#;; lol but what if I made fanart... hmm...
greywoe · 4 months
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"The she-wolf laid into the squires with a tourney sword, scattering them all. The crannogman was bruised and bloodied, so she took him back to her lair to clean his cuts and bind them up with linen."
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Anyways, I think I'm good not trading Wanderer considering he doesn't even know he's got my alternate (long story, but I can write it cause it's my sonas lore lol)
But anyways! As a reward, here's a fun fact on the pen name + the reason why I chose it and joined the event:
(read more because spoilers to the letter + my thoughts + lore of my sona, more specifically on EBG)
Did you know that it was ACTUALLY suppose to mean "Crimson Creation"?
I actually had in mind for it to be a slight jab to Rubedo/Albedo on EBG because despite their efforts, I want to remind them that I still exist to haunt their entire existence for going after Mei.
Also, my original idea was yes, "Creation of Ice"/"Icy Creation", but I figured I should go Crimson instead (it's why you saw me go as C.C.) because I like the ring to it. Creation of Crimson or Vermillion sounds more cryptic (at least to me hahaha)
Also also! To give a brief reason why I said it's an alternate and not me as an observer: it's a very lengthy explanation that I can write as its own longfic/series, but to simplify it for those who are curious (or just for you lmao I'm not mean)— there's actually one 'eye' that resides in Teyvat and another (my observer sona) being the one to look into them. It's such a funny irony because when I was writing the letter, I had that in mind and went "what if I pose it as one of my alternates writing it instead of myself?" And I was right HAHAHAHA
And if you're curious on the drabble, it's my recent one. I'm not gonna link it because I'm a cheeky bitch like that <3 (and also just in case a certain wind boi that became a God thinks of finding the ACTUAL me and discard that alternate like a bad habit haha whoops that ain't my problem now)
Y'know... I'm starting to see a teensy bit mean but like. I don't wanna die okay. I don't wanna deal with an obsessed man LMFAO he's too smart for his own good— probably not as bad as Albedo or Rubedo/Dorian though jfc imagine drugging an entity—
Ranting aside, I hope that's a fun little lore dump as a reward for you guessing correctly lol (and also to explain why I wrote the drabble in a very specific way :>) hehehehehe
Also yes I'm joining that second penpal event but this one is alr very very fun and I can't wait for future events like this Ansy HAISNSJJS
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looceyloo · 8 months
I saw the fanart of Sailor Moon in Armor made by you and that got me thinking.
What shows do you know of that would benefit by having the female characters redesigned to be armored up like this?
Hmm, I don't know if any would benefit from armoured redesigns, since generally the shows/games I like already have such strong character design!
I keep coming back to drawing armoured Sailor Moon because she has such strong Paladin/Cleric vibes, and I imagine a more mature fantasy version of her would totally rock the shining knight in armor archetype. Incidentally, here's Sailor Jupiter in Ancient Greek inspired armour!
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Armoured Zelda was inspired by the priestess-type vibes Zelda has in Twilight Princess. In all of the LoZ games, she has the role of magical priestess, but I don't think that should preclude her from fighting! So I was really inspired by a King Arthur type of pious warrior king design for her, where she can actually go out and physically fight.
Armoured Peach definitely is as a reaction to her being literally THE archetypal rescued-Princess, and honestly, her character shapes translate fantastically to armour anyway (imo).
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But back to the question! The list of femme armour sets I wanna get around to drawing eventually includes:
Anthy and Utena Sailor Saturn Madoka (PMMM) Elsa (yeah, from Frozen lol)
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selineram3421 · 2 years
I have a request :) Can you make some headcanons for demon Alastor in human world who was accidentaly summoned by reader and he started developing feelings for them?
Reader haven't made a deal with Alastor yet and knows Alastor from show itself but they dont want to tell him about it. Thank you <3
Heck yeah.
Headcanons of Alastor Falling for Human S/O
Alastor X Reader
First of all, it was not intentional.
You were trying to do your first spell.
Who's gonna stop you? Not your cat, that's for sure.
And then just ☁poof☁ deer man appears
"THE FUCK!?", you shout and scramble back, tripping over your feet and falling.
Alastor is equally surprised, because he was in the middle of a good book and there was a strange shift in the air.
You lie on your back for a while, just trying to piece together HOW THE FUCK YOU DID A SUMMONING SPELL!
Deciding not to wait for you to process everything, Alastor speaks. "Excuse me, did you want something?"
Sitting up, you rub the back of your head with your eyes closed. "No? Sorry, I didn't mean to summon you-or any demon. It was not my intention tonight."
Then you open your eyes and get a good look at the demon you've accidentally summoned.
Holy shit that's Alastor!?
Now your brain is having a whole moment.
Never mind the summoning, how the fuck did I open up a portal and bring a fictional character into the 3rd dimension!?
"Um, who are you?", you ask, just wanting to make sure your brain wasn't making any of this up.
"Oh, how rude of me! My apologies, I am Alastor!"
It could be a demon with the same name?
"Radio Demon, Hell's finest radio host."
Nope, it's your animated crush. You freak out on the inside.
Honestly I'd be freaking out too.
"Um ok, nice to meet you.", you say awkwardly.
You stand up and notice he hasn't left the circle of crystals.
"Charmed, I'm sure."
"Sorry again, but can you go back home?", you ask, looking down at the crystals. "I want to try to do my spell again."
"Why of course!", he does a snap of his fingers but doesn't move. "That's odd."
"What's odd?"
"It seems that I can't leave."
And now you're stuck with a very tall demon. Good thing you live alone.
Your cat hides away from Alastor, the deer demon didn't even know you had a cat until you began searching for them.
"Where are you? Pspspspspspspsps.", you call, looking under your couch.
"What are you doing?", he asks.
"Calling for my cat."
"Hmm.. I'll have to try that with Husker."
You want to laugh so bad.
Alastor pokes at the crystal barrier, getting zapped as he does so. "Could you perhaps move one of these? I'd like to get out."
"Will you respect the house rules?", you ask.
He better.
He thinks it over for a moment or two. "Yes."
You tell him the house rules before letting him out.
Now you have a demon roommate. That is until you can figure out a way to get him back home.
The next day comes, and when you wake you find your cat sitting on your bed, staring through door.
"Glad you're back.", you mumble and pet them.
Stepping out of the room, you almost forgot about Alastor. Almost.
"Good morning!", he says with a wide smile. "I hope you had a proper rest."
"Am I still sleeping?", you ask, looking for something in the room that felt out of place.
"You're very much awake! Come sit, I've made you breakfast."
Your brain can't really grasp him in such a domestic moment, but you do as told and sit at your two person table.
You hide all the fanart and merchandise that has to do with Vivzie's work. You have to change a lot of your devices backgrounds.
Alastor and your cat do start to get along.
He asks about your radio. "What are all of these extra bits?"
"It's a record player, and a radio. It can also play CDs and cassettes.", you explain and demonstrate how to properly use it.
Sometimes when a good song is playing, he'll pull you into a dance.
He takes over the cooking most of the time.
Working on a spell? He'll help you out with it.
Unwanted house guests? Oh no, they've been spooked into leaving.
Coffee is made every morning. Tea as well if you prefer that.
One day you decide to help with the cooking.
"It's no trouble at all.", he says. "Just wait for the food."
"I'm gonna be stuck with not knowing how to make food when you leave, let me at least learn by helping."
He can't really argue with that, so he lets you help.
Let's get cookin'
Both of you end up cooking together more often and trade recipes.
Then you go grocery shopping after making sure he won't kill anyone unless its absolutely necessary.
"What if you encounter a thief?"
"Depends on what they take. I don't really care about money."
"What if someone assaults you?"
"I can take care of myself, they just have to throw the first hit."
"What about a rapist trying to lay a hand on you?"
"That one you can kill without a second thought."
You finally get to see his human disguise. Yes, he looks handsome as hell. A lot of heads turn in the grocery store when you both pass by.
There was almost a grab-by with an old woman. Thankfully you were able to move him away before she could pinch his bottom.
"Ew.", you said scrunching your nose. "Let's get the last thing and leave."
Falling in love?
I'd like to think that he'd fall for the little things.
Like when you sing, thinking you're alone. Or when you get a random spark of inspiration.
When you laugh at a corrupt person's death. And I mean laugh like it was the funniest joke you've heard. Crab rave
Your weirdness.
And the way you talk to your cat.
"I know you like fire but we can't do arson."
"I know its dumb but we live here. You can cause a fire at someone else's house."
I feel like he would wonder what you mean by that and test it out by teleporting your cat to someone's house.
"That's crazy."
"On the news, someone's house caught on fire."
Cat is brought back and waltzes around the house like nothing ever happened.
"How did you get soot on your paws?", you ask after noticing the little trail your cat left behind.
You look around to see if the cat did cause a fire.
This is if you do buy merch occasionally/regularly/ or when you get the chance.
You forgot that you bought a few new pins and almost opened the package out in the open. "Oh f-", you grab the package and run to your room.
Did anyone see the Hazbin Hotel news?
~Seline, the person.
ML for Alastor🎙
Wanna see more of Arson Cat? Look no further!
➡ 🔥click here🔥
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
I recently am now looking through the mha fandom for the first time and discovered your blog. Looking through your posts and analysis you seem like you’re quite knowledgeable about Horikoshi’s writing or him in general and are confident about the potential of bkdk being canon. In fact, quickly looking through the bkdk tags, a lot people on here are quite confident about the relationship, whether viewing it platonic or romantic. Now I kinda expected that, as a bkdk shipper as well, but I became confused when I found alot of people implying that Horikoshi “ships” bkdk or encourages it. For the longest time I’ve only ever consumed the anime and never really knew what’s been going on in the fandom. So I don’t know much about Horikoshi, but I swear I heard way back about him not liking the ship bkdk and deliberately implying the relationship between Izuku and Uruaka. The questions I’m getting at here is, what makes you think that Horikoshi wants bkdk to be canon and is there any hints about it outside of the main anime/manga that supports that? I acknowledge how it’s hinted at that bkdk heavily “need each other” or something like that in the anime/manga, I just always thought it was always going to be platonic and that Izuku and Uruaka will be end game. Maybe it is that and everyone is just joking about Horikoshi, idk I’m confused and lost lol.
Okay what you're asking for is a little strange, because Hori's storytelling really does speak for itself, his heart shows up the most in his writing of bkdk, but here goes…!
In regards to Hori’s feelings about them, hmm I’m going to get there one day soon(tm), but I’ll give you two examples outside the manga that show bkdk are important to him and why Hori is a bkdk like us.
First is when an interviewer was asking about Kirishima saving Katsuki and Hori responded to him with a sentiment that sounded a lot like “actually the takeaway from this scene was bkdk. that it was a bittersweet moment because Izuku couldn’t be the one to take his hand… but the decision was made." He really deflected the topic away from Kirishima and pointed at bkdk "Look at them instead".
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Showing importance of that decision to bkdk’s development because THEY are what’s most important to the series, not any of their relationships with the main side characters. (And then we got the parallel to this where Katsuki feels he didn’t have what it took to take Izuku’s hand during the Deku retrieval arc. Regrets, regrets, regrets... everywhere. Now Katsuki is dead and Izuku "still hasn't told him ____")
My second example is something I bring up on twitter a bit, but that's only because it's so validating.
So you know when Katsuki died, every bkdk was crying and/or freaking out, right? Back then the mood was… “How is Izuku going to react to this?” And in a lot of bkdk’s hearts, we imagined Izuku kneeling at Katsuki’s side, embracing him, possibly acting very protectively over his body. People drew fanart of this.
I also had this kind of vision of him... but back then, MANY of us did.
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But for the most part, we knew it wouldn’t be practical in the middle of a fight setting and then come January, Horikoshi showed us he felt the exact same way as us about them with his Volume 37 cover “illustration.” It was like a brainworm image of Izuku and Katsuki he couldn't get out of his head unless he drew it for the cover, something he felt bkdk deserved, but he couldn't give it to them in the manga because of the unrealism and impracticality of it happening mid-fight.
What I’m saying is: when Katsuki died, all bkdks dreamed of Izuku holding him close and/or protecting him and Horikoshi turned that collective vision, that many of us felt in our hearts, into a freaking volume cover.
As bkdks, we have this idea in our heads of these characters; what motivates them, what or who are important to them, because this far along the story, these characters are basically writing themselves. And by him and us connecting on this feeling Izuku has with Katsuki, Hori is confirming the way we see Izuku and the importance of his intense love for Katsuki as "the correct version" of Izuku that also exists in HIS mind, and he showed his hand to us of him being the biggest bkdk out of all of us. He quite literally is our King of BkDk.
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The reveal of this cover is the moment I knew, without a doubt, that Hori was one of us. And that's not even factoring in that Edgeshot quote. Even that is a whole thing in itself to unpack, which I've done multiple times already.
If Hori's chosen composition and overall mood for this cover weren't already damning enough evidence for his love of bkdk and intent on making them canon, the other thing of note is that the red fingers in their background are HEAVILY inspired by Berserk.
When I saw it, I got flashbacks of the eclipse, and the hand that lifted Griffith out of Guts' reach. It also turns out there was a very similar "lovers" pose between Guts and Casca for that eclipse content. And then there are all of those Spider-Man death embraces with Gwen Stacy.
The inspirations for this volume 37 for the hero comic-loving Horikoshi are quite clear: Izuku is embracing his future lover.
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Good Movies and Better Friends
pairing: Nobamaki but really this is more about friend dynamics between Nobara and Yuuji with a little bit of Megumi and Yuuji.
warnings: N/A this is primarily fluff! Little bit of angst because Nobara gets her feelings hurt but it all ends well :)
synopsis: Nobara ends up getting in a fight with Maki but Yuuji comforts her with a hug and multiple rom-coms.
word count: 3k
a/n: This was inspired by this fanart! It was so hard to think of a reason for Nobara and Maki to fight but I did my best lol. Also it's almost 6AM and I'm posting this I wrote it in one-sitting bc I needed to just get it out so hopefully the writing isn't too bad.
Yuuji was awake watching Human Earthworm 5 when he heard the sound of the front door opening and closing. Who was coming back at this hour? He had asked if Fushiguro and Kugisaki wanted to binge the Human Earthworm series with him but they both said they already had plans. 
“I have...errands to run.” Megumi responded. He didn’t meet the other boy’s eye when he said it, though. 
“Aww all day?” Yuuji pouted. 
Megumi cleared his throat, still not looking at his best friend and just gave a curt, “Yeah.”
Yuuji, bummed by Megumi’s response, looked hopefully at Nobara, “What about you Kugisaki? We could even do face masks!” Yuuji wasn’t one to have a skincare routine, but he knew how much Nobara enjoyed cosmetics, so he hoped the idea of a face mask would be enough to entice her. 
“Hmm, while the face mask is tempting, I’m not interested in some gross worm man. Plus,” and she gave a little flick of her hair with a smug expression on her face, “me and Maki are finally going on another date tonight and I’ve been prepping for it since yesterday! I got my hair cut, painted my nails, and bought a whole new outfit just for tonight!” Kugisaki said excitedly. “You should probably still do the face mask though, Itadori, your skin looks like it could use some hydration.” At that, she gave a little wave to the two boys saying she needed to start getting ready. 
Yuuji looked at Megumi, a confused expression on his face, “Why is she getting ready so early if she said her plans are tonight?”
“I don’t know... But I should also get going. See you later, Itadori.” Megumi gave a wave and then there was nobody in the common room but Yuuji. 
“Welp! Their loss.” And Yuuji made his way to the kitchen to start warming up some popcorn. 
Nobara met Maki at the school gates, excited for their date out on the town. It wasn’t often they found time to go out and Maki had been away on a mission, so it had been a while since they really got to have a conversation too. 
“Hi Maki!” Nobara skipped excitedly up to the girl.
“Hey. You ready?” Maki responded with a smile and hooked her arm out. 
“Of course!” Nobara beamed and hugged Maki’s outstretched arm. 
The girls spent some time in the city, getting food, shopping (although it was mainly Nobara shopping and Maki holding her bags), and just generally enjoying each other’s company, walking hand in hand. 
Everything was going great until they ran into Mai. She was out with Momo and Miwa, the latter girl the only one who wasn’t carrying a bag. 
When Mai noticed them, she smirked, “Wow Maki. I never expected you’d meet anyone who could put up with you in a relationship.”
“Yeah I guess I got lucky. I’m not surprised you still haven’t found anyone yet, though.” Maki smirked back. 
“Oh I’m just more selective with who I choose to share myself with.” And she looks Nobara up and down with a slightly disgusted look on her face. 
Nobara’s face flamed. How dare she talk about her and Maki like that! “Don’t kid yourself! Maki is prettier, smarter, AND has a better personality than you!”
“Aww Maki your plaything seems to actually think highly of you. Too bad we’re the rejects of the Zen’in clan.” Mai cooed. 
Maki’s face hardened, “Not for long. I’ll make them recognize me one way or another.”
Mai laughed, “How? By being pretty, smart, and having a great personality? Stop fooling yourself.”
Nobara had a choice insult on the tip of her tongue when she felt a hand on her shoulder, cutting her off. 
“You’ll see. They all will.” And with that, Maki turned and walked away.
Nobara stuck her tongue out at Mai, accompanied by a rude gesture, before running to catch up with Maki.
“She’s so mean and it shows in how dry her skin is, but you’ll make her eat her words!” Nobara beamed at Maki. 
Maki kept walking, not looking at Nobara, “Yeah.”
Nobara could sense the tension in her tone and laced her fingers in Maki’s, “Hey, I think you’re amazing and strong and can do anything. I don’t think you need to prove anything to anyone. You’re perfect just as you are.” 
Maki’s grip on Nobara’s hand tightened as she balled her hands into fists, “I don’t need your approval or your pity. If I was perfect then I wouldn’t need these damned glasses or be stuck as a grade 4 sorcerer. If I was perfect I wouldn’t have been disowned by my own family.”
Maki gritted her teeth, anger flaring. Nobara winced as Maki’s grip on her hand tightened, “Maki my ha-” but she was cut off by Maki’s yelling. 
“And I don’t need you to stick up for me especially if you’re just going to lie about who I am! I’m not perfect, I can't even see curses! That’s the bare minimum someone needs to even be a sorcerer! Don’t you know that!?” Maki finally turned to Nobara, who was in tears. It was at that point that she realized she was holding Nobara’s hand which had fingernail marks on it from where Maki’s nails were digging in. 
Maki’s anger immediately vanished, only to be replaced by guilt and shame. Hadn’t the Zen’in ruined her life enough? How could she let them get in the way of her relationship and even worse, cause her to hurt someone she cared so dearly for? She hadn’t even realized Nobara had grabbed her hand; she was so lost in her angry thoughts. 
Maki opened her mouth to apologize but Nobara cut her off, “Well fine if you don’t need my pity then forget I said anything! I take it back, you're no better than Mai!” And with that the girl ran off, leaving Maki standing on the sidewalk. 
It was 8pm by the time Nobara made it back to the school. She cried the whole way home, and even though she tried calming down, she couldn’t get the tears to stop flowing. How could Maki say those things to her? Her hand didn’t hurt anymore and she knew Maki would never intentionally hurt her, but in the moment it just made everything Maki said feel ten times worse. 
As she approached the front door of the dorm building, she did her best to wipe the tears on her face. She knew Yuuji would still be watching human earthworm and she didn’t want him to notice her crying. So once she felt composed enough, she opened the door and walked through.
“Hey Kugisaki! You’re back ea-” Yuuji’s expression went from pleasant surprise to immediate concern when he saw how red and puffy her face was. She tried to hide it but wasn’t fast enough. “Kugisaki....are you okay?” Yuuji got up and went straight to Nobara, movie forgotten. 
At Yuuji’s kind voice she couldn’t help but burst into tears again, “Maki and I had a fight.” She gripped her arm and bit her lip, trying to keep her voice steady and not devolve into a fit of hiccups. 
“Oh...I’m sorry. Do you want to talk about it?” Yuuji asked, brows creased in concern. 
Nobara sniffled, “Not really no.”
“Would a hug make you feel better?” Yuuji asked. He understood if she didn’t want to talk about what happened, but hugs always made him feel better when he was upset about something. 
Nobara sniffled again and pondered for a minute before nodding. Soon, she felt two strong but gentle arms wrap around her, her tears staining Yuuji’s jacket. He clasped his hands behind her back, holding her close. She returned the hug, burying her face into his shoulder as the tears continued to flow. Yuuji felt warm and comforting, like your favorite blanket or your favorite mug filled with a warm beverage on a cold day. Nobara took deep breaths, inhaling Yuuji’s familiar scent and slowly began to calm down. The boy made no attempt to move, allowing Nobara to determine how long she needed to be hugged for. When he felt her stir and begin to pull away he unclasped his hands and looked at her. Her face was a little less puffy than when she walked in and her breathing was steady. 
“Do you feel a bit better now?” Yuuji asked. 
“Yeah I do actually. Thanks, Itadori.” And Nobara gave him a small but genuine smile. 
At that moment, a loud explosion went off in the movie and startled them both, heads turning to look at the screen. 
“Oh! Oh! That was the best part of the movie! Hold on, let me rewind it.” And Yuuji excitedly ran back to the couch to grab the remote. He began to rewind it when he glanced at Nobara who was standing there, rubbing her arm awkwardly. 
“Actually, I’m kind of sick of watching this movie. I’ve seen it like 5 times at this point. Is there anything you wanna watch, Kugisaki?” Yuuji was in fact very much still into these movies, but he could tell his friend needed him, so he would gladly save the rest of his binging for another night. 
Nobara looked at him, “Oh, are you sure? You seemed so excited to watch these movies...” 
“Eh it’s okay I’d rather watch something we both wanna watch! It’s more fun when everyone is into it.” Yuuji grinned. 
Nobara gave a small smile in return, “Okay...do you know any good rom-coms? I like watching those.”
“Oh yeah! I know a bunch we can watch! I’ll get it setup.” And Yuuji began clicking buttons on the remote. 
“Okay!” Nobara’s smile was bigger now, “I’ll go make some popcorn!”
“Good idea!”
When Nobara came back to the common room with a big bowl of popcorn in her hands she saw the movie paused on the TV and Yuuji wearing what looked like a face mask. 
“Uhh, Itadori what’s on your face?” Nobara asked. 
“Huh? Oh it’s a face mask! Here I brought you one too.” And Yuuji held out a thin packet to Nobara. She set the popcorn down and looked at it, it was a good brand, one she had actually bought often....wait a second. “Itadori, did you take these from my room!?”
The boy gave a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his neck, “Sorry...I don’t have any face masks of my own and I figured it would cheer you up if we did one. I’ll buy you more though, promise!”
Nobara fought the smile that tried to make its way onto her face but eventually gave up. It was a really sweet gesture, and plus, if he said he would buy her more then maybe she could convince him to buy an even better brand. 
Nobara smiled, “Well all right but I don’t want you using my stuff again and I’m gonna hold you to that promise!” She put the face mask on and told Yuuji to scoot over on the couch, where she curled up and laid her head down on his lap, throwing the occasional piece of popcorn in her mouth and laughing along with Yuuji at the movie. 
Nobara woke up the next morning to six missed calls from Maki, 20 unread text messages, and the girl banging on her door.
“Nobara....Nobara please can we talk? I'm so sorry.” Maki’s voice sounded hoarse, like she had been crying. 
Nobara got out of bed and opened the door, seeing Maki made her hurt all over again, but she at least didn’t feel like she was going to cry this time. After spending the night watching rom-coms with Yuuji she felt a lot better, and was ready to hear Maki out. 
“Nobara...can I come in?” Maki asked weakly. 
Nobara stepped to the side to let her in and then closed the door behind her before going to sit on her bed. 
Maki stayed standing while she spoke, “I am so sorry for everything yesterday. I don’t even know where to begin. Is your hand okay? I’m so sorry I didn’t even realize I was holding your hand. I was just so wrapped up in my own anger. I never meant to hurt you and the things I said aren’t true at all. I said them out of anger not at you but at the Zen’in and I’m usually better at not letting Mai get to me but when she said those things in front of you it just made me feel like I wasn’t good enough to be with you. And then when you were cheering me up afterwards I felt like you were trying to convince yourself of why you were with me and I know I was wrong and this isn’t an excuse but I just need you to know I am so sorry.” Maki didn’t take a breath that entire time. She had clearly spent the night thinking about and regretting her actions. 
Nobara was silent for a moment before she spoke, “My hand is fine, you just left some marks from your nails on it but they went away after a few minutes...And I understand. I mean, I don’t understand exactly how you feel or what you’ve been through, but I get what you’re saying. You’re right it’s not an excuse for how you treated me yesterday, but I understand how one thing led to another. That being said though, I don’t ever want you to doubt how I feel about you. I’m not such a simple woman that the words of someone else can change my feelings. I know you and I know who you are. You have flaws and maybe you’re not a perfect jujutsu sorcerer but you’re perfect for me.”
Both girls looked at each other before Maki made the first move, walking to Nobara and gently grabbing her soft hands in her own calloused ones, “I’m sorry again. And you’re right. I should never have doubted you. Can you find it in you to forgive me?” Maki was staring intensely into Nobara’s eyes, which had softened. Nobody else got to see this soft, vulnerable side of Maki but her. She felt so special when it was just the two of them.
Nobara cupped Maki’s face with one hand, “I’ve already forgiven you. But I do expect a redo of our date.”
Maki smiled and gave Nobara a quick peck on the lips, “Anything for you.”
Yuuji woke up late the next morning, he was up late last night watching movies with Nobara until they could both barely keep their eyes open. Surprisingly though, he never saw Megumi come home. Curious, he headed towards the boy’s room and knocked on the door. When he didn’t answer, he peered inside and saw the room was empty with the bed neatly made. 
Huh, where’s Megumi? He got changed and walked around the school until he found Megumi with his divine dogs out, having just come back from a run.
“Fushiguro! There you are! I was looking for you. What time did you get home last night?”
Megumi’s eyes widened at the question, “Um, late.” 
Yuuji’s head tilted, “Oh really? I was up pretty late with Kugisaki but neither of us saw you come in.”
Megumi looked away, “Yeah it must have been after you guys went to bed...”
“Wow and you still woke up early enough to take your divine dogs on a run? I woke up not too long ago and I’m still kind of tired.” Yuuji yawned to prove his point. 
Megumi began shifting between his feet, clearly growing uncomfortable, “Yeah I guess I do well on little sleep.”
At Megumi’s statement, Yuuji grew skeptical, “Wait a minute...no you don’t. Don’t you remember that time we stayed out late watching a movie but then had to wake up early for training the next day? You were so grumpy! You yelled at me not to talk to you before you had your coffee!”
Megumi’s face warmed at being caught in a lie. Ugh, why did Itadori have to be so attentive towards his friends?
Megumi gave a deep sigh, “Okay, I never actually went out last night. I was in my room the whole day.” Megumi couldn’t look Itadori in the eye. He felt bad for lying to the boy about running errands but he really did not want to watch the human earthworm movies.
Yuuji pouted, “Fushigurooo why’d you lie?”
Megumi’s face reddened even more, he really wanted to avoid this but he supposed he did lie to his friend, and Itadori didn’t deserve that, so he told him the truth. 
“I’m...not a fan of those types of movies.” Megumi said quietly. 
“What? You’re not a fan of slasher films?” Yuuji asked incredulously. 
“Yeah...and Human Earthworm in particular creeps me out. He just...doesn’t look right.” Megumi was avoiding eye contact at all costs when Yuuji broke out in laughter, causing Megumi to look up at him in shock. 
“Fushiguro, you could have just told me that! If there’s a different genre you like we could have watched that instead! Last night I ended up watching rom-coms with Kugisaki.” Yuuji was grinning at his friend. 
Megumi was always taken aback by how kind and genuine Itadori was. Especially living as a jujutsu sorcerer, it was easy to let the nature of the work get to you. But Itadori always seemed to have a smile on his face. He was like a ray of sunshine breaking through a cloudy day. 
“Well, I like watching documentaries if you have any of those.”
Yuuji’s smile didn’t waver, “I can’t think of any off the top of my head but I’ll look some up and maybe we can watch one tonight!”
Megumi couldn’t help but sink into the boy’s sincerity and enthusiasm, and he also felt like he owed it to Yuuji after lying to him, “All right, I look forward to what you choose.”
Yuuji beamed and gave him finger guns, “Leave it to me!” And ran off, leaving Megumi to watch Nobara and Maki walking on the opposite side of the training field, hand in hand. 
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imekitty · 1 month
☁️/🎨/🕯️/🧃- i can't choose haha, so now you have ✨️options✨️
🕯️-on a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy editing and why
🧃-some lore (bonus points of it's from Disillusioned) that we dont know about yet [bahahaha im just thirsy for some more Dis spoilers XD]
☁️-what made you choose your username? my guess is that you like cats. am i close?
🎨-link a phan art you rlly like, and explain why u like it
(ask game)
🕯️- I'd say 7 to 10 depending on what I'm editing! I'm an editor in real life so I very much enjoy it!
🧃- Hmm, not entirely sure what it means by "lore," like behind-the-scenes stuff? Something else?
Behind the scenes, something interesting is that I basically winged the entirety of Disparaged. I had no outline at all, I was just writing what I thought sounded like a good thing to happen next. I didn't expect much to come of the fic, so I wasn't really trying that hard with it.
Now Dissembled, Dissembled I planned out from beginning to end. Same with Disillusioned. While winging it was fun, it's not something I would likely do again, and I do not recommend it to anyone who is serious about getting good at writing.
ALSO I am not against giving anyone spoilers! All you have to do is slide into my DMs and I will tell you anything and everything you want to know lmao.
☁️- My username of choice as a kid was Empress Kitty! Because yes, I love cats lol. And then to make it look a little more "grown up," I came up with "imekitty" (which means "I am E. Kitty").
🎨- I don't keep up with Danny Phantom fanart mostly because I don't want to risk seeing something that might relate to what I'm writing and I want as little outside influence as possible (I try really hard to make my vivisection fics unique since there are already so many!). But I love everything drawn by my friend @chintadraws! And I especially love this Kill Inviso-Bill series she did:
Someday, I'm hoping she'll do one for Maddie.
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bunkernine · 27 days
hi pls ignore this if i have mistaken you for someone else and am making a fool out of myself but are you the person who wrote isosceles?? because that fic altered my brain on an abnormal and chemical level way back when and i just remembered it the other day and binged it all again and i feel like i remember there being a few other fics in that universe (one from travis’s pov iirc) and i wanted to know where they are. of course if you are not the person who wrote isosceles i am a fool and feel free to ignore this ❤️
I did, yeah.
I wrote it when i was 14 so at a certain point i didn't want to be associated with it because it didn't reflect me as much anymore. It was my big baby at the time!!! But i divorced from that a few years ago. As for the other universe fics, if i remember correctly: connor, drew, a vers where jason admits to liking him back (some point isos implied that jason DID like leo back but was too confused to do anything).... But i deleted those first because they just weren't as fun, and my own friend group was falling apart so it felt too close.
But yes, you have found me LOLOL. Isos is orphaned, but unfortunately the other fics are deleted fr. Sorry :( but thanks for enjoying it!!! 💖
(ramblings under the cut)
The reason why i didnt delete isos too was because so many people were saying what you are now. If i could, id rewrite it (both with style and plot differences) and do a whole new remastered version. Im not sure why i decided to write his senior year when i was a freshman/sophomore LOL so I always figured I would've came back to it when I was older.... Clearly I did not.
I WAS miserable in high school, at least socially. So Leo was a little TOO personal and it made me mad when i basically did what he did towards the end. I spent some time just doing some random apolleo fics. Capolleo series, so my name should've been capolleon by then? LOLOLOL i had been majorly influenced by some now-deleted fic which is why apollo is even there 💀 but now im apollos age in the fic and im like 'hmm. Yeah maybe not...'
Then there was a fic that was coming out towards the end of isos that i felt was copying me 😭😭😭 ← 14/15 yr old feelings. Who cares! But i would update and then they would update and i was so paranoid 😭😭😭 honestly, the vibe in general for valgrace in 2018 is much different than right now, and it was much more open and varied in topics. This is not to discredit the current valgrace leaders or whatever the fuck, but the vibe is just ... Pretty different.
But yeah. Im sort of using this ask as an excuse to talk about it, but isos was SO big and what i was known for within the small vg circle (outside of the text fic at the same time 💀) so i was constantly reminded of it. And dont get me wrong, i ADORED that fic when i was writing it. I was upset whenever my life was too messy for me to drop the chapter of the month. Double updates felt so ... Um. Mature and awesome, like i was a professional 💀 i wrote leo as bisexual but he had a pretty strong inclination to men because i was figuring I'm out that I wasn't bisexual but a lesbian, but I couldn't really articulate that, especially as I was dating a guy through that fic. That was some cute little endpoint i was gonna have but its reality frightened me so it was dropped... The complexities of piperleojason were insane to think about when i was like, crying at lunch in my bf's car 😭 When it was posting, i left some really crazy A/N's showing how volatile i was at the time, that i eventually deleted. But i was so proud of it and it was a comfort to write. I think the drafts were a lot more raw but people loved it anyway.
Anyway. It's been a while since I've been able to talk about this fic. People have left the most loving comments in the world and it connected with a lot of readers. Its also my only fic that had fanart and playlists and such made for it! I was so proud of that! I dont think people understand how incredible that is and it truly is the dream for fic writers!!! I have other fics that inspired ppl, but isos was the one ppl constantly flocked to or appreciated :)
I used to cry writing some parts of it and now it just feels like an old diary entry. I haven't read it in a while and thought about remaking it (probs... As college kids though) but haven't bothered. Technical-wise, theres so many things that are dropped or forgotten or are just clumsy but thats really just a maturity thing.
Anyway THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!!!!!!! Ppl dont ask me about my fics like they used to which was the whole reason why i made this account :(((( among other things, lack of interactions in fandom have decreased so much :((((
Love love love uuuuuuuuu
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macaronichewtoyz · 1 month
art asks blast !!
8, 29 and 30!
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in?
Oooof. Gosh, I have a lot of those lmfao. I'm a chronic rushing into a project wildly unprepared guy. I'll take this time to say rest in piece my many attempts at keeping a clangen blog. One day. Maybe.
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically?
Oooo hmm. I'm struggling here because I think I've made fanart or done something inspired by like every hyperfixation/interest I've had the past while lol. I'll say Doctor Who. I have been inspired by it as a kid, but as much as I still have a lot of love for it in my heart, it doesn't have any artistic impact on me anymore.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated?
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Is this cheating? This piece rocks it makes me soso happy :3 1million reblogs immediately please
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pomarrillo · 6 months
pomarrillo art summary 2023 and rambling be upon ye
hello there.........
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reused 2020's template for the fourth year in a row bc idgaf !!!!!!!!!!!! also these were hard to fit into this template cuz i did a lot of landscape canvases this year
Hi guys! Year is coming to a close and I don't have it in me to make another piece, so I thought I'd just go ahead and share this now 😁
Ok so hmm... not much to say in comparison to my 2022 one! I definitely feel my sense of color has changed; my color palettes are way more dark and muted in comparison to last years. I also didn't draw as much in general so there's less to compare to... I actually feel like I kinda regressed in rendering and color because of how many breaks I took LOL
Not to say I didn't improve on anything tho!! I just focused more on facial structure than anything for some reason 😭😭
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additionally I also didn't hit a lot of goals I made from 2022 either. I feel like a lot of the art I made was mostly self-indulgent without thinking too hard about my technical skills... which I don't think is necessarily bad because I enjoyed making all of these pieces :3 art as a hobby is fun
For 2024 art goals, I'm gonna borrow my 2022 ones: do more interior spaces, dynamic framing, and ofc better anatomy! I also wanna challenge myself to make more original pieces if i ever feel inclined to... Fanart is my favorite thing to make but I gotta learn to pull from my own creativity sometimes lol
Tyvm for supporting me and my art!! 😭😭😭 sorry I don't have much to say this year.... I've been busy my first year of college learning design fundamentals and the commute there has been kicknig my ass SO HARD....... but yk what. fuck it we ball !!!!!!!! I'm just hoping to improve my skills and make more art I'm proud of next year 😆 oh and hopefully get started on making prints, I want something to put on my wall!! anyway I'm rambling TY IF YOU READ, here's to 2024!
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twig-tea · 4 months
Tagged by @lurkingshan and @stuffnonsenseandotherthings to dig into the vault. Friends, I have been Perpetually Online since 1995, when that meant I had to haunt my school library computer at lunchtime, so this is going to be for the fellow Olds. Sorry in advance for the HP mentions.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Have I let any ships go? Hmm. I'll go with Mulder/Scully from X-Files. Watching now, they should definitely not end up together lol
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Sailor Mercury/Sailor Jupiter from Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. I. Was. Obsessed. This ship hit me like a ton of bricks in I want to say 6th or 7th grade.
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I watched the show as it aired with English dubs, found out the episodes we got were censored, immediately fell into my completionist ways, went to the Asian mall (it was literally pan-Asian with stuff from Japan, China, Taiwain, Korea, etc.) and got definitely not official VCDs with Mandarin subtitles, and would sit with friends who spoke Mandarin and had them translate the subs to English for me (I say this like I forced them, but they offered because they were my friends and they also felt passionately about people seeing the uncensored show). I then learned how to Internet and would trawl for fanpages of the manga (it would take 20 minutes to load an image at the time, so rather than full scanlations I'd get walls of text describing what happened with maybe a single panel illustration). Uranus and Neptune were fantastic, but I already had Ami and Makoto aka Mercury and Jupiter long before I got to the Uranus/Neptune episodes (or the Sailor Stars manga arc).
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Definitely Sailor Moon fanfic was the first fic I read. It was an easy step from finding fan summaries of the chapters not yet out in English > finding fan sites with fanfic on them, back before we had archives or even decent search engines and you had to just find the sites you needed through links from other sites. It was like a whole new world of possibilities opening up. The first real fanfic community I was in was Harry Potter.
In terms of first fic I wrote, I am not a writer; I've only ever written a small handful of not worth mentioning ficlets featuring the Kirk/Spock ship (Star Trek TOS).
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
Oh it was likely Serena/Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon and it was in person, because I had friends who got me into anime and manga early and they were artists who drew a lot of fanart.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Friends, I had a Livejournal. It was impossible not to get into ship discourse.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
I am going to echo @stuffnonsenseandotherthings and @lurkingshan and say I was dead-set against Hermione as a ship with any of the men in Harry Potter (Hermione/Luna or Hermione/Ginny, though, we could talk), and I also really disliked Draco/Ron. I also am not here for Spock/McCoy (Star Trek), and I don't really enjoy Stucky (as in Captain America/Winter Soldier or Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes from Marvel).
OH and can I be a hater on main for a second? The first couple that I remember hating as a thing was probably Jo and Professor Bhaer from Little Women; I was SO MAD they married in the end. I felt very validated years later when I read that the author Lousia May Alcott was forced by her publisher to marry Jo off and made up the couple out of spite.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
The last fic I read was a Word of Honour modern AU pairing Wen Ke Xing/Zhou Zishu in which they rescued stray kittens.
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SInce I started this, I've also read a One Piece Luffy/Zoro fic (and that's not even my favourite ship--I've been a Zoro/Sanji girlie since the early 2000s! I'm weak for banter.)
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I have so many. SO many. Truly. I don't even know where to start with this question! I follow several AO3 tags and fanfic writers that I get regular fic updates from. Most of my OTPs are either canon (from queer/BL/GL media) or the most popular ship (I feel very lucky that my taste is so basic). There is no one couple I love the most. Just going to throw a dart at the board: From BL, the one I come back to a lot is Hira/Kiyoi in Utsukushii Kare, because their dynamic is so intense.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Hmm. That's what fandom is for, so not really? I usually get more annoyed when people do get together that I wish had stayed platonic (never forgiving Pacific Rim for that kiss, it was so unnecessary). And I'm extremely mad about censorship, i.e. couples that DID get together but we didn't get to see it for whatever reason (see e.g. Uranus and Neptune from Sailor Moon Sailor Stars; Chinese danmei novel live-action adaptations). Otherwise there are lots of these but I just read the fanfic and recover. I'll say I'm still annoyed Buffy didn't get to have with Faith what she had with Spike though. Their chemistry was off the charts.
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
This is such a hard question. I came around a little on Lan Xichen/Jiang Cheng from MDZS/the Untamed, though it's still not my fave (it's a soft no not a hard no). I'll also give you an oldie: Andie McPhee and Pacey from Dawson's Creek. I hated Andie's character back in the day but now I like her character but really dislike how she was used in the show, which isn't the same thing. And I actually really liked how she and Pacey worked together.
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I'll also give you a BL one: Kurosawa and Haruta in Ossan's Love. Ossan's Love s1 & 3 it was clear they were not OTP so that's a bit irrelevant anyway, but it's much less clear in s2 (the AU season) and the first time I watched it I wasn't sure how I felt about the way that season ended as much as I loved the season as a whole. I like it more every time I rewatch.
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
LOL I am with everyone else on the Brian/Justin train but since that's been said twice I'll go with something else. I was a big Harry/Draco shipper back in the day, which would now probably get me cancelled for shipping someone with his bully (though a significant part of the fun of that ship was about how Draco was such an ineffectual bully...but I digress), in addition to of course how the author's transphobia ruined the whole thing for all of us (fanfic doesn't make her any money, so I don't have a problem continuing to read it in theory, but it's left a sour note over my experience and makes any engagement in that fandom less fun).
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
I was one of those foolish people obsessed with Hawkeye/Coulson before we'd even seen them face-to-face or knew almost anything about MCU Clint Barton. I still read fanfic of that ship even though it's been fully jossed and makes no sense at all anymore. Ok one more, I really love the very small Breakfast Club fandom shipping Brian/John and Claire/Allison. I've read the few fics on AO3 for the queer pair ghost ships in that show multiple times.
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Of all time, I've probably read the most Kirk/Spock fanfic. But that's due to the length of time I've been into the ship, the amount of time it's existed, and its popularity. I still read Kirk/Spock regularly.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
Honestly most can be boiled down to grumpy/sunshine pairs in which both are very competent in specific ways and both are hiding crippling self esteem issues behind their grumpy or sunshine-ness, and have strong but differing moral codes that they each respect in one another (and is usually where the feelings start). Banter is a must. I am admittedly also here for height difference in my ships. Double-plus bonus for terrible communicators who learn to understand one another's particular communication quirks.
Perfect encapsulation of this dynamic is Danny/Steve from Hawaii Five-0 (listen that show was copaganda trash but the fanfic was fun as hell).
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15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Power dynamics that remain unaddressed as part of the story. Hate to love that isn't earned over time. When the relationship makes each other worse rather than better. When they never learn to trust one another. When one of them is in it as part of a savior complex and that doesn't get challenged or worked through. When only one of them has a personality. There's very little that I'd say is a hard no in terms of dynamics or setup for me, but it has to be handled well, and sometimes I don't have the energy to give something the benefit of the doubt.
tagging: @respectthepetty @wen-kexing-apologist @so-much-yet-to-learn @ginnymoonbeam @bengiyo with as always no pressure, plus anyone who sees this who wants to fill it out, consider yourself tagged and let me know so I can see it!
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achilleslyre · 4 months
Boom! Yahiko and Konan for the character asks!
this ask game
favourite thing about them?
big beautiful brown eyes….. i’m jk i’m jk lol.. my favourite thing about yahiko is a little hard to put into words but he like… genuinely believes in the good of people….. like he loves the world and people so much that he genuinely thinks that they can change and be good.. he’s a revolutionist that has so much love in his heart..
least favourite thing about them?
uhhhh ik this is like a cop out answer but his lack of content 🧍🧍 both in the manga and in merch and fanart ✋😭 help i’m dying out here i need more yahiko… i literally own all yahiko official merch i’ve ever seen….
favourite line?
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🥺🥺 can i just say this line/interaction? he’s so cute…….
wait so this is very entirely never could happen only exists in my head in some fake au timeline BUT…….. yahiko and sasuke 🥺🥺 yahiko would love him so much…. the whole ame trio would love sasuke so much……
yahiko/konan/nagato :D !
yahiko/obito if i have to say anything other than “all other ships apart from the ame trio members” LOLOL
random headcanon?
don’t be mad at me but i just don’t like headcanons too much? uhhm idk the kid doesn’t brush his teeth T.T i mean he was homeless and they lived with jiraiya for years likeeee 💀💀 those kids didn’t have good hygiene sorry
unpopular opinion?
uh one of the top five best characters. even just.. liking him. i mean ppl don’t care about a mfer that was there for 10 pages so just his existence in my brain is unpopular 💀💀
song i associate with them?
hearts/wires by deftones
favourite picture of them?
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favourite thing about them?
least favourite thing about them?
i will not count kishimotos writing of women in this bc within that is the obvious answer…. hmm……. ok i lied cause i can’t think of anything that doesn’t tie into kishimotos awful writing of women.. my least favourite thing about her is that boiled down she is only about the men (yahiko and nagato) in her life. she has no motives other than theirs, she has no motivation or drive outside of them, she has no backstory other than the boys. she’s incredibly strong, has an amazing sense of justice and is simply one of the best characters but everything she is is about the boys… i could say so much more about her just ‘being for the boys’ but i shant get into it rn.
favourite line?
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we all cried
these three are literally gonna be the same as yahiko sorry lol…. imagine a world where ame trio meets sasuke……… imagine what we could’ve had…
random headcanon?
she pierced her lip because it made her uncomfortable/feel less connected to yahiko when she see’s all of peins transmitters/‘piercings’…. so now they look alike… he’s not the only one, it’s okay………….
unpopular opinion?
her hair is purple not blue 😔😔 LOLOL
song i associate with them?
the funeral party by the cure
favourite picture of them?
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racketballz · 1 year
by the fanart you made of the ppg and the ppnkg, how would you describe brat and bubbles relationship? Bubbles is like backing off from Brat while she's there with the hugest of the grins
I think that Brat is basically like boomer but if he was just unhinged I think boomer is hmm MODERATELY hinged LOL he has of people awareness because he cares about what his brothers think highly and he’s kinda lightheartedly stupid I think that brat is like that but WORSE she’s like careless and she also had aspects to her that are a little bubbles like she care about her looks a lot to the point where she’ll make people uncomfortable (I think that the way bubbles is she’s like not reckless about it it’s just little remarks that she makes that she cares about what she looks like right) so! In bubbles and brats dynamic the context I have in my head is brat is like “wow it’s nice too have 2 pretty girls around here SINCE MY sisters are so fucking ugly!!!!” But I think she would get all twitchy and quickly get jealous and try to beat her face in half for being just as pretty or more LOL
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cainternn · 8 months
What was it that inspired you for the creation of Rin? Does he have any of the same traits you personally do?
oh god i hope not LOL
he basically was an amalgamation of all the tropes i like in characters…like self service oc fr…
he was the first oc i made when i was like “hmm ive only drawn fanart i should make an oc” and so hes an edgy emo wolf boy bc why not
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dovelydraws · 11 months
If you don't mind me asking,
What's art styles ended up influencing .. Well your art style?
Oh, this is a fun question, thank you for asking!
Hmm, I think it's a little hard to say since I've been drawing since I was basically a toddler, lol. Every little thing I've ever enjoyed has had some sort of influence. I'll try to go through the timeline though.
When I was a little kid, I had a special interest in zoology (still do! but it's not as obvious as it was back then.) I used to wake up first in the house specifically so I could turn on the tv to the animal planet channel and just watch documentaries all morning, and I carried a giant animal kingdom encyclopedia with me to school every day to just flip to random pages and read whatever popped up. During this time of my life, I pretty much exclusively drew animals- particularly elephants, canines, and horses. I had no interest in people.
I had no real interest in stylization at this point- obviously as a little kid I was never able to achieve perfect anatomy or anything like that, but I was more interested in making my animals look real than cartoonish- which meant I was never really influenced by the disney movies I was watching, since they stylized their animals so heavily.
I remember the dreamworks movie Spirit held my attention for a very long time, and I think it may particularly have been that way because the horses looked and acted more real than they did in disney movies. They were still stylized of course, it was a cartoon after all, but it wasn't to any extremes. I still find myself wanting to mimic that in my animals now; cartoon, but not cartoon-y.
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I think these two gifs help illustrate my point lol.
After this exclusive animal obsession (followed by dinosaurs, and then dragons) I got really into Sonic the Hedgehog around age 11. Drew sonic characters, and made my own OCs for it, for basically the entirety of middle school. I've pointed out in the past that it seems the way I draw hands was heavily influenced by this phase
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Very round, almost rubbery, where the ends of the fingers tend to flare out a little bigger than they are at the knuckles.
Then after sonic, I got into my first anime, Soul Eater, and this is really where I first started venturing into drawing people and more realistic human anatomy.
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Interestingly, this artstyle seemed to also do the Sonic Hands thing, lol
After this I had a big anime phase, as well as just a general "I want to study actual human anatomy" phase during early high school. I was following a lot of skeletal/muscular system tutorials during this time.
Following that I started getting back into american media, in particular I remember invader zim, steven universe, and tmnt 2k12. I'm not sure I can really tell myself where the steven u artstyle is present in my own, but I've had people tell me they can tell I was into it at some point after saying so.
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Then there was the Rubberhose Boom of 2017, with the release of Cuphead and BATIM very close together; I had a big hyperfixation on that artstyle specifically at that time, and I feel like I may owe some of the loose-ness in my artstyle to that.
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Then, I suppose, we come to Rise of the TMNT. That show ended up being a major inspiration to me, and I think I owe a LOT of recent artistic growth to it. Rise pushed me out of my comfort zone big time. I always liked doing dynamic poses, but rise encouraged me to push things further, and I started drawing more backgrounds and making bolder color choices because of it as well.
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I think my artstyle became just a bit more angular after drawing so much fanart as well.
And I suppose that's where I'm now at presently! Aside from media, I also can't say I'd be where I am artistically today without the influence and support of my many friends. :) I owe a lot of things about my artstyle, particularly specific things like my lineart, to compliments my friends paid me which made me pay more attention to the things I was doing accidentally that they happened to like, then making it purposeful and more refined as a result.
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tarobii · 9 months
Ok this time an actual ask (the other one from me pls don't take that seriously I was having fun)
Undersociation, can I make fanart of it? Can others make fanart of it? I really like your AU and I admire you a lot.
A random ask, what's the dumbest thing you believed as a child? You don't have to answer these if you want, ok byee
I would love love love to see Undersociation fanart!!
hgnghhsnh thank you so muuuuch <333
as for the dumbest thing I believed in as a child... hmm
tbh I don't remember ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but! I do have an anecdote from when I was Smol that kinda sorta fits the bill here
at one point in time I was afraid of the annoying orange for like a month because of the ring parody they made
it also didn't help that the orange looks like *that* lol
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