#//and meets the girl around 23/24
merryandrewsart · 2 years
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For @thatgurlsstuff ❤
I was thinking about Ruby convincing Alfie to let her ride a horse that Tommy won't allow her (because she's still too young for big horsies) but then she hurt her leg when she tried to mount the saddle (a smoll scratch) and Alfie is patching her leg.
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sugarcoated-lame · 1 year
Always A Bridesmaid | Jake Seresin x Reader
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18+ only, minors DNI!
Jake Seresin x female Bradshaw!reader
Synopsis: Bradley tells all the guys at his wedding that his little sister is off limits… But when has Jake ever listened to Rooster?
WC: 10.5k (she’s a long one folks)
Warnings: a teeny bit of angst, mentions of alcohol, drinking, smut, oral (m + f receiving), unprotected pinv, slight overstimulation, age gap (not really specified but reader is around 23-24 yrs old, jake is in his early 30s), jake being too damn charming for his own good, rooster being a very overprotective big brother, jake being a menace, and natasha being the best sister-in-law, for the sake of this story we’re gonna pretend that Goose died a few years later than what is canon to explain how Bradley has a sister that’s 10+ years younger than him lol
a/n: it’s been like two months since I initially started writing this, so I’m so happy to finally get it out! (:
⋆ . ˚ ✩ comments, reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated! ⋆ . ˚ ✩
Today was a big day, and you wish you could say you were more excited about it. It’s not every day that your big brother gets married to the love of his life. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw and Natasha “Phoenix” Trace had finally said “I do” and you were ecstatic for your favorite female pilot to officially become a part of the family. 
But you were also recently single, having been broken up with by the boyfriend you’d been with throughout most of college and the following two years since you’d graduated.
Things hadn’t ended on bad terms, the two of you just weren’t in love anymore. What worked in college just wasn’t working anymore, and you’d spent the last few months of your relationship denying to yourself the fact that you were unhappy. 
You’re pretty sure now that the both of you had known for a while you weren’t right for each other, but you had been scared to end it–terrified at the notion of starting over. But, the relationship had run its course and, ultimately, he was the one to end things. 
That was three weeks ago. You’d come to terms with the break-up, knowing it was what’s best for you. But that didn’t mean it still didn't hurt. It didn’t mean you weren’t sad, or that you were ready to be subjected to all the happiness and celebration that goes into a wedding.
You’re granted a brief reprieve from your melancholy thoughts when your new sister-in-law sneaks up and taps you on the shoulder. “Hey… You don’t look like you’re having much fun. Are you okay?” 
Natasha asks the question with a sheepish grin. You can tell she’s trying to seem nonchalant, but you can hear the underlying concern in her voice. 
Bradley and Natasha had been together five years now, engaged for one, and you could clearly see from the way that he smiled at her and the permanent glimmer in his eyes, that your brother was truly happy. He and Phoenix had become fast friends during their time together at Top Gun, and it eventually evolved into something more.
When Bradley brought Natasha home to meet you at Thanksgiving during your sophomore year of college, you knew even then that she would be the girl he was one day going to marry. Best friends turned lovers. You could only dream you’d find that for yourself someday.
You and Natasha had quickly become close as well. Bradley and Uncle Mav were the only family you had and it was nice to have another person–especially a badass woman like Natasha, in your corner. 
The two of you got on like a house on fire, and Natasha was always there to give her love and support. She was like the big sister you never had, and it wasn’t long before the two of you were ganging up on your brother and teasing him together.
As Natasha’s maid of honor, you’d spent the morning with her and the other bridesmaids, helping the blushing bride get ready for her big day. In a fancy suite getting all dolled up while drinking mimosas, having your hair and makeup done before changing into matching bridesmaid dresses of a silky satin—cowl neckline and spaghetti straps, in a soft lavender shade. Helping Natasha into her beautiful, intricately lacy, white wedding gown.
The wedding ceremony was absolutely beautiful and had gone off without a hitch. Bradley had tears in his eyes as Natasha walked down the aisle to the Wedding March, matching smiles on their faces as they joined hands at the altar. 
You even shed a tear yourself as the couple exchanged their vows, and before you knew it, Bradley was pulling Natasha in for a loving kiss and they were declared husband and wife.
Then, onto the reception, you’d watched with a slightly sad smile as Bradley and Natasha shared their first dance as husband and wife. You were so happy for the two of them, truly, but it was hard to get into the headspace for celebrating. Seeing two of your favorite people so in love when you’d just been dumped. When your own love life was at a standstill and you were left feeling lost and lonely.
You’d been too preoccupied in your thoughts to notice the first dance had come to an end before Nat came to talk to you. You felt guilty at the fact that she was spending her time worrying about you when she should be enjoying her big day. You’re lucky to call Natasha your sister.
So, you force your most convincing smile onto your face and nod your head, telling her that you’re just fine.
“Just tired from the long day, but I’m having a great time. I’m good, I promise!” You weren’t sure if she believed you, but luckily Natasha was pulled away by one of her aunts gushing over how beautiful she looked and offering her congratulations, before she could protest.
It’s especially hard to enjoy a wedding reception when you’re sat at a table alone, watching as everyone else is having a good time, dancing along to the music being played by the DJ. 
Once the first dance was through, the rest of the guests were welcomed to join the happy couple on the dancefloor. You knew your brother had plenty of cute pilot friends, and you also knew–thanks to Natasha–that some of them were single. So, you were hoping that one of them might ask you to dance.
You may have also been hopeful for the possibility of getting laid tonight. You were newly single but even then, it’d been months since you and your ex last had sex. You were sad and lonely and thought, what better way to get back out there and help yourself feel better than hooking up with one of said cute pilots? 
Your plan, however, seemed futile because none of the guys would even talk to you. In fact, since Bradley had introduced you to them after the ceremony earlier in the day, his fellow pilots could hardly look you in the eye.
“Guys, this is my little sister.” With an arm wrapped around your shoulders, your brother had rattled off each of the naval aviators’ names and callsigns, and told his friends your name. They were all nice enough, each politely shaking your hand and making small talk, a few of them making jokes at your big brother’s expense.
But you could sense there was an awkwardness there, almost as if the members of the Dagger squad were afraid of you. You couldn’t understand why, but you could tell they were hesitant to keep the conversation going with you.
Initially, you brushed it off. However, as the day went on, whenever you’d find yourself alone in conversation with one of the Top Gun pilots, they each kept the interactions very short and sweet, acting as though they couldn’t get away from you fast enough. Leaving you feeling unsure of yourself and wondering what you could have possibly done to have them all so blatantly avoiding you. 
So, after sharing a dance with your dear Uncle Mav and relinquishing him back into the awaiting arms of Penny, you spend the next half hour moping at the table on your own. Absent-mindedly swirling the straw around in your drink, chin resting in your other hand as you watch the festivities going on around you. 
And that’s how Jake finds you.
You were adorable. With your sparkling eyes and your hair pinned up into some intricate up-do that Jake wanted to see undone, a few pieces flowing down and framing your face. The hint of cleavage Jake could see beneath the cowl neckline of that lavender dress that hugged your curves so well as you leaned forward against the table, a slight pout on your lips as you observed everyone having fun on the dancefloor.
Jake could tell that you weren’t having a good time and he knew exactly why. 
Little did you know that earlier that morning while Bradley and his groomsmen were getting ready in a suite separate from the girls, your brother had had a “talk” with all the guys.
Debriefing about last night’s rehearsal dinner, Hangman, Coyote, and Fanboy–all of the single groomsmen–had been discussing a few of Natasha’s bridesmaids that they thought were cute. Especially the maid of honor. 
Rooster’s ears had been ringing when he heard them describe you to a T, and Jake could practically see smoke coming out of them as he turned toward his friends, always the overprotective big brother ready to shut them down.
“The maid of honor,” all of the groomsmen turned to look at the mustached groom as he began to speak.
“Is my little sister. And she’s off limits.” At his words and the stern, serious tone of Bradley’s voice, Jake and the others collectively shut up, matching caught-out and shocked expressions on each of their faces.
“I mean it, guys, I don’t wanna see any of you hitting on her. I love you all like my brothers, but I’m not afraid to kick someone’s ass if I see you trying it on with my sister.”
The guys all knew that Rooster wasn’t bluffing. With rushed apologies and confirmations that they’d leave you alone, the tension left the room as they all laughed it off and went about their business getting ready for the ceremony. 
With Bradley’s warning in mind, the Dagger squad had spent the rest of the day being nice—but not too nice—whenever they spoke to you, and tried to keep their interactions with you to a minimum, so as not to face your older brother’s wrath.
They all knew that Bradley could be a bit hotheaded. Even Bob, who is very happily married, found himself a little afraid to spend too much time conversing with you.
Jake was ready to follow the rules too, it was Bradshaw’s wedding after all. He could hold off on pissing off his best frenemy for one night. At least that was the case, until the reception. 
When he saw you sitting all alone, all gorgeous and sulking, Jake knew right then that he had to go talk to you. He knew he was the only one stupid enough—or brave enough, if you ask him—to go against your brother’s wishes, and who was Jake if he wasn’t stirring the pot?
Was it so wrong for him to help a pretty lady have a good time? And you were beautiful, strikingly so, so Jake wouldn’t mind if he got a little something out of it too. 
Jake isn’t scared of your brother. Besides, Rooster is far too busy dancing with Phoenix, the newlywed couple far too preoccupied with making heart-eyes at each other to notice him making his way over to you.
Your eyes widen with intrigue as the tall, blonde pilot—Jake, or Hangman as he’d been introduced to you—sidles over to where you’re seated. 
God, was he handsome. You sit up a little straighter as he plonks himself down in the chair next to you, a devilish smirk on his lips as he turns toward you. 
“What is a pretty little thing like you doing sitting here all on her lonesome?” He inquires, a slight Southern drawl to his voice. Texan, maybe?
“Um… drinking?” Your answer is short, but you’re a bit caught off guard and still annoyed by the fact that all of your attempts at socializing tonight with anyone outside of the few members of your family and Phoenix, had failed. 
But now, here was Hangman, going out of his way to talk to you and looking you straight in your eyes. His green gaze intense and leaving you a bit flustered. 
Jake glances down to where you’re still toying with the straw in your near-empty glass. With that playful smirk still present on his face, he goes to speak again.
“Well, darlin’, I cannot in good conscience let you drink alone. What are you drinking and how ‘bout I buy you another one?” His question makes you scoff. 
“Tequila Sunrise, and it’s an open bar, so… no, you can’t buy me a drink.” You roll your eyes at the almost too handsome pilot. 
Oh. Pretty and feisty. Jake was going to have a hard time staying away from you.
“Well then, how about I acquire you another one, and because I’m such a nice guy, I’ll even join you?” Jake winks at you and stands, striding towards the bar before you could even answer his question. 
Your brother and Natasha had mentioned Hangman to you a handful times over the years, and he was just as cocky and self-assured as they always said. But, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you don’t find it kind of charming, or that you aren’t extremely attracted to him.
Jake returns a couple minutes later, a Tequila Sunrise in one hand and a glass of what looked to be whiskey in the other. He places your drink down in front of you and slides back into the chair next to yours, albeit a few inches closer this time.
“You know, you look pretty miserable over here. Though, I guess I would be too if I had to grow up with Rooster as my brother.” That draws a genuine laugh out of you.
“There she is!” His exclamation makes you giggle, a slight blush taking over your cheeks. Jake loves the sight of your smile. The sound of your laugh. He decides that he wants to hear that sound over and over again.
“He’s not so bad.” You refute through your laughter.
“I just don’t really know many people here, and I kind of get the feeling my brother and Nat’s friends don’t like me very much. I’m not sure why…” You trail off and look down at your lap, shy all of a sudden. Jake has to fight very hard to not smile at how adorable your furrowed brows and pouted lips are.
“You’re the first person here to actually talk to me for more than two seconds.” You let out a nervous laugh and start sipping your new drink.
Jake feels bad that your dumbass brother’s plan to keep the guys away from you is the reason you’re feeling so down, without you even knowing. And no matter how cute you may look, Jake doesn’t like seeing you sad. He’s going to rectify that.
“Well darlin’, now that I’m here, you don’t need to talk to anyone else.” Jake’s smile is still smug, but sincere, and you can’t help but grin back at him. You shake your head and giggle at the cocky pilot, thinking to yourself that it wouldn’t be so bad if he were the only person you had to talk to for the rest of the night.
“Now, how about we finish these drinks and then we head out onto the dancefloor?” To that, you agree, and the two of you sit sipping your drinks and talking for a little while. Getting better acquainted. Jake is fun and very charming, and you love how easily he’s able to make you laugh.
When Jake notices that you’re just about done with your tequila sunrise, he quickly shoots back the rest of his whiskey, ready to get you onto the dancefloor. He stands and you accept the hand he’s extended toward you, his large hand engulfing your smaller one and letting him lead you into the crowd of people. 
Standing in front of him now, you only just notice how good Jake looks in his suit. It’s a simple black suit, white undershirt and black tie, like all the groomsmen wore. But the way it fits his body, the way the jacket sleeves are ever-so-slightly too tight around his big arms, and the way you could tell he was extremely toned even under layers of clothing, made you dizzy.
As you make it onto the floor, Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Everywhere’ begins to play through the speakers. Jake pulls you in close to him by your joined hands and spins you around under his arm. The two of you laugh, both a little tipsy. 
You spend the duration of the song dancing together like children without a care in the world. Not much rhythm to it or any real dance moves, mostly just jumping around and singing along to the lyrics, Jake twirling you around a good number of times. You’re sure that the two of you look like idiots, but it’s the most fun you’ve had all night.
You dance together to a couple more upbeat songs, and Jake can’t help but admire you. He finds it incredibly sexy how carefree you seem in this moment.
As another classic rock song comes to an end and a slower song takes its place, Jake pulls you in again. This time by the waist, until you’re nearly chest-to-chest. The warmth of his hands setting your skin alight through the thin, satiny fabric of your bridesmaid’s dress. 
Your own hands slide up his biceps, coming to rest on his broad shoulders. You look up at him with those bright, beautiful eyes and a shy smile, and Jake finds himself entranced. 
God, he wants to kiss you.  
You rest your head on his chest as he begins to sway you softly along to the music. As if Jake can feel eyes burning into the side of his face, he turns the two of you slightly, only to find Rooster glaring at him as he stands across the dancefloor, slow dancing with Phoenix.
“What the fuck is he doing?” Bradley quietly asks, mostly to himself, but the question catches his wife’s attention. 
“What is who doing?” Natasha queries with a laugh as she turns to look at where Bradley’s hard gaze is pointed.
“Aw, maybe Bagman does have a heart.” Her lips form into an exaggerated pout as she watches Jake and you sway from side to side as he holds you in his arms, your head leaning on his chest. Bradley looks down at her with a bewildered look on his face.
“No, that is most definitely not AW, and no he doesn’t!” He grouches with a sigh. Natasha gives him a questioning glance, waiting expectantly for whatever the hell it is she’s missing right now.
“I told those idiots to stay away from her.” Bradley mutters dejectedly.
“What are you talking about, told who to stay away from who?” Natasha narrows her eyes at her husband.
“Jake and the rest of the squad. I overheard them talking about how hot they thought my sister was, and I told them to leave her alone.” Bradley whines.
Natasha stays silent for a few moments, processing this information and looking up at her husband with a stunned expression.
“Oh, honey…” She can’t help but laugh. Now she understands why you’d spent much of the evening sulking.
“What?!” Bradley practically shrieks. “She’s my baby sister, I just wanna protect her!”
At that, Natasha cracks a smile. She’s always admired how much Rooster loves his little sister and how, with your parents gone, he always felt it was his responsibility to take care of you. 
“Bradley, I love you, but you really are an idiot sometimes.” Natasha grins, shaking her head at her husband. The look he gives her is dumbfounded and one of slight offense.
“Babe, I get that you want to protect your sister, but she’s not a kid anymore. She’s an adult and you have to let her make her own choices and her own mistakes. Even if one of those mistakes is Bagman.” Natasha scrunches her nose playfully and Bradley gives her a deadpan look. 
“You know she’d be pissed if she found out that you did that.” Natasha smirks, thinking back on a few of the silly sibling spats that she’s had to mediate over the last few years since she’s been with Bradley—most of them due entirely to his overprotective tendencies and your desire to escape them. 
“Come on, Roo, you know I’m right.” Bradley rolls his eyes dramatically and sighs, wrapping his arms around his bride. 
“Yeah, you always are. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” He places a kiss on her forehead, and murmurs against her skin. “But if he hurts her, I’ll kill him.” 
Bradley glares in Jake’s direction once again.
Jake can also feel the eyes of the other Top Gun pilots on the two of you. They’ve all just witnessed the interaction and look between him and Rooster, some looking on in amusement, others in fear for Jake's safety.
Jake has to bite back a laugh, leaning his head down on top of yours to hide the cheeky smile that plays on his lips. The two of you slow dance a little while longer, Jake’s hands rubbing gently up and down your sides and sending your stomach into a frenzy of butterflies.
Jake decides he’d like a moment alone with you, away from prying eyes. His hands leave your torso, moving to rest on your arms, giving them a light squeeze to gain your attention. The hazy, content look on your pretty face when you look up at him only strengthens his desire to be alone with you. Fuck, he wants you.
“Come with me?” Jake leans down to whisper into your ear, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine. When he pulls back, you look up to see his emerald eyes boring into you, and you simply nod.
You aren’t sure where he’s taking you, but if he keeps looking at you like that, you’re pretty certain you’d follow him anywhere. He grabs your hand and spares a last glance at your still glaring brother, smirking as he leads you to the exit of the ballroom. 
Before you can make it past the threshold though, Jake comes to an abrupt stop and lets go of your hand.
“One second.” He quickly breathes out, leaving you standing by the door as he darts back over the bar.
You’re confused for a moment, but you can’t help but giggle to yourself as you watch him look around to make sure no one is watching before he reaches behind the bar, grabbing an unopened bottle of champagne. 
He sprints back over to you, once again taking your hand in his free one and speeding out into the hallway, pulling you along with him. You’re unable to keep from laughing, near breathless as you try to keep up with Jake’s long strides in your high heels.
When he finds a dark, empty room towards the back of the venue hall, Jake pulls you inside with him and closes the door. Before you know it, your back is pressed against it, hitting the hard wood with a thud as Jake crashes his lips against yours, kissing you breathless.
Catching your plush bottom lip between both of his, one of his hands finds your waist in the dark, the other still holding onto the neck of the champagne bottle. You kiss him back with just as much fervor, reaching a hand up into Jake’s blonde hair and tugging lightly, pulling a soft groan from him. 
The two of you move in sync, lips pressing together at an increasing speed and intensity until your lungs are burning from the lack of oxygen. Jake pulls back for some air and both of your chests are heaving, light pants escaping your lips as you stare at each other in the dark of the room.
When you look down and catch a glimpse of the bottle still in Jake’s grasp, you let out a breathless chuckle.
“You forgot the glasses.” 
He follows your gaze and laughs along with you, though it comes out as more of a pant.
“Shit, yeah. Maybe we can find some in here, if I can just find a light…” Jake trails off, his body leaving your personal space and pulling the warmth of him along with it. You’re left standing by the door, feeling cold and already missing his presence and his weight against you as he goes off in search of the lights. 
It’s a quick search, after about only 30 seconds, Jake finds a lamp on a table in the corner of the room. He switches it on, casting the room in a soft, dim golden light.
No longer bathed in darkness, you now see that the room you ended up in is another suite like the ones the bridal party had used to get ready that morning. A couple of fancy olive green velvet couches spread throughout the space, a few vanity mirrors along the far wall, a door leading to a bathroom at the back. 
You take a seat on one of the lavish couches and remove your heels, feet aching a bit after the long day. You pull your legs up onto the couch as Jake goes on the hunt for champagne glasses. After a brief and unsuccessful search, Jake joins you on the couch.
“No luck.” His playful pout makes you giggle as he plops down onto the cushion next to you. 
“Fuck it!” Jake exclaims as he turns the champagne bottle away from you to open it, a small gasp escaping your lips as he sends the cork flying somewhere across the room. 
He hands the bottle over to you with a grin.
“Ladies first.” And there’s that wink again. As you take a swig from the bottle, Jake pulls your feet up into his lap, and you nearly choke on the fizzy liquid in surprise when his fingers begin to massage your calves. Once the initial shock wears off, you can’t stop the contented sigh that escapes your lips at the feeling. 
When you’ve taken a few sips, you hand the bottle back over to Jake, fingers brushing as he takes it from your grasp. His eyes remain on your face as he takes a big swig of the champagne and you can feel a blush beginning to heat up your face. 
Setting the bottle down on the floor, Jake tugs your legs closer to him again, this time pulling until you’re nearly sitting in his lap and drawing a little yelp from you. Your face is inches away from his and in the dim lamplight you can see that his eyes are blown wide, mostly black with only a hint of that pretty green visible.
Jake reaches a hand toward the back of your neck, gently running his fingers between your shoulder blades and down your upper back, bare due to the low backing of your dress. Grazing your skin with a featherlight touch before curling his fingers around the nape of your neck and pulling you in to kiss him again. 
The taste of champagne is prevalent as Jake attaches his lips to yours. His other hand moves to your waist to help guide you fully onto his lap. Your own hands slide along his chest over the soft fabric of his suit jacket and up to his broad shoulders, fingers gripping lightly at the soft strands of hair at the nape of his neck. Your lips move softly against his, finding a rhythm and allowing yourself to get lost in it.
Jake’s hands squeeze at your waist, thumbs just barely grazing the underside of your breasts through your dress as he deepens the kiss. Pulling you impossibly closer as he nips at your bottom lip, eliciting a quiet whine from you. His tongue tracks along the seam of your lips and you’re quick to part them for him, allowing his tongue to work softly against yours.
You and Jake relish in the taste of one another mixed with the sweetness of the bubbly alcohol, your movements becoming more fervent. Your head grows dizzy as Jake groans into your mouth when your fingers gently tug at the hair at his nape.
Jake feels his cock twitch in his pants when he pulls away and sees your hazy expression, all hooded lids and kiss-swollen lips. He presses a trail of sweet kisses to your jaw and chin, working his way down to your neck. His nose grazes the column of your throat, inhaling the sweet, flowery scent of your perfume.
Your head tilts back on a quiet moan, granting Jake more access as his mouth begins to work at the side of your neck. Sucking and biting at the soft skin, teeth sure enough to leave a mark. With your hands still in his hair, you pull Jake back up to your lips, kissing him ardently as your hips involuntarily rut against the growing bulge in his trousers.
You both moan at the friction as Jake’s hand moves to cup your cheek, fingers tangling in your intricately styled hair. As his tongue glides against yours, you feel him begin to pull at the pins, loosening your hair from its confines until it flows freely around your shoulders. He pulls back from the kiss to look at you with a look that screams pure lust.
“Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do that all night.” Jake breathes as he runs a hand through your silky locks. Since he first laid eyes on you, he’d wondered how you’d look with your hair all messy and free, your perfect little up-do unraveled. And fuck, does he like what he sees.
With a newfound sense of need, you reattach your lips to Jake’s, sliding your tongue into his mouth as your hands begin to push the suit jacket off of his shoulders. He shrugs it the rest of the way off, letting out a whispered ‘fuck’ as your lips trail down his sharp jawline to his neck as your nimble fingers begin to work on untying his tie, and straight to unbuttoning his dress shirt after that.
When his upper half is free of clothes, you tease soft, barely-there kisses along Jake’s shoulders and the hard plains of his chest. Eager to touch more of your skin, Jake’s hands make their way down to your thighs, changing positions to pull you underneath him on the velvet couch, your legs wrapped around his hips. He sits up and runs an index finger lightly under the thin strap of your dress.
“Can I?” You nod fervently in response to his question and Jake gently pushes the straps off of your shoulders.
You sit up and Jake pecks your lips, his hands moving behind you to unzip the top of your dress. The soft satin falls down around your torso, revealing a strapless lacy bra that matches the pastel purple of your dress. His hands reach again behind your back, making quick work of unclasping your bra to reveal your perfect, supple breasts.
Jake takes a moment to admire the beautiful picture that’s in front of him before he leans down to kiss at your chest. His lips work softly at the swell of your breast, thumb and index finger coming to pinch at one nipple while his mouth engulfs the other. The moan it pulls from you is music to Jake’s ears.
Your fingers tangle in his hair once again as his tongue swirls your nipple, quiet whimpers escaping you as he kisses and suckles at the skin. His mouth travels to your other breast, leaving a trail of kisses along the way before sucking the bud between his lips, tongue working softly at it until it forms a hardened peak.
Satisfied with his work, Jake grazes his teeth against your nipple, evoking a breathy gasp from you and a tug on his hair as he nips at the sensitive bud before releasing it. You feel a gush of arousal at your core as his mouth starts to trail lower down your torso. Kissing softly at your sternum, your ribcage, and just above your navel.
Goosebumps form along your skin as Jake lowers himself down on the couch, strong hands gliding up the sides of your thighs. Pushing the silky fabric of your dress along with them until it’s bunched up at the middle of your torso, revealing pretty, sheer lace panties that you’re sure are probably soaked through.
Jake presses a kiss to your hip bone, looking up at you with wild eyes awaiting your permission. You swallow hard, nodding your head frantically. You need him to touch you before you go insane.
“Please, Jake,” You hardly recognize the breathless, whiny voice that comes out of your mouth. “Need you.”
Jake runs a finger along your slit over the damp fabric of your panties, your desperate, breathy cries painting a smirk on his lips. He doesn’t need to be told twice. 
He teasingly bumps his finger into your clit just to hear you whine before his fingers grip onto your waistband, pulling the lacy fabric torturously slow down your thighs. He sits back on his knees, pressing a kiss to your knee as he helps get your underwear the rest of the way down your legs.
When they fall to the floor, Jake repositions himself on the couch between your thighs, lifting one of them over his shoulder. His lips make a trail up the inside of your thigh, kissing and nipping at the soft skin and enjoying the way your breath catches as he inches closer to where you need him most, before ultimately moving back and starting again on the other thigh. Your fingers tug at his roots, chest breathless and heaving as you wait for Jake to just do something.
You moan out loudly in surprise as your wish is granted, Jake’s tongue licking a broad stripe through your folds. Your fingers tighten in his hair when he presses a kiss to your clit. He pulls back for a moment and just stares at your cunt, pretty and glistening just for him. 
You’d be embarrassed at the attention if it weren’t for the look of complete awe on his gorgeous face as he gazes at your core. His tongue glides through your folds again, collecting your arousal.
“Mm, so fuckin’ sweet, baby. Just like you.” And with that, Jake sucks your clit between his lips, drawing a loud cry from your lips as he applies a firm pressure. He alternates between suckling the sensitive bud and dipping his tongue into your hole, tasting the wetness that continues to flow at his ministrations.
As his lips wrap around your clit once more, you feel one of Jake’s fingers begin to tease at your entrance. Gathering the wetness there before the digit enters you, he lets out a low groan as you clench around it. He works his finger in and out, adding in a second to help stretch you out and get you ready for his cock.
Jake can hear your soft whimpers and heavy breathing, he can feel the way your walls clench around his fingers even tighter as he prods at that spongy spot inside of you and he knows that you’re close.
“Gonna come for me, Sweets? You gonna come all over my tongue?” Jake implores with a teasing smirk before he dives back in, tongue replacing his fingers and licking into you.
“Fuck, please, Ja- OHH!” Your plea is cut short as his fingers pinch at your clit once more. Rubbing tight circles in time with his tongue that’s fucking in and out your hole. Jake’s fingers quicken their pace, pressing firmly against your sensitive bud while he devours you, and you fall over the edge with a sharp cry that borders on being a scream.
“So fucking good for me.” Jake mutters against your center, his tongue lapping up your release while his fingers still gently swirl your clit and work you through your orgasm. He licks up every bit of your sweetness, rutting his hips against the velvety couch cushion to gain some friction on his still-clothed cock that strains under the fabric of his pants, as he watches you writhe under his tongue, hands tugging at his roots hard as your loud cries turn into soft whimpers.
Jake only lets up when your shaky hand tries to push his head away from your center, the pleasure becoming too much. Leaving one final kiss to your inner thigh, he pulls back, lips and chin glistening with your release.
You tug at Jake’s hair again, guiding his head back up to be level with yours. You pull him into a bruising kiss, moaning into his mouth as you taste yourself on his tongue. Your hands travel down to unbuckle Jake’s belt and open the button of his trousers, one hand dipping into the waistband to cup him over his boxers. 
Jake grunts above you as you palm at his hard length, his own hands reaching down to help you remove his pants.
Only able to get them about halfway down his legs from his position hovering over you, Jake pulls back and stands from the couch. He pulls his dress pants and underwear down in one swift motion. Your mouth waters at the sight of him, his cock long and hard, the tip red and dripping with precum.
Before he can return to his previous position kneeling above you, you too stand up, pushing Jake back onto the couch in a seated position.
“Wha- where ya goin’, darling?” Jake questions you with a breathless chuckle, a bit surprised by the moment of dominance from you. As you drop to your knees in front of him though, he starts to get the hint.
“Just wanna return the favor.” You say it sweetly, giving him your best doe eyes. Jake’s hand comes up to cup your cheek, caressing the skin softly and letting out a desperate groan as you position yourself between his thick thighs.
You trail your nails along the skin of his thighs, leaving light pink marks in your wake as you tease your way to the apex of his thighs. When you finally wrap your hand around him, you feel Jake’s cock twitch in your grasp and look up at him with a sweet smile. 
Minx. Jake swears he could cum right then and there.
Your hand rubs along the base of Jake’s cock and up to his tip, collecting the precum dribbling from his slit and dragging it down his length to aid in your movements. Your grip tightens around him just slightly, and you enjoy the desperate sound he makes as you lean down to place a kiss to his weeping tip.
Hand still cupping your cheek, Jake’s fingers move into your hair as you kitten lick at his tip before taking him into your mouth. Your tongue swirls around the ridge of his head, sucking softly and moving further down onto his length. You take as much of him into your mouth as you can, eagerly sucking his shaft and using your hand to rub what you can’t fit.
Your fingers move to grip one of Jake’s strong thighs as you take him as far down your throat as you possibly can, blinking up at him with wide doe eyes. Your cheeks suction around his length and Jake chokes on a loud moan, his fingers tightening in your hair when his tip hits the back of your throat.
“Fuck, fuck.” He gently pulls you off of him with a groan, a string of saliva still connecting your swollen pink lips to the head of his cock. Jake knew he was getting close and he didn’t want to finish before feeling your sweet cunt wrapped around him.
“Need to be inside you, darlin’.” Jake practically begs as he pulls you up to your feet. He finishes unzipping your dress that’s still hanging down around your middle the rest of the way, watching the fabric pool around your feet before guiding you to sit atop his thighs. Fully naked and secure in his lap, you wrap your arms around his neck and lead Jake into another fiery kiss.
“Need you, Jake.” You breathe against his lips, noses rubbing together as you nod your head against him. 
You grind your hips down against his in an effort to convey your need. Jake’s hand reaches down to grip his cock, running it along your soaked folds and bumping your clit with his tip, teasing you both as you moan against each other’s lips.
“Shit… I don’t have a condom.” Jake realizes, voice sounding defeated as he looks down and  watches the head of his cock tease at your clit once more.
“Fuck.” The word comes out of your mouth as a whine. 
Fuck was right. All that hoping and planning to get lucky tonight, and you hadn’t had the forethought to bring protection? Whoops.
Lucky for you, you’d been on the pill for a couple of years now, having started taking it when you were with your ex. You place a gentle kiss to Jake’s cheek before pulling back to look in his eyes as you speak.
“I’m on the pill. And I haven’t been with anyone in a while, so… I’m good.” You chuckle sheepishly, brows furrowing slightly as you wait for Jake’s response.
Jake nods his head eagerly. “Fuck-yeah, I’m all good too! If you’re sure…” he wants to be sure that you’re comfortable.
He can’t help but grin as you nod your head just as eagerly, but that grin is quickly wiped off Jake’s face.
Your brother can never find out about this… Rooster would actually kill him. It’s bad enough that he’s sleeping with Bradley’s little sister on his wedding day, let alone without protection.
It’s an afterthought that Jake realizes he must’ve accidentally spoken aloud, as the giggles that erupt from you in response to the words spoken under his breath hit his ears.
“Yes.” You plant a kiss on his jaw. “I’m sure, Jake.” Another kiss. “Need you.” Your lips move to peck his hungrily.
His thoughts are immediately pulled away from Rooster and Jake couldn’t be happier. Not only does he get to be inside of you, but he gets to feel you wrapped around him with no barrier in between. 
Your blatant need for him only inflates Jake’s ego, and makes him impossibly harder. His hand cups the side of your neck, pressing his lips firmly to yours one more time before leaning back to look at you with a smug smirk.
“Go ahead. Take it, baby.” Jake drawls as he leans back, arms stretched along the back of the couch, his words have you clenching around nothing.
At his request, you lift your hips slightly, taking Jake’s hard cock into your hand and lining it up with your entrance. He watches in awe as you sink down around his length slowly, the both of you hissing simultaneously. You at the stretch, and him the tightness of your walls enveloping him. 
Your hands hold onto Jake’s shoulders for support as you take him, inch by inch, until he’s fully seated inside of you. You both let out quiet curses at the feeling. You’re not sure you’ve ever felt so full, but your slickness makes for easy movement once you get used to the stretch.
You lift your hips until just the tip of his cock is still inside of you, before slowly sinking back down and grinding your hips against his.
“Fuck. Feel so good, darlin.” Jake groans as your muscles clench around him and you let out a quiet whimper in response.
You bury your face in the crook of Jake’s neck as you begin to ride him, moving up and down his length as your hips work to find a rhythm. Jake groans as you begin to pick up the pace, his hands moving to your hips to help guide your movements.
When you’ve found a good rhythm, Jake plants his feet firmly on the floor beneath him and begins to thrust up into you. Pulling your hips firmly against his with every thrust, hitting that spot inside of you that makes you cry out in ecstasy.
The soft whimpers you let out against the skin of his neck are driving Jake’s movements, the sweet, open-mouthed kisses littered against the column of his throat spurring him on. He grunts as your walls tighten around him in a vice-like grip on a particularly hard thrust. 
Jake can tell you’re getting tired as your thighs begin to tremble over his, hips stuttering and losing their tempo as you rise and sink yourself down on his cock.
His hands wrap around your thighs, lifting you off of him and you whine in protest at the loss of the fullness of him. With you still hovering over his lap, arms wrapped around his neck, Jake easily flips the two of you over, gently placing you so that you’re lying back on the velvety couch. He hovers over you, knees digging into the cushions and he leans down to attach his lips to yours as he lines up with your entrance again.
You moan into the kiss as Jake bottoms out inside of you, your velvety walls welcoming him in with ease. Jake lifts one of your thighs around his hips, your leg going to wrap around his back automatically as he plows into you, the head of his cock hitting that spot deep inside of you again and it has you seeing stars.
The room is filled with the sounds of heavy breathing, Jake’s soft grunts and your blissful cries mingling together. Skin slapping against skin as Jake drives into you, the sound of your growing wetness as his cock moves in and out at a rapid pace. Jake leans down to suck a nipple into his mouth as he fucks you, nipping lightly at the skin.
“Jake…fuck! Please…” You’re babbling almost incoherently, the fucked-out look on your face sending Jake into a frenzy.
“I’ve got you, honey. Want you to come for me.” He mumbles against the skin of your chest as he continues to fuck you, one hand gripping onto the top of the couch for support.
He can sense you’re getting close and he applies a firm thumb to your clit, the pressure willing another moan from deep within you. Your fingers lock onto the strands of his hair as his fingers begin to circle the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
Jake quickens the pace of his thrusts, and his hand moves to grab the leg that’s wrapped around his waist, instead pushing your knee up to your chest so he can plunge into you deeper. The new angle combined with the consistent pressure on your clit has you screaming out, and you pray that no one walks down the hall past this room right now because they’d definitely hear you.
The sensation of Jake’s thumb and forefinger harshly pinching your clit sends you over the edge, a loud, broken cry escaping your throat as he fucks you through it. His length continues to move in and out of you, hips never slowing their pace. The overstimulation leaves you a whimpering mess, nails clawing into Jake’s shoulder as he searches for his own high.
Jake is nearing his end too, the tightness of your walls constricting around his cock as you writhe and whimper underneath him makes his hips stutter as he slams into you. With a few more thrusts, he reaches his peak with a deep groan. His warm, sticky release coating your walls and you sigh blissfully at the feeling. Jake’s hips slow, not stopping fully until he’s spent, wanting to fill you up with every last drop of his cum.
Once he’s sure that you’ve milked him of every last bit, Jake pulls out of you gently and you whimper at the feeling. Missing the fullness of him already, a sigh escapes your lips as a mixture of his release and yours begins to dribble out between your thighs.
Jake moves to flip the two of you over so that you’re lying on top of him, your head resting upon his chest. You can feel his still-fast heartbeat against your ear, getting slower by the minute as he recovers from his high. 
Your own heart is racing too and your mind is hazy as you wind down, you’re not sure that anyone has ever fucked you so good. Jake’s arms wrap around you, one hand reaching up into your hair and gently massaging your scalp as the other softly rubs at the skin of your back.
The two of you lay there for a while, cuddling and quietly talking about everything and nothing. Sharing details about yourselves, wanting to get to know each other a little better. 
At some point, you pick up the bottle of champagne from the floor again, still resting on Jake’s chest as you pass it back and forth. Taking sips, both of you pleasantly buzzed—from both the alcohol and the orgasms—as you talk about your jobs, your families, anything and everything that comes to mind.
Eventually, the topic of discussion turns to the events of the day and the wedding, and Jake has you giggling as he makes some joke at your brother’s expense. 
Spending time with Jake is easy. You feel giddy, yet comfortable in his embrace and his cocky-but-charming personality hasn’t failed yet to make you smile.
“Maybe we should get married.” The sarcastic tone of Jake’s voice lets you know he’s obviously joking, but his words still have you lifting your head from his bare chest to look up at him, a bit bemused.
“It would make my entire life to see the look on Rooster’s face when he has to tell people that I’m his brother-in-law.” Jake continues, looking down at you with that signature smirk, the mischievous mirth in his eyes eliciting a giggle from you.
Even though he doesn’t know you very well yet, Jake can’t help but think it might actually be pretty nice to be married to someone like you. Sweet, funny, beautiful–and Jake finds he really enjoys spending time with you.
“Yeah, I’d pay good money to see that.” You agree, your body being gently bounced around with the movement of Jake’s chest beneath you as he joins you in your laughter.
“Ok, so I know it’s a little soon for marriage, but I would like to take you out.” For the first time since you met him earlier that day, Jake actually seems a bit… nervous? The smile on his face is a bashful one and you find it’s adorable. From the stories your brother had told about the cocky pilot, you never would’ve thought you’d find him so endearing.
“Like… in the murdering sense?” You try to alleviate his nerves with a bit of humor and Jake’s subsequent deadpan stare has you giggling again. You lean up to press a kiss to his jaw. He pretends to be annoyed by your antics, but you can tell he’s trying not to smile.
“On a date.” He drawls with a dramatic eye roll. You suck in a breath and plaster a pensive look on your face, pretending for a moment like you actually need to think about his offer. You exhale with an exaggerated sigh.
“Ok.” Your arms tighten around Jake’s torso and you press a kiss to his chest.
“Yeah?” Jake tries to keep his cool, but he has a hard time hiding the excitement in his voice. He knows you can probably feel the way his heart has sped up beneath your cheek that’s resting against his skin too.
“Yes. I’d love to go out with you.” You lift your head to gaze up at him once more, trying to bite back your grin. But Jake’s thumb reaches up to release your bottom lip from between your teeth, gently running over the tender skin as he gazes down at you with those glittering green eyes. Yeah, you could get used to that.
The two of you stay wrapped up together on the sofa a little while longer, still talking quietly so as to not disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the ambiently-lit suite. You’re still lying on Jake’s chest, your legs intertwined with his, lulled into a hazy state of comfort as one of his hands lightly runs through your hair, lazily twirling the locks around his finger. His other hand is softly tracing patterns onto the bare skin of your back.
You and Jake have been gone a long while now, and you know if you don’t return to the party soon, Bradley is going to come looking for you. Deciding you’d rather not have your brother find you in such a compromising position with one of his friends, you begrudgingly lift your head from Jake’s chest.
“We should probably head back out there.” You say with little enthusiasm. “My brother’s gonna think you kidnapped me and send out a search party.” 
You grumble, pouting as Jake’s hand lightly caresses over your hair. Cute. 
He laughs at your sour expression and hums in agreement, sitting up on the couch. The movement of his body taking you with him as you’re still wrapped around him.
Jake ponders if he should maybe tell you about Bradley warning all of the men at his wedding away from you—but ultimately decides against it as you seem so content, so at ease with him. He didn’t want to ruin your good mood or cause problems between you and your brother. And, he really likes you. He doesn’t want to fuck this up.
Maybe he’d tell you one day when Bradley is really pissing him off, he thinks to himself with a smirk.
Jake helps you to your feet before standing up himself and stepping back into his boxers. He tells you to wait a moment while he runs into the bathroom that’s at the back of the room. 
While you’re in the midst of securely clasping your bra back over your chest, Jake returns with a damp cloth, kneeling down to gently clean up his cum that’s now dried down the inside of your thighs, leaving a soft kiss to the skin of your hip. 
Once you’re all cleaned up, Jake helps you step into your lace underwear, bracing yourself with a hand on his shoulder for balance as your legs still feel a bit like Jell-O after the earth-shattering orgasms he had given you.
He stands to help you back into your bridesmaid’s dress, leaning down to place featherlight kisses to your shoulder blades as he closes up the zipper. Jake even helps smooth down your hair—surely a mess from your earlier activities and his hands running through it—leaving a chaste kiss to your lips before he moves to re-dress himself. This time forgoing his tie in favor of stuffing it into his pocket. 
With your heels strapped around your ankles once more, you let Jake lead you out of the suite. Your hand joined with his and your cheek resting against his shoulder as you navigate your way, side by side, back to the ballroom. 
When you reach the double doors, you tug at Jake’s hand to stop him before he can open them. The blonde’s cute, inquisitive look reminds you of a golden retriever puppy and it makes your heart flutter. You reach up to cup his cheeks, pulling him in for a brief, but passionate kiss.
“Sorry, I just really wanted to do that again.” You tell him with a nervous laugh and he lets out a satisfied groan.
“Don’t be sorry, sweetheart.” Jake pulls you back in and you can feel the smirk on his lips as he attaches them to yours. The two of you spend the next few minutes just standing there, making out outside of the entrance to the ballroom. 
Mouths moving languidly together, and you don’t hesitate to grant Jake’s tongue access when it runs along the seam of your lips. Tongues swirling lazily around one another trying to memorize the taste. When you finally pull back, your lips are swollen, and both you and Jake are beaming.
The reception is coming to an end, and you make it back into the slowly emptying ballroom just in time to see the happy newlyweds making their rounds about the room, accepting congratulations and thanking their guests for coming. 
As they come across you and Jake, Natasha is all smiles while Bradley’s expression drops into one of annoyance, his hazel-eyed glare directed at Jake. 
Never one to be intimidated by his best frenemy, Jake’s mouth forms into that distinctive smirk, extending the hand that wasn’t holding yours toward your brother.
“Congratulations, Rooster.” Jake speaks confidently. The two of them shake hands, not dissimilar to how they did after the success of the Uranium mission. Except this time, Bradley isn’t smiling.
By the happy look on your face and the fact that you’re not glaring at him—or trying to hit him—Bradley realizes that Jake must not have told you about his earlier warning to his groomsmen. Though he’s still annoyed with Jake for going against his wishes, he guesses that’s for the best. Maybe Natasha was right.
“Thanks, man.” Bradley’s face softens just barely. 
“But, just know, if you hurt my little sister, I won’t hesitate to shoot your plane out of the sky. We clear?” Your brother continues, still shaking Jake’s hand all the while. Natasha watches the whole exchange, trying not to laugh.
“Bradley-!” Eyes widening, you try to intercept but Jake stops you, giving your hand a light squeeze.
“No, no. It’s okay, Sweets.” You can hear the mirth in his voice when he says it, knowing he’s going to get a reaction out of Bradley.
“SWEETS?!” Your brother all but shrieks, ripping his hand away from Jake’s as if he’s been burned and Natasha is no longer able to hold back her laughter. The pouty glare he gives her in return ends up pulling a snicker out of you too. Jake chuckles haughtily and wraps an arm around your shoulders before addressing your brother again.
“I’m not gonna do anything to hurt her, Bradshaw. I promise. You have my word.” You smile sweetly up at Jake, delighted by his words. 
Your brother grumbles in agreement, recognizing the sincerity in his friend’s voice in that moment, before the two of them shake hands once more. Then, Jake offers the bride a hug and his congratulations, and tells you he’ll give you a moment with you brother, that he’ll be waiting for you by the exit.
With Jake making his exit, your brother’s face finally softens as he turns his attention to you. 
That is, until he glances down a bit and you know that he’s clocked the very obvious hickey blooming on the side of your neck when his expression hardens again. You can swear you see his eye twitch and you have to refrain from laughing. Luckily, for both of your sakes, he doesn’t bring it up.
Bradley just sighs before shaking his head. For the first time since the breakup, his little sister looks genuinely happy and if that’s the case, then he’s happy too.
“Hangman… really?” He scrunches his nose and at that, you simply shrug at him with an amused grin.
Your brother groans, “I don’t know what happened, and I don’t wanna know.”
“Deal.” The two of you share a laugh and Bradley pulls you into a tight bear-hug, which you return gratefully.
“Love you, sis.” He murmurs into the crown of your hair. “Love you too, Bradley.”
Natasha watches the sweet moment between her new husband and sister-in-law with a smile.
“I’m really happy for you, big bro. And so proud. Mom and Dad would be too.” Your arms tighten around him as you quietly deliver the sentiment.
You turn your gaze toward Natasha to let her know that you’re now addressing her as well. “Congratulations!”
When Bradley releases you from his embrace, Nat pulls you in for a hug as well. With that, they bid you goodnight and make your way back over to Jake who’s waiting for you by the ballroom doors.
Bradley opens his arm for his wife to step under, which Natasha does gladly, her own arm draping around Bradley’s waist as his moves to wrap around her shoulders. The couple watches on as you cross the room to reach the cockiest member of the Dagger squad.
“I actually think they’re kinda cute together.” Natasha’s tone is a jesting one, but there’s definitely some truth to her statement. Bradley just tilts his head up toward the ceiling, eyes clenched shut as he groans in response.
With the festivities coming to a close, you find yourself incredibly tired. After such a long day–and all the exertion with Jake that evening, you’re more than ready for a good night’s sleep. Fortunately for you, everyone was staying in the hotel at which the reception was held, so it wasn’t a long commute. 
Despite your increasing exhaustion though, you were reluctant to bid Jake goodnight.
“So… I guess, if you want, you could walk me to my room? Or…” You trail off, leaving the ball in his court. A tad nervous now, blinking up at him with a bright-eyed, hopeful expression, unsure if Jake will get the hint. 
But he definitely does, and the expectant look on your beautiful face makes him smile. What you don’t know is that Jake isn’t quite ready for his time with you tonight to come to an end either.
“Or… you could come back to mine?” He finishes the sentence for you, his grin morphing into more of a smirk, but his tone remains sincere. Placing your hands on his chest, you lean up to peck Jake’s lips.
“I’d love to.” You speak softly against his lips and Jake can feel you smiling. “Just don’t tell my brother.”
Your cheeky remark has Jake letting out a throaty chuckle, his breath warming your cheek before he briefly presses his lips to yours more firmly.
“How else am I gonna piss him off?” Jake jests and you retreat from the kiss, playfully smacking his chest. Shaking your head as the two of you share another laugh. His hands move to slide up the bare skin of your arms as you pull back and Jake can feel the goosebumps forming there.
He removes his suit jacket, leaving him in just his dress shirt, and carefully drapes it over your shoulders. The coat dwarfs your smaller frame, and Jake decides he loves the way you look all wrapped up in his clothes.
“Come on, Sweets. Let’s get you to bed.” Jake softly drawls. The look you give him is one of pure adoration as he takes your hand in his and leads you out into the halls of the hotel.
And though you’re most definitely tired, you have an inkling you’d be more than okay with spending a couple more hours wide awake with Jake when you get up to his room.
Thank you for reading! x
Taglist: @sebsxphia @wkndwlff @chaoticassidy @dempy @ohgodnotagainn @shanimallina87
also tagging a few others who reblogged the sneak peek of this story:
@sunlightmurdock @rosiahills22 @gigisimsonmars @wildxwidow @sarkasfics @roosters-girl <3
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eastend-if · 5 months
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You keep having the same dreams over and over. It happened, years ago, before you left. You thought you had left Eastend behind for good.
It seems you can never truly escape your past. The Priest had warned you.
There's a girl you've never seen in your dreams. Yet, she seems so familiar - as a forgotten teddy bear you left in the attic of your home. She feels right, she looks wrong, she's wrong. Because she's not you, she says. And the two of you stand on the road...a bright light blinds you but the smell of iron reaches you. You do not need your eyes to deduce the ending of the nightmares.
Metaphorical dreams have never been your forte...except this is real. On the day you arrive, she's still alive. And smiling...laughing...walking with her friends. She looks like a normal girl of your age.
You black out - from the shock you think. The familiar iron smell being all too close, it makes you nauseous. At least, the earthen scent that lingers on your clothes counters it a little.
Why are you in the woods again?
....Why is there blood on your hands?
Welcome home, whispers the wind.
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• Customize the vessel whether be it in looks, personality or identity.
• You are free to romance four of the cast. Maybe more, there are many eyes on you.
• Your choices will shape you as they shape the town. They will have consequences on the people around you and those who aren't anymore. Be careful you never know what effect the ripples may have.
• Explore your past to shape your future.
• Fight your nightmares should you be so inclined - or welcome them, there might be surprises in the deep dark part of your mind?
• Choose whether or not you'll doom your childhood town - although, that might not be left to you. Leaving is an option too, after all, you've already left once.
• Survive - or don't. You didn't think you were the only one who could save them, did you?
Eastend is rated 18+ for sexual themes, substance use, explicit language, explicit violence, death and more.
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Beverly Arevalo [F,23], your childhood friend. At least, one of you perceived it that way. She has always been difficult to read and understand, you were one of the few who could years back. Maybe you can rekindle your friendship - maybe it will grow into more. The only thing you know for certain is that there are many unknowns surrounding Beverly.
Aina Valen [F,26] is that stereotypical preppy girl, at least what you know of her. You were never quite close when you still lived in town, but things have changed and so have both of you. Surprisingly enough, she works at the library now, having taken over her brother. You're not aware of what happened between them, only that she seems overly bored whenever you pass by the vitrine. At least she insists on telling you you are the 'spice' of her days, whatever that may mean.
Benjamin Li [M,26] his preferred nickname, Benji has always shown kindness to you and this didn't change with your unexpected return. He somehow always has a nice word for you or others in his vicinity, it's refreshing quite frankly. There are always critters following him around but they say animals are good judges of characters so that's a good sign, right?
Hezekiah Lyncroft [M, 24] was always a pain in your ass, even younger. Always arguing with you over anything and nothing, he was the reason for many headaches. Back then, there were rumours about his home life, ones you remember well. At least, he seems to be in a better place nowadays, even though he's still a pain to be around. But not all pains are bad.
+ familiar faces and strangers you've yet to meet
Demo stands currently at 5.8k words. It is meant as short introduction to the setting and story. Hope you enjoy despite the length :)
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miyamoratsumuu · 1 year
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!!! I do not own these. This list is a compilation of x reader works by other writers !!!
constantly updated (I hope)
navigation . . .
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umpah umpah! (bokuto, iwaizumi.)
conspiracy theories (oikawa x reader/semi x reader)
love is not for everyone (suna)
heart's cuts (suna)
stranger danger (bokuto)
I'll follow you until you love me (semi)
on air (atsumu)
if this is it (bokuto)
tiptoes (semi)
telegraph ave (matsukawa, hanamaki)
red flags & long nights (terushima)
meet me in the hallway (suna)
when worlds collide (suna)
figure it out (sakusa)
indirects (suna)
instant boyfriend (suna)
heaven on your lips (matsukawa)
weeb talk (tendou)
caramel frappuccino (sakusa)
swipe left! (suna)
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21. he loves me, he loves me not (oikawa)
22. hit me up, buttercup! (oikawa)
23. joke's on you (oikawa. sequel of hit me up, buttercup!)
24. 17 asterisks
25. station 16 (kuroo)
26. club stupid (suna)
27. vortex (semi)
28. bet you never saw it coming (osamu)
29. let's do it again, shall we? (osamu x reader/iwaizumi x reader. sequel of bet you never saw it coming)
30. breathing blue (kuroo)
31. pose for me (oikawa)
32. music in me (semi)
33. nobody expects the worst (atsumu)
34. poker face (various hq boys)
35. match point (atsumu)
36. you drew stars around my scars (suna x reader/kenma x reader)
37. in the middle (atsumu, sakusa)
38. frenemies (akaashi)
39. now all I see is color (atsumu x reader/suna x reader)
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the lovers (various hq boys)
perfect strangers (suna)
nonsense (oikawa)
evanescent (iwaizumi)
thanks a lot, cupid (kenma)
runaway (sakusa)
lovers rock (suna)
girl of my dreams (sakusa)
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
more clone^2
snippet 21: Danny is Bruce Wayne's Clone and--
Star, with the rest of the A-List girls: alright ladies! it's time for our quarterly 'cutest boys' list! Now I'll get straight to the point, in our number one spot is--
All girls, in unison: Danny Fenton
Star, writing it down on a whiteboard: and for our number two spot--
---------- Snippet 22: clone meet clone
Ellie, dramatically: Danny!
Danny, equally dramatic: Ellie!
Ellie, pushing past him and looking around: where is he! i wanna see the little guy!
Damian, with a sword, brandishing it dangerously: *in arabic* don't come any closer, stay back!
Danny, wrapping an arm around Ellie's waist and pulling her back: woah, woah - he's still adjusting to everything
Danny, turning towards Damian with his google translate open: [please don't stab her. this is Ellie my clone.]
Damian, lowering his sword in disbelief: 'there's MORE of you?
-------------- Snippet 23: Ellie has the same epiphany as Danny
Ellie:...hey Danny
Danny, pouring over his arabic book: hm
Ellie: since I'm your clone, and you're a clone of Bruce Wayne, and Damian is a clone of Damian Wayne, does that technically mean I'm his mom - uh. dad-mom?
Ellie:...its a fair question
Danny: .....*deep sigh* you're his cousin until further notice.
------------ Snippet 24: wait for me ii (hadestown, live vers.)
(i'm not sure of the context, but i've been thinking of Danny saying this to Damian during a serious moment for days. the snippet title is the song that the dialogue below is from)
Danny, fixing up Damian's wraith suit: the meanest dog you'll ever meet
Danny, zipping up damian's jacket: it ain't the hound dog in the street. he bares some teeth and tears some skin, but brother,
Danny, adjusting Damian's gloves, pausing to look him in the eye: that's the worst of him.
Danny, he holds a finger up to Damian's eyes and points it at him: the dog you really got to dread, is the one that howls inside your head
Danny, grabbing damian's mask and smoothing it over his eyes: it's him whose howling drives men mad, and a mind to its undoing
------------ Snippet 25: Danny is Bruce Wayne's clone-- (Battinson Vers*)
Ember, in the middle of a fight with Phantom + Wraith:
Ember, knocks off Phantom's mask for the first time: lets see what ugly mug you're really hiding under there, Phantom--
Phantom: *the wettest, most pathetic looking pretty boy on the planet*
Phantom, dryly: what, did your mic die out or something? all that caterwauling finally make you lose your voice
Wraith, unsheathing his sword: *vibrating with baby brother rage bc he knows EXACTLy why Ember is silent*
----------- Snippet 26: Damian is finally starting to play nice :)
Dany: hey... guys.... whatcha doing
Damian, hanging out with Sam: Me and Manson are plotting ways to crush the Mayor's plan to cut budget funding for the city parks and cut down the native trees
Danny: oh, i see.... is this safe?
Sam: probably
Danny: hm.
------------- Snippet 27: digging up cold case
Danny: ....if Damian is out with Sam tonight with their plot against the mayor....
Danny, turning towards his desk: then that means I can work some more on Mrs. Witherbury's murder case that she asked me to solve without Dames guilt-tripping me into bed :)
Danny, settling down at his desk with a thermos full of coffee: i'm glad sam and damian are finally getting along
--------- Snippet 28: sparring
Damian, frowning: your reflexes are incredible but your combat is downright awful, brother. it's truly a miracle i didn't skewer you upon our first meeting
Danny, got his ass kicked by his 7yo brother: *groaning in pain* not everyone has super secret assassin training, Damian. And I don't really have time to actually practice anything.
Damian: Mrs. Fenton knows martial arts and her form is proficient enough, I'm sure she would be delighted to teach you if you asked. I will join since I need to keep my skills sharp and my training was unfinished when I arrived here.
-------- Snippet 29: daytime surprise
Phantom, fighting Skulker in broad daylight: *under his breath* at least Lancer's english test will get canceled for this...
Phantom, dodging a blast from Skulker: *in ASL, furious* don't you have anything better to do, you fuck!?
Skulker: foolish ghost child, speak! I know you're capable of it - speak before you lose the ability to
Phantom: *flips him off instead*
Wraith, sending back a ecto-blast with his sword: please pay attention, phantom
Phantom, doubletaking: *in a hissed whisper* what are you doing here!? it's a school day, you should be at school!
Wraith: Tt. If the boot fits.
------------ Snippet 30: guilt
Danny with his head on his desk, his elbows propped up as he massages his hands: hn
Damian, lurking to the side with a guilty look on his face:
Damian: can i....
Danny, silently holding his hand out to Damian: hrm
Damian, immediately taking it and doing the massages + finger exercises: ...im sorry
Danny: hm... I forgive you
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onmyyan · 2 years
Things that just make sense as the Yan!Batfamily's shared Darling.
A/N: slight smutty hc's at the end but so slight, Yandere shenanigans, shared Darling NOT EDITED
Alone time simply no longer exists, someone is constantly vying for your attention, even when you think you're alone one of them is lurking nearby
All of them are terrible with boundaries but Dick! is! the! worst!! First son means first dibbs in his brain, sure he may not have spotted you first or met you first but he makes damn sure to be your first in everything else he can.
I just love the idea of you being 21-23 around Damian's age and him being the one to befriend you initially, be it as a fellow student or an intern at Wayne Tech, he would notice you immediately and always have his eye on you from that point forward.
He holds it over the others heads forever, he genuinely wants them to get smart about something with him, way too quick to pull out the "I'm the reason we have her card." Which instantly shuts all of them up including Bruce.
He'd know you were their Darling before your first conversation, and when you two inevitably do speak and hit it off, it only furthers proves his initial thought- you were the one.
When you first come home and are, understandably freaked the fucked out, Bruce is the one to come in and calm you down, undoes your restraints with a tender hand, massages the sore areas with an apology, goes on to explain that you're safe and nothing would ever hurt you again.
Tim uses his big brain to trick you into thinking he's not as bad as the others.
He'd never chain you to the bed out of possession like Dick or beat a man's skull in for looking at you too long like Jason.
He wasn't as intense as Damian or controlling as Bruce. He was perfect for you.
If anyone of them ever overwhelmed you with their love Tim was the one you'd bury your face into, lucky him, you miss the evil little smile he shoots the rest of the family every time.
Jason is s lot like a shelter dog. On guard 24/7 and always ready for a threat, the only way to calm him down when he gets like this is to pull him into your chest and let him melt into you for a few hours.
Dick takes you to the roof to watch the stars, he's a pro at this by now and always makes you feel safe. He likes to sit with his back against the wall of the roof, knees spread on the side of your huddled body as you say on his lap. You'd be in a pair of his sweats and an old hoodie, surrounded entirely by him, just the way he liked it.
Your birthday is a warzone, fistfights have broken out about who gave the best gift.
If Jason is in his city girl era he will leave a bloody heart on the wall at every one of his fights for you. A little J+(Y) in the middle to really seal the cheesy deal.
Bruce hires you as an assistant for three reasons.
1. You were complaining about being bored while they went about their day jobs and he loved the cute way you'd brighten whenever he got you what you wanted.
2. He knew he'd gain some huge brownie points
3. He got an excuse to see you more than the boys and you wore a tight little Secretary outfit while he did.
Plus he loves the idea of taking you against his desk while on the phone with some nobody shareholders, trying so so hard to keep his voice level while you're twitching and creaming around him.
Damian would read with you in the garden, your days with him would be softer than you'd imagine, comfortable silences and moonlit dancing, he's a true romantic at heart.
Tim loves everything you do, he makes it a mission to be a like you as possible, so much so now whenever you wanna indulge in one of your favorite activities he's the first person you think of, he's got you trained well.
There's a schedule made to adequately divide your time amongst them, of course you know nothing about it, but they'll hold meetings in the cave to talk about you, how you're adjusting, if they have any gripes or complaints- this is when they're aired out.
They know their love language is illegal unconventional in societies eyes so they account for it, in public you're their fathers loyal assistant, they'll allow themselves to be photographed with random women to keep suspicions off the true nature of your relationship.
And if you're thinking "hm I bet I could use that against them. Maybe say they couldn't love me as they claim if they're sleeping around" Don't. You'd be getting that poor random woman eviscerated.
I hear you asking "Surely Batman wouldn't break his sacred rule for a Darling." And you're right, he wouldn't.
But Jason would.
And all of a sudden Batman doesn't find it so hard to look the other way, so long as he gets to look at your pretty face while he does it.
You get fucked in the Batmobile at some point
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burntheedges · 2 months
Maintenance Request Chapter 21
Joel Miller x f!reader | new chapter every Friday 18+ | ao3 | main post & chapter list chapter word count: 3.5k
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chapter summary: back to work! and where is it that Joel works, exactly? 🤔
a/n: well, y'all, this is chapter 21 of 23. there are two more chapters and an epilogue, which will be posted on 5/24. so Maintenance Request will be fully posted this month. I can barely believe it. I'm feeling emotional about it so I might do some sort of fun ask thing as we get closer to the end. thank you all for reading. 🧡 and thank you as always to @katareyoudrilling for being the best beta 💕
chapter tags/warnings: flirting, kissing, lingerie mention, bra and chest mention, cursing, pet names (darlin’, baby, honey, cowboy, sweetheart, good girl, gorgeous), smut: groping, teasing, semi-public sex, desk sex, p-in-v sex, dirty talk, cuddling
Chapter 21
Friday, November 22 Thirteenth week of the semester
In the week after your successful brunch with Ellie, you felt lighter than air as you walked around campus. You knew you were smiling a lot, more than normal. You even smiled at Trevor once and he looked so taken aback and panicked that you almost laughed. 
On Friday, you were meant to meet up and go to dinner after work, but Joel texted you that he was running behind just as you were packing up your bag. You decided to go find him at his office, which you still had never been to. You knew what building it was in, of course, but that was it.
As you walked across campus to the maintenance and grounds office, you realized that you still didn’t know what Joel’s role was, exactly. Or his title. You’d been assuming he was on the maintenance crew, but now that you really thought about it, that didn’t make sense. He was out and about too much and you’d seen him working with too many different teams of people.
Maybe he was actually with landscaping? But then why would he take maintenance requests? 
You puzzled over it as you turned the corner and the small quad in front of the building with his office came into view. It was a nice green space tucked away in a corner of campus you rarely visited, since most of the buildings were administrative. Glancing around, you wondered why you’d never bothered to look up his role. Maybe it had just seemed straightforward until you tried to figure out what his actual title might be, just now.
As you entered and looked around the office, you noticed their front desk admin had already gone home for the weekend. You shrugged, and started to walk down the hallway of offices, figuring you’d find the one with his name on it eventually. 
You passed the first few, brows furrowed, looking for his name and not finding it. You started to wander further down the hall to where you assumed the bosses’ offices would be. Maybe you passed it?
And then you saw it. The last office, in the corner – the one you figured would have a nice view of the small quad outside. And there was Joel’s name on the door.
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Joel Miller, Director Construction, Facilities, Landscaping Landscape Architect
Your jaw dropped open. Director?
He was the boss? Of the entire department?!
You weren’t sure how long you stood there, mouth open, staring at the door, when suddenly it opened. Joel wasn’t looking up as he came through it – he had his eyes on his phone and his bag on his shoulder.
“Joel!” You almost shouted his name, too shocked to do anything else. He startled, eyes flying up to catch yours.
“Shit!” He shook his head. “Baby, I had no idea you were here.” He dropped his bag and pressed a hand to his chest. “Shit,” he repeated, taking a deep breath. “Where’d you come from?”
You ignored the question, too aghast at your discovery. “Joel Miller, are you the freaking boss?” 
He blinked, looking taken aback. “Ah, yes, darlin’. I am.” He slipped his phone in his pocket and sort of gestured towards the nameplate on his door as he smiled at you, obviously confused.
“... darlin’?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You felt like your mind was spinning and you couldn’t keep up, totally overwhelmed by this new information. “I thought you were, like, a maintenance guy!” 
He rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “I honestly thought you’d guessed, I suppose.”
“No!” He started to look a little worried and you realized maybe you were overreacting. You reached out to take his hand, lacing your fingers through his. The touch grounded you and you squeezed his hand. “Joel! I had no idea.”
He laughed. “Well, at first, I suppose I didn’t want you to be even more angry with me. You kept sayin’ I wasn’t the boss, so you couldn’t blame me for all the problems I was causin’ you.” 
You groaned and leaned forward to rest your forehead on his shoulder. “I was so terrible.”
“Nah, baby, you were rightfully annoyed. And I didn’t want to admit I was in charge of the construction schedule. Or that I’d ordered the flowers.”
That last point startled you, and you laughed as you leaned back to look at him. “Oh, Joel, I’m sorry. They were pretty, though. Even if they made me sneeze.”
He shook his head. “Won’t be putting in any more of those.”
You rolled your eyes. “You can’t plan the landscaping for the entire university around my allergies.”
He raised his eyebrows at you. “Oh? I am the boss, you know. I can do what I like.” 
You laughed again, but then stopped when something struck you and you tugged on his hand. “Joel, did you make your employees change out the flower beds around my building?!”
He smirked at you. “Nah, darlin’, I did that myself. Didn’t take too long.” 
Your mouth dropped open. “You did all of that work? By yourself?”
“I wasn’t about to make my staff do it. Felt like askin’ ‘em to help me with something that wasn’t their job.”
You sighed, and smiled at him as another thought occurred to you. You raised an eyebrow at him. “Well, Mr. Director, speaking of things that aren’t your job, what were you doing taking maintenance requests, anyway?”
He grinned, a little sheepish again. “Well, I was filling in while we were short handed. Don’t usually do ‘em. Or leave my office so much. But I saw your name on the request, and, well.” He hesitated, and then nodded. “I was already leavin’ the office more, hoverin’ around our different work sites, on the off chance I’d run into you again. Was drivin’ the crew a little crazy, to be honest.”
You laughed, astonished. “You were?”
He nodded. “They were already givin' me grief for being around so much. ‘Don’t you have paperwork to do,’ and so on.” He laughed and lifted his free hand to trace his fingerstips down your arm. “When they saw you kiss me that day a few of ‘em put it together, why I was always around. When that maintenance request came through, it was right when I was beatin’ myself up and worryin’ I’d never get another chance to talk to you. Felt like fate.” 
You smiled, charmed. “Maybe it was.” You looked at him, and then at his name on the door, and smirked. You dropped his hand and rested both of your palms on his chest. “You know, Mr. Director,” you started, pushing him and his bag backwards into his office and letting the door close behind you. “We haven’t christened your office yet.”
Joel grinned as he let himself be pushed, looking surprised and delighted. “No, honey, I don’t suppose we have.”
You took a moment to look around his office and you noticed he did, in fact, have a nice view of the quad. You felt his eyes on you as you walked over and shut the blinds. With the overhead lights off the room was suddenly darker, cast in soft shadows. 
When you turned back and grinned at him he was already looking at you, eyes intent. “So, Mr. Director. Tell me. Any office fantasies I should know about?”
A slow smile crept over Joel’s face, and you felt your cheeks heat as it turned into something wicked. “Well, baby, I have to admit I have pictured you in here a time or two. In a couple daydreams.”
You bit your lip as you walked towards him and he reached out to grasp your hips to pull you closer. “Oh? And what was I doing in these dreams?”
He leaned in and pressed his smile to your cheek in a kiss. His voice was deep and gravelly as he murmured, “lettin’ me bend you over this desk. Sittin’ on my lap on the couch. Lying down across the desk and letting me get my mouth on your pussy. Will you let me do that, gorgeous?”
You shivered and nodded.You felt heat climbing up your spine as his words inspired images in your mind. “Which one, Joel?” You had no idea where to start.
Joel grinned as he leaned back to catch your eye again. “C’mere, baby.” He pulled you into a searing kiss that stole your breath and drove away whatever thoughts you’d been about to have. You were pretty sure by this point that you were never going to get used to the way this man kissed you.
As he moved his lips against yours, his hands slid down your back and crept under your shirt. You smiled and lifted your arms when prompted so he could pull it off. “Hmm, well, isn’t this pretty?” You followed his gaze down to your chest and the lacy bra that had caught his eye. 
“Well, we did have a date planned. I know how much you like it.”
“I do like it, honey,” he confirmed as he thumbed over your nipple through the lace. You hummed. “And it’s even better when I know you’ve got it on but I’m the only one who gets to see it.”
Suddenly he wrapped his arms around you and spun you around so that you were leaning against the desk. “Take a seat, baby.” As you did, he gently freed your breasts from the lacy cups of your bra, licking over his bottom lip in concentration. “You are so goddamn gorgeous. Should just keep you right here, just like this. Would be great motivation for me, you know.”
You laughed when he winked at you. “Joel, I feel like that would be the opposite of motivation to get your work done.”
He pressed his smile against your own in a sweet kiss. “But then I could do this whenever I want.” He pulled you into a deeper kiss and thumbed your pants open at the same time. 
You broke away and sucked in a breath as he tugged your pants down. Soon you were almost naked while he stood fully clothed in front of you, eyes dark. Something about the contrast made your heart start to pound.
“Well, Director Miller. Bend me over this desk.”
Joel let out a sound that sounded almost like a growl and stepped forward to grasp your hips again. He pulled you from the desk and flipped you around, pressing up against you from behind. You could feel his hard cock in his pants.
“Just like this, baby.” He pressed a line of kisses down your neck and you fell forward onto your elbows. “Shit, yeah, just like that.” He snaked his right hand down your side and over your ass until he could slip it between your legs to cup your pussy firmly from behind. “Honey, you are soakin’.”
You huffed a laugh. “You said you were going to take me over this desk, Joel, what did you expect?”
He bit your shoulder lightly. “You are so sexy, baby. Can’t wait to slip inside you.” Keeping his hand in place, Joel pushed forward and curled his middle finger until it rested against your entrance. You gasped. “You always feel so good.”
Joel kept pushing forward with his finger until it slipped inside you and you moaned, maybe too loudly. But everyone else was already gone for the day. He pressed kisses down your spine and you could feel that he was grinning. 
“More, Joel–” you breathed. “Fuck me, cowboy.”
His hips stuttered against your own and he swore, lowly. “Yeah? Was gonna warm you up, sweetheart.”
You shook your head. “Already warmed up. Want you inside me.”
He nodded and reached down to quickly undo his pants. You felt his cock slip free and slide against your ass. You wiggled your hips and spread your legs wider in front of him. 
He groaned. “Fuck do you look good like this.” He trailed his fingertips down your back and you shivered again. He slid his cock between your legs and you dropped your head to rest on your forearm, suddenly out of breath. 
“Please–” you started to urge him forward, but he was already moving.
“That’s my good fucking girl.” He was breathing hard, too. You felt the head of his cock enter you and gasped. The angle was perfect. You could feel every inch of him as he filled you up, slowly, gently, relentlessly. “Takin’ it just like I asked. Shit, honey.”
Soon his hips came to rest against your ass and you both took a deep breath.
“Ok, baby?” he asked, sounding winded. 
You nodded and smiled to yourself, knowing the effect your words would have on him. “I said take me, cowboy.”
He moaned again, and then he did. 
You felt his right hand slide up your spine and find a home cupped around the back of your neck, pressing you down onto the desk. His left had a firm grip on your hip and you bit your lip as you imagined the hand-shaped bruise you’d likely have as a souvenir. “Stay right here, baby, just like that. So fucking gorgeous like this. Goddamn.”
Joel pulled out and slammed forward again, driving your breath out of your lungs. You watched a couple of pens rattle and roll off his desk. “Fuck.” He whispered as he did it again, and again, and again.
The rhythm he set was vicious. You found yourself clutching the far edge of the desk for leverage as he pounded into you, right on the spot that felt amazing. You tried to push back with your hips to meet him but it was so much, he was moving so hard and fast. You relaxed in his hold and let him sweep you away.
“This is better than anything I ever imagined, baby. Fuck. You look so fucking good over my desk.” He squeezed your hip on his next downstroke and you whimpered. “You’re squeezin’ me so tight, honey. Fucking love this cunt.” Your breath hitched. “Don’t know how’m gonna get any work done in here. Gonna close my eyes and see this perfect ass, feel this perfect fucking cunt, every fucking time I sit at my desk.” He pulled his hand from your neck and you made a noise in protest, but he soothed it down your back. With a firm grip he used both hands to tug your hips up and back towards him and the new angle made your arms shake.
He leaned forward, almost lying against your back, and murmured in your ear. “Can we do this every day, honey? I’ll ask real nice.” He nipped at your neck and you sighed. “Promise I’ll make it worth your while.” You giggled, but it turned into a moan as he snapped his hips forward again.
“Y’know–” your breath hitched. “We’d get caught, Joel.”
He nodded. “I know, but a man can dream, can’t he?”
You could feel it building inside of you and you weren’t surprised when his left hand began to snake forward around your hip to find your clit. Joel could read you like a book, especially when you were about to come.
“And fuck, baby, if this isn’t better than anything I could have dreamed up for myself. Daydreams ain’t got nothin’ on you, gorgeous.” 
He began to circle your clit in the same rhythm of his hips and you closed your eyes. You were so fucking close.
“That’s right,” he pressed open mouth kisses across your shoulder. “Give it to me, honey. Let me have it.” He bit down lightly on your shoulder and you shivered, again. “Be my good girl and come.”
His hips kept up their devastating pace and suddenly you were there, you were falling over the edge with only Joel’s arms to hold you up.
You cried out, and he belatedly covered your mouth with his free hand. “Shhh, sweetheart. Fuck.” hips sped up as you squeezed his cock. “M’gonna–”
He pressed his forehead against your shoulder hard as his hips snapped forward one more time. He came with a devastating low moan of your name. You felt his muscles relax against your back and closed your eyes, overwhelmed.
You crept back to awareness and the realization that Joel was almost smothering you on top of his desk.
“Joel–” your voice was mildly strangled and he suddenly stood, almost too fast. His cock tugged backwards slightly and you winced. “Careful–”
He sighed. “Shit, sorry sweetheart. Let me–” he slid out of you slowly and you squeezed your legs together to keep his cum inside of you. “C’mere.” He pulled you up gently until you were leaning back against him and guided you to the couch you only just now realized was behind you.
You followed as he pulled you down, and soon enough you found yourself tucked against his side with his arm around your shoulders, lying down and entangled on the couch. You snuggled into him and felt him press several gentle kisses along your hairline. 
“That was so fucking perfect, baby,” he whispered against your hair. “Shit. So much better than I ever imagined.” He tightened his arms around you and you sank into his embrace.
After a few minutes of just breathing together, though, you felt your curiosity return. 
“So, Mr. Director.” He snorted and you grinned at the way you could feel it in his chest. “How’d you end up in this job?” You trailed your fingers down his naked chest and smiled when he made a contented noise in response.
“Well, I can’t remember if I told you before that it’s all Tess’ fault. We met about 15 years ago, and it didn’t take long for her to start pestering me about getting a degree. You’re too smart, Joel, you should go to school. Look at your work, it’s too good.” You laughed at his imitation, knowing it didn’t really sound much like her. “And she knew I wasn’t satisfied with just construction.” He sighed. “So anyway, she pestered me into community college and then roped Frank and Tommy into helpin’ me get through the whole degree while takin’ care of Sarah. The business took off sometime in there, so Tommy got himself together a bit to take that over.”
You leaned back and smiled up at him. “I’m glad. You are really smart, you know.” 
He blushed. “Well, I started lookin’ for more steady work after I finished school, so I could be around more for Sarah. And I didn’t start out as the director, I started out with the grounds crew. But since I also knew about construction and a bit of maintenance, well, I moved up. Turns out havin’ experience with construction and contracting, and the degree and schoolin’ in landscape architecture, well. It’s almost the ideal combination for managing this office of lunatics.”
You laughed. “That makes sense. You have the practical skills and the knowledge to back it up.” 
Joel nodded. “Anyway. I’ve been here about 6 or 7 years. Know my crew pretty well. But I was surprised I’d never seen you before, last summer. Would’ve noticed for sure.” He ran a hand up and down your forearm that was resting on his chest.
“Well, it’s only my second year here. I feel like I would’ve noticed you, too.” You slid your hand up to cup his cheek and smiled when he turned into it to press a soft kiss to your palm. “I’m glad we found each other anyway.”
He pulled you closer into his arms and kissed your forehead. “Me too, honey. You got no idea how much.”
you (5:47 PM): you will never guess what I just learned
bestie (5:49 PM): what
you (5:50 PM): Joel is the DIRECTOR (5:51 PM): OF HIS DEPARTMENT
bestie (5:52 PM): …yes (5:52 PM): babe (5:53 PM): did you seriously not know that
you (5:54 PM): Beth!! (5:54 PM): why did you know that?
bestie (5:55 PM): I googled him (5:55 PM): like, 3 months ago (5:56 PM): you didn’t??
you (5:57 PM): um 🫣
bestie (5:58 PM): ??? what is wrong with you (5:59 PM): you didn’t look him up like the second you learned his name??
you (5:51 PM): I knew he worked here! I don’t know how the grounds department works
bestie (5:52 PM): oh my god (5:53 PM): you are ridiculous
you (5:55 PM): shut up (5:55 PM): why didn’t you tell me??
bestie (5:57 PM): it never occurred to me for even a second that you didn’t google him yourself (5:58 PM): I threatened to go to his office!! Because I knew where it was!
you (6:00 PM): ok forget it
bestie (6:01 PM): no way (6:02 PM): I’m not anywhere near done making fun of you for this yet
you (6:05 PM): 🙄
a/n: the truth is out! Joel is the big boss! 😂 I know some of you guessed it but I hope the reveal was fun lol
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madelynraemunson · 4 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen’s Club series)
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
Chapter 018: Murphy's Law
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You’re only against a handful of things. Of course, the one time you go to bed angry, shit hits the fan.
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014** , 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
* = somewhat smutty chapters ** = smut chapters
author's note: 2/23/2024 — i don't want you guys to suffer too much, so the last two chapters will be released tomorrow 2/24/2024. i love you guys, thank you for tuning in ♥️
CW: i don't wanna spoil anything, so this whole chapter is a trigger warning. please be mindful of this before reading; ps thank you to @freckledjoes for letting me use this picture of barron/"steve"
word count: 1.3k words
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“I’m Natalia, who are you?”
“I’m...Shy Girl,” you narrow your eyes. “My boyfriend Eddie lives here.”
You've never been good at math. But it doesn't take putting 2 and 2 together to realize that — the car in Eddie's spot this morning — belongs to the Nancy look-alike in front of you.
And if you looked too fast, you would've thought that she WAS Nancy. But the strapless tube top, lettuce-trim booty shorts, and lacy black tights on a cold December morning rule out that possibility.
Your eyes trail over to Steve in the background, frantic and sweaty, hairy chest out on display as he shuffles around to find a shirt to throw on. You clear your throat, meeting Natalia’s blue eyes one more time before speaking again.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"Oh no girl, you're fine!" the busty brunette chirps, when she realizes you're no longer a threat to her. "I was just heading out. I guess his roomie is going to be back any second now."
Doing your best to conceal your laughter, you step off to the side to allow Steve's booty call to get her things and scoot out the door. Steve watches awkwardly, leaning against the doorway and flashing Natalia a smile as he watches her get to her car safely.
You wait until she’s out of earshot to speak to him.
“Natalia.” you sing with a smirk. “Really?”
“Don’t make that face.”
“What face?”
“The one you’re making right now, Hargrove. Don’t start.”
Your eyes venture down to the faint bite marks on Steve’s neck. You turn around to look at the doppelgänger one last time, giving her a wave as she drives away.
“Not starting anything,” you insist. “I just think it’s funny.”
He knows what you’re thinking and it doesn’t help his case. Steve steps off to the side, inviting you in. After closing the door behind you, Harrington gestures towards the box in your hand.
“Whatchu got there?”
“Apology cupcakes for Eddie,” you explain. “I was a real bitch to him yesterday so I decided to bake him something to compensate.”
You spent all night guilt-baking, hoping to win Eddie back with the cute vanilla cupcakes topped with sad red frowns on them, followed by a homemade card that reads, "I'm sorry for pushing you against the wall". Expecting Steve to find it adorable, he offers you a rather confused reaction instead.
"…Eddie didn’t stay over last night?” he asks with a cocked brow.
Your heart sinks.
“No… I thought he came straight here after Wayne’s.”
“Well obviously he didn’t,” Steve says. “Hence why I had Nat spend the night.”
“Well do you think he’s at Dustin’s?”
“I’m not sure, I haven’t spoken to the guy since yesterday morning.”
Something's off. Immediately rushing to the living room, you set the cupcakes down so you can call Wayne. It rings a few times but Eddie's uncle doesn’t pick up.
"Wayne's not picking up."
“That’s odd,” Steve gulps. “He almost always does.”
So you go to message Eddie. It's a simple text, Where are you? Straight to the point. To your complete shock, your usual blue text bubbles turn green. Eddie's phone is off. What the hell?
So you go to call him next. It doesn't hurt to try. But then your knees start to buckle when you're immediately directed to an automated voicemail box.
“We’re sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please try again later.”
The room is as frostbitten as the air outside. Steve senses abrupt energy shift.
You scroll nervously through your phone. The next person to contact is Dustin. Outside of his friendship with Steve, he is the next person closest to Eddie. But Curly doesn't pick up either.
"Oh god," you feel the color rushing from your face.
"Hargrove, i-it's okay," Steve attempts. "He's probably with Jeff or Gareth or Grant or somethin', o-okay? Let's not jump to conclusions."
He rests a warm hand atop your arm, grounding you back down to earth. You turn to him with worry. He rubs your back to comfort you.
"Eddie would never do anything to hurt himself on purpose," Steve assures you. "I can promise you that much. Don't let your mind go there."
"Okay," you exhale.
"But he is stupid though," Steve adds. "So, to be safe, we should probably check the hospital. Or urgent care. Dude probably cucked his ankle again."
And with that, you two set off to Hawkins Memorial on the other side of town.
The icy roads seem to draw on for miles as Steve drives. And you had no desire to explore the vastness of Roane County, for as long as Eddie isn’t there waiting for you at whatever coordinate the wind blows you to next.
Tapping your feet anxiously on the floor, you click your phone on and off again to see whether or not a message from Eddie pops up. It’s the same outcome every time.
Steve’s gentle hand rests on top of your trembling ones once again. He gives you a soft pat.
“It’ll all be okay, Shy Girl,” he says to you. “Promise.”
Thankfully, hospital parking is almost immediate. Booking it to the emergency department now, you and Steve rush to get to the front of the line to speak to the receptionist. When it's finally your turn, she greets you rather stoically.
“Can I help you?”
Without violating HIPAA?
“I sure hope so,” you sigh. “This is a wellness check. Do you guys maybe have a Munson admitted here?”
“Munson…” the last name marinates on the lady’s tongue almost as if she’s familiar with it. You wouldn’t doubt it. Wayne’s a frequent flyer due to the cancer and Hawkins is quite literally a speck of dust on the map.
You try to help her. “Maybe an Eddie…Edward… or quite possibly a Wayne…”
“Quite possibly a Wayne?” the lukewarm secretary echos you.
“Yes!” you hiss urgently. “Or maybe a John Doe? A guy in his late twenties, early thirties... This person most likely came in yesterday afternoon, night, or maybe even this morning. He has brown hai-"
“Shy Girl…” comes a voice behind you.
It’s one of the Munsons you’re looking for. But to your surprise, not the one you were expecting.
"Wayne..." you breathe.
In front of you is Eddie's uncle, sitting in his wheelchair evidently a bawling mess. If he’s here and Eddie’s not, it can only mean one thing.
Your throat tightens and you struggle to speak. A thin veil of tears gloss over your eyes, your fingertips essentially frozen now as the sterile white building closes up around you.
“Wayne…” you say again. “What happened?”
His uncle sniffs, drawing out uneven breaths as he tries to calm down, nose an irritable red to match his glassy, sleep-deprived eyes.
“There’s... been an accident,” he chokes. “They T-boned him. Van is totaled.”
That van. That stupid fucking van you’ve told Eddie time and time again to get rid of.
“Wayne," Steve interrogates. "Who drove you here?”
“The Henderson boy.”
You can't take it anymore.
“Where is he?!” you demand. “And why aren’t you with him, Wayne?! WHERE IS EDDIE?”
“Doctors won’t tell me nothin'!” Wayne blubbers, his voice cracking like a helpless child. “But as someone whose second home is the hospital, I know what that means.”
The three of you take this time to cry. You instantly collapse into Steve's arms. He embraces you tight, dragging you off to the side so the people who were waiting behind you could be helped next.
Nothing matters anymore, you think to yourself. This is what you get for going to bed angry. The one time. The one time. And as the three of you start to gather yourselves again — rather slowly — Wayne speaks once more... uttering a belief that you've already come to terms with. Something that you already know.
“It’s not looking good for Eddie.”
🏷️ tag list: @chrrymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @mediocredreams @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck @joyfulfxckery @munsons-mayhem28 @dragonfire @emma77645 @drivelikenina @livosssblog @thinkingth0ts @hugdealer @ellielunamckay @xblueriddlex @maskofmirrors @babyloutattoo89 @queenofhawkins
oh yeah, song of the chapter is...
side note: s/o to DR. bridgit mendler, the irl barbie
214 notes · View notes
eoieopda · 11 months
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all of eoieopda's bts fics + drabbles are linked below the cut.
psa: minors who like, reblog, and/or comment on any of my content (regardless of whether it's NSFW or not) will be hard blocked immediately. my blog is strictly 18+, so please indicate your (adult) age in your bio and/or pinned post before engaging with me.
🗝 key
☁️ — fluff 🌊 — angst ⚡️ — smut ⭐️ — series, spin-off, or prequel/sequel 🎙️ — part of the 1k drabblepalooza milestone event 📓 — part of the 2k drabblepalooza milestone event 🌱 — w.i.p.
navigation. bts permanent taglist. multi permanent taglist. request rules. headcanons.
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lacuna series masterlist
aphelion ⭐️ 🌊 ⚡️// prequel to lacuna, strangers to lovers to exes au // kim namjoon was as perfect when you lost him as he was when you found him. — listen to the playlist.
anniversary director's cut — 11/26/23.
lacuna ⭐️ 🌊 ⚡️ // sequel to aphelion, ex-boyfriend au // in his twenty-eight years, kim namjoon had made countless mistakes. most of them were insignificant and could be shoved easily enough into the back corner of his mind. the worst of them were all tied for first place, keeping him up at night. loving you, losing you, and now - picking up the phone. — listen to the playlist.
anniversary director's cut — 11/26/23.
redamancy ⭐️☁️⚡️// sequel to lacuna, exes to lovers au // Kim Namjoon wasn't known for making wise decisions. He acted first and, on rare occasions, he asked questions later. The path he'd taken so far was left broken behind him, but the light at the end of that tunnel sure looked a hell of a lot like you. — listen to the playlist.
anniversary director's cut — 11/26/23.
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homecoming ⭐️⚡️ // lacuna au, established relationship au // your husband is out-of-town for two weeks. he may have to keep his hands to himself in the meantime, but that doesn’t mean he can’t tell you what to do with yours. — 1/8/24.
the one with namjoon and the necktie ⚡️📓 // corporate au, workplace rivals to ? au // in which namjoon learns who really has the upper hand. — request fill, 6/21/23
the one where namjoon is a fuck boy at a house party ⚡️ // one-night stand au // in which meeting namjoon for the third time's the charm. — request fill, 12/8/22
the one where namjoon is a "girl dad" ☁️ // established relationship au, dad!joon au // in which namjoon's fondness for crabs might be genetic. — request fill, 12/18/22
the one where namjoon takes you to nyc for christmas ☁️ // established relationship au // in which namjoon has encyclopedic knowledge of the tree at rockefeller plaza. — request fill, 1/16/23
"anywhere" by rita ora ☁️🎙️ // established relationship au //in which namjoon takes you around the world in 80 30 days. — request fill, 1/21/23
"tomorrow's ours" by lights follow ☁️🎙️ // established relationship au // in which namjoon can cure a bad day. — request fill, 1/7/23
the one with namjoon and the u-haul ☁️📓 // brother's best friend au // in which namjoon is buff, jungkook is late, & you're trapped in an elevator. — request fill, 4/12/23
the one with namjoon and the graveyard shift ☁️📓 // doctor au, friends to something au // in which there are two doctors working overnight in the emergency department and only one bed. — request fill, 6/25/23
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meet me at the bar ☁️⚡️// law school au, best friends to lovers au // you're supposed to be staring down the barrel of the last — and most important — examination of your life, but you only have eyes for your study buddy.
mmatb: epilogue ⭐️ ☁️ // epilogue drabble for meet me at the bar // as it turns out, there is life after the bar exam.
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the one where you cook your friend-slash-roommate, seokjin, dinner ⭐️☁️ // roommates au, friends to lovers au // in which seokjin may have feelings & also food poisoning. — request fill, 12/4/22
the one where seokjin stops being your friend-slash-roommate ⭐️☁️ // roommates au, friends to lovers au // in which seokjin says he loves you & you spit on him. — request fill, 12/18/22
the one with kim seokjin and kim seokjin ☁️ // established relationship au // in which seokjin has a surprise & you can’t get mad, okay? — 12/18/22
the one where seokjin is jealous ☁️ // established relationship au // in which seokjin is a wee bit possessive & jimin is a lawless flirt. — request fill, 12/18/22
the one where your husband, seokjin, is domestic af ☁️ // established relationship au // in which seokjin takes "laundry day" very seriously. — request fill, 12/25/22
the one with seokjin and his fishing partner ☁️🎙 // established relationship au, dad!jin au // in which seokjin finally finds a kim who enjoys fishing. — request fill, 12/30/22
the one with seokjin, soju, and all the stars in the sky ☁️ // established relationship au // in which seokjin is ripped, zipped, zooted, and madly in love. — request fill, 2/26/23
"feel the same" by the millennial club ☁️🎙 // doctor au, friends to lovers au // in which seokjin has sudden, acute lovesickness. — request fill, 1/11/23
the one with seokjin and the marathon ☁️📓 // friends to lovers au // in which seokjin has a lot of thoughts about rupaul's drag race & about you. — request fill, 4/8/23
the one with seokjin and without complaints ☁️📓 // fake dating au, friends to lovers au // in which you’re bad with directions and keeping secrets. — request fill, 5/11/23
"seven" by taylor swift 🌊🎙 // friends to strangers au // in which you can't recall seokjin's name but you've still got love for him. — request fill, 12/31/22
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darksided series masterlist
foresight ⭐️☁️⚡️// (flashback) prequel to darksided & blindsided, strangers to lovers au // it all started with a bad joke and a bottle of tanqueray. — listen to the playlist.
darksided ⭐️⚡️ // established relationship au // min yoongi adored you. he'd simply never hurt you — unless you asked. — listen to the playlist.
blindsided ⭐️⚡️ // sequel to darksided, established relationship au // after years of dating, you thought you had min yoongi all figured out — you didn't, and when he flipped the script on you, you never saw it coming. — listen to the playlist.
hindsight 🌱⭐️☁️⚡️// sequel to blindsided, established relationship au // tba
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the one where yoongi loves to tease his shy gf ☁️ // established relationship au // in which yoongi loves making you blush in public. — request fill, 12/16/22
the one with yoongi, the cat, and the turf war ☁️ // established relationship au // in which yoongi is jealous of your cat. — request fill, 2/27/23
the one with yoongi, netflix, and zero chill ☁️ // fuck buddies to ? au // in which yoongi has possessions & hobbies… the fuck? — 3/10/23
the one with the doughboy and the greaseball ☁️📓 // childhood friends to ? au, hallmark-esque au // in which someone returns to their hometown, and there are family businesses to run, and stuff. — request fill, 6/14/23
"can't remember to forget you" by shakira ft. rihanna ⚡️🎙️ // exes to… nope, still exes au // in which yoongi is the “best man” & the worst mistake. — request fill, 1/15/23
the one with yoongi and the fucking hydrangeas 🌊📓 // childhood friends to lovers au // in which the runaway bride runs straight to yoongi. — request fill, 4/8/23
interlude: sunrise ⭐️☁️ // darksided au, established relationship au // two years after your first night with min yoongi, you wake up next to him in a parisian hotel.
interlude: sundown ⭐️⚡️// darksided au, established relationship au // as it turns out, your boyfriend can take as much as he gives.
the one where yoongi takes care of you ⭐️☁️ // darksided au, established relationship au // in which you are sick, but yoongi is down bad. — request fill, 11/30/23
problem ⭐️ // darksided au, established relationship au, halloween special // yoongi’s got a problem, and she’s dressed like elvira hancock.
dadchwita vol. i ⭐️☁️ // darksided au, established relationship au // in which you & yoongi have three kids but no sleep. — request fill, 12/23/22
dadchwita vol. ii ⭐️☁️ // darksided au, established relationship au // in which yoongi learns to braid your daughter’s hair. — request fill, 1/2/23
“what sarah said” by death cab for cutie ⭐️🌊🎙️ // darksided au, established relationship au // in which yoongi keeps his vow. — request fill, 12/26/22
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liar, liar ⚡️// fwb au // hoseok suspects that you’re “phoning it in” while sexting and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t call your bluff.
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the one with hoseok and the teapots (tw: miscarriage implied) 🌊 // hurt/comfort, established relationship au // in which hoseok is fucking sorry, too. — request fill, 3/3/23
the one where hobi loves you - not despite, but regardless (tw: depression) 🌊 // hurt/comfort, established relationship au // in which "the chair" is no match for hoseok. — request fill, 12/6/22
the one where hoseok plays with fire 🌊⚡️📓 // star-crossed lovers au, rival gangs au // in which you are the secret that hoseok would die to keep. — request fill, 4/14/23
"only for a moment" by lola marsh 🌊🎙️ // friends with benefits au, unrequited love au // in which hoseok stays the night but not the morning. — request fill, 1/28/23
"we'll never have sex" by leith ross ☁️🎙️ // newly-established relationship au // in which hoseok kisses you just to kiss you, not to take you home. — request fill, 12/28/22
the one where hoseok comes home ☁️ // established relationship au, october 2024 au // in which love looks different every day, but hoseok never changes. — 4/17/23
the one with hoseok and the magic fingers ☁️📓 // co-workers to ? au // in which there is only one (1) bed. — request fill, 5/24/33
the one with hoseok and the palm reader ☁️📓 // university au, meet cute / strangers to ? au // in which hoseok’s fate line suggests that he’s unlucky, but your presence at this house party suggests otherwise. — request fill, 6/23/23
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menace ⭐️ 🌊⚡️// fuck buddies who hate each other au, brother’s best friend au, completed // just because you hate him doesn’t mean you can’t fuck him.
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"NFWMB" by hozier ⚡️🎙️ // established relationship au // in which jimin wants to be held by you, felled by you... — request fill, 12/8/22
the one with jimin and all that turbulence⚡️ // one-night flight stand au // in which jimin founds the metric equivalent of the mile high club. — request fill, 3/18/23
the one with the hall pass ⚡️ // established relationship au, threesome // in which you and your boyfriend, taehyung, both want to fuck his best friend. — request fill, 8/13/23
the one with the hall pass pt. ii ⭐️⚡️ // established relationship au, threesome // in which jimin just really loves his friends, okay? — request fill, 11/24/23
the one with jimin and the synonyms ☁️📓 // established relationship au // in which jimin is the king of mental health days. — request fill, 4/28/23
the one where you drunk dial jimin with approx. 5-7 feelings ☁️ // friends to lovers au, idiots in love au // in which jimin commits 43% of the seven deadly sins in one fell swoop. — request fill, 12/23/22
the one with jimin and the boomerang ☁️ // friends to lovers au // in which jimin ponders death, taxes, and other inevitable things. — request fill, 3/6/23
the one with the clownfish and the anemone ☁️📓 // fuck buddies to friends to lovers au // in which your relationship with jimin goes backwards. — request fill, 6/24/23
the one where your brother, jimin, believes you (tw: implied sexual assault) 🌊 // hurt/comfort, siblings au // in which jimin is there to listen if & when you want to talk. — request fill, 12/17/22
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reckless serenade ⭐️⚡️ // sequel to “the bad thing” drabble, infidelity au // your husband hasn’t looked at you in months, but his co-worker, kim taehyung, can’t keep his eyes off you.
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"the bad thing" by arctic monkeys ⭐️⚡️🎙️ // infidelity au // in which taehyung takes a big swing and your wedding ring. — request fill, 1/5/23
the one with the hall pass ⚡️ // established relationship au, threesome // in which you and your boyfriend, taehyung, both want to fuck his best friend. — request fill, 8/13/23
the one with the hall pass pt. ii ⭐️⚡️ // established relationship au, threesome // in which jimin just really loves his friends, okay? — request fill, 11/24/23
the one where taehyung buys you mandu and tampons during your period ☁️ // hurt/comfort, established relationship au // in which taehyung is not only a good boy, but the best boy. — request fill, 12/23/22
the one where taehyung skips a date to build your ikea furniture ☁️ // childhood friends to lovers au // in which taehyung sacrifices his friday night to the hasvik. — request fill, 1/25/23
the one with taehyung and the rook 🌊📓 // enemies to lovers au, chaebol au // in which taehyung plays the long game. — request fill, 5/4/23
the one with taehyung’s indecent proposal 📓☁️ ⚡️// fake relationship au, fuck buddies to ? au // in which taehyung would rather die than show up single to a class reunion. — request fill, 6/12/23
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stay ☁️ ⚡️ // best friends to lovers au // “jungkook." his name was merely a sigh flying out of your lungs and through your parted lips. “if we do this — if we go down this road — how do we go back?”  — listen to the playlist.
title tbd 🌱🌊⚡️ // enemies to lovers au, post-nuclear apocalypse au (insp. by fallout series), raider!jk // tba
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the one with jungkook, the weekender, and the impossibilities 🌊 // established relationship au // in which jungkook is bad at prioritizing & somehow even worse with words. — request fill, 3/18/23
the one with jungkook and the sharpshooter 🌊 📓 // enemies to lovers au, hurt/comfort, mafia au // in which you shoot first and plan later. — request fill, 4/22/23
the one where jungkook has to sleep on the couch 🌊 // established relationship au // in which jungkook finds a loophole in the most jungkook way possible. — request fill, 12/16/22
the one where jungkook thinks you’re perfect (tw: body image issues) ⭐️🌊 // hurt/comfort, established relationship au // in which jungkook is down bad. — request fill, 12/7/22
the one where he thinks you’re perfect (jjk pov) ⭐️🌊 // hurt/comfort, established relationship au // in which jungkook is down incurably bad. — request fill, 12/27/22
"hey old friend" by dearly somber 🌊🎙️ // best friends to strangers au, missed connection au // in which the hotline, to your knowledge, did not bling. — request fill, 1/27/23
the one where jungkook gives you a tattoo ☁️ // strangers to ? au // in which jungkook thinks ghosts should mind their own damn business. — request fill, 2/26/23
the one with jungkook and terpsichore ☁️ // established relationship au // in which jungkook watches you pole dance & goes mildly-to-moderately feral. — request fill, 3/15/23
the one who bites and the one who doesn’t ☁️ // newly-established relationship au // in which you face the final boss: jeon bam. — request fill, 3/13/23
the one with jungkook, his son, and the lightbulb ☁️ // established relationship au, dad!kook au // in which jungkook wants to be the very best (dad), like no one ever was. — request fill, 1/16/23
the one where jungkook is the world's clingiest/softest bf ☁️ // established relationship au // in which jungkook fashions himself into a weighted blanket. — request fill, 12/3/22
"more than you know" by axewell /\ ingrosso ☁️ // established relationship au // in which jungk— is that a boombox? in the year of our lord, 2023? seriously? — request fill, 1/28/23
the one where jungkook isn’t dreaming ⭐️ ☁️ // stay au, friends to lovers au, morning after au // in which jungkook has pinched himself, like, four (4) times already. — request fill, 12/30/22
445 notes · View notes
jaegeraether · 7 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 24)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (23)
Masterlist (other parts here)
(**It's my birthday so I figured I'd give y'all another chapter tonight :) **)
YFN woke and the first thing she felt was the soreness between her legs. Lucy had given her exactly what she needed into the early hours of the morning. She felt her sleeping Lucy behind her, arms and legs tangled, her head almost fully laying on the side of her own. She could feel her sleepy breathing in her ear and her heart melted. Sleepy Lucy. Vulnerable Lucy. Oh, the duality of their relationship. The ability to be so in love, so gentle, so kind and caring and thoughtful; and then the fucking. The aggression, the obsession, the instinctual need. It was something she never thought was possible in a relationship, yet here she was, the happiest she’d ever been.
And then she remembered that Lucy was leaving that night and saddened a little. She took a deep breath, telling herself she was just being dramatic and emotional. She stretched out as far as she could without waking her warm girlfriend and grabbed her phone. She hated being on her phone first thing in the morning, but it was going to be a good distraction for her until Lucy woke up.
She’d been in contact with the nine employees already, though none of them had met face to face yet. She sent the email she’d drafted the day before, inviting them all to their first meeting. Joe had suggested she could buy an office space, but YFN had declined as she didn’t think they were ready for that yet. Most of them would be in different places around the country, and so Zoom was their best option for the meantime. However, as the company was new, she and Joe agreed to rent out conference rooms instead whenever and wherever they needed.
The meeting she arranged was for tomorrow, in Birmingham. Joe had already sent her the details for the conference room she’d booked, and she added that to her invitation. Excited, she sent it out and then replied to a message from Jordan that said she was headed out for brunch with a few of the Arsenal girls before they left.
She skimmed through a few notifications out of the hundreds from the night before, and then felt a change in Lucy’s breathing as she slowly woke. She put her phone away as her girlfriend yawned and stretched against her, nuzzling her ear.
“Good morning, little one.” She could hear the happy smile in her husky voice.
YFN turned in her arms and pressed her lips to the base of Lucy’s throat. “It is when it’s with you.”
God, she was so warm and soft and cuddly. She placed tender little kisses up Lucy’s throat until she reached the soft flesh under her jaw. Her skin was so soft there. So vulnerable. She placed a few lingering kisses there and Lucy shuddered, her head tilted back so she could have all the access she wanted.
Then realisation of what the day would bring must have hit her because she groaned, her throat vibrating under YFN’s lips.
“Shhhh.” YFN whispered against her skin, moving her lips down and back up again, her bottom lip dragging behind a little. Lucy relaxed again and squirmed a little, letting a soft moan follow. She did it again, down and back up either side of her throat, over her pulsing arteries. Her lips found their way to the little dip between her clavicles and she kissed that spot, this time dragging her tongue gently up to the top of her throat. Lucy swallowed, obviously aroused, and trying to contain herself. But YFN didn’t want her to contain herself, because it was their last morning together, and she wanted to thank her after the night before. YFN’s hand found Lucy’s abs, tracing there as she tilted her head back so they were almost face to face. She took her bottom lip in between her teeth and tugged gently as she traced over Lucy’s lats, down the dip in her waist, and to her hip. She brushed her lips over Lucy’s teasingly, almost kissing her but not quite, while she let her hand glide over her ass, enjoying the size of it. She reminded herself to never let Lucy skip squat day. She loved her ass, especially in track pants. She grabbed it and kneaded it a little as her tongue traced over Lucy’s bottom lip. Her hand moved down to her thigh and around, softly tracing ever so slowly up towards where Lucy was a little warmer.
She loved that Lucy wasn’t even trying to stop her, she was letting herself be comfortable and vulnerable, something that she’d been working on with YFN. ‘You deserve to be loved too’, she’d said to her one night. It must have stuck with her because the Lucy she saw now was so much braver, so much more willing to be vulnerable. She kissed her as her fingers felt through her folds growing wetter by the second, and her tongue entered her mouth when her finger did. She just wanted to feel that warmth of her inside, that soft flesh, excited and swollen for her. She groaned against Lucy’s mouth because she could feel herself wettening at the feel of Lucy.
Her finger came out and moved upwards devastatingly slowly, her mouth tilting on Lucy’s to get better access.  She worked her finger up and down that little sensitive line running up towards her clit until she felt the frustrated whimper of her girlfriend into her mouth. Today, she’d give Lucy everything she wanted. Her fingers moved to her needy clit and Lucy gasped at the touch, YFN happily swallowing it as she began to rub circles in and around it. Lucy’s hips began grinding into her hand, desperate for more pressure.
“Patience, Luce.” She whispered into her mouth and rolled her onto her back, her lips and fingers not stopping their eager work. She put half of her body on Lucy in an attempt to stop her hips grinding but it only partially worked because fuck, Lucy was strong. Especially those glutes and thighs.
“I need..” Lucy moaned into her mouth. Her heart skipped a beat. Lucy was actually letting herself say what she wanted. What she needed. Letting herself put her trust in YFN.
“What do you need, Luce?”
“I think… I feel empty.”
YFN nodded against her mouth as they gasped into each other and YFN’s fingers moved back down without hesitantion, two sliding themselves home inside of Lucy.
“God, you feel so good.” She encouraged.
She knew she just needed the feel of something inside her and so her fingers stayed still inside, her palm meeting her clit and continuing her work. Lucy’s back arched under her, her hands gripped onto her so tight as she got close. Lucy’s whimpers moved to a higher and higher pitch, getting less optional and more desperate, the closer she got.
YFN moved her lips to her ear and murmured there. “Jordan’s not home.” Lucy shivered at that, eyes closed and letting her tension build up with an increase in her vocality. YFN’s mouth moved selfishly across her sharp jaw, down her neck and back onto the throat she loved so much, letting herself feel the vibrations that came with Lucy’s desperate noises. It only took another minute of intensified pace and pressure for Lucy to come, hard. She groaned and her body locked up, her insides clenching tight around YFN’s fingers, her nails digging into her back. YFN shivered in pleasure at the pain of her nails, her palm continuing its circling, though slowing and calming down. God, she loved the feel of Lucy’s body and the ability she had to control it. She felt her body relaxing slowly, riding that wave down enough for her to eventually stop her rubbing, and remove her fingers gently.
Lucy’s breathing slowed and her fingers relaxed, automatically caressing the spots she’s just had her nails in. YFN worked her lips back up over her jaw and she brought one arm under her, leaning her head on her hand above Lucy as she looked down at her. She wasn’t fully focussed, because she didn’t have her glasses on, but YFN could tell she was still excited, her eyes dark.
“How was tha-”
“Sit on my face.” She demanded.
YFN was taken by surprise, her eyes widening. “What?”
“You heard me. Now.” She took hold of her waist and encouraged her up as YFN scrambled to move upwards. She swung a knee over Lucy’s head, suddenly aware of just how excited their little play had just made her, and before she could even fully settle, Lucy had pulled her down onto her face. She gave a grateful groan into her clit as she ate her, no slow build, just straight into it like it was more for her own benefit. YFN cried out softly and her hips began their movement on Lucy’s face, getting more friction from her girlfriend. Lucy gave a grunt of approval as she held onto her. YFN leant onto the headboard, using it as an anchor to be able to better move her body against Lucy. God, that tongue. That mouth. It was desperate. One minute it was sucking on her clit, flicking it with her tongue, the next her tongue was circling around her hole, her tongue pushing in and out as far as she could get it. YFN couldn’t help the cries and whimpers coming from her mouth.
“God your tongue, Luce. Oh.. fuck.. you’re amazing. F..fucking amazing. Don’t stop. Y…yes right there…argh!”
YFN noticed then that only one of Lucy’s hands was on her hip and she swivelled her head to see the other she was using to rub herself. She moaned at the sight. Not on her watch.
YFN lifted herself off of Lucy’s face and swung her leg back over. Just as Lucy started to protest, she remounted her the other way, leaning forwards and dropping herself back onto her face. Lucy understood now. She pinched and flicked both nipples as YFN enjoyed this new angle, and then her hands slid to her waist as YFN leant down and took Lucy’s clit into her mouth. Lucy’s legs parted, her feet pushing onto the bed to try and buck her hips up into her mouth more. YFN’s hands gripped the back of Lucy’s thighs and she focussed on her girlfriend. She felt herself riding that wave but needed to get Lucy there just as quick. Her mouth and tongue continued their assault on her clit as her fingers entered her, slowly moving in and out. Lucy grunted her frustration and her hands moved up to the back of YFN, her thumbs pulling open her folds for better access with her mouth. Her mouth moved up to her hole, her thumb rubbing her clit until she decided she wasn’t happy with that and changed back. Her head tilted as it worked her clit, allowing her to slip a thumb into her for a few strokes. She groaned her frustration at her orgasm building again under the mouth and fingers of her little Australian and she moved her right arm up and around her thigh to thrust two fingers into her. YFN gasped, her body jerking forwards before she continued fucking Lucy. It was almost a competition as to who could get the other there faster, and Lucy loved winning. Plus she’d had the advantage of the face riding. Her fingers fucked in and out of her with obsession, the sound of the room was filled with wet fucking, gasping, whimpering, moaning into each other’s pussies. What a perfect morning.
YFN came first, letting out a cry but refusing to stop fucking Lucy towards her orgasm which came not too long afterwards. They worked each other down, ever the caring girlfriends, and then YFN rolled off of Lucy and onto her back. They laid there like that a little while, their faces glistening with excitement, their bodies spread out as if they were making snow angels, only connected by their little pinkies hooked around each other.
What a perfect morning, indeed.
They tried to make the most of the rest of the day. Everything was done slower, and more together than usual. Lucy was admittedly not the touchy type with people, only hugging people she was close to. However, it was the complete opposite with YFN. She was the exception. In fact, Lucy was trying to make an effort to stop being so clingy, despite her little Australian loving it so much. She wasn’t used to that yet.
They showered, dressed, and went for a morning walk to get Lucy her coffee. She didn’t realise, but Lucy had a specific task planned for the day and so after their walk, she pulled YFN around the apartment, asking her questions about things that would make her feel more at home. Listening and assessing, she drove them into town, the little Australian not knowing where she was going, but just coming along for the ride. They bought furniture she needed, and little things that she had said might make it homier. They bought the stuff home, and Lucy built the modern bedside tables while YFN put the other little bits around the place, like the shower caddy and the little skincare shelf for the bathroom, always letting herself admire Lucy’s building concentration as she moved past her. One of her favourite things was the diffuser and she’d picked out a vanilla, a musk, a black tea lychee, and a blood orange scent that reminded her of Lucy. She set it up on the first bedside table Lucy had made and walked back out to the living room, brushing her hand over Lucy’s shoulders as she passed.
“I think that’s it!” She smiled. “Now just the food shopping..”
Lucy shook her head from where she sat on the floor, legs apart and a half-made second bedside table between her legs. She pointed the screwdriver at a box she hadn’t noticed, because she hadn’t been there when Lucy had bought that. She’d been wandering the aisles, food shopping, wondering what Jordan would like to eat for dinner. And lunch. And in general, really. She didn’t know that side of Jordan yet, but she was excited to.
YFN opened the box that was clearly just there to hide what was inside. She smiled, her eyes lighting up as she lifted it out of the box. Lucy watched her little dimple getting excited at it as she stared, admiring it.
“It’s a peace lily.” She explained. “A bit of life for the apartment. I thought you’d like it..”
“I love it.” She whispered, turning it around and looking at all of it. She got excited even at the little things, Lucy had noticed. She was always grateful, and rarely expectant.
“It symbolises peace and tranquillity. She only needs water about once a week, and I bought a spray bottle so you can spray her leaves as well. She only needs a little sunlight so I thought she could sit on that shelf up there.” She pointed to the top of the bookshelf against the wall in the living room. “Needs to be kept high so Blu doesn’t get to it.”
Blu was Jordan’s dog, a little dachshund that was currently still at her parents’ house because Jordan had been so busy. She was yet to meet him, another little housemate.
Lucy continued. “And I know you will be all over the countryside with your work, but Jordan will look after it, if we leave a note on the fridge.”
YFN laughed at that. “Yes, Dory will need a reminder, that’s for sure. I’ll steal her phone and put a weekly reminder in, I think.”
Things started to move a little too quick then, their time slipping away from them. Lucy getting a flight reminder on her phone really dampened the mood. Lucy was finishing packing and YFN was trying to help but couldn’t seem to move beyond the pace of a sloth.
“Luce.. your toothbrush..” She said, holding out the little blue brush with a cap on it. It was just a toothbrush, but as she held it out to Lucy, she felt herself getting a little teary eyed. Lucy noticed and left her suitcase, walking over to comfort her girlfriend.
“I left it there on purpose..” She said, taking it out of her hand.
That certainly did it. Her little Australian couldn’t stop the tears as they started to fall, her lower lip trembling and her little dimple sad again. Lucy inhaled sharply, barely able to control her own emotions. She pulled her close and YFN settled in her favourite spot with her head on Lucy’s collarbone. “T…this is going to be healthy for us.” She admitted into her. “I… This… This is so intense. These feelings.. this wh..whole thing. Space will be good for us.”
Lucy nodded against her. They both didn’t want it, but they both knew she wasn’t wrong. “I don’t think either of us really knew what we were in for.” Lucy agreed huskily. They weren’t unsure about their relationship, they just knew that a little space may help them deal with it better emotionally. Perhaps they’d see each other again and be better at dealing with their feelings for each other. Perhaps it would be the complete opposite and they’d be desperate, obsessive wrecks, fucking and needing each other. Either way, a little space would help to draw out whichever one it was.
Their drive to the airport was mostly silent, their fingers tangled. YFN was unaware her hand was anxiously playing with Lucy’s, and Lucy was unaware she was stroking hers softly, calming down that anxiety. They checked Lucy’s bag in but she was unable to go further than that. It was an international flight after all. They found a little corner where they could have their privacy and that’s when Lucy finally succumbed to her emotions. YFN held Lucy’s head on her shoulder as she cried, needing some escape for her emotions. After a while, they knew Lucy needed to go through security or she’d be late for her flight. Lucy looked at her, eyes red and wiping the tears off her face. She kissed her then; passionately, desperately. YFN leant into it, accepting all of that love. Eventually they pulled away, foreheads pressed together for a while.
Lucy pulled something out of her carry on and gave it to her. YFN recognised it as the hoody she’d worn that first night she’d met Lucy. “Keep this.”
She took hold of it, hugging it against her for dear life. “Luce…”
“Take it. Wear it. I know you don’t like owing anyone, or things not feeling ‘even’, so I know you’ll bring it back to me.”
“That’s manipulative.” She laughed, wiping her tears.
“Come to Spain, little one.” Lucy begged.
“I will, Luce” She promised. “13 days.”
She nodded, “13 days. And then come to me.”
“I’ll be there.” She whispered, her fingertips stroking Lucy’s cheek.
“Promise me you’ll be careful. Promise me you’ll call me if you’re in trouble, or upset or… just.. I need you to be safe. Promise me.”
“I promise, Luce.”
Lucy’s lips trembled, but her next words were sure. “I love you.”
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j-onedrabbles · 1 year
𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
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✧ pairing: lee know x reader ✧ cw: smau, noni idol au, supernatural au, college au, fluff, angst, female reader, smut, dark themes, mature (MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DNI!!!!)
✧ synopsis: humans and fae have always been told to be weary of each other. sometimes you meet one that changes things for you. sometimes quickly than you ever thought possible
✧ note: Welcome to my first smau! I will be delving into a lot of mythology around fae as well so I have labeled this work for mature because of certain themes with each species in their lore. Because of the themes i’ve semi planned for the story, i ask Minors and Ageless blogs Do Not Interact (including to be asked to put on the tag list) ✧ taglist: closed
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✧ profiles: fairy soirée | disasters ✧ ch 1: fae only ✧ ch 2: shopping chaos ✧ ch 3: frat party✎ ✧ ch 4: soooo ✧ ch 5: trying to see me again? ✧ ch 6: 20 minutes✎ ✧ ch 7: bare minimum ✧ ch 8: doubt comes in ✧ ch 9: all of it? ✧ ch 10: i don't mean to trauma dump✎ ✧ ch 11: how’d it go? ✧ ch 12: can i come too? ✧ ch 13: bonfire✎ ✧ ch 14: and we're back ✧ ch 15: stop flirting ✧ ch 16: when he ✧ ch 17: this girl✎ ✧ ch 18: thats so petty ✧ ch 19: im yours and you’re mine✎ ✧ ch 20: i come bearing gifts ✧ ch 21: party party!!✎ ✧ ch 22: get away ✧ ch 23: packing list ✧ ch 24: get on the road ✧ ch 25: night walk ✧ ch 26: we suck at moving slow✎ ✧ epilogue
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meazalykov · 2 months
redirection I
esmee brugts x barcaplayer!R
last chapter: redirection; prologue
next chapter: redirection II
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It's been a few days since i’ve arrived in Barcelona. Sometimes my mind goes blank when I process that this is my life now. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited and this is what I've always wanted, but moving continents by myself at the age of nineteen is a big adjustment.  
My mother, m/n , and my older sister, s/n , came here with me for a week to make sure I am adjusted into my club, my new apartment and life. 
Currently, I am at Ciutat Esportiva with my mom and sister. They stood behind the barcelona media team member, Sarah, who started to record my Juggling skills for the fcbfemeni instagram. A poster with myself was in the background of the recording, this is the traditional way of welcoming new Barcelona players onto the team.
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(the poster behind you, y/n, during your first media day shoot is yourself doing the pose that joão félix is doing in this picture above^ with your other hand pointing to the badge!) 
Thankfully I didn't lose the ball while the media admin, Sarah, was recording or that would’ve been embarrassing. I tapped the ball high enough where I could catch it with my hands after the recording ended. Sarah instructed my mom and sister to come beside me to take pictures, as it was nearly time to wrap up the first media day I've completed for the club. 
I had on the 23/24 Barcelona kit with my all white Nike cleats. I didn’t have a number yet so the kit I'm wearing is numberless, but that is totally okay and expected. My mother wore a green maxi long sleeve dress and my sister wore jeans with a lavender cardigan. I couldn’t see their faces but I knew we were all smiling in the picture. Signing for this beautiful club is a dream come true. 
My father and other sister couldn’t come to Spain with me but they did say their good luck and goodbyes. My father is a college basketball coach and my sister, s/n l/n, is a d1 basketball player at another college and couldn’t spend a week away from her life back home.
The media shoot and signings this morning were all complete. Officially, I am a Barcelona Player and everyone is aware of it. I had to stay back at Ciutat after saying goodbye to my sister and mother, who left to go back to America, since I am about to meet my new teammates who are arriving for practice. 
My emotions were all over the place. My stomach felt empty and I continued to smile as a response to my nervousness. Meeting new people came with my career but I am a shy person. Would they like me as a person? What if the language barrier is a problem for a few teammates? A million questions ran through my head as I followed the sporting director and Sarah down a set of stairs and down a hallway I haven’t walked through yet. 
As we turned the corner, the talking and laughing coming from girls echoed down the hallway from the room at the end of the hallway. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for meeting my new teammates. 
Most of my new teammates are Spanish, meaning that the ones from their national team won the World Cup a few weeks ago. I remember being happy for them since this is the first time Spain’s women's team reached this accomplishment. 
Stepping into the room, I immediately noticed all of the girls putting on their cleats or playing around with their water bottles. This made me smile. Their laughter filled the air, mingled with the sound of cleats hitting the floor and random clapping coming from a young girl with brown curly hair. 
Alexia Putellas, the captain of the team and the best player in the world, noticed the entrance of y/n l/n first and smiled brightly. y/n smiled back in admiration for the leader. She knew that these were the faces she would be spending countless hours with on the field, striving together towards victory. Y/n had a hesitant smile as she stepped into the locker room more, ready to introduce herself.
“Hey girls! We have the last new player for the team, meet Y/n!” Sarah grabbed the team’s attention with excitement in her voice. 
All of the girls started to walk forwards towards me with smiles. The first woman, the one who had a locker close to the door, stood up and gave me a hug. I didn’t expect it so my hug back was a little awkward, but I don't think she noticed. 
“Hi, I'm Ingrid. It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Ingrid’s bright smile showed as she pulled back from the hug. I felt comforted by her almost immediately, if I had to guess, she's probably the mother or older sister of the team. 
“Hi, I'm y/n!” I said with excitement in my voice. 
“Oh we know who you are! It's so nice to meet you! I’m Aitana!” Aitana’s strong catalan accent was present as she spoke. I smiled brightly and a light blush showed on my face as she gave me a hug.
After meeting and talking to most people on the team. We all striked up a conversation about the upcoming season, what our goals are, other things we are interested in outside of football, and some teammates even offered to take me around Barcelona to get used to the city. I can’t wait to play with these lovely girls.
As I looked around the locker room, I caught the gaze of a girl. She had two dutch braids and had nice brown eyes. She sat across the room and seemed to be watching me…. with admiration? No that can’t be. She smiled at me lightly and I smiled at her back since she is the only girl I haven’t met yet.
Bruna, who's sitting beside the girl I'm smiling at, saw us and playfully nudged the girl’s shoulder, prompting her to approach me. With a shy smile, the girl stood up from her bench and stepped forward, this made me… nervous? The girl had an adorable smile and shes attract- 
“Cut it out! You just got here and already found a potential crush? Maybe get to know her first..? Or maybe focus on getting used to playing in Barcelona before starting potential relationships!” 
I criticize myself in my head. 
“Hiii, I’m Esmee. It's nice to meet you.” The girl, who I know as Esmee now, embraced me into a hug. She had a unique accent. Dutch? She was soft spoken and it comforted me more after getting along with the team. 
I hugged her back and almost realized how tight we held each other. However, that was overshadowed by some observing teammates that looked at us, while others exchanged knowing glances. Their expressions hinted at a deeper understanding of Esmee and I’s introduction. I know that they’ve met me today so I have to catch up on the inside jokes among the team, but did they notice something I didn't notice? 
"Hiii, I'm y/n! It's nice to meet you too Esmee." I blushed as I kept my hand on her right shoulder when we backed from the hug. I looked over at Ona Batlle to see her smiling at Esmee and I.
"Are you going to train with us today? You probably just finished your first day doing media things." Esmee smiled as she observed the playing kit I am still wearing. All of the other girls have their grey training kits on, so I stood out from the group.
"I am! I still have to change from this then I'll meet you guys on the pitch." I said nervously, afraid that I am wasting time from the girl's getting out on the field to train. I think Esmee noticed my nervousness as she lightly giggled.
"There's no worries. I did my first day stuff on Tuesday. I'm coming from PSV Eindhoven." Esmee said as I headed over to my assigned locker, where my grey training kit still laid.
Before the pictures started this morning for my signing, the sporting director showed me around campus so I wouldn't get lost. I had my assigned locker and everything I needed. I met Jona, my new coach, as well. He is a nice guy and he appreciated my skills as a striker. Sometimes having a coach can make or break your motivation in the sport, so knowing that my new coach is nice gave me relief.
"PSV Eindhoven that's so cool!" I say. I have a lot of knowledge with football clubs so I knew exactly which club that is.
"I'm coming from Washington Spirit." I continue. Esmee nods her head as I pick up my grey training kit and sit down in the seat between Salma and Mariona.
"Washington Spirit! Is that in Washington?" Keira's english accent spoke up. She looked up at me as she was tying her cleats.
"Yes it is!" I smile, believing that she is referring to Washington DC.
"That's so cool! You know, I went to Seattle one time-" Keira was cut off by everyone's laughter. She was confused as she saw me shook my head with a smile.
"Seattle is in Washington State. Washington Spirit is in Washington DC." I say. Everyone in the dressing room continues to laugh as Keira jokingly taps herself on the head.
2.5 hours later
The first day of training was a success. Nothing in this training was anything I wasn't familiar with, but the mentally is different. Everyone takes things a little more seriously here than back in Washington DC. However, I'm not complaining. I like it.
I wore the long sleeve grey training kit with the grey shorts today during training. I wasn't used to wearing another club's kits yet, so this new look was exciting to me.
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After I put on the outfit that I originally came to Ciutat Esportiva with (photo with above), I grabbed my nike sports bag before seeing Esmee walk out of the dressing room at the same time as me.
I wasn't distracted at training by her, but I did look at her a few more times than what is necessary. I think Bruna noticed, as she stood beside me and smirked at me when I watched Esmee do some juggling.
Before Bruna left the dressing room around 5 minutes ago, I saw her mention something to Esmee. The dutch woman looked surprised, had a smirk on her face, then had a look of denial before Bruna left for the day.
"Hey." I said as I walked beside Esmee on the way out of campus.
"Hey!" Esmee smiled brightly as she looked back at me. That smile of hers is adorable, I don't think it will leave my mind.
"It's nice knowing someone who's starting their first season at the same time as me. I've never transferred clubs before so this is all new to me." I spoke as Esmee and I continued to walk where the parking lot is outside of Ciutat.
"It is nice. I saw 433 post your transfer announcement on instagram and I followed you, it's a relief to know I'm not the only one going through this." Esmee agreed with me. I have to remember to follow her back on instagram when I get home soon.
We both walked in silence as we headed out to the parking lot. The silence wasn't awkward at all as the sounds of cars driving by with the wind filled our ears.
"Are you doing anything later?" Esmee spoke up before I started to turn from the opposite direction from her, planning to walk to the rental car I have until I can buy a car of my own.
"No not much." I said. I didn't know much about Barcelona, so I just planned to eat by myself at some touristy restaurant later before spending the rest of the night watching Netflix documentaries.
"Do you want to go out to eat later? Ingrid and Mapi recommended me a few places when I met them on Tuesday. It'd be nice to have a friend here in Barcelona to go with." Esmee spoke.
I smiled as I nodded my head at her request. Having a friend here In Barcelona would be nice. Going out to eat by myself later wouldn't be as fun.
"Yes!" I said as I walked over to Esmee. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and pulled up the phone keypad.
"Just put your phone number in so I can text you. We can decide which restaurant and timing is best." Esmee spoke with her normal soft spoken voice. I typed in my number and listed my contact as "y/n :)" before giving her the phone back.
"That's great! See you later Esmee." I smiled as a I walked away to the car.
next chapter: redirection II
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xhanisai · 1 year
AU where Marinette is an extended Art and Design teacher and Adrien is a science and maths teacher and they teach at a secondary school and they also are Ladybug and Chat Noir
- Marinette is 23 and Adrien is 24. They’re new teachers at this school but they meet after meeting each other as Ladynoir (so around the same time period).
- They got their miraculous around the same time at that age but decide to not hide their identities from each other because FUCK THAT! They need each other’s support! They become happily surprised finding out that they know each other sort of.
- They fall madly in love with each other but are absolute chicken shit about properly confessing. Adrichat is dramatic, flirty and also shy and sweet. Maribug is also flirty and teasing but can also stumble over her words because of him when she least expects it. The longing and yearning they have for each other is so clear to an outsider but they’re idiots. Absolute idiots. Like little chicks stumbling around idiots.
- They’re silly, goofy, inexperienced af adults because I NEED more rep of that and their students are always making comments about them that will make one swoon like an old Victorian woman.
- Adrien always brings them coffee in the morning and always gives Marinette a kiss on the forehead. And if she’s currently teaching at class, he’ll wait till she’s settled on the chair and then come into class and kiss her head and give her coffee. He gives no shits if the students are giggling at them. Nothing will come in between him and giving his Lady some well deserved kisses :)
-Their classrooms are next door to each other. So, when students are behaving, they’re allowed to study in any of the two classrooms. 
- Everyone at first thought they’re married because of how sickeningly sweet and adorable they are with each other. Imagine their surprise and outrage when they realise that no, they’re not even dating (yet).
- Marinette also visits Adrien’s classroom often, making sure that he’s eaten on time and that he’s taken his breaks. A few times, he comes to school with a nasty fever and the students get a front row view of her babying him and scolding him lovingly.
- Whenever an akuma attacks, they both have to make excuses to leave (even if it is in the middle of teaching). This gets students and staff coming up with rumours about them much to the pair’s embarrassment.
- No one questions Adrien’s mini fridge full of cheese and Marinette’s drawer full of cookies and macarons.
- In the staff room, they’re always together and they help one another with coming up teaching stuff and all that jazz. 
- Often, these chats will be in nearby cafes and bistros (totally not a date).
- Adrien loves children and wants to try his best becoming a good role model for them whilst teaching them about things he loves. This is his dream job. Marinette enjoys her job too, especially when she’s teaching about Fashion. She also has an online store (this girl can do fucking anything you know what she’s like, nothing can stop her) and has designed many incredible things.
- Marinette often brings in treats from her parents’ bakery for her class and Adrien’s and she always makes sure to bring his favourites. One time, he was having a long, bad day and Marinette didn’t come in until mid-afternoon with a dozen of passionfruit macarons. Everyone witnessed him light up like a kitten and spin her around in a hug with a “Ma Princesse!!!!”
- Because of how affectionate and how sweet they are with one another, every Parisian believes that ladynoir are married. Both of them have simulateously decided to let the citizens believe that and even play along because it’s another layer that can hide their identities. Totally not a reason to get all touchy as they please and share many hugs and kisses on the cheeks and heads as they like.
- If a class makes Adrien upset, they get severely chewed out by Marinette and that absolutely shitscares the students so they try their best to never make him sad. And if a class makes Marinette upset or super stressed and frustrated, Adrien would substitute and teach said class but he would be quiet and professional so that the students know he’s pissed at them for making his Lady upset.
- Marinette often overworks herself and being Ladybug only makes it worse so the only way to ensure she takes better care of herself is for Adrien/Chat Noir to visit her home often and pester her. Sabine and Tom have already accepted him as their son-in-law.
- Adrinette’s students have a bet on when they think their teachers will get married. The parisians have a bet going on of when they expect a Ladynoir baby. 
“We can’t just fake a baby, Chaton! It’s too complicated!”
“-I didn’t say fake a baby-”
“And we absolutely are not borrowing someone else’s baby as a civilian and pretend it’s ours for the press! Even if we mask the baby’s identity!” 
“I see...wouldn’t it be interesting if we genuinely do marry for real and have a baby for real...?”
“Hehehheh...yeah...so interesting...hahahah...”
- Like I said, they’re idiots.
- Sometimes, especially during their breaks, the students find Adrien and Marinette asleep next to each other on the bench or on the chairs, her head leaning on his shoulder and his head leaning on hers.
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hockeylovee12 · 2 months
Crossing Enemy Lines
Chapter One
Luke Hughes x Original Character
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Summary: When Luke Hughes got drafted by the New Jersey Devils he knew he was entering one of the most intense rivalries in professional hockey. But what he didn't bargain for was falling in love with a Rangers player's sister during his first year in the show.
OR Luke Hughes meets the right girl with the wrong last name.
Warnings: Cussing
November 10th, 2023
Inside a dimly lit bar tucked away in Jersey City, Luke occupies a corner seat surrounded by some of his teammates. His shoulders hunch inside the navy jacket he wears, while a grim scowl tugs at the corner of his mouth.
Around him the sounds of clinking glasses, rhythmic thuds of billiard balls, and lively chatter echo off the walls, creating a cacophony of noise as he tries to drown out the bitter feeling of defeat.
John, slides into the empty seat beside him, nudging his shoulder lightly, "Come on Lukey, Just shake it off, it's not the end of the world" he urges, allowing a smile that doesn't quite reach his warm brown eyes to cross his lips.
Luke turns towards John, his scowl unwavering.
If Luke was a Swiftie, he could point out the irony of John quoting Taylor Swift after they lost to the New York Rangers. But he's not so instead he settles for a half-hearted shrug.
"Seriously, man, you can't let one loss get to you like this," Jack cuts in, placing a hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "Just forget about it. It's one game. We still got three more against those assholes" He adds with the same persuasive tone he used less than an hour ago to convince Luke to come to the bar in the first place.
A heavy sigh escapes Luke's lips as his shoulders slump further.
He can't just forget about it. They lost 1-7 to the New York fucking Rangers, their literal Rivals. The same team they managed to kick out of the playoffs last season, the same team they beat several times in preseason, and the same team they couldn't fucking score against.
It was a complete shit show from start to finish.
A stupid hooking call cost them the game's first goal. Then a series of shitty defense decisions, put them in a hole they couldn't climb out of. And then there was Igor fucking Shesterkin, standing on his head and making 23 saves out of 24 shots like he was some kind of brick wall. The one goal they managed to squeeze past him was a lucky bounce that barely counted.
It was infuriating to watch Panarin and Zibanejad dance circles around their defense, while they couldn't even get a decent scoring chance on the other side.
Luke is momentarily pulled away from his bitter recounter of the game, as the loud laughter of his teammates, Nate and Dawson echoes throughout the space, as they return to their table with a fresh round of drinks.
"What's with the long face, Rusty?" Dawson asks, as he sets down the glasses, with a clink, and claps Luke on the shoulder.
"Don't tell me you're still moping about tonight's loss" Nate jokes, his tone light and teasing, as he sticks to his well-known game philosophy of 'play and move on'.
A sentiment clearly not shared by every member of the Devils.
"Shut it, Bass" Luke mumbles, shooting him an irritated glare.
A small chuckle rumbles from Dawson's chest, "Come on man. Don't be like that" he says as Luke's lips return to a scowl.
"Alright fine, if you're gonna pout about the game at least do it well drinking so you're not a buzzkill" Dawson boasts as he slides a fresh beer across the table to Luke, which would otherwise be inaccessible to him seeing as how he's still got 10 months till he can order one for himself-at least legally.
Luke accepts the beer with a resigned sigh, his hazel eyes somewhat softening for the first time tonight, as the crisp, tangy scent wafts towards him "Easy for you to say, you weren't the one getting ragdolled by fucking Trouba every damn shift."
"Tell me about it," Nate shakes his head in dismay. "Did you see the way he drove Jonas into the boards in the third? Could've broken some ribs with that bullshit cheapshot."
"Jacob Trouba's a fucking punk, can't believe he wears the C" Jack adds
"They're all fucking punks" Luke mutters
"At least our rookies' loyalties lie with the right team" Nate jokes, as he reaches across the table to ruffle Luke's hair, much to his annoyance.
"Their dirty fucking players" Luke adds, taking a sip of his beer
"Ok true, but we can't let them get in our heads" John states with conviction. "They can play as dirty as they want, alright we just gotta focus on our game"
"Mr. Harvard's right" Nate says confidently, raising his now half-full beer "Next game, we return the favor and shut up those loudmouths"
"That's not-"
"Alright guys enough dwelling on that shit show," Dawson states, "We're supposed to be blowing off steam tonight, not sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves."
Jack nods in agreement "Daws is right, we won't seem em for a while anyway, so let's stop talking about the Rangers"
The group mutters in agreement before falling into silence, waiting for a new topic to arise.
"Did you guys see Haula's reaction to the prank Nate and I pulled on him yesterday?" Dawson asks
"That was you guys, Damn he was pissed" John says
"Hey payback bitch he shouldn't have put shaving cream in our skates. Piece of shit" Nate claims, his voice wavering with some degree of platonic affection for one of their older teammates.
Most of the group chuckles at Nate's anecdote, except for Luke, who's still stuck in his own head.
"Remember that time, we triple knotted every pair of Quinn's shoes" Jack asks, gently nudging Luke's arm.
A faint smile tugs at the corner of Luke's mouth as the memory surfaces "Ya, he tried to shove his big ass feet into my Vans"
"And then he spent the next week trying to get us back" Jack adds, grinning "And failed miserably every time."
Luke let's out a soft chuckle, it's not his usual boisterous laugh, but hey it's a start.
As the night wears on, the lively conversation and laughter enveloping their table slowly eases the weight of the loss from Luke's shoulders.
Then in the midst of a lively discussion about fantasy football with Dawson, Jack and John, his attention absentmindedly drifts towards the door, and his gaze suddenly locks onto the captivating sight of a stunning girl with cascading locks of dark-chocolate colored hair, and a warm smile, gracefully stepping into the bar.
"Hey, where did Nate disappear to?" John's question floats through the air momentarily anchoring Luke back to the table strewn with empty glasses.
Their eyes wander around the bar, until the spot Nate weaving his way through a small crowd an impish grin plastered on his face.
"Big news boys! Guess who's got a date tomorrow!" he boasts, wavering around a paper napkin that seemingly has a phone number written on it-whether it was actually the girls or a random one made up on the spot, we may never know-prompting a chorus of laughter to ripple across the table.
Luke cracks a smile too, but it's not one that reaches his eyes. They've wandered off already, tracking the girl he spotted moments ago, who now leans casually against the bar counter, her fingers drumming a silent rhythm on its surface as she waits for her drink.
"Luke?" Jack's voice cuts through his thoughts, sharp enough to draw attention, yet laced with a hint of concern "You okay, man?"
"Uh, yeah" Luke stammers, trying to mask how his focus had strayed. He forces himself to lock eyes with Jack hoping to convey a sense of normalcy.
But Jack knows him too well, reads him too easily and one look at Luke's face tells him where his brother's mind had wandered off to.
Luke's eyes quickly shift towards the girl again, who's retrieving her drink from the bar, and takes a small sip.
"Earth to Luke," John teases.
All heads subtly turn to acknowledge the object of Luke's distraction, watching as she walks towards the vacant pool table.
"Looks like someone caught your eye" Dawson says with a wry smile, elbowing Luke playfully.
"Looks like your type too," Jack adds, a sly grin crossing his lips. "Why don't you go say hi?"
"Come on, man" John's encouragement is gentle, persuasive "Take your mind off things for a bit"
"Go ahead rook" Nate prods "Show us what you've got"
Luke hesitates for a moment, allowing the suggestion to linger in the air.
Before a not so subtle shove to the shoulder by Jack, causes him to push his chair back and stand up.
"Alright wish me luck" He mutters
"Attaboy!" Nate exclaims, clapping his shoulder.
The cool air circulating inside the bar brushes against the small amounts of exposed skin, as he crosses the short distance to the pool table.
"Hey," he says, flashing a quick grin that hopefully looks more charming than nervous.
"Hi," the girl replies, her voice a melodic hint of intrigue. She looks up, a smile teasing at the corners of her lips. "I'm Jordan"
"Luke" he offers back, a tentative smile of his own forming.
"Want to play?" she asks, gesturing to the table with a cue stick.
"Sure," Luke responds, retrieving a cue from the rack on the wall.
"So are you any good?" Jordan teases, as she lines up for her shot.
"Depends on the day," Luke admits, watching as she sinks a solid ball into a corner pocket.
"Looks like today might be my day then" she quips, with a soft smile on her face as she steps to the side.
Luke chuckles as he takes his shot, cleanly sinking a striped ball into a corner pocket. "Guess we'll see about that."
As the game plays out, the rhythmic clack of pool balls blends nicely with their voices, providing a backdrop as they learn more about one another.
"So, Jordan," he asks curiosity gleaming in his eyes, "what brings you here tonight?"
Jordan leans against her cue, "Just wanted to explore a little"
Luke lets out a soft laugh as he lines up his shot, expertly guiding the striped ball into the middle pocket "You from around here?" he asks
Jordan leans forward, cue in hand and takes her shot. The satisfying click of the pool balls echoing in the bar, signaling another point for her.
She straightens up and glances at Luke with a smirk, "New York City" she replies
"Let me guess, you're a secret pool shark, got bored of the games up there?" he asks, his tone laced with a sense of humor, as he takes his shot and the ball ricochets off the side and misses sinking into the pocket by an inch.
"Close I'm a student at NYU" she answers
"NYU, wow that's really impressive. What's you studying?" Luke questions watching as she sinks another ball
Jordan shrugs, a modest smile on her lips "I just started up a few weeks ago, but I'm majoring in English Lit" she replies
"English Lit, huh, you a big reader?" Luke asks
"Yeah, there's just something about getting lost in a good book, you know?"
"Yeah I do" Luke agrees "Although I probably don't read as much as I should. Maybe you can recommend something for me?"
"I'd love to," Jordan says, her eyes sparkling. "But only if you promise me you'll actually read it."
"Cross my heart," Luke grins, making an exaggerated gesture.
Their eyes meet, a spark of connection passing between them as they share a smile.
Jordan leans against the pool table, studying Luke for a moment before asking, "So, what about you? What's your story?"
Luke hesitates, his mind racing as he considers how to respond. His eyes briefly flicker to his teammates, still laughing and joking at their table.
He's seen it before, seen it a handful of times over the past few months since he's become an NHL player, hell he saw it before too, with both his brothers being in the show.
The way people's perceptions change when they learn of his profession, or his last name, the way their eyes widen with awe or narrow with skepticism, or the way the conversation shifts completely and suddenly their no longer talking to him, their either talking at him telling him their thoughts and opinions about him, or they throw questions at him like a round of rapid fire, wanting to know what life in the NHL is really like.
And so, in this moment, with Jordan's eyes on him, warm and inviting. Luke decides tonight he's not a hockey player, he's not Hughes, he's just a guy enjoying a night out and connecting with a beautiful girl over a game of pool.
"Well, uh-I'm originally from New Hampshire" he begins, the half-truth rolling off his tongue "But I moved out here for school. Studying sports business"
He sinks another ball, the satisfying clack echoing in the bar.
He was born in New Hampshire, even if he hasn't lived there since he was 3, and technically, he's doing something with sports business, just not studying it, so it's not completely a lie or at least that's what he tells himself.
"What made you interested in sports business?" Jordan remarks, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest.
"I've always been pretty active, played a lot of sports growing up," Luke explains, watching as Jordan takes her turn, expertly maneuvering the cue ball. "I guess I just wanted to find a way to stay involved, even if I'm not playing, you know?"
Jordan nods, understanding in her eyes. "That makes sense."
As they continue to talk, the game progresses, with Jordan maintaining a slight lead. She sinks her last solid ball, leaving only the 8-ball and one striped ball remaining.
"You're pretty good at this," Luke says, lining up his shot.
"Ya well growing up with an older brother has its perks, taught me how to handle my own" Jordan replies, brushing a strand of brown hair from her face.
"Sounds like a good guy" Luke says just before hitting his last striped ball into a middle pocket
"Most of the time," she admits
A small smile tugs at Luke's lips as he watches Jordan ready herself for the final shot, "Your form could use some work, though" Luke teases
"Is that so?" Jordan smirks, glancing up at him.
"Maybe just a little" Luke grins, with a playful glint in his eyes "Care to prove me wrong?"
Jordan leans in, focusing on the shot. With a smooth, confident motion, she strikes the cue ball, sending the 8-ball rolling towards the corner pocket. It teeters on the edge for a brief moment before dropping in with a satisfying thud.
"Looks like I just did," Jordan grins, straightening up and facing Luke.
Luke chuckles, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "I guess I stand corrected. Clearly, you've got this game figured out."
They share a smile, the air between them charged with a flirtatious energy. Jordan takes a step closer, her eyes locked on Luke's.
"Well, maybe I just got lucky," she murmurs, her voice low and playful.
"Or maybe you're just that good," Luke counters, his gaze drifting to her lips for a fleeting moment.
The tension between them is palpable, the rest of the bar fading into the background as they stand mere inches apart. Jordan's hand brushes against Luke's, sending a jolt of electricity through his body.
"I guess we'll have to play again sometime," Jordan suggests, her tone laced with promise. "Give you a chance to redeem yourself."
"I'd like that," Luke replies, his voice soft and sincere.
Jordan smiles, a genuine, warm expression that makes Luke's heart skip a beat, as she reaches for her phone. "Here, put your number in, and I'll text you."
Jordan smiles before adding "Maybe next time, I'll even let you win."
Luke laughs, shaking his head. "Oh, you're on. But I won't need you to let me win. I can do that all on my own." he says as he takes the phone, his fingers brushing against hers as he types in his number.
There's a spark, a jolt of electricity that passes between them, and for a moment, the rest of the world falls away.
"I don't doubt it for a second," Jordan grins, the admiration clear in her eyes.
When he hands the phone back, their eyes meet once more, a silent acknowledgment of the connection they both feel.
"I should probably get going," Jordan says reluctantly, glancing at the time. "Early class tomorrow."
"Of course," Luke nods, trying to ignore the twinge of disappointment in his chest.
Luke nods, trying to ignore the twinge of disappointment in his chest. "It was nice to meet you Jordan"
"It was nice to meet you too Luke"
Luke grins, watching as she gathers her things and heads for the door.
Luke stands there for a moment, watching as Jordan's silhouette fades into the night, a grin plastered across his face. The cool evening breeze rustles his hair, but he barely notices, his mind still replaying the events of the past few hours.
With a final glance at the door, Luke turns and makes his way back to the table where his teammates await. As he approaches, he can see their faces light up with a mix of curiosity and good-natured mischief.
"Well, well, well," Nate drawls, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. "Look who decided to grace us with his presence again."
"Shut it Nate" Luke replies, but there's no heat behind his words. He slides into his seat, grabbing his half-finished beer and taking a swig.
"So..." John says, a smile tugging at his lips.
"So?" Luke questions taking another sip
Dawson and John exchange a look, "Give us details?!" Dawson encourages
Luke rests his elbow on the table, and locks eyes with his teammates before letting out a simple "No"
Dawson, John and Nate's mouths dramatically drop, as if Luke just informed them that he's the notorious Zodiac Killer.
"Luke!' Dawson exclaims
"Aw, come on!" John protests, a good-natured grin on his face. "You can't leave us hanging like that. Did you get her number? Are you gonna see her again?"
"Maybe," Luke replies, a hint of mystery in his voice.
Nate leans forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. "So, what's her name? Come on, you gotta give us something, man."
Luke takes a sip of his beer, a small smile playing on his lips. "Her name's Jordan, and that's all you're getting out of me tonight."
"Jordan, huh?" Dawson repeats, waggling his eyebrows. "And what does this mystery girl do? Is she a student? A model? A secret agent?"
Luke chuckles, shaking his head. "She's a student, but that's all I'm saying. You guys are worse than a bunch of gossiping old ladies."
"Hey, we're just looking out for our boy," John defends, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "We gotta make sure she's good enough for our rookie."
"Trust me, she's more than good enough," Luke assures them, a hint of admiration in his voice.
"Ooh, sounds like someone's smitten!" Nate teases, reaching over to ruffle Luke's hair.
Luke swats his hand away, laughing. "Shut up, I am not. It was one game of pool and I had a good time, that's all."
"One game of pool that lasted, what, two hours?" Dawson teases, giving Luke a playful shove. "Face it, Hughesy, you're smitten."
Luke rolls his eyes, but before he can retort, Jack stands up and stretches. "Alright, boys, as much as I'd love to sit here and watch you interrogate my little brother all night, we should probably head out."
A chorus of groans rises from the table, but the guys begrudgingly agree. They settle their tab and say their goodbyes, each one giving Luke a final nudge or wink before heading out into the night.
As Jack and Luke step outside, the cool night air hits them, a refreshing change from the stuffy bar. They walk side by side, hands shoved in their pockets, the silence between them comfortable and familiar.
After a few moments, Jack glances over at his brother, a small smile on his face. "So, this Jordan girl," he begins, his tone casual. "She seems to have made quite an impression on you."
Luke ducks his head, feeling a flush creep up his neck. "Yeah, I guess she did," he admits, kicking a pebble along the sidewalk. "I don't know, man, there's just something about her. It's like... like we just clicked, you know?"
Jack nods, a look of understanding on his face. "I get it," he says, a note of wistfulness in his voice. "When you meet someone special, it's like everything just falls into place."
They walk in silence for a few more blocks, each lost in their own thoughts. As they approach their apartment building, Jack turns to Luke, a serious expression on his face.
"Just be careful, okay?" he says, his tone gentle but firm. "I know you're excited about this girl, and I'm happy for you, I really am. But don't forget who you are, and what you're here to do."
Luke meets his brother's gaze, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. "I know," he sighs, running a hand through his hair. "It's just... it's nice to feel normal for once, you know? To just be Luke, not Luke Hughes, the hockey player."
Jack puts a hand on his brother's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I get it," he says, a hint of a smile on his face. "And you deserve that, Luke. You deserve to be happy, both on and off the ice. Just don't lose sight of what's important, okay?"
Luke nods, feeling a surge of gratitude for his brother's support and understanding. "Thanks, Jack," he says, bumping his shoulder against his brother's as they enter the building.
As they ride the elevator up to their floor, Luke can't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up inside him.
Meanwhile, across the Hudson River, Jordan steps out of her Uber, the upscale apartment building looming before her. She thanks the driver and makes her way through the lobby, the click of her shoes echoing off the polished floors, as she makes her way to an apartment door.
As she enters she's greeted by the sight of hockey memorabilia adorning the walls, a New York Rangers jersey bearing her brother's name and number taking center stage.
Careful not to wake Jacob and his wife, Jordan tiptoes to her room, a soft smile playing on her lips as she replays the evening's events in her mind. She goes through her nightly routine, the familiarity of it soothing after the excitement of the night.
Settling into bed, Jordan reaches for her phone, the screen illuminating her face in the darkened room. She opens her messages and starts a new conversation with Luke, her fingers dancing across the keyboard.
Hey, it's Jordan. I had a great time tonight. We should do it again sometime :)
With a satisfied grin, she hits send and places her phone on the nightstand, letting the promise of future adventures lull her to sleep.
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matttgirlies · 1 month
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Matt & Me🎀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - death of loved one,, age gap
Chapter 2
The fog was so thick on the Autobahn back to Wiesbaden that I didn’t get home until 2 a.m. My parents had waited up, wanting to know everything that had happened. I told them Matt was a gentleman, that he was funny and entertained his friends all night, and that I’d had a wonderful time.
The next day in school, I couldn’t concentrate. My thoughts were entirely on Matt. I tried to recall every word he’d said to me, every song he’d sung, every look in his eyes as he’d gazed at me. I went over and over our conversation. His charm was captivating. I told no one. Who would ever believe that just the night before, I’d been with Matt Sturniolo?
I never expected to hear from him again. Then, a few days later, the phone rang. It was Steven. He said he’d just got a call from Matt, who wondered if it was possible for Steven to bring me over that night. I was ecstatic. “Steven, you don’t mean it? He wants to see me? Why? When did he call?” Unable to answer all my questions, Steven said calmly, “You want me to ask your father?”
My parents were as surprised as I. They reluctantly acceded to Steven’s request.
The next visit was very much like the one before—small talk, singing, Matt playing the piano, and everyone eating Grandma’s favorite dishes. But later, when Matt had finished singing, he came up to me. “I want to be alone with you, y/n.”
We were standing face to face, staring into each other’s eyes. I looked around. The room was empty.
“We are alone,” I replied nervously.
He moved closer, backing me against the wall. “I mean really alone,” he whispered. “Will you come upstairs to my room?”
The question threw me into a panic. His room?
Until that moment, it hadn’t crossed my mind that Matt Sturniolo might be interested in me sexually. He could have any girl in the world. Why would he want me?
“There’s nothing to be frightened of, Honey.”
As he spoke, he was smoothing my hair. “I swear I’ll never do anything to harm you.” He sounded absolutely sincere. “I’ll treat you just like a sister.” Flustered and confused, I looked away.
Standing there looking into his eyes, I was drawn to him almost against my will. I believed him; it wasn’t a difficult thing to do. I had discovered by now his intentions were warm and sincere. Moments went by and I still couldn’t do anything. Then I nodded. “All right, I’ll go.”
He took my hand and led me toward the stairs, whispering which room was his, and said, “You go on ahead, and I’ll join you in a few minutes. It looks better.”
He headed toward the kitchen as I slowly climbed the stairs, wondering, What would he demand of me? Expect of me? I will be completely alone with him for the first time. Since meeting him I had dreamed of this moment, sure that it would never arrive, and now I was in the midst of a reality I’d never expected.
I reached the second floor and found his bedroom. It was as plain and impersonal as the other rooms of the house. I went in and sat down primly on a stiff-backed chair—and waited. When Matt didn’t show up after a few minutes, I began to look around. It was an ordinary room with nothing unusual, certainly nothing to imply that it belonged to a famous rock-and-roll singer. There were books, a collection of records, his uniforms, and his boots. There were several letters from girls in the States on his night table. Many were from someone named Nicole. Matt rarely mentioned Nicole, but everyone knew he had a girl back home. I wanted to read the letters but was afraid he’d catch me. It was another twenty minutes before he finally appeared. He came in, removed his jacket, turned on the radio, and then sat down on his bed. I hardly looked at him, petrified of what he might expect. I imagined him grabbing me, throwing me down on the bed, and making love to me.
Instead he said, “Why don’t you come over here and sit next to me?” I was reluctant, but he assured me that I had nothing to be afraid of. “I really like you, y/n. You’re refreshing. It’s nice to talk to someone from back home. I miss that. It gets a little lonely here.”
I sat next to him, saying nothing, but I was touched by his vulnerable, boyish quality. He went on to say that our relationship was going to be important to him and that he needed me. It was October and he was scheduled to return to the States in six months. He knew lots of girls, he said, and many had come to visit as I had, but I was the first girl with whom he felt a real closeness.
I cuddled into his arms, certain he would not move too fast. He held me closely, saying, “I just wish Mom could have been here to meet you.” He sighed and a troubled look came over his face. “She would have liked you as much as I do.”
“I wish I could have met her,” I whispered, moved by his sincerity.
I was to learn that Matt’s mother, Mary Lou, was the love of his life. She had died on August 14, 1958, at age forty-two, of heart failure following a long siege of acute hepatitis.
He expressed how deeply he loved and missed her and how in many ways he dreaded returning to Graceland without her there. It had been his gift to her, a private estate that he’d purchased for $100,000 a year before she died.
Matt believed that his mother had eventually given up on life. Her health had begun to deteriorate when he was drafted. Her love for James and Matt was so great that she could never face the loss of either of them and often said she wanted to be the first to go. In Mary Lou’s naive, country way she assumed that Germany still represented war and danger. She could never comprehend that peacetime conditions now prevailed.
It was Matt’s habit to phone Mary Lou every day. I was surprised to learn that up until the time he began entertaining, he never spent a night away from home. He told me of the time his car caught on fire while on the road and he barely escaped with his life. Although she was miles away, Mary Lou sat straight up in her bed and screamed his name—the intuitive link between them was that strong. Her concern for his welfare while he was away from home was so great that she would spend sleepless nights until his call came, telling her he was safe.
When he was in basic training at Fort Hood, Texas, he rented a house off base for James, Mary Lou, and Grandma. I felt that her death affected him more than anyone could fully understand. He blamed himself for not being with her when she fell ill and had to be sent back home to Boston under a doctor’s care.
In time he realized that Mary Lou had resorted to drinking, and he was very concerned that this could become a problem. As much as he consoled her, assured her that he would return in eighteen months, and even begged her to join him, Mary Lou’s fear of losing her only son drove her to her grave.
Matt’s unrelieved depression over Mary Lou’s death was intensified by the conflict in Matt’s mind over Angela Stanley, who James had met in Germany. Angela and his father had become inseparable shortly after Mary Lou’s death, too soon to Matt’s liking. An attractive blonde in her thirties, Angela was in the process of divorcing her husband and was separated from him and her three children when she started dating James. The thought that his father could ever conceive of replacing Mary Lou upset Matt terribly. He also had doubts about Angela’s intentions and whether they were in his father’s best interest.
“What’s Angela trying to do?” Matt sometimes asked suspiciously. “Make him into some dude he’s not? Why can’t she just accept him the way he is? I’ve never seen him so lovesick. She meets him at some restaurant and exchanges love notes all day.”
My heart went out to Matt that night as he confided his problems and worries. He was a world-famous entertainer, a great star, and yet a terribly lonely man.
Again our visit seemed to end too soon. He kissed me goodbye, my first real kiss. I had never experienced such a mixture of affection and desire. I was speechless but closely tied to the reality of where I was—locked in his arms, my mouth against his. Aware of my response—and my youth—he broke away first, saying, “We have plenty of time, Little One.” He kissed my forehead and sent me home.
By our fourth date, Dad had laid down the law: “If you want to continue seeing Matt, we’re going to have to meet him.” My parents weren’t so enthralled with his celebrity status that they were willing to compromise their principles. In the beginning it was convenient for Steven to come for me and bring me home, but by now my parents were asking why Matt didn’t do this himself. One Saturday night I said to Matt, “My parents want to meet you. They want you to pick me up.”
He bristled. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” I said nervously, “I can’t come see you anymore unless you come and meet my parents.”
He agreed—provided he could bring his father along.
That day I went through my usual routine except instead of being ready one hour in advance it was two. I waited by the window, looking for his car as I played his records“Old Shep,” “I Was the One,” and “I Want You, I Need You, I Love You”—nonstop until my father yelled from the kitchen, “Do you have to play those records now? My God, the man will be here in a few minutes and you see him practically every night. I’d think you’d want to take a breather from each other.”
I was nervous. I knew that Dad wanted Matt to both pick me up and bring me home himself—and he planned to tell Matt this.
I didn’t know how Dad was going to approach him—whether he planned to be friendly or stern—and I knew only too well how stern Dad could be. I sat there, anticipating the worst.
About an hour later, I spotted Matt’s BMW and saw Matt and his father emerge from the car. Matt had come totally prepared; he was wearing his uniform to impress Dad. He knew that the service was their connection, and he played on it. He looked great.
He took off his hat and kissed me on the cheek. I asked him and his father in and led them into our living room, where Matt fidgeted and seemed, for once, at a loss for words. “Are your parents here?” he ventured. I could manage only a nod and he continued, “I know we’re a little late, but I had to get cleaned up—and we had some trouble finding the place.” I was amused—imagine, Matt Sturniolo making up excuses. I was now sufficiently aware of his habits to know that it took him three hours to change, chat with the boys, enjoy one of Grandma’s huge meals, and sign a few autographs along the way. Except when he was working, he had a stricter attitude toward time.
While James settled on the couch, Matt pointed to our family portraits on the wall and said, “Look here, Dad—here’s y/n with her whole family. I think she looks like her mother. Can’t see too much resemblance with her brothers or sister—they’re still a little too young.” “Don’t cut your hair, Baby. I love it long like this. You’re one pretty girl. How’d I happen to run into you? Must be fate.” The last few observations were uttered in a whisper to me as my parents came in.
Instead of saying, “Hi,” as most young men would have done, Matt put out his hand and said, “Hello, I’m Matt Sturniolo and this is my dad, James.”
It sounded silly to me, they knew who he was, as did the whole world. But Matt was the perfect gentleman. My father was visibly impressed, and from that moment on, Matt always addressed him as Captain y/ln or Sir. This was characteristic of Matt, whatever a person’s position in life—whether doctor or lawyer, professor or motion-picture director, unless someone were in Matt’s immediate circle, Matt rarely used first names, even in dealing with people he’d known for years. As he once explained to me, “It’s simple. They’ve worked hard to get where they are. Someone should respect them.”
The conversation with my parents that night was just small talk. Matt said that he’d spent a busy day at the Kaserne and this led to an exchange about the service.
“What did they assign you to over here?” Dad asked, implying that it had better be a solid job if Matt wanted to take out his daughter.
“Sir, right now I’m basically driving a jeep for the Fourth Armored Division in Bad Nauheim.”
“That can be tough this time of year.”
“You’re not kidding, sir. We’ve had some pretty cold nights out there already. I have to be especially careful. I battle tonsillitis when my resistance gets low, which isn’t good for my voice.”
“I guess you’re looking forward to going home.”
“Yes, sir. Only five more months.”
Then Matt asked my parents how they liked being stationed in Germany.
“Very much,” Dad said. “We plan on being here for three years.”
There was a sudden silence. Then Dad offered dinner, but Matt said they didn’t have time. I sat attentively, observing Matt’s uneasiness and remembering his relaxed manner in his own home. He was on his best behavior and it was endearing. Mother was reserving judgment about this rock-and-roll star she had professed to dislike so much. I could see that his Southern charm was winning her over.
Finally, my father got around to explaining to Matt the y/ln dating rules. If he wanted to see me, Matt had to pick me up and bring me home. Matt explained that by the time he got off duty, went home, cleaned up, came to Wiesbaden and back, the evening would be gone. Would it be all right if his father would collect me?
Dad mulled this over, then expressed his concern. “Just what is the intent here? Let’s face it: You’re Matt Sturniolo. You have women throwing themselves at you. Why my daughter?”
Both Matt and James were caught offguard. James shifted from one side of the chair to the other, probably thinking, Okay, Matt, how are you going to get out of this one?
Matt said, “Well, sir, I happen to be very fond of her. She’s a lot more mature than her age and I enjoy her company. It hasn’t been easy for me, being away from home and all. It gets kinda lonely. I guess you might say I need someone to talk to. You don’t have to worry about her, Captain. I’ll take good care of her.”
Matt’s honesty disarmed Dad, just as it did my mother. I joined Matt as he stood, picked up his hat, and added, “Well, sir, we’ve got a long drive.”
There was one stipulation: Matt himself had to bring me home. He agreed, reassuring them that I would be well taken care of, that there were a lot of family members at his house. He could have ridiculed Dad’s request, yet he agreed to take me home every night. I was thrilled but contained my excitement. He really wanted to be with me.
The next night, when Matt brought me home, we parked in front of the pension. He poured out his heart to me, as he would continue to do throughout our time in Germany. He was lonely. He was unsure of how he would be received by his fans when he returned to the States.
When he’d entered the Army, he had been at the pinnacle of his fame. He’d recorded seventeen straight million-selling singles and had starred in four films, all of which had become box-office hits. When Matt was drafted there had been talk of him possibly joining the Special Services, where he could have sung and retained some rapport with the public. But Colonel William, his manager, and RCA were convinced that he should serve his country as a regular soldier, claiming that the public would respect Matt as a man if he went in as a buck private. Now Matt was afraid he might have lost the support of his fans.
While we were parked, one of the Frauleins who lived in the pension passed the car. She greeted me and then, when she glanced at Matt, her mouth dropped open in disbelief.
a/n - i know this is a slower paced story but its solely based off the book. there will be quite a lot of chapters and time skips so don’t worry too much! 🎀
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd.
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hersurvival · 3 months
1. Born in a hospital that's no longer around
2. Louisiana hurricane drills, my mom wasn't watching and I put a cockroach in my mouth
3. Stomach aches, leg cramps, unexplained bruises - cancer
4. If I don't make it, at least my parents have my sister and our brother
5. Remission, I started school, I walked there on my own
6. My best friend and I were separated, he knew nothing but domestic abuse
7. I had to meet weekly with a teacher, learn to control my anger
8. The new kid, making friends somehow has gotten harder
9. Middle School, in the presence of teenagers
10. The new kid, my step-dad tried to trap me upstairs
11. Depressed, the first time I held a blade to my arm
12. I'd like to leave this world now, my parents read my journal, told me I should kiss prettier girls
13. The new kid, my mother left, broke our promises, broke my heart
14. The new kid, I changed schools twice, new step-dad, all my parents do is drink, my first cigarette, my first relationship
15. We broke up, word spread, somehow now I'm a slut
16. The first time I ever got drunk, a friend of a friend of a friend assaulted me after I threw up
17. I'm found bleeding and crying on the ground away from the party, I skipped school until graduation, staying sober never lasted
18. I ran away to California, to my dad, but he only knew how to look at me with immense sadness
19. I rent my first apartment, I have a full-time job, my mother and my siblings followed me north
20. I'm a full-time student, culinary arts
21. I work all summer, trained as a cake decorator
22. I skip the ceremony but I receive my degree, find work in a restaurant
23. Quarentine, lock down, a global pandemic
24. My grandmother passes, bought a house with my partner
25. New job, new direction, certified as a forklift driver
26. I think I'm ready to get help, I'm just so scared and always so tired, who would I be if not this, though, it is all I know
27. I started medication, perhaps I'll quit smoking, I wonder if I can be good now, I want to be good now
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