#; (asks)
great-and-small · 1 day
I recently watched a video of a pair of Sandhill Cranes raising a Canada Gosling, and it seems that it isn't the first example of it in the last few years. Are cranes like penguins where they will steal eggs/hatchlings if they had an unsuccessful breeding season, or is there some other reason that they 'adopt' baby geese?
If you follow enough birding groups in Sandhill crane territory, you’ll eventually see someone post a baby duckling or goose that is following around a pair of cranes. It’s not common, but it happens enough to be a thing!
Sandhill cranes don’t seem to steal babies, but they have an extremely strong parenting instinct. If they find a baby that needs taking care of, you can bet they’re going to take damn good care of it. There are documented cases of Sandhill cranes adopting unrelated crane chicks as well as geese and domestic ducks. They just love babies. There has even been some research into using Sandhill cranes as foster parents for endangered whooping cranes in order to re-establish a non migrating population of the latter. Sandhill cranes are super parents!
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punkitt-is-here · 2 days
It's not because you're fat or greasy! it's because you look like a reconstruction of a neanderthal working as a barista in portland
hell yeah brother grug getting those fucking tips and serving cunt too 💪💪💪💪💪🍖🤘👍💪🍖💪💪🍖💪💪🍖💪💪🤘👍👍🤘
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hellsitegenetics · 2 days
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you're breaking containment
changing my blog to a dr who fanblog to confuse the fuck out of this guy specifically
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comicaurora · 2 days
My bf told me he heard somewhere on your channel there was a version of Aphrodite who consorted with Typhon, and I'm trying to find info on that and am struggling. Do you know what that's about or where it came from?
So that doesn't sound familiar to me, and I scrubbed back through both my Aphrodite and Typhon videos and I can't find any reference to it in either one - although given the way my brain works and how small of a "fun fact" that is, it's entirely possible I ran into it somewhere, threw it into an older and less-diligently-researched video script as a one-frame wonder, and promptly forgot about it.
Attempting to reverse engineer the research process, I can't find any overt connection between Aphrodite and Typhon like that. Aphrodite is usually portrayed in the Typhon myth as fleeing for her life while shapeshifted into a fish, usually inspiring the Pisces constellation in the process. Hesiod's Theogony does indicate she was involved in his birth in some way, but it's entirely nonspecific as to how.
The closest I've been able to find to this idea is from Plutarch's "Isis and Osiris", where he's engaging in some very blatant syncretism and claims Nephthys is seen as the wife of Typhon, because he was conflating Typhon with the Egyptian god Set. Nephthys could conceivably have been syncretized with Aphrodite in this instance, especially since a lot of Egyptian deities got mashed together on the regular, but she'd be pretty low on the list of Egyptian goddesses that Aphrodite/Venus was notably syncretized with - Isis and Hathor were much more common, and I'm not sure Nephthys ever got that kind of billing. Still, I think this is the closest to a solid connection I can find.
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sealsdaily · 8 hours
Can today's pinniped be this circular sea lion
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Today's Sea Lion Is: Booboo Wheeling Master
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amtrak-official · 3 days
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We must end this horrid and wretched worship of Robert Moses, his infrastructure was BAD
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frownyalfred · 3 days
what’s the deal with john constantine?
He grows on you, apparently. For most people he’s an acquired taste. I like how Bruce doesn’t trust him at all and gets his hackles up whenever he’s around. Too much magic and uncertainty. I get it.
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blueskittlesart · 2 days
what are your thoughts on shuake yuri
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they're girls. to me
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vinelark · 2 days
I think it’s very funny that in YJ98 Tim wore a mask under his mask so when he got dared to take his mask off. He was wearing a second mask. Tim is not beating the paranoid loser allegations
absolutely he is not. and the first mask doesn’t even protect against concussions! unlike a helmet!
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charlott2n · 3 days
forcefem book? 👀
HEHE yessss
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sisters of dorley by alyson greaves 😁 the sprawling, nearly one million word long story of a closeted trans girl who uses the facilities of a forcefem dormitory to get hrt. despite the dark subject matter it has loads of incredibly loveable characters and its so much fun to live vicariously through stef as she bears witness to the goings on at dorley hall. i truly have never enjoyed reading anything more thoroughly than i have this story, and would recommend to any transfem, even if it doesnt sound like ur thing! also its still being written its on like chapter 40 its crazzzyyyyyyy
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agarthanguide · 2 days
So for Braius, did Sam give any direction apart from "make him as hot as possible"? Cause like. Damn.
He actually said he wanted to "out-sexy Dorian."
And that worried me! Every time I draw Dorian I feel like I have a knife to my throat. It's just that I want the fandom to find him SO ATTRACTIVE and honestly it's not my wheelhouse. I studied a lot of artists who draw far sexier characters than me to even feel prepared to try Dorian. So obviously Braius was kind of intimidating!
My first instinct was to go Full Bear. Like big hairy beast with a belly and beard. But it quickly became clear that Bear was not the vibe lol.
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h0oty · 3 days
Hey its pride month you know what that means
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punkitt-is-here · 2 days
If you're going to be a woman, can't you at least make an effort to look good? You're obese and greasy looking, you'll never pass if you look so washed up
this is rich coming from someone talking to me anonymously. Show your face bitch all humans came with obesity and grease it came with your being alive
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hellsitegenetics · 2 days
would you perhaps do the Danny Phantom opening theme?
String identified: ' a at a at, a at, a at g a t, a t at t a tag ac t a g t a (' ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at) t 't t , , t t t t t a t a t T a a gat g a, tg t cag c gt a aag (at, at) t , a a -t a A gg g c a tg a, aa, a a c ta t t g t a t tat at a t a t t a t gt cg tg ' t gt a ' ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at Ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at Ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at
Closest match: Osedax frankpressi genome assembly, chromosome: 6 Common name: Bone-eating Worms
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(image source)
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comicaurora · 21 hours
Why is Kendal so open to breaking bones? Is it just his intrinsic paragon trustingness?
The way I see it, there's a point in a relationship where trust and care start going to war with one another. Care about somebody and you don't want to see them hurt. Trust somebody and you believe they're capable of making their own decisions well, even if those decisions involve danger or pain for them, or even for you. So if you trust somebody, you might be trusting them to charge into danger, maybe to hurt or sacrifice themself in the process. But if you care about somebody, you might build walls around them, fight to stop them from acting freely because you don't trust them to stay safe.
Overprotectiveness is an act of love, but it's also an act of mistrust. And trust is also an act of love, but it can seem cold or unfeeling if it doesn't take action to protect the subject of that trust from themself.
Kendal can't always understand the people around him, or communicate his thoughts in a way they understand, but he trusts his people more than any of them trust each other. That's not always a nice thing to do.
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glacierclear · 1 day
I'm in need of your opinion on Guzma from Pokémon pls
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he's awesome. probably the best part of alola's entire existence.
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