#< i hope you like this one eheh
kimchunsgha · 8 months
hi tris ! i saw you say you’d edit the other le ssera teasers by request, would you do sakura’s ?? and if you wanna tag me (my gg blog, @bibitzy) that would be cool :) <3
also we are new moots (on my bg blog haechannabelle) so i wanted to say hi officially ! i’ve been following you for awhile, i love your content and you always have good takes on things. appreciate u 💕
hello hello!! here you go!! i tagged you under the post either way but that means a lot 🥺💗 sorry it took me so long to complete the mutual sometimes i'm kinda shy </3 but you seem so nice and you are so talented!! i love your art sm <3 thank you for always tagging me on it!!
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kyouka-supremacy · 9 months
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« Do you know when it's alright to chicken out and go home? There is no such time. »
Nakahara Chuuya ✧ For @nnakahara                                     Happy late Birthday, Nyusa!! \(≧▽≦)/
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crowsdove · 3 months
Imagine you and your f/o sharing a beverage with two straws (sweetheart sipping!)
(like in these pictures I mean. Could also be cute drawing references for you and your f/o maybe?)
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> antis please dni <
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scr4xd · 1 month
fanchild alert!!!!!!!! im so silly about them
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i wanted an excuse to draw them again + i joked about how if they had a kid and it was yellow they'd be called the traffic light family - and i think this turned out pretty cool!!
i JUST realized her name would go in-between mipha and sidon with the solfège (mi, fa (sol, la) si/ti, do) which i honestly did not plan for LMAO
anyways yippee sidyona my beloved uhh idk what else to say!! :d (slightly untinted ver of full drawing and solaine closeup of solaine under cut!)
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cyellolemon · 7 months
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I love gay people and ocean
Roman and Lewis!! :)
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lich's wishverse bmo gets to go to the dead worlds after that, OBVIOUSLY, but um. i realized something. and i am simply assuming that a separate Dead Worlds services each dimension cuz otherwise id go crazy.
offscreen voice: theyre not here. bmo: hm?
banana man: youre looking for finn and jake, right? bmo: of course i am. banana man: yeah. um. they're not. here bmo: why not? are you sure? banana man: yes. i looked. i looked a LOT.
bmo: ooh, ooh! maybe, they must have reincarnated, and are safe back on-- oh. right.
banana man: well if it's any consolation, the last anyone saw of them, the princess, princess bubblegum, saw them stepping out of our dimension entirely. bmo: ohh,, glob, my boys are dead in space, banana man: NO! bmo: [sniff SFX] banana man: th-- bmo.
banana man: they're not in the dead worlds anywhere banana man: bmo, i-- i think, somehow, they escaped it
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bman: have you met jermaine? bmo: no
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floorpancakes · 10 months
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princess in my head
happy belated birthday saki my cute sparkly darling fluffy frilly beloved fictional bestie please eat all of the desserts and wear all of the pretty dresses as is your right <3
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mirrortouchedsea · 5 months
Day 7
Niki turned off his alarm and looked at his phone, only to discover that Cinnamon and ES would be closed for the day due to the snow storm. He rubbed his eyes and glanced out the window of the bedroom and sure enough, snow was coming down in full force. Nobody would want to be out in that weather. At least he could get a few extra hours of--
His stomach started growling. Nevermind, he had to get up and make breakfast. Rinne tried to hold Niki hostage but eventually relented and fell back asleep. Rinne’s face was soft in the morning light, easily one of Niki’s favorite sights in the morning. Even if Rinne would inevitably come to ruin his day at work or gamble their money away at the pachinko parlor, he would always come back to him. 
Niki indulged himself a bit and kissed Rinne’s forehead before going to make breakfast. He could do something more complicated today since he didn’t have work, and he’d probably make some of Rinne’s omurice for him. That was another thing that was cute about the older man snoring in the other room; he and his brother loved omurice and if given the chance would eat nothing but that. 
Thirty minutes later and Niki was about ready to finally sit down and eat (not that he hadn’t been sneaking bites since he started) when Rinne finally dragged himself out of their bedroom. Niki greeted him and pointed to the omurice on the counter, which Rinne grabbed and sat opposite him before digging into it. His feet found Niki’s under the table and Rinne locked their ankles together. 
“No work today Rinne-kun?” 
“Nah, seems like ES closed everything down cuz of the storm. I’ll just have to terrorize you all day~” 
Niki rolled his eyes. “Can’t wait.” 
They continued to talk as they ate, the dishes starting to pile up as Rinne took what he could hold to the sink and began washing them. He was humming one of their new songs as he soaped up the sponge and started scrubbing. Niki brought the rest of the dishes to the counter and started rinsing the dishes as Rinne washed them. 
The rest of the day was spent in a comfortable domesticity that Niki wished they could have forever. Without anyone else around, Rinne didn’t put up his persona and was much tolerable to be around, and it was the side of him that Niki loved the most. He loved their lazy afternoons spent on the couch in each other’s arms watching bad reality tv reruns, their silly conversations and shared kisses (not on the lips, that was something Rinne still insisted on, but everywhere else was fair game). 
If only they got snowed in more often. 
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hattiestgal · 8 months
Sitting in a right proper brain funk at the moment. Whole lotta junk bouncin' around up there, all garbled like. I guess I'm sorta bouncing around like... how blurry morality is and fighting a tough fight against what my brain feels so badly I should be ashamed of, but I'm kinda just in a blur right now. It's all faded. Maybe it'll come back tomorrow, who knows. I should sleep off this fog though.
Tomorrow'll be nice either way, just gotta make sure not to push myself. I've got my big halloween art comin' and it's gonna be a good one.
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sysig · 1 year
Me: I want to play The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe so badly but I can’t justify the price at the moment :(
The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe: *goes on 50% off sale*
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merryandrewsart · 2 years
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@ketavinsky you asked for more kid version of them? So here you go! Lucienne helping Fiddler green with his homework while Corinthian is giving an important speech.
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lets do this event wOOp
i cant stand people that expect me to always put them first. sometimes is fine but like bitch, i have my own shit to deal with i shouldnt need to babysit your ass 24/7
i am incredibly insensitive woo no empathy gang. i will just just say the meanest shit off hand, and unless you call me out on it and explain exactly why it upset you i will continue doing it sheerly bc i dont understand (this has ruined so many friendships for me lol)
Seems like each time I'm with you, I lose my mind Because I'm bending over backwards to relate It's one thing to complain, but when you're driving me insane Well then, I think it's time that we took a break
ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴇᴀʟʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴇʀ ᴇx ɪs…
ᴍᴀɴᴊɪʀᴏ sᴀɴᴏ
Good riddance Manjiro god complex Sano. He already have the undivided, fully devoted attention of his friends and followers, it's some bullshit that he expected that from you too. But I shouldn't be shocked he 1) doesn't seem to grasp that the world doesn't revolve around him 2) wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it kicked him in the face.
𝒴𝒶𝓈𝓊𝒽𝒾𝓇𝑜 ℳ𝓊𝓉𝑜
You need someone independent and thick skinned enough to roll with your punches but caring. Let Muto be your heart if you think you're insensitive. He's shockingly compassionate for someone out of the brutal generation. Something also tells me he can follow directions enough to actually tell you shit straight. And you know what, you can also climb him like a tree. And he can reach the top shelves in the kitchen. And he would love to eat food you make,,,he is a growing boy after all.
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ran-orimoto · 2 years
Why are you the Junzumi CEO in this era but you’re also so negative about it happening in canon? Am I the only one who has no doubt they’d eventually get together? In the new drama Junpei understands she can’t understand when people go after her like the boy who gave her the belly belt. Isn’t it the hugest ray of hope for a Junzumi shipper when in the train drama she told him he should speak clearly to her? Can’t it be a connection?
Oh Anon, I’m laughing so much🤣🤣🤣. “Junzumi CEO but at the same time she will always specify there is no way for it to ever happen”. Ops, what a peculiar shipper I am🤣💕. And what a confident CEO🤣, most of all!
I know, I know, I know I’m made like that but I promise it’s not only about Junzumi. I’m like this in general.
From my point of view, Junzumi has always had 0 chances in the writers’ plans, even if they did accidentally turn it in the most meaningful relationship of the series (crucify me). The reason why I believe this is that Junpei isn’t just a character the writers care about. He’s the comical relief, despite him originally being a more serious character in the drafts, apparently. He’s the dude who had to embody the stereotype of “the fat boy hopelessly falling for the main girl but she goes for the thin, hot, amazing, cool mc”. And the writers also stated it: Izumi would exchange his feelings only if he got thinner, which is **** ********.
Yet, you know what, Anon?
I admit I’ve eventually revalued that drama after having talked about it so many times and I can actually suppose a little, veeeeery little change of mentality MIGHT have happened, after all, not only in myself.
Passing to your observation more specifically, I hadn’t honestly connected the dots because I read the recent drama once and, yes, I did laugh at Izumi being dense but I hadn’t taken it in consideration that much🤣. I kinda like that side of hers though? The main girl who was so straight forward when she was 10……Actually can’t understand boys’ feelings if they aren’t highlighted directly in front of her face? Like, you have to tell her you want to date her or she will just go ???????? She reminds me of Ash from Pokemon ( but he wouldn’t probably understand it in that way either ahahha).
I highly doubt there’s a connection between the two dramas in general, though, since they are also contradictions of each other smh (the Digimon can’t go to the real world; so how did they arrive there in the 2018 drama????? New technologies?). However, rereading them, I can really see what you want to underline, and wow, Anon? What can I say? It fits, I adore it.
What I can tell about the kind of character they have attempted to turn drama Izumi into is one who’s got a very childish (in a positive sense) and carefree attitude. I believe she’s not into love stuff yet and only cares about friendship, maybe also because that’s what she cares about the most after having developed social skills thanks to DW. Junpei…I can say my impression about him is that he has always tried going way too forward, and it doesn’t really depend on the fact he’s the oldest. I mean, as a kid, he already dreamed about marriage and children🤣. In that drama he seemed to be organizing an imaginary honeymoon ngl🤣: who would travel around the whole Italy in a normal holiday trip? So, I like seeing their relationship having developed in this funny way: her being the airhead (surprisingly), the one who wants to have fun as much as she can, the one who gets excited about presents (“Grazie! What do you want to give me????”), the one who doesn’t care about her future at all; him being the one who has already estabilished his future and just thinks about the way he wants to build it: in middle school he already knew he wanted to be an opera singer (God bless you, Junpei), in elementary school he already knew who he wanted to spend his life with (and I wish for the realizations of any dreams of yours, baby).
Listening to it again makes me see their whole writing under a new light and since the drama has got hope in its title, I just…Can’t help feeling like it gave a little hope to Junzumi, as weird as it may sound. If Junpei can wait for the right time to come, I’m not that against believing he actually could pull it off anymore. He should just slowen his pace, for God’s sake🤣🤣. He frankly reminds me of a former crush of mine who was so aimed at the future he could only talk with future tense, no joking.
So, my conclusion?
“If you want to say something, say it clearly!” can be perfectly matched with middle school Junpei himself noticing she can’t understand this kind of stuff if you don’t speak to her clearly, directly. So, Anon, my answer is No, you’re not the only one believing in this age they might actually have a chance🤣💕.
Thank you for the ask💕!
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kingsmedley · 2 years
Muse / Hazuki Mikagi
Written by @pureposer
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Batter Up!: Has taken to attacking people with a spiked bat.
Beware the Silly Ones
Bite of Affection
Blue-and-Orange Morality: It’s unclear what the moral compass he operates by is, or even if it exists at all, but it certainly isn't the same one used by humans.
Cute and Psycho
Combat Sadomasochist: Moans when getting punched and was turned on by getting shot.
Consuming Passion: After Neku shot him, Haz offered to let him eat him, and later fantasized about tasting his blood.
Dissonant Serenity: All the time. And he's Smiling. Despite what Seems like such a Horrifying Experience, he's Smiling.
Don’t Call Me “Sir”: Told Haruto to call him Haz, not “Composer.”
God Couple: With Joshua.
Hates Being Touched: Especially on the top of his head. He makes an exception for Joshua.
Hidden Depths: Hinted at on numerous occasions. However, even a Simple Glance at Hazuki's Face made it Clear that, Despite his Demeanor, he was Afraid. He had So much to Say About the Higher Plane. Has his Own Thoughts to it. Although Parted as if Starting to Say Something, nothing Came Out as his Bottom Lip Trembled, Brows Tied Together like a Baby Tree gets Tied Against a Pole.
Humans Through Angel Eyes: Thinks humans are irrational and silly.
Immortal Apathy
Innocently Insensitive: Doesn’t understand social norms and has no knowledge of what is and isn't appropriate to say. Taken Up To Eleven in that this also applies to the horrific violence he enacts.
Insistent Terminology: It’s Haz.
Interplay of Sex and Violence: Expresses affection through inflicting pain, with violence and consumption serving as a metaphor for sex and love when they aren't being applied literally.
Lack of Empathy: Played With. He often lacks empathy due to being an Angel that doesn’t understand human emotions, but feels a degree of concern and distress when those he cares about get hurt by someone other than him, or by him when he didn't do it on purpose.
Likes Older Men: Ironic, considering his relationship with Joshua, who is his age or younger.
Murder The Hypotenuse: Even though Hope wasn’t even a possible romantic rival, Hazuki still became jealous of her close relationship with Joshua and killed her. She got better.
Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant
No Social Skills: See Innocently Insensitive. He isn't able to properly communicate his thoughts or feelings, even when he is able to identify them, and comes across as robotic and detached. Combined with his unique thought process and moral compass, the actual meaning behind what he says often gets lost in translation.
Older Than They Look: Probably, although his exact age is unknown.
Our Angels Are Different
Psychopathic Manchild
Sadist “Please don’t get your hopes up too high - I like seeing Other Beings hurt. No matter who they are, and especially if I’m the one who hurt them.”
Self-Harm: He's addicted to it because he thinks it feels good.
Unfeeling Heavens
What Is This Feeling?: Often doesn't understand the emotions he's feeling due to not understanding emotions in general.
Will Not Tell A Lie
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taintedtort · 2 months
Hihii...!!! i really love ur HCs and i wanted to ask if you're comfortable with these types of character writing, what r ur headcanons on kenma, kuro, tsuki n maybe suna would act when they're drunk ? like would they be a bit different than their usual self ? sorry to ask a lot but im more curious on ur thoughts on kenma ;; .. write whatever u can, idm ! thank u ehehe have a good one ! >_< <3
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summary. they’re drunk lolz
characters. kenma, kuroo, tsukishima
warnings. afab!reader, drinking/alcohol, post timeskip!!!^^
a/n. yesss i love kenma, many thoughts on him!! he’s my favorite!!! didn’t add suna because i don’t really know his character that well :( added a kenma bonus to make up for it tho!
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☆ i think he’d be a sleepy drunk. he's out as soon as his head hits any soft surface— maybe even before! i feel like he also acts grumpier, mumbling complaints when you wake him up and try to move him (he was passed out on your shoulder in the car, you have to get him to bed!)
☆ his face gets kinda pink, like he’s blushing. he’s pale, so it’s more noticeable than it would be on someone else. his eyes get droopy and his face sort of relaxes, so he looks mean and tired.
☆ he stubbles slightly, but he surprisingly manages to maneuver himself pretty well for a drunk person. just don’t ask him to do a cartwheel or anything… he couldn’t even do one of those while sober.
☆ he doesn’t drink often, so he’s a light weight… plus he’s skinny and on the smaller side, so he doesn’t have to drink much to get a buzz. he’s usually responsible though, but sometimes he celebrates too hard (with a bit of a push from kuroo)
☆ he doesn’t get any more talkative, but he’s less filtered that normal. i don’t think he’d be too flirty or mean, but if he got drunk enough he may compliment you a couple times.
☆ the type to get so drunk he forgets who you are. you come find him to pick him up after someone called you, and he’s face down on the table. you nudge him, trying to gently guide him to stand, but he’s immediately swatting you away, grumbling about how he has a girlfriend.
"leave m' alone— got a girlfriend already," he slurs, raising his head to drunkenly glare at you. his eyes narrow further when you laugh.
"kenma… i’m you’re girlfriend," you tell him, always finding it a bit amusing when he gets this drunk. he’s not too much of a hassle though, since he usually knocks right out when you get home and tuck him in.
he's silent for a moment, just staring at you up and down. he wears the same expression he has whenever he buys a new video game, excited and in awe.
"really…?" he asks, a hopeful tone in his voice. now that he’s looking at you… you are really pretty. he really hopes you're his girlfriend.
"yes, really. i’m gonna take you home, okay? cmon," you urge, gently grabbing his arm and helping him stand. he complies this time, his eyebrows raising.
"we live together?" he questions, the situation just getting better and better to him.
"we do," you confirm, another giggle leaving you. it doesn’t really hurt your feelings that he doesn’t remember, you find it more amusing and entertaining than anything.
"… im so lucky," you hear him whisper under his breath, looking at you as you guide him to the car.
☆ he'd be a funny drunk i think… a bit of a handful, and is entertaining at first, but eventually gets annoying. his emotions kind of double when he’s intoxicated, and he’s also kind of erratic. really energetic after his first few drinks, but if he’s extra drunk, he’s more emotional.
☆ his eyes get a little watery, but that’s about it. he actually looks more lively while he’s drunk, because he makes more facial expressions.
☆ he can’t stand straight at all, especially if he’s had more than a couple drinks. needs support to walk, otherwise he'll fall. he’s heavy though, and puts majority of his weight on you, so sometimes you end up falling anyway.
☆ he can handle his alcohol pretty well. takes him a few drinks to get a buzz, but he doesn’t usually stop there. mostly drinks to celebrate things, or at parties. never drinks alone, that’s just boring and sad to him.
☆ probably asks you random stupid questions like "what number am i?" or "what animal would i be?" (follows up that second question with "would you still love me if i was that animal?")
☆ i think he’s more talkative, but he speaks faster and his words are kinda jumbled, so it’s hard to understand him sometimes. he gets a lot more sappy, constantly complimenting you and telling you that he loves you (he does that all the time already)
"y're sooo pretty, love you s' much."
☆ not that much different than when he’s sober, honestly. he gets more mellow, surprisingly, though it might be because alcohol makes him a little sleepy, similar to kenma. he isn’t quick to fall asleep, but he’s not energetic and jumping around.
☆ his face is more relaxed, which makes him look even more intimidating and mean. his eyes get a little red around the edges, but that’s mostly it.
☆ stubbles quite a bit and holds things for support. if you try to help him, he’ll snip and you and complain that he doesn’t need your help to walk. (he does, and eventually gives in and leans on you a bit when he almost falls on his face)
☆ also a lightweight. doesn’t go drinking unless he’s invited, and even then he’s usually the designated driver. on top of that, he hates being hung over, and he hates throwing up, so he rarely gets super drunk. kuroo tries to persuade him sometimes, but the most he gets his a little tipsy.
☆ probably gets into debates with people about certain topics that he likes, arguing with them about facts and opinions. he usually wins. even when he’s drunk, he’s still quick witted.
☆ he fights you on everything, insisting he’s fine and "not drunk" whenever you try to help him. you end up ignoring his complaints and just assist him with changing and getting into bed anyway. he’s asleep pretty quickly, especially if you run his back/scalp.
"i don’t need help— i'm not even that drunk!"
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
— gojo, geto, nanami, sukuna, toji being obsessed with you (gn!r)
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a/n: ehehe, I hope you guys like this <33 (a bit suggestive ✨)
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“satoru, what’re you?—“
you’re cut off as he pushes you against the wall. his eyes are glossed over and his breathing is heavy, “I am hanging on by a thread, y/n…”
only one thing is on his mind, it seems.
he takes a hold of your chin and makes you look at him, “i was never completely sane to begin with…but you’re going to make me get rid of the remains of it.”
his gaze is intense, and you genuinely wished that he had his blindfold on. your knees feel weak, but your hand cups his cheek, nonetheless, “and…what’s wrong with that?”
he lets out a raspy chuckle, “quite the temptress,” he picks you up and his lips find their place on your neck.
you fist his shirt, and try to hold back any sound from coming out. you feel him smirk against your skin with a murmur, “look who’s holding back now.”
“you live in my mind,” he mumbles as he trails kisses along your neck and shoulders and you quiver at his touch.
he pulls back and pecks your lips, but it is far from innocent. he has a devilish grin on his face as he nears your ear and whispers, “I would be lying if I said I didn’t like it.”
another mission was completed by the kids successfully and they partied; however, gojo had a thought of hosting another party for the adults. consider it unwinding.
naturally, you were invited. you were very proud of the kids and were eager to attend the second party. honestly, you didn’t think anything would happen today, especially making out with nanami, the cool and collected man.
“nanami, people…” you whisper, but he doesn’t relent, lips kissing yours time after time.
he tilts your chin up, “forget about them; focus on me.”
he probably feels your grip weakening as he picks you up and seats you on the counter, “everyone is lost in their world.”
he, gently but firmly, squeezes your hips and pulls you to him once again, “so what’s wrong with us doing the same?”
he smirks lightly, something unfamiliar but very welcome, “plus its not like I can stop, dearest.”
he caresses your cheek, “you’re simply irresistible, my love,” a kiss on the cheek, “divine,” a kiss on the neck, “gorgeous,” a kiss on the shoulder, “I would need the utmost strength to resist you.”
he lets out a breath as he looks you in the eye and nears your face, “and I am a weak man.”
your husband’s descent into madness, thankfully, didn’t translate into how he treats you. he is always gentle and playful.
sometimes, though, that madness shows in some things. you can’t say that they don’t excite you.
for example, right now, suguru has yet to detach himself from you as he kisses you. his kisses are gentle but a little unhinged. they are soft but just a tiny bit rough.
one hand wanders while the other one doesn’t leave your waist.
he is desperate and can’t help but want to feel every inch of you.
“suguru,” you try to calm him down and to steady yourself but to no avail. he doesn’t relent, each kiss more eager than the former.
on the other hand, you just can’t compete against him.
specially as he smirks and he kisses your neck, “abandon rationality, honey,” his lips graze your neck as he speaks.
you don’t respond and you feel him chuckle and he looks up at you with lovesick eyes, “crazy suits you anyway.”
you hold onto his shoulders as he connects your lips once again. the passion flows from him and you feel so tempted to join him on the other side.
so you do.
“my king,” you murmur as you stroke his hair.
“hm?” he grumbles as he looks up at you. His head is on your lap, and he was minutes away from dozing off.
you chuckle lightly and your hands, involuntarily, stop their movements. he doesn’t like it so he sits up and glares at you, “why did you stop?”
you pinch his cheek—one of the many privileges you have—and whisper close to this face, “I think you’re enraptured by me, my king.”
he laughs a hearty laugh that surprises you. It shakes his entire body, “me? enraptured by you?”
his hand cradles your head and pulls you towards him. he has a menacing grin on his face as he says, “then that makes you obsessed with me, doll.”
you smirk and place a kiss on his lips, “it’s a mutual obsession, my king.”
“at least do it properly.”
sukuna is rough and possessive. his hold on you is firm and you know he won’t let go.
you think that he wants to corrupt you, with the way he is kissing you and giving you no time to think about anything but him.
he fails to realize that you’re already corrupted as he is by you.
“mister toji, pleasure seeing you again,” you greet as said man enters your office, again.
he chuckles, “why the formality? I thought we were closer than that, boss.”
you quirk an eyebrow and reply swiftly, “we’re in my workplace; such formality is expected and needed especially for you, sir.”
“I like it when you call me that,” he chuckles.
“have you done what I asked of you?” you try and change the subject.
“who do you take me for, doll face?”
You smile humorlessly, “you’re in a good mood today, considering the nicknames and everything.”
he merely looks at you with eyes filled by hidden desire, something you’ve learned to notice from a mile away.
he takes a hold of your hand, “let’s take this somewhere.”
“toji no.”
he pays you no mind as he pulls you to the closet and locks the door.
you whisper-shout, “what’re you doing?!”
“nothing you won’t like,” he responds smugly.
“but you can’t just take me away like that!”
he places his finger on your lip, smirk never leaving his face. he holds your face and says, “cross the boundaries; they weren’t even there to begin with,”
you don’t get to respond as he smashes your lips together. his hand rests firmly on your neck and deepens the kiss.
you hold onto his shoulder weakly and he pulls back and chuckles.
“isn’t easier…to just give in?”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or I will make you sleep-deprived
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