#; text post
theatrevampire · 2 days
louis and daniel: have a devastating meditation on the night they first met leading to a series of revelations that produce a plethora of questions about a lack of agency in their past lives
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millenianthemums · 1 day
diet culture people make me feel like i’m going crazy. you want me to take an experimental pill that destroys my appetite?? you want me to remove part of my stomach??? you want me to stop eating bread and rice, two of the staple foods most inherent to humanity????? why exactly? because my stomach is big? because you don’t like the way i look, and you think it’s reasonable to tell me to carve pieces off of myself and try random drugs and ruin my own life so i can look more visually pleasing to you? and you somehow don’t see how absurdly cruel and selfish that is to ask of somebody???? while pretending you care about their HEALTH????????????????? FUCK YOU!!!!
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iantojpg · 3 days
jack harkness desensitized me to the fact that gay men can die on doctor who
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deloveusion · 1 day
making out is so underrated. i wanna sit and kiss and grind up on each other and breathe heavy and let my hands wander
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shaylogic · 3 days
Headcanon that when Cat King's in human form, Niko treats him with utmost respect: "your majesty" "Mr. Cat King"
But when he's in cat form, all bets are off: "Chonkers" "Mr. Fluffy Butt" "
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dragonpyre · 2 days
Psych (2006) really is just "Hi, we're detectives with the police department, and here's this weird guy who follows us around. No we can't stop him. We like him. Also here's his best friend. We can't stop him either. We tried."
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free-my-mindd · 2 days
The deeper you understand yourself, the better you understand everything.
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metaphoricallyrose · 2 days
Rip laios touden you would have loved warrior cats
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superbat-love · 3 days
Bruce Wayne harbored a secret (well, besides being Batman). When he's not playing the billionaire playboy by day, he wrote a controversial relationship column for Gotham's seediest news outlet under the pen name Matches.
His advice was a potent blend of brutal honesty and strategies for navigating Gotham's underhanded legal system. He exposed the toxicity of relationships with manipulative clowns, dismantled the tactics of two-faced partners, and offered escape routes from partners more likely to break your back than your heart.
Matches’ column went viral, even hooking the ever-optimistic Clark Kent, who found himself surprisingly drawn to the column's cynical wisdom. When his charm failed with a certain oblivious Gotham vigilante, Clark anonymously sought Matches’ expertise for a blossoming crush.
Faced with a surprisingly normal question about winning someone’s heart, Bruce felt completely out of his depth. Wholesome romantic relationships were uncharted territory for him. But he can't ignore someone genuinely seeking help. Scrambling for inspiration, Bruce delved into the dusty Victorian romance novels lining his library shelves. If it worked for generations of Waynes before him, it had to stand a chance, right?
Blissfully unaware of Matches’ true identity, Clark took Bruce's hilariously old-fashioned dating advice to heart. He serenaded Bruce from beneath his balcony, formally requested permission to court him from Alfred, and sent him poetic love letters (complete with a lock of his own hair).
Surprisingly, Bruce's terrible suggestions work. While another might be baffled by Clark's sudden eccentricities, Bruce began to understand Clark's intentions. Clark's sincerity slowly won him over.
So, Bruce penned a formal letter in acceptance of Clark's courtship, returning the gesture with a lock of his own hair sealed in a gold locket.
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theatrevampire · 2 days
"I'm the vampire Armand and my daddy vampire groomed me into a little bitch! The vampires who murdered my daddy made me pretend I didn't have a dick for 240 years."
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kittybroker · 21 hours
congrats on officially being the most annoying account on tumblr. take the bud dwyer challenge!
We did it guys! First hate mail on kitty broker! Get a lot of asks, and a number of weird ones from time to time but this is a first!
Would also like to take this moment to thank everyone for their continued support. Just passed 10k followers earlier today which is absolutely crazy. People still seem to be loving the blog and I'm appreciate every message people sending in saying they like it. To get to 10k and to only now receive the first hate mail is wild.
Anyways I thought it'd be funnier to put the message here thanking people and I didn't feel like making my own post anyways. Here's a dancing cat for you all to enjoy!
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lereadinggrinch · 2 days
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Part 3!
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me to my mutuals cause it’s national best friend day
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@yasukematsudadefender @sugarsodaa @thecrazyphantom @shsl-roomba @freshyow @togamislesbian @dangakkisland
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deloveusion · 1 day
dating someone who naturally brings out your playfulness, makes you laugh, never stops flirting with you, and loves you a little extra on the days you don't feel loveable makes you feel so incredibly safe and secure which makes you fall even more in
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shaylogic · 3 days
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Really thinking a lot about Monty's perspective on this scene
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dragonpyre · 2 days
Honestly tho it’s time for a Psych renaissance. Let’s bring back the unmedicated ADHD icon and his autism buddy. The gays would love him
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