coffeebanana · 9 months
You know what? Fuck it I’m going to post a little blorbo
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carmenized-onions · 29 days
i am back to gush about chicago's finest... just thinking about how tony and carm have established puzzle time as their little thing, and tony opening the door to little kisses on the cheek and both of them fighting the urge to just smother each other in affection... GAH i need to reread!! carm being... confused at tony and syd's relationship and a horrible texter just seems to fitting for him. bro is lost anywhere that isn't the kitchen. and i love the little moments where tony observes carmy being strong carrying stuff, like ok damn i see you... i think it'd be really cute if we get more one on one time with tony and carm and he starts getting all protective/casually dominant (is that the word i'm looking for?) over tony despite them not being official. ANYWAY. just love their dynamic. two idiots wanting to care for each other while also trying not to care too much. such a fan of them trying to resist gushing over each other. they are little dorks i love them and your work!
Second of all, YEAAHHHH. It's that very fun fresh new not a relationship relationship giddiness and simultaneous anxiety. Absolutely wanting to smother them and see them constantly and alsO NEVER LET THEM IN!!! NEVER!!!!!
Bro is fumbling outside of the kitchen, bro does not know how women nor phones work. Bro is 100% the way my brother's do not understand why i say i love you to my friends. FREAKS!!!
Thinking of what I have planned ahead, I believe you shall get these moments my dear anon,,,,, at least i think. Honestly every plan pivots once I start writing. Spoiler alert: I tried to force a smooch in this next chapter and I simply hated it so much I took 2 hours away from my laptop to rethink it lmao. BUT I'VE GOT PLANS BRO. I'VE GOT PLANS!!
Thank you sm for loving these dorks and my work and also telling me so, it means the freakin WORLD !!!!!!!! IT GIVES ME MY POWER!!!!
Anyways, I gotta go put tags on this post and write the author's note and post it hehehe SEE YOU SOON HOPE YOU LIKE THIS NEXT ONE BABE!!!
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seokmashu · 9 months
hi nina! was a lil bored and thought why not ask the most silliest questions for funzies ^-^
if zb1 members decided they wanted to sneak out for something, what would it be? a midnight snack 🍜 hitting the gym 😤💪 or even messing up their company building 🤣
there is so many possibilities, can’t wait to know ur answer <3
oo this is such a good question bc i feel like they've all been tempted to sneak out at least once 👀
- jiwoong: sneaks out to clear his head, go for a walk/run, probably at night. i feel like he's always looking out for the rest of the boys so he's always "on", but when he's by himself he can finally relax a little (not really bc he's still thinking ab them ((and what they might do in his absence lolol)))
- hao: sneaks out bc another member wants to check out something -- a new cafe, a new item, maybe they just want to hangout and explore the city a little -- and it sounds interesting so why not? i don't think he's the type to sneak out by himself but he's definitely thought about escaping from the dorms when he needs his alone time 😭
- hanbin: sneaks out bc he wants to buy something for his members, like bday presents! hanbin doesn't seem like the type to sneak out in general but when he does it's for other people :)) he also definitely feels like he's being mischievous by evading the staff like on the outside he's stoic but on the inside he's probably giggling
- matthew: this guy doesn't sneak out he just walks off 💀 don't get me wrong he doesn't like to make trouble for the staff or for the members but he just wants to check out this cool clothing store he heard about nearby and no one will miss him for a few minutes right? (he's gone much longer than that lmao and probably brings ricky and/or gyuvin with him too ((who also don't see what the big deal is lolol)))
- taerae: honestly taerae's usually too engrossed in his games to want to sneak out, but when he does it's because one of the other members wants to check something out and he's like oh sure i'll tag along (it's the first time he's seen sunlight all day 😭). i feel like taerae would probably sneak out with matthew a few times since he also likes shopping tbh!
- ricky: 9 out of 10 times this guy is sneaking out to get food 😭 like boys planet dorms? mans 10000% snuck out just to eat like he was probably inhaling whole pizzas when staff weren't looking and nothing's changed now that he's in zb1. when they were in japan he prob wanted to sneak off and get a strawberry dessert from one of those fruit parlors tbh! also would probably sneak out with gyuvin to an arcade heheh
- gyuvin: this guy is like a falling bar of soap he just slips out of your fingers every time you try to catch him LOL he's usually just bored esp when other members are busy so he'll try to recruit ppl to sneak out with him to get food or explore, just cute little hangouts where he can have fun hehe (ricky gunwook matthew are usually recruited) hanbin's on high alert constantly 😭
- gunwook: hmm i can't picture gunwook sneaking out but if he does it's because he senses something fun is gonna happen! he's always down to have a good time and he just loves spending time with his members 🥺 if he were to sneak out by himself tho it would probably be to eat at a restaurant or a cafe, actually this guy is a big weeb maybe he would stop by a bookstore and check out the new manhwas in stock too :3
- yujin: yujin doesn't sneak out but when he does he thinks it's so cool and fun like he probably gets so excited asking where they're going 🥺 i feel like he's the type to like shopping for trinkets and useful/cool things tbh so he would loove going shopping for stuff with his members! also probably misses his dog and wants to see him 💔
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shapeshiftinterest · 2 years
Bets And Bells: sun x moon x monty (CH 5)
based on THIS pic i drew
this chapter is the original idea i had in mind when i started writing this plus a lil extra, if it’d stayed a oneshot it would’ve had some of the bet info from the first chapter
an indefinite but long amount of time later, monty sneaks up on moon again
story under the read more
Bets and Bells (also on ao3)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Monty slowly snuck into the daycare and carefully closed the door behind him. Grateful for low lighting, he flipped his shades up and looked around before settling his gaze on an animatronic across the room.
Grinning, Monty quickly slipped into the shadows of the daycare’s jungle gymn and made his way over. He was careful not to let his tail drag on the floor or knock into any play equipment. Couldn’t ruin the surprise attack if he alerted the enemy, right?
The bassist could hear his boyfriend muttering to themselves. ‘They’re probably talkin’ t’Sunny ‘bout something,‘ he thought, reaching out a clawed hand. Monty grinned to himself as he scooped up the end of Moon’s night cap and pressed it to his muzzle in a kiss.
“Sup, Moonbeam~,” he purred, tail wagging when they let out a yelp and dropped an armful of alphabet blocks.
“ ;ASKJLDF!!!”
Moon turned, kicking up a nearby drum from an unfinished stack and repeatedly whacking Monty with it.
“DON’T *whack!* SNEAK *whack!* UP *whack!* ON *whack!* ME!!” They huffed, embarrassed but not actually mad.
‘Wooo!! Go get ‘im, Moony!’ Sun cheered. He wasn’t on either side mind you, just wanted egg them on.
“GWAAHAHAHHAHA!!!” The gator cackled, trying to run away while dodging Moon’s attacks. “NEVER!!!” His foot stomps returned to their previous obnoxious volume as he lurched out of stealth and into survival mode.
“Get back here!“ Moon made to throw the drum, holding it over their head, when Monty pivoted and started charging at them instead. “WAIT NO-“
The jester called for their cable and leapt into the air but it was too late. With a well timed leap Monty tackle hugged them to the ground; thankfully Moon hadn’t been too high and the cable had an automatic release function for emergencies.
The pair rolled across the daycare’s plush floor and collapsed into a pile of giggling limbs.
“We’re gonna be late y’know,” Moon said, booping Monty on the snoot. Monty stared cross eyed at their hand and pretended to bite at it.
“Eh, they can wait a few minutes. One quick race ‘round the daycare first?”
Moon pretended to think about it, putting a hand to their chin and tilting their head. “Sure, why not?” They said with a shrug... before snatching Monty’s glasses and putting them on.
“Wh- Hey!”
“Hehehe. Catch us if you caaan~” Once again Moon called for their cable and was airborn before Monty could get up. ‘Wheeee hee hee hee!’ Sun called out in their head space, extending his arms like an airplane. ‘Monty’s It, Monty’s It!’
They were an hour late after playing 3 more rounds of tag.
the timeline for this goes
chapter 2: sometime before this chapter monty was put in time out; monty and roxy make a bet on how stealthy monty can be
chapter 1: weeks later; monty encounters moon and gets the bell
chapter 3: minutes/hours after chapter 1; monty wins the bet; monty persuades P&S to get the DA new outfits; 3-4 days later the DA gets the outfits
chapter 4: the day before this chapter monty hurt his tail playing with the DJ; moon says thank you and gives monty permission to keep the old bell
chapter 5: months/ 1-3 years later; monty and the DA are dating, repeat of chapter 1
one of the knicknacks monty took with him from chapter 4 was moon's bell
it's on a string and taped to the inside his chest cavity to reduce noise
i was going to have it come loose and moon was going to find out and question monty
i wrote chapter 4 and deleted/ rewrote like 95% of it because it was too 'rose colored glasses vibe' for how early the relationship was + their limited interactions
i don't need them falling hard in love, i need them getting a small crush/ noticing each other that will turn into an 'oh. oh no.' moment
there was a whole part with extended hand holding after moon helps monty up where moon talked about trying to get new supplies and worrying the kids would think him and sun were scary cuz they were always... not the cleanest, and monty was going to feel guilty about only helping because of the bet
i thought about having moon find out about the bet but didn't feel like using the energy to write an extra chapter just to fit it in, since there'd need to be another chapter after that just to fix the misunderstanding/ apologize to the DA
multiple times i forgot how to write dialogue and accent ish stuff because of the breaks i had in between
it's in the summary but
monty: he/him
moon: he/they, usually uses they/them
sun: he/they, usually uses he/ him
it's in the summary but this entire fic was only supposed to be a oneshot based on chapter 7's picture; that one shot is a mix of chapter 1 and 5
the glamrocks have regular hangout playdate stuff and sometimes the DJ joins in, they now also try to include sun/moon
not mentioned anywhere but monty now has a separate collar with moon's bell attached to it that he sleeps with sometimes
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brindletonboo · 2 years
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🌾 | ask game
i got tagged by @oakvy! participating because i have nothing else to do lol
why did you choose your url?
i’m a brindleton bay girl at heart and always will be, so i chose a user handle based on the world that came with cats and dogs! the “boo” was just a suffix i added. it was actually supposed to be “babe” or “bae” but url is taken so >:( i finally settled on “boo”!
how long have you been on tumblr?
i’m pretty new to tumblr! the first time i dipped my toes in was literally when i created this blog back in aug 2021. i was a young, naive girl who doesn’t even know how to navigate tumblr, let alone a sims blog.
do you have a queue tag?
no, i don’t know how queues work and i don’t ever wanna know how (dumb bitch alert)
why did you start your blog in the first place?
i just wanted a platform where i can share all the things i do in sims! i first opted for twitter but honestly, it never really clicked with me. plus it’s toxic as hell. i have an account there but it’s purely just for sharing my builds and a bit of my sims. i finally settled on tumblr because i’ve heard of simblrs and wanted to try running one too!
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i like cats. end of story.
why did you choose your header?
it’s a pretty screenshot of cavalier cove in brindleton bay, so why not? :D
what's your post with the most notes?
as far as i know it’s my sim lookbook 2, currently sitting at 1,200+ notes and counting. i don’t even know why it’s blowing up 💔
how many mutuals do you have?
uh i think around a hundred or so?
how many followers do you have?
i just checked it and we’re at 1,870 rn! UNREAL. i still can’t believe that but i appreciate and love every single one of them! 
not the p*rn bots, though.
have you ever made a shitpost?
i make a lot in my personal blog hehehe 
how often do you use tumblr every day?
i check in every once in a while but only post once a day.
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
LMFAO first off, i love how this question has a follow-up one that asks about who won 💀 anyway i don’t think i’ve ever had an argument with another blog before, and i want to keep it that way. i don’t like getting into fights with other people online because;
1. it’s pointless.
2. you don’t even know me. why would i argue with you?
how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
like @oakvy i have never encountered those posts before so...
do you like tag games?
maybe. i’m just afraid that i’ll annoy the people i tag in it 😭
do you like ask memes?
i’m okay with it!
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
this’ll make me sound like i’m bragging so i’m just gonna drop hints 👀 
one is famous because of her aesthetic and sims (her sims are absolutely adorable. i admit, i reblog her posts a little too much) another is a popular cc creator, and the last makes insanely good edits/renders of her sims!
do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope. i already have a girlfriend. her name is @lexofcrows. /j
tagging @shady-sims, @rainymoodlet, @gothoffspring, and @sublimesims! feel free to ignore if you've done it already or if you don't feel like doing it! i’m kinda embarassed to do this so i hope it’s alright 👉👈
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twstarchives · 4 years
Sebek Zigvolt・Voice Lines
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School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Get to class now! You’re wasting time.”
Groovy “Someday I ought to teach you how you’re supposed to behave towards your superiors.”
Home Setting “I take close care of my appearance.”
Home Transitions “I was miraculously able to enroll at the same school as the Young Master. I’d like to watch his growing success from as close-up as possible.”
“I’m hungry... The bread from the school store isn’t filling at all. I want more meat.”
“I joined the horse-riding club because I thought it’d be wise to pick up practical activities. All knights should be able to ride a horse.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “To make sure that you’re not a threat to the Young Master, I’ve decided to observe you all day today. Don’t run out of sight.”
Home Taps “Styling my hair every morning is a chore, but I never want the Young Master to see me looking sloppy.”
“Silver is the only person I know in the Valley of Thorns from the same generation as me. ‘My friend’...? As if I’d call him a friend!” 
“The Young Master is also taking classes here. It’s 1000 years too early for us to be skipping them!!”
“I have a loud voice? What are you saying? Your voice is just too quiet!!”
“Are you trying to play tag? I’ve long since outgrown childish games like that.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “As if I’d lose any contest! The training all of you have done is nothing compared to mine!”
Groovy “Want me to tell you my training routine? Only if you can keep up.”
Home Setting “Let me take you on.”
Home Transitions “To improve yourself, you need to eat well, work well, sleep well, and play hard! ...That’s what Master Lilia taught me.”
“I train so that I can be the Young Master’s sword and shield whenever he needs me.”
“I heard we’re having a long-distance race for our next PE class. I’m better at short-distance, though... No. You aren’t a guard without good stamina.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Why is your back hunched over like that? You look sloppy! Stick out your chest and fix that posture!”
Home Taps “Whenever I go to practice for the horse-riding club, the horses always get scared of me. I’m not going to eat them or anything. They’re so skittish.”
“Being left-handed often comes in handy when I’m sparring. But no matter which hand I use, my victories will always be in the name of the Young Master.”
“There’s no point in training without a reason. It’s important to me that I gain power to protect the Young Master.”
“Don’t waste your breath. All that matters while you’re training is willpower, persistence, and a fighting spirit!! That’s it!”
“You want to play soccer together? ...Alright. I certainly have no plans of losing to a human.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Your appearance reflects who you are inside. I won’t let a single wrinkle to pass.”
Groovy “You want to study with me? Very well. Show me what you’ve got.”
Home Setting “I don’t have any blind spots in today’s class either.”
Home Transitions “I’ll get the highest score on our next test. And then the Young Master will praise me...!”
“The environment in the greenhouse is just amazing. It’s warm, humid, and so easy to relax in there.”
“I learned everything that was covered in our lesson last period when I was in middle school. Education in the Valley of Thorns was very intensive.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “The most I’ll do is give you a few hints for your assignment. I’d rather not be dragged down during our joint class.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “You look exhausted. I’ll share some tips with you on how to remain focused.”
Home Taps “I’m very good at solving both numerical and chemical equations. But there’s never a need to use cheap tricks like that when the Young Master is around. Heheh.”
“Do you have any Awakening Potions? I want to try making Silver drink an entire bucket full.”
“Master Lilia gave me this drink. He said it’s an excellent beverage that lets you take in your meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables all at once!”
“I’m not good at art, since it’s so subjective. Subjects where the solutions are very clear is more my speed.”
“Stop tugging at my clothes. I can’t appear in front of the Young Master looking indecent!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Could you recommend a book for me? I’ll try reading it tonight.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “The Young Master would never get upset over something as minor as a school assembly.”
Groovy “Hmph. Even you look befitting today.”
Home Setting “I don’t want to see the Young Master look so dejected...”
Home Transitions “As if I’d ever feel nervous at a school event of all things! Festivals in the Valley of Thorns are so much grander than this.”
“Have you seen the Young Master anywhere? I haven’t been able to reach him in a while. ...Don’t tell me he— ...Again?”
“It’s not worth having a ceremony if the Young Master isn’t participating. They should just stop it midway through.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “YOUNG MAAAASTER!! Where did you go...? Oh, perfect timing. Come look for the Young Master with me.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Grim was causing a ruckus again. I swear, I can’t believe how much of a pig he is. ...What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Home Taps “Before coming to this academy, I spent an entire year dedicating myself to my studies. I did it because I had faith I’d be able to get into this school too.”
“No matter how alert you think you are, Master Lilia will always find a way to sneak behind you. Oh, see? Turn around.”
“I feel like I’ve gotten taller again lately. These robes might even end up being too small for me.”
“Do I look okay? Nothing’s out of place? It’s fine if I appear in front of the Young Master like this, right..? ...Oi, are you even listening to me?”
“Stop with that mumbling. If you want to say something then say it loud and clear!!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “The Young Master’s ideas are so grand. Sometimes, I can’t even begin to understand them. That’s why I admire him so much.”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Sebek’s birthday event (Mar 15 - Mar 21, 2021).
Login on Birthday “Human, have you come to give me a birthday present? I see... Thank you! I was just giving the Young Master my gratitude earlier as well. I am the luckiest man at this school!”
Unlock Card “No matter if it’s my birthday, I’m not going to abandon my duties as a guard or stop being vigilant!”
“I-I never thought I’d be able to receive a birthday blessing from the Young Master... How lucky am I!!”
Groovy “Despite being a human, you’re celebrating to make me happy... I’ve improved my opinion of you, just a little. J-Just a little!”
Home Setting “Alright! I think I can still perfectly carry out my guard duties in this outfit.”
Home Transitions “This cutlery and tableware is placed in the wrong order. Did you not know I’m left-handed? You didn’t do enough research beforehand!”
“Lilia told me that ‘a sound soul lives in a trained body.’ I must not forgo my training, even on my birthday.”
“My magic manifested at a late age. When I was little, I always wanted to be like my older brother and sister, who could magically light the candles on a cake.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’ve gone hungry all day to get ready for this party. I only had three servings for lunch!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I-I lost again... This may be a party game, but I can’t stand to keep losing to the likes of a human! One more round!”
Home Taps “Azul told me ‘I heard you liked Magical Analysis’ and gave me a rare book on it... but I feel like he wants something big in return.”
“Riddle gave me a special horseback riding lesson. You don’t often get a chance like that. I’ll remember it as a fond birthday memory.”
“Silver, that bastard! He gave me dumbbells as a gift! That can’t mean anything but him thinking my training isn’t enough!”
“Epel gave me a fruit carving of the Young Master. It’s an incredible piece of work... but there’s no way I could bring myself to eat it!”
“I-I hear an explosion!? What’s happening!? ...Oh, you’re popping party poppers? It’s so loud! You know you’re bothering the people around you!!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Here, I went and got you ten plates of food. ...You’re good with just one? Heh! I know you’re a human, but you eat so little.”
Duo Magic Sebek: “Let me thank you for your blessings, Cater!!!” Cater: “HBD, Sebek-kins~!”
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Tutorial “Follow me, human! Make sure you commit the grand sight of the Young Master to memory.”
Lv Up “Did you see that!? Look at the progress I made!”
“I’ll be able to take even more action now with this!”
“Mm. Not bad.”
Max Lv Up “Maybe now I’ve turned into a man who can gain just a little of the Young Master’s approval. ...No, I shouldn’t act conceited. I need to get rid of these thoughts and focus on keeping myself devoted. Let’s go!”
Episode Lv Up “I always viewed you as nothing but a meager human, and yet you’ve become someone I rely on so much... You’re just always surprising me.”
Magic Lv Up “This power...! Young Master! Did you see that just now!? Wait... He’s not here. Kgh. That must mean this still isn’t enough...!”
Limit Break “I need to get even bigger, smarter, and stronger to be a proper servant for the Young Master!”
Groovy “I’m feeling happy and energized! This really does feel nice. Make sure you never forget all this success I’ve made!”
Lesson Select “Human! I decided to take a class with you today. Which one do you want? Hurry up and pick.”
“What? You look so nervous. Isn’t the point of classes you’re weak in to be a challenge for you?”
“Master Lilia taught me that your classes are just another part of your training. I’m not going to slack off in any of my subjects.”
Lesson Start “Let’s give today our all!”
Lesson End “Knowledge enriches the body and soul! Let’s work hard next time too!”
Battle Start “I’ll swallow you whole!”
Battle End “This win is for our king!”
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Profile Quote “Don’t even think that you can come close to the great Lord Malleus Draconia, lowly human!”
January 2020 Trailer “Are you a new student too? Take utmost care not to be rude to the Young Master.”
Countdown Poster “Meager humans ought to bow down before the Young Master.”
Login Bonus “Hmph! You’re pretty capable for a human. But I don’t go a single day without training myself.”
Player Birthday Wish “What are you doing here? On your birthday, you’re supposed to eat your favorite food, sing, and celebrate. You didn’t even know that…? Very well, then. I’ll teach you how to spend your birthday the right way!”
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Magic History
Good ★
“Come at me anytime!”
“I’m... not tired!”
“Humans are so shallow.”
“I learned a lot from this.”
“The Young Master is even more incredible.”
“Cat! Shut up!”
“Serve the king.”
“The Young Master will make history.”
“Silver’s asleep?”
Great ★★
“I want to get closer to the Young Master.”
“Piece of cake!”
Perfect ★★★
“I have no business with weaklings.”
“Don’t make light of me, human.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“My answer is this!”
“How old is the Headmaster...?”
“I won’t let you disturb me!”
Good ★
“It’s a beautiful morning.”
“I’m not letting Silver win.”
“I’m not scared of getting hurt.”
“I can’t turn smoothly.”
“Trust me on my speed!”
“My stomach growled.”
“I respect our coach’s stamina.”
“Take control of your problems...”
“I’m going to master this.”
Great ★★
“Oh...! Young Master!”
“I feel like jumping for joy!”
“I’m never off my guard.”
Perfect ★★★
“No one can catch up to me!”
“All right!”
“You want to challenge me?”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Headmaster, what do you need?”
“Don’t stand where I’m about to go!”
“Everyone’s so slow!”
Good ★
“You’ve looked miserable all morning.”
“I’m keeping an eye on Master Lilia.”
“I’m very adept.”
“Let’s do this!”
“Immortality, huh...?”
“Did I get ahead of Silver?”
“That’s a gross color...”
“I’m hungry...”
“I’m not a dog!”
“Did you read the footnotes?”
“I see.”
“Humans are so greedy.”
“Gold isn’t going to satisfy me.”
“This jewel would suit the Young Master.”
“Be quiet and take your lesson!”
Great ★★
“There’s nothing I can’t eat.”
“Please praise me!”
“You think I could fail at this level?”
“Hmph. Piece of cake.”
“Gape at the power of the Valley of Thorns!”
Perfect ★★★
“Young Master, please accept this.”
“No trouble at all.”
“This is probably how the Young Master would do it.”
“What do you think? Perfect, huh?”
“You still can’t do it?”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Stay cool... and composed.”
“No one could outshine the Young Master.”
“Hm? He’s watching me.”
“I’ll get grades that won’t tarnish our dorm’s name!”
“A perfect brew.”
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This Is The Hardest Thing - 3
Synopsis: A exchange student from the US in enrolled into UA when her father has to move to help with the increased crime rates in Japan. The final year of high school is a lot to handle, adding on top the class of 3-A and the trouble they get into will make for a wild ride.
Triggers: eating disorder mention, swearing
A/N: I have figured out who I’m going to make her get together with eventually, hehehe
Tags: @aizawascumslut @whats-her-quirk
There was a chill in the air. The crescent moon was long and thin, scooping upwards as if to carry the rest of its’ weight up as it rose in the dark sky. The white light reflecting off was scarce, and it seemed as though it would crack in two at any moment, a black egg leaking into the sky. A Hero was on patrol.
He was scouting for a broker that went by the name Giran. A black market salesman who had gone into hiding after the first public fight the League of Villains had thrown themselves into. He’d barely made it out alive then, but his connections were still strong.
Endeavor had gotten intel from a hero with a bird’s eye view on the city that he’d spotted Giran multiple times a month in this exact park. Soil was tasked with doing a reconnaissance mission. He’d been in the park every night for the past week and this was the start of the second. Giran was not spotted any of those evenings, however tonight felt different.
For three hours, Soil had been sitting underneath a tree in the center of the park, bare feet buried in the ground, palms pressing flat against the soft grass. He was feeling for vibrations, disregarding everything that was not human or did not have two feet. This was work he could’ve done in his sleep. He let his mind wander. He thought about his daughter who would’ve had her first day of the new school. Then he frowned, realizing he never got any kind of message from her. His large, muscular back leant against the solid tree trunk and it’s dense hum calmed his worry.
She’s alright, he reminded himself. Rei had basically been taking care of herself since her mom left and he was always on duty. He could feel birds rustling about in their nest above his head before settling down again.
It was around 2:00 am when Soil first noticed something strange. Dull thuds of footsteps began to tickle his toes. They came in waves, left foot, right foot, tap-tap-tapping along the soles of his feet and up into his palms. He sunk his hands under the ground to find out more. Moderate height, neither over-nor-underweight. The right foot was slapping against the grass as though it was a wet fish. The injury that had left him almost captured. It was Giran.
“Alrighty then,” Soil sighed as he pushed himself up to standing. He focused on the direction Giran was walking in, where the footsteps were coming from, and started making his way there quietly. Soil’s quirk let him become one with the earth. His pursuit was silent, efficient, and he found himself trailing a few meters behind the perpetrator within minutes.
Giran was shuffling at a fast pace. His right foot slapped against the dirt road of the park as he made his way to an underground pass that would lead to the street. His purple suit that was usually neatly pressed looked a little worse for wear, and he fumbled in his left pocket for his pack of cigarettes and a lighter in the shape of a small gun. He stopped at the entrance of the tunnel to place one in his lips but before he could start a flame, he found himself encased in dirt and pressed against the damp cement wall.
The black soil was packed densely around Giran’s entire body, leaving only his head and neck to show. The cigarette dangled on his bottom lip, and he shut his mouth to keep it from falling. He couldn’t afford to waste any. His eyes were wide and on alert, darting around. Without his hand, he wouldn’t be able to use his quirk and get away.
Soil walked out of the shadows, striding up in front of the trapped man. His arms, thick as tree trunks, crossed in front of a broad chest. Caramel coloured skin took on a darker shade under the solitary lamp outside the entrance of the tunnel. Giran’s eyebrows shot up, a smile started tugging at the corners of his chapped lips.
“Soil, wow, long time no see. What’s it been? Twenty years?” Giran mused, the cigarette now in the corner of his mouth. His stained teeth glinted yellow, a dark gap where the one was missing was as empty as his words. “You’re looking good. Older. But good. I thought you were in America.”
“Giran,” Soil greeted, towering over the man, taking the now limp cigarette from his lips and throwing it to the ground. Giran’s face fell as his eyes followed the cast away butt. One of the few things in life he was still able to enjoy. “Those things’ll kill you.”
“I’ve survived worse.”
“So I see.”
The two stared at each other in the dark, tensions high. Giran was running through scenarios of escape in his mind, gears turning furiously. He knew this day would come when he would finally be locked away for good. He’d crossed too many lines. He was a villain through and through, but the black market is different that the crowd he’d gotten into bed with a mere three years prior. Soil’s eyes darkened as he took in the man’s weakened form.
“I have a message you need to deliver to Shigaraki.” Giran’s eyebrows raised up once more, a smile wanting to take over his face.
“Oh?” This meant he would not be taken tonight.
“Tell him I’m here and I’m waiting.” Soil took a few steps backwards as the dirt covering Giran’s body started to crumble away, making him fall to the floor. His right foot unsteady in holding him up. “He can’t hide in the shadows again, not anymore. Not while I’m here searching and can feel everything.”
“Uh, sure. I’ll tell him.” Giran was dusting off some of the dirt from his suit. His eyes never left Soil’s face, searching for something, any other information. Shigaraki would not take this threat well.
Soil watched as Giran limped as fast as he could to the other end of the tunnel, not taking his gaze off the man until he rounded a corner at the end. He took out his phone from his utility belt and click Endeavor’s speed dial. The number 1 Hero answered immediately. He hadn’t been asleep, he no longer could.
“I found him.” Soil’s eyes glazed over as he was following the man’s footsteps through the ground, imprinting the path to memory. “I estimate we have a week.”
The morning sun was pale through the translucent curtains. It filtered into your bedroom, casting shadows all over. The night had been rough. Combining rage along with jet lag was the worst catalyst of poor sleep and nightmares. You checked the phone that was charging next to you: 6:30 am and no new notifications. Cursing yourself, you forgot to connect to wifi. There was no will to do it now however. No one from your old home would be messaging you and you could hold off talking to your dad for a little while longer.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you caught the your reflection in the mirror attached to the closet. Messy hair, bags under your eyes, the tops of your thighs rubbed each other as you stood. Then, you did something you hadn’t done in years. You reached behind with your hands and grabbed the back of your thighs, pulling it tight. You sighed, closing your eyes and letting the skin go. A nagging feel crawled its way under your skin and into your bones.
When you came down the stairs, there was a collective of groans and tired eyes. The smell of coffee clung to the air and a few people were scrambling eggs. You were dressed in gym clothes. Running shorts sat snugly on your hips, showing off toned thighs, and you had an oversized t-shirt on over a sports bra. Everything was black. This was one of the few moments where you wore sneakers to work out in. Your school uniform was neatly rolled up in the backpack you were carrying, tight against your back.
“Good morning,” you greeted with a wave and a smile, this mornings mood plastered over like drywall covering a hole. Jirou and Kaminari lifted their heads resting on their hands sluggishly. Your small altercation with Bakugou from last night must’ve actually woken everyone up as Todoroki said.
“So tired.” They groaned at the same time. You smiled apologetically. You caught Shoto’s eye. He had a cup of coffee, iced and with a straw, in his one hand and he was reading a book at the table, and he just sent you a small nod before his eyes drifted back to the pages.
“Breakfast?” Momo called from the stove top. She had the frying pan hovering over a few plates, toast sprung up next to her; crispy, brown and inviting.
“Oh, no thanks! I’ll get some later, after my run.” You straightened the waistband of your shorts before heading to the door of the shared accommodation. It opened right as you stood in front of it, swinging centimeters in front of your face and Bakugou almost walked into you.
“Oi, watch where you’re fucking going.” He stated, glaring down at you. His hair was sweaty and plastered to his forehead. It seemed like the both of you had the same idea, only he did it first.
“Whatever,” you dismissed, stepping around him quickly and running off. Your temper from last night had simmered down.
His voice rang in your head, the implications behind the words loud like sirens. So you took off at a hard pace, your stiff muscles creaking. You had stretched in your bedroom before leaving the house, but the quick movement was still a shock. You shook your head to get the statement out of your mind. You would not allow yourself to fall back into that trap.
“My body is perfect the way it is.” You repeated to yourself, a mantra you picked up three years ago at 15, when you’d realized just how bad of a state you had let yourself fall into. You picked up the pace, heading around the house and toward the high sandstone coloured walls of the school, imagining the pounding of your steps pound the insult out of your body.
It was an hour later when you decided you were finally done. Your legs were shaky from the overexertion so early in the morning and you made your way to the changing rooms of the sports field and gym of yesterday. You didn’t want to bump into anyone back in the house, not before they all had some coffee and got into higher spirits. You were sure that the spat you and Bakugou had would be what they wanted to talk about.
Sweat-free and dressed, you were walking up the stairs to the third floor, ready to start your second day. There was around 20 minutes before homeroom so you took your time, your legs were still recovering from the brutal morning jog and your stomach panged of hunger. Heavy. I’m beautiful.
It was while you were deep in thought trying to remember when exactly was the last time you ate, that you walked right into something. Or someone.
“Oof,” you banged into someone’s forehead, stumbling backwards a little. A hand shot out to your right shoulder to steady you. “Sorry, are you okay?” You pressed your palm to the sore spot, wincing and looking to see how the other person fared. He was lightly tapping a few fingers to his own forehead, but his eye’s were watching you, amused, even though his mouth was a hard line. His hand moved up to run through his hair. It was a thick mess of purple, standing upright as if they were flames. The weight of his left hand was heavy on you, as if pinning you in place.
“It’s alright…” He trailed off, lilac iris’s scanning your face. He was slouched over, his posture making it so that you were eye level. “Have I met you before?” The scowl turned into a lazy grin as you blushed. His gaze was penetrating, like a spear smashing through a shield with precision.
“I transferred here yesterday.” Your fingertips moved to curl around a lock of hair instinctively. He had the faintest dark circles underneath his eyes and you briefly wondered if a bad nights sleep was the norm around here. His hand was burning a hole through your clothes, body heat radiating into your shoulder.
“Thought so. I would’ve remembered you.” His voice was low, gruff and sent shivers down your spine. The hand that steadied you dusted off some lint on your shoulder before putting it into his pants pocket and straightening up to his full height. “Hitoshi Shinsou, Hero course 3-B.” He seemed familiar, and yet you could not place him anywhere.
“Nice to meet you,” You were about to introduce yourself when over his shoulder you could see a certain spiky duo walking on the other side of the hallway. Your smile fell when Bakugou’s stare caught your eyes. The permanent frown was plastered on his face, cheeks puffed out with a pout and he turned into the classroom. Hitoshi turned his head to follow your gaze and rolled his eyes. Kirishima waved at you just before he followed behind.
“You in the hero course too?” He asked, eyebrow raised as he connected the dots. “Figures they get the luck of studying with you. Oh well, I’ll see you around,” He adjusted the strap of his backpack before giving you a smirk.
You lifted your hand to say bye as he passed by you and into the class room that was right next door. His voice still reverberated in your ears, warmth spreading down your spine.
When you entered your own class, you were shocked by how full it already was. Everyone seemed to be in a better mood even though their eyes were still tired. Mina waved at you with a smile, shouting out a good morning. It was upsetting that she sat on the opposite end of the classroom. You beamed back, welcoming the positive energy with wide arms. Until you saw your empty desk right in front of Bakugou.
You groaned inwardly but walked up to it anyway. Jesus fucking All Might Christ, you’re not a child, you chided yourself. Your dad would be furious to know that you were thinking of avoiding someone instead of making amends. Before you sat down, you pulled your skirt a little lower to cover some more of your thigh. Even though he was completely ignoring you, his words echoed in the back of your mind. You felt hollow inside.
As if reading your mind, a protein bar slid onto your table, plain vanilla. You looked up the see Todoroki standing there, tie neatly done up and the smallest smile you had ever seen on his lips. You remembered the fact that he was there last night, and in the morning when you refused breakfast. The realization that he had noticed just the smallest detail like that fueled the hunger you were suppressing.
“You skipped breakfast.” He stated, before turning around to walk back to his seat. You heard Bakugou shift his chair but you ignored the urge to turn around and look.
“Thanks,” you called after him, holding it up to see you opening it.
It took you less than a minute to devour the sweet tasting bar. You bit your lip to hold in a moan, earning a strange sideways look from Jirou that was sitting to your right. Why the fuck did you let that stupid word get in the way of the happiness that food provides? You smoothed the empty wrapper on your desk to take a look at the branding (endorsed by Mount Lady) and the nutrition contents, before crumbling it in your fist and stuffing it in the backpack under your chair.
Aizawa slid into the classroom, the exact same time that the bell rang, looking worse than everyone in the class inside his zipped up yellow sleeping bag. When he was in his usual spot in the corner, he started roll-call.
First up was a mathematic’s class and you tried to pay as much attention as possible. Tried. Your Japanese was not the best, so if you stopped listening, it was hard for you to catch back up again. Ectoplasm was leading everyone through the first chapter and you felt your gaze wander left and over to the window, your chin on the palm of your hand as your head turned to see the bright blue afternoon sky clash with the green of the forest in the distance. It made you wonder how your father was doing, how their search was coming along.
Ectoplasm suddenly split in two, causing your attention to snap back to him. Momo raised her hand up alarmingly fast, beating out Iida to answer the question by half a second. You slumped down in your chair, back scraping against the wood. Fuck, you thought.
It was that awkward few minutes between teachers switching classes when you found yourself thinking about Shinsou. If you concentrated hard enough, you swore you could still feel the weight of his hand on your shoulder. You could still see the way his eyes seemed tired, yet stared intently in your own. Absentmindedly, you let your head lean back on the top of your chair as you slouched down. The phone in your pocket bouncing against the chair when you moved, reminding you of the fact that you still haven’t checked it. So, you pulled it out and connected to the wifi.
The notifications rolled in, most from your dad, a few from your mom, both were just checking in on you. A couple missed calls, you made a note to call back your dad during lunch with someones phone. There were empty comments of ‘enjoy your new adventure’ from your old classmates underneath the last image posted on social media.  You let out an exhale and closed your eyes, phone slipping back in your skirt pocket.
You brought your hands up to ruffle your hair at the crown of your head and you all of a sudden bounced up. The seat rattled with force as someone had kicked the bottom of it. Your ass lifted off and fell back down with a hard thud, your heart jumped into your throat. Bewildered, your fingers tips gripped the edge of the chair and you pushed yourself to sit upright, body turning to look at the blonde boy behind you. He was smiling. The kind that knew he’d almost given you a heart attack and relished in it.
“Your shitty hair was on my desk.” Bakugou’s eyes were mischievous, like a little boy that had secretly opened his presents too early. You shut your open mouth and tried to get your shock under control.
“You could’ve just asked me to move.” You retorted, tucking your hair over your shoulders before turning back to the front as Present Mic stepped into the room for the English lesson. You felt your fingertips tingle as last night flashed through your brain. The hum of your quirk revved it’s motors and you gritted your teeth against the feeling.
“Well, we’ve got unfinished business so talking to you first is not a priority of mine.”
You turned your head to look back at him over your shoulder. Involuntarily, you scanned the way his desk was laid out; the colour of his pencil, what hand they rested in, notebook angled slightly to the left. “We’re talking now, Bakugou.” You pointed out. His curse died in his throat when Mic called to everyone, starting the class effectively and shutting down any kind of fight that might start between the two of you.
This was a class you could relax in. Listening to Present Mic speaking English left you a little homesick, he had the same accent your father had when he would go on one of his rants at the end of the day. Bakugou’s ‘unfinished business’ statement echoed in your head. He was right, and if he thought you would back down from the challenge, then he was to be sorely surprised.
You pictured his desk, eyes glazing over as you stared at a blank spot on the chalkboard in front, hands pressing onto the top of your own. The vibrations you could feel was from your dad’s quirk, but this visualization when your feet were blocked off was from your mother’s.
Bakugou shouted from behind you as his notebook shifted, almost falling off the edge of the desk. Present Mic called him out, asking if everything was fine, confusion on his face as he regarded the hot-tempered student.
“Fingers slipped, damn it.” He snapped. Mic nodded and turned back around to write on the board.
Bakugou didn’t know what happened. He had a feeling it was you, but you didn’t move a muscle, where as last night you had used your hands to move the objects. So, he chalked it up to his sweaty palms losing grip and pushing the book involuntarily.
The rush of relief that spread through your body almost made you giddy. You felt as though you were a dam of unused energy, the water barely trickling through and you wanted more. The rational part of you reminded you that you couldn’t do anything obvious to mess with Bakugou, but oh the temptation was like a wildfire.
Now that you didn’t know exactly how the book was placed on the desk, you couldn’t move it again and you didn’t want to look back. So you began doing smaller things, playing with his psyche. The eraser he had placed at the top of his desk, was suddenly on the right edge. The zip of his pencil case that was closed, seemed to be open when he looked again. Each time your quirk activated, it was as though you were a starving dog being fed A-grade steak. The hunger of doing more increased, it wanted to be satiated.
Halfway through the lesson, your body decided to act on it’s own, succumbing to the itch. The pencil in his hand began to move. It was so strong that his fingers just followed along with it. Bakugou’s eyebrows shot up, looking at what was being etched into his notebook, overlapping the neat words he’d written down to study later.
It started with two circles, then a long line moving away before curving right back down. A dick was staring back at him as he fumed. It definitely was you this time. His grip around the pencil tightened, and you felt it vibrate through your fingertips, before it snapped in half, breaking the connection, effectively snapping you out of your trance.
Oh shit. Was the last thing that went through your mind, and you turned around to face him when a palm flew out and nicked your chin, catching you off guard and pushing you off your chair.
Thanks for reading!
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silvia7272 · 4 years
3 ~ First Meetings Aren’t Normal Part 2
Well, here's another one folks. Also, I might struggle with original Akuma motives, designs and powers, feel free to suggest ideas to me. Also, if you have any character drawing requests for me please tell me and I may consider it if I have time. This is probably my longest chapter yet. And I really hope you like my OC’s. If there's any other type of information you want, I’ll try to provide it.
Word Count: 4266
Tags: @queenmj10​ @fangirl39​
“Marinette are you ok? You look slightly pale” Sabine mentioned but Marinette just ignored it.
“What is she doing here?” Confused by her daughter's random outburst, blinked.
“Rosina had wished to speak with you about something, and she seemed so friendly, so I offered her some new types of macarons. She is such a sweetheart” Sabine pinched her cheeks lightly while Rosina blushed from embarrassment.
“I’m sorry for seeming to barge into your home Marinette, but my Aunt wanted me to talk to you.” The bluenette stared at her. No way was she a fighter, without a Miraculous there's no way they could fight any enemy, Akuma or not. She hoped she wouldn’t intervene in any of the battles. With Chat as he was, she didn’t want someone else to goof off.
“Ok, Maman I’m going upstairs, we err have some… Stuff to sort out” Her Maman looked so happy at the news.
“Oh, I’m so happy you’ve made a friend you can truly trust Marinette.”
“Huh? But I thought-” Marinette grabbed her collar before dragging her off.
“Ahh wait. Thanks, Mrs Sabine, I love the macaroons I’ll be sure to take some to gooooooo~” Sabine giggled before taking care of the next customer who just came in at that moment.
‘Master Fū why didn’t you tell what to do?’
“Wow, your room is so cool, there are so many materials around here. -Gasp- you have cotton, ah, so soft to the touch” She continued to ramble on about anything within her room. But Marinette still wasn’t pleased.
“What exactly are you doing here?” Rosina paused, turning around with a confused look.
“Complimenting your room?” She answered hesitantly.
“No not that I mean here in Paris. Why are you and your Aunt here?” She questioned further.
“Didn’t Aunty tell you? Aw man, long explanations really aren’t my thing” Crossing her arms and looking in deep thought, a realisation came to Marinette.
“You know my identity, don’t you?” She knew already just wanted to clarify before her next statement.
“Y-Yeah, so-” She was interrupted.
“Are you going to try and become Ladybug? Are you and your Aunt going to take the Miraculous?” Rosina widened her eyes.
“No of course not, I would never even think of that”
“Then why are you here?” Marinette really didn’t trust this girl. Was she lying?
“W-Well Aunty said we’re here to assist the young heroes of Paris. And err yeah that’s it, Hehehe”
She was lying. She was so hiding something Marinette was determined to get to the bottom of it.
“Look if you're trying to get on my good side you can forget it. You won’t trick me like-” She stopped mid-sentence; she really didn’t want to think of that.
“I promise I’m not lying. Aunty researched everything, Mr Wáng once saved Aunty before so this is us repaying him, so that may help, right?” Marinette still narrowed her eyes at her.
“Then why now, this has been happening for a year now, why not before?” She flinched at her words, as if she were on the blink of finding the truth.
“We were… Preoccupied with other events” She looked down appearing to be nervous.
“Really? If you’re just going to lie to me forget it, I don’t need another Lila around me”
“Huh so you know she’s lying too, was that why you didn’t hang out with the class at lunch?” She paused.
Rosina knew Lila was lying?
“How did you-”
“She said she knew Mandarin but didn’t know what dă shì qīn, mà shì ài was, of course, she’s not multicultural, I doubt she’s even Italian, I mean I know Aunty researched the class but she wouldn’t miss something like that” The girl nodded her head in thought while Marinette stood there.
‘She knew? She knows she’s really lying. Can I really trust her?’ She thought until she spoke some words that seemed vaguely familiar.
“I’ll stand by you as well” No, nonono not those words, anything but those words. Please not like he said.
“S-Shut up. Stop lying to me”
“But I’m not-” Rosina tried to explain herself but to no avail.
“Get out of here, I never want to see you again”
“Akuma Alert!! Akuma Alert!!”
“I have to go”
Before the redhead could respond Marinette had already gone up to the balcony when the red Kwami came out.
“Marinette that was rude of you. She was only trying to help. I may not like Mrs Franchezca but that doesn’t mean Rosina is like her. And what if she had been Akumatized? Or even you, Marinette? You need to apologize afterwards” She fretted at the thought, she had just been tired of being backstabbed by the people she thought cared about her.
But maybe she wasn’t like them.
“Yeah Tikki. I’ll apologise and hopefully, I’ll hear her out. But for now…”
“Tikki! Spots On!”
“Well, M’Lady looks like our fates have crossed again.” Chat Noir was seen racing across the rooftops when he was following where the Akuma was going to be.
Ladybug was swinging her Yo-Yo after him, even if the previous events were still on her mind, she couldn’t let them distract her.
“Not now kitty, I have to finish this as soon as possible” The cat in question tilted his head in confusion.
“Aww M’Lady I can’t be that bad, can I? What's your reason for this quick evacuation?”
“Chat, please. I don’t want to talk about it” Naturally Chat wanted to pry, secrets shouldn’t be kept between both of them. He had told her time and again that if she trusted him there shouldn’t be anything he wouldn’t know.
As he was about to snoop, the sight in front, stopped him.
Someone was running along the rooftops!
With a fencing sword no less.
They nodded before rushing towards them. This wasn’t the first time one of the Parisians had tried to help out with an Akuma.
Kagami sure can prove to be a pain in the butt with the number of times she got caught up in the mess.
And don’t get them started on Alya.
They were just about to reach them… When suddenly.
She leapt off the building.
“H-Hey! What are you crazy!?” Ladybug leapt to catch them as Chat Noir continued to run along the buildings, his Lady could take care of that, until they turned around and whispered.
“Marinette” Her eyes widened; it was Rosina. How had she gotten here so fast, and how did she get a fencing sword, they don’t have a Miraculous?
She didn’t catch instead swinging away, before Chat could intervene a light surrounding her sword appeared and turned.
“What the!?” He exclaimed before it died down.
She was safely on the floor but with something moving around her finger.
“Hello, you two. Please inform me of the current plan” Her smile was bright but that didn’t matter to the 2 heroes. They noticed the thing on the girl's finger, but they needed one answer at a time.
“Who are you? And what are you doing here you could’ve got hurt!” She had to pretend she didn’t know her; she didn’t want Chat accusing her of more as well.
But before that happened there was a crash as more people ran away. The thing following the girl whirled around her before turning into a… Gravelling hook.
“Crisono Tassa is my name, I hope you’ll all take note of me” She winked before going off into battle using her newfound object, with Ladybug fuming ever so slightly.
“I knew she was going to come here, damnit, she can’t do anything without a Miraculous” Chat heard her, and he couldn’t keep his anger.
“What? You knew who she was and lied about it. M’Lady, that’s not fair, don’t you trust me?”
“Chat!? I do but first we-” He interrupted.
“You shouldn’t have lied to me how can I trust you if you won’t tell me everything, it's bad enough you deny my affections!” He pouted, waiting for his Lady to apologise like always.
“But I told you, I don’t love you Chat, you’re my frie-”
“But I want to be more than that! You just don’t see how we're meant to be, just because you can’t see it yet” He was annoyed, irritated even.
“Fine, it doesn’t matter because obviously, if you really don’t trust me, I’m leaving. You don’t need me anyway.”
“Chat? … Wait Chat!” Using his baton, he scurried off.
“No, wait!” Ladybug panicked, would she go after him to get some support or put the people first? She knew what she had to do and begrudgingly without her feline, went off to fight the Akuma alone.
But she wasn’t really alone.
Arriving on the battlefield held, an unexpected view.
The girl, Rosina, was battling the Akuma, and rather efficiently too.
“Wow, she’s actually handling herself out there. Maybe I was wrong” She looked on in amazement, this was the first time someone without a Miraculous or Akuma was fighting fiercely, dodging expertly…
Until she saw the Akuma, a giant being who grew after every minute, was about to swipe her feet from under her.
“I knew it was too good to be true” She was about to interfere, until…
That bright light again!? What was happening?
She was being protected, like Carapaces’ Shelter, except it was just a large square, with a circuit board design?
With the Akuma distracted she jumped onto its arm. She successfully dodged all attacks made by its other arm and raced up its arm looking around.
“She’s looking for the Akuma.” She realised before looking herself. In her Ladybug vision, she finally noticed it.
“Ros- I mean Crisono it’s the handkerchief look” Luckily the redhead acknowledged the Heroine's words and jumped into the air, making a bee-line for the object.
She caught it in her sword.
“She did it, she really did it.” She sooooooo owed Rosina an apology but that was incredible. No wonder Fū and Tikki knew they could handle themselves. The guy was back to normal as she gave the handkerchief to Ladybug.
But before she could congratulate the girl, a familiar reporter, and a reluctant brunette, beat her to it.
“Wow that was incredible, are you going to be a new permanent hero? Which Miraculous do you have, what's your name and where did you come from? Are you a new hero Ladybug came to get? Could you spare a few moments of your time to give me an interview?” The young reporter didn’t let the poor girl get a chance to speak before she put a finger to her lips.
“Please no more questions Alya, but I can say a few words to you. My name is Crisono Tassa and I don’t have a Miraculous.” The brunette gasped in surprise; how did she know her name? And how did she fight without a Miraculous?
“Ladybug and I may work separately, I’m not sure about what will happen in the future, but I guarantee to help out whenever, I wish to become a number to each and everyone here. So, I bid you adieu Alya, Lila.” It appeared she flew off, amazing the Parisians enough with a round of applause but with both girls confused about being a number.
What did that mean?
“No more evil-doing for you little Akuma” Her usual De-Evilising routine continues before she overhears her ex-best friends’ conversation.
“Wow, a new permanent hero, and she knows my name? My blog is going to get so many hits.” Alya exclaims gleefully.
“Well, of course, it was meant to be a secret but Crisono and I know each other personally. And I told her all about you and your blog. I can help get you an interview if you want?” The girl with glasses squeals with delight and hugs her.
“Oh, Lila you’re the best” Normally the bluenette girl would be irritated with what Lila said but it was somewhat true. She threw up her lucky charm, having to do it before using the Miraculous Ladybug.
What came down confused her. It was a DS.
“What!? What does this have to-?” She looked over it.
It had a game over screen, with the main menu, restart and quit button there. In the background, there was a redhead. She was still so confused. What was she meant to do, surely the battle had already finished what did she have to figure out? But then she saw it.
It had flashed along with the background character.
She knew what she had to do; it was clear to her.
‘Rosina, please don’t go too far’
“Miraculous Ladybug” She yelled, repairing everything in her path.
“Oh Ladybug, can you spare just a few for me please?” She couldn’t stop the smile spreading.
“Sorry, I gotta go I’m about to Detransform. Bugout” She Yo-Yoed away leaving the reporter denied of having two interviews that day.
‘C’mon c’mon where is she? I only have a few minutes left’ Running along the houses to search for the redhead was like finding a needle in a haystack.
“Wait I see her. Crisono wait!” She shouted and luckily for her she turned to look at the Heroine.
“Ladybug?” Her mask was off, but something felt different. She wasn’t smiling.
“I’m sorry, I’m really really sorry. You really can fight that was amazing. I- Are you ok?” Rosina was still looking down. Her arms hugging her tightly.
“I was lying to you Ladybug. We’re weren’t really here for Akuma’s, that was just extra, and I know I need to tell you, but Aunty said not to tell anyone yet. I feel as if I’ve betrayed you.” Solemn her gaze continued to the ground.
But Marinette wasn’t concerned with that, if she continued to feel bad then an Akuma would come.
“Wait, don’t feel bad. It doesn’t matter, your secrets are yours you don’t have to tell me until you want to. It doesn’t matter ok, just please stop being sad you’ll attract an Akuma?” Rosina widened her eyes, she had almost forgotten.
“Ahhh, I’m so sorry I forgot. Aw man, Auntie’s gonna kill me” Ladybug was able to laugh, so much had happened it was good to let it out.
Until she heard that familiar beeping sound.
And to make matters worse.
“Ladybug? Where are you? We need to talk”
‘Oh no, if he comes now, he’ll see me as Marinette. I’m doomed, I’m going to lose my Miraculous’ Ladybug panicked, while Rosina looked deep in thought.
“Ladybug I can help but you have to trust me.” A serious expression donned her face, surprising Ladybug.
“Huh? How?” Rosina touched something on her cloak.
“There's no time to explain, please” She extended her hand out to her.
‘Trust me’ She spoke with no words needed.
“Ok I trust you” she grabbed it.
“Priselio” She barely heard her before she had to shield her eyes.
And just as Chat peered into the alleyway…
There wasn’t anything there.
Ladybug had her eyes closed; she still didn’t have any idea what was going on.
“Hey, Marinette. You can open your eyes; this part is my favourite.” She hesitantly opened one eye. But her other one opened soon after.
In front of her, would be an experience she would never forget.
“Where are we?” Around her seemed to be a galaxy of some sorts. They were in a tunnel with stars surrounding them in a seemingly endless array of space.
“When we get there, I will explain more. Or at least try to” She wanted to ask further, but it looked like she was concentrating so she didn’t want to interrupt.
She looked at her hands, or rather her costume in fact. Shouldn’t she be De-Transformed by now?
“This place has no concept of time, it’s as if it doesn’t exist. That’s why you won’t De-Transform here unless you choose to. When we go back the amount of time you should’ve spent here would’ve passed… At least that’s what Aunty tells me” She assumed she saw her confused face and answered her question.
Marinette could feel a change in the air, and it seemed like Rosina noticed it as well. Soon it appeared they had arrived with Ladybug astonished at the view. It looked like a forest, but the sky was green, and the grass was blue. The trees were purple and the river running through was pink.
“Wow, this place would give me loads of inspiration for my drawings” Her eyes bored into everything she could see.
“Yeah, I still remember my first time seeing this place. Its where we train and battle against the Revenant”
“Revenant? What's that?” They sat crossed-legged towards each other. Tikki was there to hear it for herself after Rosina told her it would be best.
“It's like our version of an Akuma or Amok. There are these Trinkets that are spread around the country that I have to collect before they either awaken or worse crack”
“It doesn’t ring a bell for me. Do you have a picture of what one looks like?” Tikki questioned. Maybe it went by a different name?
“Well, actually it's all of this. Plus, this Trinket I have on my cloak, don’t worry I err purified it? Is that the correct word?” She muttered the last part before continuing.
“It is like an Akuma if I have to be honest, except when you touch it, you get transported into its world. I should take you one day. There are more things to fight though so Akuma’s are by far easier, at least if they’re like anything by today's standards.” Marinette shook her head quickly.
“But they shouldn’t be underestimated. You must always be vigilant whenever you go into a Revenant, one wrong move and you’re done. I doubt Aunty would ever let me tell Chat”
“What!? But Chat Noir is my partner, he could help us with this!”
“No! I mean, sorry for raising my voice but he wasn’t there today, why should I rely on him?” Her voice wasn’t accusatory, more confused and wanting to understand.
“But he… We”
“I understand that you two are partners Marinette, but I can only trust you today. And by what he’s shown me I doubt I could ever trust him by his immaturity.” She nodded to herself, a habit the girl was accustomed to.
“You’re, right” She lowered her head causing Rosina to worry.
“But hey that isn’t to say he isn’t a bad guy anyway; I don’t even know him” She was rambling now. Someone stop her.
“But… He is immature, and always thinks it's like a game to him. I’m always the one who has to carry the responsibility. He doesn’t realise how much I have to figure a plan out or it will all come tumbling down. He doesn’t comprehend the burden I carry if I might screw up one day. And with everything that’s been going on, I just don’t know how I’m going to handle it anymore” Rosina stopped. Mainly because she saw the tears rolling down the poor girl’s face.
“Marinette you’ll attract an Akuma please don’t be sad” Tikki commented, she hated seeing her cry.
“She won’t Tikki. Nothing from Paris could ever come here, I’ve tried it. We’re blocked out from there. And besides, I think it’s good if Marinette lets it all out. Never being able to express your emotions could make her have a breakdown in the future.”
She could cry and not have to worry about being Akumatized?
“Yeah of course, please Marinette it's not healthy for you to be like this. You need to let it-” She was stopped when arms flew around her neck. The poor girl was crying heavily in her arms. The redhead couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, had she really been holding all of this back. Whoever Hawkmoth is would get a serious beating when she finds out.
Tikki felt guilt rising in her at the sight of her holder. The inconvenience of being Ladybug and living in Paris meant never being able to be a normal teenaged girl. She too let out some tears and hugged the girl.
Rosina could only try and soothe her with gentle pats and a song.
Night had fallen.
The girls didn’t notice how long they had sat, talked, cried and laughed in that world before returning to the girl’s home.
Marinette was worried her Parents had checked up on her, but it appeared that hadn’t been the case.
“Thanks, Rosina, I really needed that, more than I thought I would.” She scratched her head before blushing. It felt like she had made an embarrassment of herself on the first day of meeting her. Rosina seemingly noticing waved her off.
“It's no sweat Marinette, I couldn’t imagine never being able to cry for a whole year. I always stub my toe on something.” Both girls giggled again before the silence settled. Marinette scratched her head again.
“Hey so err, are we- we can- I mean can we be friends?” She was hopeful, but she also knew she shouldn’t be too hopeful.
But Rosina’s cheerful smile cleared her doubt away.
“You really want to be friends with me? Wow, this is such an honour. I would love nothing more than for you to be my first friend Marinette”
“First?” Rosina slightly grimaced.
“Because Aunty and I travel to different countries, I’ve never really been able to have any friends. I had to either study or train because of the, you know what. But I would love to be your friend Marinette” She grabbed her hand in glee.
“Now my first friend what activity do we do first? Painting nails? Popcorn and movies? -Gasps- Can we have sleepovers?” Marinette had to cover her mouth to stop the further questions that tried to fly out her mouth.
“I think it's getting late now and we’ve gotta go to school tomorrow, but we can do whatever you want tomorrow if you want. Unless if, you know what happens” She was the only one to laugh at that as Rosina looked on with a sheepish smile.
“Yeah, of course, you’re right. It's just that, the place we went. It needs to recharge and err that was where I live”
“So that means-” Marinette felt guilt ridding in her.
“I don’t have anywhere to stay” Rubbing her head she prepared for the voice of concern come out of her friend’s mouth.
“WHAT!?” That voice of concern didn’t come from Marinette. It came from the little hatch that entered the girl's room.
“Maman? Papa? What are you doing up here?” Without meaning to they ignored the daughter's wails of embarrassment to turn to the new guest.
“Oh, you sweet poor girl, where are your Parents? They shouldn’t leave you all alone in Paris, if you were attacked by an Akuma who knows what would happen?” She slightly winced but she knew they were just concerned.
“It's alright really. My Aunt just has a lot on her plate at the moment, she just accidentally took the key to our apartment. I know she didn’t mean to” Wow, if Marinette didn’t know the truth she would’ve brought that lie, she was good. Not like Lila because hers were actually convincing.
“But still, oh I know, you can please stay with us. You’ve been so kind and helpful towards Marinette it would be so nice for her to have a proper friend.” Marinette couldn’t believe her Mother’s words. She was so kind to even a stranger, it was commendable.
“Oh no I couldn’t possibly do that, Sir, Mlle that offer is so kind, but I’ll be fine”
“Nonsense, a friend of Marinette’s, is a friend of mine. I’ll just get some blankets for you” Tom, Rosina had to guess was Marinette’s Father, proclaimed and walked down the stairs while she shuffled from spot to spot.
“But I- you’re not going to let me deny are you?”
“No honey, now I’m sure Marinette has some spare pyjamas for you, you two look roughly the same size, now you two get changed and go to bed, I don’t want you both being late in the morning” She mainly aimed that at Marinette leaving her giggling.
“I’ll try not to Maman and thank you.”
“Yes, thank you, Mlle Sabine, I will help in the bakery whenever I can for allowing me to stay here.”
“Oh, sweetie you don’t have to. Although it would be nice to have some new company” She teased before walking down the stairs.
“So, err what just happened?” Confused they sat on the sofa Marinette had, the day's events exhausting the two.
“I think you just got adopted into my family” She answered honestly. It had never happened before, she was still in a state of shock.
There was much talk the next day at Dupont. Since they had all followed Alya’s blog plus Nadja’s official announcement on the topic, it had the whole of Paris talking.
‘Just who was she?’ That had been on everyone's mind.
However, that hadn’t been the most shocking thing that had happened.
When Rosina, the one they wanted to get to know after her compliment introduction, had walked with someone besides her. Laughing and chatting as if they had been long-time best friends.
It was Marinette, she had somehow tricked her to be her friend!
Crisono was the least of their worries at what they saw next.
Their arms were linked together.
Well, that’s it, I hope you’ve enjoyed their meeting, and I hope I’ve kept everyone as much in character as I can. Do you think I should add some more information for Rosina, or should I just state it in later chapters? Do you like the OC’s or do you dislike this idea? Also, I made a drawing of what Rosina would look like as Crisono. I hope you enjoy.
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Also, can anyone guess what the meaning of Crisono Tassa is?
What should my next chapter be? Chloé becoming friends or meeting Piper or something completely different?
125 notes · View notes
ofmulder · 5 years
Three Nights in Hell ch. 2 - The Second Night (AO3)
A/N: Posting this again because I accidentally deleted the original while adding navigation links heheh
tagging: @today-in-fic​, @purrykat​, @peacenik0​, @sarie-fairy​, @contrivedcoincidences6​, @suitablyaggrieved​, @improlificinsarcasm​, @wholeperson​
Read ch. 1 here!
Over breakfast, they decided they would start off by going to the Frye Estate and talking to Gerald Frye, see if they could get any new information out of him. Despite the four cups of coffee Mulder drank, he still asked her to drive, which was weird, he never did that. During the drive, he could barely keep his eyes open and kept dozing off, waking up every time his head fell to his chest. But, what she found the most weird, was that he seemed terrified every time he woke up, almost as if he was scared of falling asleep. Scully made a mental note to ask about it later.
The estate that belonged to the Frye family was immense, there were big iron gates that sealed the place. Before they were allowed into the property, they had to announce who their presence through an intercom and, as soon as they flashed their badges, the gates opened before them.
A single path led to the main house, it forked along the way, leading to other parts of the estate, but they followed a straight line towards the mansion where the Frye family lived. The whole route was surrounded by luscious conifer woods and Scully couldn't help but admire just how beautiful it all was.
They parked the car near the house, where there was a parking slot for guests of the house. Scully could see from the corner of her eyes that Mulder seemed more awake now, he'd been paying attention the whole way from the gates until they arrived at the mansion.
They followed the cobbled path that led from the parking space to the mansion that towered over them. The building was huge, the outside was of a light blue color and the ceilings were dark blue, almost gray. It looked like something out of a dream.
"This house is enormous," Scully commented.
"Yeah," Mulder agreed. He seemed to be far too tired to say any of his funny comments, but his eyes were alert and looking all over the place.
Scully knocked on the door, which was opened right away by a woman in her late 30s. Despite it being 10 a.m. she wore a full face of makeup and her long, dark hair was brushed and styled.
"You must be agents Mulder and Scully. My name is Vivienne Frye, please, come in." The woman motioned for them to come in.
"Thank you, Msr. Frye," Mulder said with a tired smile.
Scully followed them in and the Vivienne led them to a guest room. She took her time admiring the inside of the house which was impeccably clean and decorated in a classic style, which matched the outside of the house and the overall style of the traditional family that lived there.
They sat on one of the luscious couches of the living room and Scully felt like she was sitting on a cloud.
"I will call for my husband, he's still asleep," Vivienne told them with a preoccupied sigh. With those words, she left the room.
"Hey, Scully," Mulder called.
She looked at him.
"Don't you think it's weird that the wife is all ready and the husband is still asleep?"
"A little," Scully conceded, "maybe he just decided to sleep in today, or had a rough night."
He opened his mouth to say something, but, just as he did, Gerald Frye appeared on the door. Scully had to hold back a gasp of surprise that threatened to escape her lips. The man that stood there seemed to have been very attractive, but now, he was pale, his dark hair disheveled and his eyes deep. Clearly, he hadn't been sleeping well.
"Hello, Agents, I'm Gerald Frye," he greeted them, he sounded sleepy. "Please excuse the way I look today, I haven't been getting much sleep lately."
Scully gave him a sympathetic nod and watched as the man closed the door of the room and walked over to an armchair close to the sofa where they sat.
"So, I hear you are here to investigate the deaths of my two friends," Gerald said. "Rather untimely deaths, I must say."
"Yes, indeed," Mulder agreed.
"So your friends were healthy men?" Scully asked.
"Yes, none of them smoked, we all drank, but, besides that, there was nothing," Gerald said with a sigh. "This is a small town, you know, there's not much to stress about. Anthony came here to escape the stress of the city and Raymond grew up here, I knew both his parents."
"Did any of them ever mention having trouble sleeping? Sleep paralysis, nightmares?" Scully tried. She took note of the way his eyes widened when she mentioned the nightmares.
"Nightmares?" Gerald scoffed. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, both Anthony and Raymond died in their sleep," she explained, "also, their wives said that they had been having nightmares for three nights straights."
The man seemed to think about the information for a while. He looked around the room, as if searching for a wire or someone who wasn't supposed to be listening to that conversation.
"I… I've been having nightmares as well," he finally said. "I've been having them for two days now. When… it shows up, I feel like I can't breathe and then I get so cold."
There was silence in the room and Scully glanced over at Mulder to gauge his reaction. She found him even paler than before - as if that was even possible. He licked his dry lips and paid close attention to the words Gerald uttered.
"And what are those nightmares  about?" Muder asked.
Mulder felt his blood go cold as he heard Gerald describe the same nightmare he’d had the night before. The same demons, the same horns made out of tangled vien and wood and the same tortured faces he'd seen in his dream. One, now, he knew for sure why he'd seen Gerald there, much like his friends, the man sitting before them was going to die and Mulder was too.
He tried to calm his breathing and let Scully take over the interview. His mind was racing as he tried to figure out why he'd been cursed and, most importantly, how to break the curse.
"Their wives mentioned something about there being a witch that lives near your property," Scully said.
He saw Gerald's face turn into a scowl. "That, bitch, she is the one that caused all this, she hated us, Christian men. She hates this town and our culture, so she tried to corrupt our morals and values and kills those who stand against her."
Mulder could tell just how hard Scully was controlling herself to not lose her composure, he could see the corners of her lips trembling with rage.
"Well, given that you have an ongoing judicial dispute over her property, that makes me question the validity of your statement," Mulder chimed in, "it makes it seem that you have an ulterior motive."
"You're the ones with an ulterior motive! That land belongs to my family!" The man raised his voice, the veins on his forehead jumped. "You come into my house and disrespect me in such a way. If you are going to make false accusations and defend that who-- woman!"
"That should be enough information for us, Mr. Frye, thank you for your time," Scully said and stood up in a sharp movement, "We'll show ourselves out."
Mulder stood as well, but had himself since he felt a little dizzy from the sudden movement. Scully walked fast and he followed her out of the house and into the car.
He tried to convince himself that they didn't know for sure that it was a curse. Maybe Scully was right, maybe it wasn't a curse, maybe they all thought…
"Mulder?" she asked, her voice pulling him out of his reverie.
"Huh? What is it, Scully?" He answered.
"I said I want to talk to this witch, I need to know what all of this is about."
"Okay," Mulder said with a nod.
Scully found that Freya's property truly was close to the Frye's, the small fence that marked the area she owned was very close to the wall that surrounded Gerald's estate. The house Freya lived in seemed to be more of a hut and the vegetation that surrounded it was wild, it grew as it wished and it was beautiful in a chaotic kind of way.
Scully parked the car on the gravel path that led to the woman's house just before the fence and got out of the car, followed by Mulder, who seemed a bit reluctant to be there. She couldn't quite figure out why since he'd already been there the day before without her. She opened the gate of the fence and walked over to the door.
It took awhile for Freya to open the door after the first knock. A cat peaked from between the woman's legs and rubbed himself against her. The woman that stood before Scully looked like a fairy, she wore a long, white bohemian style dress which was a little dirty, her hair was long and red and a little messy and her skin was pale. Her eyes were of a deep shade of green and there was a hint of wisdom in her eyes.
Mulder was right, she did look a lot like a witch.
"Hello." The woman greeted them with a smile. Her voice was deep, it seemed to resonate with the forest around them. "I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon, agent Mulder."
"Hi, I'm agent Scully, Agent Mulder's partner," Scully introduced herself, "I insisted we come here again, I'd like to talk to you."
"Very well," Freya answered and walked inside the house, the door was left open as an invitation.
The inside of the house reflected the same kind of entropic energy as the forest outside did. It was cluttered and dusty, but cozy at the same time. Scully saw all kinds of books piled up, they were about mathematics and biology and herbs and, suddenly, she found herself admiring Freya without even knowing anything about her.
"Please, sit down," she motioned to an old couch and sat on a couch just across them.
The couch was old and the springs groaned under their weight.
"So, what brings you here, Agent Scully?" The woman asked and crossed her legs.
"I didn't get a chance to talk to you yesterday with my partner and today I had some questions of my own to ask you."
"Well, ask away, I might not have answers to all of them." She smiled.
Scully smiled back.
"What is your relationship to this town and the people who live here?" she began.
The smile that played on Freya's lips until that moment faded as she seemed to consider an answer to Scully's question.
"Do you know the history of this town, Agent Scully?”
“I’m a little familiar with it, yes,” Scully said with a nod.
“Well, then you must know that this town was colonized by men who ventured into lands that weren’t their own and stripped them,” the woman began, “My family’s bloodline is Welsh, we came to escape the witch hunt happening in Europe. This place, America, was marketed as a free land, still, we knew that we would be persecuted by the Christians here. That’s why my ancestors established themselves as healers.”
The woman paused and took a sip of her tea.
“For centuries, people have come to this house seeking help. Whether they want something for a cold or even something stronger,” Freya continued. “They accept me as part of the town they have to tolerate, but they don’t see me as anything but that.”
“I see…” Scully acknowledged. "And what is your relationship to Raymond Douglas, Anthony McCarthy and  Gerald Frye?"
Scully expected to get some sort of reaction from her, but Freya's face remained the same.
"People in town, they say they're good men, outstanding citizens," the woman scoffed, "They're not. I've lost count of how many times these men have brought me women to perform abortions on. Anthony and his secretaries, Raymond even brought a minor from his church once."
Scully watched as she spoke, her face remained calm, but there was hatred spilling on her words.
"Not three weeks ago, Vivienne Frye brought her pregnant daughter here for an abortion as well," she added. "And then they go around town and say that I'm a slave to the devil, that my practices are satanic when all I'm doing is help those women. Raymond spread rumours about me in his church, people from the town now hate me, some men spit at me when I walk past them. Anthony and Gerald tried to steal my land by suing me because they knew I wouldn't have the money to fight back in court."
While she didn't quite agree with Freya practicing healing arts without having a medical license, she understood her point and heard the pain in her voice. She was trying to do good, help women and the people from the town and being treated like shit by those who she was helping.
"Are you aware that Raymond Douglas and Anthony McCarthy are dead?" Scully asked.
"Yes, besides the talk of the town, your partner came here yesterday to inform me as well," the woman smiled, "He his awfully quiet today, isn't he? He was much more talkative yesterday when he came to talk to me."
Indeed Mulder was far too quiet, up to know she had thought he was letting her lead, but he hadn't even chimed in with a comment as he usually did. When she glanced over at him, Mulder was even more pale than he was before, he stared at Freya as if she was the devil. Even Scully found the way she was smiling slightly unsettling.
"Why do you think Tina McCarthy blames you for her husband's death?"
"Because they hate me, the whole town hates me," Freya scoffed, "If you ask me, he was rotten. Maybe he died because of that."
"Thank you very much, Freya," Scully said, ending the conversation.
"Sweet dreams, agent Mulder," Freya said with a wave as he followed Scully to the car.
Mulder felt his blood run cold in his veins, he knew he had been cursed. If he needed any more confirmation after hearing Gerald describing his dream, that was it. If Mulder didn't find a way to break it, he would die.
He entered the car and looked out the window. His pressure was dropping and he felt like he was going to be sick  from having to deal with the imminence of his own death.
"I think this woman is hiding something," Scully broke the silence after a couple minutes.
Mulder simply nodded in reply, keeping his eyes glued to the window.
"Mulder, are you okay?" Scully asked, clearly concerned. "You've been acting weird all day, you said nothing during the time we were at Freya's house and you look awful."
"Thank you for the kind words on my appearance," Mulder said with a chuckle. "I… I didn't sleep well, I had nightmares all night."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He thought about it for a second, not sure if he should talk to her about the curse, he wasn't sure if she was going to believe him or dismiss it completely, as if she was listening to a madman.
Scully looked away from the road for a second to glance at him, he saw concern in her eyes, but he needed to know what has happening for sure, he didn't want to alarm her.
"It was nothing," Mulder dismissed it. "I've always had trouble falling asleep, it was just harder last night."
"If you say so," she dropped the subject and the rest of the ride was silent.
Scully parked at the motel and said she was going to review the notes from case and compare the autopsy reports.
Mulder went to the city's library, where he spent the afternoon. He wrote down the symptoms he was having, and how he was feeling, so he could have a couple of pointers as he did his research. He read books about witchcraft, demons and curses, trying to see if he could find something that matched what he was experience.
The placed closed by 6 p.m, at which point Mulder checked out a couple of books he'd wanted to read and took them to his room to continue researching. He locked himself in there with his computer and the books and flipped through the pages. He was losing track of time and of himself as he drank coffee and made notes, until a soft knock on the door forced him out of his thoughts.
It was Scully there, carrying pizza and a bottle of coke.
"Hey." Her voice was soft and he stepped aside so she could enter the room. "How are you feeling?"
"Tired, but hungry." Mulder ran a hand through his hair and cleared the desk that was occupied with books and his laptop
"Good thing I ordered this pizza then,"  she said and placed the food on the table. "What's all this?"
Scully motioned to the mess that was now on the bed.
"I've been doing some research on curses to see if I can find anything that matches the description I got from Gerald," Mulder told her as he grabbed a slice of the pizza.
"Are you still trying to pursue that line of investigation, Mulder?" Scully sighed.
"Yes, I am." He was starting to lose his patience. "Let's not discuss this right now. We can talk about it after we're done with the food."
"Okay." She conceded.
As they ate, Mulder went over what had happened during the day and what he'd found. If he was really going to die then there was no r be keeping eason for him to keep lying to her about the reason he believed it was actually a curse. He just had to build up the courage to tell her.
"Okay," Scully said with a sigh after her third slice, "Let me help you with this, what have you found so far."
"I know you're only doing this so you can debunk my theories like you usually do," Mulder said in between bites.
"Maybe," Scully smiled and stood up. She walked towards the bed and reached for the notepad and pencil he'd been using. When she did that, the pencil fell off the bed and rolled beneath the bed.
She knelt on the floor to reach for it.
"Mulder, what the hell is this?" She suddenly stood. There was something in her hand.
Mulder stood and walked over to her, he inspected the small bundle on her hand. It was tied with a piece of twine and it was filled with something. The smell wafting from it was strong and he could see a couple of herbs spilling from it.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit…" Mulder muttered as he wafted through the books, searching for a specific page he'd read from earlier.
"Mulder, what is this?" she asked again.
"Look." He pointed to the page on the book he was reading. "This is a spell, an enabler kind, this is placed near the victim and anyone who comes into contact with it become vulnerable to spells and curses."
She dropped the bundle immediately on the floor, as if she had been burned.
"Freya," she whispered. Her eyes widened. "How did she get in here? How did she do this?"
"Scully," Mulder began, it was time to tell her, prove his theory was correct. "Last night, the nightmares I had… It was the same as Gerald described. I've been cursed, Scully. Freya cursed me just like she did the other men."
"Jesus Christ." Was all she managed.
"We need to go to the victim's houses to check if the spells are there," Mulder said.
"Mulder…" she said and licked her lips. "If what you're saying is true, then you're going to die, just like the other men."
She was shaking.
"I know," he said, there was a somber tone in his voice. "I saw their faces… Gerald is going to die as well."
"We need to find a way to break this curse, Mulder," she was frantic, stuttering.
"Scully, calm down." He said, "you can help me with research, but, first, we need to get rid of this."
"Okay, how do we do this?"
"I read in that book that we need to burn it and purify the room it was placed in by burning sage leaves." Mulder told her.
"Okay, let's burn this thing outside." She ran her hand through her hair.
They left the room and went into the woods, far enough from the hotel so it didn't seem suspicious and burned down the spell that was placed underneath Mulder's bed.
They walked back to the hotel in silence.
"I don't think we'll be able to find sage right now. So you'll sleep in my room tonight, Mulder." Scully told him. "Even if this is just a ploy to scare us, we know that someone managed to break into your room."
"Okay, that's probably a good idea." Mulder said with a nod, "we can see if they have an extra mattress available at the reception."
There were no mattresses available, which meant they would either have to share a bed or Mulder would have to sleep on the floor. They had gathered his things from his motel room and moved it to hers so they could continue the research and see if they could find anything else.
“Do you mind if I have a shower, Scully?” Mulder asked after they were done moving his stuff.
“Of course I don’t, Mulder,” she laughed, “make yourself at home.
Mulder entered the bathroom with his clothes and towel, leaving her alone with her thoughts.
Sharing a room - and maybe even a bed - with Mulder was subject to many of her late night fantasies, but never like this. Never with him being cursed and maybe about to die in two days. She was still mad at him because of their discussion and his stubbornness over the curse theory. But, as she thought about it, she had to admit it made sense.
If Mulder indeed had the nightmares he’d described and felt enough pain to make him wake up looking like that, that would explain why he was so scared of falling asleep during the car ride and why he was so tired during the day. All that she needed to see to be convinced of that theory was finding the same spells in the other victims’ houses.
But now, she had other problems to deal with, like finding the curse that was put on Mulder and… the door of the bathroom opened revealing Mulder and, oh, god, he was leaving the bathroom wearing nothing but grey sweatpants.
That was going to be one hell of a long night.
He sat next to her on the bed, the scent of his deodorant wafted from him and dared her to move closer, to make a move. But she didn’t, focusing instead on the books before her.
“Find anything yet?” he asked her.
“Nothing so far,” she said trying to sound calmer than she was.
“Well, I’m going to do some more research, but I’m really tired, so it won’t be long until I’m ready to call it a night,” Mulder said and yawned.
She nodded in reply and focused on the pages again. No matter how hard her libido was trying to take over, she had more important things to deal with, like finding a way to stop Mulder from dying.
Twenty minutes went by with nothing but the sound of turning pages breaking the silence between them. Scully was ready to put on her pajamas and go to bed when she found something.
“Hey, Mulder, look at this.” She was excited at the prospect of understanding exactly what was happening to Mulder. “The Three Nights in Hell curse, in which the caster sends a demon to haunt their enemy’s dreams.”
Mulder scooted closer to her to read from the book as well, she could feel his warmth radiating towards her.
‘Oh god…’ she thought as she felt a gush of wetness to her core.
The demon is sent to drain the vital force of the caster’s enemy during the night, leaving them weaker each night, until their death,  by the sunset of the fourth day. If cast on multiple victims during a short period of time, the demon becomes stronger by absorbing the victims’ energy and inflicts event more pain on them each night.
It is easy to see the effects of the curse, for the enemy will show signs of weakness and fatigue. Their skin will become paler and, by the third night, their heart will stop and their torment on your life will cease.
“Yes, this is it!” He exclaimed, “Now we only need to find a way to break it.”
“It says in this book that selenite crystals and burning sage is a good way to purify the body and aura and cleanse it, breaking the curse.”
“Yes, but this only works for smaller curses, I think this one might need something a little more elaborate since it’s a death curse,” Mulder told her, “We can try reversing the spell if Freya hasn’t put any safeguards, or we can try brute force. Either way, there’s nothing we can do about it now, let’s worry about this tomorrow.”
“Okay.” she nodded, there was a spark of hope inside her. “I’m going to get ready for bed.”
Scully grabbed her pajamas and toiletries and went to the bathroom. It was different to have the roles reversed. Usually, she was the one facing a grave danger and Mulder was the one to come out and save her. But now, not only Mulder was the one in danger, but her faith in science was being put to the test. She was desperately searching for something to believe in, even willing to discard her own beliefs to save him.
Scully left the bathroom and saw Mulder putting a couple of extra blankets on the floor, creating a makeshift bed for him to sleep in.
“Mulder what are you doing?” she asked with a sigh. “There is room for both of us in the bed. We are adults after all.”
“Why do I feel like all of this is just an elaborate plan to get in my pants?” Mulder joked.
Scully could feel herself blushing a little, “Come on, Mulder, get on the bed already.”
“Ooooh, bossy, just how I like it,” Mulder said with a laugh. He picked up his pillow from the floor and placed it on the bed. “Are you sure about this? I don’t want to cross a line here or make you uncomfortable.”
“Don’t worry about it, you need some proper rest,” she said with a smile and got under the covers.
She turned around so she had her back turned to him and heard the rustling of the cheap bed sheets as he did the same.
“Good night, Mulder,” she whispered and turned off the lights.
“Good night, Scully.”
It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, the feeling of his body next to hers made her feel safe and protected. The warmth emanating from him was comfortable.
Until his cold leg was pressing against her own and he sounded like he could no longer breathe.
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btsshenanigans · 5 years
You should tag all your mutuals as the BTS members! When you do, what made you say that they are most like the member?
Omg i have so many mutuals but I am shy and only speak to like half of them so If I don’t ever talk to them I’m not going to insert it here because I don’t know them *insert awkward laugh* so iF I AM YOUR MUTUAL AND WE NEVER SPEAK PLEASE TALK TO MEH SO I CAN GET TO KNOW YOU, YOU BOOTIFUL HOOMAN. also I might be really bad at this but who tf knows hehehe let’s have fun. 
@kookiephoria omg y’all, if Jimin was a girl it would be this lovely girl. She is literally so nice and so soft all of the time and is so freaking cute it makes me want to pinch her cheeks like ahiooahvosH. Literally shows me more love than I ask for like GORL thank you for giving me confidence boosts hehe. SUCH a Jimin, I stan
@emerson-moonchild this lovely gorl has so much Yoongi in her,,,,, just her personality is so freaking good and she says things sometimes that I’m just like woooooowww, that’s a great quality person. You also are one of those people who you show, like, affection and stuff, through your actions, if that makes any sense. uwu you are fabulous emerson don’t let others tell you otherwise
@gukgalore ehehehhehe Jungkook. This blog is pure gold (pun totally intended) and their personality is like so aesthetically nice, like it makes me feel all fluffy inside, if that makes sense aakgopgjpi. They sometimes sound like a meme and I am totally into it hehe. also their writing? Is? AMAZING? Like it’s a little Not Safe For Work sometimes but it deserves to be a New York Times Bestselller ngl.
@promisenight my favorite Shimmy Shoo, is literally hoseok 2.0 (YES I KNOW I SAID YOONGI BEFORE BUT I CHANGED MY MIND OKAY?) Shimmy is so fucking loud whenever I speak to her like literally we just scream back and forth and I love it so much!!!!!!!! Also she make me smile all the fricking fracking time and Hobi does that to everyone in existence sooooooo in other words she is an absolute sunshine uwu
@hoe4hobixo guys, Beth gives off such Jin vibes. Like whenever I talk to her I literally can feel the energy radiating off of her body it’s unavoidable. also the way she talks? It’s basically like “I’m a boss bitch move outta my way” and I am living for it. I love when they rant about shit too because they go OFFF
@another-star-you-fade-away I see a lot of Namjoon in you. I feel like they are always supporting me like 25/8???YesIKnowALotOfPeopleDoThisOkayHoldOnLetMeExplain. Like they are one of those people who I feel like they scroll through my blog when they are bored heohehgaug. They post really wholesome fluffy stuff and I see so much positivity from them and they get like shy when they are cute if that makes sense heheheheh ALSO YOUR NAME IS BEAUTIFUL HONEY 
@kittycarlo they are SOOOOOO Jimin. like cmon this gal here is so freaking adorable. Like they post such great stuff and are always shining this positive yellow light uwu I love them, I’m pretty sure they were my one of my first mutuals if I remember right so ily hehe
@rynnieunnie Y’ALL THIS IS MY HOMEGIRL AND I LOVE HER, but right here my friends is a pure-bred Jungkook 2.0. They are such a meme, and they have the BEST memes, like half of my memes are the ones they’ve sent to me ahgohhghaogheiph. And ooooofffffff can they make me laugh. They also have a really amazing heart and are super amazing and beautiful. Love u huney
@lilacparkjiminsmain and @lilac-park-jimin It took me a while to decide for them, but eventually my fried brain decided on Namjooooooonnnnn. hehe they are honestly such a peaceful soul and I can really trust them, and when I talk to them I feel nothing but good intentions, and for some reason I get like a protective energy???????? Like if I got a hater all of a sudden (lol) this gal would probably dropkick them to hell. ALSO ANOTHER AMAZING WRITER ALERT!!!!!!! I STAN TO INFINITY AND BEYOND. 
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blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 4
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bie-lovers · 5 years
21 questions
Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: I was tagged by @loveinthebones (thank you!) and this seemed like a fun thing!
Nicknames: Sof, Sophie (yh like the English pronunciation of my name?? bc in Danish it’s pronounced more like Soh-fee-uh), Miss Sophie (from that sketch Dinner for One which is shown every New Year’s Eve in Denmark and it’s great)
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 178 cm which is.... 5′’10 maybeee??
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw!
The last thing I googled: ‘seligman route 66′ .... spoiler alert but i’m writing a roadtrip fic hehehe (let’s just ignore how the thing before that is ‘tongue tied baby’)
Favorite musicians: Noooo this is difficult!! I usually don’t actually follow artists as much as I browse for songs that I like?? But I’ll say Lukas Graham is pretty often on my playlist right now after I was at a concert of his in February 
Some song stuck in my head: Like A Virgin by Madonna (don’t ask lmaoo)
Following: 473 (oh that’s a lot... lmao I didn’t actually know that)
Followers: Like.. in total or on this blog?? I have 213 on here and 700 something on my main (most of them are probably dead blogs by now though lol)
Do you get asks: It happens! And it always makes my day <3
Amount of sleep: Okay like normally I’d say probably like 5-6 hours but with the meds I’m taking now, I’m probably averaging a good 7-8 hours a night!! 
Lucky number: 1. It’s usually the number that goalkeepers have on their player uniform in handball so it’s always been “my” number as I’ve been a goalkeeper all my life
What you’re wearing: Black leggings with a big sweater because heck yeah comfort over looks 
Dream job: Either something where I can work with animals or a film director
Dream trip: Uff... Japan, Amsterdam, Vancouver, San Torino, New Zealand... I love travelling and I love to experience the difference in culture!! Take me anywhere pls lol
Instruments: NO. lmao, no but I am the least musically skilled person on this planet. I do like the piano though but heck if I know how to play it
Languages: Well, I’m fluent in Danish and English, and I can get by in German and technically I guess Norwegian and Swedish too (I don’t speak them but I can read and understand spoken Norwegian and Swedish - but that’s that Scandinavian thing xD) Also, I know a little bit of Spanish and I can read and understand it somewhat!
(Also, fun fact: I know nothing of Dutch but I can actually understand it alright if I read it??? I guess it’s because it kinda seems like a mishmash of German and English??? But spoken Dutch is a mystery to me lol)
Favorite songs: Looking at my music app, the song most often played at the moment is Not A Damn Thing Changed by Lukas Graham (I’ve linked to a live version because goddamn the way this guy sings his emotions... amazing)
Random fact:  a æ u å æ ø i æ å is actually a real sentence in a Danish dialect called sønderjysk and it consists entirely of vowels. If written in “actual Danish” it looks like this: Jeg er ude på en ø i en å. It translates to: I am out on an island in a stream
Aesthetic: Hmm okay I’ll try... coffee, sweaters, laughter, autumn, books, thunderstorms, daydreaming, puppies
Eh, not gonna tag 21 people but if you happen to see this and want to, please do it!!
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endlesshourglass · 6 years
20 Questions Tag
Just kidding I got tagged in 2 10 Questions tag games so I’m just going to do them together...
Thank you to the wonderful @micastarsandmirrors and @bronwyn-writes for the tags!
Answer the 10 (x2) questions - Make 10 new questions - Tag people!
1. Kindergarten AU! Pick one MC (main character) and tell us which they’d be: The kid who cries all the time, the kid who pinches the kid who cries all the time, the kid who hugs the kid who cries all the time, or the teacher who has a very very bad headache?
I’ll pick Trent and Blair from The Endless Hourglass! Trent would definitely be the kid who pinches the kid who cries all the time, while Blair would be the teacher who has a very very bad headache. 
2. Which of your characters had the most wholesome childhood?
Probably Jazz! Them and their dad are very close, and he is very supportive of them and everything they set out to accomplish! Who wouldn’t flourish on that unconditional love and support? 
3. If any of your characters were real, which one would you likely get along with the most?
Hmm thats a hard question because I have a LOT of OCs and a lot of them are lovely people. I’d have to say Jazz, Tomas, Sagan, Blair, and Ingrid. They are all either really sweet, really funny, really responsible (in a good, respectable way), or all of the above! 
4. When your villain/antihero was a child, what did they want to be when they grew up?
Prince Florien always wanted to be a great and powerful leader. His father puts a lot of pressure on him, you know. Imagine dealing with your parents, but for 100s of years... yikes. 
5. Do any of your OCs play instruments?
Yup! Adrien plays the drums, Ingrid plays the violin, Blair plays the piano, Michael plays the guitar, and Ella sings really well!
6. Who is the snarkiest character in your WIP?
I have to choose??? Eh probably Blue. That wasn’t as hard as I thought. 
7. Do you have any characters who you hope NOBODY EVER TRIES TO SHIP?
UH YEAH. Blue and Adrien (excuse me while I hurl), Michael and... anyone (love my aro boy), Ingrid and Hayden (ewewew). There are more, but those are the ones that would bother me the most.
8. Which of your OCs has a weird hidden talent?
Adrien can pick things up with feet, really well, kind of like a monkey. His toes are like mini fingers. It’s weird... the dude could be an acrobat or circus performer or something. 
9. How would your MC handle being around babies?
I’ll answer for all of them because thinking of this question made me laugh:
Jazz loves babies! They would coo at them and ask to hold them and probably start crying at how cute they are. Ella would be indifferent but would still ask to hold the baby, just to get them away from Jazz. 
Maddeleina doesn’t really care for babies. She would probably say “cute baby” and leave it at that. No fussing, no holding, nothing. 
Trent would try and steal its candy. Literally, he would steal candy from a baby. Blair would then scold him, apologize to the parents, and give the baby its candy back and then probably more candy. And if she happened to get to hold the baby or touch its tiny baby hand, then that would be an added bonus to making them smile!
10. Pick three of your characters and tell us what their battle cry would be.
Rhonda: FUCK YOU *stabs with a metal spike*
Adrien: *barely hurts someone* oh god I’m so sorry!!!!
Ella: take that *kicks someone into next week*
1. What would your MC’s favorite sitcom be?
I know that Jazz and Ella would love B99. 
2. How would your MC react to space travel?
Depends which one... Ella and Jazz know its a thing so they wouldn’t be all that impressed besides the usual “wooooaahh SPACE!” Maddeleina would be freaked out (because space is a thing?) but ALSO really excited because now there are even more places she can explore and travel to. Trent and Blair would probably think a Magician was pulling a trick on them somehow. Maybe someone who can make illusions? 
3. List three OCs and name their worst vice.
Trent: being an asshole to innocent people (and also greed)
Rhonda: bias, pride, and rage
Adrien: secrecy, inanity, intemperance 
4. Would any of your OCs cheat on their s/o?
I’d HOPE not. Jk Hayden probably would... if he actually ever got someone to like him. 
5. If you had to kill off one OC in a WIP, who would you choose?
6. If your MC could choose to live in any time period, what would it be?
Jazz would want to live in the 90s maybe. A but nostalgic for their young toddler years. Ella thinks the Renaissance was cool. 
7. Name a video game that an OC would love playing if they had exposure to existing video games.
Adrien would love games like Life is Strange. I could see Blue playing Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild and beating all 120 shrines (what nerd does that ahehehe...he..he ok me). 
8. How would your OC react to having to adapt a vegan diet?
Blue is a carnivore who only eats meat and drinks literal fire so... not so well. He would literally die. 
9. What’s your MC’s worst fear?
For Trent its dying, and the ever present, looming threat of our own immortality. Blair is afraid of being alone. Ella fears the unknown. Maddeleina fears failure. Jazz is terrified of spiders. 
10. Do you ship any romance that will never happen in your WIP?
Not really? Because honestly... if I ship something  I just make it canon. :D
Ok sorry that was a lot. But here’s MORE! Tagging: @no-url-ideas-tho @lady-redshield-writes @gettingitwrite @dantedevereaux @violet-clouds-and-skies @incandescent-creativity @spacebrick3 @tinydragonadventures @jaimistoryteller @hawksnbooks @lonelylibrary @cabaretofwords and anyone else who wants to do it! 
The questions are:
1. QUICK, your MC is on a sinking ship and there is one seat left in the life boat! Do they take the seat or sacrifice themselves?
2. What OC is most likely to pet every dog that they see?
3. Your MC can only eat one thing for the rest of their life. What is it?
4. Do you have any relationships in your WIP that you are afraid people won’t ship?
5. Choose 3 OCs and name their best quality.
6. What inspired the name of your MC? 
7. What OC would be most likely to randomly break into song?
8. How would your MC react to someone punching them?
9. Which OC(s) are your favorite?
10. If you could have coffee with any of your OCs, who would it be?
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cutepresea · 4 years
9-5 Valkyries’ Summer: Rebuild Form
Sorry again for the spam.  Going to sleep now so parts 6-9 will be up either tonight or in the morning. 10-15 aren’t available in the game yet, so those will be up on a later date.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #valkyries summer for just this event, or #xdu event scripts or #xdu scripts
Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Hibiki Tachibana: "Aaaaaawww!"
Miku Kohinata: "Hibiki, groaning isn't going to get your homework done."
Hibiki Tachibana: "But why do we have so much homework? It's summer!"
Miku Kohinata: "Well, because we're not in class and we have a lot of free time, right?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "I'm really busy with S.O.N.G. missions, though..."
Miku Kohinata: "You're busy with plenty of other things too, Hibiki, so it's not like that's an excuse."
Miku Kohinata: "I'll give you a hand, so for now, let's just focus on your homework, okay?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "But even with you helping me, my willpower just drains away when facing that mountain of homework I have..."
Miku Kohinata: "Oh, yeah. Apparently that aquarium we went to before got a giant new fish tank this summer."
Hibiki Tachibana: "For reals? I wanna see it!"
Miku Kohinata: "...Well, why don't we go together when you're done with your homework?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yeah! Some homework isn't going to stop us from going to the aquarium! That's the motivation I needed!"
Miku Kohinata: "Oh, Hibiki..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yes, Master! I'm ready to move out!"
Miku Kohinata: "...Again?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yeah. I'm heading out, Miku!"
Miku Kohinata: "Be careful. We'll finish your homework together when you get back."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Okay!"
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Hibiki Tachibana: "All right! We did it!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Shirabe-chan, Kirika-chan, I'm in a bit of a hurry, so can you report to HQ for me?!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "No problem, but what's the rush?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "I gotta hurry back and do my homework! Okay then, thanks a bunch!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "...And she's gone."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Hibiki-san... doing homework?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "It's definitely going to rain tomorrow, Kiri-chan."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Yeah, it's gonna rain flying pigs... We're going to need a real hefty umbrella!"
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Elfnein: "You've discovered a new relic fragment, right?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "We found it after a chaotic battle, so we couldn't determine if a Noise had dropped it. Could you check it?"
Maria: "That battle certainly was chaotic..."
Elfnein: "...There is no mistaking that this fragment came from the same relic as the last one."
Maria: "So that means there are still other Noise out there with fragments?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "What do you think, Elfnein-kun?"
Elfnein: "Yes, that is very likely the case."
Elfnein: "But, since the Noise themselves do not wield relics, I believe that they are under the relic's influence."
Maria: "The relic's influence? So it can have some kind of effect even though it's not a complete relic?"
Elfnein: "Although faint, I did detect some kind of energy signal when examining the relic fragment you gave me."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Could it be that the relic has been activated?"
Elfnein: "Although it should be impossible, this relic may be able to remain active even in a fragmented state."
Elfnein: "The mic unit built from your relic fragments activates via the power of music..."
Elfnein: "So I think that these fragments must also activate under certain conditions."
Maria: "If the relic can activate even in a fragmented state, then it's too dangerous to leave out in the open."
Elfnein: "Indeed, and I believe that the other world's crisis and this fragmented, unknown relic are somehow related."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Of course. It's only natural to assume that it's related to the Gjallarhorn alert."
Maria: "......"
Maria: "Well... There is one more thing I'd like to report."
Elfnein: "Sure, what is it?"
Elfnein: "I see. A Swimsuit style Gear..."
Elfnein: "Your Gear is a reflection of your mental imagery, so it likely came from your mental imagery at that time."
Maria: "A reflection of my mental imagery..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "For me, I was simply thinking about moving through the water as quickly as possible to save Yukine..."
Chris Yukine: "Same here. While I was in the water, I was just desperately thinking that I had to do something..."
Elfnein: "I wonder if your Gears reacted to those strong emotions and released some of the Symphogear locks?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hm? Wait, how did you do it, Maria?"
Maria: "M-Me?! Mine was just like yours! Yeah, really!"
Maria: (I can't tell them that it was probably just me being angry at the Noise for interrupting my summer vacation!)
Chirs Yukine: "Still, it's thanks to these swimsuit Gears that fighting's a breeze, but can we make them go back to normal?"
Elfnein: "If Gears change in response to mental imagery, then I think they will change back if you strongly desire it."
Chris Yukine: "I see."
Genjuro Kazanari: "In any case, well done. You can continue your investigation later. Just take it easy for now."
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Elfnein: "Sorry to bother you all, but I actually would like to collect some data on your swimsuit Gears."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Not a problem. We've been grasping at straws too. If you find anything out, please let us know."
Elfnein: "Of course. Thank you."
Chris Yukine: "...And why are you guys here?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Because we want to see your swimsuits, of course!"
Chris Yukine: "They're not swimsuits! They're swimsuit Gears! Big difference!"
Maria: "...You two as well?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I'm interested in seeing what kind of Gear it is."
Kirika Akatsuki: "A swimsuit Gear sounds like so much fun! We didn't want to miss it!"
Maria: "...I guess that's that. Since you're here, how about we get some sparring in?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Just what I hoping for!" [1]
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Yeah."
Chris Yukine: "Are you going to join in too?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "If I didn't, then you wouldn't be able to test out your Gear, now would you?"
Elfnein: "Output is still the same, but performance on sand and water has improved. They are terrain-specific."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "It's great being able to move and not falter even on uneven terrain."
Maria: "Yeah, and it also blocks out heat. It's pretty basic, but being able to maintain stamina is a big plus point."
Chris Yukine: "It's the perfect Gear for that parallel world."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yeah, its suitability for that world is its biggest merit by far."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Hehehe... that's where you're wrong, Tsubasa-san! That's not that Gear's true appeal!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "True appeal?"
Chris Yukine: "What else is there? If you know something, then just say it!"
Maria: "...Now I'm curious."
Hibiki Tachibana: "The true power of that Gear... is that it's super cute!"
Maria: "C-Cute?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Oh oh, you're right!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "How did I not see it?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Your swimsuit-looking Gears boosted everyone's charm by 120%! Cuteness is the way to go!"
Chris Yukine: "D-Dumbass!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yeeouch!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "But she was complimenting us, Yukine..."
Chris Yukine: "Jeez, do you really think that?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Being cute is important!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Strength and cuteness. There's no better combo."
Chris Yukine: "Y-You guys too? C'mon..."
Maria: "Hey, are you blushing?"
Chris Yukine: "Not at all! You guys are just so..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Why am I the only one you hit, Chris-chan?"
Chris Yukine: "Because you started this cutesy nonsense!"
Maria: "Still, it's better than fumbling around in our normal Gears, isn't it?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That it is."
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Sakuya Fujitaka: "...Their new Gears certainly do look nice."
Aoi Tomosato: "...Hmm, and where exactly are you looking when you say that?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Seriously..."
Sakuya Fujitaka: "W-Wait?! I-It's not like that! I was just honestly evaluating the Gears' performance..."
Elfnein: "They certainly do perform magnificently."
Aoi Tomosato: "Elfnein-chan, he's lying. He was definitely just evaluating the way they look."
Elfnein: "Do you mean that despite their excellent mobility, he's worried about their defensive capabilities?"
Shinji Ogawa: "Hahaha... Everyone seems to like them. I'm sure the girls will be pleased to hear his 'evaluation.'"
Sakuya Fujitaka: "I-I really didn't mean it like that!"
Sakuya Fujitaka: "High energy signals detected! I believe it's Noise!"
Aoi Tomosato: "Pinpointing location now!"
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Hibiki Tachibana: "It's Noise!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Commander! Do we still not have their location?! We're ready to move out at once!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Wait a second, Tsubasa-san!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "This is our turn."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Yup!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Your team needs to go investigate the parallel world, so please leave things here to us!"
Maria: "...Understood. We're counting on your three."
Kirika Akatsuki: "We've got it covered!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Yeah."
Chris Yukine: "We'll head over there and take care of things in no time flat!"
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Maria: "We need to finish up on the island as quickly as possible, for everyone's sake."
Chris Yukine: "Not a problem! We have our swimsuit Gears, after all!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Here comes the welcoming party. Perhaps the island's plague of Noise is the cause of the abnormality."
Maria: "Either way, the Noise sure never forget their hospitality!"
Chris Yukine: "Man, I'm starting to get sick of these welcoming parties!"
Chris Yukine: "Killter ichaival tron."
Maria: "Seilien coffin airget-lamh tron."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Imyuteus amenohabakiri tron."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "All right, let's do this!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "This Gear's even more comfortable than I remember. I can use my sword freely without the terrain hindering me!"
Chris Yukine: "Yeah, it's pretty nifty!"
Maria: "Last one! Yaaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That's the Noise dealt with. It's odd that their numbers were fewer this time, but--Wait, I hear someone!"
???: "S-Somebody! Heeelp meee!"
Chris Yukine: "Someone's in trouble!"
Maria: "That mob earlier wasn't the main body of their forces!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Curses! We fell for their ruse! Hurry!"
[1] They left out the word "was," it should read "Just what I was hoping for!"
0 notes
Fulfilled: Sam Winchester x Reader (Sequel to Restlessness)
Okayyyyyyy!! I kinda didn’t expect to have a second part or sequel to Restlessness because it was like, dipping my toe into the water to see if I was gonna regret it or not, ya know? But I’m one of those people who hate having cliff-hangers and like to know the full story hehehe SO! I tried to do something a little different...ish. I don’t know.
But without further ado, let’s get to the story! Let’s get it!!!
Trigger Warning!
Angst (smidgen), mild-language, a few swears (not too many), action sequence (*hides in a corner*), Dean being a dick, depression, suicidal implications, MAJOR FLUFF ALERT!!!
Sam Winchester x Reader-insert
Word Count: 3, 692
Fulfilled: Sequel to Restlessness
The flush echoed around the hall as Y/N trudged from the bathroom to her bed, calling for her to become lost in the wondrous bliss it undoubtedly offered. With her feet shuffling against the cold floor, her eyes were closed as she navigated her way to bed, sighing in relief at the warmth the bed radiated still from her short visit to the toilet. Sleep had been short and rare in the last few days, her body clock still trying to situate itself back to it’s original timezone.
As the warmth of her bed engulfed her, tired eyes remained closed as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep again, something that had become a regular occurrence. With the hopes of catching more than 3 hours sleep, Y/N’s chest began to evenly rise and fall with each deep breath.
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
“What do you want me to say N/N? I can’t do anything from my end, considering you know...he walked out. You just can’t keep stalling”
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Dean’s voice flowed through the flip phone in Y/N’s hand, her hand scratching at her messy bed hair, eyes still closed from the lack of sleep.
“But Bobby told me to-”
“Bobby’s not me is he? That old bastard reads too much into things, now trust me on this alright? Demons are rare okay? Hell, you and I both know that Dad’s-”
“I know he’s tracking one Dean! I’m not an idiot! But all the omens and signs point to-”
“Enough Y/N. You’re acting like a child alright? I get that you want to be in Sammy’s life like before, but you’re there to look out for him, do you understand me?”
“But Dean-”
“You don’t have to make up a false case just to get me in town alright? I’m already hunting down Dad…”
The words that followed were drowned out, her body freezing up as if she’d been dunked into an ice-bath.
He thinks I’m lying...
“Y/N? Are you still there? Look I gotta go, but...Dammit, just keep your eyes open for something that’ll pop up, like a shifter or something.”
As he hung up, the phone dropped onto the bed, hand still frozen in mid air in disbelief.
Looking at the clock next to her bed, Y/N shook her head, reluctantly getting out of bed to start the day. The past few weeks, something had been off; there were people waking up after an intense blackout session, the scent of sulfur in the air and the worst obviously being the omens reported in the news.
After his passing years ago, Y/N’s father had left his journal to her; one of many resources in which she’d identified the presence of demons in the area. Wiping her eyes in a huff, she tore her hair from its messy do, letting it fall naturally as she moved on to her clothing.
Under the hot, steaming water all her thoughts resurfaced; the loneliness, the betrayal. All of it consumed her mind as the bubbles and soapy water cascaded down her body, washing away the hazy fog of sleep. Within half an hour, Y/N stepped out of the shower and wrapped the white towel around her body, before reaching for the soft peach one on the sink, towelling her hair dry gently.
Another half hour passed as she stepped out of the bathroom, body moisturised and dewy looking, hair still damp. As she threw her undergarments on, her hands automatically reached for the small bowl of hair ties on her wardrobe, brown in colour; and wrapped two quickly around her left wrist, running her right index finger around it three times before getting to work on her hair.
After blow-drying and brushing, the dry, H/L hair was tossed into a messy bun before jeans were pulled on. As she dressed, the silver glint of her father’s dog tags caught her attention, boot clad feet trodding to pick the delicate chain up. After tossing them over her head, they settled against her chest, warming at the temperature of her skin.
Today was going to be tedious, circling around Sam and Jess’ shared apartment looking for any signs of demonic presence. Picking up her back-pack, filled with flasks of holy water and spray cans, Y/N pinched the worn rosary off her bedside table and wound it around her wrist, tucking the pocket bible into her jeans.
With wallet and phone stowed carefully in her back pockets, Y/N set out for the day, her gut turning and churning more at the thought of her early morning conversation with Dean.
****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
Two weeks had passed as Y/N’s ears perking up at the rumble of the familiar beast just around the corner, her body freezing in the bushes as her eyes widened in complete surprise. It was roughly around 3am, Sam and Jess had gotten home about an hour ago and it had been silent ever since.
With wide eyes, she watched as the black Impala pulled into a car space a couple blocks away, listened as the door creaked and slammed shut; familiar sounds that sent a spark of warmth into the pit of her stomach. Dean was here.
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It was mere minutes before she saw those familiar bow legs, the silhouette of the tall man almost made her leap to her feet. Almost. But she sat and waited, watching as he scaled the wall to Sam’s apartment before he disappeared from sight.
Damn idiot
As quietly as she could, Y/N stood to her feet and stepped out of her hiding spot, shooting off down the street to the Impala while pulling out a sheet of paper and pencil.
I’m a phone call away - Y/N
Having left the note in Dean’s glove compartment (having taken great care not to damage the car as she broke in), she sat silently in her safe haven. The smell of the car, the feel of the worn leather seats, even the creaks and groans of the metal as she closed the door made her reminisce of happier days.
Of days spent laying sprawled on the back seat with Sam, both parties giggling at the scenarios they came up with and the power of their imagination. Of days watching the world fly by, the sound of Dean singing to John’s classic rock cassettes to annoy Sam, his mossy eyes lighting up as he sang louder and off key. The colder, winter days huddled beneath the packed duffle bags for warmth because the heating was out. Or the sticky hot summer days spent with the windows rolled down, wind whipping around them, blocking out the noise from the stereo.
All of these memories came flooding back as Y/N crept back to her hiding place, watching as the lights suddenly turned on in the apartment. With displeasure, she sat back on the ground, picturing her surroundings and listening for any disturbances around her.
As the front door opened, the breeze blew through the leaves of the bush, rustling them and bringing with it the acrid smell of sulfur. Looking behind her quickly, alert E/C eyes scanned the area, crawling out of her hideaway and heading to the bench of the next apartment block. The scent grew stronger, making Y/N cringe as she slid against the wall, hidden in the darkness. With steps as quiet as a mouse, she moved like a stealthy ninja in a movie; not noticing the two sets of feline eyes watching from the trash in the alley next to the building.
As she rounded the corner, finding a sliding door heading into another apartment, she shook her head dejectedly, slumping next to waist height window. With a jump, she pulled away from her sudden resting spot, fingers coated in a fine yellow powder. With determined eyes, she lifted her fingers to her face, coughing as she inhaled the source of the demonic scent.
Before she could turn to face Sam’s apartment, two strong arms forced her into the wall beside the window, restraining both of her arms in an instant. In a panic, Y/N’s head swung back, just barely missing her restrainers face, using the minuscule time to bring her knee up to the wall and push back.
With just enough strength, the sudden movement threw her assailant into a surprised state, allowing her enough time to lift her foot up to the wall as her body was being forced forward again. In an instant, the momentum from the body behind her aided in her being able to ‘run’ up the wall, flipping over the person behind her; tangling her hands and pulling painfully at the strain in her shoulders.
If I can just get my arms free
As she was letting gravity do the rest, she focused her attention to her arms, gradually coming closer to the unknown person’s face. With a split decision, hands hardened from the hunting life grasped tightly to the man's chin; identified only by the stubble Y/N felt against her palm.
With surprising strength, as soon as her boot clad feet came into contact with the floor, Y/N threw all her body weight forward, almost toppling over by the force of the man’s body rolling over her. A cry of pain pierced the air as Y/N’s shoulder popped from the complete movement, finally being free from her attacker who was panting on the ground.
With lightning fast reflexes, another hand flew out from behind her, grabbing her shoulder in a tight hold.
It’s dislocated...what do I do?
As if watching everything in slow motion, she came to the final conclusion.
“This is gonna hurt-”
Her mumbled sentence came out, faint as a breath of air as she concentrated on the unrelenting hold on her left shoulder.
Abduct the arm…
With an arm on her shoulder, Y/N knew she had to either;
Figure out how to get her new assailant to slide his hand down her arm so she could somehow jump with her feet planted firmly against them, therefore providing enough traction in order for the bone to slide back under her shoulder blade or
Find a way to create enough force down with her already dislocated arm, so again, the bone would slide down and up into place
Acting quickly, her right hand shot up and fast as she could, pried the gigantic hand off her shoulder, turning and releasing him so his hand landed further down her wrist. Without even looking at the person who held her, she closed her eyes and jumped, flinging her legs out to catch the man in the chest.
As if kicking a wall, her legs pushed back as her body plummeted to the ground, a loud click echoing around them before both bodies hit the ground with a thud. Holding in her screams of pain, Y/N clenched her jaw, scrambling to her feet, right hand clutching her shoulder as she took off.
With every step Y/N ran, her shoulder jostled in pain causing the edges of her vision to blur slightly, feet pounding the pavement as she shot through every alley and off street she could find. By the time her body finally kicked in and began to shout messages at her (‘Um so newly set shoulder, it hurts. Stop moving’) she was panting, leaning against the college bar, her left hand tingling from the fingertips.
With eyes closed tightly and lungs working overload to regain enough oxygen to not black out, Y/N didn’t hear the two sets of feet running a few streets over.
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With swayed steps, Y/N began to move into the darkness again, hoping the shield of night would help hide her from the sudden danger she was in. But before she could turn fully into the alley, the felines that had been watching her earlier decided to make an appearance right under her foot, causing a screech to leave her lips as she fell.
Right into the arms of a panting giant of a man. And behind him stood his big brother, both looking worse for wear as they tried to catch their breath, having finally brought this pursuit to a close.
“Dammit kiddo-since when could you-oh my god-do that!”
Dean’s body had doubled over, his chin already showing the purple bruises from the grip Y/N had on him earlier, glaring at her when his head finally came up.
Sam’s eyes were wide in disbelief as he lowered her body to the ground, up against a wall for support, his hands instantly pulling away as if he’d been burned. He had stopped panting as hard, obviously the fitter of the two men, as his eyes flitted around Y/N’s  body, staying on the injured shoulder longer than the rest.
“What the f-”
“Language Winchester…”
With a weak smile, a grimace spread across her face as she used her back to stand up, the army green jacket torn at the left shoulder.
“Dammit...this was my favourite jacket too…”
In a whispered voice, she avoided looking at either of them both, choosing instead to search for her car keys in her back pocket, wincing as she realised they were in her left pocket. Before she could even reach with her left arm, Dean’s arm shoved Sam out of the way, gently holding her wrist before he reached around and grabbed her keys for her.
A gentle smile was on his face, defeat clear in his eyes as he looked at her. He was scared. Nodding her head for him, she took her keys and looked to Sam.
“Dean’s here for a reason...so what’s up?”
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Waking up with a sharp inhale, tired eyes observed her surroundings, smiling gently at the giant sleeping beside her. Two boxes still sat on her bedside table, with her attempted letter still half finished on her desk on the other side of the room. The third box discarded and kicked under the bed.
It had been exactly six months since Sam had came to her room in the middle of the night, asking to talk. With a mind full of different possible scenarios, Y/N grinned at the memory of the stuttering mess she became as soon as she gave him permission to come into her space.
“Sam...come in.”
With wide eyes, she watched the door as it slowly, gently swung open so as not to frighten her, his messy bed head popping around the corner before he let himself fully through the door, closing it quietly behind him.
“Wh-what, um, wh-why-”
“I miss you!”
The volume of his voice remained the same, but it felt as if he’d shouted it across the room, her heart almost beating out of her chest.
“Sam, we-we said...we s-said we needed t-time-”
Her face grimaced, face almost radiating as hot as the sun as she glanced into her lap. Sam didn’t move from his spot, wishing he could just run to her and hold her body close to him; to feel her, hold her and never let her go.
Coughing gently, Y/N closed her eyes and took a breath, pushing any worry and doubt from her mind. For this to work, she couldn’t doubt herself, refused to revert to how she used to judge and hate herself.
“I was writing you a letter.”
With her eyes focused on the floor directly in front of Sam, she told him in detail what she was going to write to him.
“I’ve been on antidepressants since Stanford, but for the last three months I haven’t taken them. I just, I don’t know.
I felt different. Like I was slowly becoming...me again. But...that case. I almost-almost gave up. On everything. On you. Dean. Me. I took the box and emptied all the tablets out into a cup.”
With her confession, Y/N stood up to sit on the bed, nodding as Sam came to sit beside her.
“I didn’t. I promise. Once I cleared my head, I poured them into the toilet and flushed...I keep the box with me because I know I can be me again.”
Reaching over and grabbing one box, she handed it to him and watched in complete awe as his hand crushed the box and dropped it to the ground.
“You are so fucking strong sweetheart...I-”
“I’m pregnant Sam.”
The words had left Y/N’s mouth before her brain could even comprehended what had been said, and by then it was too late. Sam had frozen in his place looking into her E/C orbs, eyes wide and mouth agape.
The silence that followed felt like hours, days even and before she knew it, one complete minute had passed. Then another. With eyes landing in her lap, Y/N sat there, mentally berating herself for letting such a bomb drop on Sam without even thinking about what would happen, what he would think...how it would affect their damaged relationship.
With eyes squeezed shut to prevent tears from cascading down her face, she didn’t notice Sam softly getting to his knees until her grabbed her hands and buried his face against her neck. Within seconds, her sleep shirt had become soaked from the mixture of their tears.
Sam whimpered and mumbled against her, moving his face to nuzzle against the non-existent bulge in her belly.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby...Please, I’m sorry.”
The couple cried together, found comfort in each other as they held onto each other as lifelines. When the crying had died down, Y/N sat, carding her fingers through his hair to untangle it as Sam clung to her, arms wrapped tightly around her body.
“Let me make it right.”
Sam had turned his head, his ear up against her stomach as he repeated himself. She looked at him in shock, watching his head come back into view as he pulled away from her, his arms holding onto her hands.
Staring into his multi-coloured eyes, Y/N couldn’t help the tears that started to fill her own E/C hues.
“I’ve hurt you all of our lives...and yet you still love me. I don’t deserve you, I know that, Dean knows that. Hell you should know that!”
With a chuckle, his hand, all calluses and warmth cupped her cheek, thumb wiping away the stray tear that had escaped and betrayed her.
“But this time apart has made me realise that I can’t live without you by my side. Hunting, its-it’s the family business...but, for you. I’d give it all up. All of it, hell, I’m sure knowing that there’s a little one on the way, so would Dean.
Whatever you want sweetheart...I’m going to spend the rest of my life and whatever I have in the afterlife doing right by you, I promise you Y/N L/N.”
Without even realising, both his hands were on either side of her face, holding her in place as he stared into her eyes, into her soul.
And looking into his, she could see the sincerity...the unbreakable vow he’d just declared. She saw their future, side by side, surrounded in their ability to love and fight for each other. She saw them as a family, everyone; Dean, Cas, Sam, their child...and maybe in the future, children.
“I’m also going to tell you this right now. I know I can’t make you forget what I did to you at Stanford…I know that. But if you’ll let me, I’m going to spend every waking moment of my life making new memories to remember...and hopefully-”
Reaching into his sweatpants pocket, he pulled out a simple silver band; not in a velvet case, or a fancy bag. With an embarrassed smile on his face, he held it in his palm for her to see.
“-I’ll be able to do so, by your side as a husband who will love you and cherish you everyday of my life.”
(End Flashback)
With a grin still on her face, she lifted her hand to her face; the plain band as blinding as the biggest diamond in the world.
“Baby...are you okay?”
His husky voice filled the air, a heavy band of warmth wrapping around her stomach, his arm pulling her into his equally warm, shirtless chest as he nuzzled his face into her neck.
“I’m fine Sammy, just baby Winchester using my bladder as a soccer ball.”
With a content sigh, Sam’s hand rubbed Y/N’s swollen belly like he did every night since he’d found out. Feeling the gentle kicks of their child was just as comforting as watching Sam get on his knees to have his daily conversation with the little bun. Or watching Dean reading all these newborn books and magazines that had mysteriously appeared in the bunker.
“Are you sure you don’t want to know the gender babe?”
Nuzzling as close to Sam as she could, Y/N sighed out loud before laying her hand on top of his.
“It’ll be an incredibly fulfilling moment when their born though, knowing that you’ve carried, fed and nurtured them. Knowing that despite what gender-”
Grabbing his hand, she brought it up to her mouth, placing a gentle kiss in the middle of his palm before putting it right over the next kick.
“-we’ve loved them regardless. And we’ll fight tooth and nail for them to know that.”
“With you as their mother sweetheart, there is no way they’ll ever think otherwise.”
“Though I can’t wait until I can see my toes again...The technician does still have doubts.”
Leaning up onto his elbow, his hand still in it’s rightful place.
“Doubts about what?”
With a gentle push and a noncommittal grunt, she snuggled her back against his chest, placing the special pillow under her growing belly. It was silent for a while, and as they both began to drift off into a tender slumber, Sam kissed her, filled with all the love he held for both the woman of his dreams and his child that he’d always loved.
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When his soft snores filled the room, her hand tightened its hold on the arm wrapped around her.
“Whether it’s because of your size that it’s just one baby or if it’s twins…”
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
AAAAND! That’s the end of it! I actually didn’t expect to write so much for this sequel as well but, by the time I finished the action sequence, I’d gotten to like, 8 pages hehe. I blame my binging of MCU films in the lead up to the release of the Infinity Wars Trailer release!!
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But again, if you have the time to, please please pretty please leave me some feedback? Message me, tell me you like it, hate it blah blah blah. Anything at all guys, I really do appreciate it. It’s like getting an adrenalin shot when I see that y’all like it or leave notes and whatnot
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So (even tho, again, this was pulled out of thin air) THAT concludes the end of this one-shot/two-shot thingy. I hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you again for taking the time to read this, until next time!! Muuuuch looooove
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 - Ninzzzzzzzz <3
6 notes · View notes
Title: Not a Victim Pairing: Minor Paperhat Summary: Flug wasn’t a damsel in distress. He really wished the heroes would stop treating him like it. Tag: Blood, gore, violence. Evil Flug
For the past few weeks the heroes had gotten rather bold. They'd targeted the mansion several times, even tried to break in a few times. Flug didn't know why they decided to be idiots and target them, but he didn't really care. Though it had started to get annoying. It certainly had started getting on Black Hat's nerves. At first the villain had found it amusing, but as the heroes continued their assault, the eldritch became annoyed. So it wasn't a shock when he gathered Dementia and Flug and told them that they were going after the heroes.
Flug glanced around as he headed down the hall way of the base, keeping an eye out for any heroes as he walked. Black Hat had vanished into the shadows as soon as they had managed to enter the base, Dementia had taken off shortly after. The doctor shifted and slipped into one of the rooms glancing around. He stepped further into the room which seemed to be a control room of sorts. He frowned and walked closer to the large monitors. They were all displaying footage of the manor.
"...That can't be good..." he muttered as he got to the control panel. One quick glance around assured him that he was alone for now. He quickly got to work pulling up a few files and information reading through them. The scientist narrowed his eyes as he read before he started to take down the cameras. He jumped as the doors behind him slammed open. Flug spun around wide eyed as he pressed back into the desk. Two heroes stood behind him staring at him in shock. '...Shit' the doctor thought.
The two heroes, The Crimson Leopard and Flaming Mask, shook off their shock. Flaming Mask tensed up for a fight, flames igniting around his hands as he glared at the bag wearing scientist. Flug pressed back further into the desk gulping. His eyes flickered around the room looking for another exit as the two heroes walked towards him.
"How the hell did you get in here?" Flame demanded. Flug looked at him and Crimson not replying, he felt his anxiety act up making him tremble slightly as he tried to find a way passed the heroes.
"Wait... I know you. You're Black Hat's scientist!" Crimson hissed. Flug flinched at that and swiftly started to put distance between him and the heroes. That was quick, though he couldn't say he was surprised to be recognized so fast.
"....L-look... I-i'm not looking for a fight." he said holding up his hands stepping to the side. Crimson's eyes narrowed watching his every move. Flug clenched his teeth. Flame looked ready to attack. "R-really, i-I'm not the fighting type... so... I'll... just leave..." he said inching his way towards the door. Flame shot fire ball passed him forcing him to scramble back to avoid it with a yelp.
"You're not going anywhere." Flame snarled. Flug looked at him and looked towards the door.
"Look... I-i mean it... I-i'm n-not here to cause trouble." he said. 'Shit, shit, shit, shit. How am i gonna get passed them??' he chewed his lip, looking back at the heroes. He really didn't want to have to fight these two. Crimson looked back at the door before looking at Flug.
"Why are you here then?" he asked stepping towards him.
"...None of your concern." Flug replied stepping back, eyes flicking around anxiously. 'Black Hat's going to be so pissed. I need to get out of here. I should have stayed alert. Damn it.'
"...Tell Ice and Lightning to search the place and be on guard." Crimson told Flame. Flame nodded and turned to leave.
"Black Hat and Dementia aren't here. Looking around would be pointless." Flug said automatically. he grimaced. Why had he said that? That would just land him in even more trouble! The two heroes turned to him eyeing him.
"...You came here alone?" Crimson asked.
"...Yes." Flug answered. Might as well roll with it now.
"...He's lying. I bet Black Hat's somewhere in here just waiting to take us out!" Flame said. "I'm telling Ice and Lightning and looking around." he started for the door.
"I mean... i-if you wanna go on a w-wild goose chase g-go ahead.... but you're not gonna find them." Flug said. A slight chill filled the air, and Flug couldn't help but shudder as he continued to talk keeping the Heroes attention on him. "...I-i mean... i-if Black H-hat was r-really here i think y-you'd know by now..." he pointed out. Flame crossed his arms.
"Then you came to spy on us?" he sneered. Flug didn't reply flicking his eyes briefly away to the monitor as he moved along the wall he was now up against. He looked back at the heroes. 'Come on, Jefecito... what are you waiting for??'
"I suggest you surrender now." Crimson ordered.
"Ca-can't do that." Flug said. "L-look... i should r-really go...." he added. 'he's probably getting a kick out of this the ass hat....'
"You aren't leaving." Flame said.
"...Unless you want to be torn to shreds i sh-should r-really go... Bl-Black Hat i-isn't r-really fond of l-losing things.... H-he'll come a-after me when he realizes i'm gone." Flug said. He immediately realized that was the wrong thing to say and cursed himself for it. 'Please don't-'
"You came for help." Crimson said eyes widening.
'and there it is. Why do they always-'
"Why didn't you just tell us? We'd be happy to protect you from that demon." Crimson said. Flug gritted his teeth, eye twitching.
"Th-that's not-" the scientist started only to get cut off by Flame.
"Crimson is right! You've nothing to fear now. I knew something was off. I mean you were a scientist for the heroes before Black Hat kidnapped you" the masked hero stated. Flug flinched at that.
He went to speak but Crimson spoke up. Flug bit back a growl.
"You can start up working with us. We need a good scientist. You can even help us take that menace down once and for all!" the hero said. Flug stared at him in disbelief before realizing they were serious. He snorted before he started to giggle, his act falling apart with his anxiety as he started cackling.
"Hahahah! Y-You... You r-really th-think... that i'd ever work with heroes again??" he asked. "Hell no! You're all a bunch of idiots! Not to mention working with you guys is a worse nightmare than working for Black Hat!" he giggled. The two started at him in shock. He doubled over giggling and laughing more before standing straight pulling out his ray gun and pointing it at the two heroes. "...I'd rather die then work for Heroes again." he said. Crimson and Flame froze and got ready for a fight.
"...And Why the hell does every single hero think that i'm some poor victim in need of saving?" he asked, his laughter stopping, annoyance taking its place. "...I am so sick of you all trying to save me." he hissed.
"Wh-what? But He forced you to work for him!" Crimson said. "...Of course we'd save you." he added. Flug rolled his eyes.
"Let me get one thing straight.... I'm NOT some damsel in distress. I'm not being forced to do anything." the scientist hissed, grinning behind his mask. "...To tell you the truth... I find being a villain kind of fun... Its much better than being a lousy hero if you ask me."
Crimson stepped towards the doctor but stopped as soon as the ray gun was aimed at him, he raised his hands. "Dr. Flug, we only wish to help. he's obviously-" "I'm gonna stop you right there. Black Hat didn't brain wash me." Flug hissed, glaring at crimson. "See... Unlike you idiots seem to believe... Black Hat didn't kidnap me. I CHOSE to go with him. I was sick of working for the good guys." "Why would you-" "Like I said, working for heroes was a nightmare. If something went wrong, i was always blamed. I was never credited with things went right. Only when things went wrong. You bastards ruined my name all because you couldn't take a few minutes to learn how an invention worked." Flug suddenly turned and fired the gun blasting Flame into a wall, as the masked hero tried to attack him from the side. The man slammed into the wall and slid down it. "At least my work is appreciated by villains." he turned the gun back to Crimson as the hero transformed into his leopard form. Flame groaned as he stood up. "You're a traitor then." he growled. Flug laughed. "Traitor? I suppose. But then again... Never really felt like a hero to begin with... Considering every time a hero failed they treated me as if i was a villain. Maybe i just decided to become what i was treated as." the scientist chuckled. "Now, like i said, Black Hat really doesn't like it when i take too long.... he gets rather impatient... So i'm gonna have to cut this little discussion short. Soo, bye-bye~" he giggled flipping a switch on the side of the gun, firing just as Flame charged him. Flame tried to dodge but the red blast caught the hero in the side. It exploded on impact throwing the masked hero back, slamming into one of the machines. the man crumpled to the floor, a gaping hole in his right side, exposing shatters ribs and a few vital organs, his right arm and shoulder was completely gone. Blood started to pool around the hero, as he hit the ground twitching. "Flame!" Crimson roared out. He went to run to the other's side but froze as Flug aimed at him. "Don't. Move." he said. "I'd hate to accidentally kill you before the boss can." he added.
Crimson snarled at him, lowering his head as he stepped towards the doctor. Flug kept the gun trained on him. There was a dark chuckle from the side of the room. Flug turned his head slightly towards it, but kept his gaze on the commander. Crimson however turned his head towards the sound and growled. "Black Hat." He hissed. The eldritch grinned walking over til he was at Flug's side looking over at the bled out hero. "Heheh, Great work, doctor~" the villain praised. "The new invention works well. It's sure to be a favorite." he chuckled. Flug straightened up, smiling at the praised. "Th-thank you, Jefecito." he said. Crimson growled and shifted stepping towards them. Flug pointed down and fired causing the hero and leap back to avoid the blast and impact explosion. He bared his teeth at Flug and Black Hat. The eldritch simply laughed. "Go on~ Kill him. I've had my fun with the other two.” Black Hat said, placing his hands on his scientist’s shoulders. Flug did turn to look at his boss this time, only briefly before he looked back at the hero.
“..A-are you sure, sir?”  he asked.
"Of course, my dear~, go ahead. i know you want to kill him." the eldritch said, grinning. Flug pressed down on the trigger slightly aiming straight for the hero's head. He paused however and tilted his head biting his lip. "A-actually sir... I-instead of killing him now... could we take him back to the mansion?" he asked. "I've never been able to study the shifters up close before." he added. He felt Black Hat tighten his grip on his shoulders as the villain hummed in thought. Crimson froze and snarled at Flug. "Like hell you're coming any where near me!" he growled. "If that's want you want." Black Hat said ignoring the hero. a tentacle shot out towards the leopard. Crimson dodged and snapped at it, but was swiftly grabbed and slammed up against the wall knocking him unconscious. Black Hat dropped the hero as he turned back to a human. "You know... i never get tired of seeing you kill...." he chuckled his hands sliding down and around his scientist's waist. Flug leaned back into his chest lowering the ray gun. "You also never seem to get tired of watching me suffer." he muttered turning his head to look back at the eldritch. Black Hat grinned reaching up to grab his scientist's chin. "You don't need me to protect you, Flug. You've proved that enough times. And you know I'd step in if you ever really needed me too." he said, before pulling away from the other he headed towards the door a tentacle reached out and wrapping around Crimson as he passed the unconscious hero. "Come along, Doctor. It's time we headed back home."
Flug swiftly followed him, slipping the ray gun into his pocket, "Of course, Jefecito." he said falling into step behind the villain.
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