#//six whole chapters wow ! ! !
completeoveranalysis · 4 months
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It's new customer time!
Somehow it is new customer time!
I’m checking the remaining number of volumes left and YUP SURE WE HAVE ENOUGH TIME FOR MORE CUSTOMERS. PLEASE DO COME IN. What plot parallel emotional problem do you have for us today?
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It sure is!
… Oh end of Chapter!
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pocketramblr · 1 year
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retrieve-the-kraken · 6 months
So after taking some time to clear my head, and letting the wave of relief and closure wash over me, and feeling like someone literally unclogged my brain, I rewatched season 3 of Young Royals, but only finished just the night before I was going away for Easter weekend, so I didn’t have time to write anything.
But now I can finally say this: I liked it much better the second time.
And it wasn’t just the trepidation and anxiety that i had for finding out what happened in the end that kept me from completely enjoying it the first time. It was also that annoying week-long gap that we had to endure before watching the finale.
(I get that they did it for promotional purposes, and it was a lovely thing to be able to have that event for the final chapter, which obviously could only be one chapter, imagine having everyone there for the entire season, everyone watching for nearly six hours… no good.)
That gap, I feel, made it feel like we just landed randomly on an episode that was meant to tie up all the storylines. And of course it is, and of course it still feels that way in regards to some storylines, but wow, what a difference it makes to watch the whole thing as a whole, the way I’ve enjoyed the previous seasons.
I definitely could process it much better the second time around, watching calmly and carefully, and once I jumped straight from episode 5 into episode 6, it definitely felt more cohesive. It felt like it followed the same pattern as the previous seasons, the conflict at the end of episode 5 is very similar in every season, and it felt right.
And the final episode of each season seems to follow a very similar pattern too, except that it shifts a little each time as Wille gains autonomy. In Season 1, the climax was that Wille had to do what the crown said, on the crown’s terms (deny the video, keep August’s betrayal secret, lose Simon), because he didn’t know what else to do, he didn’t have a choice, sad ending. In season 2, he has to do what the crown says (do the speech, play the part of the Crown Prince), BUT he’s doing it on his own terms (telling the truth about the video, being with Simon, even if it means keeping August’s secret), he has somewhat of a choice, bittersweet ending. In season 3… well, it looks like he’s doing what the crown says still… and then he finally realizes that he does have a choice. Sad ending? Nej! He finally gets his happy ending. He has come to terms that the can have a choice.
The second time around, just when we thought we were getting yet another sad ending or bittersweet ending like the previous seasons, it shifted. Plot twist, he’s getting out of the car. Of course there is a lot up in the air (was your first thought also literally “but Wille, you left your bag in the car! You don’t have a toothbrush! You don’t have a phone charger! You don’t have clean underwear!” or are you normal? I am not normal, I have anxiety about things like that), there are many things that will still need to be resolved after the credits roll, but… it felt right.
And of course there are things that got tied up and still felt a bit quick, and things that felt annoyingly left up in the air, but that was precisely what happened each season, things that felt like maybe would get properly addressed the next season, but that’s not how life works. Not everything gets resolved. And it feels a little sadder or more bitter because we’re not getting another season.
But we are. It’s playing in our heads right now. People are writing fanfiction about it. And I can’t wait to absorb it all.
I’m definitely watching the whole season again, and doing a play-by-play analysis like I did for season 2, because I love hyperanalyzing every detail of this show.
Can I just preliminarily warn that I will be gushing about Edvin and Omar, and Nikita and Frida and Malte, so so much? Because the second time watching season 3, I was in awe, true awe, of how good they have all gotten. I mean, they’ve all been incredible from day one, but I feel like there were nuances to their characters this season that highlighted so much how incredible they all are. Particularly my babies, Edvin and Omar, deserve all the awards. Can’t wait to see everything they do.
I will miss them with all my soul. But I don’t have to let go of them yet.
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aajjks · 2 years
FUCK! (M) [Masterlist]
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synopsis. You hated your roommate but he had the biggest crush on you, fuck.
pairing: fboy!jk x fem!reader
genre: f2l, e2l, roommates au, fboy au (wow so many cliches), comedy au, mature themes, bad language, sex jokes.
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warnings. mature, explicit language, future explicit content, sex jokes, cringey behaviour, embarrassing jk, his fboy tendencies are wild, superwoman yn, fluff, comedy, angst. A whole fuckin rollercoaster ride.
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chapter index.
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©aajjks 2022-23. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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makeste · 9 months
BnHA Chapter 410: Kacchan Fights a Baby
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was born and then he grew up and murdered the Demon Lord.
Today on BnHA: Kacchan fights a baby. Tomura and Deku finally remember that they were supposed to have been fighting too this entire time, and get on with that once again. Tomura is all, “[literally just reaches out and grabs Deku’s face because Deku’s main character powers suddenly abandoned him in a fit of confusion].” Deku is all, “[chops off Tomura’s fingers which is somehow not even in the top twenty of violent things that have happened in this series in just the last five chapters].” Tomura is all “joke’s on you I still got your quirk :D” and fuck me he actually stole Danger Sense, what the fuck.
logically I knew AFO still had to be alive somehow because he’s too big of a villain to go out that easily without a proper sendoff. but deep in my heart, I’m still secretly disappointed
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it just isn’t fair, lol. this guy has died more times than Rasputin and he’s still out here scheming his schemey schemes. when oh when will it end
sir you did not just say you had yet ANOTHER unused trump card up your sleeve??
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(ETA: the translation isn’t fully clear here, but I think the trump card he’s referring to is the whole “I’ll just go back inside him and join the part of me that was already in there and we’ll take over Tomura’s body again together” plan that he was trying to pull off. I think. if not though, that’s certainly something worth speculating about.)
well as always the psychology in this series is unironically fascinating! he just wants acknowledgement at the end of the day, huh. just wants some love and attention. too bad he was born in a rat-infested hellscape and learned all the wrong lessons and turned into a crazed omnipotent murderlad
also he really did turn back into a baby sdfsdlkjfl oh no. I need to see Katsuki’s reaction to this immediately
oh my lord
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lmao this is so incredibly fucked up
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ngl though, this is karma at its finest. he tortured and killed so many people trying to earn everyone’s fear and awe and reverence, only to literally blip out of existence at the end with absolutely nothing to show for it
everyone please enjoy this series of panels of a deeply vexed Bakugou Katsuki picking a fight with this slowly melting evil baby
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“you think I care that you’re a baby now. you think I won’t fight a fuckin’ baby. let’s do this you little punk”
also I’m sorry but it’s absolutely ridiculous that the gigantic chest wound Tomura inflicted on him got sewed up so neatly lol. AFO’s not the only one who stubbornly refuses to die no matter what
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just once, it would be nice if Horikoshi didn’t immediately shred my plot nitpicks to pieces mere seconds after I write them
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me: wow it sure is uncharacteristic of Katsuki to just pass out before he properly wraps up this battle
Horikoshi: oh yeah good point, sure would be a shame if someone... IMMEDIATELY ADDRESSED THAT CONCERN ON THE VERY NEXT PAGE
me: ఠ_ఠ
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holy fucking shit. his body was all “um, just a quick reminder that you’re HORRIBLY WOUNDED and have lost like ten gallons of blood and all of your cells are about to call an emergency meeting to shut this thing down before you get us all killed.” and he was all “WHAT WAS THAT?!” and his body was all “oh my GOD, FUCK, OKAY just forget we said anything”
and meanwhile Baby AFO is just lying there all “(◉⌓◉)”
this six-month-old child is truly and sincerely still trying to kill Kacchan while screeching death threats in high-pitched baby talk
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this actually would have killed him too, if he’d succeeded in passing out. all that just to be punk’d by a damn baby
you are actually shitting me right now
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at this point I’m genuinely not sure which of them has the more powerful angry toddler energy
oh no ffuffkdsfk
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meeeeelting. meeeeeeltiiiiiing!!! oh what a world what a world
jesus Horikoshi I am genuinely speechless
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... welp
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-- lkjf
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three times. three times in the same fucking chapter. I give up. apparently I’ll literally believe anything this man says. does it feel good, Horikoshi. preying on your readers’ hopeful naivete
yeefuckinghaw lmao
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I actually had a theory about this! well more of a wishlist item, really. I can’t remember if I’ve actually posted about it yet or not. but it’s like. you know how Deku and Kacchan are always being really dramatic about holding hands? wanting to hold hands; not wanting to hold hands; being afraid to hold hands; holding hands via proxy, etc. etc.?
and you know how both Endeavor and All Might have each done their own version of the victory pose that Kacchan is referring to here? with each one using a different hand?
so you see, I was thinking that it might be nice. might be a little poetic and all that. if at the end of the fight, Deku and Kacchan did, in fact, hold hands. and then did the victory pose together. and it became like their iconic hero moment. them standing there together. having accomplished their goal and defeated TomurAFO through teamwork. realizing their shared childhood dream. and sharing that moment of triumph with each other and with the world, ushering in a new era of heroes
anyway yeah. I was thinking that might be a pretty good ending. but it looks like Kacchan maybe really is about to pass out here now, lol, so maybe not? anyways time to finally scroll down
-- okay I literally said awww again out loud
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what a fucking nerd. I have never felt more fondness for a character in my life
every damn person watching this on the news better have leaped to their feet and started applauding, goddammit. those motherfuckers better be CHANTING HIS FUCKING NAME. all those nagging reporters better be bombarding his phone with calls. those fuckers who deleted his footage from the Shouto interview better be shamelessly leaving him dozens of voicemails acting like none of that ever happened and presumptuously asking when he can free some time in his schedule to visit their studio again. all the heroes who haven’t hugged him yet better be lining the fuck up. that one guy from the post-kidnapping press conference in chapter 86 better be writing a fifty page letter of apology!!
oh hey it’s a random pre-battle flashback mysteriously taking place in Troy “a few days before the battle” even though I thought they only moved into that place the night before the fight
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I love how Katsuki immediately narrows his eyes (I assume. we can’t see for sure but that’s the vibe I get) at Jeanist and has to resist the urge to call the police on him for that pun
so Hadou’s wondering what Jeanist is talking about because they already evacuated the civilians, so what else are they trying to protect. and Edgeshot is all, “well obviously we’ve gotta protect everyone’s future,” which is a nice... rearshadowing?? for him saving Katsuki’s life later on lol
and now Mirko is all “get to the fucking point already.” which, same
so Jeanist says that Tomura is an even bigger problem than AFO, because at least AFO doesn’t want to murder everyone on the entire planet. and he concludes with “he’ll probably try to touch the ground and use his quirk.” which is a conclusion that I have to say wasn’t really worth two pages of flashback buildup for, considering that we all figured that out years ago
I’m guessing this is all just some sort of awkward transition back to Deku’s fight now lol
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and now we’re getting two pages of exposition on how long it would theoretically take Tomura’s Decay to spread throughout the city, and then the entire country, yikes
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damn. talk about stakes
and now finally back to Deku!!
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shoutout to everyone who correctly predicted that Deku was once again talking out of his ass when it came to being out of Gearshifts. we all knew. unlimited supply
wow Tomura way to throw AFO under the bus
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the way I recall it, AFO wasn’t the one who failed to kill him back then lol. but go ahead and talk your shit king
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holy shit?!?!
like my first thought was “well last time he did this he just tried to steal OFA rather than Decay him, so he’ll probably try that again and it’ll be fine.” only to remember that the AFO inside Tomura is currently permanently(?) out to lunch, and Tomura himself doesn’t give two figs about stealing OFA. so, uhhhh >_>
(ETA: nevermind.)
but then this happened
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Deku what the actual fuck
OH MY GOD??!?!
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okay. okay, fuck. lemme gather up my thoughts, and then we’ll wrap this up
they’ll never admit it, but you know the other OFA Vestiges secretly resented Shino a tiny bit for being the only one of them to not be gruesomely murdered. bet they all feel guilty for thinking that now
Shino and Banjou also seemed to have this cute little pseudo-rivalry thing going on, so I really feel bad for Banjou now. :/ he looks so horrified in that bottom right panel
gotta admit, I did not see this coming in the slightest. OFA has been this immutable “I do what I want!” quirk for so long that I never thought Tomura or AFO would actually succeed in stealing it, even partially. that shook me to my core
BUT, it’s also really exciting to me because it’s going to make this battle much more interesting if Deku can’t use his get out of jail free card. shit just got way more real and I’m here for it
lastly, so! let me tell you guys my prediction. I still can’t see Tomura being the final villain lol. I just can’t. it feels too anticlimactic. if I’m wrong, I’m wrong, and I’ve certainly botched MANY predictions in the past, but I have not yet learned my lesson from any of it and I will not apologize lol
so here’s what I think. Deku and Tomura battle it out for the next chapter or two, and Tomura snatches up more of Deku’s quirks one by one. we see all of the Vestiges disappearing and the mood gets more and more desperate. eventually we’re down to just Kudou and Yoichi. Deku is panicking, but for some reason Kudou seems even MORE panicked
Kudou/Gearshift eventually gets stolen too, and it looks like this might finally be it for Deku (I have no idea how he’d stop Tomura from Decaying the ground once Blackwhip gets stolen, btw, but maybe Katsuki or someone else interferes in desperation towards the end). but just when it looks like Tomura is finally going to take the last piece of OFA, Deku’s vibes suddenly do a 180, stopping Tomura in his tracks
cut to the OFA Moon Gorgeous Meditation Realm, where Deku and Yoichi are staring at the door -- yes, that door -- in shock. because it’s finally been opened (now that the other Vestiges are no longer there to keep it at bay). and just like that, enter AFO, for the THIRD FUCKING TIME :D :D
tl;dr, HERE’S HOW HORCRUX!DEKU CAN STILL HAPPEN!!! wait where are you all going. wait come back
anyway so wow that was a really bizarre chapter that I truly thoroughly enjoyed, which should probably be a bit concerning. on to the next two week break! (for anyone who’s not aware, Shounen Jump will be on break next week, so yeah.) I’m on chapter 391 now. so close but still so far. the end of the year has gone by too damn fast tbh
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armoricaroyalty · 1 month
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Morley Cottage was the final test for prospective new members of the royal family, simultaneously a beloved familial retreat and a blood-soaking proving ground where ‘suitability’ was formally assessed. Frederick spoke of the moldering old house often, golden-tinged nostalgia dressed up as gripes about frigid showers and forced togetherness. He had no idea about the impending divorce and Emily didn’t want to be the one to tell him.
It was more than six hours from the capital to Morley. A lengthy car ride up the coast, a ferry across the channel, an hour’s drive inland. Frederick insisted that they make the whole journey by land and by sea. Tradition, he’d said, and although he’d spoken in the same dour tone he’d used to lay out his grievances about the antique boiler and the interminable family meals, he’d been grinning. He was excited to bring her there, excited to share this part of himself, his family, and his childhood with her.
Sitting beside him in the car, listening to him chattering obliviously, she wanted to throw up.
Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Next
author's note: Thank you to @sirianasims and @hannahssimblr for the help choosing screenshots for this post, I really appreciate it!
Transcript under the cut.
Elise, alone in the sitting room at Morley Cottage, stares morosely at a display of family pictures. She hears noises outside, where two of her children have arrived with their romantic partners in tow. FREDERICK | ...seriously? ROSALIND | What? FREDERICK | You brought her with you? Are you insane? ROSALIND | [ sighs ] Hello Frederick. MARY | Hey Freddy. How was your drive? FREDERICK | Yeah. Hi. Great. Good to see you, Mare. FREDERICK | Roz...aren't you in enough trouble already? She wasn't invited, Dad's going to be pissed. ROSALIND | Dad can get over it. I invited her, and she's not going anywhere. FREDERICK | No ring, no bring. That's always been the rule! ROSALIND | [ offscreen ] I'm not going to argue with you, Freddy. FREDERICK | [ offscreen ] Yeah, because you know I'm right! It had been years since they had all lived under the same roof, but Frederick and Rosalind were still keenly attuned to their mother. When Elise emerged from within the old house, they fell silent at once, their argument temporarily forgotten. The Queen was dressed entirely in gray. The one spot of brightness on her person was the diamond engagement ring the King had given her thirty years before, which flashed like cold fire even in the thin light of an overcast February afternoon. To Emily's eyes, she looked ol: thin and tired, pale and gray as smoke, her gaunt face a mask of exhaustion. When she spoke, her voice was hoarse. ELISE | All of you, keep it down. Your father's resting. [ sighs ] Hello, Mary. MARY | Your Majesty, I'm sorry I've turned up unannounced. I hope it's not a major inconvenience. ELISE | [ sighs [ Stand up. You know we don't bother with protocol on vacation. ELISE | ...I think it's for the best that you're here. ELISE | Come on inside, then. ROSALIND | ...did you say Dad was already here? ELISE | [ sighs ] I said he's resting, Roz. You'll see him at dinner. ROSALIND | Well, when's dinner? I need to talk to him before then... EMILY | [ quietly ] Hey...I need to tell yo something. MARY | [ quietly ] Hm? EMILY | [ quietly ] I need your advice. MARY | [ quietly ] Why? What's up? EMILY | [ quietly ] No, not here! Inside! MARY | Wow, must be some secret. EMILY | You have no idea...
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diorsluv · 9 months
feather , part 12
“ after this, an afterthought ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by colecaufield, adamfantilli, trevorzegras, and 25,037 others
yourusername yes he actually said that to me, and yes those are the first six songs of the playlist he made me 🙄
tagged: bookerburke_
view all comments
bookerburke_ HEY i’m from texas 😔 AND YOU TOLD ME YOU LIKED THE PLAYLIST
→ yourusername and i love the playlist but it’s a bit bipolar don’t you think?? 😭
username51 i think this is ur sign to break up with him!
lhughes_06 doesn’t like hockey? could never be me fr
→ colecaufield fr
→ edwards.73 fr
→ luca.fantilli fr
→ jamie.drysdale fr
→ adamfantilli fr
→ _quinnhughes fr
→ jackhughes fr
→ mackie.samo fr
→ markestapa fr
→ trevorzegras fr
→ dylanduke25 fr
→ _alexturcotte fr
→ rutgermcgroarty fr
→ yourusername oh. my. god.
adamfantilli apple music’s better fr
→ yourusername you’re actually a menace
→ luca.fantilli 🍎🎶🔛🔝
→ yourusername you both make me feel sick to my stomach
_alexturcotte as long as he’s nice to you and makes you happy..
→ username97 he’s officially going insane
jamie.drysdale i think i’m obligated to be protective over you and that comes with my sweet sweet threats
→ yourusername you say this NOW????
→ trevorzegras yeah me too
→ _quinnhughes uh huh me too
→ jackhughes mhm me too
→ colecaufield and of course me too
→ _alexturcotte yup me too
→ yourusername okay what is wrong with all of you
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liked by luca.fantilli, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, and 61,836 others
yourusername dyl shaped the little heart ☹️ also WE BARE BEARS!
jackhughes i was the one that got you into we bare bears
→ yourusername ICE BEAR ❤️❤️❤️❤️
→ _quinnhughes you two were insufferable that whole summer
→ yourusername well you and luke refused to buy the panda onesie so what were we supposed to do 🙄 _quinnhughes
username77 they finally went skating at the pondddd
dylanduke25 yes i made the heart! did you know that as a verb, heart means feelings of care or affection towards another person beyond the level of 'like', but not quite 'love'
→ yourusername i thought you got over your whole urban dictionary thing 😔😔
→ dylanduke25 i heart urban dictionary
bookeburke_ was skating fun?
→ yourusername it was really fun!! BUT WHY DO YOU CARE since you don’t like hockey 😕
→ bookerburke_ I’M SORRY imy
→ yourusername imyt 🙄🙄
→ username61 ew gross gag barf
username74 how long has it been since they started dating anyway
→ username84 like probably 3 or 4 months?
→ username57 she needs to ESCAPEEE
→ username16 it’s been way too long
→ yourusername BET
mackie.samo aw you should’ve posted our snow angels
→ dylanduke25 bro urs looked like a snow demon
→ edwards.73 snow got into my underwear 💀
→ yourusername you’re so right i should’ve
_quinnhughes gingerbread houses tmrw no excuses or else ur stupid
→ yourusername wow this is the nicest you’ve ever been to me 😱
username4 i love her relationship with them it’s so cute 🥹🥹
next chapter notes ) i was on the grind and now i’m not.. i need to get the motivation back and then i’ll be pushing out these chapters in no time and also the timeline of the little reader x male!oc’s relationship is a little iffy (one of the many many plotholes) so just pretend like all the act ii chapters are spread out between multiple months
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot
272 notes · View notes
mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{13} - Morning Mist - Yandere!Dragon!Ateez X Chubby!Reader
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Yandere AU & Dragon AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Jongho)
Words: 5,900
Warnings: Past trauma discussed: torture and imprisonment, scars, death, violence, a lot of angst but with a happy ending. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Wow, it's really been a whole ass month since I've updated this series. Lmaooo whoops! Anyways, I really hope you all enjoy this chapter, I've got a lot more planned coming up as the following parts will really focus on the development of OC's relationships with all of the guys. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I do not do tag lists.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve - Mini Masterlist
It’s early that same evening when eight dragons sense a somewhat familiar presence getting closer to their own nest. Focussing in, they soon realize that there are actually two.
Stepping out of their home, all of the Halas (minus Jongho who currently sits on the roof), stare up at the two Neos who descend into their yard. Both dragons are blue in colour, though one is quite a lighter shade than the other. The darker of the two is slightly bigger, but the smaller radiates more of an air of intimidation. A moment later, they discover why.
Landing gracefully on the grass, both Jeno and Renjun appear before the eight Halas.
“Sorry to intrude like this,” Renjun begins, dusting off the front of his pants lightly.
“How did you find us?” It’s Yeosang that asks, brow furrowing slightly as he stares at the Neos.
“Is everything okay?” Immediately, Jongho hops down from the roof, worry clear in his eyes.
“Everything’s fine, don’t worry.” Jeno smiles at him faintly, and he watches as the youngest Hala’s shoulders relax. “You would have heard us roar if something had happened.”
“To answer your question,” Renjun shifts his gaze to Yeosang, “It was easy to find you. You guys don’t really hide your scents as well as you think.”
Hongjoong, San, and Mingi all purse their lips slightly at this, a minor furrow to their brows.
“Why are you here?” It’s Seonghwa who says it, but his tone isn’t as sharp as the Neos are used to. Instead, it holds a genuine curiosity as the eldest Hala crosses his arms over his chest.
“Well, I was sent here to collect a certain dragon.” Renjun says, before motioning to Jeno with a jerk of his head. “Her cub just wanted to ‘tag along’.”
At this, more than a few eyebrows raise.
“I came to make sure you don’t butcher her offer.” Jeno huffs, a roll to his eyes. “You make it sound like you’re here to bring back one of their heads on a spike.”
“Offer?” This catches Wooyoung’s attention, his entire demeanour perking up instantly.
“Who?” San doesn’t even attempt to hide the eagerness in his voice.
Both Renjun and Jeno spare a glance at one another out of the corner of their eyes before their gazes are shifting onto the youngest Hala standing across from them.
“Him.” Renjun jerks his chin in Jongho’s direction.
The younger male cannot help but stand a little straighter in his spot, heart racing in his chest. You sent for him?
“What about?” Yunho does his best to ask the question casually, but his feigned disinterest only serves to make the slight desperation in his voice all the clearer.
“That’s between him and her.” Renjun replies, a mild shrug to his shoulders as he turns back around. “She’ll be waiting.”
“Wait!” It’s the youngest’s voice that has Renjun halting right in his tracks for the moment. As soon as Jongho sees the Neo spare a glance over his shoulder, he’s continuing, “where can I find her?”
The corner of Renjun’s lips quirks upward before turning back around and taking off into the evening sky.
Jeno lets out a sigh, shaking his head. He meets Jongho’s gaze. “Let the lights guide you home.”
In the blink of an eye, Jeno has shifted and taken off into the air, following closely behind Renjun without another word.
All Halas turn to look at their youngest.
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” Mingi frowns, arms crossing over his chest.
“Don’t worry about it.” Jongho breathes, blinking after the two retreating dragons as he attempts to wrap his head around this turn of events.
You want to see him? He can still hardly believe it.
Before any more of his brothers can say another word, Jongho is taking off into the evening sky. The faintest hues of pink and orange begin to dust the clouds as the sun begins to set, warming the earth with its final rays. The way his golden scales glint in the fading light is synonymous with the way that his tail eagerly flicks back and forth through the air, cutting through the sky with a newfound purpose as he flies towards you.
It takes Jongho all of three minutes to reach that little special clearing on the edge of the cliff. He sees you just through the thicket of the trees, that small tower of stones resting beside you as you sit on the ground. The way he can feel your eyes on him, tracking his every movement has a pleasant shiver caressing his spine.
He circles lower.
If he’s being honest with himself, Jongho is a little cautious of flying directly into that clearing. You told him the last time he found you here that you only allow people that you have granted permission access to step foot on such a sacred part of your territory. He’d really rather not run smack into that invisible wall again.
Then, as if you’ve read his every thought, you chuckle.
“You may land, you know.” You smile softly as you stand to your feet. “I would not send for you to join me here if I haven’t already granted you permission to set foot inside this circle.”
Jongho’s breath catches in his throat, and he bets more than anything that you’ve heard his reaction loud and clear. So badly does he want to let out a rumble of content, but he feels as if it might be too much for the moment. He simply does not want to read into this more than is necessary. Yet, with everything that you’ve told him so far, he cannot help but do just that.
You called for him. You wanted to see him. 
That alone gives him more hope than you could ever imagine.
Gliding towards that small opening on the side of the cliff, Jongho can still feel your eyes on him. The sensation of having your gaze roam over his true form is unlike any other, and for the first time, he senses that you are taking your time to memorize every detail. He simply hopes that you are as mesmerized by him as he is always mesmerized by you.
With his heart soaring in his chest, Jongho stretches his wings as far as they will go while he comes in for his landing. He purposely puts himself on display, fanning his crown as his tail flicks behind him. The way the light of the setting sun catches on his scales, illuminating the clearing with little iridescent reflections of golden hues has him preening proudly as he shakes out his muzzle.
The feeling of your eyes on him is like no other. That soft smile is still on your features as you stand with your arms gently supporting one another by the elbows. Your cloak rests open over your shoulders and as soon as he shifts back into his human form, you begin to take a few steps towards him. Only, Jongho cannot shake that brief look of longing that crossed your features for a moment.
Why did you just look so sad?
Closing the distance between your two bodies, you come to stand directly before him. Slowly, you take his hands in your own, staring deeply into his eyes.
He swallows thickly, doing whatever he can to keep his body from physically trembling while being held in your touch. “You wanted to see me?”
“I did.” You confirm, a slight nod to your head. “I’m glad you came.”
Jongho nearly hums at your words. “I will always come when you call for me.”
You motion for him to join you near the edge of the cliff, sitting down so that your legs are dangling off of the side. “I desired to speak with you.”
The pleased rumble that escapes him could not have been smothered, even if he tried. “About?”
“I have come to a few realizations over the past day, and there are some things I would like to share with you now.” You say, staring out over the valley as you continue to watch the sun set before you. “If this is to continue between us, then you have a right to know. I want you to know.”
Jongho wishes he could deny the way his breath catches once more in his throat. Slowly, he sits beside you on the edge of the cliff, feeling as if his heart is about to beat right out of his chest.
“I am not promising you anything, Jongho.” You turn to look directly into his eyes as you say this. “I cannot. That does not mean that I am not beginning to trust you. If you are as serious about me, about us as you say you are, then I need you to listen to what I am about to tell you. I need you to understand.”
His expression softens, and he has to prevent himself from reaching out and grabbing your hand in his own. Still, he turns towards you, giving you his full and undivided attention.
“I understand.” His voice is low, eyes flitting over your every feature and committing this moment to memory for years to come. The way the sunlight dances across every inch of your figure makes you glow, a warmth flooding his veins the longer he stares at you.
“You continue to prove yourself to me every day that I know you,” you continue, a slight tremble to your voice. “I think it’s only fair you finally get to know some things about me in return.”
“Please, only tell me if you’re comfortable telling me.” He says, a hint of concern in his gaze. “If you’re not ready, don’t force yourself. I can wait.”
“See,” you smile reassuringly, but he’s unsure if it’s more for yourself or for him at the moment, “You just did it again.”
“Did what?” He blinks at you.
“Proved you’re ready to hear what I am about to say.” The corner of your lips twitch upwards, and Jongho notices a few fireflies beginning to float around the area, dancing lightly around your head.
A brief silence settles over the both of you as he waits for you to speak. That is, until you’re letting out a low sigh.
“These are not easy subjects for me to discuss with anyone. Only my closest friends know these specific details about me, so I apologize in advance if it takes me longer to voice certain thoughts over others right now.” You say, shifting your gaze out toward the setting sun. “The chat I had with your brother last night made me realize that it wouldn’t be so bad if you knew some things, too.”
“Take all the time you need,” he gently assures you, his fingers twitching lightly as he rests his palm in the grass between the two of you. “I’m right here.”
He notices you swallow thickly, your hands resting in your lap clinging onto one another as your fingers nervously wring together. This is the most anxious he’s ever seen you, and his heart aches not knowing what he can do to make it better. The urge to pull you into his arms and whisper sweet nothings into your ears is strong, but he holds himself back for now.
Taking a deep breath, your mouth parts, only to close a moment later. Then, you exhale through your nose, shutting your eyes briefly as you steel your nerves.
“I will start with the easier admissions first,” you begin, “But everything I admit to you this evening does not leave this clearing.”
“I would never betray your trust like that.” Jongho replies instantly, nothing but the deepest sincerity shining within his gaze.
A firm nod from you is all the confirmation he needs that you believe him.
Again, you sigh.
“I understand that you and your brothers perceive myself along the likes of the ancients.” You breathe. “You would be correct.”
Jongho blinks in shock.
“Though I am no ancient, I was raised by one.” You tell him. “My father is one of the oldest of the original dragons still alive to this day. Other than my Uncle Ken, of course. He has power unlike anything you could believe, and it has been ingrained in me to be as strong as he is ever since I was small.”
“My mother was a powerful witch.” A slight purse to your lips. “I never met her, for she died during childbirth. My father loved her deeply, and was devastated when he lost her. Every time he looked at me, all he could see was her face, and how he failed her.”
Jongho swallows thickly, already not liking where this seems to be going.
“My Uncle Ken raised me for the first ten years of my life. I thought he was my actual father for a time, for he always treated me better than my biological one.” You huff out a dry laugh. “My father couldn’t bear the grief that came with seeing me, so he gave me away to his best friend. It wasn’t until he learnt I could summon the same powers as my mother that he finally made his presence known in my life.”
The growl Jongho has to suppress nearly chokes him, a deep hatred already blooming in his chest for your father. How could anyone not want you, let alone your own flesh and blood? 
“I thought he wanted nothing to do with me after I found out,” you scoff lightly. “Imagine a twelve year old finally being told the truth.”
He has to keep himself from shaking, but still, he remains quiet.
“My training started after that.” You lean back onto your hands, looking upwards into the darkening sky as those fireflies float lethargically around your head. “I was sent to survive on my own in the wilderness. I nearly died eleven times in the first week, were it not for my Uncle Ken.”
Jongho’s jaw clenches, biting his tongue before he says something he might come to regret.
“I was young, and I didn’t know anything about survival. Hell, I didn’t even know I was a dragon at this point yet. My Uncle wanted me to live as normally as possible for as long as I could before subjecting me to certain types of magic.” You swallow. “I learned everything there was about this earth before I was fifteen, and I knew how to wield every type of weapon by the time I was twenty.”
“You were a child.” He seethes, eyes swirling with a deep golden hue.
“I was a prodigy.” You finally turn to meet Jongho’s gaze. “After all, my father had a reputation to uphold.”
“That’s despicable,” Jongho’s frown is prominent, smoke escaping him with every exhale.
“The past is passed, Young One. I’m not going to change it now.” You sigh.
“That doesn’t mean what you went through is okay.” His chest heaves with every breath. “It doesn’t make it okay.”
“I know it doesn’t.” You nod in agreement. “Remember, I am telling you this so you can understand.”
Again, Jongho bites his tongue.
“My father was adamant on me learning physical defence before ever properly training my magic. He believed that my powers should only be used as a last resort since they could destroy anyone in the blink of an eye.” You go on to say. “I realize now he only trained me the way he did because he was always scared of what I could become.”
“Scared?” Jongho’s brow furrows.
“You see, Jongho,” you chuckle, “because of the anomaly my entire existence centres around, I am potentially even more powerful than my father.”
You swear he stops breathing.
Taking a deep breath, you sit back upright.
“Do you recall what I told you the last time we were both in this clearing?” You ask, not even bothering to spare him a glance out of the corner of your eyes. “About My Cubs?”
A brief memory flashes within his mind as he nods.
“I told you that my father ensured I could never have ones of my own.” You continue. “Do you know why that is?”
He shakes his head.
“Other than the fact that my own children could potentially be more powerful than me, my father has never gotten over my mother’s death. He has blamed me for it every moment of my existence.” You tell him. “However, that did not stop him from developing a twisted sense of love towards me. He took away my ability to have hatchlings of my own to ensure I never incurred the same fate as my mother. I am the last living attachment he has of her, so he will do whatever he can to ensure my safety now. It’s why my training only got harder after what happened with Daisy.”
A moment’s pause before Jongho asks, voice soft and barely above a whisper, “what happened with Daisy?”
The way you instantly curl in on yourself does not go unnoticed by him. Your hands grip at the sides of your cloak, pulling it tighter around your body as you look down for the moment.
“Are you familiar with the S’ber Hunters?” Your voice is much quieter than it was before, blinking blankly at the valley before you.
“The ones that are always hunting for the ancients?” He frowns, attempting to wrap his head around what they have to do with anything. “I’ve heard that they haven’t been seen on this side of the fjord for almost fifty years.”
“There’s a reason for that.” You shift your gaze to him, and he notices tears beginning to gather in the corners.
“What did they do?” His heart pounds, already fearing the worst.
Your lips purse for a good thirty seconds, chin beginning to wobble as you attempt to control your emotions. Only, the second you go to speak a choked sob tears from your throat.
“They took her.” Your voice is no more than a mere whisper, words strained as you take an unsteady breath in. “They killed My Daisy right in front of me.”
Your eyes squeeze shut as you cover your mouth with one of your hands. A vicious sob wracks your entire body, and Jongho instantly goes to place a comforting hand onto your back. Only, before he can so much as graze your skin, he stops himself. 
Slowly, he shifts closer, reaching over to grab your free hand in his. 
Any and every comfort he can, he will offer to you. Even through something as small as this, he wants you to know that he is here for you. You are not alone, and he will be with you every step of the way.
“They killed her for loving me.” Your voice is rough as you sniffle, wiping away your tears for the moment. 
Yet, you do not pull your one hand away from his own.
“I had just-“ your breath hitches in your throat, more fireflies coming to float around the two of you as if to offer their silent support. A deep, shaky breath later, you continue, “I am sure you are aware of our marking rituals between imprinted.”
Jongho’s back straightens. “I am.”
“Her mark - my mark - was on full display when she went traversing through the village that day.” You close your eyes, as if the visions are coming back to haunt your memories once again. “They followed her home and ambushed us. I begged her to deny their accusations of loving me. They would have let her go free if she did.” Your eyes blink open, more tears spilling onto your cheeks as you force a strained smile onto your lips. “She didn’t.”
His expression falls, hand squeezing yours tightly as his heart absolutely aches for you.
“My Daisy fought up until the very end. She was so brave, yet I couldn’t save her,” a broken sob tears from your throat as your whole body begins to shake. “I was still so young, and so weak.”
“I was.” You cut him off. “I had been neglecting my training, and I couldn’t sense them creeping in around us. They caught me with iron before I could react, and all I could do was watch as the love of my life bled out before me.”
Again, Jongho shifts closer, placing his one hand overtop of your own still held in his other.
“S’ber Hunters are ruthless. They kill anyone who associates with dragons, but they never kill the dragon.” You shake your head slightly. “No. They do something much worse.”
Sliding your hand from his grip, you meticulously roll up your sleeves. Extending your arms to him, you put your scars on full display. The light from the fireflies illuminate the faint lines raised in jagged peaks along your skin, the weight of those iron shackles still ever prominent despite them having long since been broken off.
Jongho’s eyes go wide, his chest rising and falling dramatically as he takes in the sight before him. Furious doesn’t even begin to describe him right now as he sees the scars lining your skin. Though, nothing could prepare him for the anger and guilt that he feels towards himself. How has he never noticed before?
Carefully, Jongho raises his hands to cup your forearms gently in his grip. His thumbs trace lightly over the raised tissue over your wrists, entire body trembling as he attempts to put a leash on his anger for the moment.
“I’ll kill them for touching you.” His voice is low, eyes the darkest you’ve ever seen from him.
You smile, somewhat tensely. “You’re a few hundred years too later.”
His gaze darts up to meet your own, his fingers tightening the slightest bit as he continues to hold your arms gently in his grip.
A moment of silence passes between you as he attempts to keep his whole body from trembling.
“How long?” Jongho cannot keep the fear out of his voice.
You manage to meet his gaze.
“Five hundred and two days.”
The way his eyes shine says it all. You can see the pain, the grief he holds for you. Yet, also the anger, and the concern, along with the growing need to comfort and protect you in every and any way that he can.
“It doesn’t matter what type of dragon you are. To them, we’re all the same.” Your voice is low, and you don’t realize how he grabs your hands back into his own. “To them, we all have connections to the ancients, and we all know where their nests are.”
There’s a part of him that wants to ask, but he’s scared. The thought of you telling him just what type of tortures you had to endure terrifies him because he wasn’t there to protect you. Knowing that you have suffered, and that he could do nothing about it, pains him more than you’ll ever know.
“The S’ber are smart.” You add. “Tell me, Jongho. How do you kill a dragon without taking away their life?”
He shakes his head, a single tear already beginning to trail down the side of his cheek.
“You go for their wings.”
The mere thought of what you had to endure suffocates his very soul. He clings onto you for dear life, squeezing your hands as an unbridled rage festers beneath his skin. This must be why you react so intensely whenever someone touches your back.
“Everyday they asked me where the nest was, and everyday I received a lash for not answering.” Your jaw begins to tremble. “They were smart, too. Keeping me locked up in the dark so I couldn’t tell what day it was, or how much time had passed. The only way I knew was through the lashings. Everyday they would add one to the tally, until they reached one hundred. Then, they would start all over. The scars littering my back still have never fully healed, and it took me years to be able to shift again. I honestly don’t even know what the state of my wings look like now. Not after-”
You cut your words short, lips clamping shut as if admitting to whatever you were about to is far worse than anything you’ve already said. He doesn’t push.
Instead, Jongho’s entire body trembles, golden eyes staring at you with nothing but concern on his features. Right now, comforting you is more important than any rage he feels festering within his soul. No wonder you keep yourself so guarded.
If he ever so much as catches a single whiff of one of these hunters, they’re dead.
“That wasn’t even the worst part, though.” Your eyes are blank as you stare at your hands. The way you can feel him looking at you has a tight smile pulling at your lips. “No, the worst part wasn’t the beatings. It wasn’t being in the dark, or not allowing myself to grieve for Daisy during all of that time. The worst part was knowing that I was alone. My father didn’t once come looking for me when I got captured. He immediately thought I was dead, and would have rather succumbed to his own grief than spare a hope I had survived somehow. It was My Neos who rescued me, but even they had some help.”
“Your own father didn’t even bother to look for you?” Jongho is this close to hunting this bastard down and frying him alive, ancient or not.
“No.” You shake your head. “It was my Uncle Ken that helped the Neos, and destroyed the S’ber hideout. There’s not but ash left. Ash and memory.”
Jongho’s eyes flash, his whole body stilling as realization washes over him. A second later, and each breath he begins to release boarders on a feral snarl.
“My brothers,” his eyes are wide, a crazed gleam shining within, “they compared you to the likes of them. They ruthlessly compared you to the people who hurt you the most without a second thought.”
His fangs elongate, the air spiking with electricity. 
Jongho sees red.
“They didn’t know.” You reply, much calmer than anything he could ever expect. As if you’re used to this type of reaction from people.
“That’s still no fucking excuse for comparing you to those beasts.” He snarls, pulling away from you for a moment as his claws extend.
The last thing he wants is to hurt you, or to scare you away. You’ve already extended more trust to him this evening than he could have ever hoped for. Like hell is he going to damage that, or make you regret telling him all of this.
“You understand why My Neos and I react the way we do now?” You state, meeting his gaze which flashes with the heat of his fury. “Why that promise I made to My Daisy is so important to me? Why I do not allow true hunters into my village anymore?”
Jongho blinks, digging his claws into the dry earth beneath him to ground him for the moment. “I do.”
“Good.” You nod once, wiping at your lingering tears with the back of your hand. “Then, I have one final thing to tell you.”
You go on to tell him the exact same thing about the prophecy as you told Seonghwa last night. The way Jongho remains quiet through it all has you watching him carefully. Every minuscule movement of his brow, every twitch of his jaw, you see, gaze calculating and calm.
“I despise your father.” He spits, rather harshly as a scowl tugs at his features.
This causes you to chuckle. “You, me, and all of My Neos. I’m pretty sure my Uncle Ken has started resenting him a long time ago, too.”
“If I ever meet him, I’m going to kill him for what he put you through.” Jongho turns to meet your eyes, nothing but the deepest form of sincerity shining within his electric gaze.
“I haven’t seen my father in over twenty years, and I’d like to keep it that way.” You say, and you feel the faintest of touches brush over your cheek in comfort. For a moment, you believe it to be Daisy, so you think nothing of it to lean into such a touch. However, at the warmth you feel remaining pressed against your cheek, a thumb tenderly stroking over your skin, you realize that that is not the case.
“I am deeply sorry, My Light, that you have experienced such hardships, and that I have not been there to protect you from them.” His voice is low, cupping your face gently in the palm of his hand. “I swear to you that I will never let anything hurt you again. Not as long as I am here to watch over you. I will never go back on my promise. You mean too much to me.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Jongho.” You gently place your hand over his own on your cheek, and he thinks you’re about to pull it away. However, the moment your eyes flutter shut, you leaning even more into his touch, he knows that that’s not the case. “I cannot tell you what happened to me fifty years ago yet, for the wounds are still all too fresh in my heart. I cannot promise you that this will be easy, either.”
A lone firefly lands atop the back of your hand, the subtle glow illuminating the side of your face in the dark of the night.
“I have denied most, if not all dragons who have imprinted on me in that time because I could not bring myself to love again.” You admit, a single tear cascading down your cheek. He’s quick to wipe it away, holding his breath as he waits for you to continue. “However,” that single word has his heart stuttering with hope in his chest, “I am willing to try again.”
Jongho swears that he stops breathing. Your words have filled him with such an unbelievable sense of warmth that radiates outwards from his chest, flooding his veins with every breath he takes, that he cannot help but shed a few tears of his own. Nothing but pure and utter happiness sparks through his soul, his hands beginning to shake as he holds you in his embrace.
He doesn’t even realize that his tail has emerged until he physically draws you in closer to his body. The way your eyes widen the slightest bit, a faint amount of amusement dancing behind your orbs says it all.
He goes to retract his tail, cheeks warming beneath your gaze. “Sorry.”
You smile at him faintly, allowing your thumb to lightly trace over the back of his hand still cupping your cheek gently. “I don’t mind.”
Jongho freezes, your words washing over him. He can feel his heart leaping for joy inside his chest, his eyes searching your face for any hesitancy or uncertainty. When he finds none, he smiles.
His tail, which he had slowly been shifting away from your lower back is instantly around you once more. He pulls you closer to him, your one leg pressed right up against his own as the tip of his tail swishes happily over the skin of your one thigh. There is nothing more intimate to him than this moment, right here, right now, with you, and Jongho is going to revel in this euphoric feeling for as long as he can.
Again, he searches your gaze.
“Thank you,” he breathes, shifting impossibly closer, even if only the slightest bit. “For everything tonight. For trusting me with this. For giving me a chance to prove myself to you. For letting me love you, and continuing to let me love you despite it all.”
You opt to remain quiet for the moment, blinking at him lightly as you observe his every move. You don’t want to acknowledge how quickly your own heart is racing for the moment, but with each passing second, you find yourself melting even more into his touch.
Just what is this dragon doing to you?
“I won’t let you down.” He leans forward, resting his forehead against your own as a pleased rumble escapes his chest.
Jongho doesn’t even attempt to hide the way his hooded eyes continuously flick down to your lips. His tongue even darts out to wet his own, nuzzling the slightest bit against you as he draws you in closer with his tail.
“You are so beautiful,” his voice is a mere whisper, the ghost of his breath trailing against your lips with every word he speaks. A pleased rumble builds in his chest, “And strong.”
It’s almost as if he’s gone into a trance. A trance of which where all he can see is you.
“My Light,” he hums contently, “I do not wish to overstep,” he swallows, his throat bobbing with the movement, “but, please,” his eyes flick down to your lips once more before coming up to stare deeply into your eyes, “please, may I kiss you?”
Your own breath catches in your throat, and you cannot deny the way your heart skips a beat in your chest. It’s been so long since someone has asked you this, and you find that it feels just like the very first time with Daisy.
Softly, you smile. “You may.”
His lips are on yours without another moment of hesitation.
With everything that he is, Jongho pours his entire heart and soul into this kiss. He cups your cheeks gently with both of his hands, tail wrapped securely around your lower waist as he presses you against him. The way he can feel your own hands find purchase on his body has a pleased rumble building within his chest, tingles erupting beneath his skin wherever you touch.
All too soon, he pulls himself away, not wanting to overstep or make you uncomfortable. His eyes remain shut as he leans into you, pressing his forehead gently against your own once more.
“I love you, My Light.” Jongho breathes, golden eyes blinking open to stare deeply into your own.
The subtle pull of your lips upwards is nothing short of sweet, and the way he can hear your own heart racing inside of your chest has a warmth unlike any other spreading throughout his body. 
Jongho is used to the feeling of electricity flowing beneath his skin, but nothing could have prepared him for what your touch, your kiss does to him. Now, he only craves more, but even he knows not to push you any further tonight than you’re willing to go.
“Thank you for waiting,” your own voice is soft, tone gentle as you shift slightly so that your body is leaning against his.
“Always.” He hums, grasping your hand in his once more and intertwining your fingers together.
A small silence settles over the both of you now, comfortable and warm. Fireflies begin to dance around the clearing and over your heads, twinkling like the stars above. Both of you are more than content to bask in the other’s presence for the moment. 
The way you softly rest your head against his shoulder as you lean into him says it all.
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merrybloomwrites · 10 months
You Can Start a Family (Extra: Harry & Y/N First Time)
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Summary: The more detailed story of the first time Harry and Y/N have sex. It ended up being basically chapter 11 of the main story.
Previous Chapters:
Main Story: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine ; Ten
Sickfic Part 1 ; Part 2
Mitchrry Prequel
Fan Reactions
Holiday Blues
Word Count: 4K
CW: smut
Never in a million years did you think you would be spending the afternoon with your two boyfriends and girlfriend on a yacht in Italy. And yet, that’s exactly where you are. It’s been an absolutely wonderful day on the boat, but now you’re learning a slight downside.
Bathrooms on boats are small. You think that maybe on the bigger fancier yachts there might be full sized bathrooms, but that’s definitely not the case here. Which makes getting ready to go out to dinner a bit difficult.
You, Harry, Sarah, and Mitch, as well as Gemma and a few others are all scattered throughout the boat getting changed and freshening up since you’re going straight to a fancy dinner.
“Ow, dang it!” you exclaim as you bump your arm into the wall while trying to get your dress on.
A second later you hear a knock on the door. “You alright in there love?” Harry asks.
“Yea, no, I’m good! Just hit my arm trying to get into this dress.”
“Do you need help?”
“No no, I’ve got it.”  It’s quiet for a moment before Harry hears another bang followed by a quiet “oh come on”.  
“Can I please help you?” he asks again.
You finally admit defeat and say, “Okay, but I’m uh, not really wearing anything.”
“It’s just me out here, no one else will see you,” he says reassuringly.
You open the door and Harry pauses for a second, taken aback at the sight in front of him. You’re standing there in just your bra and panties, holding the dress in your hand. His mouth waters at your bare skin, and he thinks back to the night before when he watched Mitch slide into you. He immediately imagines himself in Mitch’s position, and all he wants is to take you to bed at that very moment.
But Harry is a gentleman. So he averts his gaze to the dress you’re holding and reaches out to take it from you.
“I’m not sure why I’m having trouble with it. I tried it on when I got it a couple weeks ago and it was fine,” you state.
Harry looks at it for a second before saying, “Well you didn’t unzip both zippers.”
“Both zippers?” you ask incredulously. “There’s more than one zipper? What the fuck?”
Harry laughs and says, “Yea one under each arm.”
“Wow I completely forgot about that. I feel dumb now.”
“Oh don’t say that, two zippers is kind of weird.”
Harry hands back the dress, and you slide it on easily now that he’s undone both zippers. He helps you zip them up as well, his hands trailing along your skin as he does so. His eyes meet yours and you reach out to cup his cheeks and pull him in for a kiss. You plan to keep it simple, unaware of how turned-on Harry is after seeing you in such little clothing a moment ago.
He deepens the kiss as he pulls you flush against him. You follow his lead and get lost in the feeling of him against you until you hear someone coming and step away.
“Don’t worry,” Sarah says. “It’s just us. Everyone else has left already.”
“The last car is waiting for the four of us,” Mitch adds.
“We’re alone on the boat?” Harry asks and the other two nod yes.
He kisses you one more time before walking over and kisses first Sarah, then Mitch. You get to share a kiss with each of them as well before finally heading out to the car.
You and Harry are next to each other in the back of the van while Mitch and Sarah are in the middle row. It’s a 20-minute drive and Harry seems to have decided that the best way to pass the time is kissing you. It’s not like you make out the whole way, but rather he surprises you with kisses throughout the ride. You’re admittedly a little worked up by the time you reach the destination.
At the restaurant Harrys sits on your right side and Gemma sits on your left. A few of Harry’s friends are directly across, and Mitch and Sarah are down at the other end of the table. It feels weird being so far from them.
You look over and catch Sarah’s eyes before sharing a soft smile with her.
“So, Y/N, Harry,” you turn to Gemma beside you as she says your name. “How long have you two been secretly dating?”
You let out a quiet laugh at how straightforward she is and Harry answers, “Officially I guess it’s been about 24 hours.”
“Wait, this is that new?”
“Yea, pretty new,” you reply. You take a moment to choose your words, landing on an honest explanation that will still hide some of the truth. “We hung out a bit when I was at the shows last month. And before I left we discussed maybe dating but that we wanted to wait until the tour ended.”
“You didn’t wait very long,” Gemma says with a laugh, her tone indicating that she’s teasing rather than judging.
“Well, she’s only here for the week, had to make a good impression with the little time I have,” Harry replies.
“And did he make a good impression? Where’d he take you on your date?”
“He uhm, well, he actually had a chef come to the house,” you answer a little hesitantly, knowing that’s not a date most people can afford.
Gemma smiles and you know she’s being genuine when she says, “That sounds lovely. I really am happy for the two of you. Harry, don’t mess this up.”
The conversation turns to other topics, and you all enjoy another delicious meal. Harry’s hand lingers on you throughout the entire dinner. He holds your hand until your dinner arrives and you need it to eat with, and then he places his on your knee. It’s something so small and yet so sweet that it has you feeling both cared for, and honestly, a little turned on. Especially on the rare moments when his hand slides just a bit higher on your leg. 
The four of you say good-bye to the rest of the group and load into the car to head to the villa. You’re again in the back with Harry who immediately places his hand on your thigh, higher than before, and the sudden contact causes you to gasp in surprise and desire. All the little touches from throughout the day have you on edge, and part of you wants to throw caution to the wind and straddle him right there in the car.
But you contain yourself. You place your hand on his thigh as well, mirroring his actions as he slides higher. His breathing picks up and you notice a slight bulge in his pants that wasn’t there before. You decide to get a little payback for all his teasing, and you move to lightly grip his hardening length over his clothes.
The choked gasp that Harry lets out catches Mitch and Sarah’s attention. They turn around and you see their eyes darken at the sight of you so gently working Harry up. He thrusts up chasing more friction and you pull completely away. Harry pouts and opens his eyes and seeing that they have an audience grounds him a bit. He knows they can do whatever they want in front of Mitch and Sarah, but there’s still the driver to think about, and so Harry focuses on taking some deep breaths.
You watch him as he does this, and you’re impressed at how well he can calm himself. You remember a time when Mitch and Sarah did everything they could to rile you up in the back of a van and there was no way you could center yourself as well as Harry just had. In fact, you’re probably in a worse state than he is at the moment. Luckily it’s a short drive and as you turn a corner you see the villa just ahead.
You all climb out of the car and thank the driver before turning to head inside. Harry keeps one hand on the small of your back as he unlocks the front door. There’s a charged energy surrounding the four of you as Harry leads you all to the bedroom.
Once in the room, you again wonder what to do, where to go. Going from three people to four is an adjustment and you know at some point you’ll all get into a rhythm, but as this is only the second time you’re all together, there’s still some hesitancy.
“Y/N,” Harry says, and you look at him. He continues, “I would very much like to have sex with you tonight, if that’s alright?”
The wording of his question seems so formal that you almost laugh, but then the meaning sinks in and laughing is the last thing you feel like doing. Harry wants you, wants to have sex with you, and you realize that there’s nothing you want more in than moment than to say yes.
You start to nod, and Harry gives you a look that you somehow understand means “use your words.”
“Yes, Harry, that’s alright with me. I want that too.”
With your clear consent given, Harry doesn’t waste a second. He walks forward, once again pulling you flush against him and leans down to press his lips against yours. It’s possibly the most intense kiss you’ve ever had, his mouth naturally dominating yours and you happily submit. It’s a freeing feeling, giving up control and trusting Harry to take care of you.
As his tongue slides against yours you swallow the whines that try to leave your mouth.
Sarah slides up behind you, placing her hands on your waist as she says, “Don’t hold back darling, let us hear you.” You roll your eyes, first in endeared annoyance at how well she can read you by now, and then in desire when her lips move to suck a love bit into your neck. The onslaught of sensations has you weak in the knees and you sink into Sarah who helps hold you up.
When you pull away to take a gasping breath you open your eyes and see Mitch mirroring Sarah by standing behind Harry. He takes advantage of your need for oxygen by pulling Harry’s head to the side so that he can slot their lips together. You let out a moan at the sight of them making out in front of you.
Without breaking his kiss with Mitch, Harry slides his hands up your sides until he reaches the zippers. He slowly starts to pull them down, giving you plenty of time to stop him if you want to. But you don’t. You let him remove your dress and Sarah helps you take off your bra and underwear.
You’re standing there, completely bare while the other three are fully dressed. It should make you feel self-conscious, or vulnerable, but instead it just feels nice. You know that they’re going to take care of you and make you feel good, and you want to let them. So you stand there as they run their hands along your body and just embrace their touches.
You get lost in the kisses the other three press to your lips. You know that whichever two you’re not currently kissing are making out with each other, since you can hear the sounds of their lips smacking together, and you love that now everyone can always have a partner. With three it sometimes felt like one person was being left out but with four, that’s no longer the case.
Hands eventually lead you to bed and you lay down. You get to watch as Mitch, Sarah, and Harry all help each other to remove their clothes. Sarah sits next to you and Harry climbs on the bed by your feet. Mitch stays standing, watching the scene unfold before him.
Harry gently moves your legs apart and slides between them, placing kisses on your skin as he moves up. Your body heats under his touches and you feel desire pool in your belly. When his lips reach your inner thighs you moan and quietly plead for more. You’re nervous that he’s going to keep teasing you and you’re pleasantly surprised when his tongue immediately licks through your folds.
He repeats that move a few times before his tongue starts to circle your clit. Your one hand moves to grip the curls on top of his head and your other reaches out next to you. Sarah sees the movement and holds your hand in her own, helping to ground you as waves of pleasure move through your body.
Harry takes his time eating you out, slowly working you up. He’s not quite teasing, but still not quite giving you enough to push you over the edge. Based on the sounds coming from Harry you don’t know who’s enjoying this more. For a moment your mind is clear enough to appreciate that this is the man who wrote Watermelon Sugar. But then a finger teases your entrance, and all thoughts leave you.
Harry pulls back and you pout at the loss.
“Y/N, look at me,” he says, and you immediately find his eyes. “Is this okay?” he asks as his finger continues to trace through your folds.
“Yes, absolutely, please,” you manage to say before he slides one finger inside, effectively taking your breath away and rendering you speechless. His fingers are thicker than Mitch or Sarah’s and the stretch when he slides a second in next to the first is more than you’re used to.
“Fuck,” he says. “So fucking tight.”
“She’ll need three to be ready for you,” Sarah says, remembering her own experience with Harry from the night before.
He nods to show he’s listening, but his eyes never turn away from watching his fingers repeatedly disappear inside of you. He scissors open his fingers in order to stretch you more before adding a third.
As he continues to pump his fingers you finally reopen your eyes to take in the full scene. Sarah is now laying down beside you and Mitch is kneeling between her legs. He’s gently stroking Sarah’s leg with one hand and his cock with the other. He seems to be doing both actions subconsciously, since he and Sarah are focusing on you and Harry next to them.
It’s intense, having two people watch you, especially when Harry slides his fingers out and lines his cock up with your entrance. You focus on him as he slides himself through your folds, coating himself in your wetness. But right before he pushes inside you put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“What is it? Are you okay? Did I do something?” he worriedly asks.
“I’m fine,” you answer. “You’re fine. It’s Mitch.”
“What did I do baby?” Mitch asks from his spot next to Harry.
“You’ve got this look on your face. And it’s not a sexy look. It’s your concerned face. What has you worried?”
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s something.”
“It’s just- I’m the only person you’ve been with. I know you. I know your limits.”
Harry shifts to face Mitch and say, “You trust me, right?”
“Of course I trust you,” Mitch replies.
“Then trust that I will always take care of our girls. Okay?”
“Okay. Just be gentle with her,” Mitch says quietly.
“Always,” Harry says before he pulls Mitch in for a kiss. When they break apart you’re happy to see Mitch’s expression is much more relaxed. He leans across to share a kiss with you and then there’s another minute or two where the four of you jumble together all exchanging kisses with one another.
When Harry is back in position above you, you say, “Just one more thing.”
“What do you need love?” Sarah asks.
“Can we all, uhm, do this together?”
“I’m not sure what you mean,” she replies.
You take a deep breath and say, “I want you and Mitch to have sex while Harry and I have sex.” Your face turns beet red as you speak your desires so explicitly, something you rarely do.
“You’re so cute when you’re all shy,” she says. “And of course we can do that. Don’t think I can wait much longer either.” She nuzzles into your neck before places kisses on your shoulder.
“I’m ready,” you say, meeting Harry’s eyes again.
“If you’re uncomfortable or want to stop any time, just tell me and we’ll stop,” Harry says.
“I know,” you reply before pulling him down to attach your lips to his. The kiss is immediately heated, and you moan as he bites your bottom lip. He takes the opportunity to slide his tongue in, exploring your mouth. His fingers are back inside you, making sure you’re stretched and ready for him.
He pulls his fingers out and you watch as he wipes the slick still coated on them onto his cock. It’s a move so dirty that it sends another wave of desire through your now achingly empty core.
“Please, Harry, I’m ready. I need you,” you say as you swivel your hips slightly to draw his attention where you want it.
“I’m here, pet,” he says, and you feel the tip of his cock slide into you a second later. You gasp at the new feeling, and you hear sounds of pleasure from the other three as well. You smile knowing that you got your wish. You want to look beside you and see Mitch pushing into Sarah but at that moment Harry pushes in more and the stretch has you focusing solely on him.
You knew he was thicker than Mitch but holding them in your hands and having them inside you are two completely different things. There’s a slight burn you’re not quite used to, and you wince, just for a second. Harry, who is focusing all his attention on your reactions, notices the look and asks, “Doing okay lovey?”
You take a deep breath and smile before assuring him that you’re doing just fine. Mitch’s hand grabs yours and you look at the pair next to you. You look down at where Mitch and Sarah are connected, and that image, plus the blissed look on Sarah’s face, sends another wave of arousal through you. Harry groans as more wetness gushes onto his dick.
His eyes meet yours again and you place a hand on his back, encouraging him to keep going. Slowly, gently, he pushes until he is fully inside, completely wrapped in your warm, tight walls. He leans down, placing kisses on your neck, shoulder, chest, anywhere he can reach while he lets you adjust. Finally, you tell him you’re ready for more.
He pulls back so just the tip is inside before he thrusts in again. All four of you moan in unison and you open your eyes to see that Mitch is following Harry’s moves. It makes you feel more connected to everyone at the same time, knowing that you’re all experiencing the same pleasure.
The boys pick up their pace and Sarah pulls you in for a sloppy kiss. You break apart from her when Harry changes the angle, hitting that perfect spot inside you. He buries his face in your neck again and you feel him gently bite and suck at the sensitive skin there. You know he’s leaving marks that will require plenty of makeup to cover, but it feels so good that you don’t care.
Breathy whines and whispers of “please,” and “more” and “Harry” are all that is coming out of your mouth as you feel the increased tightening in your belly. Your breaths turn to pants and Harry brings his fingers to your clit. He rubs circles against the sensitive nub as he thrusts deeper and harder than before.
Your back arches and your loudest moan yet is pulled from you as you come, clenching around Harry’s length as though to trap him inside. His movements don’t stop, though they do become more erratic as he chases his high. His orgasm hits a moment after yours, and the feeling of his warm cum coating your insides has you seeing stars.
He slides out of you a moment later and you turn to watch Mitch and Sarah as you come down and catch your breath. They look beautiful like this, and you lean in to press kisses to Sarah’s neck while Harry slides a hand to her core, seeing as Mitch’s hand is still tightly wrapped in yours. Harry gives her the last bit of stimulation she needs to crash over the edge, and you both watch in awe as they beautifully fall part simultaneously.
You’re all still for a moment and Mitch checks in with each of you individually to make sure everyone is okay and happy. You assure him that you’re good, way more than good, and you bask in this moment.
Your face splits into a large grin, and then you can’t help but start to giggle. It’s contagious and suddenly the four of you are laughing, though no one’s entirely sure why.
You finally calm down enough to say, “I can’t believe this is my life.”
“Well, believe it baby,” Harry says. “Because we’re not going anywhere.”
“Good.” You reply, shifting everyone so that you’re laying across all three of them. With your head on Mitch’s chest, torso being held by Harry, and legs tangling with Sarah, you fall asleep.
Warm sunshine wakes you up the next morning. You stretch and are surprised to have so much room in bed. Only Harry is lying with you and one glance shows that he’s awake and smiling at you.
“Good morning,” you say.
“Good morning lovey,” he replies and leans down to press a quick kiss to your forehead. You shift up so you can kiss his cheek, and a moment later you find his lips against yours in a lazy morning make out.
Before things can go too far you pull back and ask, “Where are Mitch and Sarah?”
“They went for a walk on the beach,” Harry answers and slots his lips against yours again. After one more intense kiss he leans away and says, “We probably shouldn’t do more without the others here.”
“You’re right. I mean, it’s not realistic that we all be together for sex every time, but we should talk about it first. Set boundaries and expectations and everything,” you reply.
“Communication,” Harry states and you nod. “Speaking of communication,” he continues. “I wanted to check in after last night. How are you feeling?”
“I feel wonderful Harry. Really.”
“Yea? Not sore or anything? No regrets?”
“No regrets. You were perfect,” you reassure him.
You lapse into a comfortable silence before heading outside to have breakfast on the patio. Mitch and Sarah join you and the four talk more about the dynamics of the relationship, especially when it comes to the physical side.
Afterwards you walk inside but turn to look at the other three still on the patio. They’re smiling and joking around, and your heart melts at the love you hold for them.
Hope you enjoyed! Not sure yet which story I'll work on next or when it will be up, but there are some ideas & requests all swirling around in my brain.
Also, as much as I do love Harry and Mitch's new haircuts, they will always have Love on Tour era hair in my stories haha it's just how I'll always picture them
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305
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kerubimcrepin · 9 days
LIVEBLOG: Dofus Novel 4, The Thirsty Beheader
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I apologize for my absence. Translating this novel has burned me out from the fandom in a pretty major way, and I also got into a different fandom in the meantime and am, like, three 4k word chapters deep into a longfic for said new fandom. Besides that, I had a depressive episode and went insane for a while. Basically, I've been a bit busy.
At the same time I release this post, I have uploaded the new, updated versions of both translations (since this liveblog is mostly a reason for me to reread and fix stuff) to MEGA and VK, so I recommend you download the new versions!
I will mostly be copying the text directly, to bypass tumblr's image restriction, but some screenshots will be provided. For example:
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If pride is a sin, then the typesetting and cleaning I went through with this book will have me go to hell after I die. (I don't think I'm a master, but I did a pretty good job, ok?)
A cart had just entered the District of the Lost Steps. It stopped in front of the store, as two Srams* got out.
I love the internal consistency of the street being named here. Thank you, author of this book, for caring.
“Are you sure about this,” asked the little guy, “Is this really the right place?” “Yeah,” replied the tall one, “There aren't thirty-six Shushu* houses in the neighborhood.”
LMAO this is something Kerubim is actually known for, huh?
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At the time that this book takes place in, joris can't read very well. Cute...
Also, hehe... I am pretty proud of the way this part of the book was cleaned + the font + the layers and colors and opacity I applied to the text, to make it fit in with the paper.
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^^^ This is me btw, during this entire post. ^^^
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The entirety of the epilogue and prologue are typed on top of cleaned backgrounds sourced from the scan. The rest of the book is typed in front of a digital background. This artistic choice was made because....... You can't set different pages to be different colors in word. You have to overlay some image or a textbox, if you want a page to be a different color.
Anyway — I had a lot of fun searching for the fonts from this book! (and far less fun searching for appropriate fonts for the Russian translation since none of the fonts this book uses have cyrilic versions...)
The fonts this book uses are: Dimbo, Chelsea Market, and Aleo. Google them for all your Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim related needs.
The fonts I chose to use in the russian translation are: Brydan Write, Correction Brush, Curinn, and Itim. I just had to make do with what I had, ok?
“My Papycha said it's urgent!” exclaimed Joris, “He could be in danger. Maybe he's being attacked by the Thirsty!” Even Pupuce looked worried. Simone reread the message, thinking out loud: “The Huffing Bow Wow tavern is in the Pandawa district... There's plenty of bamboo milk there. Maybe the neighborhood is overrun by the Thirsters?” “And soon, the whole city will be under attack!” concluded Joris.
Nobody knows how to escalate a situation better than a 7yo with anxiety. God bless <3
The Ecaflip goes full "war machine" mode: he cuts and slices through the living dead for the entire night, and when the golden disk of the sun finally rises over the horizon, the scenery is carpeted with the Thirsty. The region is saved. Kerubim becomes a legend. To thank him, the local lord offers him the... “Hey... Joris? Are you listening?” asked Simone. She began shaking the boy, who, abruptly snapping out of his reverie, mumbled: “Huh? What?”
Joris is so normal. So sane.
“Bye-bye,” added Bowiknif. But Luis slammed the door in their faces, roaring: “You're not going anywhere!” “Oh yeah?” hissed Bakstab, “Is that so?” “Would you like us to chop up your friends with a Brakmarian steel sword of Chouque?” questioned the other, “Or with Samuel J. Axe?” Luis muttered what sounded like a string of expletives, before reluctantly opening the door to the two robbers, who bolted out without further ado.
I'm LITERALLY fucking insane about this.
“I'm sorry,” said Luis, “I tried to hold them back, but...” “We know, we saw everything,” the girl cut him off, “You did your best, Luis.”
Actually deranging. Also explains why Luis did fuckall about Sipho, Harebourg, and Ush — there's just not much he can actually do.
She spotted a Dragoturkey standing near a trough. In two strides, she reached the animal, untied it, and climbed onto its back like an experienced Dragogirl*. “Let’s go!” she said to the boy.
This once again raises a some questions about Simone's past — when did she learn how to ride dragoturkeys? Is it the same reason why she knows how to fight, at least a little?
Then again, maybe she's just being an Osamodas here.
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I love, love, love the Simone&Joris content in this book. Their bond is so important to me... She's the aunt who stepped up.
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This art is so nice...
They had run like mad through half the city, arrived at the wrong address, turned back just as a thunderstorm broke out, wandered around in the rain in the Pandawa district, and FINALLY arrived at the Huffing Bow Wow Tavern, a large, long building with a thatched roof.
They're so fucking stupid. I love them.
“Ah, there you are!” called out Kerubim, “I almost thought you’d make me wait some more!”
I wish english also had the phrase "I almost thought you'd be late" as a cunty response when someone's an hour or three late to an event. I don't think the english translation I made conveys the sheer frustration.
Kerubim raised an eyebrow — a perfect copy of the circumflex accent:
I struggled with this part a lot in russian sjfkgdfg. It made me nerd out a little bit too.
I didn't have a lot of comments here, but eh. It was nice to finally get this over with dfjgkdsfg.
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kingofbodyrolls · 10 months
Friendcation (m) | myg | six
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Your vacation is coming to an end but your thoughts are spiraling and filled with anxiety as a tiny mishap makes you question your future with Yoongi.
→ Pairing: Yoongi x reader (female) → Other characters: Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin. → Genre/AU: best friends to friends with benefits to lovers, non idol!au, camping!au, roadtrip!au, mechanic!Yoongi, humor, slight angst, smut and fluff → Rating: mature/explicit/R18  (This is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact.) → Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 → Status: completed! → Word Count: 11.3k → Warnings (general): angst, anxiety, talk about feelings and future, teasing friends and mention of pregnancy. → Warnings (explicit): explicit sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, protected sex, oral (female and male receiving), dirty talk, nipple/breast play, ass slapping, hair pulling. → Author’s note(1): Wow, these last weeks have been hard on me to be honest. For a moment I really struggled with dwindling engagement for the series, and it honestly made me want to quit the whole thing and not finish it… I had to realize who I write for (I concluded it’s for me) and whatever I receive is just a really nice bonus 🫰I felt like the decline in engagement meant you didn’t like the series (which is fine if you feel that way), but it hit me hard. I understand a part of it can be the recent long chapters (I’m truly sorry and I’ll be better at keeping it at 10K for a smoother reading experience in the future). I have so many stories in my head that I just want to put to paper, so I’m going to keep doing that. I think I’ll keep posting whatever new stuff I write in the future, because I think it’d just be a waste to have a full fanfiction parking in my Drive. I tried to pour my heart into the last chapters, and I’m really proud of it. To be honest, it’s mostly smut (and sexual teasing) – because well 🤷 I really hope you enjoy this chapter (and the final one). Love you 💜 → Read on AO3? [link] ✨
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← previous | s.masterlist | m.masterlist | next →
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These past couple of days have left you with a strange, unsettling feeling. 
It’s not just the relentless banter from your friends, teasing you about what they term as ‘sickening love and adoration’ between you and Yoongi. 
No, there’s something more, something that eludes definition but refuses to be ignored. 
As your friends continue to jest and joke about your relationship, a knot of unease tightens in your stomach. It’s not a matter of their words bothering you; rather, it’s a lingering doubt, an unspoken concern that seems to dance at the edges of your consciousness. 
Your mind is filled with tension, and you can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right.
It took an unusually long time for the realization to sink in – the absence of your period. 
How could you have missed something so significant? 
Perhaps it was the whirlwind of fun and excitement, the joyous moments shared with Yoongi and your friends, that allowed this crucial detail to slip through the cracks of your awareness. 
As the truth settles over you like a sudden storm, a wave of introspection crashes upon your thoughts. Why had you not noticed sooner? 
A sinking feeling settles in the pit of your stomach as you meticulously do the math, tracing back to that one moment you and Yoongi had sex without protection in the forest. 
The pieces fall into place, forming a picture of uncertainty that leaves you standing at the crossroads of emotions. 
Regret, fear, and maybe a hint of excitement swirl in a tempest within your mind. The weight of the realization becomes a stormy sea, tossing your emotions like relentless waves. You grapple with conflicting feelings, torn between the potential of new beginnings and the fear of the unknown. 
For years, you made a conscious choice to steer clear of hormonal contraception. 
The decision wasn’t made lightly; it was a journey of self-discovery and resilience against the societal norms that often dictate women’s reproductive choices. You recall the moments when hormonal contraception wreaked havoc on your body, the side effects casting shadows on your overall well-being. 
It was then that you decided it wasn’t the path for you. The journey to this decision was marked by personal reflection, moments of doubt, and a fierce determination to take control of your reproductive health. Condoms became your chosen method of both contraception and protection. The decision was not just a practical one but a statement of agency over your own body.
Sure, you’re a grown woman, and you should have been more cautious. 
The irony isn’t lost on you; after all, it only takes a few determined swimmers to set the wheels in motion for a baby. 
The realization brings a mix of emotions — surprise, anxiety, and a touch of disbelief. You can’t help but question your own judgment.
As the weight of the situation settles in, you find solace in the fact that it’s with Yoongi, a man you not only adore but love (even though you haven’t spoken those words to him yet). 
The history you share, the years of friendship and the open conversation about future possibilities soften the unexpected blow. He’s expressed openness to the idea of children down the line, creating a glimmer of hope in the midst of uncertainty.
As the revelation sinks in, your mind becomes a battlefield of conflicting emotions. 
The foremost among them is the relentless uncertainty that echoes through every corner of your thoughts. 
Did Yoongi genuinely mean what he said about wanting kids, or were those words spoken in the heat of the moment? The weight of the questions threatens to drown you, leaving you grappling with the unknown.
In the tumultuous sea of your mind, the uncertainty stands out as the dominant wave. You find yourself questioning the timing— is it too early in your relationship to venture into such uncharted territory? 
The prospect of an impending headache looms, a physical manifestation of the mental strain that accompanies the myriad thoughts swirling within your head. The room feels suddenly smaller as you navigate through the maze of emotions. 
Each question begets another, creating a web of doubts that threaten to entangle your sense of clarity.
Who knew a tiny stick could unleash a whirlwind of chaos in your mind? 
You can practically feel your thoughts spiraling faster than a rollercoaster, and you haven’t even taken a goddamn test yet! It’s like your brain decided to host its own circus without your permission.
The prospect of a simple test morphs into a mental acrobatics show, complete with somersaulting doubts and high-wire uncertainties. You catch yourself mid-thought, berating the overthinking brain of yours— Calm down, it might be nothing, right? 
As you camp in the serene outskirts of Gunsan, surrounded by the symphony of nature—crickets singing their nightly lullaby and the earthy aroma of the rural landscape—you find yourself at the crossroads of revelation. 
The revelation, however, is a delicate secret that you’re hesitant to share, not with your friends and certainly not with Yoongi, at least not until you’re certain. 
A few more days, and you’ll leave for another city, and hopefully you can sneak in a pregnancy test at a store without anyone noticing.
Amidst the bustling thoughts of your mind, your boyfriend’s voice cuts through the noise like a familiar melody. His warm, loving smile, revealing those endearing gums you adore, welcomes you back to the present. 
“Hey, babe, are you coming?” 
His voice, tinged with affection, carries a hint of playfulness. His eyes, like windows to his soul, flicker with concern as he notices a shift in your mood. A subtle furrow in his brow goes unnoticed, replaced by a comforting smile that stretches across his face.
“Yeah,” you nod in response to him. His silhouette is framed in the doorway of Holly, and the tantalizing aroma of barbecue chicken and pork wafts into the air, teasing your senses. 
The savory scent wraps around you, awakening your appetite.
A playful breeze carries the distant sounds of laughter and clinking utensils from the gathering outside. The chatter of friends intermingles with the sizzle of the grill, creating a symphony of anticipation. 
With a soft smile, he holds the door ajar, casting a warm invitation into the confined space. The golden hues of the setting sun paint the scene, casting long shadows that dance on the interior of the van.
“I’ll be right out,” you assure him. 
As you step into the outdoor feast, the savory fragrance intensifies, enveloping you in a culinary embrace.
As the sun begins its descent on your next-to-last day in Gunsan, the air becomes infused with the tantalizing scent of barbecue. Yoongi and Seokjin, the culinary maestros, have orchestrated a feast of flavors, transforming the open fire into a canvas for their culinary artistry.
The crackling flames dance beneath skewers laden with an assortment of barbecue delights – succulent chicken and pork, each morsel dripping with savory juices. The aroma, a symphony of spices and char, teases your senses and ignites a ravenous anticipation within. The sizzle and hiss of meat meeting open flame create a hypnotic melody, luring everyone closer to the culinary spectacle.
As you emerge from the cozy confines of Holly, the brisk evening air kisses your skin, carrying with it the mingling scents of grilled delights and the lively chatter of your friends. The crackling sounds of the open fire draw you closer, promising a reprieve from the whirlwind of thoughts swirling within your mind. 
A sense of gratitude swells within you. God, you love their cooking. It’s more than a meal; it’s a celebration, a manifestation of the bonds that tie you all together. 
You settle into the chair beside Namjoon, the sturdy wood offering a welcome support beneath you. 
A cool beer materializes in your hands, a gesture from Namjoon that elicits a small, appreciative smile. As the effervescent bubbles dance in the amber liquid, you find momentary distraction in the tactile sensation of condensation on the cold bottle.
The ambient hum of conversation surrounds you, friends exchanging anecdotes and laughter. However, their words become distant echoes, mere background noise, as your mind undertakes a journey into the realm of more pressing thoughts. Could you be pregnant?
The crackling of the nearby fire, the occasional gust of wind rustling the leaves, and the laughter of your friends create a symphony of sounds. Yet, within the symphony, your thoughts stand out like a solo, demanding attention.
As you take a sip of the cold beer, you suddenly remember that maybe you shouldn’t and put down the beer as you catch a fleeting glimpse of Yoongi, his eyes meeting yours with an unspoken understanding – does he somehow know?
Namjoon’s voice cuts through the haze of your thoughts, his concern palpable in the furrow of his brow and the gentleness of his inquiry. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks, his words a lifeboat in the sea of your turbulent thoughts. The concern in his eyes is mirrored by the gaze of your friends, a united front of worry that surrounds you.
“I’m fine,” you offer a weak smile, the words slipping from your lips as easily as a silk thread. The campfire’s glow dances in your eyes, casting flickering shadows that betray the turbulence within. 
You catch the subtle exchange of glances among your friends, a silent language they’ve perfected over the years.
Namjoon arches an eyebrow, a silent question lingering in the air. 
Hoseok’s voice breaks through the haze in your mind, and you blink, realizing you’ve been somewhere else entirely. He wears a furrowed brow, a genuine concern etched on his face.
“Did you even hear what we were talking about?” Hoseok’s question hangs in the air, a lifeline thrown to a drifting mind. He glances around at the others, a silent plea for confirmation that you’re still tethered to the conversation.
“I’m sorry,” you admit, a genuine apology tinting your words. You glance around at the concerned faces of your friends, a slight frown forming on Namjoon’s forehead. 
“No, my mind was elsewhere,” you confess, your eyes momentarily dropping to the beer bottle in your hand. A swirl of conflicting emotions dances in your gaze – the weight of unspoken worries, the fear of the unknown, and the delicate balance of a secret you’re not ready to share.
“Something going on?” Seokjin’s question hangs in the air, his eyes reflecting genuine concern. Normally, their fond and caring hearts would be a source of comfort, but at this moment, you wish for solitude. 
The weight of immense turmoil presses against your chest, and you offer a weak smile to mask the turbulence within.
Your heart flutters, caught between the comfort of their understanding and the fortress of secrets you’ve built around yourself. The crackling of the fire seems to intensify, a background chorus to the unspoken truth lingering in the night air.
“No, I’m fine,” you assert, but your attempt at a reassuring smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes. The weight of unspoken thoughts sits heavily on your shoulders. 
“Just tired,” you add, stretching your arms above your head in an attempt to shake off the invisible burden. The forced yawn escapes, a theatrical touch to your performance. 
As you exhale, the weariness is palpable, not just in your body but in the weary creases that temporarily mar your forehead.
You catch Yoongi’s gaze, and for a fleeting moment, his eyes betray a hint of concern. It’s a silent exchange, a language only the two of you understand. 
Worried stares linger for a moment, probing, questioning. You deflect them with a half-hearted smile, a feeble attempt to reassure both yourself and your friends. Thankfully, they relent, returning to their earlier discussion with an air of nonchalance. It’s a welcome diversion, giving you a momentary respite from the mounting unease.
But as your friends immerse themselves in chatter, your attention is captivated by Yoongi. His gaze, softer and more perceptive than the others, lingers on you with an understanding that goes beyond words. In the depths of his eyes, you sense an unspoken connection, a recognition that he, too, perceives the silent storm brewing within you. 
As the aroma of grilled meats fills the air, your thoughts drift away, carried on the scent of uncertainty. The upcoming days loom ahead, casting a shadow on your once carefree demeanor. 
Each passing moment feels like a countdown, the ticking clock resonating with the pounding of your anxious heart. The idea of taking a pregnancy test, a seemingly simple act, now carries the weight of your fate.
A symphony of laughter erupts, a harmonious cacophony that almost mimics a melody. Your gaze sweeps across the group, catching each friend lost in the infectious mirth. Their joy is palpable, manifested in hearty belly laughs and eyes crinkled with delight. 
However, as your eyes dart over to Yoongi, you notice a stark contrast.
His demeanor doesn’t mirror the jovial atmosphere; instead, his expression remains stoic, a subtle tension etched on his features. 
Your gaze flits from one friend to another, their laughter echoing in the warm air. They share an inside joke, a moment of camaraderie that has eluded you. A subtle unease settles in your chest, the feeling of being adrift in a sea of amusement, disconnected.
Caught in the undertow of your own thoughts, you find yourself lost in the laughter, unable to decipher the humor that dances between them. It’s not just a missed punchline; it’s a fleeting moment of connection slipping through your fingers.
Hoseok’s eyes light up like twin stars as he bursts out, “Now, that’s a brilliant idea!” 
His voice, brimming with infectious enthusiasm, resonates through the campsite, attempting to suppress the laughter bubbling just beneath the surface. His shoulders shake slightly with restrained mirth, and a mischievous gleam dances in his eyes, hinting at the amusement he’s struggling to contain.
The air crackles with the energy of the moment, as if Hoseok’s excitement has sparked a lively current that electrifies the entire campfire. The others catch on, their own laughter simmering beneath the surface.
You turn your gaze to Hoseok, brows furrowed in both wonder and confusion. “What’s the brilliant idea?” you ask, your voice tinged with curiosity, as if you’re about to embark on an unexpected adventure. 
Hoseok grins mischievously, his laughter evolving into soft chuckles. “We were thinking of giving you and Yoongi some alone time tomorrow,” he suggests, the glint in his eyes hinting at a secret plan. 
Seokjin smirks, his eyes twinkling with mischief. 
“So you can,” he begins, drawing out the words with a pause for dramatic effect. You roll your eyes at his theatrics, but then he raises his eyebrows suggestively. 
Suddenly, your ears and cheeks flash red as you realize the implication of his words, and the campfire bursts into laughter, leaving you caught in a delightful mix of embarrassment and amusement.
They all burst into laughter, and you catch Yoongi rolling his eyes with a mock sigh. 
You wish the ground would just swallow you up, but you manage a playful glare in his direction. “Thanks for the moral support,” you mutter under your breath, earning a teasing grin from Yoongi, who clearly enjoys the banter as much as the others enjoy the spectacle.
Yoongi nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders, his ‘I-don’t-give-a-fuck’ attitude on full display. You’re well aware he truly doesn’t care about the teasing, but no matter how many times your friends crack jokes about your intimate life, it never gets less awkward. 
You shoot Yoongi a sideways glance, raising an eyebrow. 
“Really? This again?” you quip, a playful smirk tugging at your lips. It’s a game you all play, and deep down, you know it’s all in good fun. Yet, you can’t help but wonder if they’ll ever tire of it.
“You seem like you could use it,” Namjoon adds, his voice laced with concern as he gently nudges your shoulder. 
You’ve buried your face in your hands, hoping the shield of your palms could protect you from the lingering embarrassment. The laughter of your friends echoes around you, but you can’t bring yourself to look up just yet. 
The warmth of Namjoon’s touch seeps through your hands, a comforting gesture amidst the teasing storm. As you finally gather the courage to peek through your fingers, you catch a glimpse of his reassuring smile, a silent understanding passing between friends. It’s moments like these that make you appreciate the bonds you’ve built, even if they come with their fair share of playful ribbing.
“Please don’t say stuff like that.” 
You plead, the cringe evident in your voice as you instinctively recoil. A shiver of discomfort crawls down your spine, and you find yourself desperately wishing for an escape from the awkwardness that lingers in the air. 
The weight of their words presses on you, and you subtly shift, trying to distance yourself from the subject at hand. The vulnerability of the moment tugs at your conscience, leaving you exposed in the face of their laughter.
“With that stunt you pulled at the restaurant, I think you have a lot of pent up sexual frustration.”
Hoseok chuckles, and the teasing tone in his voice causes your cheeks to flush with embarrassment. You shift uncomfortably in your seat, memories of that daring encounter at the restaurant flooding your mind. 
The heat rises in your face as you recall the unexpected aftermath, as you had walked out to the table with Yoongi’s cum on your face, and a wave of self-consciousness washes over you. 
The campfire suddenly feels too warm, and you find yourself desperately wishing to change the subject. Hoseok’s laughter lingers in the air, a constant reminder of that daring escapade, and you try to suppress the vivid images that threaten to resurface.
“And we would rather not be here when you let off some steam,” Seokjin adds, his laughter echoing through the air. You roll your eyes playfully, a mix of amusement and embarrassment coloring your expression.
The teasing banter continues, and you sense the warmth of embarrassment creeping up your neck. 
A fleeting glance at Yoongi reveals his nonchalant demeanor, his composure unbroken. Inspired by his cool attitude, you decide to take a page from his book. With a smirk and a playful glint in your eyes, you raise an eyebrow at your friends, challenging them to bring it on. 
“Thanks,” you say with a mischievous glint in your eyes, looking around your friends. 
“I could definitely use a good fuck and Yoongi’s thick cock just hits all the right spots,” you chuckle, adding a playful wink to your statement. The campfire falls silent and it’s almost deafening. 
“So thank you so much for thinking about my vagina and Yoongi’s dick. It’s really appreciated and we’ll look forward to tomorrow.” You say with a mischievous twinkle in your eye.
As your friends sit in stunned silence, you bask in the unexpected power of your words. 
With a confident grin, you raise your beer and offer a casual shrug. 
“What can I say? You asked for it!” 
Your tone exudes a mix of playful confidence and nonchalance. Meanwhile, Yoongi’s proud gaze intensifies, and you can almost hear him whispering, ‘Well done’ without uttering a word.
As the weight of your words settles in the air, Namjoon breaks the silence with a low whistle. “Well, I guess that’s one way to shut us up,” he chuckles, shaking his head in both disbelief and amusement. 
The group erupts into a mixture of nervous laughter and awkward glances, uncertain of how to respond to your unexpected boldness. You’ve found a bottle of ice cold water and take a sip of it, maintaining your confident demeanor, and exchange a knowing glance with Yoongi, who seems thoroughly entertained by the unfolding scene.
The remainder of the meal unfolds in a symphony of laughter, shared stories, and the clinking of utensils against plates. Conversations shift seamlessly between topics, from future plans to nostalgic memories. The camaraderie of your group takes center stage, overshadowing the earlier teasing. 
Each moment is filled with genuine connection, reminding you of the unique bond you share.
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The midday sun casts a warm glow over your lunch with friends, the flickering flames of the campfire dancing in the background. Laughter intertwines with the aroma of yesterday’s leftovers, creating an atmosphere that is both familiar and tinged with anticipation. 
As you savor each bite, you can’t help but feel a subtle tension in the air, a delicate undercurrent that stems from the impending alone time with Yoongi.
Your friends, oblivious to the internal struggle you’re facing, continue to share stories and jokes, but your mind keeps drifting back to the unspoken dilemma that lingers like a shadow. 
The prospect of finally being alone with Yoongi excites you, yet the fear of him unraveling your internal turmoil weighs on you.
The crackling fire mirrors the conflicting emotions within you, casting shadows on the faces of your friends. You steal glances at Yoongi, wondering if he senses your unease.
The sun hangs high in the sky, casting a golden hue over the campsite as your friends bid you farewell after a satisfying lunch. 
There’s a subtle understanding among them, a shared unspoken decision to give you and Yoongi the precious gift of time alone. As they discuss their plans to explore the nearby town, you can’t help but appreciate the warmth of their friendship and the unspoken support they provide.
With cheerful goodbyes, your friends set off, leaving behind a trail of laughter that gradually fades into the distance. 
Now, as the tranquility of the campsite settles around you, there’s a palpable shift in the atmosphere. The rustling leaves and distant chirping of birds create a serene backdrop, underscoring the anticipation of the solitude that awaits you and Yoongi.
Turning towards each other, you and Yoongi share a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment of the precious moments ahead. 
The air is charged with a mix of excitement and intimacy as you prepare for this secluded interlude, grateful for the thoughtfulness of your friends who understood the significance of this time for you and your boyfriend.
As you and Yoongi cocoon yourselves in the comforting confines of Holly, the air becomes infused with a sense of tranquility. 
The soft glow of his laptop casts a gentle illumination, creating an intimate bubble within the vehicle. The flickering light from the laptop dances across your faces, casting shadows that playfully intertwine with the laughter and stolen glances. 
As Yoongi’s lips graze the delicate expanse of your shoulders, a shiver dances down your spine, eliciting a delicate sigh of contentment. 
His nuzzles become a tender exploration, mapping the contours of familiarity that make your body a cherished landscape for him. The warmth of his touch creates a cocoon, enveloping you in a sanctuary where time seems to linger.
You revel in the softness of the moment, the gentle pressure of Yoongi’s affectionate gestures making you feel cherished and understood. The rhythmic pattern of his nuzzles mirrors the quiet cadence of your breaths, creating a silent language that speaks volumes in the tranquil cocoon you’ve woven together.
Yoongi’s fingers, like skilled maestros, trail a symphony of comfort across your shoulder, their tender dance ascending to the curve of your neck. 
As his touch transforms into a soothing massage, you feel the knots of tension unravel beneath his fingertips. The rhythmic kneading becomes a balm, dissolving the worries that had taken residence in the recesses of your mind.
In the gentle cadence of his strokes, you find a haven where each movement is a whispered assurance, a silent promise that you’re not alone in whatever may be troubling you. 
The warmth of his hands carries an unspoken invitation to share the burdens of your heart, creating a space where vulnerability is embraced. As his fingers work their magic, the stresses of the day seem to dissipate, carried away on the currents of his affectionate touch. 
The sensation is both physical and emotional, a tangible reminder that you have someone by your side who cares deeply for you.
Yoongi’s voice, soft and laced with concern, further reinforces the sanctuary of this moment. 
“What’s wrong, babe?” 
He inquires, his words a lifeline thrown into the sea of your thoughts. The genuine curiosity in his eyes invites you to open up, to let the weight of your troubles be shared and lightened by the strength of your bond.
In the cocoon of Yoongi’s touch, you find solace and a momentary escape from the complexities swirling within. His fingers, tracing soothing patterns on your shoulder, evoke sensations that transcend the physical. 
As you sink deeper into the bliss of his massage, the barriers around your heart momentarily soften, allowing vulnerability to seep through.
“I don’t want to talk about it yet.” You confess, the words slipping from your lips like a whispered secret. The timbre of your voice, tinted with a mixture of fragility and desire, hangs in the air. In this moment, you feel pliable, molded by his care and affection.
With a tenderness that mirrors the flickering warmth of a candle, Yoongi turns your gaze toward his, locking eyes with a sincerity that speaks volumes. His touch is both a reassurance and an unspoken promise, a reminder that within this cocoon of shared vulnerability, there exists a haven for your thoughts and emotions.
“Okay.” He utters, the word carrying the weight of understanding and patience. In the silent exchange of glances, there’s a recognition that time unfolds at its own pace, and the space he provides is a canvas for your unspoken words to manifest.
As he cradles your face in his hands, his touch becomes a conduit for reassurance, a silent pledge that he’ll be there when you decide to unravel the intricacies of your thoughts. 
“I’m here when you’re ready to talk.”
The depth of his gaze invites trust, assuring you that this haven isn’t bound by a ticking clock or the urgency of spoken words.
In the quiet cocoon of Holly, gratitude for Yoongi blooms within you like a delicate flower. His intuitive understanding, the way he navigates the uncharted waters of your emotions, is a testament to the depth of his love. It’s more than just appreciation; it’s a profound acknowledgment of the bond you share.
As you rest against him, the subtle rise and fall of his chest a comforting rhythm, the weight of your feelings finds solace. His ability to read the unspoken nuances, to dance with the ebb and flow of your emotions, is a symphony of understanding. 
It’s not just about giving you space; it’s about crafting a sanctuary where vulnerability is met with patience, and time is a gentle companion.
In these moments, the love you harbor for him swells, an ocean of emotions that transcends the need for words. His presence becomes a balm, soothing the edges of uncertainty, and you find yourself enveloped in a warmth that extends beyond the physical.
You revel in the simplicity of his knowing glances and the way he respects the sacredness of your thoughts. It’s the silent assurance that he’ll stand by you, unmoved by the passing seconds, until you’re ready to unfurl the chapters of your heart.
“I can help you take your mind off whatever’s troubling you?”
His lips linger on yours, leaving the taste of warmth and affection as a gentle reminder that in his embrace, solace awaits. The simplicity of his offer carries a wealth of unspoken understanding, a silent promise to be your anchor in the sea of uncertainties.
As he speaks those words, his eyes, windows to a soul that intimately knows yours, search for a sign in the language only you two share. 
There’s an invitation in the way he holds you, an unspoken pledge to share the weight of your troubles.
Perhaps, in the sanctuary of each other’s presence, you can find respite from the storm brewing within. His touch, a soothing melody, offers an escape into a realm where words are unnecessary, where the language of love becomes a salve for the wounds of the heart.
You consider his offer, the genuine concern etched on his face, and for a moment, you allow yourself to be carried away by the prospect of a temporary reprieve. 
The weight of his desire reflects in the shadowed depth of his gaze, a silent confession that transcends words. His eyes, normally a window to his soul, now betray the subtle dance of passion and want. As you lock eyes with him, you find yourself ensnared in the magnetic pull of his longing, a current that sparks anticipation.
The soft droop of his eyelids harbors a secret world, one where desire takes the lead and whispers promises only lovers understand. There’s a languid rhythm to the way his gaze caresses, each blink a heartbeat echoing the pulse of the moment.
In the subdued light, the flames of passion flicker within those dark orbs, leaving an indelible impression of the fire that smolders beneath the surface. You feel the intensity of his silent plea, a plea that beckons you to acknowledge the uncharted territory where your desires intertwine.
“I wouldn’t say no to that.”
A playful chuckle escapes your lips, a mischievous melody that dances in the air, echoing the lighthearted rhythm of your connection. 
As you lean in, your teeth graze the edge of his bottom lip, not just in a tease, but in a silent declaration of your shared desire. The playful nip is a prelude to the symphony of sensations waiting to unfold.
His responding grunt is a low, primal note, a testament to the delicious tension building between you.
As you pull away, a knowing glint in your eyes, you leave behind a promise lingering in the air—a promise of the unrestrained passion that simmers just beneath the surface, waiting to be set free. 
“Then lay down and let me make you forget your own name.”
A surge of anticipation electrifies the air as his words wrap around you, a sultry promise that sends shivers down your spine. The confidence in his voice resonates, a magnetic force pulling you deeper into the allure of the moment. You surrender to the rhythm of his suggestion, feeling the weight of the world lifting as he guides you gently to recline.
His eyes, dark pools of anticipation, reflect a hunger that transcends the constraints of time. There’s a deliberate slowness to his movements, a silent vow to savor every nuance of pleasure that unfolds between you.
As he expertly slides down your sweatpants (you did not steal those from Yoongi, you swear!) he unveils your desire-laden form, leaving you in nothing but your panties. The room seems to hum with a charged energy as his eyes meet yours, the spark of lust reflected in that magnetic gaze. 
Your longing gaze locks onto him, capturing the fiery essence of your arousal. His long, ebony locks frame his handsome face.
“You know you’re so damn beautiful, right?” 
He murmurs, his fingers orchestrating a slow, tantalizing symphony as they traverse the path from your toes, ascending with deliberate grace up the landscape of your legs. Each stroke is a promise, a prelude that sends a shiver of anticipation racing through your veins, your skin awakening with goosebumps.
The sensation is electric, every inch of your skin tingling with anticipation. The journey of his touch creates a symphony of shivers that dance in harmonious tandem with your rising desire. 
Your cheeks flush with a rosy hue as his gaze lingers on your legs. Feeling a twinge of self-consciousness, you stammer, “Um, don’t pay too much attention to my legs. I haven’t shaved recently,” your words escape in a hushed admission, and you instinctively attempt to shield your face from his gaze.
His fingers delicately peel away the protective shield you’ve built with your hands, revealing your blushing cheeks and the vulnerability that lingers in your eyes. 
A soft hiss escapes his lips, and his gaze intensifies with a fiery determination. “I don’t care,” he declares, his voice a low, husky murmur that hangs in the air, “every inch of you is beautiful.”
He gently tilts your chin up, meeting your eyes with an affectionate gaze. He reassures you, his fingers tracing a delicate path along your jawline, his touch a comforting affirmation that transcends the superficial. 
There’s an intensity in his words, a raw honesty that sends shivers down your spine. 
A soft moan escapes your lips in response to his words, the praise sinking into the depths of your being. Your breath quickens, and a tingling warmth begins to pool between your thighs, a visceral reaction to the arousal ignited by his intimate acknowledgment. 
The air around you thickens with anticipation, and you can feel the subtle friction as your panties cling to your skin, a tactile reminder of the desire that courses through your veins.
His hands, like gentle phantoms, trace tantalizing patterns over the fabric covering your core. The teasing caresses send shivers down your spine, creating an electric dance of anticipation on your skin. 
As his fingers weave through the unseen pathways, you find yourself instinctively arching your back, a silent plea for more, a desire that threads through the very fibers of your being.
Each feather-light stroke becomes a whisper of promises, a seductive invitation that beckons you to surrender to the impending ecstasy. The subtle friction against your clothed core intensifies the yearning, creating a magnetic pull that draws you closer to the edge of desire.
The anticipation in the room crescendos as Yoongi, his eyes heavy with desire, firmly grips the edge of your panties. 
A subtle yet deliberate tug sends a thrill through your body, and you instinctively arch your back, offering yourself to him in a silent dance of longing. Your ass lifts in a graceful surrender, a gesture that speaks volumes without the need for words, inviting him to unveil the secrets hidden beneath the fabric.
He slowly peels your panties down your legs, each inch of exposed skin kindling the flames of desire. His unhurried touch is both a torment and a pleasure, awakening a craving within you that only he can satisfy. 
The fabric trails over your thighs, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. As your panties reach your ankles, you find yourself teetering on the edge of vulnerability and excitement, the cool air of the room caressing the newly exposed skin.
The pace is torturous, yet the sweet torment only adds to the fervor of your need for him. Your breath catches, and your heart pounds in rhythm with the silent crescendo of desire, as he takes his time, savoring every moment of the seduction.
Yoongi’s lips descend with a feather-light touch, igniting a cascade of sensations that ripple through your core. The warmth of his breath, coupled with the gentle press of his lips against your clit, creates an electrifying dance between pleasure and anticipation.
“Already so damn wet for me.”
His words, a whispered declaration against your skin, send a jolt of desire straight through you. The tenderness in his kiss contrasts with the building heat, a delicious paradox that has your body responding eagerly to his every move. Your body aches for the touch of his hands, for the intimacy that promises to follow his seductive declaration.
As he explores the delicate contours of your pussy, his hands expertly coax your legs apart, allowing for an unhindered journey into the realms of ecstasy.
The velvety caress of his tongue on your most sensitive spot sends shockwaves of pleasure cascading through you. Your body, a canvas for his artistry, responds with an involuntary moan, a testament to the electric connection forged between you. 
Each languid stroke, each artful flick, becomes a brushstroke painting a masterpiece of desire.
With an artful blend of tenderness and hunger, he delves into the intimate landscape, leaving no territory uncharted. The sight of him, a devoted architect of pleasure, navigating the peaks and valleys of your pussy, etches a sinful image in your memory, a visual symphony that resonates with the raw, primal energy between you.
His exploration is thorough, a sacred pilgrimage that transforms your most intimate sanctuaries into altars of pleasure. 
As his tongue dances with purpose, each exquisite movement sends ripples of pleasure through your body, eliciting gasps and moans that punctuate the charged air.
Your fingers entwine in the velvety strands of his midnight-black hair, a tactile dance that blurs the lines between pain and pleasure. The sensation of your grip sends a seismic shiver through him, a tangible expression of the fusion between your desire and his arousal. 
His groan, a harmonious blend of both agony and ecstasy, resonates in the intimate space between you. 
His adept tongue orchestrates a tantalizing symphony, each rhythmic stroke sending waves of pleasure through your core. The artful dance of his lips and tongue creates a crescendo of desire, a masterful performance that leaves you gasping for breath.
As he delves deeper into the artistry of your desire, his movements evoke the most primal and exquisite sounds — a melodic fusion of slurping and sighs that harmonize with the symphony of your escalating pleasure. 
In the languid exploration of your body, his tender touch becomes a testament to the depth of his affection. Each deliberate caress is a celebration of intimacy, as if he’s unraveling the layers of your being to expose the essence of your bond. 
The unhurried pace of his movements whispers of a profound appreciation for the canvas of your skin, savoring every nuance as if committing the map of your body to memory.
The love you feel for him, and the love he showers upon you, intertwine like vines, creating a tapestry of shared passion that envelops both of you in its rich, intricate patterns.
As you lie there, engulfed in the warmth of his adoration, an unexpected realization strikes you — he possesses the qualities of an extraordinary lover and, perhaps, an incredible father. 
Your mind, caught in the whirlwind of emotions, begins to spiral. It’s not a descent into chaos; rather, it’s an ascent into your possible future. The thought flickers through your mind like a gentle flame, casting a soft glow on the image of your shared moments. How loving he would be towards a child, how amazing he would be. You can feel the telltale signs of anxiousness slowly seeping into your body.
In this moment, you can’t help but acknowledge the depth of your feelings for him. Damn, you love him so much.
As Yoongi tenderly explores the landscape of your pussy, your mind, like an unwelcome guest, insists on revisiting the uncertainties that have been haunting you. The touch that should be a remedy becomes a battleground between the present moment and the lingering worries that threaten to steal your focus.
In this emotional tug-of-war, you find yourself caught between the desire to surrender to the sensations and the compulsion to confront the uncertainties head-on. 
As Yoongi’s skilled touch ventures into your warm walls, your senses respond with an electrifying awareness. The moment he slips a finger inside, a surge of pleasure cascades through you, momentarily eclipsing the persistent thoughts that have plagued your mind. 
The explicit bond between you and Yoongi becomes a lifeline, grounding you in the immediate sensations that demand your attention.
“Ah, fuck,” you moan, wanting more of his electrifying touch.
In a slow and deliberate rhythm, Yoongi withdraws his finger, creating an exquisite tension that leaves you yearning for more. The anticipation builds as he re-enters, his finger becoming a conduit for both pleasure and promise. 
With every measured thrust, the world around you blurs, and the only reality is the electrifying connection between you and him.
As his finger dances within you, the dual sensation of his intimate exploration and the tantalizing strokes on your clit forms a harmonious symphony of ecstasy. It’s a delicate balance between sweet torture and the promise of release, a dance that makes you teeter on the edge of losing yourself entirely.
Your mind, once clouded with uncertainty, now revels in the intoxicating sensations he elicits. 
Each stroke of his finger becomes a stroke of liberation, freeing you from the shackles of doubt and leading you into a realm where pleasure reigns supreme.
As he introduces a second finger into the dance of pleasure, a new dimension of sensation unfolds. The subtle stretch sends tendrils of pleasure through you, and you find yourself instinctively meeting his every thrust. 
His fingers, now working in tandem, navigate the depths of your pussy with an intimate familiarity. Each calculated movement is a testament to his skill, an artful exploration of your most sensitive realms. 
As he delves deeper, you can’t help but surrender to the crescendo of pleasure building within you. The hunger for more intensifies, an insatiable craving that propels you both into uncharted territory.
The precipice of pleasure looms ever nearer, a tantalizing edge that threatens to consume you entirely. Every caress, every thrust brings you to the brink, and the intensity becomes almost overwhelming. The electric current of desire courses through your veins, a pulsating reminder of the ecstasy that hangs in the air.
Your breaths come in shallow gasps, mirroring the urgency of your body’s response to the impending release. 
“Yoon, I’m so close!” 
The words escape your lips in breathless pants, carried on the wings of passion that envelop both of you in a cocoon of desire.
The room is filled with the husky hum of satisfaction as he skillfully introduces a third finger into the delicate equation, causing your breath to hitch in a symphony of pleasure. 
The subtle, rhythmic sound of your mewls, like a sweet melody, harmonizes with the intoxicating atmosphere of shared desire.
A whirlwind of thoughts engulfs your mind, a tempest of emotions and musings that dance in a chaotic waltz. It’s as if a storm of contemplation has descended upon the landscape of your consciousness, leaving you breathless and slightly disoriented.
His teasing suction on your clit becomes a rhythmic pulse, each pull and release sending ripples of sensation through your body. Your spine arches involuntarily, a physical manifestation of the pleasure that courses through you like a current. 
Your breath catches in your throat, a melody of moans and gasps escaping in harmony with the rising pleasure.
You’re losing yourself in the cadence of pleasure, surrendering to the rising tide that threatens to pull you under.
As his fingers expertly navigate the landscape of your pussy, seeking out the elusive treasure of your G-spot, the anticipation within you becomes a taut string, ready to unravel in the most euphoric crescendo.
Each deliberate stroke against your G-spot is a seismic pulse, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your core.
The knot in your stomach tightens with every rhythmic press of his fingers, the tension reaching a point where it can no longer withstand the impending release. 
As the wave of climax crashes over you, every muscle in your body tightens, a testament to the intensity of the pleasure coursing through your veins.
The sheer power of the moment finds its voice in a raw, unrestrained scream of his name, a primal melody that reverberates through the van. The sound is a visceral release, an unbridled declaration of pleasure that echoes in the air.
Simultaneously, your vision blurs, the world reduced to a kaleidoscope of colors as tears stream down your cheeks.
In the aftermath of your climax, Yoongi moves with a swiftness that speaks volumes about his care and concern. 
He withdraws from your core, his face adorned with the glistening remnants of your orgasm. The concern etched across his features mirrors the tenderness in his touch as he strokes your cheeks, his fingertips collecting the tear-streaked evidence of your emotional release.
“What’s wrong, babe?” he inquires, his voice a gentle melody that resonates with genuine care.
As the haze of passion begins to dissipate, you become acutely aware of the tears streaming down your face, each droplet a silent witness to the complex interplay of pleasure and emotion. 
It’s a realization that unfolds gradually, like the petals of a delicate flower unfurling under the touch of the morning sun.
Your eyes flutter open, meeting Yoongi’s concerned gaze, the soft orbs reflecting a myriad of emotions—care, tenderness, and a silent inquiry. The unspoken question hangs in the air, inviting you to share the intricate tapestry of feelings that now envelop you.
As you tenderly cup his face, the warmth of your touch conveying a myriad of unspoken emotions, you draw him into a soft, lingering kiss. The sensation is a delicate dance, a symphony of lips meeting in a silent exchange that transcends the need for words. In that fleeting moment, the world outside ceases to exist, and all that remains is the intimate connection between your souls.
As your lips meet, there’s a subtle play of emotions on his face—confusion mingled with a growing awareness. It’s as if your kiss serves as a revelation, unraveling layers of uncertainty and paving the way for a deeper understanding. 
“I’m…” you choke on the words, the weight of them hanging heavy in the air. Your voice trembles, a symphony of vulnerability as you muster the courage to confess, “I’m late.”
He sits up on his knees, the subtle play of emotions flickering across his face—confusion, concern, and a tinge of fear that he’s trying to mask. 
The world around you seems to pause, caught in the gravity of the revelation. The soft glow of the room casts shadows on his features, emphasizing the lines of his furrowed brow and the intensity of his gaze.
“My period.” You exhale the words, each syllable a confession carrying the weight of uncertainty. The air in the van seems to crystallize as the truth hangs in the space between you two, a revelation that both defines and challenges the contours of your shared reality. 
There’s a palpable shift, a seismic ripple that traverses the emotional landscape.
As you release those two words into the room, you can almost sense the burden lifting from your shoulders, the unspoken fears and the silent cacophony of questions dissipating. 
Yoongi’s ‘oh’ escapes his lips like a subtle revelation, a key turning in the lock of understanding. His laughter, a melodic cascade of mirth, breaks the tension that hangs in the air, diffusing it like a gust of wind through a dense forest. As he laughs, his eyes crinkle at the corners, and you can’t help but be captivated by the sheer joy that emanates from him.
You turn to him, an arched brow, an unspoken inquiry, a silent prompt for an explanation to unravel the mystery of his amusement. 
“Is this what has been on your mind lately?” 
Yoongi’s chuckle resonates in the air, wrapping the room in a light, casual ambiance. As the sound tickles your ears, you find yourself frowning, an unexpected twist in his reaction catching you off guard. This wasn’t the response you anticipated, and it leaves a flicker of confusion in your eyes.
His chuckle, like a riddle yet to be unraveled, compels you to seek clarity. The lines on his face soften into a playful smile, but you sense there’s more beneath the surface—layers of emotion waiting to be uncovered.
You gracefully sit up, your hands instinctively finding support behind you. As you rise, there’s a subtle grace in your movements, a dance of poise and strength. 
His voice, a soothing melody, envelops you in a comforting embrace as he reassures, “It’s okay, babe.” There’s an innate understanding in his tone, a blend of empathy and strength that makes you feel seen and supported.
As he utters those words, his eyes become a safe haven, inviting you to share the weight of your concerns. You notice a subtle glint of concern, a reflection of his genuine care for your well-being. It’s not just a question; it’s an invitation to share the burden, a bridge to traverse the uncertain terrain together.
“Have you taken a test yet?”
Your head shakes with a slow, deliberate motion, a silent admission that echoes in the stillness between you two. “We haven’t really been close to a store these couple of days,” you mumble, your words carrying the weight of circumstance and a touch of vulnerability.
Yoongi’s voice carries a soothing cadence, a melody of reassurance that wraps around you like a comforting embrace. 
“Then you can take one when we get to Ansan, and then we’ll know, okay?” His words resonate with a mix of tenderness and practicality, casting a lifeline of certainty in the sea of uncertainties.
Your voice trembles with genuine curiosity as you turn to Yoongi, searching for the calm center in the storm of your emotions. 
“How are you so okay with this?” The question lingers in the air, heavy with the weight of your uncertainty.
“I told you before. I want kids, so I don’t mind. And I love you,” his voice, filled with a sincere tenderness, caresses your ears like a cherished melody, a symphony of reassurance. As Yoongi’s words wash over you, carrying the warmth of his love, you find yourself enchanted by the sincerity in his voice.
“I love you too!” 
Your words spill forth like a cascade, infused with a passion that dances in the air. The sincerity in your voice creates a melody that resonates in the space between you and Yoongi, a sweet harmony of shared emotions. He can’t help but chuckle, a tender sound that mingles with the affectionate atmosphere, like a secret language only the two of you understand.
“Whatever happens, we’ll face it together. Pregnancy or not, I want to be with you,” he declares, sealing his words with a kiss that carries the weight of unwavering commitment.
“Now lay back down so I can make sweet love to you,” he murmurs with a playful slap on your ass, drawing a light chuckle from you. As you comply with his request, the air crackles with anticipation, and the van seems to buzz with the shared energy of desire.
With your tears now dried, a renewed sense of elation washes over you, lifting you into a state of weightlessness. The earlier worries and anxieties have dissipated, leaving behind a serene anticipation for his tender touch. 
With a subtle yet confident movement, he draws you back up, skillfully assisting you in shedding your shirt. The air crackles with a charged energy as he guides you back down, each motion deliberate and unhurried. 
As he hovers above, fully clothed, a sudden intensity sweeps over the room. 
He descends urgently, his lips finding yours in a searing kiss that eclipses time. The embrace is fervent, a fusion of desire and hunger. He bites your bottom lip, a delicious intrusion that elicits a gasp, and as your mouths meld, tongues entwining in an intricate dance, the van seems to vibrate with the electric charge of longing. 
His moan reverberates within you, sending delightful shivers down your spine.
His hands travel down your body, his destination becomes clear as his lips find your breasts. A wave of pleasure courses through you as he takes one of them into his mouth, his tongue dancing with a rhythmic intensity. Simultaneously, his hand expertly caresses and squeezes the other, creating a symphony of sensations that leaves you breathless, lost in the exquisite rhythm of his touch.
His mouth envelops your nipple, coaxing it into a hard bud as he skillfully circles his tongue around it. The teasing bites send electric pulses of pleasure through your body, and you can’t help but moan in ecstasy. 
A surge of arousal courses through your body, igniting every nerve and leaving you acutely aware of the growing intensity between you and Yoongi. 
It’s as if a tidal wave of desire has been unleashed, sweeping away any lingering tension and leaving only the magnetic pull drawing you both closer.
Yoongi shifts his attention to your other breast, and a shiver runs down your spine as his skillful tongue creates a tingling sensation that sends waves of pleasure through your body. Each gentle bite and swirl of his tongue feels like a carefully orchestrated symphony, and you can’t help but arch your back in response to the electrifying pleasure he’s unleashing.
Your breath quickens, and the anticipation of another orgasm builds within you.
Yoongi, attuned to your heightened arousal, allows his free hand to navigate the landscape of your pussy. With deliberate intent, his fingers find your throbbing clit, and a jolt of pleasure courses through you as he gives it a teasing pinch. 
The dual sensations from both his mouth on your breast and his skilled fingers dancing on your most sensitive spot send shivers down your spine, amplifying the intensity of the moment.
“Ah!” an involuntary cry of pleasure escapes your lips, a raw and unfiltered expression of the ecstasy coursing through your body. Your breaths come in ragged pants, each exhale a testament to the overwhelming sensations Yoongi is coaxing from you.
His fingers dance skillfully over your clit, expertly pushing you closer to the edge. Simultaneously, his warm tongue flicks sensuously across your nipple, intensifying the pleasure coursing through your veins. 
In a crescendo of sensation, the knot in your stomach unravels, and you succumb to the powerful waves of ecstasy crashing over you. 
Ecstasy courses through every fiber of your being, causing your toes to curl involuntarily. Your breath comes in hurried pants, and the world around you blurs into a hazy abstraction.
As you slowly open your eyes, you find yourself ensnared in the gaze of Yoongi, his eyes reflecting an ocean of love that threatens to engulf your very soul. In those deep pools of affection, you sense an unwavering connection, a silent promise that transcends words. 
“I don’t think it’s fair that I’m the only one completely naked,” chuckling, you playfully swat at Yoongi’s sculpted chest.
With a surge of desire, you sit up, pushing him backward. The room crackles with anticipation as you grab his shirt, flinging it haphazardly onto the bed. Your lips crash against his in a hungry kiss, an unspoken urgency that reveals the depths of your longing for his touch.
Your fingers trail a fiery path down his chest. The heat between you intensifies as your hands venture lower, reaching the confines of his pants where a pronounced bulge yearns to be released—a silent plea echoing the passion that simmers beneath the surface.
In a fleeting moment of daring desire, you tease him with the tantalizing touch of your hand through the fabric, evoking a frustrated moan that hangs in the air. With an intoxicating mix of boldness and anticipation, you deftly pull down his pants and boxers, unveiling his throbbing dick.
As the last barrier of clothing drops away, leaving him gloriously exposed before you, he joins in the mirth, a playful chuckle escaping his lips. With an affectionate gleam in his eyes, he guides you back down, eager to continue the symphony of passion that has only just begun.
As his lips meet yours in a tender dance, his eyes lock onto yours, a silent exchange of emotions passing between those beautiful orbs. In that moment, it’s as if the entire cosmos is reflected in the depths of your gaze, and the world outside fades into insignificance.
As he reaches for a condom, you raise a questioning eyebrow at him.
“One last time before we find out if you’re pregnant or not?” 
With a playful smirk, Yoongi holds the foil in front of you, his question hanging in the air like a sweet promise. 
As the anticipation lingers in the air, you find yourself questioning the necessity of the condom. The unspoken desire for a deeper connection, to feel him without barriers, tugs at your thoughts. Yet, you understand the significance of this moment, a delicate balance between shared passion and the impending revelation. 
It’s a bittersweet dance, the choice wrapped in a poignant acknowledgment of the unknown future, making this last embrace all the more meaningful.
“Fine, one last time then.” 
A playful chuckle escapes your lips as you surrender to the shared decision. 
With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you wrap your fingers around his impressive hardness. A playful stroke elicits a deep, appreciative moan from him, resonating in the air like a sweet melody of desire.
His breath hitches, and he whispers, “You don’t have to, babe,” the words laced with desire. 
“I still want you to forget your name,” he whispers against your ear, his breath creating a delicate dance of sensations that sends shivers down your spine. 
You hum, a pleased and sultry melody resonating through your words. “But I want to. Please let me suck you; you taste so good.” 
He pants, his breath hitched with a blend of desire and amusement. 
“Fuck,” he mutters, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. “How can I say no to those sweet eyes and that dirty mouth of yours?” 
With a languid motion, he settles back on the bed, creating an inviting space for you between his well-defined legs. 
You crawl between his legs, a mischievous smirk playing on your lips. Slowly, sensually, you run your tongue along the length of his throbbing dick, savoring the moment before releasing a teasing droplet of saliva that glistens in the soft light. 
You take him into your mouth in one smooth, deliberate motion, the warmth and wetness engulfing his cock entirely. A primal hiss escapes his lips, a symphony of pleasure echoing in the van as you work your magic. 
With determination, you savor the taste of his precum, deciding to be bolder. You inch your way down, taking him deeper until your nose brushes against his coarse pubic hair.
As you breathe through your nose, hollowing your cheeks, the obscene sounds escaping him become a symphony that resonates through your core.
His fingers entwine in your hair, tugging gently, a visceral reminder of the intimate connection between you. 
“Such a good girl,” he murmurs, the praise dripping with desire and approval. The sensation of his touch, both tender and possessive, sends shivers down your spine, creating a delicious tension in the air.
As you pull away, a satisfying pop resonates in the room, accompanied by the symphony of your shared breaths. Gasping for air, you meet his gaze, and a playful chuckle escapes his lips, filling the space like a melody that only the two of you understand.
You plunge eagerly, your tongue tracing a sinuous dance around his length, creating a tantalizing symphony of pleasure. As you hum with a subtle vibration, the sensations reverberate, amplifying the intensity of the moment.
“Shit,” he breathes, his voice a low rasp as you feel his dick twitching in your mouth. 
You pull away once more, savoring the moment, and playfully trace the contours of the head of his dick with your tongue. Without further delay, you take him back into your mouth, the shared pleasure deepening with each devoted stroke.
You sense his hands in your hair, a gentle yet urgent pull, as he tries to guide you upward.
“As much as I love your mouth on my dick, I really want to make love to you.” 
He murmurs, drawing your head towards his, initiating a fervent kiss. The taste of himself on your tongue is a fleeting reminder, you know he doesn’t mind, it only fuels the passion between you.
He presses you gently into the sheets, the heat between you intensifying. With a swift motion, he retrieves the discarded foil from the tangled sheets, tearing it open before expertly rolling the condom onto his cock. 
As he lines up his dick with your eager entrance, a shiver of anticipation courses through both of you. With deliberate slowness, he eases into your folds, a dance of pleasure that draws out the exquisite tension in the air. 
The languid pace of his movements creates a sweet agony, a tantalizing dance that turns seconds into eternity. His unhurried rhythm, though almost maddening, speaks volumes of his desire to etch this time into the very fabric of your memories, turning the passage of time into a canvas for your passion.
Ecstasy courses through your veins as he delves deeper, the exquisite stretch sending a shiver down your spine. A symphony of sensations unfolds, and a breathy moan escapes your lips, a testament to the delicious ache that accompanies the perfect alignment of your bodies. 
With each rhythmic thrust, he unearths your most sensitive places, creating a euphoric melody that resonates with the primal rhythm of desire.
Your voice, laced with a desperate plea, dances in the air as you succumb to the overwhelming pleasure. 
“Fuck, Yoongi,” you moan, the words a fervent hymn to the ecstasy that engulfs you.
His grunt reverberates through the van, primal and intense, echoing the raw desire coursing through both of you. He begins to thrust with a tantalizing combination of slow, deliberate movements and rapid, passionate surges.
Every deliberate movement is a languid dance, a symphony of intimacy orchestrated by his tender touch. The deliberate pace allows you both to savor every sensation, each gentle thrust a declaration of his love and desire.
As he descends to capture your lips, it feels like a plunge into a world where time stands still. The kiss leaves you breathless, suspended in a moment that defies gravity. It’s not just a meeting of lips; it’s a celestial dance, leaving you weightless, floating in the ethereal connection between you and him.
Your thoughts dissolve into an exquisite haze, the only clarity emerging from the waves of pleasure he orchestrates. It’s as if the symphony of sensations has drowned out everything else, leaving only the echoes of ecstasy reverberating through your mind.
The knot in your stomach, a manifestation of building pleasure, tightens with every deliberate and passionate movement. Your hands instinctively seek solace on his biceps, anchoring you to the reality of the intimate dance unfolding between your entwined bodies.
As he bends down, his warm breath tickles your earlobe, and in a husky whisper, he confesses, “I’m close, babe.” 
The words, laden with raw desire, send a delicious shiver down your spine.
In the heated passion of the moment, his kisses are fervent and demanding. As his hands explore your body, a surge of desire courses through you when he skillfully pinches both your nipples with his calloused fingers. The sensation makes you arch your back, an involuntary response to the electrifying pleasure that his touch ignites.
In the throes of ecstasy, you can’t help but vocalize the overwhelming pleasure. Your breathless confession, “I’m close too. It’s so good, Yoongi,” escapes in a sultry melody, a raw expression of the intense pleasure coursing through your veins.
With a skilled move, he shifts his hand from your breasts, seamlessly guiding one of your legs over his shoulder. The new angle intensifies every sensation, his every thrust reaching new depths, causing you to release a symphony of moans that echo the escalating pleasure pulsating between you.
“You feel so good around me,” he murmurs, the praise mingling with his ragged breaths. As he maintains the unhurried rhythm, his skilled hand works wonders on your breast.
An electrifying surge courses through you, an unstoppable wave of pleasure crashing into every nerve, leaving you breathless and temporarily adrift in orgasm. As the echoes of ecstasy reverberate through your body, you find yourself in a cocoon of bliss, tethered only by the warmth of Yoongi’s presence above you.
Ecstasy courses through him, a guttural exclamation escaping his lips as the rhythmic clenching of your warm walls becomes his undoing. He succumbs to the wave of release, finding solace in the intimacy you both share.
As he releases your leg, it descends gracefully to his side, a silent testament to the shared intensity that just unfolded. Your bodies, now entwined and damp with shared desire, settle into a momentary stillness. His head, heavy with the weight of shared pleasure, finds a resting place atop yours.
He seals the moment with a lingering kiss, a sweet echo of the passion you both just shared. Gently withdrawing from your pussy, he eases himself down beside you, and discards the condom to the floor.
You witness the rhythmic dance of his chest, an intricate ballet choreographed by the ebb and flow of his breaths. Each rise and fall seems like a silent symphony, a testament to the shared intimacy that still lingers in the air. 
You gracefully position yourself on his lap, catching him off guard with the sudden move. The subtle sway of your breasts becomes a tantalizing dance, drawing his gaze irresistibly. A mischievous smile plays on your lips, a silent promise of the passion that’s about to unfold.
As you bask in the afterglow, a surge of emotions overwhelms you, and you can’t hold back the confession bubbling within. “I love you so much. No matter what. I’ve loved you for so many years,” you whisper, laying bare the depths of your heart. 
His eyes mirror your affection, and a serene “Me too,” escapes his lips, carrying the weight of years and years of longing. With a tender smile, you lean into him to seal the moment with a soft, lingering kiss, sealing your love in the quiet intimacy of the shared space between you two.
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Hoseok’s frustration spills out as he declares, “I told you it was a bad idea to take Joonie there; he breaks everything!” 
The edge in his voice carries a hint of irritation, directed at Seokjin. As they make their way back to the van, the tension in the air is palpable.
Namjoon, wearied by the perpetual reminders of his purported clumsiness, rolls his eyes. It’s evident that the narrative of him breaking everything has grown stale, and his expression reflects a mix of resignation and mild exasperation. 
His steps come to an abrupt halt as the mesmerizing sight unfolds before him. The camp comes into view, revealing a sight that seizes his attention – you, cradled in Yoongi’s arms covered in blankets, perched on a stool by the flickering warmth of the campfire. 
The scene, painted with the hues of the dancing flames, captures a moment of intimate togetherness that momentarily holds him captive.
He playfully smacks Hoseok’s chest, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Look at that,” he chuckles, his finger extending to showcase the van standing proudly in the distance.
Seokjin’s eyes soften with warmth as he gazes upon your tranquil figures. “Aw,” he gushes, captivated by the peaceful scene before him.
As you gradually awaken in the cocoon of Yoongi’s warmth, your eyes flutter open to find the circle of your friends seated on stools beside you. Their eyes meet yours, each reflecting a unique blend of affection, camaraderie, and unspoken stories.
Yoongi grunts a sleepy “hi,” his voice carrying the weight of the peaceful slumber you both shared. 
Hoseok’s laughter rings out, breaking the serene night air. “Hi, sleepyheads,” he chuckles, searching for a beer in the dimly lit surroundings.
Namjoon’s voice breaks the quiet night, daring to remark, “You look tired and glowing.” 
You release a soft breath, snuggling deeper into Yoongi’s pectorals, fingers intertwining with his.
Seokjin begins to utter, “Did you finally f–” but you abruptly cut him off, declaring, “If you finish that sentence, I’m gonna skin you alive and wear your dick like a party hat.” 
Your words hit like venom, leaving Seokjin, Namjoon, and Hoseok gasping, their eyes widened as if about to fall out of their sockets.
Yoongi’s chuckles resonate underneath you, the melodic sound wrapping around you like a warm embrace, a symphony you wish would play on a loop for eternity.
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→ Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I appreciate every like, comment and reblog, and please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think; your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜 → Taglist: @idkjustlovingbts, @constancelayon, @wobblewobble822, @ktownshizzle, @moonchild1, @ultimatefangirl0, @baechugff, @jimintaemin, @parapiop7, @fckkntired, @iluvfndms, @citypop-princess, @tarahardcore, @bergandysam, @massivelyfullenthusiast, @tatyhend, @gimeow *strikethrough means tumblr isn’t letting me tag you :( **you can still be added to the taglist, just drop a comment here, on any chapter or the masterlist and I’ll add you 🌸
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hopefulromances · 1 year
Long Time Coming I Chapter 16 I Stop, You're Losing Me
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Summary: Being hired as the first female assistant coach in the league was a challenge of it itself. Being a football prodigy and University Football Legend was easy enough. Coaching Jamie Tartt was a challenge all on its own.
Chapter Summary: Reader and Jamie are going through a rough patch and end up in Man City
Word Count: 5.4K
Warning: Angst, tears,
Prologue One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve 13 14 15
A/N: Thank you so much to @sokkigarden for reading this ahead of time and giving me notes! We have one chapter left after this one!!! Can't wait!
There was something wrong with Jamie. Ever since he came back from the international break things had been different. I’d prepared this whole big dinner for him with sexy lingerie and his favorite meals, and he’d enjoyed the whole night very thoroughly. But the next day, he was distant. Like I’d hurt him or something. I tried to ask him about it but he assured me there was nothing wrong, and that he was fine.
That was a few weeks ago and nothing had gotten better. I was so frustrated with myself. I’d wrack my brain trying to figure out what I’d done wrong, how I’d upset him that night. But nothing came to my mind.
         “It’s like he’s avoiding me,” I whined to Roy, spinning in my chair. I’d moved so I was in his office between him and Trent. “But I don’t know what I did.”
Roy grunted. This was how our conversations usually went. I’d come into his office when Trent wasn’t there, spin in my little chair and complain, and he’d grunt every now and then to let me know he was listening. Or half listening. He ‘didn’t want to get in my business because he doesn’t fucking care’”
         “I just… what if he wants to break up with me,” I whisper the words, finally stilling in my chair.
I’d tried not to consider that possibility, but it was very likely that he did want to break up. I’d obviously upset him somehow. But it was so sudden. We were doing so well. And our love had never been stronger. Maybe he’d gone to Italy and slept with someone else. That sent a shiver down my spine.
         “He doesn’t want to break up with you,” Roy grumbled, putting his pen down. “He’s just a twat that doesn’t know how to express his emotions”
         “How do you know he doesn’t want to break up with me?”
         “Cause he fucking adores you and talks about you all the time on our runs and it’s fucking annoying that’s why,” He shot back.
I smiled softly at the thought of Jamie running along talking about me. He’d become incredibly fit over the season. Not that he wasn’t fit before but now he could run longer, lift heavier, and move quicker.
         “He talks about me?” I checked, looking at Roy hopefully.
He rolled his eyes at me as he stood up and grabbed his jacket. “Yes, he does. Now I have to go to a stupid press conference and sit next to him while they boost his stupid ego after getting player of the month.”
         “He’s barely mentioned that, you know,” I tell Roy, standing to move my chair back to my desk. “It’s weird.”
         “He’s trying to be all humble about it, it’s fucking annoying.” He rolled his eyes and started out of the room. “Stop worrying about it!”
I wouldn’t stop worrying about it. I would continue to worry about it even when Colin, Isaac and Will brought back some kebabs from some Greek restaurant they’d gone to. They were delicious and all I could think about was Jamie’s mopey face as he went into the conference room.
But the real kicker was when Ted brought in a special guest.
         “My name is Dottie Lasso, it’s great to meet you,” Dottie introduced before wrapping me up in a hug.
         “Oh! Wow! Hi!” I greeted, shooting Ted a look. He just shrugged and motioned towards his mother. “I’m (Y/N), it’s great to meet you.”
         “It is such a pleasure to meet you, Ted talks about you all the time!”
I raised my eyebrows as she pulled away, smirking at Ted. “Oh, does he?”
She nodded, chuckling. “He thinks you’re the bee’s knees, sweetheart.”
         “I wasn’t aware bees had knees, but I appreciate it!” I replied, smiling at her.
Dottie Lasso brings in a big fuss as all the boys flock to her, listening to her stories of a young Ted Lasso. It was amusing to watch but Ted apparently did not think so as he watched her prattle on about his first time riding a bike.
I watched from my corner of the room, standing near the white board as we all enjoyed our meal and the stories. All except Jamie. He’s the only thing I had my eyes on the whole time as he stared vacantly at the floor. 
That was until Van Damme turned to Jamie with his nose guard on. It look ridiculous, of course, and normal Jamie would have taken the chance to make fun of him, but today, when Van Damme called on him Jamie just shrugged.
         “I think it’s more important to be safe than look cool,” he replied.
The room was silent as everyone stared at Jamie in surprise. I gave Roy a pointed look that said ‘I told you so’ before he rolled his eyes and turned around.
         “Oi! Tartt!” he barked, and the whole room flinched. “Boot room! Now!”
The two of them trudged off into the boot room, leaving me alone with the boys in the locker room. Part of me wanted to follow, to hear what they were walking about, but I knew Jamie needed to open up… to someone if not me.
I sighed and walked into my office where Ted was.
         “Well, it’s certainly been an interesting day, hasn’t it,” I groaned, tying my hair up into a ponytail.
         “That’s one way of putting it,” Ted grumbled back to me. “Say, is Jamie doing alright?”
I shook my head rubbing a hand down my face. “Couldn’t tell you.”
Ted looked over at me sympathetically. “Hey, whatever’s going on between the two of you, you’re gonna figure it out.”
         “I really hope so, Ted, I really do.”
I sat on Jamie’s bed that night as he packed. He was silent as he did, throwing clothes into a bag half-heartedly. I watched him, looking over the top of my phone, trying to pretend I wasn’t watching him, but I was.
         “What is it?”  he mumbled, staring at his toothbrush.
         “Are you okay?” I asked, looking between him and the toothbrush.
His head snapped up at me. “Yeah, I’m great, I’m fine. Why? Did Roy say something? Well, he’s wrong, I’m fine.”
I threw up my hands. “No, Jamie, Roy didn’t say anything, you’re acting fucking weird.” He frowned at me, his eyes darting in his head as he figured out how to respond to me. I didn’t let him figure it out though. “Jamie, I’m here for you, please just talk to me.”
         “(Y/N), I promise, nothing is wrong,” he insisted, throwing his toothbrush into his suitcase finally. I slid off of the bed and went to grab his hand, but he flinched away from me.
I took a step back. He flinched. He actually flinched away. I felt the hurt spread over my body like a web, coursing through my veins. Jamie could see it hurt me; I could see it in his eyes. But he didn’t move to comfort me.
         “Okay, fine… I guess I’ll just go then,” I squeaked, grabbing my phone off the bed.
         “(Y/N), wait,” he finally spoke.
         “No, no it’s fine,” I grabbed my jacket that was hanging off the bed. “There’s nothing wrong, you’re fine. I’m gonna go.”
I trotted down the stairs and out the door, trying to hurry so I didn’t change my mind. I could hear Jamie curse from behind the door as I rushed down the driveway. This felt all too familiar. I could see it, last season, just around this time when I poured my soul open to him and left him standing on the field. Except it hurt more this time.
Jamie was fading from me. I could feel it. I wanted to grab on, but he pulled away. He was losing me.
We didn’t speak the next morning or at all on the bus. We didn’t even sit together on the bus. I tried to pretend I was fine, that my heart wasn’t aching as Colin sat next to me instead, wearing a sympathetic look. He didn’t even share his hotel room with me when we got them assigned at the hotel. He just walked off.
The next I heard from anyone was someone knocking rapidly on my door. When I opened it, Roy and Keeley were both standing there in front of me.
         “What’s wrong with Jamie?” Roy asked.
I felt the well building up, about to boil over. I tried to stay calm but just imagining the look on Jamie’s face when I tried to touch him last night.
         “Fuck!” I cried out, the tears welling up in my eyes. I started spinning in place, flapping my hands to let out excess energy. “I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know!”
         “Fucking hell,” Roy rolled his eyes. “You and Jamie emote in very similar ways, you know?”
         “Babe, babe, breath,” Keeley grabbed onto my shoulders. “Roy said that when he talked to Jamie yesterday, he had a complete meltdown.”
         “Listen, listen,” She shushed. “But today I’m going to talk to him. We just wanted to see if you knew anything.”
I looked between Roy and Keeley, two of my closest friends in the world, and all three of us were coming together to help Jamie.
         “Whatever happens, (Y/N),” Keeley continued, rubbing her hands up and down. “we’re here for you, both of us.” She looked over at Roy who nodded minutely.
Roy stuck with me for the rest of the day. Apparently, he was on (Y/N) duty while Keeley was trying to figure out what was wrong with Jamie. Roy kept me occupied with strategy questions and making sure I knew what was going to happen at the game tomorrow.
The next time we saw either of them was at the movie night. Jamie came in and sat in the front, not even looking in my direction. Then Keeley came in and sat next to Roy passing us both buckets of popcorn.
         “How’d it go with Jamie?” Roy asked, taking the popcorn.
         “Yeah, I fucked it. I made it worse,” Keeley frowned, scrunching her nose.
         “You what?” I whisper cried.
She looked at me in an apology. “Sorry I brought up his hair and-‘”
         “You brought up his hair?” I whispered in disbelief.
         “I thought I was comforting him!” Keeley defended herself. “I’m sorry!”
I shook my head, shoving a handful of popcorn in my face. I couldn’t even focus on the movie, which ended much too soon. As soon as the movie ended, Jamie was up, and out the door and I was up and following him. Keeley squeaked and grabbed Roy to follow.
We chased Jamie outside, just catching him as he started walking down the street. Thus began our chase. Through the streets of Manchester that he trekked through easily. It made me think of him as a kid running around playing games. This was his home turf and he knew it well.
Finally, he led us down a tunnel, except when we made it to the tunnel, he was gone.
         “Where the fuck did he go?” I panted, tired from trying to keep up.
         “You said he went down there,” Keeley pointed at Roy.
Roy shook his head. “No. I said he’s in a tunnel, I didn’t say he was in this tunnel.”
They bickered back and forth but I looked around trying for any sign on him. We jumped as Jamie appeared behind us. I whipped around and stared at him. He looked so odd in the darkness with his hoodie pulled over his head. Almost annoyed that we had followed him.
“Why are you following me?” He asked.
         “Just wanted to make sure you’re okay, you prick,” Roy growled.
         “What’s going on, Jamie?” Keeley asked seriously. “Are you buying drugs?”
Jamie and I hadn’t taken our eyes off of each other. I couldn’t say anything, just stare at him, begging him to say something, anything. Just talk to me. But he just shook his head and slid between me and Keeley murmuring a ‘come on’ as he did.
It felt cold. He just brushed right past me, he didn’t even take my hand as he did. Keeley put her arm on me, sending me a comforting glance as we went to follow him. He led us through a neighborhood where some kids were kicking a ball, they shot some insults his way but he didn’t seem to mind.
Finally, we arrived at a door and when Jamie knocked, a man arrived.
         “Hey!” He cried when he saw Jamie at the door. “Jamie!” He threw open the door smiling broadly.
         “How you doing, Simon?” Jamie smiled back at him. “Uh, this is Keeley, that’s Roy, and this is… this is (Y/N).”
Simon’s eyes darted over to me before looking back at Jamie. I felt so helpless in this situation. Jamie wasn’t talking to me, Roy and Keeley couldn’t get through to him and now we’re standing at some random house in the middle of Manchester the night before a really big game.
He let us in and Jamie started walking around the hallway, seemingly looking for someone.
         “Georgie, we’ve got visitors,” Simon called up the stairs.
A voice called back from upstairs. “What was that love? Someone at the door?”
Then a woman appeared at the top of the stairs, letting out a shriek of excitement when she saw Jamie at the bottom of the stairs.
         “Hi, mummy,” He greeted, the smile on his face growing by the second. She rushed down the stairs and hugged him tight.
Mummy? Oh my god. This was his childhood home. I wanted to leave, I needed to get out of here. I tried to back up but hit the closed door behind me.
         “Mummy, I’d like to introduce you to Keeley, and this hairy prick’s Roy,” he started, not taking his arms off of his mother. “And back there, is… (Y/N).”
Again, Georgie’s eyes darted towards me quickly, then back to Jamie. “I’d come to give you a hug, but I’m not letting go of this one!”
Jamie picked her up and carried her down the hall, leaving Roy, Keeley and I reeling in the wake of whatever is going on.
We sat on their couch, cookies in hand as Jamie cuddled with his mother, prattling on about some asshole on twitter who made fun of his hair. I played with the cookie in my hand, trying to look at Jamie but he wouldn’t look at me. Why wouldn’t he look at me?
         “Babes, do you wanna give them the grand tour?” Georgie suggested. “You know, show them around a bit?”
         “Yes!” Simon clapped his hand. “Right, follow me. We will start in the kitchen, aka, my laboratory.”
He took us in the kitchen, then upstairs where he let us into a small room. He flicked on the lights.
         “And here’s the main attraction,” he announced. “Jamie’s room!”
My eyes widened as the three of us filed into his room. It was filled with football trophies and ‘A’ papers and other certificates with Jamie’s name on them. I turned around and saw Roy’s poster on the wall. It brought a smile to my face. Little Jamie Tartt who loved football and loved Roy Kent. Now Roy Kent had just followed him around Manchester because he was so worried about him.
Simon closed the door behind him, revealing yet another poster, this one of Keeley. Oh, Jamie… he was going to throw a fit when he found out. I looked around the room, at the posters, at the trophies, at the pictures. At the life that was Jamie Tartt before his father was back in his life. This Jamie was coming back, and he needed help to get there. I couldn’t just leave him now.
         “I should go… I need to… I’m gonna…” I trailed off, opening the door and walking out.
I padded down the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. I heard him and his mother chatting in the other room and knew I shouldn’t listen in, but something drew me to listen in.
         “Jamie… your father, he is who he is,” Georgie cooed. “And like it or not, you’ve ended up being who you are so that you can prove him wrong. And you are amazing. You are.” I felt a smile come over my face as I heard her praise him. “When you come on for England? Oh. Jesus, Jamie, I wept. I bawled my fucking eyes out.”
I bit my lip, feeling tears come to my eyes. Jamie had so much love in his life. From me, from Roy and Keeley and from his mum. He was just so afraid to accept it. She went on.
         “And, yeah, your dad will be in the stands tomorrow, pissed out of his head, rooting against you. And it won’t matter. You don’t have anything to prove to that toe rag. You’re not lost, my sexy little baby. You’re just not sure which direction you’re going in... yet.”
I heard them shuffle for a second, probably hugging and I knew I should go.
         “And something tells me, that girl standing in the hall is going to help you,” Georgie finished. My eyes widened. How the fuck did she know? “Come on out, love, you think I didn’t memorize the way it sounds when someone’s sneaking down the stairs.”
I peeked into the room, and saw Jamie still curled up on his mom’s lap. I let out a short laugh but it quickly ended as I took an incredibly shaky breath.
         “Sorry…” I apologized. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.”
Georgie waived me off, patting Jamie’s shoulder so he’d sit up. “Don’t apologize, dear, the two of you should chat, I think.”  She hopped up off the sofa, leaving Jamie sitting there and came over to hug me. I was surprised by the hug but happily accepted it. She leaned back and kissed my cheek.
         “Thank you,” She murmured. “For taking care of my boy.”
I felt my breath hitch and I nodded. She patted my shoulder before exiting the room. Now it was just Jamie and me. He wouldn’t even look at me, just chewed on his hoodie jacket and played with his fingers. I walked over and sat next to him on the sofa, not close enough to touch, even by accident.
         “Jamie I-“
         “Listen, (Y/N)-“
We both started at the same time, talking over each other.
         “You go first, Jamie,” I offered but he shook his head.
         “No, you, please,” he motioned for me to continue.
I looked at him, begging for him to look at me. I reached out and grabbed his hand, tired of not being able to touch him, and brought it to my lap.
         “Jamie I…” I tried to form the words that I needed to say. “I’ve been so fucking worried about you. And you won’t even talk to me, you won’t even fucking look at me.” I felt that familiar ball in my throat as a sob tried to make its way up, but I swallowed it down. “And… and if you don’t want to be with me anymore, I understand…”
         “But… please just tell me because this is excruciating.” I pushed on. “Jamie, I love you so fucking much it hurts me to see you struggling. I want to help you, to be there for you. But if you don’t want me… that’s okay. You don’t need to want me.”
         “(Y/N), please- “
         “Just let me finish,” I silence, squeezing his hand. “But I do need you to know that, whatever happens, you have changed my life. You have shown me what love is and that will never change. Okay?” Finally, I dragged my eyes up to look at him. His eyes matched the same shiny expression of mine. Unshed tears, brimming in his eyes. “I think you are amazing, okay? And that’s never going to change.”
Finally, I was done. He turned towards, finally, for the first time all night, taking both my hands in his.
         “God, (Y/N),” He sounded breathless. “I don’t want to leave you. God, I need you so bad… I need you every single day and I… I was afraid that I was too much for you. I was waiting for you to turn on me, or hate me, or something because I know I always muck it up.” His hands rubbed over mine gently.
“I knew you were stressed about this game, and I didn’t want to worry yah anymore. But I… I guess I fucked that up as well.” He laughed a bit before pausing again. “Everyone’s expecting something of me. Richmond, Man City, my dad, you. And I’m afraid I’m going to let all of you down then you won’t want me around no more.”
         “Oh, Jamie,” I moved close to him, grabbing his hand with both of mine, moving so our arms were touching. He melted into my touch. “Your whole life, you’ve been playing football for someone else. For your dad, for me, your mum. I think tomorrow, you should try playing for you.” He looked over at me, his eyes big and round. “Because I’m going to be proud of you no matter what, and so will your mum. So, make yourself proud. I think you’ll surprise yourself.”
His eyes looked back and forth between mine, and I smiled at him, trying to ignore the tears that slipped out of my eyes. I brought my hand up to his face, rubbing away some tears on his cheeks. He leaned forward and bumped his head against mine, resting his forehead on my temple.
It felt so nice to feel him on me after not touching him for so long, I pressed my nose into his cheek, taking a deep inhale. I missed him.
         “Just… talk to me next time…” I begged, quietly. “Please.”
I felt him nod against me before knocking my nose aside with his and sealing his lips over mine. I kissed him back readily, eagerly, feeling so at home again. I fight the urge to deepen the kiss and pull back after a moment, laughing breathily.
         “Guess where Roy and Keeley are right now?” I breathed out, smiling giddly at him.
He frowned, looking confused. “Where?”
         “Sitting on your bed, probably staring at the posters you have of them.”
         “Oh, god.”
We made our way upstairs, and when we opened the door to the room, Keeley and Roy flew apart from where they’d obviously been kissing just before we opened the door. Jamie and I looked at each other.
         “Sorry to interrupt,” Jamie chuckled. “But we really should get going.”
Keeley popped up first. “We’re ready!”
Roy however, sat for a moment longer before standing up and stalking out the door, patting Jamie on the shoulder as he did. Jamie stood for a moment longer, staring at his childhood room. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder.
         “You ready, babe?” I murmured, kissing his cheek.
He looked down at me smiling. “Yeah, I am.”
The stadium at Manchester was thrumming with excitement as we walked into the stadium. I paced in front of the bench. This was an important game. If we wanted any shot at winning the Premier league, we needed to win this game. The boys filed out onto the field and as Jamie appeared the whole stadium erupted in boos. This was not going to be an easy game for us.
Man City played dirty, especially against Jamie, constantly knocking him off the ball and knocking him to the ground. I could tell he was getting frustrated, pounding the ground with his fists in anger.
         “C’mon Jamie! Get back up!” I called to him after a particularly hard fall. He shook his head and sprung up off the ground. Then he orchestrated a beautiful goal between him, Bumbercatch, and Colin. It was beautiful, he was so clearly ahead of everyone else when it came to his passes.
But honestly, Van Damme was saving this game. I lost track of the number of saves he made on the goal. So far, we’d been lucky, but our chances were running thin. Then Van Damme got away from the goal for just a second and Man City got in the gap. It looked like an equalizer when Jamie came out of nowhere and basically flipped to block the score.
It was an incredible feat and we all let out a collective sigh of relief as the game continued. But Jamie didn’t get up. I found myself grabbing onto Roy’s arm, my heart stopping, waiting, begging him to get up.
He rolled around on the ground for a minute, Isaac running over to check on him, but Jamie waved him off. He stood up, flexing his foot and trying to push on. He made it about halfway across the field before he fell again, unable to push past the pain. My grip on Roy tightened and I felt him tense as well.
         “Ted, let me go talk to him, please,” I said to Ted as Jamie was helped off the field.
         “No, no, no, no, you’re not going over there, let me,” Ted brushed me off. He was right. I wouldn’t be able to help if I went over there. But I felt my heart racing as I tried to restrain myself from rushing to his side, ensuring that he was okay.
I glanced up at the scoreboard. We were still 1-0 against Man City, Pep stood on the sideline, pacing just as I was.
         “(Y/N), calm down, focus on the game,” Roy insisted. “Jamie knows how to take care of himself.”
He was right, of course, Roy was always right. And as he said that Ted came jogging back towards us.
         “We’re gonna give him a couple minutes,” he told us. “He’s gonna be fine.”
I grumbled, looking over at where Jamie was being worked on by the physio team. Jamie would soldier on; he would make sure he could get out there. I saw him, looking around, watching for any sign of his father who’d been suspiciously missing this whole game.
Roy nudged me, telling me to focus on the game. But the game was bleak. Man City continually putting shots on the goal and Van Damme stopping them each time. Ted made his wave back over to Jamie. I wanted to go with him, just let me talk to him, but Roy held me back.
         “Let Ted do his thing, yeah?” He told me. “Jamie’s a smart lad.”
I nodded, trying to focus on the game. The back and forth as the ball went in and out of possession. I could hear it again, the cheers, the calls, the look as I ran on the field scored a goal. It was right there in front of me again.
         “Here he comes,” Beard mentioned, pulling me from my daze.
Jamie was up, hoping and adjusting his foot. He was going to go out there. He walked towards the substitution area. The crowd booed and jeered at him as he walked past but he just smiled, sticking his tongue out as he patted his Richmond logo. Then he looked over at me. I nodded at him, trying to remain Zen in his moment. He sent me a wink and a cocky smirk as he started out onto the field.
What happened next can only be described as art. Isaac sent the ball down the field where Jamie gained possession of it quickly. He ducked inside and spiraled around several Man City defenders. All eyes were fixed on Jamie as he floated, effortlessly, around the field.
It was astonishing to watch. The way he moved was incredible, moving with his brain three steps ahead of every dribble and swerve. No one could touch him. Then he sent it flying through the air and the world stood still. My eyes on Jamie, not the ball, as the ball made a loud swish into the goal.
The world exploded as the team cheered but I couldn’t take my eyes off of Jamie. I felt my vision get a little blurry as tears crowded in my eyes. The feeling in my chest could only be described as immense pride and joy. I felt my heart trying to burst right out of my chest as the boys tackled Jamie in a hug.  Roy patted me on the back and I looked over at him seeing the same astonished expression on his face that I had on mine.
Shortly after that, Ted pulled Jamie out, not wanting to push him any further. He started to come off the field and something incredible happened. The stadium applauded him. The whole stadium, Richmond and Manchester City fans alike standing and applauding Jamie as he started off the pitch.
I saw the moment he realized it was for him the emotion filling his face as his hometown saluted him. His talent, his ability, his prowess. I covered my mouth, tears of joy springing from my eyes as I watched his emotional face leaving the pitch. He looked over at me as he finally made his way off the pitch. I didn’t want to go over to him, and he didn’t want to come over to me but we both knew. The expression we shared of mutual love and respect that we had for each other spoke more than any words I could say to him right now. I nodded at him, and he nodded at me.
The game was over shortly after that as we won. We celebrated the whole way home, singing and screaming and drinking the whole bus ride back to Richmond. When we got back to the club, I knew I wanted to speak to Jamie but first I had to do something for myself, and I was scared bonkers.
         “Ted…” I ventured, staring at my desk.
         “What’s kickin’, little chicken,” he responded, putting his phone down to face me. I let myself laugh at his greeting.
I looked up at him, rolling my thoughts around in my head. What I was going to ask, what I was risking here. But I couldn’t ignore the sound rushing in my ears anymore.
         "Ted, what if I didn’t coach anymore.”
It didn’t take me long to find Jamie after my talk with Ted. He was sitting in the physio room with his foot in a bucket of ice. Top tier medicine people. I opened the door and he put down his phone when he saw me.
         “Hey,” he greeted, a lazy smile coming over his face.
Seeing him now, alone, just the two of us, I couldn’t help the smile that came over my face.
         “Jamie Tartt,” I said simply.
He reached for me, and I took his hand letting him pull me closer to him. His arms wrapped around my waist, and I brought mine up to hold his face delicately in my hands.
         “You are incredible,” I continued, rubbing his cheeks with my thumbs. “You are just so incredible.” He grinned at me and pressed up to kiss me. I hummed into the kiss for a moment before pulling back. “I am so proud of you.”
         “Yeah?” His eyes were big and wide.
         “Yeah,” I responded, smoothing out his hair.
He kissed me again but pulled back quickly. “And you know that?”
         “What?” I asked, smiling at his mischievous look.
         “I’m proud of me, too” he told me, his face bright.
I was overwhelmed with the amount of joy and pride and happiness I felt in that moment. Jamie spent his whole life trying to make someone else happy and now, maybe for the very first time, he’s made himself happy.
I kissed him this time, hard. He started to lean back onto the table letting me fall on top of him when the door opened behind us.
         “Oi! Get a room,” Roy’s gruff voice called out.
         “Quite literally, we did, grandad,” Jamie shouted back, not taking his eyes off of me. I giggled and sat up to get off him.
Jamie whined, pouting at me but I waved him off. “Welcome to the celebration!”
Keeley and Roy came in with bottles of champagne. My conversation with Ted could wait until tomorrow. Right now, it was the four of us, Jamie’s hand in mine, Roy and Keeley laughing with us. A family. We were a family.
Taglist: @heletsmelovehim @higherthanheroes @ajax-petropolus-wife @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @optimisticsandwichgladiator @kno-way-home @sleepy-time @wigglegiggle @skewedcherries @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog @snubug @rana030 @ems-alexandra @jaymum @imfalling-inlove @littleesilvia @eugene-emt-roe
179 notes · View notes
nolita-fairytale · 2 years
make my heart surrender | carmen berzatto x fem!reader | chapter seven: tuesday, again
pairing: carmen berzatto x fem!reader
warnings: lots of swearing, tooth-rotting fluff, use of she/her pronouns, friends to lovers, references to sex, no use of y/n, second person pov, happy ending
word count: 3.8k
summary: you left your heart in chicago, so the only logical conclusion you've come to, is that you have to go back.
a/n: ok this author's note may be a long one. WOW. can i just say 'wow' holy shit?! i wrote this story in a week because inspiration struck and i couldn't get these characters, or this story, out of my freaking head. i am beyond grateful to any and all that read, liked, reblogged, or commented. thank you for being cheerleaders for me, carmy, and this story. i am truly so in love with these characters it hurts, so thank you for encouraging me to continue this love affair.
that being said, i am not done with these two at all. i have a few companion pieces i'm working on right now: a playlist, a headcanon, and maybe even a oneshot (or a few but who's counting)? thank you again for reading. please enjoy.
read: part six | masterlist
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Tuesday, again. 
It’s Tuesday again and your time in Chicago has come to an end. Carmy had stayed the night with you at your airbnb. But morning came, and he left early to start his morning at the restaurant. Truthfully, he just hadn’t wanted to watch you pack – couldn’t get out of there fast enough when you’d opened your suitcase. You noticed how much it bothered him, letting him know that you’d stop by the restaurant before heading to the airport. 
And that was that. You’d gone your separate ways before, and you’d go your separate ways again – just for a little bit. And it wouldn't be like last the last time. It’s bittersweet – leaving today – but you keep reminding yourself of the conversation you’d had yesterday about the future of your relationship. You wanted to be with him, and Carmy wanted to be with you. The rest, you’d figure out as you go.
Your boyfriend.
It felt strange – even if he’d basically already been your unofficial platonic boyfriend back in New York. Adding a title to it was a whole other ball game. 
Never did you think, as you were preparing for this trip, that you’d return back home with Carmy as yours. You thought maybe you’d talk about what happened -- smooth things over -- but that would be that, and you’d go back to being friends. After this week, you were starting to believe you were never supposed to be just friends. 
You had a feeling none of your friends would be surprised when you shared the news – not in the least. 
You finish packing up your things, double checking that you haven’t left anything behind before heading to the restaurant. It’s about thirty minutes to lunch service, and since they’re not open just yet, you enter through the back door one last time for what feels like could be a while. 
And there it is again: that bittersweet feeling. 
“Chef!” Tina says, her eyes lighting up as she sees you. “You headin’ out today?”
“Hey, T,” you reply. “Yeah, I’m heading to the airport after this. Just wanted to stop by before I go.”
“Well you better come back soon,” she says almost as if it’s a threat, and you laugh in response. 
“Of course.”
“There she is!” Marcus hollers across the kitchen, as soon as he spots you. “Damn. What am I gonna do with you?”
“Uh… keep doin’ what you’re doing and kill it?” you reply, eliciting a proud smile from him. 
“Seriously. This last week… I’ve learned so much from you. Thank you,” he says, his gratitude evident in his voice. 
“No, thank you, Marcus,” you answer, genuinely. “I haven’t felt this inspired in… well a while. I want to be kept up on all your new flavor pairings. Just remember. I’m only a text away.”
“Yes, chef,” he replies, moving in to give you a hug. 
He wraps his arms around you and you hug him back. Boy, is it bittersweet. How, in one week, have you gotten so attached?
“Hey! I want in!” another voice chimes in, as you and Marcus’ hug comes to an end. 
You smile, greeting Sydney with a hug – a hello goodbye kind of hug.
“You better come visit me in New York,” you insist. You’re not sure how long you’ll be there, but you say it anyways, just in case it’s a while. 
You watch as Sydney and Marcus exchange glaces. 
“Nothin’, chef,” Marcus answers, almost too quickly. 
Sydney shrugs, “I don’t know. Just uh, wondering how long you’ll be there for.” She’s prodding and she knows it. You decide not to ask what she means by it.
“Well, if it ends up being longer… than I expect, you better come up,” you clarify. 
“Okay, yes. I definitely will,” Sydney agrees with a nod, before pulling you in for one more hug. 
“Hey, cousin said you’re headin’ out so Ebra’s made you a sandwich for the trip, babe. We’ll see ya around soon,” Richie greets, interrupting your moment with Sydney and Marcus. 
Richie, whose affection seems to catch you off guard, slings an arm around you, handing you the sandwich that Ebraheim has so kindly wrapped up for you. 
“Cousin!” Richie shouts, in search of Carmy. 
“Jesus Christ, it’s ten in the morning. Are we already starting the yelling this early or-?” Carmy calls back to him. He bursts through the doors from where he’s been fixing something up in the front of house dining area. He stops as soon as he sees you. 
“Hey yourself,” you reply, taking in the image of his unruly curls, white t-shirt, and blue apron you've gotten so used to over the last few days.
It’s almost as if everyone else but Richie tries to make themselves as busy as possible – to give you two a chance to say goodbye. You can hear Marcus and Sydney making themselves scarce as Angel and Manny turn the sink water back on. 
“I just uh-, wanted to stop by before heading to the airport,” you say, unsure of just how much everyone else knows about you and Carmy’s current relationship. “Say goodbye to everyone.”
It’s clear that they know something’s up, but you still have your reservations about kissing him in front of everyone. 
“What do you mean?" Richie asks, glaring at Carmy. "This asshat’s not takin’ you to the airport?”
Richies practically shouting for the entire kitchen to hear, causing you and Carmy both to take a breath. You exchange a ‘here we go again’ look as Richie continues on.
“What kind of-, I swear to god, cousin-.”
“Richie!” you hear Tina snap, looking up from her prep station. “Shut the fuck up and give them a minute, you old bitch.”
Richie throws his hands up, before bowing out of the conversation, leaving just you and Carmy in the middle of the walkway. You can hear Richie and Tina bickering in hushed tones over by the stove, earning a quiet laugh from you. 
Your heart aches in the best way as you commit this moment to memory.
God, you're going to miss this. 
“You wanna..?” Carmy asks, nodding his head in the direction of the back door. 
You nod in agreement, letting him lead you back out to the alley. 
And now it’s really just the two of you, and while it’s not the most romantic of backgrounds, you’re going to work with what you’ve got. Carmy seems nervous as he fidgets with the ties of his apron. 
“You uh, you sure you don’t want me to take you to the airport?” Carmy asks hesitantly, thinking back to Richie’s earlier comment. 
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you answer with confidence. “Besides, I’d never want to take you away from these guys. You open in a few anyway.”
He smiles, accepting your answer. It’s something he loves about you: that you get it. You understand that sometimes the food’s gotta come first. 
You didn’t know why it felt so weird – so challenging, awkward, strange – to say goodbye to him. Because it wasn’t really a goodbye. And it also was and you’re not sure if you have a name for this feeling yet. 
Instead of answering with words, you just reach over, grabbing that beautiful head of hair of his, and you kiss him. He tastes of the cigarette he smoked on his walk to The Bear and the Altoid mint he had later in his office in anticipation of your arrival. You want to memorize each and every part of this: the way he smells, the way he tastes, the way his hands feel on you. He pulls you in, wrapping his arms around you as you continue your passionate make out – your passionate goodbye kiss – in the alleyway behind the restaurant. 
Your kisses begin to slow down, and before you know it, you’re pulling away from him. 
“Text me when you land, okay?” he asks, a hopeful look in his eyes. 
You nod, “Yes. Yeah. I will.”
And you want to turn to go, but you can’t yet, so you add, “Thanks for inviting me out here.”
He laughs dryly, leaving one more kiss on your lips for the road.
“Thanks for coming to see me. I’ll see you soon.”
A few Tuesdays later
It takes exactly five minutes of being back in New York to realize that Chicago is where you need to be. You don’t regret asking for time to think, but you almost felt silly to worry that you wouldn’t come to this conclusion. You have to go back: to the restaurant, to purpose, to Carmy.
You let yourself think through every little detail, and in each scenario, you know that Chicago is where you’re supposed to be. It had, afterall, been everything you’d felt you were missing. 
Your heart was there, and for once, you were going to let yourself follow it. 
You’d just needed some time to let your head and your heart catch up – get on the same page – and wrapping things up in New York gave you that time to get clear that this was your next step. 
Not that you mind letting the man you adored and some very hot sex cloud your judgment. 
It takes a few weeks, but you and Carmy text every day, even on the busy days. Some days you text a lot, and some it’s just a few exchanges: a ‘good morning’ text, a ‘thinking of you,’ and a ‘goodnight’ text when he’s wrapped up at the restaurant. But it doesn’t bother you. You know what it’s like. Other days, you’re able to sneak in a phone call… maybe even a FaceTime… and if you’re really lucky, you get to talk for hours before either of you realize it’s two in the morning and you should’ve been asleep a long time ago.
People are always coming and going in New York City. It’s why it’s not hard to find a sublet for your apartment, and once you’ve set the ball in motion, it feels impossible to backtrack. After you find the subletter, you tell the restaurant that you’re not coming back and they’re not happy with your decision. You tell them you’re moving to Chicago and only a few people left on staff understand why. Your friends who know you and Carmy aren’t surprised – just as you expected – and by the end of your happy hour catch up, they’re halfway to booking you a ticket to Chicago for that night.
Your parents on the other hand are less than ecstatic. They have more questions, more hesitations, and they want to make sure you’re thinking things through. You tell them that you have, that you’ve combed through every possible scenario, and each time you come to the conclusion that this is what you have to do. 
But they’re happy you’re happy. They say they’ve never seen you like this and you agree. You’ve never felt this way before either. 
You’ve got to stay just a little longer – make sure you can get all your shit sold or moved. Because you’re a responsible adult even when you hate being a responsible adult. It takes a few more days to get an available U-Haul, and you’re all packed up. You’d called Carmy earlier to tell him, but he’s not answering his phone. Sydney hadn’t been in touch either, so you figured they were slammed at the restaurant.
Holy shit. This is really happening, you think to yourself. 
With one foot over the ledge already, you’re off. 
Wednesday, again.
You’ve set him up so well that if he blows it, you’re gonna be pissed. All he has to do is be his normal, annoying, crass self. 
C’mon, Richie, you think to yourself, pleading with the gods that this goes the way you hope it will. 
As you’d told him your plan, he seemed more than happy to oblige. Just rile him up a little just to make the surprise that much better. Richie wouldn’t miss out on an opportunity like that, would he? You can hear shouting coming from the kitchen, and can tell your plan has been set in motion.
“Richie, what the fuck are you talking about? They said what? Who?” Carmy asks, frustratedly.
Yesterday’s dinner service was a shitshow. It’d been slower for lunch this afternoon, and he berates himself for being naive enough to think that he could catch his breath today. The last thing he needed after yesterday was some food critic coming into his restaurant to pick apart all of their hard work. 
“I don’t know, cousin,” Richie shouts back defensively, as if he has no other volume level than that one. “I don’t know if she’s a fuckin’ food critic or not but she sounded like one. Somethin’ about an overseasoned juice or whatever the fuck!” “Jus,” Carmy corrects. “It’s pronounced, ‘zjhoo,’ fucko. Not ‘juice.’ How many times do I have to tell you?”
“Yeah, yeah, fuck if I care,” Richie mutters. “All I’m saying is you should go out there and give the pompous jack hole a piece of your mind.”
“Alright, if it’s going to get you off my back, I’ll do it!” Carmy snaps, having had enough of Richie’s shouting. “Just tell me where she’s sitting so I know who to talk to.”
“At the bar. Christ,” Richie sighs, removing himself from the conversation entirely as he steps away from Carmy. 
Carmy sighs in frustration. He removes his apron before hanging it on one of the wall hooks, then makes his way through the swinging doors that lead to the dining area. It’s still slow, even after the small lunch peak they’d just experienced, and there’s only one woman sitting at the bar. 
It’s then the Carmy realizes he’s been set up. This was all just an act to get him out here – out to the front of house. His breath catches in his throat as he sees you sitting at the bar of his restaurant. You lock eyes with him, and he’s suddenly feeling much more nervous than he previously was. 
“Surprise,” is all you manage to get out, half apologetically.
He makes his way to the open side of the bar, stepping around it so that he can stand on the same side as you. 
“Hey,” he says, even though he’s practically speechless. 
“So uh…” he stammers nervously. Out of all the things he could say to you all he can think of is, “What’s this I hear about an overseasoned jus?” 
You shrug, a devious smile on your face and a sense of mischief in your eyes, “Well I had to come up with something that’d get your attention.”
“It worked. Consider it gotten,” he nods, a blush running all the way down his neck. “Wh-, What’re you doing here?”
He doesn't mean for it to sound so abrupt, but what he really wants to ask is: what does this mean?
You wait, taking half of a beat. 
“I… heard you might be hiring another pastry chef to… you know… help out around here,” you reply, nodding towards the kitchen. Carmy has no idea how you’re playing it so cool, and you’re not sure how you are either. 
“I-, I’d have to talk to Marcus first,” he stammers, matter of factly. His head is spinning, and he can’t breathe, in a good way this time. He can’t believe you’re here and half expects to wake up and realize he’s only dreaming. 
“Of course,” you nod in agreement. 
You pause again, wondering if he’s surprised in a bad way.
“I uh… I called,” you offer up, almost as an apology. 
“We’ve been slammed,” Carmy replies, taking a step closer to you. “And I passed the fuck out last night after service. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay! I-, I figured…” you chuckle, beginning to explain yourself. “I just wanted you to know that-, I mean the rental company had a last minute opening and it was gonna take a few more weeks to get another a U-Haul if I didn’t-. I didn’t intend on making this like… you know this big surprise or anything…”
“... but then I saw Richie first and uh, well, I couldn’t help fucking with you a little bit.”
He laughs, shaking his head at you, “So this was a set up?”
“Oh yeah.”
You stand up, out of the bar chair, taking a step towards him. You look around, noticing that the restaurant is mostly empty, save for a couple in a booth over by the window. 
“You never answered my question. About you. Being here,” Carmy starts, redirecting the conversation back to you. He doesn’t want to get his hopes up – needs you to say you’re here for good before he lets himself feel all of this excitement that’s bubbling up in his body.
“Right. I just came here to tell you that uh, I found someone to take over my lease in New York,” you start, seeing Carmy’s eyes light up. 
God, you’ve missed the way he looks at you. 
“And the urban garden I've been volunteering with… they got me connected with a spot here. Keep my head out of my ass,” you continue, eliciting another laugh from Carmy at your crude comment. 
“Natalie’s-, she and Pete are gonna help find a place too.”
You take another step towards him. 
“You talked to Natalie?” he asks, surprised. 
And he, towards you. 
You shrug, playfully teasing him, “She picks up her phone.”
“Right,” Carmy says shyly. 
If he had picked up his phone you would’ve told him that you were coming and he’s not sure what he would have liked more: knowing ahead of time, or this surprise. Fuck it. He doesn’t care how it happened. He’s just glad he gets to have you.
“I… had a lot of time to think on the drive and-,” you tell him.
“Uh oh,” he interjects, playfully. “That’s never good.”
You shake your head with a laugh, “Will you just shut up and let me get through this?”
He concedes to you, a soft smile on his face as he waits for what you’re going to say next, as you continue your whole boombox over head, throwing stones at the window love confession thing.
“I was thinking that maybe I’d stick around for a while… get a cat or something to keep me company on the days we just can’t stand each other,” you say. 
It’s not what he’s expecting to hear but he understands what you’re really saying. You want to be here. With him. You want to plant roots. 
With him. 
“A cat?” he questions.
“Well, yeah neither of us have time for a dog. We’re both gonna be too busy with the restaurant,” you answer, continuing this scenario you’ve got in your head.
Another step. 
He waits for you to say more, but you both understand that anything else would be overcomplicating it. And suddenly you’re standing so close to each other that you’re grateful that there’s only two other people in this restaurant. 
“Does this mean-?” he begins to ask, trailing off toward the end. He looks down at the floor, wondering why he feels so shy. 
“That I packed all my shit up to move here? Yeah,” you reply, confirming his assumptions about where this was going. “When I got back, it took me about five minutes to realize that what I’ve been looking for-, I had it. For a week. Here.”
He looks back up from the floor, to you, his blue eyes staring into your soul. 
You take a pause once more, mustering up all the courage in your body to say what you need to say next. 
“I want to be here, Car. With you. If the offer still stands.” 
He looks at you, you speechless, because he can’t believe this is real. 
But this is real. You’re not dreaming, he reminds himself.
He opens his mouth to say something and all that comes out is, “You hungry?” And you’re shaking your head and laughing, hopelessly in love with the man standing mere inches away from you who can barely get out the words he needs to tell you how he feels. 
“Because I’m sure you’ve had a long trip and I can-,” he continues to ramble, his face inches away from yours.
“God, I fuckin’ love you,” you blurt out, impulsively closing the gap between the two of you. You press your lips to his, giving him the most passionate kiss you’ve perhaps given anyone, and he kisses you back.
Because he loves you too. 
And he never wants to let you go ever again. 
Your kiss is suddenly interrupted by the sounds of voices, cheers, and a few claps, splitting the two of you apart. You both turn to find the entire staff of The Bear, crowded around the door that leads to the kitchen, and peeking out. Tina’s got a proud smile on her face, while Richie is most certainly the one clapping. Marcus is saying an ‘oh shit’ to Sydney while she’s practically squealing at the two of you. 
You and Carmy exchange a look. He looks away, his face turning redder by the second, as you laugh. 
“I called it! What did I say? Did I say three weeks? I think I fuckin' said three weeks." Richie cries out in celebration, his fist pumping into the air in triumph, earning a groan of disappointment from Gary.
"Pay up, fuckos!"
“Wait, what?” Carmy asks, his brows knitted together in confusion. 
Sydney rolls her eyes, beginning to pull a few ten dollar bills out of her apron as Tina mutters an insult in Spanish
“You guys were-,” you start, searching the faces of your future colleagues.
“Betting on how long it would take for you to come back? Yes, chef. Yes we were,” Marcus answers, cheekily. “I said two weeks. Syd put her money on a month, but Richie said three.”
“I just meant that it’s not that easy to move! Not that you wouldn’t come back,” Sydney adds, justifying her guesstimate.
“I said she’d be back in a week,” Tina chimes in.  
“It was clear to us you’d be back. We just didn’t know when,” Gary informs, leaning up against the bar. 
“Well, that’s news to me,” you laugh, shooting Carmy a look that says ‘did you know about this?’
He shakes his head ‘no.’
“You two are also idiots. That was also clear to all of us,” Tina points out, earning a laugh from you and Sydney. 
“Never even cleared your work station, chef,” Marcus adds, nodding back towards the kitchen. “You can uh-, come join us when you’re ready.”
You watch as Marcus disappears, back into the kitchen, hearing the sound or Richie’s more than jovial chants that he was right. Tina’s yelling at him in Spanish and Sydney’s telling Richie to shut the fuck up. 
You’ve missed this. 
“I uh… gotta get back to work,” Carmy says, pulling you out of your head. The blush permeating his face has spread all the way down to his neck and he's not sure how he's supposed to continue the day like this. “Gotta wrap up lunch and prep for dinner.” But he gets to do it with you, so he's gonna figure it the fuck out.
He turns to you, holding out his hand. 
“You comin’ or what?”
You’re beaming as you take his hand, your heart pounding out of your chest. It feels like a beginning of something you don't have the words for, and you're very much okay with that. You're ready to throw caution to the wind and fearlessly dive in -- to take a leap -- as long as you get to do it with him too.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
the end.
taglist: @lazypeachsoul @bookwormvoyageuse @allthefandomstogether @gaysludge @sobshoney @harrysmatcha
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boyfhee · 1 year
⋆ NOW WE DATE ! · psh
CHAPTER THIRTEEN · dating hotspot
SYNOPSIS · everyone knew you were sunghoon's biggest fan— or so you claimed to be— it didn't take a scientist to guess after your nonstop gushing about him during enhypen's debut. now, they didn't know you found him 'so babygirl' not until you accidentally tweeted it on your main.
warnings · teensy bit of angst + suggestive dialogues, profanities
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it took naya sixteen tries and forty-five minutes to convince you to come to the hybe cafe with the group. 
she didn’t think it would be this hard, considering your fixation with the desserts they serve. however, you happen to be sceptical and tend to sit and over analyse everything, and something about naya texting jake, and then asking the whole group to go to the cafe the first thing in the morning doesn’t sit right with you. 
you like giving people the benefit of doubt and believe that things are exactly how they seem, that naya and the rest of the girls only want to spend some time at the cafe since it’s been a while all four of you have been there, instead of there being a bigger, darker, picture. the four of you stand in the lift while waiting to get to the second floor as you watch naya type relentlessly on her phone.
“who are you texting?” you ask, pressing your lips in a thin line, raising your head up to get a peek if possible, however she tilts the screen towards herself, giving you a nonchalant shrug. 
“my brother,” and the lie rolls off her tongue ever so efficiently— it was bound to happen, her plan was deemed too good to fail. from what jake has told her, sunghoon is absolutely fucked in the head about you. not to mention, how he’s jealous of the fact that the actor park sunghoon got to kiss you first— although, for a scene— instead of the actual, real, park sunghoon who has real feelings for you and would like to kiss you on and off camera, every time, all the time. she is convinced that her plan has no loopholes, and that’s why her thumb softly taps over the send button ever so confidently as she texts jake about their arrival at the cafe. 
“uh, i’ll be right back,” yeon interjects as the girls take a seat, grabbing yinuo’s hands as she pulls the youngest member along with her, excusing herself to the washroom. 
naya smirks to herself as she sees the other two leave, looking over at you. “what do you want to eat? i was thinking if we should get macaroons or shortcakes, what do you think?” 
“macaroons would do,” and naya excuses herself to the counter, utilising every millisecond of her time to walk, occasionally stopping in her tracks to text jake on the situation. now, it’s just you and your suspicion sitting together at a table. 
and, the gaze of a certain australian boy projecting in your direction from a few metres behind. 
. . .
“sunoo, i need you to not fuck this up,” jake warns the boy again, hands on his waist as if this is about life and death (it almost is because they’re dealing with sunghoon) as he replies to naya, telling her that sunoo will be up there soon. 
“i’m telling you, i’ve never flirted with anyone in my entire life,” it’s sunoo’s last attempt at getting out of this situation, which is probably not possible because the rest six of enhypen members are terribly stubborn and practically threw him under the bus when it came to picking the ‘bait.’ “i’ll most likely end up laughing,” 
“dude, just tell her she’s cute,” heeseung pipes up, making sunoo roll eyes at his words. “compliment her hair or something,”
“why don’t you do it instead?” it’s evident how sunoo is sulking about the situation and jake is taking none of it, pushing him a bit as sunoo groans and walks up to you, making sure to look normal and like someone who’s approaching you without any hidden intentions. 
“oh, yn?” and sunoo is channelling his inner song joong ki as he fake gasps as you, making you turn around to look at him as you stand up and greet the boy. “wow, what’s a coincidence, i can’t believe you like food at hybe cafe too,” 
that’s the fakest, most unbelievable shit that has come out of sunoo’s mouth. even the intonation isn’t how he normally sounds, and he’s trying to be very normal here. he can see jay making annoyed faces at him from his peripheral vision although he tries not to react, focusing on your instead. you seem to believe is normalcy, and it’s going so good so far. 
“yeah, the macaroons here are quite good,” you reply with an awkward laugh, not internally screaming because naya is taking eternity to come back and it seems like yeon and yinuo got flushed down the toilet. you’re not the one with overflowing social anxieties, but how does one continue a conversation with someone who you have never really talked to so far? 
“just like you,” sunoo wants to dig a grave and bury himself alive because you look like you just heard the most inhumane thing ever. “i mean you and an idol, like your vocals are so good and i really look up to you. your dance style is cool, i like you—” 
and the next thing you remember is seeing sunghoon only a few steps away from you and sunoo, watching you two with a confused expression before he ran out. 
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note : crazy how i keep forgetting i have a smau to update anyway guys the writing here is shit i wrote that in ten mins hope u still like it though (idk how to end it)
166 notes · View notes
taylorsv3rsion13 · 1 year
we never go out of style || c.f.
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words : 2.7k
synopsis : things were always rocky for conrad and you. after the whole break up, will everything be the same the year later? or will it all turn to shit.
Every year since we were little kids we would celebrate mine and Belly's birthday. We were born on the same day, but a year apart. And it seemed to make us closer. Susannah would decorate the house and Laurel would make us pancakes every year and Conrad would draw a sun with syrup all over my pancakes. It was like a holiday for us.
"Happy birthday, sweetie!" My mom said over the phone as I was calling her.
"Thank you." I said, smiling.
"Okay, I won't keep you away for long, I know you're waiting for your pancakes." She laughed through the phone.
"Bye, love you!"
"Love you too."
I finished getting ready, putting on all of the makeup and jewelry I needed.
My outfit was normal, just wearing a teal tank top and a green cargo mini skirt.
As soon as I came out of the room Belly did too.
"You're looking hot." I said to her as we made our way down the stairs. She was wearing a floral patterned birthday dress.
"Morning!" We shouted in sync as we came into the kitchen.
Steven and Laurel were making pancakes, Jeremiah and Susannah were decorating, and Conrad looked like he didn't want to be there.
There were various smiles with "hey" and "Happy birthday!"
Susannah came to us first, hugging us, "There are the birthday twins!" She exclaimed.
Jeremiah hugged Belly as Steven hugged me, "Happy birthday." They both said to us before swapping.
"Belly Button's getting old finally!" I exclaimed as I gave her sixteen punches on the arm.
She was quick to return, hitting me even harder seventeen times as I screamed around the kitchen.
Laurel raised an eyebrow at us before giving us a group hug, "Happy birthday, beautiful girls."
"Did you call your mom?" Susannah asked as she plated some fruit.
"Yes, she was the first person I talked to."
"Your Minnie and Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready." Laurel smiled.
Belly looked at her mom for a moment, "I'm actually not that hungry..."
I looked at Laurel, "I'll take a pancake or two."
"Okay, how about presents?" Susannah asked.
"You're going to love mine." Jeremiah said, yet I don't know who he was talking to.
Conrad didn't say anything, eating his cereal in peace. He ignored me, but did wave hello to Belly.
Belly opened her present from her mom first. It was a beautiful book.
"It's a first edition. I got it from a rare book dealer." Laurel smiled.
We all noticed how Belly didn't have much emotion with the book, "Turn to the bookmarked page."
"That's the poem Susannah would repeat to us." I said, reading the page.
I grabbed the present that she had given me. I unwrapped it to reveal the most gorgeous cover I've ever seen on a book. It was Little Women.
"Oh, wow." I said, looking through the pages.
"Your mom said it reminded you of home."
I looked up to Laurel, "Thank you so much."
"Girls, open mine now!" Susannah squealed as she handed us our gifts.
Belly revealed a black velvet box, while I had a white one.
She opened hers, and a pearl bracelet was inside.
"Oh, wow." Belly exclaimed.
"These were pearls that my mom gave me for my sweet 16. Now Y/N, open yours."
I opened the box and there was a gorgeous pearl necklace.
"Those were also from my mom. She gave them to me when I was a debutante." She smiled as she admired Belly and I.
"Oh Y/N, I have another gift for you." Susannah said.
I looked at her, puzzled on why I would have two?
She handed me another box, this time it was a velvet red. I opened it and there was a golden chain with a sun in the middle. I immediately recognized it as a matching necklace, needing a moon on the other side.
"Isn't there supposed to be a moon as well?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, maybe someone else has it." Susannah shrugged. "I just thought it reminded me of you."
Jeremiah jumped up, "Ooh! I'm next."
He handed us his somewhat neatly wrapped gift.
Belly was given a charm in the shape of a key.
"It's for good luck. So you can pass your drivers test." Jeremiah smiled.
I opened mine revealing a golden bracelet with a heart charm.
"Thank you so much, Jere." I smiled.
"Think fast Y/N!" Steven said as he threw a present at me. He also threw one at Belly. "Open them at the same time!" He urgred.
We both ripped through the package, opening and unfolding a Princeton crewneck.
"Oh my god you actually got in!" I exclaimed as I ran to hug him.
"No, not yet." He smiled.
Laurel looked at Steven, "I didn't know you were still considering Princeton?"
"Well I'll probably get scholarships and Dad said I could get some financial aid." Steven explained.
The room got silent and tension was high.
"Uh Conrad, do you have a present for Belly and Y/N?" Susannah asked.
He passed Belly a black velvet bag. She opened it, taking out a silver infinity necklace.
His attention then turned to me, "Sorry, I forgot."
"Oh yeah, don't worry, it's cool. I wasn't expecting much anyway." I smiled, trying to actually hide how I felt.
It did hurt. He remembered Belly's birthday, yet he couldn't even remember mine. Which was the same day.
There was a lot of tension in in the room as everyone looked at each other.
"Uhm, so I have to go. I promised Cleveland that I'd show him some knots today."
I watched as he got up from his seat and left. I didn't want it to affect me, but it really did.
"Happy birthday Y/N, and Belly." He said.
"Why don't we go practice driving?" I asked Belly, trying to take my mind off of things. "So you can drive us to get Taylor as well."
She squealed excitedly, "Yes!"
I got up from my seat, heading over to go out the front.
"Hey Y/N?" Susannah called out.
I turned to her, "Yeah?"
"You okay?"
"Of course I am." I smiled reassuringly.
I sat in the passenger seat while Jeremiah sat in the back.
She made a sharp right and we all went flying.
"Whoops." She laughed.
"Dear god, Bells." I said as I held onto anything I could grab on to.
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The bus pulled up as we stood there, waiting for Taylor to come out.
"You excited, Bells?" I asked.
"Yeah." She said, but I could tell there was a part of her that wasn't excited.
"Twenty-bucks she's gonna call Jere, Jeremy." I said.
The girl emerged from the bus holding a handful of balloons and a bag.
"Oh, my god!" Taylor exclaimed as her and Belly ran to each other.
"Taylor!" I said as I ran to hug her.
"Here, let me take that for you." Jeremiah said as he took her bags.
Taylor smiled looking up at Jeremiah, "Thank you, Jeremy."
I laughed at Jeremiah as he just stood there smiling.
"So, should we head home?" Jeremiah suggested.
"Ooh, actually, let's make a stop first." Taylor said, making eye contact with Belly and I.
We sat under an umbrella as Jeremiah placed down a banana split with three spoons for us.
Taylor dug in first, "I would literally eat this every day if I could."
She also pulled out a gift for Belly. And another for me.
"Oh wow, these are cute." I said as I opened my present, revealing a blue bikini.
"I know right, it's hot." She said.
Belly opened hers and it was a white bikini.
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"Y/N?" Taylor called out as we hung out in the pool.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Where's Conrad?" She asked.
"Oh, I don't know." I shrugged, swimming over to Jeremiah and Steven.
After a couple of minutes in out own little groups, Taylor suggested to play chicken, which we all agreed to.
"Dibs on Jeremy." Taylor smiled as she made her way to Jeremiah
"Oh, great, that means I'm stuck with Steven." Belly said sadly.
"Wait, what about Y/N?" Jeremiah asked.
Belly looked at me, "Oh, do you want to go on Steven?"
"No it's fine, you guys can play." I said.
There was a few complaints from Belly and Steven about being each others partners, so Taylor and Belly switched.
"Okay, three, two, one, go!" I yelled as they began fighting in the water.
The fight lasted less than a minute with Taylor and Steven falling into the water.
"Woo!" Jeremiah and Belly exclaimed in excitement. I gave them both a high five.
On the other hand, Steven and Taylor were bickering about who's fault it was that they lost.
"Hey guys!" A familiar voice said.
I turned my head around and Nicole was walking through with Conrad.
"Hey, Nicole!" I said.
"Hi. Happy Birthday you two." She said. "Are you guys playing.. chicken?"
"Yeah, it was Taylor's idea." Belly said.
"Hey, I'm Taylor." Taylor said from behind Belly.
Belly smiled, "She's my best friend from home."
"Yeah, I'm just visiting for the weekend." Taylor added.
"Oh, that's cute." Nicole said.
"Do you guys wanna play a real game?" I asked.
Everyone in the pool said yes.
Jeremiah had helped me set up the net and then the games began. I was on the girls side and Nicole and Conrad sat on the edge of the pool, dipping their feet in the water.
The boys groaned 'No!' as us girls cheered for our point.
We did a couple more rounds, as we all laughed a lot. This was definitely one of my favorite summers. Being with everyone, like nothing ever happened.
"You're not ready." Taylor smirked to Steven.
"You're on."
Taylor hit the ball, and it swerved, hitting Nicole in the head.
"Ow." Nicole said.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Steven said through in-between awkward laughs.
"Taylor." Belly said sternly before turning back to Nicole, "I'm so sorry, are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry. You guys keeping playing." Nicole said to us.
"Feel better Nicole!" I said as she began walking back into the house with Conrad.
Conrad stopped in his tracks, just looking down at me.
"Have fun playing." He said.
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Dinner was just as I'd imagined. It was gorgeous and vibrant.
Susannah had made the girls all flower crowns as well, for Midsommar.
I sat in between Jeremiah and Conrad again, but we added another chair next to Belly, because Cam Cameron was here!
Throughout the dinner, Jeremiah kept question Cameron, making fun of him almost.
Somehow Jeremiah got on the talk about kissing dead animals and then kissing Cameron, which made me kick him hard in the shin.
"Ow." He exclaimed.
"Oh shut up."
"I don't mind at all, in fact-" Cameron said as he kissed Belly on the lips.
I'm not even joking. All of our mouths fell open.
From beside me, Steven and Jeremiah both pretended to retch.
"If you guys don't shut up." I said loudly over their obnoxious noises.
It got into our embarrassing moments throughout our childhood at the Fishers as well, but Conrad stayed silent the whole time.
"Hey, I was thinking. Maybe we should go out to Nicole's party?" I asked
"Yes!" Taylor and Belly exclaimed at the same time.
Conrad's eyes met mine for a second before dropping. He didn't seem happy with what I said.
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I laid on Belly's bed, staring up at the cieling.
"I think Conrad still hates me." I stated.
Taylor and Belly turned to look at me.
"Why would you say that?" Belly asked.
'I don't know. When I brought up Nicole's' party, he just seemed to go quieter than normal.
Taylor laughed a little, "It's fine Y/N. He's just a dumb boy either way."
I sighed knowing she was right.
"Look at us," Taylor said as we looked in the mirror, "We're hot ass bitches."
She was in the hot pink mini dress, Belly was in a knit crochet top with beige pants, and I was in a halter white and blue top with jeans.
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As soon as we walked into the party, a man came down the stair banister, wooing.
And then to the right of the house was what I'm guessing was a dining room. Lot's and lot's of cakes and desserts with 17 and 16 candles.
"Y/N, you guys came!" Nicole's voice said as she made her way through people.
I laughed a little, "Hi, Nicole! You look gorgeous." I said, hugging her.
"Me? Look at you. You look like a goddess."
Nicole lead us through the house and they followed behind. Well everyone but Taylor. She had decided to find a drink for herself.
"Guys, look who's here." Nicole said to the girls.
Nicole began lighting the candles.
"Is this for us?" Belly asked.
"Who else would it be for, Belly?" Nicole asked with a smile.
"Thank you, guys." Belly and I both had said.
"Okay, well, girls, make a wish." Nicole motioned towards the two cakes.
The topic with the group got onto Conrad and how he was.
"He's not talking to anyone else. He's usually just to himself." I said
"Okay well new topic." Nicole said, not wanting to talk about Conrad, "Have you asked anyone to the ball"
"Oh, no. I'm waiting for the right person." I said, giving Nicole a smile.
I looked past Gigi who was saying something to Belly about asking Cam to the ball. Anywho, past Gigi was Conrad. He was messing with his hair and he was laughing and smiling.
I couldn't even lie. He was attractive.
He made eye contact with me as he drank a large part of his beer.
I couldn't like him again though. But there was part of me that knew it could happen again. Susannah told me to believe in second chances.
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I don't know what happened really. I was just watching the boys play their little ping pong drinking game and then Belly came out all mad.
"Hey, can we leave?" Belly asked Cameron.
"Oh yeah, yeah." Cameron said.
"Y/N, you need a ride home? I don't want to take you away from the party." Belly said.
"It's fine. I'll give her a ride home." Conrad jumped in.
I looked at him questioningly, but he didn't look back.
"See you later, Bells!" I called out to her as she began to leave.
Jeremiah looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Fill in for Cam Cameron please."
I rolled my eyes playfully at him, "Fine, scooch over."
After an hour or so, we all were ready to leave. By now I was drunker then I probably should've been. So drunk that Conrad had to help me to the car and into the car.
He sat in the drivers seat as I just stared at him.
"You're like the moon to my sun." I sighed, touching his hair.
He grabbed onto my hand, putting it back into my lap.
"Y/N, you're drunk." He said to me.
"Noo, you're drunk." I said to him, booping his nose.
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I came down stairs the next morning. Jeremiah already in the kitchen, mixing himself up one of his smoothies.
"Hit me." I said to him as I groaned and propped my head on the table with my arm.
He laughed, splitting his smoothie with me.
"You drank a lot last night for such a small girl."
"I shouldn't have." I said, gulping down a large amount of the drink.
Belly came down the stairs soon, grabbing the box of cereal and pouring some in her mouth.
"I'm guessing you and tay-tay haven't made up yet?" I asked.
"No." Belly said with no emotion.
At the party, Steven and Taylor were making out and then Belly had walked in.
"You guys want to do a muffin run?" I asked.
"I'm always up for a muffin run." Jeremiah smiled. Belly also agreed.
"Can you get the keys from Conrad's room? Jeremiah asked.
I nodded, "Yeah sure. Is he home?"
"No, he dropped you off at home and then spent the night at Nicole's" Jeremiah explained.
"Oh um." I stammered, "Do you know where he keeps the keys?"
"Uh, they should be in his desk." Jeremiah said.
I never really was in Conrad's room often. But it didn't look much different than the last time I had seen it. It was obviously boat themed which was cute.
His drawers were messy inside. Nothing was organized and there were like 5 condoms.
There was also a black velvet pouch which I took out. Yes, I'm nosy, but I wanted to know what was inside.
I opened it and saw a moon bracelet.
I put the bracelet charm against my sun charm and it fit perfectly. What the hell was wrong with him?
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When we went home, I drove Belly and Taylor to the bus stop.
I sat in the car with Belly as we watched Taylor wait in line for the bus.
"You're not going to say goodbye?" I asked her skeptically.
"I don't want to talk to her." Belly said, not making eye contact with me.
"Come on Belly, she's your best friend. She loves you, especially if she came out here just for your birthday."
Belly sighed, "Fine."
Once she came back in, she seemed mad, but I didn't care.
"I know i'm only a year older than you, but just take my wisdom for once." I joked, "Boys might come and go, but your best friend is once in a lifetime. You're lucky you have someone like Taylor. We never know what the future will hold, so you have to hold tight to that relationship."
Friends come and go. Boys come and go. But best friends stay. They're real. That's what I loved about the Fishers and Conklins. They were my best friends and they always stayed. Every single year.
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batchilla · 2 months
Behold! A pinned post!
Wow. Lot of good information to come.
Why are you a batchilla?
Cursed by witch. Help. Or maybe it started because in the conversation that finally broke me to start writing X reader content I was discussing Jason adopting a chinchilla and Damian training it in the art of war. One of those things. Pick your truth babe I don’t tell you what to do. I am a simple creature powered by the 'number go up' and 'people talk to me' drive. Engaging with my work, such as Reblogging, sending asks, or replying to the post is the best way to help keep me motivated and producing words. Likes are lovely, but are on tumblr, kind of meaningless.
Open to them, but I make no promises. You can send me ideas and if I’m inspired or excited I’ll make something. If not… ask someone else or maybe try your hand at writing. Join the dark side. We have cookies.
While as of this post MY content is minor safe without intention to change that, and minors are welcome to read, send asks or requests, I respectfully ask that you don’t DM me, thank you. I will also add that I may at times Reblog NSFW content. I trust you to not read that, out of respect for me, other authors and the law. It will be clearly tagged, and I hope you enjoy reading the age appropriate parts of my blog.
Things I made
The most married divorced couple - series
Complicated - I imagine this to be this Reader characters first kiss with Jason but you could read it as a stand alone. Teen reader and Jason (they are adults in the main timeline).
Five times Robin came to your rescue... plus one time he didn't: coming soon.
Chapter one: till death do us part. Angst. Trigger warning for threats made to the life of a child.
Chapter two: four years later.
No prizes for guessing when this occurs.
Chapter three: Jason comes home.
This is a flashback to Jason's first return post divorce.
Aka I bully Jason for two pages.
Chapter four: Jason's fine. He's so calm about hearing about your dating life. He's c h i l l. Chapter five: coming soon Chapter six: coming soon
Fata Morgana
Jason Todd is a knight. You are a princess. Eventually you might smooch. However there’s a whole lot of secrets, lies, and not truely unrequited feelings to work through first. And a rather troublesome earl.
Chapter one. Chapter two. This is an ongoing series.
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