#< au tag lo
zzoupz · 1 year
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trying to get back into natm so here's some old things I've somehow never posted
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evasive-anon · 5 months
Jason was having a pretty OK time with the league of assassins, sure getting dunked in a lazarus pit sucked and Bruce turned out to be a scumbag who didn't care about him, but at least he isn't dead. He even liked most of the new skills he was learning there so on the whole being with the league seemed like a pretty good deal to him until Talia woke him up in the middle of the night and left him alone with two child assassins.
Or, a demon twins AU where when Talia realizes her father intends to have her boys fight to the death takes action first by deciding to take all her kids and leave the league. Talia either dies or is separated from them in the initial escape and now Jason just has a bag of supplies and a letter from Talia explaining the plan to get to Gotham. Jason has to get himself and two 7 year olds out of the Himalayas, across a desert, and over 12k miles to Gotham. Only now the league members hunting them down want them dead or worse and Jason isn't too confident that B will accept them given their kill counts.
Good Mom Talia. she loves her kids. Did she teach them to kill? Sure, but that's an important life skill.
Single Teen Mom Jason. He's the oldest and in charge but he also will not answer any questions about The Plan™ given he isn't committed to Talia's but also doesn't have a set alternative. Oscillates between looking forward to just dumping his new little brothers with Bruce so they'll be his problem and thinking of just moving somewhere random in the US and keeping them based entirely on how cute vs annoying they are at that time. Didn't realize how much he relied on Talia to help him with things until she is gone. He's really trying his best but he wasn't all that emotionally stable before this so hang in there.
Angry Smol Dami. He's still drinking the LoS punch and really dislikes that he is now considered a traitor. Can't stand that Jason won't answer any of his very relevant questions. Is actually very scared but will not show it. Misses his mom. Didn't even know he had siblings until his mom yoinked him out of bed that night and brought him to Jason and Danny and started all this. Physically the stronger twin. Thinks Danny is dragging them down in fights and also may blame him a bit because clearly his mother only did all this to spare him.
Danny, reincarnated with limited access to his memories and powers. Has been trying to keep his powers a secret. Talia knew about them but never told anyone but she may have hinted at it in her letter to Jason. Not the strongest physically but very good at stealth and social interactions. Didn't know he had and older brother or twin before Jason woke him up at Talia's instruction that night. Thinks Damian is mean and has faith Jason knows what he's doing even if that is very much untrue.
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doodlingwren · 3 months
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@triko-the-fluffy-artist @floaromaxtowns WHaT HaVE YoU DonE tO mE?!
Silly fanart of the family from Triko's fluffy AU ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ (their designs are based on this drawing)
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purpleleafsyt · 3 months
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Slowly getting back into drawing, have an experimental/concept doodle Soul :]
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ichijokaoru · 2 months
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various goichis from my sketchbook! finally scanned :3 <3
i did just invent au reasons in my head to draw them in pretty traditional clothing for a page yes
this is my toku sideblog, but i have a dedicated art sideblog @magentameows, if you like my art! :3
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jammyhunnyart · 7 months
Did I ever mention how much I love domestic fluff? (;^ω^)
Clicl for better quality (ง ˙o˙)ว
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I love the idea of Tulio spoiling the kids mostly to get on Bodoque’s nerves.
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quesadilla-day · 1 month
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hey, wait a minute / whenever you dream, am i in it?
giving the phrase "dream-girl" a whole new meaning with this one ☝️
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fedefededef · 7 days
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el polaco (too niche?)
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lo-batteryy · 4 months
I fully support your Angry Gale agenda. LET THAT MAN BE PISSED OFF!!! He gets all angry when that druid tries to poison you, NOW LET HIM BE ANGRY ABOUT OTHER THINGS
Ohhhhh I totally forgot about his reaction to that I will have to draw smth for it 😈
But thank you! He’s in the anger stage of grief instead of the acceptance stage I feel like you meet him in at the beginning of the game and I’m letting that color the rest of it. I just think he’s neat!
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monochromatictoad · 5 months
Since Dracul doesn't sleep, like, at all. Imagine Hector and Mathias watching as this man either stays on the throne or paces around aimlessly, but they never see him sleep. Maybe Mathias confronts him about it because Dracul tries to nod off as Mathias is talking. Dracul simply growls and walks away. Now, Mathias might interpret this as Dracul being angry with him, and tell Hector about it.
Now imagine this, one night Hector leaves for a moment, leaving Mathias alone in bed. Maybe he got called by the Toymaker for some assistance. Imagine something crawling in bed with Mathias, and he almost immediately knows it's not Hector. It's heavy and weirdly warm and cold at the same time. It also smells like rot and death. So he wakes up and instinctively tries to get away, only to see Dracul passed out on top of him. The Castle also shifts above him, and informs the confused Lord that, Dracul was asleep and it needed a safe place to leave him. And that if him or Hector hurt its Prince, it will make sure that their death will be long and painful. Before just, vanishing from the room, now leaving Mathias under Dracul. Imagine Hector when he returns and finds his Lord and Dracul in bed together. Of course,Mathias would explain what he understood happened. Maybe this will make Hector and Mathias see something more in Dracul as he sleeps. Maybe Dracul would wake up not even an hour into the nap, and immediately tries to get back up. He offers no discussion nor explanation.
Maybe this becomes a pattern. A very sad pattern.
Anyways, that's just some thoughts I had.
@beevean @the-crow-binary
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2hoothoots · 2 years
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i've had pokemon on the brain with the new game out, so
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svtskneecaps · 8 months
qsmp ghost investigator au dump
here is everything i spitballed into my sibling's texts. apparently their discord was "thriving on it". i'll divide this into categories and attempt to format it as reader friendly as possible. god almighty i hope the keep reading below this paragraph works
there's a main investigative squad formed by roier, cellbit, fic, pac, and tubbo
roier is in charge of their social media accounts
mike is their former college roommate who they constantly bring up and declare has died, except every time he comes up the way he died was different. he's actually a really successful movie producer (or something) so one time they do a live stream for a milestone celebration and in the last ten seconds mike comes flying out of the left side with ghost stage makeup and tackles pac off the side of the screen and they never address this publicly. any time someone asks what happened to pac they answer "who's pac" including pac
cellbit gets extremely disappointed when the perp isn't supernatural
roier is thrilled when the perp isn't supernatural because the peter parker in him loves taking the piss on a billionaire publicly
fit has photographic memory (à la canon screenshots)
pac is extremely good at breaking and entering
cellbit is an old fashioned polaroid kind of guy bc digital cameras don't capture ghost evidence as clearly
roier swears by digital photos bc he likes photoshop (he carries rolls of film with him in case cellbit runs out)
fit has an auto shop. tubbo and ramón work in this auto shop. this is a headache for everyone involved but at least the auto shop was already a thin disguise for experimenting with homemade pyrotechnics so things exploding isn't a big deal
whenever the team has to do a distraction, the only two options are 1) manipulation 2) explosion
when they get caught in a bad spot, pac plays on sympathy, roier plays dumb, tubbo plays along, cellbit pretends to belong, and fit uno reverses
they commissioned jaiden for their logo. she also beta reads the scripts
richarlyson works for mike. sometimes he joins the investigation crew as a cameraman on loan. fans have learned to recognize when richas is behind the camera because the camera doesn't shake when the monster of the week appears because homeboy does not fear death. cellbit knows mike will end his bloodline if anything happens to richas (and would probably end his OWN bloodline) so he tends to be double stressed when richas is behind the camera
the team has a house, courtesy of mike, because god knows a ghost hunter's salary probably can't pay for one
bagi belongs to a "rival" investigation group. she and cellbit talk MAD shit every time they're in the same room. they are also both incredibly fucking smart and often end up working together to crack the tough cases while continuing to smack talk each other
bad is also in the rival investigative group. he is very clearly a demon. this is never commented on.
skeppy is a ghost except bad is the only one who can see him. anyone who calls skeppy imaginary is shouted down by bagi. bagi also believes skeppy is imaginary
tina is the safety net / brawn for bagi's team. she trains in hand to ghost hand combat with etoiles because she is Not Human and can punch ghosts. bagi does not know this and she just thinks tina's super cool and super talented and super badass. tina definitely thinks bagi has realized she is Not Human but they haven't like had a conversation about it but bagi's super smart sooooo
dapper is the "guy in the chair" for the rival investigation team. bad tends to ask a question into a radio (or seemingly to thin air) and immediately get the answer via text. sometimes cellbit will wonder something aloud about various ghost types or signs ("they heard scratching in the attic, so that could be caused by--") and almost immediately get cut off by bad's text tone as bad reads aloud dapper listing off three paranormal options as well as potential structural problems and rodents having an extremely fun night, at which point bad cuts himself off with "LANGUAGE" or "OUT OF POCKET"
the main team thinks dapper is just short until they realize that no, dapper is actually like 14. bad's like WHY DO YOU THINK THEY STAY IN THE VAN???
baghera makes and posts music and consults for bagi's team. cellbit is scared of her and also desperately wishes he could poach her for his own team but she only answers jaiden's calls
pomme has a ghost gun. it was a gift from etoiles. she accidentally took foolish's head off with it one time. his head grew back and that was how they learned he was Not Made of Meat. this was not particularly surprising, because bad is still her part time dad. it still scared the crap out of pomme the first time it happened because the ghost gun SHOULD only work on ghosts but foolish is in a weird enough state of undead that he qualified.
foolish was thrilled to have a spare head, hence "the first time"
vegetta is a famous architect. he calls foolish to ask which paranormal team he should consult on whether a property is haunted, because vegetta trusts his partner of unspecific relationship's judgement, considering foolish is Not Human. foolish's answer usually depends on how spiteful he feels towards tina and bad at the time of the call
bonus, i really want maximus involved in one team or the other but since he hasn't interacted with bagi yet i can't decide his role or anything concrete. but just know that's in my brain.
EPISODES (in no particular order:
foolish summons bad during a sleepover with tina and then thinks it'll be funny to summon paranormal investigators (bad also thinks it's funny). they decide to play a game of "can the investigators figure out who's the immortal". it is revealed to the audience in the end of the ""episode"" once all the investigators have left that all three of them are immortal. bad and foolish devolve into yet another argument over which one of them won based on a win condition they somehow came up with and agreed on without ever consulting each other. tina was actually the winner. roll credits.
quackity owns a casino. he hires the team to look into some demonic activity his patrons have been reporting. he spends the entire investigation and episode demanding they find the demon and exorcise the demon and generally shittalking the demon. they spend the entire episode questioning more and more how quackity's casino stays in business as everything they learn about it and him does not inspire confidence. it is revealed that ironmouse is the demon and is also singlehandedly keeping the casino in business because she fucking loves gambling. quackity immediately changes his tune.
antoine calls the team because he's KINDA worried by the latitude and longitude he keeps finding on the walls at the company he works at, written in what looks suspiciously like blood. unbeknownst to them, bagi's team was ALSO contacted, by baghera. they eventually discover the recipient of the messages is etoiles. after an incident at his previous employment he is half ghost and can now fight ghosts. the messages were from an entity that attacks things when it gets bored and it may as well fight etoiles because etoiles is the only one who has beat it so far. they meet in various back alleys and restaurant parking lots to go at it and get drinks afterward. the entity has no idea how to speak any modern languages but Fighting is Universal.
pierre is a wine baron and claims there's a unicorn who watches over his family's vineyard. it's been part of the brand since inception and it's taken mostly as propaganda and old legend until people start actually catching glimpses of a unicorn around the vineyard and the rumor starts to spread until roier "investigative journalist and old money hater" drags the team to go on a tour of the production line in hopes of blowing the case wide open. fit, pac, and tubbo are in charge of distractions while cellbit and roier sneak away to explore the vineyard and track the unicorn.
the unicorn is pierre. roier ends up finding this hilarious and while his journalistic spirit cannot allow him to NOT expose that the unicorn is fake, he ends up calling it "a white horse with a taped-on horn" instead of the face of the company in a fursuit. pierre sends the team wine periodically as thanks and also because roier still has a picture of him in a unicorn costume in the woods.
fit and pac do a wine tasting together.
wilbur contacts them because ghost slime has taken up residence in the guest bathroom and while his daughter insists slime is part of the family, phil is coming with his son (chayanne) to stay with them for a festival or something and wilbur doesn't feel like getting roasted by the middle schooler who is his brother because the bathroom smells like algae and wet dog so he needs the team to babysit slime until phil leaves town. slime spends the entire time going through windows and walls with no warning and scaring the piss out of everyone. one time he was in the cabinet when cellbit was going in to make his midnight coffee and his scream sent everyone in the house into emergency mode. roier would have FULLY put slime through the wall if slime were corporeal. lucky for slime, and their wall, slime is not.
jaiden works at an escape room and her boss reaches out to the team because he is FED UP with some paranormal entity that keeps drawing on walls and moving shit around and throwing things and tripping him and he wants it GONE. jaiden is extremely fond of bobby and bobby is extremely fond of HER, so she reaches out to the team and asks them to NOT do that and just pretend or something. so the team goes in and pretends to investigate and stuff. roier and bobby feud in the background. by the end of the episode they're besties.
the episode concludes, shockingly, with the boss and bobby gaining grudging respect for each other. somehow. the boss threatens to reveal bobby's existence to the internet at large as a publicity stunt every time bobby trips him in the hallway but never actually does. bobby stops throwing things at him (as much). the themeing of the rooms shift so the drawings and moving objects fit in. the boss is mariana.
from this episode on bobby periodically appears in the team's house, because it's my au and i make the ghost rules
the end season villain is a guy who ran the biggest corporation in the world who died under mysterious circumstances. the corporation has a duck mascot for no reason in particular hahahaha. they're a company like nesquick or aquafina or amazon or something yknow REAL assholes.
the team is contracted by the billionaire's nephew (forever) who took over the business when he died and is extremely overwhelmed by 1) running a business on this scale and 2) all the paranormal bs happening in his office (which is where the former CEO died). he also happens to be cellbit's ex. this is highly awkward.
because i hate billionaires but like forever, let's say forever was contacted by the villain solely because the CEO does NOT want any of his immediate underlings to get the company and thus only reveals his blood relation to forever IN HIS WILL. except forever is A Good Dude and is trying to grasp the full scope of the company's corruption and dismantle the shitty practices while still keeping the employees paid, despite his only business experience being his current position of running a boardwalk/beach. this ends up being the cause of the paranormal activity: the CEO is panicking now that forever is trying to 'ruin his company'.
the episode ends with the CEO briefly succeeding in possessing forever, and the combined forces of the ghost teams bring him back and send the CEO to hell.
somehow the billionaire is involved in or mentioned during previous episodes.
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thisteaistoosweet · 7 months
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Felt bad for like not uploading for a while so have like, some vamp Trevor.
Someone said you can’t have LOS lore and Norm Castlevania lore mix and I said fecking bet.
Maybe i can finally get my friend to post her fic.
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milflewis · 5 months
idk if i am understanding the prompt of title correctly but i will submit: 1) valewis + "travel song" or 2) dantteri + "people are fragile things"
Lewis hums something quiet and slow on their walk back to the Shatterdome. It reverberates through the Drift and settles around Valtteri’s shoulders.
He catches the edges of a memory spent handing Sebastian the wrong tools on purpose as the blond man swears at him, laughing, German music playing low on the radio behind them.
It took Valtteri a very long while to get used to how easy it is to drift with Lewis.
He always felt like a Titan — even before Nico died and he dragged their Jaeger back to shore alone. Something mythic and unstoppable. There was a certainty to Lewis Hamilton that sometimes felt like the stuff stories are made of.
Valtteri has never done particularly well at the thought of not measuring up. Worse when their pre-Drift potentially was so high.
Lewis feels tired. He always feel tired. His mind is calm and cool like a lake, and Valtteri lets himself sink into it.
"What's it like being in Lewis’s head?"
He signs off on his action report. "Boring, like you said."
"We both know that's a lie. I only said it to get a rise out of him." Daniel drums his heels against the desk, a rattling repeating pattern meant to burrow under the skin. "You forget I've known him before Nico died and he became all Solemn and Serious and Grieving Widow."
Valtteri considers that as he finishes the rest of the paperwork. His eyes ache faintly. "What was he like?"
Daniel takes the pile and sets it aside. "Don't you know?"
"I don't," he says, although he catches glimpses of it on occasion, in the way Lewis moves or how his mouth shapes certain words, the lingering traces of youth, of anger, of secretly believing you would never die. Sometimes, in the middle of a fight, when they are being pushed back, when debris is falling and there is barely any time to think, Lewis’s mouth curls and snarls, sharp and vicious and feral, and Valtteri can feel it in his gut, and he thinks that's you; that's what you've always been.
"And here I thought we'd moved past you lying to me." Daniel drums another beat against the desk, staccato and just off tempo enough to set Valtteri's teeth on edge. "He was a little shit. Still had the same smart mouth — him and Sebastian used to get up to so much trouble. Almost as much as what I’ve heard him and Nico did. He laughed more. All dream — that Lewis was.”
"And then Spain happened," Valtteri says.
"Life happened," Daniel corrects, and Valtteri doesn’t bother hiding his eye roll. "We all have our Spains."
Daniel takes the opportunity to sling his leg over Valtteri's lap, and Valtteri absently rubs his thumb over the knob of Daniel's ankle.
"Fuck off," Valtteri says, but he doesn’t mean it. Hasn’t meant it with Daniel for a while now. Valtteri presses his knuckles into the ball of Daniel's foot, keeping a firm hold on his ankle so he can't jerk away. "Is this going to be a problem for you?"
"Depends on whether you’re going to show this to Lewis or not.”
"He sees everything." He digs his knuckles in harder. "But he doesn’t poke around. I think he was embarrassed to see us kissing the last time we drifted."
"That's Lewis all over," Daniel says fondly. "Will flirt with anyone and anything if he thinks it will give him an advantage but is terrible with genuine feelings."
"Speak from experience?" he says. He doesn’t know what to do with this thing in his chest. He swallows.
"We were too young to be serious." Daniel’s gaze is steady and unflinching, as if Valtteri is a reporter or donor for Daniel to spin around and around and around, every hinge and crack and vulnerability mapped and laid bare for Daniel to do with as he pleased.
He shoves Daniel’s foot off his lap and stands so fast the edges of his vision darken. He needs sleep. He needs his fucking head back.
"Does this bother you?" Valtteri asks, hating himself for it. "Lewis being in my head?"
Daniel doesn't even have the decency to be surprised by the question. Valtteri hates him. "No, not in the way you mean."
"And how do I mean it?"
"You want to know if I'm upset that I will never know you like Lewis knows you."
He flinches. "Are you?"
"No. What you and Lewis have is not something I would ever want or ask for."
"I didn't ask for it. There is a war and they said jump,” he snaps, the fury so close to the surface that he is afraid his ribs will snap and it will come boiling out, and god help anyone caught in its path. "I don't want it."
He will not be able to hide this from Lewis when they drift next. He hasn’t been able to hide it from him in the first place.
Guilt coats the inside of his mouth, thick and sour. He swallows and swallows and swallows.
He tries to breathe.
"Hey," Daniel says, so close that Valtteri jerks back in surprise. "You all right?"
"Fine," he says, coming to the belated, and embarrassed, realization that Daniel has likely been speaking the entire time. "Got distracted. Sorry."
"Did you just apologise? Has Lewis lobotomised you?"
"That's not funny," he snaps, too quick and too sharp to play it off as a joke. He draws another breath, the sound of it rattling in his empty head.
"He hasn't done anything to me. He leaves shit alone, like I said."
"Have you lobotomised him?" Daniel says instead of what Valtteri is expecting, which is asking if Valtteri wants Lewis to do something to him.
"Not yet," he says, which only seems to worry Daniel more.
Slowly, as if Valtteri is a rookie on his first deployment and Daniel doesn’t want to spook him, Daniel drags fingertips up his jaw and over his cheek. His thumb traces the scar over his lip.
Holding himself still and quiet, Valtteri didn't protest when Daniel cups his face or when he touches their heads together, or when he says, soft and revenant, "You're a fucking disaster."
He laughs and kisses Daniel.
"You don't want in my head?" he asks.
"Yes," says Daniel. "You're a private man, Valtteri, and a hard one to read. I never know what you're thinking at any given moment."
"I will not say sorry - if that is what you are looking for."
"I'm not looking for anything," Daniel says, and Valtteri doesn't need a line to his head to read the sincerity there. "I won't take your privacy from you. When you do decide to share something with me, even if it's just your opinion on my life choices, it's because you chose to trust me, and I wouldn't give that up, not for anything."
"If it would end this war?"
He means it as a joke, but Daniel, who acts as if he takes nothing seriously, does not take it as one.
"No," he says, as if he had put great thought into it, "not even if it meant that."
"Shut up."
"Yes, sir," Daniel grins, pressing a kiss to Valtteri's neck before undoing his own pants zipper and, with a frankly ridiculous shimmy and hop, kicks them off. He isn't wearing underwear.
"Stop trying to distract me."
"I know you're lying because you once told me, and I quote, you liked me better when I'm naked."
"I would have to be a dick to say that."
Lewis stays smiling as the reporter asks his question, smug as ten fucking cats.
Valtteri’s stare sits heavy on his face. The reporter swallows thickly, eyes darting away.
“Well?” He asks again. “Do you think the fact that you yourself have said that you can be too stubborn led to the rift in your and Nico’s partnership, and therefore his death?”
Lewis’s eyes are distant.
At least, they didn’t ask about Michael again, Valtteri thinks. Or Fernando.
“Can I take this one?” Valtteri asks. The reporter frowns at him but Valtteri is looking at Lewis.
Lewis blinks at him. His eyelashes are ridiculously long. They’ve just come from drifting — having taken out a three alarm Kaiju, worn and tired and spilling over into each other’s heads.
Valtteri loathes sharing his mind with another person more than nearly everything else in the world, for all that he tries to keep that boxed away from Lewis. It is times like this that he almost doesn’t mind it.
Lewis raises an eyebrow at him, quietly amused.
Never let them see, Valtteri remembers his dad telling him, hands bruise tight on his shoulders — except — no. Not his dad. They are Anthony’s hands, and that’s the grey yellow tint that Lewis has on all his childhood memories.
Valtteri turns to the reporter. His dark hair is long around his ears and he is looking at Valtteri with thinly veiled contempt.
“Go fuck yourself,” Valtteri tells him calmly, and Lewis laughs, startled.
Valtteri feels his surprise skittering down his spine, followed quickly with smothered childlike delight.
Lewis’s face is soft for hours after. His mind even more so. He smiles to himself throughout the twenty-five minute dressing down General Wolff gives Valtteri.
"What's your favourite kind of ice cream?" Lewis asks as they make their way to the gym. It is stupid early and the corridors are empty and dark.
Lewis does this sometimes. Asking Valtteri questions about himself that he could just pick out of Valtteri's head as he wishes. It is more endearing than Valtteri likes.
He stomaches it only because he thinks Lewis is doing it more for his sake than for Valtteri's. Lewis, Valtteri had been pleased to find out, is only selfless up until a point. A relatively small one, all things considered.
"Mint," Valtteri answers.
Lewis pulls a face at him as he pushes the gym door open. There are deep circles under his eyes, like someone dug in their thumbs and pressed. "That's so gross, man. Why don't you just eat toothpaste?"
Valtteri laughs before realising it. It's loud in the quietly still room. The sound echoes off the bare metal walls.
"My second favourite is pistachio," he says, and Lewis sticks his tongue out in disgust, obvious even in the dark as he throws him a bamboo stick.
Valtteri clears his throat. "Did you tamper with the sim, Tsunoda?"
"Of course not, sir," Tsunoda says, offended. "That would be -"
"Against regulations?" Gasly says.
"- cheating. I don't cheat."
When Tsunoda tries to turn that offended look on Gasly, Gasly just tugs Tsunoda back where he wants him, which is close enough for Gasly to prop his chin on the top of Tsunoda’s head. Tsunoda, like with most things where Gasly is concerned, bears it with minimal complaint.
An ache opens under Valtteri’s breastbone. It has been a little over two weeks since he has last seen Lewis. Longer since they’ve drifted. They had been taken out of the rotation after Valtteri got injured, and sent across the world on Charm-The-Rich-Into-Giving-Their-Money-Even-Though-Don’t-They-Know-The-World-Is-Fucked-And-They’re-Living-In-It-Too missions and rented out to different Shatterdomes for pep talks and training seminars.
It has been the longest they’ve been apart since they were first paired up. Maybe Valtteri shouldn’t be surprised to be missing him but he is.
He hasn’t had someone to miss in a long time.
He’s even more surprised to find himself missing Daniel.
In the end, it’s just Lewis and Valtteri and the big wide yawn of the bottom of the sea.
“You are living,” Lewis tells him, mouth grim, and Valtteri tells him to fuck off and to stop telling him what to do.
Lewis laughs, which is as partly what Valtteri was going for, and doesn’t say it again, which is the other thing Valtteri was aiming for.
Valtteri wakes up coughing with Lewis beating on his chest. “Ow,” he says. He thinks Lewis might’ve broken a rib.
“I told you you’d live, man,” Lewis tells him, hands wet and cold on his cheeks, because he’s an asshole.
“I hate you,” Valtteri says, throat sore with sea water. He stares up at the cloudless sky. He can faintly hear the thrum of a MEDEVAC-HELO in the distance.
“Uhuh,” Lewis says, and he’s grinning. Even drenched and bleeding and backlit by the sun, he is beautiful. It’s fucked up, Valtteri decides.
“My ribs are sore,” Valtteri tells him.
“I told you to get out before I blew the bomb,” Lewis replies, unsympathetic. His fingers are gentle in Valtteri’s hair, and he drags his body behind Valtteri’s so they’re further in the ejection pod, propped up against his back, weight off his ribs.
Sebastian looks decades older when they step onto the tarmac of the Shatterdome, half stumbling out of the helicopter. Lewis walks towards him. His eyes are wet. It hits Valtteri in the stomach like a gunshot. "Hey."
Sebastian takes a step forward too. His next word is spoken so softly that Valtteri can only read his lips.
Lewis just shakes his head slightly and makes a sound that might be a laugh. “I really did want to make that promise to you.”
His shoulders shrug like he wants to hold out his arms.
And then Sebastian is running towards him, colliding into his chest and throwing his arms around his neck and burying his face against his shoulder. Lewis wraps one arm around his back and presses the other hand to the back of his head.
Lewis is crying into his hair and Sebastian’s crying, too, weeping against him with such force that Valtteri would think his heart was breaking if he didn't know the opposite to be true.
He feels a hand slide into his and he squeezes it tightly. Daniel squeezes back and looks at him with a watery smile. His face is a little blurry and it's only then that Valtteri realises he has tears in his eyes too.
“Lewis broke my ribs,” Valtteri tells him, and then kisses Daniel’s laugh off his mouth.
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energeticpoltergeist · 5 months
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this was meant to be a Spider-Verse meme redraw but it became its own thing i guess, also basic gist to au stuff under read more, even though this isn't even canon to any of them oops-
Timeskip au: what it says on the tin, basically focuses on an older Manny and Frida, along with their two kids
Fight or Flight au: basically White Pantera and Voltura didn't break up in high school and ended up getting married having kids, Manny and Zoe, only to divorce later on, also Zoe inherited the belt not Manny
Tigre De Los Muertos au: Manny died pretty damn young and through bullshit ends up as a skeleton and is raised by Sartana, but eventually there is joint custody once he finds out he's a Rivera
Perpetual Rerun au: Manny has been stuck in a timeloop that consists of that time between when the show started and ended for fifteen goddamn years with every loop ending with him dying and being brought back to the beginning again, he is not doing well mentally or physically tbh
The Other Miracle City au: bit hard to explain but basic gist is that Manny is the son to the evil supervillain White Pantera and the grandson of the legendary superhero Puma Loco, along with a bunch of other changes like Frida being a police cadet, she and Manny are still ride or die by the way. This au also eventually has dimensional bullshit with canon(or canon-adjacent i guess) getting involved because i said so
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crialpelyst · 10 months
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"tengo miedo de ti y de tu voz, tengo miedo de ti y de tu amor, temo de que a mi campo le dejen de crecer flores de color azul"...
Aus and more aus, I decided to make a quick sketch about this au that I invented one day when I went fishing around three in the morning (don't ask how) and since then I've only improved it and I'd like to show it more 😭😭
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