#/that's established once and never mentioned again. it has no effect on how the characters behave.
veilchenjaeger · 2 years
Istg the next time I'm in a fandom for something US-American, I'm going to include exactly one line in every fic I write that establishes that the characters regularly return Pfandflaschen. Everything else will be entirely geographically neutral, the entire fic could be set anywhere in the world, but that one line - which should never appear within the first third of the first chapter - will establish that the fic is inexplicably and for no reason at all set in Germany.
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bird-inacage · 1 year
Love in the Air: The Significance of Security to Sky
This moment folks. I need to talk about it. I already gave it an honourable mention, but I want to dissect why Sky's reaction here spoke volumes - and how the significance of security (aka marriage) is so important as a conclusion to the Prapaisky story.
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When we first meet Sky, he's still wading through the shadow of his abuse. The prolonged aftereffects which could potentially continue for the foreseeable future, affecting his overall happiness and ability to love again.
Now fast forward to this expression we see on Sky's face during the wedding. Despite all the trials and tribulations, despite thinking he might never overcome those demons - I saw in his expression - an echo of the 'young Sky' again. The innocence in his smile. The giddy wholesomeness which is often found in young 'puppy' love. Eagerness and anticipation for things to come. Hopeful excitement which isn't marred or jaded by the toil of hardship. An expression that contained an immense degree of appreciation and relief, a 'thank god you found me' relief. A 'close-to-tears' relief that comes with finally being seen and/or valued. The point is, that expression is very similar to the way he'd looked at Gun before everything that followed.
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That's the expression of a boy who has fully and willingly opened their heart to another. And here it is again. On his wedding day. Sky has somehow managed to restore some of that innocence in love he lost.
Most of Sky's anxieties can be attributed to a lack of safety (such as difficulty with trust, doubt in stability, worry of being taken advantage of, insecurity in his self-worth). This all manifests from a very simple and basic human instinct we all possess - and that is to feel safe. When someone so intimately close to you betrays you in the worst way imaginable, they've effectively stripped any sense of safety away from you by force. This is the state in which Prapai finds Sky in at the start of the series.
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I've talked many times before about how Prapai fulfils a 'protector' role incredibly well. But in fact his way of handling Sky goes beyond protection. He's very adept at creating a safe space around Sky, as well as allowing Sky to feel safe when he's with him. And that's not only by loving Sky, but truly caring for Sky's wellbeing and his basic needs. Whether that's ensuring he eats, making sure he rests, or reminding Sky he doesn't need to suffer alone. This is achieved by listening, by not overstepping, by holding back, by being patient, by being gentle. And eventually escalates to Prapai 'removing' Gun as a threat. The very genesis of Sky's suffering and the very person who robbed Sky of his safety, which Prapai had been working so hard to rebuild.
Safety comes first before all else, due to safety being intrinsically linked to survival. It's only once you've established safety, that you can add security - further measures to 'ensure' this safety lasts as long as possible.
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This is where Prapai's intentions for marrying Sky (other than the most obvious) are really worth considering. By his very character, our boy Prapai famously never half-asses anything. He's all in, all the time. He wants to provide everything humanly possible to the person he loves, and that involves giving Sky the highest form of security he can offer, which is by marrying him. Binding them in name, on paper, as well as on all remaining principles.
For most people, the fine print and diplomacy of marriage is not particularly romantic. But in this case it's exactly the functionality and formality of marriage that will provide Sky with the security Prapai seeks. Prapai possesses privilege. And that privilege allows him access to means he can extend to Sky. So marrying Sky means: 'I will be responsible for you. What's mine is now yours'. 'If anything happens to me, you have everything I have.' 'I now legally have the permission and the right to fully take care of you.'
This isn't essential to Sky. He already has Prapai by his side, which is plenty as far as he's concerned. He doesn't need or desire anything else. But Prapai wants to. Because Prapai is thinking about the future - their future. He is always anticipating what Sky needs or may need before Sky does for himself. Sky's perspective has always been 'you've done enough, this is enough', whereas Prapai's perspective is 'what else can I do?' At first Prapai was just trying to ensure Sky's basic needs were met and now that he's achieved that, what's next? All of this is an attempt to safeguard the person he loves and their future together. It's the devotion in such an act, the restless pursuit of such a cause that means so very much to Sky. Because he knows (as do we) - that Prapai would do anything for him.
And that - that is what we call marriage material folks.
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okkos-ferrum · 10 months
gray's return in the show and how it defines gray as a truly morally gray character
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i just gotta ramble more abt this scene, with it being one of my favorite scenes in the show. but really i just wanna talk abt how this scene encapsulates gray's ... grayness... of the moral variety
especially since it is done so effectively since, like i mentioned in other posts, our screen time with actual gray and not graham or whatever is limited.
this scene sees the return of gray in the plot, picking up directly where we leave off from all the way back in episode 2
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Bye-bye, Black Sheep...
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I assume you prefer I continue to call you "Carmen"?
as i stated previously on other posts, because of the silly brainwashing plot, much of graham scenes can be thrown out. in a sense, it's the writers' way to put a big old pause on his character
and these are only one of the two conversations carmen and gray have in current day as themselves -- with no mind wiping or brainwashing (not including flashback cuz the actual issues of the relationship that need to be addressed havent been established yet)
so resuming directly right where we left off with gray trying to kill carmen, we return back to gray trying to kill carmen :D
but this time he did recongize carmen's name, alluding to his change ... even tho he is waving his electric stick around -- mirroring their last encounter in paris
side tangent: something i, additionally, love about this scene is just how it is blunt and honest. much of carmen sandiego's drama/conflict is built of misunderstanding and misdirection and mistrust of the characters. Which while, yes, i am eating up, but unfortuntely can cause many characters relationships to be burdened with a lot of things that can be easily cleared up with a talk. gray for once just bluntly takes a stance.
something that i do like is that in their only two scenes with each other as themselves, carmen (the pilot flashbacks) and gray (this scene) open up so fast with one another. there's never any miscommunication between them during these scenes .... well until vile barges into the conversation....
ANYWAY here we get revealed gray's full perception of himself and his goals very explicitly, especially since his memories and alliances was the biggest question over the viewers' head for most of the show
here gray explains that he believes that he is not a good person, someone incapable of change.
from his perspective, the only way he was able to be a "good" person was when he was brainwashed. and he had just had however long with his chats with maelstrom emphasizing that he has always been a bad person by nature. with the knowledge vile will forever have full control over him -- either as a vile operative or as a mindwiped civillian -- gray essentially accepts his fate as a bad person, because at the very least he is himself.
carmen may have gotten away from vile, but he is told by maelstrom it is due to her being a naturally good person. because his own perception of himself is as somebody who is incapable of good, he will never be able to leave vile now
and carmen is right there in front of him. it was his hesistance that landed him into this debacle, and with maelstrom and bellum both just past the door and carmen alone, gray has every chance to right his wrong.
but he doesnt. because he realizes that the very least he can make the choice of is never hurting carmen. as i stated in other posts, gray's main motive is to be free from any standard that could get in between him and his success. but his want for this freedom ironically got him trapped within following vile's orders. he had been so caught up in following vile that he had lost sight of himself and what he cares about.
so now he explains to carmen his absolute refusal to hurt her again, begging her to give up in stopping vile
selfish and selfless
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But I'm begging you, give up trying to stop us, because I don't ever want to be put in a position to hurt you again.
gray's plea to carmen here is so perfectly two-sided
he is acting out selflessly in not allowing his alliances against carmen blind him. i mean that is what he fucked up last time in the train, where it was clear gray wanted to spare carmen - with giving her time to share her side of the story and providing the offer - put unwilling to stand against his mission. like an actual human being, gray acknowledges his mistake and is trying to amend it by stating clearly that he cares abt carmen.
he, in essence, is apologizing for trying to harm carmen by expressing his major regret. moreover, he acknowledges their chat in the pilot, accepting carmen will not return to vile. it stems likely from the ink blot scene earlier, where maelstrom speaks about nature, making a distinction between vile, and by extension, gray's, and carmen's morals. he is finally reconciling that he and carmen will not be on the same side, no matter how much he wants it to be otherwise.
it can also be viewed as a sense of wanting to protect carmen. because he feels so small compared to vile, he barely can ponder how anyone can actually succeed in going against them. i mean they brainwashed him and easily gave and took away his civilian life. in his eyes, carmen staying far from vile is the only way she could be safe
however, viewing it from another perspective shows gray's selfishness in his plea. when he speaks about never wanting to be put in a position to hurt carmen again, he kinda places such a responsibility on carmen, not recongizing he himself is capable of changing that.
Essentially saying "hey quit while you're ahead so you don't gotta make me feel guilty when doing crime" while ignoring that he is making the choice join vile
It kinda stems from his lack of faith in carmen or his own cowardice against vile or a combination of both. What may just be the only way he can protect to protect carmen comes off in his own lack of faith in her ability. as i mentioned earlier, this practically is his own resignation to his fate that vile cannot be fought against. he took his own defeat as the only way to be safe, refusing to believe carmen can successfully fight them.
while he was able to get past the hurdle of accepting carmen changing and no longer standing alongside him, he cant seem to understand his own responsibilty in this.
he's being selfish by demanding a change in carmen's behavior while he continue along with his own desires. While yes, i did just detail the various factors that led to him to such a conclusion, the window was LITERALLY OPEN for him to leave
following carmen blowing up the facility and rejecting gray's demand -- SHE IS SO REAL FOR THAT I LOVE HER SM IN THIS EP -- the wall LITERALLY IS OPEN FOR TO LEAVE CARMEN WITH
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Goodbye, Gray
Idk how intentional this is, but the framing shows carmen literally, by her own will, forcing an opening for herself out of vile (both figuratively in the past and literally right now lol) while gray watches on idly, too scared to leave the grasp of vile but just watching on.
and his cowardice is followed through in the finale, with after months of idly watching carmen slip deeper into evil by the brainwashing, he actually takes actions against vile by actively choosing to work with acme, abandoning tigress, and being the one to land the memory recovery thing on her.
it is what makes gray such a stand out character in this show, admist his frustrating back-and-forth and selfishness and sometimes wasted writing. he keeps making a mistake but proceeds to fix it right after. his growth into a better person requires him to make these mistakes, because unlike carmen and most people in the show on the side of good, gray doesn't work on any moral compass. he is not actively evil and wishing to inflict harm and conflict like paper star or vile facilty, nor is he driven by morals such as team red and julia. he is driven by whatever he selfishly cares abt. and from what we see of him both in the pilot and this ep, he makes as many mistakes as he does have slivers of good actions
basically gray is an interesting character cuz he literally fucks up his personal goals, but he makes an earnest attempt to make it better lol
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
"If you truly loved me, you should be dead." (Yandere Hitman!Dainsleif/Reader)
a/n: shoutout to rin for giving me that wine prompt, general for making me simp more, and ana for indirectly giving me that final push to write abt dain again lol. Maybe I enjoyed this way too much. Sorry for the b&w manga panels lol.
unreliable summary: Dainsleif– a well-known ex-hitman– recently discovered that his deceased spouse might be alive. Whether or not that’s good news is entirely up to his mental state to decide.
Cw: yandere themes, mafia au, religious themes, major character death, violence, UNRELIABLE NARRATORS, mentions of cancer, and grief mixed with suicidal thoughts. Hurt/no comfort. Please PLEASE prioritize your mental health first before consuming dark content. you matter first and foremost.
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“Dainsleif, Excommunicated. In effect, 6:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.”
“Get in.”
“B-But what if!–”
“Just get in, Thoma.”
Dainsleif uncapped his hip flask as Thoma trembled at the foreboding skyscraper in front of their smaller and seemingly insignificant stature. He’s not bothered by Thoma’s reaction, besides–
What sane person wouldn’t be intimidated at the sight of a hotel run by criminals?
The Heavenly Principles is a chain of hotels established by the Abyss Order. It is also regarded as a haven for those with blood-stained nails– but never freshly coated hands. The Snezhnayan branch is the cruelest and most frigid one. They won’t bat an eye if you had arrived after a “job”, but it is most certainly a problem if you conducted “business” inside. It’s a neutral territory for the underworld with several ground rules. Rules that, once broken, would result in what is referred to as “ex-communication”… and no one wants the Adjudicator to hunt them down. 
As fate would have it, the infamously retired assassin turned "Bough Keeper" aided a corporate bodyguard inside. Thoma spoke about how the Adjudicator was looking for his Lady without ascertaining the reason why. To soothe the "pup"’s nerves, Lord Ayato kindly asked his old friend Dain if he could drag Thoma to Lord Arlecchino. If Dain knew how finicky the lapdog would be, he probably would've turned the favor down.
"Why are you so sure he's not after Ayaka?" Thoma boldly asked.
Dainsleif refrained from sighing.
The only reason Thoma wasn’t afraid of Dainsleif was that the retired hitman made an oath to his spouse that he would never kill again once they were married. Nowadays, Dain’s income relied on mundane “clean-ups” or sometimes disarming bombs. He dismantled himself from his old responsibilities and became the Abyss Order’s errand boy. Currently, his job is the lowest rank yet he remains respected. As the Bough Keeper, his job is to clean up and handle disputes as long as it doesn’t result in the death of any parties. 
A bit similar to Thoma’s line of work, but the bodyguard loathes that comparison. In his point of view, Dainsleif’s eyes are terrifyingly empty when compared to his. Thoma fears his eyes. It reminds him of the time he rowed a boat to Inazuma from Mondstadt. Being stuck in the middle of the sea is not what rattles him, it’s when Thoma gazed and saw the difference between the water and skies was heavily blurred, unable to pinpoint where the ocean ends.
That uncertainty makes anyone shake. They’d rather not make an enemy of a man who is one more step to having nothing to lose.
“If Adjudicator Cyno were out to get her, he would’ve surely ended her life by now,” Dainsleif answered, walking without as much letting the bodyguard catch up. “It’s far more likely that he has business with me and not your lady.”
The adjudicator would surely look for him in the next 3 hours.
“But My Lady has–”
“Not caused actions that'll make the Abyss Order turn against her whatsoever.” 
Dainsleif stopped by the tinted glass door and Thoma exhaled deeply. They had been walking for hours since the ex-hitman refused to take a taxi. He claimed that a walk would be safer for Thoma. Assassins don’t act kind towards bodyguards, so seeing Dainsleif march beside him (rather, in front of him) is more than enough to secure his safety. 
“Rest assured, once you talk to Arlecchino you’d realize that he’s not after the Himegimi.”
“A-And I’m supposed to be more relaxed by the possibility that he’s after her brother instead?”
“Yes,” he replied. “Because the Adjudicator wouldn't thoughtlessly kill the person who runs the Heavenly Principle's Inazuma branch. I'd appreciate it if you think critically.”
Katheryne, the receptionist, opened the hotel's door. She welcomed Dainsleif in, but if her hair was any longer she would’ve slapped her locks against Thoma’s face with how quick she was to turn and disregard his presence. 
“Good afternoon, Sir Dainslief, Thoma,” she said in a monotone voice. Her lack of honorifics when addressing the bodyguard was noticeably rude. “Please, do not wait around outside, come on in.”
The hotel looks even more spacious and positively regal inside.
Thoma had anticipated that a place where "lowlives" would find sanctuary would be horribly run-down and neglected, but he cynically understood that money talks—and crime speaks louder. His skin crawls at the idea that the blood money used to construct this infrastructure served as its fundamental foundation, but he lacks the courage to say it.
“So… Do you come here often?” Thoma whispered.
Dainsleif blinked– and Thoma can barely determine the subtle shock on his face.
“... Yes. Yes, I do.”
Dainsleif proceeded to advance toward Katheryne without explaining why he was taken aback by that question.
Thoma normally takes the front line during security disputes in the Kamisato Esate, but this hotel is a very different situation. If the act of clinging onto Dainsleif’s toned arm won’t disparage the Kamisato Clan’s reputation, Thoma would’ve done that in a heartbeat. A few oddballs gave him the side eye, and a ginger-haired man almost charged at Thoma with a makeshift lance before putting it away when he saw Dainsleif.
“Holy shit. It’s the dead Twilight walking!!!” The ginger greeted with empty eyes. “Where’ve you been, comrade?! And what’s with the news we just heard? You gave Skirk an aneurism.”
Dainsleif took a sip of his pocketed Death After Noon with a look in his eyes that screamed “Here we go again.”
“Your concern for me is flattering, Childe,” Dainsleif spoke, bored. “I’m only here for personal matters.”
“Is he a relative of yours?” This “child” squinted his eyes, piercing them against Thoma. “Must say, he looks like a total greenhorn.”
Thoma raised his hand, “I’m–”
“That’s not worthy of your concern, and don't bother him.”
Thoma was grateful for Dainsleif’s nonanswer. The way he phrased it had implications that he might be a VIP and therefore untouchable.
“Alright then, who am I to disrespect a legend’s wishes?” The “child" patted Dainsleif’s shoulder. 
“In any case, welcome home for the last time, comrade.”
Dainsleif diverted his gaze. 
This place is not his home, he refuses to let it be so. The scent of cocoa truffles, the messy watercolor-ed desk, the bulletin board littered with red threads, and scattered impulsive notes about a character’s dialogue– where is it? Is this stiff hotel Dainsleif’s home when there’s no sign of life– no sign of them? In here, there is no bed to fix, no brushes to dry, no markers to cap–
and no insomniac spouse to forcefully tuck into bed at 2 AM. 
A strained laugh exited Dainsleif’s throat, and a burning sensation in his eyes nearly reminded him that he does have emotions he cannot bottle underneath a cool facade. Yet, as that laugh reverberated in the otherwise silent lounging area, the ex-hitman steeled himself. That phantom coil in his chest dissipated and was replaced by something hollow. 
Midnight cuddles and drinks with his spouse, watching their eyes crinkle as they ramble about their last horror piece, pulling them closer just to see the stars in their eyes. That scenery? It was his home. It was what street musicians dub like Venti would as happiness. Not the silence after slaughter– not the quiet of the Principle's lounging area. 
The Bough Keeper closed his eyes and answered the two oblivious men with a flat voice. 
A “home” to get back to... 
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“I… no longer have a home.”
He's already reached his journey's end. All his bones await now is death himself.
For only death can lead him back home into (Y/n)’s arms again.
Dainsleif sighed. 
“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Childe. Do svidaniya. Extend my greetings to Skirk if you have the chance, and when you try your hand at hunting me down: do your best.”
“Found you."
The woman of the hour smirked as she peered over her shoulder. Her luxurious locks of short dark-streaked albino elegantly hair swung as she faced both Dain and Thoma. 
“Oh? Well, it’s only because I wanted to be found.”
Dainsleif sat at one of the chairs unperturbed while Thoma tried not to squirm as the Heavenly Principle’s Snezhnayan branch proprietor– Lord Arlecchino– organized her documents. The enormity of Thoma's situation was lost on her. Arlecchino's face was barely wrinkled, a sign that she takes pleasure in her job. Despite carrying out a task that required undivided attention, her piercing stare dug holes in the wall clock. Her lack of focus relieved Thoma, but only for a fleeting moment.
3 hours more, huh?
Arlecchino fished out a paper from her desk pile.
Never been one to beat around the bush, she laid the facts drop-dead on the table with a loud thud.
“(Y/n) is alive, and Her Highness expects that both Dainsleif and Kamisato Ayaka know where they are.”
Dainsleif didn’t utter a word.
“E-Excuse me?!” Thoma gasped.
Dain’s spouse died years ago. Much like a cat leaving the house when it knows it will inevitably shake hands with death, (Y/n) vanished when they knew the next month would be their last. Their family on their mother’s side had always been riddled with cancer and similar illnesses. When they muttered sweet phrases about how they wanted his last memories of them to be of them smiling and cheering him on– Dainsleif didn’t question the validity of their death. 
So for Arlecchino to say such a thing is a bit…
“There’s no way! Sure, (Y/n) was close friends with the Kamisatos– but My Lady cried during (Y/n)’s funeral. Ayaka had always been honest to a fault– she wouldn’t have been able to lie, act, or keep a secret like this–”
At least, that’s what Thoma assumed. All he has is word-of-mouth from his master and the Darknight Hero’s associates. The Dawn Winery isn’t the most reliable source unless you’re trained at fact-checking rogues and fabulists’ crude testimonies. Thoma may be a streetwise man, but he always exuded naivete when surrounded by men like them.
Dainsleif cut him off immediately. 
“Your rambling is as banal as Katheryne asking for “Dinner Reservations” after business. Worse, yours suffer from how unwarranted they are.” 
Thoma went silent to both Arlechinno and Dain’s immediate relief. The two understood it as Thoma perceiving a threat, but in reality, the bodyguard just wasn't aware that “dinner reservations” meant cleaning up a crime scene.
“Where is (Y/n)?” The ex-hitman looked at Arlecchino nonchalantly. “If that intel was real, where are they now?”
“Y-You can’t be serious, Dain!” Thoma gawked. “Your spouse died long ago–”
“Where are they now?”
Silence filled the room as the assassin repeated his inquiry with accentuated obstinacy. Dainsleif knows his spouse better than them so Thoma cannot question the widower’s line of thought.
(Y/n) (L/n), may not have been an official criminal in the eyes of the underworld, but they were guilty of multiple accounts of rebellion, sedition, and illegal associations. They penned propaganda in literary mediums and had repeatedly given out tactics on how to dismantle the current system under a 4-lettered pen name, “████”. His spouse was devious by nature and a long-winded conversationalist– which emphasizes a noticeable stark contrast when seated beside their stoic husband. 
If they were alive, they must be watching this conversation while suppressing a smirk.
(Y/n) was the type who would laugh at their own funeral. An expiration date made more sense to them than a promise of forever. Fixity made them uneasy. Dainsleif cannot trust others to share a domestic life with them when he is wholly aware that they’ll die from their hereditary illness. (Y/n) sought thrills more than comfort, which is a reason why he can't cross out the possibility that they had grown bored of their marriage and used their health as an excuse to–
No. That’s an awful line of thinking.
(Y/n) loved him. 
… Surely, they did? 
"Don't lose your composure, Twilight. I'm not saying this so you could drown yourself in grief with fire-waters. I’ve heard word from Pantalone that they’re likely in Sumeru City during the Sabzeruz Festival, but as (Y/n) loved to say–”
“Information always travels faster than people,” Dainsleif closed his eyes, tasting the words as if it was his deceased lover that imparted them themselves. “That leaked intel is as reliable as wet tissue paper.”
(Y/n)’s insight in regards to trends had been prescient– which is a kinder and less pessimistic way to say they likely already knew the adjudicator had been trailing them for some time. Runaways follow oft‐trod paths to free-trade zones– his spouse would be no exception.
That is, of course, if (Y/n) is alive.
But they’re not.
Dainsleif refused to believe it.
If (Y/n) (L/n) truly loved him, they wouldn’t be alive right now. 
“Let us temporarily assume that your spouse is alive for the foreseeable future, Dain,” Arlecchino said, noticing Dain’s subtly pained expression. “For the sake of formalities– are you aware of the repercussions you will face if they were?”
“Repercussions…?” Thoma’s eyes widened.
Dainsleif shook his head.
“If it’s as I suspect, then this is a tragic state of affairs.”
“Indeed,” Arlecchino placed a hand on her hip, subtly pushing away her coat to signify her slotted holster. She tilted her chin up menacingly at Thoma. 
“Since you can’t catch up, Mister Kamisato Estate Representative, allow me to spell everything out for you– Dainsleif would be formally announced as a “sinner” in the next 3 hours.”
Thoma’s eyes widened, unlike the man who was affected by the news.
Dainsleif sipped his flask again, unbothered.
“Sinner” describes individuals who have been banned from all services, resources, and relationships with other members of the criminal underworld. Sinners become a target for any individuals who wish to kill them with a large bounty placed on their heads. And an ex-communication ordained by the Heavenly Principles is a guaranteed high payroll. When it’s the Abyss Order that hands the cash, you’d get more than enough to secure more than a handful of assets. The moment that occurs– Dainsleif would have to run and find connections that would help him plead his case.
They would surely goad everyone with tenfold the normal amount given the Twilight Sword’s intimidating repertoire. 
Dain found that amusing.
The nickname “Twilight Sword” he carries is not reserved for anyone else, but mortal arrogation would surely take a jab and see if they can steal the only life he can’t take away.
He’d laugh now if he weren't depressed.
Killing the Twilight Sword, huh? Even he fails to accomplish that.
"That's unreasonable! The sins of a spouse can't be shared–"
"Why don't you keep your mouth shut, blonde?"
Arlecchino snarled.
"Read the room. No one is giving you a turn to speak."
Dainsleif cleared his throat, “Back to the matter at hand; Her Highness is under the assumption that my spouse was– or is– conspiring against the Abyss Order. Which, I reassure you, is unlikely given how their last book is an anti-fascist novel with The Crane being alluded to as the protagonist.”
It didn't make sense for (Y/n) to betray the mafia when they were part of the cog that overthrew Osial, Ei, and the rest. 
“... The Crane?” Thoma muttered to himself.
Arlecchino sighed gutturally, irritated.
“You might know her as Shenhe. She’s the assassin that overthrew the ex-Capo, Osial,” Arlecchino answered Thoma. “Strange that you don’t know her. I’m certain she had helped with renovating the Kamisato Estate before.”
Thoma answered with a small voice, “I do know Shenhe as my Lady’s friend, but I don’t recall having her help us with our last renovation…”
“But you should’ve remembered that. After all, cranes are the best kind of bird to help you lift planks.”
“... None of you got the joke too? Don’t even think about disparaging me. The joke is not mine, it’s the Adjudicator's.”
Thoma frowned, “I’m sorry, I think it’s too advanced–”
“Stop.” Dainsleif whispered urgently, “Don’t let her explain it. We’re wasting time.”
“Dainsleif, Excommunicated. In effect: 2 hours and 30 minutes.”
“There’s a fourteen million bounty on your head now, Dain,” Arlecchino said. “If I were more heartless, I would’ve easily planned something. Fourteen million is an impressive starting price.”
“Thank you.”
“P-Please don't thank her. She admitted that she wants to kill you," Thoma begged in a hushed whisper.
As if he doesn't want that to happen.
“Although you have been a loyal customer, I can’t provide any services once the timer runs out,” Arlecchino deadpanned. “You’re a brave one. Sauntering into my hotel when assassins are waiting to strike. It’s as if you have a death wish like my former colleagues.”
“I’ll take my leave then.”
Dainsleif stood up and prematurely exited the conversation, leaving two acquaintances behind.
Arlecchino chuckled. Always up on his feet, that one. She looked at the person who left. It’s clear to her that Thoma does not know what he intended to do next. Thoma fiddled with his fingers, staring blankly. 
"It's rude to stare. If you have something to say, spit it out."
Thoma cleared his throat.
"Lord Arlecchino, I was hoping to find out more about My Lady's safety…"
Arlecchino rolled her eyes.
“I’d rather you figure out the truth for yourself. (Y/n) taught us that indoctrination is not education before they ‘passed’, but since I happen to be in a friendly rivalry with Lord Kamisato, I’ll give you your damn reassurance and advice."
Arlecchino grabbed Thoma’s shoulder tightly. Thoma stiffened at her harsh touch, but his determined eyes impressed Arlecchino.
"Ayaka is fine, and Ayaka will be fine."
Arlecchino slid an envelope against his chest. He winced awkwardly at her cold touch and fumbled to receive it. 
After reading the letter, Thoma sighed in relief.
"Feeling better?"
"Yes. Yes, Lord Arlecchino."
No one outside the room knew at that time what the letter contained except for Lord Kamisato. But in 2 hours, the world would know soon enough.
"And lastly, I know you're tempted, but stay away from Dain. He's a dead man and most of all–" Arlecchino breathed between her teeth. 
“He's unreliable. His view on his relationship with (Y/n) is tinted with a rosy hue. His memory has all but faded completely regarding what transpired. And sometimes, liars get fooled by their own lies. See for yourself.”
Thoma’s eyebrows knitted in an instant. Arlecchino didn’t give him a turn to speak and opened the door on his way out.
“Focus on your issues, Kamisato Dog. Ad astra abyssosque.”
“Dainsleif, Excommunicated. In effect in 4… 3… 2…”
“Dainsleif: 14 million. Open contract is now in effect. All services have been suspended.”
“Please let me do this.”
Dainsleif hummed non-committedly.
His new enemy is none other than Halfdan: an old friend back when he served in the military and also the same brother-in-arms he dragged along to become freelance hitmen. Thanks to the fall of multiple governments, Khaenria’hns had to vicariously live through dirty work to survive. To cope, Dainsleif mercifully persuaded Halfdan down this route with a gifted gun for him to take.
And it’s the very same revolver now aimed at Dainsleif’s forehead.
“Capo Pantalone denounced two possibilities from this scenario: one being your spouse had turned traitor and the other would be that they were a double agent this whole time,” Halfdan quietly mused. “And if that were the case, they fear what that makes you." 
“And that’s why you’re here?” Dainsleif spoke between labored exhales, clearly worn out from the numerous assassination attempts against his life moments prior.
The world they walk on is liquefied and weightless, never a flat one. Most are content to kill, but not to live– never to dream. Here in the underground, capitalism plays in a greater uneven field. Assassins, elites, common folk– such titles make no difference. Whatever bounty pays moderately might shoot higher the next hour while others might drop lower than the corpse themselves. 
Which led Halfdan to make the worst decision of his life.
An ex-hitman who refuses to kill does sound like an easy target on paper.
Dainsleif gritted his teeth. 
If Halfdan knew Dain's barrel was empty, he would be dead right now.
Still, not everyone would be bold to make an enemy out of the Bough Keeper.
Especially not when he memorized every hitman’s fighting style, moves, and preferred weapons.
"Evidence suggests that you’re an accomplice. Did you help them?"
“I did not help them– because (Y/n) was not a traitor.”
“Then who else could’ve ratted out all the Abyss' trade routes?” Halfdan said robotically. “It’s a win-win situation for (Y/n) if this whole mess is true. They’d get recognition for their work and potentially have you dead after your ex-communication.”
"Do you know where they are? Where (Y/n) is?"
"You're at the end of my revolver and that's what you're asking?"
"Is that so surprising?"
"Not at all," Halfdan closed his eyes. "Not at all."
"I take it you don't have a clue."
"I know that (Y/n) has been the brains of Archon Kusanali's return to office– possibly her second sage. Whatever that is."
That can’t be right. His spouse hated superordinate roles.
"For someone who was told their dead spouse might be alive, you're surprisingly calm, Dainsleif."
"Forgive me, I try my best to remain composed twenty-four-seven," Dainsleif sardonically replied. "It was a requirement of my previous profession."
“Right… Being a hitman must’ve been tough. Can’t imagine what it’s like,” he chuckled.
Halfdan fired first.
Dainsleif sprinted, hiding behind the alleyway's bricked stores. With his finger hovering above the trigger, he had momentarily forgotten who was after him. As Halfdan carefully scanned the area, Dain tied his blonde hair up loosely, courtesy to how his late spouse nagged him about how it helps keep loose strands out of his eyes during "business hours". 
Three warning shots followed. 
"Senior, can't you go easy on me? Just this once?" Halfdan mumbled.
Now that the gun was pointed at him, it came to both their minds that they don’t know one another as deeply as they thought. Not in the traditional sense of knowing their names and faces, of course. It dawned that neither talked about themselves as soon as they became hitmen. The Heavenly Principles– whether it’s the Snezhnayan branch or the one Lord Ayato’s running– was like their version of two lost samurais’ dilapidated shelter. They’d talk and bond while it rains– but they’ll never converse outside that haven.
Dain pursed his lips, glaring at the corner of his eyes... 
It’d be too easy to kill him.
There’s a crack in the wall that can easily target Halfdan’s temple. Should he pull the trigger, he would be dead without another word. His blood and brain matter would paint the alley’s wall like vague graffiti and there’d be one less person off his case. 
But Dainsleif didn’t fire his gun.
“Senior”? Don’t make him laugh.
"I'm not your senior anymore, Halfdan."
Dainsleif jumped out of his spot–
And took his shot too, without any intent to kill.
Halfdan gasped sharply, biting his bottom lip as blood gushed from his left arm. He slid back behind the post immediately, afraid to get close to Dain. Besides, anyone can see a rifle's imprint on Halfdan's cheek. 
He's a sniper. Close combat is not his forte.
Unfortunately, Dainsleif used to be a spotter.
“Shit, Dain! What the hell?!” Halfdan tearfully begged. “W-Why are you fighting back? Aren’t you tired of this world?! Aren’t you just waiting to die?!”
Dainsleif’s eyelids lowered.
He doesn’t know the clear answer to that himself.
Until a thought occurred to him.
“I.. Want to carry their memories.”
“... W-What?”
“I wanted to carry on living, for them,” Dainsleif said. “For (Y/n).”
He realized that as long as he was alive, he could keep (Y/n)’s memory alive. He can continue to tell stories about them– to cherish the memories they shared and to honor their legacy. With a newfound sense of purpose, Dainsleif made a silent promise to himself and his deceased spouse. 
Hence, Dain would continue to live, not just for himself, but for them. He would carry their memory with him wherever he travels and he refuses to forget their warmth. With that, he gripped his gun, feeling resolute. It’s a long road ahead, but he can carry on, for (Y/n) and for himself. As it turns out, he still had a purpose and a reason to keep going.
His memories of (Y/n) are enough for him to stay alive.
Dainsleif glanced at the crack in the wall.
He reasons that he will be fine if Halfdan dies. Dain had killed many of his former allies before he was wed. Many did oppose his marriage with (Y/n)– worse, many thought they could kill his beloved for it to occur. Killing an old friend tonight wouldn’t be his first.
Dainsleif sighed. He could use his dagger, but he wanted Halfdan's death to be quick.
‘I’m sorry, Halfdan.’
But he did not feel sorry.
Dainsleif loaded his gun.
2 bullets.
That should be more than enough.
‘You’re going to have to be my first kill after 7 years.’
As Dainsleif fended off greed-blinded men, Thoma found himself in another nerve-wracking dilemma. He stood inside one of the private rooms in the Heavenly Principles, unflinching. The sharp yet muted shrill of a spoon grated Thoma’s ears, but he remained standing, vigilant yet afraid. 
Hard to speak when it was the adjudicator himself that stirred the cup.
The adjudicator, Cyno, is a dreadful shadow to have. Unlike the Bough Keeper, he had deep-set eyes that looked to be calculated at all times. Thoma was most terrified by the adjudicator's reputation for having unwavering determination. His job is to be both feared and respected in equal measure. If Cyno wills it, Thoma and Ayaka would be nothing more than mere bodies between him and his goals. 
If it’s true that (Y/n) managed to escape Cyno more than a few times, then he ought to get some tips on how they do it. Cyno cornered Thoma so effortlessly before he could leave earlier.
"Coffee?" Cyno offered. "Don't worry, this isn't the same drink Dain prepared for (Y/n) every morning."
Thoma raised an eyebrow.
What does that mean?
“No thank you sir, but I appreciate the gesture.”
Cyno nodded.
“Let me be clear: I am here to adjudge your master, not you. So if my subordinates found evidence against her, I shall be the one that weighs those scales.”
Thoma already knew that and that threat was never going to provoke him.
If Thoma tells him what the letter contained now, it'll only make the Kamisatos more suspicious.
“I understand, sir. Would that be all?”
“Course not,” Cyno said. “Thoma, I’ve got a question to ask.”
“Go on, sir.”
“Did you ask Dainsleif for help earlier?”
“... Yes, sir.”
“Good,” the Adjudicator nodded. “I value your honesty– and are you sure you don’t want coffee?”
“Yes sir– and I’m sorry for asking for his assistance, I didn’t–”
“Know he was going to get excommunicated, I’m aware,” he muttered. “But that’s an old excuse.”
Cyno sipped his cup, his eyes locked on Thoma's. Thoma tried his best to avoid his gaze but found it impossible. The Adjudicator had a way of making people feel small with just a single look.
"You're brave," he said. "But bravery can’t save the Himegimi. Only the truth can. So where is he?" 
Thoma's heart raced as he tried to come up with a response. He knew he had to be careful with his words, or he might end up endangering not just himself, but Dainsleif as well. 
"I don't know where he is," Thoma said, his voice barely above a whisper. 
"Don't lie to me," Cyno's expression darkened, slamming his cup against the table. It shattered, making Thoma finally flinch at the sound of its impact. 
"We know you've been communicating with him. You're part of his and his spouse’s rebellion against the Abyss Order."
“I genuinely don’t know where he is and I'm not part of any rebellion,” Thoma’s voice cracked. “Lord Ayato just ordered me to communicate with Lord Arlecchino and had Mister Dainsleif tag along, please believe me.”
The Adjudicator went silent.
He scoffed.
Cyno understood through experience that Thoma wasn’t lying. He ran his fingers through his stressed-white hair, eyes closed. 
He unlocked the door.
“Fine, you’re free to leave.”
Thoma blinked, hesitating to do what was commanded.
It’s as easy as that…? 
He’s not going to interrogate him further? Wasn’t he supposed to probe into what he knows about Dainsleif or why Lord Ayato sent him to Snezhnaya in the first place? Won’t Cyno give Thoma the chance to tell him that he went all the way here because he feared what he plans to do to Ayaka?
It can't be over just like that.
Wasn't he after Ayaka?
What's going on?
Why did he give up that fast?
All the effort he went through… Just for that?
That’s all the big scary Adjudicator has to say?
Thoma combed his hair up.
Was Lord Ayato right? Was he really just paranoid?
Whatever was on Thoma’s mind– he spoke none of it. He discarded every doubt. Above all else, he was glad that everything seemed to be over.
As Thoma turned to close the door behind him, he heard Cyno mutter something barely a whisper.
“If I am to weigh the souls of others in this world as an Adjudicator, then I must also place my own soul on the scales to be judged in the same manner, but…”
Thoma closed the door before he heard him finish the rest.
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“(L/n), despite being a wrongdoer, I wonder if you had a point…” Cyno said.
“... Maybe it’s time we dismantle the current system and rely on the government– Kusanali– once more.”
Cyno didn't drink the coffee he prepared for Thoma. Instead, the adjudicator grabbed his case and left the dubious drink be.
Thoma thought that was the end of it, but fate had other plans.
He was on his way back when he stumbled upon Dainsleif, soaked in blood. It was a complete coincidence that Thoma had taken this particular route, and he can’t tell whether that was a blessing or a curse. Knowing that Dainsleif possesses incomparable mental fortitude to carry on fighting despite his weakened state, he approached him warily. Thoma was warned already by Arlecchino not to get involved, yet he can’t just leave without a proper thank you. As he got closer, Thoma saw that the man was mumbling incoherently.
Thoma blinked. Is he calling for Ellin, the rookie hitman?
He’s lost in his thoughts. 
Dainsleif was morbidly aware that feelings of grief should've surfaced, that he should be mourning the loss of an old friend. Once again, he tried to summon some kind of emotion, any reaction to his Halfdan's corpse. But he felt nothing. No sadness, no anger, no regret. What he felt was frustration only after his failed attempts. Dainsleif was unable to shake off the sense of detachment that had taken hold of him.
Halfdan was just another person who failed to kill the “Twilight Sword”.
“Eli, lama sabachthani…?" Dainsleif muttered.
Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani: those were the words his spouse said when they were incredibly ill. 
It meant "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"
As he gazed at the scene of Halfdan's death, Dainsleif heaved a heavy sigh. He was aware that he had to face the facts of his predicament, but he wasn't sure how he should press on. The deafening silence prevailed. Now that he had to deal with isolation and social rejection, his longing for (Y/n) rekindled sevenfold. He knows that it's near impossible to continue living without his spouse.
But finding them?
That should be easier.
"Y-You should take a rest, Dain," Thoma frowned. "I know you haven't killed anyone since today, so maybe you should seek shelter and steel yourself for now."
“I can't, and there is no need for that. No other Black Serpent assassin danced with grief more than I.”
Dainsleif swiftly picked up the knife from the ground, masterfully twirling it until the blood was wiped clean.
“But when I got back to work– I suddenly felt a small amount of relief from this suffering.”
He stabbed the knife back into the corpse’s chest like a toothpick. The blonde carved the knife down the ribs with sheer brute strength. Blood coated his fingers and as he curled it deeper inside Halfdan’s chest, the blade disappeared.
Dainsleif laughed. 
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The manic blonde’s crooked grin widened.
Thoma didn’t gag at the sight of Halfdan’s corpse– he was used to the sight– but he gulped as he saw Dain’s expression.
His "terrifyingly empty" eyes suddenly had something murky fill the void. 
Dainsleif lost it.
“That high didn’t last. Even now, I can feel anguish permeating my entire being. There is no “undoing” their death, such a line of thought inflicts only agony. (Y/n) had become an integral part of me– slowly but surely replacing my sins with a tenderness one cannot attain in the underworld. They did say that grief comes in waves, but how long will I have to stand ashore until a crash large enough would drown me to sea?”
Thoma drowned out his musings. They were bound not to make sense in the first place.
He's not mentally stable, and he doesn't expect him to be. Dain just found out his dead spouse might be alive and killed a friend in under an hour. Thoma would be insensitive if he forced him to compose himself.
Dainsleif let the handle go.
“Can’t you understand why I’m so desperate to find even a sliver of my beloved?” He laughed. “Why I never took assassination requests from the Abyss Order after their death? Why I’m more than willing to kill again? The answer is simple–”
Suddenly, it’s harder to breathe.
The ex-hitman stopped.
His smile weakened as he spoke, “Thoma… (Y-(Y/n)... I want (Y/n) to take me back in their arms as a corpse.” 
Dainsleif breathed in shakily, his tears obstructing his speech. He clenched his fists above the table, arching his back as he avoided the bodyguard’s concerned gaze. Thoma could practically see his sobs as Dain’s entire body trembled from a depleting mix of ineffable exhaustion, sadness, and longing. He had bottled these emotions for long enough. 
He always had nowhere else to go– no one else to turn to. But nowadays, it felt different. All because he foolishly trusted that maybe this time someone would be able to kill him…
Maybe this time…
The bodyguard rubbed his back, which only served to make the lonesome man conceal his weeping. There's nothing Thoma can do other than provide useless ministrations. To save the last of the ex-hitman's dwindling pride—if he really cared for such—he can only frown and look away.
Dainsleif trembled.
He doesn't know how to cry.
So he cried clumsily.
“I-I’m tired… of taking my own life.” 
“Dainsleif, open contract. Increase: 20 million.”
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[Eight Years Ago]
“So, Dain,” they awkwardly voiced with a warm smile. “Do you come here often?”
Does he come here often? Of course, he does. He “worked” here– but no ordinary citizen should know what business goes down in Wanmin restaurant. 
And he knew (Y/n) frequented this restaurant too.
Dainsleif laughed.
It’s true, Dainsleif stalks them. 
He initially believed they were just an extroverted student who had nothing better to do than to talk to the stranger they kept sitting next to on the bus. He was so exhausted from "work" that his initial impression was of (Y/n) was a loud and brazen scholar. Since the bus they boarded frequently had a TV, they were always open to talk with him about delicate subjects like the daily news about the syndicates without displaying any expressions of disgust. Although they didn't agree with everything he stated, they showed maturity by holding their ground. They praised him for his noteworthy thoughts while criticizing him for his blatantly generic statements. Dainsleif was almost sure they were part of the "industry" he works on–
Until he saw the collage of their friends and professors as their lock screen. Dainsleif realized two things at that time.
1) They like to write.
2) Their favorite mentor was Professor Aether. The “Traveler” who would inherit the Abyss Order if the Abyss Princess dies.
So it’s no wonder they knew a lot about human trafficking. 
Something about their easygoing attitude and quick wit struck a chord with him. He found himself laughing along with them, feeling a sense of rare ease and comfort. And whenever they said their goodbyes when boarding off the bus, Dainsleif felt a sense of anticipation, a feeling that this was something special. 
And now he "knows all that he needs to know" about (Y/n) (L/n).
Upon realizing that he was staring (they were waving a hand near their face), Dainsleif cleared his throat.
“I enjoy the wine here.”
“Thought the light was about to take you to the other side,” (Y/n) teased. “Anyways, yeah, you know my friends Stella, Jude, and Shiro? They like it too. Can’t catch me drinking though– I just order the sardines pasta here while they get red-faced drunk.”
He sneakily glanced at the menu and silently noted how that order appears to be the cheapest meal. If Dain pitied his date, he made no mention of it. Uyuu restaurant is for the rich and the shady and based on their humble hand-me-down shoes, both descriptions eluded them. 
“Well-off friends?”
Dainsleif already knows the answer. 
"Eh. We all know both rich and getting-by folks, don't we? As long as we can pay our bills, it doesn't matter," they shrugged. “Still… I’m REALLY sorry that you dressed up for me, Dain.” 
They pinched their forehead.
“Look– I don’t know what on earth Rin told you, but I’m not worth this effort. You look incredibly dashing in that suit and tie by the way– but your date is wearing their sister’s Converse right now. If you want me to leave and enjoy your meal alone, just say so– you can even tell everyone that I’m just some charity case college student you fed or something. Fine by me, no problem.”
Dainsleif snorted slightly. While there’s no doubt in his mind that his salary can afford someone’s student loans, the last thing hitmen would do with their monthly pay is invest in multiple scholars.
“Would you feel better if I said I just arrived from work and had no time to change so I 'didn’t' put in any effort…?”
“Kinda,” they croaked pathetically and bowed their head. “But now that you phrased it like that, I can't tell if you're lying for the sake of my feelings, huhu...”
But that uncontrollable sunny smile on their face doesn't show any hint of genuine remorse. Dainsleif reciprocated their smile. (Y/n) is getting more comfortable being in Dainsleif’s presence than before, and Dainsleif seems more open to sharing things about himself– albeit not enough to spill about his true occupation.
His occupation…
Dain tried not to think about it whenever they're on a date, but he can't help it sometimes.
When, he wonders. 
When will he find someone that is close enough to actually kill him?
This job was starting to get stale…
If it weren't for (Y/n), he sees no reason to even get out of bed anymore.
(Y/n)... Right, (Y/n). Of course.
Dainsleif stopped himself from grinning widely.
He's on a date– he should be more attentive.
Dain looked at them again, finding himself naturally concentrated on their mannerisms.
“... Why are your hands in your pockets?”
“Oh– I learned from one of my professors that people look more confident when they have their hands in their pockets, if and only if they have a thumb out, apparently.”
“And this prolonged eye contact we’re having?”
“My poor attempt at applying what I’ve learned, yes.”
Dainsleif laughed.
“You’re very easy to listen to.”
They frowned. 
“Sorry… I tend to overshare sometimes.”
“Why are you apologizing? I appreciate that you’re being yourself,” Dainsleif said. “Better than honeypotting someone in a relationship.”
“You’re right, sor– I mean, yeah, you’re right.”
A waiter passed by.
“One– Two Death After Noon please, boss,” Dainsleif said. 
(Y/n) chuckled humorously, "I suppose I'd also drink a lot if I ended up going on a date with someone like me."
"Glad to hear it. Let's have a drink together."
"Aight– wait, what?"
Dainsleif attempted to pass the glass to (Y/n), but the moment their hand reached the stem–
"Oh sh–! I'm so sorry!!!"
Dainsleif blinked.
"Oh my Goodn– I'm so sorry, my bad. I'm–"
"It's alright. Hand me some tissues."
"Sorry…" they cringed. "I'm– I'm a little out of it, lately. I didn't mean to spill that all over– ugh. I'm such a disaster today, what the heck?"
Dainsleif chuckled, almost inaudibly. He didn't move from his position, letting the wine soak his jeans. 
"You don't need to worry, I'm used to this."
They tried not to visibly react to that statement. 
Use to what, exactly? Having drinks spilled on him? 
What kind of life is Dainsleif living for that to happen often enough times for him to get "used to this"? Are people constantly spilling things on him? 
"...Workplace harassment?" (Y/n) muttered, not realizing Dainsleif heard it.
His heart leaped as he quickly glanced at himself to check for visible wounds or scars, but snapped out of it when he felt something light against his clothes. No matter how wrong it could appear in public, it seems that (Y/n) awkwardly grabbed the closest tissue box to dab it out (and this action was motivated by how dry cleaning was expensive that year).
"(Y/n)–" he cringed as they continued.
"Please wait."
"You should be more focused on yourself," Dainsleif cleared his throat, with his ears and cheeks slightly red. "Y-You're wearing white."
They pulled the hem of their clothing. The wine soaked them as well but they were too engrossed to notice it. (Y/n) scowled.
"I'm– yikes, I'm irredeemable at this point. Whoops," they laughed somewhat nervously. “You’ve done it, Mx. (L/n). This is our last date, I guess.”
Dainsleif didn't say a word.
He just stared, looking directly at their splattered clothes. Unlike (Y/n), he didn't jump to helping his date clean up. Dainsleif covered his mouth and breathed in shakily. It was strange. Instead of feeling annoyed or frustrated, he found himself staring fondly at (Y/n) and their almost equally stained clothes.
This stain… It looked like…
They expect him to laugh at their clumsiness or berate them at worst, but when they gazed up, those slapdash daydreams evaporated. Dainsleif looked dazed. 
… Blood.
They looked up at him, doe-eyed and confused. Without hesitation, they cupped his cheek, checking his features.
“Dain? Are you feeling alright? You’re spacing out a lot today.”
Dainsleif couldn’t stop staring.
This scenery was almost perfect. Almost. It just needed one small tweak:
It shouldn't have been wine. (Y/n) would look breathtaking if they were covered in the blood of the men he killed to get a chance to date them.
He looked at his stained clothes and smiled.
Maybe, just maybe,
(Y/n) (L/n) will be the one who can kill him.
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Dain stumbled towards a house with a small inteyvat garden, his body aching and his clothes still stained with blood. He lifted a weak hand and knocked on the door, leaning heavily against the doorframe for support. He shook his hip flask, disappointed that the alcohol was already empty. Not that he needed it to ease his wounds. Thoma already helped Dainsleif patch up a bit, but left in a hurry knowing that the Adjudicator might see his act of “treason.” 
After a few moments, the door creaked open and a blonde man peered out. 
It was Professor Aether, a kind yet unassuming man who taught at multiple universities– including (Y/n)’s. Despite being the Abyss Princess's kin, he lived a relatively lowkey life in the suburbs after he stopped traveling. Aether looked Dainsleif up and down, his expression unreadable. 
"You look injured," he said flatly, without a hint of concern in his voice. 
Dain struggled to keep himself standing. 
"I am," he said. "Traveler, I’ve been wrongfully excommunicated and I need your help."
Aether nodded as if he had expected that news. Still, he refused Dain entry to his house. “You didn’t honestly think I’d help you without a second thought, right?”
Dainsleif took a deep breath, “I have served and will be of service.”
The sinner then pulled out an object from his pocket and shoved it down Aether’s palm.
Aether raised an eyebrow, concerned.
Visions is a round metallic insignia formally recognized by the Abyss Order that signifies a blood oath. The debtor has their bloodied fingerprint pressed inside the shell. This vision had Aether's fingerprint, and he owes Dainsleif.
“A vision? Do you believe a blood debt will make me help you?” Unlike before, his voice was warm but distant.
“I helped you find your sister– you can help me find my spouse in return,” Dain glared. “Sinner or not, you owe me. I’m certain (Y/n) is alive– and I’m sure you know where they are. You shaped them into the tactician they are now. If there’s anyone who can figure out where they are, it’s you. So take me there.” 
Aether closed his eyes.
There's no way he can reason with him.
This is no longer Dainsleif he's talking to– but a husk of a man.
The professor also pulled something out of his pocket. A blue syringe, none other than one of Dottore’s concoctions, Dain believes. He did not question why he had that in his possession. Foolishly, he did not question if it was an anesthetic or a lethal injection either. What mattered more was (Y/n)’s location. Nothing else.
“But you’ll have to be asleep for it to happen,” the professor commanded exasperatedly. “Do you understand?”
“Because they wouldn’t believe I didn’t help you out otherwise,” Aether scoffed. “So just knock yourself so I can tie you up.”
Dainsleif rolled up his sleeve.
“Do what needs to be done.”
Aether administered the drug.
Dainsleif slowly opened his eyes, his head throbbing just as Aether warned him. The room spun slightly as his eyes adjusted to his surroundings. His vision was blurry, but he could make out the distinct Inazuman patterns that covered the walls. The intricate designs were a mix of cloud shapes and leaf motifs, all in shades of blue and white.
This must be the basement of Uyuu restaurant. Dain didn’t expect he’ll be able to (Y/n) here– and if this was one of their base locations, that must mean Ayato is on their side. That’s another surprise he didn’t see coming. These all must’ve been Archon Kusanali’s idea– or maybe it was that government official, Al Haitham?
Whatever, it didn't matter. At least Dain was expecting to be tied down and he was right, he reminded himself. Dainsleif took a deep breath and calmed himself. The ropes dug painfully into his wrists as he struggled against them, squirming to find weak knots that bound him to the chair. No luck. 
“Evening, Twilight Sword… Do you come here often?”
Dainsleif stopped struggling.
He looked up, dazed.
Perhaps “enchanted” might be the right term.
Although Dainsleif could barely discern their face from this lighting, he can just about make it out from the shape of their silhouette. 
“To this day, you’ve faithfully done your duty as a loving husband– how can a person ever find a man better than you?” The shadow smiled cheaply. "Is that what you wanted me to say?"
The shadow tilted their head up, and a red glint refracted from a familiar pair of tinted glasses. They pulled out a chair and sat in front of him, chuckling angrily as they did so.
“I’d rather not. I’d rather ask how much can I pay you to die.”
Dainsleif coughed.
“... (Y/n)? My beloved, is that you?”
The abyss smiled back.
“I importune you to perish, and you call me 'beloved'?” They laughed sardonically. “Isn’t taking bounties your entire shtick? Why ignore me? Don’t tell me you had a sudden aversion for death.”
They rolled their eyes.
“You’ve encased me in your penthouse, locked me up, stolen my brushes and pens away– and lied to the rest of the world that I had cancer like my relatives when I didn’t and still don’t. So don’t call me beloved. You don’t have the right.”
Their voice was buttery smooth as if seducing him– yet it would be foolish of him not to notice the sharpness of their words– the bitterness it latched onto. It sounded like the truth, but Dainsleif believes they were nothing but lies. 
Dainsleif cringed. 
“But you do have canc–”
“Fucking bullshit!” The person slammed the table, but years of experience didn’t make the retired hitman flinch. “I was NEVER sick!!! You desperately wanted me to be– because– because YOU didn’t want ME to LEAVE!”
“You always talk about how I’m fucking corrupted– how I can’t be cured– how I’m terminally ill when you’re the one slipping poison in my coffee every fucking day!” They ranted. “You didn’t want me to live, Dainsleif. You wanted me to be sad and– and miserable like you are."
He heard nothing. 
That’s not true. None of their words add up.
They loved him– (Y/n) loved him.
Didn’t they?
… Then again, didn't Dainsleif have awful memory?
“Every night, I prayed you’d be dead,” the shadow said, calmly. “And every morning I woke up, I was disappointed. It doesn’t help how your expressionless face is always the first to greet me.”
Dainsleif knew (Y/n) liked challenges– there's no way they want him dead. That's what the promise was for, right? The reason why they made him swear to never kill again once they're married was to make life a bit more exciting. That's what it was, right? 
They're not trying to get rid of him from the very beginning, right…?
They clapped.
Dainsleif instinctively closed his eyes as the rest of the lights fiercely illuminated the entire room. Slowly, his burned eyes fluttered open, and his heart beat again after seeing the shadow’s face. 
It was (Y/n)'s.
It was his beloved’s.
The same face who wrote the letter Thoma read earlier– the same bastard who schemed to prove the Kamisatos are "not involved" with the anti-mafia stunts they've pulled but not their supposed “spouse”.
"I know what you're thinking, and I know I can't kill you," they scoffed. "So I had to resort to some underhanded tactics. Getting you excommunicated was the best one. If I can't do the job, I'll give others a damn good reason to do it for me instead."
Dainsleif chuckled softly.
Adorable. What a kind gesture.
"You underestimate yourself. You can kill me if you just try."
They snorted.
"Best joke I've ever heard from you, Dain. Dry humor suits you."
"I wasn't joking."
"I know you weren’t," (Y/n) clicked their tongue. “I know one of the reasons you kidnapped me was to make me competent enough to maybe kill you someday. Hah. At least I can say that I tried.”
They scowled. Patronizingly, they tore their gaze away from him and instead looked at what was inside the room. Dainsleif was not the same. He couldn’t tear his gaze away to notice how he was trapped inside the Uyuu restaurant’s weapon room.
For the first time in years, Dainsleif smiled like a child.
Dogs like Thoma would never be able to understand what it’s like to have such a strong connection with someone that isn’t your master.
He could no longer care if they (Y/n) was the one that shoots him right there.
In fact, he wouldn't mind if (Y/n) died too.
Haha… Hahahaha….
They had always been dead to him for years now.
Dainsleif finally remembers everything clearly.
(Y/n) had never been "dead", he was just angry that they escaped successfully.
Angry to the point they were actually dead in his eyes.
“I don’t know why the Professor brought you here all tied up– but I’m growing impatient at just the sight of you.”
So is he.
Dainsleif chuckled. One other thing he expected was that Aether will send him here with the intent of killing him. Shame, however, that Dainsleif saw that coming from miles away.
(Y/n) stepped closer and Dainsleif frantically pulled at the ropes, feeling them loosen. Dain had to keep going. He needed to break free. 
As (Y/n) reached out to grab their gun off the table, Dainsleif surged forward, throwing his weight against the ropes and snapping them. He stumbled to his feet, the chair clattering to the ground as he grabbed at the gun faster than they could. The patrons of Uyuu restaurant are completely unaware of the drama that had taken place below their feet, chatting and dining as usual.
With years of experience behind his back, Dainsleif knocked the gun out of (Y/n)’s hand, sending it skittering across the floor. (Y/n) lunged for it, but he tackled them, driving them both to the ground. 
(Y/n)’s eye twitched and they can tell Dainsleif was equally pissed. But even when he had them pinned on the floor, Dainsleif remained careful on how he should hold them down. That unspoken act of “love” makes them want to vomit, but there was no time for that.
Even so, something about his stare seemed off.
It's as if he wanted to drag them down.
It's as if he wants them to be as dead as him.
(Y/n) jolted upon seeing his eyes.
In an unexpected string of luck, (Y/n) kicked him off and wrenched the gun away from Dainsleif.
They pointed it at him.
Dainsleif did not take a step back or forward.
As (Y/n) preps the gun, like souls intertwined by fate and time, they both had one thought in mind:
“If you truly loved me, you should be dead.”
(Y/n) fired.
They shot him.
They shot Dainsleif. 
And they know they shot him because they felt his blood pressed against their body.
But they blinked.
Lord– all (Y/n) did was blink.
"Y-You finally know how to fire a gun."
Dainsleif has nothing to be proud of in his own life, but he can still be proud of them. 
There's no way for (Y/n) to miss the wetness of his gunshot wound. Not when he's holding them into a tight hug. Despite bleeding out, his firm hand cradled the nape of their neck, humming contently. Dainsleif thought to himself that a shot from (Y/n) did not feel painful in the slightest. It almost seemed like an injection. 
No… Something isn't right, why is he so close…?
Their stomach burned.
And they can almost hear his smile. 
"Thank you, my beloved. I was tired of taking my own life…"
If he can't have them alive, well…
Dainsleif pulled out the dagger behind their back.
No one should be able to have (Y/n)'s corpse too.
Dain kissed them.
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He traced his wet thumb against their cheek, painting their face red with his fingerprints.
Dainsleif grinned.
"I love you."
They choked out blood out of pure disgust. Their strength was ebbing away.
Haha… It’s almost like… They actually have stomach cancer…
Their vision began to swim and they felt their consciousness slipping. (Y/n) saw blood seeping through their clothes, staining them dark red. Tears streamed down their face as they realized what had happened. Dainsleif stabbed them. They tried to cry out loud, but their voice was weak and hoarse.
The blood on their clothes… It almost reminded them of their seventh date. The wine, his dazed look…
(Y/n) would laugh humorlessly if they could.
In their last moments, (Y/n) learned that it took strength to cry… to scream out the pain buried within their stomach. But they had no strength left and they dropped their gun. 
Their only option was to wither away.
Dainsleif kissed their neck sloppily– (Y/n) couldn't tell if it was saliva or blood. The taste and scent of blood filled his senses. Surely from both of them. Maybe this is what Dainsleif meant when he spread rumors about his spouse constantly going through hemoptysis. Bleeding from the mouth does count as a sign of a terminal illness, doesn't it?
His thoughts are curt. His breathing is short. Yet, his unhinged eyes were near immortal.
Dainsleif no longer cared about his own life– not when the person he lives for wanted him dead.
The weight of their "atonement" falls on (Y/n)'s shoulders as Dainsleif weakly knelt along with them. As their vision dies out, he tightens his hug, hungrily leaning into their dwindling body heat.
Dainsleif was right.
They do look beautiful soaked in the blood of their enemy.
"I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you."
Even in death, he will not leave them be. 
They sobbed.
But they were so close…
In their final moments, (Y/n) could only look up at the ceiling and cry.
They clutched their feeble freedom and life, staring into the abyss as though it can provide them solace to answer the question:
"E-Eli… eli, lama sabachthani?"
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Young Sheldon Season 7 Thoughts. . .
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"I've got a hot wife and a Nobel Prize, I turned out fine."
I LIVE. <insert Mushu gif raising from the afterlife> It has been awhile since I have been able to update on here! There are many reasons for this, one of them being my other fandom obsession (Dune, you know the other neurodivergent, genius, socially awkward white boy who thinks he is a god...), but also I've reached the level of obsession with Sheldon Cooper that it is nearly physically impossible for me to watch the new episodes! I hope others understand that feeling. I LOVE THIS BOY SO MUCH. 😭 I am just SO NERVOUS about this season! I don't want Sheldon to experience tragedy. Yet - I have chosen to persevere, and I have now caught up!
And the story has certainly unfolded in interesting directions! 😮 Okay, okay - so the BIG thing - Sheldon witnessing his Father sleeping with "another woman"! I am feeling conflicting emotions - impressed, relieved, and a little upset. I am impressed and relieved because they were able to adhere to the integrity of this show while still allowing established canon to be technically true. However, I am also a little upset because it makes Sheldon's experience less serious and lessens the trauma of it that clearly was established in TBBT. In the episode when Sheldon confesses to Penny about what he saw with his father and how it effected him, that was deeply personal and profoundly impacting. It is what scared him in regards to his relationship with Amy, and kept up his walls against intimacy and vulnerability because he was terrified of hurting her. And it is what made him develop the three knocks coping mechanism. To me the fact that it was actually just a silly misunderstanding (his mother roleplaying) is just another aspect of the writers once again invalidating Sheldon as a character. It is THE main mistake of TBBT, playing Sheldon's personality quirks as primarily foolish and "Hah hah hah! Isn't he a weirdo who doesn't understand social conventions and established normal human behavior?! Har har har!"
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"Penny, I'm going to tell you a story that I've never told anyone..." Sheldon and Penny at the ice cream parlor in Season 10 Episode 5 The Hot Tub Contamination of The Big Bang Theory. This was one of the rare moments this show treated Sheldon's character with gravitas. That's kind of ruined now. . . This is a sin that Young Sheldon has not committed until now, and so that really steams my clams! One of the main reasons I love this show so much is because of how it has always treated Sheldon's character with nuance and dignity, showing his complex layers in a deeply human and beautiful way - even while, yes, maintaining the comedic, quixotic charm of the character as well. So, the fact that they've flattened this significant event in Sheldon's life into a ba dum tss moment thrown at the end of the episode last minute is pretty shitty of them. And yet, Mary and George Cooper rekindled their marriage! I thought it was SO SO adorable how they wrote letters to one another while she and Sheldon were in Germany. That warmed my heart. Young Sheldon's thematic structure works and is reliant upon Mary and George Cooper's marriage (something I will go into more in-depth later) so George cheating on his wife just didn't make sense for this story they were telling, or even the characters they had established. So, it's fifty-fifty. I guess it was the best possible outcome given the givens, and certainly makes me happy because I prefer a reality where Sheldon grows up in a stable - albeit dysfunctional - household rather than the heavily implied even more dysfunctional, traumatic one from the TBBT canon. In most of TBBT, Sheldon certainly painted a deadbeat, failure of a father. Such as his mentioning how his father lost a job due to his stealing from the cash register, which Sheldon had been responsible for telling on his father (The Big Bang Theory 9x12 The Sales Call Sublimation) rather than in Young Sheldon, his father losing a coaching job because of his reporting rule breaking at work (Young Sheldon 1x01 Pilot). There has been some significant retconning going on here in this show, but the retconned reality is the one I prefer - so . . . what are ya gonna do? 🤷‍♀️
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homemade-ghosts · 2 years
I know this is a kind of weird question, but why do you think you never got into EJ and Gina?
I saw a comment saying was season 3 was backtracking, "how their relationship was so genuine and supportive in the first two seasons then suddenly all the development was gone in s3 with EJ back to being inconciderate and Gina is back to having feelings for Ricky'
Not a weird question at all! 
I’ll start with things I think I’ve mentioned in previous PW-related asks (just to get the repetition out of the way lol). They share no common ground beyond both initially being seen as the scheming antagonists when the series began. They don’t understand each other — nor does EJ ever make a concerted effort to understand Gina, beyond asking her (literally one time) what it feels like to be constantly moving. They don’t communicate well; EJ put no effort into maintaining their relationship. + EJ essentially refuses to support Gina the second it becomes inconvenient for him (sure, he’ll pick her flowers to congratulate her on landing the lead, but then he’ll negate that by immediately talking about himself and his failings without giving Gina a moment to celebrate her own success). 
& on top of EJ & Gina being, on paper, not compatible — regardless of who they are being played by — there’s also the fact that I have never once felt an ounce of romantic chemistry watching Sofia & Matt on screen together. Chemistry is, in part, something that just is. You either have it with your scene partner(s) or you don’t. They don’t. (IMO) That’s problem #1. & even actors who establish that natural onscreen chemistry can’t coast on that alone, to really get the audience (in this case, me lol) invested, they both have to have the emotional range to back it up. 
Which brings me to problem #2: I don’t think Matt has the kind of depth, as an actor, that it takes to be a good scene partner to someone as incredible an actor as Sofia. I don’t want it to sound like I’m just trying to dunk on Matt, he seems like a nice guy and I by no means think he’s a bad actor (I don’t think anyone on the show is a bad actor) but, in my opinion, he doesn’t bring much, if any, nuance to his performance. It’s always very…shallow — meaning that Sofia, too often, has to carry (most? all?) the emotional weight in their scenes together. Josh, in contrast, is a much stronger actor who can hold his own in a scene with Sofia because he’s capable of giving a layered performance. Like Sofia, there’s so much going on behind his eyes, so much in the slight change of a facial expression. She doesn’t have to do all the heavy lifting in their scenes together, it’s more of an equal partnership.
I should probably also mention that I have never exactly loved EJ as a character, for reasons completely unrelated to Matt’s portrayal of him. Even when s1 was airing and he was in everyone’s “Big Three” edits on Twitter, I didn’t really get the appeal. I thought he was funny sometimes and a necessary part of the show’s narrative, but I had a hard time rooting for him because his problems were often so trivial compared to other characters’. Like, Ricky’s parents were in the midst of a divorce and his mom was miles away, seemingly starting a new life with a new relationship, without him. Gina had finally found a home and friends and somewhere to belong, only to have all of that ripped away from her, out of nowhere, the instant her mom gets a call from work. Meanwhile, EJ…lied and lost Instagram followers because of it ?? & I’m expected to sympathize with him? Then, in s2, Gina is heartbroken, without her mom to comfort her, Ricky is forced to move out of his childhood home & Nini is finally embracing her independence and learning not to see herself through the eyes of others and EJ just…doesn’t get into one Ivy League school until his dad effectively buys his way in and again, I’m supposed to feel for him because he's sad he couldn't earn that spot on his own? The only thing I feel is that he’s incredibly privileged. & when he was desperate to please his dad in s3, I tried to care (because it's the closest he's ever come to genuine struggle on the series) but I couldn’t because he was doing it at the expense of Gina & her feelings — something he never took responsibility or apologized for, by the way. Ricky makes a mistake, learns from it and does his best to make up for it. EJ makes a mistake and…well, that’s it. He keeps making it, but it’s supposed to be okay because he’s a good guy who’s always trying to do the right thing, even if he doesn’t succeed. & I’m tired of it, honestly.
TLDR: In order for me to root for a couple, they need to have chemistry, the actors need to have comparable acting abilities & I need to sympathize with both characters, to like both of them &/or to find them both interesting (I specified the “&/or” for that last part because I do have a couple ships where I don’t necessarily like one of the characters, but I do feel for them at times & find them interesting/compelling). PW has none of that.
As for the second part of your ask, the old “EJ & Gina’s relationship was great in s2, but the writers ruined everything in s3 by having EJ go back to being selfish and Gina go back to being in love with Ricky.” Ugh. Here’s the issue with that: neither of these factors ever changed. EJ has always been an inconsiderate & insecure boyfriend and Gina has been in love with Ricky this whole time. Neither of them went “back” to being anything, they just never left. EJ had all the same negative qualities in his relationship with Gina that he displayed in his relationship with Nini in s1 — jealous, insecure & secretive, with an inability to own up to his own actions & a tendency to blame Ricky for something that was entirely his own doing. That isn’t a sign of character regression. You can't regress if you never learned, never changed, in the first place. PWs only convinced themselves that EJ had changed because he was single for nearly all of s2 and that allowed them to completely forget what he was like in a relationship. Out of sight, out of mind.
 & I don’t know where PWs get the idea that Gina was completely over Ricky once her & EJ got together. She only accepted EJ’s offer of a date after making it clear (at the sleepover) that she thought Ricky was no longer an option, not that she didn’t still harbor feelings for him. There was no closure between them, they never talked about Opening Night and, in order for EJ & Gina to get together, she had to literally not be on speaking terms with Ricky.
Also, about the whole “EJ was so supportive in s2” thing: I’m guessing their idea of “support” is 1. EJ asking how she was one time — even though he didn’t ask because he noticed she was emotional and wanted to check in, he asked as in, “how do you feel about everything you’ve pulled off tonight?” because she had helped plan the entire party and performed that musical number for Carlos in front of everyone. Gina, feeling alone & dejected, took it for more than it was. & 2. EJ bringing Gina that ass granola bar from his back pocket at the airport. Both of these aren’t so much expressions of support as they are the absolute bare minimum, which required little effort on EJ’s part. Like, wow, in the entire time they’ve know each other, he’s asked her about herself twice and picked her up from the airport once — boyfriend goals, am I right?
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raytm · 6 months
i'm going to do these by character rather than by ask but this has also made me aware that i am not as deeply aware of blade's lore as i had presumed i was so i will have to do a little bit of diving into it.
lavender : how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ? once their trust is broken , how might one go about mending it ? ( for blade! ) / @starspurn snapdragon :   is your muse merciful ?  why or why not ? zinnia :   how has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse ?   has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives ? magnolia :   describe your muse’s relationship with nature   &   the natural world  / @kafkaisms
blade is not someone who trust comes inherent to, my interpretation of his bonds currently established in canon are that they were somewhat imposed upon him ( thank you kafka and sam ) and thus, the forced proximity has led to him understanding that there are benefits in being associated with others. I feel like after blade became struck with mara he was, a lot of the time, hardly lucid, all but pitching into a dark, seething nothingness where he was intrinsically hostile, if not outright violent to those who approached him. blade, as an entity, exists in this perpetual state of suffering, through his contact with the stellaron hunters that has been abated to an extent. I feel like, during those initial interactions with kafka and sam blade was the equivalent of a wounded, cornered animal, lashing out at any who got too close but after he was taken in by them he eventually came to realize that there was meaning or merit with it. The “trust” established with the stellaron hunters seems related to the way they work together, a cohesive, effective unit despite their diversity. Blade trusts kafka, and i think, he also trusts Elio ( i need to do a bit more of a deep dive into their relationship tbh ) with the others he acknowledges their strength and prowess but that does not equate to trust entirely. Basically saying, blade doesn’t foster trust with many, his existence, as it is currently, isn’t very accommodating of that. Mending trust with him ? feels almost implausible to me. I feel like, while there is potential for it to be plotted, blade as he is currently isn’t really equipped to forgive, especially if we’re talking about dan heng or jing yuan. I feel like the hatred he has is linked to his character, his goals, his driving force, so fundamentally that separating the two of them would be quite difficult. This is not to say that he will never forge bonds again or that there is no room to plot around the prospect of amending those feelings but, it’s just blade.
blade is a honed weapon, a lethal blade, he strikes to kill. I do, however, think that if given the chance he may have a proclivity to be cruel, if it were someone he held a grudge with specifically i could absolutely envision him making them endure hell. Inherently, i do not think he is swayed particularly to either, but mara struck he tends to be more vicious and brutal. ( i will have to think on this more because while he comes across as a menacing antagonist and i will not deny him that, i do not think he outright gives the i would torture you for my own enjoyment vibes. )
yes, the memories of his past, amorphous and incessant, haunt him, yet he can never seize them in clarity. the revenant that we know as blade now holds those from that time in great enmity. this, is particularly prevalent to jing yuan and to an extent, dan heng. blade’s bonds are untethered to the past, as unknown as it is to him and yet, at times, he reels between the two, in dreams, specifically, the faces of those present and those past are exchangeable and he finds himself torn asunder by the prospect of enduring yet another betrayal. he is careful now, vigilant now, so much so that he notes even the slightest of divergences in his comrades, it does not mean he will mention it, but his gaze is keen. loss - of self, of bonds, made him regard those he has now with a distant attentiveness, blade’s perspective of comrades and loved ones is now further askew than it once was and while i do think he relies on his comrades he would rather not acknowledge it as it is, infact, a weakness.
blade wandered the world in a delirious state of agony, the world a panoramic scape of vast, unfamiliar lands and tributaries of blood, all which lead back to his body. he navigated the world in such a stupor for so long, that, for a time, the world was more phantasms and less corporeal. his connection to the world is profound in the fact that he cannot escape from it, these are his shackles and they are eternally binding. in that way, he loathes the world, natural or otherwise. he cannot die but neither can he live, suspended in a sentient flourish of violence. he finds himself, sometimes, pensive to it, in long, yawning stretches of silence he can stare into the water and see in the ripples a countenance that holds within it a world of anguish and a lifetime of unknowns. sometimes, he regards it with a vestige of sentimentality, things that bloom in spite of adversity are akin with him, they unfurl and incline towards the sun in spite of all that encumbers them. It’s complicated, is the best way to put this. He both hates the world for sustaining him and finds himself lost in its abundance. 
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 years
Seven “Best” Character Arcs in AOT by GameRant
This list is just all over the place, so here’s my two cents..... https://gamerant.com/attack-on-titan-best-character-arcs/ 7) Sasha Freaking Braus earns her rightful place on this list alongside the main three and in actuality is FAR more deserving of her placement there than some of them are. She may be a secondary character but she became a fan favorite for a reason. And I am still not about to shake on my stance that she is EASILY far better developed than Mikasa, despite only get a fraction of focus. Sasha easily could’ve been the main girl of the series and it would’ve been far more satisfying. More testament to what a criminal decision it was to allow Assassin’s Bullet to EVER be published. It was not just a bad call on Isayama’s part, it was an ABUSE. 
6) Armin Arlert certainly earns his spot, going from a shirking coward to arguably a better strategist than Hange Zoe or even Erwin Smith. Too bad the final season undermines this badly with his failure to field the Colossal Titan when it really could’ve come in handy, his nonsensical promotion to commander of the Survey Corps which for all intents and purposes was functionally destroyed by that time, and of course his infamous final exchange with Eren. Nevertheless......Armin does earn his spot for his growth in the story preceding the timeskip. 
5) Like Sasha, Hange Zoe’s demise is one hundred percent UNJUSTIFIED. She is a truly great character (Whether you choose to refer to her as male or female, however you roll) and like Sasha has an infectious personality, not to mention her great intellect which made her an effective warrior against the Titans. But......her character growth is kind of static. And once again, the goddamned timeskip didn’t do her any favors, making her come off as an incompetent commander who failed to subdue a betrayal from the likes of Floch and his fellow Yeagerists, and as many a fan will tell you, she NEVER GOT A BACKSTORY. Too many questions left unanswered about the Regiment’s third or fourth most senior soldier. 
4) Annie Leonhart, you gotta be kidding me. Story takes almost a decade to find a place for her again and she doesn’t regret any of her past actions......And she walked for her crimes despite being partially responsible for provoking Eren into setting off the Rumbling. That’s not character development.......That’s evidence that Annie should’ve died back during the Female Titan Arc. The bare minimum is afforded to her in the timeskip after her rather contrived return. As I’ve said before, TOO LITTLE TOO LATE. 
3) Mikasa Motherfucking Ackerman............Do I really need to repeat myself on this one? On why she doesn’t earn her spot on this list? 
2) Eren Yeager. One word for his arc: BASTARDIZATION. People thought Anakin Skywalker’s transition to Darth Vader was handled clumsily no thanks to the prequels. But that’s peanuts compared to Eren’s descent into madness. One of the biggest criticisms of the ending of Titan is how it completely undermines Eren’s motivations for why he did everything he did, with this insultingly forced predestination subplot that shows he was evil all along......A revelation that subverts everything previously established. And all for a world-destroying revenge scheme that it’s hinted he knew was never gonna truly succeed in the end. That said, I am in the crowd that considers Eren Yeager to be effectively discredited as both a protagonist and antagonist with the events of the timeskip, and he may very well be the weakest link due to its horribly misguided execution. Eren turning evil could’ve worked, but in the end......I have concluded that it was one of the worst bad calls of Attack on Titan. He absolutely should not be on any “Best Of” lists ANYWHERE. 
1) Levi, the only character who truly earned his survival in the end. Too bad he was pretty badly mutilated in the final acts. He is a true badass, but I am going to say I think his character growth is somewhat lacking. Probably because he loses all the friends relevant to his growth. And YET AGAIN, the timeskip did him no favors for sidelining him through the entire War on Paradis Arc. Levi’s saving grace is that he is enough of a badass and complex character to back up the focus he has enjoyed outside of these stumbles, so while I think his growth is lacking, he as a character is still good. And he deserved a better ending than what he got, because it wasn’t satisfying in the slightest. And he’s still an infinitely stronger character than his closest rival and mystery relative, Mikasa. Perhaps the series would’ve benefitted from him being the true main protagonist. 
This list doesn’t really acknowledge the deeper problems that undermines its selections, so it’s overall not reflective of how Titan handled its main cast.
But on the plus side, whoever complied this did not include that bitch Gabi Braun, easily the most unwarranted and unnecessary character in the saga. Too often praised for a character arc that simply DOES NOT MATTER. Sorry Gabi fans, but the payoff you love to tout doesn’t exist, so arguing that she was necessary to the themes and final conclusion of Titan simply hold no water. You cut her out and not much would change, except Sasha and perhaps even Eren would’ve gotten the focus they still needed in place of this bitch. 
Also, NO HISTORIA OR YMIR! Seriously, what the hell? 
Thoughts on this list? Thoughts on my verdicts on this list? Do tell.  
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adamwatchesmovies · 6 months
The Karate Kid Part III (1989)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
The strength of the Karate Kid series lies in its emotional power. You could probably predict how the first one might end but you were so invested in the relationship between Daniel and Mr. Miyagi (Ralph Macchio and Noriyuki “Pat” Morita) that you forgot about all the times you’d seen the story before. Everything that rang true, that was effective in the first film (and the sequel to a certain extent) is present in this third chapter… but none of it works. Cartoonish villains, characters who’ve regressed and a repetitive plot make The Karate Kid Part III feel like a cash grab and nothing else.
Having lost his students and dojo, John Kreese (Martin Kove) visits his best friend, Terry Silver Thomas (Ian Griffith) to tell him he’s giving up on Cobra Kai. Instead, of moving on, however, he and Terry decide to partake in an elaborate revenge scheme. Posing as a new friend and teacher for Daniel, Terry will infiltrate his life so he can tear the boy and his beloved teacher apart.
I’m not sure if Ian Griffith is the best or the worst thing about this movie. One of his first scenes has him chomping on a gargantuan cigar in a hot tub, giving notes to his secretary about how he’s going to hide all of these mega-pollutants from the authorities. Combined with his ponytail, eagerness to jump on the revenge bandwagon and easily-revealed colours, you expect him to be facing off against Captain Planet, not some teenager and an old man trying to make a living selling bonsai trees. He’s ten times as maniacal as any of the bad guys we’ve seen in this series and less subtle than Emperor Palpatine.
On his own, Terry might’ve made the film unintentionally hilarious if it weren’t for Daniel. You’d think that by now the boy would understand a thing or two about Miyagi, that he’d respect him. No. At every instance, Daniel questions Miyagi’s tried-and-true methods, goes against his wishes or tries to do something sneaky behind his back. What’s infuriating is that you know exactly how it will play out. The movie holds no surprises whatsoever. In fact, it choreographs itself in ways that would be clever if they weren’t so transparent. For example, the film begins - once again - by informing us that the relationship we spent the previous movie developing has dissolved. Kumiko is briefly mentioned but never appears. She’s been replaced by Jessica Andrews (Robyn Lively) who quickly informs Daniel that she’ll be moving away in two months. At least the screenplay has learned SOMETHING from these movies. It establishes a way for her not to appear in any subsequent sequels!
Writer Robert Mark Kamen (who didn’t like this premise but whose alternative was even worse) does the bare minimum and director John G. Avildsen does not attempt to turn this pile of straw into gold. The villain’s plan involves sending his cronies to commit vandalism, theft, and attempted murder but the police are briefly mentioned once and then never again. This plot isn’t concerned with what would actually happen. It’s just going through the motions so we can get to the tournament at the end of the movie and watch Daniel beat the odds AGAIN. The Karate Kid Part III isn’t merely a disappointment, it’s a waste of time. (March 10, 2022)
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dreadwhoop · 1 year
Reviewing the All Elite Wrestling personnel 2023 Edition (Part 2) -
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The Most Wanted. A wrestler I look forward to seeing on TV every single time which is a rarity in AEW these days. He's incredible! Yes I imagine his lack of promo deflates a full-on title push but this is why managers were invented. Put him with CJ Perry and let him chase the TNT title. Bandido. TNT. See how effective this all sounds? His win-loss record is criminal - I would protect this guy as a serious project to develop.
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Likely the prime choice to be the next AEW Champion all things considered. He's clever to protect his spot. Call it akin to Hogan or Cena or anybody politicing in the back the guy must have a silver tongue backstage. Not to bash Adam Cole once again but the moment I saw Jay White I asked out loud what was the point of Adam Cole now? We can clearly see, unlike Adam Cole, Jay White welcomes the promo battles with MJF because he wants to be considered as good and, yeah, MJF smoked him with the 'Tofu' line but you know I've seen Tofu survive a Zombie Apocalypse with only a knife so color me interested at the success he's getting.
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A dark horse in AEW's future success. Transplant Jay White's goatee onto him and you've got a serious contender for future AEW Champion. Also can't speak a lick of English hence Don Callis. Nothing much more can be said. He's got size, impression, and time on his side. He isn't being made into some gimmick joke character so they must think highly on the guy. A time will come when one has to ask who people see doing well when they're not in AEW. Relatively safe and solid worker.
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Aah yes a favourite of mine. Should of been everything Sammy Guevara could of been and, hopefully, more. Santana is one of AEW's most missed opportunities and it's obvious he tried to go to WWE but got rejected so could never debut on the Puerto Rico event. A shame. It's a risk to invest in him but it's worth taking if it pays off - the guy is easily able to hang with the established main eventers and future stars if he can finally detach himself from the chains of Ortiz.
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I debated this one for a bit. On one hand it's frustrating how badly they've booked big men in this company. Lance Archer. Powerhouse Hobbs. Wardlow. Miro included, but Miro still gets attention because of the absurdity of his story. The right thing to do with him is to make him a chaser who keeps having obstacles put in his way. A "12 Labours of Hercules" kind of deal. Miro is a long-term push who, on his way up, can highlight other talents too.
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A 11th hour success story - the BCC, JAS, and Outcasts have been insufferable drains on television time - non-story factions who pick fights which mean nothing to serve the cause of one person - Moxley, Jericho, and Saraya (dis)respectably. Put some AM Radio filters on her promos and even during the intro for the commentary, pull out a red carpet with photographers when she wins the Women's Title and have her kiss a plastic baby held by Gene Snitsky before he punts it. Have Toni Storm stalk Darby Allin thinking he's pining for the "good old days" whilst Danhausen stalks her like Nosferatu. Have Hikaru Shida do something with her Kurosawa style…it's endless…dare I say…Timeless??? People naturally knew to clap her instead of cheer. This is how you get OVER.
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Would of included her last year but official roster candidates qualify so here she is now. She's someone who I can count the number of moves she does yet every move she does counts. Special mention to Brody King who has been a beacon of inspiration for her and championing her cause. She should be the next TBS Champion but not yet do it next year. All she needs is a broader moveset and she'll soar to new heights in her young career what most veterans never see at all. Great finisher. Great theme song too.
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In many ways the contrast of Julia Hart in the sense of being a fantastic veteran who has always had the look of a serious competitor and the attitude of a rugged badass. AEW has always flirted with the idea of Mercedes Martinez for some time and it seems like the time has come for her to go full mercenary and take everyone and anyone out before she's out of opportunities.
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Speaking of Latina latents, Thunder Rosa is due for a return and it should be a monumental one building up to feuds with Jamie Hayter (when she's ready) and Britt Baker (if she's still here). Or why not Taya too…actually where's Deeb? One of the biggest mysteries is Deeb's disappearance. Anyways Thunder Rosa is a complete flavour of work, look, and promo it's just not everyones' taste. She's been doing Vlogs so it's not like she's missing just not being used. Why?
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Every year I seem to nominate at the end a former AEW Champ to get rid of so, for a change of pace, here's a former AEW Champ to push. Kenny Omega is still a viable draw when you detach him from all the stupidity associated with his personality. The Cleaner needs to find a way to make AEW's faithful more than just hanger-ons and return to being the franchise player where he can mix with any style. Keep his work inside the ring, build psychology, wrestle fundamentals, and revise his goals to humble his way without gimmicks or stipulations. Make him just WRESTLE and let time speak for it.
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thedailyjin · 2 years
My Journey
In this world full of advancement, it is quite hard to think for new ideas for the improvement of the society because almost all the possible methods have already been established specifically emphasizing on the enhancement of the daily activities of the humanity. However, despite the existence of these new ideas, innovation and improvement are continuously in demand as the gaps between these things are still noticeable. Things may be getting advance but they pose threat to many aspect and that includes the resources of the humanity to afford those solutions. That is why, there is a need for the modifications and innovation to those existing solutions to allow people who are less fortunate especially in terms of financial status to still avail such services without giving them burden financially.
Perfection has never been our aim. For as long as we are able to defend our project and prove that the project we are proposing is for the beneficiary of everyone, we are good. The whole process of the project that we chose to conduct is a rollercoaster to be considered. We go through ups and downs and full effort is really important to successfully conduct the things that are needed to be conducted. One of the things I learned during the whole process of the project is that we should always know how to manage well our time. This is very time consuming and what was being planned will not always happen plus the fact that the time you allotted may exceed beyond due to possible sudden occurrences. Correspondingly, there should always be a second option or a plan B in case things won’t go according to plan.
Further, I realized that high patience with understanding is also very important to ensure that there will be no unnecessary occurrence of misinterpretation and fight among the members of the group. I also realized that it is very important that you know enough the members of the group because this will allow you to identify each of their strengths and weaknesses which will be so useful in assigning the task in relation the project. This will also allow the other members to be aware of their characters which I believe an important thing to be aware of.
The hypothesis of the group was once been mentioned on my last blog including the testing of the hypothesis and the result of it, and as a sort of recollection, let me state those data again.
Null Hypothesis
                There is no significant effect of having delivery inside the CMU in the students’, faculties’ and residents’ daily activities and in the income of habal habal drivers.
Alternative Hypothesis
There is a significant effect of having delivery inside the CMU in the student’s, faculties’ and residents’ daily activities and in the income of habal habal drivers.
There are a lot of ways in conducting hypothesis testing, but my group decided to choose the most feasible one which is the interview. The interview was being conducted to the students, faculties and residents inside the CMU to assess if there is a need for the project to be develop and to anticipate the feasibility and the appropriateness of the project to the setting especially to the people who will benefit it. Fortunately, almost the people we interviewed agreed to the idea of the project. Some even verbalized “ ay mayo kayo na kay, kapoy kayo muadtog market para lang mupalit sa gamit nga among kinahanglan” (that’s really a good idea because it’s too tiring to go at the market just to buy the our needs), “sige I proposed na ninyo nga project kay beneficial kayu na sa mga students, especially sa mga lagyo ug colleges” (Go, and conduct that project because that’s very beneficial to the students especially to those colleges that are far from the market) and many more. We also interviewed the habal habal drivers and generally, they agreed to the idea because they could have an extra income to the project making them way more productive in their everyday living. The stores were also interviewed especially those who are being associated by the project and they said that it’s a good idea because it can add to their income and customers.
                Based on the gathered responses as a way of testing the hypothesis, it can be concluded that our null hypothesis had been rejected. This means that there is a significant effect of having delivery inside the CMU in the student’s, faculties’ and residents’ daily activities and in the income of habal habal drivers which is our alternative hypothesis is fighting for. Thereafter, our group decided to choose the only option, to continue the project and aim for a big difference in Central Mindanao University.
After all the hardships, blood, sweat and tears that we invest in the project, at last, everything has  come to an end, an end full of worthiness, happiness and accomplishment. It is the time that we appreciate the product of our labor. I am so thankful that despite numerous hindrances that came in our way, we are able to overcome it. A special recognition to my group for being so hardworking within this project: Mikaela Yssabelle Bornales, Shein Marl Cantos, Rik Harold Gatpandan, Ben Densing and Daryl Angel Olvis.  And to our instructor Miss Leanne Aireca Tumaroy, thank you very much ma’am for a never ending guidance and support to all the groups. Above all, I thank God for giving us the strengths that we need to conduct the project and for the guidance and knowledge that he bestowed in the group. Lastly, I thank myself for the hardwork and the courage to continue this journey. Everything about this project may came to an end, but I believe that every time a door closes, a new door will open, a door that will not only give us a new challenge but also a new opportunity to develop and enhance our selves for the better cause. And, now I am ready to conquer whatever may come in my way. I am brave, tough, and absolutely ready to FACE THE NEW CHAPTER OF MY JOURNEY.
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donaweasley · 3 years
What If
Pairing: Loki x Fem! Avenger! Reader
A silly game of “What-Ifs” between two friends eventually leads to the realisation that the future, if spent together, may not be as bleak as they had anticipated it to be. A dialogue-based best friends-to-lovers cliché.
Warnings: Relationship angst, too many dialogues, long read, happy ending!!!
Read time: ~28 mins
Author's Note:
It's a long read with far more dialogues than can be deemed healthy. The reason is, I didn't want their arc to feel rushed. It had to be cooked slow. Another reason is that, I can't help hearing my characters, and it triggers a flood of dialogues! I'm trying to work on controlling it. 😬 Hope you enjoy!
Now has a sequel: Their Little Secret
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“C’mon! You’re breaking the rules now,” Loki casually waved his hand at his best friend.
“I’m not. There’s nothing to answer really,” (Y/N) replied with a shrug.
“There must be something on your mind!”
She pretended to think for a second, and shook her head.
It was a usual night in the compound. It was just another night when one of these two friends had called the other in the middle of the night for some midnight snack. It was just another of those happy times when they had tiptoed into the kitchen like thieves because...no, no one would mind some missing nachos or ice creams, but because it was fun!
It wasn’t easy for Loki to open up to someone, let alone to allow the other person in. Neither was it easy for (Y/N) to trust somebody, given her past, especially when that somebody was infamous for betraying almost everyone, at every step, not to mention his attempts at ruling Earth and causing massacre.
But time is a healer and a magician.
And here they were now, looking at the moon-washed night life through the west-facing glass wall, and playing a game of “what-ifs”. One would say that it was silly and immature; some would even call their talks gibberish. But when the night was so relaxed and carefree, why wouldn’t they be?
The pale yellow orb hovering above the western horizon cast a soft ray of light through the glass wall. Oblivious to its movements across the room, Loki and (Y/N) were wrapped in a thin blanket on a couch, their feet resting on two separate pouffes.
It had all started with a silly question, something like, “What if you weren’t stuck in this building tonight?”, or something along those lines; they didn’t even remember correctly anymore.
One question led to the other, and soon they found themselves tangled in a game of questions that would have been enough to create an alternate reality. But eventually, they found themselves, not answering with imaginary scenarios, but debating over one particular question:
“What if you find the love of your life tomorrow?”
This question was posed by Loki, rather theatrically, amidst the many others that had tossed different possibilities of their near future. And it was here that (Y/N) refused to play along anymore because, as she stated, it was “the most silly question ever”.
“So, you claim that my question is even worse than your ‘What if you were a Jotun cat’? What kind of a question is that anyway?” Loki teased.
“Of course, it is. Undoubtedly!” With one wave of her hand, (Y/N) dismissed his appeal.
“And how is that even logical, may I know?”
“C’mon, this entire game is out of the boundaries of logic,” she claimed. “Your behaviour is like that of a cat. Don’t make that face; it brings you closer to being a cat. And...a Jotun cat sounds cool!”
Loki sighed. “And my question is ridiculous! If the game is beyond all reason, then...” he shrugged, “say something...weird, and move on!”
“Fine! If I-if... If I meet the love of my life tomorrow,...I’ll stab him. Or her. Or them. I don’t even know.” She huffed.
“Ouch!” Loki made a face, ”Didn’t see that coming. I would enjoy the stabbing part though. Thank the Norns, you never declared your feelings for me!”
She looked at him sideways with a stern face. Loki noticed the irritation simmering just beneath her skin, ready to burst out at the next prodding.
“Hey,” he placed a hand on her arm, “what happened? Was it something I said?”
She turned her face away. But Loki wasn’t giving up that easily.
“(Y/N),” he gently tugged at her arm, “look at me.”
When she finally turned towards him, he held her by the shoulders just to make sure that she couldn’t move away again.
“Now, you’ll tell me everything. What happened?” He inquired again. “I thought you were having fun.”
“It’s nothing Loki, it’s just that...you know I don’t like discussing my non-existent love-life. It’s...it kind of makes me...sad sometimes. Especially in a setting like this!” She waved her hands at her surroundings. “I mean, look at it, a full moon, a silent night, blankets and… It just leaves me with this reminder that I’ll be alone all my bloody life!”
Loki’s hands slowly retracted from her form and folded themselves on his chest. And just like that, they both found themselves staring out of the window.
“I’m sorry,” Loki’s voice audibly reflected the guilt that had formed within, “I never intended to...”
“No, you shouldn’t be. It’s...I overreacted. I’m sorry, Loki. I just ruined the mood. Shit! And it’s not my hormones, mind you!”
“I know,” Loki chuckled. “And you did not ruin anything. It’s natural to feel, isn’t it?”
She looked at him with a raised brow, “Somebody’s learning!”
“Somebody’s got a good teacher,” he smiled.
“Aww!! I love it when you acknowledge my awesomeness!” She wrapped an arm around him, pulling him in closer, and pinched his cheek.
“Ugh! Let go of me! Let...go!!”
The room was filled with (Y/N)’s cackles and Loki’s threats as he wriggled out of her grip.
“Do that one more time, and I’ll stab you!”
But it wasn’t enough to stop her chortles.
“Would you now?” she teased, and raised her hands again in a faux attempt at squeezing his cheeks.
He swatted them away.
“Stop it!” He warned again, only to emanate snorts from her.
But the next second, his voice changed into a compassionate one, “Why do you think you’ll be alone all your life? How old are you anyway? 80? 90? Isn’t that supposed to be old in human years?”
Once again her cheerful mood fled behind a thick curtain of annoyance. But this time she did not look away. She simply rolled her eyes, and pulled her legs from the pouffe to sit cross-legged, and shifted to face him.
“No, I’m not that old. But why are you suddenly so interested in this topic?”
“Because suddenly, you seem to have found an interest in getting annoyed.”
“Then don’t annoy me.”
“Not in my nature, I’m afraid.”
She couldn’t decide whether to hit him or laugh at him.
“Loki-” She curled her fists and shut her eyes.
“I’m listening, darling,” he smirked.
Of course, she knew how stubborn Loki could be!
Who else would know that better than me?
“Okay,” she placed her palms flat on her thighs, “the thing is...I can never make a relationship last more than two years. I waste my time trying to establish a...a proper, long-lasting relationship - something permanent - and end up with a heartbreak. Every. Fucking. Time. I’ve given up. I’ve had enough! Now, even if anyone makes a move, or if I’m interested in someone, I just remind myself that it’s not gonna work! I just don’t put any effort anymore.”
Loki hummed in response; his eyes were focused on her as if he was trying to decipher a mystery.
“And,” she continued, “given my current ‘job’,” she air-quoted the word, “I’m more sure than ever that no one will last more than two months now!”
Once she voiced the storm in her head, her eyes softened and she looked down at her lap. Through hooded eyes, she stole a guilty, fleeting glance at her friend, who seemed to be musing about something really serious. His eyes were strained on the carpet, while his chin rested on a fisted hand balancing itself on his thigh.
For a long moment neither said anything. Only the distant buzz of the sleepless city floated through the air and filled the room.
It was Loki who disrupted the silence with a long and heavy sigh.
“I knew that Midgardian men were impatient, narcissistic-”
“Look who’s talking,” she smirked as she interrupted him.
He gave her a quick deadpanned stare before resuming, “-imbeciles, but I was beginning to think that they have good tastes in women. It’s disappointing, not surprising though, that they have proven me wrong.”
A small laugh almost made its way to its escape, but she pushed it back. “You think so?” She quipped.
He shrugged, “From what you’ve said, there is no reason to think otherwise.”
She sat a little straighter. “Really? Do go on!”
Loki immediately noticed the effect that he had planned for. Without giving away the joy of his small triumph, he continued, “Indeed! Look at you! You’re an amazing woman! You’re brave, witty, independent...smart...excellent with knives! And that’s my favourite thing about you, by the way. ”
Feigning offence, she exclaimed, “And I thought your favourite thing about me was that I tolerate all your tantrums, and keep up with your shenanigans.”
“I don’t throw tantrums, darling,” he pushed the accusation away with his silky tone, “and don’t tell me that you take no pleasure in the havoc that we wreck together.”
At this, she could no longer suppress the evil grin that spread across her face, “I do love a bit of chaos. It’s fun.”
“To think of it,” Loki added excitedly, “had you been on Asgard, you might have been the Goddess of Chaos!”
“Oh! Thank you!” She replied with a dramatic wave of her hands.
Both laughed at the way their words were unfolding.
“Thank you, Loki,” (Y/N) said after their little whirlwind of laughter had calmed down, “I guess I needed to hear something nice about myself. It’s been a long, long time since I heard it.”
“I meant every word of it,” he replied in a solemn tone that made something flutter in her chest.
Was it gratitude? Was it joy? Was it love for her best friend?
It was hard to tell. It seemed to be everything at once.
She simply smiled at him. “Even the ‘Goddess of Chaos’ part?”
“Especially that part,” he asserted, and she laughed.
“You’re the best, Loki!” She gave him a half hug.
“That, I definitely am. But you’re not too shabby yourself. And you should never ever be sad for someone else’s failure.”
“Alright, I get what you’re trying to do here,” she landed a playful punch to his shoulder. “I’m fine! Really! I just got a little carried away.”
“No, I really mean it,” he tried to assure her. “You are one of the most magnificent women I have known! And mind you, I’m rather picky in these cases.”
She laughed, “Of course, I’d know that! ... Loki, it’s...it’s alright. Some people just don’t have it in them to sustain relationships no matter how wonderful they are. I’m okay with it.”
“Come on! A narcissistic God is showering you with genuine compliments! And you’re still not convinced that it’s not your fault but of all those who failed to keep up with you?”
She tried another attempt at convincing him, “It works both ways.”
“Norns! I can’t believe you’re so foolish!”
“Enlighten me, please,” she drawled.
“I believe I have already established the fact that you are phenomenal.”
When she giggled and nodded, he carried on.
“Good. Now, your job, as you put it, shouldn’t be a hindrance in your relationship. You’re doing the marvellous job of being a guardian to thousands of people. People you don’t even know! How many would put their necks out there to do it?”
“C’mon, Loki, when duty calls, you have to leave everything behind and just go! Who’d tolerate that for days? They will snap one day.”
“I’d never do that!” Realizing his mistake, he quickly corrected himself, “What I mean is, had I been in their place, I’d have never done that.”
“That’s because you’re on the team,” she argued. “So, it’s normal to you.”
“No, it’s not because I’m on the team. I’d-” He sighed. “Fine, why don’t you try finding someone from this field? Stark’s parties are a great place to hunt humans.”
“‘Hunt humans’?” She snorted, “I like the sound of that. Nay, haven’t found anyone. Besides, mixing professional and personal life can be fatal. You never know when your personal life might get jeopardised because of a mission gone wrong. Y’know, the usual blame-game and all. I hate all that!”
Loki brooded over her words for a few seconds before asking, “I don’t get it. Why would it be fatal? I mean, look at us,” he gestured in between them. “We have a perfect understanding. We’d never blame the other for any petty thing. Or-or let it affect our friendship.”
“That’s because we have the perfect understanding, Loki! You said it yourself. It’s a rare thing that we have. And I can’t expect it to be with anyone else. They’re not you, Loki.”
“They’re not us,” he corrected her.
Joy seeped through his senses as he watched her face brighten up at his words.
With a nod, she continued, “You see, all that spark, excitement, promises - these sound really great at the beginning. As time passes, as the real world pushes in, love moves to the backseat. Love is not enough. There comes a time when you have to balance everything together, and love becomes one of those things. It becomes a chore.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t follow you,” Loki stated with a frown. “That sounds so sad!”
“It is!”
“Well, it shouldn’t be! Loving you shouldn’t be a chore! Let’s say...hypothetically...if I’m in love with you, then you’d be my passion. And passions never become a duty, not even in the worst of times. Instead, they help us breathe when everything comes caving in. You’d be my...my moment of peace in a war. How could I not be tempted to embrace this beautiful moment?”
“Unfortunately, Loki, that’s not how it works. See, when you have a lot on your plate, say your job, your dreams, your daily life and all the pressure that comes with these, you’ll find less and less time for your loved one. Things get hectic and eventually frustrating. You won’t be able to keep that flame alive even if you want to. And one day, you’ll come to realize that you have distanced yourself from your moment, even if you never wanted to. But it’d be too late. There’d be no going back.”
“I’d never distance myself from you! I mean, from my moment. I’ve been a king, and I know how taxing royal duties can be. Sometimes, it seemed like a luxury to get even a minute to myself.”
“See? So, how could you have found time for me?”
“I would have, darling. Not plenty, but whatever little time I’d have gathered, I’d have made them memorable. For you. For us. And maybe we could have gone on long rides occasionally. Rekindle the old flames? Or-or we could have gone on visits to other realms...for political reasons, of course, but could have taken the opportunity to spend a small vacation with each other. What do you say?”
Painfully tempting images of a life that could have been floated in her eyes.
“And what if we came back to Earth, and I got involved in...say, a job that was all hectic and left me all frustrated, and with little time for you?” She shrugged.
With a sigh, Loki shifted to face her fully. “We will take care of each other, (Y/N). If one gets low, the other pulls both up. And I know that together, we can do anything! I believe in you more than I believe in myself.”
She smiled brightly as she acknowledged, “That is...that sounds doable, yes.”
“You’re special,” he placed a hand on her cheek, “and you need to be treated in the most special manner. One that befits my queen.”
A moment passed between them as they looked into each other's eyes, both seeing the same beautiful picture.
His queen!
My queen!!
Wait, what is he...?
Damn! What am I doing! What will she...!
Loki cleared his throat as he abruptly pulled his hand back to his side.
“I’m sorry, I...”
“No, it’s okay,” she cringed at the way the words squeaked out of her. Clearing her throat, she continued, “We were just giving examples.”
“Yes, just examples,” he agreed.
“It’s fine! I understand.”
“Great! It’d have been quite...awkward...otherwise.”
“Oh no! It’s...uh...totally fine. We’re best buddies!” She gave his arm a light punch.
“Right!” He nodded, and focused his gaze on the floor.
After taking a minute to calm his heart, he wore his witty persona back.
“See, having a relationship is not at all tough. All you need is a good partner. And I’ve proved myself right again! No, wait. There’s something you mortals do. It’s...uh...about throwing something...”
“Goblets? We don’t do that. It’s you-”
“No, not throwing, it’s about dropping something...after you have proven a point...”
“...Mic drop?” She chuckled.
His eyes lit up.
“Yes! ‘Mic drop’. So, as I was saying, all you need to have a happy and successful relationship is a good partner. Mic drop!” He concluded as he mimicked the action.
She sighed. “There’s just one tiny problem. I’d probably never find the right person. The ones that flirt with me, don’t understand me, and the ones that understand me have friendzoned me.”
“I’ve never friendzoned you,” Loki quickly replied with a frown. “J-Just clarifying...in case you were talking about me.”
“Of course, I’m talking about you, you big oaf!” She flicked his arm.
“Hey! You friendzoned me.”
“No…? It was you! Well, yeah, I never tried to flirt with you or anything but...anybody could see that you were being just my friend.”
“I can say the same about you,” Loki playfully accused.
“Whatever,” she shrugged.
A thought started playing in her mind. And a couple of seconds later, she decided to say it aloud, “I...umm...Just curious...y’know, don’t take it in any other way. Did you ever think of flirting with me?” She put forward each word very cautiously.
Loki furrowed his brows, and opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, she warned him, “Be honest!”
Immediately, his confident attitude changed into a helpless one. “Yes, I did. Maybe once. Or twice. But that was all! I assure you!”
She could hardly contain the amusement that was bubbling inside.
“What’s so funny about it?” Loki asked with furrowed brows.
“Nothing,” she shook her head as she tried to hold back her laughter, “nothing at all. It’s,” and then she lost it, “I’m sorry! It’s funny! I don’t know why, I find it funny hearing from you!”
“Look who’s laughing!” He said wryly. “I could clearly hear your thoughts the first few days after I stepped into this structure. Every compliment that your little mind cooed at my divine persona. And may I dare say that not all of them were decent.”
Her hysterics were long forgotten as her face went red at the comment.
“How dare you invade my mind?” Her hand had balled into a fist, ready to hit his arm when he caught it.
“I didn’t invade it, darling. You were practically shouting inside that pretty head of yours. I could have heard it from the other side of the planet!”
“That was a long time ago,” she refused to meet his eyes. “I make better choices and better decisions now.”
“Do you?”
She opened her mouth to speak but closed it without uttering a syllable, and crossed her arms.
Loki nudged her with his elbow. “Hey, it’s fun to tease you. Don’t be a spoilsport.”
“I hate you,” she peeked at him through the corner of her eye.
“What can I say,” Loki sighed. “Alright, if you say so.”
She smirked as she glanced at him sideways.
Loki cleared his throat in a not-so-subtle manner. “So, the next time Stark throws a party, I’ll find someone for you.”
Immediately, she face-palmed, and groaned, “No.”
“Please drop this topic. And you’d probably find me a psychopath, anyway” She joked.
“That hurt!” Loki exclaimed with a hurt look masking his humour, “do you think so little of me? Can’t I find a proper partner for my best friend, my darling?”
“No, it didn’t hurt. Don’t fake it. I know you better than anyone.”
“No, you don’t. You-”
“I do. And...I’m fine, Loki” she reassured him, “being with myself, with the people here, being with you.” She gently bumped her knee into his.
“Will these be enough?” His tone had left the playfulness behind. “Will I be enough? For all your life?”
She shrugged, “I think so. You...stick with me all the time, you understand me, you...make me feel good. What more could I want to be happy?”
“You know what more you are missing. A friend can never touch the boundaries of what a lover can give you.”
“I don’t need a lover. Just be with me all my life, and I won’t need anyone else.”
He gave her hand a light squeeze. “I will. I promise.”
Her playful smile was back. “Thanks for all the pep talk, my dearest God. But turns out that I’m better off alone. Now can we please go back to the game? It’s my turn to ask you.”
“Alright,” he smiled back, “if you say so.”
“Stop saying that!” A defeated sigh left her. “You won’t be convinced, will you?”
“Probably not. Because I know that this will gnaw at you again a few days later. I know you’ll be sad again. And that I won’t allow on my watch.”
“Right here, listening to you!” Loki quipped.
Rolling her eyes, she muttered, ”Damn you!” And proceeded to put forward a proper argument.
“The reason why I’m avoiding a new relationship is because I don’t want another heartache. I can’t handle breakups. That’s why I’m...”
When Loki didn’t make another attempt at dissuading her from her arguments, she added, “I just...try everything to avoid a heartbreak. Because when I get one, I lose control over myself.”
“Yes, I’ve seen. Once.”
“Then you must have noticed how vicious I become. Sarcasm drips from my mouth all the time, I say things that I shouldn’t, I...I hurt people. And in turn, I hurt myself. I yell at those who want nothing but good for me. But...”
“But being mean seems to be the only way to mask the pain,” he finished her line.
“It does, yes!”
She looked at him, and into his eyes that silently spoke of the pain that was resurfacing. She remembered something.
“You and I are so...alike!”
He nodded with a smile. “And maybe that is why we understand each other more than anyone ever could. … But we’re more than just being alike, if you think about it.”
She noticed how his voice gradually rose from its usual calmness to an excited tone, and his hands moved with his words.
Loki continued, “You point out my mistakes but don’t accuse me like everyone else does. You show me what’s right. And there’s this-this thing about you, which is so scary...the way you make me do all the things that you want. I-I mean, I am the God here! But you…a mortal...how can you have so much power over me?”
He sighed as his voice dropped to a compassionate tone, “You make me happy, (Y/N). You’ve taught me to forgive when I can, to forget what I can’t fix.”
“Don’t always do that,” she interrupted with a smirk.
His evil smile made a brief appearance before he resumed his warm note, “I like being with you. No...I love being with you! You make me feel good. You make me feel...I don’t know.... You make me feel…”
“Yes!” He observed her, “You complete me.”
For yet another time, silence enveloped them. The only difference was that this time, it was comfortable. Even in their hushed moments, they could hear each other, know what the other wanted to say.
After a while of exchanging quiet stares, (Y/N) spoke, “All this time I believed, but now I know for myself, that you are indeed Silvertongue!”
Loki looked at his lap and laughed, but in the pale light of the setting moon, she noticed the pink that had crept up his ears and cheeks.
“I meant every word of what I said,” he reassured her once again that evening.
“I know, Loki.”
Loki watched her as she shifted to a kneeling position, and leaned towards him. He felt his face becoming hotter as she supported herself on his shoulder with one hand, and placed a soft kiss on his cheekbone.
As she settled back, her lips tingled with the memory of Loki’s skin on it.
They had been best friends, yes, but she had never allowed herself more than a quick hug because she knew that Loki wasn’t someone open to random touches. And she wanted to respect that. Always.
But this peck felt right. It felt necessary. And it felt...different.
What happened next wasn’t guided by logic anymore, but only by their senses.
Loki put his legs back on the pouffe, and scooted a little closer to (Y/N). Taking the cue, she shifted so that her leg was stretched out, and back on the pouffe - not on hers but his - and sat close to him. He arranged the blanket so that it covered them both again.
Another stretch of silence enveloped them. To them, the moment was beautiful. To Loki, who had never experienced anything similar before, it was precious. If he could stop time, he would have done it right then and there.
“Why haven’t you found anyone yet?” She asked him.
“Royalty has its disadvantages,” he replied without taking a moment to think.
She leaned back slightly to get a good look at his face, “Didn’t you ever find anyone from the royal...uh...what do you call it? Of royal blood?”
Loki laughed at her naivety. “Can’t say I didn’t. But none of them were the one. Besides, most people chose my handsome brother over me. And if anyone chose me, well, it was mostly because of my royal title. None of them were real.”
“That’s awful! I would never have done that to you! I’d have chosen you for the wonderful being that you are. But, I get it; happens on our planet, too.”
“Everywhere,” he asserted.
“So...who do you think is the one for you?”
He looked down at her face, which was mere inches away from his. For the first time in months of their friendship, he felt something swell inside his chest at the closeness.
“I still don’t know,” he whispered, “but I think the Norns might have started giving me clues.”
He didn’t need to explain, obviously. All the tension that had been building up throughout the night had placed them both on the same page.
Without thinking, Loki moved his wrist so that his palm was facing the ceiling. And instinctively, (Y/N) placed her hand in it, their fingers closing around each other.
"It's odd," she announced after a while.
"It's weird. I mean, what were we even thinking!" She huffed, although she was still clutching his hand, as was he holding hers.
"Exactly what I was thinking. You and me?” Loki laughed nervously, “Come on!"
Silence, their faithful companion for the night, visited them once again.
"Could it be? You and me?" Loki’s voice was a little more than a whisper, and bordered on the edge of confidence and doubt.
"Doesn't sound so bad. Not after all these... Talks?" She whispered back.
And once again, they fell quiet.
The strangeness of the moment pushed them both into a whirlpool of thoughts. From acquaintances to partners to friends to best friends to...lovers?
Can this even be possible? What if it’s just a passing phase? What if everything goes back to normal tomorrow? Will we still be able to talk normally? But… This feels right. Just...right.
With a sigh, (Y/N) put her head on Loki’s shoulder.
"I don't want to rush into anything and ruin what we have," she confessed in a hushed tone, eyes staring into the night outside.
"Neither do I. You're the only one I have."
With a raised brow, she looked up at him.
"And Thor," he corrected himself with a small smile.
"Glad you remember him "
"Shut up.
Slowly, hesitantly, Loki put his free hand around her. Unsure of the appropriateness of the action, he kept his arm loosely hanging around her frame.
He waited for a while. Had Loki looked at her face, instead of looking straight ahead in fear, he would have noticed the small smile that had formed on her lips.
When she didn’t flinch or protest, he began to rest his arm properly but gently on her. He even went ahead and made the slightest possible effort to pull her closer to him.
The smile that had started forming on her now spread wide enough to turn into a grin. Its reflection was found on Loki’s face, too, who could finally muster the courage to look at her, although he was equally worried that she would be able to hear his heart trying to hammer its way out of his chest.
With every minute that passed, Loki became more baffled, for he couldn’t decide which moment he’d frame and hang on the wall of his heart as the most precious one.
"Are you feeling hot?" She asked without looking at him.
"A bit, yes. You, too?"
"Quite a bit, actually," she gulped.
"Is it normal?"
"I guess, yes. Totally! Had we been cool about it, it'd have meant that there's no spark between us. It’d have felt awkward, wrong."
"So, you agree that there's a spark between us?" He didn’t even attempt to hide the mischievous smirk that shone on his face.
"I had always suspected," she nodded.
"Hmm. When was the last time we went out for dinner?" He asked.
“Probably last month...or was it-”
(Y/N)’s head snapped up to look at him. She could barely put a lid on her excitement.
"Are you proposing to take me out on a date?"
"Well, if we are going to do this, then I'd like to court you properly."
She felt like she'd burst out of sheer excitement.
"If you'd agree to it, that is" Loki clarified.
Taking a large breath, she replied, "I'd love it."
The night was going better than either had expected. Who would have thought that a game of weird questions and a few confessions could change their lives!
(Y/N) put her head back on his shoulder, and let her body slump against him. He held her confidently this time.
“It still feels weird though,” she declared.
“It does, yes, but...maybe this is...right?” In a long time, Loki was hopeful about something, and he wasn’t going to let it slip away. No.
“I hope so.”
“Me, too.”
“Just so you know,” she sat up straight, “Thor is handsome, yes, but you are devilishly charming. You’re intelligent, well-read, witty, sarcastic, great at combat...uh...”
“Go on,” Loki smirked, earning a playful glare from her.
“You are,” she continued, “seductive! And who can resist a sorcerer who knows his way around everything!”
The evil smile that Loki had put away found its way back on his face. “As far as I remember, I did nothing to seduce you. I wonder what will happen if I try...”
“Shut up, Loki! You know I give away raw compliments. I didn’t really mean...I didn’t think...”
He laughed heartily at the furious way she was blushing.
“I was only pulling your leg. I had imagined you to be wise,” he clarified.
“I am! It’s just... I was...” She shook her head.
“So,” Loki resumed, “you think I’m devilishly charming?”
“Drop the topic, please!”
“You can’t resist my sorcery, ha?”
“Please change the topic! Forget what I said!!”
Loki laughed as he continued teasing her. It wasn’t going to be an easy ride, she realized, with the God of Mischief, but it was going to be the best ever!
“I know it was your turn to ask but, what if...you and I are indeed meant to be together?”
She smiled as she rubbed her cheek on his shirt, “I think we’ll have a gorgeous future together. And...I’d love that more than anything else.”
The next morning...
“Morning, Wanda-”
“Shh! Shh!!” The red-haired witch silenced Natasha, and pointed towards the couch.
Curious, Natasha’s eyes followed the direction that Wanda’s finger was pointing at.
There, snuggled in a blanket, fast asleep, sat (Y/N) and Loki, their legs spread on a pouffe, tangled with each other’s. Loki’s arm was wrapped around her shoulder while she was holding his waist. Her head lay on his chest and his on hers.
“Aren’t they cute?” Wanda whispered.
Before Nat could reply, Tony’s voice cut the conversation.
“Who’s cute?”
This time, both the ladies shushed him, leaving a perplexed expression on his once sleepy face.
When they pointed towards the couch, Tony huffed, “These two! God knows what’s taking them so long to realise! They’re just so-” His face lit up. “Know what? I have an idea! I’ll make them confess. Who’s up for it?”
Now has a sequel: Their Little Secret
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And...a song for keeping the feelings floating...💕
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
Liz + alone
(in which I sorta just start grumbling when I get to s4)
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They do a very good job of setting up where Liz is in the pilot episode. Establishing she’s a runner without a safety net to fall back on, that she’s effectively pushed everyone away to the point she’s alone. Her first meeting with Max has her shocked he’s still in town to which he responds “and you’re finally back”. Implying that not only has she not visited Roswell often enough to hear news of the Evans twins but that in turn Max failed to hear mention of her. Which given how small towns work (and his sister and mother’s social networks) would be bound to happen if she visited for any extended period of time or even more than once. Though Isobel could have hidden the fact Liz was in town to prevent any form of apology or confession. One Max notes in 1x01 he never had the chance to give her, “I never got to tell you how sorry I am”. Implying that Liz skipped town right after the funeral, since Max hadn’t been around to see her. Which was the start of her running away, from Max, from Roswell. Because they were supposed to go on their road trip that summer, and without a single word to him, Liz up and left. Much like with Diego.
Which leads into her first meeting with Arturo, in which he says “our little genius, finally home” when paired with their 1x02 conversation in which he says “you have to find a way to forgive {Rosa}”. Implies they haven’t had much one on one time during the last decade. Which if Liz rarely or never visited Roswell would make sense, because Arturo couldn’t easily fly out and leave the diner.Meaning Liz had managed to avoid these sorrowful and angry conversations for the last decade. Only managing to hide her anger and sadness through distance. This same disconnect boiled down to her friends, since they were painful reminders of the segment of her life she actively cut them from her life. Maria mentions in 1x01 that they had little to no contact, that “you could at least have the decency to get an Instagram so your high school BFF can stalk you from afar”. This same distance applying no doubt to Alex as well as Kyle.
In 1x04 Liz does a very good job of summarizing her own need to run away from her trauma, by telling Kyle that she’s “lived in fourteen cities since highschool, transferred colleges twice, bailed on every boyfriend”. Even going so far as to voice where the need to run and cut connections came from “something broke in me when I lost Rosa, and I’ve been running ever since”. Because if she leaves first she can’t be left, she avoids that pain and maintains control over the scenario. This need for control incapsulates much of Liz’s character, from her fights with Max to her science. The clean cut lines of facts, the way she can guard herself with them making up her armor. Though Liz acknowledges the flaws in how she’s been living for the last decade, paralyzed by fear, she also presents a hope. Telling Kyle that “if {she} could solve this one mystery {she} might have a chance at feeling home somewhere again”. Setting up for the finale, and how she starts to heal from her fear of being left. All through building a network and learning to rely on the people around her, not only to solve the mystery of Rosa’s death but to keep Rosa once she is has her back.
With Max dead and Rosa resurrected, Liz is faced with a crucial moment, one where she could repeat what she did in high school, cut all ties and run or she could stay. Mourn with her family and friends and stay connected. However, she makes the first choice, packing Rosa up as early as she can, giving Kyle an after thought of a farewell before ditching town. But Liz comes to a realization in 2x01 when she discovers Max can be saved, she can run or she can work alongside his family and her friends to bring him back. Which empowers her to take back control of the pain of losing Max. To fully face what it could mean to lose him while fighting for him. Which is something the viewer sees glimpses of throughout the first half of the season. Between her confessing to Rosa that she never dreams of Max (2x05) and growing to accept he will die, though she will at least get to tell him she loves him first.
Throughout this journey of healing Max, Liz goes through important milestones. She learns to lean on her friends and family, starting to become comfortable in Roswell again. Successfully getting back what Rosa’s death stole from her. Because Max didn’t just give her back Rosa, he gave her a support system or rather the chance to build one. It’s during this time she grows close to both Michael and Isobel, learns to love them and rely on them. In 2x03 she comforts Isobel, the two of them bonding over Max, and starting to build a relationship outside of him. While in 2x04 she realizes how much Kyle means to her, that he is her ‘family’ a sentiment he echoes in 2x05. And in 2x04 Rosa’s resurrection and Isobel’s influence reunite the Ortecho family, allowing them to work through all of their grief together and be knit back into their little family. A new start for them, and a reset to ten years back for Liz.
However, Liz is faced with her worst fears yet again at the end of 2x13, that is being left alone. She expects Max to chase after her, to tell her they can work through their issues, that she doesn’t have to run anymore because he will continue to be her constant. Much as Rosa points out earlier in the episode, “we both know if you try to leave town without him again, he's just gonna show up with some big, grand romantic gesture to stop you”. Which would have been a direct follow up to the promise Max made her when they first started seeing each other, back in 1x11 when she said “if I mess up, if I cave and take off again, I need you to follow me this time. Don't let me go that easily again, okay?”. To which he responded that he “never would have in the first place, if {he} didn't think it was what {she} wanted”. Which means that Max was fully letting her go (since she wasn’t aware he had been given his death sentence already, and was cutting ties to make her life easier). This carries over into season three, even with a year jump Liz is shown as stagnant, waiting for Max to come after her. Because unlike with Rosa’s death she isn’t fully convinced she’s lost everything. She’s learned some lessons about friends and family and knows her ties will survive whatever comes her way. Even as she waits in the place she told Max she would be, waiting for him to come back to her, because though he left her she isn’t running away from him. As Kyle points out in 3x01 she’s waiting for him to come to her, something she doesn’t deny.
The rest of season three is dedicated to where Liz’s strive to be the best comes from. The show addressing her need to be perfect to earn the approval of her mother (see 3x12), and presenting the solution, that she doesn’t need the approval of someone who doesn’t care about her when she has her friends and family who do love her. Heath tells her as much in 3x12 that she is “a hero to the people in this building. And, quite honestly, a round of margaritas with them kind of sounds better than a prize- on some shelf that has to be dusted”. Tying right around to her realization in 3x04 that she “need(s) to trust people, but it has to be the right ones.” That she had put her faith in Genoryx, but it should have been in her network of people. She tells Heath almost excitedly that “I... have people”. Her family and friends, those in on the alien secrets and those not. Because there was a fine line between a corporation that promised to make things better but never did, and people who genuinely supported her even when she endangered them.
This reliance on her safety net of people is a defining part of the first bit of season four. She’s shown leaning on Max when she runs into emotional and alien struggles, going to Michael with science concerns, and even leaning on Kyle and Rosa in the latter half of the season. (I’m not going to talk in depth about a lot of this cause I have issues with how much of it was handled, as y’all are properly aware). This safety net and comfortability Liz shows is something relatively new for her character, since she isn’t shown as being afraid that they will leave her or abandon her even at her lowest point of the season. In 4x11 when she tells Max she doesn’t want to lose him, she presents it as the fear she would push him and Rosa away, not that they would abandon her. This new found trust and stability is something she echoes throughout the season, even saying in 4x13 they “are way past skipping town”. Which is a slap in the face against how they leave her in the finale, solidifying Liz’s fears of being left while reminding her exactly how easy it is to be abandoned. Instead of having her support system around her or having her pursue Max and not let him ‘skip town’ without her, the writers made the active choice to leave Liz alone. None of her support system was there for her when she faced what is supposedly her biggest fear, even though they are all aware of her traumas and how this would affect her. Instead the writers chose to not only remove Max from Liz’s life with the promise of a hopeful return at some unspecified time. But they removed her support, her safety net. Showing her sister skipping town that night to be across the country, her closest friends driving off into the sunset or snuggled by a fire. Or in the case of Maria apparently choosing to be alone instead of with Liz. Effectively creating this strange (and heartbreaking) loop for Liz’s character. Because she’s in that desert without anyone, with the stinging promise of an engagement and a future. All alone, just like she started off the show.
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andreafmn · 3 years
Collision - Chapter 4
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Word Count: 3,821
Characters: Female Reader Uley Character, Sam Uley, Allison Uley, Charlie Swan, Bella Swan, Seth Clearwater, Billy Black, Jacob Black, Emily Young, Paul Lahote, Harry and Sue Clearwater, Leah Clearwater
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Twilight, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Stephanie Meyer and Summit Entertainment. The only thing I own is Uley Reader insert, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 4/?
A/N: Don’t know if I ever mentioned it, but the story takes place before New Moon but after Twilight. It starts at the end of May after the dance, so it’d be the summer before Bella’s birthday in September. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 4
The next time she awoke she was back in sight of the blinding hospital lights. Her head was heavily pounding and the clothes on her body felt alien to her. Her eyes struggled to adjust to the white lights of the sanitized room, but they were suddenly off.
“Back again, Miss Uley?” She recognized the voice, Dr. Cullen. “I’ve already turned the lights off so don’t worry about that.”
Her eyes finally opened to reveal the smooth pale face of the doctor. A wave of calmness rushed over her as soon as her eyes connected with his golden ones.
“What can I say?” She chuckled. “I just couldn’t stay away.”
“Well, it seems you’ve been having a recurring headache, insomnia, memory lapses, and a lack of appetite. It looks like post-concussive syndrome. Your mom told us you were feeling like this for a few days, why didn’t you come back?” Carlisle questioned. He was trying his best to look like he was breathing but if he took even a single breath all his years of self-control would be over in an instant.
“I thought if I could just make it to at least seven days it could clear me from coming back to the hospital, at least as a patient.”
“What do you mean?” This comment had perked the interest of the man. Thoughts raced through his head faster than he could analyze them.
“I was thinking of applying for a medical assistant job here in the hospital. I recently got my degree in biology, and I’ve been thinking of going to medical school after.”
“That sounds like a plan, but let’s work on getting you better first.” It did sound like a good plan to Carlisle. He wanted to be as close as possible to her every single day, but it also meant he would have to work triple as hard to control his thirst. “We’d like to keep you for the next few days and make sure you’re in good health before you can go back to business as usual.”
“How long would a few days be?”
“About four to five days, just to make sure that the symptoms don’t worsen, and we can give you an all-clear.” It would also give him a few days to grow accustomed to her smell. “We can work over that application for medical assistant, make sure it’s something you want to do.”
“Yeah, that’d be great.” She smiled at the man in front of her, her heart fluttering with every breath she took. “Thank you, Dr. Cullen.”
“Please, call me Carlisle,” he smiled. “Now, why don’t you continue resting, and whatever you need just call. My office is right down the hall, I’ll be here in no time.”
The girl stared at the retreating form of his body and covered the heat that was rising to her face with her pillow. The butterflies in her stomach had made her uneasy and had her hands shaking. She didn’t understand why she was feeling this way. It had only been a week since her first encounter with the doctor, but those few seconds were enough to have her drooling over the man like a lovesick schoolgirl.
A few days had come and gone quickly. (Y/N) had grown attached to Carlisle, seeing and talking to him every day had felt like a dream. In his free time, she would go over to his office and pick a book to read, which they talked about the next day. They spent hours talking about nothing and everything.
It had been a long time since Carlisle had felt this way, centuries. Being around her had gotten easier each day that passed. Her smell becoming comforting instead of a trigger to the endless hunger for human blood – he’d never had a simple drop of it, but nothing could explain how much he wanted to have hers. Getting to know her had been a welcomed activity by the young doctor. He could spend days upon days listening to the sweet sound of her voice, admiring her curious-filled face when she started a new book – which she read swiftly, taking only a couple of hours to finish most of them.
“Can’t believe you have so many first editions, and you leave them at work.” She ran her hand across the spine of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment. “I would keep them in a well-preserved chamber, and no one would be able to even breathe on them.”
Carlisle smiled as the girl gawked once again at his book collection. It wasn’t hard to acquire first edition novels when you were alive when they were published. “If you’re impressed by this collection, you’d be completely astonished by the one I have back home.”
“You have more?!” He nodded. The girl shined like a kid on Christmas, her eyes gleaming at the thought of a big library. “Oh, that sounds like a dream.”
“You’re more than welcome to come over any time. It’s always refreshing to meet a literature aficionado such as myself.”
“Really? That’d be amazing!” She grinned brightly. “I could spend all day reading, forget about work.”
The duo laughed. “Too late to withdraw the application but you’re always welcome to pass your downtime in my office.”
“Sounds like a plan,’’ she smiled. “Now, doctor, what will you ever do now that I’m not going to be here every day?”
“Oh, how will I ever go on?” He chuckled. “But if you ever need help during that time, just come by. My office is always open. And hopefully, you’ll visit from time to time on personal time.”
“I’m sure it’s something that can be arranged.”
If there was still blood rushing through his veins, the capillaries in his face would have widened. He felt like he now understood Edward; how being with her made him feel human again. And there was nothing more that he wanted than to take their friendship to another level, but he wasn’t sure if she would ever feel the same. Carlisle knew that she was unaware of the supernatural since (Y/N) had allowed him to be in her life. But what would happen once she knew everything? How could he ever come between her and her family?
“Miss Uley, your mother is here,” a nurse spoke up, peeking her head through the office door. “Discharge papers have already been filed.”
“Thank you, Nurse Dalen. She’ll be out in a moment.” Carlisle smiled.
“Well, the time has come.” (Y/N) took her phone out of her back pocket and handed it to the doctor. He looked at her with a question-ridden gaze. “I’m gonna need your phone number so we can arrange any future endeavors.”
“Right,” he laughed, typing his number into her directory. “I’ll be waiting for that call.”
“I’ll be making it soon enough,” she grinned. “I’m gonna go now. I’ll see you around, Cullen.”
“I’ll see you, Uley.”
She left the office with a huge smile on her face, holding her phone close to her chest. For the first time, she was experiencing something she had heard of most of her teenage years. Once she had met Carlisle all she wanted to do was get to know him better, spend her time with him, just being near him would suffice. It was the first time she was learning what falling for someone was, and even though it was scary, she was jumping in headfirst.
“Hi, honey. Ready to go home?” Allison hugged her daughter for the first time in five days. (Y/N) nodded, truly ready to finally sleep on her own bed.
“So, how are you liking Dr. Cullen?”
“MOM!” Allison laughed at her daughter’s reaction. It was easy to see that (Y/N) had taken a liking to Carlisle Cullen, and vice versa.
“What, darling? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.”
“It’s not like that, mom.”
“But you’d like it to be like that.”
“I’m not talking about that with my mother.” (Y/N) placed her cold hands on her cheeks, trying to cool down the warm blood that had rushed onto her cheeks. The cool air of the car’s A/C was only helping her so much.
“I just want you to be careful with that, honey. He’s older than you, technically has kids, and rumor has it he is married.”
A breath hitched in her throat. Married? She knew he had adopted five kids, most of them her age, but not that he was married. Had she read the situation wrong? He didn’t wear a ring, he didn’t mention any relationship, he had no pictures of a woman in his office. Then again, they had only spent five days together at the hospital. She didn’t know what he did when he went home at night, who he went home to at night. (Y/N) shouldn’t feel betrayed—they weren’t anything, and they weren’t on track to become anything.
“Don’t worry, mom. I’ve just been picking his brain about working in the hospital, and he’s been helping me with what I’m gonna be doing this summer.”
“Oh, have you decided what you want to do?”
“I’m gonna get my medical assistant certification. It’s a three-month course then I can work at the hospital.”
“That’s great, honey.” Allison smiled at her daughter from the driver’s side. “Is that where you’d see yourself making a career?”
“Not sure. I want to take this time to see if life in a hospital is truly where I’d like to work – see if medical school would be it for me.”
(Y/N) hadn’t taken the time to focus on her future. In her high school career, she spent her time focusing on the present and piling on as much as she could, and now she had no sense of direction. She would take every day as it came, hoping one day she would find her purpose.
Finally, back home, she hopped off the truck and stretched out her limbs, stiff from the days on a hospital bed. Taking a deep breath of fresh air and basking in the afternoon sun. The cold that had seeped into her bones from the hospital melted off, and she smiled feeling the warmth surround her.
“Why don’t you go upstairs, honey?” Allison told her daughter. “There’s a surprise waiting for you in your room.”
(Y/N) smiled and quickly made her way up the stairs to see what her mom meant. Opening the door, tears forming in her eyes. Her room had done a 180-degree turn. The walls had been painted a light beige color, and plants hung from the walls bringing warmth to the room. The bed was adorned with a white cover, and a fluffy duvet to keep her warm at night. A wooden frame sat atop the bed dressed in white linen and ivy vines. A bookcase lived in the corner of her room, filled to the brim with her collection of hardbacks and peppered with potted plants. Opposite the bed was a small desk with a dark green suede chair, her laptop set up in the workspace. Her room finally felt like hers.
“Do you like it, honey?”
“Mom, did you do this?”
“I wish I could take credit, but your brother and your friend Paul came over when I was at work and redecorated. I was actually surprised that they even came over.”
“I’ll have to thank them,” (Y/N) grinned. Even though their relationship was strained at the moment, and she had yet to see Paul since coming back, she was glad that they had taken time out of their days to do this for her. “I’ll go over to Sam’s house for a bit, maybe now he’ll have time to see me.”
“Why don’t you go tomorrow, honey? You should take it easy.”
“I feel a lot better, mom. You don’t have to worry too much.”
“I’m your mother, I’ll always worry. If you’re gonna go out, go see Jacob. He was really worried about you.”
“I will.”
(Y/N) kissed her mother’s cheek and grabbed her bag to head out. Her first stop was to the Black residence. Jacob saw her coming down the street and ran out to wrap her in a hug. When she collapsed last week, he had been very concerned when she collapsed in his garage. Jacob was glad that she had made a full recovery and was now back home, with minimum side effects showing. The visit was short, only a quick hello to ensure the boy that she was okay.
After spending some time with Jacob, she walked towards Sam’s house – she hoped to catch Paul there too since she had heard he now spent his time there alongside Jared Cameron. It hadn’t clicked in her head why Paul would ever hang out with her brother and Jared. Even when they were back in middle school, he never paid them any mind, having a separate friend group. She had only become his friend by spending time with him away from school, and her brother had always disliked them together, claiming he was a bad influence.
Outside of the small house, (Y/N) could hear the low chatter of manly voices, a higher-pitched one joining after. There was no mistaking that Sam was home. She started feeling nervous as she raised her hand to knock on the door. The shaky limb was able to make contact with the blue door twice before it opened wide open, revealing a shirtless Paul Lahote.
“(Y/N)?” He questioned. Paul knew she was back, but Sam had given him clear instructions to stay away from her due to their situation.
“Hey, Paul. Long time no see, huh?” The girl smiled at her friend that now towered over her. A few years ago, they were still of the same stature, but too much time had passed since then. She went in for a hug, and Paul cut it short – worried she might note his burning temperature. “Is Sam home?”
“Uh, yeah.” He scratched the back of his neck, turning towards the kitchen. “Sam! (Y/N)’s here.”
The older male appeared in front of them, a soft smile playing on his lips. “Hey, (Y/N). Good to see you’re doing better. What brings you around?”
“I just wanted to thank you both for what you did in my room. Mom told me you worked on it while we were away. It’s a dream.” Sam smiled at his younger sister and shared a hug with the smaller girl.
“I’m glad you liked it, (Y/N). We wanted to give you a place where you could rest better after the accident. It’s the least we could do.” The alpha could hear the duo that was left in the kitchen had grown curious about who was at the door. “Do you want to come in for a bit?”
“Are you really inviting me in?” (Y/N) was taken aback – the last thing she thought was that she would get that invitation.
“Yeah, there’s someone I want you to meet,” Sam responded, keeping his doubts of the encounter to himself.
(Y/N) walked through the threshold and instantly felt the warm aura that emanated from inside of the house. It was a welcoming environment that she had grown to love from her own mother’s house. She walked behind Sam, Paul following behind them. `There was nothing that could prepare her to the sight she was met with.
In front of her stood a beautiful woman. She had tan skin, long black hair, and a beautiful smile. But there was something that stood out to her, something she was sure stood out to everyone – three long gashes ran through the front of her face. Yet, they didn’t distract from the alluring atmosphere that surrounded her. Sam moved to her side, and (Y/N) quickly connected the dots and figured that was Emily Young. The Uley girl wanted to be indifferent to her presence, knowing how one of her friends had been hurt by the union in front of her, she couldn’t help but note the love that radiated from the pair. It had been a long time since she had seen her brother as happy as he looked as he stared at his fiancé.
“(Y/N), it’s an honor to finally meet you.” Emily stretched out her hand towards the girl, which (Y/N) gladly took. “Sam has told me so much about you.”
“I wish I could say the same,” (Y/N) joked. “Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to get to know each other more. I’d love to get to know the woman my brother is set to marry.”
“I’m sure we’ll have enough time now that you’re back.” Emily smiled and grabbed a basket filled with muffins, offering them to the girl. (Y/N) gladly took the baked good in her hand, picking at it and placing the piece in her mouth – a wonderful taste that quickly melted in her mouth. “You’re welcome over any time. Any family of Sam is family to me.”
“Thank you, Emily. I’ll be sure to take you up on that.”
Not much time passed before Sam had cut the meeting short, claiming there was something important the duo had to do. “We should do this another time, (Y/N). Paul and I have to go.”
“Go where?” (Y/N) questioned. “It’s already night, not much to do.”
“I can’t really tell you, sis. But it’s important.”
“So still guarding secrets?” Sam shrugged. “It’s fine, Sam. I’m growing used to it.”
“I can take a hint, Sam. I know when I’m not wanted,” (Y/N) smiled. “Thank you for the muffins, Emily. They were divine. I’ll be sure to take you up on that offer and visit sometime soon.”
“Of course, (Y/N). I’m sorry we had to cut this short.”
“It’s okay. I’ll see you guys.” (Y/N) took her bag and exited the house. She was confused on why Sam had welcomed her in only to have her leave soon after – there was something big he was hiding, and she needed to find out what it was.
“(Y/N), wait up!” Paul jogged up to her, turning her around. “Look, I hope you understand that we’re not trying to push you away on purpose. There are things that Sam is protecting you from.”
“Like what, Paul? What danger could possibly be surrounding us that he would stray from his family?”
“I’m sorry, but it’s not my place to tell you, (Y/N). As much as I hate keeping this from you, Sam would not allow it to come from anyone but himself.”
“Are you serious? What kind of power does he have over you?”
“PAUL!” Sam shouted, gaining the attention of his beta. “Let’s go.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I hope one day you’ll forgive us.” Paul kissed her forehead and went to meet up with his alpha.
(Y/N) stood still as she watched their bodies disappear into the woods. She debated whether to follow them for a brief second, but she was exhausted. She left back home with a million questions running through her head. The pair of Sam and Paul was a strange view, and she was determined to get to the bottom of things.
When she got home, (Y/N) noticed her mother asleep on the couch, the tv in front of her still playing. The years that passed were clear on her face, the worry that she carried for both her children plastered in the lines of her face. She could see the exhaustion that she held, years of caring for two kids by herself taking a toll on her. (Y/N) grabbed a blanket and laid it on top of her mother’s body, making sure that she was warm during the night. She left a kiss on her cheek, thankful for everything her mother had sacrificed for her.
After showering the day off, (Y/N) changed into her pajamas and laid in bed staring at her phone’s screen. She thought if she stared at it long enough a message would magically pop up. Minutes passed and her phone kept silent, not a single notification appearing on the screen. She scrolled through her directory until it landed on the newest listing. Carlisle Cullen, it read. Her finger clicked on it and selected new message.
Her fingers danced atop the keyboard of her phone, no words coming to her mind to send to the doctor. Should she even send him a message? What if he truly was married? She would never want to come between a couple. But her fingers did not follow her thought train. Unconsciously, they started typing away a message and before she could analyze her actions, she sent the message.
Hi, Carlisle. It’s (Y/N). I made it home okay and don’t have any symptoms, seems like you fixed me up! Anyways, wanted to know if you possibly had some free time this weekend to join me for some dinner at La Bella Italia. Hope you had a good rest of the day at work!
Her jaw fell when her screen read message sent. There was no way to delete it now. It was out there, and it would make its way to his phone. (Y/N)’s head fell onto her pillow and muffled a scream that escaped from her throat. This feeling was alien to her, and she was learning what steps to take to grow closer to the astonishing man. Minutes felt like an eternity to (Y/N), thinking that she had imploded the friendship she had built with the man over the past week.
The sound from her phone caught her attention. She scrambled for her phone and quietly shrieked at the words on her screen.
Hello, (Y/N). I’m glad you’re feeling better, hopefully, no symptoms will arise once more. And I did have a good day at work, although I missed our afternoon book chats. I have a free day on Sunday. Tell me a time and I can meet you in Port Angeles. Hope that day is good for you.
“He said yes. If he were actually married, he wouldn’t have said yes,” she thought.
So, she typed back.
I’m glad you had a good day, and the book chats have an easy fix. I’m just a phone call away. As for Sunday, it’s a perfect day. I think around 5:30 would be a good time for dinner. Let me know if it works.
Seconds later, another beep.
I’ll make sure to schedule those calls then. 5:30 sounds perfect. I’ll see you there. Have a good night, (Y/N).
See you then, Carlisle. Good night. 😊
(Y/N) smiled at her phone, joy wanting to burst from her body. She was reveling in this new feeling and the happiness it brought her. If it was Carlisle, it was worth it, she believed.
That night she went to sleep with the biggest smile she had experienced in her life. Unbeknownst to the life-changing moments that were to follow this meeting.
Tag List: @daniallh @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @imaginetwilight2704 @jessicas-undrground @hey-you-therexo @mauvette268 @mxyee @beefwhobarksandisalilmadalot
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archived-kin · 4 years
caught in a twin courtship
note from kin: i’m going to be honest i only really wrote this because the title is fun to say, so it isn’t as cohesive as i normally would have wanted to make it
(this is an au where the twins aren’t separated by the unknown god! instead, just their world-hopping powers were stolen, and that’s why they’re journeying to find said god - to get their powers back so that they can go home. i’ve also excluded paimon since i kind of forgot about her while writing this haha)
(this doesn’t follow canon at all since reader and the twins just kind of start wandering about after the dvalin incident rather than heading straight for liyue oops)
fandom: genshin impact
character(s): gn!reader, lumine, aether, diluc, venti, jean
pairing(s): aether/reader/lumine
warning(s): i don’t think so??
genre: fluff with a little bit sprinkling of angst
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you first meet the twins in the aftermath of the stormterror battle. it isn’t a glamorous introduction by any means - it’s pretty unflattering, actually - but it definitely makes a powerful first impression.
the group - aether, lumine, venti, diluc, and jean - are on their way back to mondstadt city, making small talk here and there, but mostly just walking in silence.
then they hear a yell in the distance.
jean and lumine both drop into a battle stances, venti leaps to hide behind aether with a very unmanly squeak of fear… but diluc, who arguably should have been the most alerted by this occurrence, just gives a resigned sigh and pauses.
a split second later, a figure comes speeding up to the group. you barrel up to diluc and immediately punch him square in the stomach, yelling “why didn’t you tell me you were going after stormterror?!”
aether and venti both give matching gasps of horror at the blatant disrespect, but diluc only shakes his head and catches your fist as it goes for another blow, this one aimed at his chest, and chastises, “calm down, i left a note.”
“i left a note,” you mimic, an absolutely awful impression that has you sounding more like a mosquito than the darknight hero, “fat lot of use that is when you aren’t even telling me where you’re going!”
diluc evades another jab at his arm and firmly sets his hands on both your shoulders, effectively anchoring you to the ground. you contemplate swinging your feet at his knees and knocking him over, or maybe shocking him with your electro vision, but ultimately decide that you might as well try to preserve what little dignity you have left in front of those three people you’ve never met before
so you stop with a defeated sigh and turn to face said three people to introduce yourself
it turns out that you’re diluc’s cousin and he’s been having to baby-sit you for the last few years after your own parents left on a ‘business trip’ to snezhnaya that they’re still not back from
you’re pretty sure they’re dead, killed by the fatui, and you say as much during your introduction without even the slightest sign of distress, which is a little unsettling
lumine’s first thought is that you’re quite the interesting character, what with the casual way you treat diluc, and how you don’t seem to question whatever situation lead you to meet in the first place
aether’s first thought is holy shit, they’re cute
one twin greets you in return with a lot more enthusiasm than the other, and venti the bard wastes no time in asking whether you have access to good master diluc’s wine storage
(you’d be shocked by the audacity if you weren’t just as bad as him when it came to shamelessness)
strangely enough, the fact that aether likes you so much actually makes lumine more wary of you than she was initially
aether trusts too easily, and from experience, that usually leads to disaster - and your flippancy regarding your parents’ apparent probable deaths rather inclines her to think that you might be a very dangerous person indeed
the three of you don’t see each other for a couple of days after that - you and diluc leave for dawn winery together, while the twins depart with venti to wrap their whole situation up, and jean returns to her duties in mondstadt city
all this time, apparently unbeknownst to even himself, aether keeps finding ways to bring you up in the middle of conversation
you’d only spoken to him for a few minutes and somehow that as enough to get him absolutely fascinated
lumine would be lying if she said she wasn’t still curious about you as well, but it gets annoying after aether somehow manages to mention how ‘mysterious’ your black cloak is in the middle of a conversation about why mitachurls are able to randomly set their axes on fire
luckily for these two, they happen to run into you the very next day!
you’re in the middle of taking out a ruin guard stomping around the thousand winds temple -  a ruin guard that the twins had been meaning to take down themselves, which is why they’re here in the first place
at first they move to help you, only to stop short and watch in awe as you plunge down at the ruin guard from atop one of the enormous pillars, your polearm held steady in your grasp as your entire body seems to spark and glow with a deep purple electro energy
the sharp blade of your polearm goes clean through the top of the ruin guard’s head and shatters its core, and it sinks to the ground with a massive thud that echoes around the temple ruins, massive wooden limbs twitching and jerking as the last of your vision’s energy disperses from it
aether and lumine are basically star-struck
from there you spot them and call them over for a conversation, show them how to take apart a ruin guard’s circuits to get at the good parts, and somehow end up agreeing to journey with them across teyvat in their search for an unknown god who stole their abilities to hop from world to world as well as their apparent true power that allows them to wield all seven elements at once
the details are a little lost on you, but what you’re hearing is that you get to go on a cool adventure with a cool gal and a cool lad, so you’re pretty much all for it
diluc isn’t too happy about you up and leaving without so much as two week’s notice (partially because he has literally no friends apart from you and he’d get lonely without his little cousin bothering him all the time) but you simply tell him to deal with it and go anyway
(you do give him a big hug and promise to visit, you’re not heartless)
from then on you, aether and lumine become a dynamic trio like no other
it’s actually pretty damn spooky how well the three of you end of working together
aether and lumine had long since formed a style of fighting that meant they made up for each other’s weak spots and could attack in perfect sync, but then you come along and somehow manage to make their already pretty flawless formation even better
is it witchcraft? they honestly don’t know
considering you fit so well into their battle strategies, it follows that you’d also slot perfectly into their every day life
lumine is cautious at first, wondering if your presence would disrupt her and her brother’s long since pre-established routines, but you fit in so naturally that it’s as if you were there all long
maybe it it’s this that makes both twins slowly start falling for you - the comfort of being beside you and the familiarity that you bring are things that they struggled to find, being trapped in a world far from their own with no way to get out, and they unknowingly latch onto you like drowning men clutching lifebuoys
aether is the most obvious about his feelings - he starts waking up earlier just because he knows you do, sitting beside you as you stoke a campfire and keep watch for any approaching monsters, making quiet conversation as lumine continues sleeping. he tells you stories about his adventures in other worlds, including an encounter with a rather bigoted individual who is the reason that he keeps his hair so long while lumine’s has been cut short
he even starts taking his hair out of its braid before he goes to sleep so that he can ask you to braid it for him when he wakes up
lumine is a lot more subtle
she finds excuses to stand closer to you when, deliberately brushing her fingers against yours when handing you something. she listens far more attentively to you when you speak than anyone else, and she smiles far more in your presence, hanging onto your every word and gazing at you so intensely that it’s almost unsettling
of course, the twins notice each other’s feelings pretty easily
at first neither acknowledges it - it’d be far too messy for both to accept that they’d both fallen in love with the same person, let alone actually admit this to each other
but it gets to the point where it just isn’t ignorable anymore, and finally the twins decide to talk
it’s about as civil and sensible as they could hope for with the subject at hand, and they eventually decide to talk to you about it
and so, we come to an ultimatum. what will your choice be?
if you reject both, it’ll be hard to continue adventuring with twins who can’t look in your direction. neither resent you, of course, but the atmosphere has become so stifling that they can’t even make eye contact
it’s as if an enormous gap has opened up between the three of you. the twins are avoiding each other as well, unsure of how to handle the fact that they’re both in love with the same person and have now both been rejected by that same person. if anything, they should be becoming closer out of solidarity, but it seems that they can’t stand to be in each other’s presence as much as they can’t stand to be in yours.
the three of you still work together as seamlessly in battle as you did before, but once the final monster has been cut down and your weapons are sheathed, that connection seems to disappear again.
it’s aether who finally breaks the stalemate. he starts trying to start conversations as the three of you sit awkwardly apart from each other around a fire, and while the first few attempts end in stony silence and an awkward cough on his part, eventually you begin replying with some semblance of the humour you used to
from there things only improve - the three of you come to a silent mutual agreement to leave this behind you, and soon you’re all laughing and joking as you used to
lumine and aether both know that they cannot force you to love either of them, and they respect your choice. if anything, they’re the ones in the wrong for springing something like this on you so suddenly, and they start to feel a little guilty that they were essentially pressuring you into making a choice that you were never obligated to make
so they return to treating you as a dear friend, just as before. things are different now, of course, but they can only be grateful that you continue to travel with them and stay by their side; this situation doesn’t make them love you any less, even if you don’t love them in the same way.
if you choose lumine, aether will be understanding. the twins have been each other’s only support for longer than they can remember, and as the older brother, he’s well used to giving things up for his sister.
he’ll still be friendly and amicable, but he won’t seek you out as much as he did before. he starts braiding his hair by himself again, and stays in bed as late as he can every morning so that he doesn’t have to be face to face with you. just because he’s accepted this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt.
sometimes, when the sky grows dark and you and lumine have long since fallen asleep beside each other, he wonders to himself - why is it that he has to give everything to his sister? he’s given away so much, so why couldn’t the universe let him have this one thing?
but he knows, deep down, that this is nothing to do with the universe - you simply fell in love with someone that wasn’t him, his sister at that, and he’s struggling to come to terms with it.
he wants to hate you, hate lumine, hate the relationship that the two of you have formed, but he just can’t. he loves the both of you in different ways that are just as important as each other, and he can’t stand to lose either of you. he’d rather throw himself off of starsnatch cliff.
so he’ll smile and bear it, even if it’s a battle to keep himself from breaking down every time he sees the two of you lace your hands together, off in your own little word, so near and yet so far from him.
if you choose aether, lumine will become cold. at first, that is. she’s never been as empathetic as her brother, always holding grudges and developing dislike much more easily. it had taken a lot for her to open up to you in the first place, and now that you’ve rejected her, it’s going to take a while for her to return to the same camaderie with you that she had before.
lumine does not begrudge aether for being the one you chose. if anything, she’s glad - aether is always putting her first and himself second, and she’s happy that he has someone like you, who lights his eyes up in a way that she’s never seen before.
but our hearts often betray our mind, after all, and lumine can’t help but scowl and turn away every time she sees her brother wrap his arms around your waist or press a kiss to your cheek. despite her best efforts, all she can think is why? why did you have to choose him?
she can’t bring herself to hate you, though. as much as it feels like her heart is threatening to split down the middle when she sees you smile and is reminded of something that she cannot have, there is an equal joy in the fact that her brother can be with the person that he loves so dearly. if anything, the two of you deserve to be happy together.
lumine would never do anything that could take that away, and so she forces herself to accept it. it takes several days of tentative conversation and barely held back tears, but eventually the two of you seem to return to the way you were before - all friendly jabs and light-hearted banter and little jokes exchanged over crossed blades.
but lumine knows that your friendship can never be quite the same as it was before. she’ll forever be holding you at arm’s length, terrified to let you get too close lest you see how much your presence affects her. she can’t let you know how much she loves you because she will never be the one who links hands with you as you walk down a long, winding path, or the one who holds you close under a darkening sky filled with stars - because that person is aether, and she would sooner die before she takes her brother’s happiness away.
if you refuse to choose, the twins will be at a loss at what to do. they hadn’t considered this scenario - that you had somehow come to love both of them.
the confusion becomes joy soon enough, though. they realise what this means - they both love you, and you love both of them! isn’t this perfect?
neither are particularly thrilled at the concept of ‘sharing’ you with the other, so to speak, but in the end they both equally want each other to be happy as they want you to be, so the logical conclusion is that they both become your partners.
they’re not too sure how this should work, nor what sort of label to put on it, but they come to you tentatively with the idea anyway
to their joyous surprise, you agree!
and from then marks the point of no return…
aether is definitely the clingier of the two. once he realises that he’s allowed to show affection and be close to you for no particular reason, he won’t stop - it’s as if he absolutely has to be holding your hand or be standing or sitting  as close to you as physically possible. he’s always buying you souvenirs at every place you stop by, scaling trees to pick apples for you when you mention a craving for fruit, presenting you little treasures that he’s found with all the pride of a golden retriever.
lumine is a more subdued kind of partner, preferring to demonstrate her feelings with little things like making your favourite food for dinner or bringing you sprigs of flowers that she’s secretly been collecting in order to present you with them. of course, that doesn’t mean she isn’t physically affectionate at all - she presses perhaps even closer to you than aether when you sleep beside her, and somehow her hand finds yours at every opportunity she has.
the twins clash every now and then, as siblings often do, except that you’re usually caught in the middle. their arguments are little more than playful squabbles, though - things like play-fighting over who gets to hug you first after a well-fought battle, or who gets to hold your hand on the way to the next village (you have to step in and remind them that you do, in fact, have two hands)
in conclusion: why choose one when you can have both and prevent the unchosen from having endless amounts of angst?
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dragongirl642 · 3 years
If you are taking requests may I request some Heisenberg with a mute SO (maybe from an injury? Or trauma?) who, initially when they first met he thought they were too afraid of him to speak to him but eventually realised that no, they just CANT speak. Maybe they communicate through sign language instead?
Hi there 😎 To confirm, asks are open for head canons and mashups.
Thank you for the ask, I am thriving of this Heisenberg fix 😘
Discalimer: I am not mute and have never written a mute character before, I apologise for any inconsistencies or stereotypes that arise.
Here are some sfw headcanons for Heisenberg with a mute S/o (including their first meeting).
How he reacts to a first meeting depends on the situation.
If he meets you while doing his job as a Lord, e.g., kidnapping, after the lycan attack, or catching you somewhere you shouldn't be:
Heisenberg isn't surprised when you don't say anything upon meeting him. He knows the effect an unknown man wielding a giant hammer and levitating metal has on an unsuspecting person and can't help but grin at your shocked gasp and wide eyes.
However, he does want a reaction. You know how he just casually stands there and waits for a reaction from Ethan? That.
So he starts to get annoyed when you don't say anything.
No pleas for freedom? Sarcastic comebacks? Witty banter? This man thrives off of whatever communication he can get from anyone who isn't part of his 'family', so he gets angsty.
He will amp up the dramatics for a reaction - think flinging metal past you or holding shards to your neck with his abilities, "Well, are you not going to say anything?" "Cat got your tongue?"
But when you gesture frantically to your throat and mouth and sign at him, he freezes.
At the moment, using his voice is one of the only ways he can actually rebel against his 'family', so he immediately feels pity for you.
Depending on his mood, and whether any of the other Lords or Miranda has a spy nearby, he may shoo you away/point to an exit. But most likely he will either kidnap you to his factory, telling himself that he'll let you go later, or take you to the others anyway.
If he meets you before the incident, while taking one of his coveted jaunts to pub or walk through woods:
Just like in the other situation, he craves communication and reactions.
He is momentarily shocked when you reveal that you can't verbally communicate with him, but then tries to immediately show-off the little Romanian sign language he knows. (During his initial kidnapping and experimentation by Mother Miranda, he met and learned a few phrases from one of the other children and a maid). However, he quickly realises that it's not enough to have a full conversation; also, you might/probably sign in a different language/non-compatible variant (BSL, Auslan, ASL, SSl, etc...).
If you respond with enthusiasm to his attempts, he will be encouraged to seek out other means of holding a conversation, writing on a napkin, playing yes-or-no, and charades.
Will make a lot of jokes and innuendos about a common language that doesn't require talking. (Wink wink 😉😱 if you know what I mean)
He's surprised by how much fun he has talking to you and playing yes-no/charades. He doesn't want to leave but he will.
Will most likely hint that you should leave the area, believing you'll be safer away form the village. (Anyone would be).
Whilst in a relationship
As mentioned before, Heisenberg is very insecure and requires reassurance from his s/o that they want to stay with him. Establishing communication with his s/o is of paramount importance.
All the paper he owns always ends up oil-stained, ripped, or charred, but he somehow immediately finds a clean notepad and gifts it to you with a gilded quill. He may forget to provide ink at first, but he soon realises.
Alao, if you're used to modern conveniences, you may have to deal with a quill for awhile - Pens, what pens, all of his are chewed to oblivion and empty, same for his pencils, chewed and shattered. He searches for three hours across the whole factory before he realises he doesn't have a single working pen left and will go out to find more (or buy some of the duke).
He learns the sign language you use. Even though he's a fast learner, It's a slow process since the only material he has to learn with is a few scraps of paper from an outdated sign book, in the wrong language, and you.
When signing, his accent is a bit lazy (especially if he's working) and, if you teach him, he uses a lot of slang, for speed. Basically the signed equivalent of a stereotypical movie cowboy drawl.
Although he's adverse to physical affection anyway, especially at the start of the relationship, he gradually gets more needy with hand-holding and kisses.
Everytime you squeeze his hand in response to a question/statement, he raises your hand and kisses the palm. It makes conversations ten times as long but he won't stop no matter what.
Kisses your neck...a lot!
Definitely knows morse code. Builds a receiver set so you can message him anywhere in the factory. If you know it too, he's happy to respond to you tapping messages, and sometimes making cheeky jokes and innuendos from around a corner where you cant see him. If you don't, he'll teach you.
Also, morse code arguments...that almost always end in laughter if one of you taps out "don't yell at me".
Will try and build an arm-mounted typewriter for you...It doesn't go well.
One day when he's tinkering around making more headgear for a hauler he has an idea and excitedly rushes to find you. Just like how the headgear simulates brain activity, he offers to try and build a neural implant that will transmit your thoughts to a speaker.
He will mope around/sulk if you reject him, and start building it in secret. If you give in to his puppy eyes and agree he will throw himself into building it, but once he realises how intrusive/dangerous it will be for you, he stops and congratulates himself on keeping you safe (even though it was his idea in the first place).
If you're mute due to an injury, he will sometimes entertain the thought of building mechanical vocal chords.
If you're a selective mute, due to trauma, the first time he hears you speak (if you do), he starts crying. Definitely recorded you for playback later.
I think he is the Lord most likely to use the fact that you're mute against you in an argument. Either as an insult, or to gain the upper hand by tearing away whatever you're using for communication to silence you, e.g., taking away your paper, pinning your hands to the wall so you cant sign, etc...
He always regrets it though, and will try to apologise by being extra accommodating and making you gifts.
If he is in a tantrum, after coming back from a 'family' meeting, and there is metal flying everywhere, It will be even harder to get his attention than normal.
The first time this happened, he didn't realise you were there until a shard of metal sliced open your arm and you fell into some boxes stacked in the corner. Thr clatter, your tears, and the pained sound you made, brought him back to the moment and sent him straight into panic mode, he fussed over you for five hours with tears in his eyes; patching your arm, worrying over blood loss, holding your hand and refusing to let go.
He made a loud jangly bracelet or belt covered in bells and asked you to wear them. It took a while of steady convincing for him to realise this is going overboard.
However, despite your refusal, he knows the factory is a dangerous place and is terrified that you may one day be in danger and he wouldn't realise. (Even more so that he will be the one to hurt you).
He finds an airhorn, and also makes a panic button that will set off the factory's alarms, for you. Should you ever find yourself in danger, e.g., cornered by a lycan or soldat, there's an intruder, or you need to snap him out of an episode, you can just blow the horn/start the alarms and he'll come running.
He will sulk until you accept the panic button and try and hide it in your clothes, either with his powers or through 'surprise hugs' (which is instantly suspicious, because he's not the one to initiate hugs most of the time).
(I feel like he would make a panic button for a non-mute s/o too. Losing you is this man's biggest fear).
Whew...all done. 😅 Thank you again for the ask, it was eye-opening researching different types of sign language.
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