pinkyhaert · 3 months
With artfight around the corner, here's a reminder:
Don't feel pressured to make a ton of attacks or revenges or whatever. Nobody can pressure you into drawing what you don't wanna.
If you can't draw everything you want too THATS OKAY!! ITS JUST FOR FUN!! If you want too, you can still draw characters and stuff after the fight as Gift art! Most people still would love to see/receive anything of their beans!
If you feel yourself getting stressed or burnt out: TAKE A BREAK!!! Again: It's for fun and should not cause your strife! We'll all still be here all month. Draw what you wanna draw! And draw only the amount you want too!!
Take your time buddy, remember to pace yourself. There's no rush.
Every. Single. Thing. You. Make. Is. Excellent! We are so happy and honored you picked Our little gremlins to doodle and don't let anyone tell you that your art is "Not good enough." Or "Low quality", Etc. That's super rude and totally a lie. Every art of every kind is a gift because you spent time on it to draw/Make it.
We love you artists! please take care of yourselves this Artfight!!!
~ Pinky 💖
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wolfpackmuses · 2 months
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I'm making this sort and sweet:
I am doing a cleanout of my mutuals/following list. If you are currently a mutual and would like to remain a mutual, please like this post so I do not remove you.
I will periodically be reblogging this post over the coming days just so everyone, hopefully, who is a mutual with me has the opportunity to see it and consider if they would like to remain mutuals or not. This does not mean I wouldn't like to become mutuals again in the future. However, I know there are people out there who may not be as interested in interacting with me at the moment.
With that said, if you yourself decide you no longer wish to be mutuals, that is absolutely fine, and feel free to softblock me. If anyone ever wants to become mutuals again, just let me know and I will be happy to consider it.
If there are any questions, please let me know. Thanks y'all!
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soulprompts · 10 days
hello it is i, your local tumblrarian, here to drink tea from her pumpkin mug and tell u the following important announcement: being on tumblr every single day is possibly not a great idea. let's use a metaphor here. it's like squeezing a lemon every day, but it's only got so much juice, you'll only end up getting frustrated and upset that the juice is no longer flowing. and then it's building up this habit of squeezing lemons every day, but then one day you're not around and you're worried, because what if the lemon had juice today? what if we missed the juicing opportunity?
but now let's sprinkle in the following notion: every once in a while, we step outside of the lemon juicer, and we go to the market to buy more lemons. the next day, we wake up, we go back to the juicer, and what do you know! the juice is flowing again!
gonna step back from the metaphor here to just explain a few things. we have all been in the situation of staring wretchedly at the computer screen, begging for a drop of inspiration. most of us are online each and every day. and that's okay! i'm the same! but maybe we need to refresh the cycle here, because i took a day to myself today, i consciously refused to go online until 6PM, and even that 24 hour break was enough to get some very exciting ideas going! and tomorrow i'll be writing more than i have in weeks!
we put too much pressure on ourselves to be here 24/7, and it's time that we just knocked that out and started treating writing as what it always was: a hobby. so go take a break. go out for a walk, go get lunch in a nice cafe, step away from the computer and just let yourself do something that isn't absorbed in writing or in your education/career.
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xluciifer · 1 month
Alright, a little PSA but... I think it's finally time.
I think I'm going to go on a semi-haitus. I think that's what it's considered?
It took a while to ponder over and consider, but given my depression, my child's many appointments, therapists and soon to add on speech therapy, dealing with my ex still and struggling financially, I just... can't mentally find the time or motivation to be here and roleplay. Hell... I haven't even had the time to talk to any of my friends on discord either.
It makes me feel incredibly guilty because I enjoy writing and interacting with everyone here as a whole. But I just can't mentally keep up with it anymore. I'll try harder to interact and talk with friends on discord because I really do need those interactions because I don't have friends here where I live and I don't know anyone but family.
But it's been a long time coming and I just can't balance and maintain both worlds anymore. Hopefully soon I can come back, but for now, all of my blogs will be low on activity until I can get to a better spot mentally for myself.
I'm really sorry its come to this, again your King loves everyone here so much and I hope that's understandable... if you'd like to talk on discord, feel free to DM me.
This isn't a goodbye, but a thank you. Thank you for sticking by me since January or passed, thank you for welcoming me and roleplaying with me and thank you for liking my writing and my portrayal of my characters. I hope to come back in maybe a month's time or so, I'm not exactly sure on time frame. I'll still be here occasionally, but I don't know about writing.
Again, thank you, I love you, and I hope this is understandable.
Yours Truly, Luci, The King of Hell. ❤️👑
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soulrph · 8 months
this is a loving reminder that just because your character is set in a specific universe, doesn't mean they have to stay there. likewise, other people's muses might be originally based in a particular world, but that absolutely doesn't mean that they want to keep them in that world. the wonderful part of the rpc is that we actually don't need to take things so seriously! what does it matter if ted lasso woke up in the same universe as tony stark? does it really make any massive issue for us to put shrek and kaz brekker into the same thread? not at all! go wild! don't let the fictional boundaries of fictional franchises stop you from having fun! the purpose of the rpc is to have a good time with one another: we don't need to have a fully fleshed out reason for these characters to interact! we can just throw them together and see what happens! so go forth, have tons of fun, and don't let logic stand in the way of anything on this dash!
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fledermoved · 9 months
Y'all GOTTA stop making your trigger tags complicated, guys.
If someone doesn't want to see certain media, they should have the ability to block it out. When you make the tag a complex quote or put parentheses and spaces around it, it makes it difficult to filter it out. #trigger tw or #trigger cw is fine and works.
I am literally BEGGING y'all to be more mindful of the way you tag your posts. Literally just that.
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e-m-p-error · 4 months
The added rule is this:
If Valentino is going to be doing anything abusive or cruel to your muse, you need to clear it with me, first. Please do not drag my muse into episode 4/Poison without talking to me first. You do not get to play my muse, I get to play my muse, and you may not know how MY Val's abuse works.
I am so fed up with being treated like an abuse mill for people because I play Valentino. Val is not a one-note monster on this blog.
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wcrriorhearts · 5 days
Good evening, lovely people on my dash. This is going to be a harder post to make and it has been on my mind for a long time to write it down, but I will be making changes to my blog in the upcoming days.
I have been in this fandom for a long time now and seen it go through many phases, but the current one is very hard to navigate. People have become insanely cliquey and even though I totally understand that you just click with some people and have fun interacting, the fandom no longer feels approachable and inclusive. As much as I know that prioritizing your mains and friends is natural and fully understand it, there is a difference between that and ONLY interacting with them and just downright ignoring everyone outside your inner circle. It is also really mean to use friendly and approachable roleplayers as stepping stones into the fandom and as soon as cooler people come around, you toss the people aside who welcomed you.
That being said, I don't mean anyone specifically, it's more an overall vibe I have noticed in the fandom lately. Nonetheless, the changes I will be making from here on out: if we are mutuals, but you ignore every effort I make to interact ( e.g. starter calls, memes, all threads are dropped ), I will consider that as disinterest in remaining mutuals and unfollow. I want to curate a dash consistent of people who want to write with me and no longer chase people who clearly only desire to write with their same three friends ( which is fine as well, you do you, but that is not my way of interacting. I don't follow people to collect them, but to interact ).
If you have noticed that our interactions have fizzled out lately, but you would LIKE to remain mutuals, feel free to reach out and we'll discuss this. Otherwise I will give it until tomorrow or Tuesday, before I start cleaning up a bit. If that is the end of our time together for some mutuals, I wish you well and have no hard feelings. If you'd like to interact again in the future after I unfollowed, also feel free to reach out again.
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skygodtraumabond · 1 year
((yeah sorry I have to be the one to make this post but I saw some shit a minute ago that I need to fucking address))
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((to all the minors reading this post, let me make something 1000% clear:
If an adult wants to do even mildly sexual roleplay with you and insists that they'll "stop if they go too far", that is predatory behavior. "Too far" is an adult knowingly roleplaying sexual content with a minor full fucking stop. You, as a minor, cannot give consent to an adult, and any adult that insists you can is a predator.
@ask-uwu-gurl has nuked all of the sexual RPs with Devi from her blog since being called out for this shit by other community members so I really don't have anything more than this to show you but let me be clear: this is not a safe person for minors to be interacting with. This is what a predator looks like.
To all the adults in the community: please keep an eye out for this stuff. This was happening in public and it took all day for anyone to catch on. If you want to RP suggestive content between other adults in the community, that's fine. Keep it properly tagged, don't let minors engage with it. Basic courtesies. But it's our responsibility as community members to make sure this shit stays between adults. Check ages before engaging in sexual content with another blog, and if you see an adult engaging in sexual content with a minor, call that shit out immediately. Do not let it go unseen or unnoticed. Do not be a bystander to a predator in broad daylight.
sincerely, I am so goddamn tired.))
((UPDATE: in case you were wondering if it could get worse: it can! These DMs were sent long before this post was made:
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((thank you @midnightclover btw for sharing this
so yeah! she was called out on it previously and still did it! don't let her back into the community she is a confirmed predator this isn't just a silly little misunderstanding she's actively and knowingly roping kids into sexual roleplay.))
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prayers-to-hyliarceus · 5 months
[OOC] rotomblr PSA
so i've just had to turn down a mailed pokemon for like the third time, and it may be on me for not making it clear in the intro post or something that i'm not accepting stuff like that.
but also. i don't think most people want to be mailed wholeass pokemon without being consulted about it first. that's an entire other character we'd have to take into account completely unplanned. just putting it out there - please do not mail pokemon or pokemon eggs or something of like without communicating with the mod of the blog first!
listen i love the little bean hisuian zorua but i didn't plan to have it on my blog! :P
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soulprompts · 23 hours
i wanted to write another reassuring psa for you lovely people today, primarily because i've seen some posts on my own dash and it might seem very unsettling for people who haven't been on the dash for so long.
when someone announces that they'll be doing a spring-clean and limiting their followers, that is not an insult nor is it ever intended to be.
here's the thing. on tumblr, we forget ourselves. you see your list of followers as a number and maybe you think "oh wow, that's a good number, i must be doing something right!" and it's a lovely feeling! now let's say you have 150 followers. let's say 30 of them have more than one blog on which they're following you, so that's. let's say it's 100 people.
now imagine this scenario: there are no computers. there are, instead, 100 people standing in a line in front of your desk. they have two or three roleplay memes to deliver, a thread or two to continue. that's 500 things, maybe, for someone to do. someone who already has other obligations behind the screen, like a job, or school, a family, ANYTHING. either way, even if they really have nothing else going on, 500 things is a LOT. and maybe you're actually experiencing stress doing something that's supposed to be lowering your stress levels as a result.
now this isn't me telling you that 100 people is too many people to be following. it's just an example. some people manage just fine with more, or less. but if you're at home, stressing and panicking over just how many things you have to focus on here, and then maybe you wanna explore a new verse, a new idea, a new SOMETHING, then it's very overwhelming. and i want you to know something.
it is okay for you to decide to lower your follower count. you are not a bad person for doing that. the people you remove from the list of mutuals are similarly not bad people. it's sometimes just a necessary thing to do, and i know for a fact that it's not a decision that's instinctual; it's often a choice made after weeks of taking a break and deleting drafts and emptying inboxes. you can refollow again when things are easier! nobody said you can't! but we have to stop normalizing the idea that it's okay to be stressed on here. it isn't. we're here to have fun. i love you all, go hydrate, stretch yourselves out, play some music and wash your face.
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redhead-reporter · 1 month
º ✧ 。"alright people, let's do this one last time ..." consider this a STARTER CALL !
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masters-menagerie · 2 years
Gentle reminder that in an RPC;
Things don't have to happen on the tumblr dash to be considered "canon" for your OCs/Muses--DMs/alternative social media interactions can also be valid
Introductory threads aren't MANDATORY
Timelines who??? More like who CARES, jump around if you want to
You can reclaim depictions of "Canon" characters that you don't like/agree with and make them your own
Headcanon whatever the hell you want
Embellish whatever you want
You are allowed to soft block/block people on your dash that just don't vibe with your style--it's YOUR dash, curate it how YOU want it to be
On the other side of that, don't take offense/take it personally if someone blocks you. That's their right just as much as it is yours.
Feel free to reblog/add any other points you'd like
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xluciifer · 3 months
Friendly reminder that you're allowed to roleplay a "bad character" and it DOES NOT MEAN nor CORRELATE that you support or condone their actions as a character.
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soulrph · 1 year
what is force-shipping? (a PSA!)
what force-shipping IS:
guilting a partner into agreeing to a ship after initially declining the offer.
sending romantic or otherwise inappropriate (inappropriate because THEY SAID NO TO THE SHIP) memes despite them saying no.
writing a romantic or shippy starter/reply to a thread after they said no to the ship.
(listen this list will not end, let me finish this up with a very firm final remark:)
what force-shipping is NOT:
asking your writing partners if they'd like to plot a romantic ship with you.
listen. forcing a ship is a conscious effort. if you're not able to respect your writing partners' decisions and choices when it comes to literal role play, then you need to step back and re-evaluate until you're able to do so.
BUT. you are NEVER forcing a ship simply by asking someone if they'd be interesting in shipping with you. it might be scary to ask. but once you respect their rules and boundaries, you're fine! there's never any harm in asking! just make sure you respect and honour their response, regardless of whether they say "yes", "no", or "maybe once we test their chemistry".
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Its fair to say that the DC fandom is a pretty divided space between those who care about canon and those who don’t and I usually veer closer to the canon-caring side but every now and then I venture over to see what those fanon madlads are up to and I have to confess to being, at the very least, deeply entertained every single time
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