#// had to remove some of the tags. srry.
cryptidwizard · 3 years
what’s your mbti type? :)
thanks for asking! i havent taken the test in a long while but i'd get either E/INTP whenever i took it :]
as neat as it is to receive an ask abt such an interesting topic like personality types i should warn u that the creator of the mbti test widely used today isabel briggs myers was a proponent of eugenics and antiblackness
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petersnya · 3 years
sight for sore eyes|| peter b. parker ||
[part. 00; jealousy]
summary:: “I watch your eyes as she walks by…” you pause, tears forming as you remember the way peter looked at her- the way you wanted him to look at you, “what a sight for sore eyes…” || when the realization hits you about peter, it’s too late. but sometimes late is just the right timing… sometimes.
word count:: 1.5k
warnings(for the whole series):: friends>enemies>lovers, mature themes/smut, cursing, slight violence, lots of angst, fluff, clueless peter
warning(for this chapter):: cursing, angst, fluff
paring:: peter parker x fem!reader
[a/n]:: wattup! peter parker (and any other teens mentioned) have been aged up to 17 and turning 18 as the story goes on! i hope you enjoy this and make sure to let me know if you want to be tagged in the parts<3 also! endgame and infinity war did not happen for the sake mine and your happiness though out this ‘book’
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“Your going down Parker.”
“Nah man, Im gonna—“
Peter was cut off but the vibration of his controller as you killed his video game character. Taking off your head set and setting down your controller with a calm, soft smirk spread across your face as your side of the TV had ‘winner’ written across.
“No-no! That’s not fair dude! You cheated,” Peter yelled towards you as you walked into the kitchen to grab a slice of pizza. Reaching into the fridge to get a soda, you felt your back being pressed against Peter’s toned chest as he grabbed the soda you had in your hand.
Opening it and taking a sip he chuckle at the look on your face as you turned around to face him. All he did was walk away, back towards the couch, falling back on to it as he picked up his head set.
The look that made the curly headed boy laugh was still on your face as you watched him. To him, you looked annoyed yet humored by him; but really, you couldn’t help this feeling you felt when you felt him against you. Redness began to creep up your neck but quickly faded as you shook the feeling he gave you.
He’s you best friend idiot. You can feel this way for him if all people.
“You coming?” Peter question, starting a new game. You rolled your eyes to make it seem as if you weren’t flustered but the boy a few feet away from you.
“Yea man. Ready to get your ass kicked agin?” You joked as you sat next to him.
“Haha- not funny.” He said with a straight face and a fake laugh that made you giggle as you shoved his shoulder with yours.
The whole night as you a peter played video games back to back, you couldn’t help but think about the feeling of his muscular chest against you. Around 1:20 AM, you and Peter had started to get tired. The boy next to you turned off the gaming console, slowly turning towards you.
“I got the couch, you got the bed.” He said, sleep lacing his voice. You wanted to protest, saying that you could both have the bed; but something stopped you and you just nodded your head, telling him good night as you walked to his bed room. His aunt, May, wasn’t home but made it very clear that she had an eye on both of you so you knew that Peter didn’t want to his aunt May to see you to in the bed together. Even if the two of you were just sleeping.
Laying in bed, Peter’s bed, you stared at the sealing not being able to fall asleep.
The smell of room sent your mind spiraling. Rolling over onto your side, you pushed your arm underneath his pillow as you inhaled his the sent. Peter was the only thing on your mind. The way he smiled, his chocolate hair and honey brown eyes, the light freckles across his nose that you could only see if you were up close to his face. His laugh made your heart skip beats.
“3:57 AM,” you read the clock sign with a sigh. You knew you should go to sleep; so you rolled once again, getting into a more comfortable position. Your eyes getting heavy as you drifted into sleep.
A warm arm draped around your waist, fingers slowly sliding up and down your bare stomach from the shirt that lifted in your sleep.
You smiled softly at the contact, not thinking to check who it was. But the feeling a bare, muscular chest on your back made your eyes fling open.
Slowly, you turned your head to see who was behind you, even though you knew it was—
“Mhmm,” he hummed back in response, not opening his eyes. You couldn’t shack the feeling of the chill that ran up your spine, and the goosebumps that formed on your body.
“Wha- uh.. what are you doing?” You questioned in a hushed voice.
“Hhmm? Oh sorry. The couch got uncomfortable. I didn’t think you’d mind though.” He said while opening his sleepy looking eyes.
“Oh no-I don’t mind.”
Peter removed his arm, turning with his back turned towards you. You almost whimpered at the feeling of his arm not being around your waist anymore.
Stop it [y/n]. This is Peter we’re talking about here. But why would he put his arm around me and not expect me to feel some way about it?
The thoughts ran through your head fast, the last on lingering for a while.
You and Peter were the best of friends. If he needed someone, you were there and vise versa. But you weren’t really that girly. So Peter didn’t think of you in ‘that type of way’. You didn’t think of him that way either. The two of you always called each other ‘bro’, ‘dude’, or ‘man’; but you still had that feeling of tingles and warmth—
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud, tired groan from Peter. The sound going straight to your core. Quickly, you got up and went into his bathroom— making sure to not make a lot of noise as you went, Incase May was home.
Looking in the bathroom mirror you stared at your self in question. You were a tom-boy. You were wearing a pair of rolled up basket ball shorts of Peter’s and one of his very large white Tee’s. You shrugged at your reflection,
“If I wanted to look all girly and ‘pretty’ I could be the hottest girl he would know.”
“Who’s he?”
You jumped at the sound of Peter’s raspy voice behind you. He only had on sweats and no shirt. All you could think was
“No one, just.. speaking hypothetically.”
“Your wired,” he chuckled as you grabbed a towel from the bathroom closet, mumbling something along the lines of, ‘I’m just gonna go shower in Mays bathroom’. You just nodded, going to take a shower of your own in his bathroom.
After your shower, you went into the kitchen where May stood, making coffee for the three of you. Peter sat on the couch flipping through channels.
“Hey honey!”
“Morning May,” you said as you say in one of the chairs at the dining table.
“Are you going to Florida with Peter, Ned and Mj?” She questioned, you nodded in response. The three of you had been planning this for a while now so you were beyond excited to spend time with you best friends.
You stood for the set you just took, walking over to Peter. He was wearing his usual jeans and flannel but this time had a baseball cap on. As you slumped beside you grabbed the hat and put it on you backwards. Peter chuckled at your childish act, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
The three of you sat in silence till May was done with the coffee. She brought it over to you and Peter, handing you the mugs. You thanked her as she walked away.
Peter’s and your phone got a text notification— the two of you checking it at the same time. It was a group chat with you, Peter, MJ, and Ned for the trip to Universal Studios.
Ned: heyyyy.. so Liz and Flash are also coming to Disney with us.
You and Peter looked at each other at the sight of what Ned texted. You watched as Peter texted back— his cheeks a blushed red color. You have known Peter long enough to know when he’s turning red from anger. This wasn’t anger. He was… blushing?
Peter: Liz is coming?!
You face fell at the text. Looking down at your phone, you glanced up at young guy next to you; but quickly looked away before he saw you.
Mj: yea Ned! Wtf are they coming for???
Ned: well I was talking about it to Betty and they over heard and kinda invited their selves… srry:(
Y/n: I’m just gonna ignore those bitches and go to Hogwarts like I planned.
Peter looked at, “[y/n], you don’t like Liz?” He questioned.
You shocked your head no, not caring enough to look him in the face.
“How dude? She’s so hot,” he said with a smirk. Your heart sank at the words.
What the hell are you acting like this for [y/n]?
Peter continued to text in the group chat. You silenced your phone— not wanted to deal with this right now.
You had never became jealous of anyone. Confusion over took you as you scrambled your mind for why you were jealous of Peter and Liz. You didn’t like Peter at all. Did you?
Did you like Peter Parker? The thought lingered for a while.
No. No I can’t like him and I won’t. It’s just wrong.
Those words that you promised yourself you would keep was the biggest lie you had told yourself. Peter Parker was like a drug—
How could you not get addicted?
I hope you enjoyed this ‘chapter’ !! Let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part!! :)
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skellebonez · 4 years
Smoke, Flasks, and Unfinished Tasks
Hey. So. Remember THIS fill from like... a week and a half ago? Because of the comments I received I decided to rewrite it as a multi-chapter fic. The first chapter has the same premise but is completely written (barring a couple lines) and has many new scenes. Like a hint as to where the trio is maybe?
AO3 Link!
Summary: It had been over a year since MK had become the Monkie Kid. Months since Mei formed an unlikely bond with the Monkey King. Fewer months since Red Son had defected from his parents and was desperate to prove to everyone he could change a second time. In all that time a routine was set, communication alleys were formed, and agreements were made. Things had been going well.
Now the trio was missing without a single clue to where they had gone. And they weren't the only ones.
Warnings: None for this chapter, but perhaps mind the tags on AO3 for future ones.
Chapter 1: Thunder and Lightning
They were late. They had made sure to remind him of their plans multiple times last night... and they were late.
Sun Wukong, The Monkey King himself, would have been starting to get angry if he wasn't so worried. He wouldn't be surprised if Mei was late, it wasn't odd for her get distracted by some new thing she wanted to show him and take the time to get it before coming by. But Red Son and MK as well? That wasn't normal. MK had only been late to training once, that had been during the entire incident with Macaque training tricking him (they don't talk about that anymore), but even then he wasn't this late. Not to mention Red Son's thickheaded determination to show off just how serious he was about joining their side. He'd made promise after promise and did his best to keep his word in attempt to impress them, even going as far as going far over and earlier than what he promised.
The three of them were supposed to come to Flower Fruit Mountain for the day. Some training for MK, video games with Mei, and Red Son just tagging along so someone could keep an eye on the new comer (by Red Son's own insistence). They never showed. Didn't even send him an e-mail. He'd waited almost a hour, a personal record for patience, but not a peep from any of them. Something was wrong.
That was why he found himself standing outside of Pigsy's Noodles in the middle of the day disguised as a human, tail wrapped around his waist as a "stylish belt". Though, in retrospect, a mysterious man with flawless eyeliner falling from the sky without a single injury was not the most inconspicuous way to arrive. He didn't take the time to think about that, instead entering the noodle shop with a hastiness in his step he couldn't hide.
"Welcome to Pigsy's Noodles, home of the lon-oh..." The chipper greeting from the shop owner was cut off, a mix of annoyance and confusion taking over the tone. Pigsy looked over the counter at him and the ever present Tang turned around in suit. "It's just you. Ain't you supposed to be not here? With the trio?"
"Yeah," Wukong started, laughing oddly as he rubbing the back of his neck. There was an awkwardness he wished he could get rid of, something that didn't really belong on him. But things had always been tense between him and his once-younger brother and the tenseness had only grown since their separation after the journey. After he trapped the Demon Bull King. After he vanished for 500 years... after he came back. "See, funny story about that! I was waiting for them and you know how impatient I am but I was doing my best to not be so I waited for almost an hour and they kinda never... showed up?"
"What do you mean never showed up?" Pigsy questioned carefully, coming around he counter and brandishing a ladle in one hand.
"They did leave pretty late," Tang offered quickly, awkward smile showing he could sense the tension between the two old friends. "Red Son was fixing some of the equipment in the kitchen, maybe they ran into a demon and are on their way to the island right now! Maybe you just... missed them?"
"Yeah!" Wukong agreed immediately, laughing harder to hide his worry. Tang didn't seem convinced by his own explanation but Wukong as more willing to believe that without question than think about what the alternative could mean. "Yeah, that's probably it! I'm sure they're just fine, but if it makes you feel better I'm going to take a look around. If they make it there before I do they're sure to come home when they realize I didn't wait for them. Yup, totally sure of it. BYE!"
He ran out the door, jumping on his cloud faster than anyone could follow and took off in the direction of his home. He didn't miss the odd frown on Pigsy's face at his overly quick reaction.
They weren't anywhere he could see on the way to Flower Fruit Mountain. They weren't on the island or in any of the surrounding areas. There were no boats or any sign of a pogo ride on the staff on the sandy beach. There was just... nothing.
He only waited for another 10 minutes before the concern (not worry, he was not worried the three were very capable adults despite him thinking of them as his kids kids, one was even an ancient demon who nearly bested him centuries ago for Heaven's sake) took over once again and his somersault cloud was getting more distance this day that it had in years. He zipped back and forth over the ocean, looking for any sign of bodies people, boats, anything, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found absolutely nothing in the calm and clear water. But this only raised more questions. They had left Pigsy's, there were witnesses, but had they made it to- Sandy! He was so focused on them coming by that he forgot how they would get there!
"I'm sorry, elder brother," Sandy said with a frown. "They weren't going to come by today, see?" He held up his phone, way too small for his massive hands, a text from Mei reading "Took ur boat yestday, srry! Will return tmm! *heart heart heart cat*" Well. That at least explained how they were supposed to get there without going to Sandy.
The Monkey King, changed back to his usual form, took a half shaky breath and sipped the tea the fish demon had offered him the moment he opened the door. Mo sat in his lap, purring softly as he no doubt sensed the tension in the air. "Then where are they..?" He wondered out loud. He hadn't seen one of Sandy's boats anywhere, they stuck out like a big blue sore thumb just like his still-younger brother.
"I don't know," Sandy answered, standing and stretching before giving the shorter man a wide smile. "But I'll do anything to help!"
He'd returned to Pigsy's shop immediately after that, not bothering to change back into his human disguise. That took so little energy and time but it was still energy and time he didn't want to waste. It had just started to sprinkle rain, the weather station having planned this for some time now. He had sent Sandy out to check all the waterways in the area, just to be safe, and he hoped that his search would be fruitless. He really hoped he sent Sandy on a wild goose chase...
"Are they back?" He demanded the second he opened the door, startling the 2 customers in the shop in addition to Tang and Pigsy. "Pigsy, Tang, did they come back?"
The dawning worry on the two men's faces was enough of an answer for Wukong to immediately run out, ignoring the shouts that followed him as he flew off again.
It was starting to rain harder. They weren't at Mei's house.
It was starting to downpour. He didn't see them at any of the food stalls.
The downpour worsened. They weren't at the anti-gravity arcade.
It was a torrential downpour. Red Son's apartment was empty.
There was electricity in the air. They hadn't been taken to the hospital.
Thunder and lightning. He carefully flew around DBK and PIF's hideout. He heard them talking about their next plan to "knock sense" into their son. They weren't there.
It was when he was nearly struck by lightning, nothing that would have actually caused him real harm but would have hurt like he'd been hit by a truck, that Sun Wukong finally decided that he wasn't going to find the trio. Not like this. Running around without a plan was not helping. He wouldn't find his kids like this.
So he made his way back to Pigsy's, soaked to the bone and brain fuzzy. Numb almost, not from the cold but in a mental exhaustion he couldn't explain. He walked in with his head down, dripping icy water from his fur, and was greeting with an almost as cold hiss before he could say anything.
"Where are my kids, Wukong?"
He looked up and took in the sight before him. Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, and Mo were all gathered in the shop. He hadn't even noticed it was closed until that moment. Sandy had a towel over his shoulders, as did the little blue cat, and they sat sipping a bowl of hot broth each.
"You said they'd come home. So, where are they?"
Wukong grit his teeth, continuing to avert his eyes from the furious gaze of his once-brother. "Idon'tknow..."
"What was that?" Pigsy almost yelled, stepping forward to grab he tails of his soaked cloak to drag hi down to eye level. "You said they'd come home! Where the FUCK are my kids, Sun Wukong!?"
"I don't know!" He grabbed Pigsy's hands, not gripping them or moving to remove them just holding them, grip shaking as he tried to keep his tone level. "I don't know, Pigsy, I looked everywhere but... I couldn't..."
For a split second there was nothing but disbelief and fear in the shorter ancient's eyes and it hurt Wukong more than he thought it would. Far more than he prepared himself for. Everything from the entire day came forth to hit him like the lightning truck he barely missed and he collapsed to his knees, mental exhaustion finally taking it's toll and tears began to mix with the rain water running down his fur as he looked off into nothing. He came to the horrifying realization that he really had no answer.
"I don't know where they are Pigsy..."
"You ok, bud?"
MK groaned as the Monkey King grabbed him by his arms and stood him up, brushing all the dirt from his clothes. Training had been going well, Red Son and Mei battling each other in the new Monkey Mech game as he continued to have his butt handed to him. But he had gotten a single hit in on his mentor, matching his last training session, and he looked so proud of him! "Yeah, we gonna go again?"
"Nah, I think making a new crater with your own body twice in one day is more than enough," Monkey King laughed out, guiding MK toward the small house he called home now. "Besides, I want to kick your butt in Monkey Mech too!"
"Hey! I'll totally kick your butt!"
"Prove it Monkie Man!"
Despite the lighthearted banter between them something just felt... off. MK couldn't quite put his finger on it... now that he really gave it thought...
Didn't the weather station call for rain today?
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taehyungsgrowl · 6 years
okay but do you want a soft/smutty sojourn!michael concept? He's all bruised and bloody and has cuts all over his torso/legs from various forest debris (bitch is a mess basically) and because he's at his lowest point, it's taking his magic a little while longer to heal him. So, you take him in and care for him, get him to take off his shirt, which he does, to your surprise, with no hesitation. You clean his wounds and he's so grateful to you and so touch starved he kisses you, sweet smut ensues
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um I always want soft/smutty concepts i’m a soft hoe! Also! Not to make everything about astrology but uh my cancer moon would nurse that boy back to health I’m 😪 plus sojourn!michael is my favorite! I love that dirty binch! also sorry im very slow @ getting to writing asks :( okay wowow i’m done talking now!
You couldn’t believe the condition you found him in. Torn clothes, covered in dirt, bruises and cuts.
It took some convincing, but after finally getting him to agree to let you help him, you had him perched on your bathroom sink, legs dangling off of it, as you stood in between them.
You took his face in your hands, assessing the bags under his eyes and hallowed cheeks. It had clearly been a rough few days for him.
Your hands hovered over your array of tools; alcohol, water, aspirin, cotton balls, band aids, you named it. Running a white wash cloth under hot water, you delicately sponged at his face, wiping away a layer of dirt.
Michael doesn’t even realize he’s leaning his face into your hand. Relishing in the way the warm cloth feels against his skin. So inviting, so enticing.
He closed his eyes until he felt you remove the pressure from his face. His skin looked softer and clear, but the purple halos beneath his sea glass eyes still prominent.
Dried blood that has seeped through his shirt made it cling to his body. You internally cringed as you imagined the potential infection.
“Take off your shirt for me,” you instructed while drenching a cotton ball in alcohol.
He moved slowly, he felt his muscles ache from the movement. He’d never felt so weak before.
Your eyes dance across his bare chest, once he discards the shirt. Dark purple bruises and shallow cuts were scattered throughout his torso. Your hand went to touch a bruise that resembled a heart, adding the slightest amount of pressure to test the tenderness.
Keeping your eyes on Michael as you did, you noticed the little gasp that escaped his lips.
“How bad does it hurt?” Worry dripping from your voice.
Michael shook his head, “‘s okay, p-please keep going.” His voice was hoarse and dry.
You could feel his warm breath on your head as you tended to his wounds. His abdomen would sink in with every sting he felt on the surface. Your free hand was place on his side, keeping him steady. You took the liberty of gently rubbing circles on it, to try and ease him.
“This might hurt a little,” you warned as he stood over you. You examined his thigh and the large gash that ran across it.
Being on your knees before this man who was down to nothing but his underwear made your mind cloudy. You purposely diverted your eyes from his rather large bulge, but even that was hard when you were eye level with it.
“Thank you,” tears coated his eyes, once you got up. “I don’t know how to thank you,” he swallowed hard, fighting any tears.
This boy was so broken, not only physically, but it was obvious he had endured a lot of trauma. You couldn’t help but want to be okay. His eyes held a certain depth and burden that you wanted to wash him clean of.
Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around his waist, and buried your head in his chest.
He groaned at the contact, feeling his bruises throb. You pulled away just as fast as you had touched him, “I’m so sorry,” you felt your cheeks hot, embarrassed.
“No, no, no,” he stammered out, “please it felt nice.” It was true. Your embrace made him feel secure and welcomed. Even with the dull pain of his injuries.
He saw the hesitation in your eyes and hugged you as tightly as he could manage. He knocked the breath out of you, but you let him hold you.
Michael was the first to pull away. He watched your face closely, his attention on your lips. Licking his own lips, imagining what yours must feel like.
Cupping your face with so much care, he leaned closer, ghosting his lips over yours.
You weren’t breathing. The anticipation killing you. “Kiss me,” your own voice surprised you.
And he did. His kisses were unsure, getting used to the way they contoured against your own.
The heat of your kiss grew and you felt him smile against your lips. To Michael, that felt like the first real smile he’s had in a long time.
He stepped forward, making you press your ass against the sink. His hands were everywhere, on your sides, under your shirt, on your breasts; it was like he couldn’t decide where he wanted to touch you. He wanted to feel you everywhere.
You followed his example and gingerly danced your fingertips along his body. You were met with the waistband of his underwear, slowly inching your hand inside, when he broke the kiss.
His eyes were a shade darker. The richest blue you’d ever seen; it made you want to dip and swim in their intensity forever.
Without saying much, you both stumbled out of the bathroom and on to your unmade bed.
Michael’s head landed on your white pillow case, curls cascading his head like a halo. 
You hovered above him with care, not wanting to hurt him. Michael sensed your caution and took your hips, sitting you firmly on his lap. He squeezed his eyes shut for a minute as a sharp pain ran through his body by the sudden contact. “I’m okay,” he grunted. “I need you,” he almost choked out. 
You nodded hungrily, feeling his hardness beneath your denim clad core. Lifting off of him, you shimmied out of them and your panties, leaving your dripping cunt exposed to him. 
Before you even had the slightest touch of him, Michael moaned, taking in how wet you were for him. He felt lightheaded and hazy. 
The following all happened like a slow motion scene out of a movie. Lining your entrance with him, feeling the slight burn of him slowly inching deeper and deeper until you felt him in your lower stomach. 
Once you were completely filled with him, you didn’t are move so much as in inch. You both breathed slowly as your pussy hugged his throbbing member. Michael took many mental pictures of the way your lips hung open as his breathing hitched, causing a slight shift in his buried cock. 
Finally, fully adjusting to his girthy length, you slowly lifted yourself off of him almost completely off before sinking down on him again. 
He covered your thighs, his large hands painting a picture on your skin. They snaked their way back to your ass, groping it as you repeated the slow, lazy movement of your hips.
Each dip of your hips made your walls contract around him. He moaned and whined as your rolled your weight on him. His felt his dick pulsing as hair clung to his forehead, sticky with sweat. 
You paralleled your chest with his to catch him plump lip in between your teeth before kissing him. You tongue darted into his mouth, tasting him. The earthy groan that left him, transcended you into your climax. 
Gushing around his cock, you rocked onto him. The tightness of your flesh made Michael reach his peak soon after. He sponged kisses on your neck and jaw, sweaty foreheads pressed together. 
Rolling off of him, you made sure to inspect his wound to make sure no further damage was done. You saw Michael’s eyes flutter shut as your fingertips carefully outlined the bruises and traced his scars. 
His face looked so blissful and serene. His breathing began to slow and soon enough, he began snoring lightly. You pull the covers over his body and kissed his head. 
YEE YEE! Again, thank you so much for this concept. I really hope people like it because I really do?? and idk if its weird to say you like your own writing/work but im really happy w this one srry guys
Tagging: @codyfernss @1-800-bitchcraft @langdonsoceaneyes@maso-xchrist @sweetlangdon @michael-langdon-appreciation@dunc-donut @dvngers @heownstheuniverse @yourkingcodyfern@duncandimension @duncan-shepherd @michael-langdxn@ccodyfern @daadddysprincesss @wroteclassicaly @lovelylangdonx@xtheinevitableprophecyx  @cryptid-coalition@queenofthedarkandsparkles@queencocoakimmie @ghostiesbedroom @sammythankyou@ritualmichael @tickled–pinkmoodpoisoning @nana15774@missantichrist @americanhorrorstudies @et-tu-bitch @eternal-langdon @kykybright98 @starwlkers @icylangdon@thorsdiana @fernshorrorstory @avesatanormalpeoplescareme@flowersiren @gremlinkween @litenbaby @infernal-langdon @kissydevil @langdonsdemon @fireandreignmichael
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eff1ngqueen · 5 years
Drinking Game ◎LRH◎
I just tried doing a song fic, kindly rate my work if u have the time :) and share/like if u loved it. Thanksxx
drinking games by Silver Sphere here: https://open.spotify.com/track/2VjiAqbozs3HOOk1hxQJIl?si=Sycs0gwgT-OIWNOh5BFJvw
It was a hectic afternoon the narrow hallway was filled with students, some were carrying books, some had their hands locked with another, and eyes were wandering where their room would be. She was just another girl in the crowd, nothing special, just plain normal, her world was her academics, books were her bestfriends.
While he was already someone, a diamond in the rough, everyone knows him being one of the leaders in the famous frat on campus. His hangouts are most likely at the back of the school, smoking cigarettes, talking to pretty girls, parties in their frat house. Most likely the synonym for a play boy, bad boy, and an asshole.
She arrived early sat on the back of the class, placing her things neatly on the table. He arrived late smirking as their professor gave him a glare, knowing all too well that he was a notorious. Making his way on the back of the class he noticed her, how aligned her pens were, how organized the complete opposite of himself.
" Hey cutie, you drink? "
To their surprise they both shared the same likes, from the books they read, the coffees they drink, and to the songs they listen to. She'll notice him on the hallways, blushing whenever she catches him looking at her. It was destined for them to meet, he was a chapter in hers, but she was merely a line for him.
" Cutie. "
It started when he stumbled upon her door, smelling of Mary Janes, and veins filled with alcohol. She opened the door and let him in knowing all too well his reputation she pushed it aside seeing how broken he was. Tears were falling down his face, his blue eyes were bloodshot. The ones she liked too much— she never spoke a word about these nights, he would always do it and she doesn't know why at first. But he was honest to her, saying she was the only one who he could tell his secrets to.
It was also the night her heart felt too heavy to bear, nodding her head to his words.
" You're my best friend from now on. Okay Cutie? Keep me and my secrets safe. "
He looked at her, hazel green eyes blinking with surprise, he knew she was the one. Maybe the right girl that he can't have because he knows he can't take it.
" I'm done I can't do this anymore. "
He said as he throw a fit, it was his relationship with another girl in a sorority that their frat was partnered with. He liked her too much, and she just listened to him all night on how he was so in love, so tired but in the end she knows he'll come back to her no matter what she says.
" Once were sober, we should forget all of these. "
She gave him the advices, and talks were no use he was in too deep, not knowing the one he was looking for was already infront of her. But instead of courting her with gifts and the flowers, he brings them both a pair of glasses and some beer.
" Come with me at the party cutie, I swear it'll be great. "
He said as he sat by next to her she rolled her eyes trying to concentrate with her notes, she might be in denial if she wouldn't admit how mad she was when he heard the news that he came back to the girl he was always whining to her about.
" I can't. I wanna pass my subjects Luke. "
" Come by tonight Cutie, you always have your eyes on your book or notes. "
Ofcourse she gave up, with his constant texts, pout and his puppy eyes. She dressed up nicely, put make up on making her eyes pop up beautifully, before proceeding to go to the party he was talking about. Everyone was surprised to see her, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.
" cutie! "
It was all gone, he was parting the crowd holding a drink on one hand. He looked too good to be true his blue eyes were wide and he wore a wide smile on his lips. She looked at him and everyone's attention came to them, a few snickering as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder. He lead her towards the kitchen where his 'brothers' were hanging out.
" These are my boys, and boys this is Cutie. "
The three guys waved at her, and she smiled at them. One of them making his way to have a conversation with her when, they were laughing, joking around and talking about things that just came up to their minds. His name was Calum, and he had pretty brown orbs that she might have fallen to if Luke didn't came to her first. She could feel the glare from Luke as he stood by the corner while talking to the other guys, like a hawk he is.
" You have pretty eyes. "
Calum might have said it out loud even if he leaned in to whisper it to her, and she giggled might be because of the alcohol but she felt being taken away. And was brought outside, looking up at the hand that took hers was no other than the notorious boy she liked too much.
" What are we doing here? " she asked with furrowed eyebrows.
" Let's go for a ride. " he said coldly, before pulling her to his side protectively.
They got into his car and buckled up, she quietly looked at the road the two of them never spoke. He would let out a heavy sigh before throwing a glance at her. She was already having too many thoughts, fuck the alcohol she said to herself.
" Are you okay? "
" No. Don't you know Calum likes girls who looks too innocent? " he said grimly as he parked his car on the parking lot of the campus.
" What does it have to do with you taking me here? " she asked not knowing how to react.
" I don't like other boys saying that you have pretty eyes, being around you—I don't—fucking know. " he said as his hands tightened its grip on the wheel.
She can see the outline of his face, the way he bit his lip, his eyes that were once filled with joy a while ago when he was laughing and dancing around with his friends it was replaced by a cold stare. She sighed deeply looking outside to see how empty the lot was, taking off the seatbelt she opened the car door.
" I don't know what's wrong with Calum, and I don't care it's not like I cared about your sex life Luke. " she said coldly.
He winced when he heard the slam of the car door, wrapping her arms around herself she walked away from the car, and walked herself home towards her dormitory.
" You don't care if I get home safe, cause I'm just another player in your drinking game. "
She said as he looked down at her, it was another night and he reeked of alcohol. She was too busy to deal with him but he was persistent.
" Please let me in, I'm sorry about that night Cutie. "
He looked sincere, too sad and she felt bad slamming the door at his face. Instead of having her guard up she opened the door for him, he let himself lay down on her bed, his feet dangling on the edge. She laughed softly at this before removing his shoes, and crawled up to meet his face. He looked at her for a minute or two, she stared back at him not knowing if she should just confess to him for just liking him too much, more than what he termed them to be.
" Why do you waste so much time when you know you and I can't be—be more than this. " he spoke softly referring to the two of them.
Her heart was beating loudly, the colors on her cheeks drained as she heard him say the words now. Not knowing how to react she sighed and closed her eyes.
" You're too good to me Sophie, too good I can't do this anymore. It hurts me to see your hurt because of me. And I'm sorry. You had to feel the emotions you shouldn't have felt. "
Every word have wounded her heart but also her pride, was she that crystal clear with her feelings to him. He looked sadly at her, raising his hand to feel her cheeks but stopped himself.
" You're right, you are just another player in my drinking game. "
It was the last time he looked at her with sad and adoring eyes, it was just like a dream she had. He was avoiding her after that night, she didn't had the chance to say what was on her mind. She sat alone in the back for the weeks that passed by, and if she misses him she would just take out a bottle of Jack, the one he always had on his flask that he carried around.Then take the other pair of the glassware he brought to her room, and just drink alone by herself again.
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Random Tags(SRRY): @hemmrose @rip-lukes-balsamic @lukehemminngs @5secondsofsummerfanfiction-com @calumstruly @jade-5s @gh0st-0f-y0u-95 @glitchfivesos @bri3395 @invisible-ozone @pearlynn @wantirwinback @jade-5s @notbadluke @morningfears
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avenging-fandoms · 6 years
Cheater / Sweet Pea
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*requested by anonymous *Okayyyyy was hoping if you can do a request for me, for sweet pea to cheat on the reader with serpent girl. Like if you can put a lot of details of reader being hurt and deets about the cheating. Gurllll I need to feeeeeel! 😭 please and thanks you !! *WARNING: angst! no happy ending srry to disappoint *PLEASE send me requests!!!!! i can do whoever :) *word count: 1252
TAGS: @sweet-fogarty-topaz , @whatsupuser,@shadowlinny,@inlovewsweetpea,@hersheyjoneswuzhere,@dylanisthehottestsprouse  , @serpentdacre  , @serpentslut03 , @cassidy-the-crazy-mofo , @serpentbaby , @walmartbrandcheryl , @snow-whites-last-kiss, @alicefall
part 2 maybe?
the video was everywhere, whispering all around. you were the first one to get it, as it came from chuck. you were in the middle of study hall when your phone lit up in your backpack, a confused look on your face as you only ever talked to chuck twice for projects. 
chuck clayton: Sorry you had to see this from me, but I always thought you were nice and needed to know the truth. I found Sweet Pea and this blonde chick in the back of pop’s dry humping. I didn’t know whether to tell you or not, but I knew I needed you to. I’m sorry. I’m in the gym if you need me.
y/n: i’ll be there soon.
“mr. hall, may i go to the library?”
“yes” he mumbled. you quickly got up from the seat and raced out the door, running to the gym. chuck quickly turns around and stops dribbling when he hears the doors open. you drop your bag and run over, hugging his sweaty body tightly, sobbing. his hand pets your hair and you hug chuck tightly. 
you pull away and wipe your eyes, sitting on the bleachers. “please tell me everything you saw”
chuck softly sighed and sat next to you, placing his hand on your leg and rubbing his thumb over your knee. “i was at pop’s with josie in the back corner of the diner, and through the window i saw him and the chick. they were pressed against a dumpster, he was the one pressing her against it, as you saw in the video. i took some video evidence, but they didn’t just dry hump” 
“they actually had sex” you whispered, and chuck removes his hand from your leg. you laugh and bow your head, shaking it. “god i’m so stupid!”
“no, you aren’t” chuck reassured and rubbed your back.
“you’re right, he is. he threw two years down the drain for some blonde bitch?”
“she.. also had on a serpent jacket” chuck added and you chuckled.
“even better” you whisper. “thanks for telling me chuck. i know we aren’t considered friends, but you did a really nice thing and i’d like for you to be my friend” you smile and he returns one back.
“i’d like that” he smiled. you two talked for a bit, nothing about sweet pea or the situation.
mid conversation, the bell rung. you and chuck got up, heading to your next class. everyone was staring at you and whispering, laughing or saying “i feel sorry for her”
“chuck.. did you give someone the video?” you turned to him and he shook his head, jaw clenched.
“someone else must’ve taken the video, because this is from an angle from the ground” he got the video himself and tears flooded your eyes again.
“y/n? y/n!” sweet pea’s voice rung in your ears and it just made you more upset. “y/n i-” he placed a hand on your shoulder put you shoved it away. 
“fuck you, you’re such a piece of shit! if you wanted a different girl, you should’ve just broke it off! two fucking years, stephen, two years and you just threw that away for some girl, when i wasn’t there because i was visiting my brother in the fucking hospital!” your throat burned from your shouting, chuck holding your arm. “we’re fucking done. you make me sick”
you pulled your arm from chuck’s grip and ran out the doors, stopping at your bike and holding on, falling to the ground and shaking violently as you sob. “hey, hey, y/n”
“no, chuck! don’t! i don’t want to be here anymore, i can’t be” you stand up and get on your bike, driving to the white wyrm. you kill the engine and walk inside, fp sitting at the bar with fangs who had previously come home a couple days ago.
both looked at you and you could tell by their faces that they saw the video. “y/n..” fp started, but you started crying again and sulked over to him, holding onto your dad tightly. “i’ll kill him, no one hurts my little girl”
you didn’t respond, you just held onto him, fangs’s fingers running up and down your back. “i just don’t understand what i did to deserve this. i always treated him with such love and respect”
“i know why he did it” fangs said and you wiped your nose, looking at him. “penny got her revenge”
“then why was he the one pinning her against the dumpster and not her pinning him? penny’s dead, stop covering for him, stop protecting him! he fucked up!” you yelled and fp held you tighter, picking you up and taking you to a room.
“his head’s mine” fp wiped his beard and you sighed.
“no, dad, it’s fine” you shook your head and fp dropped his hand. 
“fine? baby girl he broke your heart! you’re my daughter and i can’t let that slide. i’m the king, i get to decide” fp ran his fingers through his hair. the wyrm doors open and sweet pea rushes in, fp immediately stands up in front of you.
“fp, please, i need to-”
“what you need to do is get out” fp gritted through his teeth, sweet pea looking at him and swallowing. 
“you’re out of the serpents for a week” fp growled and your head picks up.
“what? dad, no, the serpents are his life, he can’t-”
“i don’t care! you hurt my daughter, or any of my other serpents, you get a consequence. out!” fp yelled. sweet pea was never one to show emotions, but at this point he was crying.
he handed fp his jacket and sulked out of the wyrm. fp handed you sweet pea’s jacket and you held the jacket tightly in your fingers. 
“he deserves it, baby. no one gets away with hurting you or any other of you, that’s why penny’s dead” his kissed your red cheeks and you get up, look at the doors. 
sweet pea’s heart shattered as he walked into his trailer, flipping over the coffee table and screaming.
he was mad. mad at himself that he let himself do that to the whom he thought he would one day marry and have kids with. but because she was being a good sister and he was horny, he ruined both of their lives.
she didn’t deserve this, none of it. she loved him with all she had.
he deserved it. he deserved every last consequence he got, getting tossed out of the serpents, he deserved it for life. he didn’t deserve to be living on the serpent turf, he didn’t deserve it. he deserved more consequences than he got.
sweet pea drank his way to depression, drinking so much he couldn’t see straight anymore and his stomach was in pain. but not as much as his heart. he felt awful for what he did to y/n, and he was going to let it be known. 
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thegreymoon · 6 years
Sorry, You didn't really say or do anything to make me think that you are Asian. I thought that I read sth in your lj where u said that you were and just run with it. It was a long time ago and I must have misread. Also, you don't really post a lot political stuff, it is more like I notice it more because when I visit your page I skip all Merlin related stuff and am interested in the rest so again my fault. As for my ise of imaginary- yeah, it was passive agressive, altough not intentionally so
… my bad. I rarely engage in political conversations online because it never ends well, especially when my views clash with 90% of tumblr users so I am used to combative tone and it was unnecessary.. As for SJW I am not sure if that is dissmissive term as it discribes the “movement” well? I am not native speaker and am aware that it can be used as derogative term, but was also convinced that it is used by people on the left if political spectrum. I asked you why you are mainy interesetd in USA because I was working under the assumption that u are Asian it seemed to me weird that a person coming from China/Japan etc would be championing social justice in USA when it not that big of a problem(or at all IMO) whie ignoring very real problems in their own country. But since you are not Asian and you post political stuff rarely you are right it is a silly discussion. The fault is completely on my side. I am allergic to these kind of stuff and you are one of my favourite writers so I exaggerated. Once again sorry.
As for the rest of your response: I also come from relatively poor country that was screwed over by both Britain and USA and many other countries, and I don’t agree with many of their policies (or most) but I don’t hate them and believe that as much as people like to say they start wars for the oil etc it is not really true. There are many political and global players and everyone single country is motivated by greed it is only that not every country can exercise their power.  
Relatively they are not the worst, it is just that since USA tries to paint themselves as heroes they are held to different, much higher standards than other countries. To sum it up, I am not defending their foreign policies, they have done a lot of wrong and are shortseighted but I still think that are better than other superpowers that will soon take over like China or maybe India. Also, I don;t understand why would you include global warming in your answer?why do you believe it is their fault
I am trying to leave as “green” as I can, I am a vegetarian and I believe we should do everything to preserve environment, but I wouldnt want my country to sign any deals concerning CO2 emission as long as other countries do not do the same. Otherwise, they would just cripple their economy and not help the world? As for Trump(if you are still interested) I find him the epitome of self-important, conceited stereotypical american but still so much better than alternative and despite distaste. would still vote for him. Because he at least apppears to be anti globalist and has a much higher moral ground than Hillary. what are his SPECIFIC actions that you find so abhorrent? Anyway, what I alluded to in my message was not politics of USA but the social justcie issues, like support BLM or me to movement(I am not sure if you posted enything regarding that, so srry if I presume wrongly) which I find are absolutely not based on facts and despite that people still perpetuate that, and if u don’t agree you are racist and sexist. No arguments whatsoever. It is also silly to me when I see the posts about the West being this cesspool of sexism while honour killings or FGM is nearly a non issue on social media or racism when considering the West is still the least racist place in the world when you compare it to China/India/SA or any other place. So, I find the social media effort to be misdirected and controlled by emotions. Even the indigineous people issued you mentioned. Americans get so much shit for their history, while pretty much every single country that exist was created by conquering or displacement of the previous population(u just have to go far enough down the history). So, yeah wht happend to Indigenous people and dissappearance of their whole civilization is a great tragedy but not the first and unfortunately not the last in human history. Why are we hearing about it but not about Anuit people or Persian or Byzantians? it is so imbalanced. Ok, anyway, sorry for the rant it shouldn’t be directed at you and tumblr is definitely not the place for it. Sorry if I offended to you. As I said I love your writing, “DC” is my all time favourite fic, and because I creepely once read through all of your lj(including asks and responses) I(like an internet creep and stalker)liked you and thought you seemed smart, well balanced and knowledgeable so I guess I felt entitled to to make the ask. Wish you all the best in life. 
No worries, I’m sorry I came off so aggressive in my answer. I did actually live and work in China for a while during my LJ days and it’s entirely possible I may have tagged myself as being there on my fandom profiles at the time. It was a happy period for me and I talked about it a lot to anyone who had the patience to listen, so it’s very plausible that you have read something about it on my LJ! I’m very sorry if it was misleading, but I was only ever an expat there!
I used to be a lot more open about my real name and real-life dealings in fandom communities, but that almost backfired spectacularly, so I locked down a lot of stuff because it could do me quite a bit of damage. 
OK, I concede your point that if you remove the Merlin stuff, a lot of what is left on my Tumblr is going to be either me reblogging cats or raging about social injustices (oops) 😅
I’d just like to make it clear that I absolutely do not hate either the USA, the UK or any other country in the world. Like I said, people are people, and disgusting policies are disgusting policies and every single country is guilty of them. It’s just that some have a bigger impact and are more visible. My own country is a source of so much shame and anger for me, it far outweighs anything the UK and the USA could have ever done because it’s personal, but our nonsense is just not something that I come across when casually scrolling through Tumblr, so I don’t reblog it. It’s possible to love a nation and its people and still be critical of the evil they have done. 
Also, let me just clarify that I’m bothered by all injustices and human rights violations everywhere, but usually there isn’t a post about them when I’m scrolling at 2 am at night that I can reblog. The USA is just… low hanging fruit, and let’s face it, from where I stand, hating on their president, the white supremacists, the Nazis, fundamental Christians, racists and the Republicans in general after what they have turned into is not hating on the USA, but rather cheering on the sane part of the country to get rid of this toxic waste ASAP. The same goes for Brexiteers in the UK and I am so, so sad for all the people that are going to suffer because of it. 
Of course, I’m aware that China and Japan have issues and human rights violations that are mind-boggling, but again, they just don’t appear on my dash very often, or at least not in English or from a source I can easily fact-check. The Japanese and Chinese stuff I follow is mostly art, nature and pictures of pretty clothes. My knowledge of either of these countries is very superficial compared to Western countries, which impact me directly, so it really isn’t my place to appoint myself as a champion of human rights in the Far East when my own country and continent are a growing dumpster fire that cannot be contained.  
On the subject of global warming, I’m not blaming the USA (entirely, because they, of course, played their part, but so did the rest of humanity). I’m enraged by their governing body’s rhetoric as of late, the denial of climate change, every single action that Trump took since taking office (such as withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement), him making ignorant, snide remarks in the middle of the polar vortex just days ago while people were suffering, deliberately sabotaging scientists and spreading dangerous, false information when each and every single country should be all-hands-on-deck if we want to avert a disaster of global proportions (especially with all the signs pointing to us being too late already). Nobody is suggesting that the USA should unilaterally reduce carbon emissions, all countries in the world must do it and develop the technology to make it feasible to convert to clean energy. And yes, the USA, China and other giants have to lead the way because they are the ones with the power! My poor, tiny country is not the one that can impact anything, so yes, the USA is absolutely more responsible to lead the way forward, but instead of at least moving in the right direction, Trump is deliberately lying and sabotaging all effort because he likes the money he gets from Big Oil companies, and he’s giving a platform to religious nutcases for votes, who think that there won’t be a global disaster of epic proportions in the near future because God promised Noah he would never again flood the entire Earth in the Old Testament. It’s not even the outright evil that is bothering me the most right now, but the mind-numbing stupidity. 
I have nothing but loathing for both of the Clintons. They have caused so much destruction in my country and I do not want good things for either of them, ever. I will never pretend that Hillary Clinton is anything even resembling a good person because you do not reach that level of power by having a conscience, but at the very least, she is not a rapist and paedophile that the general public knows of (which is more than we can say for her husband, btw). Trump has no moral high ground whatsoever, IMO. He has done everything imaginable, from scamming charities (this was proven in court) to raping minors (see Epstein). He has no redeemable human characteristics and is not even intelligent enough to pretend that he does, which is at least one thing that Hillary has going for her. I’m not going to sit here and list all the reasons why Trump is abhorrent because a) it cannot fit in a Tumblr post b) I would be sitting here for years. 
I will also not engage in discussion about whether or not BLM is a valid movement, ever. I don’t understand what you mean when you say it isn’t based on ‘facts’. Which, facts are in doubt, exactly? It’s based on multigenerational, still ongoing trauma and persecution of an entire race of people! I’m neither black nor an American, but I believe African-American people when they talk about the terror they experience on a daily basis in their own country. I have eyes and I have ears, I know plenty of white people and have insight into how they think because I too am white and have been raised with similar bullshit. I have lived in Africa for years and seen things with my own eyes. I will never not take the side of black people when they protest racism anywhere and I will never not believe them when they talk about police brutality, race-based violence and systemic racism in countries built on slavery. 
Of course, I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist in other places and in other forms, but talking about one does not negate the other. 
Also, I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make about the West not being sexist because other places have it worse? I’m sure I misunderstood this, so forgive me if that is the case. FGM is terrible, yes, but that in no way invalidates other types of gender violence that still ruins the lives of countless women. Just because the women in, say, Saudi Arabia have it worse, that doesn’t mean that the women here or in the USA should not talk about issues that directly affect them (and, btw, I have absolutely been outraged about Saudi Arabia and FGM and shared posts about both). All are bad! This is not a competition. 
On the topic of you saying that America gets so much shit for its history, which you think is unjust, I have to mention that European settlers killed up to 95% of Native Americans in some areas in relatively recent history. Just days ago, I was reading an article about how they killed so many people, it actually changed the global climate! This is genocide on such a massive scale, my brain can’t even comprehend it, and yet here we are today, with Columbus Day and Thanksgiving as holidays while the surviving Native Americans suffer all kinds of indignity and discrimination, so no, I don’t think we are talking about it enough and I feel that America deserves all the shit it gets for its history. IMO, it is not getting enough shit! The fact that there are other issues out there that need to be talked about too and are being silenced does not in any way take away from any of this. 
Anyway, let’s not argue about which country is The Worst™ and which human rights issues are more worthwhile than others because that is pointless. We already agree that all governments are corrupt, that evil happened and is still happening all over the world and that all human rights issues are important. I firmly believe that if they were to be evaluated by a psychiatrist, 99% of all high-ranking politicians would be diagnosed with serious clusters of antisocial personality disorders. Most of them would do anything and the only thing stopping them is whether or not they can get away with it. The remaining 1% cannot really do much and keep both their conscience and political power intact. 
In any case, the last thing I want in life is to get into Tumblr discourse with LJ people, so how about we just put this behind us? Let’s agree to disagree on who is worse, Trump or Hillary, because that is a pointless disagreement, especially since neither of us is an American and this is getting out of hand. I feel like we are actually miscommunicating and talking about different things. We seem to be arguing different points, so all of it is coming off worse for both of us than it really should be. Also, I wish you hadn’t sent me this ask anonymously, because I now have no way of responding to you except publically, and Tumblr is seriously not a good place for this. 
On a happier note, I’m very glad that you enjoyed DC! I’m very sorry for the extremely long hiatus! Unfortunately, I’ve been going through things that stopped me from writing for a long time. I hope that one day I can still come back and finish that story, in spite of everything! Have a good day/night! :)
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brown-rice · 7 years
Tagged by @cafe-et-tiramisu for the “Truths Tag” thing  (*・∀-)☆  
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you respond with truths about you and choose 25 people to be tagged.
Tagging @transbakugoukatsuki @rmxstudiojd @leetaliel @kronchip @disney-princess-izuku @bean-paste-man @maytheamazing if you wanna do it.
I wrote so much OTL
Drink: Earl grey tea + milk
Phone Call: My sister telling me she was outside w/ my boba and food
Text Message: From my new friend Dean asking for help on the lab and about watching Violet Evergarden
Song you listened to: Kyouran Hey Kids!! - The Oral Cigarettes
Time you cried: Uhhhhh Tuesday morning having a meltdown over my midterms :^)
Have you ever:
Dated someone twice: If cheesy middle school romances count, then yeah 
Been cheated on: Hmm, no even tho we were together all but in name
Kissed someone and regretted it: OML YEAH FUCK THAT GUY FROM AX 
Lost someone special: Oh yep, last year I lost a lot of close friends b/c we’d just grown too far apart and they didn’t care about me anymore
Been depressed: /sweats nervously
Been drunk and thrown up: During fam reveal, I went too hard and overdid it, but was also proud b/c my limit is higher than I thought it would be KEK
In the past year have you:
Made a new friend: I made quite a few chill friends from the server and have slowly been making friends here and there at school!
Fallen out of love: I think so, I was in love w/ my childhood friend for a long amount of time, but I feel alright about it now 
Met someone who changed you?: I don’t think I’ve met just one person who changed me since the “me” now is a culmination of my experiences/interactions w/ a lot of people
Found out who your true friends are: Sort of, although a little unfortunately haha. I’m thankful for those that did stick by me, but it resulted in me realizing that some people I thought would be a “true friend” were just taking advantage of me. srry im still a little salty/bitter abt this but im working thru it
Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah? Past hs me would have been really mad about it, but current me doesn’t care enough lol
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: I know quite a few friends from band and high school, my server friends (who I’ve seen in pics or have heard in calls), and mutuals I’ve messaged
Do you have any pets?: YES I LOVE MY DOG HACHI, we also have a lot of fish in tanks and the koi pond back home. By extension, my roommate’s cat Sake is pretty much my cat now huehueh
Do you want to change your name?: Nope, I’ve never been much fixated on it besides how long my full name is
What time did you wake up this morning?: I technically didn’t sleep since I was studying for my ochem midterm and i got my ass handed to me in test form anyway
What were you doing last night?: procrastinating, lab hw, and studying for ochem
Name something you cannot wait for: On a smaller scale: AX. Long term: I just wanna be out of school, in a job that I kinda like and is stable enough so that I can commission all my friends and finally have a place of my own that I can decorate and call home without feeling lonely or suffocated 
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: My brother-in-law’s name is Tom haha
What’s getting on your nerves right now?: Mainly classes and school since I still feel wrong about my career path, I had to drop a class, and my anal chem lab is frustrating the shit out of me. I miss cc
Blood type: I’m pretty sure it’s O+, but it could be O-
Nickname: Besides “Steph,” I’ve had a lot of nicknames over the years. Memorable ones are Stephie/Stephy, Steve, Vending Machine, Beanie Head, and “mom.” Neko and Mocha told me to add “daddy” and I die a little inside
Relationship status: Single and don’t really care to mingle LMAO
Zodiac sign: Ox and Cancer w/ Gemini ascendant 
Pronouns: She/her, but don’t mind they/them
Favorite show: If we’re talking actual TV then Friends, B99, ATLA, Chopped, Voltron, Gravity Falls, and Danny Phantom. If it’s anime then /sweats as I look at all these shows 
College: Transfer student from Mt. Sac now going to UCSD and i wanna mcfuckin die ayyy lmao
Hair color: It’s dark brown/black w/ light brown where the sun hits
Do you have a crush on someone?: Currently no, but I am low key flirting with Dean oops
What do you like about yourself?: Maybe the fact that it’s very hard to make me legit mad, but beyond that /sweats profusely
First surgery: Unless wisdom teeth removal counts, none yet
First Piercing: My mom got my ears pierced when I was like 1
First sport you joined: I think I took karate for a little in 4th grade?? I joined tennis and marching band at the same time officially in 8th grade
First vacation: Hmmm, I think I remember one of the first things we did when we came to America was go to Disneyland
First pair of sneakers: Oddly enough I remember my little slip-on Sketchers that were purple and white with pink, purple, and blue flowers
Right now:
Eating: Dino nuggets /w bbq sauce, and I might make some noodles b/c I’m still so hungry oml
Drinking: A fresh cup of early grey + milk
Listening to: Whatever’s playing in the DJ booth, which is Reach You - Sako Tomohisa
Want kids?: At some point yeah, I’m also pretty sure I’m gonna adopt at least 1 kid whether I have my own or not
Get married?: Maybe. That’s a problem for future me, but if I happen to meet someone(s) good for me, then sure
Career: After bouncing around a bit, I think I’ve settled into chemistry for forensics w/ specialization in pharmacology and toxicology. It still doesn’t feel quite right to me, but it’s the best I’ve got
Which is better?:
Lips or eyes?: Eyes, since I think eye contact can tell you a lot about a person
Hugs or kisses?: Hugs, but I’m big on personal space and barely accept hugs from even my closest friends, plus there’s some weird belief that I don’t like hugs?? and idk where that came from
Shorter or taller: I oddly like being the shortest person in a group?? So I prefer if people are taller than me
Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker, I really can’t stand it when people are super hesitant or can’t make decisions. I’m rly tired of having to make decisions all the time
Romantic or spontaneous: Both, but I think I lean a little more towards spontaneity since I’m a person who likes careful planning. Romance is whatever for me, so I’d rather have someone push me to be a little more spontaneous
Sensitive or loud: A balance of both would be preferable, but if I had to pick, then loud. I’m a lot more introverted than I was before and prefer if people are a little more extroverted than I am but have a level of chill where silences are comfortable
Hookup or relationship?: Relationship. I don’t really do hookups. I know I could, and I’ve been asked to before, but I’m not really big on sex
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger: Technically AX boy counts b/c I met him 2 days before we made out lmao
Drank hard liquor: Yeah, but I’m not super big on drinking and just enjoy a smirnoff ice/mike’s hard every so often
Lost contacts/glasses: Nope, surprisingly I haven’t lost my glasses yet
Sex on first date: Likely never, they’d have to be someone who I mesh with super well for that to happen
Broken someone’s heart: A few yeah. Apparently I broke my friend’s roommate so bad that every time he’d drink he’d just talk about how I was the one who got away
Been arrested: Not yet
Turned someone down: /sweats Yeah, a lot. I don’t mean this in a bragging way, because I always feel ridiculously bad about it, but my friends joke about me being “unattainable” and a heart-breaker all the time _(:3」∠)_
Fallen for a friend: I’ve only ever fallen for close friends oops
Do you believe:
In yourself?: Not at all
Love at first sight?: I think it’s out there, just not for me
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prplzorua · 7 years
It had been a very weird week. There was nothing going on really, everything was very chill and Virgil found it a tad bit confusing. Not in a bad way, mind you but in a peculiarly calm way? Videos had already been uploaded and Thomas was taking a well deserved break. After he took a long nap, the host opted to just lounge around the house, something Anxiety was very content with, especially since Joan and Talyn would pop in every now and again. The only problem with this was that it left the emo in a...buzz?. The weird buzzing feeling wasn't bad just odd. It reminded him of that feeling that comes right before you fall asleep. Just the thought of it made him yawn. Absolutely refusing to waste a good opportunity for a nap, that and not wanting to fall on his face, Virgil moved to lay on the couch in the common area. Placing on his headphones and closing his eyes, the dark side drifted off to sleep. ----- It didn't take long for Logan and Patton to walk into the commons. Pat of course was the first one to spot the sleeping persona. Gingerly he moved next to the tired trait and gently shook his arm. Anxiety's eyes opened a smidge. "Hey kiddo know that a nap sounds nice right about now, but wouldn't it be more comfortable for you to sleep in your bed rather than the couch?" Virgil didn't reply instead, he streched out his arms and made some sleepy grabby hand motions. Patton of course was all to happy to comply, the emo was always clingy when he was sleepy. Dad smiled as he began helping the younger up, in a half lean-half standing position. The half awake side wobbled a bit before simply wrapping his arms around the Father's waist in a hug. "D'aaw" Pat gave the younger a pat on the head. "Come on let's get you to bed, right Logan?" Apparently Anxiety didn't realize Logic was there until Morality had mentioned him. Slowly the youngest trait turned to the teacher with half lidded eyes and stretched out his hand. He managed to grip the Logical side's watch, holding onto it firmly as he dragged him towards himself and Patton. Logan of course tried to back away but unfortunately failed, as tired as he was, Virgil was rather strong. The emo successfully dragged the trio into a group hug-well, he dragged them together, Patton was the one who wrapped his arms around the two. "Aww, group hugs are the best!" Smiled the Father all giddy like. Logan rolled his eyes fondly, his cheeks were currently a small tinge of red. "Yes, I suppose they are", he murmured distractedly as he stared entrancedley at Patton, they were still hugging. "Yep, an' now *yawn* Princey owes me fifty dollars" Both Parent and Teacher jumped after hearing a small camera shutter sound. Turning they saw (a still sleepy) Virgil off to the side and on his stairs with his phone still in the pose of taking the picture. Both 'adults' were very confused as to how the youngest trait managed to escape them so easily. "How...how did you, do that-?" Stuttered Logic shocked. Patton's face was easily mimicking that of his counter part. The dark personality smirked clicking finger guns before heading up the stairs. Patton and Logan just blinked. After a moment Dad sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You know, sometimes I wonder about that boy" Logic pushed his glasses up. "I believe this is what happens when he gets too sleep deprived" "Probably Teach", shrugged Patton as he moved to sit on the couch, "you up for some Office re-runs?" "Sure" ---- It was late into the evening when Patton called them down for dinner. Logan was the only one who came down. Roman was off questing so the Father didn't expect him to show up but Virgil couldn't possibly still be asleep, right? Popping into the younger's room with a knock, the Parental was surprised to find that Anxiety was not in his room. Frowning he checked with Thomas. The host was absent-mindedly watching TV, Virgil was nowhere to be found. Now worried if the youngest had, for some reason, deemed it necessary to 'duck' out again, Patton quickly grabbed Logan and went to look for Roman. This way all three of them could go find Virgil. ----- Virgil couldn't sleep, he had managed to drift off for a couple minutes on the couch but now he just wasn't able to slip into unconsciousness. Sighing he got up and headed to the one place that made him feel calm. It was a small cove like area in Roman's Kingdom. It was always nice and quiet, he was pretty sure it was inspired by 'How to Train Your Dragon' but he digressed. He found his usual "seat" a small space between large thick leaved trees. There were four things about this spot that always made him comfortable. There was a tree on the left, a tree on the right and a tree further back making a surprisingly straight triangle. Here's were it got better, just before the "back tree" as he called it, was a stump, it was smooth flat and decently round, perfect for sitting on. And with him sitting there he could easily and comfortably lean his back on well, 'the back tree'. His spot was just perfect, no rain could get in because all the thick leaves were huge and angled downwards and away from the stump. It wasn't too dark, nor to bright and the air was always fresh, especially when it rained, which coincidentally, it was now. Sitting down on the stump and leaning back on the tree, Virgil relaxed to the sight, sounds and smells of the rain. ---- Patton had all to easily found Roman, he was in the midst of saving a Princess from a Dragon. At the sight of his two-not three-counterparts Princey moved faster. The Dragon didn't even see it coming and soon ducking, rolling and dodging meant Prince ended up with a beheaded fire breathing reptile. Even Logan was impressed with the tact and skill the Royal used. With the Princess saved and sent on her way home via Roman's horse. The Royal joined his two elder personas and set off to find Virgil. ---- He was startled out of a light doze when something brushed against his fingers. Eyes snapping open Anxiety bit back a curse only to see that it was a harmless, though slightly wet rabbit sniffing his fingers. A rare warm smile graced his lips as he reached down to stroke the fluffy creature. It let him pet it for a few times before hopping over and sitting on his shoe covered feet, seemingly quite content. Virgil chuckled and let the rabbit be, it was warm and his toes were getting cold anyway. He leaned back again only to realize that there was more than just a rabbit with him. There was a mother duck and her ducklings, a couple toads, a tortoise of all things and two deer, a mother and a fawn. All trying to get out of the rain and his spot was apparantly very good for that. He stayed quiet, happy  that the creatures trusted him enough to come close. He was about to close his eyes again, when from out of his peripherals he saw something getting tossed by the wind. The next thing he knew, something small and wet had crashed onto his chest. Frowning he looked into his lap to see the wet and shivering mess that was a bluebird. The creature had pretty little green eyes and one very dark feather that may have very well been navy blue. Gently Anxiety picked up the shaking creature and helped dry it off using his hoodie sleeves. All the other animals seemed intent on staring at him during the process but for once he didn't mind the attention. By the time he finished the little bird was a little puff ball. Laughing, he gently smoothed down the creature's feathers and it chirped out a thank you before fluttering to his shoulder and nuzziling his cheek. He held out a finger and the blue bird perched on it. "You're one of Roman's birds aren't you?" He received and affirmative chirp. "Hmm, *yawn* I wonder what he's up to..." The bird didn't respond this time, not that it mattered to him, all he knew was that he was warm and the smell of the rain was making him sleepy. He barely noticed when the bird flew off his finger, his eyes had already slipped closed. ---- The blind search hadn't gone on for long when the trio was stopped...by a blue bird? Logan was utterly confused as to why this little creature was chirping at them, well more accurately chirping at Roman. "It says that 'the dark one' wants to know what I'm doing" translated Prince with a frown. "The Dark one as in a Witch or Virgil?" Asked Patton with a quirked brow. "I don't know, let me ask" "Roman I highly doubt a bird is going to tell us where-" "It says that 'the dark one' looks like us, im willing to bet it's  Virgil, let's follow it" With that Roman took off, Patton following. "Right behind you kiddo!" Logan rolled his eyes, thoroughly questioning his mental state to be following a bird. ---- "Shh, don't wake him" "Don't disturb the animals either" "Well we have to get to him somehow" Virgil opened a bleary eye at hearing voices. Dad was the first to notice, nudging his elbow onto Prince's side, he tilted his head, gesturing to the youngest. "Ro, he's up, go get him" As much as the Royal wanted to grumble, this was his Kingdom, the animals were less likely to attack him for moving their new ward. Gently he moved towards the sleepy emo and removed the rabbit from off his feet. Virgil, still very much half-actually less than that-awake, streched out his hands and made grabby hand motions at Roman. The Prince smiled and easily picked him up bridal style, the emo happily curled onto his chest and drifted off. Roman bit back a chuckle, Virgil was always clingy when he was tired. ----- Tag list: @anxietyandlogic @thebrightsun @trashsinsunrelenting @randomslasher @pretty-mr-sanders @the-sanders-sides @pippa-frost @k9cat @notallpotatoesarefrenchfries @tssanderssidestrash @thuriweaver anyone who wants to be tagged let me know and if I accidentally tagged you and you want off the list, tell me, I was Falling asleep with the tag list so I probs put peeps on here that didn't ask ^^' SRRY BOUT THAT
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tuoremehumoved · 7 years
it literally took me like five years to notice but apparently @rinniekins tagged me at some point wow im srry im terrible Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you…  And most importantly, have fun! 
A - Age: 18 
B - Biggest fear: rejection 
C - Current time: 10.30 AND time for me to work but im hiding from my boss again rip 
D - Drink you last had: Water (actually rn) 
E - Every day starts with: stretching the shit out of meself and dying inside 
F - Favorite song: Borns - Fool 
G - Ghosts, are they real: uhhh not like ghostbusters ghosts or anything but like spirits yea 
H - Hometown: dont have one bc im from a village and its so smol im not gonna tell it on the internet i would probs get instakilled 
I - In love with: the concept of love 
J - Jealous of: trans people who pass even without hormone treatment 
K - Killed someone: wtf na 
L - Last time you cried: ummm idk man i dont have time to cry nowadays im a big boi but i did cry at rhe graduation party a month ago at least 
M - Middle name: maaria 
N - Number of siblings: four big brothers fuck me in the arse with a cactus i hate them 
O - One wish: ummmm i k i nda wanna die no jk um i want to skip work today 
P - Person you last called/texted: my friend that ill go to pride with today 
Q - Questions you’re always asked:“arent u embarrassed to be so loud", "why is ur laugh do contagious", "are u ok", "what the fuck are u doing" 
S - Song last sang: i cant remember the artist but its called löysään hirteen lol which means like to go on a loose hanging rope 
T - Time you woke up: 7.00 and also bitch @rinniekins u didnt tell me u like horses too oh my god i m so jealous i wanna work eith them too but i cant 
U- Underwear color: blue 
V - Vacation destination: hong kong and cornwall! 
W - Worst habit: literally doing nothi ng 
X - X-rays you’ve had: i dont think ive ever had one? 
Y - Your favorite food: i actually loove porridge and cinnamon buns 
Z - Zodiac sign: libra
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ubersaur · 8 years
I’ve skipped several of these lately cuz lazy so i feel obliged to do one every so oftenn but im tired so idk how srs it’ll come out lmao                             
Tagged by @midnight-summer yooo
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you’re done tag 10 people plus the person who tagged you, and most importantly, HAVE FUN
A- Age: 27 B- Biggest fear: hmmm I think its rejection now that I think abt it. C- Current time: 8:32 pm PST D- Drink you last had: watar E- Everyday starts with: groaning  F- Favorite song: hmmm omg i can’t think of one. I wanted it to be a meaningful answer but This Diamond Ring is stuck in my head so G- Ghosts, are they real?: maybe as some kidna energy? Big shrug from me H- Hometown: Downey, CA I- In love with: farting J- Jealous of: hmm idk? I don’t get jealous too easily K- Killed someone: Don’t think i could L- Last time you cried: earlier today cuz i love ppl so much M- Middle name: E. N- Number of siblings: three older O- One wish: be able to support friends and fam and provide them safe places P- Person you last called/texted: @junebugjuice Q: Questions you’re always asked: What are you mad about?/ Why so serious? it my damn faceeeee R- Reasons to smile: friendos and good stories S- Song last sang: I Crush Everything -jonathan coulton. T- Time you woke up: 5:00 AM (wow i didn’t even have to change this one) U- Underwear color: purble V- Vacation destination: Scotland (spef Loch Ness). Domestically, Yellowstone would be rad.  X- X-rays you’ve had: hand (broken), foot (stress fracture), teeth, and hip (still dont know why that one hurts lol) Y- Your favorite food: potatoes and burgers. Rice dishes too. Z- Zodiac sign: leeeebraaa
ffffffffff srry idk who to tag im half asleep rn
ur ALL tagged. haaaaaaaaa
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spacednp · 8 years
im trying to put some of my fics on tumblr bc why not so i copied and pasted this from wattpad (its old kinda but like yeah)
TW:it's a rehab fic so if that kind of think triggers you then don't read xx also, peej is in here bc I couldn't resist lol
I wrote this bc I couldn't find any phan rehab fics and so I made one myself I guess you could say it filled me with DETERMINATION
Srry I made the Undertale reference
Wc: 3k
Dan didn't even know why he decided to go the rehab. He should of just kept drowning his problems out with alcohol, it'd worked this long. But here he was, getting his bags checked in preparation for the next 90 days of his life. Yay.
"What's this for?" The man checking Dan's bags asked, holding up a string that was at the bottom of Dan's bag. His voice was ruff and he was a bulky build with dark ink tattoos of dragons staining his arms. Dan didn't even know he had that string in there, it probably just fell off a shirt he had stuffed in the his bag at last minute. It wasn't even seven centimeters long.
"To hang myself," Dan wasn't very funny sober. The man obviously didn't take it as a joke or think it was very funny because he rolled her eyes, frowned, and took the sting away, handing it to another man who threw the string in a plastic tub full of confiscated items. The clear bucket held things from water bottles full of whiskey-oh God that looked so so good to Dan in that moment (there was nothing he wouldn't give for a sip of that right then)-to cellphones.
Once Dan's bags were checked he was stuffed into a dull room with two beds, two dressers, and two wooden desks with chairs. Dan rolled his eyes but said nothing. Apparently he had a roommate. Dan threw his bag onto the bed farthest from the door. The sheets were dark blue, which by far wasn't Dan's favorite color. The men who'd thrown him in the room left. Another man, with dull green eyes and brown curly hair entered the room and Dan smiled at him, which resulted in the man rolling his eyes.
"Hmph, moody," Dan muttered to himself. "I'm Dan by the way," he said a little louder. Rehab really wasn't going to be fun.
The man glared at Dan and suddenly Dan was afraid, very afraid. The man started to walk towards him when he was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door. Both men looked to see a third man with a cart of blankets staring at them. The man had dark hair and bright blue eyes, Dan felt the warmth of safety run through his body all of the sudden. Though he wasn't sure why. He held the blue eyed man's gaze while Dan's new roommate just sulked back over to his bed and plopped down, anger radiated off of him in waves.
"Is there a problem here, Pj?" He asked, taking his gaze off of Dan to look over at Dan's roommate, a certain warning in his tone.
"No," The man he called Pj grumbled.
Dan didn't take his eyes off of the blue eyed man though, he knew he should look away, but he didn't.
"Good," The blue eyed man said. He turned to his cart and grabbed four dark blue blankets, he set two on Pj's bed and two on Dan's. When he got to Dan he whispered in Dan's ear, "Don't worry about Pj here, he's all bark and no bite." When Phil pulled away, Dan kind of wished he would of stayed, but he was also glad because he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold his breath, but he also didn't even know he was holding his breath. "I'm Phil by the way. Phil Lester."
"Uh, okay," Dan said. Phil didn't respond and left the room. Once he left, Dan felt Pj's gaze burning into him like fire. "What?" He snapped.
"You know, I wouldn't of come here if I knew that this was an only guys type deal, but I think your case is a little different," Pj said.
"What do you mean?" Dan asked.
"Don't play dumb," Pj paused, reading Dan's face. "You've obviously got something going on for Lester there."
"What?! No, no, I'm straight," Dan explained.
"So is spaghetti before things get hot and steamy," Dan didn't know why, but this comment made Dan like Pj. It was stupid to like him after such a weird comment was made but Dan was amused by it, so he let out a small laugh.
"So Pj, about that Phil Lester guy..." Dan really should of thought this through before he started talking. Honestly, he pretty much just blurted the first thing on his mind and of course it was Phil. Well it wasn't every day a semi attractive stranger whispered in your ear at a rehab center, of course Dan would think about him. It wasn't weird, not at all. Or maybe Dan was just a lying alcoholic with no morals, either way, he wanted to know more about the blue eyed man called Phil.
"What about him? You got a little crush on him?" Pj teased. Okay, maybe Dan didn't like Pj that much anymore. Dan ran a hand through his hair nervously.
"I just want to know a little about him," Dan insisted. Okay, maybe he wanted to know everything about the very attractive stranger. He was just really pretty... was that weird? No-no. Dan was just curious, right? He set his hand back down by his side and watched Pj closely, ready to absorb any information he could about the stranger, like a dry sponge dunked into a bucket of water.
"Well, as far as I know he's single," Pj paused for a moment to wink at Dan to which Dan replied with an eye roll, "he's also both the maid and the nurse-this is a pretty shitty center by the way, the place is pretty much a dump-and he's probably older than you."
"Wow don't you know a lot," Dan said sarcastically. He couldn't help but cross his arms around his chest.
"What? I don't keep tabs on the guy, and I've only been here a couple of weeks and I'm not exactly the best person here, I've snuck a couple beers in and gotten busted every damn time," Pj told Dan. Then he smirked. "I think I saw him check you out by the way."
"W-What? No way." Dan felt his cheeks went red, he automatically spun around to try and hide the embarrassment. He couldn't deny how his heart fluttered in his chest. Pj was just teasing Dan though, it wasn't real. Phil didn't check Dan out, no way. Dan walked over to his bag, uncrossing his arms as he walked. He unzipped his back and grabbed a stack of clothes and opened the drawer to his dress which sat next to his bed. Wooden, worn, and very very bland. He couldn't help but read the carved things on the bottom of the drawer.
Fuck this place & these people
I want a bloody drink
Everyone in here is a asshole!
Dan mentally cringed at the awful grammar and terrible handwriting. Dan agreed with the second thing though, he wanted a drink really badly. His was beginning to get foggy with a migraine and he hated the withdraw he was suffering from. This was probably the longest he's been been sober in the past five years, which was sad because it had only been two days. Maybe a little less.
"I have a killer headache," Dan hissed out of no where as he was setting his last shirt in the drawer. It wasn't a lie.
"Go to the nurse, maybe he'll give you an aspirin, or maybe he'll give you some kisses," Pj teased. Dan just shook his head, which sent a million hammers banging into skull at once. Dan let out a small moan in pain. "Oh gee Dan, you getting a little too excited over there?"
"Shut the fuck up," Dan spat at Pj. Pj chuckled at this, which sent a wave of frustration through Dan. Why was he laughing?! Dan literally felt like he was dying!
"I'll take you to the nurse, hopefully Phil's in his office," Pj stood up and started walking towards the door. Dan followed slowly because wow his head hurt. Dan followed as fast as he could and kept up with Pj's fast pace as much as he could, but ugh his head hurt so bad. Eventually they reached a door that had the work "nurse" on its navy tag.
"Here we are good sir," Pj said, slapping Dan on the back and beginning to walk away. But before he left completely he managed to call, "Good luck getting him to fuck you!" Over his shoulder. Dan rolled his eyes at Pj's rude comment and knocked on Phil's wooden door.
"Come in!" Phil called from inside. Dan opened the door with his right hand, his left one busy cradling his aching head. Inside was the blue eyed beauty known as Phil sitting behind a wooden desk who was scribbling something on a piece of paper. He was wearing thick black framed glasses which somehow managed to make him look more attractive than earlier. There was a computer on his desk with several papers, along with a few little nerdy trinkets. There was two chairs on the side of Phil's desk that was closest to Dan so he took a seat in one. On the wall behind Phil there was a few tall cabinets and a sink. "What's the matter?" Phil asked, not looking up from the stack of papers on his desk.
"I have a killer migraine," Dan announced. Phil looked up from his papers and smiled once he saw Dan.
"Name?" He requested, his voice sweet and warm. It reminded Dan of a warm winter coat on a chilly December day, warm and laced with fluff, guarding him from the brutal weather.
"Daniel James Howell," Dan told him, removing his hand from he head. Phil nodded and set down his pen. He turned to his computer and typed a few letters into the keyboard. The computer was white and bulky and was probably older than Dan was, weighed more than him, and was really really slow. Dan would call it slower than him, but in reality a rock could probably beat Dan in a race.
"Mhm," Phil hummed, clicking something on his screen Dan couldn't see. "Here you are! Daniel James Howell, number one twenty seven!" Dan loved the way his name rolled off of Phil's tongue. He loved how it sounded when Phil said it. But that was normal, right?
"It's not like I don't appreciate the banter, but can we just get my headache taken care of please? It's killing me," Dan whined. Phil giggled and the sound was so sweet it almost made up for the fact that he was taking so long to just hand Dan an aspirin. Almost.
"Yessiree," Phil sung, standing up and walking over to the cabinet behind him. Dan couldn't help but notice the way Phil's hips swung as he walked-okay maybe that was a little bit of a weird thought. Phil hummed a little song as he picked up a bottle of pills and opened it up. He took out a plastic cup and half filled it with tap water from the sink. He walked over to where Dan sat and handed him the pill. Dan's skin tingled when Phil's fingers brushed against his outstretched palm. That was normal though, right? It just tickled a little bit. Dan put the small pill in his mouth and Phil handed him the water. Dan took a big swig of the water and swallowed. He handed the cup back to Phil who walked back over to the sink and dumped the rest out and then threw the cup in the trash bin that sat next to Phil's desk. Dan wouldn't of wasted a drop of that if it had any alcohol at all in it.
"I have no idea how I'm going to survive three months without any alcohol," Dan thought out loud. Phil laughed, his tongue poking out of his teeth a little as he did so.
"I did it not too many years ago," Phil said. That was the last thing Dan expected to hear from the man. Phil just seemed too... good. He seemed very sweet and innocent, like a little kitten. Soft and frail. Dan couldn't even picture Phil anywhere near a bar, let alone drunk out of his mind and slurring his words. That just didn't seem like Phil. The fact that Dan felt so close to Phil even though he didn't even know the man was kind of odd. Dan noted that how he described Phil was similar to how the family and friends of serial killers described the killer.
"Really?" Dan gasped. Phil nodded, smiling still. Shook ran through Dan instead of blood.
"I was only about a year younger than you. Five years sober this March," Phil commented, a content look on his face. "You'll get used to it. Even after five years it's still hard for me sometimes, but I'm taking it one step at a time,"
"Huh, I can't picture you drunk," Dan blurred. Phil's personality was just too... adorable. Phil laughed again. "What's so funny?" Dan questioned.
"You really don't remember, huh?" Dan shook his head, confused. "Well I guess it makes sense, you were pretty hammered. Anyway, I helped you home once when you pretty much passed out outside of a bar in London a few years back. Seeing you like that was the reason I got sober and eventually got this job. I realized that it wasn't healthy to throw your life away like that and seeing someone as young as you in that state broke my heart and so I decided I wanted to help people get sober. I guess I finally get to help the person who helped me,"
"I didn't do anything," Dan said. He was really shocked, but he guessed that was why he felt so safe around Phil, because Phil had helped him before.
"Yes you did Dan. You opened my eyes and made me finally put my life in focus," Phil said. Dan didn't know how to feel. How was he supposed to feel? Was there a way he was supposed to feel?
No, there wasn't, he realized. Feelings weren't wrong or right, but they were yours. It wasn't wrong to dislike someone and it wasn't wrong to like someone either. Feelings turned into actions though. There was wrong and there was right actions. It was wrong to hurt someone but it was right to comfort someone. But how did you distinguish what was a wrong action and what was a right action? The little voice in your head. At first it always sounded like Dan's mum, telling him not to eat his brother's cookie or telling him not to run the red light. Over time though it started to sound like Dan. It told him to not smoke that cigarette he'd stolen from his dad. It even told him not to drink so much, it was the reason he was in rehab. He had ignored it all those years ago when he ended up drunk out of his mind and passed out outside of some random bar in London. It told him to trust Phil, and he listened to it.
In rehab Dan learned to trust that little voice.
It told him to not take a drink of the vodka Pj managed to smuggle in, even though every other part of his body wanted it so so bad.
It told Dan to fake a headache a couple of times to go and see Phil.
It told Dan to not lose his temper when Phil found the vodka in his and Pj's room and Pj insisted it was Dan's.
It told him to calmly explain to Phil that it was Pj's and that Dan would do any blood tests to prove it.
But now, as Dan was packing up to leave rehab, it told Dan to do something a little different. He opened up the first drawer in his dresser and crossed out all the rude messages in it. Instead he replaced the terrible messages with new ones.
It gets better
You can do it
Never lose hope <3
It was cheesy and kind of-okay, very-stupid, but Dan couldn't help it. It was true, and like sweet little Phil, Dan wanted to help people. He new the truth behind the people who drown themselves in alcohol every night. They were not bad people, no. They were just broken people who ignored the little voice in their head, the one that would help them get better.
People can inspire you to help others or help yourself, but when it come down to it, you're the only one who can save yourself.
The voice will tell him to agree to go on his first date with Phil.
It will tell him that he has a crush on Phil and has since he first saw him.
It will tell him to come out to his family.
It will tell him to look into beautiful bright blue eyes and say 'I do'.
It will tell him to sign those adoption papers. Daniel James Howell-Lester.
It will tell him that it's okay to explain why Daddy and Papa don't drink all the same 'grown up' drinks as all their friends' Daddies drink to his children.
It will tell him to tell his children that no, having two Dads isn't weird.
It will tell him that it's okay to cry as his youngest child leaves for university.
It will tell him that he wants to stay with Phil until the day he dies.
And he will listen to it. Always and forever, because he's learned from his mistakes.
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