#//gosh I love her so much my heart is like- practically exploding in my chest rn!!!!!!!
revvywevvy · 2 years
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I finally decided on a date for the wedding!!! It'll be on 8/8 <3
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yukimoji · 4 years
Oooh your requests are open, I'm so excited! Could I ask for a Tanjiro x Reader in a modern AU setting (Kimetsu Academy, perhaps?) where Reader visits Tanjiro (who's crushing on her) at his bakery and he sees her playing with his siblings? It just warms his heart up and they're all like 'You should marry our brother!' and ahhh just fluff galore! Headcanons, scenario, short fic, anything is fine with me, whatever's easiest for you! Thank you so much! ~Oblivion~
(a/n: hi again!!! thank you so much for requesting! this is such an adorable request, im literally so soft rn ya hear??? tanjiro is such best boy im 😔✊✊,, i hope you like this and have a great day!)
(this became longer than expected, are headcanons supposed to be this long??? per usual, there will typos and grammar errors! happy reading!)
Total words: 1770+ words
Genre: Fluff
No manga spoilers
Warnings: None
Will You Marry Our Brother? ( Kamado Siblings x Reader, Tanjiro Kamado x Reader) I Headcanons
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During your time at Kimetsu Academy, you had the pleasure of meeting the owners of a nearby bakery, the Kamado family. You shared classes with the eldest son, Tanjiro Kamado. You became good friends with the boy, and eventually you met his younger sister, Nezuko Kamado. You adored his sister and the two of you instantly became close friends, because of her kind and caring nature.
Since Tanjiro was your classmate, you usually sat beside him. Each chance that he would get, his attention would be focused on you, chatting and asking about your day with an obvious flush in his face. Honestly, you thought it was kind of cute, seeing him all flustered up all around you. You sort of got a crush on him, not that he knew about it.
You would hang out with Nezuko in-between school breaks, eating Lunch with her as the two of you would have girl talks. She would always keep you company, and if ever you needed someone to lean on, you bet that she would always be there to support you.
You could say that you were more than shocked when you discovered that they had four more younger siblings. You didn't have the honor of meeting them properly, because of your busy schedule and just the overwhelming amount of academic pressure on your shoulders that hindered you from visiting their bakery. However, judging by the wonderful stories that Tanjiro would tell you in the middle of school breaks, they seemed like absolute sweethearts, and you were looking forward to meeting them.
However, you would later have the chance to meet them. It was a peculiar day, and the teachers weren't as harsh on you all like they would normally. Not only that, you craved for something sweet and warm. You just wanted to just bask in positive vibes, and you knew exactly where you wanted to go.
Your legs stopped in front of a small shop, and almost immediately, a wave of gentleness hits your body with so much comfort. You entered the bakery, a bell ringing as you begin to salivate at the sight of the delicious treats displayed on the counter. Nezuko takes notice of your presence, and turns around to welcome you with a big smile on her face.
When you finally picked out the goodies you desired from the shelf, you made your way to the cashier to pay for them. As you got near, you heard little strange noises coming from below the cash register. Confusion began to grow as you recognized the strange noises sounded like the sound effects from a popular mobile game. You became even more perplexed as Nezuko's expression hardened, and she instantly marched behind the cashier in slight annoyance.
A loud squeal of surprise erupted as the sound effects abruptly stopped. Then, suddenly, a young boy emerges from the cashier, a sheepish look evident in his face as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. The moment he notices your figure just standing awkwardly behind the cash register, he immediately turns red and mutters incoherent apologies as he would repeatedly bow profusely. You just give him a reassuring smile, and you said something about also liking the game he was playing.
You learned that this boy is Takeo, one of Tanjiro's younger siblings. As he continued to check out your treats, he couldn't help but find you so familiar.
Are you the girl in his brother's lockscreen photo?
After you paid for your orders, you introduced yourself to him, and his suspicions were confirmed. He couldn't help a mischievous smirk form on his lips, as he vividly recalls all the moments his brother would dreamily talk about a girl named [ Y / N ].
You asked him to play one round of the mobile game he played before with you. After seeing how the bakery was not really busy and getting Nezuko's approval, he accepted your offer. You bonded with him over the game, and the two of you had so much fun! You were pretty sure that you played more than one round with the young Kamado!
You were absolutely great at the game, much more so than him! You beat his high score, and he wouldn't admit it, but he swears he will beat your score one day. He could not wait to totally tease his brother about this.
Later on, you meet Hanako, Shigeru and the youngest, Rokuta. You were absolutely delighted to finally meet them. They were exactly how Tanjiro described them, they were all such big sweethearts!
Hanako and Shigeru almost immediately took a liking on you! They bombarded you with so much questions, asking you about your favorite color, animal, and all the little things you liked. The would listen to your answers eagerly, big smiles never fading from their expressions.
They would absolutely invite you to play a few games with them! They looked absolutely precious and you didn't have the heart to say "no". You played so much games with them during your stay, the most prominent being "Tag" and "Hide 'n Seek".
After they become tired from running around so much, they settled on listening to your jokes and puns. You swear they have the most adorable laughter in the world!
Just seeing them being giggling and laughing so much melted your heart into a puddle of joy. These two were absolutely cute and adorable, and they radiated so much positive energy that just fill your entire being with warmth and love.
They think that you are absolutely beautiful and wonderful, just like how their brother described you to be!
And then, there's little Rokuta. At first, he was a little shy to approach you. His big eyes looked at you with so much curiosity, and when you told him your name, his face immediately transformed into one of recognition.
Oh! So you're the [ Y / N ] my big brother keeps babbling about!
You would dote on him so, so much! You couldn't stop the squeals from escaping your mouth as he would adorably babble and tell you about his day! His big eyes hold so much innocence and purity in them, and your mind went absolutely bonkers about how cute this little Kamado is!
When he deemed he trusted you enough, he would raise his little arms up, and his tiny hands would make some grabbing motions. Nezuko would chuckle at his actions and tell you that he wants you to pick him up. You stifled a scream of absolute delight, mustering all willpower not to cry from sheer happiness. A cute and cuddly toddler wanted you to pick him up? Don't mind if I do!
The moment Rokuta is in your arms, he immediately embraces you, his little arms just wrapped around your shoulders. Nezuko cheered you on, commenting about how Rokuta had now grew attached to you. He was nuzzling on your neck, feeling secured in your hold as you silently thanked the gods above for giving you this oppurtunity.
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of Crimson hues stared at you with so much adoration from over the counter.
Tanjiro watched how the whole thing unfold. From your little game matches with Takeo, to your giggling fits with Hanako and Shigeru, and to how you held Rokuta in your arms with so much tenderness. All of this left Tanjiro feeling so much warmth and affection in his chest, and he wanted to cry out from the sheer joy of how much you had gotten along with his siblings.
You were absolutely Wonderful. Exquisite. Magnificent. Beautiful. Stunning. Heavenly.
Just so drop-dead gorgeous.
He's in absolute euphoria.
The boy won't admit it, but he's imagining his future with you. Seeing you being so happy with his little siblings makes him wonder what a family with you would look like. Gosh, how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
He practically had hearts in his eyes as he kept staring at you like a lovesick puppy, not noticing that Takeo was leaning against the counter with a smug expression on his face.
"Gosh, Nii-san. I knew you had a crush on her, but I didn't know it was this bad."
Tanjiro snaps from his day dream, and he could feel so much blood rush to his face. He was so embarrassed, much more so that Takeo had caught him looking at you all this time! Takeo laughs at his brother's red face, and Tanjiro could only shriek out erratic noises to desperately request Takeo not to get too loud.
You heard a commotion from the counter, and you turned to see a completely red-faced Tanjiro waving his hands vigorously to a guffawing Takeo. You could only giggle at the sight in amusement, and when Tanjiro makes eye contact with you, his face gets even more redder.
In your arms, Rokuta shifts from your neck to look at his big brother. Noticing how the two of you gazed in each other's eyes, he claps his hands in delight and looks up to meet your [ E / C ] orbs.
"Ne, [ Y / N ]-san, will you marry my big brother?"
Takeo laughs harder than he had before, grabbing at the edges of the counters to prevent himself from falling to the ground from the amount of amusement he was getting from the situation.
Hanako and Shigeru just burst out in full excitement, jumping and smiling at you, asking you repeatedly if you wanted to marry their big brother. They practically pleaded with you, their wide eyes constantly staring at you, in hopes that someday you might officially become their big sister.
Nezuko chokes in shock at her drink. She didn't expect Rokuta to say those words! She immediately goes to your side, and just repeatedly apologizes to you in behalf of Rokuta for putting you in such an awkward position. But, she cannot really lie, she would love for you to become her sister-in-law.
Tanjiro just looked at you in horror and fear. His face had hit the utmost redness it could possibly have attained, and he only wanted to crawl and hide at this very moment. He didn't want his crush on you to be revealed this way! He had special plans for that moment, but it didn't matter anymore, because you now know about his overwhelming feelings for you! Gosh, he felt so humiliated, and it didn't help that you were in such an awkward position just because of his attraction on you!
But then, he was caught off guard by your breathtaking smile. The next words sent Tanjiro's mind into a frenzy, desperately struggling with the urge to faint out of sheer bliss as the bakery exploded again into cheers of celebration.
"I would love to."
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Jaune’s Father: “Walk the walk Jaune and talking the talk will come natural”
Jaune: *Stunned by Pyrrha kissing him*
Pyrrha: *About to shove Jaune in the rocket locker*
Jaune: *Feels Pyrrha’s hands on his chest, misinterprets and shoves his tongue down Pyrrha’s throat*
Pyrrha: *Eyes open in shock* MMMMPPPHHH!!!!! *Flustered by her naughtiest dreams coming true*
Jaune: *Enjoying the kiss, grabs and squeezes Pyrrha’s asscheeks*
Pyrrha: *Squeals, tries to push Jaune off*
Jaune: *Thinking Pyrrha’s about to push him into the locker and run off to die, panics*
Pyrrha: *Pyrrha’s brain shuts down as Jaune’s thigh rubs against her core, loses the ability to stand upright*
Jaune: *Spins, pushes a dazed Pyrrha in the locker and sets it off*
Pyrrha: *Already three hundred feet from Jaune* W-what, no! No! NOOOO!!! *Incredibly angry* Gosh flipping darnit girl, you l-let him get you all riled up and now he’s going to get himself killed!
Jaune: *In an elevator* This is officially the stupidest idea you’ve ever had! Even worse than the stuff with Cardin, worse than the Deathstalker, worse than the time you took the blame for Coral breaking the window and somehow, someway, worse than the time you let Saphron put you in a dress, do your makeup and practice kissing a ‘girl’!
Elevator: *Shakes ominously*
Jaune: *Pale* I mean you just had your first real kiss with a girl, you felt her ass up and holy gods does Pyrrha have a nice, tight, big one, you’re still hard as diamonds and instead of running from the school that literally had a hole burnt through it by some kind of fucking firebreathing Grimm abomination, you go in! *Elevator goes into freefall*
Elevator: *Jaune’s screams replace screeching metal, crashes*
Jaune: *Climbs out, unharmed but aura has shattered* There’s got to be a limit, Jaune! Sure I turned Pyrrha to putty in my hands but that should not translate into running headfirst into certain death! Stupid Dad and his stupid advice! *Is hit in the head by a cane* Fucking ow! What the shit!?
*Witnesses Ozpin firing a gout of emerald fire that clashes with two huge streams of fire from the hot Haven girls hands*
Jaune: Oh what the fuck. And here I thought walking the walk was gonna be cool. Stupid Pyrrha. *Ducks underneath a scintillating jade orb thrown by Ozpin which vaporizes the elevator leaving nothing behind, in a falsetto* ‘Oh I’ll just kiss him and he’ll be so surprised and then I’ll shove him in a locker and go do something that’ll probably get myself killed. Teehee!’ *Breathes out* Not that I’m doing any better. The hot but apparently crazy Haven chick can fucking fly and - is that a tornado, ohhhh I’m gonna die - and Ozpin’s...
*Sees Amber*
Jaune: Is going to go to prison because this is a sex dungeon. Okay, Okay, you’re cool. Sure it was unanimously decided Pyrrha was going into the singles portion of the tournament and you nearly broke your neck twice getting down here, but something tells me sad Pyrrha has something to do with this. *Pauses* Which makes me wanna punch Ozpin, but question the pedo headmaster after you help!
*Sees Ozpin get a glass spear through the left lung*
Jaune: *Quickly* Or not. Okay, she’s monologuing, that’s good. Sneak, sneak, sneak-sneak-sneak. Blah, blah, magic? Really lady? Add delusional on top of crazy. Just get in closer, give her a nice kick to the ass and Ozpin will use his weird green themed semblance to obliterate her. *Hears Pyrrha mentioned* Ignore the urge to kick the dying sicko in the nuts, just focus on hurting the crazy chick who was apparently gonna kill my sorta-kinda-maybe girlfriend. Just nice, slowly, easily, quietleee-- *trips over his shoelace* --EEEEEEYYYOOOOPPPP!!!
Cinder: *Coughs wetly, stares at the sword sticking through her chest* H-how...?
*Cinder falls on top of Ozpin, her body crushed between the Headmasters and the shellshocked Jaune’s*
Ozpin: *Confused and dying* Mr. Arc?
Jaune: *High pitched* IswearIonlymeanttokickherintheasssoyoucouldfinishhereoff!
Ozpin: *Coughs* I believe you. Unfortunately it was not to be. You pierced her straight through the heart.
Jaune: I didn’t mean to?
Ozpin: And in doing so you’ve saved miss Nikos from a terribly cruel fate.
Jaune: Oh. That’s good. I’m pretty sure that if she hadn’t tried to shove me in that stupid rocket locker there’s at least a 50% chance Pyrrha would’ve jumped my bones, Grimm invasion or not.
Ozpin: *Groans in dismay* Only to quite possibly doom yourself to one.
Jaune: *Suddenly at full attention* You say what now?
Ozpin: You’ve stabbed me as well. *Sees Jaune about to speak* You’ve stabbed my other lung, young man.
Jaune: I-I’m sorry?
Ozpin: Not yet you aren’t. Usually when I reincarnate it’s some unlucky, random bastard. But you’ve imprinted on me.
Jaune: What.
Ozpin: I’m an immortal wizard who, when he dies, his soul and consciousness along with all his memories are transferred into a new man’s preexisting body.
Jaune: *Panicking* I don’t want you in my head, headmaster! On the off chance you’re not just a nasty pedophile, I really don’t want you in my head! I don’t think you wanna be there either! *Ozpin doesn’t respond* Professor? *Still nothing* Headmaster! *Ozpin is dead, Jaune* Ozpin you old fuck, don’t you dare, I don’t wanna hear your voice when I’m deep dicking my hot redheaded partner!
Ozpin: *Body explodes into green motes of light which Jaune inhales*
Pyrrha: *Bringing dat ass back, clapping his groin* Oh Jaune, oh gods yes I love it, I love your cock so-s-s-so much! *Twists and twirls her booty on his cock* Oh f-fuck, I’m gonna cum agaaaaaiiinn!!
Jaune: *Going hard, closing in*
Pyrrha: Oh yes, please, harder, I’m gonna cum all over that delicious Arc meat again and o-o-oh shit, fuck yes Jaune, fill your slutty Nikos bitch up with your hot jizz!
Ozpin: *Mentally* She’d be cumming harder if you did what I suggested.
Jaune: *Mentally, trying to focus on Pyrrha’s voice and the image of her* Shut up. This is me time you parasite and I don’t care how long you’ve lived, I don’t need advice from the guy who’s ex is out to end the world.
Ozpin: *Mentally* I’m just saying, miss Nikos is a natural born sub. Placing your foot on her head and giving her what I’m telling you she absolutely wants by degrading her, lambasting her the way she does herself and I guarantee you the rewards will be worth it. I know you’ve been eying her anus for quite some time now, give her what she wants--
Jaune: *Mentally, pushes in deeper which makes Pyrrha wail* I knew I couldn’t trust you to shut up! ‘Oh no, the time you spend with miss Nikos will be your own, I’m just an old soul here to help you fight my batshit crazy ex’ and now you’re trying to live vicariously through me! *Eyes widen as Pyrrha spreads her cheeks, lying facefirst on the bed and moaning*
Ozpin: *Mentally, smugly* Oh of course. You certainly don’t want advice from a man who has slept with literally thousands of women. She’s cumming, by the way.
Pyrrha: Ooooohhhh gods, yesyesyesyesyesyesyes I’m fucking cummiiiiiinnnngggg!!!!!!!!! Fuck, fuck, fuuuu~uuuck you’re so fucking gooooood!!!!!
Jaune: *Cumming his brains out*
Ozpin: *Mentally* Good to see you plan on following my advice next round, Jaune. If you feel like paying me back, you could always just tell Pyrrha that you’ve gone through my memories and developed a taste for hardcore, mistress of pain BDSM.
Jaune: *Mentally, lying on Pyrrha’s pronebone body, still inside as they both recover* This is all Dad’s fault. No amount of badass magic is worth this.
I wanted one of these to have the advice backfire while still working and while I thought about it being an eventual Raven Jaune’s Father, I realized Pyrrha offered the best opportunity ever in the form of Ozpin, the unwanted and overly friendly brain ghost.
Hopefully any hardcore Arkos fans reading this don’t mind this one being the lewder, screwier one.
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Mute Button
Summary: When Luke shamelessly teases Julie he might get a reply that’s a bit too much for him. Turns out the girl knows where his mute button is.
Also on AO3
The band practice had been going on for about an hour and Julie had had enough. She would gladly go back to subtle smiles, forlorn looks and accidental phasing through Luke to their audience’s constant bewilderment, as he had happened to stand in her path a lot during their past rehearsals and concerts. 
But now that the guys were tangible to her? Mister Patterson became simply insufferable, smirking in satisfaction every time he managed to block her way. She stopped counting after the tenth time she almost bumped into his chest, still not used to the fact that she couldn’t point-blank walk through him. 
And it wasn’t just that. The looks he shot her were doing interesting things to her heart rate. Each gaze was just a little bit too long for a regular eye contact. Each smile a little bit too smoldering. Each sung phrase a little too directed at her personally. 
Julie pondered if this was just her overactive imagination. In fact, Luke behaved like he always had during their actual performances, tapping into the supposed chemistry between them as two lead vocals. But a few puzzled glances from Reggie and Alex confirmed this wasn’t the regular thing. Luke had clearly stepped up his game, whatever that game was.
If only he kept strictly to non verbal cues, she might have let it slide. But of course he couldn’t keep his mouth shut between songs. 
‘So how’s your dancing partner, Julie?’ he’d ask with a cheeky smirk. ‘Still as sweet as a cinnamon roll, tripping over his feet?’ Every comment about Nick just added to the pile of mockery Luke heaped upon him, as if he had any reason to feel insecure in comparison. 
‘You were on fire, Julie!’ he’d comment after one of their more energetic numbers. ‘I always thought you’re a girl who likes spice, not cinnamon,’ he’d murmur barely audibly, sticking his tongue out and wiggling his eyebrows. 
‘Ah, our sweet angel spreads her wings!’ he’d jest, ruffling her hair. He’d been ruffling her hair so much these days, Julie was afraid she’d eventually end up with one huge dreadlock. Flynn would kill her if she had to shave her head. 
Not-so-accidental touches were another new thing in their interesting little relationship. Hand brushes, high-fives, hugs (though that was mostly Alex), any excuse was good enough for contact. Julie hated how flustered she felt on these occasions, though she couldn't deny the happiness that blossomed inside her as well, nor the tiny smile that inevitably escaped each and every time Luke got close.  She did all she could to hide it from him, but judging by Luke's continued presence, she clearly had failed.
So it really wasn’t a surprise when, after a long string of mixed comments, compliments and quips about Nick’s dancing skills, accompanied by a wide selection of goosebumps-inducing brushes during their practice, Julie finally snapped.
‘Oh my gosh,’ she threw her hands up in exasperation. ‘Will you just shut up?’ 
Reggie froze, gawking at her, while Alex grabbed a cymbal, as if it was his drums that offended her. 
Luke blinked and then his lips stretched in an impudent grin. ‘Make me,’ he dared, raising a brow.
Julie narrowed her eyes. Then without thinking what she was actually doing, she grabbed his face and kissed him straight on those stupidly grinning lips.
It took a second, maybe two, before she withdrew. Luke, who had stilled under her touch, gaped at her, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly. She was quite satisfied with the dumbfounded look on his face.
Somewhere to the left Reggie cleared his throat, breaking the silence. 
‘Oh, I see you found the mute button,’ he remarked, causing Alex to snort. Reggie chuckled, proud of his joke.
But Julie couldn’t take her eyes off of Luke. His chest was heaving as if he’d just run a marathon, although being dead he clearly didn’t need to breathe. Julie’s heart was beating wildly by now, though it was much too late for second (or indeed first) thoughts about the solution she’d applied. She started counting Luke’s breaths.
It took one, two, three, four- and the boy swooped in for a second kiss, taking the lead this time, as he tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her flush against him. 
Softness. Sweetness. She often imagined how it would feel like, expecting stars or fireworks exploding in the air above her. Sometimes she thought that maybe it would be like kissing a snowman, or like shivering in a cold breeze. Or that suddenly music would start to play, like in movies, their own personal soundtrack. But no cold appeared, no celestial choruses, no sparkles, not even a single flicker. Just a boy and a girl in an uncharted space between here and there. Strange calmness washed over her, like this was where she was supposed to be; the place she belonged.
This was too strange even for her. She thought she must have passed the point to form coherent thoughts, because all she could think of was Luke’s lips on hers and the unexpected warmth that radiated from his ghost form. She rose to cloud nine quite quickly, and it appeared she might become its permanent occupant since Luke seemed to be dead set on kissing her forever. 
Julie barely heard when Alex asked, ‘You guys remember we’re still here, right?’
Luke just grunted in reply.
‘Oh-kay,’ Alex said as he and Reggie poofed out to somewhere else.
Ta-da! My first Julie and the Phantoms oneshot. I hope you liked it! A big thank you goes to my dear beta, @goblin-alchemist, who not only helped making this fic better, but who's also responsible for introducing me to this lovely series!
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fellulahh · 4 years
Oh my gosh I love love LOVE your work!! It’s so good and like you’re amazing! I’ve practically read everything on ur master list (〃ω〃) Also if it isn’t a bother, could we have a part 2 to the MC overhears the boys saying they love them? It’s so cute and I love when they get flustered (//∇//)
Thank you so much for you kind words!! I’m sorry this has taken me so long to get round to, I hope it’s okay💞
MC overhears him admit his love for her Part 2 (Lucifer, Mammon, Levi and Satan)
Read Part 1 here!
“You mean you’re in love with her.”
“I’m glad you find this revelation amusing.” Lucifer spoke, avoiding Diavolo’s statement.
Clearing her throat, MC caught the attention of the two demons. Both of their eyes were wide when they realised she’d stepped into the room unbeknownst to them.
“MC...” Lucifer breathed, his cheeks growing redder by the second. “I hadn’t realised you were there.”
Sensing perhaps an awkward conversation coming, Diavolo quickly grabbed his belongings and made his way to the door. “On that note I’ll be off Lucifer! Lovely to see you, MC.” He spoke quickly as he whipped out of the room.
MC was unable to say goodbye to the Prince as he disappeared. Her heart was still racing over the conversation she’d just witnessed. Noticing her silence, Lucifer placed a hand over his chest. “I suppose you’re here for our coffee date—coffee...you’re here for coffee.” He mumbled, completely mortified.
“I can go if you’d prefer...?” MC spoke quietly, sensing that he didn’t want to see her now.
“No, that won’t be necessary.” He shook his head, “I’m sorry you had to hear that.
“Don’t be.” MC smiled sweetly as she made her way over to his desk, pouring them both a cup of coffee. She was a little nervous as her back was to him but she didn’t Lucifer to know that.
Spinning on her heel, she handed the eldest brother a cup. He studied her warm expression as he hesitantly took the beverage from her. “How much of that did you hear?”
“Enough.” she nodded, taking a sip. “I hadn’t realised such a proud demon like yourself could ever admit his feelings, especially about a human like me.”
Lucifer was shocked by her cheek. “Must you be so teasing?” He asked with a scoff.
She let out a laugh as she gazed at him with big eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m just in a good mood.”
“Why’s that?” He asked curiously.
“I just found out that the demon I love, loves me back.” She smiled sweetly.
Lucifer shook his head as a relieved grin appeared on his face. Taking a sip of his coffee, he gave MC a suggestive look. “You like watching me squirm, don’t you?”
Satan had an amused look on his face as his gaze flickered to the newly opened door. When he saw MC stood there with her mouth agape, he let a smirk spread across his face. “I won’t tell you off” he began, turning his attention back to Mammon “but she might.” He said pointing across the room.
Mammon’s entire face went red as he slowly turned his head, seeing MC gawp at him with wide eyes.
“M—MC?” He spoke softly.
MC had the most adoring smile on her face as she gazed at Mammon. Her heart was fluttering in her chest after finding out he was in love with her.
“Hey Mammon.” She spoke softly before lifting up his jacket. “I came to give this back to you.”
Mammon was absolutely speechless; he didn’t know what to say. Satan found his silence highly amusing as he grinned down at the pages in his book.
Noticing how flustered he was being, MC stepped further into the room, sitting down next to the second eldest brother. He gawped at her with wide eyes. “I—I was only joking ya know.” He scratched the back of his head. “I’d never fall for a lowly human like ya self.”
“Sure you wouldn’t.” She smiled as she ran a hand through his hair. He tried his best not to let his heart explode in his chest as he felt her touch. “And it’s a shame too because I’ve always had a thing for you.” MC sighed dramatically before standing up from her seat.
Mammon had to do a double take as he processed her words. “Wait ya do?!” He mumbled quickly.
“Yeah! But seeing as you were only joking there’s no point in me sticking around here. I’ll see you later, Mammon!” She teased before walking away.
Satan was trying not to laugh as Mammon practically launched himself over the sofa and threw his body toward MC.
“Wait! It wasn’t a joke! I really do love ya MC!” He cried as he followed her out of the room.
“Unbelievable.” Satan shook his head with a grin.
“Yeah I really like her but I don’t want to mess anything up.”
MC was taken aback by his words. This wasn’t just any random chit chat…
Going to leave his room, MC accidentally bashed her foot against the door. The noise startled Levi. He whipped around in his seat, eyes widening when he saw MC stood there. She gave him a sheepish smile, feeling awful that she’d been caught eavesdropping.
“Hey Levi.” She grinned awkwardly as she shifted her feet.
By this point he’d dropped his controller and was ignoring the countless voices filling his ear as he completely discarded his game. “What are you doing?” He asked her, looking like a deer in headlights.
“I was just...er” she mumbled, “I heard you were talking about me and wanted to hear the conversation...” she admitted embarrassed.
Levi’s face went bright red as she confirmed his suspicions - she’d heard everything! Immediately the avatar of envy slumped back in his beanbag. “I’m such a stupid otaku!” He sulked as he hid his blushing face behind the back of his hand.
MC’s eyes softened as she saw how upset he was getting. She hadn’t meant to alarm him! She just wanted to know what he was saying about her. As overjoyed as she was to learn that Levi liked her, she was more concerned with how mortified he was.
Stepping over to where he was still sat, MC crouched down beside him. She delicately lifted her hand and moved his away from his face as he gawped at her with wide eyes. “W—What are you doing?” He asked quietly as nerves filled his body.
“You’re not a stupid otaku.” She practically whispered. “You’re Levi - this wonderful purple haired demon who I really like too.” She smiled sweetly.
Levi practically malfunctioned when he heard her words. He couldn’t believe what she was saying. Was MC only saying that to make him feel better? Seeing that he still seemed really awkward and uncomfortable, MC slowly let go of his hand.
Immediately, Levi reached back for it. “D—don’t go!” He cried.
Smiling warmly at him, MC happily held his hand back. “I won’t.”
“So it’s true!” Asmo grinned “you do love MC!” He cried, waving the photograph in his hand.
Satan snatched the photo from his brother, tucking it back into his book. “This conversation stays between us.” He muttered embarrassed.
“Too late…” a flustered MC spoke quietly from the other side of the room, her voice instantly causing Satan and Asmo’s heads to whip round.
“Gotta go!” Asmo quipped as he dashed out of the room.
Satan shook his head as he closed the book. “Hi MC.” He sighed to himself as he discarded the novel to one side.
“Satan...” she breathed, completely in shock at the revelation. “You love me?”
She wasted no time in questioning his words. Satan was hoping to have some small talk before the interrogation began but apparently that wasn’t going to happen. “I do, MC. I hadn’t meant for you to find out this way.” He admitted. MC was silent as her heart thumped in her chest. “I was hoping I could invite you out somewhere on a date before I broke the news to you.”
As her mind raced, MC didn’t think about her next actions. She was blinded by the calling of her heart.
“Satan I love you too!” She breathed all at once, a little surprised that she’d said so.
He turned his head to face her, a small smirk on his lips. “I did have my suspicions.” He mumbled before walking her way. Towering over her, he smiled down at MC’s angelic expression as he moved a piece of hair out of her face. His azure eyes scanned her features. “As much as I despise Asmo for forcing me to confess my love, it’d seem it was worth it.”
MC blushed at his words as his hand continued to caress her cheek. Gazing up at him with big eyes, she let a smile spread across her face. “Are you going to kiss me or not then?”
Meanwhile, with his ear pressed against the door, Asmo silently cheered as he heard Satan win MC’s love.
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thicctails · 3 years
Summer Of Whump Days 14 + 21 [Hand gagging/Panic]
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He remembered hearing Tech’s voice crackle across the comlink, full of panic and desperation. His hysterical cries had started the hole, weakening his heart and leaving him vulnerable. Hope that they would be able to get back to the Havoc Marauder in time to chase Crosshair down had been the only thing keeping him together. That hope had shattered upon seeing Imperial ships disappear into the atmosphere.
 In the immediate aftermath, he just… froze. He was just barely aware of the sound of Wrecker yelling, shouting obscenities in Mando’a that would make even the most foul-mouthed soldier blush. The world just seemed to go quiet, his breath caught in his throat as his lungs refused to take in oxygen. He had only been brought back by Rex’s firm hands on his shoulder, the man gripping him harshly as he shook him.
 “Hunter! Hunter, come back to us.” Rex was borderline shouting, his gaze hard as he watched Hunter take a deep breath. “There you go, vod.”
 “Omega- she’s gone! We have to- ARRGH I don’t know!” Hunter yelled, his nails digging into his palms as he curled his hands into fists. “Chase them! Hunt them down! Something!”
 “We can’t. The Empire will kill us on sight if we get to close.” Rex said.
 “Well what do you want us to do?! Leave her with them?!” Wrecker exploded.
 “No, but we need a plan first. We’ll get her back, we just need to wait until they’re far enough away to trail safely.” The clone captain raised his hands, trying to deescalate the situation. Even as he did so, he looked sorrowfully towards the stars.
 “No. I won’t leave her with them for any longer than I can help. She’s hurt and she’ll be scared and she needs us.” Hunter snapped, his eyes wild with a burning protectiveness. A fire had been ignited in his chest, and no amount of placating words could stomp it down. It would blaze until he held his precious ad'ika was safely back in his arms where he could make sure that she was never taken away from them again.
 “Hunter,” Rex started, his eyes going soft, “I understand how you feel. I have someone that I’d chase Imperials across the galaxy for if she got captured. But we can’t just throw ourselves at the Empire. If you want to help Omega, we need to stay under their radar.”
 Hunter growled, the sound vibrating in his chest. He hated Rex in that moment. He hated him because he was right. Using stealth was their best bet at rescuing Omega, and that fact irritated him to no end. He didn’t want to be stealthy, he wanted to use the blinding rage that was making his heart thunder in his chest to find the people who had dared to take her away and rip their throats out.
 Echo’s voice made him look up. The man was walking towards him, a limping Tech holding onto him for support. He looked fearful, his eyes quickly scanning the group, desperately hoping to see the little girl that should be there, ducking behind Hunter’s legs or being held by Wrecker. His face crumpled when he realized that they had failed. Omega was with Crosshair, who was still under the chip’s influence. She was in the Empire’s claws, vulnerable and alone.
 ‘No, not alone.’ He reminded himself. ‘She has Pillow.’
 “Echo, Tech, are you okay? ” Hunter released some of his anger as he spoke to his brothers.
 “Tech’s leg is hurt. Crosshair kicked Pillow into him when he attacked them.” Echo explained. “Omega stopped Crosshair from finishing the job.”
 “She shouldn’t have.” Tech grit out, his face already stained with tears. “She should have just ran.”
 “You know she would have never left you.” Hunter sighed. “She loves you, loves all of us.”
 “He was going to shoot me.” Tech whispered. He knew that Crosshair would attack him, but he never thought he’d live to see the day that his ori'vod would point the muzzle of his rifle at him with the intent to kill. “Is he even still in there? Can we still help him?”
 “We have to try. He’s our brother, and I’m not abandoning him again.” Hunter’s voice dropped. “Even if I do want to kick his teeth in for taking Omega.”
 “What’s the plan?” Echo asked.
 Hunter looked at Rex and sighed. “We wait. Once they’re far enough away, we’ll track ‘em down and figure out a way to stage a rescue.”
 “Wait?! Are you serious?” Echo hissed.
 Hunter bared his teeth. “It isn’t my first choice either, trust me. But it’s the best we can do for now. If we leave too soon, we’ll just get ourselves killed.”
 Tech growled softly, his own frustration leaking through. “Hunter is right, unfortunately. As much as I hate to say it, waiting is our only option.”
 “Can’t we do something?” Wrecker asked, his mouth drawn down into a frown. “Anything?”
 “We still have that debt to Cid. I say we scavenge enough to pay her back and then some. Once we get Omega back, we can disappear once and for all. Give her a life beyond being an outlaw.” Echo proposed.
 The group looked at each other.
 “I need to get a message to someone, but I’ll be more than happy to help you after that.” Rex said. “The armory on this ship should still have some supplies in it.”
 “That could be useful on a number of levels. Wrecker, come with me to the armory. Echo, help Tech to the main controls, we’ll need to get the power back on.” Hunter commanded, needing to get away from this place. He couldn’t keep looking back at the sky, back towards the space where Omega had disappeared. “Let’s get ready.”
     A drop of water splattered onto Omega’s head, the warm droplet sliding down her nose. She breathed in the smell of damp earth and growing plant life, smiling as she observed all of the greenery around her. She was sitting in the mouth of the ship’s doorway, watching the forest slowly come to life. Pillow was off snoring somewhere in the ship, sleeping off whatever he’d managed to catch and eat last night.
 Crosshair had forbade her from leaving the ship while he went to go hunt breakfast, stating that she and Cal needed more than ration bars. Said padawan was still snoozing on the bed, his hair all tousled and knotted from their days in captivity and their wild escape. She wondered if he’d let her help him brush it out. She’d read on one of her datapads , in some cultures, friends brushed and braided each other’s hair. While she didn’t know how to braid, her own hair required maintenance, and she was sure it was just as bad as Cal’s. She should probably start looking for a brush soon.
 Beams of rosy morning light shone down through the canopy, causing all of the little water droplets on the plants to glisten. She looked on in awe. It was like a thousand little diamonds had appeared, scattered across the clearing by some unseen hand. In the trees above, avian creatures began to sing, their melodious songs ringing out pleasantly into the calm morning air. If she hadn’t been so sore, she might have ignored Crosshair’s command and gone to roll in the grass. It looked so soft and cool and inviting, and her inner curiosity practically begged her to go look at those morning dew drops.
 Closing her eyes, Omega reached out with the Force. In an instant, a comforting rush of life filled her, and she could feel the Force in everything around her. It twisted through the trees, settled in the rocks, flowed through the water, and thrummed joyously in the bodies of every living creature around her. Behind her, Cal and Pillow were beacons of energy, their lifeforce practically tangible. She let her own Force signature reach out to them, wrapping them in the happiness and liveliness she felt. Pillow did not respond, likely too deep in slumber to feel her, but she could feel Cal reach out to her in the Force. A warm fuzz of sleep-muted contentment and peace wrapped her in a warm hug, the positive feelings settling into her chest.
 Having another Force-sensitive was better than she had ever imagined, especially since Cal was right around her age, and she wasn’t sure if she could go back to being alone. Well, not alone, she’d have her family, of course, but this was different. Cal was someone who understood, who experienced the world the way she did. What’s better, he had experience training with the Force. If he stayed, she could probably learn a lot from him. Not to mention it had been nice to have someone to sleep with that wasn’t a large salamander that liked to kick off the blankets.
 She wanted to stay with him, to learn about the Force and how it worked. She wanted to be there for him when the trauma of what he’d been through made him go quiet and distant. She wanted him to be there for her when she was struck with another nightmare, as she knew she was bound to have plenty. She wanted to be able to have looked at him so much that she could count the tiny stars that dusted his cheeks. She wanted to know what his laugh sounded like, his real laugh, not the little watery chuckle she’d managed to pull from him. She wanted to see him grow up and be happy.
 He blinked at her, his eyes matching the forest before her as he fought the heaviness of his eyelids, and Omega realized that she may have still been sharing her feelings with him. She drew back, embarrassed. Those thoughts were meant to be private, and she winced at the idea of him finding her feelings to be weird. Despite the fact that it felt like she’d known him for years, she only met him a few days ago. Oh gosh, he totally thought she was weird, didn’t he? Good job, Omega, you’ve kriffed up your first chance at friendship.
 A warmth gently tugged at her Force signature, coaxing her to open up again. Surprised, she obeyed, tentatively reaching back.
 A wave of thoughts came across the connections. He wanted to teach her, to show her everything he’d learned from his Master. He wanted them to learn new things together. He wanted to be able to chase away nightmares before she could even have them. He wanted to hear her laugh.  He wanted to see her smile. He wanted to protect her, make sure that no one would ever harm her again. He didn’t want to be alone again, and he didn’t want her to be alone either. He wanted them to grow up happy together.
 He sleepily smiled at her, relieved that he could just let her feel how he felt, let her know without even speaking that he wanted to keep their newfound friendship. Omega smiled back, her eyes sparkling in the morning light. Cal yawned, stretching as he got to his feet. He came over and sat with her, quietly keeping her company as they watched the peaceful morning.
 Suddenly, there was a rustling from the bushes. Omega and Cal looked towards the sound, each child sending the thought ‘be cautious’ over their connection. Cal, who had not been confined to the ship due to him still being asleep, slowly made his way down the ramp. Omega instinctively reached for her bow, cursing internally when she realized that she no longer had it. She looked at the bushes with a worried expression, before deciding that, even if she didn’t have her bow, she was going to help. Mentally apologizing to Crosshair, she reached out to Pillow with the Force as she descended down the ramp slowly, her injuries flaring up as she moved. Her eyes fell on a large stick, and she gripped it, holding it in front of her.
 She turned around to see if Pillow was at the doorway yet, but when she looked back, Cal was nowhere to be see, his Force signature gone with him.
 “Cal?” She called nervously, noting how silent the clearing had become. She remembered Echo telling her stories about his brother, Fives, and how the clone would sometimes pull a prank on him. Was that what Cal was doing?
 “If this is a prank, Cal, it’s not very funny!” She called, her eyes darting around. The stillness of everything made her nervous.
 A hand clasped around her mouth, a firm arm pulling her backwards. She let out a muffled yelp as she was dragged back into the bushes. She kicked and struggled, the Force under her control whipping about wildly as she tried to figure out what had grabbed her.
 ‘Sleep, youngling.’
 A calm, soothing voice entered her mind, smoothing down her panic with ease. She felt her eyelids start to droop, urged on by the gentle suggestion. She kicked weakly a few more times, before succumbing to sleep.
   Crosshair shifted the animal he was carrying on his shoulder. He’d manage to track down a fat little cervid that had been munching on some plump blue berried. One accurate shot later, and he had secured breakfast for himself and his little group. He was no cook, but he knew how to make basic meals that would sustain them for a bit while he figured out their next move. Soup could be a breakfast food, right? Did kids like soup? He and his brothers had liked it quite a bit when they were younger, especially if they’d been out in the rain, so he figured it would be okay.
 “Adike, lor'vram!” He called, before realizing that, unlike his brothers, Omega and Cal wouldn’t understand what he was saying. He should really teach them some Mando’a, especially if Cal was going to be staying with them.
 As he approached the ship, he paused, scanning the ground outside the ship. There was grass that had been stepped on, recently too. His eyes flicked up towards the inside of the vessel, and he cursed when he didn’t see the two children or Omega’s pet.
 “Omega, I told you not to leave the ship!” He scolded, hoping that she was close enough to hear him. He waited.
 No reply.
 “Omega?” He tried again. “Cal?”
 He observed the tracks in the grass, following them until they stopped abruptly. Building worry gripped his gut in its icy claws, and he hurried onto the ship. Perhaps they’d simply gone down onto the grass and then came back up?
 “Pillow?” He cringed a bit at the mushy name Omega had given the annoying beast.
 He moved back towards the storage part of the ship, where he knew Pillow had been sleeping. He entered the room, expecting to see a sleeping lump of a lizard and, hopefully, two kids.
 He saw neither. Instead, there was a large, crystalline cocoon in the centre of the room. It was deep purple in colour, flashes of white occasionally shining through. A light pulsed rhythmically, like a flashing heartbeat. Crosshair stared at it, dumbfounded.
 What the hell had Omega befriended?
 Whatever was happening here, it could be dealt with later. He needed to find the kids. Shucking off the animal he’d been carrying, he tossed it into cold storage before rushing back outside. He examined the prints again, then looked towards the forest. If there were no tracks beyond this point, then…
 He looked up.
 A tangle of thick branches permeated the canopy, far above the ground, but reachable if you knew what to do and had the strength to do so. As a sniper, high places were Crosshair’s element. He felt no fear while being perched on a ledge, trusting in his impeccable balance. If something, or someone, had taken the kids, that was likely where they had fled to.
 Growling, Crosshair secured his rifle and found a place to start climbing. He hadn’t just risked their lives to get the kids to safety, only to lose them to some forest predator. While he lacked Hunter’s otherworldly tracking skills, he still had some training. Moving over to a branch close to where the footprints had ended, he saw that part of the bark had been scrapped away, too recently to have been natural. He scanned the canopy, finding little signs of movement everywhere. A trail had been left behind, one that only someone like him or Hunter could follow.
 “Don’t worry, adike, I’ll get you back.” He said, before leaping onto the next branch.
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Catradora x Reader Part 9
Summary: You, Catra, and Adora have known each other your whole life. You’ve gone through some hardships together and apart but in the end you’ll be together again. (That sounds very cryptic but its not, I swear)
Warnings: Light cursing? I think
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Happy Ending
You regain consciousness with a groan. You still felt weak but you knew you had to push through for Adora and Catra. "I love you guys." Is the only thing you say before pulling Catra into a kiss. Catra eagerly kisses you back, her hands around your neck keeping you close. You feel yourself transform into your knight version. When you pull back from the kiss you see yourself glowing. You go to say something but get stopped by being pulled into a kiss by Adora. As you both kiss your feel this huge wave of energy release like a tidal wave. When you pull back from the kiss you see that Adora is in her She-ra form and glowing as well. They both pull you to your feet, all of you glowing now, and grab your sword. You find a slot on the floor and line up the blade of your sword to it. "You ready?" You ask preparing to push the sword in the hole. Both Catra and Adora nod their heads, giving each other a quick peck on the lips before putting their hands in your shoulders. You raise the sword before pushing it in as hard as you can. Once you hear a click you let go of the sword and back away. The heart starts beating faster and faster like a bomb about to explode. It starts pushing the green of Horde Prim's virus away. Then it lets out another large surge of energy and you see Adora light up even brighter.
A door opens before you and Adora walks out before you and Catra. As she walks the ground beneath her feet turn from dried dirt to luscious green grass with different colored flowers. You and Catra trail behind her slowly, holding hands, and looking around in awe. Adora points her sword down towards the ground and stabs it sending out another wave of energy but this time it turns all the ground into more vibrant green grass. Adora points up sword up to the sky this time and sends out a ballast of magic turning Horde Prime's ship into a gigantic tree. As your watching all this going on you can feel all the adrenaline it gave you going away. You were now back in your normal clothes because you had to leave the sword behind, stuck into the grown. What you hadn't noticed before was that those green lines the had spread all over your body from the wound the monster gave you were spreading back again. This time it was more aggressive. But you didn't given in to the pain you were feeling just yet, wanting to stay strong in front of the others. But you knew the green was close to getting to your face. Once Adora was done with getting rid of Horde Prime, you saw her walking over to Bow and Glimmer to talk to them. You look over at Catra who hadn't moved since you stopped walking. She was staring over at Scorpia, who was hugging Perfuma and Frost. "Go get her." You tell Catra nudging her forwards, you could see how much the friendship they had had meant to her. Catra looked at you one more time, face showing a bit of fear, before letting go of your hand and walking over to Scorpia.
With her finally gone you groan in pain before turning around and walking up a hill that gave you a beautiful scene of greenery. You moved your hands that had been holding your right side and see the wound looking bigger than before. You can hear people walking up the hill behind you and you pray to god it's not Adora and Catra cause at this rate you feel like your gonna collapse... and you do.
Catra was so relieved that Scorpia had forgiven her and allowed them to restart their friendship. When she was done talking she looked back to where she had left you. You weren't there. She looked around a little before spotting Adora talking to Bow and Glimmer. She walks up to Adora and grabs her hand to get her attention. Catra makes it a point to ignore the smirks that Bow and Glimmer are giving them. "Have you seen y/n? They aren't where I left them." Adora looks around a bit before seeing you on top of a hill, your back to them. "There they are. Come on guys let's go." Adora says pointing at you and starts walking towards you, still holding Catra’s hand. Bow and Glimmer walked behind them both wearing smiles seeing how happy Adora and Catra seem to be. When they were halfway up the hill Catra was going to scream your name to try and scare you. But right as she opens her mouth to yell you collapse to the ground. Her yell turns from one of humor to one of terror. She and Adora let go of each other's hands and start sprinting up to you. When they get to you Adora kneels down and sits your body up, pulling your head against her chest. "Y/n what's wrong? Are you ok?" Catra asks as she sits in front of you, holding your hands. Your whole body was covered in green lines at that point and your breathing was shallow. "The monster... It was powerful enough to take out She-ra... It-it must've poisoned me." You say in between breaths, trying to control your breathing. "There has to be something I can do." Adora says desperately, at that point the rest of the Princesses surrounded you.
(Changes Start Here)
Sea Hawk holding Mermista, Scorpia holding Perfuma and Frosta, Bow holding Glimmer, Netossa holding Spinerella, and Entrapta holding Emily. Everyone was wearing a fearful expression. Catra was kneeling down next to Adora holding your hand that wasn't shoved up against Adora. Adora turned into She-ra and closed her eyes to concentrate. Everyone watched how Adora started to glow causing you to glow. Everyone watched as the lines all over your face and body slowly started to retract before it was just the green cut you had originally gotten but now it was a regular cut that was bleeding heavily. Adora stopped glowing and turned back to normal, she slumped against Catra’s shoulder before subtly passing out from exhaustion.
*Time Skip*
A few days later, you were laying in the Bright Moon infirmary. You had been unconscious since Adora healed you. Adora had been in the infirmary for a couple days as well but she was getting released today. When she was finally released she walked to your room to see Catra sitting in a chair next to your bed, holding your hand. "How are they?" Adora whispered walking to the other side of the bed and holding your hand. "They are supposed to wake up any day now. I hope it's soon, I miss them." Adora let go of your hand and placed a kiss on your forehead before walking over to Catra and holding her hand out to her. "Come on lets get some rest, you look like you haven't slept in days." Catra smiled before giving you a kiss on your forehead and grabbing Adora’s hand.
Later that night you woke with a start. Heart thundering in your chest before realizing you were back in Bright Moon. You got up slowly, your body still feeling exhausted, before using the wall to help you walk to Adora’s room. When you get to her room you open the door quietly. You almost "awed" at the sight of Adora and Catra cuddled up together. You walk towards the bed trying not to fall or make noise. When you get to the bed you practically collapse on top of both of them, waking them up. Both of them get into a semi defensive position, still being half asleep, before realizing it was you. "Y/n!" They both yelled pulling you into a hug and collapse back onto the bed, this time with you laying between them. Catra leans up and kisses you deeply, "Never do that again. I can't lose you, either of you." Catra says as she pulls away from you and kisses Adora and holds her hand before laying her head on your shoulder. Adora leans up to kiss you as well before laying her head on your chest. "I love you, both of you." You kiss both of their forehead as you respond, "We love you too." Before falling asleep.
*10 Years Later*
You woke up feeling a small badly jumping on you. You opened your eyes to see you son jumping on you. "… What time is it?" You say pulling your son into your chest before rolling over and looking at the clock. It was barely 8 o'clock in the morning. "Come on mommy/daddy! Mom, mama, uncle Bow and auntie Glimmer are already up. It's Christmas!" Balto was like a miniature version of Catra. "I'm up, I'm up." You say as you get out of bed and carry your son down the hall. "Good morning everybody." You say with a smile before going to give your wives kisses. "Now let's open presents!" You say like a kid, now wide awake, before running to the tree with Balto.
After all the presents were open and you were cuddling with Balto on the couch Catra and Adora came up to you with a small box. You looked at them confused, seeing as Adora looked nervous and Catra was holding her hand trying to reassure her. You reached your hand out and grabbed the box. You opened it slowly, feeling everyone's eyes on you. You opened your mouth in shock seeing a positive pregnancy test. You felt tears start to burn your eyes and your vision get blurry. "Are you serious?" You ask as you look up at them. Adora nods her head, unconsciously putting her hand on her stomach. You get up super fast, luckily remembering to put Balto down or else you would have dropped him, and wrap Adora in big hug. "Oh my gosh!" You say with a giant smile in your face and letting go of Adora to hug Catra. Balto looked around confused before Glimmer whispered into his ear. "I'm going to be a big brother!!"
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HSMTMTS 2x9: so dreaded, so exciting, 'Sword!' (yeah, I went there, I've been thinking about this scene - you know the one - since yesterday for some reason)
After two computer malfunctions and a very tough, very sleepless night, here I am with a third attempt to write this post. The universe is against me today. Is Mercury in retrograde or something? Ugh, I just want to get this over with already. And I haven't even managed to see half the episode yet. You better like this cursed post because it's taken me two hours at this point, and will probably take another to finish - and that is if nothing goes wrong this time. Please bear with me. This is my reaction to HSMTMTS 2x9, take 3. Let's hope and pray it's the last one.
I'm normally [unpopular opinion alert] a very spoiler-positive person (it's the combination of anxiety and ADHD and a bunch of other stuff, I suppose), but for this one I've been refraining from looking at the tag all morning, so by now I'm simply bursting with impatience. But before we dive in, I need to get some stuff off my chest.
Some pre-watch thoughts and feelings (let's see how well they will have aged by the end of the episode):
Seriously, what is with whoever writes this show? I know it's impossible, but I feel like they've been toying with my emotions specifically all season. Like:
Ah, so you were a Rini shipper last season? Great, now we'll make them obnoxious and borderline toxic to the point where you actually want them to break up, but then their old chemistry will be back just for the breakup scene so that you can cry your eyes out over the one couple you couldn't stand - even though you can't seem to relate to a single song from Sour, we'll make you feel like you do for a hot second. At least it will remind you that you loved Ricky.
So you say Redlyn own your heart and soul? Great, we'll make you dread something going wrong with them for a week straight, and mess up your sleep schedule beyond repair over it. You're welcome!
We heard you said Rodfini give you life? Perfect, how about a big Seblos fight? And would you like a side of questioning your choice to stan Carlos with that? Because what is life without a little anxiety, a bit of doubt of your ability to read people, and a pinch of existential dread, right?
Ah, so you claimed not to ship Portwell romantically, is that right? Brilliant, we'll make you ship them and then we'll use that to torture you, too.
You've been excited about ABF and Asher Angel guest-starring ever since they were announced? Magnificent! We'll make you hate ABF's character to the point where you can't even look at him, and we'll make you call him names you thought yourself incapable of uttering. And as for Asher, you'll be left waiting for him until the last third of the season, and then you'll dread the possibility of hating his character, too. Do you love us yet?
Oof! Right then, I've got that out of my system. Time to dive in.
Miss Jenn playing around with the backgrounds is, like, 90% of the people who had online school this year, and honestly, I love that for her.
Wait, why is Nini first on this call? Are they going through with the Rose thing? Cos like, the song is nice and all (and, might I add, much more to my taste than nearly all of Sour, don't @ me), but if they use it, it will get them disqualified. They’ve been told that! Gosh, please let me be wrong about this.
We get it, Carlito, rich and fancy and over-the-top is kind of your thing, but have you stopped for a second to think about how others will feel about this? Especially Seb, whom you claim to care about. Seriously, though, I love Carlos and would not hesitate to die for him, but I’m getting the feeling that, unlike my other favourite (you know the one), he wouldn’t do the same for me. Oh well, he’ll figure it out. He’s just a kid. Give him time.
Wait, Milky White? Is that an Into the Woods reference I smell? Cool! If I had a cow, I’d totally name her Milky White (or Gertrude, but don’t ask me why). I just hope they don’t have to, like, take her to the market and exchange her for magic beans, if you catch my drift.
Ahhhhh, Caswell cousins content! We love to see it!
‘You guys are watching, like, old old movies’ WTH, Nini (or is it Nina)? Scary Movie is literally younger than me. But what do you know about it, you 21st-century baby! Ugh, I don’t know why I’m being so hostile today... must be the lack of sleep. Hope it doesn’t influence my reactions to the episode so dramatically as to make me forget how much I love this series. Because I do.
Yay! Big Red is here! I can finally smile. And did Ash just say they’re soulmates? Because yes they are! Ahhh my heart is going to explode.
‘Nini, have you heard from [Ricky]?’ Yikes, awkward... but of course, Big Red can be counted on to save the day here, too.
Ok, so that was a cool cold open. Time for some nice in-person scenes, though. I did not spend all of three semesters doing online school just to have the characters of my favourite series do the same.
Wow, Gina is really embracing that French accent thing! And I really don’t want to think about, erm, ‘Napoleon over here’ right now, but I really think the fact that she’s doing it better than him will be another piece of evidence towards my theory of fake-French!Antoine... ugh, I said his name. Oh well. Back to Gina. Too bad the French thing didn’t work out for her.
Ahhhh, Portwell with Ash in the background! And Ash is going to paint EJ’s nails! I feel like he’s going to end up loving that, despite what he says right now. But seriously, I just love how comfortable these two are with each other. Can you blame me now for shipping them as friends? Well, I mean, it’s obvious they will be more than friends, and somehow, despite the amatonormativity of it all, I’m here for it.
Wait, was that Asher? That was Asher, I’m 100% sure of it. And Gina said ‘a sign’ and then looked at him, even from the back... what am I supposed to think and feel here? I’m confused. Moving on.
Ahh, poor Ricky being a burrito... good thing that breakup scene last time reminded me that I love him, because the entirety of the season before that was very good at making me forget that.
Wait, did she say ‘the Bean’? As in, that Bean? The infamous Bean? LOL.
‘So the only time you two talk to each other is to gossip about me’ Boy, did I feel that. I once got my hands on my dad’s mobile and I... kind of went through his texts with mum. Yep, all about me and my brother. At this point I feel like they’re only together because of us. But this is getting too personal. I’m here about the episode, not to rant about my family. Moving on.
Yikes, looks like Nini’s got writer’s block all over again. Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? Because I kind of don’t. I mean, no hate towards her, none at all, but that entire scene just felt awkward and unnecessary. And not just because it’s her first time going live. That I can understand. What I don’t understand is why the writers can’t seem to do anything creative and interesting with Nini. Olivia is being wasted there. Idk, that’s just how I feel. Again, no hate.
Ahhhhh it’s Asher! And well, he’s not Jonah, but I kind of really like him as Jack. I wonder if that will last.
So is it just me, or is anyone else not quite sure how to feel about Ricky’s mum? I mean, their interactions seem kind of awkward and strained, but that’s how it’s supposed to be given their recent history, and yet something just doesn’t sit quite right with me.
‘You there, Muse? It’s me, Nini!’ Ah, so it’s Nini again? I didn’t get the memo. Gosh, this episode is kind of really underwhelming. The most exciting thing so far (but not nearly as exciting in practice as it was in theory) – Asher and Sofia’s on-screen reunion. The second most exciting thing? The thought of Ash painting EJ’s nails. Everything else? Kind of ‘whatever’. Is this what I tossed and turned about all night? Totally not worth it. This episode better get, like, 300% better right this instant. It’s just not worth all the frustration and excitement and dread so far.
Looks like my prayers from just now have been heard! That improv scene was hilarious! Guess it was lucky that Miss Jenn had them do improv before this moment. But I need to know more of Jack’s backstory now.
Ok, so that was awkward! So Kourtney is talking to Howie again, I guess. And I guess I know now what Carlos did that was all public and no subtle. Still, what’s wrong with posting photos from your holiday? Guess I don’t exactly know yet what Carlos did to piss the others off so much.
Great, now I’m tempted to google butterfly faces. Good thing I’m not eating anymore. *** Ughhhhh this was a mistake! Please don’t ever look a butterfly in the face if you want to stay sane. Don’t be like me.
Ahhh the Duke sweater! ‘Is that your boyfriend’s?’ Well, not quite yet, it’s not... *screams in Portwell*
Oh, now we’re talking! But seriously, Ricky? The ‘my friends think’ card? Why don’t you just say ‘I think’? It’s clearly something you’ve thought about a lot. I feel like I’m going to love this scene or cry over it or both.
Ooh, therapy. It’s not just... basically the entire fandom... who says it now. Please tell me that means Ricky will be going to therapy at some point. Says the girl who is currently firmly refusing to go to therapy in favour of hyperfixating on HSMTMTS and getting back into the good old practice of having imaginary friends... yeah, I’m one to talk.
My, my, my! Seb has really had it now. I mean, it was about time, but... not quite like this. My heart is starting to do some weird stuff, I can feel it. I might need to lie down.
Ok, so as much as I envy North High for getting to see so many shows on BWay – basically living out my dream – stalking East High on Instagram and being shady about them taking a well-deserved break... just goes beyond all limits. I mean, if you’re so into Broadway shows, you should know as well as I do what happened the last time a certain founding father did not take a break. Maybe you’re the ones in need of a break here.
Nini on the call with the Caswell cousins, though... ‘I’m obsessed with both of you’ – first relatable thing she’s said or done all season. And EJ playing with old toys is pure gold.
Oh, so Jack’s dad is a pilot. Makes sense, I guess. I’m kind of intrigued by this guy. Just as long as he doesn’t try to come between Portwell before they’ve had the chance to happen, you know...
Ashlyn might need to stop swooning over Nini’s songwriting or Big Red might get jealous... I mean, I would not have pinned him as the jealous type before 2x7, but ever since then... I guess insecure + dating a girl like Ash = the jealous type. And although that looks good on him, I’d bet anything it doesn’t feel particularly pleasant on his side. So... wait, why am I talking about Big Red? He hasn’t even got anything to do with the scene at hand. But then again, there’s been so little Big Red content in this episode that I seem to be trying to make up for it. Still. Stay focused.
Ooh, so Big Red did edit that video! Is there anything my boy can’t do? Ok, now I feel like he’s even more criminally underappreciated than he was before. But let’s look at the video. I’m curious to see the whole thing because that sneak peek from yesterday simply hasn’t been enough.
That was... really, really cool! I love how they took the ‘when they go low, we go high’ line from last time and run with it. Now if only they were putting as much effort into BATB... North High wouldn’t know what hit them.
Hmmmm... I guess Gina and Jack could be what I originally wanted Portwell to be... really cool friends. Unless it’s one of those ‘airport magic’ things. Oh well. It probably is. Was that all we’re seeing of Asher here? I did not wait 2/3 of the season for this. Though it was nice.
Ooh, Ricky’s solo song... why is there more Rini chemistry in this song than there was in all the season? Not counting the breakup scene, of course. Also, I feel like it’s just as much about him and his mum as it is about Nini. Some say music is the best therapy. I think they might be right. And no, I’m not crying. You are.
The granola bar, though... this episode might have been very underwhelming in the first half, but... it delivered in the Portwell front, and the music was *chef’s kiss*, so I’m willing to let it slide that the advertised Seblos ‘big fight’ was not touched upon nearly enough. Maybe next week...
Ok, now that we’re done watching the episode, let’s see how my feelings from the beginning have aged:
The Rini breakup: apparently, along with reminding me that I love Ricky, it has rendered me unable to look at Nini. What’s up with that? If this is some sort of tactic along the lines of ‘Olivia might be leaving the show so we’re making you hate her character so that you won’t miss her’, it’s not really working. Because I don’t want to hate Nini. Believe me, I don’t.
Redlyn: ok, so there’s nothing wrong with them whatsoever - we even got a ‘soulmates’, which I loved - but first they’re being swept under the rug, and then the antis come at us with that ‘their relationship is underdeveloped’ nonsense. Individually, though, I liked them in this episode (even if there was a significant shortage of Big Red), and Ashlyn collaborating with Nini again was cool, but... what I really wanted to see was her painting EJ’s nails. Did she even get the chance to actually do it? Maybe next week.
Seblos: I’m still failing to understand exactly what Seb thinks Carlos did wrong (please enlighten me if you did catch that, I’m kind of slow), but he (Seb) does have reasons to be mad at him (Carlos)... and at other people, too. Still, if you want to have a fight between two people in a relationship, you could do much better than whatever this episode was. Maybe next week. I notice I’m saying that a lot. Guess I’m putting a lot of hopes on 2x10. I just pray it doesn’t disappoint.
Portwell: boy, am I happy that my frustration on this front did not age well! What I mean is, apparently they’ve decided to bless us, not torture us for once. Even a rather disappointing episode like this one had to have some sort of silver lining. And Portwell is it.
Asher as Jack: well, luckily I didn’t hate him, but... it’s kind of the opposite problem. I loved him and now they’re taking him away from me. Guess I just can’t win here. Oh well. At least he didn’t have the screen time to get in between Portwell...
All in all: 2x10, my hopes and prayers are with you!
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camsthisky · 4 years
Bruce crouches on the ledge, hidden by shadows, just out of Commissioner Jim Gordon’s sight. It’s easier with the bat signal lit up, and usually Bruce would play up the dramatics, try to see how long his partner could keep a straight face.
Tonight is not a usual night, though.
For one, his partner is missing. They’d split up to investigate a warehouse, but ten minutes in, Bruce had gotten a panicked, “B, they’re—”
After that, nothing but static on his comm. Bruce had searched the warehouse top to bottom three times.
No Robin.
And now this. The bat signal lit up. Bruce had no clues as to where Robin could be, and he can only hope that this interruption is connected.
He slips from the shadows just as Gordon turns to light another cigarette.
Gordon startles at the abrupt sight of him, clutching at his chest. Bruce’s heart aches at the lack of Robin trying to muffle his snickers that usually accompanied the reaction.
His grief doesn’t show on his face.
“Would ya quit scaring me like that? I’m not as young as I used to be.”
Bruce says nothing. Gordon sighs, fishing something from inside his coat and holding it out for Bruce to see.
“A kid from Gotham University showed up at our front door about twenty minutes ago, absolutely scared out of his mind. He gave this to us,” Gordon lightly shakes the object—a communicator, Bruce realizes. Sleek. Small. Too well-made for any of the usual Gotham suspects. “Kid said it’s for you.”
“And the student?” Bruce asks, taking the communicator from Gordon.
Gordon stuffs his hands into his coat pockets. “Conference room downstairs. I asked one of the ladies at the front desk to watch over him and take his statement since I’m pretty short-handed tonight. She should be finishing up soon.”
“You’re real talkative tonight.”
Bruce doesn’t bother to respond to that. He growls, “What else.”
“Nothing we can’t handle ourselves,” Gordon sighs. “Nothing urgent, at least.”
He sounds exasperated, and Bruce knows from talking to Gordon during the day that the GCPD is slammed with cases that the city council won’t sign off on asking for Batman’s help. Not to mention all of their internal affairs issues.
Downstairs is probably a real clusterfuck.
Still, Bruce has other priorities.
“Any leads on the sender?” Bruce asks.
Gordon pinches the bridge of his nose. Migraine, probably. “No. Apparently, the kid was drugged and kidnapped. He woke up a few blocks from here with a note.”
“The note?”
“Being processed as evidence,” Gordon tells him. He hands over a photograph. “Here. Don’t say I never did anything for you.”
The note. Bruce doesn’t recognize the handwriting. There’s no signature, either. Just a few words: Go to GCPD. Device must go to Batman.
Vague. Bruce should get back to the Cave and analyze it right now. It may be connected to Robin. He has what he needs from the Commissioner, and usually by now, he’d have vanished off into the shadows.
But tonight’s not usual. For some reason, Bruce hesitates.
The communicator crackles to life.
“I assume that my lovely device has reached the fabled Batman’s hands,” a voice says. “That’s good. I was getting tired of babysitting.”
Bruce stiffens. Definitely connected, then. Gordon blinks at the device, his brain starting to connect dots. Unfortunately, he’s missing some of the key dots. He’ll only be working with half a picture.
Bruce doesn’t draw it for him. He stays silent.
“I’m assuming you’re listening,” the voice says, and this time, Bruce can hear a commotion in the background. “Bring the brat over.”
Gordon’s eyebrows shoot up.
“Fuck you, you bald jerk!” Bruce’s pre-teen ward yells out, and if he didn’t have the cowl on, Bruce is pretty sure he’d be heaving out a sigh, because of course Dick is antagonizing them. “I’m pretty sure I know exactly what I’m talking about. The color scheme is atrocious. No flair, or anything. What are you, second-rate kidnappers? Where’s your pizazz?!”
“Will you shut up?!” another voice cries, probably whoever was ordered to bring Dick over to the first voice.
“It’s literally illegal for me to stop running my mouth. If I’m quiet for more than thirty seconds, the world’ll explode. Now let me go so I can kick your mustached, jumpsuit wearing asses ten ways to Sunday!” Dick yells.
“Not happening,” the first voice says.
“Ow!” Bruce’s heart seizes at Dick’s short cry of pain. “Hey, Mister, I think you missed your calling as a meat tenderizer!”
“Batman’s on the line,” the first voice tells Dick, and this time, Dick does go quiet. “You wanna speak to him, then you behave.”
There’s one, two, three, four, five seconds of silence. And then—
“B?” Dick call out, sounding tentative in a way that puts Bruce’s nerves on fire. There’s static in his brain, and he’s barely able to push past the fuzziness to hear Dick ask, “Are you there?”
Somehow, Bruce manages to sound like his normal, gruff, Batman self when he says, “Robin.”
Dick exhales loudly. And this time Bruce can’t help the fond eyeroll when Dick starts chattering again.
“Good golly gosh, Batman,” Dick says, sounding ten times brighter than before, like he hadn’t just been using language that would have made Alfred wash his mouth out with soap. “You wouldn’t believe how dull this place is. I mean, you’d probably like it with how dark and dreary it is. Perfect for bat brooding.”
There’s more commotion, some angered and exasperated shouts from the background of the communicator, but Dick keeps talking.
“And holy Batman, B, when they surprise adopted me I did not think that I was gonna have to deal with more black. What’s with old guys and monotone colors? D’ya think it makes you look manly?”
“That’s enough, kid,” the first voice says. Then, to Bruce, “If you want the chatterbox traffic light back, you’re going to meet me on 32nd by the old batting cages. Oh, and you’re going to bring me a file from the GCPD.”
“File?” Gordon finally steps in.
“Ah, so the Commish was listening in. Oh well. Yeah. Jaquelyn Briggins. Her file, or you don’t see the kid again.”
“Fine,” says Bruce, before Gordon can put his foot in his mouth. “Fifteen minutes. The batting cages on 32nd.”
The line goes dead. Bruce makes sure it’s temporarily disabled for sure with an attachable EMP.
“Get the file,” Bruce demands.
Gordon sighs, exasperatedly, but walks towards the roof’s door. “I’ll get it. Meet me in my office.”
Bruce goes from roof to window in seconds, slipping into Gordon’s office before the commissioner gets there. Once he brings the file, they pour through it.
Thirteen minutes.
“What’s this guy want with Jaquelyn Briggins?” Gordon asks. “There’s barely anything in here.”
Which is better for them, Bruce thinks as he scans the two sheets of information a third time. More information would take time to sort through things that don’t matter. In this case, all the info Bruce needs is right in front of him.
Eleven minutes.
Bruce takes a picture with his cowl lenses. “I’m borrowing the file.”
Gordon doesn’t look happy. “That’s illegal, you know.”
“So are vigilantes.”
“Bring it back,” Gordon sighs.
Bruce grunts an affirmative, and then he’s off.
The journey to the meet up place is practically a blur. He’s at three minutes when he reaches 32nd street. He reaches the batting cages at two.
He perches from a nearby roof ledge, scanning the area.
Dick’s information is as accurate as always. Four men stand outside the batting cages. There are two men holding Dick, one grabbing each arm. Dick’s staring down a third man, and the last is looking around the practically abandoned street.
One is bald. Two have mustaches. All of them are wearing black jumpsuits. The one standing in front of Dick is wearing rings, which match the scratches on Dick’s cheek.
Nothing else is out of the ordinary. He double checks, sends a discreet message to Alfred to prep the first aid kit and start researching Briggins, and makes sure Superman’s frequency is on hand if things get dicey.
Then, Batman gets to work.
Dick knows he’s there. The way he squints his eyes and grits his teeth as he chatters—yells, really—at the ring-wearer is enough for Bruce to know that much. The kid is yelling louder, now, raving about the goons’ lack of fashion.
It’s agitating them enough for Bruce to slip from the rooftop, landing almost soundlessly in the shadows. He tenses, waits for one of the goons to start yelling at Dick, and then rolls out smoke pellets. They work almost immediately, and Bruce makes his move.
It’s only been a few years since he and Dick have started working together, and even less since they’ve worked together well enough to seamlessly fight half-blind. But, Bruce is careful, and soon, he has the lookout and one of Dick’s captors knocked out with well-placed blows, and as Dick takes out his other captor, Bruce catches the throat of the ring-wearer and slams him up against a chain-link face.
“Who is Jaquelyn Briggs?” Bruce growls out. He pays no attention to the fight behind him. Dick takes the last man out in less than ten seconds. The ring-wearer’s eyes are wide. Bruce slams him against the fence again. “Tell. Me. Now.”
“My—She’s my cousin, man!” the guy croaks, hands scrabbling at the glove crushing his windpipe. “The police—hrk—covered up her death! I know it!”
Bruce lets the ring-wearer fall to the ground. He starts to tie him up after he alerts Gordon to the situation.
Dick crouches down by the restrained ring-wearer, head tilted. “I don’t get why you had to surprise adopt me to find out whether or not the police covered up your cousin’s death. You could’ve just asked Commissioner Gordon and he would have helped you!”
Bruce sighs. “Robin.”
Dick looks up at him. “What? It’s true.”
“Stop using the words ‘surprise adopt’. It’s not funny.”
Dick smirks. “Au contraire, Mister Batman, sir. I think it’s hilarious.”
Bruce rolls his eyes under the cowl. He’s going to be hearing this one for a while. But, he thinks that he can probably live with it, now that his kid is back where he’s supposed to be—right next to him.
“We’re leaving, Robin.”
“’Kay! Bye, surprise adopted father who is no longer my surprise adopted father!”
“Just say I’m funny and I’ll move on.”
“No, you won’t.”
“You’re probably right.”
Bruce rolls his eyes again, fonder and even more exasperated than the first time. He ushers Robin forward, and then they disappear into the night, the only trace that they were there the four men they’d tied up and left for the police.
Dick chatters the whole way home. Bruce wouldn’t have it any other way.
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.2
Here is part 2 of WINTW? :D Enjoy!
Akaashi’s lineup: @alluring-akaashi​ @oikawalmart-hq​ @extrasugafree​ @bbykiyoomi​ @apricotjihyo​ @colorseeingchick @something-that-idk 
links: part 1
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It had been a week since you found yourself stranded in practically another dimension. The research bore very little fruit and you were sure that you were stuck in this situation. But, the feeling of not having to be cautious of the League of Villains or Yakuza was something you loved. Heck, you even decided to buy a house plant to make sure you could still practice your quirk.
It had been a few days since you agreed to become a trial manager to the volleyball club. Everything was going smoothly till a faulty chance ball was now aiming towards you. With no option to use your quirk, your mind went blank as your feet turned to stone. Yet the ball never made contact.
How did you end up here in the first place?
Oh right. Now you remember.
During the weekend, you told your other-mother that you would be taking a trip down memory lane. When asked where you planned on going, she was not expecting your answer to be your supposed previous school. Still, she simply nodded and prayed for your safety.
The teacher wasn’t kidding when she said it was far. It practically took 2 hours to reach Musutafu. Even then, things were still different. There were no high rise buildings with fancy floating signages, no agencies, and no sign of small time criminals wasting their time. Your heart sunk even more when the sight of the UA building was different. The four connected buildings were replaced with a modern looking academy. Similar to Fukurodani.
Showing your old ID, the guard let you enter.
In theory, your classroom should be on the 2nd floor. Luckily, it was the weekend so only those with supplementary classes were present. When you saw the small 2-A, you carefully peaked through the crack on the door to see if anybody was present. Judging by how the students were seated on their desks, it was safe to fully open the doors.
“(y/n)?!” The face ever present in your social media posts. Akiko. That was definitely her. Black hair, chubby, and a smile that could rival Deku’s, it pained how you knew nothing of her. “Oh my gosh! You’re actually here!”
“Couldn’t resist not visiting you two~” Safe response.
“How are things at your new academy?” Asami. Light brown hair, small voice, but definitely pretty was the one who spoke next. “Fukurodani right?”
Sitting on the desk beside Akiko, you huffed and wondered if the way you were acting was similar to how they were used to. Judging by their eager faces, it was safe to assume that you were doing things right. Maybe being yourself wasn’t too scary. Opting not to let your guard down, you merely shrugged.
“The week’s been unique.” It really was. “The subjects aren’t too far off from what we have here. And I got a flier from a 3rd year. Said something about being a manager for some club. Volleyball, I think.”
If there was one thing your dimension didn’t have, it was quirkless sports. Of course normal sports existed but living in a world where the majority possessed quirks, it would be a lie if you said you remembered the last time you played a sport for real.
“Never knew you were into sports, (y/n)...” Akiko commented as she rested her chin on her palm.
“She’s probably in it for the guys.” Asami teased and nudged your elbow. “The Owls are rather strong in the Japanese volleyball world. Have you seen their captain? I heard he’s a wild one.”
“In the sheets or on the court?” You clapped back.
“Oooh now we’re going somewhere!” The light brown hair girl seemed to enjoy gossip about boys. “Do tell us when you see him! I heard he’s as beefy as wagyu can get.”
“Ew.” If there was a beefy person in your mind, it would have to be All Might. Yet the mere thought of adoring his muscles made you want to gag. Still, being with these two women was quite fun despite only knowing them for a couple of minutes. “I’ll video call. After class.”
“So how’s you and Toshi?”
Toshi? Who the hell is Toshi? This person was not in any of your accessible socials or even messages. Not sure what to do, you looked away.
“Mimi.” Akiko quietly scolded your new friend. “Don’t remind her.”
Oh gods was this… It would definitely make sense. Whoever this Toshi was only meant that he was an ex. Damn it all for making things more complicated. Thinking that you should play dumb, you huffed and pouted.
“I have no idea who that Toshi is.”
“Can’t blame you though. It was almost as if he adored the sport more than you.” Asami nodded as she thought out loud. “Plus it was quite a bit of a shocker that you two were seeing each other. Damn those men at Shiratorizawa.”
Shira-what? Why were school names so complicated in this prefecture?
“Damn them indeed.” Standing up, you glanced at your watch and decided it was time for the long trip back home. “Anyway, I’ll call you two tomorrow since it’ll be my first day as a trial manager.”
“Always go for the setter, (y/n).” Akiko teased before you closed the door on her.
And that’s where you found yourself now. Arms crossed out in front of you in a lame attempt to shield yourself from a chance ball they failed to get inside the court. Yet the game must continue and the player whose jersey number was 5 seemingly protected you.
Sure you found Todoroki Shoto hot. Katsuki was definitely high up there too. Kirishima and his manliness? Plus points. But the sight of a quirkless volleyball athlete, whose toned stomach peaked through his shirt as he floated in air to toss the ball back to his spiker was something else. The way he landed smoothly and ran back to the battle field made your jaw drop.
“You’ll have to get used to that.” Yukie whispered as she watched you gawking at the setter. “These boys just love the sport.”
Her words flowed in and out of your ears. That was Akaashi. No doubt. There was no mistaking the same gunmetal blue eyes that met yours during  the first day of your class.
“HEY! HEY! HEY!” The salt and pepper player exclaimed. His fists pumping the air as he radiated happiness. “D’yu see that spike Aghaashi?! Pretty cool right? Right?”
“It was amazing, Bokuto-san.” Akaashi replied with a deadpan face.
Aghaashi? If he was allowing that hyper 18 year old to call him that, they must be close. Your thoughts were cut when the group of men approached you and Yukie. Even in this world you were surrounded by freakishly tall men.
“So whatcha think, (y/n)-chan?” Bokuto asked as he wiped his forehead. His chest still heaving from the game. Asami wasn’t kidding when she said beefy. If anything, he really was a meal. But, your eyes lingered more on the person beside him.
“That was pretty intense~” You had to admit. Seeing a sport without the usage of quirks was rather thrilling. “I might take up the offer, Bokuto-senpai~”
“YOSHH!!” It looked as if he was about to tackle you into a hug but once again, no.5 was there to the rescue.
“Don’t forget that you’re still sweating, Bokuto-san.” Akaashi scolded the captain whose face contorted into one with sadness. Bowing as an apology, you shrugged it off. Being hugged by sweaty men was nothing new. You would have to blame Kiri and Denki for that. “Are you alright? The ball almost hit you awhile ago.”
‘With the view you gave me? Hell yeah.’ Shaking the thoughts away, you simply shrugged and smirked.
“It’s all part of the game. My reflexes were off so, it’s all fair.”
“In that case, I look forward to your decision, (l/n)-san.” He bowed and tailed the rest of the group towards the locker room. His features showing nothing as his senpai teased him about how the both of you knew each other.
“No need to worry about the captain.” Kaori assured you. A gentle smile resting on her freckled face. “He’s like a 10 year old, honestly. But, Akaashi-san is there to tame him so, it’s all balanced.”
‘I’ve handled an exploding pomeranian. An owl would be much easier.’ Smirking at your thoughts, the two girls ushered you towards the bench where you were to sign some club papers. Once your signature was printed, the two of them formally welcomed you to the small nest.
Now that practice was over, the team had just finished mopping the floors while a few of them still kept tossing on the other court. Picking up the balls, you wondered how exact their estimations had to be to score. Picturing how Bokuto managed to hit the ball just inches away from the line showed his control over physics.
“(y/n)-chan!” You turned around to be met by golden eyes and an inviting hand. “Why not show us what you got!”
“You don’t really have to, (l/n)-san.” Akaashi spoke up as well. In his hands rested a ball. His eyebrows jerked when he saw a playful smirk on your face.
“I may be small but I ain’t that weak, Akaashi-san~” It was not intended but your tone was rather flirty and you were not sure how you felt about that. In some strange way, Mineta was rubbing off on you. Damn. You needed to spend more time with Yaomomo. “I’m not really good at it though.”
“D’yu know the basics?” Bokuto asked with such a giddy expression. When you nodded, he stole a teasing look at his childhood friend. “You think you can spike baby owl?”
“I guess if you show me, I can attempt.” Replaying the amount of times you used your quirk, there was probably enough juice for you to manipulate matter around you to land a spike. If this was a chance to practice whatever was left of your quirk, so be it.
“ALRIGHT!” Bokuto jumped as he readied himself. “Akashi! Toss to me!”
“It’s ‘Akaashi’ Bokuto-san.” He met your eyes. “Would you mind throwing the ball up for me?”
“Not at all~” Because he was beside you, he handed you the ball. The moment your fingertips touched his, your breath hitched. It must have been your hormones but you felt an electrical spark. You could feel the heat traveling to your cheeks as well. “Just, uh, give me a sign.”
When Bokuto gave him the go signal, he faced you and nodded. Tossing the ball in his direction, you watched as his eyes followed the floating ball. Almost delicately, the ball landed on his fingertips and immediately tossed it back to his captain. It was quick but the next thing you heard was the sound of the ball hitting the floor.
“That’s how it’s done, baby owl!” Bokuto gave you a thumbs up. “Your turn!”
Heading to his starting point, you focused all of your quirk to your arms and feet. Regulating your quirk was nothing new so the faint glow was nothing to be too worried about. Besides, the gym’s hideous lighting was enough to cover it up. Was this considered cheating? Probably. Not like they knew about quirks anyway~
Giving Akaashi the signal, he waited for Bokuto to toss him the ball. For half a second, he stared as to where you were heading and just how high were you willing to jump. Upon realizing that you were attempting to jump as high as his senpai, he obliged and tossed it with the same amount of strength and precision he usually gives for Bokuto.
With the help of your quirk, the people in the gym felt as if you were floating on air before hitting the ball. The form you held was outstanding and the way the ball bounced off the ground till it hit the school’s logo was impressive.
“WAAAH?!!!” Bokuto practically grabbed Akaashi by his arm and dragged him all the way to you. “DO YOU PLAY? WAS THAT YOUR FIRST TIME? THAT WAS HELLA AWESOME BABY OWL!”
“He’s right.” Akaashi finally pulled himself free from his friend and fixed his shirt. “Who taught you?”
Knowing the perfect reason, you smiled. If Shiratorizawa was as famous as they were, it would be quite interesting to see their reaction.
“My ex taught me.” Gods that sounded weird, even for you.
“Ehhh? Your ex must be good if he managed to teach you that spike~” Bokuto thought out loud. “What school does he go to, (y/n)-chan?”
“Shiratorizawa.” This was getting all too funny. You were never an actress but the way you handled the situation was something you would never forget. The audible gasps of everyone in the room was fun and worth it. “I don’t talk to him anymore, though.”
“Who?” One of the third years asked.
“Ushijima.” You were more than thankful you took the time to painstakingly research all about this unknown ex.
“USHIWAKA?!” The two managers exclaimed in unison.
“Yeah. But it didn’t really last long.” And you had no idea why. “Differences were too much, I guess.”
“Why weren’t there any pictures of the both of you?” Koari asked. Her eyes wide with curiosity and cheeks tainted pink at the new found information.
“Ya’ll know how he is. He wasn’t the type to just take selfies or shit.” Was this really the reason though? You didn’t even have his number anymore. If you had known you dated a volleyball celebrity, you never would’ve took the managerial offer. Still, you would have to give credit where credit was somewhat due. “He was sweet though. I’ll have to admit.”
“How long were you guys an item, (y/n)-chan?” Bokuto asked, his arm now draped on Akaashi’s shoulder.
“Probably a few weeks at most.” That was the safest answer you could go for. Curse your ‘emotions’ for having to delete every single information you had on this Ushijima guy. Still, you were thankful for the break up otherwise things would have been a bit more awkward. “But, ey, the past is past.”
“Who would’ve known baby owl’s type was the likes of Ushiwaka~”
Stoic guys were no big deal knowing Todoroki was there to train you. And it’s not like the people in this world had severe background issues. In a way, it made you happy knowing none of these people experienced what heroes go through.
When the gym was now closed, you were now walking the streets. It still did not sink in. The reality of being in a different dimension with no one knowing who you were. You had already made a few friends and acquaintances here and there but the feeling of emptiness still lingered.
Staring at your palm, you activated your quirk just to see if the amount you used had been milked dry. Surprisingly, a small tug was still there along with a barely visible glow. Placing your hand in your pocket, you let your thoughts wander once more.
Passing by a convenience store, you decided it was time for you to build a deeper foundation with your other-mother. Entering, you searched for the chocolates aisle. The selection was nothing like you’ve seen before. Different labels with unheard of brands littered the shelves. You recalled your other-mother eating a piece but the wrapper had already been discarded.
“Great. Not even the fucking chocolates are the same here.” You complained to yourself.
“You have different chocolates in Musutafu?”
Oh shit.
Looking at the source of the familiar voice, your fingers felt numb and you could feel the heat traveling to your cheeks again. Putting your hand in your pocket, you activated your quirk and felt relaxed once more.
“Uh, somewhat?” Why did this man who smelled a bit of sweat and deodorant have to be so beautiful? He could definitely rival Tododorky in your opinion. But, you digress. Both Todoroki and Akaashi were beautiful in their own way. “Just some unfamiliar brands.”
“Do you need help in choosing, (l/n)-san?” Akaashi asked as he took one bar and read the ingredients.
“What chocolates do mother’s like?”
“If she isn’t fond of overly sweet ones,” He placed the bar back and took another one. “This’ll do it.”
Walking towards the counter, you eyed his purchase. It was an onigiri. Probably for his dinner. Once you were handed your change, he opened the door for you. Him and his gestures were something you were slowly liking.
“So where are you heading?”
Looking at the same direction, your silent invitation to walk home together was accepted. Getting to know him more was somewhat similar to Shinso back in your dimension. Both of them preferred silence and though Shinso was rather edgy during the first few days in the hero course, you were happy when his shell slowly broke down. Though Akaashi was taller by a few inches, you guessed.
When you finally arrived at your house, you bowed and said farewell. For a moment, you saw how he stared at you. Almost as if he were reading you like a limited edition book he had been saving for. Realizing that he was staring a bit too long, he finally returned your act and bid farewell.
Though it wasn’t too long. After a few steps, he turned and went towards the door.
“Holy quirks…”
How did you miss it? Why did this dimension allow you to be neighbors with such a pretty setter? You could feel it. Things were only going to get much worse.
And it did.
Just when you opened the doors to your room, you went to the window and peaked through the curtains. Just a few inches to the right, you saw another window, one with the lights on. Pointing your finger, you slowly pushed the curtain and saw a bed.
As if on cue, a familiar ball of raven hair landed on the bed. The same jacket you saw just a few minutes ago clear as the crack could offer.
“Ah shit…”
Shit indeed.
- - - - -
a/n: so hows chapter 2 :) ? feel free to message me your thoughts and comment if you’d want to be added to Akaashi’s lineup! :) take care and see ya’ll in the next upload <3
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bakutae · 4 years
second button
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader
context: where he gave away his second button of his school uniform after graduation to a girl, and it's not you
author's note: my first haikyuu fic 🥺 i hope you like itttt this is a special little fic for my bb @shiggywiggy whom i got inspiration for this fic from 🙆‍♀️ also, sorry this fic took so long! i was busy revising for an exam the entirety of this week so-
guys i swear this will be the third and final time i'm reposting this fic 😩 a biiig thank you to @tamasoft for telling me to lessen down my tags 🥺
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The gentle breeze that blew by tousled your hair along with it, stirring some dead leaves lying lifelessly on the floor from their slumber.
Soon, leaf by leaf, the leaves start to dance along with the wind, the bright morning reflecting off rays of sunshine, coloring them streaks of white, blinding you.
A somewhat comforting hum reflected into your ears and you tucked a lock of hair behind it, sighing in satisfaction as you made your way to school, a certain sense of determination hanging from the atmosphere.
Today, you were going to do it.
No regrets, no hesitation. Nothing.
You were going to muster up all the courage you tried to desperately hang on to and walk up to him, with a totally not awkward smile plastered on your face as your face heated up automatically, without any command, and you will tell him how you felt.
Well, indirectly, at least. It was the method where your heart would not explode from nerves.
Asking for his second button of his uniform was practically a confession already, and your heart clenched in excitement as the moment edged closer as the school began to fill your line of sight.
There was no reason he would say no.You had noticed how he had looked at you before, you weren't going to deny that. He probably thought he was slick though, with his right hand holding up his chin, looking at you from his seat at the back of the classroom.
What he didn't know, was that you weren't actually looking at your friend while talking to her whilst facing Ushijima, since that was where your friend conveniently was when she initiated the conversation.
As her distinct chatter about her newfound boyfriend faded out into the background, you let out a tiny gasp when your eyes flickered over to meet his for a split second.
He instantly broke off the eye contact and your lips curled upwards. Catching your friend off guard, you stood up aggressively, accidentally slamming your delicate hands on your table and a wince slipped past your lips.
Silence filled the classroom for a while as your classmates threw incredulous looks in your direction and you raised a hand in apology.
"Why'd you suddenly stand up like that, y/n? That's so unlike you. Anyways, did you know that Kai brought me to get taiyaki yesterday? And since he was broke he could only get one for us to share! Romantic much?"
Seeming to have recovered from her moment of briefly stun, she continued to blabber on about her lover, euphoria brightening up her features significantly and you nodded, though clueless as to what she had been talking about ever since her presence was grandly made by herself.
You then noticed the slight blush that tinted over Ushijima's cheekbones and your eyes widened. Ushijima has never looked any better, with the bright sunlight seemingly shining on him and him only in the dull classroom.
Eyes tracing over his facial features, you admired his eyes that were currently glued to the floor in obvious boredom, but it could be from the embarrassment too, you wouldn't know.
His brown orbs, brighter than ever now that some holy light was shining on him.It almost seemed as though his eyes were slightly... diluted. Your heart took flight at the newfound observation. After all, you had read up that if a guy's pupils dilated while looking at you, it was a sign that he liked you.
Anyway, he wouldn't be romantically attracted to the floor right?
"I'm heading over to Ushi's table, uh maybe we can catch up later after school?" You told her, and displeasure filled her eyes at your words for a second, but they were gone right after you blinked.
"I told you y/n, Kai and I are going to get more taiyakis after school! Have you even been listening?"
Her eyebrows curved just to form a slight frown and she crossed her arms in front of her, all while puffing her cheeks out in exasperation.
"Ahh... Right, of course! Well then, tomorrow! There's always tomorrow."
Without waiting for her reply, you sauntered to Ushijima's desk, when you noticed Tendou creeping up behind Ushijima slowly and you stifled a giggle.
Feigning ignorance, you waved a hand in front of Ushijima's face and his shoulders jumped, as if he didn't notice you coming over.
"Ushi, why're you so quiet? Where's Tendou?"You eyed Tendou as you said it, sarcasm dripping off your words, watching him in amusement as he glared at you playfully, placing a finger over his mouth to silence you, white tape around his fingers catching your view.
As if knowing something was up, Ushijima turned around, but not quick enough before Tendou could violently slam his hand down onto Ushijima's back and you watched as his jaw clenched tightly suddenly.
Uncontrollable giggles flowed out from your tongue, as you blissfully looked at the duo, before Ushijima could react to Tendou, he peeked at you, as he watches color fill your cheeks from laughter, he didn't even feel the need to get revenge.
He just watched you intently, as Tendou threw an arm around your neck and whispered into your ear.
"Damn, you got Wakatoshi wrapped around your finger don't you?"
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
"Ah, y/n. There you are." A deep voice rang out, piercing through the crisp fresh air. Your eyes fluttered around the place and you caught sight of him.
You already knew who it had been, even without turning to look at him physically, you would have known. You've grown so used to his voice from hearing it everyday, and you were going to miss it. You were sure that the two of you would be separated after high school and that thought made you incredibly upset.
There he was, even the clouds that hung above him seemed to look more cheerful than the grey ones everywhere else. However, you forced a quick smile, an attempt to conceal your emotions, and you opened your mouth to reply to him.
"Ah, Ushi! I was meaning to ask you..."
A streak of clear liquid splashed onto your face and you blinked, eyes widening as you looked up into the sky. There was no trace of the clear weather just moments ago and you shivered as a gust of ice cold wind blew past the two of you.
"W-well, I'll tell you later maybe? After graduation? Meet me after it ends at the school's entrance, the same place we're at now alright?"
"Aren't we in the same class? Why the school entrance?"
"I don't...know. The school entrance just sounded cool."
You didn't want everyone to hear you ask him for his second button. You didn't want anyone to know about your crush on Ushijima. You didn't want to be running down the hallways for the toilet when he rejected you.
It was all your your own selfish needs.
Ushijima just nodded and began walking away.
"A-ah! Are you not waiting for me? Come on now! We're in the same class you know? It's not as if I were in Tendou's one."
Stuttering, you stomped your foot on the hard floor and pouted, staring at him in joking disbelief. He simply stopped in his tracks, turned his head to the side just a bit and said coolly,
"Well then. H-hurry up and match my pace."
The way his deep voice would occasionally crack was music to your ears, and this happened to be one of those rare blissful moments.
Your cheeks heated up despite yourself and you picked up your speed and chased after him, and significantly slowed down when you were next to him.
The walk back to class was quiet. But it wasn't one of those awkward silences; it was in fact comforting. His presence next to you made your heart squeeze in your chest and a finger absentmindedly twirled a bunch of hair around your finger.
Honestly, you didn't know why you did it. Was it for your own boredom? Or was it so that he would maybe notice you? Your eyes found itself constantly drifting to his hand. His hand was almost twice the size of yours, and you pictured how it'd look like in your mind.
His thumbs gently caressing yours, the callous from his volleyball experience would only make the entire experience even more real. Those were the hands of the guy who has insane spikes, no doubt about it. It even looked the part up close. Such muscular fingers could only be achieved through tireless training for years.
A shaky sigh was let loose at the thought of his spike hitting you and instantly breaking off your arms.
"What are you glancing at?" He asked, staring at you intently.
"I- uh, well nothing."
Your arms flailed around from his sudden comment and you feel it collide with his, a crisp 'smack' sound bouncing off the walls.
Oh my.
Your clumsiness just had to ruin it for you. You berated yourself for slapping him unintentionally and making a fool out of yourself in front of the person you are hopelessly in love with.
"Oh my, Ushijima, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to accidentally hit you! Oh gosh my clumsiness has done it again!"
Darkness was all you could see as your eyes shut and you stopped walking, waiting for his response with your heart practically leaping out from your chest in anxiety.
"Y/n... Why are you acting so weird? Graduation nerves?"
Your eyelids flew open and you opened your mouth, just to flimsily close it back again.
"Y-yeah. Let's just call it that."
To hide your obvious embarrassment and crimson cheeks, you dashed off before a word could be slipped out from him.
That was close.
You weren't ready for him to know about your feelings just yet.
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
"Last but not least, Kaito Fuyushima from Class 5. I present to you, Class 5 of 2020."
You watched with disinterest as you clapped your hands impatiently for the group of students standing at the front of the hall to disperse and for the graduation to be over and done with quickly.
With every tick of the clock, the tempo of your heartbeat began to pick up and you stole a glance at Ushijima, who was a couple of seats away from you. He was in his graduation attire, his square hat nowhere to be seen on his head and his graduation roll chucked to the side of the foldable chair.
Your line of sight traveled further back, as you noticed the empty chair that was meant for his parents to sit.
With his father residing in California, naturally no one had come to celebrate his graduation with him.
Glancing at your mother who was in the parents' corner and tracing back to the empty one few chairs to the right, you shook your head vigorously and whispered his name.
Among the noise in the hall, you were pleasantly surprised when he looked at you and nodded. Not expecting him to even hear you, your eyes widened and your hand moved on its own, giving him a thumbs-up with a wonky smile plastered on your face.
He looked away for a second and you cringed internally.
Such a goddamn embarrassment, y/n. Great job.
You were still in deep thought, mentally reprimanding yourself when he suddenly turned towards you once again. You swore you saw that slight blush on his face as his gaze met yours.
Looking at him in anticipation, you held your breath in excitement as a small smile cracked away his stoned facade and he raised his hand, seemingly returning the thumbs-up.
"The principal of Shiratorizawa Academy would like to give Ushijima Wakatoshi from 3rd year, Class 3 a special plaque to thank him for all the honor he brought to the academy with his exceptional skills he displayed in his volleyball games."
Ushijima's arm instantly fell limp as all eyes in the hall were on him. You grumbled in response, what great timing.
"Nice Ushijima!" You heard Tendou screech out as he clapped his hands together. Soon, one by one, everyone, including yourself, vigorously clapped your hands together while chanting Ushijima's name, like how you would in his matches.
The room suddenly fell into silence.
Ushijima Wakatoshi, who was anybody but sentimental, had let a tear drip down his face. You watched as he bit his bottom lip, an obvious attempt to stop crying.
You felt so useless, unable to do anything but watch him as he cried in silence. Though they were joyful tears, your heart still tore into pieces the same.
Bile rose up your throat as your vision clouded up. The first tear broke free and you sniffled. It was horrifyingly loud and soon pairs of eyes were peeking over at your direction.
"Y-y/n, please don't cry! I didn't want to cry yet-" Your classmate sitting next to you shook your arm, desperately trying to get your tears to stop. However, her voice cracked amidst her sentence and she fell into silence, and you watched in tears as water began to line her lower eyelid.
As if it were a contactable disease, all the students in the hall, other than the year 2 emcee, were bawling towards the end of the ceremony. Bittersweet feelings bloomed inside your chest, slowly eating you up.
You were really going to miss this school. Shiratorizawa Academy really had taught you a lot of things, not just basic subjects off the school. It brought you to your first high school crush, and taught you what volleyball really meant.
It wasn't just a club, or just a sport. It was the beautiful chemistry between all the players in the team that made Shiratorizawa's volleyball team that great. Of course, Ushijima was the ace, and was insanely good at it. However, he didn't make up the team.
Without Eita or Shirabu setting for him, he was nothing but a fish out of water. No amount of skill could ever let him spike as well as he did. Without Tendou, he wouldn't be the Ushijima he was today. There wouldn't be anyone who was always up in Ushijima's face, Ushijima might not even have a best friend.
It was each of them that made it possible. The single gears that fell into place perfectly, those that spun so well, was because of all their effort put into volleyball, and the unbreakable friendship they bond.
There were so many moments where their great play has had you in tears, shrieks of joy or even great anxiety. It was alright, even if they lost. After all, they had played together, and it just showed how humanly they were.
No victory is determined right from the start just because of your pride or score record. And that was alright.
Such undesirable, indescribable feelings gripped you as you sat rooted in your seat, blinking away the rapid tears that were staining your graduation gown.
Ushijima shakily made his way to the stage and firmly shook the principal's hand, before receiving his well-deserved plaque. The principal motioned him to the podium and he tapped on the microphone, not even flinching one bit as a screech shot off the speaker.
He then bowed, and all you could see was his luscious brown locks. As he got up, he cleared his throat and hoarsely spoke into the microphone.
"Thank you for your support. I will continue to make Shiratorizawa proud and uphold the school's name."
Brusque but meaningful; Ushijima described in three beautiful words.
That marked the end of the graduation ceremony as Ushijima stepped off the stage. You shot up from your seat, tightly gripping on to your scroll and holding your graduation cap in place. Making your way to Ushijima, you realized that he was getting further and further away from you. There was no sea to part just for you.
Watching him go back to class alone in disdain, you felt a tap behind your shoulder. It was the same girl that sat next to you during the ceremony.
"Y/n! Let's go take some photos with the girls to commemorate our special day!"
You were about to decline, when reality struck you. Today might have been the last time you were about to see your high school classmates. Ushijima could wait for now.
So, you willingly let yourself be dragged away by your friend for a small photoshoot in class. When you went back to class, Ushijima wasn't there anymore.
Strong uncertainty began swirling inside of you at the thought of Ushijima blindly waiting for you and you sent him a quick text, just to make yourself feel better.
'hey ushi! i’ll be a little late since the girls and i are going to take photos together to celebrate our special day tgt :-) i hope you don’t mind waiting!’ 
Within a minute, your phone buzzed from the notification of his reply. 
'Sure, y/n. Take your time.’
'Thank you so much Ushiii! ;)'
The moment you hit send, you groaned at the winky face you had accidentally sent to him. It was supposed to be a colon, but it turned into a semicolon instead. 
But with the worrying thoughts you previously had long gone, you made your way between two of your classmates’ arms and linked them together with yours, posing for the picture with wide smiles on all your faces.
After almost ten minutes of nonstop smiles, you all finally had enough and you left the classroom, after changing out from your graduation attire, with some of the girls yelling a quick goodbye from behind you.
Neither of you were really going to cry; the class had already planned for several meet-ups during the upcoming holidays after all.
You made a mad rush to the school’s entrance to see Ushijima’s well built figure standing there, waiting for you. The smile was once again evident on your face as you jogged there, yelling his name in the process.
This was it. It was now or never. 
"Ushijima! M-may I please have the second button of your uniform...?” You stopped in your tracks and in your sentence as you noticed the second button from his uniform gone, and to find it replaced with nothing but fabric and some leftover thread. 
Of course. Ushijima and you were just friends after all. There really was going to be nothing happening between the two of you. 
"Ah- you want that? A classmate of ours came up to me in private and asked for it, so I gave it to her. I’m sorry y/n.”
Your mouth fell open like a fish that was out of water. You had already seen it coming, but it didn’t mean that it wouldn’t hurt. In fact, it was far worse from just ‘hurt’. It was as if a thousand knives pierced through your body and was being pulled out slowly. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat and you were about to tell Ushijima that everything was alright. But you knew, deep down, you weren’t. You were slowly rotting inside, and all for a stupid high school love.
Letting out a dark chuckle, you looked at Ushijima once more with that loving undertone you always had when your attention was on him.
You were trying to mentally prepare yourself to let go of those unrequited feelings you had for him.
One, two, three. 
And away those feelings went. 
Or at least, you ardently told yourself. Maybe the more you emphasized that thought, the quicker it’d go away.
Letting out a shaky breath, you looked at him, hoping that you’d appear looking as a determined person in his eyes. 
"Eeh...? What do we have over here? Y/n asking for Ushiwaka's second button? Hmm... Let's see here... But the second button is gone? Oh man, y/n, looks like your confession was rejected after all!"
You whispered as Tendou appeared from behind you, and looked at Ushijima's once neatly sewed on button.
Ushijima looked stunned, as a weird expression overtook his usual expressionless features. His mouth shaped almost into a square and his eyebrow raised in confusion.
"Ushiwaka, do you really not know what it means when you give away your second button? It means you accept her love confession bro."
Tendou rubbed his temples and let out a long sigh.
"Oh. Then I didn't mean to give it to her."
A small flicker of hope was lit inside you, and you looked at him with expectancy, hoping he'd say the words you wished fervently for him to say.
"Ushiwaka... How idiotic are you, really? Don't you think you have a bigger issue here to solve?"
Tendou said, nodding at your direction. Thank god for Tendou being there, you knew you wouldn't like how it'd end if he wasn't around.
No, it's fine Tendou! It was pretty stupid of me anyways! I was just trying-"
"I wouldn't mind giving it to you y/n, well if I still had it, of course."
"But you don't."
"But I don't."
You both said at the same time, and your eyes met in an unbreakable stare. You heart your heart contracting and releasing more violently than ever as you gazed into his beautiful orbs.
It was as if time had stopped just for the two of you and everything else faded away. You were looking at him, and he was too.
"Ugh, gross. Get a room you two." Tendou stuck his tongue out, which was incredibly childish, and squeezed his eyes together and Ushijima let out a slight chuckle.
The rasp to the chuckle instantly got to you, and colored your ears pink as the sound vibrated in your eardrums.
So, uh, y/n. Can I take you out?"
Without thinking, you answered.
"Like on a date?"
"No, he's going to take you out with one of his powerful spikes. Of course he's taking you out on a date you idiot! Well, at least that's one thing you two share in common."
Both you and Ushijima gave him a pointed look and you moved towards Tendou to give him a gentle push on the head.
"Tendou is salty that he doesn't have a girlfriend yet, isn't he? Come on, stop acting as if you aren't jealous!"
"Don't touch me! I'm not jealous, you are!" Tendou yelled out as he began to run away from you, and you gave chase slightly later than him.
The nerve-wracking moment was long gone; replaced by these blissful moments you wished that would last forever.
Now that you and Ushijima were in a relationship, everything fell into place. With you gleefully chasing after Tendou and Ushijima watching with an exasperated sigh, it was perfect.
That was the most perfect way to end your high school life. Way more perfect than you could ever imagine.
Taglist: @bnha-homeroom, @sushij1ma and @shiggywiggy
Message me to be added in here!
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
I just went a read all your pregnant Jurdan hcs and my gosh, they were so amazing!! If you want and can, could you write one where Jude and Cardan tells the court of shadow crew personally about her being pregnant. I feel like they are her second family tbh.
Hi there!! Sorry it took me a long to write this, but it’s finally finished!!
You’re totally right, they are like a second family to her and deserve all the love and respect! 🧡
Also, thank you so so much for your lovely comment!
Scheming great schemes masterlist
Read on AO3 here!
Tags: @thesirenwashere
If I was supposed to tag somebody else PLEASE forgive me and let me know! (it’s like 2 am and I’m not thinking straight rn) 
The Court of Shadows finds out Jude’s pregnant
(aka Cardan is being overprotective again)
Three weeks had passed since Jude learned she was pregnant. Still, they chose not to make the official announcement until the Full Moon festivities, which lasted almost a week. 
Cardan’s wish was to shout it from their balcony the same day his wife had told him, and then throw a revel for two full weeks. But Jude had convinced him to wait, not wanting to make more fuss than the strictly necessary, which being honest, was going to be a lot. 
At the moment, only three people besides her and Cardan knew about it: Vivi, Taryn and Heather. Even if Jude was dying to see Asha’s incredulous face she’d decided to make her wait until the official announcement. Telling her before would make her feel important. Jude was decided to show her the exact opposite. 
Still, she could feel Asha’s eyes following her everywhere, always calculating. Almost suspicious. Could she know something already? And if she did, why staying silent?
Jude inhaled deeply and lifted her hand to her belly, she needed to stop being so paranoid. 
Her mind kept thinking about it while she entered the Court of Shadows hideout. Jude usually went there when she wanted to train or work without being bothered. It was calm and quiet and-
She stopped in her tracks as she realized the place was not empty. In fact, one could say it was quite crowded.
The Ghost, Roach and the Bomb stood in the middle of the room, and to Jude’s surprise, Cardan was in front of them. They were serious enough that she could almost believe there was a war approaching. She rushed to them with furrowed eyebrows.
“This is top priorit-” Cardan paused, noticing her. “Jude.”
The others turned and nodded, welcoming her. Still, something alarmed in their eyes that made Jude’s shoulders tensed immediately.  
“What’s wrong?” She asked. 
She reached Cardan, her fingers itched to take his, but this was a serious meeting. Maybe later. His expression was unreadable, one that he usually had when his mind was solely focused on a single issue.
“I meant to talk to you later but, I guess now is a good moment as any. From now on, Jude, the Court of Shadows will be your personal guard.” Her what?! She stared at her husband wide eyed. “They shall accompany you on every step and make sure nothing will-” 
“Personal guard?” What on earth was going on? She gazed back to the others, looking for a reasonable explanation. “Did I miss something?”
The Bomb stepped forward and gave a slight bow. “You have my word Your Highness, that no harm will come to the High Queen, no matter the threat.” 
She looked at Jude solemnly, frowning a bit. 
Ok she’d definitely missed something. 
“Can someone please explain why am I to be protected?” Jude crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at Cardan.
He cleared his throat, looking back to their friends. “Your safety has always been important to me, wife.” 
She didn’t buy it, he wasn’t even making eye-contact with her. Suddenly, something clicked inside her brain. 
That idiot.
“Roach and Ghost, you will be with her at all hours. On council meetings, one of you will be inside with her and the other one outside guarding the door. When she retires to sleep, one will be outside the room and the other may go to rest. You-”
“Cardan” She repeated louder this time. He didn’t answer.
“...will report to me of every suspicious movement around her, no matter where it comes from.” He turned to Bomb. “Lilliver, you will be in charge of the perimeter, you are the best at it. Also when Jude needs to bathe or something, l trust you to be with her and assist if she-”
“Oh my god, stop!” Her fists were now tightened at her sides. She wasn’t sure of who to punch first. 
“Jude” The Bomb started, her voice soothing. “It is ok, whatever threat is coming we will not let it reach you.”
“Is there an actual threat upon me, my King?” The way she was glaring at him could make dozens run for their lives, but he just returned her look with strange adoration. She wanted to slap him so hard. 
“Come on Queeny, you can let us protect you for once.” Roach teased, standing next to the Bomb. “It will not make you look less terrifying than usual, no offense.” 
“No one will dare to question that.” Cardan concealed, with that irritating and charming smile of his.
“I am not saying…” She sighed. “I do not need any protection. Whatever nonsense Cardan told you please just forget it.”
“They shall not.” 
Cardan’s voice was back to that autoritary tone. When she get to be alone with him…
At some point the Bomb had approached her and took her hand. “If something is frightening you Jude, we can start investigating it immediately.” 
“I am not scared!” Jude jerked back her hand. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she groaned deeply. “I’m… gods… I’m pregnant ok?”
Raising her gaze again she found the three of the Court frozen in their places. Roach and the Bomb mouth-opened. The Ghost with an eyebrow raised. All of them wide eyed. All of them turning to Cardan in a single motion. Jude found herself biting down a laugh from their incredulous faces. 
Cardan shrugged as if it didn’t change anything. Still, the intensity of his eyes sent a shiver down her spine. 
After a couple of seconds in complete silence, something finally exploded. The Bomb let out a sharp squeal that startled even Roach before throwing herself at Jude in a tight hug, which she answered a little clumsy at the beginning, unused to such displays of affection from her. 
Roach laughed, throwing his head back. “Oh I see now. I knew there was something odd about all of this but…” He swore, still cackling. “Congratulations you both!”
On the other hand, the Ghost looked as if he’d just solved a big mystery. “Ah, I noticed Taryn was keeping some sort of secret from me, got me worried for a while.” He sighed and smiled at the couple, congratulating them as well. 
In all of that time, the Bomb hadn’t let go of Jude, murmuring surprise words and happy nonsense about teaching their baby how to hide and be a spy. Jude didn’t know if being delighted or terrified, but couldn’t contain her smile at her friend’s joy. 
At some point, the Ghost, who Jude never noticed leaving, came back to the room with food, wine and juice. That last one probably for her. They sat on the cushions and carpets and talked, teased and laughed, Jude telling them the story of how she’d found out she was pregnant.
Cardan, who had already came down from his ‘King mode’, joined their happiness and jokes, thanking them for their words. He reach for Jude, caressing her cheek with the back of his fingers. Watching her with something between love and wariness. “I hope you all have a better understanding now of why her security is priority from now on.”
Jude rolled her eyes, and took his hand. “I get your motives, but you’re really exaggerating, I do not need… well, all of that!”
“Oh no no, stop right there Jude.” Roach said. “Not even a cold breeze is going to touch that belly of yours, I am telling you.”
The other two nodded in agreement. The Bomb suggesting something about not letting anyone even approach Jude without proper previous inspection. 
She stared at them wide eyed. Those traitors. Cardan flashed her a triumphant grin.
Roach noticed Jude’s betrayed glare and shrugged. “Sorry lass, but even if we were not given royal commands to protect you, we would anyway. It may seem like you do not need it now but… it is not of public knowledge yet.” 
“Once it is,” The Bomb continued. “It will be impossible to guess the reactions among the folk. Better to be prepared for anything.”
“Thank you both, my wife is a little stubborn. But I will not take any risks.” Cardan’s grip on her hand tighten a bit. His voice so soft and full of gratitude it made Jude’s chest shrink. 
She sighed, knowing any further excuse would lead nowhere. She really understood, still, being guarded the whole time felt strange. Could she deal with it?
“Don’t you think that making Lil stay with me while I bathe is a little too much?” She asked, taking a casual sip from her cup.   
Cardan pulled her closer and laid his chin on her head. “When it comes to you, my love, there is no such thing as ‘too much.’” 
Jude nodded. Raising her hand she started caressing his jaw, trailing her movements down to his neck, slower every inch. She muttered “I just thought you would be a better companion for me on that moment, that’s all. You could keep me close and... well observed the whole time.”
She practically heard his heart skip a beat. He swallowed, and made a low growling sound intended only for her. 
Someone cleared his throat, making them look back at their companions. 
The Roach was trying so hard not to laugh while watching the Bomb. She’d stopped chewing her food and stared at nothing, dramatically uncomfortable. The Ghost kept eating as if he didn’t hear anything, a mocking little smirk on his lips.
Heat climbed up Jude’s cheeks, she hadn’t realized they were being that obvious. Then again, it wasn’t like Cardan didn’t enjoy the attention. 
He chuckled, probably knowing what she was thinking, and raised his cup. “To you, my friends. For everything you have done for us, and what you are still willing to do. I will never find a way to show you how thankful I am.”
Jude mimicked him, her cup filled with grape juice. “You are family to us too, please never forget that.”
Glasses were raised, a couple of tears spilled and more hugs were given. This was one of those moments when Jude didn’t feel like the world was folding over her. She could breathe easily, and laugh in that little bubble of trust and love. Worries like ruling a kingdom, the former Court of Teeth, Lady Asha, nothing mattered now. Just this, just them.
Soft lips pressed to the base of her neck, startling her. She turned to Cardan as his arms surrounded her. “You look happy.” He mumbled. It was not a question. 
Jude cupped his cheek and grazed his mouth. Behind her, the Bomb said something like: “They just keep doing that in front of me, gods why?” 
They ignored her. Cardan chuckled, his chest shaking against hers. 
“I am.” She answered, finally pressing their lips together.
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niksixx · 4 years
Start of Something New
Requested: Yes! I combined two different Anonymous requests. 
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Female Reader 
Description: “Hiiii!! I would love a domestic fluffy Nikki fic. One where y/n parents come to visit y/n and Nikki’s home and he’s really nervous and is trying to prepare everything for their visit and once they’ve left he expressed how much he’d love a family with y/n!!” and “I’m so excited that you’re writing again!!! Can I please request something like you and Nikki decide to have a baby, maybe with some smut??” 
Warning: Some light smut
A/N: If you enjoyed, leave a comment! 
*GIF isn’t mine. Credits to the owner*
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For Nikki, first impressions were the foundation of either promising relationships or failed ones. As your husband, he had already succeeded in winning over your parents, who adored him from day one. Before Nikki had even popped the question, your mother was certain you two would be married. Funny how things work out.
After weeks of decorating your newly bought house, you and Nikki were finally ready to showcase it to your family. With Nikki’s salary alone, you could afford a mansion in Beverly Hills if you truly wanted to. That wasn’t your style, though. Before meeting Nikki, you lived a more…comfortable lifestyle. You didn’t want that to change even if you were married to a well-known rocker.
Your home was fairly simple: A master bedroom, two spare rooms, a bathroom, a dining room, a living room, a basement, and a kitchen. Everything was decorated with black, red, and gray accents for a modern feel. Pictures lined the walls, from photos of family and friends to your wedding pictures. It was your home and you were damn proud of it.
From the sofa in the living room, you could smell the steak that Nikki was preparing as he frantically worked in the kitchen. Sipping your wine, you chuckled as you watched him, apron around his waist, sweat beading his forehead. Setting your glass aside, you approached Nikki in the kitchen, wrapping your arms around his waist as he seasoned the steak. “Is it done yet?” You tease, earning a groan from your husband.
“Patience, my girl,” he grins, pecking your cheek. “I want this to be perfect.”
“And it will be, baby. You don’t need to go crazy.” As man of the household, Nikki felt as if it was his obligation to show off your house. He loved your parents, and he wanted them to see that you were happy with him and this life you were building together. And what better way to bring a family together than hosting a nice dinner?
“I am not going crazy!” Nikki scoffs, feigning offense. “I just want to be prepared.”
“How many times did you vacuum the steps today?” You ask, brows raised.
“…Five.” Nikki mumbles sheepishly. After wiping his hands on the apron, he placed them on his hips, giving you a look. “Okay, so I may be going a bit crazy. But that’s only because I’m nervous and I want your parents to be impressed.”
“Nikki Sixx? Nervous?” You gasp dramatically. “I never thought I’d hear those words in the same sentence.”
“It’s true!” Nikki pouts, reaching out to cup your cheeks. “I just want everything to be perfect, baby. You know your family…they mean everything to me. I want them to be proud of me, of us.”
Tiptoeing to Nikki’s eye level, you gently kiss his nose. “And they will be.”
The moment your parents’ eyes lit up at the inside of your home was the moment all of Nikki’s nerves dispersed. Your mom pulled him in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek, while your father slapped him on the back, pride shining in his eyes.
“This is magnificent,” your mother gushes, clasping your hands in her own. Her eyes shine bright as she takes in the scenery. “My gosh, it’s the perfect size.”
“The colors are incredible,” your father observes, quite pleased with your selection.
“That was all Y/N,” Nikki grins proudly, arm slung around your shoulders. “And we’ll be sure to give you a tour, too. But first, let’s eat.”
Your dad high fives Nikki. “You read my mind.”
You swore you’d never seen your parents so happy. From dinner to the house tour, the smiles on their faces never left. They were proud of you and Nikki, and they couldn’t say it enough.
Handing your mother a glass of wine, you took a seat beside her on the sofa while your father and Nikki bond over music while cleaning the dishes.
“I am so proud of you and Nikki, honey,” Your mother glances at you lovingly as you clink together your glasses. “You couldn’t have chosen a better man for a husband.”
The words warm your heart as you proudly gaze at your husband, who is engrossed in conversation. “I got lucky with him, mom. He means the world to me. I’m so ready to just spend my life with him.”
“I noticed you have two spare bedrooms,” your mother says, sipping her wine. “Any reason?”
The question catches you off guard. “Well, yeah. If our friends want to stay the night or if you and dad end up staying a night or two. What else would the rooms be for?”
“Well, are there any children in your future?” Your mom questions, chuckling as you cough on wine. “I know you’ve only been married a few months, but I know how much you’ve wanted to be a mother, ever since you were a little girl.”
Until that moment, the thought hadn’t really crossed your mind. Come to think of it, you didn’t even know Nikki’s thoughts on children. Did he even want any?
“I’m not sure,” you reply, crossing your legs. “We haven’t really talked about it yet.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Your mom smiles, nudging you gently. “He’s a wonderful husband. I’m sure he’d be a wonderful dad, too.”
Your mother’s words swim around in your head as you wave goodbye to your parents from the door. As they pull out of the driveway, Nikki wraps you in a hug, lips by your ear. “What a day, baby. What do you say we get some sleep?”
“Yes, please,” you say, following Nikki upstairs. But your mind is racing a mile a minute with thoughts of having a family with Nikki. You wanted to bring it up, but how? Were you ready to be shut down if Nikki decided he didn’t want to be a father to your kids?
Sliding into bed, you curl up into Nikki’s side, head resting on his chest. His heartbeat is calm, breathing steady. “Did you enjoy today?”
“I did,” you nod. “I missed my family, you know? I’m glad they got to see the house. I know they appreciated us cooking for them too.”
“Family is everything,” Nikki whispered. You could feel his heartbeat quicken, thumping against his chest. Sitting up, you stare at his face, which has a bright pink tint to it. “Honey, are you okay?”
“I want to have a baby,” he blurts out, immediately groaning. “Fuck that was supposed to be a bit more romantic.”
Your cheeks burn. “You do?”
“After tonight, how could I not?” He smiles sheepishly. “I mean, I’ve always wanted to have a family with you, Y/N, I just wasn’t sure how to bring it up. I didn’t even know if you wanted to have kids. I know we probably should’ve talked about this before we got married, but let me just say this. We don’t have to have children, Y/N. You’re it for me. I love you and the life we have already. Anything else that comes after is a beautiful bonus.”
You don’t hesitate climbing in Nikki’s lap, roughly connecting your lips. It’s sloppy, but full of passion. His hands find your hips, flipping the position so you’re on your back. “I take it you feel the same way?” He chuckles.
“I’ve always wanted kids,” you answer, brushing strands of dark hair from Nikki’s face. “I’ve thought about it ever since we got married, but I didn’t know how to bring it up either. But yes, Nikki, I want to have kids. I want our kids to have your eyes and my hair. I want them to have your creativity and passion, but I want them to be smart and kind like I am. I want to watch you teach our kids how to ride bikes and write music. I want it all with you.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Nikki asks, and your eyes widen as his hand travels inside your pants, cupping your sex. You moan softly at the touch as his fingers massage your clit. “Let���s try right now.”
The air around you is thick and smelling of sex as your naked bodies are entangled in the bed sheets. The moment Nikki slides into you, without a condom this time, is one of pure bliss and raw satisfaction.
His strokes are rough at first, pounding into your pussy as if his life depends on it. Your legs are thrown over his shoulders, giving Nikki more access as you can practically feel his cock in your belly. Your fingers are on his back, digging small crescents into his sweaty skin. It’s a mixture of pleasure and pain for Nikki, and it urges him to fuck you harder.
“God, yes,” you cry out, panting. “Fuck me harder, Nikki, fuck me harder.”
He listens, and soon you’re screaming and writhing underneath him. On top of his shoulders, your thighs begin to quiver as your orgasm builds up. Leaning forward, Nikki presses a hot kiss to your lips. “Can’t wait to make you a mother,” he pants into your mother. “Need to put a baby in you.”
It’s not the sex itself, but the words that send you over the edge. A wave of pleasure rocks your body as you ride out the high. Nikki explodes inside you, dick twitching as his seed fills you.
Your bodies are slick with sweat as you collapse on the bed, catching your breath. You turn to Nikki, softly pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I love you, and I can’t wait to have a family.”
He reaches down to clasp your hand in his, bringing it to his lips. “I love you, Y/N.” And then he smirks. “Hopefully in nine months, you’ll have another reason to call me daddy.”
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liberolove · 4 years
Our Great Perhaps
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Pairing: Nishinoya x reader
Summary: You two have been dating for about 3 years. You met him in your first semester of college, and you two have been pretty strong. Now, however, taking into account each of your career paths has brought up issues. Maybe, it wasn’t meant to be.
Genre: crack, angst, college au (first part)
Warnings: cussing
Part Two || Part One: here
The drive back to your house was casual and friendly, but you could definitely sense a bit of tension.
He dropped you off and left. As soon as you were inside your home, you immediately burst out into tears.
There was no way he was waiting. Especially not for you. He needed a shot at love. You weren’t there, but she was. He’s probably happier now, too.
You curled up into bed and fell asleep from the exhaustion of crying so much.
Your first week back home flew by quickly. The new branch was getting along nicely, and everything was running smoothly. Your friends would drop by from time to time, asking about the latest details of your love life. That’s when you mentioned to them whom you had bumped into earlier that week.
“Oh my gosh!” “How’d it go!?” “Do you still have feelings for him?” “He has a girlfriend, now, by the way. They’ve only been dating for about 5 months now.”
The barrage of questions was overwhelming, but you got to each of them. And you were heavily interested in his new girlfriend. Just how much did your friends know about her?
“She’s a nurse, so she’s always busy. She met Nishinoya when one of his students sprained their ankle, while playing. Sometimes, when I bump into him on the street and he’s on his phone, I hear them arguing or something. And they never really go out, so I don’t know what they’re like out on dates and stuff.”
Wow. It really seemed like your friends did some investigating for you. It was nice to know that they’ll always have your back. But, you knew that this wasn’t something you should really be meddling in. He has his life and you have yours.
You two can be friends and all, but nothing more. No matter how desperately you wanted it. You missed everything about him. His new girlfriend was the luckiest girl in the world.
“Oh by the way, y/n!! Since we’re already on the topic... Guess who texted me yesterday, asking for YOUR number???”
“No way. Don’t tell me.”
“Why would he want my number?”
“He just told me he wanted to keep talking to you and stay in touch.”
You couldn’t believe it. Was it really happening? Nishinoya still wanted to talk to you.
Your phone buzzed. All your friends stared at the screen. “Well, speak of the devil.”
The message read: Hey, y/n! It’s Noya. I hope you don’t mind but I got your number from xxx. I just wanted to keep talking and be close again like back in college (:
You were sure that your heart had completely shut down by then. Even if you couldn’t be around Nishinoya in the way you wanted, you sure as hell weren’t going to decline this.
You were so excited and nervous at the same time, that you almost forgot to reply.
“Y/N! You’ve gotta say something!!”
“Alright already! I will! I just don’t know what to say..”
“Just say a simple hey? Like you’re interested but not TOO interested, ya know?”
“Okay, got it.” You began typing: Hey, Noya! I don’t mind, and yeah of course. I’d love to keep talking (:
The rest of the night was full of the juiciest gossip of the town and exchanging ridiculous worst date stories.
As the weeks dragged on, you found yourself texting Noya more than anyone else. He was the highlight of your days. 
Every time your phone buzzed with a message from him, your heart would skip a beat. You’d still think over exactly what you wanted to say to him, being careful not to cross any boundaries. 
Unbeknownst to you, Nishinoya was feeling the exact same way. 
You two talked about literally everything in the world. Except for one topic: his girlfriend. There was no way you could bring her up in conversation casually. It would be crossing the line, definitely.
It was just another average day. You were pooped after having to work so much that week. You were looking forward to relaxing on the couch and catching up on your favorite sitcoms. 
Noya had been texting you nonstop all day. It felt great, but you couldn’t help but wonder if he texted her like this too.
What are you up to tonight?
Oh, you know the usual. Just gonna snack and watch Netflix. How about you?
Not much. Still trying to decide what I wanna do. What are you gonna watch?
I’m in the mood to rewatch That 70′s Show to be honest, lol.
I remember you watching that show every night! It’s pretty funny
Yeah, that’s why I watch it, lmao. 
You got room for one more?
Fuck. What the fuck. Was he being serious? Or joking around? You hadn’t seen him in a while, since you’re both so busy with work. But today, your days off coincided with one another. Sure, you two had hung out together before, but never somewhere as private as your home. You’d been to restaurants and bars, but that’s pretty much it. 
If he’s serious, that means he wants to come HERE. To YOUR house. He wants to be in YOUR house, with YOU. With you.. ALONE. 
Your mind was racing. With shaky fingers, you replied playfully: Only if you’re bringing takeout!
The next few minutes felt like an eternity. Five minutes went by. Ten minutes. Soon enough, an hour had gone by, and no answer. 
Had I crossed the line? you asked yourself.
What’s your address? I’ve got sushi and more snacks (:
You quickly messaged him your address, with your heart ready to burst out of your chest, and your brain ready to explode. 
Another five minutes pass by. 
He still knocks three times.. You open the door and find him semi-dressed up in a cute red button up and dark blue slacks. He was glowing.
In his hands, he was carrying a bag of sushi and chow mein takeout. In the other hand, he had your favorite: Hot Cheetos. 
How the hell did he still remember everything about you?
“Hey, sunshine! Ready to binge watch some That 70′s Show?”
“Yeaah.” You let him in and placed the bags on the coffee table by the couch. You started setting everything up, still shaken up over his pet name for you. 
Noya quickly made himself comfortable on your couch, picking a spot right up next to you. The distance between you two shortening, every time he took a bite of his food. 
His hearty laughter made your heart flutter and your stomach flip. The show was funny, but not THAT funny. 
Before you knew it, your knees bumped into one another’s. The distance between you was nonexistent now. When your knees touched, you jumped a little, startled from the sudden intimacy.
“Oh, sorry! I guess I scooted in too close. I just didn’t want to be TOO far from you, you know?”
“Ha, it’s okay.”
The show droned on in the background, as you two fell silent. Nishinoya then grabbed the remote and muted the TV. 
“Hey, y/n?”
“Yeah? What is it, Nishi?” You regressed back to calling him the special nickname only you ever used, without realizing.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” You meant it. You’d do anything for him in a heartbeat.
“Do you still remember the first time we met? In our psychology class, the first year of college?”
“How could I ever forget?”
“Did you feel like it was love at first sight, too?”
You hesitated. Why was he bringing this up? Right now, especially. You stared at him for what felt like ten minutes, taking him in again. He had changed physically from the last time you were with him in your old apartment. His eyebrows were well groomed, he grew a bit of chin stubble, and he had smile lines on his face.. 
But he was still the same person you fell in love with all those years ago.
The silence dragged on, until you interrupted it. “Yeah. It did feel like that, huh?”
“I’m glad it wasn’t just me.” It seemed like he wanted to keep talking, but he stopped himself, mid-breath. He unmuted the TV and went back to watching, but the tension brought on by the questions still lingered in the air.
Unable to deal with the awkwardness, you started cleaning up, and stood up, right in front of him. “Why?”
Confused, he asked, “Why what?”
“Why are you doing this? Why bring up the past? I’m sure you’ve figured it out by now, but I still have feelings for you, okay?”
“I know.”
“Then what’s the point of torturing me like this? You have a girlfriend..”
He got up immediately and pulled you in for an unexpected, sloppy kiss. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want it, but you pushed him off anyways.
“Stop. Please. Don’t do this to me.”
You couldn’t believe he was using his old pet name for you. All you could do was point at the door, baffled by his rapid change. 
He wasn’t moving. Instead, he pulled you in again, but with more force. He was restraining you while embracing you. 
“Let me go, please, Nishi. Don’t make this harder.”
You were practically sobbing at this point. Why couldn’t he understand that this was wrong? You weren’t his girlfriend, nor would you ever be. 
You felt your shirt dampen with his tears, as well. Why was he crying too?
“I broke up with her a week ago.. I’ve missed you so much.”
His hold on you loosened, and you took that as an opportunity to drape your arms around his neck, as you kissed the tears on his face away.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Please believe me. I just want you, y/n. I’ve been waiting for you to come back. But after waiting for 4 years, I gave up. I started dating around, trying to find someone like you, but no one could ever compare. You’re the love of my life, y/n. Please don’t leave me again..”
“I won’t. I promise.”
“God, it’s been so hard to be here without you. I’ve been waiting for this for so long. I still love you. I’ve never stopped loving you, and I’ll always love you.”
“I love you and I’ll always love you too.”
That night, you two shared a bed again for the first time in seven years. Everything in the universe fell back into place. You had found your Great Perhaps.
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curatedkmen · 3 years
“Closer”chapter II
Song rec: Blood Knows - Rhye
“Seonho have you met everyone? This is Bae Sung Woo hyungnim, Park Sodam, and…” Le Dong Ha was introducing everyone to Seonho who just came in the theatre meeting room for a first script reading with the cast of “Closer.”
Closer. The theatre play that leave a huge impression in Seonho’s heart, mind, and body. After the alley accident that happened 6 years ago, Seonho could not get rid of Geunyoung’s image in his head. Well despite the fact that Moon Geunyoung is an actress and she is everywhere on tv so it’s impossible to forget her face but he specifically could not get rid of the image of Geunyoung kissing him and moaning between their kisses while his three fingers were moving deep inside her. That night when he went home, he was feeling a little pain and discomfort on his scrotum. The guy was feeling the symptoms of blue balls from holding that erection for a long time without having an orgasm. He got home riding the subway, went to his room and took a bath, feeling ecstatic from remembering Geunyoung’s face when she came and painful at the same time from his dick. 
A month after that alley accident, yes, Seonho prefered to call it an accident because both can't possibly know that they were gonna make out in an alley with strangers they just met in a club, Seonho went to the military. Fulfilling his duty as a South Korean citizen for 18 months and came back again as a theatre actor. 
He continued to land on offers and more offers for a theatrical role. He was given the nickname “theatre idol” because of how famous he is amongst the theater fans due to his great acting and irresistible dimples. His career gradually grew as he got more important roles and played in biggere auditoriums, which showed how more and more people were expecting his performance on stage. 
He continued with his life and had a couple of girlfriends but no one could ever help him forget Moon Geunyoung. 
One day in April, Seonho received news from his theatre crews about a role in “Closer” stage play that was going to be held in the second half of the year. He was offered the role of Dan.
When he first got a call from the directors, he almost lost his shits. He was so happy because he loved the play so much, the range of emotions, the dialogues, and the build up was so stupidly intense but delicate at the same time so as a theatre freak he was so excited to challenge himself in that role. 
“Kim Seonho-ssi, I’m sure you've heard about the offer, so I just want to confirm if you would like to join us on this year’s “Closer.” I watched you a lot already, I couldn’t watch “True West” but I watched “Almost Maine” and you were brilliant in it.”
“Yes, Director. I would love to join you. It is an honor, really. I have been a fan of “Closer” for a really long time. I would love to challenge myself to bring Dan into life this time.”
“Wonderful, I’m so glad to hear that. Oh did you perhaps watch “Closer” in 2010?”
“Yes, yes I did. It was a month before my enlistment so I couldn’t miss it”
“Actually we will have some of the same actors from “Closer” 2010 but it is still being discussed”
Seonho almost could not believe his ears. Same actors? Don't tell me she’s gonna play as Alice again? I’m not sure I can behave for the second time looking at her in that freaking dress for fuck sake.
“Really? Which actors is it?”
“Bae Sung Woo and I’m not sure again with the others. But I’m sure you’ll see them all in two weeks for our first reading”
“Okay Director, I will see you in two weeks then. Thank you very much again for this opportunity”
Seonho couldn't get the thought out of his mind that Geunyoung might be acting again on this year's closer again but he just decided to not let that thought bother him or even to ask the director about it and see for himself if In two weeks he will find her in the room for their first script reading.
Two weeks went by and he finally met his co-stars on the first group reading when he first entered the room. He quickly screened everyone out to make sure the girl that he would love to see once again but at the same time also the girl that he would hate to see in this setting is not in the room. Thankfully she was not there. 
“Sunbaenim, I actually went and saw ‘Closer’ six years ago and I watched the one where you were acting as Larry. I just wanna say that I admire you as an actor and it is an honor to be able to act in this year’s ‘Closer’ with you” Seonho said to Bae Sung Woo as they wrapped up the script reading session. 
“Thank you Seonho. It is like a fate then that you’re here now acting as Dan six years later. I’m really looking forward to your performance, I’m sure it’s gonna be great” 
Next to Bae Sung Woo was Park Sodam who acted as Alice in the play. She overheard Seonho talking to Sung Woo and jumped into the conversation. 
“You’re so lucky Oppa, I did not watch the Closer in 2010, I wish I did. Did you watch the one where Sung Woo Oppa and Geunyoung Unnie were in it?”
“Uhm yeah actually I watched the one with Moon Geunyoung in it” Seonho answered her question while trying to stay calm.
“Oh gosh, I bet she was amazing as Alice. I should call her and ask for advice.”
Seonho forgot for a second that these people in front of him have been working in the industry for years and it came as no surprise that they knew Geunyoung, the verteran actress. Suddenly, he felt a hand landed on his right shoulder, he looked towards his right, apparently Park Eunsok, the one who was gonna play Dan other than him, now stood beside him. 
“Hey you should invite her to come to our play Sodam-ah. For old time sake. I’m sure she would love to see it. I will contact her as well so she’ll come hahaha. Sung Woo Hyung you should also invite her!” Park Eunseok said eagerly.
Fuck, oh right he worked with her in that drama last year. Why does everyone know her? Well she could come when Park Eunseok plays instead then I’ll be saved. I’ll just see her from far away in the audience seats. 
A month later, after countless practice, they finally had their first show. Seonho had been so busy practicing for his role that he forgot about his worries about the possibility of Geunyoung watching the show for a while. He did a lot of shows already for 2 weeks and he had not seen Geunyoung in sight. He thought maybe she came already when Park Eunseok was playing as Dan and he did not even bother to ask Sodam or Eunseok because he could not even bear saying her name in front of her colleagues or friends. 
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Until one day, in the middle of the show, he was saying his lines for the scene where he was arguing with Alice. He sat on a chair facing towards the right side of the audience. As the emotion built up, among the words of Dan, he spotted those eyes. 
The eyes that he could not possibly forget since he first saw them so close six years ago. Moon Geunyoung was amongst the audience. Wearing a black dress and a grey sweater on top of it. Even in the darkness he could see her eyes shining. He was lost in her eyes for a split second as she was also looking at him from her seat before he continued to deliver his lines. His heart was beating so fast he felt like he could explode on that stage in that second. The sudden adrenaline rush has caused him to scream louder when he finally hit the moments where he had to show frustrations to Alice. He thought that maybe letting it all out would reduce the surge of energy that he was feeling after he saw Geunyoung in the audience. 
The show finally ended, successfully, like usual. All casts went backstage to do a short evaluation and to pray once again for another successful show next week. Afterwards, usually the cast’s close friends or colleagues approached them backstage to say congrats and all. 
Seonho was talking to one of his college friends when he saw Geunyoung again, entering the room and went straight to Park Sodam to congratulate her. She had not seen him yet so Seonho had the liberty to stare at her still in disbelief from across the room since he was not able to do it in the auditorium. Not long after, Bae Sung Woo and Park Eunseok approached Geunyoung and Park Sodam. Seonho can see the four of them talking and laughing from where he was standing.
Not long after, his college friend bid him goodbye and so he was finally left alone. He was not able to think straight. He knew that Geunyoung just saw his performance on stage and now she is in the room standing just 7 metres from where he was standing. He did not have the guts to approach her. Not tonight. So he just packed up his stuff hurriedly and when he was finally done, he turned around and he felt like his heart dropped. Park Sodam was standing in front of him. 
“Kkamjjag-iya, why Sodam-ah? What’s wrong?” he said hurriedly while putting his right hand on his chest. 
Park-Sodam looked at him while trying to hide her laugh, “why are you so surprised Oppa? Hahaha you’re so red right now.”
“It’s just, because it’s hot here.”
“Wait are you leaving? No way, I want to introduce you to Geunyoung Unnie first. You’ll love her. You don't know her right?”
“No it’s fine you don't have-” 
Before he could finish his sentence, Sodam was already calling Geunyoung, “Unnie, come here” and she looked towards them. Now he could not possibly just run away. As Geunyoung walked towards them, he could feel his heart beating even faster every time she took a step closer to him. 
“This is Kim Seonho Oppa, he played as Dan earlier. He is good right? He said he saw Closer in 2010 when you were in it. Talking about fate huh and now he is in it”  
Geunyoung was standing in front of him, looking even more dazzling, mature and beautiful from the last time he saw her. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you again Seonho-ssi. It’s been awhile” she offered her hand and he shook it while trying his best to stay calm and to not smile creepily. The moment his hand touched hers, he felt like screaming inside. 
“Wait, you guys know each other? How?” Sodam asked in curiosity. Before he could answer Sodam, Geunyoung spoke.
“We had a drink together after my show in 2010, i met him in that Jazz club near this auditorium.” 
Seonho was so surprised at her answer, he thought she would pretend to not recognize him and besides, forgetting a face of a stranger after 6 years of not meeting them is understandable for him. Even when that stranger fingered you the first time you met. 
“Really? But you guys did not know each other before that? Interesting“ Sodam said as she smiled at both of them cheekily. “Well, you guys should catch up then. I’m gonna talk to Eunseok Oppa for a sec” and so they were left alone. 
“You look so handsome Seonho-ssi. I was enjoying your performance earlier. Dan really suits you. Finally I got to see you on stage six years later huh” Geunyoung broke the silence. She was lying when she said he was handsome. She thought he looked so hot the whole time Seonho was acting as Dan on stage, but she could not bring herself to say that. That suit and tie and the way he delivered his lines and acted out Dan’s emotions was so sexy. She could feel herself as Alice as she fell in love with this Dan on stage. 
“Thank you. You look-” he took a pause to find the appropriate words, “very pretty tonight. Thanks for coming to our show.” 
“When I saw you on stage, I wished I was Alice.” 
Seonho could not believe what Geunyoung just said to him. He stared at her in silence, hoping the woman in front of him would say something but she just stood there smiling at him.
“What do you mean?” 
“I guess I’ve missed you? Can we talk in private?”
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miraculouscontent · 5 years
Someone requested my post-”The Puppeteer 2″ Lukanette piece for some reason (probably want to see me explode or something), so fINE:
(post-"The Puppeteer 2"; meant to be pre-”Silencer” but could be seen as post-”Silencer”)
The dark sky of Paris was beautiful that night; a complete betrayal of how Marinette actually felt. It was like it was taunting her, telling her what she could have if she wasn't so utterly stupid.
Marinette leaned back against the side of Anarka's ship, glancing over at Kitty Section as they packed up their things for the day.
Luka kept glancing at her, but she kept pretending not to notice. She knew that, if he so much as said "hi" to her, everything would spill out and she'd look like a fool to him too.
She thought a distraction would do best for her, hence why she'd avoided Alya and Nino as much as possible and instead went to see Kitty Section. They could tell something was off, but she insisted that she just wanted to have a fun time and not talk about it.
They were curious, she was sure, but what could she even say?
...At least, what could she say that wouldn't make her sound like a complete weirdo?
Her gaze was drawn to Kitty Section once more, and she noted that Luka wasn't looking at her this time. The ship was already docked, so really, she could leave whenever she wanted to.
She didn't want to.
Ivan and Rose waved their good-byes to them, then got off the ship to start heading home. Juleka waved as well, then set her things down before following after Rose to walk her home, which Rose happily waiting for her on.
That just left Marinette and Luka.
Her heart was pounding against her wishes.
"...Luka, how do you do it?"
Luka straightened, likely surprised to hear her speak directly to him for once that day, then turned. As soon as their eyes met, he visibly relaxed and smiled. "Do what?"
Marinette averted her gaze as he approached. "Just... being so cool like you are. You're always calm and you don't let anything bother you." She hugged her knees to her chest, blushing in embarrassment. "You never look like a clumsy oaf in front of everyone."
Luka sat down next to her, Marinette peeking up at him just slightly as he stared at the sky.
"...Meditation," he replied simply, "and music."
She snorted, a bit bitterly. "I wish it was that easy for me." She paused, adding a bit more fondly, "You're amazing, Luka."
The silence dragged on for a moment. Luka was staring at her quietly, looking as though he didn't know what to say.
Then, he leaned forward, opening his mouth to respond.
Marinette felt her body tense up. Burying her face into her knees, she muttered quickly, "I kissed Adrien."
Yep. There she went, just like she thought. Everything just pouring out without her consent.
She didn't look at Luka, too nervous to see his reaction. "I-I didn't mean to. I thought he was a statue! He was acting like one as a joke, and I just..."
"As...as a joke?" he echoed.
Marinette glanced over at him. She hadn't meant to, really, but his tone had surprised her.
He seemed confused. Thrown off.
Maybe a bit tense.
"...Yeah," she responded. "I guess I don't blame him. I'm always stammering and making a fool out of myself, so he probably doesn’t know how to deal with me, but..."
She straightened, shaking her head and roughly patting her face. "I-I'm sorry. I'm--"
"Marinette, you can talk to me," Luka reassured. He made a gesture like he was still holding his guitar. "Let the music flow."
She managed a small smile at that. "How is it that it's always you who ends up comforting me?"
He shrugged, but also seemed completely unbothered by the idea.
And it was true, really. As much as she denied it, her compass went off for both Luka and Adrien, just in completely different ways. In a way, it meant that it made sense for her to feel like Adrien was the only one that she was in love with.
But, then... what was the difference? Why did they bring her such different feelings?
She glanced at Luka, perhaps expecting to find the answer through an epiphany, but there was nothing.
Luka looked back at her. She averted her gaze, blushing, but at least his look reminded her of what she'd just been talking about.
Taking a deep breath, she sighed. "It's exhausting, y'know?" She paused, debating with herself before adding, "That wasn't even my first kiss, and that didn't happen the way I wanted either."
She rubbed her face, slightly frustrated. "I didn't want it. It was something I had to do." She knew he probably wouldn't understand, but she felt like he'd just get it.
Because Luka always got her. He always knew how she felt. He didn't ask invasive questions and he didn't pressure her, only seeking to make her feel better.
She needed more of that simplicity in her life.
"I just..." She buried her face further into her knees. "Does kissing even mean anything anymore? Because I want it to. I just want to kiss someone who loves me, and someone who I love, like--"
Without thinking, she turned to Luka, about to continue speaking before she realized exactly what she was about to say.
She froze.
Her face paled.
She recoiled, letting out a strangled squeak of embarrassment. Covering her face, she stammered, "O-oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I did it again! I'm not thinking and then I just go and..."
She shook her head, trying not to sink further into this hole she's dug for herself.
Her heart felt like it was being squeezed. Her shoulders were tense. Her face felt hot enough to cause a burn.
Was this how her life was going to be? Eternally cursed to say the dumbest things in front of the people she had a crush on?
She should run. She should just go, and never speak to either of them ever again. Maybe she could just move completely, change her name, and--
Marinette paused, realizing that Luka had said and done nothing since she'd started freaking out. Though hesitant, she peeked out at him between her fingers.
He was staring at her, looking to be in some sort of daze.
And he was blushing.
Marinette's heart skipped a beat.
Luka blinked, then finally snapped back to reality. He looked away, seeming to be deep in thought.
"Y-yes?" she asked, though part of her had a feeling that she knew what he was going to say. She was just too afraid to acknowledge it as a possibility.
He glanced back at her, then down at the ground. His eyes seemed hesitant and distant, but perhaps a little hopeful as well.
He met her gaze. "If you'd have me..."
Marinette thought her face couldn't get any redder. "L-luka, I--" She swallowed, able to hear the sound of her own heartbeat. "I-I can't do that to you. I mean, I want to--but--I'm confused--I--"
Luka leaned closer, but didn't invade her personal space. He didn't make any move to get closer, but his eyes never left hers.
Relaxed. Calm. Reassuring.
"I-I..." Marinette placed her hands in her lap, blushing. "I...I don't want you to have regrets like I do. It's not fair. I'm already a mess, I--"
She stilled, struck by the gentleness of his tone.
He smiled, his voice soft. "How could I have regrets if it's with you?"
Just that like, her heartstrings were tugged. He wanted to, accepting that she was confused and rolling with whatever crazy thing came out of her mouth.
She breathed, needing a moment to collect herself.
They shouldn't be doing this. She was an emotional wreck and, even if he'd agreed to it, was it even right?
But also, she really wanted to kiss him.
Luka sat there, smiling patiently at her. Even as she slid closer to him, he made no attempts to move away.
Though shaking, Marinette eased towards him, mentally preparing herself for a kiss. He remained still, waiting for her.
He was really going to let her do it. He was really going to let her kiss him.
Marinette blushed, but closed the gap between them, finally meeting her lips with his.
Her immediate response was to squeak. With all her talk about kissing and how used to them she felt like she should be, it quickly hit her that this was her first real kiss.
She closed her eyes, unintentionally relaxing. At first, she thought that he might've been pulling away, but then she realized that it was her who was actually leaning in.
And he was swift in returning the favor, pressing back against her.
A mutual kiss.
Marinette felt a thrill shoot up her spine. Slowly, her arms went up and around Luka's neck, steadily pulling him in.
He giggled into the kiss, but it wasn't malicious or mocking. It was sweet, loving, and full of encouragement.
Likewise, his arms wrapped around her back in return. Marinette shuddered, but certainly not in protest of it.
No. She was happy.
Time passed. The ambiance of the night had become comfortably drowned out by Luka's kiss, with Marinette completely and utterly distracted by everything that was him.
Then, they slowly pulled apart, Marinette's eyes remaining closed for a moment longer before she drifted back into reality. It felt like a wave of clarity was washing over her.
Everything made sense. Adrien was a song she'd played at full blast, ignoring how it was affecting her and not noticing as it blocked out Luka's song as well.
There just came a time where she'd had the sense to turn the volume down.
Luka stared at her fondly, somehow maintaining his calm demeanor despite how red his face was. Marinette imagined that she looked the same way, though likely without the whole "calm" part.
She looked around, honestly rather surprised. She'd been expecting someone to see them, or for something to come flying in to interrupt them.
Yet, there was nothing. It was just them and their feelings.
"Marinette?" Luka called gently.
She met his gaze, noting that he seemed concerned about the daze she was in. "...Is--" She smiled sheepishly, tears forming in her eyes. "--is this what it feels like when things go smoothly?"
His eyes widened. He smiled sympathetically at her, then held his arms out to offer her a hug.
She took it, practically colliding with him as a rush of emotions hit her. Clutching his jacket, she let out a happy sob.
"I...I love you."
She wanted this. Even in her flurry of feelings, she knew she wanted to see where this went and what it meant to truly be in love. If Luka would give her that opportunity, she'd gladly take it.
Luka embraced her, one hand moving to her head to gently stroke through her hair. His reply was quiet, but impossible for her not to hear. "I love you too, Marinette."
She choked, shaking, and despite the storm of emotions inside her, she was happy.
He held her, letting her cry as much as she wanted to, and that's exactly what she did.
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