#maybe when i continue my manga read i’ll see if i can come up with any yahiko headcanons 💀💀 i’ve been asked for hcs for him so many times
achilleslyre · 8 months
Boom! Yahiko and Konan for the character asks!
this ask game
favourite thing about them?
big beautiful brown eyes….. i’m jk i’m jk lol.. my favourite thing about yahiko is a little hard to put into words but he like… genuinely believes in the good of people….. like he loves the world and people so much that he genuinely thinks that they can change and be good.. he’s a revolutionist that has so much love in his heart..
least favourite thing about them?
uhhhh ik this is like a cop out answer but his lack of content 🧍🧍 both in the manga and in merch and fanart ✋😭 help i’m dying out here i need more yahiko… i literally own all yahiko official merch i’ve ever seen….
favourite line?
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🥺🥺 can i just say this line/interaction? he’s so cute…….
wait so this is very entirely never could happen only exists in my head in some fake au timeline BUT…….. yahiko and sasuke 🥺🥺 yahiko would love him so much…. the whole ame trio would love sasuke so much……
yahiko/konan/nagato :D !
yahiko/obito if i have to say anything other than “all other ships apart from the ame trio members” LOLOL
random headcanon?
don’t be mad at me but i just don’t like headcanons too much? uhhm idk the kid doesn’t brush his teeth T.T i mean he was homeless and they lived with jiraiya for years likeeee 💀💀 those kids didn’t have good hygiene sorry
unpopular opinion?
uh one of the top five best characters. even just.. liking him. i mean ppl don’t care about a mfer that was there for 10 pages so just his existence in my brain is unpopular 💀💀
song i associate with them?
hearts/wires by deftones
favourite picture of them?
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favourite thing about them?
least favourite thing about them?
i will not count kishimotos writing of women in this bc within that is the obvious answer…. hmm……. ok i lied cause i can’t think of anything that doesn’t tie into kishimotos awful writing of women.. my least favourite thing about her is that boiled down she is only about the men (yahiko and nagato) in her life. she has no motives other than theirs, she has no motivation or drive outside of them, she has no backstory other than the boys. she’s incredibly strong, has an amazing sense of justice and is simply one of the best characters but everything she is is about the boys… i could say so much more about her just ‘being for the boys’ but i shant get into it rn.
favourite line?
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we all cried
these three are literally gonna be the same as yahiko sorry lol…. imagine a world where ame trio meets sasuke……… imagine what we could’ve had…
random headcanon?
she pierced her lip because it made her uncomfortable/feel less connected to yahiko when she see’s all of peins transmitters/‘piercings’…. so now they look alike… he’s not the only one, it’s okay………….
unpopular opinion?
her hair is purple not blue 😔😔 LOLOL
song i associate with them?
the funeral party by the cure
favourite picture of them?
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
[ I’ll add ch 1-16 here tmr I’m just really tired <3 ]
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The silences became unbearable so you decided it was best you spoke up. Your sentences collided, you both stumbling over what the other said. You shared a laugh and decided to let Law go first, anxiously waiting to hear about what was on his mind that made him go complete radio silent at the dinner table.
" Y/N-ya, This conversation is going to make you upset but it's a neccesary one." He started off.
you nodded and waiting for him to continue. He sighed and turned away for a second, anxiety dwelling in the pit of his stomach.
" Before we had really gotten close and I was traveling with you and the strawhats Robin invited me into her study because she had books that would be really interesting to me."
The shock was written all over your face, he was telling you about reading one piece. You gulped down the lump in your throat, Sanji was telling you the truth.
" I'm pretty sure you have an idea of what I am about to say but, I just want you to know I wasn't keeping this from you because I am trying to harm you, and I am not in kahoots with the strawhat crew. ”
You but your lip wondering if the anger was showing itself on your face. You wanted to tell, scream, or even jump him. That wasn’t the right answer though, you knew that, thinking back to all the times you’ve simply done something logical here you always ended up on the wrong side of the stick or sword.
You hummed and looked away from him, “ I choose not to be angry at you. I mean, speaking logically I had done the same thing. Reading the manga and then coming here. I’m just not as free to go back whenever I please as you are.”
Your heart swelled. You felt mature and dignified in this moment, the anger seemed into the back of your mind most likely going to rush forward when you’re alone again but that’s alright. As long as you don’t show them everything will be fine.
“ I mean still… Y/n-ya I betrayed your trust by not telling you this sooner. If I was in your shoes I would probably be screaming from the top of my lungs.”
You laughed. Of course you wanted to do that, to everyone that you’ve encountered in this mysterious world you wanted to scream from the top of your lungs hoping that maybe someone from your home can hear or that maybe god would rescue you.
Unfortunately that’s not reality.
Law spoke about how intrigued he was by your universe. The new technology, the advancements in medicine he’s never heard of. In such a short period of time he spent there he was able to see things people wouldn’t even dream of in this life time.
Bepo and the rest of the crew peeked out the doors and windows amazed to see their never catch him with his pants off captain be so lax. It was like an alien replaced him or he was possessed by a free spirit.
Although you haven’t spent much time with the heart pirates, they adored you. Like basically everyone else they were enamored with the girl from another world, you were this alien creature who spoke so differently, lived differently, just a ball out of left field.
They were more subtle but they watched you as much as anyone else did. They liked the way you did little things and they liked the way you made their captain easier to deal with.
As they watched you two go from awkwardness back to a regular conversation where Law’s smile was prominent and his posture slouched, they wondered what would happen when you went back home.
Of course the captain would miss you, he would probably be even more overbearing just because your presence is gone but they all knew too well what the right thing to do was.
After hearing your story and what you dealt with from the Strawhat pirates they couldn’t help themselves in wanting to protect you. You were too fragile for this world, even though you weren’t even a different species your world is so fragile and life goes so quickly for you. You deserved to enjoy it— even if it meant they would never see you again.
You would always be one of their favorite memories.
The weight on Law’s shoulders was removed. And your comfortable conversation about the stars and what not from your universe could lull him to sleep. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this relaxed around a person— even his own crew.
Your eyes shined under the light of the moon and the hue made a light shade of blue casting over your brown skin. He moved closer, wanting to get a slightly better look at you. After all you’d be leaving in the middle of Wano. That thought brought a sharp pain through Law’s chest and a vein popped out on his temple.
He didn’t want this to be one of the lady times he seen you. Law wouldn’t say it out loud— he couldn’t. Knowing you, you’d probably become spooked by his demeanor. But he was sure that he wanted you in his life for the long run, get to know you like the back of his hand and maybe… just maybe…
His teeth gritted- his own thought annoying him while he was trying to focus on you explaining different telescopes that would let you look at the surrounding planets.
He would have to work over time to at-least attempt in forgetting you. He chuckled out loud at that catching your attention.
“ What’s funny loser.”
“ Nothing… I was just thinking of something— continue.”
You smiled and teased him once more making him shy away from showing you his reddening cheeks.
The night is still young and you had so much to talk about, he wanted to be all ears but you just made everything so difficult now.
Luffy was aggravated, you spend less and less time with him and everyone else now. He missed when you would spend all day playing games and just simply having your presence in his vicinity.
Robin told him what happened today and he wanted desperately to be happy but knowing that you and Law were ir already have talked it out made him want to destroy something in front of him.
Nami eyed him, her and Zoro were always first to read Luffy’s emotions and she was tad bit upset at how easily Robin opened her mouth. Telling him any of this isn’t in their best interest right now.
Nami wanted you to stay with them of course but she figured out a different way to ensure that. To ensure that both you and everyone else can finally be happy. But, with Robin or any other crew member coming to the captain every other day to report one thing after another it would be more difficult.
Usually Robin and Ussop would be in her corner but she’s all but alone as of now.
Her thoughts started giving her a head ache and Luffy’s anger was making her anxious. She was going to just put her thoughts to rest for the night. She’s have all the time in the world to figure this out in the morning.
Walking into the other room she bumped into Sanji, who had desserts in his hand and gave her his bright smile. When she declined Sanji’s facade dropped, concern ect he’d across his face.
“ Nami si everything alright?”
“ Yeah Luffy’s just agitated and Robin is adding fuel to his fire. I’m just gonna go to sleep we’ve got things to do tomorrow and I need to devise a plan.”
He told her to wait just a moment in the hall while he dropped off his treats, coming out in less than a minute he smiled at her and offered to make her melatonina tea. She obliged knowing he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and he was obviously worried for her and not up to any of his theatrics.
In the kitchen she sat twirling a spoon in her cup letting every thought and worry fly out of her mouth and Sanji listened intently.
“ I just wish you guys would not tell Luffy things about Y/N and Law so often. We need this alliance— especially right now. In order to win and have Luffy become an emperor we need the heart pirates. I get that we all-”
“ Everything’s going to work itself out.”
She tilted her head and he chuckled at how cute she was mentally begging himself to not make a fool out of himself.
“ We’re all just stressed, too much going on, too much focus on Y/n, and too much pressure from other crews and the people of Wano. I get you’re frustrated— I think we all are even the moss ball.”
“ Well yeah but-”
“ Robin wants to get a reaction out of all of us. Luffy is just an easy target. Luffy would get agitated if Y/n were to even look in Trafalgar’s direction.”
“ I’m just trying to come to an understand of why she wants this reaction out of him right now if all times.”
“ Because just like you she’s devising plans and having a captain who will pop his fuse at just one little thing right now must be vital for it to work.”
“ I guess? ”
She drank the rest of her tea sb headed to her room praying nothing disastrous would come tomorrow.
🏷️ : @chaichaiiskai @mizzhellsingsstuff @herwritingartcowboy @axulaphie @toshirolovebot @futmblr @rhicambo @marim0cha @sasukeswife3 @mitskikinnie100 @alaurannara @angstylittleb1tch
A/N: short chapter Ik but de next Sunday! <3 love you lmk what you thought !!!
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kosmicdream · 4 months
I love manga and comics, but I gotta say. So many of the series i have found most influential to my work either won’t finish, have not finished, or finished in a sort of unsatisfying way. Even if they’re fine, its usually not like.. IT. This is a pretty common experience. I have had a lot more luck watching movies that have endings that felt worth the experience and I’ve started to try to read in hopes to get more exposure to “good endings”.. But i do wish it was more common in my favorite medium to like, have that experience! Even when the endings are pretty good (and there are some, i personally think “paradise kiss” had a great ending that makes me return to the series multiple times over the decades) - I also am like.. I dunno. Its never the highlight of the story, you know. Its not the main reason why you’d read it, is the ending. I would assume most stories across all mediums, the ending isn’t going to be the “best part” anyway. However, after finally finishing watching UTENA earlier this year, I can say that at least for that series (no movie spoilers pls, i still havent seen it ;n;) the ending was in fact, the best part to me and made the entire experience even more memorable and worthwhile to watch. Months later, I’m still kinda amazed that happened! Wish it was not so rare, but also what a treat to get to see something like that felt like what i think an ending to a story should be. Still not a manga/comic ofc, but y’kno. Still good.
Other strong endings for me were: Paradise Kiss (as I said above), There will be blood, Monster, NGE (specifically end of evangelion) … umm!  I don’t know.. Is that really it for me? I like the 98’ Trigun end, but i also hated it as a teenager. So its more of a “nostalgic” one to me, same with Princess Mononoke. I’ll include those just for the sake of having more to think of. There’s plenty more i am fine with and enjoy fine enough.. but i guess its a lot harder for me to find ones that last in my head as what i find to be a satisfying & impressive end.. Of course, endings are all based on taste. Maybe i just haven’t seen enough endings. I think this contributes, along with a plethora of other elements, why writing endings are so hard! There’s just a lot you want to say and it is such a long journey to get there anyway. You are filled with doubt with your executions of ideas, or maybe find the ending you thought of less satisfying than you used to think it was. The longer you spend with something, the more you might find issues. Plus, it really is so hard just to get there. You’re usually falling over with exhaustion just to get to the finish line, let alone do the ending of your dreams. I know when i get to the ends of my chapters, i’m usually so desperate just to get there, i end up feeling like they come out poorly vrs my vision for them. 
Yes.. i have been thinking about endings a lot. Its just something that’s always on my mind, with NRD nearing its close. It still is going to take time of course, but as I revise the last chapters I’m still like left with a lot of feelings with wondering how it’ll come out, if i can even do it, ect. I know i will, its inevitable. But after that, well, my big struggle with FFAK will continue. I know that NRD has given me more tools to handle a series as long as FFAK, but its still getting older and it can be harder to understand all the things I wanted to say with it, what I still can say with it and what is the most valuable to say with it. I can’t do everything! And i certainly have more ideas for it than I could draw, I’m excited to have the story close too. Before it used to make me too upset to even think it i’d cry.. But now i’m like yeah! I wanna know too. I want to share what I thought of, even if its not what readers might have thought it was going to be like. Honestly, with every choice i make in the story, i always have had at least 1 or 2 other options, and I get attached to the other versions of the story that i dont get to make. They all end up very different ends, but still more or less the same story regardless. 
Anyway, just some thoughts on writing and comics today…
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rahuratna · 2 months
My bad, I don’t know what to do… 😭 😭
Uhh, I’ll just continue you off here… (I’m so sorry).
Ahem. Mahito. My sworn enemy. Murderer of the love of my life. I will never ever forgive— but, oh gosh, why is his voice so… AHEM. I got distracted.
Mahito said this one thing that piqued my interest. Don’t remember the exact words but it was something along the lines of: “I’m grateful to you.” So interesting. We talked a lot about how gratitude was one of Nanami’s motivations, how it gave him purpose. And it came from the innocent/weak and his comrades. But this is coming from a curse 😬
I can’t really give an explanation as to why… because his interaction with Nanami led him to discovering domain expansion? Is that it?? I guess Mahito growing stronger is something he gets off of, the thrill of it and also identity shenanigans, but I do not spend time pondering over my mortal enemies 😁 (Just kidding… here I am… intrigued by Mahito and his stupidly cute voice… I still hate him… I can’t help but wonder… ugh)
The reason I find this so interesting is how at the end, Mahito is stronger than Nanami. When Mahito ends Nanami, I doubt that he remembers or acknowledges any of the gratitude back then. Specifically because he said to Yuji, “I’ll probably forget you in the future too.” Gratitude to Mahito is meaningless. I think that also just shows how different curses are from humans. Gratitude plays such a big part for a lot of human happiness. But not for curses.
I found Mahito’s philosophy very interesting, the way that he saw everything as pointless which led to him doing whatever he wanted to do. Which is killing people (my beloved 😭) and propelling the endless cycle of war between curses and humans. It reminds me of nihilism sorta kinda maybe IDK. Again, I just haven’t given it much thought because he’s Mahito…
Ah, you know what. This reminds me of Attack on Titan (🥸). Marleyans vs. Eldians. Each side is fighting for survival, so they can have their own world. They wanted the same things, have their own peaceful world, but it just so happened that they were on opposing sides with a long history of violence and racism. Same thing with curses and humans. They both want to occupy the world, live their own lives, but they just can’t coexist. Mahito doesn’t see any side as right or wrong. His choices and decisions are based on impulse and desire. The lack of empathy is what makes him realllly different from Eren but I think the vision is very similar. They both stick to one side and fight for it because that’s the side they were born into. It’s so cool how there are overlapping themes of endless cycles. Like either with humanity against curses or a divided humanity against itself.
In conclusion, I feel very frustrated, confused, mad, and intrigued about Mahito. UGH. How dare he have an amazing VA and also cause so much pain and suffering. UNFAIR. CRUEL. I dislike him but I don’t. Would I have disliked him more if I only read the manga and he never had a voice? 😐😑😐
(Side note, I also realized ep 13 was when Nanami actually actually acknowledged Yuji as a sorcerer. Now I have to draw more Papamin. Sigh. I swear, everytime the topic of Nanami is brought up, it evokes a physically sigh from me.)
Sighing to sign off,
courtney 💜💜
Hi @courtneedsleep ! I am the world's biggest procrastinator, both in the way you mentioned and with regards to work I don't like/have little interest in. When it comes to series, absolutely! I put things off when I know I will enjoy them. I have a whole list of shows (anime included) that I know are brilliant and have been putting off for some time now, all because I know I will love them and want to savour them properly!
So, essentially, I don't know when I will end up watching Paranoia Agent, Odd Taxi or From the New World, but I know I'll love them 🤭
I've actually been re-watching some of season 1 myself (ah, simpler times) and Mahito is genuinely such an excellent character (as much as I want to do unspeakably horrible things to him).
Mahito initially came across, to me, as something of a contradiction. He was evidently born from human folly, and shows great delight in manipulating and tormenting humans, as he does with Junpei. You could almost say that he uses humans in the same way that sorcerers use cursed tools. That's what they are to him. Tools to be used to further the ends of cursed spirits.
This is where Mahito struck me as being truly dangerous: his fight with Nanami. He comes across (as Nanami comments) as fickle, sadistic, immature, barely aware of the impact of his own actions and with the air of a child playing with and destroying their toys. What is doubly terrifying is the power that he possesses, leaving others at the mercy of his whim.
Mahito's power is also terrifying and, from my initial perspective, almost inappropriate for a cursed spirit like him. He is able to accurately perceive the soul, in spite of being an 'immature' spirit, and downright psychopathic (by human standards). His power, like you said, is heavily instinctual and relies on his reading of a moment, emotions or the way a person responds to things.
The moment when he 'thanks' Nanami also stands out to me. It's almost like a child thanking their parent for a new plaything, something that might increase their status or bargaining power on the playground. Naturally, the child won't remember that act of gratitude for long, over the pleasure that their possession brings, or the manner in which they use it. That's going by the standard of regular children, of course, and Mahito is anything but regular, let alone human.
When Mahito eventually kills Nanami, he feels nothing of normal human gratitude. As far as he is concerned, Nanami has played his part, has helped him achieve more power, and can now be disposed of like all of the other human 'tools' as a means of furthering the cause of cursed spirits.
Yes. Pretty callous and inhumane overall. As expected. But then, Mahito subverted my expectations. As the series progressed, I began to see what you described; the attachment to his comrades, declaring a clear purpose for cursed spirits on earth, bringing about the return of Sukuna, and creating a new reality beneficial to cursed spirits overall. Very similar to the Marleyans and Eldians, this shows two species that are determined to carve a place for themselves in the world, to declare their right to exist, but also not able to tolerate the existence of each other.
Mahito suddenly displayed characteristics that were so much more human. I could no longer think of him as 'just another capricious curse' with no real understanding of the havoc he caused. His attachments to his own comrades spoke very clearly of that fact that he understood just how sadistic and terrible his actions were, they were just directed at humans, and so, he simply didn't care.
He was able to be so carefree not because he was totally unhinged, but because he saw humans the way humans saw curses. If we think of it from that perspective, he killed Nanami, just as Nanami exorcised cursed spirits.
Is there therefore a difference between him and Nanami, as viewed from either side? Fundamentally, yes. Nanami is shown to offer comfort and compassion to transformed humans, even as he has to take their lives. He understands all too well the weight of taking lives; Mahito does not.
This is all too clear when he prioritizes taking out Nobara, someone who's technique is a direct threat to him. Mahito suddenly learns what mortal peril feels like, what it means to be on the receiving end. Unlike Nanami, who truly did expect to meet his death as a sorcerer, and fully understood the risks, Mahito was still a child playing in an adult world, albeit, a horrendously powerful and dangerous child.
It's also extremely clear later (I won't spoil things, because I'm not exactly certain where in the show you are) that he is terrified of Yuuji's single-minded pursuit of him and desire to eradicate what he represents. Mahito does learn the true meaning of fear, he does come to understand the weight of lives, he does come to understand his own smallness on the scale of things. As philosophical as he came across, he applied those concepts very narrowly, and in ways that were heavily prejudiced by his own conception as a cursed spirit.
Mahito is such a great character, a truly adaptable and ever-evolving antagonist, and he's just delectably detestable, isn't he?
(Side note: It WAS the first time Nanami acknowledged him as a sorcerer! Proud Nanamin. 😭 I love that he's so caring and compassionate to Yuuji without ever overstepping the bounds of what he believes is true. He won't give praise where it's not deserved. He's not a sentimental man given to overt displays of affection. He's blunt to a fault. Which makes the occasions where he DOES acknowledge the students so much more meaningful and precious).
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heychubbywobbygorl · 2 years
Choso x Fem Dom Reader
Warning: Wasn’t proofread, Smut, Reader Soft dom
I’ll be putting out the games/manga I write for in my next post, probably.
At least be 17+. This is NSFW!! And you have enough common sense to know whether you want to read this or not.
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You were seated on the edge of the couch, peering into the long mirror perched against the living room wall. Choso and you made a stop at a hotel for the night, resting before taking care of whatever business relations you two had. He was in the kitchen, only a room over, making a pot of tea. He could always find it in him to be polite, despite how his demeanor could come off. You gazed into the mirror, taking in your surroundings. The hotel was arranged similarly to that of a luxury apartment. You liked the style; it reminded you of him. He was a minimalist, having nothing too special in his own home. The living room was like any other, but also different. Maybe because it was being shared with him, it felt more special. You ran your hands over the soft leather seating, “Your… hair. It looks nice,” you nearly jumped out of your seat, “Can you do mine?” he continued, sitting the tea down on the table. That’s right, you had forgotten that’s what you were doing. You glance at him and then back into the mirror before giving him a playful wink in the reflection. He closed his eyes and let out a soft chuckle, showing that he humored you. He looked somewhat at peace. “Sure, take a seat.”
You untie his hair, surveying it before concluding that he should keep his hair tied up, but with a little spice. You run your fingers through his hair, softly raking it. His eyebrows knitted with discomfort at the sudden yank at his scalp. “Your hair is so soft…” He hummed, acknowledging your statement. Grabbing a comb, you part his hair again, grabbing at the grease to keep his locks shiny without it being heavy on his head. Once done, banding his hair back, you take a red ribbon and tie it around each one. Somehow, the color contrast complimented his pale complexion.
You began thinking about the past. He always seemed somewhat conflicted or in his thoughts. He was a thinker and always felt responsible for others. When you first met, you always saw him as somewhat relatable and understandable, only for him to turn around and do something devious. He was always snatching that impression from you. He’s grown as a person.
You turn his head towards the mirror, “Don’t we look good? You specifically.” You could see a faint smile grace his lips before nodding. He stood, staring down at his legs numbly as they tingle like TV static. “What’s wrong?” You inquired. “Nope.. nothing really, just… tired. My legs are feeling sore right now.” He looked towards you, “Well, then I can give you a massage. Consider it thanks for the delicious tea.” He shrugged. How bad could it be? You patted the couch beside you, studying his every move as he took a seat. He pulled up his pant leg to reveal his defined legs, not too muscular but enough to make out the grooves. You wrapped your warm hands around his calves, gliding them back and forth to warm his leg. Then pressing the tips of your fingers firmly into the muscle. Massaging in circular motions, slowly feeling around for tender areas to spare relief. You watched his face scrunched in what seemed to be a mixture of relief and discomfort. Your hand guided beneath his shin, and you pressed down, hearing him let out a faint grunt. You worked extra on spots he hinted at.
Moving your hands up, you cup the inside of his thigh, feeling him jolt at the contact. The silence between you two was deafening. Was he sensitive there? You thought as you ran your nails over his thigh, gently caressing him as you went. He shuddered. Both of you made eye contact as you continued to trail your hand closer and closer to his crotch at a teasing pace. His gaze was almost domineering as you did so, your eyes falling upon his leg once more before seeing him slowly pitching a tent. You look at him searching for his eyes as he looked away with that blatantly plain face he always had.
“S-Sorry…” he stammered. You stared at his growing erection, contemplating your next actions. You snickered. “Would you like a bit of help?” His eyes flickered with a glint of surprise and excitement. He’d never been touched in such lewd ways before. His chest heaved with a euphoric sigh. He gulped, still refusing to meet your eye as he slid his pants down. His cock sprang out from underneath the thick fabric. “Please…” he’d never admit it, but he was frustrated and desperate to feel you against him.
“Be patient… I’ll make you feel so~ good, Choso.” You cooed. You started things off nice and steady, lightly wrapping your hand around his cock, slowly gliding your hand along his length. “Ohh…” he said as his shoulders dropped. His legs spread apart, inviting you to please him more. “Honey,” your voice lowered into such a seductive tone, “Look at me…” reluctantly, his eyes interlocked with yours. You draped your other hand over the head of his cock, your fingers firmly gliding up and down half of his length. You move your wrist to rub his tip in a swirling motion. He closed his eyes and hung his head back, your other hand still stroking near the base of his cock. At this point, his tip was dusted a pretty pink as large amounts of pre-cum spilled along the sides. “Mmph…” he gritted his teeth and bucked his hips forwards, driving himself into your warm hands.
You let go of his strained cock. You could tell he was disappointed, but of course, you wouldn’t leave him unsatisfied in the state he’s in. You reached into your bag, and the sound of rustling piqued his curiosity. His moment left to wonder was cut short by the sudden feeling of an intense vibration rattling inside him. You had a bullet vibrator; you had it turned low as you slowly inserted it into him. He threw his head forward in shock. He hissed in discomfort and pleasure as the vibrator slipped into his deepest parts. You watched as he squirmed and quivered, unintentionally letting out a guttural moan. Allowing him the adjust to it, he eventually felt the surge of pleasure hit him in strong waves. Turning the dial up a notch, you firmly grabbed his cock, clasping your forefinger and thumb around his base. Moving your hand in a circular motion up his length till you reach the top, you then swivel your palm in a circular motion across and around his tip. He let out groans and harsh breaths of pleasure. He never knew something like this could feel so good. If he’d known sooner, he’d probably have shamefully done it much earlier.
His slick made it easier for your hands to move. They heated quickly from the friction. The warm feeling against his cock was almost overwhelming, and he didn't want you to stop anytime soon. You swivel your wrist a few times, watching his hips roll in perfect harmony with your hand. His hands gripped at your forearms, his toes curled into the soft foam of the thick leather couch. Your free hands caressed his inner thigh, and your nails glided against his soft skin, sending a shiver up his spine. Then trailing down, you plunged two fingers deep inside him, pressing the vibrator against his prostate. The pressure from your fingers and the vibration that sent pleasurable shocks through him drove him mad. Your fingers glided in and out of him, each time his puckering hole sucked you back in for more. Your hot hands swallowed his cock over and over. Changing the speed, you jerked him off faster, adding more pressure as you went. He loved the tight feeling of your hand wrapped around his cock. His body quivered, his jaw clenched, and his thighs clamped together as he let out sweet, deafening, and deep moans. You continued to ruthlessly burette his tip, continuing to rub your thumb over and back, as the rest of your hand clamped around him, gliding along his length. You were moving too fast, but it felt oh-so-good to him. His hips stuttered as he pulled back from your grip, the feeling was too overwhelming for him. “I love it when you moan for me. That’s so sexy…” hearing the way you praised him almost made his eyes roll back. He moaned through his pursed lips as he thrust into your fist. His needy thrusts and whines became sloppy as his orgasm approached. He gasped for air, and his core tightened as he felt what he thought would be an explosive finish. That is until you loosened your grip and let his throbbing cock hit his abdomen. You ripped his orgasm from him, but he wasn’t upset about it. It felt oddly good to have someone else in control.
“Take it out.” He demanded. You hummed, looking down at his pretty ass. It was pale like the rest of him but flushed pink where your knuckles had nudged him. He wasn’t hairy, his body was dusted here and there with dark strands. His ass was almost bare except for the few around his hole. Tugging at the cord, you pulled it out, earning a hissed whine from him. His chest heaved in silence as he tried wrapping his mind around all that had just happened. You both made eye contact, his face stiffening into his blank expression once more. He looked at you with half-lidded eyes, his face flushed crimson to the point his cheeks almost looked purple. Your heart fluttered with excitement as you envisioned all that could take place right now. “Should we continue?” You inquired, “Okay.” He looked at you and responded with quirked eyebrows.
Your knees planted between his legs as you peppered gentle kisses on his face and jawline. His faint breaths tickled your neck before you pulled away, briefly making eye contact. His eyes abstained from yours once again. You continued kissing him, slowly making your way down his neck, lightly nipping at his bobbing Adam’s apple. He groaned, his hands gently caressing the small of your back. You broke contact with him once more. As you unzip your pants, a smaller, girthy, dildo sprang out from under the cloth. The strap-on had a vibrating dildo on the inside, it would vibrate and expand at every stroke. You placed a gentle hand on his cheek, kissing underneath his eyebags and giving short praises you felt he needed to hear every once in a while. His eyes watched your every move, from when you removed your shirt to reveal a pretty black lace bra. To when you lined yourself up with his entrance, before gliding your tip over his slippery hole. And finally, when you position him as missionary, pushing his knees towards his chest with both of his legs being held up by the ankles in your hands.
You smiled mischievously, bending down to kiss his neck as you plunged your cock inside of him. He let out a sharp gasp, his teeth clenched as he let out a pleasured groan. He grabbed onto your thighs and hips, letting the praises of your body spill through his lips. You rocked your hips, gradually coming to a steady rhythm. His voice began to slip, his delightful moans became music to your ears. Abruptly pulling out of him, you earned a drawn-out groan from him. You insert yourself into him teasingly slow, only to fill him with half of your length. You pull out again, entering him quicker this time and slightly deeper. Teasing him with this until he began spewing mantras of your name, his legs spreading shamelessly within your grasp, asking for you to plunge your cock into him. He practically melted into putty, enjoying every long stroke and the pleasurable shock it sent through him. Brutally hitting his prostate multiple times, sending his cock throbbing painfully, wanting to be touched.
You pulled out and flipped him over onto his hands and knees, this time facing the living room mirror. Figuring he was used to this size, you decided to up the ante. Quickly reaching into your bag, you pulled out a dildo that seemed to be around 3 inches bigger than the one you already had on. Disconnecting the smaller one, you connect the larger one, securing a snug fit. He looked at you with an expression of dismay and uncertainty. Grabbing his chin, you pull him into a passionate kiss as you plunge yourself deeper into him than before. The look of uncertainty quickly became of drunk-filled lust. You pound your cock into him once more, reaching around his hair to untie one of the ribbons, tying it in a pretty bow around his neck. Using one hand to lift his head so he can see himself in the mirror, “Just look at how pretty you are like this.~” you whispered into his ear, your warm breath tickling his skin made him shudder. Grabbing the vibrator and turning it on, you place it in your palm, wrapping your hands around his cock. You jerked him off, the feeling of your long thrust and the vibration sent him into an almost immediate overdrive. His face contorted with lust in the reflection of the mirror, his jaw quivered as his moans became progressively louder, and his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn't see such a shameful sight. He wasn’t much of a talker, but the way his voice cracked as his breaths became quick and shallow was more than enough. You slowed down your pace before speeding back up, teasing him each time you pulled out. It kept him guessing what you'd do next. The sight in the mirror was something to behold. His loose hair stuck to his sweat-drenched forehead, his face blushed a deep crimson, the pretty red bow wrapped around his neck like a present, and the way his boisterous moans overlapped the loud sound of your hips slapping against his ass. The sight was enough to make you cum, let alone the vibration and thrusts of the dildo inside you, becoming stronger each time you pounded into him. You moaned. Everything happening in this moment was so enthralling, it made you wet beyond belief.
Changing positions, you laid him on his back. At this rate, neither of you would last much longer. You leaned forward, pinning him against the couch, using your arm to support you. He used both of his arms to prop him up on his elbows, nipping at your neck and collarbones before taking full advantage and caressing your breasts. You add pressure to your grip around his cock, stroking him with the vibrator to his slit. “Hagh..!♡♡” he moaned, bucking his hips onto your cock. “Look at me. Call my name.” You demanded. He bit down on some of your cleavage, almost hard enough to draw blood. His core tightened as his insides squeezed around you, his muscles contracting and his jaw slacked open. He called out your name one last time before his body spasmed as he let out harsh gasps for air, his cum shooting out onto your chest in groups. Letting out whined gasps as harsh waves of his orgasms led him to squirt uncontrollably. You slowed down your pace with one final, hard, and long thrust. Stroking his cock with the vibrator as you went, seeing a delicious amount of his seed spill onto the both of you. You kept thrusting slowly until you reached your climax, your hips coming to an abrupt stutter, your legs tense in place as you let out one last guttural moan. You both took a few moments to recover, both of you breathing into each other's shoulders. Eventually, pulling out and discarding the strap-on next to you.
“Are you going to help clean me up?” He glanced over at you. You undo part of your bra. It comes loose around your shoulders. He grabs a handful of your supple breasts and slowly licks the cum off. He makes sure to look you in the eye as he does so, even nipping at your chest.
Once he finishes, you hook your index finger underneath the tight bow, gently pulling him towards you until you're pinned below him. His face is still buried in your chest, and his eyes gaze into yours with a half-lidded glare. "Fuck me until I tell you to stop." You yank on his bow until you two come face to face. Grabbing his chin and tilting his head, the gaze you two shared kindled a fire in you that you didn't know existed. You spread your pussy lips, he runs his tip along your warm, wet heat. Before pushing himself in with a whine, his jaw clenching with each thrust. He didn't have a high libido, but for you he'd pleasure you until you were satisfied. He was drunk on all the pleasure he had received that night. You wrap your legs around his hips, nestling him within your deepest parts. You hissed, "Just like that… You're so good for me, Choso." You both share one last kiss, biting at his bottom lip before the night faded into a blissful dark.
Author's note: This took me so mf long and idk why 💀 also I think I'm done posting fanfics with pictures of the character, it's so hard finding some of them.
I imagine the next day playing out like this:
Morning came, you found him already awake. Apparently he was an early riser. As you came to, you both sat there in somewhat of a daze. You looked over to find Choso staring blankly at the coffee table, "We never got to finish that tea." Choso chimed. All you could do was scoff.
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notloucid · 10 months
My Yuuji Itadori theory
I have only read some of the manga and am currently up to date on the anime as of this original post date of 11/28/23.
So based purely on what I have seen from the anime….
I believe Yuuji has a secret power/technique that no one knows about. The best way for me to explain this power is Yuuji is able to be or unlock or create what ever a person needs him to be. The level of severity to the power affects could depend on Yuuji’s cursed energy level or the person he is ‘against’.
I call this power synergy or the ability to synergize with someone.
So hear me out as I explain more with anime spoilers.
I’ll start listing the people I believe he has synergized with in an order that might only make sense to me.
Todo Aoi
The man looking for a best friend that loves tall thiccck women. Of course he and Yuuji would hit it off and become best friends but… it happened too fast right? Todo literally saw memories of him and Yuuji as best friends in junior high. After that these two are able to fight together completely in sync. Okay maybe Todo is the weird one, I could write it off as that at first but then…
Somehow, right before choso is about to kill Yuuji, memories that didn’t exist flooded his mind. Memories that convince him Yuuji Itadori is his younger brother. When the only thing Choso wanted was his younger brothers back… bing bang boom! Memory override of reality? I can only assume in the upcoming episodes Choso is gonna fight to save his new little brother Yuuji.
But maybe that is a power of Sukuna’s? Like who know what that man can really do. We all have ideas about that. But…. But what if this power of Yuuji’s allowed him to become Sukuna’s vessel?
He was a curse with out a body, until one of his last remaining pieces was eaten by a seemingly ordinary kid? Who shouldn’t have been able to withstand the bodily stress of taking Sukuna’s cursed energy from the finger but also had the ability to control and repress the king of curses? So what if Yuuji was physically strong, he had no experience with cursed energy. Sukuna needed a strong, durable vessel, and Yuuji became that for him.
Nanami Kento
He was closed off since his best friend (some of you even think lover) died as a jujutsu sorcerer. He ran away from the jujutsu life only to come back thinking about a job worth doing. Nanami needed someone like his friend, strong hearted, kind, wanting to help others. Yuuji was that but there is more to this synergy with Nanami. In Nanami’s final moments he was worried his lingering regrets would become a curse. Yuuji comes and a vision of his passed on friend appears in front of him gesturing to Yuuji, reminding him to be strong for those he will leave behind and be able to rest in piece knowing that there are others to continue fighting. There could be more implications to seeing Yuuji and the dead friend at the end but I need to rewatch a few more times to really get it. The point is Yuuji appears, important vision happens.
Technically Yuuji never met Jogo but his body did. I believe that the final vision Jogo has at the time of his death was Yuuji’s power. Sukuna would probably never admit that he believed Jogo was strong but that was what Jogo needed to be told, he was strong. To be told his existence had value, as a curse from the king of curses.
Those are the ones with the most evidence but I can add more with some of the more subtle cases too later.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
you’ve tainted my bookstore meet cutes with your filthy mind!!! but who am i kidding 😫 look at what blog i’m on.
shindo is def a little bastard, fingering you in the stacks when you’re supposed to be reshelfing. it’s so slow and there’s barely anyone in the store, but that makes it all the more important to keep your mouth shut. and if you can’t shindo will just have to make you bite down on the hardcover book and just bought.
kiri is following you around like a little puppy as you’re pulling books for some online orders. rambling about his latest manga, but you’re not really listening. too preoccupied with the sight of his thighs in those shorts. so when you ask him if he can reach the tallest shelf for a book you need, you quickly drop to your knees, pulling his soft cock free and immediately taking it into your mouth. man nearly pushes over the whole bookshelf in surprise.
and bakugo? well that little fucker knows just how to wind you up. sliding some of the filthiest books across the counter, saying you should take a read and maybe the two of you can have an after hours book club. and how did even know about this series? it’s absolutely depraved you realize, both when skimming the first chapter on your break and when he’s forcing you to read the best parts out loud while his head is mouth at your cunt between your thighs
I’m sorry😭I just can’t help myself.
You can hear the little bell at the front of your shop to indicate someone’s just come in while Shindou’s fingers are buried knuckle deep inside you, his lips scorching your throat as he grins at the sound. “Yo, someone’s gonna see—” You break off into a sultry moan as he presses down harder against your clit, curling his fingers inside you. The lewd squelch almost enough to cause a scene as he directs his attention to that soft spot as you bite down on your glossed lip in a feeble attempt not to add to the noise. “Better cum quick if you don’t wanna get caught, sweetheart.”
The hardback book Kirishima was grabbing for you narrowly avoids your head as you slip his soft cock between your lips, feeling the telltale throb as he begins to grow inside your mouth. Your tongue swirling around the flushed tip as you lap at the first drops of pre that ooze from his slit, gazing up at him innocently as you hear a low groan leave his lips. “Fuck, baby. What you doin’? Anyone could see.” His knuckles are turning white as he holds onto the shelf in front of you, resting his forehead against his forearm to allow him to gaze down at you on your knees for him. You suck harder in response, leaving lines of your glittery gloss around his girth as you bob your head along his length. His hips stuttering as you reach up to palm his balks, “Gimme your cum, then I’ll stop.” You almost pout as you talk against his tip, your tongue lapping at the fresh pre as he twitches in response.
Bakugou makes you wear one of those remote controlled vibes while in the shop, smirking from one of the worn leather armchairs as he peers over his book at you. Thick rimmed glasses perched on his nose as he smirks at the way you clutch the counter, leaning your forearms against it as he turns the vibrations up. You were trying to read the book he’d gifted you, the words now just black splodges against the page as customers continue to walk by. Dropping his book to the side as he stalks towards you like a predator hunting it’s prey, leaning against the other side of the desk as his lips brush your ear, “Did I tell you that you could stop reading, princess? Tell me what happens next—”
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veilchenjaeger · 2 years
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(I'm going to talk about non-consensual sex in media below, obviously. Just a head up.)
@stripedroseandsketchpads I’m not super knowledgeable about these tropes either, so I’m definitely not the right person to do a detailed analysis of the trope subversions here (or trope subversions in Scum Villain in general). I don’t read a lot of danmei, though I do have a background in old 2010s BL manga, and a lot of tropes do seem familiar to me. I have looked at a few stallion novels, but those are so incredibly misogynistic that they’re impossible for me, a person without access to copious amounts of alcohol, to read without taking permanent damage. But like… What bothers me about the Maigu Ridge takes I see isn't a lack of understanding of the trope subversions (which I don't fully understand either) but how many people miss the basics of what's happening in this scene? I don't think it's necessary to do, like, a close analysis of the text to recognise that Maigu Ridge is not supposed to be sexy?? Maybe I'm wrong and it is hard to tell, but?
I am genuinely baffled by the amount of misinterpretations I see about Maigu Ridge mostly bc I don't think it’s subtle about what it is! I, too, think that MXTX's sexy scenes are sort of odd and not very sexy [Edit: @stripedroseandsketchpads pointed out that this is likely a translation bias, and I agree 100%], but the difference between e.g. the wine enema extra and Maigu Ridge is blatant? Shen Qingqiu is in so much fucking pain at Maigu Ridge that he can barely think! He's hurting in the other sex scenes, too, but not nearly as much, and the tone of those is light-hearted and Shen Qingqiu's narration is funny. There's nothing funny about Maigu Ridge! Shen Qingqiu doesn't very nearly black out from pain in the You Understand extra, because that one's supposed to be cute and awkward and not absolutely horrifying!
And even if we ignore the actual sex (I hesitate to use the term!), the entire way Maigu Ridge is framed makes it obvious that this is very much intended to be read as a traumatic event. First of all, they stop. It’s so important to me that they stop. It would have been so easy to transition into a good, pleasurable sex scene as soon as they're both able to consent, but it doesn't. They stop the second Luo Binghe comes to, because none of what just happened was arousing or made them want to continue having sex. This shouldn't be special, but it is, because this is a romance novel and romance novels don’t do bad sex, but I’ll get into the trope subversion later.
More stuff about the way Maigu Ridge is framed: My favourite thing about it is not the sex scene itself or the build-up to it - I'm not that hardcore - but the conversation they have afterwards, after Luo Binghe regains consciousness. They stop having sex, and they immediately start taking care of each other. This is a scene where they just went through a very traumatic thing together, and they support each other in the aftermath. This is one of the ultimate Bingqiu conversations for me, which cemented my love for them and imo proves how much they care about each other.
Within that conversation, it becomes obvious how shaken Luo Binghe is by what happened. He fucking asks why Shen Qingqiu didn't kill him instead of letting him do this! It's. Just. It's so much. It shows how horrified Luo Binghe is by what "he" (in quotation marks bc he wasn't conscious) just did. He's hurt Shen Qingqiu a lot in this book, in various ways, but here, we see him break down after doing so and pretty much say outright that he'd rather have died. Bingy.
There’s also the fact that Shen Qingqiu tries to calm him down by pointing out that he "was willing". No you weren't, king, but I appreciate you reassuring Luo Binghe that he didn't just outright rape you. It's such a weak reassurance in this moment, when Shen Qingqiu is literally dying, but it still means the world. Everything is so horrible, but Shen Qingqiu successfully pinpoints the thing that makes it slightly less horrible.
Later developments support this reading, too! Luo Binghe, Mr Pushy himself, doesn't dare initiate anything sexual for the first weeks of their relationship! Maigu Ridge is the catalyst for him letting Shen Qingqiu go and not being there when he wakes up (despite having waited five years for Shen Qingqiu to wake up before), because he doesn't believe they can come back from this! In the interview extra, Luo Binghe refuses to name Maigu Ridge as their first time, preferring to pretend it never happened! Shen Qingqiu mostly refers to it as a failure, something that’s tragic bc Luo Binghe as a stallion protagonist should have had a better first time, but his tone in those moments of narration is seriously mismatched with his narration during Maigu Ridge, and ignoring his own feelings about the matter completely and re-framing it as a plot point in a novel instead of a real thing that happened to him is precisely how Shen Qingqiu deals with trauma all the time. Maigu Ridge is so obviously written as a traumatic event, so I really cannot understand people who are either mad that the sex scene wasn't hot (It's not meant to be!) or complain about this scene being super problematic and Bingqiu thus being horrible. (This was very intentionally written that way and Bingqiu themselves acknowledge that it was awful!)
And that isn’t even getting into the trope subversion yet. As I said, I’m not super knowledgeable about that, but I read a post recently that pointed out that a lot of danmei tropes are just romance/erotica novel tropes, and… yes. That’s true. What happens a lot in these stories is the “It starts out non-consensual but the main character (the woman in straight romance, lbr) ends up liking it anyways!” trope. Afaik, this is a staple of stallion novel sex, too. I hate this trope with the fire of a thousand burning suns, and when I first read Scum Villain, I was afraid that Maigu Ridge would turn into that. And then it didn’t. Which blew my mind a little, because main couples in romance or erotica novels don’t have bad sex. Bingqiu are an obvious subversion of that bc they suck at sex even if it is consensual, but Maigu Ridge is that subversion times 100. Scum Villain talks a lot about satisfaction points, so let’s think about reader satisfaction here: For this entire novel, we’ve been waiting for Bingqiu to kiss and get together and fuck. And a romance story isn’t always over with the first time, but usually, such a scene is satisfying because it shows them finally coming together after chapters upon chapters of build-up. Usually, it’s good sex. It shows us that the main couple is meant to be together. (Wangxian's first time is a pretty good example of a sex scene that is more of a problem than a solution but is still good.) Apparently, the “Fuck or Die” trope is a lot more prevalent in the genres MXTX is commenting on than in stuff I know about, so that plays into it, too: It’s the kind of scene that’s meant to be satisfying, and Maigu Ridge absolutely fucking isn’t. This book, which is very much a romance novel, looked the “Fuck or Die” trope in the eye, said, “This would fucking suck irl”, and ran with that. And I think that owns.
Non-consensual romantic or sexual actions are a fucking staple of romance media, and while there can obviously be kinky reasons for that, the fact that it's so prevalent is awful imo. The amount of completely innocuous prime time movies targeted at girls and young women that I've seen where straight-up stalking and sexual harrassment are played as a romantic ideal is horrifying. Not to mention that Scum Villain is commentary on stallion novels, too, and the way non-consensual sex is portrayed in those – books targeted at an audience that is meant to identify with the rapist – is terrifying imo. It genuinely scares me that there are men out there who read these books uncritically and buy into that portrayal of women and consent. I could talk a lot about the nuances of this topic (bc it is nuanced), but let’s just say that it's so important to me to see a scene like this portrayed as the horrible, traumatic even it would be in a realistic setting (while still being a scene in a romance novel that doesn’t end the main couple’s relationship). Maigu Ridge is one of the main reasons why I trust MXTX to address and play with consent issues (as she does with Wangxian).
I don’t think that the message of Maigu Ridge is “The Fuck or Die trope/non-consensual sex in romance novels is horrible and shouldn’t happen ever” – MXTX does include a whole parody of super tropey danmei novels full of noncon with Resentment of Chunshan, which is portrayed as silly but harmless, kinky fun – but it invites us to think about these tropes and the implications they have. There’s a lot of nuance here that I appreciate, especially with the distinction made between the Scum Villain plot, which is situated in “reality”, and Resentment of Chunshan, which is very firmly fantasy. I’d love to read an analysis on this by someone who really knows their shit when it comes to danmei, stallion novels, and Chinese media tropes in general (My perspective on this is obviously very Western!) bc this is all I really have to say about this, but like. Bottom line is that it’s fucking baffling to me why Maigu Ridge is so often treated as the Big Problematic Scene of Scum Villain when it’s literally commentary on noncon tropes in media. If anything, this is the single least problematic Bingqiu scene! What the fuck are y’all talking about!
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softxsuki · 7 months
Hello hello. 🌸
Its my first time requesting something so i hope im doing it right D:
(sorry for my bad english..)
Can i request a letter for the Valentines day letter event?
I need one with Chifuyu from tokyo revengers with a Fem Reader. Hes been my fave character since i watched tokyo rev for the first time.
I need some Comfort/fluff with him :(. We both go to highschool and we are childhood Friends. I got bullied and used alot and i've been feeling really lonely and sad lately.
chifuyu noticed that im not feeling so good, so he made a decision on confessing his love to me and tells me that i would never be lonley when we are together and that he would take care of the bullies when they dare to hurt me again. He leaves the letter on my desk after break.
A little more about me: My name is Yoona (or Yoonie), Im autistic and i have anxiety so its hard for me to be outside without my headphones on, i need them all the time. Without them ill get a panic attack when it gets too stressful for me. I also cry really fast, you just have to look weird at me and im getting teary eyes. T-T
I hope this is okay and enough.
Thank you, have a nice day and take care.🩷
Chifuyu's Confession Letter to His Childhood Friend
This event is now CLOSED, but you can view the masterlist for the other letters here.
| Pairing: Chifuyu x Fem!Reader | Genre: Fluff, Comfort | Post-Type: Letter | Word Count: 720|
Warnings: mentions of ppl picking on reader
Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoy you letter from Chifuyu :)
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The last bell rings for the day, as all the students jump up from their desks and rush back to their homeroom classroom to collect their things, you included. What you didn’t expect to see though was an envelope on your desk. 
The hustle of students rushing to grab their things and run out of their classrooms to leave school continues around you as you take a seat at your desk and begin to read the letter;
Dear Y/N,
Happy Valentine’s Day. Perhaps this comes across as a surprise to you, or maybe even a little sudden…but I like you. I’ve liked you for a while now, I just didn’t know how else to say it to you so I thought maybe Valentine’s Day would be the appropriate time to do so.
Maybe you only see me as a friend considering we’ve known each other since we were kids, but I’ve looked at you as a woman for a while now. Maybe longer than I even realized myself.
I know you worry about people picking on you and all those people in the past who have used you, but I want to be there for you now as more than just your friend. I want to be the man you go to for comfort. I want to be your rock, your support system. I want to hold you in my arms and kiss you. 
You know how hard I’ve held myself back? I can’t help but stare at your lips when you talk to me, I’m just surprised you haven’t noticed yet. 
Please let me be the one to wipe your tears away when you cry. You cry so often, I can’t help but just want to hold you and kiss your tears away. I want to be your safe place, your lover.
So…if you’d like to give me a chance, meet me at our usual spot outside. I’ll wait there for as long as you need me too. But if this makes you uncomfortable, just throw it away and pretend like it never happened. I don’t want to scare you off or anything. See you soon hopefully.
Your hopefully boyfriend soon,
Chifuyu &lt;3
You smile to yourself. Idiot. How could he not know that you liked him back? You thought you made it pretty obvious, unless he thought that was just how you acted around everyone…
Sighing, you quickly collect your things to meet him at your spot outside the school. It was a large ginkgo tree that had the best shade in the summertime. Both of you made it your special spot to hangout whenever you didn’t want to go straight home after classes. 
Your heart thumps in your chest upon seeing Chifuyu sitting against the trunk of the tree, his face stuffed in one of his mangas. Your feet carry you towards him and you plop yourself down beside him with a grin, startling him.
“Hiya,” you beam.
“Hi,” he responds, the tips of his ears going red. He was nervous. “Did you read the letter?”
“I sure did.”
“And…I can’t believe how dense you are, seriously. Of course I like you as well. I thought you would have noticed by now, but I guess that’s my fault. It does take you a while to catch on,” you sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder, the weight of the day catching up to you.
A yawn escapes your lips before you look at him, “I just didn’t mention it really because I thought you wouldn’t feel the same for me.”
That gets him laughing as he wraps an arm around your shoulder. Guess you were both worried about nothing.
“Then is that a yes to being my girlfriend?” He asks, needing the confirmation.
You playfully slap his shoulder with a laugh. “Of course it’s a yes.”
He grins at that and presses a kiss to your cheek, despite how badly he wanted to claim your lips as well, he’d hold himself back until later on. You had just gotten together, he didn’t want to rush things. This was a new relationship he’d savor and enjoy.
Mentally he thanked the romance manga he had read to help prepare him for this moment. It had worked out perfectly and you both couldn't be happier.
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Posted: 2/14/2024
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serasarahhhh · 1 year
Author: Maxine Pairings: BakuDeku Rating: R Chapters: 12/? Notes: Accidental quirk shenanigans result in an unplanned pregnancy. Post-canon, no a/b/o dynamics. Summary: It's not that Katsuki didn't want kids. He figured he'd have them one day, probably. That he and Izuku would adopt or maybe figure something else out. This is NOT how it was supposed to go. ~~~~~ CHAPTER 12 “You invited All Might for dinner?” Izuku repeats, gaping up at the man who’s still got his knees bracketing Izuku’s thighs. “I – what – Kacchan.” “It’ll be fine,” Katsuki says hastily. “It’s just All Might, don’t worry.” Oh please. That’s not the part Izuku’s worried about. “Are we even having dinner with my mom tomorrow??” “…I mean.” Katsuki goes a bit shifty-eyed suddenly. “Now we are.” “Kacchan, oh my god.” Izuku presses his hands against his cheeks. “Have you told her?” “I was going to call her!” “KACCHAN.” “Izuku,” Katsuki sasses back. “You wanted to tell him, right? Now you can!” “I–” Wait. Izuku blinks. “You didn’t tell him?” “I wasn’t gonna do it without you.” “But you did see him today?” Izuku asks, brows drawing down. Katsuki nods and Izuku pauses for a moment, trying to make that make sense. “You saw him, and he saw you, and he doesn’t know?” Katsuki frowns. “I ain’t the size of a whale, ya damn nerd. I just…” He lifts up on his knees like he wants to make sure Izuku can see him properly, then pulls his shirt up and starts sucking his stomach in. “I didn’t talk to him long, had the excuse of the meeting with Nezu to get to, so I kinda just did this and spoke fast and then fuckin’ bailed. So I doubt he noticed.” …It’s actually a little unnerving watching Kacchan’s belly flatten right before his eyes. When he holds himself like that, the bump almost entirely disappears. “Okay, okay, stop,” Izuku says frantically, reaching out to palm Katsuki’s hips so he can tug him back into his lap. “Don’t, that’s freaking me out.” Katsuki relaxes his muscles and it’s like watching someone blow air into a balloon, the way he easily rounds back out again. “She didn’t go anywhere,” he mutters, as he lets go of his shirt and resettles his weight against Izuku. “Calm down, crazy.” “Dinner,” Izuku says, trying to focus. “Tomorrow. Why my mom’s? Can’t All Might just come here?” “Where would we feed him, Izuku?” Katsuki throws a hand out toward the ground. “You want All Might to sit on the floor?” “…He could have the couch,” Izuku tries, but Katsuki just scoffs and looks away. “I’ll call her, okay? I’ll call her and let her know and I’ll even help her cook. It’s gonna be fine.” “I hate putting her out, though,” Izuku says weakly. “Yeah, well, this is why we bought a house. But we’re not in it yet, so I don’t know what to tell you.” Katsuki shifts off Deku, twisting to the side and flopping onto his back on the open length of the sofa. “We gotta tell Inko she’s getting a granddaughter anyway, so. Two birds, one stone.” “…Oh. That’s true.” Continue reading at AO3. Through chapter 12 now posted!
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sleepydrabbles · 2 years
My frustration with most criticism leveled at manga artists and authors is that people end up addressing symptoms and not causes.
When I was 11 or 12, I wanted to be a manga artist. Part of this particular fixation meant reading a lot of manga and trying to imitate the styles— something you can still see in my art. I came across a manga called Bakuman that I would really recommend, because it gave me a better understanding of why manga has a bigger tendency to have huge plot holes, fucked up character development, and flat characters when compared to, say… published novels. I’ll need to dig it up sometime so I can show y’all specific stuff but for now I’ll work from memory… I need to get these thoughts down.
Most manga are published through weekly magazines, and the artists are expected to come up with a chapter a week. I’ve seen some shifts lately due to the work-related stress and injuries that have abounded as a consequence but that is where things started, and that meant manga artists had to come up with SOMETHING on a schedule, no matter how good or bad it was. (So yeah, that terrible pandering filler chapter/arc was probably a mangaka with a hell of a block.)
Then, within the magazine, there are frequent checks and polls to measure popularity— if a manga isn’t popular enough, it gets cut, whether or not it was finished. (Yeah, that manga you loved that had a really sudden and terrible ending? Probably more niche than you realized.)
Contrast this with traditional publishing (as I saw someone here doing, comparing Harry Potter to My Hero Academia): authors take years to write, and then they have to find an editor, and even if the whole story is published in segments they have at least a year between those segments to plan, write, and edit. NaNoWriMo winners have demonstrated that the writing phase can be finished in a month or two— the rest of the effort goes to editing.
Manga artists have an editor, sure, but that editor is on the same deadline. Worst-case scenario they get a day or two to read over the chapter.
Novels also tend to remain popular enough not to have to deal with getting cut— and most novelists will just finish in self-publishing if their publisher decides to terminate their contract. Manga artists simply move to the next idea, from what I’ve seen.
This leads to a system where, I kid you not, most artists are just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. They get an idea, it gets dashed out, and then they see what happens. I can’t tell you how many artists I’ve seen express genuine surprise at the popularity of their ideas, and I think it’s just because that idea was one in maybe five or six that got submitted to the magazine that round. They have to figure it out as they go, and what does that mean? Plot holes.
And if a manga is popular enough, the expectation is that the manga artist will continue to make it… and make it… and make it. My dad joked once that you’ll always find another villain behind the latest big bad with these types of series, because the goal is not to create a cohesive story but to maintain audience attention as long as possible. My Hero may be in the middle of a final battle, but who knows whether AFO will actually turn out to be the ultimate villain— while Voldemort was clearly the problem and remained the problem for the entire Harry Potter series. (I’m working with the comparison I saw— I have some personal issues with JKR as an artist and a person that I won’t get into here.)
You see where I’m going with this, right? I sure hope so.
Learning that, as a manga artist, I would be expected to continue creating what gets popular no matter how I felt about it— that was what tanked my desire to become a manga artist. And I love manga to death, but I’ve also learned not to expect much of it because the system itself is designed in such a way that only the most batshit insane series with wild twists and turns and crazy unrealistic characters will succeed. Think about Naruto, Bleach, My Hero, ONE PIECE, etc. it’s a miracle there’s a plot line there at all.
Unfortunately, some people hold these manga to the same standard as Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Steelheart, Mistborn, etc. And as long as they do so, they’re going to be disappointed, because the manga publishing world is basically a reflection of the internet influencer world— “create till you drop and everyone forgets your name” is the goal of the game. Until we see some kickback against that system, you’re not going to see well-developed manga that are also popular.
If you do find one, congratulations! Cherish it. The mangaka probably had to kick a few shins to keep it true to their vision.
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My main focus here is on samurai manga…
top 5 samurai manga read this month:
#5. Kurozuka by Baku Yumemakura on story and Takashi Noguchi on art
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This is a story that takes samurai, crosses it with vampires and kind of just illustrates how far those two can go, It’s based on real 2 life guys, maybe even considered legends in Japan with a bridge and statue dedicated to them and everything, Yoshitsune Minamoto and Saito Benkei
Basically, the story starts with them trying to escape some pursuers in the mountains and in doing so they end up unwittingly shacking up with a vampire, a lady vampire,,, and shit just gets crazy from there…
Don’t wanna get too into it cause 1 it’s number 5 and 2 tbh the story wasn’t all that outside the romanticism and dark sides of immortality, but what I can say is that the illustration over the eras that pass and how a dude with a sword, a samurai, changes over the millenia was pretty cool to see…
Pretty rad action, decent enough story wrapped up in just 40 chapters, kind of a mid cast but i loved the concept and its illustration..
For all you anime folks it does have a 12 episode anime but I can’t speak on that adaptation and its quality, differences etc. at all.
#4. Gintama by Hideaki Sorachi
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Super popular in hella anime and manga circles, in a lot of top 10s n 5s and If you haven’t heard of it well don’t worry the world’s full of information you don't know so continue to enjoy the journey...
Anyways… Gintama… is a story… that unfortunately I can’t speak on too confidently as I haven’t finished but despite a valiant attempt to in one month while reading a bunch of other stuff, I got to 200sumthn out of 709… but yh…
Gintama is set in futuristic japan but still somehow having a shadow of the edo period mixed in, meant to give a new take on the real life events of japan’s borders opening, foreigners coming in and that essentially leading to the downfall of the samurai, except the foreigners here are literal aliens. The story follows a samurai that previously fought in the war to keep japan alien free who’s now a dead beat, sakata gintoki, a young aspiring samurai whose dad died and left him a dojo in a world where swords are banned, shimura shinpachi, and a pretty much orphaned humanoid teen alien named kagura, all just barely scraping by with doing a bunch of very odd jobs.
VERY HILARIOUS, and so far largely a gag manga but it flips the serious switch very well and what I really like about it is that unlike a lot of other samurai mcs and characters, these guys, especially the central mc of the trio, sakata gintoki, have zero ambition, but constantly stress and fight to the death with swords to rubber chickens to protect their simple way of life. This is exemplified by the words shinpachi’s dying father left him in the very first chapter “Even if there comes a time when you must throw away your sword, never throw away the sword you have resting in your soul.”
I know it builds into an amazing story where almost every character they ever interact with pitches in and I'm probably underselling like crazy but if you want something samurai but samurai like you've never seen, check it out, I hear it’s worth the time and so far that’s proving to be so over the top gags and all.
Anime peps the anime is complete with 201 episodes.
#3. Sengoku Youko by Satoshi Mizukami (mangaka of spirit circle, Lucifer and the biscuit hammer and more)
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Technically not a samurai story, leaning more into fantasy but it's in that era and a ronin is in the main cast so bite me and my list ig…
Anyways this is an epic that somehow does an incredible extensive story in 100 chapters and it's not too surprising given the mangaka (seriously check out spirit circle, i’ll never stop talking about it, my favourite manga ever at just 46 chapters and Lucifer at the biscuit hammer which is pretty up there as well, which finally got an anime adaptation this year with 65 chapters).
The story follows a demon named Tama trying to bring peace to the world traveling the land with a human named Jinka who's trying to become a demon and hates humans, but because of his love for demons does whatever Tama tells him to. Further than the usual “what is strength?” question that you could say the way of the sword tends to boil down to, this story looks at the question of “what is a human?”, as the duo run into other humans and demons with their own perspectives and characteristics.
Unfortunately it’s pretty hard to sell it more without getting excited and blabbing it all but brilliant story (admittedly with a little bit of a choppy start), great cast and cast dynamic, dope action, average but fitting art, highly recommended.
Side note, this had one of the coolest, if not THE coolest dragon depictions and fights I've ever seen in manga.
#2. Ichigeki aka one hit kill by Jiro Matsumoto
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This was honestly an unexpected banger, as in, my firm philosophy is that by definition the average manga is average so you gotta just be thankful for bangers when they come but even so, especially for how short it was I was blown away.
The basic premise is that some peasants are brought in from the countryside to get some quick training in the sword and used as a throwaway one time hit squad but after they survive and show some promise, they're trained more seriously and sent on increasingly important but increasingly dangerous missions.
What I really love is how this story really highlights the caste system of the time, sounds weird to say but a lot of samurai manga mainly focus on the samurai class and up which I think paints this picture that some people just chose to pick up swords and others didn't, when really for the most part a lot of that was predetermined by birth. There were organized schools that only accepted certain families and it was only in extreme off chance cases that a peasant could even get their hands on a sword much less get formal training.
But yh, story and pacing was great and would even call it phenomenal (especially relative to the length), brilliant cast and cast dynamic, really loved the way the peasants viewed themselves and were viewed by others over time as they became more established, great action and pretty dope art, absolute banger in only 49 chapters, highly recommend.
#1. Kozure Ookami aka Lone wolf and cub by Kazuo Koike on story and Goseki Kojima on art
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This is a actually apparently a classic samurai epic and when I say epic I'm not using it loosely just to say it's good which it is, but when I say epic I mean to think along the lines of the Iliad or dante’s inferno.
The story follows a famed samurai, ogami itto, official executioner appointed by the shogun (really big fukn deal), framed, defamed and now turned assassin traveling the land on the path of revenge with his son daigoro.
Now if you're familiar with epics you'll know they're quite long and tbh when I started I was a bit confused like why is this dude out here carrying out assassinations with an infant? and is every chapter just gonna be him killing randoms? do I really need to know the name and history of EVERY prefecture like fr???? (really reminded me of that one chapter of the Iliad where they just listed everybody and their moms from athens)
A little bit of a slow start for me especially as the mc was just super stoic, the ideal samurai if you will but it's through that we see his character and what a true bushi/samurai is. Through any danger and challenge he sees his duty through to the end. Even the decision not to kill in the face of certain death. Wildly enough his kid is not a prop at all as watching his father over time he picks up his habits and has his own adventures.
The action isn't the smoothest but it perfectly captures that old samurai flick vibe, phenomenal aesthetic that becomes even more exceptional in the final few arcs and some of the greatest dialogue around the meaning of Bushido I've ever seen. A small example I'll give is in a duel he has with another fallen samurai, he’s asked what the right thing to do would be when caught in an ambush. Standing by his lord’s side and defending them or leaving his lord’s side to take the initiative in battle, both with equal chances of success.
It's 142 chapters but because almost every chapter, especially early on, is isolated and almost feels like a movie, it can be a bit of a rough read but definitely worth it. (actually started last year and read the second half this month).
hm: tenkaichi, elusive samurai, gantz:e, sengoku strays
top 5 samurai manga before this year
#5. Gamaran by Yousuke Nakamaru
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I almost want to say hunter x hunter but for samurai but the only real similarity is the mc trying to find his dad + in this he's trying to kill him cause they basically pulled an itachi and killed his squad.
I love this manga but again number 5 so I'm not trying get too into it plus it's really for the most part a battle tourney, nothing against tourneys but fight fi*azP_Qzght fight gets a litlle tired over the years yk?
Now why this is top5 is that along with really great art I really loved the detail put into the choreography and technique of the fights, as in alot of times sword fights, if they're not basically pokemon battles can be bland despite the contextual meaning and weight of it all. Like it's hard to really differentiate one swordsman from another midfight because outside of their stances they all just look like they're swinging swords pretty much the same way and on occasion shouting random stuff, especially in manga, but maybe that’s just me idk… But gamaran takes the time to illustrate the characteristics of each style, strengths, weaknesses, body motions, etc, to really give almost every fight a real definitive feel
solid story despite what I said about tourneys, great art, pretty dope cast, amazing action and only 194 chapters
There’s also an ongoing sequel called Gamaran: Shura but that only has 25 chapters so far and hasn’t really gotten anywhere yet
4. Sidooh by Tsutomu Takahashi
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This story follows two brothers whose mother dies in front of them as kids, leaving them with the last words "It is the fate of the weak to die", giving them an obsession with strength that leads them to claw their way up into the ranks of society
Really great pacing, great story and amazing aesthetic, an interesting art style that's a bit inky for lack of a better word but goes really well with sword strokes and stuff like that + some of the hardest drip I've ever seen on folks in that period and some of the meanest stare downs I’ve ever seen.
It's complete with 269 chapter but only 250 are translated to English, if you've been listening for awhile this is where I usually say fuck the french cause they usually have more manga chapters translated than others in general but hate is lame and all I need to do is step up and translate shit myself if I really want to yk so yh, sorry France, all my hate towards you will solely because of colonialism and especially what you've done to Haiti. fuck France and fuck imperialism
3. Vagabond by tajehiko inoue ( mangaka of slam dunk and real)
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This is something I'm always hesitant to mention because it's so good but is almost certainly never going to be completed and there's so much other great works to see but this is a definitive work of art and it'd be criminal to leave it off the list.
This story is based on the life of miyamoto musashi, a legendary swordsman, legendary, as his feats for a self taught peasant are just incredible, in real life this eventually culminated in him founding his own sword school, the Niten ichi Ryu (roughly translated to two heavens as one) but the manga doesn't really get to that bit.
Probably by far the greatest art in this list, Inoue is a master of the craft, and the investigation of the way of the sword and what it means to be unrivaled under heaven via musashi's travels and encounters with other known legends like the yagyu and itto ryu is truly enlightening.
Brilliant characters and character dynamics, stunning art that can never be understated, brilliant dialogue, very engaging fights, just an all round brilliant manga…
Besides the fact that a chapter hasn't come out in about 7yrs… I cry… 327 chapters out and translated if you can handle it…
2. Shigurui aka death frenzy by Takayuki Yamaguchi
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This was only 84 chapters but in case the name didn't give it away it gets pretty wild
The story revolves around the participants in the first fight of a deathmatch tournament, one being blind and limp while the other only has one arm. We're shown the events that led to them being chosen to fight and what they continue to swing their swords for in spite of their condition, and both having started out as students of the same sword school.
Lots of tragedy packed in here, lots of gore, very clean art, pretty dope fights, solid cast, and a brilliant story that really illustrates the sometimes unbecoming struggle that is being samurai.
1. Blade of the immortal by Hiroaki Samura
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bro... just trust me on this one....
I Know this is about manga but 3 Anime movies I gotta mention are: sword of the stranger, Lupin the IIIrd: The Blood Spray of Goemon Ishikawa and ninja scroll
listen in to hear my top 5 swordsmen
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carriagelamp · 11 months
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I continue my October tradition of trying to read at least a few ~spoopy~ books to get in the Halloween mood... very tonal nonsensical now since I'm positing this weeks late but there we go
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The Apothecary Diaries v1
A manga that I’ve seen here and there. It had me intrigued so I finally decided to pick it up and see what I think. The main character finds herself forced to work in the inner palace as a servant… but her background is as an apothecary and things begin to change in her life when she solves a “curse” afflicting the royal heirs. I’m intrigued by the main characters introduced so far, though I haven’t decided if I’ll read more or not. I know it’s based off a light novel series that I think is getting an English release, so I may wait and try reading it like that.
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Bad Guys v1 / v2
Since the movie has come out I figured I should try to knock out the first two book of the series and try to see what the hype is. Honestly, Bad Guys is a series I just can’t really get into. It has some cute, funny moments — the entire premise of these “bad, scary” animals attempting to become “good guys” is admittedly a very charming idea, especially given how bad they are at it — but it really is just so simple and so short that it feels pretty cheap. There isn’t much content on any given page, and the art is all pretty rough. I will leave this in the purvey of young readers.
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Clown in a Cornfield
Meh. I picked it up from the library on an impulse because I enjoy horror based around cornfields and it feels very autumnal, but I couldn’t get through it. It is so very, painfully, agonizingly high school. I may have enjoyed it as a high school student… but even then it’s a sort of high school culture I wasn’t involved in even as a teen. Maybe it would have gotten more interesting if I had toughed out the first bit but it was really just too excruciating.
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Dark Waters
The third book in a middle grade horror series, I’ve been reading one book a year, around Halloween. This series is about a group of friends who, having survived a first and second encounter with “The Smiling Man” are now trying to deal with the trauma of their experiences while keeping their family safe and distant from the terror. A fishing trip seems like a perfect, safe way to get away from the constant anxiety of their lives… until they receive a dire warning and something sinister starts to appear in the lake water.
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The Girl From Turtle Mountain
Written in the style of American Girl books, this is a story about a girl in 1901 moving to the mountains of southern Alberta with her miner father. It was a charming little book about her getting used to this new settlement, getting to know the people she will share a boarding house and school with, and finding out how much a girl can spread her wings in a place like this. It was a short, simple book but it did remind me rather fondly of Anne of Green Gables.
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Judy Moody was in a mood. Not a good mood. A bad mood.
I had never read a Judy Moody book before and honestly have always been a little scornful of them. I mentally put them in the same category as Junie B Jones books but apparently I was wrong to do so! It was honestly a very funny little slice of life book about Judy as she goes through life and needs to combat her bad mood.
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The Laughing Corpse
Hoo boy. I haven’t read the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter books since high school, and I enjoyed them well enough back then. I read about six, though I found the style and tone had begun to wear on me by then. Since it’s October, I thought a vampire hunting book would be a fun reread so I grabbed the audiobook from the library and yikes folks! The racism! The misogyny! The aggressive Christianity and intolerance towards any other religion! It was fucking brutal! Though the nail in the coffin was Jean Claude. His fake French accent was hard enough to read through text, but needing to listen to a very American accent then try to voice him? Nope, I couldn’t do it, I bailed. Nice to know I can lay this particular book series to rest.
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The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
I had never read Sleepy Hollow before and decided now was the time! I hadn’t realized what a short little story it was, but it made for a perfect Halloween read. The visuals were absolutely stunning, I am such a sucker for that sort of descriptive language, and it was actually really funny which I hadn’t been expecting! Honestly pop culture has changed the nature of the Headless Horseman so much over the years that I was pleasantly surprised by the original story!
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My Dress-Up Darling v3
Just a fun series I’ve been picking up from time to time. It’s about a boy who is passionate about making traditional dolls and is learning the craft from his grandfather, who ends up befriending a bubbly popular girl who has the secret desire to cosplay. They end up working together to create elaborate costumes. It’s honestly just a very charming series, both main characters are very likeable, it has enough technical information about costuming to keep you interested, and just a light sprinkling of fan-service — y’know, if pantyshots are what sells a series for you.
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Spy x Family v1
Up until now I’ve been profoundly indifferent to Spy x Family. I haven’t liked the art style, especially how the little girl is done, but I found the first book second hand and figured, eh, why not. And I can admit I judged it too harshly, the first book was pretty fun. It’s about a spy who needs a family for his next undercover mission, who ends up marrying an assassin and adopting a telepath. The spy and the assassin are both doing their best to keep their professions a secret, and the only one who seems to know the fully picture is the telepathic child. It’s silly but amusing.
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Guys Read: Terrifying Tales
A surprisingly well done horror anthology! It’s written for a middle grade audience, but was honestly the best horror I’ve read in a hot minute. Some stories were better than others, obviously, but there really weren’t any that I thought were complete duds. What I found the most interesting was that most of the stories had a supernatural / almost fairytale like bend to it, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen people really do fairytales in a way that made the horror feel authentic rather than childish. This book had some genuinely fantastic “wicked witch” style horror, I was very happily surprised.
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TGCF // Heaven Official’s Blessing v2
Now that I’ve finished Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / MDZS I am now working my way through the Heaven Official’s Blessing series! This series is about a prince who was able to ascend to godhood… only to be banished back down to the mortal world and seems to be plagued with preternaturally bad luck and suffering. The stories starts just after his third ascension to heaven (after being banished on two separate occasions), which is honestly a hilarious concept. The first book I found a little slow, I wasn’t connecting with the characters much, but by now I am fully invested! The second book was fun because it actually took us back in time to learn about Xie Lian’s time as a mortal and some of the events that surrounded his ascension to godhood and what turned him from a beloved god to an object of scorn. It’s fascinating and heartbreaking, I want to cry for this poor guy, he really was wearing himself ragged trying to do the best he could.
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foolish one
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Summary: I know how to act like I'm fine.
Characters: Ken R. & Mitsuya T.
(A/N: I just came back to this fandom and Doramitsu is the first ship that came to my mind to write a one-shot fic about when I heard this song. As a celebration of my birthday, here’s some daily dose of Doramitsu angst to feed the fandom. Also, I can’t wait to see the next season this coming 3rd of October next month as I’m gonna see my favorite white haired boy Izana in the screen. Lastly, I don’t own anything from this franchise except for this fic of mine. Respective ownership belongs to Ken Wakui for this wonderful manga and Taylor Swift for this bittersweet yet catchy song.)
My cards are on the table, yours are in your hand Chances are, tonight, you've already got plans And chances are I will talk myself to sleep again You give me just enough attention to keep my hopes too high Wishful thoughts forget to mention when something's really not right And I will block out these voices of reason in my head
And the voices say, "You are not the exception You will never learn your lesson"
“You’re still good at this Mitsuya!” Remi groaned out in defeat as she placed her cards down on the table, glaring at the set of full house from the boy himself.
Mitsuya chuckled lightly. “I guess I’m a natural at this. Well, Draken you wanna lay down your cards here or you too scared to admit defeat?” He asked the blond who was still holding his cards silently in his hands.
“Now, now don’t get too cocky there Mitsuya or you’ll probably regret it.” Draken smirked at him as he finally placed his cards on the table which made Remi whistle and wiped off the smug expression on Mitsuya’s face.
A straight flush.
“Damn. You got me there.”
“Not always. But when I do, it’s damn satisfying.”
Draken grinned at him and Mitsuya willed out the unnecessary thoughts inside his head and the way his heart somersaulted like crazy inside his chest.
He really needed to learn his lesson to not repeat his mistakes again.
Foolish one Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will take the long way, you will take the long way down
You know how to keep me waitin' I know how to act like I'm fine Don't know what to call this situation But I know I can't call you mine And it's delicate, but I will do my best to seem bulletproof 'Cause when my head is on your shoulder It starts thinkin' you'll come around And maybe, someday, when we're older This is something we'll laugh about Over coffee every mornin' while you're watching the news
But then the voices say, "You are not the exception You will never learn your lesson"
The sun was already setting.
But Mitsuya continued to stay behind the EC homeroom as he waited for someone.
They always wait for each other to go home after school anyway.
It’s a routine between the two of them ever since they became closer and became one of the co-founders of Toman.
Regardless, if one of them is late for a few minutes they would patiently wait for one another before leaving the building.
A chiming ring from his phone jolted out of Mitsuya’s thoughts and fished for the device inside his pockets.
Upon seeing Draken’s name on the screen, a smile immediately lit up his face.
However, it was gone in a flash as soon as he opened his message and read the contents:
‘Sorry. Couldn’t make it today as Emma is requesting me to help her with something around the house. You can go home without me. I’ll make it up to you the next day.’
Foolish one Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will take the long way, you will take the long way down Foolish one Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will learn the hard way instead of just walkin' out
Now I'm slidin' down the wall with my head in my hands Sayin', "How could I not see the signs?" Oh, you haven't written me or called But goodbye screamin' in the silence And the voices in my head are tellin' me why
Several days had passed but Draken didn’t keep his promise.
For one straight week, he went home alone after school.
Which should’ve been okay since he was doing it in the past right?
But ever since he met Draken and the blond had entered his life seamlessly, their routinary activities together made him used to it that when it doesn’t go as planned in each day, it left him bereft, and a strange pang would strike upon his chest.
Every other day he would glance at his phone.
Waiting for his call or message.
But the blank screen on his phone would greet him as always.
And that was a glaring answer enough that he should face into even if it made his heart ache at the harsh realization of their situation.
The realization that they would just remain as friends and that line will never be crossed forever.
'Cause you got her on your arm and me in the wings I'll get your longing glances, but she'll get your ring And you will say you had the best of intentions And maybe I will finally learn my lesson
Foolish one Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will take the long way, you will take the long way down Foolish one Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will learn the hard way instead of just walkin' out, oh-oh, oh, oh
“Sorry. I’ve been busy these past few days and I couldn’t walk with you the other day after school...” Draken smiled at him sheepishly as they trudged along the pavement one afternoon.
Mitsuya should resent him... be angry with him for disappearing on him for a week and just appeared out of nowhere with that damn sincere, apologetic look on his face as if he just made a minor hiccup on their friendship.
But who was Mitsuya kidding?
He knew within himself that he had a soft spot for his other Twin Dragon and he’d forgive him immediately regardless of mistake he made upon him.
“Wow. You must be popular these days to have that kind of hectic schedule.” Mitsuya joked and tried to mask his innermost thoughts and feelings away.
“Oi. Between the two of us you’re more popular at school.” Draken replied with a disgruntled sigh, leaving his lips. “Besides I’m helping out Emma with some of her schoolworks and errands at their house.” He finished quietly and looked away.
This made Mitsuya pause in his tracks and blinked at him a few times.
He didn’t miss that look.
“You’re spending a lot of time with her these past few days.” Mitsuya remarked in a carefully crafted casual voice.
“Course I am... She needs my help... and I also enjoy spending my time with her.” Draken answered in a gruff voice. His back was turned to him as he kept walking ahead.
But Mitsuya could imagine his reaction vividly.
Flush cheeks and obsidian eyes glancing away as his veiled emotions were shimmering around his pupils.
He swallowed thickly and smiled ruefully before walking ahead.
Perhaps he should’ve walked out from this chaotic mess inside his heart when he had a chance.
But when it came to Draken, he was really a foolish one.
La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, oh La-la-la-la-la Ain't never gonna come Ooh, you will learn the hard way now Foolish one Sittin' 'round waiting for confessions of love They ain't never gonna come And thinkin' he's the one, you should've been walkin' out Foolish one The day is gonna come for your confessions of love When all is said and done, he just wasn't the one No, he just wasn't the one
(A/N: Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you.)
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hanako-san · 2 years
I’m not really a fan of #hananene
1 I read but not really interested or liking romance ( it alien to me)
2 I’ve read tumblr posts explaining what their opinion on the ship or explain so far relationship and the thing I understand so far is , yes they love each other obviously 🙄, but the way they sorta treat each other uhh 🤔 I think it not in right nor best and I actually love how AidaIro is able hide it behind the cheery fun tones ( the picture perfect arc is a good example ) there other moments too but the point is I think they need to work on themselves with what other issues they have then maybe have a chance working on the relationship if that even make sense. Even that art of hanako with the yellow tulips gives hints about it because from what people search yellow tulips can symbolize a one sided love ( is it hanako, nene?) possibly both some how. I have trouble explaining my own thoughts yet still more I want to talk about but for now I’ll leave it at that. If you’re reading this than thank you.
I'm glad there are more people who don't like this couple. These two shouldn't be together. Yashiro doesn't deserve Amane. I used to rooting for them, but that was a mistake. She treats him really bad and I don't like how it continues in later chapters "they both treat each other badly", only Amane doesn't treat her like she treats him. And honestly, she's the most problematic here. He gives 100%, and she not,she makes him apologize, she blames him for HER mistakes, she doesn't apologize. She is aggressive only towards him, with others she behaves differently, defenseless and She not giving too much positivity in this relationship, just more negativity. I woke up in p.p arc as she started bullying him knowing what she had done and then she didn't apologize like nothing happened, he asked her out on a date. FTW. She doesn't learn from her mistakes at all. The only thing she got out of the other's wish was that she "has to think"… bravo.
She defended him a few times, but that's not enough. She personally treats him much worse!
I gave her a chance but after chapter 86 I said "end" and chapter 91 only helped me understand that my decision was the right one.
As for Yashiro, the fact that AidaIro perfectly hide her offensive behavior by showing it as a joke or in a funny way.
Amane is a smart boy, he would understand his mistakes in the relationship, but her? Has she ever apologized to him? No.. she keeps blaming him and doesn't apologize. She is aggressive, she beats him. They literally should have isolated her from him because he didn't deserve a girlfriend like that.
When it comes to tulips, I think Kou? Although it could be Amane and Nene or even Teru… after all, he likes Aoi and Aoi loves Akane. It's really hard to tell.
As for romances, I'm not a big fan either, but I like them too… it depends on the story and the characters.
I will answer the questions… don't worry. It just takes me more time but if you ask a question I will answer 100%
(Okay,I was slightly wrong, in pp arc she said"i'm sorry" but then she started acting aggressive again and at the end it looked like she didn't apologize to him because she beat him at the end of the arc and then went on in other chapters. she went ahead and wanted to punch him 71 then she started punching him 86 and she was ready to attack again and gave the order to "apologise" in 91 What is this?! She doesn't see anything wrong with what she's doing, she's only sorry for a moment, and then she behaves as usual and is aggressive towards him),it doesn't scare him for beating him, and that's violence. She is the abuser and Amane is her victim. Just because she has a cute face doesn't mean she's okay, her disgusting cuteness stopped working on me a long time ago and this ship is toxic and they shouldn't be together. I hope there's a way to save her life because it means they won't be together.
Seeing what's going on in this manga, I doubt it's going to change. I talk about her all the time because she doesn't understand anything, as if what happened before and how she behaves towards him doesn't matter to her and she doesn't see anything wrong with how she treats him, it's a pity that she behaves like a defenseless mouse when she's with the others and she's not so brave anymore (I know I repeated here,I wanted to express my point of view more clearly. I hope you don't mind)
I'm glad that it helped you to understand other people's opinion about this ship I honestly don't care about other people's opinions, I have my own and I will wholeheartedly be on Amane's side.
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lorddarkkitty · 2 years
Alright it been a couple of days. I’m tired like a bitch but there nothing I can do. For some reason last night I when to sleep around 3:37am cause I wasn’t tired and woke up at 8am oddly and suspiciously enough also not feeling tired. I guess after work it would hit me. I had like two sandwiches after I got home. I order volume 5 and 6 of The Witch and the Beast manga. I’m so excited I love this series. I also need to read the manga Witch Hat Atelier. I got it the same time I did the Witch and the Beast Manga but I haven’t read it yet. Mostly cause I haven’t gotten a chance and I’m more preoccupied with The Witch and the Beast manga. I also need to finish reading the Hobbit I started maybe 2 or 3 months ago. It not that I’m a slow reader. I used to consum books when I was younger I just get distracted a lot now with tv or my own daydreams and music and time just flies. It not boring I watch the movies but I do have a hard time just sitting down and reading it but I’m almost done with it too . I’ll make time tomorrow to finish it so I can start the lord of the rings books too. I have so many books I need to read. I also have to re organized my bookshelf.
Also how come when I want to start a new paragraph, instead of making a small space I get this gigantic gap?????? I’m on mobile but that so weird.
But if I do it again the gap isnt that big wtf ??!???
Anywho I’m about to start silent hill 2 up and see how far I get I will update that. I also got pulse oximeter. It used to read ur oxygen level but I use it to get my bpm cause sometimes I wale up very aware of my heart beat and I can feel it. So I use to to determine if I’m having an anxiety attack even tho. The anxiety doesn’t set in till I see that my bpm is like 106. My resting heart rate is like 76. But I want to use it kinda while playing my game to see if it increases or not. I think that be fun. After that I may start up Skyrim. I also have dark souls remastered but I feel like I need to look up a video kinda to watch to see the mechanics and get tips on playing. I can’t remember if it hard or not.
Another biggish gap hmmmm. Tho in like and 1hr and 30 min I have to cook again. Yesterday I got the stuff to make negimaki but it didn’t turn out that way. Like it came out taking great when I cooked it I just didn’t have the energy anymore to continue with it. I also think I didn’t cut the beef flank right so I don’t think I could have rolled the scallions in it to cook. But I was already standing for like 2 and half hrs I was hurting. So I kinda just cooked it in a big pan with the sauce but I have left over meat I didn’t cook. I have to make more rice today but that takes 50 minutes in the rice cooker. It makes me wonder about killer from one piece and how one of his hobbies is cooking. Like how? Cooking takes so much effort and energy and I feel no enjoyment. (Is it suppose to be stealing my energy? )Just my inner rage especially when it not coming out like how I want it too. And he cooks for like so many ppl I get tired cooking for just myself. Sometimes I won’t even eat if I have to cook something. And like Eustass has like 5 fucking stomachs. I would love to eat Killer’s cooking.
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