#/lhj of course
synthshenanigans · 5 months
Hey do you wanna test if you know every chonny jash song? Like EVERY chonny jash song? Like all 107 songs on his channel?
Well now you can :}
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
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wispy-ispy · 1 year
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*slams this on the table & runs*
I would like to congratulate Hypno on winning the Sexiest Mutant poll by @gatorkid509
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underground-monarch · 9 months
ok so. something about crowley's 1941 look has always felt kind of off/out of place to me, and I've finally figured out what it is
that suit is, at least by modern standards, the most typically masculine outfit we ever see him in, and i just think. babygirl you have so much more gender than that. you can do better than this. why you gotta look so cishet,
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hollowsorrows · 2 years
everyone is mean 2 me.. </3
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getitoncamera · 1 year
i just realized that you can play growl on piano 🙂
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kawaiialeisha · 29 days
🎶 Won’t you be my neighbour?
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Some of the neighbours! I’m hoping to practice drawing them more soon 🌸
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And of course… JAX!!!
I love him and his character so much, I will gladly wake up and choose violence with him
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Also, my baby moon boy…
he’s just stupid /lhj
Wally, Julie, Frank and Poppy belong to partycoffin! Jax belongs to @gooseworx!
Mori Moonlet belongs to… well, me! And lastly, Nova Moonlet belongs to @ilovethecolorblue!! 🩵
I love you all so much! Just like Caine mentioned, remember to drink water!! 🩵
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milksnake-tea · 10 months
For the event, Nanook with Augst 8 but instead reader is the one got hurt
❀ ˎˊ- prompts: They come home beaten, bloody, and bruised. ❀ ˎˊ- 1k followers event ❀ ˎˊ- character: nanook ❀ ˎˊ- warnings: implications of physical violence, mentions of bruises and blood, nanook is scary ❀ ˎˊ- a/n: im scared of nanook but also incredibly attracted to them ALSO WHAT IS IT WITH YALL AND ASKING TO GET BEAT UP /LHJ but ykw i know u asked for angst but i kinda made it fluffy imsorry. not really satisified w how this ended but i think its okay
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Honestly, whoever did this to you was an idiot.
It was one thing to antagonize the lover of the Destruction. It was another to physically hurt them.
So either your assaulter had a death wish, or a severe deficit in braincells. Although, you weren't too keen on the idea of just running to your lover - knowing them, Nanook would break all of hell loose, giving them a fate worse than death itself.
You sighed to yourself as you rubbed at your cheek, which had already begun to bruise. Thankfully, you weren't hurt too bad, so you could probably just brush it off with a few bandages and ointment. All you had to do was to hope that Nanook wasn't home today.
But of course, fate wasn't on your side.
The second you opened the door to your shared room with the Aeon, what greeted you was a sight of Nanook in their mortal form, lounging on the bed. They weren't doing anything in particular, simply staring up off into space as golden specks flickered around them like fireflies.
Their eyes flicked to you the moment you walked through the doorway. Slowly, their gaze roamed your body, zeroing in on your injuries - evidence of a fight.
Their expression barely changed, save for the slightest narrowing of their eyes. But the atmosphere immediately dampened, as though a black hole had came and sucked all of the air out of the room. The pressure dropped so quickly that your ears popped, and you winced.
Noticing your discomfort, Nanook immediately snapped out of their momentary rage, and the air went back to normal - only slightly, though.
Wordlessly, they beckoned you towards them with a finger, their right arm open for you. Cautiously, you sat down on the bed, allowing Nanook to wrap their arm around you and pull you close.
They studied your bruise carefully, running their finger across it. Swiping their thumb against it, a bit of their power seeped into you, instantly mending your wound.
"Healed by the Destruction," you couldn't help but muse, leaning your head against their broad shoulder. "How ironic. Aren't all Aeons bound their Paths?"
Nanook only hummed, a deep rumbling in their chest. "I've strayed from my Path twice before. The first was when I fell for you. The second is now. Clearly, the laws of the universe are not as rigid as you make them out to be."
"I guess," you shrugged, closing your eyes. Nanook doesn't breathe, nor do they have a heartbeat, but they are warm. Warmer than a human, more like a flame, if anything. "You're not going to ask who did it?"
"I already know," they merely replied. You couldn't help but feel as though their gaze was quite literally burning into your skin as they stared down at you. "I will take care of them, do not worry."
"Don't overdo it," you sighed, shifting into a comfortable position. "The last time you went after someone who hurt me, you destroyed an entire planet."
"I was killing two birds with one stone," they explained matter-of-factly. You laughed, squinting your eyes at them.
"Mmm, I suppose you were," you admitted. Nanook only smiled briefly before poking your nose.
"You should get go wash up," they advised. "You're filthy."
"Gee, thanks," you scoffed, but stood up regardless. You stretched for a bit, rolling out your shoulders before kissing Nanook on the cheek, and then you were off to the bathroom.
But as you closed shower door, and the Aeon heard water running, Nanook's gaze darkened. They dissipated into golden sparks, the only thing that hinted at their existence being a divot in the bed where they had once laid.
That night, as you peacefully rested, unaware of what was happening, your attacker awoke to flames - dark, dark flames devouring their home world as the Destruction watched from afar, the burning planet resting in their dark hand.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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3rr0rc0d3 · 21 days
Because i love @soaps-mohawk 's writing (And Tris herself, mostly her dog tho /lhj) and we all want fluff from all that sweet sweet angst. heres a little drabble thinggy for her fic Cherry Red, Crimson Blood WHICH POSTS SATURDAYS OR SUNDAYS AMERICAN TIME BTW and we are blessed with such artistry.
Anyways. Onto the little drabble-
Building onto the thing with Gaz having a 10 step Skincare routine, he 100 percent has self care days with reader. Like breakfast in bed with them, while talking about he randomest but juiciest goss from around the base, so juicy in fact that soap join in JUST to yap with them WITH receipts of it all. Gaz will be there sipping tea, bridgerton playing in the background, high tea on a table in the rec room, all three of you are in what yall sleep in, Soap is in that honk shoo mimimi nightgown lookin ass thing lookin like hes boutta see the ggost of christmas past present and future. Gaz looking like hes on his eight divorce wearing that one sheer floor lentgh fur trimmed robe, yall know the one. All the while Ghostis off training new recruits and Price is doing paperwork.
Reader: Did that really happen?
Soap: Yeah bonnie, it happened, 'ere ive got a video that some o' tae new recreuits coughed up.
Big man would show receipt after receipt of what happened to you, excluding the gory details of course.
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invpulse · 7 months
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I haven't seen a lot of discussion about RSD when it comes to ADHD discussions, so I thought I would do the honors since it's been affecting me for many years and I'd like people to know more about it!
I have had a diagnosis for ADHD but was never told- instead learning I had autism through therapy but still having some behaviors that I could never explain that just Happened.
I learned I had ADHD over the summer, and with that, severe rejection sensitive dysphoria.
before reading, please keep in mind that this is mostly talking from personal experience and some skimmed research! not experiencing RSD doesn't mean you do/don't have ADHD, and it may not appear like how it appeared for me. I don't only have autism + adhd either, so those may also contribute to any differences! ^^
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RSD is the immense emotional pain after being criticized, rejected, or even teased (ignore my misspell in the panel). This rejection can be real or perceived, and we react like this because it hurts.
The pain can manifest as aggression, bringing on symptoms of depression (thoughts of s/h, isolation, demotivation, etc) and anxiety/panic attacks.
it can cause physical aliments like the above. For me, it causes my heartrate to skyrocket, heart palpitations, the feeling of being in a crisis, and extreme shaking to occur along with stomach pain.
(In fact, right now I'm going through it because making a post talking about this, despite having & dealing with it, makes me scared of other's opinions on it.)
RSD can also take the form of avoiding situations, people, or conversations where rejection or criticism is very possible.
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Like other types of dysphoria, it is out of our control and hard to manage. It can last from days to weeks to months, all depending on both the trigger* and the individual.
I had a RSD episode that was on-and-off for a little over a year or two; getting more tame and bearable as it slowly drifted and stopped haunting my mind with the incident.
Compared to the other times my RSD was set off, this moment was a rather big moment in my life and ended up permanently changing me moving forward - which can be the reason why it lasted so long.
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Despite how unbearable it can get, there are some ways to cope with it & lessen the effect it has.
Communicate - If you need time to process something that's told to you, you should say so (as difficult as it is). Tell the person(s) involved about your RSD, how you need time to digest information like this and take some time to relax. Trying to respond to the information while going through the head of the dysphoria will be very rough and might not be what you truly want to say.
Distract - This is really useful for me personally! Do something that grabs your attention or occupies your mind. One of RSD's main symptoms is rumination, thinking of something over and over again. I usually listen to music, draw, or play a game that won't frustrate me - like minecraft! (i'd say rain world but some of you would call me a maniac /lhj)
Perspective - This may require some communication, but it can really help and connect with others. See what the involved people thought / perceived, explain, talk. This doesn't always have the chance to end in rainbows and rekindling but at least you understand. Sometimes simply hearing the person explain their own side is enough to ease my RSD, being able to have someone explain themselves to me so i can understand them better.
I also wanna point out the "don't take it personally" thing that people try to use to deal with it isn't something i agree with since we're going to take it personally at first regardless. Later on, not really, but you're trying to cope with the symptoms... telling someone (or yourself) that they're too sensitive & over-reacting is the worse thing you could do.
With time, you can even begin to build up your 'armor' and be able to sustain yourself in situations you might get hurt in. Of course, some things may be able to sneak past and hurt you more than you expect, but at the end of the day, you're trying your best to go about it the best you can while taking so many blows. you're doing great.
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OK i dont have a lot more to add so if anyone else would like to talk about their experiences, please feel free! Character showcased here was my beloved fursona Shiki! i'm just a little neurodivergent + black artist from new york :]
hope you enjoyed it! sorry for the long post </3
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quanblovk · 14 days
Sir Urther! Are tomatoes fruits or vegetables?
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Sir Uther: What kind of question of this? Of course tomatoes are fruit! Vegetables don't exist~!
(@kirbyoctournament more anti propaganda of Sir Uther and his dumb!! Ass!!! /lhj)
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ferretwhomst · 1 year
Holy Shit I Just Realized Something (toh finale spoilers and Badly Structured, Massively Long Rant up ahead)
when we first meet willow in early s1, she's in the abomination track and as we all know she is Struggling. abomination magic just doesn't come as naturally to her as plant magic, which is fine, but it isn't being addressed by the school.
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soon enough she gets switched over to the plant track as she wishes- i don't remember the exact details of the episode, it's been a little while, but iirc principal bump shows up after willow covers the entire inside of the school in vines and basically goes "no, i'm not punishing you, instead i'm switching you to the plant track because you're clearly more skilled at this type of magic."
which none of us really thought about, right?? maybe some of us were like "hm, that was a bit abrupt" but we didn't think too much of it because we didn't have much of an idea of bump's character yet.
not much later, it's revealed that bump himself is a part of the abomination coven. (it's not exactly Discussed but his sigil is visible in some shots, like this one.) he is bound by sigil to be restricted to abomination magic and nothing else.
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one slightly less relevant detail that i find interesting is how he doesn't Look like an abomination coven member, and so he seems a lot less invested in his status as an abomination witch. now you may be thinking: ferret, that's a moot point because 1. not every magic user is going to have their preferred type of magic/coven/track whatever implemented into their design and 2. princy b wears his Principal Robes every time we see him up until the finale, so it would be difficult to implement those details into his design anyway.
now, that second point is actually, uh. Fair. but as for the first point, allow me to explain
here are two prominent abomination coven members, darius deamonne and alador blight
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both of them are pretty obviously abomination coven members right off the bat. darius, being a coven head, has a Shit ton of purple in his design to indicate this (and that's not even including his hair). with alador, this is toned down, but it's still obvious by the permanent abomination goo stains on his coat (and also by the fact that he apparently doesn't wash his hands after working on the abomatons /lhj). these two are specialists, in different ways, of course, but ultimately their skills lie in abomination magic, and neither of them have expressed a wish to try other types of magic at this point.
but here's the thing. as far as i can tell, bump is Not a specialist. while he is a skilled abomination witch, we rarely see him make use of the fact except for during fight scenes- he doesn't seem very invested in it. plus, when we see him during the epilogue, he's enjoying a new hobby, which is...
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...plant care, much like willow! :)
(side note i love the holes in his hat for frewin's horns)
now, of course you could interpret this as bump simply discovering a New hobby between where wad left off & the epilogue. but to me, this says that all this time he was held back from his passion for plant care for multiple reasons, for example his job as the principal of hexside definitely put a strain on him in terms of how much time he could spend doing things for himself. but now that he's retired, and the coven system has been dismantled, he can spend more time doing things that bring him joy, just like many others in the epilogue.
this means that when he saw what willow was capable of back in s1, and transferred her to the plant track, he was really saying "i see you're struggling, and i won't let you go through what i went through by forcing you to go down a path that isn't yours." and god he means so much to me for that.
anyways end of rant, if you're here reading this i sincerely congratulate you for getting this far without passing away . i am very unnormal about hieronymus bump and it shows.
(also, PLSPLSLSS reblog this if you agree i spent like an hour here sitting here typing this all up on my phone at 1am AHDKDJFJE)
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 6 months
leoichi as adoptive parents hcs! | platonic, found family, two goobers and a 'baby'.
they're just dumb and in love. both with each other, and you.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
𝒂/𝒏: this is just pure brainrot tbh. shameless self indulgence of these dorks. word vomit that I definitely tried to format in a someday coherent way. ridiculous amount of fluff imho. the embodiment of spongebob's house when it got sucked dry by all them sea worms......whatever tf they were: yeah that's my brain being reduced to mush after FINALLYYYYY getting it all out. /lhj
Say it with me, now. *raises hands like a maestro* Blaaaaaaaame the brainnnnwoorrrrmmmss. 🐛💥🧠
anyway enjoy your ✨fruitbowl parents✨ agenda. ᡣ𐭩
leo 🫐
such. a mother.
always fretting over your health and safety :(( he just wants you to be safe !! happy !! healthy !! always.
big hugger/cuddler: i’m talking big ol’ bear hugs, snuggles, smothering your face in kisses, play-fighting (he makes sure not to hurt you!), head rubs/pats, the whole shabang.
of course, if you’re not comfortable with physical touch– he doesn’t overstep your boundaries!
there are so many different ways he showcases his love and affection to you; he’s a very caring parent.
very protective over you.
not in the prohibiting/constrictive sense, but in the best way that you know he’s always got your back.
both him and yui are fairly protective over you– and both of them always got your back– dgmw, but leo will throw down if your reputation/safety is on the line.
teaches you boundaries (in all aspects including others and yourself) and how to enforce them. gets a bit violent when protecting yours in the moments your boundaries are crossed.
you're his baby and nobody’s allowed to mess w his babies >:((
don’t get me started ✋🏼 on if it’s a.... *speaks cautiously* bullying situation.
as much as he clowns the aspect of them, leo can be a bit of a karen himself when it comes to your reputation/safety!
(& truthfully i think yui would play peacekeeper of sorts, especially if leo starts getting really heated but that's only if it escalates really badly. but tbh he can be just as intense. they're both always ready to throw down for you, anywhere, anytime.)
real talk: it's not so much the child as it will be the parents leo snarks at. he’s knowledgeable in the fact that behaviors are learned. taught.
while intolerant to any behavioral that bring you discomfort, he's glaring holes into the parental figures/guardians, hackles raised, and Lord above is it more. than enough.
leo – for all the jokester that he is – knows how to hunker down and get serious and boy oh boy does that man get serious when his beloveds are involved.
he is very good at reading people. he has a sharp judge of character. and he'll take up any business with whoever is responsible for your offender's-in-question wellbeing; if their behaviors reflect the hostilities you were met with.... well, there's not really much else to say, is there?
he'll throw down with the parents and he'll throw down wITH THE KID(S) TOO HE DOES NOT GIVE A FRESH DAMN.
girl fu them kids and fu you too energy. /hj
everybody’s getting schooled on this day and it ain’t gonna be by the teachers. 💥💥💥
takes you out for food and sweet treats after such a harrowing ordeal 😮‍💨 is probably still ranting long after they've picked you up from school and has to he calmed down by yui lol. and if you don’t like sweets, he’ll get you a cute little gift from the shops! :)
he just wants to see you smile, man. 💔 anything for you.
later on, back home, he sits you down and speaks to you in a warm, lovely tone. he inquires about anything else that might've gone down, any icky thoughts in that little head of yours..?
reassures you that none of it was your fault. comforts you in every way possible because like i said, leo is very good at reading people. how much more would he get to know you— his child? he knows how to make you feel better. no matter what.
but on the chance that you may have started something.... mmmm.
his parental patented scolding techniques come in. probs the "I'm not mad, just Disappointed." type. AND IT HURTTTTTS EVERY SINGLE TIME.
(but this is Very Rare seeing as he'd raise you with manners and good behavior he don't play none of that mess.)
you don't have to say anything. you can say something, deny it. affirm it. if it bothered you, genuinely, he'll know. if it didn't — he'll know it too.
either way, he ruffles your head and smiles that smile down at you. "you're everything to me. you know that, right?"
you do.
calls you by the cutest endearments in spanish !! the most common are: mijo/a, mi tesoro, mi vida, burbuja/burbujita, and cielo. mi is always a constant at the front of them :')) he's just so proud that you're his kid.
speakin’ of which– if you speak Spanish/pick it up from him, he gets so smiley and giddy :(( and y’all just have convos of silly jokes and sweet nothings that seem like not much out the ordinary in the moment but it's memories in the making and you look back on them and and, he just looks at you with so much fondness and :((( i am so SAD.
sings to you a lot. especially by means of comfort. sure, he'll burst into an impromptu dance and song number that's so ridiculous, so silly, but so entertaining that it's bound to put a smile on your face (his ulterior motives all along muahahahaaa!).
he also sings you lullabies. especially when you have a nightmare that's shaken you badly enough to tears. he's by your side in an instant, shushing you gently, wiping your face and reassuring you that he's there and that he won't let anything hurt you, ever.
movie night cuddles! if you and yui fall asleep before him, he'll adjust so you're all in one big cuddle pile. in the following morning he'll lightheartedly complain about it, but trust me. it's his favorite thing ever. (being curled up and cozy and safe with the two biggest centers of his universe.)
takes you to see your favorite uncles, aunties, and grampa splinter! sometimes he'll sit back and just watch you interact with them, his Proud Dad™ aura threatening to soften him and everyone in his closest vicinity to mush, and only snaps out of it when met with a teasing quip from one of his siblings.
casey is the cool nomad older brother/uncle figure who visits every so often and he's just, so exceedingly cool to you. he brings you souvenirs from his travels and spends a lot of quality time with you - y'all's relationship is lighthearted and fun loving!
—and leo cries because his kids omg his- their kids are so stinkin cute and wholesome and yui yui,,they really built themselves their castle on the hill didn't they omgomgomgomg guaaaaueueueuueue *cue rabbit paw shoulder pats of support*
because of leo's insomnia, he's your constant nighttime company. on the nights where sleep just doesn't come so easily, you can count to find him lounging about in the house somewhere. he'll fret gently if he sees you awake at an ungodly hour, but ultimately welcomes you with open arms.
▹▹ p. s. his chest is a prime cuddle-hug-back-to-sleep haven. with his deep churrs, one large hand rubbing comfortingly over your back, the warmth that creates coupled with the natural coolness from his body - it'll have you out like a light. worked when you were younger, works now. always will.
always the jokester, sooososo many jokes and lighthearted teasing with this guy. of course we know his jokes are insufferably constant (what? he's a dad now! he can ACTUALLY USE DAD JOKES AND THEY'LL ACTUALLY HIT HOME!!), but get this: the teasing - while good-natured - comes with the afterthought of teaching you subconsciously to hold your ground. it's his way of "raising you tough."
howbeit: if you're naturally sensitive, leo will protect it with all he's got. reassures you that sensitivity does not equal weakness and gets his esteemed example to deepen those teachings!
(( "look at uncle angie!! he cried over the fact that snakes don't have any arms yesterday. (/ref + /lh) and he's one of the strongest in our hamato-usagi battalion!"
"why would you say tone indicators out loud, papa?" ))
it's just— the world can be a dark and unforgiving place, with even darker and more unforgiving people.
as much as it pains him, he knows him and yuichi aren't always going to be there to protect you from every little thing. forever seems like it right now, but you still have so much growing to do.
he wants to make sure you'll be able to hold your own. not only physically, but emotionally/verbally.
the principles and lessons he teaches you are tidbits of gold that shape your mind and future and you carry them with you for a long time to come, whether you know it or not.
to conclude this- trust. you definitely know how to fight. at the very most defend yourself and others if need be !! i mean c'mon: you're the heir to a ninja and a samurai ! you know how to throw a punch just as well as you can parry it.
while they teach you the core value of never starting the fight and walking away to deescalate, they also teach you to kick names and take ass. (/ref) ain't nobody messin' with you, champ. 😎
—and if they do? they have a wholeeee clan to deal with now. because anyone who has a problem with you has a problem with all of your family — both sides.
in living out their motto, anata wo hitori janai, with you — he seems to relearn it in a special way each and every time.
and he wouldn't have it any other way. <3
yuichi 🍇
doesn’t always use pet names, but he says your name so fondly all the time – just beholds you like you’re the absolute treasure of his life (which you basically are tbh) – it feels like an endearment all its own.
your gentle force: he’s the one you turn to when everything gets too loud, too harsh, too overwhelming, too much.
y’all are mad in tune; all it takes is one look (not specifically in the eyes).
he’d pull you close. his fur is warm, soft, smells like tea leaves and incense and home.
given the situation – if you wanted silence, that’s what he’d give you.
if you needed something other than the ringing in your ears, something other than your mind, he hums.
he hums, pets your head, rocks you back and forth – right there in his lap. (you’ll never be too big, too old, for them to hold you.)
if you don't prefer being held, he'll give you your space. rest assured, he's respectful just like leo and doesn't ever want to make you uncomfortable. but he does stay close. if you ever need him, he'll always be close by.
even if you guys don't talk, it's just reassuring having his presence close by. to know you're not (and never will be) alone.
he holds you .... in a different way. 🥹
if you need words, he tells you every little thing he loves about you. tells you why you’re his.
he tells you how he admires you– not only as his child, but as an individual.
he reminds you that you will always have a place in his heart, nestled right between leo.
for all his harebrained-ness (see what i did there? *wheeze, knee slap*) – there’s no second-guessing his intense fondness for you. alongside leo, you're his heart and he moves in it every single day.
his friends are all your godparents.
now hear me out: yes, they could all be your aunties/uncles, and in a way they are!!
i mean, that's what you call them sometimes too! but gen, chisa and kitsune are his platonic soulmates. they just... locked in. 🔐🫂
so they're all just that little bit closer than your standard "auntie" and "uncle." ❤️‍🩹
they're your favorite babysitters. on yuichi's side of the family, anyway!
yui is a bit of a klutz, but somehow. he always. manages. to catch you. before you fall. before you even have the chance to trip up!
chalk it up to his samurai honed skills, his training paying off, his newfound parental instincts, a whirlwind of all three! he will gladly fall ass over kettle because he'll be damned if you're at risk to gain a scratch or two on his watch.
onlookers would suspect that leo is the more "involved" parent between them both, but that's a load of crock.
be it because yui's aura isn't as imposing as his beloved turtle counterpart that leads to this train of thought or not, it couldn't be farther from the truth! yui is the one who's constantly hovering (/pos).
he moves seamlessly, as natural as air, through the movements of your life that sometimes... it can almost seem like he isn't there. but like air, you know he's there, and you reap the benefits every single day.
cuddles with him are supreme as well! he's fluffy and warm. his embrace just speaks volumes of safety and familiarity.
every time you're near him you feel a little sleepy because it's so warm and safe :(( especially if you're not feeling too good! when you're feeling under the weather, he's the first you subconsciously seek out :'((((((
makes sure you're getting your food groups every single day. fruit and veggie platters, afternoons spent in the garden outside of your home, sunshine and the smell of fresh soil and sliced cucumbers are what made your childhood summers just that more magical.
scolds leo if he feeds you too much junk loll.
yuichi is like your vitamin, both figuratively and literally. he's learned so much from growing up on the farm with his grandmother, natural remedies are his forte.
in this additional sense, he teaches you farm work. four times out of ten, it ends in disaster, maybe or maybe not including a massacred watermelon grove, but through trial and error, you've managed to keep a good portion of accurate agriculture and gardening knowledge ingrained in the long-term area of your brain. 🙏🏼
gets nervous when you go out :(( he's of course happy that you get your freedom, but he can't help but to feel antsy whenever you're out of he and leo's sights; it's not that he doesn't trust you, he's just a worrywart /aff.
so! without fail, each time: before you go out, he'll kneel down to gently bonk foreheads with you, closes his eyes, and speaks an old Japanese blessing of safety and wellbeing over you. something he learned from his grandmother.
whereas leo is ecstatic to teach you the way of the sword (and is methodical with it too dw), yuichi may as well faint himself into a coma each time.
he gets much better when you're older, of course, even teaches you himself. but when you were younger? heeeheesh.... nobody. will forget the incident at the 6th Birthday Party Swordsmanship Knighthood Round Table Esk Extravaganza.
(fake blood was involved. a lighthearted prank gone wrong amidst the already electric atmosphere of cake and fun. a prank gone hard hearted, if you will. yuichi fainted twice, vomited once, and catapulted leo out of a window. the pigs got out of the pen. the koi fish were fished out of the pond. law enforcement was contacted. donnie's confetti canons backfired at one point. you guys are still finding glitter in random spots in the house to this day. it was madness.)
takes you on hikes and new adventures! you guys are always getting into something, whether it's discovering a new shadow dancing group in town's square or accidentally liberating a herd of cattle from a neighboring farmhouse auction, these make the best memories with him. because he exuded glee and held you close the entire time.
in calm moments, yui would recount tales of his ancestors to you. especially that of his great great grandfather (?? how many greats were there I'm sorry ajshdjd) - while you look up at him in wonder.
and in moments when you're not looking- he looks at you in wonder too. a wonder that only a parent could hold for their beloved child.
your dads sing to you. they both do that a lot, actually.
i imagine you get so used to hearing a little croon here, a gentle hum there … so much so that pure radio silence settles discomfort in your bones. there was always something.
even the little things that nudge you a reminder in the subconscious voices of your parents: you're here, you're alive, we're here for you, we'll always be here for you, i love you.
their songs make your outlook on life a little lighter. something more melodic. like the songs they sing you.
home becomes a song to you, unconsciously.
if someone were to ask you to define home to you . . .
it’s the bone-crushing hugs of your turtle dad. the deep, all-encompassing warmth. the smell of tea leaves, incense, bamboo wood – the sound of soft laughter, sing-songy words, horrendous dad jokes and endless puns. the constant words of affirmation that pick you up in your lowest moments and raise you even higher at your best. the gentle forehead bonks. both: sci-fi comics series and legends of samurai and ninja alike as wondrous bedtime stories. warm eyes, even warmer hands grasping yours. reassurance. safety. the love of your family.
love incarnate.
home is love. love is home.
with parents like them,
you will never go hungry.
you will never cry nor be alone.
you will never fight with nobody by your side. 
you will never be unwanted.
you will never sing songs of your sorrow without it being sunrisen by joy.
you will never, ever go unloved.
you're the brightest light in their lives and they make sure you know it, every single day! 🌟
© ziipzeepzop-eez all reservations apply.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 month
do you have any personal hcs abt half life characters and/or hlvrai characters
Indeed I do (i'm gonna focus on regular half life characters rather than them plus HLVRAI-)
Gordon Freeman:
-Completely mute. He was born with underdeveloped vocal chords so he can't really make any noises of any kind, and thus can't speak. He instead uses sign language or just writing something down to communicate.
-Is such a nerd and I say this affectionately. He will ramble about certain scientific topics if given the chance.
-I can't stress this enough he is literally a normal guy. He was not built for fighting aliens and going against eldritch horrors. No he is not doing okay
-Not very social around people he's not familiar with. Actually quite socially awkward and a bit of a loner.
-that being said he IS friends with Barney and Dr. Kleiner specifically. They were the ones he hung around the most in Black Mesa.
Barney Calhoun:
Whenever I talk about Barney, just know that my interpretation of him is based on how he acted in Half life 1 rather than HL2. that being said
-he sounds so done with everything. He speaks in a pretty monotonous voice most of the time, and has a hard time showing emotions. He could be freaked the fuck out and he'd still have a bored look on his face- /LHJ
-walks with a slight limp from a workplace accident, before the resonance cascade.
-Pretty apathetic and pessimistic sounding, but he does genuinely care. Just because he thought 100% he was going to die in the resonance cascade doesn't mean he's going to give up and let it happen easily
-Kinda gets talked down upon by the science team (aside from Dr. Kleiner and Gordon of course) so he has a grudge against them. thinks most of them believe they're better than everyone else.
-Depressed. yeah turns out working in a concrete underground science facility isn't great for your mental health. No he does not know of this diagnosis.
-Gordon was his best friend, so when he didn't see Gordon escape Black Mesa. He got. extremely worried to say the least.
I don't really have a lot of headcanons for the other characters right now? At least nothing that hasn't already been established in canon. also i'm focusing on he HL1 characters cause its the one I know the most about. but yeah. I like these two, they're silly
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Hi again Ghast °^°, I have a request that be either drabble or hc---you know I dont really care--- for a GN! Reader that struggles with sleep, a very much a "multiple all nighters" type of struggle. Sleeping isn't the hard part however, its the process of actually getting into bed and staying with only them and their thoughts, or be stuck in suffocating slience that leaved them too paranoid to sleep without feeling like they are being watched by someone, or something.
Wally would probably be the first to suggest having a sleep over, out a normal level of concern--or reliability--and he packs for the nines, face care, movies, coloring, painting, board games, books, man probably brought matching pajamas for the both of them. So even if the reader can't manage any sleep, they wont grow bored. Ofc kept it semi-vauge for your personal take on the idea, i cant wait to see what you may produce
OHOHO.. MORE SLEEPOVER DRABBLES, YOU SAY..? I am feasting, flower anon- BWAHA /lhj /pos !!
I’m happy to see you again, though!! Hello again to you, too!! :] hehe!!!
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Snoozing Soundly
Wally Darling x GN!Reader who struggles with Sleep
Drabbles Format, Relationship can be interpreted by Reader!
CW//There are descriptions of paranoia in this! I will put a red divider between the sections with it, so you can skip it if wished!! Stay safe, lovelies!
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It had been days, at this point, since you had last properly slept.
The neighbours had noticed, of course they had— how could they not? From the eyebags painted messily under your eyes; to your staggering, lethargic movements; to your odd times of being out, or being inside your home.. It was pretty easy to piece together. They were worried, of course they were, but none of them were actually—? Very sure what to do about it.. You had begun to struggle even holding a conversation, at certain points— when your energy was especially bad, so asking if you were okay was a bit.. futile.
The first to come up with an idea was Barnaby, actually. He had been helping Wally brainstorm ideas on just what to do to help.
“Why not do a sleepover, or somethin’?” He chirped, idly fiddling with a stick between his paws, “Might help. We dunno why they can’t sleep, aft’r all.”
Wally’s eyes would light up a bit, before his smile grew— ever so slightly.
“That.. is a good idea, Barnaby. Thank you.”
With that, he’d slide over his untouched hot dog, an unspoken ritual between the two, and waved him off.
That following evening, your phone would ring— snapping you out of the half-asleep lull you were in. Your limbs felt achey and burnt, and your head held an ongoing pressure, but you dragged yourself to your feet despite this. Soon, you had grabbed your phone and placed it to your ear— Wally’s voice soon bleeding through it.
“Hello..!! I didn’t.. know if you’d pick up, ha ha ha!” He spoke softly, voice laced with concern. “Are you.. up to anything, tonight?”
You tell him no, but try to express the fact you were too tired to really do anything, if that’s where this was going..
“Oh— no, no..! I wanted to.. maybe propose a sleepover?” Beside him, on his end, he.. may have already packed a bag. Obviously, it’s a bag that can wait, but— he may have gotten a bit excited. “It’s.. okay if not, though, I understand you are tired, friend.”
His voice, albeit still somewhat flat, held genuine understanding— and you mulled over your options; soon agreeing. What’s the worst that could happen? Besides, the company might.. help.. with the constant nagging feeling you had.
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What had started out as just a few sleepless nights soon quickly spun itself into suffocating paranoia. Each time you laid down, alone with your thoughts, the ebbing feeling you had throughout the day would run over you like a train. Your thoughts would quickly begin to spin out of control, until you felt stamped to your bedsheets. It felt like if you moved you were in danger, and if you stayed? Even more so. Nothing felt safe anymore— not safe from your thoughts, and you weren’t safe from it. It was exhausting, to never feel safe, to always feel watched. Maybe some company, or— hell, even just a distraction at this point, might help.. Your body longed for sleep, but your mind had been snapped into some sort of need for “protection” when there was no call to be protected.
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In just about thirty minutes, Wally had arrived with a little bag at his side. When you opened up the door, he stared up at you with a smile, one seemingly filled with relief.
“Hello, neighbour..!” He spoke with a smile, but to be fair— when didn’t he? “Can I come in?”
Your mind caught up to you, and you buffered. You kind of assumed it’d be at your house, but that hadn’t dawned on you until now. You hadn’t cleaned, you had been too tired to, and now you didn’t really have.. uhm, a chance.
Nervously, you told him yes and stepped aside so he could come in— immediately starting to babble apologies about the mess. Instead, he shook his head, and lightly put a hand on your arm.
“Would.. you like help, to clean? I don’t mind.” His smile softened. “I understand.. that you haven’t, yet.. You’ve been tired, it’s okay.”
No matter how the conversation went from there— you soon found him helping you to tidy up your home. You were on organization duty, and he was on mess/trash duty— which.. these “duties” weren’t directly specified, but it’s just sort of how you two fell into operation. Once finished, he’d just seem to contently place himself in your living room, legs crossed as he waited for you to join him— as he.. stared. Albeit that wasn’t uncommon for him, truly. When you did join him, he’d seem to be idly wiggling his head side to side.
“So..” As he spoke, he was— “discretely”— reaching for the bag he had brought. “I.. might’ve brought.. some stuff..”
From there, he began to rattle off exactly what he had brought— ranging from movies, to some of his art supplies, books, face masks (because of course he, Wally Darling, has face masks— have you seen him??), Monopoly (???), and.. and a set of matching pyjamas.
He had, earlier in the day, rung up Barnaby for suggestions on what to bring for entertainment at a sleepover! Barnaby, from afar, helped him pack— including the matching pyjamas. However, he had meant those as a joke— but Wally did not pick up on this, and instead genuinely brought matching pyjamas. They’re even in your size!!.. where did he get these??-
Very soon, after maybe some pleading from Wally, you were changed into the pyjamas and he was changed into his. He looked very content. From there, you two began to do a range of activities— albeit at a slow pace. Wally never rushed you to move faster or be more energetic, and instead encouraged taking breaks if you needed them!!
By the end of the night, you two had put on some random movie to giggle at on the old television. Wally was sat up, back against the couch as he crossed his legs, idly scribbling in a colouring book he had brought along. You were laid out on the couch, struggling to stay conscious. You felt.. okay. It was pleasant, relaxing even. Though some part of your body still held an ebb of worry— maybe even panic, it felt like it couldn’t reach you here, reach you now. You continued to struggle to keep your eyes open, the movie flipping by in the slow frames of your blinks, until you.. gave up. It was the middle of the night, the sun would rise soon, but you had no clue or care for that, now. You let yourself slip into sleep, ignoring the ebb of poorly-placed panic in your stomach as you did— it couldn’t reach you. You were safe.
Wally watched as you fell asleep, his hand slowing on his messy colouring book scribbling. He smiled a bit, soon sliding the book off his lap and onto the floor— and he stood. Grabbing a blanket nearby, he’d soon drape it over you, murmuring a soft “Goodnight, friend.. sleep well..” as he did. He then sat back down and nabbed the colouring book again. It’s impolite to leave when someone’s sleeping! So he’d be by your side, all the way until you woke up.
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Gwgwgegegegg I HOPE YOU ENJOYED READING THIS!!! It was fun to write >:] I’m a sucker for sleepover prompts BWAHAHA
Have a lovely day!!
EDIT: Ignore that I forgot a title I’m SILLY
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vegetabletaxi · 4 months
headcanons about harry anderson no one cares about but like 5 people and i
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i need to stress he is in my brain daily and i need to get some thoughts out please talk to me about harry anderson egbert guys please /silly
⭐🧵headcanons under the cut 🧵⭐
🧵 it's stated in "the insiders" that he has stage fright, but we are not given an explanation as to where it came from.
i like to imagine it's because he grew up with so many successful people in his family circle. not just because they are gods - but because they have talents that they are incredibly successful at. he's not as funny as his father, he's not as smart as his mother, he's not as savvy as rose, etc etc- and yet, he was brought into the spotlight from an early age nonetheless, having mentioned being in magazines and such. but he never talked, or said a word. meaning, he hasn't shown the world his potential at all yet... and he's terrified of doing so and disappointing them. his family, his friends, even strangers. it's a lot of pressure. and the more he lets it fester, the worse it gets.
🧵 he's in the theatre club but he's never properly acted/sang in front of anyone or participated in a play.
he's only been responsible for costumes. he really wants to participate - he rehearses for months on end before auditions - only to chicken out last minute.
🧵 he loves making other people shine more than shining himself.
we know he makes clothes. clothes are an art of self expression - and he loves dressing other people up so they can show their true potential. plus...it distracts him from his own failures.
🧵 he makes clothes for people that really need it, does a lot of charity work. the homeless, orphans, other school's plays, small local movies, etc.
he just loves to help out. he is genuinely a friendly person that cares and likes to keep himself busy.
🧵 ...and he also does make up!
this falls into the same category as the clothes thing, i think. he has a vanity table in his room. it's not hard to imagine him helping out with that too whenever he can.
🧵 he has officially been excused from holding presentations at school, much to his peer's dismay.
roxy knows his glossophobia (stage fright) is pretty damn bad, so she asked the school not to have him participate in things like that. people in turn think that he gets special treatment because of his god mom. overall he's not disliked though. i just think most people don't really know him, and tend to think of him as somewhat of a snob, if a friendly one. however his grades are only painfully average, partly because of this.
🧵 his relationship with his mom isn't perfect
now don't get me wrong, roxy is great, and they love each other very much. but i do think she has trouble talking about problems, and difficult things in general, and tends to keep things on the lighthearted side, which makes it hard to communicate issues with her. harry anderson would rather pretend he's got everything under control than bother his mom with 'frivilous problems'. ...one of such being kind of uncomfortable with aunt jane when he gets older. plus, he really doesn't want to disappoint her. he feels like he already is.
🧵a master of imitation
he can imitate any voice he wants to with perfect precision, including his mom's. makes calls to the house from school a lot easier. though she's pretty sneaky and finds out about this eventually lol
🧵 probably kins rarity from my little pony /lhj
🧵 he has the last name 'egbert', despite lalonde sounding better, to keep john's father's name alive.
🧵 unlabeled
he is very well versed in lgbt topics, as roxy made sure to teach him, but he doesn't really care to think about himself that way
🧵 born intersex but they really stuck with the name harry anderson so they just assigned him male at birth
told him he's free to choose when he's older of course and roxy refused to do any surgery on him. he just kept going with it though. for one he doesn't truly care about gender but also it's the name his dad wanted him to have, and he misses him a lot.
🧵 he gets along well with kanaya
clothes making go brrr :)
🧵 john does visit for some holidays, which he's happy about. but the day after that, he finds himself extremely sad he's gone again. he never calls back.
i love john but he absolutely is stuck in his own little "theyre fake anyway" narrative. also he's depressed as shit L bozo. this leaves harry anderson with the irrational fear that if only he had been better, he would've stayed "this time".
🧵 played a ton of retro games, and watched a lot of retro movies as a kid, because of roxy and john's influence
he tries talking about it with others but they have no idea what the fuck he's talking about ever
🧵 sometimes roxy is too lazy to do her make up so she lets harry anderson do it in the mornings
just thought that was a cute little domestic thing they do
🧵when john finally comes out as june, he helps her pass better
seeing as harry is so good at voice imitation he can help her voice train, and of course would be more than happy to make clothes that flatter her figure. finally someone will indulge him in dress up :)
anyway that's it for now byeeee
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