd be very nice of me to just rip it away like that, now would it?"
Huh? The hell was he getting at? "Yoooou're implyin' that I'd lose 'ta ya in the first place, dude."
"Yes, yes," he waved the hand holding his gemerald around while rolling his eyes, "I know, I know. But, hear me out. "You'll need something to sustain yourself while you're out of the job. So, I wanted to add one more thing.
"If you lose, you have to go back to your old profession, if you catch my drift."
Rejoin the fucking Scarves???? Is he joking????
She couldn't help but step back and unsheathe her claws, her face turned to pure anger.
He just snickered, "I felt like you would react that way. But, it would only be fair, I felt. I'd have to leave in order to work full time here when I win--so you'd be a fitting replacement."
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO. That is too fucking far. She's never going back to that awful place, never working for those bastards again, never never never never NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!!!!!
She growled, while he quirked a brow of his own.
"What's the matter--cat got your tongue?"
She snarled in response, "You'll hafta beat the answer outta me, panda boy!!!"
Another snicker, "Oh, so we're playing it that way, are we?
"Alright then. Let's not waste any more time."
They both let go of their respective mics with neither of their positions changing.
Well, actually, Carol took something out of her pocket and tied it to the yellow string tied around her glove--a little gem she has, one that seemed to be lightly tinted purple in color.
Just like her Lyli said. If a cat gets cornered, then they better expect the claws.
A mutual nod.
The feline jumped into the air as soon as the match started, as soon as Spade disappeared from view. Her entire body disappeared within an instant, the only thing alluding to her form being an hint of dark purple that came as soon as it went. The panda teleported behind the wildcat, as he had done so many times before, but now he was left... dumbfounded.
If the wildcat remembers correctly, she can't keep up the invisibility for long--Merga certainly couldn't. As silently as she could, she pounced over the panda's head and landed behind him--her feet hitting the ground alerted him to her, but it was much too late. She wound up a round house kick, and WHAM!!!
A kick sent right into the panda's face, just as she could be seen again. She couldn't help but snicker as he stumbled backwards.
He growled at her, that purple gem of his glowing bright, and quickly letting him disappear from view.
Her ear twitched.
He usually gets behind her, right? To catch her off guard?
She'll run forward then, and turn invisible once agai--
Cards were thrown at her back, just as she disappeared from the naked eye. She had to hold in her grunts--him not being able to know where she could be was paramount. She couldn't let that advantage waste away. She continued to run forward, even if it stung a little when she did.
Wait, why did it--
Ear twitch.
The panda appeared right in front of her, that same smug face on his maw.
"Clever girl~."
A punch delivered straight to her gut, making her keel over slightly and completely removed her invisibility.
"Little tricks like that aren't gonna stop me."
Shit... but what the hell? How did he--
Ear twitch.
The panda appears right behind the wildcat, elbowing the back of her head. Without another thought, without anything to keep her up, she falls down. A coughing fit soon follows after.
He placed a foot on her back, crouching down to remove the three cards that found themselves stuck into it.
"Heh," the panda waved a card in front of her face, "Honestly, I thought you'd last longer. All that waiting and for what--this?"
The announcer started to count down.
She wouldn't take this laying down. Not that easily!!!
With a flash of dark purple, the wildcat would vanish from underneath the panda's foot, reappearing right in front of the panda.
And, right behind him.
And on his left, and on his right.
Spade looked around, shock covered all over his face. The wildcat and her three holograms couldn't help but smirk.
She'd tease him, "What's wrong, Spade?" In the same kind of slimy voice he'd pull off to mess with her, "Can't tell the difference?"
He wildly kicked at his left-side Carol, but the Carol right in front of him grabbed his foot before it could make contact with the ground again. She really shouldn't continue messing around like this, right? This was supposed to be fast.
She dug in to her other pocket, taking out the other soul gem and holding onto it tight.
He tried to wiggle free from her grip, tried to hop away on his free leg, but it wasn't any use.
"Oh man, Spade.
"You're gonna love this one."
The gem in her fist glowed a bright white light, soon enveloping the wildcat entirely. She let go of the panda's leg, as she began to spin in mid air much like a certain dragon friend of her's. It all felt automatic, like there was barely any actual effort she had to exude with this. These were all just memories, right? So, in a way, she supposes it made sense.
After a couple revolutions, the wildcat screamed as she SHOT FORWARD IN A
Ear twitch.
She shot right past where the panda was, regaining her footing as she skid across the entire arena. She fell forward, unsheathing her claws and digging them into ground below to further stop her momentum. In one hand, the soul gem was held only by her thumb. No way is she letting this drop.
She found herself staring up at the panda, who seemed to be panting ever so slightly.
No time to let up!!!
She pounced, then flipped forward to land herself back on her feet. The panda threw an array of cards at her, but with a squat and a leap into the air, they all missed her target.
The entire arena turned dark, for a moment.
The wildcat looked down at the panda, his confusion being written on his face all over again. It felt soooo damn good to have an upper hand like this.
And this was definitely going to knock him down, one way or another.
Just as long as she didn't miss.
A bright purple line illuminated the two competitors for a moment--Carol, floating above the panda, and Spade, his gaze slowly turning to look up at her.
She started to spin rapidly, a glowing purple light enveloping her. She yelled into the arena, her voice reaching the microphones hung above.
And, in an instant.
She SLAMMED right into him, causing a loud, guttural scream to escape from his lungs.
She stood on her opponent's back, hands at her hips, proud as ever. He laid out, splayed against the floor--dazed, confused, but not yet knocked out.
Surely, surely, this would be enough, right? She would just have to wait for the countdown to start and end and she'd win, right?
So, she should just let it end here, right?
She stared down at the helpless body before her, her brows starting to furrow.
She can feel the eclipse soul gem starting to crack ever so slightly.
Yet, Lyli's held it's form.
She had only used it once, right?
So, why not make sure he stays down, juuuust for good measure?
She leaped off his body, a bright flash of white light enveloping her once more. She began to spin rapidly as she aimed down at the panda's back. Just enough to knock him out, just enough to solidify her win.
With another yell, with another burst of energy, she was sent hurdling down to the panda--
Ear twitch.
"TIME OUT!!!!!!!!"
Right as she dinked off the Spade-less ground below, she flew back into the air and uh.
Fell. Hard.
Right on her ass... ow.
She looked up--that voice didn't come from Spade, which is who she would expect to call for a cheap ass time out like that. Right when she's about to win, right when she's about to finish this stupid fight one and for all.
No, it sounded like it came from...
Mayor Zao?
And, yeah, just a moment later, a certain red panda came down on a platform with a microphone in his hand. He stared daggers at the feline.
"What do you think you're doing, Carol?"
She just... blinked.
Lifted her hand up, grabbed the microphone that lowered into it, she'd respond with confusion marked on her face.
"Uh... winning?"
"Winning?!?!?!" He looked even more pissed than he did before, "Is that what you call winning?!?!?! By blatantly cheating in front of my very own eyes, like I wouldn't catch you???"
The wildcat pushed herself off the ground, her claws wrapped around the microphone tight.
"What the hotel do ya mean, cheatin'??? How have I done anythin' of the sort????"
"Oh I don't know, maybe using this FREAKY WEIRD MAGIC STUFF?!?!?!" He stomped his foot with every word he uttered, before going to cross his arms against his chest. "Are you so desperate to get a win, that in all your days of being the Battlesphere Champion, you would use such blatant underhanded tactics??? Are you no better than Kalaw?"
"UNDERHANDED--" She stepped closer to the red panda, "ZAO, YOU'RE FUCKIN' WITH ME, RIGHT?"
"And CURSING, TOO! This is supposed to be a family friendly channel!!! Have you no shame???"
"And who spilled all of that blood, hm? I don't remember any of our challengers ever spilling a drop of blood from your body. All of our challengers abide by the rules. They haven't used a single dishonest move in any of their matches."
"Yes, and?"
"I don't think I need to explain why you're so obviously cheating. Everyone here can see it! You're not even hiding it!"
She grits her teeth, the gemerald's light glowing ever brighter.
"And so," the Mayor continued, "For that! I'm sorry, Carol, but you'll have to be disquali--"
A mountainous roar of boos shook across the entire arena, people all from the stands shouting out their opinions, giving out their two cents, or just shouting things that probably shouldn't be shouted anywhere at all.
It made Zao stop in his tracks. And blink. It was a moment or two before he spoke again, a sheepish smile on his face.
"Whaaaaaaaaat I meant to say, is that uhhh, we'll... we'll take away any and all items that seem suspicious that you have on your person and restart the match in fifteen minutes!!!
"Uhm. Take this as your break time, competitors!!! And for our lovely, lovely viewers," he turns fully to the audience, "Feel free to go get some food at the concessions!!!! HALF OFF OF EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!"
And as soon as he came, he left, leaving the competitors and the audience to do what they will.
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chaoticace2005 · 4 months
List of why the Radio Demon disappeared for 7 years:
1. His fight with Vox ended really badly and he needed to recover.
2. He went somewhere to acquire more power.
3. He had a mission to do because of his deal.
4. Vox confessed his love for Alastor. Alastor had no idea how to respond to this so he ghosted Vox for seven years. But Vox had access to cameras everywhere so the best way to ghost Vox is to ghost the city.
5. Met a wise old man who taught him the secrets to life, he had a training montage.
6. Took a gap year(s) to “find himself”
7. Extended tea party at Rosie’s
8. His shadow got pissed at him and decided to swallow him, sending him to a shadow dimension that he drifted in for seven years.
9. His friends from the other side finally caught up to him and he had to repay his debt
10. His tailor went on sabbatical and he couldn’t leave his place without the proper amount of drip so he had to wait for him to return.
11. There was a shortage of red hair dye, he had to wait for them to restock.
12. Someone took a photo of him with his tail out. He went on a mission to hunt them down and DESTROY them.
13. He went to the Hellmart to cause $50,000 in TV damages (Tomota vid reference)
14. He was busy making diss tracks for everyone he knows and lost track of time.
15. Susan beat him in a bake sale and he had to hide out of shame.
16. Honeymoon with his cane.
17. Fell into a coma
18. Found out about the Alastor-Body Pillow Vox had and then had to ensure they were never manufactured again.
19. He accidentally saw part of one of Angel’s pornos and was traumatized. He had to leave Pentagram City because everyone he went he saw his face.
20. Hung out with Lilith who dished tea about Lucifer.
21. Was told he was “outdated” so he took the time to educate himself on modern slang.
22. Tried to find an obedience trainer for cats.
23. He time traveled seven years into the future and just decided to run with it.
24. Alastor was killed. That’s not Alastor. That’s a shadow acting as him.
25. That’s not Alastor, that’s his twin brother.
26. Walked in on a role play session between a Vox and Valentino-Dressed-Up-Like-Alastor and needed to find a way to erase the memory.
27. Bonked his head. Woke up and thought his name was Bob, he lived a nice, happy life until he bonked his head again.
28. Fell through a portal and woke up in a dimension where his name was a bird named Crane who was a janitor in a world of King Fu and pandas.
29. Got access to the season 1 script so he could mentally prepare. He’s been rehearsing his lines and doing his best to make his performance as disturbing as possible.
30. Went to the dentist. When they tried to help him he ate them, so he had to find another dentist, who he also ate. This went on for a while.
31. Was run out of town by his dentist who got annoyed he kept dodging his appointments
32. Got relationship counseling for him and his shadow.
33. Was just out having a good time, partying, and consuming souls.
34. Went on a seven year long bender.
35. Rosie told him he was an “arrow” so he went to archery classes. Turns out she was wrong and archery really isn’t his forte.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Call Of Duty Masterlist
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And They Were Roommates
Simon Riley X Reader (NSFW F!Reader)
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Red Panda! Reader x Cod boys
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Funny texts:
funny texts 1
funny texts 2
Graves sex pollen
Konig sex pollen
Price Sex pollen
Squad 141 with a dog
Squad 141 snacks for movies
AU Squad 141 with Witch!Reader
AU Squad 141 with Witch!Reader + Blurp
AU squad 141 with Winged!Reader
AU squad 141!Greek gods with Human!Reader
AU Simon Riley! Dragon rider X Reader
Dads 141 receiving their Child stuffed animals while on misson
falling down the stairs (relationship established simon riley)
One-shot :
The devil (GhostxReader)
Down the rabbit Hole (Price! Werewolf x FBunny! Reader) (idea from @fnny-bnny )
Konig Werewolf x f- Reader
Cotton Candy Pacifer [ Ghost x F-Reader established Relationship]
Madripoor High
Simon x Reader (NSFW - F!Reader)
Moodboard Pinterest
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Soul Link series (Cat!Ghost) :
blurp 1
blurp 2
blurp 3
blurp 4
blurp 5
blurp 6
Ai chats:
Simon Riley:
he's a dumbass
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rowansugar · 11 months
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My summer shop update is now live! I just added a ton of new earrings and keychains, new red panda stickers, buttons, pins, washi tape, otter prints, and prints of my backyard bird series! And my first shirts!!
AND the red panda figurine that blew up on insta recently. It is one of a kind so be sure to move quickly if you're interested in it!
I will also be running an ongoing sale where if you donate $5 or more to my godson's preschool GoFundMe and send me proof over DM or Email, I will give you a 15% off code! The money goes to a queer, disabled family that could really use the help with another kid on the way so thank you very much to everyone who donates!
Also reminder that Lavender Tier Patrons get 10% off always ;)
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thedisablednaturalist · 9 months
If you are someone who hates bugs and kills them on sight (except for those that can actually cause considerable harm) please..just..take a second...think before you act. Does that bug need to die? Are you killing it just to feel better?
Yes, phobias are real. I have arachnophobia. And it's taken a long time for me to get to the point I'm at now where i can hold jumping spiders and be sort of near wolf spiders. I still struggle but to be in a field where you're outside a lot, you have to get comfortable with spiders sometimes crawling on you.
The first step is respect. You don't have to like or enjoy bugs. But you need to respect what their role is in the environment. To make it easier, think of animals you DO like and learn about their relationship with bugs. You really like birds? Well guess what a ton of birds eat. Even birds that don't directly eat bugs may eat things that do (ya know the whole food web thing). Bugs also may positively impact their environment through nutrient cycling, eating other, more destructive bugs, eating harmful molds, bacteria, or fungi, pollination, etc.
I used to be skeeved out by a lot of bugs, particularly bug larvae. Guess what I'm studying right now? Invertebrates are so interesting once you get past the initial discomfort.
Many of us believe invertebrates = gross/scary. This needs to stop. Invertebrates are going extinct so fast and because everyone hates them we don't have enough research to even know how many we are losing. Pesticides/herbicides have completely wiped out a significant portion of the invertebrate population, and that's along with other things like pollution, ocean acidification, invasive species, etc.
We are losing spiders. We are losing centipedes. We are losing tiny flies. We are losing worms and beetles and bees and wasps. We are losing butterflies and fireflies. Some invertebrate species only exist in one small pond or cave. Some have never actually been seen and some have only been seen once. And its affecting all of us. Fish are disappearing from streams because there's nothing to eat. Amphibians are disappearing because there's nothing to eat (and bc of chytrid fungus). Bats are disappearing because there's nothing to eat (and bc of white nose syndrome). Pangolins, axolotls, red pandas, armadillos, woodpeckers, monkeys, salamanders, these all have diets that are either partially or only fulfilled by bugs.
I go outside in the summer, and don't even have to use bug spray anymore. I remember getting chased by swarms of nats and mosquitos. Nights glittering with hundreds of fireflies. Now I only worry about mosquitos in the spring by the water. Even then I have maybe 5 bites at most, when before I used to be covered in bites from being outside. Before I was born, windshields used to be COVERED in bugs when you went down the highway.
Please, you don't have to like them, but please make an effort to change your initial reaction. They are earthlings just like us. They don't deserve to die because they aren't cute. We need more funding and research. They are getting wiped out and people think that's a fucking good thing. Stop using bug zappers. Try using bug repellent that doesn't have DEET in it (only use it if absolutely necessary), take the bug out in a cup and piece of paper, use methods other than pesticides to get pests out of your garden. Yes sometimes you need to kill a tick or get the termites or ants out of your house. Sometimes a venomous spider gets in your house and it's not safe to handle them. Sometimes they are killing your plants and you need to get rid of them. But a harmless millipede who's one defense is to literally curl into a little spiral and is completely harmless? Does it really have to die?
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
Yearling - Tumblr Master List
Yearling: noun - A young horse, older than a foal but not yet two years old. - A still wild thing that is too new to tame
After years of surviving in the wilds of Wyoming after the cordyceps outbreak, you find yourself in Jackson. It's a town filled with friendly faces and the kind of world you hardly remember, let alone can connect with or understand. But one man - Joel Miller, another loner, like you - makes you think that trying to find your place in society again might be worth it.
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On A03 | Spotify Playlist
WARNING: this fic does have plot overlap with TLOU2. It’s not a retelling of the game but if you want to go into season 2 spoiler free, approach with caution.
Chapter 1 - Break
Chapter 2 - Escape
Chapter 3 - Noise
Chapter 4 - Contribution
Chapter 5 - Movement
Chapter 6 - Shoot
Chapter 7 - Revival
Chapter 8 - Tipsy
Chapter 9 - Hold
Chapter 10 - Feral
Chapter 11 - Touch
Chapter 12 - Animals
Chapter 13 - Falling
Chapter 14 - Time
Chapter 15 - Past
Chapter 16 - Firsts
Chapter 17 - Stay
Chapter 18 - Reverse
Chapter 19 - Purpose
Chapter 20 - Healing
Chapter 21 - Holiday
Chapter 22 - Storm
Chapter 23 - Search
Chapter 24 - Return
Chapter 25 - Balance
Chapter 26 - Carved
Chapter 27 - Found
Chapter 28 - Newcomer
Chapter 29 - Together
Chapter 30 - Blood
Chapter 31 - Warmth
Chapter 32 - Promises
Chapter 33 - Discovery
Chapter 34 - Anything
Chapter 35 - Answers
Chapter 36 - Severed
Chapter 37 - Pieces
Taglist: @ashleymsnodgrass @planet-marz1 @kalea-bane @juneswonderlust @ilovepedro @h-annahayy @starstruckmusiciansartghost @beccerjune @mumma-moonchild @netonetoneto @mellymbee @purplelye @n7cje @flugazi @evyiione @randomhoex @aliengirl99 @orcasoul @reds-ramblings @pedropascalsbbg @fupoola @tinypotatothing @knopes-waffles @lilmizmoz @ayamenimthiriel @jenispunk @panda-pascal @sarap-77 @flugazi @your-slutty-gf @daniegraceg @partyofone3413 @cumberpegg @noisynightmarepoetry. @fifia-writes @grumpygrumperton @srmacaroni @txlady37 @bigboiseason123 @ashleyfilm @arizonadreamingg
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