#//...Guess who could say this went a little. Overboard. Haha.
bee-bee-kyuu · 7 months
[Sourced from Chatter]
The video films the latter half of a confrontation between a blue haired, tan-skinned girl and a shorter, blonde girl. The audio is grainy, but the basic gist can be made out.
"Why the fuck not!? You took a week from me. I'll take your shitty art. Seriously, how the fuck do you take art and still suck ass?"
"Stop trying to hurt me, Grace. I don't care anymore. I just want to know why you led me on for a week and-" The rest cuts out.
"...I dunno. My friends dared me to. And you kinda deserved it."
The blue girl's response doesn't pick up.
"I mean- Sure, you gotta be nice to weird kids or whatever, but you were like, kind of a total-" It cuts out again. Kai hisses.
"Stop that!"
"It is true. It's creepy that you get so loud and touchy. It's embarrassing, to match. You give me secondhand embarrassment, Kaiser!"
Kai jerks forward, before stopping herself. She looks oddly calm. She whispers something, and Grace's eyes widen. She slaps Kai, hard across the face, and Kai retaliates in turn, punching her in the stomach instinctually. Grace grabs her in a headlock, and the two tussle across the bridge, even as students run to get involved and pull them apart. Through the crowd, the video picks up Grace, pushing Kai against the wall of the bridge, against a gap in the metal fencing where her upper body dangles freely.
Grace yells something indecipherable, the word "Ocean" barely able to be heard, and Kai shakes her head, mouthing something that barely looks like "Please stop". And to her credit, it looks like Grace is about to, before the crowd surges in, and someone barges into Grace. She lets go of Kai.
Kai falls through the fence, and into the sea.
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bysaber · 9 months
ummmm HIYAAAAA, is this SABER??? im jkkk , im so loving the new theme, im like vibing with it so hard you have no idea. the colours really compliment each other. im like so so so so sorry I haven't been in touch, I had so many ASSignments to do that my screen time became a mere hour and that was like catching up with my family. but lemme just say I just read/reread every single ficmas post today and mmmmh with a little cup of tea ( I kept going back for more bc your fics are so comfy to me) by my side it totally soothed me. and I just wanna say if anyones disappointed in you for dropping something that made you feel stressed and anxious , TRUST!!! , they can come fight me anytime of the day bc im DOWNNN. im so happy and honestly proud of the 15 days you accomplished because when I say that they were all beautifully written like , im NOT LYING and I could never, I have so many ideas in my head but honestly scared to even write a single paragraph and publish it bc I am my own biggest hater and critic. anyways I don't mean to put the spotlight on me but rather show you that im not just saying this for the sake of saying but I truly do mean it. Also Im not really accustomed to work without holiday since I haven't begun working yet but isn't Christmas like a worldwide holiday, and they still didn't give you a holiday???
also I just realised I never really introduced myself, i have like this thing where I never interact with my blog because it doesn't have much reblogs or works bc im like one of those kids who got introduced to the concept of the internet at like their late teen years so it took me a while to figure out how this app works or any app for that matter (yeah so like opposite of an iPad baby, we exist! ) so I think ppl might find me suspicious.. idk there's something wrong with the way I think haha.
but I totally would LOVVEEE to be mutuals with you, if you'd like the same.
this must be so much to read, sorry I went a lil overboard but yeah all in all, cant wait for all of your future upcoming pics which I know will blow my mind again and again and again. ( also I don't want this to seem like im putting pressure on you to release fics faster GOD NO, I just mean like I could wait an eternity if it means I could read your work!)
so wish you the ultimate best, saber, I hope everything is well in your life both personal and work and if not, I hope it all turns out to be fine and all in your favour. >>>>>3333
First of all, you don't need to apologize for disappearing! Life is a pain in the ass sometimes and we can't dive into our fantasy world (tumblr), I TOTALLY GET IT!!! But I hope everything worked out for you and that now you have time to enjoy some free time!!!
(more under the cut)
My old theme was getting on my NERVES, I wasn't satisfied (hehe) with it but I'm really happy with this one. And I brought the true Saber to life. I'm glad you liked it <3 it'll probably stick around.
IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT MY FICS MAKE YOU FEEL THIS WAY!!!!!! It's enough to make me want to keep writing because knowing one person appreciates what I write already makes everything worth it. I would LOVE to know who you are and become mutuals, and it's fine if your blog isn't filled with things.
At some point, I also was a "ghost" tumblr user.
Like, for years.
I guess I've been here since the SuperWhoLock era but only started interacting in the past three years -- then decided to create a new account and start again. I've been reading/writing fanfic as far as I can remember, but that was in my mother language and I had to gather so much courage to try it in english. But I'm happy I did. And I would love to hear your ideas and maybe see what you can write <3 it's never too late.
I'm with a few fics ideas including a series and I'm really looking forward to write them all, I hope you like them when the time comes!! And don't worry, I don't feel pressured at all <3
About my work!!! Yes, the holidays are worldwide as far as I'm concerned but since my job has a flexible working hours and it's remote, it sounds good but I actually never stop working. I work with advertising and we spend money to upload ads and even for every time someone clicks in our ads, so I have to check the data from time to time to make sure the incoming compensates the money we're spending. If not, I have to take it down and change the campaign 100% it's maddening
Ok now I feel like I TALKED TOO MUCH!!! I'm sorry. But thank you for your message and all the love you always give me, I have no words for you but I really really appreciate it every time you pop in my inbox <3 and please if you feel comfortable let's be moots.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Stardew Impact [Genshin+Stardew Valley/xReader]
Part 1/3 Kaeya, Diluc
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Synopsis: “A mysterious phenomenon brought you and your s/o to an unfamiliar world: Pelican Town! Without the power of Visions, the two of you begin to learn the life of what it takes to be...a farmer?”
Coming soon...
Albedo and Childe
Zhongli and Xiao
(A/N): So the brainrot was real in this one. I planned to add Albedo for a Mondstadt edition but kinda went overboard so I gotta split this one into parts too. Wordcount_almost 2k spspspsp
• Already has the whole year planned in his head. Literally if Diluc were to play this game, he'd have a booming farm within year ONE. Calm and collected through and through, though the new environment raises alot of questions, as long as you were still with him, Diluc ain't complaining
• The town welcomes you two with open arms. It was all thanks to the attire. Diluc wore his usual dark coat adorned with regal gold while you had a dress made of Liyue's finest silk, one that he bought for you. Needless to stay both of you reeked the aura of rich aristocrats (Mayor Lewis is pleased that greedy bastard)
• Once the farm was permitted to your owndership, Diluc began to think of ways to turn it into a vineyard. He was a businessman afterall. Although the staff back at the Dawn Winery were the ones who tended the field, Diluc still knew a few things about planting due to his childhood days Master Crepus would bring him out to their yard and demonstrated the process of gardening. He still remembers those days clearly, doing the very same this moment with you.
• Occasionally works at the Saloon bar. It was the perfect opportunity. As you took care of the farm side, Diluc continues to look for more ways to increase the income while gathering information from the folks around town. Gus LOVES to have him over, like he's just so efficient and reliable! They soon become good friends saying if Diluc were ever to own a wine stock, he would gladly buy from him.
• This is why Diluc would stay a little later due to just chatting with the people from the bar. One time you walked into the Saloon only to the front desk with Emily alone. Turns out the others were in the other room, too busy playing a game of pool. You decided to leave him be since it was rare to have Diluc so relaxed in leisure activities. Thus in the end, you spent your time chatting with Emily until a whole hour has passed before your lover notices and apologizes for losing track of time.
• Everything felt like a dream because it was his dream. To live a life undisturbed from chaos, his duties and the dangers that lurk in Teyvat, Diluc grew fond of the domesticity. There was nothing he loved more than to spend his hours by your side, day after day, returning home to your freshly handmade meals.
• Spring: Already up and early planting the parnersnips (I'm very soft for gardener Diluc you see). What do you expect from a workaholic? Even during his leisure time you would often find him near some plant as he does consider this hobby quite therapeutic. But when it rains, Diluc would be standing beside you with an arm around your shoulder, smiling contently as you lean into his touch. He gazes through the dripping window and silently admires the current progress you both made on the farm.
• Between the two annual spring festivities, I would say the flower dance. Diluc is a private man and would prefer to take things where no eyes were on sight. But with a little bit of nudging from Gus (your wingman), he gives in and leads you to the center stage. Elegant. Graceful. The way you two moved together became the talk of the event. Though, Diluc was already used to people staring by now, all he needed to do was to ignore them and keep his focus on you.
• Summer: No blankets in bed. Nope, its bloody hot in Pelican Town. He tends to stay indoors or anywhere with shade, in other words, his work hours in the Saloon increased.
• Diluc always has a nice cold drink prepared for you if by any chance you were to pay a visit after a whole day of labour. It's a habit he's made subconciously as if it would be a natural occurance for you to enter the door. His colleagues would ask him who did he make that drink for? Honestly so cute i cri
• Moments like these remind him of Mondstadt, where he quietly wipes the glasses while listening to you talk. Your voice is soothing. Sun rays peek from the side casting onto the umber tables, reflecting a rich golden light as the radio plays a soft song in the background. It's so peaceful, the town was small hence not many people visited the bar, Diluc came to appreciate this warm privacy (plus no Venti and Kaeya which is a huge pog realization).
• Autumn: Harvest time baby. The kegs are full and the sheds are full of kegs. This season was huge stonks and the house ended up getting an upgrade. Diluc is the type of man who wants to make sure that his spouse wouldn't have to work another day of her life. I reckon this is why he's so ambitious because he wants you to have the best and you deserve the best. (Husband material. Slap a ring on him ladies).
When there was no more work left to do, time would be spend peacefully exploring the woods. While you skipped a few steps ahead as the leaves crunched beneath your feets, Diluc follows slowly from behind. He sees your back but his eyes stares somewhere far beyond whats in front of him: His future. 
It was such a stark contrast to the one he envisioned before. One filled with uncertaintly, blocked by darkness with no silver lining in sight, endlessly wandering as he drags the claymore against the ground. There was never a day in which the Darknight hero wouldn't think of Mondstadt. Leaving the city in the incompetent hands of Ordo Favonious while Abyss Mages continue to lurk fuels him to find a way to return as soon as possible and yet...
"Higher big sis!" Jas tightens her hold on the ropes as you pushed the swing with all your might. She laughs, like a child, it was full of innocence and joy. Later Vincent came in and nugdes you, asking when his turn will come.
"You wanna go too? Alright alright don't worry," waiting for Jas to come down, you lift the boy up so that he was seated safely on the chair, "3..2..1 go!"
He wonders if he could just be a little selfish for once.
• Winter: Best man to have in this season. Every morning Diluc would find himself restricted in movements due to a pair of arms around his waist and legs entangled with yours. Turns out you've been doing it subconciously because he's just so warm (Diluc keeps it lowkey and pretends to sleep longer cuz of it)
• Haha looks like the portal is gone, guess we'll be stuck forever :)). No kidding Kaeya would be so down to stay here for the rest of his life and the best part is to spend it with you. He doesn't show a shred of concern regarding Teyvat, not like he's easily shaken by events that are abnormal, but you can see that Kaeya is truly and genuinely happy. (You're stunned).
• Oho we also have this marvelous landscape just for the two of us? And a cozy little cabin to go along with it as well? This should be fun~ 
• Of course Kaeya would also know a few things about planting, just the basics since he did grow up with Diluc. When they were kids, Crepus would give each of them their own pots so they can grow their own plants. It eventually became a competitive thing where whoever's plant grows the fastest gets to eat the other person's dessert for a year (no one wins. They end up sabotaging each other which Diluc started first, thinking it'll be funny as a joke).
• You are, and will be going on dates with him. In fact, the amount of dates you two went on increased since then. The townspeople would call you two "lovebirds" since he's practically by your side 24/7. 
• I mean he doesn't have the responsibilities as a Cavalry Captain anymore so what else is there to do?
• Would attend all annual events no matter what season. 
• Evelyn constantly gushes how much of a wonderful pair you and Kaeya make and often is the one who provides Kaeya a fresh bouqet of flowers for him to use as a gift. George on the otherhand just rolled his eyes mumbling something along the lines of "youngsters these days" and "crazy hormones."
• Befriends Pam. Love for beer plus somewhat cynical attitude? They get along real swell! She starts sending some recipes into the mailbox of course saying if yall ever need a hand, let her know.
• Spring: I can see Kaeya be switching back and forth between caring for the farm or taking quests posted on Pierre's bulletin board. He likes to keep things interesting, learning the ways of the new world while also getting to know the people around town.
• Would NOT return Mayor Lewis' shorts in which he found in Marnie's room. It's such high quality blackmail material. Kaeya is currently plotting what is the best way to use it to his advantage.
• He didn't tell you of course.
• Summer: There are no blankets because he is your blanket. Since your cabin was small so was the bed. That's why he has to hold you so that no one falls off when rolling over. Either he hugs you with your nose close to his neck, or your back against his chest while spooning you or holding hands if sleeping on your sides became too much. Yall need a serious house upgrade.
• For some reason Kaeya becomes more energetic in the summer. He lets you rest in the shade while handling the farm work for the time being. If you guys got a pet it would be a cat. Hes the first one to refill their bowl every morning outside.
Another day passes as summer comes to an end, the town’s Mayor invited you and your lover to see the annual Dance Of the Moonlight Jellies. Kaeya being the opportunist was delighted to come along. Locking the door of your house, you follow him down the path and made your way to the beach.
Everyone from town was already gathered by the docks when the sun had disappeared down the horizon. You stood by his side in a space far from the others, watching  the candle boats set off to ride the waves, lighting up a small ray of light for creatures to find. 
“Wow,” your tone almost above a whisper, “If only our friends back home could see this too.”
“Perhaps,” he says. Kaeya slips his fingers into yours and you shot him a curious glance, “But let us enjoy this moment shall we? Just the two of us.”
And there they were. A sea of luminescence radiating colours of brilliant blue with hints of green like a city of laterns floating in a world below. Their image reflects in the star of Kaeya's eyes as he wonders, where would they go? Where would the light lead them? They were so free with nothing to worry, so serene just like the sea and unknowningly, he squeezes your hand. It was a sense for confirmation. One to remind him that this moment was indeed a reality he wishes to keep.
Autumn: Finally a house upgrade and a kitchen!! Because it was harvest season, you guys end up making a set of delicious meals with all the recipes the townspeople gave you. Kaeya can cook since he lived by himself back in Mondstadt. Most of the stuff he learned to make were food that can be accompanied by alcohol though...
• Ahah remember Mayor Lewis' lucky shorts? He found a use for them. It was displayed on the stands during the Stardew Valley Fair (Oh my how did this get here? Must be the wind). Ends up buying a Rarecrow for the farm when Lewis bribes him not to tell this to anyone.
Winter: This was mostly an indoor season for the both of you. With the existence of television, nights would be spent until morning while watching movies at the couch. A blanket drapes around your shoulders as extends to his.  Oh and don't forget the hot chocolate! 
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isthataneren · 4 years
apologies ~ bakugou katsuki
request: hello! I was wondering if you could do a Bakugou x Reader (if requests are open ofc❤️). Maybe Bakugou said something he didn’t mean to the Reader, and she like leaves the middle of class to go to the bathroom to cry- and like some of the girls go to comfort her/ask if she’s doing fine. But that doesn’t help- so Bakugou ditches class and goes to comfort her in the girls bathroom, and the other girls are like “cUtE”. Sorry if this made no sense but I thought it would be cute 😳. love your writing!
a/n: Thank you! And of course! This is a really cute idea and I may have went overboard with it haha but I hope you like it! It kind of turned into a first ‘I love you’ scenario too...
∫ pairing: bakugou x fem!reader
∫ warnings: cussing, (too much?) fluff, slight angst in the beginning
∫ word count: 1.7k+
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Being with Bakugou had its ups and downs. Most of the time he was kind to you in his own way; pressing a chaste kiss to your head before class in the morning as he walked by your desk or shoving a drink in your hand when he sat with you at lunch. 
Occasionally he would say things that others would see as mean to say, especially involving you and your fighting. Nothing bad necessarily, just criticizing your form. You knew he meant well with his slightly harsh remarks but sometimes he would say or do something that would hit you deep. Even if you knew what he said wasn’t intended to be offensive, it still could affect you. This has only happened once in your relationship so far, and today was that day, unfortunately.  
You were sitting in the classroom, waiting for the next class to start. Today had been pretty bad so far. There wasn’t much reason for why you felt so upset but you guessed it was all of the all nighters you’ve been pulling to finish a project that you didn’t even want to do to begin with. The other people who were supposed to help you ditched so you were stuck with doing all of the work. Figures.  
The stress had been weighing on you for a while, causing you to be pushed to a limit you didn’t know you had. 
Of course, this was also a day when Bakugou wasn’t feeling too nifty either. I mean, he normally didn’t look like he was happy but today he was even grumpier than normal. When you went to greet him, he only grunted in response, which in hindsight you should have picked up on right away that he didn’t want to be bothered. Due to your inability to pay attention when you’re stressed, however, it slipped your attention.  
It only got worse as the day progressed. You would try to ask him something and he would still only grunt at you, not bothering to look up from what he was doing. This was causing you to become a little more upset than you already were. Was he mad at you? Did you do something wrong? Did something happen that he wasn’t telling you?
All of the negative thoughts were causing your head to spin so you decided to do the only rational thing (at least it seemed rational at the time) and confront him about it.  
The bell had just wrung to signal class switch. You had around five minutes to ask Bakugou what was wrong.  
You slowly approached his desk, taking a deep breath to steel your nerves.
“...” No response.
“Is something wrong?”
Biting your lip, you toy with your uniform slightly, trying to push down the tears that are starting to form in your eyes.
“Did I say something yesterday to make you mad?”
“I’m sorry but please, talk to me!”
He finally snapped; his voice sharp.
“SHUT UP! Holy shit you’re annoying sometimes...”  
It felt like a weight fell on your shoulders, causing them to sag slightly as the tears you were holding back began to fall. His words finally pushed you to your limit.
“Oh...okay...”, you cough slightly to cover up a soft sob, “I-I’ll just go then.”  
And with that, you ran out of the classroom, avoiding the calls of your worried classmates. You ran until you reached the bathroom at the end of the hallway a couple halls down. After running inside, you slammed the stall door shut, collapsing in the tiny space, finally breaking down into sobs.
Mina turned to Bakugou, glaring at him.
“Bakugou what the hell man?”
She, along with the other girls of the class, ran out to follow you.
Bakugou slammed his palm on the desk, before sighing heavily, dragging his hand through his hair. He could feel the glares of some of his classmates burning through his back.
A couple of minutes later Jiro came through the door, worry displayed on her face. Her expression caused the others to tense slightly. Kirishima was the first to speak up.
“Is she alright? Where is she?”
“She’s in the bathroom. She won’t answer us. I can tell she’s crying though.”
Bakugou’s heart drops into his stomach when he hears that, his face faltering slightly. Jiro turns to him, giving him a pointed look.
“Bakugou, I think it would be best if you talked to her instead. You know she’s been having a hard week, right?”
Of course, he had noticed you were stressed but you tend to clam up so as to not bother him when you feel this way. Usually you come around and tell him what wrong but you didn’t this time. He felt stupid for not trying to talk to you sooner.
“I knew it had been shitty but not this shitty.”
“Well, right now she needs some comfort and you need to apologize.”
He was already going out of the door before she could finish her sentence.  
“I know.”
The bell wrung as soon as Bakugou located where the other girls were at. They all turned to face him with varying expressions. None of them were happy, though they all looked a little relieved that he showed up.
Not saying a word, he brushed past them but paused when he heard Momo speak.
“Don’t hurt her again.”
He replied instantly, his voice firm.
“I won’t.”
And with that, he let the door close behind him.
It was silent for a couple of seconds until Bakugou heard a soft sob.  
You fell silent, not wanting him to see or hear you when you were an absolute mess.
“Leave me alone.”
His heart cracked a little hearing the tears in your voice.
“I’ll leave you alone if you listen.”
He sighed heavily. You could tell he was trying to figure out what to say.
“Fuck. I’m sorry.”
When you didn’t speak, he continued.
“I’m sorry for saying what I did. You’re not annoying. You never are. I was just frustrated about some shitty stuff that happened this morning and it had been bothering me to the point that it made me angry. I didn’t want to upset you which is why I wasn’t respondi-”
“You’ll miss class.”
He stared incredulously at the stall door that you were in. You really thought that was important at the moment?
“You think I care about some shitty class when you, the girl I love, are crying in the fucking bathroom because of me? Are you kidding? You’re more important to me than that.”  
His words made you tear up more but this time for a different reason. Slowly opening up the stall you look at him with eyes wide with surprise.
“You love me?”
Not moving, he stared back at you, defiant.  
“Yes, I love you. I know this isn’t the best way to say it,” he gestured with his hand at the fact that you were in a bathroom, “but you need to hear it. I want you to hear it. It doesn’t take back what I said, and that’s not what I’m trying to do but I mean it. I love you so fucking much it scares me sometimes. I thought the only thing I would ever care about is becoming the best pro-hero but then you walked through the door the first day of class.”  
He paused, closing his eyes and taking a breath to try to reign in his emotions a little. You just stood watching him, eyes still wide.
Opening his eyes, he continued.
“I wouldn’t say it was love at first sight because that would be a damn lie. But every day a little more of me seemed to become attracted to you until one day I realized that you were just as important to me as becoming a pro-hero. It scared me, feeling like this. When you ran out today, after I realized what I had said, I knew that I couldn’t avoid this anymore. I was scared that I was going to lose you. I still am. All because I can’t keep my shitty mouth shut.”  
His face was blushing slightly as he looked off to the side to avoid your gaze.  
Not even a second later a weight hit him.
Your arms encircled his waist as you buried your face in his chest. Once he realized you were hugging him, he relaxed slightly, wrapping his arms around you as well.
It was silent for a second before you mumbled against him.
“I’m sorry for being overdramatic.”
He scoffed.
“Don’t apologize, you aren’t being dramatic. I’m the only one who needs to apologize. I should have been a better boyfriend and talked with you instead of fucking snapping your head off.”
Pulling away from him slightly you gave him a soft smile.
“Let’s work harder to talk about our problems then, yeah?”
Chuckling, he ruffled your hair before pulling away completely.
After a couple of seconds of looking at each other you had a realization.
“Wait a minute...You followed me into the girls’ bathroom?!”
He deadpanned. 
“Really? Again, you think I care?”
“Well no but...won’t you get in trouble?”
“We’re both going to get in trouble for being late to class so I don’t think it matters much.”
You nodded at his reasoning, ignoring his amused stare.
“I guess we should get back to class then. Everyone’s probably worried...”
You walked to the bathroom door, opening it as you talked to Bakugou, who was close beside you.
“I wonder if they-” you paused, seeing that most of the girls were still outside of the bathroom, “uhhh guys? Why are you not in class?”
Uraraka smiled sheepishly while Mina eyed you both with a smirk on her face.
“We wanted to make sure you were alright...”
“Mic said he wouldn’t start until you guys were back. Jiro explained what was happening. We’ll probably get detention though.” Mina grinned. “It was so worth it.”
“EH?! What are you talking about raccoon eyes?”
“You guys are cute. You know that?”
“Shut it!”
Mina snorted before turning around waving slightly.
“Let’s go!”
The others followed while you hung back with Bakugou. He was grumbling under his breath about what Mina had said, causing you to grin slightly.  
He looked at you, raising an eyebrow in question. Reaching out, you took his hand into yours before you leaned up to press a soft peck to his cheek.
“I love you too.”  
Letting go, you jogged to catch up with the girls who were walking into the classroom, leaving a very flustered and speechless angry boy behind.
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
So. Todomatsu always ACTS like he hates that Karamatsu is so eccentric, but we all know he actually doesn't mind that much. If anyone else made fun of him for that stuff, I can't help but think he wouldn't let it fly. So what about a situation where Karamatsu gets made fun of/bullied/put down by someone OUTSIDE the family for being the way he be and Todomatsu gets an opportunity to go into full protective mode over him??
OH SHIT the youngest of them goes feral
dare I say... RELEASE THE BABY!!!!!
God I love Zaimoku, it’s so good <3
If Totty is being completely, utterly, unfailingly honest with himself, his brothers need his help if one of them is going to be going on a date.
Really, he’s the only one who has any clue about how to act on a date! He could hit his big brothers over the head with a Clue-by-four with that shit and they still wouldn’t really get it.
Even so… part of him thinks he shouldn’t really be following Karamatsu to a date. Karamatsu is the one Totty knows is never going to come running to him for advice or assistance, especially with girls; he’s got the undeserved ego of an avocado toast sandwich. Totty isn’t sure he’d be pleased to know his baby brother tagged along not because he has to sort out a schedule thing at work, but because he wants to keep an eye on Karamatsu.
What else is he supposed to do, though? Just let Karamatsu go alone and totally blow it? His usual behavior aside, Totty really wants his big brothers to be happy and have fulfilling relationships. He thinks if he can be there to keep an eye on things, well, maybe it won’t go so bad. Maybe Karamatsu will have a shot with this woman. Maybe he’ll get a girlfriend!
The very idea was enough to make him feel a little better about lying so that his brother will take him along. It eases his conscience, imagining that if he manages to help Karamatsu out to the point that the second eldest ends up in a loving, joyful relationship, (obviously as opposed to the past few horrible ones he’s had), then a little fib isn’t so bad, is it?
After all, if he were the one in need of something like this, he’d be grateful for his brothers’ help however they did it.
Of course, when he sees the look this girl gives Karamatsu, a look like the kind a baby gives after licking a lemon for the first time, Totty can’t help but wince. This isn’t off to a great start. He lingers by the counter, greeting Sacchi and Aida, trying not to look as if he’s watching his big brother’s date.
“Aren’t you off today, Totty?” Sacchi hums as she turns to start making a drink.
He nods. “Yeah, well, I can’t stay away, I guess, haha.”
Aida jerks her head toward the table where Karamatsu and his date are. “That’s one of your brothers, right? Still as painful as ever,” she teases. “Is he… oh, my God, he’s on a date??”
“Shhhh, shh!” Totty waves his hands a little, hoping to get his friends to quiet down a little. The last thing Karamatsu needs is to be drawing attention. “He thinks I tagged along to talk to you guys about my schedule. But, yes, he’s here on a date.”
Sacchi finishes serving her customer, one of the few in the shop at the moment, and then leans against the counter to look over. “Aw, good for him. He’s not either of our types, but he deserves a shot with someone who’s interested.”
He lets out a soft sigh. “Agreed there. I kind of just wanna keep an eye on him, you know? To make sure he doesn’t mess it up too much. He should have let me pick his outfit, ugh… that aside, he’s doing okay so far, though, I think.”
Aida frowns as she slides a cup of coffee toward her coworker. “Um, I hate to burst your bubble, but he’s got his work cut out for him. I’ve been to some mixers with that girl, and she always finds something wrong with every guy she hangs out with.”
“She’s right,” Sacchi adds. “Good thing you came along so you can carry him home, ‘cause that girl’s gonna tear him to pieces. I mean, she went out with Atsushi and the next day he was in here crying and telling me she made him feel two inches tall. Nobody’s good enough for her.”
Aida clicks her tongue. “Your big brother’s in big trouble, Totty.”
It’s Totty’s turn to frown as he looks toward Karamatsu. Unfortunately, Sutabaa is so small and he’s close enough that he doesn’t have to strain too much to hear what’s being said.
The woman is laughing. However… Karamatsu hasn’t even really opened his mouth yet. “Oh, my God! You’re my date, huh? Last time I let my sister set me up. That bitch, haha. Ah, well… wow, your jacket is hurting my eyes. Could you take it off?”
Karamatsu seems to be trying his best to smile. “O-oh, yes, of course.” He moves to tug it off, folding it over the back of his chair. “Please forgive me. Anyway, my name is Karamatsu. And you, my angel?”
“Ahaha, WHAT?” The woman raises an eyebrow at him. “C’mon, dude. Don’t call me that. I’m nobody’s angel.”
Totty feels himself starting to steam. You’ve got that right.
“A-ah… right, my apologies.” Karamatsu just keeps smiling. The expression on his face reads almost like he’s in pain. “Well, should we order?”
She gives a cursory glance toward the menu, then suddenly her eyes are drawn to Karamatsu again. “Oh, my God, hold on… is… is that your face on your shirt?! Holy shit! Are you really that full of yourself?”
Totty’s heart sinks as his brother’s cheeks flush bright red. This is not going well. And while, yes, Karamatsu probably should have picked a different shirt, what’s really wrong with what he’s wearing? Even though he’s a little over-the-top and dramatic, this woman can’t know whether or not he’s ‘full of himself’ when she’s barely letting him get a word in.
Totty is the most socially intelligent of his brothers, and even he doesn’t think Karamatsu’s actually doing anything wrong. He hasn’t drawn anyone else’s attention like he usually does, he hasn’t gone overboard with any poses, and he’s… kind of just being himself, slightly toned down. It’s not like he’s bragging or being a jerk. Hell, it’s just a strange fashion choice; how the hell does she think it has any bearing on what he’s like as a person?
“Damn,” Sacchi cringes. “She’s not wasting any time, is she?”
Aida gives a pout toward her friends. “He didn’t even do anything wrong yet. He’s been a perfect gentleman.”
“Yeah, he’s just a little odd and, like, a tiny bit painful. But he’s acting really nice and polite.” Sacchi sighs as she props her head up on her hand. “There’s no pleasing some people. Aida, why don’t you go take their order? Maybe you can accidentally spill it on that pretentious top of hers when you bring it to them.”
“Pfff, if only. I’m on it, though.”
Totty continues to fume as he watches his poor brother try to impress this girl, pretty much in vain. He gets the feeling that nothing Karamatsu says or does is going to be good enough. For some reason, that really pisses him off. Despite the fact that Karamatsu can be a bit much, that he’s overcompensating for being insecure on the inside, that everyone rolls their eyes at him… Karamatsu isn’t a bad guy. He tries hard to make other people happy and treats them with respect. Even his brothers who don’t always return the favor.
By the point Sacchi and Aida are finished making their order, the youngest is ready to explode at this woman. She never even told Karamatsu her name, but she’s spent the whole time talking him down. When she asked what he did ‘besides be super excruciating’, and he told her he didn’t really have a job, she laughed at him. He tried to save it by saying he occasionally played guitar at coffee shops, and she responded something along the lines of, “What kind of hipster loser does that these days??”
Listening to it just makes him so angry. She doesn’t think Karamatsu is attractive, she’s called him embarrassing more than once, and no matter what he does or says, she’s not happy with it. Why the fuck did she even bother going out with him, then?
Totty was worried that Karamatsu was going to screw this up; so far he’s actually managed to be a decent date. He wasn’t prepared for his brother’s date to be the shitty one.
Sacchi brings him a simple iced coffee while Aida returns with the serving tray, a fake smile on her face from laughing uncomfortably at one of the woman’s comments. “God, she’s exhausting.”
“I don’t even know her and I can’t stand her,” Totty mutterrs before taking a sip of his drink. “Why the hell is she treating him like that? He’s just… being himself!”
Being himself. Karamatsu’s really not doing anything wrong. He’s trying to talk himself up when this woman gives him a chance to, but who doesn’t talk themself up on a first date? He just wants to impress her.
It makes Totty feel a little guilty to realize that, honestly, all Karamatsu really wants is to impress everyone because he wants people to like him… including his brothers. If Karamatsu feels the need to seek love and acceptance from strangers like this girl, to the point that he’s willing to put up with the horrible way she’s treating him, what does that say about his brothers? It’s not the first time he’s sucked it up and dealt with something he shouldn’t have from someone just because he wants that person to love him.
His attention is drawn by the woman giggling a little too loudly. “Fuck, you wanna go out with me again? I mean, how do you think this is going? I’m two seconds away from sneaking out the bathroom window. You’re so obnoxious, you dress like an edgy middle schooler, and who wears sunglasses inside, especially when it’s raining outside? You’re, like, cringe incarnate.”
Completely contradicting every statement she made, she slid her hand across the table to take his, if only for a brief moment. The wicked look in her eyes, more sadistic than even Ichimatsu, made Totty’s stomach twist in anger. “I might keep you around, though. You seem like a guy who’d keep me laughing for a while. Maybe next time I’ll take you out with my friends so everyone can laugh at you.”
Oh, that’s it.
He doesn’t know if Karamatsu is oblivious to what she means because he’s blinded and deafened by the promise of another date, or if he knows exactly what she means but perhaps thinks it’s worth it. His eyes light up… and behind that hopeful spark is the pain she’s already put him through.
Baby of the bunch though he is, Totty isn’t going to sit around and twiddle his thumbs while some bitch takes advantage of his big brother.
“Oh, that is sooooo not happening!” he calls as he approaches the table. Although he feels a little bad about just stepping in like this, he’s not gonna let her get away with treating Karamatsu like that. Laughing at him herself was bad enough; parading him in front of her friends for all of them to laugh at him when there’s nothing wrong with Karamatsu isn’t gonna happen if Totty has something to say about it.
The woman gives him an unimpressed look. “Who the fuck are you?”
“T-Totty!!” Karamatsu,  on the other hand, looks immediately panicked. “I can handle this… please, go back and fix your schedule, and I’ll meet you at home.”
“Wait, you work here?” She tilts her head at him. “Oh, shit, hold up. You’re the asshole who messed up my drink last time I was here.” Her gaze flits between the two of them, and she laughs again.
“― Oh, my God! You had to bring your twin brother along to come on a date? You’re pathetic!” Her hand pulls away from Karamatsu’s. “Oh, you’re definitely coming out with me and my friends.”
Totty hisses and pushes her hand away from Karamatsu’s. He steps in front of his big brother to physically block this woman from him. “Keep your hands off him! You’re not taking him anywhere. He’s never seeing you again, because you treated him like… like, fuck, I wouldn’t treat a rock the way you treated him!”
He hears Karamatsu make a noise of almost-protest behind him; he can just imagine the other man sinking down in his seat and trying to hide his face. “Totty, please…”
“No! No, she doesn’t get to just treat you like dirt, Karamatsu-nii-san! You think my brother’s just some kind of dumbass you can show off to your friends and laugh at and treat him like crap?!” he snarls. “Well, guess what? He may be sort of a dumbass sometimes, and maybe he’s a little painful, and maybe he’s not the perfect guy you’re looking for! But he’s a whole hell of a better person than you are!”
Although Totty could kick himself for not saying anything to Karamatsu before, it might be best it’s coming out now. He doesn’t have a lot of time to really think about it or pretend or rehearse. What he’s saying isn’t practiced, it’s real. “Karamatsu is the kindest person I know, and you wish you had at least half the passion he does for the things he likes! Who cares that he wears a shirt with his own face on it? He was bending over backwards to make you happy, even though everything out of your mouth was word barf about how embarrassing he is! And, by the way, you’re wrong!”
It only takes half a step for him to reach over to grab his coffee from the counter, assisted by Aida who’s smirking as she holds it out for him. “If my choice was between you or him, I’d be way less embarrassed to be seen in public with him than with you! He’s not perfect, but he cares about people, and he’s always there when you need him, and ― and all this stuff you think is embarrassing, who the hell gives a shit?! It’s what he wants to do and it’s not hurting anyone! I’d break my phone before I let my big brother go out with someone like you again! Maybe he keeps striking out with dates, but he’s never going to be that desperate!”
He feels a little bad about what he’s about to do. That feeling is mitigated by the fact that at least his coffee isn’t hot.
“And, you know, I actually am sorry about messing up your drink last time. So here, you can have mine!” Almost before he’s finished speaking, he’s dumped his entire cup over her head.
He doesn’t stick around to deal with the aftermath aside from seeing the look of abject horror on the woman’s face as the coffee makes her bad mascara drip. And even though there’s a little bit of guilt over the fact that he’s leaving his coworkers to deal with her, the fact that Sacchi and Aida are cackling while they gather up napkins eases his mind.
He grabs Karamatsu by the hand and leads him out, tossing his coffee cup on the way. There’s not much choice on Karamatsu’s part, except he doesn’t particularly look as if he minds that.
“You didn’t… have to do that, Totty,” Karamatsu mumbles. When Totty glances over, the second eldest looks more tired than anything. He knows that look; the exhaustion of something not working out, of thinking you had a chance only for it to all go up in smoke.
Totty huffs, marching the two of them in the direction that leads back home. “Of course I did! You weren’t going to do it, so someone had to. God… you’ve gotta stop letting people walk all over you, Karamatsu-nii-chan.”
The shift to the more affectionate honorific suggests to Karamatsu that this is really, truly something Totty cares about. He squeezes his baby brother’s hand with a thoughtful hum. “… If that’s the case, perhaps a romance for me just isn’t in the cards. I… really thought it was going to go somewhere this time.”
At last Totty slows slightly, from an aggressive pace to something a little calmer. He’s still pissed off that someone treated Karamatsu like that, and although he’s a bit upset that Karamatsu sit there and let it happen, he knows what it’s like to want people to like you so much that you’ll put up with nearly anything.
However, that’s also the reason he doesn’t want Karamatsu just putting up with it. He deserves so much better than to have people treat him like dirt. It’s not right to do that to anybody, but… especially not to Totty’s big brother.
“I’m sorry I kind of… tapped into Murder Totty in there,” he sighs. “Did I go overboard?”
Karamatsu shrugs. “Maybe a little. But I wasn’t truly enjoying myself and I didn’t want to go on another date with her. I just… didn’t know how to tell her no. I suppose I really am lucky you were there, too.”
Silence falls between them while they walk, then after a moment, Karamatsu clears his throat. “Totty… did you… mean all those things?”
“Huh? All what things?”
“Those things, you know… you said I was… kind and passionate and reliable.” He lets out a soft laugh. “You… you said you’d rather break your phone than let me go out with her again.”
… Oh. He. Did say that, didn’t he?
He pouts a bit, then squeezes Karamatsu’s hand. “Yeah, I meant it. Of course I meant it.”
“But as much as I love you, I’m just glad I don’t have to do that.”
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
How will the bros react to MC self-doubting themselves? Like saying bad things about them or can't be serious someone give them compliment.
Supportive demon bois coming right up! Sorry I took so long to write this anon! Thank you so much for the ask! (Also, thank you all for the love on my previous posts!)
The Brothers with an MC who self doubts themselves:
-As the embodiment of pride itself, Lucifer has an overwhelming amount of confidence, almost all the damn time
-So, he was flabbergasted to learn that you weren’t the same
-He always insisted that you aren’t anything but perfect, yet you always seemed to brush the compliments off with a shrug and an awkward smile
-Well, shit, we can’t have that
-Lucifer just got 10x more serious about the matter
-He pulls a really stupid concerned face whenever you insult yourself and he looks more and more like a 48 year old man/dad each time it happens
-He, as of late, increased the number of pet names he has for you and the amount of compliments he gives you each day
-He refuses to let you talk badly about yourself anywhere, at any point in time and encourages every little step you take towards bettering yourself like crazy
- Lucifer wants to prove to you that you are an absolute ray of sunshine and he will go to any lengths to do just that (do not ask)
-He’s even more affectionate than usual which confuses just about everyone in the House of Lamentation, yourself included
-His brothers are feeling a disturbance in the force and they don’t know how to feel about it
-You are possibly the best thing that’s happened to him since he fell as angel and Lucifer is ready to do whatever he can to help you realise that
-“You’re an idiot!”
-“*Sigh*, I know.”
-“Wha-Wait! Y-you can’t say thAT!”
-The Great Mammon is seriously worried about his human
-Being the dense motherfucker he is (i still love him tho) it took him weeks to realise you’re not all that confident in yourself
-At some point in your relationship, he jokingly called you annoying and you just went “Yeah I’ve been told. Sorry.”
-His jaw literally dropped and he almost cried
-He would have choked if he was drinking something
-Tsundere Mammon has gone bye bye and here comes the cuddling teddy bear that is your boyfriend
-He also doesn’t have as much self love for himself as he sometimes pretends to have so he’s kinda in the same boat
-Which means your boat is leaking and you’re perfectly fine with it while he’s panicking and trying to throw water overboard with his hands
-His brothers call him an idiot a lot but he’s a very sociable guy with people skills that he uses all the time in order to coax you out of your self pitiying shell
-Will whine every time you call yourself ‘useless’ or disagree with his compliments because what the hell, you’re literally the most gorgeous being ever let me love youuuu
-When it comes to you and your happiness, he ain’t fucking around. He will snarl at anyone that even looks at you in the wrong way
-Did that to Lucifer once, guess a what happened
-You’ve definitely helped him come to terms with the fact that he is loveable and not a good for nothing scum
-So now it’s your turn!
-Let him kiss your insecurities away please
-Your presence makes him feel wanted so he wants the same for you!
-Well then
-It takes two to tango ya know?
-He is the KING of self loathing and no confidence whatsoever in anything he does so every time you put yourself down, he counters it with a self deprecating insult as well
-“I suck.”
-“Nah, you’re pretty awesome normie. I’m the shut in, disgusting otaku who can barely set foot outside his bedroom without having an anxiety attack.”
-It’s like you’re trying to outdo the other on who is worse
-Truth is, he really admires you, especially knowing you chose to date him; an anime nerd with no social life and no communication skills whatsoever
-It hurts a bit, every time he builds up the courage to actually compliment you and you not taking it seriously
-That’s because he recognises that he’s the same and just as harsh on himself as you are
-Levi knows self hatred is something that takes time to demolish
-But you are his Henry after all (also his partner but whatevs)
-He’s not gonna leave you hanging when you need him the most
-He also gradually stops calling you a normie as your relationship progresses, though it still slips through every now and again
-Basically, the first time he realised that you think negatively of yourself, his immediate reaction was: Haha lmao relatable
-But now, every time it happens, he gets all serious
-Puts his controller down and everything, it’s like witnessing a very rare phenomenon and it’s creepy as shit
-He’s also made an effort to be more physically affection though he is kinda shy about it because damn it he just wants to hug you every time you speak badly of yourself
-Probably writes a list at some point stating all the reasons why you are better than him and Ruri chan combined, it’s rlly sweet
-He’s a bit curious as to where that mentality has come from
-What triggered you to be so self doubtful?
-He’s basically your psychotherapist and asks you a lot of questions trying to find different causes and solutions for your issues
-Honestly, he puts so much effort into trying to understand, reading books about it from the human realm and whatever he can find in order to help you
-He scrunches up his nose every time you call yourself an idiot or anything of the sort
-Satan knows that insisting you’re wonderful won’t exactly help you overcome this problem of yours
-But that doesn’t stop him from doing it
-It’s not like you can ignore his comments because he will keep complimenting you until you accept them
-He also repeats a lot of pick up lines but that’s just part of being his partner
-What do you mean you’re worthless?!! He would literally give away all of his books and his hatred for Lucifer in exchange for your well being!
-Satan is possibly the smartest out of all of his brothers, so he uses a tactical approach on this one
-Direct affectionate gestures don’t work on you so he’s gonna be more subtle
-Would slightly hint that you are amazing every time you do something for him, like fetching him a book or something
-“Ah thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you love.”
-He’s a lot smoother than he gives himself credit for
-He just appreciates your existence and that there’s someone out there that he doesn’t need to be act hostile or fake toward
-Satan is ready to sit down and listen to you talk about your insecurities for hours on end
-You would quietly say something bad about yourself and he would run through the House of Lamentation before bursting into the room you are in, shouting ‘No! That’s wrong!’ (going Danganronpa on your asses)
-“Welp, I fucked up again. I can’t do anything right.”
-And then, in the distance you hear boss music starting
-*Shocked Gasp*
-How could you say such things about yourself???? Is that even leGAl?
-Of course, the literally prince of Lust, with all of his narcissism, has never experienced things like ‘self doubt’ of ‘bad self esteem’
-Pfft, the fuck is that?
-He only uses the most positive of words when he describes himself
-So obviously he almost falls off the bed when he hears you insulting yourself for the first time
-But ya know, that would leave bruises on his beautiful skin
-“Oh darling, you’re not annoying or a moron! You’re not anything like Mammon!”
-That was a below belt fatal hit, press f in the chat for the second eldest
-At some point, he just genuinely believes you’ve been spending too much time with Levi and that his negativity started rubbing off on you
-But then you tell him you’ve always been like this and he almost has a crisIS
-He’s like ‘Haha, no, we’re going to get a spa day out tomorrow and a few shopping sprees so I can prove to you that you are magnificent in every way imaginable.’
-Asmo loves pampering you in general but on the days he sees you feeling extra sorry for yourself, he goes above and beyond
-Gets very hurt when you brush off his compliments because he just wants you to accept the fact that you’re beautiful
-He’s like a supportive mom lmao, whenever you’re feeling self doubtful, he goes “You’re doing great sweetie, keep it up I’m really proud of you.”
-It’s up to you to decide whether that helps or not
-He’s such a sweetheart in reality, it’s hard to remember that he’s supposed to be horny all the time
-Well he is but that’s not the point, you’re way more important
-Asmo is so much fun to write cuz I can make him so dramatic it’s hilarious
-Oh no :(
-He gets very sad everytime you self deprecate yourself
-You can’t do it with him in the room because he’s going to start crying and give you this kicked puppy stare, it will break your heart
-Beel kinda comes over and goes “If I give you some of my food will you please stop saying bad things about yourself? Because it’s not true.”
-Well you can’t say no to that face
-He feels like it’s his fault you’re this self doubtful even though you’ve tried to explain to him you’ve always been like this
-He goes crying to his twin half the time because he doesn’t know what to do
-“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to drop it! Fucking hell, I’m such a fucking klutz.”
-“Sniffle no you’re not.”
-He’s like, giving you large portions of his food now
-Because food makes him happy so he wants you to be happy too
-His brothers go in shock every time because the only other person Beel has ever shared his food with before was Belphie
-Physical affection goes through the roof with this guy
-Bone crushing hugs btw
-Your self worth is so immeasurable with him, you can’t even measure it
-W h o a
-I’m being serious, don’t talk badly about yourself in front of him unless you want to be hugged into next week
-You are a literal angel in his eyes, of course he thinks highly of you
-He’s just hoping his presence isn’t making your self esteem worse, that’s the thing that keeps him up at night
-Idk why but he does think that he is a bad influence on your mental well being since he’s a demon
-Beel gives you compliments all the time and it confuses him when you laugh them off uncertainly because he wasn’t joking or lying??
-He’s always supportive of your choices and encourages you to be more confident
-The same way you show your support everytime you come to his games to cheer him on
-Overall, he just wants you to feel special and appreciated
-Because you deserve it
-He feels like absolute shit
-Becuase he’s well aware he‘s called you a few...not so nice words in the past
-Back then, he only thought he meant everything he said but now that he’s hearing you accept his insults and actually repeating them yourself?
-It hurts his brain and he wants to smash his head against all four walls of the room for being such a cretin
-You do tell him it’s not exactly his fault you think so badly of yourself
-But he still believes he fueled it
-So now he needs to fix it
-He’s tried everything and I mean everything
-It’s kinda working, slow progress is made which he’s really happy about but you know, it’s gonna take a while
-He finally settles on physical affection as the best way to communicate his gratefulness for you being youself
-Oh, he wasn’t hugging you before? He is now, get your ass next to him and let him cuddle you
-Handholding has increased by 69% in the last month, sorry for the loss of your right hand with how much he squeezes it
-Sometimes, he can’t help but a throw an insult at you in a playful manner, because he’s an asshole
-But he always makes sure you understand that he was just joking
-He’s such a little shit, you would be having a chat with him and you would subtly drop a insult at yourself hoping he wouldn’t notice
-But then he stops dead in his tracks, kisses you, says “Shut up, you’re stunning” and then he goes right back to the previous conversation like nothing happened
-Accept his compliments damn it otherwise he will continue to bug you about it for the rest of the day
-He’s an eboy and he’s a dickhead a times, but he just goes soft for you tbh
-If you’re feeling really bad about yourself, he won’t even say anything
-He will just big spoon you for the next 24 hours, good luck going to the bathroom or any meals during that time
-Because once you’re in his grip, you’re not getting out that easily
-He gets so pissy if anyone says something even slightly negative about you to your face
-One time, a random demon called you stupid in one of the classes at RAD and he was like ‘bïtch excuse me what?’
-Snapped his head around at him and everything
-He would have done something worse but he was lazy and feeling really petty
-So Belphie kicked him in the privates from under his desk like a damn spoiled brat
-And then he turned his head back to you, all smiles and rainbows and puppies
-I’m simping so hard for a fictional character wtf
-I had to write more protective Belphie cuz I can’t find anything of the sort anymore and I need flUFF
(Haha, I don’t know what this post is, my writing has officially taken a shit lmao. Sorry this took so long to finish, I kept going back to edit all of them)
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silvia7272 · 4 years
Miraculess Ladybug Salt AU: You Always Liked To Play With Fire ~ The Prologue
Hey everyone, this is a new story I wanted to introduce to you all.
I’ve been putting everything in a massive word doc because I had so many ideas and finally settled on putting it out today because it's my birthday. 29th, I may have updated it late.
So as a special treat, here’s a new series with a few original characters, ones you know or have been changed ever so slightly to fit, in a Miraculess world. (haha, you see what I did there? No… I’ll leave)
Also for anyone new, I’m a multi-shipper so I ship my characters with a bunch of other people, as I like Lukanette (Fandom Version), Daminette (Fandom Version), Felinette (PV Fandom Version), Marichat (Fandom Version) and I guess Rosannette. What’s Rosannette? Well, I guess you’ll have to find out, won’t you? (also no that’s not a typo, it is Rosannette)
Also, I guess this will just have the usual salt, maybe more, I don’t know. I kinda want it to just be about these two.
Word Count: 3912
Note: I haven’t tagged anyone just in case, this is a different series from my other, I just got really excited and wanted to write it. If you still wish to be tagged for this story please say and specify.
Also: This is a salt story, it will have OOC moments from everyone so it will be classed as an AU. If you don’t want to read that’s fine, and have a nice day.
Well, I hope you’ll enjoy it.
This is for all the people that might prefer Rosinette (like from the songfic) instead, I don’t mind but it won’t be in my main series, so I hope this will satisfy you.
(Word of warning, I believe this will be an AU where the Miraculous don’t exist, and non-canon to my official story and I believe mentions of a panic attack might be lightly mentioned, don’t know if it is, but if someone could check and I’ll make the warning clearer that would be nice)
(Fire doesn't exactly have anything to do with this story I just really liked the title)
Note: This book contains OOC scenes of Miraculous Ladybug as well as a ton of salt, so if you don't like that stuff you may scroll past and have a nice day.
In a world with no Miraculous, no Hawkmoth and no Ladybug, how does our little heroine do?
Well, it usually would be hanging out with her friends, as any other teenager would do...
But, of course, this wasn't normal. 
This was reality. It was cold, hard and definitely not welcome.
So, when this girl wishes to have some kind of adventure in her boring, mundane life...
How long does it take for her to regret it?
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Memories, it's such a simple word yet it holds so much meaning. One could either wish to forget everything from their life, and simply move forward so they could pursue their dreams. Or, simply relish in the past when they remembered how great it was, all the friends they had made, all the moments they had which were too good to let go.
But, I guess sometimes, you did have to let go. But let go of what exactly? Let go of all the happiness once you knew how it would end? No that would be too harsh and you’d turn bitter. Let go of all the sadness? But, wasn’t it an important life lesson to learn, sometimes, you just have to be sad because of the situation at hand. No amount of croissants or macarons would be able to lift your spirits back.
Or maybe that was too much of a specific example.
That was what Marinette had thought, staring at an empty glass so intently the man behind made himself disperse from the amount of time the unblinking woman just stared and never flinched.
She guessed it hadn’t all been bad, she at least had some form of happiness before it was violently ripped away, but part of her wondered, what would’ve happened if she never felt that type of happiness before? Would she have felt like she had for so long, was it the fact that she knew what being happy was like before worse? Because, as depressing as it sounded, if she hadn’t been as happy, would she have been as upset?
She would never know, she couldn’t go back in time since that was impossible, but the thought always came and went whenever she was alone with her thoughts.
So… Maybe it was for the best, that she was able to remember what real happiness felt like.
The tight feeling in your chest, butterflies in your stomach, face being so red anyone would worry if the bluenette had caught a cold instead-
Wait- this was an oddly specific kind of happiness she felt, surely she must’ve gotten mixed up with some other felling right?
So, how come she was feeling this- incredibly bright heat from her cheeks when she felt a hand on her shoulder?
We may need to go back several years.
In a classroom in Collège Françoise Dupont, a young pigtailed girl sat at the back, tears silently falling onto her knees and bawled up fists. She didn’t see any use of wiping them away, since they would just come back anyway, and it would be useless to just repeat that endless cycle. She hadn’t looked around to see anyone else’s faces, they would either just ignore her, or taunt her for just crying, for just being human.
Now you may be wondering why she was so upset? What possibly could’ve happened to make our very cheerful and sunshiny girl become so hunched over she was practically crying her eyes out? Well, the answer lies on the one girl at the front. The one girl sitting in an all too familiar place. The one girl who just ruined all of her newfound friendships.
Lila Rossi.
And boy had she hated that name.
She couldn’t stand that smirk, that thief, that scandal!
And what exactly did she do?
She lied.
Now you may be thinking that may not have been all that bad, but it was.
Every time she opened her mouth, everyone would fawn around her, even Alix, the one who seriously couldn’t care about anything to do with glamourous celebrities, was hanging on the edge of her seat to hear one of Lila’s so-called stories. She just had to guess Lila held up a treat over her head to keep her being obedient enough.
She hated Lila so much because she was just using everyone to get an easy life at school, the fastest way towards popularity she guessed, but why she thought this was the fastest way was beyond her.
She hated Lila because she had spread so many lies, so many rumours, all about her. All so out of the realm it was such a surprise they all believed her without a shred of evidence.
It had happened so fast, one day, they were all friends, smiling and laughing like there was no tomorrow, the next, she was surrounded by those faces, those faces of disgust and hatred. As if she had committed even the worst of crimes, more so than Chloé, speaking of, who was absolutely enjoying this show.
But undoubtedly. What she hated about Lila the most.
Was that technically, she didn’t have to do that much.
After so many sessions of crying, and just not believing that they could possibly leave her, a friend, like that, she started to reason with herself, that maybe it wasn’t just Lila that pushed them all away.
She thought back to before.
Before they were friends, before Alya even came to Collège, she had been alone. Chloé had always gone out of her way to relentlessly bully her, and no one wanted to be friends with her with Chloé around. So she accepted it, just hoping one day, karma would seek justice and she’d be put in her place.
So she waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Gave up.
She accepted defeat after all the years. After the meaningless conversations with teachers that she should try and be the bigger person and rise above all of her hatred for her. Simply because they couldn’t do anything. They had no power over the mayor's Daughter. So they just let her continue her reign over the school.
She didn’t have any powers to stop her.
But then, a light of hope came.
The new girl, with ombre brown and red hair, glasses and hazel eyes. A striped t-shirt and an undeniable Aura that reeked of confidence.
As Marinette was being targeted by Chloé yet again, she came in, and for once, stood up to her. Chloé! No fear in her eyes as she, Alya, grabbed her, Marinette’s, hand and walked off to the desk at the front.
She couldn’t believe it, someone stood up to Chloé! She thought it had only been a myth, a legend, but that right there, it was real.
They became friends faster than the speed of sound.
And soon, she too was able to stand up for herself. Reclaiming her original seat back, and citing a quote her new friend had said… Then everyone had wanted to become friends… And, she felt ecstatic.
Finally. It finally came. The day she had prayed for had come. She felt nothing but pure joy.
And she didn’t want that feeling to go away.
She was terrified that the feeling would go away.
So, she thought of making sure that feeling wouldn’t go away.
That’s why she made so many ‘spare’ macaroons to give away, she didn’t spend her free nights staying up and making them, no way.
That’s why she provided so many free gifts to her friends. What? Her hand has a plaster, no she just tripped and hit herself, it had nothing to do with the gifts. Don’t worry, try your gloves on, do they fit?
That’s why she was late for class. Huh, no I’m fine, I’m not tired… But I might just rest my eyes for a bit, wake me up when something important happens.
That’s why she was so happy to realise Adrien wasn’t as bad as Chloé, the small gentle soul that he had, to graciously provide her with his own umbrella, how selfless.
And that’s why she held onto the idea of Adrien so much. The idea that he was perfect. The idea that she was in love with him.
So, she held onto it.
No, she clung to that idea because she didn’t want any chance to let go. So, she may have gone a bit overboard, with the whole, schedule thing, and the phone… And the schemes. But she believed it was harmless. No one else seemed to have any problems with it, so she believed she was in the clear.
Until she wasn’t.
And Lila used that to her advantage.
She remembered that day so vividly, just like all those other memories. The day she came. The day she would find herself in the same predicament from before, it hadn’t been that long since she had been friends with everyone in fact. She was still getting used to it, and her feelings grew as each day passed by.
She remembered when Lila introduced herself to the whole class, and at first glance, anyone would just think she was an innocent little girl. But behind that smile, behind those eyes, held a sinister intention.
She, in less than an hour, had everyone wrapped around her little finger.
Even her.
She’d been on a private jet?
Had a song written about her?
And saved Jagged Stone’s cat?
There was no way Adrien would fall for her now.
…So maybe she had been jealous of that girl before she had done anything. But she had every reason to. She, Lila, was pressed against Adrien who was happily talking to her. The love of her life! She had to do something, even if Alya had given her a disappointed look she just had to stop them from confessing their love to each other, it was inevitable now, so she followed after them to the park. If they even got too close, she was sure she could just conveniently interrupt, she just had to wait for the perfect moment, she only had a couple of hours before they would fall in love, get married, have three kids and a hamster named-
“Wow Adrien, you’re so nice to me. Y’know I really thought moving here would be just like all the other times. But you’ve really made me enjoy my first day Adrien.” She smiled so sickly sweet Marinette wanted to hurl, how dare she just hold onto his arm like that, so affectionately!
“Its no problem Lila, that’s what friends are for.” She smiled, hugging him so fast they almost lost their balance from sitting on the bench, before seemingly giving him a quick peck on his cheek, only for Adrien to turn his head towards her.
And they kissed.
However, it wasn’t a simple quick kiss, by all means, Adrien should’ve realised his mistake and pulled away.
But he didn’t, what felt like forever lasted a minute. One minute to realise that it should’ve been an accident. But they stayed like that.
It- it was over, wasn’t it? This wasn’t her being melodramatic, she just knew how it would turn out. They were going to fall in love so soon, she wouldn’t have a chance.
If only she had seen the look Lila gave, spotting her retreated form from behind a small trash can, the smirk would’ve given her shivers.
Getting back to Collège had taken longer than expected. Maybe it was the small amount of dread knowing she may have lost her love for good. Sure, there might have been Kagami as well, she had tried to sabotage her chances with Adrien too, but it always worked out in the end, Adrien always smiling as Kagami’s cheeks burned with redness. But to say they were friends afterwards.
Marinette would cringe at the fact she always felt so relieved afterwards reflecting years later at her choices. But she had always believed she would still have a chance.
Until today.
Lila came, and took him away, within hours.
And she couldn’t stop it.
Walking along the stairs to her class she had to keep her head held high, if she showed weakness, that would mean she was sad, she wasn’t sad, she couldn’t be sad. She still had all of her friends after all.
Maybe now, they could do more activities, after crying and eating a ton of ice cream of course with cheesy movies to brighten her mood up.
But, this would only be the beginning of that negative feeling.
Opening the door, she would be fully aware of something terribly wrong. At the front of the classroom, a crowd had formed, and a crowd that would soon become a routine in this classroom.
But a crowd formed around a girl, the new girl, Lila. She had seemed to be covering her eyes, water dripping down her eyes, no wait they were tears. What had happened?
She didn’t realise she had spoken those few words before heads turned around, looking- no glaring at her, why were they-? What had she done?
“Marinette I knew you could be a tad jealous but to actually do something like that” Huh? Oh no, Lila must’ve noticed she followed them, how embarrassing, and definitely not the best first impression she could’ve made.
Before she could apologise, before she could explain she really didn’t mean any harm. She didn’t have time to.
“To threaten her to never talk to Adrien again because she likes him. Well, I never thought you’d put your jealousy out like this.”
No- she didn’t- she, just saw them kiss.
She didn’t even speak with her.
Why would she say this?
Why didn’t she say anything?
Why wasn’t she defending herself?
Why was she letting them believe that so easily?
Why was it so hard to breathe?
Running out of the classroom was easier than looking at all of those faces. Those accusatory faces. She hated it, she couldn’t do- defend- explain.
She- just-
She was in a room?
The bathroom.
It didn’t matter why, as long as she was alone, she could cry to her heart's content.
The fear seeped over her just like that first time, knowing Chloé had won and would never stop, she had lost and lost everything.
Everything she had worked so hard to obtain.
Everything she had worked so hard to keep.
To make sure she didn’t have to let go.
And now it had gone.
Because it was then Marinette realised. That girl, those tears hadn’t been real, there she saw her eyes hadn’t been red or puffy, the tears’ dried up rather quickly, and the inconsistent wails made it very likely she was only doing them for effect and sympathy.
That girl. Was lying!
That must’ve been it.
No way could she be telling the truth. And no way could ‘I saw her around me and Adrien’ be translated to ‘she threatened me, I’m so scared of her’
Maybe, maybe with that, there was hope.
If she could just simply convince her friends that she was lying, then everything would be all sorted.
And maybe she and Adrien-
Wait, she was getting a little ahead of herself there.
Wiping her tears away she proudly opened the door, ready to face her fears.
Too bad her fears were much much stronger.
No matter how many times she would try to prove her innocence, it became worse.
When she tried going to the teachers, they bat an eye with her responses. Obviously not taking her seriously, and just believing it to be some teenage drama, she was pushed out of the classroom and told to try and just be nicer and make friends with her.
That was harsh but expected.
She tried talking with Alya, she turned away from her. Not wanting to hear anything come out of a crazy stalkers mouth.
That had hurt.
She tried talking with any of her other friends, y’know, the ones who ‘always’ had her back.
They too turned from her. Believing Lila without a doubt, I mean, they knew how jealous Marinette could get, it wasn’t that much of a stretch to think she would jump to that, considering the situation.
That felt like a punch to her gut.
She tried talking with Adrien, even if she did stutter and always lose her words around him. But this was more important, than a silly crush.
She wasn’t used to saying that.
But, the way he looked at her, it felt like- pity.
He told her he already knew.
He already knew? Wait- then why didn’t he say anything?
Because, as the naïve little boy stood so tall and ‘innocent’ he simply wanted to help her through his own way.
“She was only lying for attention,” He said.
“Once she finally makes some real friends, she’ll stop,” He said!
“In the meantime, you should really drop this, it would be just awful if you were to hurt Lila again. After all, she hasn’t hurt anyone, she doesn’t mean any harm”
She stood in shock.
This was the boy she had fell for?
This spineless- foolish- Son of a-
“So please Marinette, don’t cause too many problems for her, you shouldn’t be so harsh on her. If you really value our friendship, you’ll do it.” He smiled before walking off, leaving her to her thoughts.
That felt like someone had walked over to her, ripped out her heart and squashed it in the palm of her hands, all while grinning.
Why, why wasn’t she able to see before? Did her heart want to deceive her by falsifying all of his qualities? Was she just blind to bear witness to him not being as perfect as she made him out to be? Was it because she just couldn’t entertain the thought of letting go?
She didn’t know, she just hated this negative feeling. It felt so familiar. She wanted it to go away.
Unfortunately, that feeling would only grow for months.
And it was about to be worse.
“Huh? Marinette? Why are you crying? If this is about what happened this morning, don’t worry, I’ll forgive you” She was crying? Huh, when did that happen?
Whatever, more importantly.
“W-What, no you don’t have to forgive me because I did nothing wrong” Lila’s worried expression faltered for a bit before she grew ‘scared’
“H-Hey, I didn’t realise you felt like that. Oh, you poor thing” Her eyebrow snapped, she seriously didn’t like being called a thing.
“Save it, I can’t prove it but I know you’re just lying to everyone here. And you need to stop, you’re going to hurt everyone when they find out. You need to confess” Her face faltered again, but it never recovered, her once innocent eyes hardened as she smirked, a look that seemed almost natural, as if she had perfected it by looking into a mirror countless times.
“Oh, so you’ve finally figured it out? Figures, I was told you were the smartest one, and it seems like I wasn’t wrong”
“What?” Lila sighed, maybe she had put too much faith in her being the smartest.
“Ugh, you’re so young Marinette. I haven’t told the truth all my life, why the hell should I start now?” Marinette was stunned, why, why was she telling her this?
“Honestly, and I thought Adrien was naïve. Look, I’m not here to play games, I have this whole routine wrapped up. So just sit back, stay out of my way and I might consider making another lie that would benefit you.” It was an offer any reasonable person wouldn’t refuse.
Unfortunately for her, she didn’t want a reasonable offer.
Marinette stared, she was- she was fully aware of what she was doing?
“B-But you’re going to end up hurting everyone, you need to stop, please!” She begged.
Lila frowned.
She was just like all the rest.
“I don’t care”
“I said I don’t care, seriously don’t you get it yet? I’m here to win by all means necessary. You were in the way so I took you out. They are just little trophies to remind you of my victory. You had your chance”
She stood still, this situation felt so familiar, but she had to stay strong, she couldn’t give up now. If reasoning with her won’t work, then maybe understanding might, and she could work with that.
“Why are you doing this, do you really not care about when you get caught? About how everyone will feel when they know you promised nothing in the end?” She hoped she would see some sense. They were good people, they shouldn’t be manipulated into this, she was sure they would’ve been friends regardless of what she had promised.
“It’s because I can”
“What do you mean?”
“What I mean, dear sweet Marinette, is that because I am able to, I can. I’ve had years of practice with this, and the result always has me at the top, all that oppose me either stay at the bottom or beg for mercy from moi. It's always a delight to see their hope diminish. To realise they would do anything but to be alone.”
Alone- that word, that word stuck with her so much.
She didn’t want that- but she didn’t want her friends to be tricked either.
“Besides, you made it so easy for me, in reality. You only have yourself to blame”
“What- I didn’t even-” A finger was wagged in front of her face.
“Ah ah ah. You really should know better than that. A calendar full of Adrien’s schedule? A box full of presents for Adrien? Sabotaging dates? You’d think I’d have made it all up, it only made the end result so much greater. Seriously Marinette, I don’t even know if I’m the bad guy here, what you’ve done really isn’t appropriate behaviour. But I do know of a great therapist, they helped me through such a hard time” Lila continued to talk as Marinette zoned out. She was the bad guy? No- no that couldn’t be, that was just a harmless crush, that was just what normal teenaged girls did.
But- if it was. Then why didn’t anyone tell her it was wrong, she didn’t mean for it to be wrong. She just didn’t want them to leave, she just didn’t want to be abandoned again.
Why didn’t they say? Why didn’t she realise?
Why did she know?
Lila must’ve seen the shock as she giggled, not at all innocent.
“It was so easy manipulating all of them into telling me about this ‘crush’, once they realised just how crazy it actually was, they had no problem seeing you for the crazy stalker you are.” Lila flicked her hair up away, only for it to come back, but it didn’t matter, she made her point.
Not having the energy to look up, she would’ve noticed Lila had left her behind, laughing too, because no one had been there to overhear their absolutely private conversation. Her overall plan would not be undiscovered today, tomorrow, or the next. It wouldn’t be discovered ever.
Because she was in control.
Marinette, wasn’t in control.
Just like before, that hollow feeling from before, it was back.
And so much worse.
She hated Lila, because she made her realise, she was right. All along. And she just had to accept it.
And gave up trying.
She reverted back to how she was at the beginning of the year.
The quiet girl that no one paid attention to, alone, in the back, with nothing but her sketchbook.
Gone were the childish pigtails, it was for the better, no one said anything about then anymore.
Because she realised.
She wasn’t a child anymore.
She couldn’t be, not after this.
Hey, so I guess this was more like another prologue, so I’ll have to apologise if it seems just like the other one, but the premise is still the same so yeah.
And I think I might like the idea of a non-Miraculous world; it seems interesting since I feel like Marinette wouldn’t have as much of a confidence boost since she wouldn’t be Ladybug, please tell me that would make sense.
I think it’s interesting for how much would change and stay the same, and my OC will be making an entrance next time, however, here they are all like 13-14. The next chapter will have a time skip of 3 years, oh and Lila came in late, like around Season 3 late ok? So they already know about Kagami and Luka.
Also if you’re confused about anything feel free to ask any questions.
Cya next time.
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Note: Please tell me if I should add anything else to the card, there will be one of these cards for all 15 chapters, however, because I have uni work all updates will be slower because I really need to focus on the uni stuff, then I might be able to upload quicker.
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violetnotez · 4 years
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(Requested) Hawks x reader
@chxcolxtemilk: Can I get an imagine with Hawks where the reader is his gf, and she got a BODY. She’s hourglass, slim thicc. Anyways. So during that intern arc where Bakugou and todoroki are like interning with Endeveour and it’s like a meeting and the work students are there and they all think reader fine af, but like mineta takes it overboard and hawks gets protective. Especially since readers hero costume shows off her curves please! Have a nice day ❤️
I read “slim thick” reader and my eyes went 👀👀👀-also sorry if this is a little wonky in the canon timeline cause my brain can’t function 😂😂
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⤷Word Count: 1200+ (?-Im just guessing here sidfnsdifiw)
⤷Warnings: Pervy Mineta, cursing, the usallllll
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Hawks stood in the back of the room, his arms crossed around his lean yet sturdy body, a smirk gracing his lips as he watched you speak with a loud welcoming voice to the newbies.
Hero schools across the nation were starting up their students for internships with hero agencies, and UA was no different. Countless teachers from that high school were shuffling their kids into agencies, and it was one of your duties to greet the students that were about to enter their internships for the other pros. It saved alot of time when one hero told the kids the do’s and don’ts of their internship, so you had sorta graciously took the role (you had lost a match of Rock Paper Scissors to Hawks and you were fuming).
Only you could make public speaking interesting to him-especially when you were in your hero suit (even if it sounded pretty perverted).
He couldnt help himself from letting his eyes wander around your frame- you were dating after all, it wasnt like you wouldnt want him to...but damn was that hero suit a blessing to his eyes. Whoever designed it, he wished he could perosnally thank them for making it so perfectly sexy on your frame.
 Your quirk relied on you to show a little more skin, as you needed to physically touch things in order to activate it. Which made it the perfect for Hawks (and others) to gawk at your curvacious figure- deep swoops on your chest, high cuts against your leg that showed off your hips, an expanse of the soft skin of your thigh….it was absolutely tantalizing to him and left his whole body throbbing every time he saw you in your suit.
Hawks felt his heart thump in his chest from the back of the room as he watched you bend down, apparently having dropped a piece of paper on the floor.
How you bent down gave the best view of your chest-the mounds pushed up so delciosuly he licked his lips from the sight- and then the nervous, innocent laugh you gave as you fiddled with your hair- god, you really just the most beautiful little birdie, werent you?
Hawks loveisck grin quickly melted away when he heard a slow whistle come from the seat in fornt of him- apparently somebody else found his little chickadee pretty too…
Immeidately Hawks felt his the feathers on his back ruffle- he usually wasnt protective at all, as long as  everyone knew that you were his and his only.
But oh, the moment he got a whiff of someone trying to flirt or be smitten with you-he immeidately did a 180, becoming fussy and dominant as he shielded you or sent the person a death glare behind a strained smile. 
“...could you imagine snuggling into her boobs? They must be so soft….” he heard a nasally, boyish voice whisper to his friend next to him, a few seats to his right.
Well-that was pretty fucking creepy.
Hawk’s head swiveled around, trying to find the voice. He was trying his best to not let his emotions do something rash-he didnt want to throw you off your task by doing something stupid. He was pretty known for his outgoing and filter-less peronality, so it was taking everything in him to just be calm for once, for your sake. Hawks quietly began to walk behind the seats of the kids, trying to find the owner of the voice.
“Ohhhh I would do anything for her if I could call her Mommy just once-”
The hell was this kid?! And how old was he to be making such nasty ass comments??
Hawks felt his cheeks flush, his eyes darting around, finaly landing on a student who seemed to be whispering to his friend with electric yellow hair.
He recognizied the kid with the bright hair- you had taken him on as a intern, his name was… Kalimari? Kanimari? 
He didnt quite remmeber, and frankly didnt really care that much as his eyes were trained on the kid next to him- he was so short, only his hair was visible from the seat- if you could it hair. Three balls of messy purple spheres were planted on his head as he leaned into the boy next to him.
“Hey Kaminari you think you wanna switch interns? Ill do anything, anything to just be next to her…”
“No way man!” the kid “Kaminari” whisiper yelled at him, “I landed a total babe as a intern, Im not loosing that-”
Hawks blinked a few times in complete shock- now this kid too! He knew you were a hit with the men (because hell he was a total fanboy before meeting you just because of how hot you were), but god he didnt realize you were popular with the teens too! It made sense, boys were pretty, well- interested- in women alot more at this age, but still- it bothered him how possessive he was getting because of these boys.
“Ahh please Denki!”
“Nah Mineta youre crazy!”
So his name was Mineta...Hawks leaned against the wall, his hands fidgeting as he tried to stay calm.
He might be petty enough to give a small call to his intern and see how he can make his life a little hellish….
Hawks drew his gaze back to you, hoping that maybe watching you speak will calm him down...but the kid wouldnt let up.
The whole time you were talking “Mineta” made every comment in the book, wondering “if you liked short guys”, “how big your butt was”, even asking if you had modeled lingerie….Hawks was pratically mortified for you.
Were all guys liked this? Cause god, if it was, he was going to have a problem...he felt his chest fluff out in dominance, his feathers pratically vibrating from agitation because of how possessive he was feeling and he couldnt do a single thing.
He watched you looked around the crowd, a soft radiant smile on your lips.
“Does anyone have any questions?” you asked as you peered up at the students.
Mineta instantly raised his hand, Hawks stomach churning with dread.
Unaware of the situation Hawks had just witnessed, you gave to boy a bright grin. 
“Yes?” you asked goodnaturedly.
Mineta sniffled, his voice nasally and somewhat desperate sounding. 
“Yeah I had a question- um, how big are you boo-”
Haha, nope.
Hawks instantly sent a bunch of feathers zooming towards Mineta, each one ramming into his open mouth. The force took over his frail body, the sight almost comical as his eyes grew wide with fear as he began to lean back, his pudgy hands flailing.
Hawks felt a small part of him inflate with dirty pride from his little trick, a lazy grin gracing his lips as everyone in the room turned around to watch him with complete shock.
“Sorry about that kiddos, had to just demonstrate somehting for you guys real quick...” Hawks looked down at you, your face blushing yet riddled with conufsion. He sent you a small smile, giving you a quick wink- “Ill tell you later” was written on his face as he turned his attention back to the students in fornt of him. 
“...when you intern with your heroes, show them some respect...cause words get around when you talk out of place-”
The Mineta kid turned around, sputtered coughs dribbling out of his mouth as he picked fluffs of feather off his tongue. His eyes widened as he turned around and realized what was going on, the #2 hero giving him the deadliest glare imaginable. 
Hawks could almost feel sympathy for the kid-almost. He must have realized who had shut him, after all, you two were dating (and Hawks had made sure that everyone knew that).
Hawks sauntered over, a dark grin wrapping against his complexion as he kneeled down to get to the kids level.
“I’d watch what you say, kid- my feathers can get sharper when I want them to,” 
A gulp could be heard from Mineta, his skin paling as the #2 hero, the one dating the pretty herione in front of him, had pretty much threatened him.
Yeah, he stayed quiet after that.
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Everything Taglist (All Fics, All Characters):
@bunnythepipsqueak​ @pasteldaze​  @ionlyspeakinmyheroacademia​     @notadrian​  @hithoeshi​ @sizzlingbarbarianglitter​ @sunnie-nugget​ @shoutosteakettle​ @we-mentally-unstable​ @sm0kingcrack​ @wesparklebitch @kac-chowsballs
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fawnydoe · 4 years
You know what’s messed up? Reginald could have just had Allison rumor Vanya into being able to control her powers but instead he just made her think she’s ordinary
idk if this is a hot take or not because i got into tua after all the hype but uh
I don’t think it was really about Vanya controlling her powers. Not to like...praise Reggie but in terms of training, I think he could have been able to teach her to control her powers. He trained not one, not two but six super powered kids! One of them having a portal for a Lovecraftian monster in his chest!
Could Reggie have trained her? I think so! So that begs the question, why didn’t he?
Pogo says that “people were getting hurt” which, other than blaming a literal four year old, is kinda bs to me. I mean, you really expect me to believe the other super powered toddlers in the house don’t have their own body count? That Luther didn’t break some nanny’s hand on accident? That once Allison figured out her powers, she didn’t use them to get what she wanted as a kid?? 
I also highly doubt Reggie actually cared too much about the nanny massacre, they went through what? Four?? Until he decided to take action?? Look man, I get three is the magic number in terms of testing for stuff but at the end of the day, Reginald was the one who kept hiring them and clearly didn’t warn them about what was triggering Vanya into flinging them away.
Reginald has no problem with his kids going overboard (the entirety of the bank scene is overkill which rlly deserves its own analysis dsjfksf). The moment he started to get concerned when that power was used against him.
During the training scene we see that she’s fidgety and distracted, which you know, she’s four(?) so of course she is. I can imagine the others were like this as well, they’re just kids so of course they aren’t laser-focused in one training. Reginald just seems irritated at this and trying to gain back control, which only adds to Vanya’s frustration. It’s the kettle metaphor, you can see the steam rising until it bursts.
So when the monocle cracks, the mood shifts. This is no longer just a training session, this is a realization for Reginald. Honestly, it kind of feels like this is the first time one of his little soldiers has used their powers against him, it’s almost as if he’s realizing that’s a possibility in the first place. 
So if Vanya had grown up and learned to control her powers, what’s really stopping her from going against Reggie? What control does he really have over her? She’s demonstrated as a child she’s got a defiant streak and one she can back up.
So why let her keep her powers when she could use them against him? Quash the rebellion before it starts: Strip her powers away, drug her until she’s numb, and then isolate her. Overkill but that sort of comes with being associated with the Umbrella Academy.
So I guess what I’m trying to say was that it was never about Vanya maintaining control over her powers, it was about Reginald maintaining control over Vanya. 
At least, that’s always been my interpretation haha thank you for the ask!
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years
Shannon! I have a question for today, it might be a little broad, but how did you come up with Natia’s character? :)
AMY!!! hello! sorry that i have *just* gotten to this as my weeks have increasingly gotten insanely busy between my job starting back up, school, college stuff, and ap exam chaos as well haha! i did this at about 11pm(?) and i'll be queuing it up for the morning for you, but outside of tumblr, i've thought a lot about this question and what i really wanted to include in this question. having almost spent 10 months spent writing and developing natia to who she is today makes a whole lot of stuff move through my brain when i go back to my developing stages for her! thank you for the question (and the broadness, never fear, i absolutely love it!)
Natia's character really came from the idea of just wanting to really push myself out of the box and *out there* to see what I could do. And I will say Landslide is one of my most *out-there* projects in terms of content - I mean we have Death as a personified character, crazy Agent Mortem, all these past connections to Natia? It's chaos haha! But, I had experimented previously with a partly Polish-OC, Hazel Parker of "The Soldier of Stars", and from that, I went, well there's no centrally focused Polish OC yet that I have seen (this was back in like June-July 2020 mind you, so there probably has been Polish OCs created since this time!!) and I had always felt that the Warsaw Uprising was inherently important! I also read up on the Polish Resistance and how they were the most effective resistance group of continental Europe during the war, with ultimately the Warsaw Uprising being their last final push that did sort of end that.
Something I've really enjoyed about creating Natia's character was putting a great focus on her flaws. Now, her strengths are just as important - she is a great soldier in the field, she's highly intelligent and can make quick decisions on the fly, she withholds a lot of strength when it comes to situations where she needs to focus, she's observant, and she keeps herself fairly humble when not bursting at the seems. She doesn't let herself get stepped over very often (unless it's Mortem) and if anything she will insert herself, and show what skills she has, but she won't go overboard. She's also passionate about her country and her people and she always has something to fight for and even when she feels all hope is lost, she withholds a tiny little sliver no matter what, even if she doesn't feel it. But her flaws I feel are a massive part of her character. She's stubborn, she won't let people help her, she has trouble expressing emotion, she numbs herself more often than not to not feel the pain that she is supposed to feel, she blames everything on herself, she gets hot-headed quite easily, and grows to the point of nearly irrational at some moments in time and even will let her emotions get the best of her in times like this. But that makes up who Natia is as a character and who she is as a person in general.
But even with the strengths and flaws of her character, it makes her very much still a human being. And that was one of my main goals when creating Natia - make her human enough to make that angst HURT, but make her human enough that when you see her succeed or even the little wins here and there, you want to cheer. Because those are human moments. And I know this sort of character creation is not for everyone, but for me over the past near-year, this has been one of my favorite things about creating Natia because I've found myself able to relate to her even though I'm so vastly different from her.
I did some research on a British-Polish SOE Agent, Krystyna Skarbek otherwise known as her alias Christine Granville and I took a few liberties from this amazing woman and used it on Natia. But things such as Agent Mortem, Death/War connection and the eventual introduction of another character Solomon Campbell (who will be in Part 3), as well as the Resistance group of Part 1 and her siblings and parents, are all more of my own ideas and connections!
Something I have had a LOT of fun doing is showing that even though on the exterior Natia seems cold-hearted and dark and numb, and whatever other *cold+dark* ideas can be thought up, she is very much underneath -- not that. We can see how much evidently she cares for someone like George Luz; I mean even Joe Liebgott has pointed it out to her. She always is just trying to do her best and do what is best in the situation - no longer it is about what is good or bad anymore to her, it's about doing what's best in the situation for the time being, and I really love that aspect of her character a lot! We can see that when the war ends, she wants to live on the English coast, far away from war all alone with a dog and even a little goat in a seaside cottage. She grew so attached to the word AWOL after Joe Toye came and sat with her that night in Holland and they talked for once about something other than war. She even withheld her name, her nationality and just about everything else to keep the idea of the cold-face agent she thought she was up so the men of Easy Company don't have to know the real her. But -- was it to protect her...or to protect Easy? All these little ideas I threw in there to show that she is actually, very, compassionate in many ways, and caring and attentive and observant of the men and women she works with.
I really try to show that Natia listens when she listens to someone speak and she observes and she pays attention more than anything. And she ends up, holding information like that close to her and finding comfort in it.
My goal with Natia was to show that there can be a balance to "the bad-ass fighter" idea who fights for what she believes, but also remain human as well. We can see how much things affect her, especially the loss of friends. Of course, she doesn't show this to other people, but to use as readers, we see this and we see her occasional breakdown - and in a way, she continues living on their legacies because she listened to what they had to say. For example, Zdzich told her to not let the war overtake her, and throughout the story so far, we've see her sort of repeat this to herself in various ways. Because Zdzich meant that much to her. She's lost so much by this point in war that almost it's so sad to see that she, from what we all know of BoB, still has to go through so much, but at that point, she's fought so much, that all she can do it keep pushing on with it.
I think one of the most interesting moments from writing Natia was when the first few chapters were actually uploaded on platforms and there was someone really coming after Natia for her decisions and for this, that and the other thing (amy if i vaguely remember i think you remember who this person is as well because you clapped back at them once, and man your response was GOLD!!!). One of those things was Natia's approach with food (TW: mentions of struggling to eat with food, references of depression and struggling to eat, mental health issues relating...) and the person who commented would always be saying something about how she needs to eat, and she needs to remain strong and she needs to snap out of it with her depression and all this other stuff and to be honest, I sort of sat there for a moment like??? But there's reasons WHY she's not eating? Why she's holding back? (And of course ones I had mentioned so...) But let's move on.
Mental health was a prevalent thing in World War 2, though it was not looked upon fondly and Natia essentially does have depression as well as a border-line eating disorder. And so when the comment said that she had to snap out of it, I don't know it sort of off-put me because I have family with both those disorders and they've had treatment for it for years and you can't just snap out of it. I really tried to stress that 'the snapping-out-of-it" does not work, and the person kept firing back a bit at it, so I just moved on from it and ignored it. Natia's struggle with eating, as one can see, also comes from the heavy guilt and grief that is slowly uncovered throughout the story of what Natia has done and what has happened throughout the course of the war to her. Natia's number one thing she constantly does and has now become the focus of many character relationships with her (ie Doc Gene Roe) is the clenched fists, that she squeezes until they bleed and eventually need wrapped up by the Doc. Something she also refuses to accept she has a problem with. As we can see, acceptance is a concept she struggles with more than anything and something she will essentially have to learn to simply, accept.
That's just sort of one of the many bits of information about her character that I added, especially in society today as mental health is so important and so I just wanted to share a bit of the backlash I got from someone for it. But I guess that's life, but I'll continue to write Natia Filipska as an OC who does struggle with depression because of her life in war.
Natia's character and her story is probably one of the most complex characters and stories I've written and crafted and created and I'm just extremely happy with how she ended up coming out in the end! I'm about to go and do some writing and editing for her and it's just so exciting writing her because of all these various levels she withholds and she slowly lets uncover as the story unfolds! I just love it! OH - and we can't forget about the infamous mentions of the piano....yep that'll be coming up soon haha!! <3
THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTION AMY!!! IT MEANT SO MUCH!!!! just getting to talk about Natia a little bit and her character and what my mind set was creating her - it means so much. my mindset with her is somehow always changing and shifting as she goes through her character arc throughout the story and how her developmental shifts and it's just something i really love and enjoy more than anything!!! <3 so thank you for letting me just talk about it for a little while as well as my thoughts and opinions, it means a lot :)
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broodingmuscle · 5 years
Lil Bro Muscles Up, Finale added
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Eighteen year old Jimmy looked in the mirror. Damn he looked good, he thought. Broad shoulders, nice muscles, damn handsome, if he said so himself. “Those Boston College girls won’t know what hit ‘em,” he growled. His beat up Corolla was all packed, all that was left to do was say goodbye to his lil bro, Roy. He felt a bit guilty leaving town for college. Nerdy Roy, only fifteen but going into his junior year since he skipped Grade Four, couldn’t count on the protection of his big bro anymore. He felt worse about leaving Roy to fend for himself than he felt about leaving Cindy, his girlfriend. She was hot, but he was going to be playing the field with college girls, he couldn’t stay attached to a high school senior.
“RoyBoy!” he yelled at his little bro as he stood at the front door. “Gonna miss you, bro! You gonna be okay?”
“Don’t worry about me, Jimmy,” his lil bro smiled. “I’m gonna use your weights in the basement to get big and strong, like you!”
Jimmy looked at the scrawny limbs of his shrimpy lil bro. He grabbed his upper arm, which was so thin, Jimmy’s fingers touched when he closed his hand. Those little dumbbells in the basement might not be up to the task. “Alright, RoyBoy, I wanna feel some muscle here when I come back for Columbus Day weekend.”
Roy winced. “You know they’re calling it Indigenous People’s Day on college campuses now, right, bro? Maybe it’s me that needs to worry about you, dummy!”
Jimmy laughed and picked his lil bro up and threw him over his shoulder, then spun in place like a helicopter. Roy giggled and yelled. “Put me down you big goof!”
Jimmy dumped him on floor and towered over him, flexing his biceps. “That’ll teach you to call your big bro a dummy.” Roy grinned and stood up, losing his balance. Jimmy righted him by putting his hand on his skinny shoulder. So thin, he thought.
“Okay, RoyBoy, I’m outta here. You do your workouts and make sure Mom feeds your skinny ass.”
He stuck out his hand to his bro, and Roy looked at it funny, but then shook it. They’d never shook hands before, and Jimmy noted that weirdly, his hand was only slightly bigger than Roy’s.
“You hear me?” Jimmy warned with a grin.
Roy squeezed Jimmy’s hand and cocked an eyebrow. “I’ll make you proud, big bro.”
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Jimmy pulled up into the driveway at 11 PM after a five hour drive had turned into an eight hour drive due to an accident on the interstate. He was irritable that he missed dinner with the fam. He’d been more homesick than he expected going to college. He was looking forward to hanging out with his lil bro and folks, and maybe even calling up Cindy. With his good looks, he’d scored a lot of sex in his first month on campus at BC, but it all felt kind of empty. He realized that he’d had more of a connection with his high school girlfriend than he thought. He hadn’t texted her though, he thought they should talk in person.
Jimmy opened the front door with his key and all was dark and quiet inside. He walked into the kitchen where his mother had left a plate of food and a note:
“Welcome home honey! Too tired to wait up. Reheat this 2 min on high. Guest bedroom all made up for you. Sleep well and see you in the morning! xoxo”
Jimmy put the plate of food in the microwave and then looked at the note again. Guest bedroom? Is that what they were calling his bedroom now? Geez, he’d only been gone six weeks. The microwave dinged and he tested the food but it was only lukewarm, so he put it in another two minutes and then picked up his duffel bag and went upstairs to drop it in his room.
As he opened the door he practically gagged at the smell. The room reeked. Jimmy covered his mouth and nose with his hand. He looked around and saw that the furniture and posters on the walls were those of his lil bro Roy. “What the hell?” he thought.
There were dirty clothes strewn everywhere, as well as wadded up balls of tissue paper. Gross! He picked his way across the cluttered room to open the window. At least now there was some flow of air.
“Jimmy, you’re home!”
He turned to see his lil bro Roy at the door. Before he could say anything Roy had crossed the room in an instant and hugged his big bro tight.
“RoyBoy! It’s good to see you!”
Roy’s hug was so touching, Jimmy couldn’t be mad at him for taking his old room. Roy’s head was plastered against Jimmy’s t-shirt and his sweaty arms wrapped around his chest.
“But, man, lil bro. You stink!”
Roy let go of his tight hug and looked up into his big bro’s eyes. His face was sweaty and his brown hair was soaked.
“Ugh, I know, sorry Jimmy. I just ran all the way from Cindy’s.”
Cindy’s place was at least six miles from here. “What were you doing there?”
“We’re doing a school project together.”
Jimmy frowned. “But she’s a senior.”
“Oh yeah, I guess you wouldn’t have heard. I’m skipping Grade 11. That shit was just too easy for me.”
“Language, RoyBoy!” Jimmy was amazed and proud of his lil bro’s news, but he’d never known him to swear.
“Haha Jimmy you’re funny. You look good, big bro, you still working out?”
Jimmy laughed. “Of course, kiddo, it’s a lifestyle y’know.”
“Show me, big bro!” Roy gripped Jimmy’s right upper arm and squeezed.
“Oww, quit it!”
“Sorry big bro, did that hurt?”
Jimmy pulled his arm way. “Of course not, smelly! I just wasn’t flexing.” Jimmy put his hand around his lil bro’s arm. He could still make his fingers touch. “And I thought you were going to put on some muscle yourself while I was gone. You slacking, lil bro?”
“As if, big bro. It’s just that...”
In a flash, Roy pulled off his red t-shirt.
“...I wasn’t flexing!”
Jimmy stepped back and looked at his lil bro. He still looked skinny, but it almost looked like he had abs now. Then Roy flexed his arms and the muscles popped out.
Jimmy smiled. “Good for you, bro, you got little biceps!”
Roy grinned. He relaxed his arms and then flexed his right biceps right in Jimmy’s face. Was it Jimmy’s imagination or did it peak a little higher? “Feel it bro.” Roy said, excited.
Jimmy hesitated. The stench from Roy’s armpit, which had a tangle of dark hair in it now, was overpowering. “Nah, man.”
Roy suddenly looked angry. “I said feel it!” His voice this time was deeper, and insistent.
Jimmy immediately put his hand to his lil bro’s arm.
“What the fuck.”
Roy smirked. “Language, Jimmy.”
“Dude that is solid as a rock.” Jimmy couldn’t believe what he was feeling. Though it was small, Roy’s arm was all hard muscle. He couldn’t so much as dent the peak of the little biceps with his fingers.
Roy raised at eyebrow at Jimmy’s efforts. “Try both your hands.”
“Smartass!” Jimmy brought his other hand up, and pushed both his thumbs into the top of the muscle, while gripping the rest of his arm with his fingers. But Roy didn’t cry out as Jimmy expected. He just grunted and flexed harder, his face reddening. Jimmy started to sweat from the effort of trying to crush his lil bro’s muscle with both hands. Finally he felt a cramp in his hand and stopped.
Roy beamed while Jimmy shook out his hand. “I told you I was gonna make you proud, big bro!”
“That’s pretty great, bro.“ Jimmy said weakly. “You know, I’m beat after that long drive, let’s catch up more in the morning.”
Roy’s face broke out into a grin. “Sure thing, Jimmy! Let me take your bag to the guest room.” Roy dropped his t-shirt amid the smelly detritus on the floor and picked up Jimmy’s big duffel bag with one arm. He hauled it over his shoulder, and turned back to his brother. Now Jimmy could see he had triceps and well as biceps, and his dark pit hair was shiny with sweat from his six mile run. From my ex’s place. Jimmy remembered.
Jimmy gulped. “Thanks bro.”
Roy crossed the hall and opened the door to his old room, which their mother had done up as the guest room. Jimmy stepped in and frowned. The whole bedroom was pink. “Are we getting a little sister, or something, bro?”
Roy laughed. “Naw big bro, Mom just went a little overboard with the re-decorating.” He tossed Jimmy’s duffel bag on the taffeta bedspread. “See you in the morning big bro, sweet dreams.”
“Thanks bro, it’s good to be home.”
The door closed and Jimmy looked around the utterly unfamiliar room.
He took off his t-shirt and sniffed at the pits. Despite eight hours sweating in the car all he could smell was his deodorant. Then he put his nose lower down the side of the shirt where Roy had hugged him with his sweaty arms.  The stench was awful.
Jimmy looked up and and said out loud:
“What the fuck is happening?”
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Jimmy insisted to his family that he was “too busy” to make it home for his lil bro Roy’s sixteen birthday, and made the same excuses for Thanksgiving. It was only on the long drive home for Christmas break that he really thought about the Columbus Day weekend visit and what it meant to him. He had always been the Golden Child in the family. First born, a good-looking athletic blond kid who grew up to be a handsome leader and Prom King in high school. Then to find coming home after only six weeks away to see his lil bro had taken over his old bedroom, and was spending time with his ex-girlfriend. Even if it was just for a school project, that seemed awkward, and Cindy had completely brushed him off when he’d tried to contact her. Admittedly, Jimmy had dumped her, so he had no right to expect she come running when he called. But, Jimmy had never begged a girl for sex in his life; he had sex thrown at him almost daily by horny undergraduates.
And then there was that weird thing with Roy’s hard little biceps. Jimmy had gone around to all his gym buddies after he got back to campus and made bets that he could crush their biceps. Most of them he could make cry out in pain with just one hand, let alone two hands, and none of their muscle felt as diamond hard as Roy’s had felt. The whole thing still weirded him out two months after the fact.
As he pulled into his suburban neighborhood, off the main road, his car died. Damn, Jimmy thought, this visit is off to a great start. After the long drive, he didn’t want to have to deal with tow-trucks and mechanics tonight. He phoned his Dad and asked him to come down the road and help him push the car the half-mile or so to the driveway.
“I’ll send Roy,” his Dad said.
“Well, I don’t think Roy’s going to be able...” Jimmy started to reply, but his Dad had already hung up.
Jimmy sat in the car as the temperature within started to drop, with no heater to keep the cold at bay. He began to shiver. Tired, he closed his eyes briefly as he thought. What’s taking him so long?
He was woken up by a rap on the window. Jimmy rolled the window down and his lil bro Roy’s face appeared, with a big smile. Wearing a Santa hat and a ski jacket, he leaned his arms onto the window sill.
“Merry Christmas, Jimmy! What’s up bro? Car trouble?”
“RoyBoy! It’s so good to see you!” Jimmy felt his irritation melting away as he stared at his lil bro. His smile seemed to light up the inside of the car, and Jimmy realized that he’d missed him despite all the weirdness of the last visit. “Yeah, this damn Corolla is on its last legs.”
“What a coincidence, today is leg day!” Roy said, and Jimmy looked puzzled. “Put her in neutral.” Jimmy did so and then reached for the door handle. But Roy put his hand on the sill. “No need, I got this.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, it’ll take the two of us to push.”
“But there’s a turn before we get home, you’ll have to steer.”
“Well then you get in and steer.” Jimmy said, he pulled on the door handle, but the door didn’t budge.
Roy stared at him, smirking. “Bro, I said I got this.”
Jimmy figured the door must be frozen shut. He sat back. “Okay,” he said, “I’ll steer, lil bro.”
Roy went to the rear of the car and Jimmy rolled up the window. He could tell that Roy had grown a little taller since he last saw him, and his face was leaner and more handsome. But even if he’d been working out (”Leg day” he’d said.) he’d never be able to push the car on his own. What was he thinking? Jimmy pulled out his phone to call his Dad again, but stopped dialing when the car started to move.
“I’ll be damned.” he said.
At first the car moved quite slowly, but it began to pick up speed. Jimmy looked behind him but all he could see was the red of the Santa hat. What a goofball, Jimmy smiled. He looked back to the front just in time to see the first turn coming up. He cranked hard on the steering wheel. With no power steering, it took some muscle. Took some muscle, he thought, mentally comparing the task of turning a steering wheel with his brother pushing a ton of steel and glass down a snowy road.
The snowy road. Oh shit. Jimmy realized, there was a stop sign coming up, and there were no power ABS brakes. Roy had got the car going at a good clip, and the brakes would no doubt lock. He tried the brakes, pushing down hard on the pedal, and that was exactly what happened.  Jimmy panicked as the stop sign approached fast, and he saw a speeding truck coming from the left. If they couldn’t stop they’d be t-boned. Jimmy threw himself into the back seat and pounded on the rear windshield to get Roy’s attention. He saw Roy’s face pop up under the Santa hat and then suddenly disappear. In what he thought were his last moments alive, Jimmy was glad that Roy had saved himself.
Then the car stopped dead and the truck roared past.
Jimmy looked out the front windshield and gasped. He opened the car door and jumped out, not sure what he was seeing. Roy was at the front of the car, arms outstretched, hands on the hood, legs bent. He stood up, breathing hard. Jimmy realized with a shock that they were now the same height.
“That was close, huh? Good thing I wore my good boots.” Roy grinned.
Jimmy was stunned speechless. Roy had- had run to the front of the car and stopped it with his bare hands with a truck bearing down on them?  How was that possible?
Roy guided Jimmy back into the front seat. “You’re in shock. Just get in, bro, I’ll take it from here.”  Jimmy sat dumbly in the front seat as Roy pushed the car the rest of the way. When they got to their house, Roy opened the door. “Home sweet home, bro. Does your garage opener still work?” Jimmy nodded silently. Roy reached in his arm and pressed the device clipped to Jimmy’s sunvisor. Jimmy felt like he was sitting in a room in the back in his head and observing what was happening on a TV screen. Roy’s right arm turned the steering wheel and Jimmy was sure he could see the muscles of his arm working under the padding of the ski jacket, but he didn’t see how that was possible. Roy guided the car into the garage of the family home and then offered a hand to his brother.
Jimmy got out and stood in one spot looking around the garage. There was barely room for his car because the rest of the garage was filled with gym equipment. A weight bench, a squat rack, barbells and dumbbells, and lots and lots of iron plates. Roy closed the door and saw his brothers look. “Pretty sweet, huh, bro? Can’t wait until we can get a workout in together.” He slapped his brother on the back and guffawed. “Hey I guess we just did, right bro? I’m sweating like a pig.”
Jimmy huffed his breath, which formed a small cloud in the sub-zero chill. He started to feel a rush of blood to his ears as his brother zipped open his ski jacket and shrugged it off. He was shirtless beneath, and was so perfectly proportioned and shredded that Jimmy didn’t know where to look first. At his broad shoulders with their rounded delts? His pecs, two slabs of muscle like armour plating that were dusted with black chest hair. At his abs, which looked carved from steel?
Then, Jimmy saw it... The sweat from Roy’s exertion pushing the care was evaporating off his astonishing physique, visible in the chilly air of the garage. 
His lil bro was so hot, he was literally steaming.
Roy stood there smiling for a minute until he saw Jimmy’s face, then he reached toward him. “You okay bro?” The motion caused his pectoral muscles to bounce.
“Oh God...” Jimmy said. Then everything went black and he fainted.
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Jimmy had reached that point; he had brought his personal trainer Orlando to tears.
 “I don’t know what you want! I’ve trained you for four months and there’s only so much I can do!”
 “It’s not enough! It won’t be enough; I can feel it!” Jimmy raged.
 “You’re more jacked than me! You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met! I jack myself raw every night thinking about your golden perfection! What do you want? The angels to weep in envy?”
 Jimmy spat in Orlando’s face and walked away. “Waste of my fucking time and money.”
 But as Jimmy rode in the cab from the airport, he wondered. He felt up the heft of his pecs and the hard roundness of his delts. Would it be enough? He had certainly sacrificed enough. He’d focused so much on working out he’d failed his courses. With all his extra dough gone to supplements and Orlando’s useless personal training fees, he couldn’t afford to re-take his year and had to transfer to the state university and move back home. Meanwhile his brother Roy, and his ex Cindy, had gotten into MIT. He laughed bitterly. Guess I’ll get my room back.
 As the cab pulled up to the family home, Jimmy got out, pulling out his bags. The garage door was open, and he stepped up to edge, but couldn’t bring himself to enter. The man in the garage was repping the bench press with one and a half times Jimmy’s personal best on the squat. Plus there were heavy link chains added to each side of the bar that clinked in the spring air. Jimmy allowed himself to wonder, for a tantalizing few seconds, whether this was a new bodybuilding neighbor, maybe his Mom’s new lover, anybody but the man he knew it exactly to be. Man. Jesus fuck he’s only 16! He watched those pecs, covered in black hair, inflate from thick plates into rounded boulders at the top of the rep. He observed those deep armpits, each with more hair in them than he had on his chest. Yes, a man.
 He turned away from the garage and went in the front door. He dropped his bags, keeping only his laptop bag and went up to the emasculating pink guest room, ignoring his mother’s question: “Jimmy is that you?��
 He opened his laptop and logged into the wifi. He needed answers. Why? He suddenly remembered Abigail, that British chick who constantly talked about literature, and called out his name as she rode his cock. What was it she had said that time after they’d fucked? Something about names? “Names tell you all. Your name it your destiny.” Huh.
 He typed into Google: “Meaning of name Jimmy”
 He squinted at the answer: “Diminutive of James.”
 He typed into Wiktionary: “Diminutive”
Answer: “Extremely small, tiny.” Fuck.
 He typed again: “Meaning of name James”
 “English version of Hebrew Jacob. Examples from history: James the Lesser.”
 He stared blankly at the screen. Eventually he typed:
 “Meaning of name Hebrew Jacob.”
 Answer: “Envious of hairy brother. Heel grabber.”
 Jimmy nodded feeling a sense of relief. He felt his hands tremble as he typed, finally:
 “Meaning of name Roy.”
 Jimmy stepped into the garage. He stood calmly while his brother Roy rose from the bench. His body unfurled itself in its majesty until he was several inches taller, a foot wider and utterly superior in every possible way. Roy raised his arm to rub his neck as he greeted his bro, now clearly the “lil bro”.
 “Hey bro.”
 Jimmy leaned in slightly and sniffed, absorbing some of his brother’s testosterone funk.
 Then he bent the knee.
 “My king.”
 The End.
[Inspired by @theobromic​‘s amazing commission!]
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atinykidult · 4 years
The Wind in His Ears — Choi San
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[angst w/fluff] [2221 words] — A prompt taken overboard, wherein San loses his heart but finds it again. Disbandment!au, be warned. No tws except for loneliness (and reference of sex, I guess)
[prompt] — Travel!au, strangers to lovers, “That was a very bad idea. 0/10 would not recommend.”
[dedication] — If you like soft or sexy stuff please check out @sanflowerseeds‘s works! They’re phenomenal (and written by an also phenomenal person!) I’m so sorry this took so long! I love you, Nanda, and hope you’re doing well!
[a/n] — This may be my worst fic ever, bc it has gone through so many directional changes. But it’s been a WIP so long, I just wanted it posted haha If you have time, please leave me some notes on what went wrong/right! Thank you for reading!
When Choi San hits his mid-thirties and feels his joints crackle a few decibels too loudly, he knows his body won’t take much more. So when their second round of contract negotiations roll around, his decision has already been made for him. 
But when Hongjoong delivers the official group stance, his heart still cracks.
And when they have their final performance, San’s the last one to cry.
Because his tears will last the longest.
The crack in his heart spreads into a veritable canyon in his world.
A scattering wind blows through that empty cavern, pulling Hongjoong to mentoring a new rookie group and Jongho to OST deals. But San gets to stand with Yeosang at his wedding; he grabs coffee with Wooyoung every other week, usually...
So San pretends he’s fine for six months.
After all… Mingi sends memes to the group chat all the time—
And Seonghwa makes sure to Facetime regularly—
San wanders the streets of Seoul, hands stuffed in his pockets, the loud wind in his ears for his only company. At home, whenever he stands up stiffly, there’s only him to laugh at his cracking joints. Well… he laughs at himself, to begin with. Then he doesn’t laugh.
One day, he’s wandering the streets again when he sees it. An ad for a travel agency.
There’s only wind in his ears as he considers it.
“A toast to San!” announces Hongjoong, voice forcibly cheerful. “Who’s going on a world tour!”
Eight glasses are lifted in the air; seven pairs of eyes look incredibly worried.
Someone wraps themselves around San as other voices chime in.
“San, fighting!”
“Let’s gooo!”
“World travel!” someone shouts in English.
San’s heart both heals and breaks again as he looks at his seven friends who dropped everything to wish him well.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” he tells them wetly.
Maybe it’s Jongho’s knowing eyes that make him shed the first tear.
Maybe it’s how the others all know how much he’s hurting, and how utterly relieved San feels to be back with these seven other people.
No matter the reason, San cries at this moment, clinging to his former groupmates as they hug him goodbye. There’s promises to text, proclamations of staying up just for video chats. There’s also seven whispers of the same sentiment: I hope this can help you heal.
He meets you in a coffeeshop. Your coffeeshop, actually.
It’s his second visit, and for some reason, it’s one of his favorite places he’s found in his travels. Something about its atmosphere draws him in. The warmth. The way it has nooks where he can sit and people-watch. The way the food tastes nearly perfect every time. The way it’s so empty when he comes in for his breakfast.
The way it’s just a minute’s walk from his hotel.
Correction: It is his favorite establishment he’s found in his grand travel.
The “grand travel” hasn’t been so grand. He’s jumped around the world a little, going wherever the wind blows, renting a room for however long the wind calms down. Leaving for the next city or town whenever it gets worse.
On good days, he can look around himself and feel his heart stir a little. Because he’s gotten to see some incredible things.
On bad days, he can feel the wind utterly drop. When it does, he’ll look around himself. He’ll wonder if he really wanted to see Canada that one time. Or if he just chose a country 12 hours different from Korea because maybe, just maybe, flipping his clock completely could flip his life around, too.
Today’s one of the better days, actually.
As he hands you his payment, you offer small talk.
Ask about his day.
He tells you he’s fine, that he could be much worse off, truly believing it. (But also believing he could be much better off, too.)
Something in your gaze seems to understand him.
“And how’s your day?” he offers, his pronunciation a little messy.
“It exists,” you reply. 
A mirror of him, at heart.
He comes into your coffeeshop the next day and knows it’s just going to be a daily thing until he leaves this city.
That one booth in the back left corner… It has good seats.
As he settles down with the same order he had gotten the last two days, he catches your eye. Smiles with his lips.
And something about that one thing makes him realize.
He hasn’t truly had anything like this in a while. The same food, three days in a row. Someone who’s met his eyes, three days in a row.
It’s another good day.
The howling wind grows just a little quieter.
“Two orders of today’s special and an einspänner?” you ask as he moves to the counter.
His eyebrows furrow. “Oh?”
“You’ve been here three days straight, exact same order,” you smile, “first customer of the day.”
“Ah.” He takes a moment to gather his words, unsure if this was accusatory or just observation. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I can—”
“No! It’s, ah, it’s nice. You’re always very pleasant, to me.” He recalls that first encounter, how you had seemed to understand the weight of his few words. “Are you a tourist? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before this week.”
“You could say so.”
“Any plans for today?”
The wind pushing him around never made plans.
“Not really,” he admits.
“Taking it as you go?”
“You could say so.” He notices how you look at him with a measuring look. One that makes him feel seen, and he hasn’t felt that way for a very long time. But it isn’t an unwelcome feeling. “Do you have any recommendations? On what to do? Things you like?”
You smile bittersweetly. “I have some ideas.”
“Can you tell me a few?” The words come out of San’s mouth without thinking.
At that moment, the door opens with a whoosh, and another customer steps in.
“Tell... tell you what,” you say. “I have an employee coming in in half an hour. If you would like the company, I can give you those suggestions over a second cup of coffee?”
Meeting your eyes, something in him feels like hiding. But something else in him leaps at the offer. “I’m a slow eater. So yes.”
You smile again, a little wider.
His lips, too, twitch upwards of their own volition.
That day, San makes an itinerary for the first time on his trip—and, maybe, a friend.
After a long day of hiking, San collapses on his hotel room bed and feels a stirring of optimism in his chest. The weariness in his bones almost feels familiar. He had collapsed like this many times after concerts or performances.
He stares at the ceiling, consciously wondering for the first time on this trip, if he’s ready to face the wind.
His eyes land on his suitcase.
His hands move to unpack it.
And the wind in his ears, again, gets a little quieter.
As he walked into your coffeeshop the next day, he asks you to sit with him from the get-go.
You peer into his eyes, spotting equal measures of hope and uncertainty, and immediately drop your paperwork. “Of course.”
His conversation is nice; his personality is nicer. (Possibly his skin is nicest, but that’s irrelevant.)
Your conversations continue, and by the tenth day, you’re sharing the thoughts that sometimes scare you. From your worries about disappointing everyone to wondering if your degrees even mattered... you spill it all out. He does the same.
Which is scary, because you’ve only known him for ten days. Seven, really.
Based on the way he’s ducking his head right now, his story hanging in the air sadly, he must feel similarly.
(He hasn’t told anyone about his story, his sad state, since he left Korea. He doesn’t share every detail, but he says enough that both he and the wind in his ears feel very shaken.)
Forty minutes later, he stands to leave, and you hear some joints crack.
“Maybe the chiropractor?”
His smile in response is remorseful.
You stand, too, and feel your neck crack a little.
“Maybe we both can go?”
And the smile is a little less sad.
You have known San for two weeks now, and today, he enters the shop much more confidently than usual. With a shy smile (but genuine, you realize), he shows you pictures of a lake you had directed him to. He had caught it on a good day. As he lets you scroll through the pictures, you find that someone must have taken his picture for him.
You want to say something meaningful as you study the way his skin has grown so golden in these two weeks. The way his smile reaches his eyes.
“You look nice here,” you say simply.
That shy smile turns larger.
You don’t know if this is a bad habit, dropping everything to share breakfast with San every morning. But, what did it hurt anything? After you asked your employees to come in early to cover for you, they agreed too quickly.
Because they are amazing humans, you think.
And because they are ridiculous humans, they smile knowingly at each other as either you or him look at the other for a moment too long.
And, because you both are pathetic, San and you never notice.
By the third week, you wonder why you haven’t exchanged phone numbers.
Naturally, then, you laugh and casually give him your number after he admits getting lost yesterday.
“I know you’re not a damsel in distress or anything, but next time… just call me if you get lost.”
He doesn’t mean to look at you so intently after that, but he does.
You don’t look away.
Swallowing, he wonders if you can see the lingering sadness he feels, the wind still throwing him off balance sometimes. The weight of knowing how worried his hyungs are for him, the fear that he had done something to his body when he was younger, so it was all his fault somehow...
But as your gaze slips to his lips for just a moment, he also wonders if you are seeing what thousands of fans had once seen. Something worthy.
When your gaze moves back to his eyes, and you start talking about nonsense, he knows: You could see it all, and more, even.
San feels something stir in his chest, something warmer and kinder and more enticing than the thrall of dancing to thousands of cheers. 
When he finally finds it in himself to say goodbye, he can’t help but ask. “Can I call you when I’m not lost, too?”
Three days after that, San wakes and feels an impossibly strong urge to sing. Just something bright and loud. Something hopeful.
He pictures your coffeeshop and your face.
And he feels himself smiling widely.
Opening his phone, his fingers type faster than the wind:
Heading your way in 10 :)
That weekend, you go drinking together.
You’re both tipsy, sitting in a bar booth with your sides pressed together, and everything comes to head.
You’re both tipsy and warm, filters long lost, when San pours out the rest of the story to you. The side of the story that the wind in his ears usually hid in white noise.
It’s a euphoric story with deafeningly beautiful highs, but also a heartbreaking one with devastatingly ugly lows. But as he pours out the joys of standing on stage, of the laughter-filled, starlit walks back to the dorms, you know it was worth it to him.
And you also come to know, he didn’t choose to quit.
He keeps pouring drinks; keeps pouring out his emotional, earnest soul.
Midway through the night, your dulled head has just enough awareness to realize you are in love with that soul.
And as you have to wave away another glass, you will always hold onto the magnificent moment when he admits: “But I don’t feel sad about any of it when I’m with you.”
The next day, you wake up at your place. San’s lying beside you.
“Morning,” he groans.
If your head and body didn’t hurt so much, that alone would have inspired you to restart last night’s activities. 
“Everything hurts,” you groan.
Your legs are slightly brushing each others, but your torsos aren’t touching. It makes you feel sad. Then something in you melts when he shifts his weight closer to you so they are.
“Are”—you yawn—”we going to that… ugh…. waterfall today?”
“Not after last night.” He buries his face against your hair.
“Yeah…” Your head throbs, and you groan again. “That was a very bad idea, 0/10 would not recommend.”
San makes an offended sound in the back of his throat. “The alcohol or the sex?”
Yawning again, you can barely reply. “You know which one.”
He kisses your head and yawns as well. “Let’s do it again sometime.”
“But... not right now.”
After yawning together, he chuckles against your hair. “Yeah, sleep... for now.”
As you both close your eyes again, San can only hear two things:
One, the steady rhythm of your breathing.
Two, the soft hum of your ceiling fan.
He falls asleep knowing:
There’s no wind.
[ateez taglist] — @seongghwaa​ @s1ardusk​ @yunwoo​​ @toffee-hwa​ @yunhowhoitiss​ @sippn-the-tae​ @yeocult​ @barsformars​ (thank you for your support! I love y’all so much!!! <3 <3 <3)
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hello! this gift is for @sanderssnoots! i had. so much with this ngl, may have gone a little overboard but aaa. i tried to incorporate all three of the prompts and hopefully this turned out ok haha. i really hope you enjoy this dude ^^
summary: after moving to a new school in an old city, virgil meets remus, a particularly attractive fellow who seems familiar somehow...
TW: Panic attack, Remus, threats, homophobia, curing
"Breathe for me," a muffled voice said.
Virgil closed his eyes, wishing for everything to just stop.
"C'mon, count with me," the voice said, clearer now. It was soothing, calming, real. Not like the other voices Virgil was hearing.
The voice began to count and Virgil attempted to copy it in his head. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Wait. He knew these numbers. He was supposed to breath, wasn't he? That's what the voice had told him to do.
He continued to count and tried to get a steady breathing pattern whilst doing so. In for four. Hold for seven. Out for eight. In. Hold. Out. In. Out.
He opened his eyes and his big brother was there besides him. Virgil collapsed into Remy, burying his head in his chest and breathing softly. Remy gently wrapped his arms around Virgil, circling his hands over his back in a comforting pattern.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Remy asked.
Virgil shook his head.
"Was it school again?"
Virgil did nothing, seemingly indicating to Remy that it was indeed school.
"It's okay, Virge. You'll be out of there soon."
Virgil leant his head against the window, feeling the vibrations as the car sped down the road. They were moving, finally. Moving to a new city - or an old city, really, back to where Virgil had grown up. He guessed that his family finally realised that things in their new city weren't going great, or maybe things weren't going great for them. Either way, Virgil was more than happy to be returning to his real home.
He glanced over at Remy, unable to decipher whether he was sleeping or not - despite it being close to midnight and not even summertime, Remy was still wearing his sunglasses. But Virgil noticed the side of Remy's lips tip up into a sort of smirk, so he assumed that his older brother was awake, and watching him.
The street lights blurred in front of him, casting neon lights into the air. It wouldn't be long until they were at the new house, and then soon after a new school, and maybe everything would go back to normal.
Virgil peeked into the classroom, glancing around to find the least threatening person there. It was half way through the year, so he imagined that there wouldn't be many options anyway, but he could try.
Somebody barged past him, causing him to stumble to the side. After that, he was pushed into the classroom by whoever followed, and forced to stand awkwardly at the front. Brilliant.
"Hey," a voice said from the front row, "are you lost?”
Virgil glanced down at the person sat there, trying not to show them any emotion. "No, I..."
"Oh, are you new?" they asked.
Virgil nodded.
"You can sit with me," they said, patting the seat next to them. "My desk-mate just left."
Not wanting to argue any further, Virgil quickly took the seat besides them. He let out a breath. Front row seat wasn't... ideal, but at least he wasn't intruding on somebody else. This person had wanted him to sit with them, right?
"I'm Patton," they introduced, grinning at Virgil.
Virgil offered a small smile back. "Virgil."
"Oh! My friend Logan always goes on about a poet with that name-"
Patton went on to talk to Virgil about their friends, and about the school, and Virgil allowed himself to kick back and listen. He supposed they already had their own friends, their own life, and that was fine - Virgil wasn't really planning on making loads of friends, only planning to not make a complete fool of himself and end up making loads of enemies. And maybe Patton couldn't help with the friend situation, but they could certainly protect him for a little longer, at least for this hour...
"I'm sure they wouldn't mind you sitting with us for lunch, either," Patton said.
Virgil blinked. What? "Really?"
"Of course! Unless you have other friends, that is."
"I wouldn't want to intrude."
"You won't be intruding," Patton said, laughing. "I'd certainly be happy to have another friend around!"
Christ. This person was too friendly for their own good.
"Alright, then," Virgil said anyway, "thanks."
Patton grinned. "No problem!"
Virgil threw his backpack to the floor as he entered his new house, stepping into the living room only to be ambushed by Remy and tackled onto the sofa. For a moment, his body went into shock, before his reflexes kicked in and he kicked Remy off the sofa.
"Hey!" Remy protested.
Virgil stared at him, mouth open wide. "You're the one who tackled me onto the sofa!"
"You didn't have to kick me, though!" Remy scrambled back to his feet and sat on the sofa besides Virgil.
"That kick was utterly deserved," Virgil said, determinedly.
Remy sighed. "Well. Maybe you're right."
Virgil smirked. "Of course I'm right."
"How was school?" Remy asked, immediately changing the conversation.
Virgil shrugged. "Okay. Better, I think."
"Made any friends?"
"Kinda?" Virgil hummed. "Sat with a couple people at lunch. One's in my classes - Patton, their name is."
"Patton?" Remy considered that for a moment. "Sounds nice."
"Yeah." Virgil leant back. "You?"
"Oh, you know me," Remy said. "I'm already the most popular guy in my year."
Virgil rolled his eyes. "As if. Tell me the truth."
Remy looked kindly offended. "Hey! I'm good at socialising!"
Virgil raised an eyebrow skeptically.
"Okay, maybe I'm a bit of a disaster," Remy admitted. "But! I did meet up with some friends from before and I think I'll be able to reconnect with them."
"Oh! That's good!" Remy's life really was well more put together than Virgil's. He'd managed to stay in contact with his friends from before, something that Virgil had tried but ultimately failed to do. Of course, it would have helped if he had any good friends from before, or even just somebody who did more than just tolerate him. But it was whatever. Most people probably didn't recognise him now, let alone remember him.
"Well," Remy said, "maybe you can invite some of those new friends round."
Virgil laughed.
"What? I'm being serious!"
"I barely know them!" Virgil argued. "We're not on inviting-each-other-to-our-houses terms yet."
"Mom and Dad would get a kick out of it, though."
"They don't care," Virgil said. "As long as I'm emotionally stable, they won't care. Or, like, not on the verge of a breakdown."
Remy ruffled Virgil's hair. "They do care! I care, at least." He smiled. "I wanna meet them!"
"Absolutely not." Virgil crossed his arms.
Remy groaned. "Fine! I'll find them, though."
"How are you gonna do that?"
"I have connections."
"Like what?"
"I just made friends with this guy called Roman," Remy said. "He knows everybody."
Virgil giggled. "Well, good luck, then." He stood up. "Don't come in my room."
"You can't stop me!"
"I can!" He retreated upstairs.
Virgil glanced at a guy from the other side of the cafeteria. He had bleached blonde hair with the tips dyed a neon green, and wore a black denim jacket covered in band patches and pin badges. And Virgil couldn't stop staring at him.
"Who's that?" Virgil asked, turning to Patton. He had been sitting with them for a few days now, and was beginning to get the courage to actually talk to him.
Patton frowned. "Who?"
"Him," Virgil said, pointing to the guy and leaning in to Patton.
For a moment, Patton stared at the person too, before biting his lip. "Don't talk to him."
Virgil blinked. "Why?"
"That's Remus," Patton said. "Logan knows his brother. He, uh, well..." Patton hummed. "He's probably a nice person, but Logan's heard that he gets up to some... stuff."
"What kind of stuff?" Virgil wondered.
"Stuff that I probably shouldn't talk about in school," Patton said. "Just... I'd stay away from him, if I were you."
Virgil glanced down to the table, not really sure what to make of that. On the one hand, he somewhat trusted Patton, at least enough to believe their judgement, but on the other hand the guy didn't seem so bad. He looked like somebody that Virgil would get along with. Maybe someone he could get some fashion tips from.
But if Patton said he was bad, then maybe Virgil should listen. He had friends now, anyway. Things were gonna be okay.
"Hey," a person said, sitting down next to Virgil in the library. Virgil glanced at the newcomer, looking them up and down. They wore somewhat simple clothes - plain yellow t-shirt, black jacket, and a black beanie covering their natural blonde hair. Virgil noticed a few pin badges stuck to their jacket, including the bi flag and the nonbinary flag. He couldn't seem to stop staring at their eyes - one a light brown and the other a sickening shade of green.
"Hi?" Virgil whispered back, just slightly uncomfortable.
"You can call me D," they said, simply.
"I saw you staring at Remus last week," D continued.
Virgil blinked. "Oh."
"If you have a problem with him, then that goes through me, okay?"
Virgil frowned. "I don't have a problem with him."
D glared at him. "Why else would you be staring at him?"
"I..." Virgil shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't mean to. I just liked his jacket."
D didn't seem to know what to make of that. "Oh. So... you're cool with him?"
"I guess?" Virgil looked away. "I mean, I don't know him, exactly. But I have no reason to dislike him."
D hummed. "You're friends with Patton, right?"
"Kinda?" Virgil tapped his fingers on the table. "I've been sitting with them. They haven't been mean to me."
"Huh." D sighed. "Well, whatever." They stood up. "Stay away from Remus. You made him kinda uncomfortable."
Before Virgil had a chance to ask what D meant, let alone say goodbye, they were gone again.
Virgil walked into the kitchen to find his brother and... another person burning some pancakes. He didn't recognise the other person, but assumed he was in the same year as Remy. He wore a floor length red dress and an almost perfect smile on his face, despite the fact that the stove was very nearly on fire.
"Jesus Christ, Remy turn the heat down," Virgil said, rushing over to the stove and turning the heat down. "You're gonna burn down the house."
"No we’re not," the guest said. "If we cook at a higher temperature than the recipe says, the pancakes will be done quicker."
Virgil breathed in, deeply. "That- That isn't how cooking works."
"Of course it is!"
"Sorry, Virge," Remy said, taking the pan off the stove and turning it off completely. The pancake - or, at least, what could loosely be described as a pancake - was burnt to a crisp. "Roman and I were curious."
Virgil hummed. "Roman?"
"My friend," Remy said, grinning.
"He seems like a bad influence."
"Hey!" Roman exclaimed, looking highly offended. Virgil smirked a little, as it reminded him of his own brother.
"Who taught you how to cook?" Virgil asked.
"I did," Roman said, proudly.
Virgil snorted. "Well. Maybe get some actual lessons." He sighed. "I'll make the pancakes. You two stay far away from the stove."
Apparently not wanting to argue any further, Remy and Roman retreated to the table, whilst Virgil took over cooking, throwing out the burnt pancake and starting to make a fresh one. As he cooked, he half-listened to the conversation behind him, not really paying attention until-
"-my brother, Remus-"
"Remus?" Virgil repeated, glancing back.
Roman stared back at him. "Do you know him?"
Virgil hesitated. "We, uh, assuming we're talking about the same Remus, I haven't spoken to him, but I've heard about it, and seen him around..."
He put the final pancake onto the pile and moved them to the kitchen table, moving to grab three plates and a few toppings for the three of them to eat.
"Remus would probably like you," Roman said. "From what I've heard from Remy at least, it sounds like you two have a lot in common."
Frowning, Virgil replied, "Really?" He dragged a pancake onto his plate and drowned it in maple syrup.
"I mean, you listen to a lot of the same music," Roman said, shrugging. "He likes horror games. He dabbles in stage makeup."
"I don't dabble in stage makeup," Virgil said, noticeably not disagreeing with the rest.
"Oh my God, Roman, you should have seen him when he was fourteen," Remy said, leaning over the table closer to Roman. "I swear to God, I've never seen somebody wear so much eyeliner-"
"Shut up," Virgil said through gritted teeth.
"Honestly," Remy continued, "I don't think he's ever fully come out of his emo phase, but at least he's learned how much eyeliner is generally acceptable."
"I'm right here, you know."
"Oh! You should've seen Remus a couple years ago!" Roman chuckled. "He was very much falling with the eyeliner as well. And everything else. I had to teach him everything just so he wouldn't go out looking like a complete idiot."
Remy asked. "Wait, maybe you could give Virgil some tips!"
"I don't need any tips," Virgil said, dragging the plate of pancakes closer to himself so the other two would find it harder to reach them - a tiny act of revenge.
"Oh my God, I'd actually be so down to teach him, though! I could go through some cool eyeshadow stuff, like different colours and stuff, Remus and I did some pride flag ones a couple years ago when we went to a parade-"
Virgil stood up. "Okay, I guess I'll leave since you guys already think I'm not in the room." He made his way back to his bedroom, taking the plate of pancakes with him.
Virgil couldn't stop staring at Remus. He seemed to see him every single day, always walking in the same places, almost as if they were following each other. And Remus never caught him staring, but sometimes Virgil felt like he was staring back, even if Virgil himself couldn't see him in the area.
Patton and Logan stopped taking notice. For a while, they would ask Virgil about it, continuously warning him that Remus wouldn't be good for him. But soon they stopped. Maybe they realised that Virgil wouldn't stop.
And despite the fact that the two had never interacted, Virgil found himself completely obsessed with Remus. It almost scared him.
One day in Spring, a month or so after Virgil joined the school, he was standing alone in the hallway, waiting for Patton to leave their class, when somebody bumped into his shoulder. Adrenaline immediately kicked in as his brain told him that it was going to be exactly the same as last time, that the safety he was beginning to feel at this new school had been shattered, but then he saw who it was and he froze.
Remus stood a few steps away from Virgil, glancing back and smirking. He began to slowly walk down the hallway, glancing back every few seconds, almost as if he was expecting Virgil to follow.
He did. Virgil stalked behind him, still a few metres away. Remus sped up, and Virgil copied, following him until they had made it out of the school and round the corner, to a small garden behind the school. Remus sat down on a bench and looked Virgil in the eyes, patting the seat besides him. Frowning, Virgil went over and sat down.
"Hey," Remus said. "What's your name?"
Virgil blinked. "Uh, Virgil."
"Virgil," Remus whispered. "Huh. Roman mentioned a Virgil..."
"He- what?"
"Oh, nothing." Remus hummed. "Have you been following me?"
"I see you everywhere," Remus said. "D has, too. They were starting to get concerned-"
Virgil glanced down. "D spoke to me ages ago. They told me to stay away from you."
Remus raised an eyebrow. "Oh, did they? And yet you still continued to follow me everywhere?"
"I haven't been following you," Virgil said, truthfully. "I actually thought you were following me."
Remus laughed.
Virgil frowned. "What's funny about that?"
"Well, other than the fact that it is a tiny bit true, I just think it's funny that we both thought we had stalkers."
"I didn't think you were stalking me," Virgil said.
To that, Remus just smirked at him. Virgil tried his best to avoid his gaze.
"I know you from somewhere," Remus claimed.
Virgil fiddled with his fingers. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He hummed. "I can't... I've been trying to figure it out but can't for the life of me. You are new at this school, right? Like, you weren't just hiding?”
Virgil breathed in. "I'm new. But I lived in this city when I was younger."
Remus' eyes widened. "Wait, shit, are you Virgil Sanders."
Virgil glanced at him. "Yeah?"
"I'm Remus Prince," Remus said.
Virgil blinked. "Okay?"
"We... You went to Saint John's Elementary School, right?"
Virgil's eyes widened. "Wait, Duke?"
Remus held his arms out. "The one and only."
"Oh my God!" That's why Virgil couldn't stop staring at Remus. They were... God, Remus was...
Virgil didn't have many friends back in Elementary School. Well, he didn't have many friends period, but at least in Elementary School he had the fantasy gang.
He wasn't exactly friends with anyone in the fantasy gang. They would just play together during the breaks. He wasn't even sure on all of their names - none of them were in his classes, so he only ever spent around twenty minutes with them every day.
There weren't a lot of them. There was Virgil, playing the Knight, and the others - the Princess, the Dragon, the Queen and the King.
And then there was the only one that Virgil was particularly close to - the Duke.
In the fantasy world the six of them had created, him and the Duke spent a lot of time together, as both of them set off on the quest to save the Princess. They would often fight the Dragon side by side, and during scenes with just the royals they would both sit to the side and chat, with no real reason for them to join in on the action.
He remembered that the Duke liked swinging on the trees. There was one tree in the corner of the playground which had branches low enough to climb, so the Duke would make his way up there and hang upside, mostly just to make Virgil laugh. Maybe he realised that things weren't going great for Virgil, and that by doing that Virgil would gain a tiny bit of happiness. To be fair, it worked. Virgil himself never wanted to climb the tree, for fear that he might fall down, but that was fine - he enjoyed sitting at the bottom and watching the Duke from afar.
They never talked much about themselves, but sometimes Remus would mention his older brother, and Virgil would talk about his older brother too. A lot of the time, though, they'd just sit together under the tree as they watched the rest of the fantasy gang play, waiting for their own turn.
One day Remus leant his head on Virgil's shoulder, and that was the day that Virgil realised he had made a friend.
"We have a problem," Roman said, shoving Remy's school books out the way and sitting on the desk in front of him.
Remy looked up, looking slightly annoyed. "I was doing that, y'know."
"Okay, but I have tea," Roman said.
Remy immediately refocused his attention onto Roman. "Spill. Now."
"My brother has a crush," Roman began.
Remy hummed. "Yeah, not surprising."
"On your brother."
Remy slammed his hands on the table. "No way."
"Yes, way." Roman grinned. "Remus and Virgil are in love and they're both too dumb to realise it."
"How do you know?" Remy asked.
"I'm an expert on romance, obviously."
Remy rolled his eyes. "Seriously. Has Remus said anything?"
"Well, no, not exactly, but-"
"We've gotta be sure," Remy interrupted. "I wouldn't... Virgil's already been through so much."
"I'm sure that Remus likes him. He won't shut up about him," Roman said. "I was reading some of his writing the other day, and I swear to God one of the characters in it was some sort of fictional version of Virgil. The love interest, as well."
Remy raised an eyebrow. "Your brother writes?"
"He does murder mysteries," Roman quickly said. "He doesn't really like me reading them, but he's always stealing my sketchbook so he can't really say anything." He breathed in. "Anyway, I'm certain that Remus is into Virgil."
Remy hummed. "I'm not sure if Virgil is, though."
"No, he definitely is," Roman said. "I have a friend - well, not really ‘friend’, but we're in the same theatre company. His name's Logan. And he's also friends with Virgil, I think..."
Remy nodded. "Yeah, Virge mentioned a Logan at one point."
"Right. Well, I was talking to Logan, and he told me that Virgil is always staring at Remus. Like, an unhealthy amount." Roman sighed. "I'm just... why else would Virgil be staring at Remus?"
Remy pursed his lips. "We should set them up."
Roman gasped. "Oh my God, yes!"
"I don't know how, though. Convincing Virgil to leave the house would be a nightmare."
Roman smirked. "I have an idea."
He was in his kitchen. Why the fuck was Remus in his kitchen?
"Oh, hey Virge," Remus said, ignoring Virgil's puzzled expression as he raided the fridge.
"Who let you in my house?"
"Oh, my brother is hanging out with your brother and I'm not allowed to be in the house by myself," Remus said, as he took out a salad - Virgil's salad that he was saving for later - and began to eat it.
"And now you're stealing my salad," Virgil sighed.
Remus blinked. "Oh, shit, is this yours?" he asked, shoving it towards Virgil.
"Well." Virgil smacked his lips together. "It was. But I can make another." He climbed onto the table and sat on it cross legged, as Remus took a chair and placed the salad in front of him. "So. Why aren't you allowed to be home alone?"
"That's... a long story."
Virgil shrugged. "I'm not doing anything."
Remus eyes lit up. "Well. I'd imagine it has something to do with that time I almost burnt the house down trying to find out what would happen if I put eggs into the microwave."
Virgil blinked. "How- How did you almost burn the house down doing that-"
Remus grinned. "Well, the microwave exploded 'cause I put, like, ten eggs in there, and then it set fire to the curtains in the kitchen, and long story short, the fire engines didn't take long to arrive."
Virgil breathed in. "Was everything okay?"
"Yeah, it was fine. The curtains are just a little scarred." He hummed. "Although, it could also have something to do with the fact that I attempted a blood sacrifice in the living room..."
"You what?" Virgil exclaimed.
Remus laughed. "I was, like, ten, okay? And I didn't get very far. I found a dead rat in the street and thought that if I used that as a sacrifice I could summon a demon, which would be so cool, y'know?"
Virgil chuckled. "I mean, I guess that would be cool."
"Right?" Remus shook his head. "My parents, however, did not think it was cool."
For a moment, the two just stared at each other, smiling softly, because Virgil finally said, "I missed you, y'know?"
Remus blinked. "Huh?"
"When we... Well, you were just about my only friend," Virgil said. "And I know we didn't hang out much, but we always had such a good time."
Remus smiled. "Yeah. The fantasy gang was great."
"I didn't care about the rest of them," Virgil said. “Just... Just you."
Remus fell silent. "Oh."
"And when we did move away, I didn't really have anyone else. I mean, I had Remy, but..." He glanced down, fixing his eyes on the table.
"Did you... not make any new friends?" Remus wondered.
Virgil plastered on a smile. "I've never been one for new people."
Remus hummed. "You made friends with Patton pretty quickly, though."
"They didn't really give me much of a choice." Virgil sighed. "Things... weren't great at the new school. I mean, they weren't brilliant back when we were friends, but... at least we were friends."
Remus smiled, staring at Virgil for a moment longer with fondness in his eyes. "How come you didn't speak to me sooner?"
Virgil blinked. "What?"
"I mean, you saw me weeks ago, right?" Remus said. "Like, you could've spoken to me then."
"I wanted to," Virgil admitted. "Not because I recognised you, but because... I don't know. I felt drawn to you, I guess." He fiddled with his fingers. "But Patton told me not too. And then D told me to stay away from you. So..."
Remus reached over and grabbed Virgil's hands, squeezing them a little too tight, but Virgil didn't protest. "Don't listen to them. I... felt drawn to you too, I guess. I still do."
Virgil smiled.
"Oh my God," Remy moaned, stepping back into his bedroom, where Roman waited sprawled across his bed, after having spied on Virgil and Remus.
"What's going on?" Roman asked, immediately jumping up and readjusting his skirt.
Remy collapsed onto his bed. "They're being insufferably cheesy. And they haven't even realised that they're in love yet!"
"What are they talking about?" Roman asked. "Tell me everything."
Remy sighed. "They're, like, talking about how they used to be friends or something, and how they missed each other, and then they start saying that they're drawn to each other. Like, what does that even mean?"
Roman grinned. "It means they like each other, Remy. They're soulmates."
“Soulmates aren’t real, Roman.”
“Shut up, they totally are.” Roman clapped his hands together. “Maybe we should talk to them. Help them to realise.”
Remy hummed. “They won’t confess today, will they?”
“Unless we can talk to either of them in private,” Roman said.
“I’ll talk to Virgil after school tomorrow,” Remy decided. “You talk to Remus?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
When Virgil walked through his front door the following afternoon, he stopped in his path as he saw Remy leaning against the wall, a smirk upon his face.
Virgil blinked. “What have you done now?”
“So.” Remy pushed himself off the wall, stepping towards his younger brother. “You and Remus, huh?”
Virgil frowned. “What… What about us?”
“I heard you two are pretty close,” he said, raising an eyebrow.
“I mean, we’re friends, I guess?” Virgil attempted to walk further into the house, but Remy blocked him.
“Just friends?”
Virgil blinked. “Wh-What else would we be?”
“Well, what do you think of Remus?” Remy asked.
“I- I don’t-” He breathed in. “Wait, do you think I like him?”
Remy hummed. “Perhaps.”
“We’re just friends,” Virgil said. “He’s a nice guy, I guess. We were friends when we were kids, and now we’re friends again.”
“What?” Virgil sighed. “Is this because I stare at him a lot? It’s not my fault that he has such an amazing fashion sense. And a beautiful white strip of hair always falling over his eyes. Beautiful eyes, actually - have you seen them? They have, like, little green specks in them.”
Remy giggled.
“Just, the way you’re talking about him is proving my point.”
“I’m not…” Virgil’s eyes widened. “Shit.” It made sense, actually. It explained why he was so drawn to Remus, why he couldn’t stop staring at him, why he couldn’t get him out of his mind. “Fuck, maybe I do like him,” he whispered.
Remy’s giggling grew louder, until he turned around and walked upstairs.
“Remy, wait, I-”
Remy slammed his bedroom door, leaving Virgil alone with his thoughts.
Virgil stared at Remus across the cafeteria. Watched him laugh with D, play with his food, just be an absolute dork, and Virgil couldn’t help but be mesmerised by his every action. Remy’s words from the day before circled around his head, the revelation that he had since come to accept as the absolute truth. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep this up for.
He stood up.
“Virgil,” Patton said, “are you-”
“I’ll be right back,” he said, walking away from the table despite Patton’s protests.
He came up besides Remus and placed his hand on the table next to him, ignoring the glares he got from D. Remus looked up at him, a little alarmed.
“Uhm, can I-”
“Come with me,” Virgil said, grabbing Remus’ wrist and dragging him from the scene. Remus followed willingly, but Virgil didn’t let go of his wrist. Virgil led him out of the cafeteria and around a corner, to a corridor devoid of students.
“Virgil, what-”
“I know we probably shouldn’t be talking right now,” Virgil said. “Since D and Patton probably aren’t too happy. But…”
“It’s okay,” Remus said. “D won’t mind. And if Patton says anything I will fight them.”
“You absolutely will not fight them,” Virgil said. “Patton may be wrong about you, but they’re still a good friend.”
Remus shrugged. “Okay then. But what did you want?”
Virgil breathed in. “Okay, so, I’ve been thinking an awful lot lately, and I’ve realised that…” His hands were getting sweaty and his heart rate was beginning to increase. “I, uh…” Why had he thought this would be a good idea?“
Remus frowned. "Are you okay? You look a little pale.”
Virgil cleared his thought. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He breathed in again. “Um, basically, I…”
“Let me guess, you’re madly in love with me,” Remus joked.
Virgil glanced down, avoiding Remus’ gaze.
Remus blinked. “Wait, shit, was that right?”
Virgil smiled nervously. “Uh… maybe?”
Remus laughed. “Seriously?”
Fuck. Remus thought it was funny. That… That must mean he didn’t feel the same way, right? That must mean that Virgil had majorly fucked up somehow. Shit - what if Remus wasn’t even gay? He did have a rainbow pin in his jacket, but he was also friends with D so maybe that was just to show his support. Virgil didn’t remember Remus ever mentioning an attraction to guys.
God, why had he just jumped into like that? Under any other circumstances, he wouldn’t have. Under any other circumstances, he would have stood back and thought about it, made sure that he wouldn’t ruin his life by acting upon his impulses.
What if this meant that Remus would stop being friends with Virgil? What if he thought it was weird? What if it made him uncomfortable? What if Remus hatedhim because of this? What if?
Remus stopped laughing. He placed a hand on Virgil’s shoulder, now looking serious. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Virgil used all of his willpower to stop himself from shoving Remus’ hand off. “I’m sorry. I… You don’t feel the same way, I get it. I shouldn’t have sprung that on you. And, um, if it makes you uncomfortable-”
Remus snorted. “Sorry, if it makes me what?”
Virgil blinked. “I- If me liking you like that is, like, weird? I mean, I get it. You’re not gay, or whatever, and we’re just friends, so…”
That made Remus laugh even harder.
Virgil tried to steady his breathing. “Wh-What’s so funny about that?”
After composing himself, Remus shook his head, a massive grin across his face. “Sorry, I just… I’m offended that you’d even think that I’m straight.”
Virgil blinked. “You’re… You’re not straight?”
“Are you kidding me?” Remus closed his eyes. “I am a massive homosexual. I don’t know why anybody would think otherwise.”
Okay. So he was attracted to men. That was at least one good thing. “But…”
“And I don’t find it weird,” Remus continued. “At all. I mean, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about kissing you on multiple occasions.”
Virgil’s eyes widened. Did… Did that mean…
“I guess what I’m trying to say,” Remus said, taking Virgil’s hands, “is that I feel the same way.”
Virgil looked back up, making eye contact with Remus, and smiled.
“I’m fact, if it’s something that you want, I’d be honoured to be your boyfriend,” Remus announced.
And in that moment, Virgil was sure that he would cry.
“We need to talk,” Patton said, as Virgil left his final class. The two began to walk down the hallway and out the school, Virgil’s anxiety beginning to kick in.
“Am I in trouble?” he asked.
Patton frowned. “No? Why would you think you’re in trouble?”
Virgil shrugged. “I don’t know. Why else would you want to talk to me?”
“You’re not in trouble,” Patton promised, eyes darting around. “I’m just… concerned.”
“About what?”
Patton pursed their lips. “You talked to Remus earlier, right?”
“Yeah,” Virgil confirmed. “He’s an alright guy, actually.”
They stepped out the school, Virgil adjusting his backpack slightly.
“I know you and Logan have something against him, or whatever, but…” Virgil shrugged. “I knew him when we were kids. And we’ve reconnected, I guess. I promise he’s an alright guy.”
Patton glanced at him, skeptically, but apparently gave in. “Well, alright. Be careful, though. If he hurts you, tell me.”
Virgil faked a smile. “Yeah, of course.”
Patton nodded. “Well. Take care.” They smiled, and then ran off to join Logan on the other side of the field, leaving Virgil to walk home alone.
“Remus,” D said. “Are you even listening to me?”
Remus tore his eyes away from Virgil and looked back at D. “Huh?”
D sighed. “I was saying that you seem a little distracted lately. So I guess that proves my point.”
“Yeah, definitely,” Remus said, eyes drifting back towards Virgil.
“Remus,” D said again, more forcibly. “What’s going on?”
Remus blinked, and returned his attention to D. “Oh, I have a boyfriend.”
D frowned. “You do?”
“Yeah,” Remus said. “Sorry, did I not mention?”
D glanced to the side, trying to follow Remus’ previous gaze. “No, actually, you didn’t.”
“Oh. Well. Now you know.”
“Who is it?” D asked.
“Just some guy, you wouldn’t know him,” Remus said.
“Okay, okay.” He breathed in. “His name is Virgil.”
D gasped. “As in, Virgil the stalker?”
“He’s a stalker!” Remus defended. “If anything I’m the stalker.”
“I thought we decided that you should stay away from him,” D recalled.
“Yeah, well, me and him go way back, okay?” Remus sighed. “I know what I’m doing. Virgil is good for me.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt,” D said.
“I’m not gonna get hurt.” Remus smiled. “If he ever breaks my heart, I give you full permission to murder him.”
D raised an eyebrow.
“Actually, no,” Remus decided. “You can’t murder him. Because I like him. But if he hurts me you can definitely fight him.”
D smirked. “Wow. No murder. You must really like him this time.”
“Shut up,” Remus said, chuckling.
Virgil rested his head on Remus’s shoulder, as Remus absentmindedly stroked through Virgil’s hair. They were sat on Virgil’s bed, trying their hardest to ignore the noise from Remy and Roman next door. It was nice like this. Just the two of them.
Turning his head to the side, Virgil stretched his neck out and pecked Remus on the cheek, something that he’d been wanting to do for a while. And although Remus tried to play it off, Virgil caught his cheeks turning a light shade of red.
Virgil snuggled further into his side, slowly wrapping his arm around Remus’ back and beginning to draw invisible circles on his arm. He listened to Remus humming in appreciation, and Virgil allowed himself to melt into his body, feeling perfectly content.
After a few more moments of pure bliss, Remus twisted his head down to look at Virgil. He leant down, so close that Virgil was able to feel his breath on his face, and then their two lips interlocked, and Virgil’s heart burst.
It wasn’t quite how he imagined, but that was okay. Somehow, it was even better. Remus was passionate, and daring, and didn’t hold back, and Virgil couldn’t have been more happy about that fact. Virgil himself was timid, and he knew that, and it was a part of him he was willing to accept, but having Remus here… well, it made him feel alive. Made him feel like he could do anything.
Like, for instance, it made him feel as though he could kiss Remus back. Still connected to Remus, Virgil pushed himself up so he was no longer slouched on Remus’ body. He pushed Remus against the wall, kissing back harder. At first, Remus seemed a little surprised, but he soon caught on and kissed back, sending the two into battle.
A battle to see who’s love was stronger, who’s passion was larger. And there wasn’t a winner, exactly. Or a loser. Just the plain, simple evidence that the two’s hearts were better as one, that they were meant to be.
They danced around each other, wanting more and more, and never wanting to stop.
They were happy.
Remus nudged Virgil’s shoulder. “You’ll have to tell them eventually, y'know.”
Virgil glanced down. “I… I know. It’s harder with them.”
“They do know that you’re gay, right?” Remus checked.
Virgil nodded. “Well, yeah, of course. Who doesn’t?”
"So what are you so afraid of?”
Virgil breathed in and out. “Look, Patton’s having a hard enough time wrapping their head around the fact that you’re my friend, let alone boyfriend.”
Remus backed off a little after that statement. “Ah. That would be an issue.”
“Yeah.” Virgil shoved his hands in his pockets. “I just… I need to wait for the right time. I’m sure they’ll come around eventually.”
“Why do they hate me, anyway?” Remus wondered.
Virgil shrugged. “No clue. Apparently Logan told them something. They won’t tell me what.”
“Oh.” Remus hummed. “Logan is friends with Roman, I think. Wouldn’t be surprised if Roman has told him horror stories, or something. Either way, they’re probably not true.”
Virgil laughed nervously. “Probably?” he repeated.
“Well, I have done some shit,” Remus admitted. “Nothing dangerous.”
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Anything illegal?”
Remus thought for a moment. “I mean, probably.”
“Oh, shit, am I dating a criminal mastermind?”
“Would that be a problem for you?”
“No, no.” Virgil chuckled. “Actually, I think I’d be pretty into it.”
“Oh, in that case, I do in fact break laws daily,” Remus said. “I’m wanted in all seven continents and constantly on the run. Crime is my favourite thing to do.”
Virgil laughed, not even attempting - or wanting - to hold it back.
“I’m all seriousness though,” Remus said, “I haven’t broken any serious laws. I haven’t done any of the drugs and I haven’t murdered anyone just yet.”
“Should I be concerned about the yet part?” Virgil asked.
“Honestly if I were dating me, I’d be a little concerned in general.” Remus grinned.
Virgil smiled back. “But if you haven’t done the drugs or the murder yet, what have you done?”
“Oh, y'know. The usual.” He shrugged. “Pirating. Underage drinking. A little light shoplifting.”
“Eh. Who doesn’t do that?” Virgil shook his head. “I mean, asides from the shoplifting, I don’t think many people do that, but if it’s from a large corporation and you need the stuff I don’t really see the issue.”
Remus smirked. “So… you don’t mind?”
Virgil shrugged. “Be gay, do crime, am I right?”
“Oh thank fuck.”
Virgil sat at the dinner table, feeding himself spaghetti and trying to ignore his fathers gaze.
“So,” his mother said, looking expectedly at Virgil, “how come you never invite your friend around when we’re home.”
Virgil frowned. “What friend?”
“Y'know, that friend,” his mother repeated. “The one that’s always around.” She turned to his brother. “Remy, dear, what did you say his name was?”
“You mean Remus?” Remy offered.
“Remus! That’s it.” His mother turned back to Virgil. “He’s come round a few times now, hasn’t he?”
There was a brief silence as Virgil sucked up his piece of spaghetti, mostly to avoid the question. “He’s a friend,” he finally said.
His mother smiled, but it seemed somewhat bitter. “I’m glad you’re making friends, Virgil, but it just seems odd. You’ve never really invited anyone over before.”
“Oh. Well.” Virgil shrugged. “He’s my boyfriend. So I guess that’s a little different.”
His mother giggled. Remy glanced at Virgil, looking alarmed. His father just stared harder.
“What?” Virgil felt his shoulder tense up. “I’m not joking. Remus is actually my boyfriend.”
His mother snorted. “Yeah, real funny Virgil. We know you’re not… that.”
Virgil frowned. “Actually, uh, I am. I’ve known that I’m gay for a while now. So.”
His mother stared at him. “You’re not joking, are you?” she said, sounding serious.
Virgil locked his eyes on the table. Why the fuck had he done that? He… He should’ve known that his mother would react that way. The family always tended to shy away from that kind of stuff - asides from Remy, of course, supportive as ever - so why would he even think that his mother would be okay with any of this?
Remy raised a hand. “Uh, if it’s any consolation, I’m also gay. And I’m pretty sure Dad’s bisexual, not gonna lie.”
His father glared daggers at Remy, and Remy lowered his hand.
“Okay, maybe he isn’t bi, but I am actually a massive homosexual.”
“Remy, you’re not helping,” his mother said, through gritted teeth. She turned back to Virgil, plastering on a fake smile. “How long have you been like that?”
Virgil frowned. “Well, I’d imagine my whole life, but I realised when I was, like, thirteen? Fourteen? Some time around then.”
His mother shook her head. “No, that can’t be right. I mean, you haven’t had any… any boyfriends before, have you?”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “I haven’t really had any friends period. I’m just nowstarting to get friends and the fact I also just happen to enjoy kissing one of them doesn’t change that.”
“Don’t talk about kissing boys at the dinner table,” his mother chided.
“If I was talking about kissing girls would you think differently?”
His mother spluttered, not able to get any words out.
“Thought so.” Virgil stood up. “I guess I’ll just got talk about kissing boys somewhere else.” He left the kitchen, taking his spaghetti with him.
There was a gentle knock on his bedroom door. Assuming that it was his mother, Virgil wrapped his blankets tighter around him and tried to wipe away his tears and steady his breathing. Maybe if she thought he wasn’t in here, she would go away.
He heard the door open, footsteps creeping towards his bed, and felt somebody weigh down on him, sitting on the end of his bed. He buried himself deeper into his mattress, trying his very hardest to disappear. The person placed a hand on Virgil’s back - or his duvet, really - and rubbed gently. Virgil wanted to swipe the hand away, until he heard a voice.
“Hey, Virge.” It was Remy. Just Remy. “I’m… sorry about back there. I know Mom can be a little intense.”
Virgil turned over, unwrapping his blankets slightly so he could see Remy. “That wasn’t intense. That was just…”
“I know, I know.” Remy sighed. “She’ll come around.”
Virgil closed his eyes, trying to stop his tears. “I don’t think she will.”
“She will,” Remy promised. “And… if she doesn’t, if it gets any worse, I’ll just take you away. We can get our own place and you can have as many boyfriends as you want. I mean, I’m assuming you just want the one, but you know what I mean. We’d never even have to see her again.”
“And Dad?” Virgil wondered. “He didn’t even say anything.”
“He’ll come around too,” Remy promised. “They both will. Things will get better.”
Virgil lifted his blanket over his head again.
“If it makes any difference, I’m happy for you,” Remy said. “You have an amazing boyfriend, and being gay is just about the best thing you can be.”
Virgil huffed, smiling a little.
“Do you want me to stay here?” Remy asked.
“No, it’s fine,” Virgil said. “You go back to bed.”
“Okay.” Remy patted him. “I’m next door if you next anything.”
Virgil felt himself get pushed against the wall. He had just left his class before lunch, and turned into an empty hallway when the attacker stuck. His heart rate increased, brain screaming that things were going back to the way it was before, but then the ‘attacker’ pressed against his lips, kissing him, and Virgil realised what was going on. He relaxed a little, kissing back.
Eventually Remus pulled away, and smirked at Virgil. “Oh my God, you should’ve seen your face then.”
Virgil breathed in. “That wasn’t funny, Remus. I was genuinely afraid for a second.”
“What did you think I was gonna do?”
Virgil sighed. “I dunno. Punch me. Kick me. Threaten me with a knife.”
Remus seemed a little upset about that. “Why would I do any of that?”
“Usually when people push me against a wall, it means one of those three things are coming,” Virgil said, through a smile. He began to walk down the hall again, towards the cafeteria.
“Has… Has that happened to you before?” Remus asked, jogging a little to catch up.
“Well, asides from the knife part.” Virgil shrugged. “I mean, you know about my last school, right?”
“I know you said you had a hard time there, but…”
“Well, that was what I was talking about.” Virgil shoved his hands in his pockets. “I mean, not just that, of course, but that was a big part of it.”
“Virgil,” Remus said, softly, “I’m sorry.”
Virgil shrugged. “Eh. It’s in the past. Nothing bad has happened at this school yet. And I’ve got you to protect me.��
“Still.” Remus wrapped an arm around Virgil’s shoulder. “You never should’ve had to deal with that. I’m… I’ll find everyone who did, and threaten them with a knife.”
“You really don’t have to do that,” Virgil said.
“They did it to you.”
“Nobody threatened me with a knife.”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t threaten them.”
Virgil smiled. “Okay, well, thanks anyway. I don’t… I don’t really think any of them deserve to be punished for what they did, but…”
“Of course they do,” Remus said. “They hurt you, Virgil.”
“Yeah, and I’d never want the same to happen to them.” Virgil sighed. “We were young and stupid. They probably didn’t know any better. I just… hope they learn something from it. Hope they grow out of being massive dicks.”
Remus hummed. “Well. I won’t dig any further, then.”
They reached the cafeteria, and split off, Remus going to join D and Virgil going to join Patton and Logan.
Virgil laid in his bed, holding his phone up in front of his face. It was now or never, really. He had to tell someone about Remus, especially after what went down with his parents a couple nights previously. He was fed up of keeping this a secret from his friends. But it was harder than it looked.
He read over his message one more time:
hey guys, so i know this may come as a shock to you, buuuuut i just so happen to have a boyfriend. and i’ve been meaning to tell you for like ages but apparently can’t bring myself to say it to your faces. so yeah uhhh please don’t hate me thanks bye
Cringing a little but trying his best to ignoring his brain, he closed his eyes, pressed send, and threw his phone to the side. He brought up his hands and covered his face, taking deep breathes. His phone buzzed about fifty times, but he ignored it, scared to see what the others would say. Eventually, the phone started ringing.
He glanced over, seeing Patton’s name pop up on the screen. He groaned. Really wasn’t in the mood to talk. Texting was one thing, holding a conversation was another.
He let the call go to voicemail, then picked up his phone, reading through the messages in the group chat.
Patton: :O
Patton: Virgil!
Patton: that’s awesome!!!
Patton: who is it?
Logan: Oh, that is great news Virgil. If the reason you were afraid to tell us is because of the implications of having a 'boyfriend’ rather than a 'girlfriend’, I’d just like to let you know that I support you regardless of that fact, and I assume Patton does as well. I’m sure you’re aware of Patton’s pansexuality and my own homosexuality, so really no issue. That being said, I’m very happy for you.
Patton: tell me everything!!!!!
Patton: oh yeah Logan’s right of course we accept you v
Patton: Virgil? You there buddy?
Patton: Virgilllllllll
Virgil breathed in, and quickly typed out a response.
Virgil: yeah, uh, thanks guys. i mean i wasn’t afraid about the whole gay thing anyway but i’m glad to know that y'all accept me and shit.
Virgil: anyway. uh.
Virgil: i’m dating remus.
The next day at school, all six of them sat together for lunch. Patton invited Remus and D over to their own table, which Remus quickly accepted and D more reluctantly accepted after heavy persuasion from Remus. After texting his friends the night before, Virgil had managed to convince them that Remus was good for him. Upon explaining that he was in love and all that, Patton was pretty quick to accept it all. And Logan didn’t really need much convincing - he never really had that much of a problem with Remus in the first place, only knowing what Roman had told him.
But he and Remus were together now, and nothing could stop that. Maybe his mother hadn’t spoken to him since that dinner, but Virgil didn’t care too much about that - it wasn’t as if she spoke much to him before. Same with his father. He had Remy, at least, still supporting him from the side, and Roman now as well he guessed.
Remus and Virgil held hands under the table as they ate. And that was fine. Everything was fine now.
Virgil collapsed against Remus’ body, closing his eyes. It was after school, and neither particularly wanted to go home, so they sat together on the school field, watching the clouds float by. Remus wrapped an arm around Virgil’s shoulder, pulling him in tight.
“Thank you,” Virgil whispered. “For being here.”
Remus began to stroke Virgil’s hair. “You don’t need to thank me.”
“But this is exactly what I needed. After all the shit that went down in my last school,” Virgil said.
Remus shook his head. “You don’t need a boyfriend because of that. You need a support system, and you have it. I’m just glad your friends don’t hate me anymore.”
Virgil giggled. “Yeah, I guess that’s a plus.”
“I’m glad you came back,” Remus said. “I missed you so much.”
“Well.” Virgil smiled. “I’m never leaving again.”
They kissed, all of their worries fading away into the air around them.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Last thing you bought online? Did you like it? OMG OMG so I got Angela an Army Bomb!!!!!! for her birthday!!!! It was HELLLL looking for sealed ones that were already onhand, but fortunately I was able to find one from this really nice seller a few days ago and the shipping was quick as well. I’m just a little worried because the outbox has a little dent on it :( but it was the best onhand offer I could find so I got it before anybody could call dibs. I still hope she likes it! I got her batteries too so that she can try lighting it up as soon as she has it. :D
Could you date someone who didn’t drive (and didn’t show an interest in ever getting their license, either)?  I feel like this is such a petty thing to make a big deal about...if they knew how to commute or any other way to get to their destination, I don’t think this should be a problem. It would only be an issue to me if they refused to get a license in a very I-generally-lack-ambition kind of way.
How would you react if your artwork became famous?  I don’t have any to show off to begin with. I love appreciating art, but creating it was never a forte of mine.
Would you get your nipples pierced?  No, I don’t plan on getting any piercings. How many people know your birthday?  Outside of my family, my best friends. I think everyone else relies on Facebook to be reminded, which is fine with me.
Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?  No. Quite the contrary, really...I was sometimes informed about red flags taking place, which of course my stubborn ass ignored.
Have you ever watched a whole hour long infomercial?  Probably, as a kid. The channel from which I used to watch WWE aired these really long infomercials so I would watch those while waiting for like Raw or whatever show was going on after.
What is your current MySpace song?  I never hung out on Myspace. I had an account, but I was too young for it so it wasn’t long before I got bored.
What is your favorite kind of meat to put on your sandwich?  Pulled pork or fried chicken.
Which one of your exes do you feel like you have the most chemistry with?  I only have one ex.
How do you feel about people who make Facebook profiles for their pets? I find it really cute. But I personally wouldn’t put in as much effort lol.
Have you ever personally known a pair of conjoined twins?  Hmmmmmmmm I don’t think so.
What was the most disturbing thing you have ever heard your mother say? She threatened suicide in front of me and my dad in a very calm way when I was around 11, I think? Maybe 12, idk. I haven’t actually thought about that moment in an extremely long time until this question. I’ll move on now and shove the memory at the very very back of my head before I get sad.
Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it?  Aside from members of BTS (lol), interior design inspirations.
Chewy chocolate-chip cookies: like or dislike?  Ooh, love. When I bite into a cookie it hassssss to ooze chocolate, otherwise I would be underwhelmed.
If your boyfriend/girlfriend wanted to dress only in the opposite sex’s clothing, would you support that? If not, would you leave them?  Support.
Do you think your grandmother is/was beautiful?  They both are.
Which of your fields of interest are you a total expert on?  Anything that has to do with writing (except poems), I guess? I like being able to give people advice and tips when it comes to that.
When was the last time you got all dolled up?  Last July when we had a big PR media launch thingy and I couldn’t afford to look like shit on Zoom.
Do you ever name objects? (i.e. mp3 players, guitars, cars, etc.)  Never.
Do you have a criminal record?  Not criminal but it’s possibleeeee that I have some kind of record on my license from the time I got stopped by an officer in Alabang, lmao. It was a minor offense from a tiny part of the town so I don’t actually know if they filed it, but it’s possible.
Last person you took a nap with?  I don’t really nap with other people. I hate falling asleep in front of others to begin with.
Does seeing your mother cry automatically make you feel sad as well?  No.
Do you think someone likes the same person you like?  I don’t like anybody.
Do you want your life to stay the way it is right now forever?  No, I do not want to stay in a pandemic and not get to maximize my life the way it’s supposed to be enjoyed forever.
Have you ever been to craigslist.com?  I’ve never checked it out; idk if we have that here?
What about eBay?  I also dunno if they operate here so no, I’ve never bothered.
Have you ever used Nair?  Not Nair, but I’ve used Veet before.
Are you medicated?  Nope.
Do you shape/fill in your eyebrows?  I never do stuff to my eyebrows except shave them.
Have you ever stolen/borrowed clothes from an ex?  Several articles of clothing were left behind here, yeah. I never had the chance to give them back because I stupidly thought we were going to get back together eventually. By the time I moved on the timing was already off, so the clothes stayed with me untillll...just a few days ago, actually – when I finally cleaned up my room and got rid of a bunch of knickknacks that accumulated here over the years, including all her shirts and sweaters and stuff.
Could you make a statement about anything political?  The 2022 presidential election landscape looks like complete shit and I’m nearly at that point where I want to stop giving a fuck about this country’s future.
Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate?  No.
Do you get the feeling something good will happen in your life soon?  I think I’m already living in it, haha.
Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche?  Sure, but cliché is also hit and miss for me. I love Titanic and Love Actually, but I cannot stand movies like Me Before You and The Notebook. I guess it depends on certain executions, like the acting, screenplay, casting, etc.
Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month?  No, not inside. We did drive-thru within the last month, though.
Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house?  Not at Andi’s, but I have at Angela’s.
How often do you go bowling?  Extremely rarely. I can’t tell you the last time I went bowling.
Last time you were in an apartment?  Like 2007 when I visited my aunt back when she still lived in one. None of my friends have their own apartments.
Have you ever seen a live seahorse?  I don’t think so.
Would you like to have your own yacht? I mean I wouldn't say no if you offered it to me for free, but I'm not exactly interested in one. < Same.
Winnie the Pooh or Tigger?  Tigger always made me laugh as a kid.
What’s the unhealthiest thing you’ve eaten today?  Luncheon meat, I think? I didn’t go overboard with the junk food today.
Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink?  Hm, not that I can recall.
What is something you’d be happy to receive as a gift, that doesn’t cost a lot?  A bag of the salted egg chips that I really like costs like 30 bucks, or roughly 60 US cents.
What kind of music does your significant other/crush like to listen to?  I don’t have any irl crushes, can I use a celebrity crush instead? HAHA he’s heavily into jazz and whenever he gets asked for music recos he always gives jazz artists from like the 50s and 60s.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were?  Gab. Dark brown.
Are there any themes from TV shows that you like to sing along to? The Big Bang Theory and Friends; and then I also liked humming to the themes of Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and BoJack Horseman. The Phineas & Ferb theme was also a lot of fun to sing along to.
Do you eat dessert after dinner? No, I never do that. I’m usually already full after dinner, and we don’t always have sweets at home anyway.
Have you ever had too much to drink and felt embarrassed about your behavior the next day?  Sure.
When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink?  Cocktails. I very rarely go for hard drinks/shots, especially if I brought my own car.
What was the last animal that you saw?  Dog.
What was the last thing that you said to one of your siblings?  I just told my sister I was done using her laptop so she can have it back. My Memories of 2020 DVD turned out to be region-locked so I have to use her laptop every time I want to watch it :(
What is the most expensive thing that you’ve purchased that you paid for:  My Map of the Soul photobook cost me around 5k in total.
What is your favorite messaging program?  Messenger.
Do you eat fast food more than 5 times a week?  Wow no. Aside from being extremely unhealthy, that’s also a LOT of spending??
Have you ever almost drowned?  Yes.
Have you ever learned something shocking about someone through Facebook?  I mean I’ve had to learn about more than one family death through my Facebook feed, which sucks but is nothing I have control over. Otherwise the most shocking thing I’ve seen is probably classmates from high school having their own kids, but at this point I’m used to it already.
What’s the scariest living animal that you’ve petted?  I’m not really afraid of carrying/petting animals especially if there’s a guide or expert nearby, but the most daring one was probably the crocodile I volunteered to hold in Palawan.
Do you remember the first conversation you ever had with the person you currently have feelings for?  Not at all.
Do you dread certain days of the week? If yes, what day/s and why?  I hate Mondays for obvious reasons lol. I don’t know anyone who is actively cheery about reporting back to work.
If you eat oatmeal, do you have it plain or do you have certain toppings that you like to add to it?  I never eat oatmeal. I had that every single day for breakfast from like kindergarten to 4th grade and I vowed never to take a spoonful of it again.
What is the funniest or strangest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say in their sleep?  I dunno. I used to keep a log of the things my ex used to say in her sleep and a great deal of them were hilarious, but obviously I deleted that note a long time ago.
Choose one - Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers:  Butterfinger.
Do you use Mozilla Firefox? Nopes.
Who is your favorite person to hug? Angela and Laurice.
Have you ever had to have a mug shot?  Nope.
What was the last thing you carried to your room?  Kimi.
When was the last time you had a late night phone call?  WELL over a year ago.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
interdimensional dads 5 (Finale)
Orange, Blue, and Purple all make a drum roll on the table as they stare at Red, who is sipping coffee and trying not to laugh at the lunacy that is quite literally, himself.
Jaune: Y’all dome?
*drum roll stops*
Jaune:Yep, your turn. You have to be the buffest for a reason right?
Jaune:And look like you’ve seen shit?
Jaune:We’ve all been through shit. We’re us!
Jaune:Yeah, but you’re you.
Jaune:How- I’m not arguing with that one. Okay, my turn. Since you brought it up, we, I gained weight for a little bit and eventually got back into a workout routine. I might’ve went a little overboard but no one complains.
Jaune:Alright, now we can back this story up and start from wherever you like.
Jaune:Aight, I guess I start with my universe beating Salem. By that point, Ruby and I had been together for awhile. I think we were always together to a degree ever since RNJR formed. We obviously didn’t actually say anything but the time we spent felt different. At least for me it did. Maybe mourning Pyrrha had something to do with it but by the time Yang and Weiss showed up at Haven, Ruby and I were definitely on “friendly terms”
Jaune:You two are too much. Haha, let him continue.
Jaune:We were trying to keep it lowkey but I’m sure everyone knew. Back to Salem, that was insane. If you were to tell me I’d help save the world when I was only 19 then I’d laugh.
Jaune:Wait...19? I was twenty.
Jaune: I was 21! Are you saying Ruby beat Salem at 17!? That’s insane! Which one of us has the strongest versions of our friends? I never thought about it until now.
They all got silent and thought about it for a moment. That was a very good question.
Jaune:Ummm mysterious voice? Do you have an answer to that?
[Each person varies, but a majority is between Orange and Red. For example, Orange has the strongest Blake, while Red has the strongest Sun.]
Jaune:What about in terms of team RWBY?
[The feats in all universes make that a close race. Red, Orange, and Blue have extremely powerful Yangs that would most likely in a brutal draw. Collectively, the strongest team RWBY would be a tie between Red and Orange]
Jaune:Makes sense, my worlds peaceful.
Jaune:And mine doesn’t have any organized threat against it, just the dangers of living in a world trying to grasp the concept magic and gods again.
Jaune:Well we might not have a concrete answer but I’m sure my wife beats your Ruby. After beating Salem we continued traveling the world to thin out grimm threats, just the two of us. Not that the others didn’t want to but they needed a moment to breathe. Ruby and I however, we were kinda on a high of being the heroes we always dreamed of.
Jaune:Your victory lap was more adventure? Yeah you’re definitely built different from me. My Ruby went on missions but even she took a minute just to breathe. It was a very short minute, but the minute none the less.
[Comparing the two is like comparing an lone apex wolf to a jaguar.]
Jaune:Well then....all of that sounds scary.
Jaune:It wasn’t long before we got a house together. Built it actually, in Vacou. It’s a nice little spot over looking the town and another one in the distance. When Ruby was 19 she had really gotten into her stride and was only getting started. Also, I married her. I had known for awhile that she was the one so why wait? I wanted to go on all of her adventures and create new ones with her.
Jaune:Things were like walking on sunshine. All of Remnant knew about Ruby Rose, the huntress that saved the world with her friends. Then at 21, I got her pregnant. *scratches head*
Jaune:I know that scratch. That’s the “My bad” scratch!
Jaune:Okay, it wasn’t exactly planned. I was thrilled when I found out since I did want kids with her. I learned a month after she knew though because she wasn’t sure what to think at first. Ruby was perfectly happy being the hero, she hadn’t even hit her prime yet technically. When she told me though, it was after she had talked about it with Tai and thought about it. I think she might’ve been happier than me.
Jaune:My Ruby would give anything to have a kid.
Jaune:Mine would give anything for her husband back...
The mood suddenly got a little less cheery with that statement.
Jaune:Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring the mood down.
Jaune:It’s fine...this next part....isn’t happy. It’s the reason I fell out of shape, and partly the reason why I look like I’ve gone through shit.
Jaune:You lost the baby?
Jaune:Yeah but uhhh, not the way you’re thinking. The pregnancy was fine, the birth was a little rough but it was fine. A little baby boy, Dustin Arc-Rose. I saw him for about five minutes and then he was stolen, by Neo and Cinder. I must’ve ran the fastest I’ve ever had that day. Faster than even Ruby can move on a good day, and yet they got away. Yang, Weiss, and I stood on the roof of that hospital and watched the airship fade into the sunset. I must’ve stayed up there for hours, screaming. Yang and Weiss kept it together for my sake but not by much.
Jaune:Dude I am....I am so sorry that you went through that.
Jaune:We showed mercy to Cinder the day we beat Salem. It came back to bite us. Things fell apart after that. I shutdown, the others felt guilty, especially Yang. As for Ruby, she broke a little. She looked longer than anyone else for a lead and drowned herself in work for about a year. In that time we didn’t talk, I never knew where she was, if she’d come back. Tai ended up taking me to live with him and unfortunately, time wasn’t gonna wait for anyone. Lives had to be lived, Yang and Blake still had to get married. It just didn’t happen with Ruby.
Jaune:How did you even find the strength to keep going after that?
Jaune:In my world, Yang is my closet friend. Thick as thieves, the two of us always try to pick each other up. She never hesitated to be by my sad whenever I asked. I don’t think I could’ve made it without her since Ruby was gone. One day however, the two of them showed up out of the blue. Ozpin had decided to confront Ruby. For once I was glad he meddling in our lives. He got her to start moving on and come back to me. That day I realized how special my friends are. Most people would’ve looked down on me for failing, not going after Ruby, breaking down, but not them. They wanted me back on my feet for my own sake. Just like they wanted for her. I’m really blessed.
Jaune:That’s good. Friendships that you want to live for, I’m glad we wall have that in common.
Jaune:Yeah. Ruby and I took some time to be together after that. No work, no leads, just healing. In that year she was gone, Ruby had become a juggernaut in the huntsman community. Even got a nickname, The Storyteller. Keeping up with someone like that meant getting back into shape. Those months we spent together gave us a slither of the joy we had missed. Eventually, thanks to Yang having her child, we found the courage to try having another one. Her name is Carmine and she’s my gorgeous daughter. We even have another son much later named Garnet.
The other three Jaune’s clap happily.
Jaune:Yeah, that’s definitely a lot of shit to go through.
Jaune:Hats off to ya.
Jaune:How’s Carmine?
Jaune:*puts head on the table* Uuuugggghhh!
Jaune:Yeah, that’s sound you make when you have a headstrong daughter. Who does she take after?
Jaune:That’s just it, she doesn’t really. Not in personality anyways. Carmine is a bit weird socially. She can be pretty blunt, making her sound rude. She doesn’t mind having friends but at the same time keeps them at arms reach. She says they would slow her down. Not to mention her and Ruby’s vision of what a huntress should be doesn’t match up perfectly so they end up butting heads on occasion. Still, Carmine is sweet if you know how to talk to her and understand her words.
Jaune:She gifted?
Jaune:*inhales*....Carmine is genius in battle. We taught her ourselves and sent her to regular school so she gained a bit of social skills. No one outside of selected few knows she has silver eyes. Carmine wears red contacts typically. New types of grimm pop up regularly so Cinder is obviously alive and well. Can’t be too careful.
Jaune:Sounds stressful. I’d rather deal with cult and my world’s grimm problem than Cinder. How old is Carmine?
Jaune: She’s 17 and more impressive than Ruby was at that age if I’m being honest. Though I’m not sure if that’s a good thing. We’ve done our best to give her a normal childhood as much as possible. I think what we gave was an odd mix of normal and insanity.
Jaune:Honestly, same.
Jaune:What do you mean Carmine is more impressive? Ruby was awesome since day zero at Beacon.
Jaune:Silver eye use, age five.
Red took a sip of his coffee while everyone tried to wrap that around their head.
Jaune:Since a young age, I knew Carmine was special. She has a difficult time showing up but she loves the Remnant we’re trying to build and the people in it that want to do good. I’ve seen her look out over cities before and I could feel the immense desire she had to preserve it. That girl has a strength I don’t think I could take credit for. That stern look, height, hair, and guitar skills though, That’s me. The tipsy of her hair are red though. She’s like a half ripe strawberry, hahaha.
Jaune:Sounds like an incredible girl. Must be pretty popular.
Jaune:If she could come off a bit nicer she would! I’d give up Pumpkin Pete’s for life if this kid could learn to work well with others. I’m glad people like her cousin and a couple of others that can deal with her. It’s not all bad. They know to bring out the normal teenager with her.
Jaune:Is she like Ruby and panics at rats?
Jaune:No, but she can’t deal with spiders. We have grimm spiders that are actually terrifying and that ruined normal spiders with her too.
Jaune:Grimm spiders? How big? A boot size?
Jaune:SUV....one spun her in a web. It was really bad.
Jaune:Fuuuuuuck that! I’d hate spiders too!
Jaune:Yeah but she has fun. Ballet, sleep, horses, etc. You just have to get her to work up to it.
Jaune:What about your son?
Jaune:Garnet? He’s five, has fat cheeks, and is probably eating some dry cereal right about now. He’s Ruby’s little teddy bear and is chillin. He’s probably the only thing that makes Carmine a big softie at the drop of a hat.
Jaune:Sounds like you’re doing pretty well for yourself? That’s good.
Jaune:We have struggles but we make things work somehow.
Jaune:I still can’t believe Cinder killed your kid. I don’t think I’d ever recover.
Jaune:Lost....we lost a kid. Killed wouldn’t be the right word. Dustin...just isn’t....it’s complicated. I don’t wanna talk about it.
Jaune:It’s fine. That aside, I think most things life throws at us, we’ll handle just fine.
Jaune:What do you think Carmine is up to right now?
Jaune:Good question. I don’t think she’s on any mission or working with local authorities currently. If it’s morning then she’s in the garden. Playing with Garnet if it’s the afternoon so he’ll tired out. If it’s night time then.....
“STAY AWAY!!!” A man screamed, shooting four bullets down a dark alley in the middle of the night. His target, a pair of shimmering red eyes that patiently stalked him from the shadows as he sprinted away. Each bullet seem to go right by his target so he continued running for his life, making a sharp right turn around a corner.
“You know eventually I’m going to catch you right?” Carmine said as she walked. “I’d rather you not make this longer than it has to be Tommy. We could be done by now if you just spoke to me.”
The only response the girl received was the sound of footsteps getting further away and a chain link fence being shook. Carmine sighed and looked around her before picking up a trash lid. She hurled it against a wall to her left and that was ahead in front of her, making it bounce off towards the right. The hunk of metal made its way around the corner with a whack! Followed by a heavy thump that hit the ground. Carmine continued walking until she turned the corner and found her target on the ground. He was rubbing his back in pain and groaning.
“Come on, I know I didn’t hit you that hard. The new head of crime orginization wouldn’t go down so-”
Suddenly the brute lunged at her, revealing a previously concealed dagger. Carmine was quick to react however, and grabbed his wrist before the blade could make contact with her exposed stomach. Carmine then twisted his hand down word and forced his entire arm slam down to the groun; the blade pierced the ground at her feet. Thick yellow liquid secreted from blade and soaked the ground.
Tommy felt his stomach dropped as he looked up to see the young girl staring down at him unimpressed. He went to reach for the knife but Carmine placed her boot on his hand, hard.
“See? Now that’s what I was expecting. Too bad you’re not so good with knives. I guess you figured you didn’t have to be when it had Deathstalker venom in it huh? Now... let’s talk.”
Carmine rubbed her foot into the ground, causing Tommy to grit his teeth in pain.
“Stop!” He pleaded. “You’ll break it!”
“It won’t break if you talk fast enough. Tell me what I want to hear. A month ago you weren’t in charge. A tubby guy was and he always kept crates of his equipment in a warehouse outside of town. Then someone apparently shows up to have a meeting, tubby is enraged and kicks them out. Now he’s dead and you’re in charge, moving all of his stuff after you had a meeting. Are you getting the picture I’m painting?”
Tommy’s face goes pale. He starts struggling harder to free himself but it’s not working. Carmine can see the man start to sweat as if he got caught in the rain.
“Now I know what you’re thinking, if you tell me who obviously threatened you to move the crates, then they’ll kill you. But that’s the thing about the future Tommy...”
Carmine lifts her foot and swings it right into his face. She watches Tommy hold is face in pain before rolling him over and putting her knee on his back. Carmine grabs the knife and spooks him by stabbing it beside his face.
“It happens later. Focus on the present. Focus on what I could do to you right now and how to prevent that. Then you can think about your future.” Carmine said, not an ounce of playfulness in her voice.
“I....I....w-well I-”
“Before you try lying to me, I know how Deathstalker venom works. Only the babies are venomous and those are extremely hard to find here. Admittedly I don’t know you well but I know your men. They don’t have the patience or brains to find any here, because there aren’t many. So you either got the venom for this knife by being very diligent, going to a different continent, or someone got you the critters.”
Carmine leaned in close, barely away from his ear. “Or should I say made you some, instead of gathering them? Tommy, where is Cinder Fall?”
Tommy felt like he could vomit at any second. He couldn’t let intel leak. He sold his soul to a witch and now he has to live with it. “I....I can’t say.” He whispered, his lip trembling.
“I see. The fear is too much for you. Should’ve chose a different line of work. Maybe you’ll change your tune if you learn to fear me more?” Carmine grabbed the knife. “This won’t kill you but I doubt it’ll feel good either.”
Carmine lifted the knife and held is hand in place. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. She tried asking nicely. “Sorry....”
“CARMINE!” A loud voice echoed through the alleyways and made the people in it freeze. Tommy tilted his head up and got goosebumps. On the roof was a person everyone knew and criminals wish to avoid. Ruby Rose, he hadn’t seen her in person before. The woman’s cloak covered the area as she jumped down gracefully.
With no noise, her heels hit the ground and stood before the pinned man. Her piercing silver eyes borrowed into him and her long hair blew out of her face by the alley draft. Tommy’s back freed of Carmine’s knee and the young girl raised him to his feet. While Ruby’s expression was calm and oddly inviting, Carmine still looked at the man annoyed. Time was valuable and he was wasting hers. He might’ve escaped the knife but now he was stuck between two women that could all but erase him.
“Y...You’re Ruby Ro-”
“I had this under control by the way.” Carmine cut him off. “Don’t see why you intervened.
“You had him terrified and about to wet his pants. That’s a bit much don’t you think?” Ruby put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “No need to be so intense.”
Carmine mimicked her mother’s gesture. “And we care about the state of people like him why? Lackeys and gang bangers with too much ego have no right to be coddled when they’re rotting the city away from the underbelly. People like that might as well disappear.”
“Carmine that’s not how....” Ruby let out a long sigh and looked at Tommy. He was clearly trying his best to remain calm. “Sorry about her. You know teenagers, always intense in one way or another.” She let out an embarrassed chuckle.
Tommy flinched again when suddenly a burst of red petals spun around him. Next thing he knew, handcuffs were on him and his back was against the fence he tried to climb earlier. The pair of red and silver eyes stared him down from just out of the shadows. Yet he could still see Ruby’s more positive demeanor.
“I’m going to jail?” He groaned.
Ruby stepped towards him. “Depends, Tommy.” She reached out and grabbed his shoulder. “The thing is if you go to jail and I bring you in, Cinder will no doubt send someone to try and kill you. Truthfully, it’s not a bad outcome, for me. I’ll just attack your killer and get more info out of them then you most likely.”
“But...you’d stop them before they kill me, right?”
Ruby shrugged, “I can only go so fast. Who knows what could happen, Tommy. Can you take that chance, knowing you will be at the mercy of circumstances around you for gods know how long?”
“N...no” Tommy gulped.
“I mean I could let you run away right now like nothing happened, but any more meetings with Cinder would be absolute hell on your nerves because there’s no way you can keep this from her. What’s worse, you could fuck up and give us information accidentally overtime and then she’d really be mad because we’ll keep an eye on you as long as you’re doing things we don’t like; an unwilling pawn for both sides until someone knocks you off the board. How does that sound to you?” Ruby’s grip got a little tighter.
“Pr...Pretty bad-
“PRETTY BAD!?” Ruby shouted. “Tommy, you will not come out of this well. You’ll probably be dead within the month if I let you leave right now. So my question is what are you gonna do to save your own skin? Because I know what I would ask for in your situation.”
“What’s that?” He asked, almost desperate for his freedom
“I would spill my guts out to the hero because they would at least try to keep you safe if you behaved. Tell me what you know and I will personally take somewhere where you’ll have a fresh start with a new name, a new life that isn’t Illegal. You’ll still sleep with one eye open just to watch your own back but you also know there’s someone who is actively stopping the person who’d want you dead in the first place. Get off the chessboard Tommy. It sucks to be an expendable pawn.”
Tommy could feel her hand trembling. Was she...nervous? No, she was sympathetic. The way Ruby looked at him wasn’t to scare him. She was stating facts and didn’t want him being another statistic. This was the huntress everyone talked about. The one that gives lifelines and creates new endings where they shouldn’t be possible. The was Ruby Rose, the storyteller.
Ruby holds up an envelope to the light before facing Carmine, the sound of waves rocking a boat behind them with Tommy in it. Ruby was a woman of her word. She’d take him somewhere safe.
“Here” she held out the envelop for Carmine. “Take it home, no need for me to lug it across the sea.” She waited for Carmine to say something, anything. The girl only nodded and took the thin piece of paper.
Carmine started to walk off but heard Ruby take a step towards her before stopping. She looked back to see her mother frowning, an expression they were both sharing. Ruby looked at her daughter with her emotions clear as day. It was weird to be eye level with her. Without heels, Ruby would be looking up. Carmine had gotten so big the last few years. It was hard not see her as still little.
“I...I know we don’t agree on certain things, and I also know you feel like I helicopter over you. I don’t do it because I don’t trust you or anything like that. Fact of the matter is...I’m your mother. If I can find a way to solve a problem without you doing something drastic, even if you’re willing to do it, then I’m gonna step in. Just because you’re willing to make the tough calls, doesn’t mean I won’t try to keep them away from you. They weigh people down and I don’t want that for you. You’re my daughter, I love you...”
Ruby always hated their fights. It’s why they don’t do missions together. No matter how strong Carmine is, she’ll always be Jaune and Ruby’s little girl. Truthfully, she didn’t hate it at all. Carmine hated arguing too, if not more.
“I get it mom, I do. Perhaps...I was a tad hasty tonight. Thanks for...showing up.” Carmine scratched her head in embarrassment. Since when did talking to her own mom get so rough. “I love you too.” There, she said it.
Ruby gave her daughter a gentle smile and opened her arms, hoping for a hug. She knew she might be getting a bit too mushy right now but unexpectedly, Carmine walked over and embraced it without question. Ruby wasn’t about to complain. Any affection was welcomed at all times when it came from Carmine. Ruby finally let her go and got one more look at her daughter. Time sure does fly.
“My beautiful girl. I saw the trash lid truck by the way, that was pretty badass.”
Carmine playfully rolled her eyes and opened the evelope. Ruby watched the girl read over the paper several times before handing it back. “Got it.”
Ruby’s eyebrows perked up in surprise. A shocked smile came soon after. “You’re-”
“Of course.” Carmine cut her off. She put her hands together and made a glowing red rose form between them. She placed the thing right behind her mother’s ear and smiled. “See you at home?”
“Yeah, I should be back before morning.”
“Good, I’ll have breakfast waiting for you then.” Ruby watch her daughter start to walk off before Carmine slowly blew away into red and yellowish rose petals.
“My oh my, that daughter of mine.” Ruby chuckled. “I can’t wait.”
“Done.” Carmine said, rewriting the information down as she layed on the couch. On top of her was her adorable baby brother, fast asleep like he should be. She reached for a candle that lit the room and blew it out. All in all, not a bad night in the slightest. One step closer to their goal. One step closer to the end.
Part 4
Wanna start Rosebud < Part one is a click away.
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🍊For the dorm leaders?
Thank you for the ask!  ❤️ ❤️
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
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Marcia: Our favorite food, huh?
Rosalia: Hehe! Hehehehe!
Blanche:... What’s gotten into you now?
Rosalia: What a great opportunity to once and forever dispel any rumors surrounding my taste!
Blanche: Nobody was wondering about that-
Rosalia: You know! They always said that just because Cherry was always seen eating candy on the show, I must certainly like it as well. After all nobody could fake such a happy and satisfied expression when forced to eat something they dislike.
Marcia: Ah, now that you mention it, I remember Cherry always asking Uncle Apricot for candy when he visited.
Blanche: As I said before, nobody-
Rosalia: Exactly! And because filming would sometimes take a long time, I had to keep eating them even twelve times a day!
Marcia: Woah! That’s a lot of sugar. My old man would definitely scold me if I went overboard like that. 
Rosalia: It was part of the role so I had to deal with it. But the worst part was when fans would send me bags of candy along with fanmail and I had to finish them before the next batch arrived. Even though I kept asking them many times not to send it anymore...
Blanche:... Rosalia.
Rosalia: Hm?
Blanche: This is something I noticed before, but... you’re the kind that’s stupidly honest, aren’t you?
Rosalia: HUH?! What’s that supposed to mean?! Are you picking a fight with me?!
Marcia: Now, now, don’t get all worked up! Let’s all get along!
Rosalia: Why are you including me in this, I didn’t-
June: Ugh!
Rosalia, Blanche and Marcia: ... S-Sorry, senpai.
June: ...
Blanche and Rosalia: ...
Marcia: A-Anyway... It’s kinda surprising you dislike candy, Rosa. Your acting skills are really something else if you managed to fake enjoying eating something you hate for so long! So what’s your actual favorite food?
Rosalia: Hehe! Well, this might surprise you but my tastes are more grown-up than people give me credit! My absolute favorite food is the legendary-taboo-for-all-children-super-adult rum cake! Cool, right?!
Blanche: ...
June: ...
Marcia: ... Y-Yeah, I guess...
Rosalia: ... Then why aren’t your expressions more appreciative of me?!
June: Ain’t anythin’ grown-up about that.
Rosalia: Huh?!
Blanche: Himalia-senpai is right. Rum cake, despite the name, isn’t inherently alcoholic since most it is cooked off.
Rosalia: B-But you can get drunk off it...
Blanche: Only if you consume it in large quantities. Otherwise it’s just a more flavourful dessert.  
Marcia: Don’t mind. Don’t mind.
Rosalia: Don’t pat my back now! It just comes across as condescending.
Blanche: Seriously, that’s why kids like you...
Rosalia: HUH?! Then what about you? Let’s see what so grown-up about your tastes! So, tell us, what’s your favorite food?!
Blanche: Bitter chocolate.
Ugh! Why do I feel like I lost?!
Blanche: It wasn’t even a contest in the first place. 
Marcia: Hahaha, it totally suits you though Blanche!
Blanche: Does it? Truth to be told, it’s the only strong flavour that I like, but I wasn’t allowed to have much of it growing up.
Marcia: Mm. I get it. Then I’ll be sure to gift you some during your birthday!
Blanche: ... I wouldn’t want to impose, but I appreciate the thought. 
Rosalia: Hmp! Moving on~ How about you Marcia? I totally expect you to pick something nutritional and healthy.
Marcia: Haha, you’re not wrong! I’m crazy about sweet potatoes. Boiled, mashed, cooked in the oven - as long as it’s not fried, I’m good with any kind!
Rosalia: I knew it~ 
Marcia: Mm! But to tell you the truth, it has little to do with the nutritional value. I really like them because they bring back memories of me and the old man roasting some during autumn. It was a lot of fun even though it was mostly him doing the work. I hope that when he gets better we’ll be able to do it again together, all four of us. 
Rosalia: That’s way too sad!
Marcia: Eh?
Rosalia: Aaah! Here I was complaining about people sending me candy when I didn’t even think about the feelings behind it! That was super childish!
Blanche: Indeed.
Rosalia: Ahh! Can’t you keep quiet?!
June: ... That could go for ya’ll. Makin’ a ruckus ev’ry single time... CAN’T YA THINK OF OTHERS ONCE IN A WHILE, HUH?! DAMN IT!
Rosalia, Blanche and Marcia: Crap! We got Himalia-senpai angry!
June: First of all, food is food! Dontcha complain when yer table is full of all sorts of stuff! Ain’t matter if ya’ll like it or not! People worked hard to put it on yer table! So just shut up and eat it!
Rosalia, Blanche and Marcia: U-Understood, ma’am.
June: Huh?! What was that?! Say it louder!
Rosalia, Blanche and Marcia: Understood, ma’am!
June: That’s right! Now scram and make sure to do ya’ll work! Or ya’ll be in trouble when I come checkin’ in. GOT IT?
Rosalia, Blanche and Marcia: YES, MA’AM!
How did it turn out like this?!
Extra: June’s favorite food is apple pie because it’s an easy dessert to make and quite filling. Though whenever she makes it at home she often has to fend off her nieces and nephews if she wants to have a slice for herself. 
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Diana: Meat.
Agatha: Hehe... land animals... really are simple...
Vita: Now, Agatha. I would say that Diana’s straightforwardness is to be expected by now.
Cassandra: Yes. It is just like Miss Arrow to be so honest.
Diana: ... It’s my true answer. In the savana besides swiftness, you also need strength. Meat helps build up muscle mass and is full of vitamins such as B12, B3, B6. It also contains carnosine which has anti-glycosylation-
Agatha: Ugh... so much... noise...
Diana: ...
Cassandra: A-Amazing! I have never heard Miss Arrow speak at such length. She truly does get passionate about her favorite topics.
Vita: Hm? Have you perhaps been overtaken by shyness, lioness? How charming.
Diana: ...
Cassandra: Eh?
Diana: ...
I heard fairies like sugar.
Cassandra: E-Eh? Well, that’s more of a stereotype I would say than actual fact, but... um, I’m only half so maybe it’s true after all...
Diana: ...
Cassandra: Sorry... I’m not really sure of fairies’ true nature... um...
Vita: ‘Tis alright. The lioness was merely curious. 
Diana: Mm.
Cassandra: Haha, I see. Sorry for making assumptions.
Um, to tell the truth, I’m actually quite fond of Mazarin myself.
Vita: Hm? Ah, I remember. It is a sort of almond tart, is it not?  
Cassandra: Yes! It is quite tasty and easy to bake too! 
My grandmother taught me how to make it when I was a child. It’s our special treat for when we wanted to make each other smile. Even now when I smell the aroma I am reminded of those afternoons spent in the kitchen together. 
Agatha: ... annoying...
Cassandra: Sorry, that must have been really boring to hear. Um, what about you, Miss Voisin?
Agatha: ...
Cassandra: ...
Agatha: ................................................. 
Cassandra: ... Um....
Agatha: ............................................
Big Sis.
Vita: My, it seems my dear little Agatha doesn’t want to give a response. She gets uncharacteristically shy when other’s gaze is turned upon her. Oh well, then I shall take over. 
I myself am quite partial to pomegranates. They have quite a peculiar taste that I haven’t really noticed in any other food. ‘Tis truly a marvelous experience.
Diana: They’re too sour.
Cassandra: I’m not especially fond of them myself, um...
Vita: A shame, alas.
My mother and sisters are of the same mind. They seem to find it abhorrent. ‘Tis only Grandfather who shares my opinion. Though, I do suspect ‘tis because it ease the pain in his joints. So as you can see, ‘tis a most versatile fruit.
Agatha: Pomegranates... are tasty...
Vita: Oh? How refreshing. I commend your good taste.
Agatha: ... Hehe.
Vita: My, how cute! It really suits you when you smile like that, Agatha, dear!
Diana and Cassandra: ...
Diana: Even though she says that-
Cassandra: -Isn’t it usual for Miss Voisin to smile, anyway?
Extra: Agatha’s favorite food is shrimp, but because it’s the usual prey for her fish species she doesn’t like to mention it. She can eat them raw and without cracking them open given her metabolism, but so far only Vita has seen her eating habits. 
For Drinks: Rosa, Diana, Agatha and Marcia stick to water (sometimes with a wedge of lemon), June likes lemonade, Blanche and Cassandra like tea, while Vita prefers coffee and energy drinks.
Diana is the only one who snacks a lot, because she burns off the calories very easily and thus is always hungry. The others prefer either healthy options (Blanche, Rosa, Marcia) or sweet stuff (Cassandra) or something spicy or unusual (June, Agatha, Vita). 
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