#/ also hold the phone tumblr has a character limit since when????
dernarrleid · 6 months
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Name: Anna Liebert (first real name she associates with herself), Nina Fortner (the name she truly resonates with from her adopted parents)
Nina's something of a sleeper. She doesn't have command phrases or words, but her brother is able to give off a presence that draws her up by a string. In the manga, it's speculated maybe once or twice that Nina's actually the monster and doesn't realize it. That within her in something Johan's actually trying to protect her from, which is like, never mentioned in detail but man. It's definitely present in my characterization (as loose as it may be. idk, she needed more screentime).
Johan's decided he needs to be more involved in her sister's development, unfortunately(?) Nina's had boyfriends. Both of them not exceptional, more like good friends. It's not until Johan gentle nudges her in the direction of an upperclassmen, sometime around her last bachelor semester, that she realizes women are more appealing. Even later she realizes that sex seems more like an activity to enjoy distantly than something she necessarily craves.
Aside from the obvious issues with her mother, Nina finds comfort in dangerous men. She likes that they share that element in common, and doesn't shy away from the knowledge they bestow from time to time. It's funny, because occasionally, they'll look at her and wonder why the hell she's so interested in them and just oh. Like, wow, this girl found me out, hasn't told the police, hasn't change her demeanor once. Who the hell is she? And as soon as they have that private revelation, like clockwork, she's on their tail asking them question after question, lesson after lesson, gathering all sorts of information and techniques to eventually use for herself. And the strange part about most of them is that they'll give her what she wants without much effort. There's always a "you're so young and pretty, why do you need to do this?" Nina gets that look in her eyes and once again, they just know.
Read. Classics, the newspaper, web articles. You name it, she's read it.
Making clothes. She studying for a law degree, but she's also super into fashion. It's sort of comforting to her, as most of her brother's antics involve disguises, so when given permission (or orders disguised as requests) to be the distraction, Nina's brought it upon herself to pad them with the most ambitious styles she has knowledge of.
Training. She can fire a gun with 75% accuracy, so they're not her weapon of choice. If she must defend herself, she'd rather use martial arts and integrate a few small knives if the verse demands her to be more physically inclined. (Despite the grit required to make this something to like, she does enjoy it as a way to release pent up resentment. It's almost spiritual. Some techniques she'll get the hang of and be able to turn her brain off, going through the motions.)
She interacts with like, 4 people because her Mun is dysfunctional.
Not fighting for her brother when they were children. It was almost always Johan protecting her, but she couldn't recall ever doing the same for him.
Shooting him too.
No phobias!
TAGGED BY: @unladielike TAGGING: @mugunghwc ( kim ), @badheart ( futaba/fang ), @furiaei, @zorkaya
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sociallyawkward--fics · 11 months
hi xy time for what is becoming my annual checkin! how are u! i feel like since its been abt a year i have to infodump abt all my character development hold on i'll speedrun it. my pronouns r it/its zhey/zhem or (less preferred) they/them. and i have settled on those. it/its is the only one thats ever given me gender euphoria, took 4 years but i got there. ummm realized i have autism (undiagnosed). love the stimming and the being insane abt fictional characters the rest isnt that great. got anxiety meds!!!!! oh my god xy!!!! life is so good now antidepressants r a girls best friend. also. hold on ur never gonna believe this. i have adhd meds now. the crowd goes wild. was like yea doc idk i just think the anxiety meds r not improving my ability to focus what was that u said abt adhd^__^ n she was like hmmmm ok i cant diagnose u but i can give u this adderall u dont need a diagnosis for n if its like glory hallelujah we'll just assume u have it and GLORY HALLELUJAH. ive cleaned my room like more times in the past few months than i have my entire life im WINNING. i cant rly feel if its working but i'll sit down to write or smth n i wont get distracted every 5 seconds n the mental block that keeps me from doing things is gone!!!!! life changing stuff just wish i had it before my grades fuckin woooo splat. um my gpa is 2.2 weighted im like. ok well now that i have adhd meds im working on it -H (i feel like. ok i think tumblr made it so ur asks can be longer but fuck all those liberals n their woke agenda (joke) i am all abt tradition babey i'll be back for a pt 2 rq)
ummm rly into books love books. "thats old news h everyone knows that" but like im being wonderfully unnormal abt them<3 there was this one series the ascendance trilogy n i was fucking OBSESSED w it when i was younger n i learned there was a 4th n 5th book recently so like. the trilogy thing was a fuckin lie. but i obviously had to reread the series so i could read the new books n im still so obsessed w the series its so banger for a middlegrade series. got so unnormal abt it i made a 7hr playlist for the main character bc everyone elses sucked so much ass i just had to. still in the process of rereading but yeah. also theres this OTHER series the raven cycle i read recently n im also obsessed w that these series r all like my ideal books they hit all my favorite tropes. yeah just being rly unnormal abt books thats my current obsession. also. drawing. im so good at it u wouldnt believe. next fuckin van gogh right here. n honestly i dont even care abt going off anon it just bothers me bc my ROUTINE. the TRADITION. its just not the same. but i'll go off it just for u to show u some of my banger art. at a stage where im pretty frustrated at my limitations but that doesnt mean i cant recognize that im fucking awesome ok hold on again -H but yea ok to finish up what have u been up to! tempted to just ask what shows/game/etc uve been into but also i am exerting a little of my brain power to realize some ppls lives dont revolve around those. so just liek what have u been spending a lot of time doing. how is writing going! wait what r ur drawing skills just out of curiosity draw smth for me (if ur comfy ofc n dw i completely understand if it fuckin sucks taht was me just over a year ago) -H (when i was younger i used to think that ppl couldnt be good at writing n drawing they had to choose one. exerted my baby brain power to be like. it takes too long to get good at them u can only do one. then saw a book w the cover art credited to the author n i was like woahhh this is fuckin crazy living my younger selfs pipe dream)
The way I have had a reminder on my phone to answer these asks for MONTHS but my executive function has been GARBAGE i am so sorry my friend it was not intentional to leave this sitting for so long i am so sorry!!! (also between the two of us this got Long so i am putting a read more so i don't take up a big block of people's dash in my return from the dead lol)
thank you for pronouns update! congrats on meds!! i gotta get me some of those so i can Detroit: Become Functional lol. I am rooting for you with your GPA!!! Also lol, love that we are following tradition of multiple asks still even with the tumblr updates letting asks be way longer now lol, it is just Familiar To Us
I will have to look into the ascendance trilogy!! My sibling is also obsessed with the raven cycle, but i have not read it yet (still debating if i want to or not, have been for YEARS lol, because i keep hearing "author problematic" and then never remember Why because i have Goldfish Memory). I will not post your off-anon ask with the artwork unless you want me to (want you to feel comfy on the blog and sending asks and I know you prefer anon!), but i will say that your art is AWESOME, my friend!! you are SO good and you're only going to keep getting better! I am glad you enjoy it!
Also bestie. This is a neurodivergent space lol, my life also revolves around shows/games/books/etc. they are the only thing that make the monotony of life and job-having under a neurotypical capitalistic society bearable lol. I actually have been getting back into reading ACTUAL BOOKS lately which feels GREAT (because reading Actual Books when i am so tired and Non-Functioning all the time is Hard lol), i am finally going through my seemingly-endless TBR and also have reread some old faves this year. Games-wise, the only thing i ever think about is still the Dragon Age games, Alistair is the love and light of my life lol. Show-wise.... i am in Limbo because of the Exhaustion, tragically, and also just waiting on new seasons (OFMD). Witcher has a new season out, but i have not watched it yet because Energy and also i have no motivation to because the last season they put out was so bad (even if i hear this one is good, i have lost trust lol)
Writing is. Not quite going lol. I have not finished a fanfic in ages, and also have made little to no progress on any of my original work attempts either, tragically. Hopefully things look up for me soon cuz I wanna get stuff DONE again lol, this blog has become so quiet and near obsolete because i cannot FINISH anything and it is TRAGIC.
Also, I have little-to-no drawing skills, but I also unfortunately do not have much energy to apply to drawing you a picture atm :(( maybe someday. Sometimes I can draw something that makes me go "omg i am not Awful, maybe I could actually put thoughts and energy into learning this as a skill" and other times it is like "i will never put pencil to paper (or stylus to screen) ever again" lol. Maybe someday when i am doing Better again i will hopefully have the energy to draw you something!!
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thegongoozlerreacts · 11 months
Welcome Home (Part 5)
ok so bc tumblr has a fucking limit to 30 photos per post i had to make a part 5
continuation under the cut
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so i looked at the worksheet and was like 'ok so the answers are Barnaby, Sally, Poppy, Julie and Wally'
and since the code is 5 characters i just took the first letter of their names, in all caps and put it in
idk if this is the only code that works or if there's other codes that lead to different things but i found one of them !!!
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its a distorted version of the exhibition page
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i read the text aloud and lost my mind and now my brother thinks im crazy LMAOAOAOOAO
ok so !! who wrote this the text on the distorted exhibition page AND the actual page full of possible password combinations
also the person's monologue was about hearing a phone ring and ring but being unable to answer it
then the upside down blacked-out text feels like its Wally just because it's like 'ring ring hello can you hear me call back soon'
and whoever the haunted-by-phone-ringing person is said that they had a dream of Wally holding a phone and calling them
time to look at the pictures
the photos are of a... messed-up version of the exhibition? pretty sure its the exhibition
maybe the person is the Question-Answerer
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i think this picture and some of the other ones are behind the 'staff only' curtain that you can see here
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oh yeah it definitely is you can see the black ink on the wall behind the cover of the other side !!
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that black spiral thing, like from underneath Home in The Neighborhood page
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oh my god
yeah ok so definitely i think the person who was looking for the password was the Question-Answerer or one of their staff
also the '~ Wally Darling' thats underneath the response email ???? oh holy shit dude
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well the sticky note explains why the video of someone using the telephone in the exhibition was wearing a glove
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oh hey its that one drawing of Frank
alright so the sticky note,,, i think it says "This art was NOT in the shipment PLEASE stop using the work printer to prank me" maybe ??? probably something like that at least
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this is so cool
also you can see a paint roller so someone from the staff there, probably the person who said they 'tore up the workspace' when looking for a ringing phone (Question-Answerer?)
also the blacklight stuff is interesting
whatever was in the safe was supposed to be the prize for getting the worksheet answers correct so,,, maybe when u got it correct they brought u in here like 'hey sorry cant give u the prize rn cuz its in a safe lol here' or smth ?!?!??!
oh yeah i think thats a blacklight on the table too
also !! i noticed a toy telephone but it looks like it attaches to those square toys from my childhood ?!??!
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like these things but they were square
also on the right wall on the back of the picture is a printed picture of that drawing of Wally sitting on a really high chair
and there's a tv and a book!! its cover is like that one that Clown Illustrations used in their announcement of the site coming back up !!!
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so fascinating
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ah thats why they have a blacklight
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there's a link at the bottom of the email
i know its not a virus bc i dont think Clown or anyone who worked on this would do that but i am afraid to open it
gonna do it anyways
ok the link isnt loading for me LOL so nevermind that i guess
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so the written stuff u can see on here is VERY interesting
maybe it wasnt the Question-Answerer spiraling to get the safe code but THIS is the Question-Answerer wondering what the fuck is going on
they seem to have a thing about thinking people are pranking them
there's also some hidden faded text that i can just barely see you could probably see it with a blacklight in real life but i think you might have to edit this photo to see it
unfortunately i dont have the tools to do that LOL so well. i'll just see if someone else has i guess
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the style of pages between the 'password please' one and the 'am i being pranked by everyone' is different
and there's TWO notebooks
the one sent by the WHRP team and the Question-Answerer's notebook
so i think the page that didnt have lines (password please) belongs to the red notebook?
ok nevermind i was wrong
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that open notebook makes me think its of the red notebook so then
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ok THIS is definitely from the red notebook so actually maybe the other open page one was from the brown notebook???
i can barely read the text on the letter lol
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i really wish i could have gone to this exhibit and seen all this in person for myself <//3
i wonder if it was even possible for guests to access this area tho lol
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handprints on the wall
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its the safe!! and that one drawing of Wally !!!
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oh you can see the square pyramid telephone from closer here
also that script at the side is the same script from that one secret link
also a tv !! i wonder what we'll see on it if it will ever be fixed
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so fascinating
these are printed emails, so who's putting that text in the blacklight?
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ah!!! its clickable !! the 'it's in here' !!
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leads to this
how odd
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audio with a tab titled 'soon'
its audio of Wally saying 'let me in' how fascinating
im so excited to get all these audios and work out the order cuz i know its gonna be fucking crazy
unfortunately thats gonna be all because i have to sleep now !! but im sure i'll finish going through the website tomorrow for sure !! goodnight
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panharmonium · 2 years
Hiii, you're back! I figured you were taking some time off tumblr :)
(I can’t really figure out how to format on desktop or how to quote things from your reply (and somehow there is a word limit on the desktop version), but I can’t wait to get to the part you mentioned you were thinking about!)
And about the reunion arc, I loved reading your take!! When I first watched it I remember thinking how I thought her love for Sasuke was a bit unrealistic given the circumstances, but I hadn’t looked at it that way yet. After reading what you said and thinking back on her internal struggle before the reunion, I think that what happened does indeed fit with her character and with how the story and its themes were set up. Looking back, I also appreciate her not being able to go through with killing him, as opposed to her killing her feelings and going through with it, and become someone else so to speak..?
I think the reason I felt conflicted was because back then after her assassination attempt failed and he tries to kill her, I’d hoped that she would finally realise that he wasn’t the same person anymore, and for him to no longer hold her back. That she could grow into her own person instead of chasing after this guy that doesn’t want or deserve her (at least from what I’ve seen up till now. Especially after seeing what Sasuke does to Karin after all they’d been through. That especially made it hard to empathise with Sasuke afterwards. And I remember thinking after he tries to kill Sakura, how can she still believe in him? But I guess by then she’s put her hope in Naruto because she believes he still has a chance at changing Sasuke). It also raised the questions, when are people beyond saving? And to what ends would someone realistically go to save a person? Which I keep thinking about when it comes to these three.
But after reading what you said, I think Sakura actually did try to do just that. I suppose it’s hard to stop loving someone.. (It just.. hurts to see her like that, because she really deserves better). And she and Naruto choosing to not give up on Sasuke does indeed fit with what Kakashi taught them at the beginning of the series and the overal theme (and the theme of people loving us better than we deserve that you mentioned, which I think is beautiful).
Do you think Kakashi thinks that Sasuke is too far gone at this point, after this reunion? Since he is ready to take Sasuke down to save the kids the pain of having to do that.
(And sidenote, I know you’ve mostly stayed away from the fandom, but I think Sakura gets wayy too much hate from the fandom :/ I mean agree that Kishimoto didn’t develop his female characters well back in part 1 (also, if I remember correctly Kakashi said that Sakura had an affinity for genjutsu waaaay back when they were learning to climb trees? But it was it was never mentioned again T_T. We were robbed😂🥲), but like you’ve mentioned somewhere before, I loove what they did with her in Shippuden (especially that first arc!!) :) )
(Ok I found that if I type it out on my laptop and then send it to my phone I can quote things🤔 How do you format your posts?😊)
I speak multiple languages, and while I love having that background, it does mean that I experience a special kind of angst when I’m working with a language I don’t have a working knowledge of and can’t just look up the source word being used in a given situation and understand the specific connotation/association behind it.  I prefer to do close readings of texts when I’m analyzing media, but that’s not remotely accurate when working with multiple translations that don’t always agree (eg, the dub, the sub, the manga), so I’ve had to just try to relax and let that frustration go. X)
Yeah! I speak multiple languages too, and I love to be able to look at the original text and look for subtleties and connotations that I might have otherwise missed (which is also one of the reasons I want to learn Japanese). Are you doing a literature related degree by any chance? :) And could I ask which languages you speak?
Of course!  My Naruto obsession is not fading anytime soon; you are welcome to come back and chat about it anytime! :D
I have so many thoughts on this series, and I’m still just so excited that there is a place to discuss it ^^! Thanks! (And I can’t wait until I’m done with my exams for this semester😞 Wanted to write back before I start cramming again.)
Is there an option to reply to posts by the way?
Hello again! :)  Yes, you’re right, I was offline for a couple weeks - back now, though!
Do you think Kakashi thinks that Sasuke is too far gone at this point, after this reunion? Since he is ready to take Sasuke down to save the kids the pain of having to do that.
I don’t think Kakashi has given up on Sasuke.  I do think Kakashi is more realistic about the situation than the kids have ever been - he’s always known that there’s a possibility that things won’t turn out okay in the end, and there’s a scene at the end of 179 where he specifically says to himself, “Sasuke...I guess it’s going to be my job to stop you,” which isn’t to indicate that fighting Sasuke is something he wants to do, but that he’s aware that things may eventually escalate to a point where he needs to act to protect others.  He’s been preparing himself for that possibility for much longer than either Naruto or Sakura has - it’s only immediately prior to this confrontation that Sakura admits to herself that Sasuke has changed, and Naruto doesn’t start to fully understand and accept it until after the confrontation in S10 happens.  But Kakashi has lived through too much to ignore the reality of the situation - he knows that sometimes you can try your hardest and still lose, and he knows that it’s possible that they’ll try their hardest to help Sasuke and fail.  (I wrote a little bit more about my thoughts on this here, if it helps explain better what I’m thinking - no spoilers to worry about; it was back when I was still pretty early on in the show.)
I don’t think Kakashi believes Sasuke is a lost cause, though.  Not during 214, not ever.  Everything Kakashi does during 214 is defensive, and he’s still trying to reach out to Sasuke even after Sasuke uses the Susanoo to try and incinerate him.  Kakashi is just trapped in an impossible situation at the end of their confrontation - he steels himself to potentially take Sasuke down because the alternatives are A) letting Sasuke murder other people (Sakura, Karin), or B) letting one of the kids try to kill Sasuke themselves (which, if they succeeded, would sentence them to the kind of agony Kakashi himself has been living with for years).  Neither of those options are things he can allow in good conscience, so he prepares to sacrifice his own soul instead, and probably his life - because I really think if Kakashi had had to kill one of his own kids it would have been the end for him.
But you can tell in the aftermath that neither he nor Naruto nor Sakura have fully given up on Sasuke yet - the little conversation they have up on the bridge where they’re like “Sasuke is Sasuke” was, for me, such a hopeful moment, in the sense that they’re beaten down and they’re sad and they failed to retrieve their friend yet again, but they’re still acknowledging that whatever Sasuke is going through right now, somewhere inside he’s still the person they know.  He’s still the first person who figured out the Bell Test’s true meaning, the first one who passed the survival exam, the first one who was willing to die for both Naruto and Sakura on separate occasions - that person is still in there.  Sasuke is Sasuke, and his friends haven’t given up on him yet.
Some of my feelings on this are influenced by things that happen beyond the point where you’re at now, so I won’t say anything about that stuff, but in general, while I think Kakashi has always been able to see the reality of the situation in a way that the kids aren’t initially able to do, I don’t think that Kakashi ever writes Sasuke off as a lost cause.
And sidenote, I know you’ve mostly stayed away from the fandom, but I think Sakura gets wayy too much hate from the fandom
Aha, yeah...obviously people are entitled to dislike whatever characters they want for whatever reasons, but I mostly mind my own business on my own blog because I don’t want to deal with it. X)  I love her and that’s that.
Are you doing a literature related degree by any chance? :) And could I ask which languages you speak?
I’m actually not in school anymore, but I did a literature-related degree back when I was a student, yes!  I got my undergrad degree in English :)  And my other two languages are Spanish and Arabic.  (My listening/reading skills are better than my speaking skills nowadays, particularly with Arabic...I used to be in a field that required me to use it constantly, but it’s been a number of years since then, so I’ve lost a lot of my proficiency).
Is there an option to reply to posts by the way?
Oh - on tumblr there’s an option you can select that makes it so that only blogs who’ve been following you for several weeks can reply to your posts, and I have that setting turned on.  After I started watching Naruto I unfortunately had to turn it on to prevent strangers from interacting with my posts in ways that weren’t consistent with the kind of positive and enjoyable fandom experience I wanted to have.  So you won’t be able to use the “reply” function unless you’ve been following me for a few weeks (which I assume you’re not, because of spoilers, heh - I was the same way while I was watching; I didn’t follow @dreamersscape for a long time even though we talked a lot, because she had finished the show before me).  You’re welcome to keep sending messages for now, though, or tag me if there’s something you’d like me to see! :)
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marvelgurl · 3 years
Off-Limits: Part 1
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Characters: Tom Holland X Reader Osterfield, Harrison Osterfield
Word Count: 2005
Warning: language, fluff (I think that's it...)
A/n: This is the first of many parts. I want to apologize now, this part is a little on the boring side (well that's what I think) but I needed to set a lot of things up in this in this one. It gets better I promise.
Also Feedback is more than welcome, the good and the bad.
Tumblr Masterlist. Off-Limits Masterlist
Today was a hectic day for you to say the least. You had to make sure everything was set for your move back home tomorrow. You have been living in the states for the last four years. You had left home to pursue dancing. You had gotten into Juilliard. It was something that you had dreamed of since you were a little girl. Your mother had signed you up for dance when you were about 4 and you just never took off your ballet slippers. When you had gotten accepted, you were in shock. Only 7% of applicants are actually accepted. With the support of your amazing family, you were able to follow that dream. You had left home at 17, now here you are 21 and a Juilliard graduate.
“Hey Y/n!”
“Harrison, how are you?
“I’m good, Are you ready for tomorrow?”
“Well since you called me in the middle of me packing, I’m going to say no, I’m not ready at all Haz.”
You were so excited to hear from him. It felt like you haven’t talked to him in ages. When in reality you talked to him almost every day. You were looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. It has been hard on you not being able to see him. You guys were super close before you left. Which made you try that much harder to keep in touch with him. There were nights where you were up extremely late, because of rehearsals, and you still wanted to talk to him. So, you would call, and every time without fail, he would pick up. Some nights you guys would just sit on facetime and not actually be talking. You have fallen asleep on the phone with him many times, but you wouldn’t change those moments for anything.
“Well maybe you should have started earlier.” The sass coming from him made you chuckle.
“I started three days ago. I just get sidetracked easily remember.”
“With what? Have you collected that much stuff in the last four years?”
“No, it’s just I have tons of photos and things that bring up memories. Mostly it’s the stuff that I brought with me that keeps distracting me.”
“Oh well, soon you will be back home, and you won’t have to look at my adorable face through photos anymore.”
“Bold of you to assume that they are all of you.”
“Well who else would they be of?”
“Hold on.”
You switched to facetime. After Haz popped up on your screen you propped up your phone on the table. You walked over to one of your bags and pulled out a box. Bringing it over to the table before opening it. The first photo was of you and Harrison. You were about 6 and he was 5. You had your hand on your hip, you were also kind of glaring at Haz because he was making fun of you for being shorter than him.
“I know this one has you in it, but I absolutely love it. Do you remember when mum took us to that studio to have professional photos taken?” You flipped the photo around for him to see.
“Yeah, I looked good in those photos.”
“Haz, I’m in those photos too.”
“Sorry, my eyes went straight to me.” He gave you a little smile.
“Of course, they did.” You picked up the next one. “This one is of me and my favorite Holland boy.”
You showed him a photo of you and Paddy. It was from the day before you were leaving for New York. He was super upset that you were leaving. He was hugging you and didn’t want to let you go. You asked him if he had a photo of the two of you, would it help him. He of course said yes. So, you pulled your phone out and took a photo. Later you had two of them printed, and you gave one to him and kept one for yourself.
“Aww Paddy. Okay I will give you that one. He’s my favorite too. Next one.”
“You do realize that this isn’t helping me get any packing done.”
“I know but would you rather be doing this or packing?”
“You got me there. Moving on, this one is of Tom and I.”
You show him the photo. Tom had picked you up and had you hanging off his shoulder. You were laughing pretty hard at his sudden movement. You remember being too far back, you thought that he was going to drop you. So, you had wrapped one of your arms around his waist to make sure you had an anchor if you slipped out of his hands.
“If I remember correctly, I took that photo.”
“Okay, I am so done with you.”
“No, wait what else do you have in that box?”
“Umm, a bunch of little things. Like movie stubs, a small notebook that has drawings, concert tickets, some old jewelry that is too small for me now, my first pair of ballet shoes, some cards, figurines and a few other things.”
“Wow, I didn’t know you were so sentimental.”
“Well I am. This box is basically my life. Everything in here has a memory or a feeling attached to it. Whether it was mine, someone gave it to me or even just one of the photos. I would be absolutely devastated if something happened to it”
“That’s a lot of pressure to put on a box Y/n.” This caused both of you to chuckle, you could tell he was trying to lighten the mood.
“I guess it is, but it is literally my world in a box.”
You started hearing talking in the background. Harrison looked off to the side and started talking.
“Oh, sorry mate I didn’t realize you were on a call.”
“It’s okay, she won’t mind.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” Harrison turned his phone slightly to the side so that half of his face was still on screen. The other half was to dark to make out a face. You started looking around at how much you had left to do.
“Y/n?” The voice sounded familiar, but you looked around for a few more seconds.
“Yeah. Hey Haz, I think I should…” When you finally looked back Tom’s face was next to your brothers. “TOM!!”
“Hey! How are you?” He seemed genuinely excited to see you.
“I’m doing alright. I have a lot of packing to finish up in the next few hours though. How are you?”
“I’m good. I’m on holiday right now. I must go back to work in a few months. So, I’m enjoying the time I have at home.”
“That’s great. Soon you will be back to saving people around the neighborhood, right Spiderboy.”
“Oh, now that hurts. It’s Spider-Man Darling.” He put his hand on his heart like you had really offended him.
“Umm… I like Spider-Boy better.” You had a cheeky grin on your face.
“Wow… I didn’t realize how much of an accent you had gotten from being over there.”
“I don’t have an accent.”
“Yes, you do. It would be weird if you didn’t though. You have been there for four years.”
“I personally don’t think I have an accent, but I guess I can’t really hear it while I’m speaking.”
Harrison was just looking between the two of you. He didn’t like the fact that you were flirting with each other, but he didn’t say anything. They have been friends just as long as he and Tom have. He decided to let the two of you talk for a little bit longer.
“I would love to keep talking but I really do have a lot of things left to pack.”
“That’s okay, I will see you when you get back.”
“Bye Y/n. See you tomorrow. Love you.”
“Bye Haz, love you too. Bye Tom.”
-The Boys-
Harrison ended the call he looked over at Tom, who was looking at his phone with a large grin on his face. Tom quickly noticed that Harrison was looking at him, and his facial expression changed.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Tom had a confused look on his face.
“It’s not nothing, what’s wrong man?”
“I’m fine.”
“I have known you long enough to know when something is wrong. So, let’s just skip this and tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong.” He paused for a few seconds. “How long have you liked Y/n?”
“What?! I don’t, we are just friends.”
“Then why are you flirting with her?”
“I wasn’t. Like I said we are just friends.”
Harrison got up and started walking to the door to leave. “Let’s keep it that way Tom.”
-Back to Y/n-
After the call ended you got back to work. You were able to get the rest of your things packed with little to no distractions. Once that was all done you started on the cleaning. You also made sure to lay out everything on the counter that you would need for the morning. After going through your mental check list, you packed it all into your backpack.
Once everything was done, you looked around the empty apartment. Thinking about all the memories that you have made here. You were going to miss it, but you couldn’t wait to go home.
You remembered back to when Tom and Harrison were in New York. You had been able to see Tom in action. Harrison brought you to set a couple of times while Tom was filming. You had an awesome time seeing how all the things on set work. How even though there are a million different moving parts, they worked like a well-oiled machine. You were also able to meet a few of the cast members while you were there.
In return, you had taken Harrison and Tom with you to a few rehearsals and then your final showcase. You know that it wasn’t as exciting as watching a Marvel movie being made but you wanted to show the guys what you had been doing. They were excited to go with you. After the showcase you had found them, they were telling you how awesome you had done. They also told you how proud of you they were. Tom had gotten you a bouquet of flowers, which was another thing you had in your box. You had taken a couple of the flowers and pressed them until they dried. Then you sealed them so that they would stay like that forever.
The next day, you were up early enough that it didn’t seem like you had gotten any sleep. You packed your rental car with all your bags before going to return your keys to the landlord. Then you were off to the airport. After the car was returned, bags were checked and you were on the plane, you finally felt like you could relax. You had a 7-hour flight ahead of you. You had plenty of things to distract you for that time. You would be getting to London around 20:00 (8pm) Due to the time change.
Once you landed, you had to get a trolley for your luggage. Your Mother had dropped off a car for you. Thankfully she had given you a spare key before leaving. You packed the car and drove home. You had so much anxiety built up from the last few days. Now as you were getting closer, you could start to feel all of it melting away.
You pulled the car up in front of your childhood home. You decide to sit there for a few moments. You couldn’t believe after all this time you were finally home. You loved America, but nothing can compare to being back in London. You took a deep breath before getting out of the car. You decided to unload all your bags and carry them up the stairs to the door. After you had everything there, you were finally ready to opened the door.
Off-Limits Tags:
@aidinniram @houseofflufff @justafangirlduh​ @shrutipatel08 
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captainkirbypunch · 3 years
My love has left tumblr once again.
As many of you may know, the account under the name MDZADR, has left tumblr. They felt unsafe in their fandom, and as such have deleted their tumblr and AO3 account due to the bad memories linked to them.
As a part of their departure, they have asked me to post something in their name, as follows.
If you want more details about how I came to this realization, continue to read. If not, here is your summary:
TL;DR: For the safety and health of this fandom, I wanted to spread the word that Mooping-10 is filled with people who absolutely cannot be trusted, creating a very hazardous environment for the zadr community, and MelodyoftheVoid is connected to all of those people, living a double life amongst those of us that don’t “ship zadr correctly.” She has plenty of friends her inner circle knows nothing about, and nobody on either side knows who she really is. 
Full story below.
I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye. Nobody did anything to me today, but this just wasn’t worth it.
My AO3 and tumblr are both gone. I didn’t say goodbye because I didn’t want to look like an attention seeker.
Here’s the thing. I wasn’t going to name drop, but you guys need to know the truth. I’m instructing my boyfriend (hi y’all) to turn asks off for his own safety after this because this is going to be a nightmare, but... allow me to tell you the full story. I’ll try to break up the text so it’s less difficult to read, but this is important. I’m sorry to air discourse so publicly, but please... I need you to listen to me.
I’ll start from the beginning, without being vague anymore about who “she” is. I request that you please read the whole thing and not skip parts of it. The whole story matters.
I finally returned to the fandom about two months or so ago. As I’ve mentioned, I don’t do well in my thoughts while left alone too long, so I posted saying I would stop messaging people I knew because I didn’t want to bother them. There were only two people I was talking to at the time, but one of them is famous so I didn’t want to message her directly saying that. Doing so would have put her in a position of feeling obligated to say “you’re not bothering me” rather than just simply being able to sigh with relief from no longer being contacted. 
But the first person to contact me was the famous person, and she asked if I was okay, and told me she liked talking to me.
God, I actually cried.
But, that’s just her. Melodyofthevoid is the type of person to talk to people in the fandom, totally unaware of her demigod status. She comments on stories, interacts on posts, messages first... a pillar of kindness, so it seemed.
But let the story continue.
Over time, we were talking more often. 
Mostly sending memes (cause everyone I knew, myself included, aren’t exactly great at holding conversations. No shade. Memes are a love language). I was still in the hero worship stage of our relationship, so my view of her was that that was perfect.
Now, let me bridge a connection with a new story idea I got around December 28th or so, and my thinking she was perfect.
I had recently finished watching Madoka and questioned “If I had magical powers, what would they be?” It then turned into its own story idea, basing creators’ powers around the strengths and weaknesses in creations. I actually realized “oh fuck. My stuff is incoherent. My friends’ works aren’t too different...”
Thus spawned the name “Incoherent” for the project.
What does that have to do with this? Well, here’s the thing that really fucked everything up quickly. 
This was not on purpose, because originally the project (which I had told nobody of yet at the time) was all about improving your works, making platonic friends, dressing our personas in cute outfits, and writing fun magic.
While listening to music and thinking of the story one day, my brain accidentally shipped my persona with hers, and I couldn’t unsee it. And I’m lousy at keeping my own secrets (other’s are different) so she found out on probably day one or two about my weird crush because of an ask meme of all things. 
She didn’t try to put me off any, which was another problem for future things to come, and so I decided that since Incoherent was finally making me feel alive again and feeling the euphoric feelings of love wouldn’t hurt anything (I figured they’d mellow out on their own eventually because that’s how infatuation works) since they helped fuel my inspiration, and then we would just continue from friends to better friends one day and this part of our lives would be over.
Besides, the forbidden is attractive somehow, and makes stories more entertaining. She’s aro/ace, so I had no chance anyway. Someone safe to crush on, in her own way.
This isn’t a story of a love betrayal however. There was no such thing. But it’s important to the story because Incoherent is where my mistakes were made, and hers brought to light.
By this time, I had a handful of people I was talking to, and I created a discord server for the project. Only my boyfriend (hi!) and I were in it at the time. I was not-so-subtly asking my friends what they’d look like if they were a magical person, what their names would be... I thought I would have had to lure Melody in to make her want to join us, but I managed to get her in very easily. Everyone was happy and excited! It was a no obligation, no time limit thing for us to enjoy, a little sandbox to play around in. 
Sure there were plans to make it bigger and I was working on art to the best of my ability, but it was gonna be a fun thing mostly. No pressure on anyone.
And how things started becoming a problem was that the rest of us posted publicly about the project and interacted with each other’s posts relating to the story, but she had started to interact publicly less and less with our things, and everyone noticed it.
It wasn’t because we were greedy and wanted the popular girl to reblog our things. It’s because we had a feeling she was ashamed of being seen publicly with us. The reason we were worried before then and started making that connection was because I mentioned I was going to ask another user if they were interested in joining Incoherent. Melody was the only one that seemed uncomfortable, and I messaged her asking about it. We agreed I wouldn’t invite that person but I knew things were off about it.
That person is like me. How long until Melody didn’t want to talk to me anymore? A few days ago, the other shoe finally dropped. A member of our little group and I were talking and (let’s call them Friend for simplicity. They asked to not be name dropped here) Friend was worried they had made Melody upset by tagging her in a meme picture they drew of her persona, and the two had agreed that Friend remove the tag. This spawned an anxiety-filled conversation where Friend and I expressed our concerns about Melody not interacting with the project, or us.
So since I wanted reassurance that that wasn’t the case, I messaged Melody with my concerns. I told her I had the feeling she was ashamed of being seen in public with us because of her friends, and she didn’t refute me. She simply told me to go get some rest. I messaged back with “I’m right.”
I deleted Discord off my phone for hours and nearly deleted my Tumblr, AO3, and the server after my boyfriend helped pass messages between us. Melody confessed that was the case because her friends expressed discomfort with my works, and she was playing both sides.
Her words, not mine.
Melody told me she would be withdrawing from the Incoherent project because it wasn’t fair to us if her heart wasn’t in it.
She didn’t stand up on my behalf when they said things about me. Her friends are the type who talk behind creators’ backs for shipping zadr “incorrectly.” Worse than antis because they actually participate in the “pro-shipping” side of the fandom. I broke that day and messaged her at 3 am.
We finally spoke at 3pm. We both missed each other. I tried to understand more. I wanted it to be more like a conversation rather than an interrogation. It was only one-sided however, and she never opened up further. And I made some mistakes and poor choices of words, and we ended up parting ways permanently right there. 
I nearly deleted everything, but much like a coma patient attached to many machines on a hospital bed, my blog was kept alive a little longer by people sending kind words in droves. I was briefly fuelled by spite, wishing to watch the world burn by making everyone on the "correct" side of the fandom upset by posting the worst, most vile content this fandom has ever seen.
I was also welcomed with open arms by a very kind server with fellow degenerates, all of them screaming and crying and partying when they managed to get me in their server. It was so heartwarming...
But as I spoke to others about my situation, I realized something. A disturbing pattern.
People telling me horror stories about how Mooping-10 was cult-like. How the people running it were antis. I was even told once that they have a secondary server where they go to have their talks and do their work, likely the place where the real bashing is held.
The server itself has rules against such behavior, but I suppose it's different when they do it.
One person (and this is the most unnerving part for me, personally) told me Melody actually set off alarm bells in their head without having even done anything yet, and the most disturbing part of the story was that one of the moderators was afraid and upset because they got Covid, and received basically no moral support at all. Only getting told "spoiler that. Sorry you got Covid".
I was horrified. That server has 100 people in it. How many of them are the same? They act like popular kids in school who picked up an unpopular main character and then bash others, and the main character joined in because they don't want to be left behind by their new "friends".
To put it short, back to my point:
TL;DR: I simply only wanted to spread the word that: Mooping-10 is filled with people who absolutely cannot be trusted, creating a very hazardous environment for the zadr community, and Melodyofthevoid is connected to all of those people, living a double life amongst those of us that don't "ship zadr correctly". She has plenty of friends her inner circle knows nothing about, and nobody on either side knows who she really is.
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brightblueinky · 3 years
Pardon me for the intrusion, but you're the only person I found who's still into CC and I have to ask: does the romantic aspect of Chrono's and Rosette's relationship seem lacking to you? Like I can see when Rosette starts to view him as a love interest (chapter 28), but I can't see when Chrono starts to view her as one. To me it feels like he only had an interested in Mary, and Rosette is just his very beloved friend; the kiss felt too sudden. I'm sorry, I just need a second opinion on this.
Okay I am so sorry I didn’t respond to this until now, I’ve mostly been using tumblr on my phone and using it to check a few blogs and occasionally the CC tag, and apparently tumblr doesn’t notify for asks on the mobile app? Or I’m not seeing it? Something. I have no idea how long you’ve been waiting for a response on this, so I’m really sorry! I hope you find this!
I think I need a reread of the manga at this point--a lot of the stuff I’m writing these days is going off of head canon which might not be 100% accurate anymore. So I’m just going to write this off the cuff. Gonna be a bit stream of consciousness! So this is definitely not a definitive opinion or even one I’ll always stand by, just how I personally feel in this particular moment.
So off the top of my head...
I think we see less things from Chrono’s point of view than from Rosette’s, which is part of what makes this tricky. This isn’t ALWAYS the case obviously (we see his sort of...PTSD dream flashback after Rizelle’s death, the flashback in volume 6 is basically from Chrono’s viewpoint since it’s mostly his memories, etc), but since one of the way the plot moves forward is the mystery of what happened in Chrono’s past usually the viewpoint is more centered around Rosette. I actually always assumed that Rosette was the only character that Moriyama would consider the protagonist until I saw that on a dust jacket for one of the books he said that BOTH Chrono and Rosette are (can’t remember which book, sorry! it was a fan translation).
Thinking about it, I think we see Chrono start to realize he has romantic feelings at the end of volume 6. I think that’s the first time he really, truly comes to accept his contract with Rosette as a good thing instead of just...the lesser of two evils, I guess? It’s when he goes “oh, yeah, I made the contract because otherwise she would’ve run off to solve the problem on her own, and I didn’t want to leave her alone.” I think that’s when he starts to really see Rosette as someone that’s on the same level of emotional maturity as him, too--earlier he occasionally teases her for being immature, but I think when Rosette tells him that she wants to share his pain, and Mary’s, that he sees how emotionally strong she is as a person and really respects that. Not that he didn’t see her as strong BEFORE, buuut like...he’d been so hesitant to share his past with Rosette until right then, and her response, I think, makes him realize how helpful having her support really is to him.
This isn’t really the same situation and is definitely my own personal reaction, but as I write this it makes me think of when I was dating my husband. I was initially terrified he was going to break up with me because I was bisexual--we both came from conservative Christian backgrounds and were homeschooled, and in the past he expressed homophobic sentiments--but I felt like I HAD to tell him because I couldn’t see myself in a long term relationship with someone I couldn’t be 100% honest with. His reaction when I told him was to immediately tell me he trusted me and cared about me, start to reconsider what he’d been raised to feel immediately, and he’s become one of my biggest advocates as I’ve come out to friends and family. Coming out to him was one of the best things I’ve ever done, but it was terrifying until I did. I can see Chrono having similar fears talking about his past with Rosette, and having a similar sense of relief and healing as soon as he realized how much Rosette is in his corner and how helpful having someone he can be open with actually is.
In the next chapter, Rosette holds Chrono’s hands to comfort him while they briefly talk about their current situation (Chrono being held in, uh, demon jail? and Rosette being taken off of her mission to find Joshua), then they both blush and get flustered when they realize what they’re doing. They babble small talk afterward while inner dialogue repeats Rosette’s promise to share Chrono’s pain, and Mary’s too. And then RIGHT AFTER is when Remington walks in and takes them to Aion’s old house on the beach so...that’s about it.
So I think the manga does show that, either right after he’s pulled out of his coma by Rosette or sometime in the aftermath, Chrono is starting to acknowledge that his feelings for Rosette might be more romantic. But it is VERY brief, because literally everything after that is two volumes of the big finale, taking place entirely over no more than 24 hours. Everything after that is rushing to tie up as many loose ends as possible--Fiore being Satella’s sister, saving Joshua, Joshua beginning to grapple with the gravity of what he’s done and been a part of and what’s been done to him, Aion and Chrono’s confrontation, the Order and the Sinner’s confrontation, Rosette’s near death experience, Aion’s motivations revealed, Chrono and Aion’s true relationship revealed, Azmaria finally coming into her own in terms of taking ownership of her powers, the culmination of Aion’s plans (and near-Apocalypse caused by it), the true nature of demons, the deaths of most of the Sinners, Shader’s defection, Joshua and Fiore’s relationship being somewhat resolved, Rosette and Chrono’s relationship being somewhat resolved...like holy shit there is SO. MUCH. THERE.
On top of that, I’ve got the Japanese reprints and while I can read basically no Japanese (HUGE GRAIN OF SALT INCOMING), I’ve pointed Google Translate at some of the omakes and from what I can tell, Moriyama talks in the omake in...volume 6, I think, that he basically had a whole other volume’s worth of story for the flashback that had to be cut! If I’m understanding it right, it’s like...from Remington’s perspective, and involves some Native American tribe or reservation that had connections to the Sinners, and the woman in charge of the orphanage Joshua and Rosette grew up in was a child living in a town nearby....
Basically, from what I can tell? Moriyama had a LOOOOOOOOT of background stuff he wanted to go into in the back half of Chrono Crusade that he wasn’t able to do for time reasons. I’m not sure if his editor gave him a deadline, or he realized it would be too meandering, or what exactly happened, but...have you ever heard the “iceberg” theory of writing? Basically, flesh out as much of the backstory as you can--know everything about the town your story is set in, the family of your protag and their relationships with them, what they eat for breakfast, just...every little minutia you can possibly think of, but most of that won’t get into your story. The audience will only see the tip of the iceberg, but knowing so much background about your setting and characters will help it feel more alive and inform your decisions as you write.
I think Moriyama had a fucking huge iceberg, basically, and I think he actually wanted to show more of that, but...couldn’t. So we get little pieces of art that reference this entire backstory for Satella we never see, and Aion, etc....that gets small nods but doesn’t make it into the manga.
And I think there’s a lot of things Moriyama wanted to give time to breathe in the manga but due to space limitations, couldn’t. So that’s why the second half of the manga literally takes place from Thanksgiving to sunrise on Christmas Day and is...the entire second half of the manga. He’s rushing to get in as much as possible while still letting the story flow as a story and sometimes...it’s not perfect.
So....I think unfortunately, yeah, one of the casualties of that is that we don’t get a huuuuuge amount of Chrono’s side of the relationship, because most of the moments that really shows that they’re heading in that direction is from Rosette’s POV. Other than the scene I already mentioned, I think you could argue that Chrono’s reaction to “the place that Chrono can go back to was decided 4 years ago!” might also be the first moment he starts to consider how important Rosette is to him, but that doesn’t HAVE to be romantic...Chrono’s reaction to her death (and then realizing there’s a chance to revive her) again emphasizes how important she is to him, but it doesn’t HAVE to be romantic...the kiss at the end is the only thing that really 100% says “Yes, this is romantic and not platonic” on his part. And...yeah. It feels a bit sudden. There’s some underlying hints before that but...I mean, I know about them because I’m obsessive about character growth and narrowed in on it in subsequent rereads, I’m not sure if it came through right away on my first read of the manga, and I even knew going into it that they were at least meant to be teased as a ship, so, yeah.
Also I briefly want to admit that as I’ve gotten older, the age gap bothers me a little more. Not enough for me to abandon the ship, just, you know, it’s something I acknowledge will turn some people off. I think Chrono, maturity-wise, is meant to be seen as...about 20. I think Moriyama mentions in one of the early omakes that that’s what he looks like in his unsealed form, we know that when he leaves Pandaemonium it’s right after his coming of age ceremony so he’s about what a demon would consider to be 18 in terms of emotional (and physical?) maturity, and especially since he’s been sleeping for 50 years since that period of his life he doesn’t have the experience that his age really indicates (which Aion blantantly points out near the end). So I’m not THAT bothered by it because I don’t think that Rosette and Chrono are actually that inequal in terms of emotional maturity but it’s still...there, and...I mean he met her when she was 12...so...yeah that’s a bit weird!! 
I’ve just gotten to where I shrug my shoulders and go “look, every ship in Chrono Crusade has something problematic about it, if you’re going to be a fan of Chrono Crusade you’re probably going to have to grapple with the fact that it’s messy and human and nobody is 100% good or bad in the manga, and that’s part of what I like about it, so, that’s cool, but it’s probably not for everyone.” It’s actually one reason why I’m kinda OK with CC not being as popular as some of its contemporaries because...some of the anti-shipper stuff I’ve seen online...oh boy.
So...I guess in conclusion, I think there’s stuff there in the manga to build up the relationship a little bit, but a lot of it is from Rosette’s POV and most of it is kind of subtle. I wouldn’t be surprised if Moriyama had wanted to flesh it out more obviously in the manga but the second half is stuffed full of wrapping up character arcs and questions and loose ends so it just didn’t really have the time to get as much focus. I really like the ship a lot, but a lot of it comes from analysis of the characters and how they relate to each other rather than it just being...canon. I’m okay with that, I’m the sort of person that will ship characters that never even meet just because I think the dynamic might be cool, but...I’m not surprised that not everyone would be into it, either.
And now I kinda want to make...a series of posts analyising the different relationships that are...either canon or teased in canon, see how much they’re built up, etc. Because this post makes me think a lot about Joshua/Azmaria and how confused I was by them apparently being married in the epilogue on my first read, and only seeing the hints Moriyama hinted about them possibly being a couple in the manga on subsequent rereads (and even then HO BOY it’s so subtle it makes Chrono and Rosette look really in your face aaaaaa). BUT I HAVE RAMBLED ENOUGH FOR THIS POST and, again, I need a reread. Maybe soon....!!!!
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honney-boy · 4 years
Wonder (Part 1)
Rudy Pankow x Oc!Reader
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gif by → @riobeth​
Wonder Series Masterlist | Wonder Playlist
Chapter summary:  Rudy and Nevaeh meet in person for the first time and things aren’t awkward. Yougurt cups, bananas and ice blended in a cup and maple syrup.
Full Summary and Story Concept
Warning(s): language, shenanigans, jet laggness, social media zombies, teenage girls
Words: 5k+
A/N:  This is my first attempt at a Rudy fic. My first series too! But if this flops, let's pretend it never happened, okay? :) But If you guys want to read more, please do let me know. Your love and support is the encouragement I need. I got the concept from tik tok haha. Fair warning, I am handwriting out chapters with a pen and paper before converting it digitally, so updates with be spread out. THERE WILL BE GRAMMAR MISTAKES! I'm human, and Tumblr is my test run for this series. Anywho, hope you enjoy :)
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One | “Social Zombies”
            In Nevaeh's opinion, airports were the worst. It wasn't due to the 38,000 feet in the air flying ride or the nothingness in the sky you see your whole flight; it was the people, the airports themselves, and the limited space.
Airports were much worse than flying - especially the San Francisco International Airport. Also known as SFO Airport. The few times, literally very few times, Nevaeh has been to the airport, she had poor experiences. Now, SFO Airport is definitely smaller than LAX and not as busy - it's a nightmare. You would think with a much smaller airport, there would be fewer crowds, but no, it's like a family reunion every day but with strangers. If you bump into the wrong person, your day on the off chance will get ruined.
Along with the busy crowds, there are many places to eat. From pizza to Italian to pie, your choices are endless. That's until half or more restaurants are closed or have long lines. Nevaeh never ate airport food, so she couldn't give her opinion on it. She'll leave that to the professional reviews. She wasn't at SFO Airport to judge the food or traffic flow, not even the staff's attitude - except she already gave a flight attendant a glare. The flight attendant took a bathroom break before their next flight and griped at Nevaeh because she used the last paper towel so they couldn't dry their hands. Air drying is a thing, and it works well, she thought to herself while leaving the restroom. She was not going to let one grumpy flight attendant ruin her great mood. She was going to meet someone who she hopes is special today.
Over the past two months, Nevaeh and this person had gotten to know each other well, virtually, that is. They met online, and Nevaeh lived in San Francisco while they lived in Alaska. Countless messages, facetime calls, photos, and videos were exchanged, and a bond was formed. Who would have thought that two people could meet through a video sharing social media app and hit it off? Most people start with dating apps, meet and get to know different people, but Nevaeh met them all because a video of hers popped up on their for you page.
Nevaeh created and shared a variety of things on the app. From cooking to creating and her little hobby of disco skating. She wanted to keep her followers and supporters entertained and herself; she didn’t want to be stuck, making the same content, so she did many things. Nevaeh thought maybe one of her disco skating, videography, or cooking videos drew them in, but it was one of her mini vlogs. In the video, she showed how she would scout places before spending the day getting footage for a short montage film or scenes for a movie she is working on. Not long after the discovery, they - he sent her a message asking about a more in-depth explanation of her process, and it went up from there.
Now, after all this time of them chatting back and forth, they get to meet. Nevaeh gets to meet him. 
Standing by the arrival gate, her eyes bouncing around the room at different things just to keep her mind centered and not all over the place. She wanted to pick at her nails, or hold her hands to her chest but she couldn’t hold them in place for long; she opted for playing with the white beaded bracelet he bought and sent to her in a box full of other things. It was so sweet of him; just thinking about the box she received makes her smile and her heart swell. Just last week she received a box full of thoughtful gifts. Inside were some of her favorite snacks, a movie she loved, one of his hoodies - it was the hoodie he wore the first time they facetimed. The hoodie was one of his favorites, but he had the urge to send it to her, he just wanted her to have it. And finally was the white beaded bracelet with a single aqua blue bead on it - he had the matching one with all aqua beads and one single black bead. She was having an uncreative and pretty shitty day until that box arrived on the front door step of her shared apartment.
“I wanted to surprise you, so I messaged Birdie asking her for your favorite snacks, I added the hoodie and got the two of us distance bracelets. You know, because we are long distance.” He told her later that day when they talked on the phone.
“Until you come here, or I go there,” she replied. She hasn’t stopped wearing the hoodies since and she has had the bracelet on since the moment she got it.
Nevaeh watched different people walk past her; none of them were him yet. The dirty blond mess he sported for hair shouldn't be that hard to miss, but the longer she searched, the more she doubted her assumption. 
It was another couple of minutes that went by, and she didn't see him, so she pulled her phone out to see if he had sent something. Maybe he has to catch a different flight, and he forgot to tell her, or perhaps he didn't want to meet after all. Her fingers type out a message to send, but a figure stands in front of her before she hits the send button. Nevaeh could see the shadow of their body from her peripheral vision, but she did not look up, hoping they would go away - but they didn't. Sending her message, the woman was preparing to turn away until she heard the stranger's phone go off. It's just a coincidence that their phone went off a couple of seconds after I sent a message. She said to herself, then she looked up and there he was. Dirty blond hair - a little long all over, but instead of it being in his face like it always is, it was pushed back and tucked underneath a red cap. His eyes were more lovely in person. The pair ranged from a light blue to gray, depending on the day. Today they were light blue. He sported stubble across his chin and cheeks with a blond mustache above his top lip. He wore nothing flashy, just a simple red ACDC sweatshirt, cargo shorts, and a pair of vans. He looked tired, but that didn't throw off the good vibes and smile he had going on. She couldn't help but smile back. He's here in the flesh. Rudy.
"Hi," he said light-heartedly, breaking the silence.
"Hi," she echoed; the smile on her face grew some more. "Wow, you're really here in the flesh."
He chuckled, and the sound woke up the butterflies in her stomach. "Yeah, I am. And you...the pictures and videos don't do enough justice for the actual thing." His eyes scan over her, noticing the navy blue Hilfiger sweatshirt he sent to her. Nevaeh couldn't help the dust of blush that appeared on her cheek.
“Talk about me, what about you? Who knew those Snapchat filters were hiding such a god-like person.”
“Oh, stop, you’re making me blush,” he joked while bashful. No matter online or in person, Nevaeh was still able to get him flushed; it was something he didn’t want to admit, not while he was flying blind with this.
Nevaeh smiled and had a tiny giggle; the full laugh was muffled by the hand she brought up to her mouth in an attempt to hold the sound back. He could watch her smile for a while. Is that weird? “How was your flight? I hope it wasn’t too horrible.”
“It wasn’t too bad,” he admitted. “Definitely long, but nothing a pair of earbuds, music, and a couple of movies couldn’t fix.” The two quickly began walking toward the direction of baggage claim. More of Rudy just following whichever direction Nevaeh was going. She did know the airport better anyway.
“Which movies did you watch?” she asked.
“Since I had six hours to waste - Joker, 1917 and Pride & Prejudice.”
“Oh, I see you listened to my suggestions; not surprised you watched Joker again,” Rudy shrugged his shoulders with a hum. “I’m surprised you didn’t watch the Harry Potter movies.”
Rudy rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Actually, I already watched them a couple of days ago,” Nevaeh hummed as if she were to say, ‘of course’ “You can judge me all you want. I won’t pay you any mind. Just the same as I did with the guy that had the aisle seat in my row. I guess other guys find it weird that a guy decided to watch a period drama on a flight.”
“He was just jealous he didn’t think of it first. Mr. Darcy’s pinning for Miss. Bennett and the film’s  overarching theme is too good not to watch.”
“That it is, who would want to miss the warnings heeded against trusting one’s first impression or prejudices?”
“Or the character arcs that grow throughout the storyline. I pity that aisle sitting man.”
“I do too,” Rudy agreed. “He missed out on a classic and had to get up to let the other person and me out to take a tinkle.” He did it again. He made her laugh genuinely. The conversation between them flowed. The small worry Nevaeh had earlier about the two of them not being able to continue the light-hearted and enjoyable nature they had over text had diminished. He seemed just the same - goofy, charismatic, charming, and caring - as he was over the phone the past month and a half. She, too, was still kind, compassionate, and sarcastic as before. Yet both of them had their own doubts about the thing they were doing; they didn’t know what it was or where it was headed, but they were willing to find out.
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           In the car, Nevaeh drove the route she knew from the airport to her shared apartment. Rudy sat in the passenger seat; his gaze focused out the window, watching the San Francisco scenery appear, disappear and morph as they passed by the window. The radio played while they sat in a comfortable silence - it impressed her how easily they fell into it. Wasn't it common for an uncomfortable silence? Two people who just met for the first time should struggle in an attempt to make a conversation, but not them.
To Rudy, the comfortable silence was almost expected. Granted, he did expect one of them to talk the other's ear off - he's glad neither of them was. The six-hour flight took its effect on the man, but he wasn't going to let his fatigue ruin the time they had together. He'll rest later. Spend time with her now, sleep later.
The car rolled to a stop, a red light shined on the traffic light hanging in front of them. Rudy's eyes watch a girl across the street riding down the sidewalk on a skateboard. Her stance relaxed, feet planted in a way that helped her ride easily; she was experienced, probably skated regularly. Watching her skate triggered a longing in Rudy for his board back at home. He rides on concrete and in the snow, but he was missing snowboarding the most. It was beginning to be summer, so the temperatures in Alaska were warmer. To warm for snow but warm enough for the evergreen to take over. Now he was in California, the state that was sunny all the time. The state that thrived in the summer and its soil hardly ever to never had the chilled touch of snow. His longing grew more for the chilly weather and white flakes.
The woman sitting next to him took the next couple of seconds between the light change to look at him. Catching the moment of his gaze out the window of her jeep. "I know you're probably tired from your flight. I had some ideas about the things we could do, but we don't have to do anything today." She spoke and after, glanced at the traffic light only to see it was still red.
Rudy tore his gaze from the distant image of the skater and met Nevaeh's. "I am, but if you want to do something, we can. I'm more than happy to hang out." He said.
Trying to reason, she said, "I know, but you just got off a six-hour flight." 
"Nevaeh, it's fine. I'm not that burned out. Time zones are an hour apart, and seven am isn't that bad." she begins to give him a skeptical look. She heard his words but feels as if he was only saying that to make her happy. He sat by her, leaned back, and relaxed. His head sat lazily against the headrest, and the smile he was giving her was light but tiresome. She switched her gaze from him to the traffic light, which turned green, and she didn't know when. Nevaeh eased her foot off the brake and to the gas pedal. "Seriously, we can do something."
“Fine,” She says after a moment. “I won’t wear you out too much more.” Flicking her left turn signal on after checking her mirror, she merges into the lane beside her. “There’s somewhere I wanna take you - well, maybe two places, but we’re going to the apartment first.”
“Alright, sounds good to me.” Nevaeh drove them to the apartment she shared with her long term friend. Rudy followed behind her as she led the way; they only spent a few minutes there. After a short tour, a bathroom break, and dropping off a couple of suitcases later, Rudy and Nevaeh left the place. They began a walk along the San Francisco hills to the mysterious place Nevaeh had in mind.
“This place is somewhere I walk to every other day. It’s Birdie’s and my favorite place.” It was a short six to eight-minute walk. Nevaeh reassured him before briefly going into a conversation about the impressive things you see in the city. Just like Nevaeh told him, they both come up upon a corner shop with a couple of large windows to see inside and out, a brown exterior with outside tables with green umbrellas and foldable outdoor chairs. The corner shop was known as the Nasik Cafe. For a small cafe, the place was doing well. There were a handful of people inside sitting, chatting, or ordering and quite a few sitting outside.
“This place is pretty health-oriented, and like Starbucks, it has things you could make at home for free, but their stuff is great,” Nevaeh explained to the man.
"So you spend way too much on yogurt cups, fruit drinks, toast, and other food you can make at home?" She nods her head like it was evident at what he said. Rudy shook his head. "Couldn't you just spend ten dollars on a yogurt cup?"
"Oh my goodness, they don't have yogurt cups, Rudy." She shook her head in disbelief.
"Okay, so ten dollars for a banana blended with ice in a cup - still sounds ridiculous to me."
"I can't with you," She tilted her head back, but she wasn't annoyed. She found his witticism amusing. At this rate, Nevaeh should prepare to always smile all the time around him. "You should find a table out here, and I can grab us something - wait, do you want to sit out here?"
Rudy nodded, then began to scan the area but only briefly seeing a couple of empty tables. "Yeah, it's nice out, let's enjoy it. Out here is great."
"Great," she says, pleased. "I'll grab something; I wanna surprise you. I'll be back." Nevaeh turns to walk inside. The smell of strawberries, oranges, and granola invaded her nose. It wasn't a new smell to her, but a new one for the day. She would always smell fruit and granola wherever she would walk into Basik. Some days it smelt like bananas and chocolate, or honey, peanut butter, and coconut. The smells varied, but the most prominent one was the tropical smell. To her left at a table was a couple enjoying smoothies. Both cops were a little under half full. A person sat at another table, invested in their laptop. To her right, more people sat. Art adorns the walls as realism paintings along with abstract images. There was a line at the counter; no more than four people stood waiting. She took the time to look up at the big and wide wood board hanging from the ceiling. When Nevaeh told Rudy she wanted to surprise him with something, she knew what she was getting for the both of them. The colorful and fruitful acai bowls.
Nevaeh and her roommate Birdie loved acai bowls. Birdie was the one to introduce her friend to the fantastic bowls she grew to love. Now it was her turn to turn another friend onto them.
The line moved along smoothly and grew smaller by the minutes. Once Nevaeh got closer, her lips stretched into a grin as her eyes caught sight of the barista.
"Hi, what can I get you? Could I interest you in our new fall to-Vae! Hey." the blonde barista's mood brightened significantly when she realized she was taking Nevaeh's order. She leaned across the counter and grabbed hold of Nevaeh's hand, and laced their fingers together. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to pick up your friend." She said, then making finger quotations. The barista was her roommate, Birdie. Birdie was a full-time college student and full-time barista to get by. She was more than happy to talk to her friend now that she wasn't as busy - Nevaeh was the only person in line for now.
"I was - I did pick up my friend. No air quotes, we're friends."
"For now."
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes at the blonde. "He's here with me, just outside." Birdie looked past Nevaeh and out the window in search of this guy. Nevaeh looked around for him, too; she didn't get to see where he chose to sit. "He's...the one with the red cap, right there." She pointed out once she spotted him. Birdie hummed and squinted her eyes to get a better look, which was difficult with the angle he sat at.
"He looks nice...from here," Birdie leaned back, so her fingers could let go of Nevaeh's and tap the terminal screen as she put her friend's usual order in. While Birdie did that, Nevaeh nodded in agreement but kept her gaze on him. "Lemme guess, the usual?"
"Kilauea; everything but-"
"No pollen and extra honey." Birdie finished with assuredness and not a drop of doubt in her answer. Her friend smiled, her eyes looking to Birdie with amazement.
"You know me too well."
"Well, you order the same thing almost every time."
"Touche," she couldn't argue with that. When it came to her acai bowl, she liked the Kilauea - made with mango juice, granola, berries, papaya, honey, and acai - the best. "And water, of course - make that two." She stepped back to look over the menu. Rudy wasn't familiar with the place, and he didn't know what they served, so Nevaeh wanted to get him something he hopefully liked. She decided to go with something not too fancy - directing her attention back to her barista friend. She went ahead and finished her order. "And...let me get the Islander acai bowl." That one was made with hemp mylk, granola, banana, berries, cocoa shavings, and honey.
Birdie rang up the rest of the order for Nevaeh. After catching a glimpse at the total, Nevaeh reached in the little card pocket of her wallet and grabbed her card. Unbeknownst to her, while she was getting her card, Birdie took her name tag and gave her friend her employee discount - she got it for half the price.
“I know you’re an independent woman and paying for the first date, the least I could do is give you a discount. Just don’t tell Daniel.” She winked, and Nevaeh gave her a thumbs up with one hand, and with the other, she made a zipping and locking motion over her mouth before throwing the key.
Outside, Rudy sat at the table he picked out for the two of them while waiting. While Nevaeh ran inside to get their order, he observed the small San Francisco scenery around him. California weather was sunshine with fluffy clouds. Just about everyone was either in shorts, a tank, and a cut-off shirt or any other summer clothing that provided them some comfort in the blazing sun. He dressed just right for the weather, though in Alaska, it was more on the chill side, causing him to wear a sweatshirt while he left. Now that he was basking in the California weather, he took off the warm sweatshirt and left it at Nevaeh’s apartment.
There were other people outside along with him. A group of girls sat a few feet away at a table in front of him, trying not to giggle as they attempted to make a video. At another table, there were two guys, perhaps brothers. They were eating something colorful from a bowl - it looked like yogurt to Rudy - and having a conversation with one another.
Rudy shook his head at the drastic difference between the two tables. Maybe it was just him, but it was amazing how much the world - more specifically America- was wrapped up in technology and social media. Sure the brothers at the one table had digital watches that told them the time and lit up, catching their attention with a vibrate when a text or notification went to their phone. But at least they could carry on a conversation without having their phone in their hands. On the other hand, those girls haven’t put their phones down longer than a few seconds. After those seconds, they tap away or show the other something they thought was worthy enough to gauge a reaction out of them.
Rudy wasn't one to judge. He didn't have much right to because while watching them and waiting for Nevaeh, he had the urge to pull out his phone. It was almost like a habit, but he chooses not to feed the temptation. He wanted to enjoy the day with Nevaeh; notice the burn on his skin from the sun, get to know her, have fun, pick up on little cues she has, and find out what he likes the most about her. And though it was kind of ironic that the two of them met through social media, he hopes Nevaeh is not one of those social zombies. Then this trip would be a waste of time and effort.
Ruby pulled his sunglasses down due to the sun starting to bother his eyes. Then he also wanted to cover his eyes and focus on something else while he waited. A minute later, Nevaeh walked out of the cafe's door backward with her back pushing the door open. In her hands, she had what she ordered; he wondered what she got. Rudy briskly stood up out of his seat to help her out.
"Hey, let me help you out," he walks around the table towards her, but she only nods him off.
"I got it, you sit."
"You have all the food and drinks in your hands; it's the least I can do." he stood off to the side, not interfering but reading despite what she said. He watches her struggle a bit and almost drops the stuff. Rudy immediately reached out, but Nevaeh had already saved herself and looked at him with a smile.
"I got it, Rudy. I was just pulling your leg." He picked up on the playfulness in her eyes, which made him pull his lips into a smile matching hers; her smile is definitely contagious.
“Alright, alright,” he raised his hands, backing away and then taking his seat. Nevaeh took her seat across from him, sat everything down before passing him the items she got him. “What’d you get us?”
“Well, I don’t know if you have had this before, but it’s my go-to thing to get here. It’s an acai bowl,” Nevaeh’s eyes caught his confused expression before he tried to cover it up with an understanding.  She laughed softly and explained further. “It’s like a smoothie bowl with other things in it.”
“Smoothie bowl…” he murmured more to himself, but she still heard it.
Shaking her head, she continued. “Acai palm is the main ingredient along with bananas and granola, but you can add other fruits or peanut butter and syrups. Or take things off.”
“Like maple syrup?” he asked, looking at the acai bowl she got him.
Her face begins to twist in disgust until she covers it with a shrug and looks down at her bowl, ready to dig in. “Uh, I guess if that’s what you want, then yeah.” She answered, and Rudy nodded his head and grabbed his spoon to take a taste. Before Nevaeh tasted her own, she watched Rudy, waiting for his reaction. He took a bite, letting the flavor invade his taste buds.
“Wow, this is good,” He says after swallowing. He glanced up, catching Nevaeh already looking at him. She quickly looked away and stirred her bowl.
“I’m glad you like it; it’s my second favorite one,” she peeked back up, and Rudy was still looking at her. Laughing softly to herself, then shaking her head, she takes a bite of her own, almost moaning at the taste. “I’m surprised you haven’t had one before.”
“ I have wanted to try one, but never really went with actually going out to get one.”
“Well, maybe now you will get them more often,” She says but stops herself before taking another bite. “Wait...you aren’t allergic to any fruit, are you? Or granola?”
He lifted a brow while getting another scoop. “Oh, only bananas,” He replies. Nevaeh watches him as he lifts the spoon to his mouth and takes another bite that includes bananas before she could reach across the table and stop him in time. “What?” he looked at her. Her eyes were wide with shock and fear, her mouth opening to say something but closed when nothing came out. “Is there something wrong?”
Nodding her head slowly, she sat down her spoon and reached for her phone in her pocket just in case. "You ate a banana, and you just told me you were allergic to them." Nevaeh wanted to yell at him for being so careless, but that would mean she was too for not asking before ordering something random for him. She pretended to remain calm but was internally panicking.
"I actually eat them all the time," he held back the smile easing its way into his features. "I eat them quite often. They're a great source of potassium and vitamin C."
"So you aren't allergic to bananas?" she noted, and Rudy shook his head. His mouth broke out into the smile he managed to hold back for a few seconds. Nevaeh relaxed a bit, her shoulders dropping as she was no longer tense. "You're an asshole, you know that, right?" Rudy gasped softly, a hand placed on his chest as he looked at her, offended at her comment.
"What, me, an asshole? That can't be right, I'm really nice," he said and made Nevaeh huffed. "What do you not believe me?"
The woman shrugged, the smile still on her face when she looked down at her food. "Well, you did play a mean joke just now; I thought I almost killed you." She reminded him and picked at her bowl.
"I wanted to see how caring you were, and you passed the test. Now you love me, don't you?"
"You wish," she said, taking a bite then pointing at him with her spoon. "We're going on a road trip together, let's see if I survive that, then I'll let you know if I like you enough to be your friend or jump out of a moving car because you're an annoying little shit."
Rudy raised his eyebrows, smirking at her now. "Me being an annoying little...alright. Let's make a deal," he starts; Nevaeh gestures for him to continue. "If you survive this road trip, meaning - if you have a great time - I get to take you to my home town in Alaska. Ah, ah. I'm not finished." he held his finger up to stop her from making a comment. She rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair, attempting to hide a simple, but you could see the amusement on her face. "If you don't have a great time, I'll do whatever you want."
"So, If I understand right, If you win, you get to take me to Alaska - assuming I haven't been there already,"
“Wait, you’ve been to Alaska?” Nevaeh held her finger up, echoing his movements moments before.
“If you win, you take me to Alaska, and if I win, you do whatever I want, correct?”
“Yeah, as long as it’s not too inappropriate or impossible,” He says, already finished with his acai bowl, which Nevaeh didn’t remember seeing him eat the rest. It didn’t matter when he ate it, she didn’t care, but that was quick. Looking down at her own, she wasn’t more than halfway done. “So, so we have a deal?”
Nevaeh looked up from her food, meeting his ocean-like eyes. The pair were becoming more familiar over the past few weeks from countless photos and videos the two have shared over Snapchat. Messages over text and facetime calls. They got to know each other digitally, and now they have to learn more in person. 
“We have a deal.” She says, and Rudy sticks his hand out, which she gladly took. They shook hands. While doing so, Rudy thought of a million possibilities to get the woman across from him to a great time and not just so he could take her to Alaska, his home. He found her intriguing, and he wants to take the time to get to know her better and maybe have a solid standing friendship at the end of it all. If the cosmos had a say, perhaps something more would blossom.
➣ End Note:
So, I honestly don’t know how the next few or future chapters will go but hopefully they turn out well. Here are the Revaeh interactions we all needed and plenty more to come so just you wait. ;)
Wonder Taglist:
@Scooby6, @ifilwtmfc​, @rudypankowswife​, @themaddies-obx​
[If your username is bold and slashed out it means i can’t tag you. If you want to be added to the taglist add yourself here! If you no longer want to be on it let me know. :) ]
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missdaviswrites · 3 years
MissDavis 2020 Fic Year in Review
I was tagged by @loveismyrevolution, @hubblegleeflower, @blogstandbygo and @notesoflore. Thank you all!
Total number of completed stories: 11
Total word count: 108,368 (minus 9,125 on a WIP from previous years, so 99,243 is the actual number of new posted words)
Fandoms written in: BBC Sherlock
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? More! My goal was to finish Better Off Together and write all of Hold You Like a Weapon, which I did, and they ended up being about as long as I expected. But I didn't expect to write the 9 shorter fics. I thought I might do 3 or 4 for 221B Consolation Fest, as I have for a few years now, but I also ended up with 4 short fics inspired by the quarantine, plus In Extremis, the Eurus-prompted Fuck or Die fic. I also didn’t think I was going to write a Christmas ficlet series this year, but I did end up with Put a Little Love in Your Heart.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?  Hold You Like a Weapon: I wasn't sure if this story would work out, especially with the pacing, but I'm happy with the way it ended up. (Thanks to @totallysilvergirl and @persian-slipper for all the beta help, offered through @fandomtrumpshate!) It's a Johnlock friends-to-lovers story, 52K, explicit, told from John's POV after he receives a frantic phone call from Sherlock, asking him to help because Eurus has just shown up at the flat and is about to give birth.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Yes! Alone Together! From a prompt by @theemptyquarto, this was a challenging story to write, combining two of my favorite things to write in ways I never would have thought possible. At 8355 words, it's my longest smutty story ever and I'm very proud of it, even though the audience for it has been pretty limited.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? I'd like to try to write an original novel, because although I tried to do that many times before I started writing fic in 2014, I never managed to finish anything. I'm hoping that having a few novel-length works of fic under my belt means I now know how to finish, though I'm afraid I won't have the motivation to write when I don't have AO3 readers waiting for the next chapter.
Most popular story of the year?  Hold You Like a Weapon has the most hits, kudos, bookmarks, etc. Not surprising, since it was a multi-chaptered fic posted over nine months. I was happy to see that people did not avoid the fic even though Eurus was central to the premise. I don't write fix-it fics, so it's canon-compliant, but I tried to make Eurus into somewhat of a more realistic character. (Though it's a Johnlock story and she is far from the main character, just the catalyst for everything else.)
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I would say Alone Together, but I didn't expect that to get many readers (you're missing out—it's some of my better smut, plus John now has both nipples pierced.) But I guess I was surprised that Comforts of Love didn't get many readers, especially in relation to other quarantine stories I wrote this year. It's got some porny times set in my Breakable universe. Everyone always tells me how much they like Breakable, but then very few people want to read anything else in the series, it seems.
Most fun story to write: Hm. The long ones are never the most fun, just because they're a lot more work. Better Off Together has traditionally been my happy place for writing, and I was really glad to come back to that fic and finish it off this year. And I admit to having fun with In Extremis, having Eurus force John and Sherlock together as a final test at Sherrinford. And Skin, Touch, Feel was a really easy to write bit of fluff, so that was fun, too.
Most unintentionally telling story: I don't know. Most of what I write has little to do with me personally. BUT I did realize I wrote numerous stories this year featuring Sherlock giving John a shoulder massage, and that's 100% me, because I have a bulging disc in my neck and it messes with my shoulder. I usually get a massage for it about every 6 weeks, but my massage therapist has been closed most of the year, so I've only been able to go once since February and OW.
Biggest disappointment: I knew it was coming, but just a few days ago, Chaperones overtook Breakable as my fic with the most kudos. I like both of the stories, but Breakable will always be my favorite. I guess people prefer fluff to hurt/comfort??? As for things I wrote this year, I wasn't happy with the final chapter of Put a Little Love in Your Heart, because I wanted to end with more wacky hijinks as Mummy and her co-conspirators tried to force Sherlock and John to admit their love, but when the time came to write it, I just didn't have the time or energy this year, so it ended up being only a suggestion of what I wanted it to be.
Biggest surprise: Well, the whole concept for Alone Together was a big surprise, but I think the other surprising thing was that there seemed to be a lot less interest in the Advent Ficlet Challenge this year, at least here on Tumblr. My own fic did fine on AO3, but I thought more people would be reading and reblogging fluffy holiday fic this year. None of my ficlets posted here got anywhere near the attention that some of my previous years' postings have, and the masterlist of everyone who participated got far fewer notes than the lists from the last few years, which makes me feel bad for all the other writers who participated. For a happier surprise, I would say that I was surprised at how much I wrote beyond my goals, and that I still had new ideas for short fics. Thanks to @sherlockedcarmilla for the inspiration from the Isolated Johnlock Collection, which got me to write a few things I wouldn't have otherwise.
I know a lot of people have already been tagged, so I’m tagging any other fic writers out there who would like to share their 2020 work!
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youarejesting · 3 years
My fics in 2020
I am proud of this year. I worked hard until the end. 2020 was my year of finishing my stories. I have done so much and next year I want to do more. So keep an eye out Jester will take over.
Fandom(s): BTS, mentions of NCT, BLACKPINK, MONSTA X.
Networks:@btscreatorscorner @castlebangtan
Total Fics: 34
Total chapters: 404
Total Words: 565,587 Total vids and fake subs: 13 
Best and Worst Title?
Best: ‘Music is the spark that sets my soul on fire’ and its sequel ‘Dance is the celebration of the flame’
Worst: The Check Up
Best and Worst first line?
Best: Yoongi never understood why people would say one's blood is important. (Mania)
Worst: It all started in Mykonos. (Steal my sunshine)
Best and Worst ending line?
Best: “I got you this pretty dress” Seokjin grinned showing you the dress before hugging you and giving your forehead a kiss, “Let’s go burn it” (Me & the ghost in number 23)
Worst: But all you got was a sharp-toothed smile. (Pandemonium)
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than, or about what was expected?
I think I wrote what I expected, but I think I could have definitely finished more. Which is a bit upsetting.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year? 
I don’t have limitations to my writing so nothing is deemed unpredictable.
I am however generally surprised by my love of throwing in twists and also gore, I love gore.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Wild space: it is strange because I am not particularly a fan of space and scifi, but I am really into writing world building things and having the ability to create a whole planet was amazing.
Most popular story? 
Love Listening
Story most underappreciated by the universe? 
Tiny Tan: Limited Edition
Story that could have been better? 
Sexiest story?
 Love Listening
Saddest story? 
 Me & the ghost in number 23
Fluffiest story? 
Mall Santa
Most fun story? 
BTS Among Us 
Hardest story to write? 
Daylight (i'm still writing it haha)
Easiest/most fun story to write? 
Light it up
What story took the longest?
365 lol took all year
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? 
The biggest risk I took all year was posting my work. Living life on the edge.
What are your fic writing goals for next year? 
To double my writing
Fics that you wrote in 2020:
BTS365: 365 mini stories ✓ fluff, comedy, angst, romance, mature, action, adventure, smut. This has it all. Find your birthday and read your story. I wanted to give something unique to people.
Quarantine: 100 Chapters ✓ Something to accompany you while you are alone during quarantine and the pandemic. I was lonely and I figured so was everyone else. So, I decided to have BTS help us all go on an adventure that didn’t focus on the covid virus but on some other aspects around it.
Femme: 50 Chapters ✓ A futuristic world where women are rare. This was an indulgement fic that gave circumstances for the reader to be in a polyamorous relationship with the boys and live a glamorous life. Ending was a bit rushed.
Seoulmates: 29 (ongoing) Each member of BTS has a unique soulmate bond. I love the idea of this, another indulgent fic but you aren’t alone with the boys you have friends and you can play different parts.
Witching: 11 Chapter ✓ When your brother goes missing trying to find them gets you in a turf war between two covens. This fic was actually a way for me to vent for a project I wanted to complete but the project is so big that I wrote this instead.
Herb: 2 Parts ✓ mature, smut. Jimin claims he has everything you need, he doesn’t disappoint. I came across this idea within the 365’s and extended it because I liked the idea so much. Jimin has everything from casseroles to scarfes, cat food to cell phone chargers and the reader just wants to be loved and relieve stress.
Limited Edition: 10 Chapters ✓ BTS boys are sold as limited edition figurines. This was originally me venting about not having any merch and then became a daydream that what if the merch came alive. And the story was born.
BTS Among Us: 7 Chapters ✓ gore, action, adventure, scifi, angst, death of main characters. This one was so funny for me, I had my friend pick a colour and that was the imposter from the start. I was amazed that no one figured it out in the end. I want to play again soon.
Light it up: 13 Chapters ✓ fluff, comedy, angst, romance, mature, action, adventure. This was inspired by the dynamite trailer, I loved it so much that I began writing, I had no clear direction but as I wrote it started to shape and someone said it was like stranger things and I credited Stranger things cause it did indeed have a similar premise and I don’t want to pretend I came up with something that has already been done.
Love listening: 2 Parts ✓ SMUT, comedy, fluff, angst, romance, mature. This was inspired by a strange video that came up on the internet, I was searching for BTS misheard lyrics and the video I clicked had some funny ones but after that the next suggested video was bts moans and auto play was on and well this fic was born.
Me & the ghost in Number 23: 11 ✓ fluff, comedy, scifi, supernatural, romance, angst, mature, smut, death of main character. This was inspired by many of the ghost text au’s I had read but many of them were like the show oh my ghost where the main ghost character isn’t actually dead just in a coma and I thought the opposite way instead of them waking up, I wanted things to shape the other way. This one was so difficult to write and I cried a lot due to the loneliness Jimin was facing and the mourning from Yoongi.
Hope in the sheets: 4 chapters (so far) fluff, comedy, smut, adventure, slice of life, romance, angst, mature, growing up. This one is a fic that targets my childish desires. I have grown up so much and this fic is a visual representation of that. 
Asks: 77 (ongoing) where the bts boys answer the readers questions and concerns.
Reactions: 15 (ongoing) 
Prompts: 18 (ongoing)
One shots:
Kisaeng: This was a reverse fic project, the idea that instead of Mulan pretending to be a man and going off to war, it was BTS dressing as women to stay home from war. I loved writing about fictional history. 
Steal my Sunshine: This was a summer project. I wanted to write something that felt like a very bad spy movie, like Mellissa Mccarthy and Mr Bean-esque. I formed this one and it made me laugh the whole time writing it.
Blue Side: This was talking to myself about being sad and admitting that I could be sad but I should learn to split the happy and sad into two worlds and limit my time in them both, it was about equal balance and finding the good in the sad and the sad in the good. I don’t know how hard to explain.
Temptation: I had fun writing but it is pure SMUT. not even good SMUT.
Pandemonium: This was really fun. The premise is dark and the ending is left ambiguous, in the original, Namjoon kills the reader but I left it open so you can imagine them continuing their relationship or not.
Mall santa: A fluffy christmas piece. A secret santa I wrote that I felt needed to be soft and quirky and have just all the hallmark moments.
Mad: This one is finished, but I have it published privately at the moment waiting to unveil it as it is well SMUTTY. I don’t know what it is about Taehyung but he is always so dark and I guess that's what people find appealing. I had this idea from a 365prompt and well I had to write it.
One wish: This was a birthday fic that I wrote for a friend. I wanted people to read it on their birthdays or imagine their birthdays and themselves in this position if they made the same wish.
The Check Up: I wrote for this for a friend going through a personal procedure, they were nervous so I took their bias and made something I hoped they could think about while in the procedure and I even explained the steps and what might happen over the next few days hoping the whole thing wouldn’t seem as scary because technically her mind had already been through it when reading the story.
Sparks of the heart: Robots developing human feeling. It was a cute universe and Yoongi’s story will be a series within 2021.
Dance machine 3000
Digital Art
Electronic Tonic
Circuit chef
Random Access Memory
Kookies Trojans and Malware
Feel Better: Another fic written for a author who was sick, I wanted them to endulge in some escapism whilst they were sick.
Music is the spark that sets my soul on fire & Dance is the celebration of the flame: These two were requests that I loved dearly.
Horror movies: Cheesy damsel in distress meets boys will be boys.
I will wait (somesay): This song wouldn’t get out of my head so I had to write it.
Wild Space: When I wanted to write a hybrid AU but I already have a hybrid AU being edited. So hybrid werewolves meets space.
The Bomb: This one is compete and ready to post I had to talk myself out of writing this as a series but I love the story line. I love the end.
Lost Boys: This has been stuck in my head since i had a dream about it and I finally wrote it into the new year. I hope you like it.
Mania: Not my favourite work, love ABO universe I just haven’t got an actually story line so it is on hold.
Incaceration: The story that never was, I really need to get around to this one.
Tagging: @moccahobi I know you wanted to tag me... but I am finished so I am tagging you.
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antialiasis · 4 years
Dave and His Memories Discuss Mia (and Jean)
Back in 2007, when I was writing The Fall of a Leader for NaNo, there was one particular chapter that stuck out. In it, Shadowdart sat down contemplating the roots of his moral system. While I was writing this particular chapter, for whatever reason, I got so intensely into his head that I genuinely felt like I was discovering something legitimately profound and important. By the time I was editing the story in January and got to that part again, it felt pretty unremarkable as a chapter. But the experience of writing it had been something unique. I’d never really felt like that writing before, and never felt it again... until this Saturday, that is.
It's a bit of a long story how that happened. For the past few months I've been participating in the Blacklight RPG on Thousand Roads, as Dave from Morphic, only as a Poochyena (because this is a PMD RP, where any participating humans are turned into Pokémon). Without getting into too much in the way of explanations, the other day on spur of the moment @unrepentantauthor and I started to privately roleplay an imagined interaction between Poochyena Dave and their character's father, a Delphox named Jesse Stranger, where they argue about which of them is less of a terrible father and are both being giant hypocrites going "NO U" at each other and it's great.
Anyway, at a certain point in the argument Jesse the Delphox uses Miracle Eye to mind-probe Dave about whether he's ever had 'violent thoughts' about his kids, and I sat down to write what he'd find. And it happened again! I spent three hours so in his head that I was full-on crying about his feelings and was shaking afterwards and everything. Like thirteen years ago, reading over it again afterwards it's like okay, this is not all that remarkable. But since this stands largely on its own and doesn't require any background knowledge of the RP, here it is anyway, for anyone interested in Morphic extras.
The formatting here is a bit unusual; I originally used Discord spoilers for some of the thoughts in the memories that he refuses to consciously acknowledge, the stuff that wouldn't show up in the narration of his POV of these scenes but is there anyway for a psychic to pick up on. Since Tumblr can't do those, I've replaced them with strikethroughs, which is not quite the same effect, but oh well.
What... what was he doing. Dave's ears flattened back against his head. Miracle Eye? What was that? Was he supposed to have any fucking idea what--
Everything fell in on itself, the Delphox's mind pressing against his own, finding faults, piercing them. He yelled out a panicked string of curses he couldn't hear. Fuck, fuck, what was happening--
--and then, suddenly, a memory. The echoing slam of a door, the unbearable screeching cry of an infant in his arms. she was gone, for good this time, and he knew it, fuck, he fucked it up every time, of course he fucking did Blinking rapidly and standing there and listening to the fucking interminable howls of this freak he never wanted and was somehow stuck with, thanks to these clownish fucking abortion activists. because he'd gotten drunk and fucking bragged about it at a bar, what the fuck was wrong with him A fleeting, angry thought as he looked at the baby, this flailing little bundle: Maybe Jane had the right idea. The mental image of just grabbing her by the ankle and tossing her off the balcony, watching her sail over the trees as the wailing receded into the night, or even just slamming her into the wall, a crack followed by heavenly silence. he didn't want this, he didn't want this, how was he supposed to take care of a fucking baby alone, he couldn't do this, fuck, maybe the police wouldn't even care when the baby wasn't fucking human, or he could just jump after her and get it over with--
His stomach clenched in revulsion, nausea crawling up his throat. What the fuck was this? He barely even remembered that night, hadn't thought of it in fucking years. He wanted to reach out and tear Jean away from this creep, just hold her and keep her safe and make sure nobody could hurt her, ever. Fuck, he just wanted to go home.
--and then a sudden unexpected yank into a series of other memories. Mia, four years old, no idea why she shouldn't hurt people; the abstract realization she was disturbed, weird, but also fascinating. She wasn't a monster; she was just different. Smart. She could figure it out, if he just explained in the right way if he failed that was a problem for later--
--watching the new game Mia and Lucy had invented for the first time a year later, the predatory glint in Mia's eyes as she pounced: it's a game, honestly it's just pretty cute, it's just the same as the little violent impulses they all have this might be more concerning when she has scythes but it's nothing to worry about--
--Mia, seven years old, little scythes beginning to poke out of her arms. Feeling almost giddy analyzing the X-rays: he'd been right, they were growing exactly as he'd predicted. Cheryl taking him aside, asking if she should be worried. No, of course not, she won't do anything, Lucy can stay insubstantial what if -- she won't, she's brilliant, she gets it--
--getting a call from the school, about how Mia, nine, had swiped and cut a girl's hair. Showing up to the principal's office, trying to placate the horrified parents. "She could've killed her!" "Of course she wouldn't have. She knows her own limits. It was just a game, like the games she plays with her sister. We'll talk to her about why she can't do that and that'll be the end of it." the hair's very close to the neck, fuck, Mia, what--
--looking at her in his car one day after one of their weird talks to offer her hotdogs, only to find her staring at him in the sort of way she stared at Lucy during their games, and when he asked what she was thinking she said she was hungry. "Just so we're clear here, when you say 'hungry' you mean 'let's get hotdogs', not 'I want to tear Dave's throat out and eat him', right?" "Both." Fear congealing in his stomach, blood running cold in his veins. She wasn't actually going to, and he knew it -- she was annoyed to even have to explain: "I like talking to you more than I'd like eating you." "That's great, but you can't eat people you don't like either." "I know." "Tell me why." -- but in his mind's eye he saw her lashing out, scythe through his throat, her sharpened fangs tearing at his windpipe, and felt so sick he couldn't breathe. Telling her to please not let him down please before exiting the car, extending his hand towards her and imagining her lunging again and every primal instinct in his brain telling him to get away, but no, she wouldn't, he knew that, and instead holding his hand firm until she took it if she attacked it'd be on him anyway--
--another call. She'd attacked a boy, put a pretty deep cut in his arm. His heart pounding in the office. Mia please don't fucking do this Somehow persuading the principal and the parents that it's a matter of childish impulse control, it's not like she wants to hurt anyone, she knows she shouldn't, they were thinking about making some sheaths for her scythes anyway kind of, maybe, he'd thought about it once and once that happened it wouldn't be a problem. Asking her about it in the car afterwards. Apparently it was this group of kids that kept harassing her about religion, of course it all came down to fucking religion, and she was just defending herself. Like she didn't have that fucking right -- but they talked about it anyway and it'd be fine and they'd make the sheaths Mia please--
--a pang of dread every time he got a call for a while, until at last the third one, when it was clear the principal had already made up his mind when he arrived at the office, and he argued fiercely anyway, they were provoking her, who even does that -- but then she expertly executed a fly on the wall and he couldn't even disagree anymore, she was probably better off homeschooled, and he took her home and they talked about religion on the way and he was glad he'd not have to get any more of these fucking phone calls, and then even fucking Howard was acting like it was all her fucking fault but it wasn't, she wasn't a monster, she was just Mia and she was weird but she was a fucking person and she was his best friend, taking her for hotdogs was like the best part of his week, he couldn't fucking lose her and it wasn't her fault, he'd made her this way and he'd figure it out--
--that horrible day of waking up to all of them gone but Lucy, off on a fucking suicide mission to rescue Gabriel, begging Jean to come home, realizing he'd fucking told them about the trap laid out for them, pacing around the house drinking whatever he could get his hands on trying to imagine they'd all be all right only all he could think was that they were all dying and he should go out there and do something except there was nothing he could do, he'd just be getting himself killed, and fuck, that was fine, fucking bring it, but they'd kill Gabriel too. The utilitarian calculus that rationally they should have just let them kill Gabriel so nobody else would die, they'd all fucking hate him forever but at least they'd be okay, but even then he just fucking couldn't, he was pretty sure Gabriel hated him already but Dave's heart still sank into a bottomless pit at the thought, and all he could do was cling to the fantasy that somehow everyone would be okay and try to drink enough to not remember the rest it'd be his fault, his fucking fault, he told them where to go--
--learning, from Jack's strained recollection of that day, that Mia had died with some kind of psycho fucking grin on her face after slitting somebody's throat, and feeling sick and pressing his lips together as he sat there, but it wasn't her fault, it wasn't her fault, it wasn't her fault, she was fucking unique and he loved her and if they hadn't shot her three times in the head he'd be fucking taking her and driving off, getting her out of the country, he didn't care, they couldn't take Mia he'd made her that way and he hadn't said the right things to her and he'd fucking told them where to go like a fucking idiot--
See, Dave thought, fiercely, in the middle of it, she wasn't a fucking monster, I never thought she was a fucking monster, all I ever wanted was to keep her fucking safe.
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red-winters · 4 years
*Batfam fic-recs
*Some are Tim Drake Centric
**Some links are not working in mobile (and ONLY mobile) for some reason? And some titles that were bolded in the original post are ALSO not displaying on mobile correctly. Idk what to do about that, but you can still look up the fic, I guess.
The Bat’s Crest - livierambles
Note: I will always keep recommending this fic. It’s epic, thrilling, and hilarious and sometimes angsty. Also, everyone is confused, including the ones doing the confusing. Maybe especially the ones doing the confusing. Also, some Tim and Damian bonding, which is always nice.
Summary: Tragedy strikes the hero community when Bruce Wayne commits a crime so heinous even the best start asking for blood. However, as the heroes try to recover from the hit and carry out justice for their friends, a random assortment of people start acting oddly, including the current Speedy Tim Drake, a child hostage in Gotham, and a young man from an unremarkable circus amongst others. All of them seem intent on saving Bruce Wayne from the grasp of the Justice League for no apparent reason, going as far as betraying their previous allegiances.
Unknown to the Justice League, these people are equally confused. Clearly they're stuck in another dimension, but how do they get back? How did they even get here? Who else is stuck in this world? And how long will Tim's patience last? Back home, the Bat was a planetary symbol that struck fear in the hearts of criminals. In this new world, it has no meaning, save for the handful of stranded souls.
In the Shadows - Kieron_ODuibhir
(shortened) Summary:
“I’m not like you.”
The cowl still looked like something he was wearing, but Clark knew it was not. It flexed like skin when Batman narrowed his blank white eyes and said, “I can see you know that.” 
Chirp - AmariT
Summary: Every piece of the signal Tim unlocked revealed more locks, and by the time he broke through the last one, he was already mentally rehearsing his many upcoming talk show appearances. 'Yes,' he told the interviewer, 'it was difficult for me, a ten-year-old genius, to break open the worldwide alien conspiracy. That's why it took a whole hour.'
When the crackling audio started, he expected some weird alien language. Maybe squawks and high-pitched squeals mixed with musical woofs. Maybe they wouldn't talk at all, and images would beam directly into his mind. Maybe they'd talk in practiced English with a Midwestern drawl like their other resident alien.
Instead he heard a low, guttural voice growling out of his computer speakers. "Robin," it said. "Are you in position?"
A Better Cage - Mangaluva
Note: I was absolutely DELIGHTED to see a Young Justice Crossover with the Justice Lords (Earth-50) from the animated Justice League series, which is near and dear to my heart. I admit I haven’t really had much time to hunker down and read this, but even skimming, it’s an intriguing piece of work. Also, Justice Lords.
Summary: Wally's grateful to have woken up at all, really. He just doesn't know what to make of the world he's woken up in. At least they want to find a way to his world as much as he does, if not exactly for the same reasons...
Common People - AmariT
Note: The Bat boys are all Bruce’s blood sons, but it still feels very much like a found family. I haven’t really read everything in this series, but I feel the author has an amazing grip on all the characters. Lovely and heartwarming.
Summary: His whole life, Jason’s mom had told him his dad was Bruce Wayne, but he’d never been dumb enough to actually believe it. They lived in a rundown, one-room apartment in the worst part of town, and in every single picture he’d ever seen of that rich bastard he was wearing a suit or sipping champagne worth more than everything they’d ever owned.
But if he wasn’t Bruce Wayne’s kid, then what the hell was he doing sitting outside the man’s office in Wayne Towers?
Red Robin and the Hood - momoejaku
Note: Haven’t read this in a while, but it made an impression. Though it’s a fic set during the Red Robin arc, it very much is about both Tim and Jason. Plus, it fleshes out the Pru and Z a bit more, too.
Summary: Bruce Wayne is dead. Superman brought back his body, and the family mourned him, holding a quiet funeral in secret so that the legacy of Batman could live on. But not everyone has been able to put him to rest.
Reeling from the loss of Bruce, his identity as Robin and his trust in his family, Tim Drake sets out on a personal quest that will take him across the world to prove what he knows in his heart: that Bruce Wayne is alive.
Though intending to make his way alone, Tim reluctantly accepts help from his predecessor, Jason Todd, who knows from personal experience that death is not always as final as it seems.
Together, they are Red Robin and the Hood.
Liminal Spaces - Calamityjim
Note: Skimmed this only since I’ve been busy, BUT it does look well-written, and I’m always a sucker for alternate dimension/dimension travel intervention-type of fix-its. It’s a very specific trope.
Bruce's habit of collecting strays is not limited by dimension.
When Young Justice Batman comes across an angsty, seemingly abandoned by his Batman Tim Drake, he decides to step up to the plate and parent the crap out of him.
Little Bird’s Vengeance - KatHarkness-Katara
Note: Crossover with Avengers. Awesome fic with Tim and Jason and some Outsider POV (via the Avengers) of these dimensional stragglers. I think Tim’s team shows up in the later chapters, too. If you’re reading on mobile, it’s still very much worth reading despite FF.net’s horrible format and abundance of advertisements in the mobile version.
Summary: Why is life never simple? Red Robin's ended up worlds away from home once again, and now what's he to do? What do the Avengers want from him; do SHIELD have another agenda; and is there any way back? Pre-New 52. No slash. Rated for inevitable language/violent themes.
A Displaced Red Robin - dragonprincess1988
Note: Worth reading despite FF.net’s horrible format and abundance of advertisements in the mobile version. Well-written fic! EMOTIONS! I love them. Younger Dick Grayson is adorable, Tim is a competent fixer-upper for other people but not so much himself. He’s kind of angsty and making YJ Dick want to keep him (and YJ Bruce, too, if you read between the lines). On the plus side, seems like he’s making good friends with Young Justice Roy. This fic was written before certain episodes of YJ came out, though, and the fic reflects/will continue to reflect that. Still, I give it five stars.
Author’s Summary: Tim gets transported to the cartoon Young Justice world, and he's not sure he knows how to deal with it. Attention: If you want to know about Artemis or people from Tim's world the final note on my profile is for you. Also, a special thank you to angel-gidget over at Tumblr, who made the wonderful cover art for this story.
The Till-then From the Ever Since - Keiron O_Duibhir
Note: Fandom classic. Definitely a must-read for Batfam fans, in my humble opinion.
Summary: It began, or seemed to begin, with Jason.
Usually that would have meant something in the order of fire and explosion and probably at least one gunshot wound, but for once (as Tim said, sourly), it wasn't actually Jason's fault.
The Wayne Family Ghost - pupeez4eva
Note: Please read this. Especially if you’re sad or anxious or just have time. I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s my go-to cheer-up fic. Absolutely hysterical.
Summary: In which Bruce realizes that having a legally dead son, who regularly hangs around the family, might be slightly problematic. 
Bloodline - chibi_nightowl
Note: Complicated family dynamics, this time centering around Tim, Selina, Bruce and, surprisingly, Damian. Jason and Dick make an appearance as supportive big bros, too. It works. Take a read, it isn’t that long.
“Mr. Drake, I can’t think of a better way to say this, so I’ll just be blunt. This file is for your first adoption. By the Drakes.”
Tim blinked. “My what?”
“You were adopted as a newborn by Jack and Janet Drake.”
“Excuse me, but what the fuck are you talking about?”
Talon!Tim AU Series by keeptogethernow
Note: Found family, from a different angle. Cool fic and well-written.
Summary of Tso’ape Mumbichi, first in the series: Ten years ago, two people made a deal with the devil--unlimited funds in exchange for their child. And now it's time to pay up. But there's no way to ensure that the child will cooperate.
Shutterbug Series by goldkirk
Note: Exactly what it says on the tin! Found family.
Tim Drake is thirteen, runs the famous BatWatch blog that has spiraled hilariously out of control, has absentee parents that suit his purposes just fine, is training himself to run the streets at night, and is doing absolutely peachy, thank you.
Alfred and Jason disagree, and get Dick and Bruce involved in figuring out their weird next door neighbor kid’s life. Everything goes uphill from there.
Thursday’s Child - anthalogia
Note: Well-written and has found family and Tiny!Tim? Automatic win.
He’s not the first child with nowhere else to go that Bruce Wayne has taken in. Dick Grayson was the first and the most high-profile – because no one would have thought Bruce Wayne was interested in ever raising a child, let alone the orphaned son of circus performers – but Jason was maybe just as much of a shock to society for being a street kid who came out of seemingly nowhere. Tim Drake is ordinary by comparison – his parents died in a plane accident. He can’t think of anything very special about him except that he met Bruce a few times when his parents hosted parties to keep in touch with Gotham society.
Or, tiny Tim Drake is adopted by the Waynes a little earlier than scheduled.
We’re Not Driving (How did we get here?) - TimTheToaster
Note: Short and sweet, a little angsty, and then very sweet.
Tim stared at his phone, as if that would change what was on the screen.
Dick Grayson @FlyingDGrayson
It took some doing, and in some cases a little blackmail, but we've finally got the whole family together for a movie night! #WayneManor #movienight #familytime #schedulingisanightmare
15 minutes ago
Take It Back Now Y’all - TimTheToaster
Note: And Tiny!Jason has made his appearance. Also, Tim, I am begging you to please take care of yourself—ah, Bruce has made his appearance. Interesting. Also, I gotta say this author is good.
There was absolutely no way this sunshine was from Gotham in April.
Not possible.
Which meant, Tim was no longer in Gotham, in April.
(In which Tim finds himself in the past, and tries to do the right thing. It's more complicated than he'd like.)
Takes a Little Time, Takes a Lotta Twine (To Get Us Back Together) - TimTheToaster
Note: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, beginning of reconciliation, and brotherhood. A satisfying, cathartic moment during the Red Robin arc to soothe your heart.
Tim was in Gotham.
Tim had pretty specifically been avoiding thinking about Dick as much as possible for the last few weeks.
For the last year, really. No need to open that can of carnivorous worms.
Dick had other plans.
Everybody’s Heard (Bird is the Word) - TimTheToaster
Red Robin Era ANGST, but like, deliciously well-written. Also, protective Dad Bruce is always epic. Light bashing of Green Arrow and BC, though. But considering the situation (in this fic), kind of warranted.
5 times Batman heard other heroes talking about his wayward brother,
And 1 time they were talking about his son.
A Choice to Make - scorbusfics
Note: fresh and interesting premise! Cool world building, too.
Summary: They have to choose. Dick and Bruce have to choose one person each to save, and one to disappear through the door.
“Send one of us,” Dick says fiercely, not for the first time. His face is dark and angry and desperate, eyes flicking from brother to brother. “Send one of us instead. I won’t choose.”
“Neither will I,” Bruce says.
But Tim knows.
Secret Places - RenaRoo
It’s ANGST, but the author knows how to use it well. Also, Jason’s line at the end killed me. Damn.
Summary: Tim Drake goes missing. The search to find him begins.
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equizona · 4 years
heyyyy i saw requests were open and i didnt see a character limit so i was wondering if you could write about the 3 main boys plus the rest of class 1-A if you want too coming back to most of their stuff missing like bakugou's bed or todoroki's phone because of a 2 tailed baby kitsune named kyle buried them outside and even stole the tv remote from the living room and just waited for s/o to come back from classes or training and while the kyle was waiting bakugou tried to chase them but failed
I should have done this ages ago but I got so busy with writing my stories on qoutev I forgot about my tumblr account.....check it out btw I'm Equizona!also since they live in dorms I'm making it so its holidays and you and the character are the only ones there, oh and I wasn't sure if you meant a scenario or headcanons so I did a scenario?xD hope that's okay if you wanted something else just tell me uwu Unashamed sponsorship- kneeways-
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You had just wanted to return to the dorms to enjoy a movie night and your boyfriends cooking after training. You had not wanted the creation of your dad's quirk to ruin said boyfriends room and steal the remote control and ice cream. "YOU LITTLE SHIT IM GOING TO KILL YOU, GIVE IT THE FUCK BACK!" Was the screaming of your boyfriend at 10pm inside a huge living area chasing a tiny little kitsune.
Sighing, using your own quirk, you quickly grabbed the tiny creature. "Kyle! No, bad! Return the TV control and fix all of the other things, got it?" You told it sternly. The creature sighed in defeat, and handed the remote over to Bakugou.
You sent him a smile, but he continued glaring at both you and the creature. "Your cooking" he said, before turning around and soaking to sit down on the couch. You started dramatically crying, tears falling on the squirming kitsune. "See what you did to us Kyle!" You cried, before going to the kitchen to cook your inferior food.
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When you opened the door, you were surprised to see your little kitsune Kyle run past you, and even more surprised when your boyfriend zoomed past you, nearly knocking you off your feet. You stood there confused for a bit, blinking. Until it processed and you turned around ready to question it.
There your boyfriend was wrestling for a TV remote with said kitsune. You face palmed at the two. "What the hell are you doing?" You glared down. Both stopped and looked up at you slowly, sweating. "Nothing" Izuku mumbled out in alight fear.
You raised and eyebrow, before holding your hand out to the two. They sighed, and the kitsune gave you the remote. "Thank you" you said blankly before waking inside and locking the door.
They'll learn their lesson sooner or later.
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"Todoroki? What are you doing?" You questioned, seeing your Kitsune incased with ice inside the door rooms. The boy turned towards you, waving politely and giving a small smile. You returned it, but quickly continued your questions. "Why is Kyle stuck in ice?" Was your first and most important question.
"He tried taking my shirt, so I stopped him. Now I'm melting the ice" he said blankly. "Ah" you sweat dropped, before making your way to your room.
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"Y/N! Please, get Kyle under control I- argh-" your boyfriend shouted when you stepped into the living area, until he crashed into a wall that was. You were going to run over and ask what was wrong until you saw Kyle on the ground holding your boyfriends glasses in their hands.
You sighed. "Kyle for the LAST TIME DON'T STEAL TENYA'S GLASSES HE NEEDS TO SEE" You screamed before starting to tail your kitsune who high jacked out of there in fear. "ThAtS rIgHt fEAr mY PoWEr-" you heard Tenya laugh at the comment, but you opted to ignore it so you could catch said boys glasses from your thieving little child.
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Emediantly when you stepped in you were bombarded from your boyfriend. "Okaysoy/niknowitsnotverymanlytoaskthisbutyourkitsunetookmyshirtandivebeenchasinghimforthelast-" you cut him of, not understanding a single word of what he was saying. "Calm down Eiji, breathe and start again, slower this time" the boy did as you asked.
"Okay so I know it's not that manly to ask for your help with this but kyle took my shirt and I've been chasing him for the last three hours and I really need that shirt" he grinned sheepishly at you. You snorted, "alrighty then" you grinned, before both of you started looking for the kitsune that had long since hidden away from sight.
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Sero hanta was a bit silly, and stupid sometimes, but he was one of the more responsible in his group, so your kitsune taped to a room with tape everywhere while your boyfriend was threatening it was not what you were expecting.
You just stood there staring for a few moments, before letting out an unsure 'um.' The two snapped their heads towards you in surprise. But when they saw it was only you they calmed down a bit, although Hanta was still rather nervous. "Well-well you see, Kyle stole my phone and I've been trying to get it back.." he trailed off towards the end.
You laughed a bit. "So that's why you never answered my messages or calls" you grinned to him.
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Kaminari has always been a chaotic dumbass, and that's why you loved him. Though sometimes he did become a bit to much, even for you. So when your Kistune stole single yen, you didn't understand him electrocuting you of all people.
And now it would leave it you were to stunned from getting electrocuted and he was to stupid from a backlash to do anything so your kitsune ended up taking the boys whole wallet as payment for helping the two of you. You would feel bad but you were mostly thinking deserved.
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bluerosesonata · 4 years
The Legacy of Aika Village
[This will be the first of a few mini-articles I plan to post here, just about different things I’m passionate about. Please indulge me.]
This article originally was written back in early April- since then, Nintendo announced that the “Dream Suites” would be coming to the latest update of ACNH, as “Dream Islands.” As such, I thought it would be timely to finally post this.
Update: On July 2nd, the original creator of Aika Village made a tweet announcing their plans to remake Aika for Dream Islands in New Horizons! The legend lives on!
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Image Credit: thumbnail from chuggaconroy’s playthrough of Aika Village on Youtube.
Animal Crossing And Horror: The Legacy of Aika Village
With a lot of the world in lockdown, Animal Crossing New Horizons has become a creative and social outlet for many, leading to a lot of people who never played Animal Crossing to engage with it for the first time. I’m sure most of you have encountered the various types of people present in the Animal Crossing community by now, but there’s a type of Animal Crossing players that a lot of people didn’t realize exist, and have existed, for a while now: The Horror Town Creators.
These players were the subject of a brief write up on Polygon by Patricia Hernandez [Hernandez, Patricia. “Animal Crossing: New Horizons is now a horror game, thanks to fans.” Polygon, 24 Mar. 2020. https://www.polygon.com/2020/3/24/21190826/animal-crossing-new-horizons-horror-game-decorations-scary-nintendo-switch-blood-spatter-pattern.], who posted an article featuring quotes and pictures of people creating horror themed towns and rooms in New Horizons, but only made a brief mention of the legacy of horror that many of these players are striving to recreate: The Nightmare Suites of Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
(These next few paragraphs are a bit of a self-indulgent aside, so feel feel to skip ahead.)
Horror gets a bad rap. Horror artists get comments like “lmao what SCP is this,”  “that’s fucked up,” or get flippant remarks about it all “looking the same.” Horror writers get made fun of for only writing “three types of stories.” Even the term “creepypasta,” which has evolved into shorthand for “horror stories independently published online,” still carries the stink of derision from the typo-filled, often poorly-written shock stories the term originated from. Despite this derision, horror, as a genre, is MASSIVELY popular (and profitable as well!). There’s an undeniable appeal to it.
More importantly, horror always finds a way to adapt itself to different mediums. As one can easily see by the success of horror podcasts like the NoSleep Podcast and The Magnus Archives, it isn’t even limited to a visual format! Like fear and dread itself, the horror genre crawls on, inexhaustible, undying, and ever-present, always returning to us in ways both novel and familiar.
Horror lovers are a tight knit, but welcoming, community, and that’s one of its biggest strengths and weaknesses.The biggest drawback is that a lot of really cool stuff produced will never be experienced, let alone documented, by people outside the community. And that’s what prompted this post. I was trying to explain the Dream Suite horror movement to my cousin, and despite my best efforts, didn’t find a lot of coverage about them, beyond the fact they existed. Worse, most of those were articles written five years ago. Even so, I’ll link to a few of them at the end of this post, as they’re definitely worth reading.
For me, I wanted to share my experience of the horror town phenomena with people outside the community. The Nightmare Suites movement was really something magical, and I know that I, personally, am still trying to recreate that magic in New Horizons. And hey, maybe once you’re finished reading this, you will too.
The Dream Suite
Before we can talk about Aika Village, we need to explain the feature that made this whole movement possible. In the 2012/2013 3DS game, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, there were two areas in every town: The village, and Main Street, which laid beyond the train tracks that ran across to the north of every town. Main Street was home several important structures, including the town shop, the Happy Home Academy, and the Post Office. Later on, more structures could be unlocked and built as public works projects, one of which was the Dream Suite.[“Dream Suite.” Nookipedia, 25 Apr. 2013, nookipedia.com/wiki/Dream_Suite.] 
As for how it worked, Nookipedia explains it best:
To begin a dream, the player must lie down on the bed and pay Luna 500 Bells. They may then choose to visit a random town, input the Dream Address of a specific town to visit, or search for a town. They may then choose to visit a previously visited town or a random town, or to input the dream address of a new town to visit. While dreaming, the player may walk around the town and perform actions just as they would in the real world, but their actions will have no effect on the town.
While dreaming, the bed will be on the dream town's plaza. Luna and Lloid stand near it until the player decides to wake up. Players can borrow tools like a shovel and axe from Lloid to use within the dream. If the player lies on the bed a second time, they will leave the dream and anything they have in their pockets will be lost.
The player cannot go to Main Street or enter any buildings with doors besides homes. Additionally, messages left on the bulletin board cannot be read; instead, the board displays the town's name and Dream Address…custom designs on display in the town, such as on the ground and in houses, will be visible. The player who uploaded the town can also be found walking about. When spoken to, they will say their recorded greeting.
In essence, the Dream Suite takes a snapshot of your town at the moment you ask Luna, the NPC running the Dream Suite, to share a dream- this includes your outfit, the way  you decorated your home, the items laying around town, etc.
The most important aspect of this feature, and the one that I feel had the most impact on the Nightmare Suite creation movement, was the method of discovery. If you didn’t know someone’s code, you would be sent to a random dream of a random town, from anywhere in the world- and this is where I feel my personal experience of being in the community departs from the articles that have already been written about the Nightmare Suites.
The Urban Legend of Aika
In the years leading to 2013, I was going through some rough shit. I won’t go into details here, but video games had become my entire life. Coming into the summer of 2013, I didn’t have any friends I kept in touch with, and I was “starting over” in a city where I knew nobody- things were looking up, but outside of tumblr, I didn’t have anything even resembling a social life. Animal Crossing: New Leaf was a stabilizing force of my life during this time, and really helped me. I had the Shampoodle haircut guide saved to the camera roll on my phone, for pete’s sake.
It was in the beginnings of my friendship with a group of girls (whom I sadly no longer even have contact with), where a lot of our initial bonding happened because of anime and RPGmaker horror games. We were sitting together in the campus dining area, me playing on my 3DS, when I first learned about the Nightmare Suites.
“Have you heard about Aika Village?”
I hadn’t.
“It’s this really creepy town in dream suites, I heard about it from a friend online.” Later that day, she linked me to a tumblr post compiling a series of codes leading to different “creepy dream towns,” the first one being simply labeled as “Aika Village.”
That dream village became a phenomenon: people would write up their interpretations and theories about it, and even lead to a few articles and videos on gaming sites like IGN and Killscreen, which is why I’m not gonna even bother going into the content of the village itself.
And So, The Dream Begins…
This, in my opinion, was the draw of the Nightmare Suites. Without a way to directly share codes from your 3DS to your social media, the discovery and sharing of Dream Towns was like that of urban legends- like virtually passing notes in class, or sharing scary stories that “totally happened to a friend of my cousin’s sister” at a campfire. It felt like a cool discovery- something exclusive and scary and weirdly intimate. They had a mystique to them, a mystery of who their creators were and what they “really meant.” But above all that? They were cool as hell.
The Nightmare Suites used the limitations of the game to try and create an unnerving atmosphere in ways that were reminiscent to me of the RPGmaker horror game subgenre, and for me, created a lot of memories of excitedly typing in my once a day dream suite visit late at night in my dorm. I never lacked variety- there were so many people either influenced or inspired by Aika to make a horror town that there are entire lists and tumblrs dedicated to collecting those codes. (I even played around with the idea of making my own horror town, but never found the right inspiration, instead dedicating my time to making themed homes and custom outfits based on different anime characters.)
The sad fact that so many of these towns have been altered or overwritten, if they’re available or accessible at all, is in itself, a part of their urban legend-like appeal. While many of us may never get to experience these towns, the stories about them endure, in lists on long-abandoned blogs and youtube videos from people’s playthroughs.
And that mystique is the real legacy of Aika; While the Nightmare Suites may be gone, the wonder and dreamlike memories many of us hold from our chance encounter with it will never fade. You could even say we’re a bit…haunted by it.
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marvelgurl · 3 years
Off-Limits: Part 5
Characters: Tom Holland X Reader Osterfield (eventually), Harrison Osterfield, Mrs. Osterfield, Ollie (OC), Tessa, Paddy Holland, Sam Holland, Harry Holland, Dominic Holland, Nikki Holland (mentioned)
Word Count: 5012
Warnings: Language, Angst, Hangover, Fluff
A/n: This is Part 5 of the Off-Limits series. Sorry for the late upload. Tags are Open for this series.
As always Feedback is always welcome. Good and Bad, it really does helps me.
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You slowly started waking up. You moved your hands to your head, in hopes it would stop the pounding. You tried to bury your face further into the pillow. You slowly moved your legs under you, now you were in “child’s pose”. Only to quickly realize that was a bad idea. You almost instantly felt the urge to vomit.
“Oh shit.” Your hand instantly went to your mouth.
Next thing you noticed was someone handing you a bin, you grabbed it as fast as you could and proceeded to vomit. You felt the person move your hair out of the way. Once you were done, you turned to sit with your back up against the couch. You kept your eyes closed. You were trying not to vomit again.
“Here.” You opened one of your eyes to see Tom holding a bottle of water and aspirin out to you.
“Thanks.” You took them. “Not to sound like a bitch or anything but what are you still doing here?”
“I was going to go home but then I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Well, I am, so…” You looked down at your hands to try to avoid him staring at you. “do you know where my phone and keys are?” you start patting down all of your pockets. You saw Tom go over to his things that were in the recliner and pulled them out of his pocket.
“I have them, Ollie handed them to me just before we left.” He walked back over and handed them to you. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
“And here I thought you couldn’t take a hint.” You had a fake grin on your face.
Tom just gave you an unamused look.
“You might not think this, but I still care about you. Nothing has changed.”
“Really? Last I heard you have a girlfriend. Where is she by the way? Does she know you’re here with me?”
“Fuck.” Tom was just now realizing that he had forgotten to text Nadia last night.
“That’s what I thought. The doors over there.” You gestured towards the door, hoping that he would leave.
You went to get up, but your body had other ideas. As soon as you went to take a step, your legs just collapsed under you. As you were falling you felt Tom’s arm wrap around your waist. He was able to catch you just before you hit the floor. Tom slowly turned you and lowered you down onto the couch.
“Well, that’s never happened before.” You didn’t think you drank that much last night.
“what’s wrong?”
Tom was crouching down in front of you. You could see that he was genuinely worried. You refused to look at him.
“Nothing.” You went to get up again, but Tom stopped you.
“Y/n, you can’t walk. Whatever you need I can go get it, just let me help you.”
“I don’t need anything, except for you to move.” You didn’t want him helping you. you could do it on your own you just needed to give your legs a minute to start working.
Tom put his hands up and moved away from you. You were able to stand up once again. You slowly took a step, this time you were able to keep yourself upright. Even thought you were able to take that step you were still weary. So, you walked slowly down the hall, you used the wall to help you.
Harrison came down the stairs, Tom was tying up the bag that was in the bin, getting ready to take it outside.
“Where is she?”
“She went down the hall, I’m guessing the bathroom.” He pointed towards the hall.
“Here let me do that.” He went to take the bag out of his hand, but Tom stopped him.
“I can do it, besides out of the two of us I think she would rather see you than me.” With that he walked outside to throw the bag away. He came back in shortly. You still had not returned. He was a little worried that you had fallen again.
Your mother had heard talking downstairs, so she came down to see Tom and Harrison.
“Good morning boys.”
“Good morning.” The boys said in unison.
“You’re here early Tom, is everything okay?”
“Actually, he spent the night mum.”
“Yeah, I was at the pub with Nadia and Y/n was there. She went a little too crazy last night and I helped her here. I would have taken her home, but I don’t know where she lives.”
“That’s okay, you did the right thing bringing her here.” The guys could see that she was upset. “So, where is she?”
“She went down the hall.” Tom pointed in the direction you had went.
She walked down the hall to see you sitting on the back steps. You had your elbows on your knees and your head was down enough for you to interlock your fingers behind your head. She walked outside and stood in front of you. You looked up to see her with her arms crossed. You just lowered your head back down. You could tell that she was upset and a little disappointed. You got up and tried to go back inside but she stopped you.
“What happened?”
“I don’t think that, that’s something you want to hear. Honestly, I don’t want to tell you.”
“Why is that? If it is something that I can help you with I will. Y/n Last night shouldn’t have happened. You told me you were going to stop drinking. I didn’t believe that you would stop completely but I didn’t think you would do this.”
“You can’t help me. I’m not project that you can just save or fix!” You threw your arms out to the side of you. “I fucked up; I know went too far last night.”
“Well, that’s an understatement.
“You know what. I’m an adult. I can do what I want, and you can’t stop me. I don’t need another lecture.  You can’t control my life. I am grateful for everything that you have done for me, but now I need to do things on my own.”
Harrison and Tom came into the hall and were standing in the doorway when they heard you and your mother arguing.
“I’m not trying to control you. I just don’t want to see my daughter destroying her life because of some guy.”
“Oh, so I’m destroying my life because I decided I wanted to have fun. Also, you absolutely love Tom, so don’t even go there.”
“We both know that you weren’t doing it for fun. You saw Tom with Nadia and you couldn’t handle it.”
“Why would I care about what they do? It’s his life, he can do what he wants.” You could see Tom’s head fall and he became really interested in his shoes.
“Because you still have feelings for him, they don’t go away that fast or with that much alcohol.”
“How do you know what I feel? We don’t talk anymore. Even when I was in New York, you barely spoke to me. I gave up trying to get you to talk to me because I realized I wasn’t worth your time, But I was fine because I had Harrison and Tom. Now I don’t even have them.”
“THAT IS NOT TRUE! Why would you ever think that?”
“IT IS! I talked to you maybe a handful of times when I was there. I chalked it up to being over 5,000 KM away, but ever since I have been home you have talked to me like 5 or 6 times. So, let’s not lie to each other. I have had enough of all the lying that’s been going around.”
You knew you should stop fighting with your mother, but you just couldn’t. At this point you had given up on everyone and everything except dancing, that is the only place that you can truly express any kind of emotion. You had lost so much of yourself that you didn’t recognize the person who was looking back at you through the mirror. You hated what you had become. It is only a matter of time before they realized who you were now and soon, they would hate you too. So why not push them to get there faster.
“Why are you acting like a Bitch y/n?” Harrison finally spoke up, causing you to turn to him.
“Excuse me?”
“I didn’t studder, why are you acting like a bitch?”
“This is who I am.”
“No, it’s not. I can see what you are doing and its not going to work.”
“What is it that you think I’m doing then Harrison?”
“You are trying to push us away. Why are you doing this? We love you and we aren’t going anywhere.”
“You don’t hurt the people you love Harrison.” Your eyes flickered over to Tom, then back to Harrison. I’ve had that kind of love before, and it nearly killed me. If I really wanted that I would just give him a call. Hell, I have even thought about doing just that, just so I could feel something other than this.”
“You told me you would never go back to that asshole.”
“You told me you would never hurt me. I guess we both lied.”
“I have tried everything to fix what I did, but you just reject me every time.”
“What do you want me to say, you’re forgiven. Fine I forgive you Harrison.”
“wow that was so sincere.” If you were going to be sarcastic so was he.
“I’m not going to apologize for what I feel or what I have done. I spent too much time apologizing for that. I spent too much time walking on eggshells around people’s feelings. Not anymore, I’m done apologizing. I just don’t give a shit anymore.”
You moved up the steps to the boys, they both moved out of your way. All three of them followed you back into the house. You went up to your old room, you started pulling things out of the closet. You grabbed the few duffle bags that you had left behind and started putting the rest of your stuff that you had left behind into them. You also started throwing things away.
When you were almost done Harrison and Tom were standing in the doorway of the room. Harrison saw you going through the box that you had shown him back when you were packing in New York. He watched you carefully going through all of the photos. You pulled a few of them out of the stack before putting the rest back. The ones you pulled out you put into a binder that was in one of the duffle bags. Then you picked up the box and put it into a bin along with all of the other things you were throwing away. That nearly broke Harrison’s heart.
“Y/n, what are you doing?” He walked over to the bin and pulled the box out.
“Getting rid of things.”
“Why are you getting rid of this?” He showed you the box.
“I have what I need, I don’t need that anymore. There is nothing in there that I want to remember anyway.” You were showing no emotion which scared him and Tom.
“I don’t believe that.”
You walked over to him and took the box from him and threw it back into the bin. Then you walked back to your bags, picking them up before leaving. Harrison went and grabbed the box out of the bin again. He walked over to the bed and sat down, then he opened the box. Now he was just staring down into it trying not to cry.
“What is that?”
“It’s her memory box. This is everything that she has collected over the year. She told me that this box is basically her life.” He reached into it and grabbed out a small stuffed animal that he had given to you when you guys were little. You had fallen off of your bike and hurt your knee really bad. He wanted to make you feel better, so he picked it out because it had a tutu just like you.
“I remember that.” Tom came into the room and sat next to Harrison.
Harrison started going through the photos and he quickly realized which ones were gone. The one of you and Paddy, one of you and the Holland twins, a couple of you dancing that Harry had taken, one of Tessa and the one of you and him when you were little. You had left everything else including your ballet slippers.
“Wait a minute…” Tom had reached into the box and pulled out some flowers. “These were the flowers I gave her when we went to her showcase. Why would she keep those?”
“She kept them because YOU gave them to her. Everything in here means everything to her.”
Tom looked at them for a few more seconds, then turned them over. A smile grew on his face. “Hey, it has writing on the back.”
“What does it say?”
“Flowers – Final Showcase 2017. From My Spider-Boy.” There was a little heart at the end. Tom’s smile fell. It brought up so many emotions for him.
“Tom, I need your help.” He closed the box and looked at Tom.
“Yeah, I’m always here.” He just kept looking at the flowers.
Harrison and Tom sat there for a while talking about how to help you. They knew that it was going to be one hell of a fight. No matter what it took they were determined to help you. They wanted you back, the last month was hard on both of them. They missed you so much.
After leaving your childhood home, you called for a car. You loaded your things up and you were off. You were on your own, well you felt like you were on your own. You were just going to try to figure things out. With everything that you have done it made you lose everything. All of the things and the people that you cared about; you have pushed away.
Right now, you just feel completely and hopelessly lost.
You got back to your flat and dropped off your bags. You stood in the main room for a few moments just trying to catch your breath. A few tears slipped from your eyes. You quickly wipe away the tears. You rested your hands on your head for a moment before raking your fingers threw your hair. You quickly take a shower and change. You headed to the pub to take care of your tab from last night, and to apologize to Ollie. When you entered the pub, he was nowhere to be seen. You walked up to the bar and sat down to wait for him. Moments later you hear a voice from behind you.
“Well, look who’s back and upright.”
You turned to see who it was, after seeing it was Ollie you got up from your seat and looked at him.
“Yeah, still feeling the effects of last night and this morning though.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less. You drank more last night than I have ever seen you drink. That boy must have really done a great deal to make a woman like yourself want to drown herself in alcohol. I don’t think it was just about him taking your brothers friendship over yours though.”
You looked down at your hands that were interlocked in front of you.
“You could say that.”
“Care to elaborate?” He walked over to the bar, gesturing for you to sit back down before sitting down himself.
“Yeah, I think that’s a story for another time. As for last night, I just lost control. The thing is I’ve been acting like I’m okay but I’m not.”
“Is there anything I can do? Aside from give you more alcohol.” Both of you chuckled a little.
“I’m going to focus on my job and put everything I have into that.”
“Good for you. I guess I won’t be seeing you in here as often then?”
“No, you will definitely still see me in here, but I don’t think I will go as far as I did yesterday. Speaking of yesterday I need to pay my tab. I also need to apologize to you.”
“You do not need to apologize to me, what you need to do is apologize to yourself. It’s going to take your heart a while to heal, and for it to except what your mind already knows. Just don’t stay in that place forever, it will do more damage if you let it.”
“No, I do need to apologize. I put you in a situation that I shouldn’t have. Like I said I lost control. If you wouldn’t have let me drink here, who knows what I would have done. Or if I would even be sitting here with you right now.” You had looked down at your hand, you didn’t want to face that reality.
“Hey, don’t talk like that.” He lifted up your chin to get you too look at him. Then he pulled you into a hug. “You are not going anywhere. You know your limits. Yes, you pushed them a little too far yesterday, but you stopped before you went overboard.”
“ I guess so. Now about that tab.” You both let go, he took a small step back.
“Actually…” He rubbed the back of his neck before looking at you. “Your tab was paid.”
“What are you talking about?” you looked at him with a confused look.
“Yeah, it was paid last night before you left.”
“By whom?”
“Umm… Tom.”
“Oh… How much was it?”
He told you the amount, you kept that number in the back of your head. You were going to pay him back; you know that he wouldn’t accept it in person. So, you will have to put it in an envelope and put it in the mailbox so he can’t refuse it. You went to your bank, pulled out the money for your tab and a little extra for the car ride, you put it into an envelope and headed to the Hollands.
You parked a block away so that they wouldn’t see your car. You walked to their house, regretting every step. You know the chances of you getting out of there without being seen are slim to none. As you got closer you didn’t see anyone in the yard, but you forgot about a certain Staffie who is easily concealed by a fence. Next thing you see is Tessa popping her head over the fence and barking at you.
“Shit! Tessa you scared me.” You jumped at the sound but quickly recovered and went up to her and started petting her. You also didn’t see a certain Holland boy running towards you. You ended up looking up at the last second, as Paddy wrapped his arms around you.
“Paddy, I have missed you so much.” Your eyes started watering. You just didn’t want to let go of him.
“I have missed you too. Why haven’t you come by to see us or answered texts and calls?”
You felt so much guilt for how you treated the boys. It wasn’t their fault that you had cut all ties with Tom. You were punishing them when you shouldn’t be.
“I’m sorry, I know this is going to sound lame, but I got really busy with work and things.”
“Your right that is lame.”
“Is Tom home?”
“No, he’s out with Nadia I think.”
“Okay, how about this.” You pulled back slightly to look at him, but not letting go. “Go get the twins and we will go and do anything you want.”
“Really?” you saw his eyes light up and his smile got bigger.
“Yes, I miss you boys. First I need you to do me a favor.” You let go of him and pulled the envelope out of your pocket. “Can you put this in Tom’s room for me please.”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just go get Harry and Sam so we can go.”
He immediately took off back into the house. A few minutes later you see Sam and Harry trying to get through the door at the same time. They started arguing when Paddy came up behind them and pushed them both through. Paddy ran past them and came right up to you, once again he hugged you and didn’t show signs of letting go. You were just laughing at the boys. This was the first time in a while that you laughed, and it be genuine.
Eventually you and the boys were able to leave. You sent a quick text to Nikki to let her know they were with you, she quickly replied with a thank you for letting her know. Paddy wanted to go play golf. Even though you have played for many years you still sucked. Towards the end you guys weren’t even keeping score. You were just having fun. You were trying not to think about what was going to happen after you dropped them off. You know you were going to end up at your flat alone, alone with your own thoughts which is not a good place for you to be.
After you guys went golfing, you took them out for ice cream. They were excited, you let them get what ever they wanted. They filled up their cups so full it gave you a stomachache just looking at them. You didn’t really want any, so you got the smallest cup and very few toppings. You just got it just so they didn’t question you. The four of you sat there eating and talking for a while, it was like old times. You missed these guys. You felt so bad that you had stopped talking to them, you were a grade A asshole.
The boys noticed that you were being a little quiet. They stopped talking and they were all staring at you. When you looked up, you were just looking between the three of them.
“Are you okay?” Sam was the first of them to speak.
“You kind of zoned out there for a few minutes.” Harry leaned back into his chair.
“I’m just thinking about stuff.” You gave them a soft smile.
“You didn’t even eat your ice cream.” Paddy pointed to your cup.
“Oh, I guess I was just to lost in thought.” You looked at your watch and realized that you guys had been gone for over six hours. “I didn’t realize we were gone this long; I should get you guys back home.”
All of the boys protested. You had stood up giving them a look, causing Harry and Sam to get up. Paddy on the other hand stayed sitting. He really didn’t want this to end. He knew if you took them it was going to be a while before he could see you again.
“Come on Paddy. I need to get you home.”
“Not until you promise me that you will be around more.”
“I can’t promise you that.”
“Why not?”
“Because my life is too unpredictable right now, also I don’t want to make you a promise that I can’t keep.” You could see the light that was once there slowly fading. You quickly wrapped your arms around him, pulling him to his feet for a proper hug.
“Listen to me, I will try to be better about talking to you more. I will try to see you. I can’t promise you that I will be able to do it as often as we both would like but, I can only say that I will try.”
Paddy just nodded his head. You guys slowly walked out of the Ice cream place. The drive back to their house was quieter than on the way out. Paddy had fallen asleep on Sam in the back seat.
“Did you mean what you said, about talking and seeing him more?” Harry asked as he turned to look at you from the passenger seat.
“Yes, but not just him you guys too. I have realized that it was wrong to stop talking to you guys. I had my reasons for doing it but after today none of those reasons seem to be good enough anymore.”
“Did you tell him why you stopped talking to him?” You looked up to see Sam Looking at you through the rearview mirror.
“No, I didn’t. I told him I was busy with work. Which wasn’t completely dishonest. I have a show coming up and I was asked to do a solo piece, and I have been working my ass off to make it perfect. I just can’t seem to get it right.”
“Are you going to ever tell him?”
“I don’t know. I have thought about it and I’m thinking that it would be better if I didn’t. I don’t want him to be mad at Tom. So, I think it’s better this way.”
There was little to no talking on the drive back to their home. Harry and Sam had fallen asleep by the time you pulled up in front of the house. You woke up Harry and Sam before getting out and going to Paddy’s door and carefully pulled him so he wouldn’t wake up. Harry offered to take him, but you could see he was just as tired. You told him that you could take him. You followed the boys into the house. You took Paddy to his room, placing him on his bed before taking his shoes off and tucking him in.
You went back downstairs and said your goodbyes to everyone. As you were about to go out the door, Tom walked in. He was confused at first, but then he was happy to see you.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?”
“I spent the day with your brothers, I was just dropping them off. Paddy fell asleep in the car, I carried him up to his room. Now I’m leaving, so…” you pointed to the door.
“Oh, let me walk you out.” Tom moved to the side, holding the door open for you.
“That’s really okay. I’m sure you are tired.”
“Nonsense, let’s go.” He pulled you closer to the door and followed you out.
You get to your car; you both are just standing there. There was this awkward tension around the both of you.
“Did you have fun today?”
“Yeah, I did. I really missed those guys a lot.” You looked down at your hands and started playing with your keys.
“They ask about you all the time, especially Paddy.”
“I think about them a lot.” Your eyes started watering. “I didn’t want to hurt them. They may not act like they are hurt but I could see it in their eyes when I told them I had to bring them home.”
“It’s probably because they don’t want you to disappear on them again.” Tom had gotten closer to you; he lifted your head up to look at you. He used his thumb to wipe away the tear that had fallen.
“Yeah, well who’s fault is that.” You moved your face away from him and wiped your eyes before looking back at him with a more serious face.
“This isn’t all my fault. I tried reaching out to you after it happened. You decided to shut me out instead of talking. I get that you’re mad…” You cut him off, and you got right in his face.
“I’m not mad.”
“well, you got a funny way of showing it.”
“I’m not mad, I’m hurt. There’s a difference, but you wouldn’t know that because you weren’t hurt when this all went down.”
“Now that’s where you’re wrong. I lost you, how could I not be hurt. You walked right out of my life like I didn’t fucking matter to you anymore. We have been friends our whole lives, and suddenly that’s gone. How could you think that you were the only one who could possibly be hurt or affected by this?”
“You were the one who practically pushed me out the fucking door! You made your choice Tom! You chose Harrison.”
“No, you willingly walked out that fucking door on your own. I’m not the only one who made a decision that day. So, don’t blame your choices on me.”
“I cannot believe we are having this conversation again.” You backed up a little and ran your hands through your hair out of frustration, then dropped them to your side. “You made me believe that you actually liked me. I decided to open my stupid heart up again, only to have the rug pulled right out from under me. Stupid me, thinking I was good enough.”
“I have always loved you. I have told you this before, nothing has changed.” He closed the space you had put between the two of you.
“Then why didn’t you fight for me?! Why did you just shut me out the second Harrison said something?”
“Is everything okay out here?” you and Tom looked over to see Dominic walking down the front steps. You also saw Nikki and the boys looking out the windows.
“It’s fine Dom, I was just leaving.” You moved to unlock your car when a hand stopped you.
“No, we are not done talking about this.”
“I am, now get your hand off of my car.”
“Tom let her go home.”
“You’re doing it again.” Tom was so focused on you he was ignoring his father.
“Doing what exactly?”
“Running away.”
“I’m not running away.”
“Yes you are.”
Dominic walked up to Tom and pulled him back, before turning to you.
“I appreciate what you did for my boys today, but I think it would be best if you leave now.”
You got into your car and drove away.
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sherlollydramoine · 4 years
Welcome to the Tumblr-Dome Bitch! Pt 3
Tumblr media
Warnings: smut-ish, mostly implied. Fluff with a cute ending. Also, don’t come for me because online friendships are very real. 
Okay y’all so I had to break this ish up into three parts, because well.. This idea got away from me. This is the conclusion. I realize that some of this is very out of character for Rami but this idea got away from me and it was making me laugh. So I’m sorry. I hope you can enjoy this ridiculous thing for what it is.
Word Count: 1342
You both decided for your sanity to just avoid Tumblr for the rest of the day/evening. 
You showered and got ready for your evening with Rami, while he was texting you on and off the entire rest of the day.
Making dinner turned into something interesting, since you weren’t really sure what to cook.
Settling on one of your faves, you made a pot roast. You already had the roast thawed since you wanted to make it for dinner anyway. The prep went quickly since you just had to pop it in the oven.
He had agreed to come over around four-thirty to five, and you still had a little bit of food to finish. 
You let him into your building and told him your door was unlocked. 
When he showed up he was holding a bag that sounded like glass bottles clinking together. 
“I brought several different kinds of alcohol as an apology for the shit storm I created for you. I really am sorry.”
You just laugh and tell him that it was okay. 
He places a small kiss on your temple while you finished working on the potatoes.
“It smells delicious in here, what did you make?”
“Pot roast. It’s a comfort food of mine and one of my favorite meals ever.”
“Smells heavenly, so alcohol, pick your poison. I’m honestly down for some tequila right now.”
“God, me too!” you exclaim as you pull out a couple of glasses and some ice. 
Why don’t you take your drink and meet me at the table, I’ll be there in just a few minutes. With dinner.”
You gathered up all of the food and slowly brought everything to the table, while he sat there sipping on his drink.
Once you were both seated you ate and chatted. Mostly about the interesting turn of events of the last eighteen hours, upcoming work projects, and life. 
Conversation between you two somehow was easy just like it was when you two met last night. 
After you finished eating, clearing the table, and putting the food away you both settled on the couch. You both had, had a few drinks already and you weren’t sure if he was being funny or not but suggested you do something that is really going to set people into a frenzy.
“Why don’t we take a selfie and post it on my Tumblr blog? I don’t know why. I know this is stupid and could cause a frenzy but maybe I should settle something. Maybe I should just let the world know it’s me. You said there is a way to disable messages right?”
“Oh Lord Rami, this is stupid, but yes it is possible. I can show you, but you might have to do it from a laptop.”
“Well good thing yours is right here YN.”
“Most of my followers don’t even know what I look like anyway so I don’t see how this can hurt, unless you tag me in it.”
He brought out his phone and the two of you settled into a comfortable position on the couch before snapping a selfie. 
He opened the Tumblr app and posted the photo and he tagged you in it. Shortly after hitting the post button he opened the Twitter app and posted the picture of the two of you with the caption “Dinner, drinks, and snuggle time with my new favorite person. Just posted this on my new Tumblr blog ItsMeRami” Your jaw nearly hit the floor.  
You watch as he hits post, and then you open the Tumblr app on your laptop and allow him to log in. You show him how to disable anons, which he does and then closes the laptop.
“Rami, this is going to blow the fuck up and-”
He just smiles at you before capturing your lips in his. 
The panic subsided as his lips began to work yours, tasting a mixture of pot roast and tequila.
All the possible Tumblr drama forgotten as his hands slowly work their way from your hair all the way down your body before settling on your waist. 
The soft moan that escapes you as your body instinctively moves closer to his. 
Your hands end up tangled in his hair, while you straddle his hips, your lips still locked together in a heated kiss. 
You feel yourself grinding down on him through his jeans his little hums of pleasure vibrating through his chest and into yours. 
You almost laugh as he flips you both over and catches your top with his teeth before pulling. 
“In that piece of fan fiction that I read, I must have been strong or the top flimsy because there is no way I am ripping your shirt off with my teeth.”
You laugh for a second, as his hips grind into yours the pressure from his jeans feeling amazing against your center. 
“Oh my God. I don’t care what you do just please…”you whine out unable to form any other words.
His hands quickly work his jeans open as he pulls his cock out of his jeans. Your eyes wide at the gloriousness that is his cock. 
You had forgotten panties with your skirt and you were glad that you had, as his hand finds your core. 
“So wet darling. So wet already.”
“Fuck me please?”
And with that he slides himself into you slowly. Your eyes locked as you moan at the sensation of him filling you. 
He doesn’t just fuck you, no, he loves you. Several times that night and almost every night after. 
This is a night that you both remember forever, and that selfie you took that night now sits on the mantle of your house four years later. It was just after Christmas now, not quite New Year’s Eve, your belly rounded with the evidence of the late stages of your pregnancy. 
He comes into the living room, his hair wet from the shower he had just taken as he stops to admire you from afar. 
“Who would have thought that would have turned out to be one of the best nights of our lives?”
Your head turning to look at him as you smile, hands unconsciously rubbing your belly. 
“Yeah I know. And I can’t believe that we both still have our damn Tumblr accounts. The girls say ‘hi’ by the way. And Peen is glad you gave permission to post that  photo that I snapped. Always glad for more content, because your dick is glorious even clothed. Those jeans look so good on you. She really is grateful for the ‘exclusive’ content that we give her.”
He just laughs.” I’ll message her and free-rami later about the baby shower ideas they had, they both said that they will be able to be here for it.”
You laugh again. Who would have ever really thought that a chance encounter in a bar and a random foray into Tumblr, would lead to having the best friends and the best husband ever?
“Yeah it took like six months for the Tumbly drama to die down. Man, some of those people came for you hard babe.Glad you mostly just blocked them or deleted them. My publicist also wasn’t super thrilled that I did what I did, but she did find it hilarious. My fans think that my people run my Tumblr blog, but they don’t realize it’s still just mostly you and I that do all of that. And your fanfiction has definitely gotten better, maybe it’s because you write what you know?” he smiles into your hair, you roll your eyes. Even after four years he is still the same.
“Oh my God! You have no idea how many anons I get asking me what your dick is like, since I never really give full descriptions of it. They all want to know how big it is, and if I could upload any photos. People are weird and so is Tumblr. I think your fans are just glad that you engage on social media now, even if it is still very limited.”
“YN, you first told me that Tumblr is a cesspool of the weird and bizarre. Is it any surprise?”
“No.” you laugh again, settling your body back into your husbands.
@the-real-ramimalekpeen @r-ahh-mi @mrhoemazzello @txmel @xmxisxforxmaybe @ramimedley @free-rami @hissom1933​ @spacedustmazzello​ @ramimedley​
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