#/his weakness is underestimating his opponents and being cocky
reddragon-cowboy · 1 year
It's amazing how Spike thought he'd be able to nab a 300 million bounty solo on a moving train above a huge lake. Like. . . what was my boi thinking ?
Spike: Oh yea I got this one covered.
Spike: *Gets his ribs crushed, shot, and thrown off the train into the lake while compromised and nearly dies* Woah. . . I guess I really am alive. . . but am I ? I gotta go see Vincent again to find out.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Hello, I’ve seen and read your Fairy Tail x ROR stories, and they’re beautiful. I have a request: Could you write a Mirajane x ROR crossover focusing on how the humans, gods, participants, valkyries, etc. react to her Satan Soul abilities and her ‘demonic’ side? Specifically, I’d like the focus to be on Hades, Beelzebub, and Anubis, as they work with ‘demons’ and would find the situation interesting. You can decide if she has a love interest or not. I’m excited to see what you come up with.
-It was some big news, when Brunnhilde substituted a fighter with someone new, a female warrior. Many were upset, not wanting to fight a woman, but Brunnhilde was quick to shut down any complaints, “Do you want to fight then?”
-The god who walked out was acting cocky, thinking that this was going to be an easy fight since he was fighting a woman.
-When you walked out, the crowd was quickly roaring with cheers, seeing how beautiful you were, as you smiled warmly, looking so delicate and sweet- you looked nothing like a warrior.
-This made your opponent, unfortunately, underestimate you as he was quick to attack once the match started.
-You easily dodged, despite being in heels and a dress, making it look easy as he was stunned, quickly going after you, but with each blow, you dodged with ease, embarrassing him.
-He shouted, his face bright red, “Are you just going to dodge or are you gonna fight me?! Are you that weak that you can’t fight back?!”
-His disrespect quickly had a dark aura surrounding you, but you still had a sweet smile on your face as you giggled softly, amused by his words.
-A dark aura surrounded you as a magic circle appeared below you, illuminating you from the bottom as everyone was able to feel a surge of energy coming from you.
-(Love) was watching the fight, amused to see a woman fighting, but when he felt the demonic energy coming from you, his eyes went wide as he sat up a bit more, paying more attention as you seemed to change, from your clothes to your hair, you looked like a demon!!
-Unlike before, you weren’t smiling, you looked so intimidating, like you were going to rock your cocky opponent’s shit, and that’s exactly what you did- you charged forward and threw a single punch, sending him flying backwards into the wall, sending him through the wall.
-Jaws were dropped all around, seeing your raw power as your opponent crawled out, glaring hard at you, thinking you were trying to make a fool of him.
-You charged again, and he was quick to dodge, barely missing your clawed hand, which punched a hole into the wall. It would have taken his head off had he not dodged and quickly he was the one dodging, feeling terrified of your power.
-You managed to grab him, and your hand shot out to shoot through his head and you saw the fear on his face and instantly you stopped, mere millimeters from his eye, a shockwave shooting out from behind him.
-He was gasping in shock, eyes wide as you were panting softly, getting control over yourself again as you returned to normal and you dropped your opponent, who quickly forfeited, not wanting to fight you anymore.
-Heimdall announced you as the winner and the crowds cheered loudly, celebrating your win.
-Once backstage, you were feeling happy, but trying to shake the feeling of fear you saw on his face, as it made you think of your little sister, who died so long ago. You remember the fear in her eyes as she was dying.
-You rounded the corner and almost bumped into (Love), who had come to seek you out, wanting to know more about the strange ability you had, as they could sense the demonic energy when you transformed.
-You smiled sweetly, “Oh- I apologize for almost running into you.” You went to move but he was quick to stop you, “Don’t be, I was actually looking for you.”
-This was surprising as you looked up at him, a bit of confusion on your face as he gave you a smile, “Would you be willing to accompany me? I would like to know more about your abilities, and you as well, beautiful maiden.”
-Your cheeks turned bright red as you turned, like you were a pure maiden, surprising him, as you were so confident when you were in the arena, and when you were fighting, to see you like this when complimented on your beauty made you seem so refreshing.
-He was getting more and more curious with you, especially when you agreed and he offered you his arm, like a gentleman, which made you smile softly. He wanted to see more of your smiles.
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bunglegaydogs · 1 year
Fyodor's downfall.
This is just going to be a fairly quick one, but I have some points to make about the whole "chess game" that is Fyodor and Dazai's bullshit lol.
As we all know, despite how similar Dazai and Fyodor appear to be, they are parallels to each other. Dazai is going to these lengths to save the ADA and Yokohama, and innocent people. There's really nothing in it for him. Fyodor, on the other hand, is going to these extrenuous fucking lengths all to qipe the world clean and have a blank slate, a world without ability users; this is for his own gain. Though we don't know his motives or reasoning behind why he's doing what he's doing, we do know that he benefits from this situation. Not only does he obtain benefit, but his god complex allows him to uphold the belief that he will succeed no matter the situation. Dazai, who he sees as a formidable opponent, is currently on the lowest floor, crawling, bleeding and dying. He sends Chuuya down there to him, knowing that Chuuya can easily overpower Dazai as he is in a weak state and is in no condition to be fighting back against anyone. Fyodor knows this, and sees this as the end to their longstanding feud. Obviously, this isn't the case, because Asagiri is not just going to kill Dazai off here (fucking hopefully). But, this here is Fyodor's downfall; his hamartia. He is so fixated on the fact that he will overcome any situation, and is so sure of himself, that it blinds him. This will become important. Because unlike Dazai, who is being dragged through the mud and fucking dirt yet is still determined, Fyodor has only been close to death one time. And even then, it wasn't nearly as intense as Dazai and Sigma's situation. He doesn't look as assed as Dazai does when he realises what's going on. However, Dazai has a great talent of thinking up before and on the spot for how to get out of unprecedented situations. Fyodor, however, we haven't seen him think on the spot to get out of a sticky situation, because he hasn't been in one yet. He foresaw Dazai trying to drown him and Chuuya and had Chuuya break the rubble. He didn't fight back against the soldiers when they arrested him. Yes, he was completely shocked, but eventually started smiling because he knew that Dazai was not to be underestimated.
However this is exactly what he's doing.
Not only is he underestimating Dazai, he's underestimating Dazai and Chuuya's relationship, and is sending Chuuya straight to Dazai, which, once again, will be his downfall due to his inability to understand human and complex emotions.
Dazai is determined, but not cocky. That is Fyodor's downfall; the fact that he thinks he's better than anyone. But, Dazai has some sense of being humble when it comes to serious situations. Even as an exec, we never saw him EVER talk about his own achievements or how well he'd done, because he didn't want to be one in the first place. We see him trying to ask Oda for his job lmao. When Higuchi and Gin were watching him, he knew about it, found them, then was like "well yeah i made the fucking surveillance methods" but not to be cocky or "oh look at me!". He said it because he was answering her question. Yes, we see his self-confidence when he's talking to women, or being dramatic, or exaggerating small things and being whimsical, but always in serious situations, he never boasts. when Kouyou was in the ADA, he says "has there ever been a prisoner who didnt talk when i was the one asking the questions?" not to boast or show off, but to instill fear into Kouyou, which it did, because he was right. But, Fyodor on the other hand is calm and laid back, but because he's so calm and laidback and doesn't expect anyone else to best him, thats going to be his downfall. His inability to understand human and complex a emotions and his narcissistic personality and his god complex. He's underestimating the relationship between Chuuya and Dazai, and the "absolute trust" (as the book says) they have between one another. He knows that Dazai is a formidable opponent, yet he still underestimates him and expects nothing more than what he has given him, because we're seeing Dazai lose. This is a first for us. And, you'd expect it to be a first for Dazai, but as we know, he's already lost far too much. He can't lose anymore. He won't lost anymore. But now he's fighting for his life because there's still nothing left to lose, except now there's Chuuya, the ADA, and now Sigma. And he wants to protect them all. Also, some people in the PM (Aku, Kouyou, Hirotsu, Gin, Higuchi, etc. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about Mori but hey.) and Yokohama in general. He's not doing this because it's his job and hes obliged to, he's doing it because he cares about the others, and stands to uphold Odasaku's final wishes. Fyodor is going through all this to create a better world (selfish reasons) because he doesn't like ability users (despite him being the character with the most kills due to his ability (excluding aku, chuuya, hirotsu, pm members basically, kyouka, kinda atsushi but not really. he doesnt kill uneless he has to.) ) idk man fyodors wild lmao.
Anyways, my point still stands. The parallel's between these two go far beyond just mental capacity and how smart each of them are, and their predictive abilities, or their unempathetic attitudes towards life. This is where they differ, however. Because unlike when he was in the PM, Dazai has grown fond of the people in his life. The only people he really had in the PM to care for were Oda, Ango and Chuuya. However, he lost all of that in such a short amount of time. And one of them, arguably the most important aspect in his life, he lost permanently. And now he's faced with the possibility that he can lose one of the few people he has a strong bond with, and he's doing everything in his power to keep that.
Fyodor is just using people to his own gain, not giving two shits about the outcomes and only what he can get out of it; he's playing his pieces carefully and planning his moves flawlessly. And it seems like he's currently coming out on top. But, there are some holes in this plan that he didn't plan for; Sigma and Chuuya. Sigma, who was originally his pawn, has became Dazai's, except Dazai isn't using him like Fyodor. Yes, he's beneficial to Dazai's plan, but that's not all Dazai sees for him. Because for all Dazai's similarities to Mori, he doesn't want to be like him and go down the route of using people and manipulating them to better his own game. Fyodor on the other hand is an unfeeling demon, prepared to go for any measures to make sure that his plan is enacted as he envisioned.
And this is where he's a bit fucked. Because he's fairly vain in the sense that he holds such confidence in his own ability to come out on top and succeed in his plans, he's not really associating with anything else because to him, it looks like his plan is going along smoothly.
However, we'll see how that goes over with Chuuya and Dazai's reunion.
Ah, sorry, this was a bit longer than expected and honestly it's probably just a bunch of bullshit. I've had a bit to drink tonight and I'm very tired but I just wanted this out there.
Anyways, have a lovely day/night! <3
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Mocha! I get the feeling Orion would vastly overestimate his chances in a fight against Sagi, since Orion seems to think his magical might is vastly superior to Twilight's and she has no problems thinking she can defeat Sombra over and over. Your thoughts?
No, like I said earlier, Orion is more powerful than any Alicorn there is. He is THE Alicorn of Power after all. But just because Orion is powerful, does not mean he's stupid, cocky, or arrogant. He never underestimates an opponent, even if he knows just from a power standpoint, he is more powerful.
His power is in fact vastly superior to Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and Khuna's power put together! Sagi's power level is on par with Twilight's, (Partly because his father never wanted Sagi to just be banished to the ether without being able to put up a hell of a fight) Twilight in her prime, with her friends, and support, was easily able to defeat Sombra every time. (Even though she didn't need to, especially when bro was just trying to exist every other time he returned, she just assumed he had evil intentions) But Twi now doesn't realize her power has greatly diminished over 1,000 years, she's not as powerful to where she can one-shot an enemy anymore. She could still defeat someone if needed, but it would take effort on her part.
But be clear, Orion is more powerful than Prime Time Twilight still. He's not overestimating anything. From a power standpoint, he has the advantage. But other factors can tip the scales. It's like when a level 75 fire Pokémon, goes against a level 70 ground Pokémon. While your Flareon may be higher level, Ground is super effective against Fire, so you could very easily still lose the battle to a stray "Earthquake" move if you aren't careful.
Orion is like, level 999+, but he has weaknesses like everyone else. He just makes sure no one can find out those weaknesses. As I said, a fight between Sagi and Orion would never logically happen. But, if they did fight. it would be a 60/40 - 75/25 chance of who comes out on top, depending on who has the advantage.🍫
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w1cked-w1tch · 2 years
So..... re: fic writers writing Mayuri like some sexless, detached weirdo..... this is gonna be very long and rambling and the Mayuri part will be at the end. I took my Adderall today and my brain is moving a mile a minute thinking about this, buckle up. The entirety of this post is a spoiler.
I'm powerwatching the entirety of the original Bleach series. I'm currently watching the fights between the Captains and Espada. I've been watching 8-10 episodes a day for the last 23 days so everything that's happened thus far is fresh in my mind. This is also one of my absolute favorite parts in the entire series. These opinions are subject to change, especially since I haven't finished watching the series yet. Please feel free to offer a different point of view.
ANYWAY! The Espada that the captains fight are mirrors of themselves in their personalities, their powers, and even somewhat in their aesthetics. The only difference is, said Espada have not learned a very important lesson that said captains HAVE learned.
Kenpachi and Nnoitra are both huge, (literally huge, kenpachi is 6'7" and Nnoitra is 7') cocky brutes who live to fight. They've both got that muscled but incredibly lean body type. (Yes Kenpachi too. He's less than 200lbs despite being almost 7 feet tall.) And of course the long hair, eyepatch, exposed chest, and huge toothy smile. Kenpachi has learned that it doesn't matter what package his opponents skills come in. Man, woman, soul reaper, arrancar, it doesn't matter. He's learned to respect his opponents, and he doesn't let his desire to be the strongest cloud his judgment during battle. He knows that there are people out there who are stronger than him, that there probably always WILL be, and he's accepted it. He knows that he will probably die at the hands of somebody stronger than him someday. He even verbally acknowledges that he may die in this battle. Nnoitra, on the other hand, refuses to accept a woman being stronger than he is. He refuses to really believe ANYBODY could be stronger. He seems to have somewhat of an inferiority complex despite this. Not only does he desire to be the strongest, he's desperate to be the strongest. He's so desperate that he lets his anger cloud his judgment in his fight with Kenpachi. He's not looking for Kenpachis weaknesses, he's just relying on his brute strength and his hierro to get him through the battle. He arrogantly believes that every hit he gets on Kenpachi is one hit away from the finishing blow, even going so far as to turn his back on him when he goes down briefly. Kenpachi, on the other hand, pays careful attention to Nnoitra's skills and continues to adapt during their battle, even using a technique he says he hates. In his arrogance and desperation he ignores Kenpachi's mercy, instead choosing to fight to the death. Arrogance and disregard/underestimation of the enemy will be a theme here.
Byakuya and Zommari are the most different aesthetically. Their personalities are very similar though. They're both very stoic in an arrogant way. Zommari calls Byakuya arrogant several times, and says it disgusts him. He hasn't realized that he's the one who is truly arrogant. Byakuya comes off that way, but its because he knows how strong he is. Byakuya also knows full well that he comes off as arrogant. Zommari doesn't seem to. Zommari's arrogance is what ultimately does him in. During their entire fight Byakuya is analyzing Zommari's power and skill. Zommari fails to do this, his confidence in his own powers clouds his judgement. This brings in another similarity between them. Zommari says at the beginning of the fight that his powers may seem like magic to an outsider. Byakuya, towards the end of the fight, says that he guessed correctly that Zommari's powers are similar to Kido. Kido would probably seem like magic to an outsider and Byakuya is incredibly skilled in kido. Their special flash step skills are similar as well, being so fast that they leave an after image. At the end of the fight Zommari asks Byakuya if he's ever stopped to consider what he's doing, if he's ever thought about the meaning of killing hollows as if it's a natural thing to do, why he thinks he can kill hollows, if soul reapers think they're God's, who gave them the authority to kill hollows, who gave them the authority to protect humans, tells him that nobody has given him those rights and calls him arrogant once again. This further proves that the only person he thinks about is himself. He can only think about himself and his own beliefs to the point that he doesn't even bother to think about his opponents skills in battle. Not to mention that the Gotei 13 was formed to help keep the balance of the world, and killing hollows is part of that. Byakuya tells Zommari that he's not killing him because he's a hollow, he's killing him because he aimed his blade at his only pride and our view switches from him to Rukia. Byakuya has learned how to think about other people and step outside of his beliefs when it's necessary.
Now to the part that sparked this whole essay. Mayuri's and Szayelaporro's aesthetics both incorporate Aposematism, though Szayelaporro really only exhibits that aesthetic in his released form. They've both got the mad scientist thing going on. They're both very cocky. They're both very brilliant. They both largely view other people as subjects to be experimented on. They're both very theatrical. Now, Szayelaporro is definitely more outwardly sexual. He's got that sensual, hedonistic vibe going on. His Zanpakuto shows this as well. The name in the Japanese version being Fornicarás (You Will Fornicate) and in the English version being La Lujuriosa (The Lustful, or One Who Shows Lustfulness). Mayuri isn't anywhere near as outwardly lewd as Szayelaporro. He's much more subtle. Have you noticed the placement of his sword? He wears it between his legs so that it appears phallic. Like a codpiece. This placement doesn't contribute to the intimidation factor of the rest of his get-up, so why do it? Because he's a fucking pervert, that's why. He thinks it's funny. Plus the..... whatever the fuck it is that he does to Nemu to revive her after the fight. Theres also the image we get of him in the 10th opening where he's sitting, legs splayed and holding the hilt of his sword as though it was his dick, and we're looking up at him as though we're about to give him a blow job. And Nemu's outfit? Her body type? Nobody seems to take these things into account. Mayuri created and dressed her that way on purpose. As far as Szayelaporro being a reflection of Mayuri, I suppose the argument could be made that his outward sexuality is part of the reflection that is the bad part of Mayuri. Something Mayuri has overcome that Szayelaporro has not. But I don't think that's the case. It's not touched on at all during the fight. Plus, like I said, whatever weird thing he did AFTER the fight to revive Nemu sounded like he was molesting her. It wouldn't have happened that way if he didn't WANT it to happen that way. He denies it being NSFW, but it's obvious hes being sarcastic for the sake of things being tv friendly. No, Mayuri makes it quite clear what hurdle he has overcome that Szayelaporro has not. The pursuit of perfection.
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It's also clear that his downfall was believing he was already perfect, when no such thing exists. His belief in that also making him believe he couldn't be defeated. Unlike Zommari, Szayelaporro does take his opponents skills into consideration. He's got contingencies like Mayuri does. His failing was not having a backup plan for his backup plan because he thinks his Gabriel is enough to save him. Mayuri comes essentially armed to the teeth with contingencies. We've seen his regenerative abilities, his plan z slime get away, Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo's self destruct mechanism, and the way he talks about drugging Nemu's body tells us he's taken into consideration every possible way she could have been attacked or used against him. Szayelaporro had become so self obsessed that he didn't think he needed such things. In thinking he'd reached perfection he didn't think he'd be affected by such things. That was his downfall.
Anyway. All this to say, please for the love of God stop writing Mayuri like he'd be some purely clinical, sterile scientist in bed. Stop writing him like he'd be uninterested in physically participating in his partners pleasure. Stop writing him like he'd be the kind of person who sees no point in sexual urges or sexual pleasure, or like he'd get rid of his own ability to feel those things. He's very obviously a huge pervert and if you think he doesn't have a room full of things he invented for bedroom activities you're so incredibly wrong. We are shown how much of a pervert he is through his own actions, as well as through his reflection in Szayelaporro. Do the man justice, god damn it.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Hi !
Here’s a My hero academia request.
Imagine power-loader brings in his son who He’s training to the hero course his son is blind and his quirk is just like earth bending and class 1- A underestimate him because he’s blind but then they get there as handed to them
Take your time please:] !
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I spent ten minutes making this meme
I am bad at describing fight scenes so I'm not going to
Powerloader had nothing but high hopes for his son, the young teen had his mom's quirk but at a level no one expected, he could manipulate rocks and dirt and the likes.
It was incredible.
His drawback?
He was completely blind and he couldn't manipulate things too pure like platinum and the like along with not being able to 'see' anyone airborne.
He spent years learning his Quirk and how to function in the world, learning a form of echo location via sensing the earth through his feet completely abandoning shoes because of it.
He would make an amazing hero.
He was currently in the process of training for the sports festival, his dad training and helping him.
Aizawa had asked for (name)s presence during training because apparently his kids were getting a bit too cocky and not understanding that even though someone could be disabled or quirkless that they could still prove to be a challenge.
He basically asked (name) to beat his kids asses to humble them.
And with one permission slip from Nedzu and an ok from his dad, the two were walking to gym Gamma "so what's up with class 1-A anyways? Why are they so controversial?" (Name) asked his dad as they walked towards the gym "they are trouble magnets" he said simply "not to mention a few of them have an attitude problem"
(Name) never really interacted with 1-A as he usually spent his free time with his classmates or dad as Higari made support gear for his son to test out.
"I see..." He was curious about the class as his dad opened the door for his son and watched as the class looked at his kid confused and scowled as their faces morphed to pity.
Now he couldn't wait for him to beat their asses.
"What? Is blindy gonna give us some piss speech about how blind people can do shit we can too or some bullshit " Bakugo spat and Aizawa activated his Quirk to silence the blond "no, this is (name) Maijima, you are all going to fight him" Aizawa said simply as (name) walked towards him and if it weren't for the milky eyes, everyone would have assumed he could see.
"Sir! That's far too dangerous! Not to mention an unfair disadvantage!" Tenya said with urgency and (name) snorted at this nonsense he was hearing but was used to people constantly treating him like he was fragile and weak, he was blind not a god damn infant.
"This will be a lesson of not underestimating your enemies, now I will let (name) get changed and at the buzzer we will begin training and quirks are allowed"
When (name) got changed his dad and Aizawa went to the observation deck "god I hate it when people act like that" Higari grumbled and Aizawa sighed "well they will learn quick to not underestimate their opponents"
Walking out (name) moved his toes against the ground and walked to the marker Aizawa left on the ground for him to stand near and fix the earpiece all students were wearing.
"This will be easy" Bakugo mumbled as the rest of 1-A shared similar thoughts but most did feel bad about fighting a blind guy but when the buzzer went off none of them were expecting what came next.
"And here we go" Higari snickered as he watched his son manipulate the ground below him the metal of items laying around and wreak absolute Havok on the class.
It took ten minutes.
Ten minutes and 1-A was taken down.
"H-how..?" Iida said weakly as he stated at the barefoot teen who played with a floating pebble, weaving it through his fingers "because you guys underestimated your opponent without any knowledge of their abilities, you assumed because be couldn't see you the way you see him that he was weak" Higari said firmly as he patted his sons back and mumbling a soft 'good job kiddo' to his son who beamed in his general direction.
"(Name) can sense the ground around him as a form of echo location and most obvious can manipulate earth matter" Aizawa explain as the class looked at the teen "and you will all be against him at the sports festival"
"I cant wait to see what you guys bring when you're actually prepared!" (Name) said happily as the students swarmed him and began chatting him up "Oi! It's still class, you can talk to him at lunch" Aizawa scolded his students who stepped away from the younger Maijima who just smiled "never underestimate your opponent, you don't know what they bring to the table"
"Now only if he wants to you can ask him questions "
"I'm cool to answer any questions Mr.Aizawa" (name) said happily and the students raised their hands for (name) to pick only to realize he can't see that and Aizawa sighed before pointing to Kirishima "how did you get so strong?!"
"My dad taught me" (name) said pointing to his dad's general direction "he taught me how to control my quirk and make it what it is now"
"Why aren't you in the hero course?"
"I plan on joining through the sports festival, a chance to show that I deserve to be in it without people assuming I got in through pity and assume since im blind I somehow deserve less"
The class felt like shit after that, they made those assumptions and pitied him.
"Being blind isn't some curse or some tragedy, I can't see so what? That shouldn't have made you assume I was ill equipped for combat"
"...we're sorry we made such quick judgements and looked down on you, it was unfair and unjust as heroes" Momo said genuinely and the other students save for Bakugo and Todoroki (he nodded forgetting (name) was blind) agreed with her words and (name) just smiled "I forgive you but don't be dumb"
When (name) left Aizawa looked at his kids "and now we are going to train you all to be stronger since you're clearly lacking now five laps now, no quirks or it's another 2 laps added"
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smallblip · 3 years
humble request for a levihan sparring ficlet please 🤲🤲
Anon. We share one mind. I do think a lot about Hanji and Levi sparring and him teaching her his tricks! I hope you don’t mind I switched it up a little😛
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Kill V. Maim
“What’s all this about?” Nile says. His soldiers have gathered on one side of the courtyard with Erwin’s soldiers on the other side. They’re jeering at each other, ruckus audible from his office.
“Your soldier insulted one of mine. Now they’re going to spar.” Erwin replies calmly. There are rules against commanders pitting their soldiers against other regiments. But no one said anything about watching. There are no rules about that. And so Erwin does. After all, entertainment doesn’t come by easy these days.
Nile scoffs and makes his way over to his soldiers. “Who’s fighting who.” He demands. Praying to whatever gods there is that it’s not Levi. The one time one of his soldiers had gotten into a fight with Levi, the others soon piled on, leading to two squads on bedrest. It had been utterly humiliating.
“Dennis Aiblinger and Hanji Zoë, sir!”
“What?” Nile snaps his head at the soldier, whose face pulls into something resembling confidence. “Hanji Zoë sir... The crazy bitch. Dennis will show her-“
“Get a fucking medic! You idiots! Get the fucking medic!” Nile shouts, and his soldiers are scrambling, murmurs of “yes sir” mingling with the scurry of boots against cobblestone. Why the fuck was Nile being so uptight?
From across the courtyard, Nile sees Erwin smirking at him and he feels his own face crumple in a scowl.
“Only two of my soldiers carry knives...” Erwin had said to him once in a show of bravado, “Levi is one... I’m sure your soldiers are very acquainted with him...”
Nile had scoffed.
“The other is Hanji Zoë...”
Fuck! Nile grits his teeth now, watching disaster unfold before him.
“They’re sparring buddies...”
Nile looks over to Hanji, who is now rolling up her sleeves, big grin on her face. She cracks her knuckles, shaking loose every joint in her body. “Fuck!” Nile exclaims, and despite his voice getting drowned out by cheering, Erwin knows the military police have already lost.
Hanji takes her knife off its sheath on her thigh and places it on the ground, kicking it to Levi. He scoffs. Typical of Hanji to want to play fair.
“Come on Dennis... Let’s dance...” Hanji says, and Dennis is already charging fist first. Hanji dodges, landing a punch on his jaw that almost takes him out. Almost, only because Hanji hasn’t had her fill. This can go on for a little longer, just a little.
“Defend you fool!” Nile shouts, but it’s too late. Hanji lands another blow. She shakes her fist loose, “on your feet Princess!” She taunts, but Dennis is an incoherent mess, face flat against the ground.
From the sidelines, Levi snaps a- “oi four eyes... Don’t get too cocky!” And Hanji all but winks at him.
Dennis stumbles to his feet, shock still reverberating through his system. He still doesn’t know what hit him, the poor fool, and already, without a game plan, he’s charging again, blindly this time and on unsteady feet. Hanji uses his momentum against him and throws him on the ground. She attempts a joint lock, but Dennis doesn’t seem to be screaming quite as much as he should.
“Levi...” Hanji looks to him perplexed, all while shifting Dennis’ arm.
“His wrist...” Levi replies.
“Oh right!” Hanji beams and exerts pressure on Dennis’ wrist until he’s screaming and begging whatever gods (her included) to spare him before passing out from the pain. There’s the sweet spot.
Hanji gets up and dusts her hands.
The medic rushes forward to examine the defeated man. He’s going to be unrecognisable with the way his face is starting to swell, and it’s unclear at this point but his jaw might be broken.
“Now, anyone else wants to see what this crazy bitch can do?” Hanji’s voice slices through the crowd, silencing every motherfucker who so dares underestimate her.
There’s a murmur that builds from the soldiers from the Military Police, and they’re collectively backing away.
“Thought so...” Hanji smirks, and her comrades are rushing towards her, cheering and clapping her back.
“Nice...” Levi says. He’ll let her name her reward later. For now, he slides her knife back in the sheath.
“Learnt from the best...” she pulls him into her side.
Hanji manages to flip their positions so she’s on top of him now, pinning him to the ground. She pries the knife from his hand.
“You tricked me?” Levi says, incredulous. A minute ago Hanji had been sobbing beneath him, and now she’s grinning like a maniac.
“You said-“
“Yeah yeah... Teach you to fight dirty... I know what I said...” Levi sighs. He just didn’t expect Hanji to find his weakness and exploit it this quick. Then again, she has always known which buttons to push.
“So I win?” She presses her forehead against his, and he nods. Just as she’s about to celebrate, Levi is kissing her, and she loses her grip on his wrists, choosing instead to tangle her fingers in his hair to deepen the kiss. The air gets knocked out of her lungs when she lands unceremoniously on her back with an “oof”. A shift of his hips and he’s atop her again, pinning her wrists above her head. Hanji narrows her eyes at him and pouts, abhorring the way he’s smirking down at her.
“Never stop until your opponent is unconscious...” And for good measure, Levi continues-
“Or dead...”
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floating-mid-air · 4 years
The Princess of All Saiyans
Hey guys. I ended up taking a bit of a break from this fic, but I'm back now. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this chapter yet. I've been getting a bit impatient as of recent. I just have so many ideas for this story that I can't use yet. I also just wanted to take a second to thank everyone for their support. I never expected anyone to actually read this story, so it means a lot. Anyways on to the chapter.
Chapter 8
Quite some time has passed since your initial imprisonment in this dim cavern. And yes, you're still stuck with the half-breed. Though Zarbon left some time ago. Leaving an alarming number of foot-soldiers behind, who now surround the ruins of what was once a Namekian village. You could effortlessly eliminate those vermin, but you're not willing to take the chance. Not with a Dragon Ball in your possession.
All you can hear are the grating voices of Frieza's men from outside the cave. They're somehow significantly more irritating than the kid. You didn't even think that was possible. So you do the only thing you could think of to block out the obnoxious murmuring. You decide to actually interact with the brat. "Your mother can't be thrilled about your excursion to Namek. Considering she's human and all." Would this be classified as small talk? Or is it too heavy of a topic? You've never been good with this sort of thing.
He looks at you, his eyes wide in disbelief. From the little interaction the two of you have had, Gohan never believed you would be the one to initiate conversation. "Actually, my mom died when I was little." Well, this turned out to be the worst topic you could've possibly chosen. You observe him carefully. He doesn't seem upset, so at least you won't have to deal with him crying. "Y/N. What's having a mom like?"
You're positive that Saiyan mother's behaviors differ from what would be considered normal on Earth. At least, you think, you don't have much experience with motherly figures yourself. "I couldn't tell you, kid. My mother died when I was an infant." Gohan's face falls. He might never know how an average parent should behave. "I'd ask Raditz, though. He can talk your ear off about your grandmother."
"Was she---you know---like you?"
You chuckle, tilting your head backward. "What? You mean evil? No, from what I've heard, she was one of those weak Saiyans. She lacked the basic instinct--- kinda like your moronic father."
A grin spreads across the brat's lips as his eyes meet yours. "You know, you're not so bad after all."
Your expression instantly hardens at his words. "This doesn't mean we're allies now." You direct your attention outside. Those underlings must have gotten careless. You can't even detect a singular soldier that stayed behind. "Come on, it's safe to go."
You push the boulder out of the way, finally exiting the cave. The brat follows, holding the camouflaged orb in hand. "Now, let's solve this little Dragon Ball issue." You cut yourself off, directing your gaze toward Vegeta's power level. He's currently mid-battle with who you believe is Zarbon. Looks like the green-haired narcissist was able to track down your brother after all. You're not worried. Vegeta seems to be inflicting most of the damage. 
Something else piques your interest, though, the three other power sources near your brother. One of them is definitely Raditz. Another is unfamiliar to you. It's almost insect-like that must be the Earth woman. And lastly, you believe that bald earthling is there as well. He's much more powerful than he was when you saw him earlier today. How peculiar. "Well, looks like we're heading to the same place after all." You float up into the air. "You coming or not?" He nods, trailing behind you as you both travel to the location of the battle.
You and Gohan strategically maneuver yourselves behind a hill, your eyes intently focused on the battle. You can clearly see Zarbon and Vegeta, as well as Raditz. You move your gaze to the two earthlings, who are both quivering in fear. You can't help but wonder who they're more terrified of, whether it's Zarbon's hideous transformation or your brother.
You turn back to the half-breed, who's about to blow your cover. Before he can fly into the chaos to "save" his friends, you grab onto the back of his shirt. "You don't want to get yourself tangled up with Zarbon. There's no quicker way to get yourself and your friends killed. As long as Zarbon is focused on Vegeta, your friends will be fine." You maintain a tight grip on the purple fabric. You don't trust the brat one bit. "Did that Namekain teach you nothing about self-control?"
He looks up at you, furrowing his brows. "How did you know I trained with Piccolo?"
A breathy sigh escapes your lips. "Well, since Kakarot was dead, I figure someone competent must have trained you. Plus, you're wearing the same attire as that Namekian. It doesn't take a brainiac to figure it out." You switch your attention back to the battlefield, letting go of your grip on Gohan.
While Vegeta is distracted with Zarbon, you can feel energy rapidly approaching their vicinity.  Your brother has his back turned, so it must be a sneak attack on him. Before whatever it is can even strike, you teleport in front of Vegeta, grasping onto the foot soldier's fist, freezing the creature in place. "Too slow." A devilish smirk appears on your features. 
"Y/N. I was wondering when you'd finally make an appearance." It seems this transformation doesn't just affect Zarbon's characteristics, but it distorts his voice as well.
"Zarbon. I see you've let yourself go." Taking shots at his looks should be the best way to throw Zarbon off his game.
You let go of the orange alien, pushing him backward. His eyes narrow at you, clenching his right hand, checking for any lasting damage. "How dare you speak to Zarbon in such a manner! He's your superior in every way."
"Shh." You bring a finger up to your lips. "The grown-ups are talking." As fun as patronizing this insect is, you know this encounter will have to escalate sooner rather than later.
Vegeta turns to you, a faint smirk ghosting his lips. "I hope your intentions were not to involve yourself in my battle."
"I know better than to get involved when you're out for blood, Vegeta." You chuckle. "I'll make do with this half-wit. I just have to figure out a way to draw out the battle." You rub your chin, contemplating the best way to decrease your efficiency. "I got it." You wrap your dominant hand behind your back. "I'll fight this weakling one-handed."
"You cocky Saiyan, bitch." The creature snarls, stepping closer to you. "I don't think I've ever seen you fight one of your own battles. You know what I think. You're only feared because of Vegeta." Everyone around you grows silent, well except, for Raditz. His laughter echoes around the rocky terrain. The Saiyan finds this humorous, not because of the alien's words, but because he knows the orange creature has just taken his last breath.
Your aloof gaze remains locked on the ugly creature, your head slightly tilted. "You know what. I was being quite generous before." You move your other arm behind your back, clasping your hands together. "I don't even need one."
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the half-breed, who has now joined his friends. He's jumping up and down as Krillin stares at him in bewilderment. "I'm excited. We're finally going to get to see her fight."
"Gohan." Krillin's timid voice invades your ears. "I think you're starting to act a bit too much like your dad."
It becomes clear to you that your opponent won't make the first move, so you'll have to take charge of the situation. You turn to Vegeta, who has Zarbon in a headlock. "If you don't mind Vegeta. I'd like to go first."
He nods, chuckling to himself. "Oh, be my guest. The floor is all yours." 
You descend to the ground, centering yourself on the terrain. "Alright, let's get going. I don't have all day. So show me the best you got." The alien shoots toward you, swinging his fists blindly.  He doesn't even seem to have a proper strategy. Is this really the best the Frieza Force has to offer? A being who lacks basic combat abilities. 
You dodge every single potential blow, speeding back and forth at a slow pace. An earthling could even evade these strikes. This is pitiful. It's clear that whoever's responsible for training these buffoons has been cutting corners.
"Stop dodging!" The creature shrieks in pure frustration. 
A wolfish grin appears on your face. It's fitting you're the predator while he's the prey. "Well, if you insist." At light speed, you swing your leg upwards, kicking his chin. Blood rushes from the corners of his lips as the orange creature spits out multiple stray teeth. You continue your merciless assault, alternating between striking his face and torso. "Don't be mistaken. I don't fight because a woman of my status doesn't have to handle such demeaning tasks, like exterminating pathetic life forms. Beings similar to yourself, but don't get me wrong. I'm more than happy to make an example out of you."
You fling up into the air. Your boot effortlessly connects with his face. Sending the alien hurdling backward. As soon as he regains balance, you teleport behind him. You may not be able to use your hands to form a blast, but you think you'll be able to direct the energy to your lower body. "I like to call this the Dust Charge." Heavy winds form around the battlefield, dragging dirt particles into the air supply, causing numerous dust clouds to emerge. The Dust Charge is not an attack perse. It's more of a red herring, a simple distraction tactic for your actual move.
"What's this supposed to do?" He chuckles mockingly. "Take my eyes out?" You don't understand why everyone always underestimates you. It's frustrating to not be taken seriously by your opponent. Especially when you outrank them in all aspects of life.
You've navigated yourself into one of the many dust clouds. This should be effective in concealing your next move. You focus all of your energy on your lower body, causing a pink orb to appear right before your eyes. It lays motionless on the ground, almost resembling a soccer ball. It takes a few moments, but the pink ball of energy finally begins to swell. Now the orb compares in size to your pod.
 Over the years, you've trained your eyesight to be unaffected by distraction tactics. So you can simply pinpoint the location of the alien. Once you do, you kick the orb in his direction. As soon as the creature absorbs the sphere, the dust clouds clear. Revealing your victory to the audience. You watch him crumble to the ground, screaming in agony. There is no visible damage to his body. Your nameless move is more of an internal attack. These sorts of attacks are much more sadistic in nature. Since they target your internal organs, resulting in complete organ failure.
You stride over to him, placing your boot on his head. Your aloof nature returns as you stomp on his head, crushing his skull. "Time to take out the trash." You unhook your hands, pointing them toward the limp body. You create a blast, vaporizing the corpse, successfully eliminating all remnants of the alien's existence.
"Alright. You've had your fun. Now it's time for the main event." There's no need to anger Vegeta. So you decide to comply. You fly over to the sidelines, landing next to Raditz.
The Earth woman turns to you, her eyes wide in terror. "Y- You squashed him."
You turn to meet her gaze. "That is how you kill insects, isn't it?"
"He was so weak. You didn't have to kill him!" Krillin interjects himself into your conversation.
"What the hell is wrong with your species?" You bring your hands to your temples, massaging them gently. "Let me put this in simple terms. If I let him live, he would've killed you, pathetic earthlings. Is that what you would've preferred? Because I can finish the job if you'd like."
The pair rapidly shakes their heads. "No. No. we're all good." Their voices shake, speaking simultaneously. Finally, you're getting the recognition you deserve. At least the earthlings take you seriously. That's better than nothing.
Raditz chuckles, shaking his head. "He challenged her pride. That's a death sentence itself." You don't think they have the brain capacity to understand the nature of a Saiyan. Being allies with the defect probably doesn't help either.
You look up at Raditz. "Is this what you've been dealing with?"
A breathy chuckle escaped his lips. "Oh, you have no idea."
You turn back to the fight, and it isn't that interesting. It's basically just Vegeta manhandling Zarbon. Your brother must have grown significantly stronger after getting the crap beat out of him so many times.
You suppress your laughter when Zarbon begs your brother for mercy. You're pretty sure that word no longer exists in Vegeta's vocabulary. Zarbon is one of the last beings in the entire universe, who your brother would even grant an inkling of sympathy. Similar to the other members of the Frieza Force, Zarbon offers to turn against his lord. It's apparent that none of Frieza's men are truly loyal to him. Bargaining with treason in return for you to spare their lives. Cui, Dedoria, and now Zarbon have all exhibited this same cowardly behavior. This is one of the many areas where you differ from those cowards. You'd never turn against Vegeta, even if it costs you your life.
Vegeta goes off on a tangent. The years of verbal abuse must have gotten to him too. "You want mercy? Oh, I'll show you mercy, all right." It's become transparent that Vegeta is going to show that narcissist the exact opposite of mercy. With a singular blast, your brother kills him. You watch Zarbon's corpse fling into the air, landing into the lake.
"Y-You call that mercy?" Krillin stutters. Well, apparently, your brother's intentions were not clear, to the earthlings after all. They really need to study the significance of tone.
"I'm disappointed." You huff. "I was expecting a bigger bang. Frankly, I would've been much crueler than that, Vegeta." You slowly stride over to Krillin. His comment from before did not sit well with you. So you intend to show him just how ruthless you can be. He also scares easily, so that's a bonus. He gulps nervously. As you tilt your head to become eye level with the human. "Firstly, I'd mutilate his face to destroy his vanity. Then I'd rip out his eyeballs and feed them to him. And then I'd kill Zarbon."
Vegeta chuckles. He knows how much you like intimidation. "Well, you have a much more sadistic imagination than I do, Y/N." He turns to Raditz, who's holding the one-star ball. "Now, a deal's a deal. Hand over your Dragon Ball." Clever, sparing their worthless lives for a possession of value. You wouldn't expect anything less from Vegeta.
Raditz looks from the humans to the half-breed. Before he can even calculate a plan, you sweep his legs out from under him. This successfully knocks the giant off balance, allowing you to catch the one-star orb. "Pleasure doing business with you." 
You toss the ball to Vegeta. He looks down at the orb, smirking. "Now that we have all seven, immortality will be ours." You know for a fact that you only possess six Dragon Balls. Gohan has the four-star ball, and you don't care to let Vegeta know. Immortality isn't your desire. You want to die one day, at least hell, has your kind. An eternal life sounds more like a punishment than anything else. 
Vegeta takes off first, and you shortly after him. It takes a while, but the two of you finally land in the ruins of that Namekian village. You're getting sick of constantly having to return to this horrid place. This better be the last time.
"So you didn't retrieve the Dragon Ball like I asked?" 
"I couldn't find it." You flash him the best innocent smile that you can manage.
"Clearly, you didn't search hard enough." He sighs, running a hand through his spiky hair. "You know what they say. If you want something done right, you do it yourself." And with that, he jumps into the lake.
He's going to be furious when he figures out the Dragon Ball is gone. Vegeta hasn't wanted anything this much in a long time. This is where the two of you differ. As long as Frieza doesn't have the orbs, you're content. You don't care if the earthlings get them. And you care even less about what they desire to wish for. If they want to bring their loser friends back, so be it. You'll just have to kill them again. It shouldn't be difficult at all.
The splashes on the surface of the water become more erratic. Vegeta must be growing frustrated. He springs up from the water, shooting into the air. "That damn brat!" He takes off in the direction of the earthling's hideout. Looks like Vegeta figured out the truth all on his own, only you're not entirely sure how.
You chase after him, heading to the cave. But it's too late. They're already long gone. Vegeta murmurs various curse words under his breath, desperately trying to keep his temper in check. "Well, new plan. Y/N, you're going to babysit the Dragon Balls. While I have a play date to get to." He shoots back up into the air. "No one makes a mockery of me and gets to live to tell about it!"
"Wait! Vegeta!" You shout. "I don't know where you put them."
"That sounds like a you problem, little sister!" Vegeta takes off, escaping your view.
He's such an asshole. "This is going to take forever." You wine before taking off in your own pursuit. Only you're searching for several inanimate objects that lack a power level. If you wanna find those Dragon Balls, you'll have to think like Vegeta. So if you were Vegeta, you'd want to leave them somewhere secure, but where he'd be able to remember their location. With the land formations on Namek, the only place that makes sense is a cave system.
It was a shot in the dark, one that eventually paid off. You finally found those damn orbs. You sit down on one of the Dragon Balls. These orbs are much larger than the set on Earth. You sigh, placing your hands on the sides of your face. The reality of your situation has just set in. You could've very well run into Freiza, and that would've been game over for you. You could've died. You'll get back at Vegeta. Maybe you'll scare him half to death, make him think you did, in fact, die. The look on his face would be priceless.
Now you're bored. At times like this, you miss having Raditz to banter with or even having Nappa to mock. You have been wondering something for a while. Frieza must be running low on henchmen by now. Dodoria and Zarbon are dead, and you and Vegeta have taken out a fair share of his soldiers. You're also sure the earthlings have taken out a couple of those imbeciles as well. So isn't this about the time where Frieza will call for enforcements if he hasn't already?
You can sense a mass cluster of energy approaching Namek. The Ginyu Force, that's the only possible explanation. How didn't you come to this conclusion sooner? This is bad. This is really bad. From a glance, they appear to be a bunch of idiots, but they are far from that. Well, for the most part. Recoome may have suffered from some sort of brain damage.
This situation is far from ideal. You're all alone on Namek, and now the Ginyu force is running loose. Hopefully, they'll split up. If you encounter Jace, you'll probably be able to sweet-talk your way out, but if it's any of the other four, you're screwed. 
You stop mid-panic. The perfect opportunity has just arisen. One that will make Vegeta eat his words, the perfect vengeance plan. He's probably going mad now. Filled with regret for leaving you alone now that the Ginyu Force is here. Oh, this will be good. You fly up, making a little burrow in a nearby hill. Hiding in the structure. This will give that dimwit brother of yours a good scare.
Meanwhile, with Bulma and Raditz:
Krillin and Gohan left a while ago, leaving the explosive pair alone in the ravine. This was poor thinking on Krillin's part. Raditz and Bulma had managed to avoid interaction while Bulma spruced up the hideout, making it more comfortable according to Earth standards. Instead of sitting at the table with Bulma, the Saiyan has placed himself on the stone floor with the Dragon Ball placed strategically beside him.
Bulma lets out an exaggerated sigh. It's taken all of Raiditz's energy not to kill that woman. He's honestly surprised with the extent of his own self-control. "I still can't believe Gohan and Krillin. They left me all alone. On an alien planet. With you." Is this how all Earth women behave? Do they just whine and complain all day? Raditz hopes that isn't the case. Maybe Bulma is just an irregularity. 
Raditz shuts his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Do you ever stop complaining?"
"I'm a delicate flower Raditz. While you're a disgusting pig. I have the right to complain." Raditz snickers. If anyone's a disgusting pig, it's Bulma. She has the worst cleanliness he's ever seen. She never picks up after herself and then displaces her mess on others. She wouldn't last a day with Vegeta. One look at her uncleanly living quarters would cause the prince to throw a fit. 
"A delicate flower that wanted to bang Zarbon."
"How was I supposed to know he'd turn all hideous? He was cute before."
Raditz cringes. Zarbon was a repulsive creature, no matter what form he possessed. "You must really love that boyfriend of yours, huh?" Yamcha may be dead, but from what Raditz has gathered, they're planning on reviving him. Unless do earthlings not mate for life as Saiyans do? That's a possibility Raditz hasn't considered yet.
Bulma's expression sours, her eyes narrowing at the taller man. "Yamcha was a stupid jerk who got himself killed." She crosses her arms. "I'm still mad at him." 
Raditz furrows his brows, his mouth hung agape. "You know what. Remember how I said we did you a favor after we killed Yamcha. I've changed my mind now."
"Wow. Have you finally come to your senses?"
Raditz nods, a faint smirk ghosting his lips. "Oh, yes. Rather than you, I think we did Yamcha a massive favor."
Bulma proceeds to chew him out, which of course, the Saiyan ignores, rolling his eyes at the woman. Raditz holds up the orb, staring at it intently. If he were to bludgeon the Earth woman with this. How angry would the others be? It's a tough call for the Saiyan.
"Are you even listening to me?" Bulma shrieks as Raditz bangs his head against the rock. She's about to shout at him again, but three figures land in the ravine. Two of the creatures are Gohan and Krillin, while the third is unfamiliar. 
Raditz stands up, looking up at the third silhouette. "Vegeta? What the hell are you doing here?"
"We need that Dragon Ball." Raditz picks up on Krillin's use of we. What could possibly be so dire to cause them to work together? Maybe hell has frozen over. Because that's the only explanation that Raditz could fathom.
"For what?"
"We don't have time for this, you imbecile!" Vegeta huffs. "The Ginyu Force is here!" 
The larger Saiyan's eyes widen as he rabidly looks around. "Where's Y/N?"
"I left---" Vegeta's face drops, a twinkle of panic in his eyes. That's something Raditz has never seen from him in over twenty years. "God damn it!" Vegeta takes off, Raditz following him in pursuit. 
Krillin sighs, picking up the Dragon Ball. "Thanks, Bulma. Let's go, Gohan." Gohan nods before they both take off.
"Hey! Wait!" Bulma shouts. "You guys can't just leave me here! Again!"
What is Y/N's  true fate? Will Vegeta and the others find her in time? Or will it be too late? And where the hell is Goku? All will be revealed in the next chapter of The Princess of all Saiyans!
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yolkyeomie · 4 years
Lost Zephyrs | Bang Chan
summary — you’ve got the worst luck in the history of the world, but it seems as though a miracle has finally been bestowed upon you
word count — 2.4k words
pairing — chan x gender neutral!reader
genre — genshin impact au, fluff, reader is not the smartest person in the world
disclaimer — !! Small mentions of death/injuries !! I’ve been obsessed with genshin impact for the entire week and it stopped me writing. so I decided do make an au out of it to get me out of the slump, please enjoy !! (I explain most of the genshin content for readers who aren’t players :D !!)
tags — @fluffyskzclub
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You knew you had the worst luck of them all. You've been constantly reminded of the fact that things didn't go your way no matter how hard you tried, so you think you would have learned your lesson by now right?
Somehow, you were wrong. Excruciatingly wrong in fact. It didn't matter who you told you— your friends, strangers, anyone —you always seem to think that maybe one day something would go your way. If it never did then you'd simply force the world to bend to your knees and allow you to proceed on with life like any other normal person. Most of the time that didn't happen and today was one of those days.
You should have known that traveling across the nations of Teyvat would be a dangerous journey, alone at that. So many monsters, so many evil people, would be out to cause trouble to anyone whose fate crossed their path. But you thought you were fine! After easily skipping across the land of Mondstadt without any help from strangers, slinking past monsters, and quietly napping any interesting treasures along the way, you had gotten too cocky.
Eventually, along your travels you had gotten your map of the world completely blown away in the middle of terrible weather after entering the nation of Liyue, finding yourself somewhere near Wuwang Hill. Then just when you had saved yourself from monsters near the bridge to Wangshu Inn, your sword completely snapped in half. The blade getting cut clean off after a Cryo slime froze it and broke it.
You were lucky enough that you had been able to rush into Wangshu Inn but now you were stuck without a weapon and a map of the landscape ahead of you.
Any sane person would stop their journey to stock back up on everything they've lost, but you didn't want to. You were a rather restless person and desperately wanted to reach the capitol, Liyue Harbor, as quickly as you could so you set off anyways, severely underestimated the distance between Wangshu Inn and the capitol.
That's how you ended up where you are, desperately running in the storming weather as fast as your legs would take you away from the hilichurl camp you had accidentally stumbled upon. It was never easy seeing those masked, primitive creatures armed with clubs and bows and ready for the attack but usually you were unphased. You were a traveler! You saw them all the time in Mondstadt and they are a common monster found throughout Teyvet.
But right now you were an unarmed, feeble traveler with no map and no strength to fight them off. They'd pounce on you the moment you stopped running.
"Why won't they give up!" You yell over the pounding rain, nearly tumbling over your own two feet with a strike of lightning hit the ground somewhere not too far off. You didn't even bother trying to check and see where the lightning was with the thunder roaring across the land and the hilichurl's arrows being aimlessly shot at you. It would be a death sentence trying to take a moment to look at your surroundings at this point.
You would have tried to use your elemental powers to fight back but you couldn't. You spent all that time trying to perfect the element of Ameno back in Mondstadt since it was known as the city of freedom and for its god of the winds, Barbatos, but you had used up all your energy trying to fight to save your life after you lost your sword. Truly, you were in the worst situation and it didn't feel like your luck was going to get any better from here.
Once you finally had a moment to rest, even for a second, you might be able to muster up the strength and energy to send a blast of wind toward the hilichurls. One little gust of your Anemo would send them flying and you'd finally be safe.
Rest, rest. You needed rest, but where? Where could you possibly find rest out away from the rain and hilichurls in this long stretch of land?
"You know what," you told yourself, still struggling to hear yourself as another lightning bolt strikes the ground and thunder rumbles through the air. "I should just try, if I ran fast enough they'll be long behind me and it'll give me enough time to regain my strength and blast them away."
You had to psych yourself up for it, not confident in your strength and not confident in your odds against the world, but you had to try. If the world decided you had enough karma now, maybe you'd be okay by the end of it.
Though it seemed like it wasn't enough, as you were quickly approaching an awfully large cliff that cut off your path to safety. You could climb but in this condition? In this weather? You'd probably fall straight to your doom.
With nowhere else to run, you forced yourself to pick up the page before turning on your heel and facing your opponents. Your eyes grew wide and a scream threatened to fly out your mouth at the sight of the hilichurls running towards you, their clubs swinging wildly through the air and their bows pointing straight at your chest. You were lucky that not a singular mitachurl was following you though, you would have been dead long ago.
"Here goes nothing," you mumble as you hold out your hand, desperately summoning the wind around you to be focused into the palm of your hand. Just when your body felt like it was going to collapse, a blast of wind exploded from your hands and slammed straight into the hilichurls that followed you. The rain was sucked up into your wind vertex and splattered against the already drenched hilichurls, sending them flying through the air defenseless.
You wanted to cheer for your small victory, but there was no chance to do it when the hilichurls that hadn't been blown away were still standing. "Oh, come on!" You yelped, falling to your knees from the strain you had placed on your body, unable to fight against the crossbows that were pointed at you. You shielded yourself as best as you could to save yourself from the oncoming attacks, opting that you'd rather go out seeing nothing and hearing everything instead of the opposite.
Yet inside of hearing the screeching arrows being shot and stung into your flesh, instead of hearing the hilichurls growl and cackle at their victory over another frail traveler, you hear something different. Their yelps of pain echoed through the air as the rain began to let up, their bows crashing to the ground and their cackles going panicked at their sudden change of plans.
Curious over the turn of events, you peered around your arms to catch a glimpse of the fairytale-like scene before you. A boy stood in the middle of the hilichurls with a victorious dimpled smile, soaking wet in the now light rain and swinging a large red and black greatsword like it was the lightest object in the world. His movements were messy and slow but his sword dealt enough damage to frighten the hilichurls into a tactical retreat.
The boy tried to get in an extra hit by taunting the monsters for their cowardice before he slammed his greatsword into the ground, rocks flying away from the heavy sword's collision. After a moment to himself, laughing at whatever words that had come out of his mouth, he turned to you. His brown eyes flashed from fiery excitement to immediate worry at your condition, quickly giving you a one over before rushing to your side.
"Are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice, falling to his knees and grabbing your hands. Around his wrist jingled a bracelet of some sort, charmed with different and unique trinkets. Though the most notable one being the large, glowing yellow crystal hanging in the center of the trinkets, a swirling symbol of earth inside of the crystal. You knew exactly what that symbol was, the symbol of Geo, the earth element famously found throughout Liyue. "I couldn't help but barge in, it seemed like you needed help."
"I am," you quickly tell him, awkwardly snatching your hands away from him after realizing he was checking to see if you suffered any wounds. "I mean, I'm fine. I definitely needed help though, thank you for saving me."
"No problem," he nodded, his smile stretching across his face and his dimples growing even deeper. "I saw you from over there after you sent that gust of wind toward the hilichurls. Had you not done that, I wouldn't even have noticed you through that thick downpour." The boy told you, pointing across the way towards the cliffs not too far from you.
He must have climbed down from there to reach you, but that would have been a rather tedious process. Maybe he jumped instead?
"Ah, you saw that?" You quietly asked, embarrassed to be caught weak and defenseless by what seemed to be a fellow traveler. When he innocently nodded his head, you let your head fall to your hands. "Gosh... that's so embarrassing... that means you saw me running away from those hilichurl and everything didn't you?"
The boy shrugged, "as I said, I didn't see you until the gust of wind." He explained.
"Did I just out myself on running away?" You cringed, mentally slamming your head with one of the hilichurl clubs. You were just letting anything fall out of your mouth now, huh? And to a total stranger at that! "This is even more embarrassing! I'm sorry, forget I ever said that, erase that from your memory."
He laughed at your words, slicking back his drenched purple hair as the rain finally stopped. "Don't worry! It's like that sometimes, even I've run away from a hilichurl or two once in my life. Especially those samachurls, creepy little things they are, especially with the fact that they can control elements."
"You too?" You gasped, jumping up to attention at your shared fears. "I hate those devils! Hydro samachurls that heal the other hilichurls, they make everything else so... so difficult."
"So you have fought hilichurls before," he teased, tapping the glowing light teal crystal that dangled down your neck in a pendant. Like the boy, you too had a symbol that displayed the element you had been gifted, giving away the fact that you could control Anemo as if the gust of wind from your hands wasn't enough of a dead giveaway. "With the way your knees buckled from sending one meek blast at them, I would have thought this was your first time seeing them."
"It is not!" You defended, jumping up to your feet and feeling energy course through your body once more. All you needed was one quick rest and you were back to your normal self. "I'm a full blown traveler! I had just been running from those hilichurls for a while now, I didn't have enough strength to create a whole tornado or something to save myself."
"What full blown traveler walks across Liyue without a weapon in tow?" The boy pointed out, gesturing toward your empty scabbards hanging around your waist. "Liyue, while very beautiful, is a very dangerous place to go on your own, especially without a weapon or two to project yourself."
You bit your lip, fidgeting with the pendant around your neck as you tried to sugarcoat your situation. "Well... I did have a sword when I first came here from Mondstadt but things... happened... and by the time I reached Wangshu Inn I had no sword."
"Wangshu Inn?" He gasped, "but that's so far away from here, how'd you even make it this far?"
"Barbatos was on my side, I guess," you shrugged, not knowing the answer to his question. It's a literal miracle that you hadn't died. "I was going to try and make my way as close to Liyue Harbor as possible since that was my original destination but I lost my map before I even got into the nation so... I'm kinda... all over the place right now."
"You sure are, you're nowhere near Liyue Harbor right now. In fact, I'd say you're closer to Wangshu Inn than the city." The boy explained, completely catching you off guard. Not even close to your destination? You spent all this time running and fighting through the terrain of Liyue and ended up almost exactly where you started."
"What? But I thought I had been following a clear path before the hilichurls attacked. So if I'm not near Liyue...," you began, twisting and turning in every direction as you tried to make sense of your location. "Then where am I?"
"If you climbed up the cliffs? You'd be standing in Jueyun Kurst, and mere mortals can't just walk into Jueyun Kurst." The boy explained, pointing to a path you could have taken had you not been chased by monsters. "It's going to take a while for you to even reach Guili Plains now, this place only gets more secluded the deeper you head into the mountains."
Had you survived the attack from the hilichurls, you would have gotten lost within Jueyun Kurst. Your luck was absolutely horrendous at the moment, the mere fact that the Geo boy had come and saved you was a miracle.
"If you want, I can take you to Liyue?" He offered, both of you catching each other's eyes almost immediately. After a moment of pure silence, he let out a nervous laugh and anxiously ran his hands through his hair. "I mean, I have friends who live in Liyue! They can help you get a new sword and a map... and I'm also sorta heading towards Liyue Harbor in a sense? So I think it'll just benefit the both of us! Yeah..."
You couldn't help but giggle at his actions, taking note of the evident flushing of his cheek that even the boy didn't seem to notice. "I'd like that very much. I feel a lot safer running around Liyue with a partner instead of on my own. Thank you...?"
"Chan," he informed you, his smile shining as he finally properly introduced himself. "I'm Bang Chan, but usually I just get called Chan... it doesn't matter which one you use though. I'm fine with anything."
"Chan," you repeated, making sure his name and face were permanently engraved in your mind. "I'm Y/N. Thank you, Chan, for being my guide around Liyue. Now shall we get going? It was raining a few minutes ago and we're soaking wet, don't want to catch a cold while we're on the road, do we?"
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meetthetf2hacker · 3 years
💻Hacker Fact #21💻
With over a decade of martial arts training, Hacker is the undisputed queen of melee combat. She's proven herself capable of defeating every other merc in a square fight. However, those fights are not made equal. There are some mercs whose matches were hard-won victories and others that were never a contest to begin with. On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being the easiest, 5 being the hardest), here is the definitive ranking of each merc's match up against Hacker. Note that these match ups are decided through physical prowess only—no weapons or environmental hazards to exploit.
Scout: He's definitely got a height advantage, and that makes him cocky. Overconfidence aside, he's naturally scrappy and lightning fast, but he frustrates easily if a fight isn't going his way. He's got a fair amount of muscle, but his runner's build means he's easy to topple. Predictable and easy to bait. One sweep to his legs or a sturdy grapple, and he's toast. Hacker has a tendency to underestimate him, though, and if he's smart enough about it, he can get a one-up on her. 3/5
Soldier: Easily the least predictable of the lot. He's got actual hand-to-hand combat training and a sizeable advantage in height and weight. They spar a lot, but he switches up his techniques often enough that she has to choose her moves wisely to get the upper hand. 5/5
Pyro: Without their weapons or environmental hazards to exploit, they don't fare well. They might get a one-in-a-million lucky hit, but they're the easiest merc to put down in melee combat. 1/5
Demoman: He's got height and weight on his side, for sure. His sturdy frame and reasonable amount of strength makes him dangerous if she's not careful, but his lack of technique makes him easy to outpace. He might be prone to sudden bursts of strength, but he's got a glaring blind spot (lol) to exploit. As long as she's paying attention, she can handle him. 3/5
Heavy: Like Soldier, he's a triple threat of advantages: height, weight, and experience. He might be slow, but he only has to catch her once. She has to be on her A game, or he'll easily wipe the floor with her. By far her favorite to fight. 5/5
Engineer: His stocky frame makes him hard to knock down, and he's got more power than meets the eye. He's more observant than some of the other mercs, which makes cheesy moves difficult to execute. His grip is surprisingly strong, and his grapples are challenging to get out of. If he were just a few inches taller, he'd be a much greater threat. 3/5
Sniper: He picked a job away from the action for a reason, but he's not a slouch. He has a significant height advantage and power to his punches, but he can be grappled or swept easily. Really only a threat if he catches her off guard. 3/5
Spy: He's got height and experience, but his old age means he's not as strong or fast as he used to be. His wiry frame makes him difficult to grapple, but it only takes a couple of powerful strikes to put him down. The greatest challenge in fighting him is accurately predicting his next move. 2/5
Medic: Height and weight are on his side. Surprisingly fast and powerful, but has a few glaring weak spots that are easy to exploit. Get him in the jaw, and he's down for the count. 2/5
Bonus! Miss Pauling: Relies on technique over power or speed. Lesser opponents might underestimate her, but Hacker knows well enough not to let Pauling get the drop on her. If she gets the upper hand, it's a challenge to wrest it from her. 4/5
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xiaolindude · 4 years
what are the worst takes you’ve ever seen on rai and how would you refute them?
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‘he whines until he gets what he wants’
... when? That’s my first thought shajdhshd. Like when did he ever do that? He complained about not being made Apprentice and was super salty about it, I’ll give you that, but then he left and joined Wuya (boo, bad Rai) and then, after he’d fixed his mistakes, saved the world and taken responsibility for what he did, he turned down the promotion to Apprentice because he didn’t feel like he deserved it. He then spent several episodes working to earn the title. How is that whining until he gets what he wants?
So yeah, I really don’t understand this one. If anyone has any real examples of it happening, please tell me. Maybe I’ve just overlooked it? Or maybe this IS just a Bad Take shdhhff
‘he didn’t deserve to be leader’
This is WRONG Y’ALL. Of course he deserved it. He worked his ASS off. he’s the one that came up with the plans (plural) that got them through that finale and fixed Omi’s mistakes. He’s compassionate, intelligent, very tactical, capable of things the others aren’t... you know what, my last answer gives more detail on why he absolutely does deserve to be the leader, so I’ll leave this here.
‘his ‘leadership skills’ came out of nowhere in the last couple of episodes and were OOC’
nOOOOO. THIS is the dumbest shit. Like y’all can have your opinions but?? This is just plain WRONG, bc if you watch the show, hints about his leadership qualities are everywhere, even as early as Season 1. If someone came at me saying this, I’d refute it by providing evidence to the contrary, giving specific examples from specific episodes. For example:
His ability to learn from his mistakes immediately, work hard, digest information incredibly quickly and put it into practice, think tactically and use his opponents advantages against them is shown as early as 1x05, Shen Yi Bu, when he researches an alternate version of the Showdowns that even Omi (who has lived and studied this stuff his whole life) and Dojo (1500 year old dragon who was there while half this stuff was invented) didn’t even know about.
His ability to think fast and outside of the box to come up with solutions that no one else thinks of is showcased in that same episode. Literally 5 episodes into the show and he’s already showing potential leadership qualities. This is also shown tons of other times, but a notable example is in The Demon Seed, where he quickly makes the best of a bad situation during his Showdown with Gigi and actually twists it in his favour with his quick wit.
Following on from that, every Showdown he wins, he wins by thinking it through. Not through brawn, not through force. He wins by having thought out tactics beforehand and/or showing incredibly quick thinking during the event
Rai has always been good for the team morale. He is fun and supportive and encourages a lighter mood, which helps the team keep their stress down, feel better and work better as a result
He was shown to understand the monks very very quickly, often predicting their words and actions. This shows that he is perceptive and knows his team mates. This is shown in the first couple of episodes when he knows to bet on Kimiko even when everyone else is betting against her. (There are other examples in Season 1, too, but that’s the one that first came to mind).
Rai was intelligent in ways that the other monks just weren’t. Don’t get me wrong, they’re all amazing and smart, I know that. But Rai had... a darker intelligence, almost. This knowledge of manipulation and trickery and the value of being sneaky. He can do (and is willing to do) things that the others can’t or won’t. I don’t think anyone else could’ve pulled off that con against Hannibal the way Rai did, for example. And no one else has shown the kind of street smart thinking that Rai has in various episodes (Pandatown springs to mind immediately)
Despite his cocky demeanour (which I’m sure literally everyone realises is a mask, especially since Dream Stalker basically told us so), he’s capable of humility. In fact, he underestimates himself. Not an ideal quality, I grant you that, but it’s better than being overconfident. Because at least his self doubt leads to him sometimes overcompensating (for examples, see Shen Yi Bu and Pandatown). 
He puts the team’s needs above his own. Literally all you need to do is watch Time After Time to see that. There are other instances but the most glaring, perhaps, is that he was willing to drink the Lao Mang Lone soup to give the others a chance, willing to sacrifice himself without even batting an eye.
He’s able to direct people and delegate. When he’s given space to work (i.e. whenever Omi is absent from the team, such as in Saving Omi), Rai naturally takes charge. He doesn’t commandeer the team but he does help give the others direction, makes sure everyone is heard, and can delegate tasks. These things all seem to come naturally to him. He’s able to delegate because he respects his team and doesn’t underestimate everyone else - he understands their strengths and weaknesses and knows how to use them.
His mental agility is fantastic. He’s very quick to adapt, easily changeable and can do well in many different environments and scenarios. That’s shown consistently throughout the series. I’d say one of his most obvious qualities is this adaptability. He’s a quick learner and, like I’ve said, this includes learning from his mistakes.
He is kind. He values doing the right thing above superfluous other things, like proving a point or a sense of duty or honour. It doesn’t matter to him - he will do the right thing, and often, he’ll do it in an intelligent/tactical way (e.g. Bird of Paradise).
He’s brave! It goes without saying. They’re all brave, but he’s also brave on a deeper level, having been possessed, manipulated, had his head invaded multiple times. Think how damaging that must be, and yet, he’s still a strong guy (emotionally and otherwise) and doesn’t let it break him. He’s brave in a battle sense, but in an emotional sense, too.
He’s always growing. Even in the first Rai-centric episode (1x05), he goes through character development. He grows because he’s open to change and he knows he can always improve. He’s never static.
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nikkywrites · 4 years
hand in marriage prompt
Prompt: “Explain how you eldest child of the kingdom’s rulers, disguised yourself as a suitor and fought for your own hand in marriage in a competition, and won” by @writing-prompt-s
Minor spelling/grammar edits.
Your father’s hands shake behind the podium when he announces the competition. It is an age old custom, one that has fallen out of practice but one that is being revived in an attempt to win back the people’s favor.
They are on the verge of a revolution, a coup. Granting people a chance at the throne is the only way to settle them, keep peace.
Disaster will strike if any of them take the throne.
You’re sitting pretty at his side, smiling demurely at the crowds before you like your mother taught you. Heat swells in your palms as you listen to the barely-even tone of your father’s voice.
The crowd cheers jovially, each hoping that they will be the one to take the throne. His speech ends and you all retreat back to the castle, your youngest brother tugging at your skirts with wide-eyes, wondering why your father’s shoulders collapsed down as soon as he was out of sight of the public.
“It’s all right, John,” you soothe him, a burning determination taking root in your chest. “I’ll fix this.”
You pry his fingers off and pass him to his caregiver, and he goes off to change out of the stifling clothes. You jog up your father with skirt bunched in your fists.
“Father,” you speak conversationally, ever wary of prying ears and slowing to match his pace. “Would it be all right if I entered a person of my choosing into the competition?”
His eyes spark like lightning when he looks at you, frowns. “That defeats the purpose,” he says, although you recognize careful royal-bound wording when you hear it. “You cannot choose your groom. It is too risky.”
“I won’t be choosing anyone,” you reply, nodding. “Stack the odds against them, if you must, but the others will be invigorated knowing that they are not the one in my favor.”
He mulls over your words, eyes running over the expansive halls. “I do not choose who makes it in,” his eyes settle forwards and he avoids looking at you. “But the Gamemaker will be having a luncheon with us the day after next.”
Being royal has taught you many things — the order of silverware, how to smile in the face of political ruin, how to word insults like compliments and how to decode the unspoken.
You stumble a step and fan your face. “I’ve been feeling a little warm, lately.” Your stride falters and fails to match his, dragging you behind as you tug at the tight wrap of your corset. “Must I be present at the luncheon?”
“I’ll make the servants aware that you’ll be retired to your rooms.”
He continues on to whatever he’s going — most likely to plan out the competition stages, speak with the Gamemaker to begin choosing eligible men. You turn and walk to your rooms, gait long and even.
There’s a hidden drawer in your closet. Hidden behind the puffiest of your dresses, there is a shelf of plainer clothes, borish pants and loose-fitting shirts. Peasant clothes. Boy clothes. A stack of caps that hide the length of your hair and the pristine golden sheen of it.
They’re not the clothes you go to change into, instead sliding into your riding clothes and tying your hair away from your face in an updo the public would gasp at the messiness of.
For appearances, you’re supposed to be regulated to your room, playing sick. You sneak into the stables and to a young guard you’ve sort of befriended who works there. He has his own horse, a gangly mare named Sandy that doesn’t compare to the royal-bred horses, but she’s sweet and she’s fast and that’s enough for her to stay.
She’s the horse you practice hard riding on. You’re taught proper side saddle riding from your tutor, but the guard has taught you how to gallop across a field while making yourself a small target. He teaches you how men ride horses.
Men like the ones who will compete for your hand in a week’s time.
After riding, you practice archery. You’re strained, and your fingers shake, but if you can hit a bullseye like this, it’ll be easier when you have a steady hand.
During luncheon, you sneak out of your room and switch a name from the jar. It’s a boy’s name, completely ambiguous and too common to pinpoint to a specific house on a week’s notice. It is one that’s carefully picked, and when they are announced at the end of the week, you don’t smile any more or less for that name than you do the others.
Thankfully, you’re not obligated to be present, and, even if you were, you have a loyal maid who is similar in feature, enough to fool anyone at a distance. You keep up your charade of sickness, while you slip on your boyish clothes, dusted brown from when you had a maid rub it in the dirt. Only those who lived in the palace had pristine white on their clothes. The leather covers it up quite well, though.
There are three legs to the completion. Riding, and mounted archery in the first, to emulate a hunt, although the targets stand still. The second leg is battle tactics, a game to test one’s strategic thinking, how they would manage armies in the face of war. The third is a fight among those who remain.
The competition is hard.
It’s supposed to be, of course, they’re competing for your hand and your father’s crown. That doesn’t make it any easier, but you have an advantage they don’t. You’ve been training, and that guard is a good teacher, or maybe you’re just a fast learner.
But you outrace and outshoot them in the first leg, grinning cockily and fighting the urge to blow a kiss to the losers.
Of the twenty men who joined, you among them, sixteen pass the first test. The war game is where many fail, underestimating a threat or losing too many troops. That one is easy for you, effortless. The number of men left is halved.
In the final part, most of them want your head. You realize that you should have held back some, in previous matches, to not make yourself such a large target, but it is too late now. It’s a bracket system where only the winners proceed and the peasants pay a week’s wage to watch (and bet on) who will become their next King.
You all fight in turns until only one is left. The sword you are given is steel, heavy and too long, unbalanced in your hand. Your first opponent — you will beat him, at the very least — seems happy to see how you struggle.
You’re the third pair to square off, and though he is bigger, you are faster. Your blades clash and you twist so your blade swings around to rest against his neck. It is over quickly.
You eye the other matches, your opponents and how you can defeat them. The one you had faced in your first match appears to not have been one of the more skilled ones. Pity.
As you step back into the ring for your second match, you become aware of the throb in your wrist. Using the wrong blade and swinging it a little too swiftly, making so you had to abruptly pull back so you didn’t chop off your opponent’s head had taken it’s toll.
You ignore the subtle pain and clench your jaw, doubling as a means to focus and a way to harden out the shape of it. You will not lose, no matter which stops you have to pull.
Even if you must rely on your family secret to save you.
It would be a dirty move to pull, knowing that they have no such talent and that if they did, they would have strategically dropped out in one of the earlier matches. It would be impossible for them to hide their non-humanness from their wife for the rest of their lives.
No. The only ones left were those who wished to take the throne of the King and you, who wanted that seat to remain empty until you decide otherwise.
You will not bow to tradition.
Invigorated, you meet your next opponent in the middle of the ring, spotting how his veins run thick in his hands, weathered from fighting. You narrow your eyes and lift your chin — needless, as you’re not much shorter than any of them there, and you were actually taller than some, something that’s a bane to a girl.
The start is called and you move swiftly. You take careful care to watch your energy levels, making sure to conserve some for your fight, the final one. The man before you, red-faced and ruddy, is merely another obstacle for you to overcome.
His cockiness becomes his weakness, him taking too-big swings that you easily dodge, sneaking in to press your blade to his throat, pressing so drops of blood swell over the edge and drip. Injuries were only frowned upon if major, this was nothing, a scratch that would quickly heal. A measure to remove doubt as you’d left your last opponent spotless.
When Kings were brought to war, when they got so desperate, there was no choice but to spill blood.
The last fight is where things go wrong.
This man is tall, corded with muscle and comfortable with the blade in his hand. His breath comes easily and he appears not to be at all winded, but he must for he won against two others.
Your flaw in this fight is underestimating him and not ducking far enough. He swipes the cap from your head and your hair is visible.
That is the moment that the winner is decided.
Rage leaps up in your throat, pushed by the fear that you’ll be disqualified, and fire rages from your hands and travels the length of your sword to meet your opposer’s arm.
He screams as he loses, dropping the heated blade in his hand, patting at the melting flesh of his arm. You stare at referee stoically, hair hanging in your face, giving him your best glare as he stutters out his results.
“The winner of the princess’ hand...” he shakes, still looking at you and hoping his words won’t cost him his head, watching crowd silent at the new turn, breaths held, “is the princess.”
There is no cheering, no booing, just echoing silence.
You match into the throne room after, loosely circled by guards and the referee. You don’t bother to change into a dress, barely bother to comb your hair out of your face.
Your father needs to hear what you’ve done.
By tradition, you wait outside the door. The referee stutters something about unprecedention, a surprise, what they should do. You can feel your father’s worry through the door.
He recognizes you when you step into the room, still boyish with your clenched jaw and narrow eyes, daring anyone to say anything about your current state of dress.
His face breaks out in relief.
Your family secret is still safe. Your bloodline not to be sullied by mortal blood. Later, your partner will be of your choosing and of your species. You won that right squarely and you will fight again if anyone challenges it.
You are coronated a moon’s phase later. You wear your hair long, some loose and some intricately braided, following tradition in every way but one. When the time comes for the crown to be upon your head, you don’t wear the crown of Queen.
The pastor coronates you with your father’s crown.
You are both Queen and King, until you decide to bequest one of the titles to another.
Until than, your kingdom is yours and no one else’s.
I remember having a hard time keeping this a prompt. Still kind have the urge to do something bigger on this premise, specifically with the inhuman ruling family twist, but I don’t know if it’ll happen.
This is a good run down of how it would be, though. Still good as a prompt.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Fem!Human fighter x Gods please! ❤️
Except for round 2,don't do that=)
-Thor- At first he was a bit annoyed, thinking you were going to be weak, seeing a human female of all things. You quickly proved him wrong, despite being a human and a woman, you had him on his toes for the majority of the fight. While you couldn’t match him in strength, your speed made you a dangerous opponent, one that gave him a challenge. When he finally smiled, getting serious, you smirked, telling him not to hold back. He didn’t, but neither did you and by the end of the fight you were being carried out by him, as he wanted to keep you close, finding new respect for humans, especially if more were feisty like you.
-Poseidon- Saw you as beneath him until you managed to not only steal, but break his trident as well, mocking him, “Take this seriously why don’t you? Or are you scared?” your sass awakened something in Poseidon, and he went on the attack in hand-to-hand combat but was stunned when you were able to keep up with him. When you were announced the winner at the end, you grinned down at him, offering him a hand, “C’mon handsome, you and me need to have a rematch later!” You were truly an unusual human, but he surprised all by taking your hand and keeping ahold of it, not willing to let you go.
-Hercules- Was furious to see his opponent was a woman, not that he didn’t think you could fight, but he had an honor code, one he held highly and hurting women was near the top of that list! He told you that he didn’t want to hurt you and your bright eyes and warm grin seemed to soothe him as your fists came to your hips, “I’m a warrior first, cutie- so don’t hold back!” he was shocked by your flirtation but inhaled deeply and gave you a firm nod, willing to respect you to fight seriously! He was stunned when he lost as you collapsed to your rear next to him, “What a workout! That was so much fun!!” he grinned, agreeing with you before he got to his feet, “C’mon, lets go get something to eat.” You cheered, making him laugh before heading backstage together.
-Shiva- Shiva was cocky at first, sending winks and flirts up to his wives while dodging you, not taking things seriously before you managed to blow him back head over heels, shocking everyone as you pouted, “Stop flirting and fight me seriously!” he did so and was impressed with your skills, able to stand up to his strength, taking his blows like nothing. While you lost, you earned his respect, thanking you for giving him such a challenge before he carried you out himself. He laughed as you asked him why he had three wives, “I just have a lot of love to give! Speaking of- want to be number four?” your bright red face and shy reaction, smacking him had him roaring with laughter.
-Hajun- If you were scared he couldn’t smell it, or even sense it, as you faced him with a bright grin on your face, surprising the king of the demons as you spun your bo-staff around your neck expertly, “Let’s give these people a show, big guy!” your cockiness annoyed him, a small glare appearing on his face before he charged! You were not being cocky, you were a fierce warrior, able to beat him down and he kneeled before you, submitting to the superior fighter, but was stunned when you beamed up at him, “That was so much fun!! Let’s fight again soon!” he picked you up, as you were now his queen, which confused you as he carried you out of the arena, but you weren’t bothered, you could handle yourself.
-Hades- Was respectful to you, as he had seen in the earlier matches that humans were not to be underestimated and despite being a woman, he knew that you weren’t going to be an exception. Halfway through the fight you proved him right, backing him into a corner despite being injured yourself, you weren’t letting up. He blocked one of your blows, his eyes bright, having fun, “Why do you fight for humanity?” your smile was full of life, “Because someone has to! We’re not going without a fight!” and you didn’t, being declared the winner and you earned his respect. He took your hand, holding onto it as you shook hands before he spoke, “If all of humanity is as stubborn as you are- then you’re all gonna win.” You beamed brightly, thanking him before heading to the infirmary together so you could eat afterwards.
-Beelzebub- Looked almost bored when you walked out, gloomy if you had to pick a word, while you were smiling brightly, looking like sunshine. He tried to end the match quickly, but you weren’t going down without a fight, actually surprising him with your tenacity, managing to hold your own against him for most of the fight. Despite being announced the winner, Beelzebub was humble, thanking you, “I haven’t felt such joy in so long.” You beamed up at him, “Then let’s keep the ball rolling and go get something to eat!” your words shocked him but he chuckled, agreeing before helping you up and you exited together.
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tenshindon · 4 years
*waves* Hi, I'm Silver. I want to write Yamcha more accurately (he seems really nice?), but I haven't the time or money to buy the manga or episodes, so... any tips, I guess? Can you help me? Thank you 🌻💜
hiya !! i’m always happy to talk about yamcha and The Character Of yamcha :) gonna put my thoughts under a read more cause this Might be long:
I havent watched Z or Super in a while but I do watch and read through the original Dragon Ball often so accuracy May Vary due to my trash memory. I’m also going to try to keep the games’ depictions of him out of this since accuracy varies among those.
The first thing I wanna touch on is Yamcha’s ego- especially how it evolves over the series. The main thing to keep in mind is that while he is generally cocky about his fighting abilities (which is a major weakness of his as he underestimates his opponents often and gets in trouble because of that), he’s never overly confidant with himself as a person; he seldom tries to paint himself as a better person in comparison to others and rather keeps realistic skepticism about himself. It’s also worth noting that, depending on how old Yamcha is in your depiction, his awareness for his fighting inadequacy compared to his friends varies (the older he is obviously the more conscious he is).
Next thing I’ma talk bout is something that i see kind of treated inconsistently; Yamcha’s relationship with women and his love life. I feel like a lot of people forget that Yamcha’s defining character trait in Dragon Ball was his gynophobia- he chased Goku and his friends so long for the dragon balls so he could remedy his fear of women. Of course, he eventually does date Bulma as they realize dating each other would resolve their mutual wishes for Shenron (Bulma’s being getting a boyfriend and as mentioned before Yamcha’s fear of women). As we’re all aware though, nearly a decade later Yamcha and Bulma mysteriously separate, and the reason for doing so is never explicitly made clear in canon (I could honestly make a whole separate post on Bulma and Yamcha’s break up- there’s a lot to discuss with it so if anyone wants that let me know lmao). The majority believe that Yamcha was unfaithful which, in review of his whole character, makes literally no sense- even just subtracting his fear of women (though I’ll elaborate on that later). But back on track and in regards to his fear of women, it never fully goes away. It just so happens that he’s most comfortable around Bulma, and since Bulma’s the most prominent female character of the series we tend to forget his fear in the first place. When around other female characters, he’s subtlety more anxious- or at the very least he isn’t so much of a playboy as fanon interprets him to be. One final thing to note is- unless I remember the series wrong (and anyone’s free to correct me on this)- Yamcha’s never implied to have gotten another girlfriend or even a lover at any point. Of course it’s hard to track the intricacies of Yamcha’s life- this is a shonen anime where slice-of-life episodes are limited, and even then Yamcha is far from being a prominent character anymore (post Dragon Ball).
Up next is his loyalty/friendships, methods of handling conflict, and overall courage because in my rat brain these all go hand in hand. Nevertheless, Yamcha’s a devoted friend- he’s shown time and time again to be supportive of his pals and, even in spite of his shortcomings, always does his best to help the gang out. Like i touched on before, as Yamcha gets older, he’s more and more aware just how far behind in training he is in compared to his peers. But that doesn’t stop him from trying to fight off whatever threat’s present. So with that we can infer that even if Yamcha can’t be the absolute best, that’s not going to stop him from at least trying if it means helping his friends or making them feel better. Additionally, he’s quick to stand up for others, even if he doesn’t know them too well or even at all and he’s shown not to hold onto grudges. One thing to remember is that, presumably for 16 years, Yamcha’s only companion was Puar (that’s not even considering his life before meeting her) and most interactions he has with people involve robbing them. His social skills might not be the best (though that doesn’t mean he can’t act socially capable- he clearly has no issue trying to make Beerus feel comfortable and like a friend at Bulma’s party) but again, his social skills varies with age and the situation. But again, referring back to his readiness to defend others, he isn’t afraid of getting into conflict if it means helping someone else.
Last few topics I’m going to talk about are his relationships with property, finances, and goals- they seem like a small topics but I still want to talk about it. Now hopefully we’re all familiar with Yamcha’s beginnings of being a desert bandit- and seeing his methods of obtaining items, he didn’t try to charm his victims into giving him their stuff. He just took it if he could if he couldn’t intimidate them and retreated if he couldn’t get what he wanted (which is also noteworthy of Yamcha’s awareness of his limits- a bit contradictory to his fighting ego but it seems that if Yamcha’s certain he isn’t able to win something, then he’ll save himself if it means delaying a goal or staying alive). He doesn’t seem to mind playing the long game either, as he’s willing to tail Goku and co. for months as he waits for them to gather the dragon balls without ever letting his true intentions slip. When it comes to finances, Yamcha doesn’t seem to care to heavily about them: back in the desert, Puar mentions to Yamcha that he should wish for money to which Yamcha dismisses it quickly, stating he could just steal money if he really needed it. It’s also worth noting that despite being a successful baseball player by Super, Yamcha chooses to live in a modest apartment. Either he’s very paranoid with money and, despite having enough to buy a full house, chooses to live in a cheaper apartment building or he’s more comfortable with smaller living spaces- which makes sense since he’d lived nearly two decades in a desert cave and had to scavenge for supplies (plus he seems to still think fondly of the desert as he has a painting of such in his apartment).
For the TL;DR version of this post, here’s essentially what you should keep in mind when portraying yamcha:
He’s generally a very lax, simple, and sociable person when he wants to be- though a bit socially awkward when he isn’t prepared
He’s not egotistical, but he has a bad habit of underestimating his enemies at times. this changes over time of course.
While he’s not itching for conflict, he is loyal and quick to stand up for friends and strangers alike
He acknowledges he isn’t the best, but that doesn’t stop him from trying
He’s ambitious and seldom gives up on his goals
He cares little for huge amounts of wealth or property and generally is just trying to get by in life comfortably
While not cripplingly petrified of women post DB, he still maintains a mild anxiety around women he doesn’t know- even around women he does know pardon Bulma he’s still a bit on edge
I’m done with my character study using the anime and manga, but I like talking about Yamcha so below this little buffer I’m going to get into how the games portray him. I might’ve forgot something or got some things wrong so feel free to talk to me about that if you want to. Anyways, you can stop reading if the above is all you’re concerned with- regardless if you keep reading or not, I wish you the best of luck in writing Yamcha ! :)
If you’re still reading, join me in my continuous ramble of the Rubix cube of Yamcha’s character because Toei and Toriyama can’t be consistent.
Something that seems to be portrayed a significant amount is that Yamcha’s aware of his charm and that he uses this to advantage to smooth talk his way out of situations- not that he just so happens to be good looking and endearing and his panicked socialization just happens to work out for him. In regards to his way of talking out of situations, that’s honestly something I could see if Yamcha acknowledges he’s against a threat much greater than his fighting abilities will allow him to handle- and it’s not like he doesn’t consider himself attractive, if we’re to take his reaction to losing his tooth as anything (in case you aren’t aware, he curses Goku for ruining his “beautiful” face). An example of this is most prominent is his interaction with Frieza in FighterZ, where Frieza remarks that Yamcha is both “handsome and sensible”, to which Yamcha attempts to keep the conversation casual so as to not have to fight (which he later points out to Goku once the latter urges that the three of them should just start fighting already). Though I’m sure his first reaction isn’t to talk his way out of something- he’ll just do it if the opportunity presents itself.
I obviously take huge issue with Yamcha’s portrayal of being a womanizer- his major goal was to settle down, get married, and live out the rest of his life with someone. So for him to be portrayed as having to juggle girlfriends is a bit strange to say the least. You could maybe argue that Yamcha hypes himself up to be a lady’s man as a way to cope with his anxiety (fake it til you make it y’know) but I have little faith in the characterization in Dragon Ball games and for them to think that complexly- plus, again, it contradicts with his humble and awkward personality.
Aside from these two notes, that’s all I have to say. so I’m done- forreal this time.
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newyoungjustice · 4 years
Can you explain each of the NYJ+'s powers, strengths, weaknesses?
Yeah definitely!
Damian: No powers
•Strengths: hand to hand combat, weaponry, gymnastics and acrobatics, stealth, battle strategy, level headed.
•Weaknesses: Normal human ability to get injured, teamwork (he gets a whole lot better though), can get a little too cocky, takes on more than he can handle.
Jon: Kryptonian powers (Super strength, flight, heat vison, frost breath, invulnerability (mostly), speed, x-ray vision, super hearing)
•Strengths: Powers (flight, strength, hearing, invulnerability etc.), combat, very strong moral compass, quick witted.
•Weaknesses: Uncoordinated, inexperienced with many of his powers, will underestimate his strength, Kryptonite, will help his teammates at his own expense.
Maya: No powers (does have an invisiblity suit though)
•Strengths: Hand to hand combat, weaponry, stealth, infiltration, tracking, gadgetry.
•Weaknesses: Injuries, coordination, overly determined to the point that it harms her more than helps, easily distracted.
Kathy: Empathy, telepathy, telekinesis, flight, energy manipulation, force fields.
•Strengths: Mechanical engineering, science, gadgetry, combat, farming, extreme mental strength, bc of her powers she can see her opponent’s next move.
•Weaknesses: using her powers too much results in her being very physically and mentally drained and causes severe migraines, frequently over exerts herself, can’t always turn her powers off, can be a little too eager.
Irey: Superspeed
•Strengths: Medical knowledge, science, tech, reflexes, combat, quick witted, hard to catch or hit, some acrobatics
•Weaknesses: Distracted easily, poor coordination, takes on more than she can handle, impulsive
Jai: Superspeed (also can manipulate the speed force to get strength)
•Strengths: Computers, science, tech, reflexes, combat, strength.
•Weaknesses: Tries to hard to prove himself, easily distracted, over exerts himself, takes stupid risks in the field.
Suren: Magic
•Strengths: Spells, magic, curses
•Weaknesses: Injury, Closed off, doesn’t always work well with others, stubborn, will sometimes cast the absolute wrong spell.
Milagro: Green lantern ring gives her powerful energy manipulation and flight,
•Strengths: very loyal, combat, coordination, resourcefulness, driven.
•Weaknesses: Injury, Doesn’t like to be told what to do, occasionally over determined until it’s detrimental.
Lian: No powers
•Strengths: Weaponry, combat, climbing, archery, naturally good at taking charge.
•Weaknesses: injury, some teamwork issues at first, will not stop talking on the comms ever.
Colin: Strength, durability, healing
•Strengths: hardworking, combat, resourceful, basic weaponry, Resistance to injury, physical strength.
•Weaknesses: Claustrophobia, powers cause decent amounts of pain if used too much, paranoia.
Maps: No powers
•Strengths: resourceful, fearless, directionally inclined, throwing knives, infiltration and undercover work, self defense
•Weaknesses: Strength against a villain, over confident, throws herself into danger, injures
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courtorderedcake · 4 years
Hallow : ch xix - CSSNS 2019
“The Goblin King was prepared to host the Darkness, stealing Fae women away to their corrupted lands underneath the ground as concubines. The Darkness chose another in his stead, but not before this selected vessel enacted a devastating attack in its vengeance, revealing its hatred & rage. The battle was a lesson the old kings had forgotten; never underestimate an opponent.
Many more lives were lost as they razed over any who dared defy The Goblin King’s will. Only the pure love of our rulers united in matrimony, breaking the Vorpal Dagger, sealed the darkness and the Goblin menace away. The light flourished under their fair rule, and the queen bore a child as pure as moon beams, swan feathers, and starlight. They lived happily ever after, and shall be written in history as Heroes for All Time.”
This is the history Princess Emma memorizes from the day she is born, paraded about and presented only with the highest protection. The palace is a cage she wishes to escape, desperately. Not careful what wishes she made, Emma discovers history is written by the victors - The Dark One has an entirely different version of the events that took place.
Read on AO3 here.
Rated E for explicit themes, Mature situations, and Fae fuckery.
Written for @cssns
Ch 19 / ?? - In which Emma makes her choice
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Emma was seated to the right of Jasmine again when they began to dine, Killian seated to the Sultana's left. If Emma didn't currently feel a sense of absolute frustration beyond anything she ever had felt for that man, she would have wished him closer for the way the four men sat across from them leered at her. Raja patted her hand in a comforting gesture from his seat next to her own, his paws giant over her sweaty palms. His deep, soulful eyes read hers with sympathy as the dinner began. 
"So, Princess Emma, is it?" Jafar smiled widely, stabbing at the vegetable tart served to them as their first course. "Regale us on how you acquired such an illness while eluding capture in your family's overthrow. It must be a fascinating tale."
He smirked at her, biting a piece of asparagus viciously as she tried to keep an easy-going grin plastered on her face. The way he drew out words as if she was some shallow and simple girl made her skin crawl. 
"Oh, I'm not sure how I caught it really," Emma cut at the tart, making tinier and tinier morsels. "I only know that whatever it is, it's baffling the most talented team of healers I have ever seen."
"Well, it looks similar to an ink blot hex -" Hades began, but Emma shook her head, and he paused. 
"I know. That's what they thought at first, because of Killian telling them about the black bruising." Glancing at Killian, she saw him stop pushing food around his own plate with a frown and stiffen. All eyes at the table rested on his tightening shoulders. "He didn't know, and I was unable to explain that the bruising is a good thing. I was gifted a soot sprite blessing by an ally. Killian…" Emma hesitated as she saw him stab at his food, but Jasmine patted her knee gently to push her forward. "Out of fear of poisoning, Killian disposed of medicine given to me by an ally to combat the illness before I could take it. He threw their herbal remedy into the sea. These soot sprites have been helping me, and are one of the only reasons I am here today. It was a mistake that cost me precious time; as they treated the charm, it weakened. I got worse. Now they are praying it continues to last."
"Oh, Princess, I'm so sorry. I'm sure the Dark One must have not done it maliciously," Arthur said, frowning. "It seems as if you both trust each other quite a bit -" 
"We do -" Emma tried to interrupt, but Killian glowered at Arthur darkly. 
"The Dark One is right here, and had no bloody idea about a soot charm, herbal remedies, or anything these 'allies' of yours gave you to possibly kill you; if the Dark One had known, he gladly would have mentioned it on behalf of the Princess." His words were clipped and seeping with animosity. Emma swallowed hard, and Arthur looked at her with worry, eyes darting back to look at Killian. Their plates were taken away as more wine was poured and various cheese, fruit, and bread was provided. 
"Ah, a soot sprite charm. Interesting indeed that it's helping. That is effective for a very limited scope of illness," Hades nodded, rubbing at his chin. "Where did you find such an ally that could weave such inane magics?" 
A chill ran down Emma's spine, Hades eyes piercing her with a fixated precision. 
"Oh, we have been in the Mortal world. It's changed more than can be even explained," Killian shrugged, and Emma nodded in turn. Not a lie, but not an admission of where the Dragon and Kitsune base was, or that it still existed. Killian pressed on, a lazy, indulgent smirk settling on his features. "I'm sure you have not been recently?"
"No," Jafar sighed. "I've heard they have the most interesting machinations though."
"Their wars are what excite me, and luckily, you need not be there to experience it when you have recorded written histories," Hades smiled softly, propping his chin in his palm. "The beauty of the ever cycling world that is mortal pettiness."
"As if we Fae are much better," Ali mumbled. Emma looked at him, his dark eyes surveying the meat now sliding onto the table. 
Arthur laughed, clapping a hand harshly on Ali's back. "Quite right, quite right - Always the altruistic idealistic ponce, this one."
Ali frowned deeper, picking at his meal. 
By the time dessert began, conversation had become a sort of cyclical pettiness itself. Hades, Arthur, and Killian had begun a sort of verbal sparring over each other's intelligence as Jafar egged them on with a satin finesse, Ali pushed small bits of food around his plate while only looking up to gaze at Jasmine with a strange vehemence, and Jasmine herself gripped Emma's hand or thigh almost constantly as the men flirted or bragged incessantly trying to win favor. 
Arthur seemed the most genuine in Emma's opinion, his heart broken by his would be queen, and seeking a tender hand to cradle it. He talked about his many feats of heroism, his philanthropic efforts, the hopes of his great kingdom, and how he would bridge a kingdom together with his own. Emma herself was surprised to find that he wasn't completely unattractive, and he seemed to treat her and Jasmine with a good bit of respect. 
Jafar and Hades both seemed too dark and somehow deeply unsettling. There was something about them that made Emma feel as if they were predatory; a flash of tooth and spark on the eye that she could have placed in wolves. They both looked as if they were piecing together where the people around them were weak, waiting like snakes to strike. Hades seemed less confident than Jafar, warmer in a more personable fashion, but quicker to bouts of anger. Jafar gave Emma the creeps many more times over. 
Ali was the wild card. Surprisingly, Killian had exchanged not a single barb with him when he had spoken. It was as if Ali did not exist to Killian, although Ali himself seemed to be half present; he flipped between wanting to be there and desperately wanting to escape. Emma could understand the emotion, although it had been over a year ago since she had last dealt with that specific unease in royal matters. Was his kingdom without social etiquette? Did being outside of the United Realms mean you did not follow any social constructs? But then, Jasmine, Jafar, Arthur, and Hades seemed to know most of the stiffer mannerisms and propriety. 
It simply was bizarre how clearly Ali disliked the Sultana while he still fought for her hand. 
When they rose to take an after dinner libation, Ali trailed behind. Holding back herself, Emma watched him approach a servant clearing their plates. They began to argue after Ali seemed to say something to shock the Palace staff. 
"I don't care how much it costs. Do it. On my orders, and if anyone asks -" 
"M'Lord, I m-mean you no d-disrespect, but your orders m-mean little here. You would need -" The servant stammered, and Ali sighed, taking off his turban to comb his fingers through his hair with exasperation. 
"It was going to be thrown away, was it not?" Ali snapped at the man. 
"Well yes, but -" 
Ali took a step forward as the man cowered. "Then why -" 
"Omar, what is happening here?" Emma asked, and Omar bowed low with a sputter. Ali looked irritated, his eyes narrowing. 
"Princess, I am honored that you have remembered my name, but there is no need -" 
"I asked for the leftovers not being reused to be given to the hungry people I am sure must live in this kingdom," Ali gritted out. "It seems, however, that is too difficult - "
"It's m-much t-too good to waste on them," Omar stammered again, and Ali's eyes lit with a dark rage. He gripped Omar by the vest, and Emma squeaked out a warning. 
"Stop! Stop please!" Ali lowered the trembling man, who breathed a sigh of relief just as Jasmine turned the corner. Emma nodded at her, Ali still gripping Omar's vest as his fingers loosened. 
"Just what is going on?" Jasmine chided, her hands on her hips. 
"Ali wanted this food to be given to the poor living in your kingdom, Sultana. Omar was stating that it could not be done, and that it was too good for 'them', whoever 'them' is. I would hope no kingdom as opulent as Agrabah would have hungry people on the streets, but…" Emma trailed off, watching Ali step back with a look of surprise. 
Jasmine raised a cocky eyebrow. "If we do, I certainly have never seen them."
"Maybe you aren't looking hard enough then," Ali challenged, Jasmine's jaw dropping. 
"How dare you!" Jasmine hissed, but Ali only shook his head with a condescending smirk. "I look after this entire kingdom -" 
"You look over things alright, Sultana. You look over the things you don't see, because your guards remove them from your view. Although, since you spend the majority of your time here in your gilded towers, it isn't surprising that you have no idea how many go hungry," Ali sneered at Jasmine. She scoffed, looking at him with rage. 
"How would you even know? How dare you, how dare you -" 
"Take this food down to the streets then. Tonight. No guard clean up beforehand, just them protecting you while you serve hot meals. Let's go. Right now," Ali challenged, Emma's eyes going wide. 
"I - We - That's a logistics nightmare -" Jasmine said weakly. 
"If the food will be thrown away regardless, Jasmine," Emma smiled, batting her eyelashes. "I've not gotten a chance to see the market -" 
"Oh, not you too!" Jasmine groaned. 
"I mean, the worst thing that could happen is some food allotted for waste gets a few more hours of potential use. Please, Jasmine?" Emma watched as Jasmine fought herself internally before sighing. Whistling with two fingers, Raja appeared a moment later. 
"Sultana?" the Anisapi asked, eyeing Ali suspiciously. 
"I want this food brought down to the plaza square, and my seated box brought before it. I am about to prove this," She pointed at Ali, glaring as her chin rose in defiance, “Fool that he has no right to disrespect me when in the grace of my hospitality.”
“Fine, then, Sultana,” Ali challenged. Omar scurried off, and Jasmine turned in a huff to walk away. Before she could get very far, Ali called after her. “But what if I am right?
Jasmine whirled around, stomping back to him to poke a finger into his chest. “You aren’t.”
Ali grinned cockily, and Jasmine fumed. “Willing to wager?” he asked in a silky tone. “I bet you an evening with me that you, Sultana, the Seer of the Sands, are wrong.” Jasmine opened her mouth to say something, but Ali raised a hand. “And no peeking into the future to cheat, Sultana. No. I wager you are very wrong. I wager you have looked at your life, at Kings, Queens, and Royal fuck all, but never the poorest you rule over.”
Jasmine sputtered, and Emma watched helplessly as the viewing box was brought to them. As she stepped inside to escape the awkward tension rippling off the two, she heard Jasmine’s clear reply. 
“And when you are wrong, Ali of Ab’Dua, you will leave my kingdom to never return.” 
The viewing carriage, or 'palanquin', for the Sultana was lined in velvet, Ali seated next to Emma so Jasmine could stare him down from her seat as they approached the public square. Emma tried to focus on the sweet and spicy scents that drifted in through the small windows, or the colorful stalls that they passed as Jasmine and Ali bickered. It seemed everything they spoke about had them opposed to the other, from the size of Jasmine’s guard to their personal preferences on fruit. 
“Figs are pretentious, even to eat,” Ali sneered, as Jasmine raised an eyebrow with a smirk.
“You would know all about pretentious, as a spoiled, privileged, man-child -”
“Projection does not suit you, Sultana,” he replied coolly. Emma could practically feel the flame of Jasmine’s wrath, the heat of it as hot as the outside temperature. 
They arrived in the square in a silence that was thick with animosity, people scrambling to the shadows as if they were being chased away. Food was set forth as trumpets blared, an announcer stepping forward at the front. “The Sultana gifts you with this humble bounty, citizens of Agrabah. If you have not been fed, if you are hungry, step forward.” 
The square stayed silent, the bustle of the market dying within minutes.
“See?” Jasmine pressed, smiling slightly. Emma looked down at her feet, a strange feeling in her gut. 
Ali chuckled with a roll of his eyes. “I see alright. Your populace is terrified of you.” He stretched, cracking his shoulders and knuckles, then opened the door to the viewing box. The guards startled, but he gave a wave while he removed his fine clothes, leaving only a vest and trousers. 
“Ali, what -” Emma hissed, gesturing for him to return. He shook his head and offered his hand to her. “No! I can’t, people shouldn’t know I’m - “
At her protests, he rolled his eyes again, looking around. Spotting what he apparently needed, she saw him turn a corner. After a few moments he returned with a visibly shaken man who held several bejeweled veils. 
“Which one do you think suits this lady, good man?” Ali asked the man, who fumbled slightly. 
“The emerald, sir,” the man whispered. His forehead has begun to bead with sweat, and Emma felt intensely bad for him. 
“It’s beautiful. I’d be honored to wear such craftsmanship.” Emma smiled softly, taking it from his fingers. He flinched, but when her fingers gently took the material from his hands he relaxed. Ali placed several gold coins into his hands to pay, and the man’s eyes practically bulged out of his head. 
“I - This is too much -” he stammered, but Ali shook his head. 
“If you are hungry, if you have family that are hungry, or if you know anyone who is hungry: Please have them come forward. There is no ill will here. You are safe to do so.” Ali clapped a hand on the man’s shoulder, looking him straight in the eye. “If you are hungry, eat.”
The man glanced over Ali’s shoulder, looking at Emma and Jasmine. Jasmine sat frozen, staring straight at him. Turning on his heel, he pulled away from Ali and walked straight around the corner. Ali sighed, looking defeated. 
“Well, Princess,” Ali said sadly. “I hope you like your veil, and I wish you well. It’s a pretty parting gift seeing as I will soon be banished.”
Emma ran the silky fabric through her fingers, unable to look at Ali. She nodded, swallowing hard. It shouldn’t have made her feel so sad when he looked at her like that, but she knew without the blessing of the Sphinx he was right. He believed what he was saying with absolute certainty; Somehow he knew that there were hungry on the streets here. This was personal to him on some level. 
Carefully slipping on the veil, she stepped out of the box even as Jasmine protested. “I wanted to see the market, though. This may be my last chance.”
“Well, then we shall have to see the market.” Ali smiled, offering his arm. 
The market was beautiful, spices and shimmering draped fabrics displayed with care as callers barked out prices or pushed their goods in front of her face. Fish was plentiful, as were jewels, leather, and soaps, fragrances shifting constantly in the warm winds. 
They wandered through the stalls for an hour or so before Jasmine joined them, wearing a hooded brown muslin dress. Ali appraised her with a grin. 
"You rough up nicely, Sultana. You could be a street mouse any day -" 
"Don't you mean a street rat?" Jasmine snapped. 
"Oh no, you are far too soft and naive for that." He grinned, while her lips pressed into a thin line. "And street rats aren't generally as pretty as you are." 
Jasmine blushed, Ali saying the last bit with a strange absent-minded surety. Emma smiled, falling back as the two began to bicker over fig prices, the merchant looking on with amusement. She stopped to rest occasionally, watching them prod at each other. It reminded her of not that long ago when Killian had teased instead of running from her. 
" You don't want Ingrid to worry. That's so sweet." Emma teased, and he couldn't manage a scowl, only a slightly irritated upturn of his lips. "See, I'm right! Don't deny it -" 
"We barely survived the wrath of a Sphinx, and a Satyr. They say third time's the charm, and it would give Ingrid the utmost satisfaction to be a means to my end." A twinkle of mischief lit his eyes and Emma laughed out loud before she could help herself. 
"She did say she needs a new throw rug." Emma giggled into a coffee mug with a sideways glance. "We could take turns beating you." 
When they made their way back to the viewing box, they encountered a long line of shabbily dressed women and children, a few men here and there. Ali quirked an eyebrow, ushering them to follow him through an alley, leading them around the people waiting for whatever it was. Turning a tight corner, they came out into the public square behind a fountain. 
Jasmine's mouth dropped in shock as she saw the square full of people, some clearly in need of a healer and others skeletal. A pair of children in patchwork rags shared a loaf of bread between each other, both looking as if the wind could blow through their skinny bodies. 
"Ali -" Jasmine tried, her voice thick as she swallowed. "I -" 
"Sultana, I wish I had been wrong. Please know that now, before our wager ends," Ali said quietly, approaching her to put a hand on her shoulder. "With that said, I will see you tonight at sun down." He gave her a peck on the cheek, bowed slightly to both Emma and Jasmine, then disappeared into the crowd. 
Jasmine looked stunned as they climbed into the viewing box, guards appearing to take them back to the palace as quietly as possible. Emma watched the Sultana stare out the window, half smiling, knowing that she was planning on making changes to benefit her kingdom. 
  *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
  To say Killian found the Sultana's suitors annoying and disgusting would be an understatement. The time with them was torture, an exceedingly cruel and excruciating exercise in hatred. For one, both Jafar and Hades seemed eerily interested in his workings, bombarding him with unsubtle questions as if he was on display. They asked how the Darkness inside him worked, how its presence in his day to day life was made known, if he remembered his misdeeds, and if he felt remorse as if he would answer these questions in casual conversation. Instead he offered monosyllables, eye rolls, or simply ignored the question as if he was a petulant child. 
It suits you, you are a petulant fool of a boy. 
Then there was the fact that they were all pompous in varying degrees that were still largely high, with astounding vain and narcissistic streaks longer than the worst nobles Killian had met. All three referred to Jasmine as an object once alone in his company, as if they were speaking about the serving tray their liquor was served off of, Arthur only adding Emma in as an afterthought. Jafar treated anyone around him except the other two men with a callous disregard for their intelligence, and an outright malicious streak to boot. Hades was not only malicious, but talked openly about his hatred for women and multiple types of Fae he considered beneath him. Arthur should have been a Saint next to them, but his rapport with the two struck Killian as not to be mistaken for coincidence. If it wasn't forced, there was something to be said about what lurked below his composure. 
Topping everything was knowing that the so called 'Ali' was really the thief Aladdin, without knowing any of his intentions. What if they were in danger? Killian had suffered through this meal and now this after dinner dessert and drinks, while Emma had disappeared into the aether with no regard to anything. Again. What if she was a target? Or the Sultana, which could easily result in a wartime coup. He needed to get away from this group as soon as possible to regroup with Emma. 
The Darkness reveled in the chaos as Killian chewed his tongue, trying not to explode. 
"Yes. Do anything for that sweet princess of yours would you?" 
It's too bad you are responsible for killing her. Do you ever tire of making the wrong choices? Imagine doing everything in an effort to keep your little secret love safe, only to destroy her every step of the way. It's insidious, and I don't even have to help!
"Dark One!"
Killian looked up to see the three suitors looking at him expectantly. 
"I asked if your Princess told you where she, Ali, and the Sultana were headed!" Hades snapped, his voice cold. "You are the Princess’s lackey, are you not? Answer when I speak to you."
Killian grunted with a shake of his head. 
"It's as if you don't want a cure for…" Jafar purred, rubbing his beard and curling its ends around his long fingers. "What was her name again? Anya? Emma?" 
Killian’s eyes flicked over to stare at the grinning man, who leaned over, balancing on his staff. 
Jafar shrugged, both arms coming to rest on the curved golden head of the cobra as he continued to stroke his beard. "I'd hate for anyone to find out that the Dark One not only sabotaged an alliance that tried to cure your Emma before landing in Agrabah, but during their stay as well. Can you imagine?" 
The Darkness cackled in his head as he seethed behind an impassive stare.
Your Emma. If only they knew that she could never be yours without you obliterating her. 
"Honestly though Dark Thing, where did Emma and Jasmine get off to?" Arthur asked in a bored drawl. "Ali has one, someone should have a fair shot at the other; tis only fair."
"Ask a servant. I don't know, they were here, went to the kitchens, and then were gone with half of the guard. I assume they went to the market for whatever reasons," Killian bit out. "If you're so bloody inclined to see where they got off to, why don't you head there yourselves?" 
"Among the peasant scum?" Arthur asked as his face wrinkled with disgust. "Absolutely not. If I wanted to smell of camel dung, there are easier ways."
"Right, well. Then I'll excuse myself." Killian stood, giving a nod. 
"Yes, go fetch the Sultana and Princess, this behavior is silly. I can't do tests for this mysterious illness on a corpse. I mean, I could, but it doesn't seem preferential." Hades grinned icily and shooed Killian, the other men laughing. He left without complaint, heading down to the market with practiced ease. Taking a corner shortcut he'd discovered, he was surprised to hear Aladdin's voice. The man was arguing tersely with another as Killian stopped to listen. 
"I risked everything getting into the palace for you, and I got caught. They know to be on high alert, and if you think -" 
"Relax, Abu. She can't see us, we've cloaked the future from her."
"As if that isn't suspicious -" 
"It's not. She won't be able to tell. Djinn magic is the only thing that can take on Djinn magic. We have Djinn magic that I stole." Aladdin let a sly chuckle. "This job will be easy."
"It's not easy, and I'm not going to help you. Not when you're working with -" 
"Abu!" Aladdin hissed, and the Anisapi gave a series of scratchy chirps. 
"I'm out. I'm out, and I'm not risking it. I like the Sultana. I think today should prove she can change. What you want and what they want aren't the same," Abu said sadly, leaving in a scamper as Aladdin called after him. The Anisapi turned the corner around Killian without notice as Aladdin trotted behind. 
"Tough break there, uncommon thief," Killian drawled, pushing off from his lean against the wall. "Maybe betraying the Sultana and the Princess is not such a grand plan after all. Why are you here? You know you will be caught soon enough."
Aladdin laughed, clapping his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. "Not unless you say something. Which you won't."
"Oh? That's presumptuous of you."
"Yeah." Aladdin smirked, standing straight as his eyes glinted. "I know you are the reason that Emma is sick. You caused her illness."
"That's impossible. How could you possibly -" 
"The Princess talks. She talked to me in particular, desperate for someone after losing her best friend, who I assume is some type of elemental, and another close friend: namely, you." Aladdin smirked as Killian's jaw began to work. "It's very clear with a little bit of her sad back story of how you ended up in Agrabah. You were both close before you underwent some rite together, that no one can supposedly remember, then afterwards you avoid her and push a wedge between yourself and her. The question is, are you trying to kill her? Is that why you threw her medicine away and keep blocking her from getting better?"
"Of course I'm not trying to prevent her recovery, I never meant to hurt her!" 
Aladdin grinned, as Killian realized his admission. "So you did cause it."
"You - You great bloody -" 
"Ah ah, Dark One. Unless you want your princess to know everything, I suggest you listen to everything I'm about to say. She trusts me now, more so than you; and I can safely say now with certainty, you have feelings for her. Keep your mouth shut and I won't tell a single soul about what you did during the rite. Deal?"
"I have no feelings for her, and you have no proof - " 
Aladdin laughed again, examining his fingernails. "Neither do you. Shall I lay out your malfeasance, and hope for the best against my own?" 
"You -" 
"Deal?" Aladdin offered again, a sharpened edge to his voice.
"Deal," Killian grumbled, watching Aladdin turn away, his strides confident. They walked back to the palace in silence. Just past the gates they met the Sultana and Emma as they stepped from their boxed palanquin, Killian falling back as Aladdin moved towards Jasmine and Emma. Aladdin kissed Emma's cheek to her delight, earning a giggle as Killian felt a hot and unpleasant bitterness fill his body. 
Arthur stepped from behind a hedge, a rose in his fingers that he presented to Emma with a bow. Aladdin frowned as Arthur pulled Emma into the gardens, something unspoken passing between him and Arthur before they separated. 
Unease began to prick at the back of Killian's neck. 
Emma sat at the fountain side, her hair in a braid similar to what the Sultana seemed to favor, Arthur sitting next to her as they watched fish swimming. She looked relaxed, splashing her feet and laughing as Arthur animatedly told her something with large hand movements. Resigning himself to wait until the two separated to try to speak to Emma and at least get ahead of Aladdin or anything he could do, he returned to his chambers. 
He heard Emma return hours later as he studied Agrabah's constellations and their strange alignments, the sun long since disappeared from the pocket realm's sky. When he approached to speak with her, she was already in conversation with the Goblin from before, Iago. 
"What if it is him, Iago? These dreams have to mean something. I thought it was someone else, I thought it was… I thought it might be," Emma hesitated and he heard her sigh. "The man had different eyes than Arthur. They weren't - Arthur's eyes are green, with hazel gold. But everything else, the rough hands, the rings, the soft accent when whispering sweet nothings, the dark hair and bit of scruffy beard starting… Iago, what if Arthur is the one who keeps invading my dreams? The person I thought it was… it couldn't be him. He isn't kind, he is selfish and hurtful, and just… infuriating"
"You said that the man in your dreams makes you feel safe and loved?" Iago asked. There was a sound of something rattling, then a light clatter. 
"More than that, I loved him back. It feels as though I'm so close every time I wake up. I just desperately want him to be there instead of leaving me alone again. In the last one, he was… He kissed me. We kissed each other. I think - he saved me from something, but I don't know. Everything is so jumbled."
"The runes say that he knows your feelings, but is frightened. They say your dreams are leading you to love, and that he wishes to be with you as much as you wish the same. But… " 
"But what, Iago? Why are you frowning, what do you see?" 
"There's many obstacles for both of you. There's darkness in this man's past… And in his future. Be careful with your heart, Princess. Be careful who you trust it with."
"Thank you, Iago."
"My pleasure, and honor."
Killian swallowed thickly. His time was running out, she was remembering him more and more, Arthur a replacement in his stead. It broke him as the Darkness hissed, squirming to constrict his lungs. It paralyzed him as it drilled deep through his sorrow, then as if it was a corroding acid, began to burn away all of his once secreted feelings. 
When he was able to turn the corner by Emma's room at last, the Darkness crowed in its triumph, all love for her eradicated finally and for all time. 
Somewhere deep, deeper than the Darkness had ever dared to look, something within Killian burned . 
  *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
  The smell of flowers and soft breeze playing with her hair does little to lessen the heat of him holding her. 
"Is this a dream?" Emma murmured, pulling away slightly. "It has to be, because you, it can't be you. You're not here. You would never treat me like this, I would never forget if you did."
"Love," His arms wrapped around her tighter, his dark hair tickling her cheek. A calloused hand gently caressed the back of her head. "I will remember for you, and keep you safe. It's better that way." 
"Please, I know it isn't you." Heat was pouring from him, his arms too tight but still somehow so comforting. Emma could feel flame licking her as she pushed him away. "You're not like this. This isn't you." 
He took a step back, and the sadness in the blue of his eyes froze her. She shivered, missing his warmth against herself. Her chest ached, and the air had become thin as cold seeped into her bones. "Emma. I'm so sorry."
"Stop it. Just -" It couldn't be him. It wasn't, it couldn't be him. Not him, not those eyes that screamed secrets at her; not the way he looked at her now with such anger and hatred. It wasn't him. 
His shadow seemed to grow as he turned away. Emma reached for him, unable to control her need for warmth as it began to snow over the bright flowers in the garden. "It's better for you to forget." 
"No, please don't leave me!" The wind whipped around her, snow hitting her face like freezing needles. It blanketed the world around her, absolving it of color and sounds outside her teeth chattering. Her breath puffed in the air as she yelled his name - 
"Killian!" Emma sat up, panting under the plush blankets as she shook. A coughing spell hit her with force, and she rolled onto the floor from confusion, unbalanced from the sudden awakening. The floor was cold under her skin, sweat trapping her in the sheets. An attendant quickly ran in to help her up.
"Oh, Princess! I heard you call out, what - oh you are burning up, let me -" Emma heard the Elven woman sigh as doctors and a few more attendants swarmed the room. She took a stumbled step forward, caught as more gasps sounded and her own breath would not come. 
In the dark of unconsciousness, it was uncomfortable and painful, eyes fluttering open on occasion to see bright light shone into her pupils or concerned faces poking her with this or that. The Sultana made appearances, as did Ali among the other suitors, but him more than most. Killian only appeared behind her eyelids as she tried to escape the strange dreams that featured him front and center. Her brain and heart were just as sick as her lungs for him to be appearing with such emotion. 
In the quiet she listened, straining to hear any sounds that could be him, only conjuring more hazy images of the imposter that haunted her dreams. His laughter and the thrilling feel of his lips against her own were so much more than she had ever hoped for. When she heard the soft hum of a man's appreciation, her hopes grew high until Jasmine's whispers identified who had made it. 
"I'm scared for her, Ali. She's been a good friend, and I - what if you don't find a cure? What if no one does, or if Hades or Arthur -" 
"Jasmine, it will be alright," Ali whispered in reply. "You have been a great friend to her too. We'll figure something out. With Jafar gone, Hades is working overtime, and Arthur wants… He doesn't want to marry you. He has his heart set on Emma. We're working together to identify a cure."
"Thank you, Ali. I know I should not hope or show bias, but after our date… After everything , I feel very strongly that…" 
There was a soft sigh, and Emma could hear the sound of their mouths moving together as she tried desperately to fall away into the blackness. Their date must have gone well, if they were this enthusiastic with her as an unwilling, unknown audience. 
The idea of being kissed like that, or of comfort brought by someone in the name of love, pulled her back into dreaming. Temptation lay underneath her fingers tracing trails under a naval suit, or letting a firm hand linger on the small of her back while they swayed. Emma fell back into memories of waking up enveloped in warmth, the flutter of happiness that burst upward when she stirred and was immediately comforted by a gravelly voice. What has she done to ruin the way he smiled at her while they danced? Had it all been a dream? 
When it faded next, a rough hand squeezed her own, the owner's voice accented and quiet. Her heart beat quicker in anticipation. 
"Princess, your beauty is still undeniable, even now." 
Emma coughed, turning her head with slight difficulty to see Arthur appraising her. 
"You're awake! Oh, Princess, I'm so happy to see those beautiful eyes of yours." 
Emma felt a strange disappointment, but smiled back softly. "Wha -" The words broke off into coughing that left her clawing at her throat. 
"Water for the princess! Please!" Arthur shouted, sending attendants scurrying. "Emma, hold on my delicate flower. I've got you."
A servant brought water, Arthur snatching it from his hands to pour into her mouth. Emma pushed his hand away as she sputtered, spilling water over herself in the process. Taking a small sip eventually, she sighed, turning to look at him. He was frowning, wiping away water from his tunic with disgust. 
"I'm -" Emma felt her lungs constrict and her throat burn even from the smallest bit of speech. Her attempted apology stuck like a shard of glass she could not swallow, sending her coughing again. When she looked at Arthur for help, she was surprised to see him looking at her with anger as if he was disgruntled. When she collapsed back against the bed again, it was if she had imagined it. 
"Oh, you sweet rose petal. It's alright. I know you didn't mean to get water on my velvet. It's fine. Lay back, let me speak for you as a King would for his Queen." His face was soft, and he gently stroked her face with a cloth. Though he was a great relief as he spoke orders to the servants, doctors, and attendants, his words didn't comfort her; Something there unsettled her, his bright smile half heartedly returned as she pondered on why. 
Maybe it was in the way he spoke over her, even in their moments alone together, or insisted that she should rest her voice so he could continue his lengthy monologues. There was also his treatment of the servants and her doctors, his orders given sharply as he ignored them otherwise. A realization hit her suddenly about her discomfort: Arthur reminded her of home. 
He reminded her of the courtiers, the many nobles that her parents admonished or grumbled about for their treatment of people, and their attitudes in general. Her father had used his powers as King to block her suitors, but she had been flirted with by men like Arthur. She had not tolerated it then, but now it soothed her, and Arthur charmed her… 
If she did accept his proposal, she could return to normalcy. She could love him as long as his veneer did not cover deeper problems than the banality of nobility. Coughing again, Emma pulled up the covers around herself. 
"I've gotten myself some breakfast, and a grapefruit juice for you. I hope that you don't mind, I didn't know what you would like," Arthur said, accepting a plate of meat. He dug into it vigorously while Emma was given a tall glass with a straw. She eyed the liquid suspiciously. Grapefruit alone was a questionable breakfast, sour and entirely too much for a sore throat. Taking a sip, she gagged. 
Arthur didn't notice right away, too engrossed in his ham, bacon, and sausages. When he did notice, he sighed and took away the full glass. 
"What would you like then, little flower? Some yogurt? Pudding? Maybe a hot drink?" At the last suggestion, Emma nodded vigorously. Imagining silky hot chocolate or tea had her mouth watering. Jasmine had introduced her to a spicy mix of tea and something like cinnamon milk that had calmed her stomach but also made her feel invigorated. Trying to speak and failing with a squawk, Emma reached down to write down the drink for Arthur. 
"A Kay Tea? Kye? Chay? I don't know these foreign foods, maybe a nice hot water with lemon -" 
A servant interrupted, Arthur's eyes going steely. "Chai, a chai tea. It's popular here, and we also make a hot rice drink that is very good for -" 
"Did I ask you to speak?" Arthur gritted out, Emma pulling on his sleeve to get his attention. The servant shook her head, stepping back. "You deserve better than these strange commoner's peasant fare. I'll get you some actual tea." 
Emma shook her head, annoyed, but Arthur began to talk about his home and their varying teas. Emma's mind began to wander when he spoke about artisanal rose blends, thinking about a life in a strange kingdom. At least it was above ground, and had florals.
Tea was brought for them, and she took the tea cup carefully, examining the details. Taking a sip, she closed her eyes for a moment to savor the herbal taste. It wasn't what she wanted but it transported her home, to the marble floors and carved arches in the palace, the stone walkways and brightly lit rooms with their gilded mirrors. She could hear the rustle of skirts, clinking of spoons against small dessert plates, or the muted laughter of whatever nobility was presently sitting in front of her. 
Arthur smiled broadly at her as she opened her eyes, taking her free hand in his. "I did so hope you would like this better. You deserve the best life a royal woman of your pedigree can get."
Emma sighed at his choice of words, but a smile hadn't left her face since the first taste of his gift to her. Curling her hand in his, she managed to clear her throat. 
"I like it very much."
  *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
  Arthur left in the early afternoon, kissing her softly and leaving with another peck on the crown of her head. There was business to attend to, her cure to work on most prevalently. Emma had felt worse since her last nightmare, alarmingly feeling something move around her chest as if there was a sticky ball rattling within the cavity. The doctors were still perplexed, doing their best to keep the soot sprites alive as the true issue remained elusive. Emma needed a cure, badly. Every day, the time she had grew shorter. 
Despite it all, she resolved to hide it the best she could. Not willing to spend her weeks in seclusion or in bed, she wanted to keep her kingdom safe and be with her friends. They would be the family she could not have. They would have to help her finish what parts of her journey they could. 
Killian would get the shard, and Jasmine would take over the United Realms as a proxy ruler until a ruler was announced. Emma prayed whoever it was, her parents and the rest of her family would be spared for her failure. It was the best she could do in the worst case scenario that she was living. At least Killian would be free, and maybe even happily living his life. He could be with Ingrid and Anna, carefully seeking out where they could get a house somewhere with a bakery and a garden. Maybe he would laugh more eventually, or smile, even with the Darkness free to abuse him further. The thought of him baking some pastry with flour in his hair made Emma feel a bizarre mixture of happiness and deep sadness. 
Ignoring it was enough for now. With what time she had left, she promised herself not to fixate on the mysteries that made up Killian. 
"You shouldn't be here, darling," he whispers, holding her hand. They're both shivering, the water from the rain frigid and mostly ice. He tugs her forward as they climb, thunder pounding around them as lightning illuminates the woods. "Why did you come to my nightmare?" 
"You can," Her hand slips on a slick stone, feet digging in the mud. She's still barefoot from before. He pulls and she is again next to him, lifting her onto a rocky ledge. "See me?" 
"I always could. I couldn't do anything but watch, I can never do anything but watch it happen." Holding her while they both shiver, soaked through, he runs a hand through her hair to push the clinging strands away from her face. The wind is strong, making even her dress flap in its gusts. His arms feel safe, even as her bones vibrate the warning of impending doom. As if he knows, he holds her tighter. "I could see you. I could hear you, and I could feel your hand in mine or when you bandaged my side. I'm sorry you had to see this."
"Killian…" Emma whispered, his forehead meeting hers. "Killian, don't go. Please. Don't let it take you from me."
There's a great clap of thunder, shaking the ground and roaring like a great monster. Killian pulls from her, her hand still in his as he moves away. 
"I'm sorry. It's better if you forget."
The Darkness is in its full glory before them, Killian looking at her with those eyes as it sucks him in. Clamoring for his hand but held by unseen forces and howling winds, Emma tries to bring him back to her, tries to hold on and not let go. Wind swirls around her, spinning until she's unable to breathe in its vacuum and let's go of his hand as she falls. 
"Breathe! That's it! She's coming to!" Someone was speaking, and Emma took in a hiss of air that hurt to exhale. Shaking off dizziness, she stared directly into the worried eyes of a doctor, Jasmine, Prince Ali, and Abu. 
"What happened?" Her mouth felt dry, but her voice was back to a rasping drawl. 
Jasmine hugged her tightly, followed by Ali who easily wrapped his arms around both of them. He was wearing sleeves instead of just a vest, and Emma was about to tease them both for their matching formal dress, but stopped short. She held her tongue, examining the long, jagged, scars that ran up his arm. Confused, Emma tried to talk, but Jasmine put a finger to her mouth. 
"Hush," Jasmine admonished. "You were walking with us in my apartments, then you collapsed. Are you alright? What happened?" 
"Oh. I think I must have simply over exerted myself," Emma mumbled. Jasmine's eyes narrowed, and Emma shrugged sheepishly. "I'm still learning my limits, so I just needed a break I guess. I didn't have much of a breakfast with Arthur."
Ali pushed away, looking at her with concern. "You had breakfast with Arthur?" 
Emma nodded. "In fact, I had come here to ask when his meeting with cure researchers would be over. I'm curious about their progression."
Ali scratched the back of his head, exchanging a glance with Jasmine. 
"Why don't you come sit down in my quarters," Jasmine asked politely. Abu smirked, looking at Ali as they helped Emma inside with the Anisapi guarding the door. 
Inside the chamber was a massive bed and vanity, with a sheer and dark set of curtains blocking a large balcony. Jasmine and Ali helped Emma onto the bed where she laid back against the heaping pillows. 
"What's the bad news, then?" Emma whispered. Ali swallowed hard, and Jasmine looked at her with a sad smile. 
"How do you know it's bad news?" 
Laughing lightly at Jasmine's question, Emma cocked her head slightly. "When is it ever good news?" 
"Jafar is gone. He - he was disqualified for an attempt at… He's just gone," Jasmine stated carefully. Ali looked angry for a moment before taking a deep breath. 
"Where is the bad news in that?" Emma asked carefully. 
"He took all the research, and ruined Hades and Arthur's. They were struggling to find a cure without this setback." Jasmine looked down. "We don't know -" 
"I understand."
"Emma -" 
"I don't need to hear it out loud. I don't need you to confirm what I'm already feeling. Tell me something else instead." Grinning, Emma pointed between Ali and Jasmine. "Like how your date was."
Jasmine blushed deeply, and Ali laughed with a smirk. 
"It was very nice." Jasmine smiled, looking to Ali with clear affection. 
"It must have been for you both to make out in the room of a sick person. It was an interesting wake up call." Emma giggled, Jasmine's eyes going wide as Ali burst into laughter. She blushed a bright red as he tickled her with the ends of her braid. "You two look happy. Not to rush things, but if you like him, fuck this entire suitor nonsense. Choose him."
"Emma!" Jasmine choked, laughing. Ali curled an arm around her and sat, nuzzling into her side. "It's - I want to know someone. We are doing just that, and I like this. Is that not what you are doing with Arthur?" 
"I suppose," Emma said coyly. Ali stiffened slightly, and she leveled her gaze at him. "Maybe tell me about this date of yours, and why it was so very nice."
Jasmine wove the tale of a starlight ride by magic carpet across her kingdom, shared honeyed fruits and tarts with pistachios baked on top. Aladdin showed her beauty she had never seen before, his modesty shining through embarrassment while he blushed. He occasionally added in moments, both of them laughing at the inside jokes they shared. 
Emma felt the same pang of sadness even through exhaustion, the same doubts that twisted into fear in her stomach. She could never imagine this with Arthur, and certainly not with Nil. The only one that had ever made her feel close to the warmth Jasmine and Aladdin gave off was… 
His eyes were soft, and she wished that he could just remember more strongly than ever as thunder rumbled outside her tiny cottage. 
"Stay here tonight. You… You told me once that you hate thunderstorms. I don't know if that has changed, if this you does or not, but…" Emma begged unabashedly, half asleep in his arms by the fire. "Please."
Even in her exhaustion, she reveled in his proximity. Looking down at her, he smiled sadly. “I'll stay, I always stay."
"Even if I don't remember you at all, please don't go," Emma whispered, and he nodded. 
"I'll stay. I always stay." Killian whispered again, holding her closer. Emma was sure her heart was breaking, the truth in his statement clear as crystal. He believed it without question, but Emma had heard the same promise fall from his lips before. "I will stay."
Burying her face in his chest, she prayed this time it was not a lie. 
Emma woke in her chambers, attached to various equipment by strange tubing, spells or wards hovering above her that rhythmically swayed. She blinked, confused, looking around to see Arthur by her bedside once more. He was engrossed in a book, his dark eyes scanning the pages. 
"Anything… interesting?" she asked, with a cough catching her on the last syllable. He held up a finger and continued reading several moments longer, then closed his book. 
"No, I'm afraid not. Mostly Naval tactics for bracing a coastal kingdom against raids." Arthur shrugged slightly. "Nothing I didn't already know, and certainly not reading that you would find interesting. You need to focus on getting better and not pushing yourself with such difficult topics."
He pressed a finger to her nose gently as if his quip diminishing her intelligence was amusing, then placed his book aside to get better seated next to her. Emma bit the inside of her cheek, irritation at his dismissal making her wish she could argue. Her lungs burned from the effort of a few words; the conversation that she wanted to have would be far more than that at best. 
"I like… Strategic… Planning… I like… Battlefield… Tactics… They are -" 
"Sure, sure, my rosebud," Arthur interrupted, patting her hand as if she was a child. "Now, I'd like to talk to you about something actually important, something that matters. Please pay me attention?" 
Emma stared at him in frustration, giving him a grunt of acknowledgement. 
"You fell asleep in the Sultana's chambers, so they brought you back here. You're pushing yourself too hard." He squeezed her hand, and Emma felt conflicted once again. Although annoying and pompous, Arthur was trying. He was attempting to be kind. "You need someone to help you, and to share your burden with. Especially now."
A spasm in her lower body sent her coughing, the intense fit making her back bow. She was sure that her ribs were close to breaking from the strain. 
Arthur wiped her forehead dutifully. He sighed again as she looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. 
"My sweet flower beauty, my dream, my Emma… Will you marry me?" 
Emma's eyes shot open wide, her heart racing. She could not speak, pained gasps catching in her throat as she stared at the ring box in his hands, the giant sparkling diamond in its center surrounded by rubies. The immediate hatred of its gaudy settings almost eclipsed her need for air. 
"Need… to think -" she tried, and Arthur nodded. 
"I understand, but I have something you need to see before you say no. It's important." His smile faded. 
Arthur began to talk, and Emma's heart sank. 
  *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Pacing the floor and practicing what he would say to Emma had become Killian's only way of handling her strange schedules of late. When he requested her, or simply strolled by her quarters as he often did due to their proximity, Arthur or Aladdin were not far off. Either that, or the princess had taken to small walks or napping which he could not blame her for in her condition. There had been minor commotions that he had heard the tail end of, but when he made sure that it was safe he only found servants, attendants, and perplexed doctors scrutinizing his presence. 
"Hello, Princess," he began, still not over his anxiety at trying to broach his distrust of the suitors along with their timing. "I have something of urgency to discuss with you."
"I want nothing to do with you, and your mood swings. Poison another Princess, Dark One."
The Darkness sneered in a falsetto impression of Emma's voice, and he felt like a green lad again. His heart beat rapidly as he gritted his teeth and continued. 
"Regarding the suitors and their timing -" 
"Yes, fortunately they came so I could be relieved of your presence. Thank the Gods for it; Arthur is a wonderful catch."
"- I believe that it is due to a planned surveillance attempt, and that they are seeking out our weaknesses. I think they are planning something -"  
"Planning a ball, or an event for me to be paraded at. I'll be a figurehead once more! I'll be better off with him and you will never have your freedom."
"To do you harm. I know that I have made many mistakes." Licking his lips, he swallowed hard. "But I would never let harm befall you if I could prevent it. Your well-being, your life being safe…" 
Understatement, vessel. You are the harm she needs to prevent. Her well-being is worthless as long as you and her Goblin betrothed exist. Except that your fate is me and her fate is to die some broodmare. 
"It's the only thing that makes it possible to ignore the Darkness," he whispered, and in turn the Darkness growled in a low rumble of fury. "Please consider what I've said."
He practiced repeatedly, until a knock came at his door. A voice called out behind the wood, one of the servants. "Ah, sir? Your presence is requested by Arthur in the library. Are you able to -" 
Killian opened the door, brushing past the messenger as he walked straight to meet Arthur. It was a bold play on their part, but if he could talk to Emma first… He passed her room, noticing the lights dimmed within. Jasmine and Aladdin sat on a lounge, whispering to each other while an herbalist created a purple smoke that smelled of thick mint and blackberry. It poured over Emma, who behind the veil of her curtains did not move much more than a shuddered wheeze. 
He couldn't risk it now; Emma would have to understand the delay in his confessions.
The walk was brisk, his haste to hold off the Darkness, any other visitors, and her illness setting him in double time. 
The library doors pushed open, the deep purple walls within lit by a fire bowl resting in its center. Arthur sat lounging on an emerald and magenta couch smoking a hookah in large puffs, smiling broadly as he saw Killian. 
"Well hello, Dark One. Nice of you to join me, care for -" 
"What is it that you need, Arthur?" Killian growled. The room was filled with a light layer of smoke. "I have things I need to be -" 
"I thought you and I might share a celebratory drink and smoke. I hadn't gotten a congratulations yet and it's probably untoward without her actual confirmation, but…" He took another long drag of the hookah's hose, puffing out a long tendril of smoke. "I digress." 
Killian grunted, waving a hand in the air to clear his vision. "I have no idea what you're talking about mate, but I don't intend to celebrate with you. If you'll excuse me -" 
"I proposed to her. To Princess Emma, I mean."
Whipping around, Killian took a step forward, staring at Arthur with wide eyes. "You what?" 
"I proposed to her," Arthur repeated. "She's dying, Jafar is gone, Hades can't find a cure, Jasmine isn't interested in me, and Emma is. I'm not going to waste the opportunity to be considered a viable candidate to rule in her stead." He grinned, rubbing his beard in thought. "If I can get her to last through a marriage ceremony, that's all the better. If she can stay alive longer than that, I can claim loss of an heir by her untimely end. She knows it's in her best interest to accept."
"She won't. She'd never -" 
"She would. A servant said she asks for a Goblin to dissect her dreams that I am in. It's just a matter of time." Arthur smirked, leaning back in the chair. "It's alright to be jealous, Dark One. For all your fearsome reputation, the fact that you haven't drank your fill of her is surprising. If I was in your stead, I'd have left her wrapped around my fingers both figuratively and literally!" he laughed, and Killian stood abruptly, storming away. 
Arthur sprinted up behind him, still chuckling. "Come now, don't be angry, I was only joking. She's a fair maid if I've ever seen one. Even this illness can't dampen her beauty or how her body moves with so much…" He gestured with both hands, making two mirrored curving motions. Killian's teeth ground together, his muscles tensing. " Grace ."
"Arthur, mate, if you know what is good for you, you will -" 
"Are you mad about her dying? Is that it? I thought the Darkness in you would rejoice at that, especially since the shard is in the care of the Sultana." Killian turned on his heel, the Darkness heavy as it pushed up from the binds he'd tried to place on it. Arthur followed, at his side hounding him with his mockery. Covering his mouth with his hand, he mimed a face of false confusion and shock. "Oops. I guess you didn't know? And here I thought you and her were close."
"I will tear you apart mate," Killian snarled. "I will rend you limb from bloody limb -" 
"So that's it then. She's your weak spot, the Darkness isn't at rest. I had guessed it was on a thin leash chomping at the bit, but no. It's right under the surface if you know where to dig." Arthur's smile was wide now, his eyes dark. "How very, very interesting."
Hades appeared from the gloom, becoming corporeal from a column of dense, black smoke. "Can we drop the charade then? I'm frankly ready for this to be over."
"I'd rather wait for Emma's answer to my proposal, as now that the Darkness is awake I believe it will be a long while until our cover is blown. The shard awaits you, Dark One." Killian felt himself slipping further with each second, the undertow pulling him down while raising the Darkness from where it had laid in wait. It had control now, its prior mutterings nothing compared to its screeching at him as Arthur smiled. "You simply have to take the matters into your own hands." 
"My… Own… Hands…" Killian heard it speak through him, his panic rising as he lost control. "The shard. The shard ."
"Go. Get what was taken from you," Hades added before disappearing. 
"It lies in the treasure vault near the Sultana's apartment. Get what is yours, Dark One. Get what is yours and return to glory." Arthur gave a small bow, and Killian felt the Darkness pull him away, moving him against his will through the palace. 
"No! This isn't right -" he gritted, and held on firmly to a carved column. A servant stared at him as he passed, hurrying away much quicker when a fresh snarl rose in his throat. 
Get the SHARD. 
Get the shard and be done with this! 
"No, I - I can't -" 
How dare you deny me? I am your master, I am you! 
"I won't. I have to protect her, I have to warn her!" He tried to move his foot, but lurched forward instead. In an instant, he was before the treasury Arthur had mentioned, the magic on him fizzing from the internal power struggle. The door locks were enchanted, but the Darkness controlled his left side, his arm lurching forward to touch the lock. It clicked open within seconds of dark magic drenching it in full force. 
"No! Stop!" His right hand caught the door frame and held tight, the left side of his body pulling him forward as the right held back. He groaned in pain as the Darkness attempted to tear him in twain. "I will not let you, I won't!" 
He violently slammed to the ground, his left hand pulling him forward as his nails dug into the marble tiling. Several guards approached in concern but the black magic of the Darkness spun around him like a cobweb, dropping him in front of the pedestal that held the shard. He heard shouts of confusion from a small distance as his left hand made a flicking motion, barring the door with a screech of the locking mechanism. 
Killian wrestled with himself as his left hand desperately tried to close around the chain, throwing himself back with effort. He pushed back at the Darkness desperate to get it under control as it broke him, bent him, and refused his hold. 
Realizing with keen certainty there was only one way out of this, he took a deep breath, then let go of control. The Darkness grabbed a hold of the chain, shrieking its triumph, and Killian used its momentary lapse to move them. 
As he appeared in Emma's chambers and stretched to throw it at her, the Darkness became aware at the same moment as him that something was wrong, his body frozen with his arm stuck mid-throw. 
His eyes widened further to look at the grim faces surrounding him, all but a grinning Arthur wearing varying states of disgust. 
"Emma, bloody hell, I -" 
"As you can see, we caught him using Kraken ink. It temporarily causes paralysis, even on the most powerful of dark magic." Arthur sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose dramatically. "He went for the fake shard without a moment's hesitation, and then I believe his return to your quarters, Princess, was with the intention of taking your life." 
"No! No, I swear it, Emma. I swear I realized that I was out of control, and I was scared for you. I came to return it. If it's left where I can find it, the Darkness will never stop. You must hide it again -"
"A likely excuse now that he's caught!" Hades pointed out. 
Turning his eyes towards Emma, he realized just how long it had been since he had seen her. She was a gaunt caricature of what she had been with hollowed cheeks, the skin beneath her eyes darkened to the color of bruises. Her hair stuck to her face in stringy strands as her chest struggled to rise, and she breathed using a strange line of tubing in her nose with obvious effort. Her eyes were still bright jade, staring through him as they grew glassy and she tore them away from his own. 
"Emma, please..." His fingers twitched at the attempt to reach for her, his arms stuck by the ink’s magic. 
Emma shook her head, unable to look at him. 
"I am begging you Emma. Aladdin - Ali - is a thief and working with these two; I don't know why. I don't know what they're after, but they aren't working on a cure. Don't listen to a word -"
"Princess, I'm so sorry for this. I didn't want you to have to know the truth when I thought the Dark One and you were so close," Hades began. "There is no cure I can find, because… Well, because Ali discovered from the Dark One's own admission, he caused this illness in you."
"That's - Emma please listen to me, I never - I wouldn't." Killian felt his other arm twitch upwards, Emma's eyes downcast. "Please let me explain!" 
"No. No, I think you have done enough," Aladdin said, quietly. "You told me that you were the cause, and I kept your secret because I feared for the Sultana and the Princess’s lives. Now that it's out in the open, we can admit that we are no match for the Dark One's handiwork."
"That's not -" 
"Take him away," the Sultana hissed. "I want him in the dungeons, lock him in the best cell we have. Unless, do you have objections Emma?" 
"I…" Emma looked up, coughing for a moment as she stared at him with clear pity. "I have no objections." The whisper of her voice made him swallow hard, managing a small nod. 
He was led away, placed in the dark damp of a cell so much like the one he had lived in before, wondering again if this was the punishment he so rightfully deserved. 
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