#//we have no idea how a roleplay with this fucker is going to work
ballghostennis-fanball · 11 months
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(begonia psoting so for convenience . maybe hse'll be color eventually idk)
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
Helpful! Katsuki Chat AI Test Announcement
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-> Hi everyone! I have been working on a helpful Katsuki character ai bot. Please read the instructions and remember the disclaimer that everything characters say is made up! I'll be tweaking this a little bit here and there. -> Images show examples of conversations I've had with the AI and the function. -> Big fanks to @sasualblxd for helping me with testing it ! This is still a "beta" and there's no way for me to 100% control the ai.
-> LINK TO AI CHARACTER Hard Coded = The AI will automatically refer to this, it doesn't change and is kinda hard to make them change their mind on these things (but it'll sometimes still glitch) Soft Coded = AI uses this for reference and such for context clues and conversations. Includes some basic background shit. Lots of character traits.
❍⌇─➭ Katsuki's Information ↓ Hard Coded ↓ ✩ Pro Hero! AU ✩ 24 Years Old ☆ 6ft 3in ☆ Birthday is April 20 ☆ Zodiac: Aries ☆ MBTI: ENTJ ☆ Ethnicity: Japanese ☆ Gender: Male ☆ Pronouns: he/him ↓ Soft Coded ↓ ✩ Bisexual ✩ Does not like being told what to do or being looked down on ✩ Habitually asks user about if they've eaten or had water ❍⌇─➭ User Relationship Information & Other Notes ✩ You have both been together for about two years and live together. Sometimes the AI will get details mixed up. ✩ Uses pet names such as "bunny", "sweetness", "love". ✩ He will sometimes start roleplay as if he is "coming home" and will talk to you like he's at the store grabbing groceries etc. ✩ May occasionally make suggestive comments or tease about sexy time but he can't go further than that. ✩ Because this is based off of katsuki bakugou and not wattpad, he may be prone to banter, arguing, and other typical traits ✩ The AI will sometimes slip up and become more affectionate than Katsuki typically would, there's not much I can do about that I tried to hardwire the fucker to be a bit more distant ✩ If you notice immediate OOC when you open the chat, don't be afraid to restart the chat. Sometimes the thing glitches and makes him insecure as shit. Among other things, don’t take any bullshit he says personally just restart it.
❍⌇─➭ Important Guidelines for Usage ✩ Katsuki can generate quick meal ideas, when we tested this out, it's easier to ask him for a few lunch ideas than it is to ask him to make you a meal plan / generate recipes. ✩ It is also much easier if you give him three options for lunch and ask him what he thinks you two should eat for lunch ....-> sometimes he will make a comment on you needing more nutrition in / healthier food, I can't do too much to stop this. If you have an ED I'd say tread with caution and remember that it is merely an AI. ✩ When he asks your pronouns at the beginning, you should give him an easy method. If you spout of "she/they/him" it is more likely to confuse him. It's easier to say something "my pronouns are she, her and you can use they, them too. I'm your girlfriend." because sometimes if you have multiple pronouns, the bot gets confused on how to refer to you as. ✩ Fairly effective at generating and remembering morning / night routines. You may have to remind him sometimes, but you can ask him "what's my morning routine again babe?" and he'll give you one. ✩ Great for instructions. If you ask him how he normally cleans the bathroom, he will respond with step by step instructions. ✩ If you want him to be more in character based on MHA: You have to start the conversation a little snarky. I literally call him an asswipe routinely and he nicknamed me dorklord. ✩ Also Im gonna feed him some "Fanfic scenarios" almost, in the user / char example chats. Which could encourage him to say things you'll typically find in BKG X READER fics. So. We'll see how that goes. These will be updated once I get the chance. ✩ He can reject the user's wants for whatever he wants. This means that if I say "gimme some water" he can say "get up and do it yourself asswipe" ✩ He has the typical Katsuki Characteristics: domineering, confident, snarky, good cook, hates winter. But they're not hard coded.
❍⌇Everything the AI says is made up, use your brains and don't be dumb. I'm not responsible if you do something stupid / don't use common sense / etc.
❍⌇Feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions or anything. It’s still a big WIP so be prepared for things to change a little here and there.
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aussiellama · 23 days
Random Spider White headcannon
He is really good at maths, he's actually good at school in general but he's really good at maths
Ant: We all have our demons.
Ant, grabbing Spider : This one’s mine.
Ant: You look mentally ill.
Spider : I am. Let’s go.
Ant: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?
Spider : Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Spider : I don’t know how you keep forgetting this.
Spider : Stop failing.
Ant: Don’t tell me what to do! I'll fail right now!
Ant: *Succeeds*
Ant: Dang it!
Spider : Watcha doin?
Ant: Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Spider : Scandalous.
Spider : Can I help?
Ant,: Do you know how many bones the human body has? It's 206. We start with 369 when we're babies but they fuse. Wouldn't you want to go back? Have as many bones as a baby? What if I could help you.
Spider : Hi, yeah, what the actual, literal, GENUINE fuck does that mean?
Spider: You either buckle down and do your work or you’ll end up at McDonalds.
Ant: We're going to McDonalds if I don't do my work?
Spider: NO-
Spider: Get your fucking shit together and act like an adult!
Ant : Think you have the wrong person but you're right.
Ant : Old people? More like fold people! *Makes an origami swan out of grandma*.
Spider: Literally what was going through your mind that motivated you to do this?
Spider: We need a plan to beat them.
Ant: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food.
Ant: Judge me all you want, I get result
Ant: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows.
Spider: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Ant: You disgust me.
Spider: *eating a kitkat sideways* I realize this and don’t care.
Ant: Look, Spider, it's the third time this week you had a mental breakdown and its Monday.
Spider, pointing at Ant: Well, you can't spell stupid without "U".
Ant: Well, there's an "I" in stupid, too!
Ant: Damn, Spider, are you secretly cool?
Spider: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, cool.
Ant: I do not.
Spider: Psst... Hey. Fucker. *Kisses you* idiot.
Ant: Hey, sweetheart! Hey dear! *Fucking decks you in the face* Angel~
Spider: I’ve invited you here because I crave the deadliest game...
Ant, nodding: Knife Monopoly.
Spider: I was actually going to play Russian roulette, but now I'm really interested in whatever knife Monopoly is.
Ant: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt?
Spider: Why are you eating dirt?
Ant: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
Spider: I have very high standards, you know.
Ant: I can make spaghetti...
Spider: Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Spider: Stop setting things on fire because you're curious about what will happen. What will happen is fire.
Ant: But what if something else happens just this one time.
Spider: Let's roleplay.
Ant: Okay. I'll be Elmo and you'll be-
Spider: Elmo?
Ant: Oh, fuck yes. Two Elmos.
Spider: Wait-
Ant: Did you know that you can't actually breathe when you're smiling?
Spider: *Smiles*
Ant: Haha, gotcha! I just wanted to make you smile!
Spider: Motherfucker
Spider: Kinda gay for a man to have dark circles under his eyes. Why aren't you getting a good night's sleep? Too busy thinking about other men?
Ant: Kinda gay for a man to be well rested. What are you dreaming peacefully about? Other men?
Spider: You smell so good.
Ant: So lick me, then.
Spider: Huh?
Ant: Huh?
Spider: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.
Ant: Mine just says "Ant no."
Spider: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Spider, very tired: Can I sleep in your bed?
Ang: *half asleep* Spider, this is a queen-sized bed. That means it’s for *gestures vaguely to themself* the Queen.
Ant: Relationships should be 50/50. Spider cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.
Ant: When I met you I thought you were a real bitch.
Spider: What changed your mind?
Ant: Oh, I still think you’re a bitch, I’ve just grown to like that about you.
Ant with puppy dog eyes: I baked you a cookie... But I eated it...
Spider: Don't you ever get tired of being fucking annoying?
Ant: I desire moisture.
Spider: Please just say "I want water" like a normal person.
Spider: Ant, you're my best friend.
Ant: Best friend? BEST friend?! Bitch, I'm your only friend.
Ant: *on the phone* Hey Spider, do you know my blood type?
Spider: Of course, it's B-.
Ant: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
Ant: What's wrong with you?
Spider: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
Ant: "Forgive me father, for I have sinned." and "Sorry, Daddy. I've been bad." both mean very similar things but have wildly different connotations.
Spider: Get the duct tape, cause I'm shutting you up for good.
Ant: When am I gonna be able to have my 100k slow burn enemies to lovers relationship...?
Spider: Stop reading fanfiction and get back to work.
Ant: Mate. You wanna go?
Spider: Yeah.
Ant: ...On a date with me-
Ant: Oh you do?
Spider: You're saying that like I fell for a cunning prank. We're literally dating, you egg.
Ant: I trained this chicken to talk!
Spider: Let's see, then.
Ant: What's a male deer?
Chicken: Buck
Ant: How much is 200 pennies?
Chicken: Buck buck.
Spider: This is stupid...
Ant: It gets better.
Chicken: It gets way better, Spider.
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I had a really cool idea for a fic or headcanon if you're still taking requests! Reader uses Tommaso Ciampa to make an ex jealous? So he makes absolutely sure that everyone - especially her ex - can hear her moaning for him 🥰
Oh fuck 😳😈💦🥵
@aerynscrichton , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @serpantscorpio8497
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You and Tommaso have been good friends for a while now
There was an undeniable chemistry between the two of you
People often thought you were a couple
And you also felt like you would have a great chemistry in the bedsheets too
So when your ex boyfriend started to show off with his new girlfriend
You asked Tommaso for his help
“I have to go to this work cocktail thing in New York, and the asshole I used to date will take his new booty call and I’m sick of him showing off. Wanna roleplay as my boyfriend for shits and giggles?”
He chuckled and answered “I always hated that fucker anyway” He smirked
And so you did
You chose the best outfit and so did he
When you got there, Tommaso played the perfect boyfriend
And the chemistry you already had, became even more apparent as the night went by
Since you were single and so was he
You saw no problem on making out
He’s a handsome man (and hot as fuck), so why the hell not?
A few kisses never hurt anybody
You felt your ex’s eyes on you the whole night through
And so did Tommaso
Since he made sure to touch or kiss you just to tease your ex even more
As the night came to an end and you went to the hotel
Tommaso said
“Guess who’s our next door neighbor for the night?”
“No” You gasped
“Yes” He grinned
“How do you know?”
“I went downstairs to the lobby and when I came back I saw them entering the room next door” He smiled “Wanna keep teasing him?” He grinned
“We could continue our make out session here”
“You mean have sex?” You chuckled and he shrugged
“But you want to act it out or really do it?” You asked
“I’m not going to pretend like I’ve never thought about it before or that I don’t think you’re a very beautiful woman” He honestly said “So it’s up to you”
Instead of answering him, you just walked towards the bed where he was laying down and straddled his hips
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sugar-petals · 4 years
:: Two Girls Dominating SuperM
↳ NOTE: Since sharin’ is carin’ 😋 Happy holidays! Get the list Santa cuz here go seven kinds of naughty. PS: I use different POVs here, whatever fits best.
words. 3.3k
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warnings ⚠️ bondage, pegging, flexibility kink, sex toys, some switch!kai, rough sex, harnesses, oral (m giving), possessiveness, taemin’s evil lady kink, ice cream
⎡Taeyong⎦⇁ I think it’s time to reveal an unspoken truth about the pop industry. You ready? When Rihanna did S&M, a vision of Taeyong from the future whispered the lyrics in her ear. I swear to god. That’s exactly how it happened. Just the way we’d expect, dear Taeyong is gonna float in paradise. Not one domme ready to shake him up, but two? He can retire. Boy doesn’t need anything else. Except maybe a bit of cash to buy harnesses he can model but they’ll treat him to that anyway. That being said. Knowing that two fly madams in latex are ravaging his body at every chance they can get is gonna make him know he can die happy one day. Like, he truly lived. He won’t really hold back with restructuring a lot of parts of his life to let this dynamic unfold all the way. We’ve heard of his DIY skills. This sounds funny but Taeyong will design, paint, decorate, and maintain a special area for their play. Not necessarily just one room, he varies that. We know how gifted he is with interiors and domestic ideas, so. Prepare to get blown away by his sheer efforts. And man, the amount of spare time he can stretch to get a quickie out of that time window. Incredible. Even more interesting is gonna be the range. Taeyong can handle girls that dress up super differently every time, he goes along with any roleplay or character they come up with. He’s gonna be their little prince, their hotel boy, their waiter, their flight attendant, their Jack Dawson incarnate. And their dream boy altogether, cuz that’s what Taeyong is.
His frustrations are bound to work up over weeks if he is busy at SM, so finally seeing them again will have him so excited. And nervous. And so involved with preparing things for them, the perfectionist comes out. Can you imagine Taeyong donning his apron and preparing a four course menu for an entire afternoon? You bet he’ll pull that off. Butler Taeyong will be at full throttle. He’s gonna end up getting viciously fucked in the kitchen anyways. Like to the point where all his hair is a mess in his face and everyone ran out of breath. And seriously, he’s the type to completely surrender and place all trust in the girls. Which they know, and they’ll reward him so well. With things Taeyong loves best aka getting whipped and plowed. One of you could be binding him to a fucking machine and controlling the remote, the other marking his legs and upper back. The little bun gets terribly turned on if you push him on all fours for that and hold the nape of his neck in place so he can’t go anywhere. Consider your carpet ruined with semen. While Taeyong is busy recharging for the next round lying on the floor exhausted, you take polaroids.
⎡Baekhyun⎦⇁ Okay listen, I’ll tell you the secret. You can pull a complete duality on him. Baekhyun, getting nuzzled and snuggled and squeezed from all sides because he’s so sweet? Absolutely his jam. He got two hands to hold, after all. And two mochi cheeks to kiss, my friend, two of them. But also, getting a full dose of freaky stuff inflicted on him with some good music playing? This loud little fucker is going to levitate. These two raging girls can take complete control of his body and fool around to their liking. Grabbing his butt, feeding him cake, dressing him up or stripping him down, riding his face to oblivion. Like not just circling your hips. Actual sharp thrusting and making him forget the light of day. And using some cute pink ropes to string his pretty wrists from the ceiling as a treat. Only a matter of time until he’s an arching mess. As you already suspected: A giant dose of ass destruction is only one step away. Any toy suffices. At best, when he’s trying to beat a new high score and has to concentrate on the game. Nice challenge for his focus, he likes that. He wants to feel how he’s getting stretched out from all directions until it hurts so good. Screaming „Ah!“ is his favorite word. Maybe not too straps in one hole, that’s Taeyong territory, and Baekhyun’s ass is really tight generally, but spitroasting? His favorite pastime. Stuffed up and getting a load of extra hard thrusts. He can suck and gyrate all the way, all at the same time like he never did anything else. It’s gotta be hard and fast. I’m telling you, he’ll make it sloppy anyway.
Did he ever think he could get fucked up like this by a sexy tag team? Nope, he squarely thought he was undeserving. Now that he’s getting regularly suffocated and earns the praise for being so cute, Baekhyun is actually starting to believe he can ask for and enjoy that glorious wreckage. Because if there’s one thing he wishes for, it’s drowning in his own spit. These two are gonna be so territorial and wild, his dick and tongue are gonna threaten to fall off every night. How many condoms Baekhyun’s gonna fill, those will be record numbers, it’s like the album charts. Baekhyun’s a straight-up cum bank dairy cow extraordinaire when it comes to milking him dry. Like what did you think if two mommies feed him with all sorts of delicacies, all that juice is going to stock up and get ready to blow. And the amounts and types of collars Baekhyun’s neck is gonna be in: Whole lot, even with leashes attached. Oh god, they’ll strap him stupid with some dog ears on as a reward. Baekhyun’s prostate is gonna be a constantly spongy ruined mess, poor mochi gonna end up waddling around the kitchen to chug a liter of water at 3 AM.
⎡Taemin⎦⇁ You know who’s gonna be in his element. You just know it. Taemin is ride or die when it comes to wanting someone to be the boss of him. He’s not just dabbling in all that jazz to experiment, he’s livin’ and breathing it. Taemin’s imagination is the 3D version of AO3’s finest fanfics. Hell, he even imagines the sounds over and over, it’s gotta be 4D! He’s already crafted the most intricate fantasies for some seriously action movie-like roleplay. But let's start from the beginning. What’s on Taemin’s ever-wicked mind when he goes to sleep at night? Two intimidating ladies ganging up on him. Arriving on their black motorcycle at his house, flirting the living hell out of him, raiding his fridge, grinding on his lap in their biker gear, licking his face, taking his luxurious clothes off, calling him names, making him dance for him (that one’s a staple), biting down on his torso wherever they please, and having their way with him until it’s all one big orgy. Hell, probably on that motorcycle in the garage. Taemin pretty much getting one dry orgasm after the other because it’s the time of his life. Like, they’re really spoiling him. And he’s giving himself to them. That kind of scenario going down? To Taemin, that sounds like his wettest of dreams come true. He’s like yes, yes, yes and yes. A dynamic duo of sadistic girlfriends, that’s gonna leave him so shook and utterly addicted. Like he wants to get backed into a corner, bring on all the kabedon, Taemin goes all the way the way we know him. Nobody loves that fantasy more than him.
Now… the trick is. They’re actually really fun and sweet and pet his hair incessantly. You know, casually, doing daily life things. Cooing at him and getting all the sweetest princely kisses from their angel. My god, they’ll be so gently in love with him. But in the bedroom, it’s raw business. Taemin is gonna take is so hard, he’ll be seeing stars. That he’s getting slapped around — the thighs included, he loves that — while getting a handjob has to be the most orgasmic experience ever. Taemin is gonna bust fifty-thousand nuts over having his hair pulled by one girl and being choked by the other. Boy is he gonna be hard even if the pants stay on. What if he’s not the one grinding around this time. Two scary girls riding his lap, cuffing and belittling him — wow. Taemin never wants that feast to end. Getting roughed up at any occasion makes his day. He is needy, but the girls have all the cruel shit could ever ask for, and he has the stamina to handle all of it. And the class, he never loses his mystery. A fucking marathon with some pretty brutal bondage and impact play involved, no problem, he’ll last it. You can torture the soul out of him, he’s gonna be winding and gasping for more. Except maybe that his voice is gonna be pretty hoarse if they don’t gag his mouth for the most part. Man, Taemin is so vocal. This will have the ladies all runny beyond imagination. Nobody who meets him casually is gonna suspect it, but Taemin has the wettest dick in all of Seoul (unless Lucas is doing an allnighter) and no pliable brain left because he’s got is fucked out hard daily and he gave it daily. Now you know.
⎡Jongin⎦⇁ Kai is gonna act smug about this right from the start. He’s gonna be the guy who’s proud to show you off, walking around arms over your either shoulders, him right in the middle. Like hello, I’m experienced. The entirety of SM Entertainment is gonna have rumors circulating but nobody’s gonna be surprised. Little does he know you’re down to make his naughty lyrics come true. Kai is gonna get pegged and punished holding onto his dear oversized teddy bear. Literally, these two will have him burying his entire face there. Whimpering and high-pitched moaning like it’s time for EXO adlibs. His couch is large enough for three people, so. Somebody is gonna end up horny and crying. With his album on repeat because there’s no better music to fuck to, don’t kid yourself, you likely don’t, anyway. It’s Kai we’re talking about. He has sluttiness for days. Getting your hands on all that tall dark and handsome goodness is just all that you need as a domme duo. Have you seen how this guy moves just breathing and walking and cocking his head on the occasion… I don’t wanna know how far he can go in the horizontal realm to put it carefully.
But you gotta be ready for Kai’s aggressive side that wants to make things happen. If you like a struggle for dominance, this is the address. You two are just too tempting and delicious not to move around on his bed to assume new positions. And if Jongin doesn’t feel like snapping his dangerous hips into either of you, he’s lying. Kai is ready to fucking dick you down like it’s your birthday. He has to be taught to request and wait like a good boy, on his best behavior and his knees preferably. Yep, I think that Kai is a case for some extended training because he’s so impatient, with good reason, but he still needs to be put in his place. Which Kai likes because it means you go harder on him without restraint. Was it his goal all along? I can see one of the girls taking the role of speaking to him with his head in her lap. Giving commands occasionally, checking in. And the other, getting freaky on him with her instruments. Kai’s body is so sensitive and reactive, it’s gonna be fun to see him twitch and beg. Even something as simple as clamping his nipples will already do the trick. That’s when you have Kai begging.
⎡Ten⎦⇁ Believe it or not. Out of all people, he’s gonna be the one with the most doubts and insecurities — at first. It feels a little overwhelming to Ten because he doesn’t know what’s coming. You know that kind of facial expression he does when he is uncertain. Mind you: Having a whole bunch of people around him isn’t new to him. Bitch, he’s in NCT! A threesome is peanuts against that neo energy. It’s more like, the coordination, he doesn’t know how to act. He’ll be shy and big-eyed and doesn’t know what to say. The king of comebacks and clapbacks: Speechless. Let that sink in. The girls are dealing with the kind of guy who needs a lot of clarity and talk beforehand because he doesn’t have experience with it. It takes him to really know what the program is and damn he’s right about that. Ten really getting into what he’s signing up for is big-brained of him. He asks a lot of questions with an open-mind, but also care. But then again, we know how Ten’s confidence can skyrocket, and that he’s so secretly curious about those things he’s bursting with anticipation. And he knows what to ask for to really get someone going. Touch me, tease me, feel me up, am I right or am I right? He adapts so well to almost any circumstance in his life, it’s admirable. Totally up to the challenge once it goes down, he really grows into that. And I promise that particularly the physical part is absolutely his forte, that’s where he blooms. Ten can be easily taught through the genius of his body and he’s gonna love that.
Once things get hands-on and he finds himself with two girls mounting him, and on go the cat ears, he’s like oh my god this is great. The surprise factor is the biggest in the group here. Ten is gonna almost facepalm because he’s been worrying himself where there was nothing to be anxious about. Because he’s in his groove! Smiling and laughing and having a good time. No stress, just feeling so damn good. Probably with several super-size vibrating toys employed on him because that’s how Ten rolls, always taking the challenge. What a twitchy mess he’s gonna be, I can’t. The two ladies are gonna have a blast themselves bending him around and getting the best of the best erections out of him. Ten is totally gonna snack something while they’re fooling around as three. Or they’re stuffing him with delicacies, he’s gonna be so eager. But that’s not even a glimpse of what they’re gonna do! Ten is ready for almost everything, my friends. Tag teamed while dressed up as Alice? Likelier than you think. With the wig, that’s right. Ten is gonna be their good girl for one long night and truly love it. He obeys so well, spreads his legs like its nothing. It’s all gonna be a hell of a mess on his outfit though. If there’s one person ready to have cum all over him, that’s the right address. He’s throwing peace signs and pose for their phone cameras. Oh Ten, the legend you are.
⎡Lucas⎦⇁ Wong Yukhei… the entire concept that is him literally screams for it. Two people handling all that fucking hunk. So much space to work with, that body is a drug. Xuxi is one staggering big boy, his forehead is making love to any door frame. Lot of waist to grab (…like why is it shaped like that. Offensive!) lot of wrist to tie. And those long fucking model legs, for god’s sake, you just gotta do something with those for once. Get those thigh harnesses! Plus he’s a literal baby who’s all down to date girls his senior. Yukhei is a sucker for mad girls acting possessive over him. And he’s a handful, one fucking tease, one chaotic man. Two times the payback is just so much more appropriate. He can just get fucked and fucked and fucked some more. As is two times as much stimulation. You can imagine. Yes, all over his body. Grabbing his necktie and guiding him around this that (good shit) and caressing his face, and his back, and his chest, and his stomach, it’s so sexy to touch him there.
But let’s not lie. A certain somebody has cock and balls for two people. Lucas is one hell of a stallion. Lot of girth to make hard and to edge. That needs a duo of two unhinged girls, forces of nature, someone shy won’t do. It’s their job to make him shy and docile, not the other way around. Because Lucas enjoys being teased and flattered right back, and is more than fine with being toyed with, even playfully beaten up. You know he loves to be on the receiving end of bickering. Doesn’t mean he suddenly forgets to be an active party or just leans back. He has giant hands and knows how to use them, he’s chartered some major clit territory as well, remember that. That’s gonna be three people losing their fucking minds. Imagine all those luscious, raspy groans. Lucas never holds back, no filter, he knows what the ladies like. Drenched in sweat is all you’ll gonna be. And probably a whole bunch of lube because that’s the other thing the entire concept of Lucas is screaming for. The more ye know.
⎡Mark⎦⇁ Alright my friends. Cute Mark vibes different but that’s no secret. Boy’s gonna admit he’s really intimidated and shy, but so happy he’s gonna get sandwiched once he agrees to try it. It’s all a matter of courage. The girls will be the ones approaching him because they bought him ice cream, and the conversation starts from there, but it’s up to Mark to really set the mood. Oh boy, he’s not gonna stop blushing. This nerd with a girl on each side, that sure as hell looks great on him, I assure you. And if Mark Lee is your trophy rapper poly boyfriend, you truly made it, so. This is gonna be a dynamic right here. And the most fun, imagine the mayhem. He’ll talk his mouth off like his life depends on it. Mark doing sexy talk with two girls at the same time would be so entertaining. They will own his ass. Like wow… they’re making out with him, alternate with french kisses and putting their hands all over him, and ruin his face with ice cream. Mark would be so sexy to pull close by his collar.
And you bet it’s gonna slowly escalate from there, he’s tapping into some sides of him he never knew were there. Ice cubes down his chest, tongues down his mouth, hands in his hair kind of afternoon. As a brief and hilarious interruption, a shivering, horny as hell Mark takes a phone call from Johnny. Who, as you learn, is completely unsuspecting. „Hey, I’m at IKEA, uh. The living room section, actually. Should I buy the blue pillow or the yellow one? I can’t decide. They both have the same print on them, so.“ Mark is gonna blurt out that blue is probably gonna be a good idea and ends the phone call before anybody can moan into the speaker. Johnny is left confused at the other end of the line. The girls will end up teasing Mark that he said blue because that’s what his balls are for sure. Freudian slips, always glorious. Mark is not gonna deny that and ultimately ends up with his face between two cleavages — talk about melons, are we gonna kid ourselves — and two hands down his jeans. This is gonna need a lot of towels. Mark has never gotten this fucked up in his whole life and he is grateful. Watch out people, he’ll write a whole mixtape about this.
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mintjamsblog · 3 years
I'm obsessed with Mistakes, and now with the idea that Tommy will visit Alfie's dungeon roleplaying as a client. I absolutely need a fic about that incredibly hot situation right away, because I can't get it off my mind. (Your writing is amazing, thank you so much.)
Okay, I've had enough of today, so here you go. Set a couple of years in the future. Have some escapist, procrastinating, smut. Because I love the idea that right now, Tommy and Alfie are living their best life in their castle in Ireland.
Tommy is the manager (of course) but every now and then Alfie likes to remind him that he's not always in charge. And this week Tommy's been particularly grumpy and foul tempered. Deep down  he's trying to get a rise out of Alfie, smart-talk him into a sharp spanking or a rough fuck. But Alfie seems determined not to play ball.
Instead he makes Tommy wait tables in the restaurant. "I know you think it's beneath you, darling, but Luan's off tonight and we're short-staffed and it'll teach you some humility. Tommy agrees. Reluctantly.  Determines to be as  grim faced and petulant as he can be, serving with just about enough manners to keep up appearances but not enough that Alfie'll make the mistake of asking him to do this again.
Only Alfie's clearly watching. Tommy knows this for a fact because every time he does something wrong — answers a diner's question too curtly or removes the wrong cutlery — Alfie hauls him into the walk-in freezer for a short, sharp reminder of who's in charge.
"It's my fucking hotel. I'm in charge," Tommy says.
"Not in the restaurant, Sweetie. Restaurant's my domain, innit? So bend over, there's a good boy, you got Table 6's order wrong."
By the time they're half way through service Tommy's arse is bright red and the titillation of the initial pain is tipping over into something darker. It's hard to keep the noises down when Alfie delivers a particularly vicious flurry of swats and asks him why the fuck he started playing with fire if he didn't want to get burned. He's shoved roughly out of the cold-room before he's had a chance to catch his breath.
The guy at Table 9 is watching him too closely, there's a smile hidden behind his lips as he places his order. Maybe because Tommy stumbled out of the kitchen, or his eyes look a little glazed, whatever weakness he's inadvertently shown, this bloke seems determined to exploit.
"Is he working you too hard?" the guy asks when Tommy returns to his table. "You look a little flustered."
Rude bastard, Tommy thinks. Who does he think he is? Although he has to admit he's good-looking. In that public-school boy kind of way.
"Here's your soup," Tommy snaps.
The guy looks down at it and back up at Tommy and leans back in his chair. "This is wrong," he says bluntly.
"Wrong how?" Tommy asks. It's not wrong, he's bloody sure of it. 
"I ordered the tart," the customer says.
"There isn't a tart on the—" Alfie cuts him short, appearing out of nowhere with a hand on Tommy's shoulder. 
"I'm terribly sorry, sir," he says, in a tone more gracious than Tommy's ever heard from Alfie's lips before, "We'll get that changed right away for you. Won't we, Tommy?"
Tommy's eyes dart between them, but Alfie growls, "Tommy," so darkly that he decides to let it drop, follows Alfie back to the kitchen.
He gets another six in the freezer. Alfie's brought his loop with him — a doubled length of flex that's perfect for delivering a frightful sting with barely any noise. No one can hear the thwip of it beyond the clanging and clattering in the kitchen (although if Tommy doesn't bite his tongue, they'll hear the sounds he makes).
This continues throughout the evening. Alfie's liberal with his punishments and Tommy's bratty in return, desperate for service to be over. If he keeps up just the right amount of insolence he should get the end he wants to the evening: Alfie pinning him down and fucking him. Hard. Not letting him escape.
Luckily, it's a Tuesday night so the restaurant is relatively empty. There's only one couple left, as well as the prick from Table 9. He seems to have noticed something's up, which is hardly surprising given Tommy's arse is fucking agony now, and he's tired, and livid with Alfie, and increasingly unsure whether his little plan's going to work.
Alfie seems genuinely pissed with him, and Table 9 is doing his utmost to get on Tommy's nerves.  He's criticised everything Tommy's done, tutted when plates were cleared too loudly, sent back the perfectly drinkable wine, even fabricated a hair in his chocolate mousse. (Well, maybe not fabricated, Tommy may have put it there deliberately). 
He smiles sarcastically as he hands the guy his espresso. Fucking public school wanker. 
"You know that's very off-putting. The way you're sniffing," he says in reply.
Tommy feels his face flash hot; his nose is running slightly, but Alfie thrust him out so fast after using the loop again that he didn't even get a chance to wipe his face on his sleeve. He does it now, feeling ridiculous, like an errant schoolboy.
"It's a shame you can't control your temper," the smarmy fuck goes on. "It was otherwise a very nice meal."
Tommy clenches his jaw so hard his teeth creak. He can’t actually insult a customer. Alfie'll kill him; he's worked too hard at building a reputation for this restaurant. 
"I'm a food critic, you know," he adds, fiddling with his napkin.
 Tommy's face drains of heat so fast he feels a little he's back in the cold-room, cheek pressed against frozen cardboard as Alfie flays his arse. Fuck. He's chosen the wrong night to be a brat.
"I'd like to speak to the chef," the man says.
Tommy clears his throat but doesn't move. He needs some sort of plan, which normally he could come up with, but not tonight it seems. He can feel his trousers rubbing the welts. Feel panic filling his chest, he's suddenly so fucking tired he could just lay down on this floor.  How is he going to tell Alfie?
"It's a shame, because the food was really very good. Excellent, in fact. Your chef is a talented man."
Oh fuck. Tommy digs his nails in his palms and feels the back of his eyes sting. 
It's the service that I found wanting."
"My apologies," Tommy grits out.
"I'd like to speak to him please. Your chef."
Tommy feels glued to the spot.
"Go and fetch him then," the guy says, with a condescending wave of his hand. Tommy hates him. Fucking hates him. Tommy fucking hates himself.
The last diners have left when Tommy returns with Alfie. Table 9 is still sipping his tiny coffee. He proceeds to lambast Alfie about the crude and surly service, listing every pout Tommy threw his way and every clumsy movement. He doesn't hold back, is mean and condescending and secretly, Tommy is waiting for Alfie to come to his defense, tell this prick to lay off, that's enough.  But he doesn't.
"It's a shame, it really is," Table 9 says. "I was hoping to help you along with a glowing review. Support a growing business, you know."
And that's when Alfie glares at Tommy in a way that sends shivers down his spine. Not the good kind, either, the kind that make him feel two inches tall. Alfie turns to the customer in that syrupy voice from earlier. "My most sincere apologies, sir. You have to forgive my new waiter, he's not yet fully trained. Has a lot to learn, it seems."
"Hmmm," the diner says thoughtfully, staring at his plate. "Well, I might be able to see my way to overlooking this. Provided he's appropriately dealt with."
Alfie folds his arms across his chest and widens his feet. "Appropriately dealt with?" he repeats.
"Yes. Schooled in his indiscretions and made to show some genuine contrition."
"Contrition?" Alfie repeats, raising one eyebrow at Tommy.
"I've said I'm fucking sorry," Tommy starts but then the penny drops. Finally. He's been such a fucking fool.
"Room 109. Five minutes," Table 9 says. "Let's see how sorry he can be."
Tommy's about to open his mouth to protest, but Alfie's already grabbed him by the ear and is walking him towards the staircase. His stomach plummets, his hands sweat, but there's a corresponding surge of adrenaline, a collision of desire and fear that makes his heart hammer in his chest.
"If you know what's good for you darling," Alfie whispers, "you'll do as you're fucking well told".
And Tommy does. For the next two hours, whilst the customer — James, but you can call me Sir — watches. Contrition isn't all Tommy feels as Alfie leads him to a spanking bench positioned at the end of James' bed. "You'll note it's a proper one darling," Alfie coos, "padded for your knees. Although it's your poor arse I'd be more worried about."
James makes a sympathetic clucking noise and leans down to stroke Tommy's hair.  Alfie straps Tommy's knees in place. And his ankles ... wrists ... waist. And even as Tommy fights him, snarls curses and spits at the floor, he knows he's not going to safe word out (what he's less sure of is why, why he's going to let that fucker watch Alfie go to town on his welted arse). Self-righteous, posh bloody streak of piss with his smarmy eyes and condescending lips and … fuck … they're soft those lips... brushing his own. Tommy gasps. James noses at his face, strokes fingers through his hair, eyes twinkling with a mixture of sympathy and delight as Alfie lays into Tommy with his hand. Then his belt. Then a slipper.
"You never told me he was so pretty," James says, kissing Tommy's forehead. Tommy screws his eyes shut. He hates this.
"To be fair, I absolutely did," Alfie says, taking Tommy by surprise with a bite to his thigh. 
"Well. I didn't believe you," James says. 
"S'your problem, mate."
"Bet he looks even prettier when he's crying," James says with a smile. "Bet you look fucking beautiful, Tommy, letting everything spill out."
Tommy jerks against the restraints, furious and mortified and ... turned on.
"Can I make him cry, just a little?" James asks. He's clearly talking to Alfie, but he's fondling Tommy's ear, tracing the shell with his fingertips. His hands are large but soft. And gentle.
Alfie laughs. "You can fucking try, mate," and wallops Tommy again.
"I  think he's beginning to see the error of his ways, aren't you, Tommy?" James says. "Perhaps I could overlook the fact he served the wrong starter."
Tommy glares at James, no idea why he's even bothering to argue, when it's all a fucking charade, an excuse for Alfie to humiliate him. "I didn't serve the wrong—"
The word disappears in a shriek, Alfie's brought back that damned fucking loop.
"Maybe," Alfie agrees, but he doesn't relent. He whips Tommy till he's gasping, till he can feel his cheeks tight with swelling. 
Then he drops it and starts to stroke Tommy's back, just as James keeps stroking his hair. And kissing his face. And then kissing his lips. His tongue. And then Alfie's tongue is lapping his hole and everything is too hot and too much and hurts and doesn't and the voices are saying he's beautiful, he's done so well, and he can't breathe … the air's going in but not out and everything feels wet and James is smiling at him and smiling at Alfie and saying, "see? I told you he could." 
And Tommy lets himself be stroked. Kissed. Carried onto the bed. And he lets the tears be wiped away and he says, "I'm sorry, sir." And he is. So fucking sorry. And it feels good.
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theyre-just-blocks · 4 years
Alright buckle in because I have a few things to say about Big Q's stream.
There will be spoilers under the cut!
Let me just start off by saying, Quackity hyped the fuck out of this stream and he did not disappoint. It was even better than what I could've imagined and therefore every scene just had me grinning of ear to ear in anticipation and delight.
Of course, I have a lot of thoughts and I might rewatch it again to better understand somethings, but as a c!Quackity enthusiast, you probably know that I have a lot to say.
The lighting, the scenes, the soundtrack, the acting, the cut scenes, everything! It was so well put together and the divisions of chapters made it even all the more enjoyable. As someone who wants to study film, I really appreciated and enjoyed the cinematic elements Quackity added into this stream. It was absolutely insane.
Quackity put a fast one on all of us who thought it was going to be called L'Vegas, and while I think L'Vegas sounds cool, I think it's cooler that Quackity named it something else. It shows that this is something completely new and fresh. It doesn't hold ties to any of the older civilizations. Also, the fact that we didn't get to really see it?? Just an outline?? And holy hell is it HUGE. I'm so excited to see the actual thing.
Schlatt coming back wasn't a huge possibility for me until today. The more I talked about what could happen and the more theories I saw, the more I was convinced that maybe he'd come back. I didn't want to get my hopes up though, so I tried not to be excited about the fact that Schlatt might return. AND THEN HE DID. There was his voice with that quote about someone's worse times and then his name was in the "STARRING" and I was just so happy. He, Quackity, and Sam are like my favorite members on the SMP so to see him involved in this was amazing. Also, he and Quackity's dynamic never fails to make me laugh.
MD MY BELOVED! I cannot wait to see what Quackity has planned for him because I absolutely love this character and miss him so much. Still a little foggy on what the hell is going on with him or how/why he's visiting Schlatt, but I'm excited to see him in the lore again.
I expected to see Bad on the stream, as he and Quackity's relationship was deteriorating over the Egg thing. Big Q had told him he'd continue to get in Bad's way, so I thought that the Eggpire would make an appearance at the casino or something. However, that wasn't the case, it was just Bad having a conversation with Big Q and then being shown the kind of power Quackity has. Let me just say, Bad's acting today was on point. I was genuinely a little scared of him due to his voice. So kudos to him man! That was amazing!
Of course, I was excited for this stream in part of Sam being involved with the building and whatnot as well. And as always, Sam brought the A-game acting of making my heartbreak over how fucking tired and sad he sounds all the time. He and Quackity's conversation, as an Awesamdad and Duck son enthusiast, made me both happy and sad at the same time. Him not wanting to let Quackity visit Dream after what had just happened and Quackity manipulating him into thinking it was a good idea just,, oh man. And then Sam bending the rules of the prison to let Quackity have weapons in the cell!! AND GIVING QUACKITY HIS WARDEN WEAPONS!! AAAA SAM MY BELOVED.
Man, Big Q himself. He's one of the best actors on the SMP, hands down. The way he gets super into character and works around technicalities and bloopers while still being in character?? Amazing. I love his character so much. The amount of layers his character has is just,, amazing but I refuse to call this some kind of villain arc, though it does worry me. HE MADE THE SCAR CANNON TOO!! The suit he was wearing wasn't what I had in mind for Vegas vibes, but it was cool. But all in all it was just an amazing performance on his part.
God, I hate this fucker (the character). He really thought he had the upper hand in the conversation when Quackity came to visit up until Quackity pulled out the ax. The terror in his voice scared the shit out of me (loud ass mf) but to hear Dream scared? Oh man, that was such a wonderful feeling. He's finally getting what he deserves.
The Story
My dumbass really thought that today's stream was going to be a grand opening of Las Nevadas, huh? Though, I think I enjoyed the stream a lot more because of the fact that I didn't know what was going to happen. I really enjoyed the whole breaking it into chapters though, as a storyteller I thought that was hella amazing. I just had so much fun with this story and I can't wait to see where it leads.
El Rapids
Why the fuck did I get emotional over a fictional country in Minecraft that was based on a Hillary Clinton snapchat vine? Please, that ending was beautiful and I got sentimental about the flashbacks and Quackity moving on from that part of his life.
The ending
WHAT WAS THAT ENDING AND WHY WAS IT SO GOOD?? It scared the crap out of me though because it caught me off guard but I thought it was so cool. The transition was perfect, the chips?? The calendar??? Amazing, showstopping, wonderful, confusing, perfect. I loved it.
All in all though, this stream was amazing. It's crazy to think that they're taking this Minecraft roleplay to cinematic levels. It's so fun and I'm just,, so proud of how far it's come and how creative not only the fans get, but the ccs themselves to do these streams for us. It's just crazy and I love it so much.
I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg though. This is just the start of something completely new and I cannot wait to see how it unfolds.
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theamateurblogger · 5 years
Hewwo I love your stuff. Can you do a male s/o with all them slasher boys. Hcs but if you want you can do like, Tommy for a one shot. Idc if its sfw or nsfw
Thank you!!! I hope you like this!!!
Otis Driftwood
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Otis is a thirsty ass fucker, not gonna lie
From an outside perspective, it would be easy to assume that he’s only with you for the sex
But let’s be real, if he wanted just sex, he would’ve stuck to his corpses
He loves you, whether he wants to admit it out loud or not
Constantly has his arm around you or touching you in some way
Just a way to stake a claim around others (and to prevent you from running)
But deeeeep down, he does it to make sure you’re okay
Always has to keep you in his sights “to make sure you don’t do something stupid” (like run)
Hugggge exhibitionist 
Seriously. It’s an issue. So, you’ll need to get real comfortable around the rest of the family
Chop Top
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Chop Top is an actual dream to be in a relationship with
Plenty of arguments about who has better music taste and who gets to pick the playlist/radio station 
Out of everyone on this list, he’d be the most likely to propose 
He’d want a full on wedding with the family watching and victims’ bones used as decor
Kind of a traditional guy (besides the whole cannibalistic and maniacal tendencies ya know)
So expect some hesitancy from him to get serious with you
His knowledge of the LGBT+ community is very slim
But let’s be real, he had some fun with his fellow soldiers during his time in the war 
When he does give in to his love for you, he is absolutely obsessed with you
He’d tell victims stories about you and compare everything to you and things you do 
He likes your ass
A lot.
Expect to have it groped, slapped, and ogled at constantly
Would probably be super into roleplay (*cough* the Sonny wig *cough*)
He’s not good at it.
Michael Myers
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Michael is…Michael?
You’ll be pretty confused with this guy
He just keeps following you around and you’re not dead yet???
You become more comfortable around each other and it just turns into comfortable silence and occasional situations where you need to ask him to hand you something
You’ll have to be the first one to initiate sex
It’ll be very awkward at first because you’ll have no fucking clue whether or not he’s even into it so you’ll just stop and walk away
And he kind of just doesn’t acknowledge any of what happened??? For like a week???
You’re aggravated and confused. (Told ya)
It takes you both a long time to navigate through your relationship
It doesn’t help that you can’t just…talk it out?
It’s all trial and error, but eventually you have a pretty domesticated relationship
He’s like a cat that is gone all day but comes home to you when he wants a nap
Freddy Krueger
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Much like Otis, Freddy is a nasty fuck
And it would be hard for me to believe that your relationship isn’t prodominately about sex
We all know the backstory of Fredster and he’s not afraid to take what he wants
Very little boundaries
He’d go after nearly anyone who you come into contact with
It’s like a game to him
You’d honestly have to be just as batshit crazy as this guy
He really appreciates the element of surprise
Taking a bath? Now, you’re getting raw dogged at 3am, water splashing out of the tub
Trying to take an exam or you’re waiting in line at the DMV? He’s fucking with your mind the entire time
Walking down the hallway, trying to get a glass of water? BOO! Now he’s laughing his ass off at how much of a pussy you are
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
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Chucky is genuinely kind of an asshole
And I don’t think you’d change that
Buuuuut, that’s kind of what attracts most people to him right?
He’s kind of new to these feelings toward you
And it really fucks with his ego
Internalized homophobia anyone?
It’ll take time and patience for this guy
But I think it’ll be worth it in the end
He’d steal you all kinds of cool stuff
Plus, Chuck’s a total switch and I think it’d be fun to finally take him down a peg in the bedroom
Bubba Sawyer
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Such a sweet baby
Please don’t ever hurt him
Bubba would bring you flowers and little trinkets he made from bone constantly
When he first meets you and wants to impress you, he makes sure to fix up his mask realll nice with his favorite lipstick and wears his best clothes
Even now that you’re his, he still just wants to make you happy and make sure that you know he’s putting in effort because he cares ya know?
Constantly needs reassurance from you
As much as he likes giving you affection and gifts, he nearly cries when you do those things for him!!!
Please spoil that man!
Loooves listening to music! Chop Top, Bubba, and you almost always spend your nights together listening to the radio
From everything I’ve read online as well as some choice scenes from the movies, I’m a full believer in the fact that not only is Bubba 100% pan and open to alllll kinds of lovin’, but he also has the biggest oral fixation known to mankind!!!
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas is a very different man than Bubba
He’s more rough with you and has full knowledge of what he’s doing
Definitely knows his size and will pick you up whenever he pleases
At the end of the day, he makes the rules
Doesn’t mean you can’t persuade him to do things that you want to do though
You’ll just have to make it up to him so he won’t be in a foul mood
Is a bit awkward with things
Especially around his family
I’ve said this already but Thomas definitely grabs things off of victims that he thinks you’d like!!!
Will probably try to wrap the items up! Will probably fail!
Nubbins Sawyer
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Nubbins is such a cutie!!!
He loves you so much
I’ve said this before too, but Nubbins would definitely have a box full of photos he took of his S/O
He treasures them the absolute most
You know those little cute polaroid walls? He def has one of pictures of you and him
He’s also the most likely out of all the slashers to have a Pride flag hung up
He’s also an absolute handful.
Expect to wake up alone pretty often, because this dude just wants to take impromptu trips throughout Texas allllll the time
Sometimes you go with though
As he picks up cool roadkill from the side of the road, you pick up cool plants and maybe a lizard
As far as sex goes, he’s an absolute goof
He’s just so excited to have someone who wants to do these things with him
Lots of laughter
The Collector
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Definitely a bit of a strange one
Literally. Stranger danger.
He first met you at a wildlife museum
And he just kept following you around
He even started targeting people that looked like you?
He just wanted the body parts to add to his collection
Without having to ruin the original
Eventually, he would kidnap you and lock you in his own personal “museum”
He’d show you his pieces every time he completed one
He’d bring you your favorite foods though which is nice
Then he’d watch you from the security cam he set up in your room
Brahms Heelshire
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Such a needy boi
He likes to watch you
Secretively, in the walls
Orrr just sitting across from you, cross legged
You could be changing or you could be reading/watching TV
It doesn’t matter.
He’s always so infatuated by you
I really wish I could get behind the idea that Brahms is a huge sub and would call you daddy
But I just can’t???
He likes to have control.
There’s no way he’d want to give that up
You essentially have to trick him into doing anything around the house
So enjoy being his slave
The Other 
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I guess this kind of depends on how far your relationship has been established
You probably started off as neighbors or maybe just acquaintances that ran into each other at the grocery story every once in awhile
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that he appreciates a good age gap and has more than enough experience with the opposite sex *wink* 
def a bi boi
His attraction to you didn’t go far beyond sexual at first, but then he seen how well you interacted with his daughter and that’s what broke him
I swear it’s like he has two personalities
When he’s out with you and your guys’ daughter, he’s a typical suburban husband/dad
Has a retirement plan, pays the bills, works his ass off in an average blue collar job, drinks beer with the bois and complains about your nagging
Also brags about how good you are to him and has no shame in his game
Purely domestic
But then??? When it’s just you two, it’s like a switch goes off where he doesn’t need to put on the act
He controls every aspect of you and your body; much like Brahms, he won’t be able to give up his control
He’s an absolute dom
Christian Grey ain’t got shit on what’s in his garage.
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mesmeret · 4 years
KPW 2.0 Day 2: Cat Daddy Hux and Juggalo Kylo
Day 2: Opposites Attract! "Boring" Cat Daddy Hux has a crush on his Juggalo neighbor Kylo. Kylo also has a crush on him. Cussing and lemons
Hux’s heart flipped hearing the loud engine of his crush coming up the block. He had no shame being picked up by his neighbor in front of his office building. Strangers and coworkers turn towards the blasting “Funyuns and Condoms”. The brakes screech and the passenger door unlocks. Hux bites his lip so his grin masks as a smirk while he gets into the decade old white Ford F-150 with peeling black and red flame decals.
He buckles in before looking over at Kylo, “Hey.”
“How’s the overlords?” Kylo is glaring at traffic with a pale white base with black lightning bolts painted all over his face. Hux’s stomach flips at how a few go down Kylo’s neck and get muddled with his neck tattoos. Kylo’s lips are bright red with black lip liner.
Hux knows to talk over Kylo’s cussing and singing along with his CDs, “Fucking awful. Brooks stole my work again. The cronies didn’t bat an eye seeing my watermarks. Thanks for that idea, by the way. Fuck, I am quitting next week. Not giving them any opportunity to fire me.”
“Fuck yeah!” Kylo honked his horn and grinned as the cars around them honked back. “They don’t deserve you!”
Hux felt his face heat up. This was one of the reasons he fell hard for Kylo. The man made him feel valuable.
“So what’s next for m-Mister Hot Shot?” Kylo stuttered as they pulled onto the highway.
“I don’t know. Maybe take a week off before looking for jobs?” Hux shrugged.
“Yeah? Cool,” Kylo gets into the fast lane and looks over at Hux. His voice low, “Gonna let your hair down and go wild?”
Hux managed not to gasp, instead he made a choked off nervous laugh, “Me? I was thinking of checking out the summer art exhibits before they go away.”
Kylo pounds his steering wheel, “Dude! You’re killing me! You can do that any time!”
“No, the exhibits are leaving at the end of July,” Hux feigns sulking to get more of a rise out of Kylo.
“M-Sorry, you fucker!” Kylo caught himself from saying Hux’s second least favorite curse word. “I’m worried about you. Those soul suckers have got you whipped. You should, like, I dunno… spend time with me and the guys that week!”
Hux’s toes would curl in his italian loafers if the narrow shoes would let them. He sighed, “Fine. I guess you’re right.”
“I’m always right!” Kylo puffed up his chest and belted out the lyrics for the next song on the Bang! Pow! Boom! Album. Hux at least remembered the album name. Kylo also surprised him last week remembering the company names of Hux’s favorite porcelain cat figurines. He stared out at the passing traffic. Maybe he could do something to get Kylo to call him Cat Daddy again? Millie hated the ribbons but if he could bribe her…
A few minutes of traffic later, they pull off the highway and quickly get into their neighborhood. Kylo looks over at him a couple of times before speaking, “Hey, would you like to rehearse your resignation?”
Hux sat up in his seat, “Huh? Yeah, that would help. When did you have in mind?”
Kylo stuttered, “I-uh, got some things to do but I can swing by in, uh, an hour?”
Hux nodded, “Sure. I’ll get Millie settled in with her din-din.”
“Cool!” Kylo yelled and went silent with wide eyes. Hux frowned a little but got distracted with Kylo’s arm bracing the back of his seat as Kylo pulled the truck into reverse to parallel park. Hux knew the tattoos were crude and chunky. But their canvas gave them far more allure. Hux didn’t have time to give into the temptation of nuzzling Kylo’s biceps because the man was an impressive parker.
They parted ways and Kylo stomped up to his apartment in his oversized jeans and baggy t-shirt. The clothes made him look absurdly giant. Hux loved it. Once he got into his apartment, he went straight to the kitchen to prepare Millicent’s meal as she mrrp’d her way around his feet. He hummed along with her as he mashed up some wet food with her kibble. He set the bowl down and gave Millicent her privacy as he headed into his bedroom. He took off  his dress shirt and slacks. He stared at his closet drawing a blank. What would Kylo like him in? Kylo hardly comments on his clothes. Hux sighed grabbing a white t-shirt and gray lounge pants. Why was he so boring? He flushed at the thought of getting Kylo to give him a makeover. He’d look absolutely ridiculous but Kylo would have his hands all over him.
Hux went into the living room and tidied up the little messes from the past few days. Millicent watched him from her cat tree with her tail swaying to and fro. He came over to kiss the top of her head. She scrunched her eyes and shook her head. He snorted, “I know, so embarrassing. But you’re so cute!”
She squinted at him as he scritched behind her ear. Long orange hairs started to shed. He looked at his watch and decided he could start brushing her coat before Kylo came over. He scooped up Millicent and she gave a chirp seeing him grab the brush kit. He was blessed having a cat who enjoyed grooming. He got most of her back done when there was a knock on the door. Millicent darted to the cat tree as Hux dumped the cat hair in the kitchen trash. He answered the door and was startled to see an unsettling version of Kylo.
Kylo looked normal. He was without his makeup in a black polo and khakis. His hair was tied in a bun. Hux felt sad seeing Kylo’s septum piercing flipped up and hidden. Kylo’s skin was splotchy and textured due to his Kryolan paint stick routine. Hux felt oddly reassured that Kylo wasn’t too perfect. Hux has seen him shirtless with his face painted up and spent many a night stroking to the visuals.
“I-um, thought we could role play?” Kylo shrugged.
Hux blushed realizing he had just stood there staring, “Oh! Wow, you really didn’t need to change. I liked the lightning today. A lot.”
Kylo muttered under his breath, “Fucking dumbass.”
Hux froze, “Excuse me?”
Kylo looked more shocked than Hux felt, “Me! I meant me! I’m the fucking dumbass!”
Hux shook his head, “No you aren’t, come on in.”
Kylo frowned but followed Hux to the couch. Hux’s heart fluttered as Kylo sat next to him, “What’s going on, Kylo?”
Kylo looked at him with a shy glance before looking ahead, “I thought you’d like me more like this? I thought if we roleplayed you quitting your job, we’d-” Kylo takes a deep sigh, “I thought we’d then like makeout or something ‘cuz the past couple of months have been crazy, y’know?”
Hux gulped and tentatively placed his hand over Kylo’s white knuckled fist, “I think you’re hot. But as you usually dress and stuff. This is very different but I see my Kylo. Though...”
Kylo goes cross eyed as Hux flips his septum piercing and bursts into deep laughter, “What the fuck! You’re freaky, Hux!”
Hux blushed, “I guess? Do you like it?”
Kylo’s voice cracked before going bone deep, “Uh, yeah. It’s really fucking hot… babe.”
Hux whined as his body went numb with arousal, “Could we… do something else than role play quitting my job?”
Kylo moaned, “Like what?”
Hux got up to straddle Kylo’s lap. Kylo’s eyes widened and his hands hovered before gripping Hux’s hips. Hux whispers while tugging on Kylo’s polo shirt, “Wanna see your chest again.”
Kylo gave a little nod and pulled off the polo. Hux moaned at the sight of the loosened bun, defined muscles, and garish tattoos. His fingers traced thick lines that trembled. Kylo whined and bucked up. Hux gasped as he slid further into Kylo’s lap and had to brace himself against Kylo’s chest. Kylo grunted, “Permission to kiss?”
Hux gave a nod before kissing Kylo. He sighed at how nice Kylo’s lip and tongue piercings felt. He gave a tentative roll of his hips and Kylo seized with a yelp. Hux hummed in delight feeling the pulse of Kylo’s dick against his. Kylo pulled away from the kiss with a dazed look, “Fuck, I didn’t bring condoms.”
Hux bit his lip, “I’m good with not rushing things. I really do like you. And, ah, would like to fuck when you’re all done up.”
Hux now knows that when Kylo’s eyes widen slightly, his cheeks go bright red. This revelation makes Hux kiss Kylo deeply. Kylo gives a confused sound but goes with the kiss. Hux pulls away when he finally needs air. After catching his breath, he whispers, “I can’t believe you like me.”
Kylo scoffs, “I can’t believe you like me. You of all people.”
Hux whines, “Hush, of course I like you. You’re like my best friend and crush.”
Kylo whimpers squeezing Hux’s ass, “I’m your what?”
“My crush-Ah!” Hux arches his back as Kylo rips his lounge pants. Hux shivers as fingers press through the tear to bare skin. “Nngh! Fuck, tear them more.”
Kylo does so looking up at Hux with a growl. Hux grunts as his cock drops down from the torn confines onto Kylo’s palm. It’s an awkward hand job but feels great. Hux’s mind whites out as Kylo leans up to suck on his neck. The other hand reaches over to press two fingers against Hux’s ass. Hux screeches as the fingers rub frantically with the fist around his cock. He goes limp as his cock twitches.
Kylo mouths his neck lightly before flipping them over. Hux whines as Kylo pulls away to take off his cum stained khakis. Kylo also didn’t bother with underwear and strokes himself while looking down at Hux. Hux studies Kylo’s cock and is a little bummed there’s no piercings visible. Kylo straddles him and moans as his cock head bumps against Hux’s small paunch. Hux blushes deeply once he realizes Kylo is writing his name on Hux’s belly. Hux whispers, “I’d get it tattooed there. Or a tramp stamp.”
Kylo’s eyes bulge and his breathing goes haggard, “Fuck, really?”
Hux bit his lip nodding. Kylo grunted as he came all over Hux’s belly. Hux kissed him softly, “Seriously. Maybe you could help me with the aftercare?”
Kylo snorted and shook his head, “Nah, that’s like ten year anniversary shit.”
“Oh, I guess you’ll just have to cum your name on me until then,” Hux feigned disappointment. “Maybe get me a collar or belt?”
Kylo chuckled, “Fucking freak.”  
Hux smirked, “You have no idea.”
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verai-marcel · 5 years
Into The Wolf’s Den, Ch. 1 (RDR2 Fanfic, 18+ ONLY)
Summary: You wouldn’t say you were dating Arthur. But the two of you have spent the past three weekends rutting like animals in heat. When he finally invites you over to his place, what will you find?
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer: I just did some minor research on the D/s lifestyle; I don’t live it, I don’t know anyone who does, so this is all just some fevered self-indulgent fiction because I want Arthur to DOM THE HECK OUTTA ME. If you’re down for that, then come along for the ride.
Tags: Medium Honor Arthur Morgan, D/s, spanking, light bondage, porn with feelings, porn with plot, rough sex, sexual roleplay
Find it on AO3 here.
Chapter 1 - New Places
“You’ve been pretty happy these past few weeks. Finally gettin’ some dick?”
“Well…” you trailed off. You hadn’t told your best friend that you and Arthur were seeing each other. In fact, you hadn’t told her about him at all. You’d have to come up with something, and fast.
“You don’t have to tell me any deets right now, just tell me one thing: does he have a brother?”
You laughed. Leave it to your friend to know when to stop asking, at least for today. She knew that you’d tell her in your own time, but that wouldn’t stop her from dropping a hint every now and then that she wanted to know.
An alarm went off on her phone. “Shit, gotta run. Get some sleep before work, alright?” She grabbed her purse and took off, looking sleek and graceful in her high heels and pencil skirt. You just smiled and shook your head, comfortable in your sweats and beat up Converse, so dirty they were more grey than canvas. Anyone looking at the two of you probably wouldn’t expect the deep friendship that lay there.
You two had been friends since college, when you answered her ad to be roommates, and stayed as roommates throughout your entire time there. She was a few years older than you, finishing her bachelor’s in animal biology, while you went for your bachelor’s in criminal justice.  You stayed in touch after college while she went for her doctorate in veterinary science, which she just got this year. She joked about making you call her “Doctor”, but you knew she was just kidding; she was humble about her achievements.
And you had been her foundation, her pillar of strength, when shit went down with her ex. You had always looked to her as an older sister, but that day, when you stood between her and her dirtbag ex, ready to put a fucker in the ground if he took a step closer, she seemed so much smaller. You never wanted that to happen again, so whenever she mentioned meeting a guy, you always demanded to meet them face to face.
You shook your head of the past. She was smiling now, and that was what mattered to you. You’d tell her about Arthur eventually. Just not yet.
You left the cafe and walked back home, a bit bummed that your coffee date had been cut short, but you knew what that alarm on your friend’s phone meant: an animal emergency. Your friend’s compassion for animals knew no bounds, and if someone hurt an animal, goddamn, her wrath was unstoppable.
Turning the corner as you walked the last block to your apartment, you heard your phone ring. Seeing the number, you smiled like a fool and answered the call.
“Hey sweetheart. You ready for tomorrow?”
“Of course. Just have to make it through today.” You tried to play it cool, but to be honest, you were super excited.
“Stay safe,” he said. “If you get hurt, lemme know, I’ll come right over and take care of ya.”
“I know. I’ll be fine.” You had gotten kicked pretty hard last week when a new prisoner refused to listen to you, and Arthur had dropped everything to come over and take care of you that night, even though you had insisted you were fine. After that kick, you had dropped the new prisoner to the ground with a few sharp moves, and the newer officers who hadn’t worked with you before now looked at you with both admiration and a little bit of fear.
Arthur was silent on the line for a few ticks, then sighed. “Alright. I trust you.” You could hear him take a deep breath. “I was wonderin’... would you like to come over to my place instead?”
A weekend at Arthur’s place. You had been wondering why he hadn’t invited you before. Was it like a sex dungeon like in the movies, with whips and chains and leather straps everywhere? You were so curious. He hadn’t outright said he was a Dom, but with a few internet searches and some hints to his inclinations that you noticed these past few weeks, especially last week when he ordered you to stay still while he took his time edging you, you were starting to believe your theory was true.
“Sure,” you replied, your curiosity outweighing your caution. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“So am I, darlin’.”
You stood in front of a small apartment complex out in the boonies. It was actually kind of pretty, surrounded by ponderosa pines and large boulders. But because it was so far from town, not many people chose to live here, unless they worked in the nearby farms, or had no choice. Knowing Arthur’s circumstances, you figured no one else would let him rent there. You walked up the steps to #305, and knocked softly on the door.
After a few minutes, you knocked again.
“He just stepped out,” a deep voice said behind you. You quickly turned around and subtly lowered your stance so your center of gravity was more stable. A dark-skinned man stood at the landing before the steps leading up to Arthur’s door. He was tall, with the same build as Arthur, broad chested and with a calm energy that made you think he wasn’t a threat, but could be if he wanted.
“Oh? Do you know when he’ll be back?”
“I’m back,” a familiar voice said as Arthur rounded the steps, coming into the view. He looked at the other man, and gestured upwards.
“Charles,” the man said as he came up the steps. “I’m Arthur’s friend. I live one floor above.”
You introduced yourself and relaxed, knowing that he was a friend of Arthur’s. He must have helped Arthur get back on his feet after his time in prison. Arthur had reached the two of you as you spoke your pleasantries. You wondered how much Arthur had told him about you.
“I was just on my way back up. See you later, Arthur.”
Arthur just waved as Charles continued up the stairs. Then he turned to you.
“Let’s go inside,” he said, moving past you to unlock and open the door. “After you.”
You stepped inside far enough to let him in as well, and he flipped on the lights as he closed the door. It was a sparse studio apartment, with a door to the bathroom directly on the left, and a small kitchen on the right with a counter separating the kitchen from the living space. You kicked off your shoes and walked further into the apartment; the open living space was past the bathroom, and it was taken up by a king sized bed, a night stand, and a chest of drawers across from the bed. A closet with mirror doors was also across from the bed, which you noticed, remembering your first time with Arthur.
“Big bed,” you said absentmindedly.
“I’m a big guy,” he said, amused. You heard the sounds of a grocery bag, and turned to see him place it on the counter. Looking back at him, he shrugged sheepishly. “Was out of whiskey. Figured I’d grab some real quick before you got here.”
You laughed. The man loved his whiskey. He didn’t strike you as an alcoholic, he just legitimately enjoyed the stuff. You didn’t understand it, but then again, there were several things you didn’t understand about him, and were content to leave it be. For now.
“Now then. We need to talk,” he said as he guided you to sit at the counter. You hopped onto the one bar stool while he stood across from you, taking your hands in his.
“What’s this about?” you asked, already having an idea of what he was going to talk about.
“I think you know,” he said, observing your tone of voice and the look on your face, “but I’ll spell it out.” He leaned in closer to you. “I’ve got a Dominant personality. I need to know, before we go any further, if you’re okay with that.”
“As in, a Dom? Like BDSM?”
You blew out a breath. You were right. But you had questions. “What does that mean for me? And what does that term mean to you?”
“Good questions,” Arthur said, smiling proudly. “For me, it means I want to make you feel the best you’ve ever felt. I’ll push you as far as you can go. For you, it means trustin' me. It means givin' me control over you.”
You swallowed. That was asking a lot.
“You’ll always have the final say,” he continued. “The moment you say them safewords, you take your control back.” He touched your cheek ever so gently. “If that happens, I’ve failed as a Dom. And I don’t like failin’.”
His eyes were holding your gaze so intensely that you felt like you were being hypnotized. You blinked and pulled back, his hand falling back to the countertop. Could you do this?
“Will it always be like that?”
“It’s who I am,” Arthur replied simply. “I’ve been holdin’ back, but I can’t change me.”
“Is this… just a bedroom thing?”
Arthur was silent for a moment. “No. The way I’ve been treatin’ you lately, that’s more or less how it’ll be.”
You tilted your head in thought. He didn’t seem all that domineering to you, maybe a little overbearing. “I expected a Dom to be more… bossy.”
“A real Dom protects their sub. Too many idiots out there don’t get that. They think they get to do whatever they want. But a good Dom knows it’s all about makin’ their sub happy.”
You thought about his words for a few moments as he held your hand, massaging your knuckles with his thumb. It was kind of selfless, the way he was describing it. But you didn’t believe that anyone existed that could be that altruistic.
“What do you get out of this?” you asked.
“Havin’ you trust me enough to hand over complete control of your body is a high I can’t get enough of,” he answered, his eyes growing dark with lust. “Watchin’ you lose yourself in my arms is the best.”
You shivered, your body suddenly growing hot and needy for his touch. His honeyed words could’ve been a trap, but right then and there, with his gorgeous eyes looking at you like you were a sex goddess that he wanted to worship forever, you wanted to be completely his.
“Okay. I’ll try this.”
He smiled. “Glad I was right about you. Gonna give you a second safeword, okay?”
“Other than cherries?”
“Yup. Say ‘lemon’ if you’re reachin’ your limit and I’ll ease off whatever I’m doin’ to calm ya down. Can you do that for me?”
He took both your hands in his and clasped them tightly, making you focus. “I mean it. I’m trustin’ you to be open with me, just like I am with you. No hidin’ or tryin’ to grit through somethin’. If it ain’t givin’ you pleasure, tell me.”
You nodded, unable to speak. This was a level of openness and honesty you had never experienced during sex, or anything else, for that matter. It was a breath of fresh air. You were both anxious and looking forward to it.
As Arthur walked around the counter to stand beside you, your heart beat faster with anticipation. He gently rubbed your neck, nuzzling your cheek with the tip of his nose. His lips grazed your chin.
“Would you like me to tie you up?” he asked seductively.
“Yes,” you whispered.
You hesitated. You didn't like losing your sight.
“Maybe next time,” Arthur said, sensing your reluctance. He spun the bar stool around so you faced him.
“Thought of a little scene. Remember that neighbor fantasy you told me about?”
You nodded. Oh God. Was he…?
“How's about I caught you sneakin’ around my place, and I need to punish you. Sound good?”
“Yes!” you said, perhaps too enthusiastically.
Arthur chuckled before pulling back. “Go sit on the bed. Play starts now.”
Chapter 2 is here
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popatochisssp · 6 years
Working Out the Kinks (Kinktober 2018) 26/31
Day 26: Lactation | Roleplay | Smiles/Laughter | Toys
Pairing: UT!Sans/Reader
Additional Kinks: Exhibitionism, public sex, slight sadism
AO3 Link
“…so this guy’s been there two hours now, his kids are gettin’ cranky ‘cause all they’re seein’ is a bunch of empty enclosures an’ nothin’ else. it’s a total nightmare, all he wanted was a happy little family outing to the zoo an’ there’s nothin’, total ghost town, until finally, finally at the very back of the place, they find the one exhibit with somethin’ in it.”
You watch Sans from your stool beside him at the bar. You’re not paying much attention to the joke but you’ve heard it before.
You’re the one who told it to him. You know how it goes.
“it’s a dog,” Sans chuckles, like he can’t believe it. “one whole damn zoo an’ the only thing in it is one little dog!”
He sighs, taking a swig from his ketchup bottle for the dramatic pause before the punchline.
“it was a shih tzu,” he shrugs, and the entirety of Grillby’s loses it around you in a raucous chorus of laughter and table-slamming.
Sans takes a lazy half-bow from where he’s sitting and shoots you the most infuriating look out of the corner of his eye-sockets, his grin unbearably smug.
Yes, Sans, you grumble in your head. I saw: perfect joke delivery while sitting on a vibrator. You are a god among skeletons.
You’d bought the specialty panties on a whim, thinking maybe you’d wear them yourself sometime and spice things up…
…but you reconsidered that idea very quickly.
Your boyfriend was an absolute troll of the highest magnitude and you knew if you gave him control over a toy like that, he’d abuse it in the worst ways possible just because he’d think it was funny. Turning it on or up at exactly the worst moments, in front of the worst people possible, giving you calls that were just way too close for comfort…
Sans would say he had it all under control and would never embarrass you in public, but he loved to tease you and you didn’t quite trust him to know exactly where your ‘embarrassment’ line was since he himself was a man completely without shame.
Sans had only shrugged and agreed, “yeah, fair,” when you’d explained as much to him.
That was why he was wearing the panties now, hidden beneath his basketball shorts.
His poker-face was the stuff of legend, nearly impossible to fluster, and hey, even if somebody caught the two of you at it…?
Shameless, he didn’t care.
He’d picked Grillby’s as the place to play this game, with all his barfly pals who knew him by name and the elemental bartender who had utterly given up on expecting his tab to be repaid anytime in the next few decades.
You’d had the toy inside him going steadily for about twenty minutes now. A few sporadic bursts on and off earlier had done absolutely nothing to crack Sans’ veneer, not even while he was mid-sentence or hopping on or off his stool, so you’d thought slow and steady might serve you a little better.
From the brash look of amusement on Sans’ face, you know he’d disagree.
He leans over to you a little, putting an affectionate hand on your arm. “what’sa matter, babe?” he wonders. “you not feelin’ the vibe in here tonight?”
Oh, this cocky fucker, he was punning about it.
You just smile at him, though.
“I’m fine,” you assure him. “Feeling a little low energy, though, you think you could order me a cola or something?”
“yeah, sure thing.” Sans gives your cheek a little nuzzle and turns back to the bar.
Hmm…your poor skeleton. He’d let himself get just a pinch too cocky.
He’d completely missed your warning.
You reach into your pocket for the remote as Sans waves Grillby over from the other end of the bar. You wait until he starts to speak before turning the knob.
“hey, grillbz, can i get another c—ghk…!”
Sans’ whole body goes rigid for a second, eye-sockets shocked wide as he suddenly white-knuckles the edge of the bar.
Grillby’s orange flames flicker a little in what you’ve come to recognize as concern, leaning forward a little bit to see if Sans needs any help.
You have to hand it to Sans, he’s a very quick recovery.
He forces out a cough and gently thumps a fist at his sternum. You have enough mercy to turn the vibrator back down to ‘low’ so he can gather himself, and you hope Sans is appreciating it now.
Who knows how long your mercy is going to last?
“phew, uh, tickle in my throat,” Sans bluffs, ignoring the fact that he doesn’t have a throat and knowing nobody’s about to call him on it. “can, uh, can we get another cola over here, grillby? you can, heheheh, you can put it on my tab, the usual…”
If Grillby had eyes, you think he’d be rolling them, but he goes off to pour your order for you.
While he’s gone, you sling your arm around Sans’ shoulder, a casual and affectionate gesture that no one bats an eye at.
“What was all the buzz about, Sansy?” you tease.
He doesn’t answer you, but you can see him realizing what you already know: he’s not as in-control here as he’d thought.
“I’m having a good time,” you say, trying not to smirk. “Are you having a good time?”
Sans isn’t fooled by the faux-nonchalance in your voice, his eye-lights flicking down toward the pocket where you’re still holding the little remote.
“heheh…you know it,” he laughs a little, a slight nervous edge to his voice. “is, uh…is there any remote chance you’re gonna take it easy on me tonight…?”
You laugh, like he’s just told you a private couples’ joke and you think he’s the funniest guy in the world.
You do think that…but you also think he could do with being taken down a peg or two in this little game you’re playing.
“Oh, baby,” you chuckle, “I am going easy on you.”
You lean in, pressing a kiss to his cheekbone.
As you pull back, you whisper, “That was ‘medium.’”
If skeletons could blanch, you think those words would’ve made Sans go pale. There’s some sweat beading along Sans’ skull and you…
You’re thrilled.
Your drink arrives and Sans wordlessly passes it to you. You give him a grateful pat on the shoulder and take a sip.
You fiddle a little with the knob on the remote and wonder what’ll happen to Sans’ legendary poker-face if you switch it to ‘high.’
Hmm…maybe you were a troll, too.
You shrug it off. Sans could teleport if he happened to discover a shred of embarrassment deep down in his bones and if he didn’t…
Well, he’d asked you to challenge him. It didn’t seem right not to push the envelope a little.
You slowly twist the knob.
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we-are-trickster · 6 years
Stories from the Caern
Since @lokiago asked (and I’ll take any excuse to tell a story) I will happily tell you all about my experiences at my first LARP.
So the Stunt Husband has been playing in this LARP for a bit before me. He and some friends have been going for some months, but this month’s game was my first time joining. I’ve always been interested in the idea of LARP, since High School many many moons ago, but I’d never found a group.
So the local group plays Werewolf, the Mind’s Eye Theater version. Werewolves are actually my absolute favorite supernatural creature, so naturally this game is right up my alley. I do a bit of reading and decide I want to play a Silent Strider Ragabash. This works out well since the Stunt Husband is also a Silent Strider, so we very easily create a backstory that allows me to keep close to him for my first session. The Ragabash works well with my typical playstyle - sneaky and cunning - and I decide that my concept will be a “Master Manipulator.”
When I hand in my character sheet to the main storyteller for approval he absolutely cackles with glee. I have a feeling there’s a lack of people who’re willing to play antagonistic characters. But the Stunt Husband and I are more than happy to play a pair of Garou who’re scheming to cause trouble in the Caern. I’ve decided that due to the curse on the Silent Strider Clan, my character has a chip on her shoulder about “how good others have it” and wants to inflict some of the same unrest that the Silent Striders suffer onto others. It definitely didn’t help that there are those in the Caern who mistrust us based purely upon the fact we’re Silent Striders.
So the night’s session begins. Luckily, it’s a Moot so it’s almost entirely roleplay. I can take time to work around the room, getting to know people and just observing, collecting information. There had been a mass battle in the previous session, leading to the deaths of some very high-profile characters, and certain positions of power had opened up so there was a lot going on. In addition, it was the Liar’s Dance - a moot where everyone started with three colored “stones” and went around telling stories. If someone thought you had a good story, you got a white rock, if you had an honorable story you got a blue rock, and if you were full of shit you got a red rock. So it was a good way to learn about other people’s characters and find out what made them tick.
Of course, while most of the group was involved in the Liar’s Dance and other activities, I eventually found myself sneaking into the Elder’s Meeting where they were discussing the prospect of selecting one of them from an “Alpha-Like” position. No one else was being allowed in the room, but through a few tricks and a moment of understanding with the Get of Fenris who was guarding the door, I managed to sneak in and listened to the bulk of the meeting. It went so far that the Get of Fenris helped conceal my position from the Wendigo Elder who probably would’ve had my hide if he found me. I learned about the “War Leader”/ Alpha position before anyone else, but also got to see some of the dynamics of the Elder Council, which I’m sure will serve me well in the future.
Of course, the highlight of the night was when the Liar’s Dance concluded. One of my fellow Ragabash had been using an ability of his to steal Red Stones from others. Of course, he hid the stones in the room instead of keeping them on his person. Being the inquisitive sort, I found the stash and decided to turn them in as if I had earned them. Since I had so many, the Ragabash Elder laughed and asked “whose corpse had (I) fucked?” causing a laugh to go around the room and a debate on what my “title” should be for being the biggest bullshitter in the Caern. “Corpse Fucker” and “The Worst” were the top contenders before the Ragabash Elder looked at me and said “wait, you’re a Silent Strider Ragabash... you’re an edgelord that’s enjoying this. I declare you a “Basic Bitch!”
So that is how I played my first session of Werewolf. I think I’ve got them convinced that I’m just your average Ragabash Edgelord whose in it just for the Lolz and NOT a manipulative bastard. And that’s just how I want it.... 😈
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longlostretribution · 6 years
OOC PSA: Personal Boundaries
So, it’s come to my attention that I need to set up some ground rules for my own comfort. I hate that it’s come to this but I really need to let everyone know where I stand OOC for my own comfort, because the less comfortable I am, the less content I’ll produce (and I do not want to completely drop LLR just because of some run-ins with personal ooc issues like I have other projects). So. I’m going to be blunt and kind of painful about it but I need to get this out there.
Some of these are boundaries that have been recently and repeatedly breached and others are things I’ve learned that need to be clarified from other projects I run. I’m being as blunt and clear-cut as I can be, but if you need more clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m not trying to single anyone out with these, but it’s been a month and a half or so of varied little/big boundary breaches and I need to draw the line in the sand before something bad happens.
Buckle up lads, this is gonna be long.
I’m not here to make quick friends, I am not here to play therapist or be your creative mentor/sounding board. I am here to write, to draw, to roleplay, and to explore character building with other creatives that I MIGHT get to know in the future.
I’m not very talkative OOC. Don’t feel insulted if we don’t talk every day, bc I physically cannot keep up with that kind of thing.
Don’t call me senpai, smol bean, or treat me like an idol. I’m a person. I don’t like being idolized like an unapproachable celebrity or made out to be a “cutsey wootsey” baby. I’m an adult.
Don’t just befriend me for free artwork. That’s rude and will earn you a permanent block.
Don’t dish out what you can’t take back. Don’t threaten my characters without expecting consequence, and don’t antagonize them without letting me know you’re going to first (the exception is if I approach a muse who very clearly has their antagonistic nature stated in their rules/about page, i,e, a clear-cut or well-known villain character).
I won’t use your work without permission from you directly. I will always try to approach you OOC first for permission to use your content or reference our mutual threads in the AU, canon or not.
Inviting you into my AU doesn’t mean you can use my concepts for yourself or that you have permission to create content for my AU without my permission. I enjoy adding people’s threads as little side-lines, but I’m still writing the AU myself (or with Finn for resET) and prefer strict control over what is/n’t a part of it.
I don’t appreciate people leaking/sharing spoilers I might share in private, even with their close friends. Please don’t be that person.
I don’t feel comfortable with people using my characters/work (including rping them). I know it’s popular to RP from active AUs, but please don’t do that with mine - especially my OCs.
The long detailed list (with more accurate info):
One: I am not your friend, your bestie, or interested in getting close to you unless we take the time to get to know each other, and that won’t happen with everyone. I get that I come off as a friendly and easy to talk to (so I’m told). And that’s what I like to be! I like to be conversational with people when I can, but that’s what you do when you’re a stranger. You assume that sort of “professionalism” with people before actually getting comfortable with them and letting those barriers down. Friendship takes time, especially for me. I don’t like making close friends quickly, and I don’t make friends in general very easily, and I like keeping it that way. It’s nothing against you as a person, I’m sure you’re a great person! I am just too old and too tired/jaded with what I’ve gone through with people both in real life and ESPECIALLY in the tumblr RPC that I CANNOT and WILL NOT make friends quickly. If you cannot respect this, I will not hesitate to cut you off completely.
Addendum: Along those lines: Unless we’ve already MUTUALLY established friendship, please treat our relationship with a sense of professionalism. This means don’t try to buddy-buddy me or expect me to be friendly beyond common courtesy, respect my boundaries as an individual person, and don’t take my common courtesy and friendliness as a sign I’m being “super close friends” with you. Treat me like a stranger - which I AM - and don’t get too personal too fast. As cruel as this sounds, I don’t want to hear about your personal life; I’m not here to play therapist nor am I here to be a shoulder for you to cry on. I’ve not been entirely professional myself I realize, which is going to change from now on. I don’t want to give mixed signals or lead anyone on with my friendliness. I want to maintain professional distance. I’m not going to “click” with everyone I meet nor will you and I necessarily actually hit it off beyond that distance. That’s just life. It doesn’t mean I hate you, it simply means we’re human and don’t get along perfectly.
Two: The Senpai Rule. It’s in my rules for a reason. Please read it.
Three: I am not your design mentor, art resource, or your permanent sounding board. I am willing to OCCASIONALLY look over art for critiques/red lines, find resources, and I am OCCASIONALLY willing to help you with your oc/world building, but I am NOT interested in fully helping you with your design creation or being your world building “buddy” unless I’ve come to know you for some time. I am NOT JUST a sounding board for ideas. If I invite you to share with me or we click very well and just seem to get those creative juices flowing together, that’s different, but IN GENERAL, please don’t only use me for your own world building or growth.
Four: I cannot talk to you every single day, even if we are friends. I am busy, I have mental health issues that make it hard to talk even to my close friends every single day. I am a full time caregiver for my senior mother and I am a full-time artist. I simply CANNOT be there to talk to you every day. I don’t like getting messages every single day, either, unless you already understand that sometimes I won’t reply to them / will take time in getting to them. If I tell you I have no energy to reply, don’t bother me about it. I will not hesitate to stop talking to you entirely if I have to just to get some peace of mind.
Five: I occasionally make art for friends, but I am not a free art/request machine. I don’t often make art for people I care about anymore because people don’t seem to understand that my free time = MY time I can spend making for other people IF I WANT TO. I am not some machine you can put friendship coins into just to get free art out of. If you are befriending me to get art from me or get written into my AUs/stories, get lost. 
Six: If your muse threatens, belittles, irritates, or otherwise bothers my characters, my characters will react accordingly. It doesn’t matter if their background is what causes this, or their mental health, or their trauma, or just that they’re a mean ol’ fucker who hates people. If a random stranger walked up to you and said “go fuck yourself,” would you respond by saying “oh, it’s ok! I know you deal with x y z, so I’m not offended!”? No. So don’t expect my characters to react that way. Mental health and trauma are NOT excuses or get-out-of-jail-free cards. Likewise, I OOCly do not like when people insult, attack, or threaten my characters without prompting, ESPECIALLY upon first reactions (unless it’s clearly stated in your about or rules that your character will behave as such), so please don’t do it. There’s a difference between me knowing what I’m getting into and me being approached with such animosity, even IC-based, without prompting.
Seven: Even though I get excited and I AM inviting other people to play in on LLR, LLR is my project (and resET is mostly Finn’s project) and we will do with them as we please. I won’t use any kind of design/fan art/graphic/etc anyone else has made for me/the project without their (usually written bc it’s all text online) permission and without crediting them, but it is ultimately up to ME what does and does not appear in the AU/blog/etc. I will always try and approach someone OOC for their direct permission if I want to use their work/reference our threads/etc if I feel they’d work well with the AU.
Addendum: Inviting you into the AU does not give you creative license over the characters/storyline, it does not give you permission to use my work without asking me first, and it does not mean you are a conceptual partner of mine. I don’t mind ideas being tossed my way for threads or concepts you’d like to write with my characters, though they might not be considered canon unless I ask or I list them on the blog page.
Eight: Kind of obvious but it’ll probably need to be said anyways: If we’re friends/I’m close enough to share spoilers with you, PLEASE DON’T SHARE THEM TO ANYONE. Even your own friends. There’s exceptions to this rule (namely those I’ve known for years/am super close with and know well already), but in general? PLEASE don’t share my secrets. That spoils the fun and makes me less interested in actually posting anything.
Nine: I’ve stated this in my long list of rules, but: please don’t roleplay any of my AU characters, especially my OCs. I’m already roleplaying them and I’m not comfortable in seeing doubles. Especially my OCs because??? Don’t rp other people’s OCs lmao that’s just bizarre and kind of akin to stealing them? Anyways I just need to reiterate that because I know that’s kind of how AUs work on tumblr so. HEADS UP THAT I DON’T LIKE THE THOUGHT OF PEOPLE RPING MY OWN CHARACTERS (ESP WITHOUT MY DIRECT PERMISSION).
That’s all for now! Thank you for understanding and I appreciate all your patience with me as I take my time to make this AU the best I can!
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portraitoftheoddity · 7 years
When I was a kid, a friend of mine got into trouble for a story.
We’d grown up down the street from one another in a rural neighborhood and he was pretty much my best/only friend until I was 7 and his family moved away. Then, several years later, when the internet was more of a thing, we reconnected and chatted online (this was the days of AIM and hotmail). 
I’d gotten into message boards, and we wound up on some of the same RP and writing forums with assorted other friends I’d made, and some of the RPs we wrote got... kinda dark. The group of us were nerdy, precocious kids whose parents didn’t keep track of what we read and so we digested some dark shit (everything from Edgar Allen Poe to Stephen King), and in our bumbling, childish way, explored and interacted with the themes we encountered through the fiction we were writing. This took place though middle school and into early high school.
One day, my friend wasn’t online. Or the next. I didn’t think about it much, as his activity was often sporadic at best, until my mom told me she’d heard from his mother and it turned out he was grounded. Apparently, his mom had gone on his computer and had found a story he’d been working on. A very dark, very grisly story, written from the point of view of a serial killer, stalking his victims.
I knew about this story. I’d read some of it. See, my friend was playing the antagonist/villain on an original fiction group RP some of us had set up, and wrote the story to explore his character’s backstory and motivations so he had a better grip on them when writing the character in our roleplay. And the kid was actually a pretty damn good writer. 
His parents, however, didn’t see it that way. He got in trouble, and I got to listen to my mom go on and on about how disturbing it was, how upset his poor mother must be, how glad she was that I wasn’t like that. 
And I said nothing.
I didn’t explain the context, even though it might have helped mitigate his punishment, if they realized he was just playing the villain in a group story and wasn’t some Columbine-in-the-making psychopath. I didn’t explain that I wrote characters even more depraved (though it shouldn’t have surprised anyone that I had, considering I was the kid obsessed with The Telltale Heart in the fifth goddamn grade).  And I definitely didn’t explain that I absolutely was ‘like that’, in that I was fascinated by the morbid stories and dark scenarios in my literal hundreds of books. 
Because I was scared shitless. Of being in trouble, sure, but also of being judged, and of being rejected and told I was sick and wrong. 
I hid my writing. I locked the floppy disks with my stories and wrote my notes in code. I became an expert at hiding my internet history and concealing my work from my parents. I continued to create, but largely in secret. To this day, my mother hasn’t read a single word of my fiction. And for years, I thought there was something wrong with me. That there was something fucked up, something dark and broken, something perverse that made me like that. 
Eventually, (and I mean YEARS down the turnpike here) I got past that and realized that plenty of people write dark stories and are perfectly well-adjusted, and that it’s not an indicator of being defective in some horrible way. And oddly enough, stumbling into fandom in my early 20s really helped me with that. Finding out that the kinds of stories I wrote that filled me with the most shame, the most self-loathing, were a whole goddamn genre, and that I wasn’t this strange little degenerate alone in the universe, but actually had pretty common narrative kinks? Was both a revelation, and a relief. 
Which is perhaps why I find it so upsetting now when I see people in fandom passing moral judgement on people over goddamn fiction, harassing or  ostracizing them based purely on the fact that the content they consume or create fails to meet some standard of purity. 
I’ve been watching people catch hell for stories since junior high, and I’m getting real tired of that shit. 
When I was 12, I said nothing. I was scared. Now, I know better, and I’m less scared and more salty, verging into downright irked. So I’m saying: Please, stop. Stop telling people they’re evil or warped for writing fictional stories about fictional characters just because they aren’t to your taste. Stop telling people they can’t explore darker themes or dynamics in their work, because it squicks you out. Stop being judgmental and obnoxious about something as societally inconsequential as fanwork, and stop suggesting there’s something wrong with people to make them like that.
We’re talking about stories, and stories are ideas; not actions. 
Judge people by the latter. 
(And no, my childhood friend did not go on to become a serial killer. Crazy method fucker turned into a huge theater nerd and was working on an MFA from an ivy league school last I checked)
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btsbabes7 · 6 years
“Blood and Lust.”
BTS Hitman Au. BTS Stripper Au. Fanfic roleplay.
Warnings; Character death, Murder, Violence, Smut Mentioned, Cussing,
AN: This is a Fanfic roleplay and it is separated by our replies with our tags. This is chapter one of a on going roleplay. 
“When pleasure brings trouble how will the not so innocent handle it?”
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Venus: Walking into the club for my shift tonight I see my boss Namjoon standing next to the bar. “Hi boss man.” I say in a flirty tone as I wrap my arm around his toned arm. “I am here! I will be in the back getting ready.” He smirks and smacked my ass as I walk into the back. The music becomes more muffled as I make it into the dressing room. “Vixen! Your here tonight with me?!?” I smile and hug her as she begins to undress in front of the mirror. “Boss says it’s a big night so we need to be entertaining.” I pull my shirt over my head then reaching down and unbuttoning my jeans sliding them down my thick thighs. “Lets wear our black lace sets tonight.” I say as I reach over and grab the panties sliding them on. Me and Vixen have been friends since we were in highschool and we have lived together since college. I started this job first and once she seen how much money I was bringing home she started to work with me. “Okay ready?” I ask as she smiles at me and pours us a shot.
Taehyung: We started packing our weapons in the car and Yoongi stops and grabs my wrist. “Listen Yoongi, I know! This guy needs to die. You don’t need to tell me.” I jerked my wrist away and opened the door to the car sliding inside as I wait for Yoongi to get inside.
Vixen: I adjust the last strap to my garter before applying a little more shimmer gloss to my lips. Twirling around to check out my get up in the mirror, I shoot you a wink and smack my lips together. “Let’s go rake up some rent honey bee!” You snake your arm in mine before we clack our heels towards the stage. Hoseok, one of Namjoon’s trusted Security guards, stands behind the spot light. His mic attached to his ear as he clears his throat, sounding off in a echo around the club’s speakers. The men fall to a silent chatter, waiting in anticipation for the next act. “And now… to the stage. I give you the club’s darlings. The two that will leave you broke. The duo who knows how to make it wet. Your favorite girls. The Siren Sisters! Venussss annnnddd Vixeeennn!!” The customers cheer and holler, acting like a pack of wolves in heat. We step on stage, glancing out into the smoke-filled and packed room. The music starts bumping and we start to work our magic.
Yoongi: The Highway was busy for a Thursday night. Many cars passed, people with their busy agendas. It was a good thing though. Easier to cover our tracks. I glance over at Taehyung as he fiddles with his phone. “Have you found his location yet?” Taehyung scoffs, acting as if he was some what offended. “Yeah bro. I did like.. an hour ago. I put a tracker in his leather jacket our last meet up. You out of all people should know it’s better to be safe than sorry.” I can’t help but tilt my head, chuckling at his cocky attitude. “So. Where is the fucker? No one screws us over.” Taehyung pulls up a database app that he jail broke onto his phone and tracked Johnny’s whereabouts. “Seems like he is working his guard shift at The Lagoon tonight.” He smirks, showing a gleam to his eye. “No no. Don’t get any ideas. We are going to slip in, kill him, and get out. No mixing business with pleasure.” He huffs and I grip the wheel, turning towards that direction. “No one steals money from us and gets away with it.”
Venus: The song “Guys my age.” Starts playing and we start dancing. Our bodies are so in sync that we know what our next move is. I feel you coming up behind me grabbing my waist and slowly grinding up against my butt. The whole crowd goes wild and starts throwing money at us. I smirk as I back you up to the pole and reaching the clasp on the front of your very skimpy bra. Your breasts fall free from the bra and you begin rubbing on them as I bend over and rub my clothed pussy in front of the crowd. The money keep falling all over us. I unhook my bra and get on the pole begin grinding on it.
We grab the pole and begin climbing the pole and we lock our feet together as we hold the pole very tightly as we grab each other’s hand and creating the double skater. The music ends and we bow down and make our way off the stage to the dressing room. “Hey great job tonight!” I say to Vixen as she laughs and sits down and tightens her robe against her body. We hear a soft knock on the door as Namjoon walks inside.
Namjoon: I smile at you both as I hand you both your bags full of money to you. “Girls you two really looked amazing out there tonight.” I pat you both on the shoulder and make my way back to the door. “Okay you guys take a second to rest then I need you on the floor.” I smirk at Vixen. “Our new male stripper is about to do his performance so you need to support.”
Vixen: “You got it boss!” I salute Namjoon with a wink and he cluckles before walking off. I turn to face you, giggling at the sight of all our money. “We will be eating like queens this week babe.” You arch a brow and cock out your hip. “Well of course. Have you seen us? The men practically bow to our feet.” I nod in agreement before a new face catches my eyes. “Hey Venus. Take our money to our locker in the dressing room. I’ll meet you there in a sec.” You smile and take the money, turning to go. “Hurry up! I need you to help me with the straps on my next outfit.” I slap your ass and usher you to go. After you walk off, I walk over to the nervous male dressed in lilac lace. “Hey sweetie. You’re Jimin, correct?” He straightens up his back and smiles. “Mhmm but my stage name is Peaches. You were amazing Vixen.” I smile and say thanks to the newbie. “Any advice you can give me for a nervous newcomer like me?” Jimin smiles and twiddles his fingers, tapping his black stiletto against the floor. “Oh sweetie, just let the music guide you. No need to be nervous. You have a banging body and you’re gorgeous. The men will melt. Not to mention that one..” I point to the young bouncer stationed beside the bar who was recently hired a few months ago. “Jungkook hasn’t taken his eyes off you since you’ve arrived.” I watch as Jimins eyes light up, changing his posture into a confident one. “House of Cards” started playing on the speakers and Hoseoks voice rings out, announcing for Peaches to join the stage. “That’s your cue babe. Go out there and give Kookie a little show.” I pat his butt and he waves me off before joining the stage. I adjust my robe and turn to walk to the dressing room to meet up with Venus, but Hoseok grabs my attention.
“Hey Vix baby!” I turn and face him. “Hobi! What’s up? Like the performance?” He moves his mic away from his mouth and smirks, wrapping his arm around my waist. “You know it baby girl.” Hoseok was Namjoon’s right hand man. He always made preparations and took care of the dancers. He was always on the flirty side, but a real gentleman. He walks me to the back hallway that heads towards the back of the building. “Listen love, can you do me a favor?” I smile and run my fingertip down his chest. “Anything for you sunshine.” He grins. “Perfect. Can you go get Johnny for me? Namjoon needs him to run an errand and I need to get back to my booth. Jimins number will be over in a bit.” I scoff and roll my eyes, gritting my teeth at the mention of the scumbags name. “But hoseokie.. Johnny is a real tool. No. Scratch that. He is a complete perverted ass hat.” Hoseok pouts and tuts at my words. “Come on princess. Please.” I let out a sigh. “Fine. Where is he?” A sign of victory radiates on his face. “Should be checking the cameras in Private Room number 4. Thanks babygirl. I owe you.” He kisses my cheek and heads off in a hurry. I finally turn to go meet Venus to tell her to accompany me. Last thing I wanted was to face that creep alone.
Venus: I am sliding my stockings up my legs as vixen walks into our dressing room. “Yah we have about 30 miniutes before we need to be on stage so you need to change sweetie.” I say to you as I notice your mood is odd. “Hey are you okay?” I ask while running my hand down your arm. You pout your lip. “I have to go get Johnny and you know how I feel about him! Please come with me?!” She pleads with me as she bats her eyelashes at me I can’t help but to smile.
I hand you the outfit. “Okay I will go with you. Get dressed.” I say with a bright smile sitting on my vanity as I watch you change. This outfit we are wearing is so complicated the tiny leather straps all over the body more skin showing then any outfit we have ever worn. Small black pasties cover the nipples and a black lacy thong with black lace stockings. “We look so hot in this.” I stand next to you looking at us in the mirror as you smile devilishly at me. “I mean I’d fuck us.” We both laugh loudly.
We make our way to the back room where Johnny was usually located. As we get further into the hallway the music from the club is a little quieter as we reach the doorway of the private room we suddenly hear yelling. I can’t help but to grab Vicens arm as we come to a stop.
Taehyung: We sneak into the back of the club searching through each private room until I open the last door and spot our target sitting in the booth with his face leaned over the table and a quick snort he sits up to face me. His face is as white as the powder he has under his nose. “Well look Yoongi, seems as tho our little play thing isn’t to worried about someone catching him.” He begins to try to find words to try to cover his guilty ass. “Shhh, we do not want to hear you talk yet.” As he tries to bolt again Yoongi pistol whips him and knocks him unconscious.
Vixen: We come to a complete halt outside of the door after hearing the scream. I roll my eyes and put my hand on my hips. “I swear to god… if he is in there fucking some floozy again while on the job…” I watch as Venus scoffs and goes to open the door. She walks in and goes to say “Johnny. If you—“ I cut her off by bringing my hand to her mouth. The door shuts behind us and I make her duck with me as we head for cover. Beside the door was a built in mini bar by the wall that all of the VIP private rooms had. We croutch and hide behind it when I hear a deep voice. “What was that noise?” It falls silent and we hold our breathes. Another voice comes out, saying “it’s nothing Tae. Let’s just get this shit settled.” I look at Venus with fear in my eyes, still holding her mouth shut. We stay wide eyed and quiet, only to listen to what was going on.
Yoongi: We bring our focus back to the situation at hand. I nudge my shoe against Johnny’s knee, making him stir awake. “Mm.. what the hell man?” He asks in a groggy and pained voice. Taehyung wastes no time in laying another punch on the mans face, laughing at his pathetic state. I adjust the leather gloves on my hands before looking at him. “Where’s the money Johnny?” Taehyung crouches down behind the victim on his knees, pulling his head back by the hair. He chuckles and places his cold and bloody brass knuckles against his cheek. “You heard my bro. Where is the money Johnny boy?” Johnny coughs, blood splattering on his shirt. “What money? The money you guys paid me to give you intel on the Gangnum group? I thought that deal was settled.” I chuckle and screw on my long barreled silencer tip to my glock. “Oh Johnny. You know damn fucking well you stole more from us. We offered you 10 grand on the intel, but 30 grand is missing. Seems fishy, doesn’t it?.” I shift on my feet, watching Taehyung face twist in amusement as he angles the others head up to look at me. “Answer him dickhead, or I’ll make you bleed out of every pore on your body.” Johnny shakes his head slightly, looking back up at me. “Come on Yoongi. What’s it to you guys anyways. Everyone knows the Daegu Brothers have more than enough green. Just let me keep it and I’ll owe you in the future.” I tisk at his words, cocking the gun. Taehyung stands up and moves to stand beside me. I point my barrel to his forehead. “No one fucking crosses the Daegu Brothers.” I fire off a shot in his skull, watching his limp body crash against the floor. Silence surrounds the room until I hear a feminine gasp from the oposite corner of the room. Both Taehyung’s and my head snap in the direction, seeing shadows starting to move. Two girls stand, making their way to the door to escape. “Tae! Grab em!”
Venus: my gasp gives our location away. “Run Vixen!” Is all I can get out before I feel someone wrapping there hand around my wrist and pulling me back and pushing me into the black haired man. His face was set in a cold stare as he looked down on me I knew this was going to be the end for me. “D-don’t hurt me please I’ll do anything!” The tears begin to fall down as he points the gun at my head I hear the other male catch Vixen. “We didn’t see anything I don’t know what happened.” I say as I hear Vixen telling the tall silver haired man to let her go. He laughed at her weak threats and basically let her fall from his shoulder to the ground. I reach for her hand and hold it tightly.
Taehyung: I stand next to Yoongi as he stares at the girls who are clearly scared I can’t help but to notice that both of them are half naked as well. I crouch down and watch you both shy away from my presence. “Yoongi, you told me to not to mess with the strippers but looks like these little kittens lost there way. Can I keep them?” I laugh as I see my jokes made him smirk a little. He motions for me to come talk with him so before I stand up I lean towards the girls. “Heads up little ones I’d hate to see such pretty things dead so no quick movements nor trying to get away because my brother is rather trigger happy. Got it?” I say in a cold tone.
Vixen: I rub Venus’ back as she clings to my side. We stare up at the two killers before us as they discuss some kind of strategy. This cannot be happening to us. My mind wanders what Namjoon and the others are doing. Maybe they would come look for us. “Yah! Our boss will not be pleased with waiting. He will be looking for us soon.” I keep a stern look on my face even though my inner being is screaming for help. The shorter man looks our way with an annoyed scowl. “She is right. Why don’t we just kill the two whores here and flee.” The taller shakes his head as he wraps up the already laid out tarp under Johnny’s lifeless body. “Nah bro. I think they could be of better use. Why don’t we just take them for the time being and discuss it later? We are running short on time.” The dark haired man sighed deeply and helped the other tie up the last end of the wrapped up body. “Fuck. Okay fine. You will have to carry them to the car.” The taller man grinned from ear to ear before strutting over to us. He crouched and reaches his hand out, caressing my cheek. “Hear that cupcake? You two will be coming with us. How does that sound hmm? Maybe you two can be my new toys.” I glare at him before biting down on the thumb that stroked the skin near my chin. He sucks in a hiss while shaking his hand. I smirk, feeling a little sense of power at hurting the broad shouldered man. My confident face soon drops when he chuckles loudly, showing a face of pure joy. “Yoongi. Did you see that? She is a feisty little thing. Finally. Some fucking fun.” He faces back to me and grabs my chin. “Oh I’m gonna keep you.”
Yoongi: I roll my eyes and hoist up the body bag over my shoulder. “Taehyung. Stop playing with the sluts and let’s go.” Taehyung frowns and looks at the two trembling girls before he gets up and walks behind them, pulling out his two 9mm handhelds. I gain their attention, clearing my throat. “Sorry ladies. Can’t have you giving away our location. No hard feelings.” I snicker before nodding my head to Taehyung. He swings his pieces down and pistol whips them to the back of the head, knocking them unconscious. He places a cloth around their heads and puts one on each shoulder. “Fuck.. good thing I picked up working out again. These girls are kind of heavy,” he says. I open the door and examine the hallways. “Will you shut it. We have to get out of here.” We sneak our way towards the exit when Taehyung speaks up again. “Bro don’t worry about a thing. I hacked the security cams before coming in here.” We walk up to the Land Rover and throw them in the back seat. The trunk was reserved for Johnny. We enter the car and head to back to the crib. “What a long fucking night.”
Taehyung: I look back at the two young girls bodies that are laid over each other. “Yeah it really has. Now we have two extra bodies here.” I say as Yoongi drives us to our house. Ten minutes later we arrive and make our way out of the car. “I got the girls. I just need you to watch them while I get rid of the body.” I watch Yoongis face contort into a dissatisfied eye roll. “Okay.” Is all I can say as I pull the girls onto my shoulders again and walk into the giant living room we have. “I will be back as soon as I can and also you can put the brown headed one in my room tonight.” I turn and leave the house to the edge of the farm next door that we own. The pigs eat everything we give them and tonight they were eating fresh meat. I get out of the car and pick up the tarp then throwing the body over the fence.
The pigs quickly begin to eat the remains of the evidence. “Good pigs! Now I have plans myself so eat up.” I laugh and get into the car heading back to the house.
Venus: I wake up with a sharp pain in the back of my head as I remember all that has happened I look around and I can’t find Vixen panic starts to rise inside me as I look around I spot the one who cause this mess. “Mister! Where is Vixen. Please tell me she is alive!” I go to stand up to walk towards him but I fall into his arm. “I am sorry.” I very slowly look up at him catching a small smile on his face.
Yoongi: I watch as the girl falls against my chest. I grab her shoulders and throw her to the couch. “Get off me whore,” I say laced with disgust. I lean back against the counter and continue to polish my gun. She scoffs and straightens up. “Excuse you, asshole. I’m not a whore.” I size her up and down and point to her skimpy lingerie. “I’m a stripper. I show my body but it doesn’t mean I sell it. Get it right.” She rolls her eyes and I chuckle in amusement. “Touché.” It falls silent and she looks around nervously. “Don’t worry dollface. Your friend is in another room. Apparently Tae took a liking to her.” She says a silent “oh” and looks over. “Is that a Beretta 92FS with a detachable silencer?” I stop polishing and look at the girl with wide eyes. “You have a good eye there dollface. It sure is.” Hmm. Maybe keeping these two around could serve of some entertainment.
Vixen: I wake up to a loud bang. My body jolts and my head pounds as I look up and let my eyes adjust to the lighting. My eyes fix on the taller man who came in the room, taking off his shoes. “Taehyung, was it?” He looks up and grins. “Ahh my little play thing is awake.” He shrugs off his jacket and i roll my eyes, bringing my hand to my head. “Ah my head is pounding. And I’m NOT your play thing so back the fuck off.” He hums and pulls his desk chair to the side of what I am assuming is his bed that I’m on. He swings his leg over and sits on it, resting his arms on the back of the chair. “Just who are you guys. And what are your plans with us?”
Venus: “I know a lot about guns. My father was a gunsmith and I learned everything from him. “ I say in a small voice as I look you up and down taking in every detail. “Uh do you have something I can change into? I hate to ask but I’m cold.” I try to warm my arms with my hands. He turns and faces me while crossing his arms. “Stripper that that knows guns? I guess that’s a good thing.” I sense his attitude is softening. “What was that about today? And why are you killing people? I mean the guy your killed is dickhead for sure and I wanted him gone but yeah.” I ramble on.
Taehyung: “Well we are famous hitman and honestly I don’t know what we are going to do with you both. I have a fascination with you so I’ll keep you alive until you have pissed me off. So be a good girl okay.” I smile at you watching my words affect you. “You are easy to get all riled up huh.”
Vixen: I roll my eyes at his words, trying to cover up my body from his wandering eyes. “Hey pal, my eyes are up here.” He shakes his head and pulls off his shirt and tosses it to me. I look away as I notice his chiseled chest. “You could have gotten me another one of your shirts. Not the one you’re wearing.” He pulls out a switch blade from his pants pockets and flicks it open. He leans over and cuts one of the straps to my lingerie set. “Hey! This was expensive!” He swirls the blade around and closes it. “Well it’s either wear that shirt or just lay naked. Your choice pretty. Not to mention, I sleep shirtless anyways.” I groan and turn around, pulling the shirt over my head. “Can’t you just let us go? We won’t say anything. Seriously. That Johnny guy was a real fucking tool and asleez.” “Did he fuck you?” I whip my head back. “Excuse me?”
Yoongi: I reach for a fur blanket that is draped over chase lounge and toss it to her. “You ask too many questions. Have you ever.. I don’t know.. seen movies where the hostages just stay quiet and be still?” I walk over and hover over her, dropping my voice a few octaves. “You know I could kill you in an instant right?” She doesn’t bat an eye and keeps her focus on me. “But you haven’t yet. So either you are figuring out a way not to or you will find some use of us. So which is it?” I can’t help but lean away and applaud her bravery. “Or I could just be thinking of painful ways to kill you. I don’t know, torture you maybe?”
Taehyung: “Did he fuck you? I mean I can’t really blame him because you are pretty striking.” I smirk at you. “But yes he was someone no one needed to be around because he sure liked to mess around with people. The worst thing to do is play with people’s money.” You quickly stomped towards me. “No I never touched him!” She yelled at me while laying a hand on my chest when I look down at it you jerked it away and returned to your seat on the bed. “How old are you?” I ask you because you look so young. “How does one become a stripper?” I sit next to you on the bed.
Venus: I roll my eyes at your remarks. “If your going to kill me at least don’t make a mess. Torture? That sounds like a playtime to me.” I smile up at you as you loom over me. “Thank you for the blanket but I am hoping I can ether entertain you or I’ll clean your guns.” I suggest hoping that he would show a little mercy.
Vixen: “No. I never touched him!” Taehyung arches his brow and shoots me a doubtful glance. I shifted my gaze elsewhere. “Doesn’t mean he hasn’t tried touching me though,” I whispered. “Well we took care of the bastard so no worries kitten.” He places his hand on my thigh. “I’ll protect you,” he winks playfully, making me scoff. “I didn’t ask for your protection nor did I ask to become your hostage.” He leans against the chair, asking me other questions. “I’m 25. Me and Venus became strippers to make extra cash. Doesn’t mean we are whores.” I watch him rub his chin, curious as to what thoughts ran through his mind. “So the other one is Venus. And you are?” “Vixen.” “No babygirl. Your real name.” I roll my eyes. “I’m not obligated to tell you that.”
Yoongi: I reach down to grab her chin, angling it to look at me. “Torture? Playtime? Ha. Don’t try acting so brave kitty.” I let go and walk back to the counter, placing my polished piece in its case. “You can sleep on the couch. Tomorrow first thing we will decide what to do with you both. Until then, don’t bother me. Don’t try to escape because you won’t make it out alive. Wake me up, and I’ll kill you. Got it?” I watch the girl nod her head. “Good.”
Taehyung: “Don’t be so sassy Brooke.” I pause for dramatic affect as I look up at your face I see your mouth drop open. “How do you have my information?” She asks me while batting her eyelashes. “Oh I can find anything out with my computer skills.” I laugh at you. “Worried?” I raise a eyebrow at you as I watch you nervously look down at my hand.
Venus: My mouth almost lands in a pout as I hear him stating the sleep arrangements. “On a couch? Why can’t I sleep in a extra room?” I ask before watching him lean towards my face. “You sure are mouthy for a stripper. I hope you dance better then you talk because you run that mouth a lot.” I freeze at his words as I look over at you as you start unbuttoning his white button up shirt. I notice his pale milky toned skin as each button falls open.
Vixen: So many thoughts ran through my mind. Just who were these guys? How did Taehyung have time to look up information about us? What will happen to me and Venus? “Let’s get some sleep.” Taehyung’s deep voice pulled me back to reality. “Where am I sleeping?” I ask as I watch him get up and start removing his pants and walking around to the other side of the bed. “Here with me, of course.” I snarl and back away. “In your dreams fuckboy.” He pulls back the duvet and slides in, not affected by the title I gave him. “Would you prefer the floor? Or perhaps the basement?” My eyes widen as I look down at him. “T-The basement? I don’t wanna or shoved in a dark, damp room.” He bursts out laughing, placing his hands behind his head. “Chill princess. We don’t have a basement. Just lay down. I’m tired and don’t feel like playing.” I slouch and start to lay back, defeated. I roll over to my side and face away from him.
Yoongi: I finish working on the last button of my shirt and shrug it off my shoulders. I look up and notice the girl gawking at me. “Hmm? Are you trying to seduce me?” “W-What? I-“ she turns away, an obvious blush plastered on her face. I smirk and drape my shirt over a chair before laying down on the chase lounge. I cross my arms and close my eyes. “Just get some sleep while you can. Tomorrow might be a big day for you. Or maybe it won’t. I will decide later.” I lay there with my eyes shut, listening as she situates herself on the couch, laying down. This one won’t give me trouble. Soon after, I drift off to sleep.
Taehyung: as I watch you turn away from me I silently laugh at myself. “Your bed manners are horrible young lady.” I say as I turn and face your back. “I tend to cuddle when I’m asleep so fair warning. I can almost feel the scowl she is giving the wall right now. “You are a brave one you know?” I take this moment to look at her beautiful curves sprawled out on my bed.
Venus: I pout as I look at the couch. “Sleep on the couch” I mimic his words as I lay down on it. I look up at the ceiling as I begin to think about how my life could really be changing after this. “It’s not like I’d be missed I mean my family disowned me for becoming a stripper. So what can I use against these two for wanting us dead?” I look over and watch the black haired man sleep. “For a killer he really is attractive.” I think to myself before mentally slapping myself for thinking that way.
Vixen: I scoff and cover my chest. A chill ran up my spine as if his eyes were on me. “Just go to sleep.” Minutes pass by and we were both fast asleep.
-2hours later-
I stir awake and notice the digital clock beside his bed. It read 3:18am. Now would be a perfect time to escape, if any. As I went to move my leg, I felt something heavy on my waist. I look down and notice Taehyung’s arm draped around me. ‘SHIT.’ I slowly pick his hand up and place it on his side. I slide out of bed, careful not to make a sound. As soon as I’m out the room, I make my way to the living room. I notice the black haired mad asleep nearby. I creep up to Venus and put my hand over her mouth. Her eyes pop open and she went to scream but stopped when she saw me. “Shh. We have to get out of here.” She mods and we get up to walk towards the garage door when a loud bang stops us in our tracks.
Yoongi: Faint stirring noises cause me to wake up. Before I could tell the annoying noise maker to shut the fuck up, I notice the girls trying to escape from my leaking eyes. I sit up slowly, sighing mentally at the burden of these two. I reach over and grab a hand held from the side table and fire a warning shot towards the ceiling that was sure enough to wake Taehyung. I reach over and turn the lamp on as they turn around, frightened faces painted on. “And just where the fuck are you two sneaking off too?”
Taehyung: The loud gunshot wakes me up and I jolt up out of bed noticing the girl is missing I grab my knife from the bedside table running out my bedroom I see Yoongi holding the gun. “What’s happening? Who is it I’m killing!” I say as I struggle to fully open my eyes.
When my eyes fully open I spot the two girls wide eyed looking from Yoongi to me. “Aish! You girls are digging your own graves! If you think for a second we would let you walk out of here you are mistaken!” I say angrily as I walk up and grab the arm of Vixen and pull her towards me as I hold the knife with the other hand. “Listen plaything don’t force us to act blindly and you may survive this place. Yoongi does not like trouble.” I stare down at her before pulling you back into my room. “Go to fucking sleep!” I let you go and watch you get into the bed.
Venus: I watch Vixen get threatened and it makes me understand we need to listen to them because acting out will get us killed for sure. I slowly walk over to where Yoongi is sitting and I slowly sit beside him. “I am sorry but if you were in my situation would you not try to escape from here?” I say in a low voice trying not to stare at your eyes because I can feel how angry you are. “I won’t try again if it means I can live.”
Vixen: Taehyung pushes me back in the room and I whine. “Why won’t you just let us go? It’s not like we liked the guy. We won’t go get justice for him. I swear to you I-“ my words are cut off when Taehyung paces over and traps me under him on the bed. “You Talk WAY too much,” he says in a deep, raspy voice. “Now will you be a good girl and go to sleep? Or…” he trails the back of his fingers along my cheek. “Do I need to make you tired?”
Yoongi: My elbows are propped on my knees as I punch the bridge of my nose, letting out a deep sigh. I scratch the side of my head with the barrel before placing it back on the side table. “What did I say about waking me up?!” I yelled and noticed the red head flinch. She apologizes quietly. “I won’t try anything if that means I can live.” Something about the innocence this girl vibe gives off, makes me regret my harsh tones. I lift my hand and she cowers away a few centimeters. I place my palm on her head, slowly ruffling her hair. “We don’t kill the innocent. Just… get some rest for now.”
Taehyung: I enjoyed the way she stared up at me a little to much. I slowly sink down closer to her lips. “What you say kitten? Are you wanting me to make you sleep? I am rather good with my mouth so I bet you will be such a good girl and make that mouth do something else besides talk.” I whisper right over your lips I could hear a soft gasp from you.
Venus: I admit his touch had a calming feeling to it. So I decided to lay on the same couch as him. “Can I just sleep here? I don’t wanna move.” I say as I lay down with my head on the other end of the couch. “Thanks for not killing me yet.” I say almost as a joke and realize how bad it sounded and I mentally slap myself. “Wow real smooth!” I say to myself.
Vixen: ‘This is wrong,’ I tell myself. He inches closer to me and I feel frozen in place. His half lidded eyes, his plump lips, his sharp jawline.. he was mesmerizing. And yet, he was also my kidnapper and a murder. I blinked out of his trance and push him off of me. “I-I will just sleep..” I crawl back to the side of the bed and bring the blanket over me, trying to hide my blush. “Good night!” The last thing I hear is a deep chuckle and the click of the lamp light before falling asleep.
Yoongi: “You’re a weird girl. You know that?” I couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle and lean my back against the couch. I watch as you lay down, wrapping your limbs around yourself. I sigh, getting up to walk to the other couch and grabbing a blanket. I drape it over your body and sit back down. Your soft purrs told me you were already asleep, so I decided to relax.
Taehyung: I lay back into the pillow and begin to fall back asleep as I lay there watching the fan turn.
-the alarm clock goes off at 8:30.-
I turn to reach for the alarm clock and turn it off once I turn it off I turn and look at you as you slowly begin to stir around the bed. “Ahh your still sleepy? Well who was the one that had us all up at 3am this morning!” I say with a bright smile and ruffle my hair.
Venus: I feel the blanket lay over me but I am to sleepy to react. I begin dreaming of the black haired man in the shower slowly washing his body. I accidentally let out little whimpers under my breath as I sleep soundly so close to you.
Vixen: I groan at his loud voice and swat the air beside me. “Sleep..” I whine. I hear a deep chuckle. “Fine. Let’s go back to sleep then.” He lays down and pulls my back against his chest, spooning me. “Mmm.. your warm kitten,” he whispers in my ear. My eyes shoot open and move quickly. I sit up and smooth down the stray strands of hair on my head. “No it’s fine! I’m awake!”
Yoongi: I walk out of the kitchen, drinking a coffee and holding a newspaper. Sleep never returned to me after the girls woke me, so I decided to keep busy. I showered, shaved, got dressed, had a smoke, and made coffee. I sit in the leather chair across from the sleeping girl and open the newspaper. I sit down my coffee and ruffle the papers. I clear my throat and hear the girl stir awake. “Get up. No time to be sleeping all day.”
Taehyung: I laugh at your reaction. “Ahh that worked on you. You don’t like to be touched do you?” I watch you straighten the wild hairs sticking up on your head. I hear your stomach growl. “Someone is hungry yes?” I stand up and adjust my sweats on my hips. “Come.” I say as I walk to the door and open it I see her still standing there as if she is waiting for me to say please. “I mean I could let you go without food or you can come on and eat…..Please.” I say but ending the please on a whisper.
Venus: The rustle of the newspaper wakes me up and I sit up on my elbows as I see the man across from me. “Well if you must know I’m use to sleeping all day because I work all night. My sleep schedule is off right now.” I say as I hear you sipping on the coffee. “Is that coffee? May I go get some?” I ask permission so I do not get in trouble again. I sit up and put my hair into a loose bun on top of my head.
Vixen: His arrogant addittude rubbed me the wrong way. What is it with this guy? Sure he is tall and handsome, and his voice could melt a tub of ice cream in seconds… what was my point? Ah! But he is a flirtatious prick. “I don’t mind being touched.. just not by you!” Embarrassment creeps over my features as my stomach rumbles loudly, causing him to laugh. As soon as the bedroom door opened, I ran out of the room. I had to get away from this guy, his presence suffocates me.
Yoongi: I lower the papers and look up at the girl over my coffee mug. “You know, for someone who isn’t a morning person you sure do say a lot.” I fold the newspaper and plop it on the side table before standing. “Come.” I walk out of the room, headed towards the kitchen and hearing shuffled steps behind me. I sit on the stool by the counter and point towards the coffee pot. “Make me some food.” I watch as the other female and Taehyung walk in. “Hey. You too! I’m starving.”
Taehyung: We teach the kitchen and I sit down next to Yoongi as he sips his coffee. “How was your night? I noticed you slept on the sofa and not your bed. Your gentleman like.” I laugh at him expecting him to hit me. I turn my face towards Vixen. “Yeah you two should cook for us. Show us your talents.” I raise a eyebrow at you both.
Venus: I begin looking through the pantry to find something to cook as I hear footsteps coming towards us I see Vixen and I reach out to her for a hug. “I am glad your okay.” I say under my breath as she stands up and nods. “Let’s cook because honestly I don’t think these two even know how.”
Vixen: I huddle next to you and help search through the cabinets. “Honestly.. these two better hope I just don’t poison them.” “What was that kitten?” Taehyung asks. I turn around and show off a smile. “Nothing sir. How about pancakes and bacon?” I hold up a box of pancake mix, shaking it. Taehyung playfully holds his chest. “Calling me sir and making my favorite breakfast food? Aish.. yoongi I’m in love.” I roll my eyes and look back at you. “Let’s find some bowls and utensils.
Yoongi: getting bored from vixen and Taehyung’s flirty atmosphere, I turn my gaze to the small television on the counter. I turn it on and flip to the news channel.
“I am coming to you live at The Lagoon with Manager Kim Namjoon. Sir can you tell us what happened?”
NJ: “Yes maam. Two of my girls went missing along with a male coworker. There was a small sign of struggle in one of the private rooms and I’m lead to believe he took them. His name is Johnny Stag.”
“If anyone knows the whereabouts of these people please let us know.”
I chuckle and turn off the television. Well, looks like Johnny is a kidnapper. I sip my coffee and look st Taehyung.
Taehyung: I laugh along with Yoongi. “Well girls looks like they are chasing a dead man.” I smile as if they are suppose to laugh at my joke. “So Yoongi I think I wanna keep Vixen alive for a bit longer.” I wink at you across the kitchen as you start mixing the batter up. She watches Venus walking behind Yoongi and snaps her head back to me. “Listen if you two are going to kill us get it over with! I do not take kindly to threats and I really don’t wanna be cooking you breakfast if you plan on killing us after.” She says with a serious tone. “Hmm. I actually do not want to see you harmed so I am keeping you alive. While protecting myself and Yoongi.”
Venus: I listen to our old bosses words and nearly feel sick listening to it as panic runs through my body I turn to Vixen then to Yoongi. “I need to use the restroom Yoongi will you please show me where it is?” I say as I try to calm myself down. “This means they are chasing the wrong person. We will never be found. What if these guys really do kill us?” I start asking myself as you stand up with a scoff and start walking into the hallway. 
I almost run Yoongi over when he points to the door. I quickly wash my face to collect myself but I was scared senseless as I have never been put in this situation before. I sit back on to the bathtub and take a minute but before I can wipe the tears away Yoongi opens the door. “Yah! Can a girl get some alone time?!” I yell trying to sound serious as he takes a step towards me with his head eye level and wipes away a tear that has made its way down my face.
Vixen: I watch as the two walk off down the hallway and sigh. I felt bad for Venus. Maybe I was better at holding in my emotion than she was? I just don’t want her up. “Need help?” I jump at the words that sounded right by my ear. I spin around and almost lose my footing. Then Taehyung grabs my waist and keeps me upright. “Be careful. I just saw you spacing. Was wondering if you wanted some help? I’ve always wanted to try making pancakes.”
Yoongi: My brow furrows as I whipe the girls face. Why was I doing this? Do I.. feel sorry for her? I remove my hand and stand up straight, clearing my throat and putting my hands in my pockets. “Well.. uh.. don’t cry. We won’t hurt you, okay? Taehyung and I need to figure out a plan for this whole situation, but we won’t kill you. Unless you cross us, that is.”
Taehyung: I grab the whisk from her hand and begin stirring it like she was doing. “Is this correct? I’m not really the best at cooking.” I look over at you with your hand on your hip. “Go slower your making a mess.” She says with a wide grin. “Ah you should smile like that more often!” I say in a flirty tone as she turns to look for a griddle.
Venus: I oddly felt like he was telling the truth as he turned to walk back towards the kitchen I wipe my eyes and begin following him as I turn the corner of the kitchen I spot Taehyung leaning in and putting batter on your nose. “Is he flirting this hard?” I ask myself as he spots Yoongi he straightens himself a bit.
Vixen: I giggle when he dots a small dollop of batter on my nose, gently pushing him away playfully. My posture and facial features return to their unbothered stance as I watch Venus and Yoongi return into the room. I clear my throat and wipe my face, turning around to grab the bacon from the fridge. “You can just unwrap the bacon,” I order Taehyung and he hands me the bowl of pancake mixture.
Yoongi: I sit back in my spot, patting the other stool for Venus to join me. Breakfast was done in a matter of minutes and I couldn’t help but glance at Taehyung. He was flirting way too much for someone just taking hostages. I pushed my worried thoughts aside and finished my meal. “Alright.. so I think we need to address our plans. I don’t think it’s wise to keep you any longer but how do we know that we can trust you both?”
Taehyung: I almost frown at Yoongi’s words because I know this means they may leave. “Okay but we can’t just let them run off and tell people our business Yoongi. They saw what happened and know the police think Johnny did it.” I say while watching Yoongi closely.
Venus: I turn to Vixen as if asking her what can we propose in this situation. “Well I mean we could tell the police that Johnny took us and we escaped? We do not know where he is?” I say as a idea out loud. I look up and make eye contact with Yoongi. “That’s not really a convincing story.” He says while drinking his coffee.
Vixen: I get up and take my plate to the sink. My hands rest on the countertops and I let out a loud sigh. “What do you propose we do then?” I turn around and cross my arms over my chest. “Hmm? We have a shift tonight. We have bills to pay. So something needs to be planned soon.”
Yoongi: I slam my coffee cup on the counter. “Oh yeah princess? What do you suggest?” I watch as both of their faces fall, at a loss of words. “If it’s money you need, we have it. But if we go along with the ‘you escaped johnny’ method, then we need to get a story straight.”
Taehyung: I watch you state your peace. “Okay okay! What about this then. We let you two work tonight and you come back here as a precaution until this whole mess blows over.” I say as I look at each of you. “Now as for the Johnny thing you will say that he took you both and threatened to kill you both. He tied you up in a factory downtown and you managed to escape but are unsure of his whereabouts.” I smile because this is a fool proof plan.
Venus: I listen to the other male speak about his plans. Once he is finished I look at Vixen. “Can we go speak about this privately please?” I say grabbing your hand and pulling you too the living room. “What you think? Can we trust them?”
Vixen: You drag me to a nearby room and shut the door, letting go of my hand. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. “Honestly, do we have another choice? Taehyung is smart. He is tech savvy and knows everything about us. He knows where we live, when we work, everything!” I place my hands on my hips and think. “I think we have to do this V. It’s the only option we have. Not to mention, Joon and the guys must be worried.”
Yoongi: I chuckle and lean back in my chair. “What’s so funny?” Taehyung asks. I twist my chair to face him and raise a brow. “You look really comfy with the feisty one. What’s your game?” He scoffs and rolls his eyes. “You’re one to talk. I saw the worried look you had on your face with that Venus girl. Who knew red heads were your type?” He chuckles and I click my tongue in annoyance. “Whatever. Do you think they can be trusted?”
Taehyung: I put my fingers under my chin and begin to think for a minute. “Well I can easily fix it up to where we can always find them. I have my ways. Plus this will keep the feds off us for a while anyways.” I say to Yoongi as he nods at me. “Well I guess this is the plan then. We need to threaten them tho. Or maybe we will visit this club tonight.” I watch him smirk as he looks at me. “Yes!” I scream out.
Venus: “your right. This has got to be the only way to be able to have some freedom.” I say as we walk back towards the kitchen. “Okay so we have a deal. But we work late so you both should be prepared for our late arrivals.” I smile as I look over and see Taehyung he points at Vixen. “Don’t bring anyone here or I will kill them in front of you.” He says coldly.
Vixen: I cross my arms and roll my eyes. “Why would I bring anyone here? Then they would have to see your ugly face.” I stick out my tongue and face Venus. “Our shift starts at 7. What will we do until then? Shouldn’t we show up there early? I’d like a shower but I want them to also believe our story.”
Yoongi: I watch as the two perform their spat in front of me, finding it amusing. “Ok children.” I sigh. “Listen you too. This plan is for your safety and ours. You follow our rules and we won’t have to kill you. Simple.” Taehyung butts in. “What he means is, we will protect you as long as you protect us. Got it?”
Taehyung: “Yeah a shower is a must because no one likes a smelly stripper right?” I laugh at myself so hard I slide off the stool I am sitting on. “Ya! Don’t laugh at me!” I lightly hit Yoongi as he laughs at me and everyone else joins in. “Well how rude! I will be back in a few minutes I will call the Store and have the best lingerie ordered for you both. Favorite colors?”
Venus: I laugh so hard at the male trying to make fun of Vixen so hard I slap the counter and realize I hit Yoongi. I quickly straighten myself up and smirk at him. “I love reds and blacks the most.” I say as Taehyung stares at Vixen. “Do y’all need a room?” I say outloud making Yoongi spit his coffee over the counter. “She has jokes too?” He says after wiping his lips.
Vixen: “YAH! Hush it!” I pinch your arm and pout. “I like purples and blacks. Sometimes blues. Depends on my mood.” He nods and walks out the room. I look at yoongi and lean against the counter. “How exactly do we explain to Namjoon that we showed up showered and in new lingerie hmm? I figure you’re the brains behind this.”
Yoongi: “You would be correct Vixen. My bro just likes to jump in the action before thinking. You will call Namjoon and tell him that you both are safe. You will then proceed to tell him you’ll show up to work, that it’s no big deal. Never mention me or Taehyung. If anyone asks where you will stay, you say a relative. If they ask to hang out after work hours, you decline. If anyone so happens to see us or mention us, you say that we are your boyfriends. Got it?” Venus’ eyes go wide. “B-boyfriends?” “Yes. That way, we have an alibi to why we know you. Also if trouble comes around, they should know not to mess with what’s ours.” I watch as Taehyung comes back in the room. We silently nod to each other as a secret communication.
Taehyung: I walk up to the counter “Both of your new clothing will be here soon. And don’t worry princess I got you something extra special.” I wink at you and turn to Yoongi. “Are you girls ready to shower? Cause the big boys need to talk here.” I say.
Venus: I nod at Yoongi as we walk towards the table. “Where is the shower? I pop my hand on my hip slightly pulling up the white T-shirt slightly up over my thighs and I watch Yoongis eyes stare down at them. “Vixen and I need to get ready anyways. So we will shower. Our make up is at work so we need to be there about 30 minutes early.” I say as Yoongi gets up and walks up to me. “Chatterbox the bathroom you both can use is in my room.” He stands there and pulls my shirt down over my legs.
Vixen: I roll my eyes at Taehyung’s comment, trying to ignore him the best I can. My arm wraps around yours as yoongi takes us away towards the bathroom. I notice Taehyung’s eyes on my backside but choose to ignore.
Yoongi: “here is the bathroom. Towels are in the cabinet. I don’t have girly soaps and shampoos so just use mine for now. We will stock what you need later. I’ll lay some sweats and t shirts on my bed for you to put on before your outfits arrive. DO NOT touch any of my shit.” I close the door and head back to the kitchen, trying not to think too much of Venus’ shameless move earlier. “Alright Taehyung. Did you set the trackers to their phone like we planned?”
Taehyung: “I will go do that right now. I am going to sneak in tonight and plant some cameras tonight at the club so they can be watched.” I say as I hear the door bell ring we walk to the door as the man stands there with bags in his hand. He has the look of awe when I open the door and he gets a look inside. “Thank you now leave.” I say as I hand him a tip he bows and leaves. “Take these to the girls and I will go to the office and begin plating the devices.” I smile and begin up the stairs where I have the belongings of the girls. I begin fixing them up with devices in the phones and creating panic bracelets. “ They may complain about having these but at least they are pretty. I make Venus one with a moon pendent hanging from it. I create a purple heart for Vixen with a few diamond stars hanging from it.
Venus: We enter the giant white and gold bathroom. “Jesus this is huge! I would ask what these guys do but we both know.” I begin to strip down until I am naked. “So these guys seem like they are taking a risk on us leaving so we may wanna act right because I would ike to continue living for a while. But can we address that they both are really hot in a I wanna snap your neck kinda way? Does Taehyung hit on you? because Yoongi hasn’t made a pass but man does he stare and seem to worry now.” I ask Vixen as she steps in behind me in the shower. “For all we know they could be watching us right now.”
Vixen: I laugh at your words, rubbing my body as I get under the water. “Let then watch! Perverts!” I stick my tongue out at the possible sight of a camera. We both giggle and I take some men’s body wash. “At least this smells good. But yeah, they are hot. That Taehyung guy is an airhead though. He really knows how to get me worked up.” I make a mean face, causing you to giggle. “Hey! Why are you laughing? I saw you make goo goo eyes at the shorter one.” I nudge your arm playfully. “Who knew you liked the arrogant boss type.”
Yoongi: I watch Taehyung skip off to work on his techy shit, causing me to groan. “I swear I told him to do that shit earlier. He never listens.” I take the bag off the counter and look around. My cuiousity gets to the best of me and I pull out a black and red laced bra. I felt my cheeks heating up at the flashy piece before dropping it in the bag and clearing my throat. “They had to be strippers… just had to be.”
Taehyung: I finish my work and change into a suit. I walk down stairs and find Yoongi standing at the door of his room. “Yoongi, what are you doing?” He jumps and gives me a look. “Well I was going to take these in my room but I do not know if they are done or not.” He says and I walk up opening the door as I hear them Giggling in the shower I can’t help but smile. “Yeah they seem to be having a ball in there. Should we listen?” I say before creping forward but I watch Yoongi not move a bit. “Childish! I am leaving.” He goes to walk out when he hears Venus mention him.
Venus: I laugh at you. “Well I mean he is pretty sexy I just do not know how to talk with him because he is hard to read you know. I have never been so attracted to a silent type but he is special. But I mean why are we calling them hot? they pistol whipped us in the head and dragged us here.” I say as I rinse my hair out and step to the side as I let you under the water. “I guess we are alive so we need to be grateful.” I step out and grab a towel and wrap around my body and hair.
Vixen: We finish showering and wrap towels around our bodies. “Yeah I know what you mean. And on top of that, we will have to live with them. Uhh. Are we pets?” We open the door and yelp. Taehyung stands there In a suit, shaking the bag. He holds the strings up by his fingers and smirks. “Having gossip talk in the shower and I wasn’t invited?” I march over and take the bag, pushing him out the door. “Creep!” I slam it in his face.
Yoongi: I lean against the wall in the hallway beside my bedroom door. Taehyung gets thrown out and the door slams. “You should have just left the bag there and left.” Taehyung chuckles and buttongs his blazer. “I thought you said it was childish but here you are listening to the gossip.” He raises a brow and I kick off the wall and walk off. “Whatever. Let’s just round up some gear just in case. We need to drop them off near the club.”
Taehyung: I laugh at Yoongi’s subject change as he walks off into the living room and pulls a bookshelf down revealing a secret cabinet with high tech cameras and guns inside. “I will get what I need as far as security goes. I want to link in on the security system at the club as well.” I say to Yoongi as he nods and begins to grab him a gun. “I hope you are not going like that because we are suppose to look rich and high class not like a bum.
Venus: I laugh at Vixen throwing Taehyung out. “These guys are sure to drive us crazy I swear. Let’s see if your guy has any taste whatsoever.” I walk over to the bags and see that one says my name and the other says yours I reach in and pull a lace and mesh bra and panty set that is red and black with a leather harness that reaches from my neck to each thigh with some red lace heels that have ribbons tying around the ankles. “Wow! He does have taste!” I say in awe. “What did you get?”
Vixen: I roll my eyes and look at your outfit. “Not bad, but I doubt he got something I would like.” I rummage through the bag and my eyes widen. It was a black and purple laced set. There were small purple bows on the straps and black silk straps that connected my panties to my stockings. “Hmm.. not bad at all.” You turn the bag over and a mesh bag falls out. “Look Vix. There is something else here. The tag has your name on it. Oh yeah! He said he got you a little something special.” You nudge me with a cheeky grin. “Open it up.” I sit on the bed and pull the strings, opening the bag. It was a purple laced collar with the word “kitten” embroidered on it with black thread. A small bell and tag hung on it. The tag was silver with a letter “T” infrared on it. “I swear.. I’m gonna kill him.”
Yoongi: I look at Taehyung and click my tongue. “No shit Sherlock. The girls are getting dressed so I have to wait until they are finished. Do I ever leave this house looking like a bum? And wipe that shit eating grin off your face. What do you have up your sleeve?” I check the gun carterage and cock it, laying it down on the counter before shutting the cabinet. “Oh. You will see. Let’s just say Brooke will probably be fuming at the little surprise I got her.” He sits and rests his chin on his palm sighing. “She is gonna look so cute collared.” I raise my brow and chuckle, shaking my head. “You’re really asking for it, ya know.”
We are currently working on part 2 of this Fanfic roleplay. 
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
currently watching punz’s mcc vod and have not gotten an ad so far so there is that
ikr??!? like their system is just so bad. I love learning, I love knowledge and knowing stuff but gosh. also half my lecturers are just not good. like all they do is read off the slides like I can do that myself :/ :(
oh god know I could never be an updates account. I don’t even know how they get half their information like how does one figure out that dream commented on some random tik tok??? I meant that I’ve been a person that has seen a tweet feom an updates account that dream is on some stream and gone to that stream. yeah I never know what’s going on cause I never have the energy to catch up with stuff I’ve missed but also I have this like need to know everything so I just have like half the information. I don’t even know how dts work on twt. like sometimes they tell people to off themselves in qrts/replies or like dm them probably too, which is so, so shitty. but yeah it’s kinda laughable how they have to censor all the words. but yeah no dts are not cool in the slightest. I’ve never gotten any of that because for the most part I have a very limited online presence and like I wouldn’t get to worried by it or anything but it’s such a shitty thing to do. god the kaveytfon thing was so ughh. and all I saw of it was clips and summary threads. yeah I get that. it’s a bit annoying cause some of my irls are gamer nerds that dislike dream cause “he cheated,” “he scripts manhunts,” “he’s bad at the game,” “he encourages his toxic stans,” and some other “anti” arguments. but what can you do. like I was just talking about minecraft once and one of them was like “oh but he so cheated” like yeah dude we’re well past that now these days we’re shitting on dream for making questionable sounds on a discord podcast /j. yeah like 100% I know dream can handle it and his friends will back him if needed I just feel really sad for him sometimes. maybe it’s just me cause I sometimes have annoyingly emotional reactions to things unnecessarily. bbh popped off with that one tweet on main.
nah we just say uni here and I didn’t know if you also said uni in america or just college. ohhh I see. we just say uni here. ohh that makes sense. and that’s pretty handy! here the only subjects I’m required to do are any that could be a possible prereqs for any major that I may choose to do. a friend of mine who is now going to college in america is doing spanish too! haha yeah my english language teacher once said something about it like two years ago and it’s never left my head ever since.
brooo no,, beets are good!! well not always but I like them in one specific sandwich that I used to have for lunch in school when I was in yr10. but they’re definitely a great plot point. ughhh I 100% agree with the silly lore stuff. it’s so fun and I love it but all the fandom does is whine. like first they’re like “oh I miss silly lore” and then they’ll get silly lore and be like oh not like that. I will never forgive people for writing of l’sandburg. I was asleep for most of it but it was still great. so true!! that was jack manifold right? smartness man ever. everything that ever happens on the dream smp is canon, there is not “semi lore” or “just a bit.” I add the “bit” argument because I’ve seen it used to excuse some c!actions recently. lmaoo yeha like I enjoy high production lore especially if they’re passionate about it but there’s just something about silly minecraft roleplay that I love. like when I first joined the fandom, it was through animatics and then watching the actual streams was so different but in a good way
no we haven’t!! it’s on the list of stuff we still don’t know about. glad to know you agree that enderwalk and c!dream and best friends. idk much about ballsmp but it looks fun and 3rd like looks cool tok like I’ve seen artwork and it interests me. and I really wanna get into hermit craft. if I do with any of them it’ll probably be hermitcraft. wait I do not know about that but that’s absolutely hilarious. I may just not remember cause I feel like I do know about it but my memory is unbelievably shoddy.
oh hahahaa I was asleep for that bit but I heard about it lol. ahahahah george and sapnap just there after dream just leaves is so funny. never fails to make me laugh/not laugh when dream just leaves that quickly. dreams been on a roll since like mcc like he’s done so much. liek today he was even on bads stream playing gartic phone !! I missed it live cause I was busy but imma watch the vod now!
alright I’ve just gotten through like the half of punz’s mcc vod that I had left and not a single ad so woooo for that!
Yooo pay to win actually wins!
Lectures are a bitch I keep falling asleep in them!! Which is bad because I always decide to try and sit up front to show dominance but I keep falling asleep
Oooh sorry I thought you meant that you ran one. Yeah no how tf to they do it??? Everything ccs do seems so fucking random??? Also my brother hates dream not because he cheated but because his fan base is bad? The only fan base you know ya little shit is me step up fucker. I am emotionally attached to dream so I understand
Calling it university isn’t super common here and I don’t think most americans even know the difference. Honesty it’s more about what the school calls itself, so like theres Harvard University & Bowdoin College but you mainly refer to them by their names anyways.
No all beets are bad and I will take 0 criticism on this they’re bad in real life and they’re bad in minecraft!!! Did I forget to add that jack manifold said that I was pretty tired when I wrote it and kinda gave up my b akjdkd. Animatics are banger but they’re just 3 times more banger when they have to be taken out of context. I just started watching 3rd life from grian’s pov and I’m enjoying it so much! The idea is super interesting also big fan of any game that has proximety chat
I miss the garlic phone thing! I had a busy day but I wanna watch it after jack & scott ylyl
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