#<- that may just be my dumbass though
princekirijo · 8 months
she'd be so anxious around riku at first like him popping up would be a wholeass jumpscare for her 😭😭😭😭the poor baby...like she knows he means well but people are Very Scary to be around
but but but!!!! she is also a girlie very desperate for friendship!!! so i think she'd warm up to 'em <3 ALSO THE THING ABOUT HER READING PEOPLE GRAHHHHH she probably would pick up on riku's insecurity😔and that certainly would help ease her anxiety (and ofc sympathize!!!)
the really funny thing is that she's only close to good at reading people because of lucky guesses😭😭all her knowledge on how people work was attained from the fiction she reads so all she really does is see these patterns or similarities to what she's read about and mentally notes them--writing this out has gotten me to realize that technically asuka's mentally kinassigning everyone she knows nyx help us all
Ah I'm glad to hear dude :'] I did my best to capture everyone's guys correctly so I'm glad I got Asuka right 😼
And yeah LMAO Riku does mean well but he has the swag, energy and flirtatious attitude of a DMC Protagonist 💀 (Although I will clarify that Riku would never flirt with someone if it made them uncomfortable). He is just full of energy though so yeah Asuka is def looking at him like 0-0
But I do think they'd be good friends too!! Riku would learn to like reign himself in around Asuka because he'd feel bad if he made her too nervous. And yeah they'd probably bond over their insecurities as well and they both had a shit time with their respective palace rulers. Also I remembered in the fic too Asuka was like willing to take on Akechi and I wonder if that means she would be able to banter with Riku once she's more comfortable around him (if that makes sense?)
ASUKA KIN ASSIGNING PEOPLE IS SO FUNNY THOUGH 😭 I love the idea of her like assigning everyone a "character" in her head that's really funny of her tbh
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emily-mooon · 5 months
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
interrupting non-rgg posting with non-rgg posting do you guys wanna look over my pros-vs-cons list of grocery shopping today thanks
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ch3shire-rabbit · 2 years
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watch me make this man my entire personality
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handcat · 11 months
back to the dating app 🚶
#got inspired to try it again 🙄#i have a date semi planned now and all of the women in portland are obsessed w me or whatever#bc i like love and dating ppl but i keep falling in love with friends and it HAS NOT ENDED WELL ONCE so maybe stop it you dumbass#(this may be caused by the fact i’ve gotten my hopes up a bit abt a friend of mine but i should NOT… unless…)#i crave companionship#and am#also so scared all the time i’m soooooososcaredddd rn#why can’t everyone just love me all the time#must be my personality bc i’m like really hot rn#also me swiping on ppl just looking for hookups them matching and just 😳 i do not know if i’m at a point in my life where i am confident eno#ugh to do that 😳#as previously stated i’m so so scared#idk i’m conflicted and need to over share about it#idk will continue flirting w that one friend tho#even though flirting with eachother is an ongoing joke in this friend group so i don’t think she would take it seriously lmao#was telling my dear good pal to come over and suck my fingers yesterday like that’s just how it is#anyway she’s cool and makes childrens books and stories and loves dinasours and is tall and can jump really high#we got drunk together at my friends bday and bonded and it was SO CUTE#also she cries a lot when she’s high but doesn’t notice (she’s not even sad there’s just tears lol)#ruh roh just typed that all out and realized it seems like i’m obsessed w her 😳#going to hit my head on a wall okay goodnight
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Something comforting to think about today- there are lots of people in the world who hate, loathe, and despise my favourite books
That doesn’t sound like it should be comforting because of course at heart I want everyone to love them as much as I do. And it does annoy me when people hate books based on what I sincerely believe to be a complete misinterpretation of them (cough-cough, the recent “Wuthering Heights is just a silly problematic romance novel” issue). But if I’m being honest I also hate it just as much when people LOVE my favourite books based on a complete misinterpretation of them and for all the wrong reasons (”XXX did nothing wrong!”- what book were you reading???). And in either situation it isn’t really my business, though I reserve the right to be irritated.
But lots of people have valid criticisms of these books. Others simply didn’t vibe with the book on a given day and maybe never will- they don’t owe me or anyone else a reason. And I may not agree with them, but I do like it when I can completely understand why some people don’t like these books. For example, I think “Middlemarch” is one of the greatest novels I’ve ever read but for other people, it’s just not for them! They simply enjoy a very different kind of book, or they were disappointed that it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, or they couldn’t understand the characters, or it just wasn’t the right time for that book to come into their lives, or it was just too damn long for them.
And firstly I find that comforting because it shows that we’re all different souls. We all have different tastes and experiences, and that means that our favourite books actually MEAN something to us, rather than just being a Generic Important Book That Everyone Likes. And often the reasons why one book is my favourite, are very different to the reasons that they are someone else’s favourite- the best books are multi-faceted after all. It’s a wonderful testament to the diversity of human experience and creativity (because in my opinion, there’s a great deal of the reader’s own imaginative ability goes into engaging with a book). So all that is required is for people to be open-minded and assume that when someone says they love a book, they have their own reasons, and these might not even be the reasons you think. 
And secondly of course, is that if even the books that I think are the best thing to exist, a physical symbol of worldly greatness, aspiration embodied, don’t appeal to everyone- then the things I create in turn don’t need to either. If even the greatest authors have harsh critics who will simply NEVER like their work, why are we all worrying so much about the merest hint of rejection, in life as much as in art?
#I talk a good game of course rejection is still very painful for me#And note valid constructive criticism is a different thing from rejection but if people's books can survive completely dumbass rejection#Based on complete misreading of the situation I think I can survive someone not liking me#books#reading#booklr#Also constructive criticism of my favourite books is good because it means I get to go back think it over#Argue it through in my head; point out other passages of the book in defence of it#And STILL come out of it loving the book possibly even more because it's drawn my attention to things I didn't realise about it#And sometimes I can't answer them fully either and that's ok too#Sometimes I've had the same thought as a novel's detractors and they've drawn attention to it#For example I was wondering at the end of Wuthering Heights why Heathcliff bothered keeping Nellie around#Why didn't he just send her packing rather than continuing to employ her at Thrushcross Grange#And I have lots of ideas but none of them quite stick yet#One is that she's possibly an unreliable narrator so she may- against her better judgement- have helped him more than she likes to admit#Another is that he is labouring under the impression that he can control her and so keeps her around in case he needs to use her influence#A third is that he needs a witness- there's some element of performativity in his cruelty and SOMEONE needs to see him destroy things#But I also like the idea that the four of them are all siblings really#Nelly- though she has a mother and other family at home- spent much of her youth at Wuthering Heights#And describes herself as Hindley's foster sibling in the sense that her mother was his nurse (a powerful bond in the pre-modern era btw)#So really she's as much one of the Wuthering Heights Nest as the lot of them#Heathcliff doesn't have as much reason to despise her as Hindley nor does he have so much reason to love her as Cathy#But she's still a sibling of sorts and maybe Heathcliff- whether he recognises it or not- sense that she has a right to be there#He doesn't seem like someone who needs a family but then maybe he's not as in control of the Heights as he thinks he is#I really don't know yet I will have to reread it#But yeah I think Nelly is as much a part of that nest of trouble as the rest of them#I'm getting off topic though- but see what I mean about negative criticism being important and fascinating!#Ok so I keep finding my way back to Wuthering Heights a lot over the last few weeks but this applies to othe rbooks too#I had similar feelings about some of teh criticisms of Flemington#reading log
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hor3nee · 2 months
• Fatherhood •
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What kind of dads are the JJK men ?
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CW/TW: GN! Reader, Mentions of crappy parenting, BREIF mention of pregnancy in Geto's, (Lmk if I should add anything else!)
Characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna, Toji x Reader
AN: Almost cried writing this the baby fever is going HARD rn dude. Headcanons !
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• Gojo •
Menace of a father, but in the good way! Gojo spends his years raising his kids as if he's their best friend, truly and genuinely treats his kids as equals and in a sweet way, allows his children to have complete trust in him. Because Gojo is quite childish himself, he loves playing with his kids, making a fool of himself, and indulging with them.
Has a bit of a bad side to this though, his lack of traditional discipline or making himself the 'adult' in the situation leads the kids to both be very spoiled and not really ever listen to him.
"Sweetheart, darling, my perfect angel, can you please go to bed?? pretty please! Help your old man here, please??"
"Nuh uh!" And with that bout of defiance, he's back to running up to you, like HE'S the child, begging for your help. Because it seems you're the only one who can get the kids in line, and you do.
Plays pranks and teases the hell out of his kids as they get older, always in a loving way of course, but nonetheless loves getting them flustered over his stupidity. Type of dad to do dumbass dances in the middle of a Walmart to embarrass his kids.
• Geto •
Geto is optimum of what it means to be a gentle parent. Cannot, for the life of him, bring it in himself to yell at his kids. He's so soft-spoken, never so much as raising his voice against his children. Geto has children who respond to his voice alone, because it's so lulling, he's familiarized them with it and made them feel safe with it.
Doesn't mean he can't discipline them, of course he can, and he does so extremely gracefully. Whenever you're on your last straw with the kids, fighting the urge to start scolding them and yell, he steps in, smoothly taking over and the kids instantly listen to him.
"We're your parents, honey, c'mon that's not very nice to say, is it? They carried you for 9 months you know. Say sorry." Like magic the kids shut up and come over to you apologizing while Geto stands back, calmly having fixed the situation with ease.
With everything Geto does, has done, experienced etc, he can sometimes feel conflicted. Geto knows what he is capable of, and what he has done, he's extremely self-aware even if he justifies it, and he can struggle to balance the weight of all of it while also remaining a dutiful father.
Despite it, he does wonders keeping it separate from what his children have to see or experience, teaches them respect and kindness and hopes they hold true to it.
• Nanami •
Not a single man on this list fathers as hard as Nanami fathers. He's built for it like no other. Nanami treats fatherhood with his all, he puts his all into it and makes damn certain he does right by it. Stern when necessary, sweet when needed, provides for his kids and refuses to miss any important milestone of theirs.
Nanami is a calm man but the second work starts piling potentially making him miss his kids school play or something he's arguing with his supervisors and ready to throw hands.
He keeps the drawings his kids make on his desk, alongside a photo of you and your kids. Literally just stares at it while working smiling, unable to wait till he's home with the kids. They are his pride and joy genuinely.
No matter how over-worked Nanami may be though, when he comes home you are basically on vacation. Insists you rest and he takes over literally everything involving the kids.
"Darling, darling no, I got this covered. You take rest. You know I love spending time with my kids." He says with an earnest smile, both kids in his beefy arms just dangling around and playing with their father. He's definitely exhausted from work, but that never stops him.
• Sukuna •
The King of the Curses, as cruel and terrifying as he is, taking pleasure in all sorts of sickness and treating love as pointless, legitimately likes his kid.
He doesn't care about fatherhood, or the responsibilities that being a parent entails, but it's nice having a mini version of himself around. That he likes. An extension of himself and you, it's nice to have around he doesn't mind it. He may act aloof about it, not outwardly showing affection like hugs or kisses, but he clearly enjoys it.
He gets a massive ego trip when his kids cause chaos and disturbances. Points at them laughing with his belly "See that? That's mine."
Sukuna never minces his words though, and his kids have to get used to his bluntness. Again, he doesn't care for the concept of 'parenting', and will in their face call the kid some extreme insults and weak and they have to learn to take it.
On the flip side, Sukuna also never minces his praise, and Sukuna has an abundance to give his kids. Every accomplishment or show of strength that they show he'll let them know he's proud. A good ol' fashioned fatherly slap to their shoulder while he praises them.
He treasures his children, and even if he doesn't put much effort into parenting them, you taking over most of it, he's definitely a present figure in their lives.
• Toji •
Went to get milk, hasn't been seen since.
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flynnriderishot · 3 months
this may be a lil crazy but can you do a vinnie fic where reader is one of the sturniolo quadruplets? maybe like the fandoms colliding, the “triplets” fans all collectively fake bullying vinnie (I truly feel like if they had a sister she’d be like everybody’s girl crush like maya hawke) and just how they’d be such a cute internet power couple
a/n: i’m so in love with this idea it’s kind of insane 😭 the second i saw it, i started writing. def not the best but i did what i could :)
exposed - v.h
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vinnie leant back in his gaming chair as he stared at his screen. he had taken a pause on his game of valorant to focus on the questions or comments his viewers had for him.
one in particular caught his eye
who’s your celebrity crush?
“i don’t really have a celebrity crush. i mean, you guys know how i feel about margot robbie but if i had to pick someone else, i think i’d say yn sturniolo. she’s freaking gorgeous.”
lmaooo 😭
bro get in line
don’t tell him to get in line, he might as well cut to the front 🙄
she’s so pretty
YN ?!?!
“i take it you guys know her?”
know her⁉️ we love her
that’s bae right there😪
love of my life fr 😫
vinnie stifled a laugh as he eyed the way his phone lit up with a text almost immediately after what he said.
yn 💋
oh, how generous 😔
he had unknowingly made a habit of responding to your texts as quickly as he could. so without much thinking, he reached forward to grab his phone and respond.
vinnie 🤭
gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, absolutely perfect
i can keep going
yn 💋
please do 😌
i’m kidding. pay attention to your stream, your fans are getting curious
he looked up from his phone, his cheeks flushing a bit at the idea of you watching him. his eyes trailed over to the chat,
what’s bro smiling about?
what are the odds he’s actually messaging yn right now?
zero. bro has no game^^
“bro has no game.” he repeated, chuckling slightly, “you’re not wrong. i’ll play one more game of val and i’m off.”
he placed his headphones over his head, shaking his head slightly, hoping he was nonchalant enough to push away their wonders.
you sat in the backseat of the car with your brother, nick as he spoke to the camera set up on the dashboard.
you could hardly pay attention to what was being said with the way chris kept pushing his seat back against your knees.
“stop!” you hit the seat, instantly getting him to start an arguement.
“you stop yelling!”
matt sighed, he had grown used to yours and chris’ banter, having dealt with it for his entire life. he chopped it up to the two of you being the youngest siblings of them all.
though, with the banter came the closeness between you two, so he knew you were only joking. however, the loud groan nick let out told him to get involved before the argument could escalate to anything more.
“leave her alone, chris.”
“she’s messing with me—“
“no, i’m not.” “no she’s not.”
“shut up! question is: who’s your celeb crushes?”
“i don’t think i have one.” matt shrugged,
“i’ll play it safe and say jacob elordi.”
“i’ll go vinnie hacker.”
chris frowned, turning in his seat to look at you, “that’s not your crush, that’s your boyfriend—“
“um— shut the fuck up?”
“dude, what the hell?”
“just cut it out, nick.” he waved off the eldest triplet, turning his attention back to you, “you can’t say your boyfriend is your celebrity crush, that doesn’t count.”
“they don’t know he’s her boyfriend, dumbass.” matt pointed out.
“just say someone else, we’ll re-film it.”
“no, because then it wouldn’t be authentic.” nick rolled his eyes, “i’ll cut her clip out. way to ruin it.”
“shut up! i was confused.”
“you’re always confused.” you scoffed, earning an offended look, “turn around.”
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vincenzohacks WHAT⁉️ @/lovelyyn you seeing this?
| lovelyyn i’m seeing it 🤔
yn.sturniolo bro…
liked by creator and 24,454 others
mattxliamneeson WTF HAPPENED TO HAVING NO GAME 💀😭 @/vinniehacker
secretlysturn not nick exposing them 🌚
| nicksgiraffehat it was technically chris…
>>> secretlysturn ‘it was technically chris 🤓’ nick edited the video 😒
vinniehacker huh
liked by creator and 42,397 others
| letstrip123 this kind of annoys me 🌝
hackerslovevin it’s the way nick and chris exposed them and have yet to comment 😭
| nicolassturniolo we messed up… @/christophersturniolo
>>> christophersturniolo yeah…
yn.sturniolo @/matthew.sturniolo have i mentioned how you’re my favorite brother?
| matthew.sturniolo once or twice 🤷‍♂️
| christophersturniolo it wasn’t my fault 🙄
| @/yn.sturniolo @/vinniehacker sorry ?
vinniehacker made a post !
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comments on this post have been turned off.
yn.sturniolo made a post !
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comments on this post have been turned off.
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taglist: @hearts4chris @timmyandsturniolo @mayhem-72 @luvsturns @knowingnothingnoel @mrsmattyb @itzdarling @julliaaaaaaaaaaaaa @dracoflaco @heartsforchrisandmatt @lily-strnlo @alliehansson @stinkytwinkwinky @mstarniolo
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stevie-petey · 12 days
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episode four: the sauna test
Steve pushes at Dustin’s feet to help him move further, but he’s quickly berated. “Not my feet, dumbass. Push my ass!” “What?” You and Steve exclaim at the same time.  “Touch my butt, I don’t care!” Dustin’s screeching voice is muffled from the walls of the vent. Looking at you one last time, Steve sighs heavily and places his hands on your brother’s butt and starts to shove him deeper into the air duct. He can’t believe he’s doing this right now, shoving the butt of the brother of the girl he’s in love with. You stand next to Robin, mortified of what you’re currently witnessing, endlessly ashamed of the two boys. 
Summary: dustin has some brotherly concern for you (dont tell anyone though), steve is offended you dont think he can fight, nancy gets upset during therapy hour, robin encourages child endangerment, erica becomes your hero, and you lose your lunch on hawkins makeshift tower of terror (aka sketchy russian elevators)
Rating: general, swearing
Warnings: swearing, use of y/n, fem!reader
Words: 7.5k
Before you swing in: hello my loves ! had a busy may wrapping up finals, move out, and adjusting back to life at home. i finally had the time to write this, and while im still iffy with some parts, im just excited to finally be at the elevator scene tbh. ive been DYING to write her. enjoy !!
Dustin stands outside your room the next morning, fist hovering over the door, unsure if he should knock. It’s early and he can’t get the panic he saw in your eyes last night out of his head. He hasn’t seen you that consumed with anxiety since you guys were kids and your parents began to fight. 
He feels horrible for putting you in that position last night, at odds with him, Robin, and Steve. 
Especially Steve. 
Dustin hadn’t meant to start a fight between you and the teen. Contrary to popular belief, he actually does want the two of you together, but now he’s worried he’s somehow caused a rift in your relationship.
Sighing, your brother allows his knuckles to rap against your door. When he doesn’t hear anything, he slowly opens it and pokes his head in. You’re asleep in your bed, blankets strewn everywhere, and Dustin knows he’s fucked up because you almost never sleep in this late. 
Now he’s worried he’s going to have to force you into a code blue.
Dustin lets himself into your room and stands before your bed. Then, because he’s your brother and finds it hard to express his worries for you in a normal way, he pokes your cheek with his finger. “Wake up.”
You stir at the touch but remain asleep. Dustin groans and starts repeatedly poking you. “Dude, get up.” He now starts poking your nose, your forehead and eyebrows, anywhere his finger can reach.
Finally the onslaught of pokes to your face is enough to wake you up. You raise your hand and slap Dustin away as you scrunch your face in displeasure. “Why do you always insist on waking me up this way?”
“It’s fun for me.”
You slap at your brother again and take a moment to stretch. Your body is exhausted, you got home late last night after your drive with Jonathan. Once the two of you had been done discussing your relationship problems, you both decided to just drive around Hawkins and simmer in your limited time together. For those few hours, only the two of you existed.
Yawning, you blink your eyes open at Dustin. “Is there a reason you’re waking me up before my alarm is supposed to go off?”
Dustin’s smug smile falls. He coughs and starts to fidget with his fingers. “Oh, I was just–well. Last night… Do you wanna talk about it?”
The implications of your brother’s words cause you to fully wake up. “Is this your poor attempt at commencing a code blue?”
“Well, do we need a code blue?”
You roll over and throw your blankets over your head, blocking out the world. “I already talked about my feelings last night with Jonathan, please give me at least twenty-four hours to recover.”
Dustin flicks your ear that pokes out from under the blankets at the mention of Jonathan. “Why were you with that guy last night?”
“Stop touching my face!” You yell at the kid, annoyed. “And because he’s my best friend. We both had shitty nights so we drove around and cried together.”
Your brother pauses. “Did you actually cry together?”
“No,” you now uncover your face and sigh. “Only I cried, but it was therapeutic nonetheless.”
Dustin drops his head, remembering how upset you’d been standing in the hallway last night with the others. “I’m sorry about last night, Y/N.”
“Hey, no.” You sit up now and force him to look at you. “No apologizing. I understand.”
Your friends have all gone their separate ways this summer and I know you’re so fixated on the Russians because you’re lonely. I understand, and I’m here for you.
It goes unsaid, but Dustin knows that you have him all figured out, though it doesn’t ease the guilt he feels for dragging you into all of this in the first place. “You don’t have to join me at Scoops today, Y/N.”
“I know, but I will anyway after my shift.” I have to keep you safe.
“We both know you’re only going to make sure I don’t burn the place down.” You worry too much.
“Oh, don’t think I won’t call Steve once this conversation is done to make sure he keeps an eye on you.” I know, but it’s my job and I love you.
“You’re the worst.” I love you, too.
You ruffle Dustin’s hair with a fond smile. It’s an intricate thing, the hidden language that can only be found between siblings. All that goes unsaid becomes masked behind teasing and taunts, but you both hear what’s underneath. 
When Dustin leaves your room to go to the mall, you roll over in bed and reach for the phone that rests on top of your desk. Your fingers press the numbers that have become ingrained within your brain from countless nights of dialing. The line rings only one time before Steve’s tired voice answers. 
You smile hearing his voice, despite the distance that seems to have now formed between you. “Hi, honey.”
There’s rustling on the other end of the line and you know Steve still lays in his own bed only ten minutes from your own. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is fine,” you quickly reassure him, wincing when you realize you don’t normally call him so early. “Sorry, I was just calling to ask if you’d keep an eye on Dustin today? With the Russians and everything, I have work today and can’t be there–”
“Of course I’ll keep an eye on your brother, Y/N.” Steve gently interrupts your anxious rambling. 
“Thank you,” you say softly with a laugh, embarrassed. 
“Are we…” Steve hesitates, unsure how to find the right words. “Are we okay? I know things were–uh, weird. Last night. And that I was a dick and I just, I’m really sorry, Y/N. For everything.”
You close your eyes and exhale slowly, knowing that there’s more that Steve wants to say but is too afraid to tell you. Too ashamed to say that he’s embarrassed as well for allowing his pride to cloud his judgment, and you’re too exhausted to try and remind him again that you love him despite it all. “We’re okay, Steve. I promise.”
He takes a moment to respond, he doesn’t know what else to say. He’s never been good at this. Finally, he settles on what he’s able to give you. It seems that’s all he’s been able to do lately. “I’ll miss you today, angel.”
“I’ll miss you too, honey.” The name slips from your tongue in a languid manner, the warmth that accompanies the word still wraps itself around your body and reminds you of the love you feel for the boy. You hope he can feel the warmth too, you hope it descends down the landline and wraps around him as well. “I’ll see you after work.”
Your day only gets worse from there.
After only an hour or so of sadly sorting through books at work without a customer in sight, you hear a frail scream come from Mrs. Waters’ office. You run towards the woman in a heartbeat, panic stricken and afraid of what you’ll find. 
Mrs. Waters is sitting tiredly in her office with her head in her hands when you run in. The usually upbeat woman is hunched over with despair and you’re quick to rush over to her with worry. “Mrs. Waters, is everything okay?”
She rubs at her temples and it’s then that you realize her telephone is in her hand. Without bothering to look, she clumsily places it back on the wall and looks up at you with sad, tired eyes. “I’m fine, dear. I–I just had a fright, that’s all.”
“What happened?” You pull a chair to sit next to the woman and grab her wrinkled, yet soft, hands. 
“Oh, I’m old.” Mrs. Waters smiles at you sadly. There are tears in her eyes as she takes a deep breath to try and steady her nerves. “My, you would think I’d be used to phone calls from the hospital.”
“The hospital?” 
Hearing the panic in your voice, your boss grabs the hands you have placed on top of her’s and squeezes with reassurance. “It wasn’t for me, dear.”
You’re still anxious for the woman in front of you. “Who then?”
“They called me for an old friend,” Mrs. Waters clutches at her chest with a certain fear that you’ve never seen within the woman. “She’s in the hospital because some young journalist found her eating fertilizer in her home last night. She’s always been… troubled.”
You gasp and pull away from your boss and your mind reels with this new information. Jonathan’s voice echoes within the walls of your mind, of his story of the woman he and Nancy had found last night after investigating the rats. 
Mrs. Waters frowns at your unexpected reaction and notices the fear on your face. “Dear, I’m sure my friend will be alright–”
“What…” your voice shakes, and you clear your throat. “What’s your friend’s name, Mrs. Waters?”
The old woman sighs, sensing there’s something more to your worry, but her heart hurts for her friend and she’s seen more in her almost seventy years than she’s ever wanted to. “Her name is Doris Driscoll.”
You’re sent home early after your conversation with Mrs. Waters. She had been too worried for her friend and saw how shaken up by it you seemed to be as well, so she patted your arm and dismissed you. 
“There’s no point keeping the store open today, Y/N. Go home to that cute boy of yours while I go visit an old friend.”
You had tried arguing with her, but even you knew it was no use. 
Biking to Starcourt, now more than ever worried about your job, you feel your birthday looming over you and the worries of Nancy’s involvement with rats and old women eating fertilizer mixed with Jonathan’s fears. 
This was supposed to be a good summer. 
Your head spins as you walk into the backdoor of Scoops Ahoy, finding Robin, Steve, and Dustin all circled around the table as they discuss how to enter the Russian storage room. 
“What? I sneak up behind, knock him out, and I take his keycard.” Steve is explaining when you walk in. He has his leg propped against the seat next to him as he twirls his sailor’s hat in his hand. “It’s easy.”
“Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?” Dustin blinks at the teen, having little faith in his confidence.
You make your way towards the group and lift Steve’s propped leg up so that you can sit before placing the leg across your lap. Feeling your touch, he looks up with surprise to see you, having expected your shift to end later in the day. “Y/N?”
“You’re not going near any Russian men with guns, Steve.” You say to him in lieu of a greeting.
Steve deflates in his seat. “That’s why I’d be sneaking.”
Dustin shares a look with you, the two of you remembering all the times Steve has tried, and failed, to win a fight. Clearing his throat, your brother crosses his arms and winks at you before turning to the teen. “Alright, please tell us this, and be honest. Have you ever actually… won a fight?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Okay, that was one time–”
“Twice, honey.” You interrupt him with a smile, enjoying this conversation maybe a little too much. “Jonathan, remember him?”
“Listen, that doesn’t count.”
“Oh, but it does.” You pinch Steve’s shin. “He kicked your ass, I was there.”
He winces and moves his legs off of you. “He didn’t kick my ass–”
“You got a fat lip, crooked nose, swollen eye.” Dustin adds on, leaning against your chair now as the two of you gang up on Steve. 
“He even pinned you at one point. I distinctly remember thinking he was going to kill you.” You say, smirking.
Steve scoffs. “Oh, you did not have any concern for me then–”
You hit his shoulder. “Yes I did! I’ve always been worried about you–”
“Can you guys not make everything about your weird relationship for like, three seconds, please?” Dustin whines as you and Steve start to bicker about something else entirely.
As the three of you argue, Robin seems to get an idea and runs out of the room. Noticing her sudden absence, you turn to Steve and frown. “What’s Robin up to?”
He stands up and sees her snatching money from the tip jar before running off. Steve calls after her, but she doesn’t slow down as she runs out of the shop. “What are you doing?”
“I need cash!” She says, as if that explains everything.
“Isn’t half of the tip money Steve’s?” You ask, now standing next to him by the register alongside Dustin.
“I’ll pay your boyfriend back later, Y/N.” Robin continues to walk towards the shop’s exit. “I’m going to find us a way into that room, a safe way, just like I promised you.”
You’re oddly touched that she remembered your insistence on keeping everyone safe. With a smile, you call across to her, “thank you!”
Robin blushes and forces herself to look away from you so that she can direct her attention to Steve. “In the meantime, sling ice cream, behave, and don’t get beat up. I’ll be back in a jiff!” 
As you and Steve watch Robin leave, the two of you turn and catch Dustin licking at one of the ice cream scoops. You whack him with the back of your hand and cringe at him. “Dude, what the hell?”
Dustin flinches away from you as Steve snatches the scoop from the boy with his own disgusted look. “Not my scooper, man.”
“Why are you like this?” You ask your brother with disappointment in your voice, to which he huffs at. 
“I’m a curious person.” You scoff at Dustin and he rolls his eyes at you before making his way out from behind the ice cream counter. “If I’m going to be judged, then I’m going to the arcade while we wait for whatever Robin has planned.”
He’s gone without another word, leaving you alone with Steve.
It’s still early in the day and there’s only a few customers in Scoops Ahoy, so it’s just you and Steve. It’s the first time you’ve been alone together since last night, when you’d been standing in front of him, begging him to listen to you, and all he could do was watch you silently with pain in his own eyes. 
As if coming to this realization himself, Steve coughs and rocks back and forth awkwardly. He knows you told him this morning that everything was okay between you two, but things still feel off. Despite your best efforts, he can tell that you’re still struggling to seem okay with the whole Russian debacle. You’re still frail looking, unsure and anxious, and Steve hates that he’s the reason why. 
Hesitantly, he reaches for your hand. “Care to, uh. Join me in the backroom?”
You raise your eyebrows at his question. “Are you propositioning me, Harrington?”
“No!” His eyes widen in fear and his voice squeaks, which only embarasses him more. He clears his throat and tries to swallow down his dread. “I mean, not like that. I figured we could, you know… talk.”
Now it’s your turn to fill with dread. He’s seen through you, despite your best efforts to try and appease everyone. Squeezing his hand, you nod at Steve and allow him to guide you into the backroom. 
Steve pulls a chair out from the table and sits down, and before you can process what’s happening, he pulls you down and into his lap. You throw your arms around his neck to steady yourself at the sudden movement, which only makes Steve’s proud smile widen. “You planned that, didn’t you?”
“Sure did, angel.”
You laugh and shake your head at him, tightening your arms around his neck and settling into his lap. He rests his hands on your thighs and stares at you with such warmth, such patience, content to simply have you here with him. Despite the uncertainty that seems to now loom over the two of you, there’s still a certainty within it. There’s still a trust that accompanies the hesitancy, and it’s this trust that caresses your cheek and coaxes you to speak. 
“I don’t like what we’re doing, Steve.” You confess to him, making your words as plain as possible so that nothing gets misconstrued; too often your words have gotten lost in translation.
Steve nods slightly, his eyes never leave yours, and he listens. “I get that, I do, and I’m sorry if I ever made you feel bad about standing your ground. It’s just… I wanted to go along with Dustin, pretend for a few days that I’m not some moron who couldn’t get into college, you know?”
“You’re not an idiot,” you fix a piece of Steve’s hair that has fallen out of his sailor’s hat and sigh. “But there’s more to this than just my stupid need to protect everyone.”
“Did something else happen?” 
You hesitate, unsure if what’s been on your mind holds any real weight, or if you’re just being paranoid now after everything you’ve been through these last few years. Biting your lip, you decide that it’s Steve you’re telling this to. Paranoid or not, he’ll listen and try to help you piece it all together as well. He always does. “A few days ago I saw Billy stumbling on the side of the road. He was… bleeding.”
Steve’s eyes harden at the teen’s name and instinctively his grip on you tightens. “Did he do anything to you?”
“No,” you breathe out sharply, remembering how disoriented Billy had been. He was in no condition to cause you any harm, which in itself frightened you. “There was something off about him, Steve. I–I can’t explain it, but a day before I saw Billy, I had been with Will and he was almost similar to Billy, I guess? He just–he was frozen, staring off into space, until I got his attention again.”
“Why do I feel like there’s something else you’re not telling me?”
You sigh. “Because there is. There’s always something else in the fucking town.” Anger begins to rise within you and you force yourself to swallow it down. Now isn’t the time for the anger that always simmers just below the surface, waiting. “I talked to Jonathan last night. He’s been with Nancy investigating rabid rats and an old woman who was caught eating her fertilizer.”
“Christ,” Steve exhales with bewilderment.
“And now Russians in Hawkins? What are the odds of this all happening within the same week?”
“Do you…” Looking around, Steve lowers his voice. “Do you think it’s happening again?”
“I don’t think so, El told us she closed the gate, but… I can’t explain any of this, either.” You feel helpless, and you hate it. There’s something you’re missing, there’s something connecting it all, and yet you’re going in circles. 
It all can’t just be a coincidence, and it’s a horrible, maddening feeling. 
And Steve tries to absolve you from it. “We’ll figure it out, together. You and me, even if you want to kill me by the time we’re done, I promise you that I’ll help you–” The phone starts to ring, cutting Steve off, and he sighs. Patting your thighs, he silently asks you to get up so that he can answer it.
Lazily walking over to the ringing phone, Steve picks it up with slight annoyance. “Scoops Ahoy, this is Steve.” There’s a feminine voice on the other line, which he frowns at, before handing the phone to you. “It’s for you?”
Surprised, you stand up and take the phone, unsure who would be calling for you at the ice cream shop. “Hello?”
“Y/N, it’s me. Um, hi.” 
“I–uh, I called your job and this older lady told me you’d be at Scoops Ahoy? I needed someone to talk to, and I–I just,” She clears her throat, and it’s only now that you notice the exhaustion in her voice and how thick it sounds from dried up tears. “You know what? This is weird, I shouldn’t have called. I’m sorry–”
“Hey, no.” You fumble with the telephone cord and desperately wish you were with Nancy right now. After what Jonathan told you last night, you feel horrible for the girl, and from the sound of it, she needs someone there for her right now. “Talk to me, Nance. What happened?”
You hear her inhale a shaky breath, always the first to try and disguise any upset and hurt she may be feeling for the sake of others. She takes another deep breath, exhales slowly, and then begins to talk. “Jonathan and I had a fight.”
She tells you everything, from Mrs. Driscoll and the rats to Tom firing them for falsely identifying as reporters. It’s everything Jonathan told you last night, all his worst fears come true, except Nancy also tells you what he told her this morning. How condescending he had been, how he had reminded her of how poor he is, how he belittled her need to figure everything out herself. 
“He kept defending all those assholes, Y/N.” More tears lace within Nancy’s voice. “He wouldn’t listen to me. He just kept repeating over and over again about how he needed the job, as if it wasn’t the single more humiliating thing I’ve ever had to endure.”
There’s so much you want to say, but you’re afraid it will only come out wrong. “I can’t imagine what you had to go through, Nance. I know those men were horrible to you, but you understand where Jonathan is coming from, right?”
“I mean, I thought I did, but,” she sniffs, her voice is soft and defeated. “I’m not so sure anymore. It feels like we can’t understand each other, like we’re physically incapable of seeing eye to eye. I know he has to provide for his family, I–I love that he takes care of them, that he always does what’s right, and yet it infuriates me sometimes.”
You can’t help but chuckle at what Nancy has said. She sounds so much like Jonathan in this moment, reminiscent of him telling you that her ambition is what he loves about her, and here she is saying his integrity is what she loves about him. “God, you two and your pride; you sound just like Jonathan. He said practically the same thing about you last night–”
“Jonathan talked to you about this?” Nancy’s voice becomes cold, defensive, and you know you’ve just said the wrong thing.
“Well, I mean,” you frantically try to alleviate the situation. “He only wanted advice, that’s all.”
Nancy scoffs, and you feel your heart drop. “So he can tell you all about how he feels, but bottles it up when it comes to his girlfriend?”
Well, fuck. 
“He was scared and overwhelmed.” You try to keep your voice neutral, not wanting the girl to assume you’re on anyone’s side. “It’s a difficult situation, and he came to me for help just like you are right now.”
Jealousy claws at Nancy suddenly, it clashes against the hurt within her. Jonathan went to you, as he’s always done, he sought solace in you for the emotions within him that he still has yet to share with her. It reminds her, then, just how little she knows about him still. How many years stretch between you and Nancy when it comes to Jonathan. 
“I’m sure you know all about how he feels,” she says bitterly, unable to stop herself. “The two of you understand one another.”
You sense that there’s something important with what she’s just said. The words were said with a history behind them, an insecurity that you cannot compensate for, and you feel defenseless against Nancy. “He was hurt, and so are you–”
“God, I should’ve known you’d take his side! I mean, you two always do this. I’m such an idiot.”
Panic begins to surround you. “Nancy, I’m not taking anyone’s side, just please listen to me–”
The line goes dead as Nancy hangs up. 
Numb, you place the phone back on the wall and stare blankly at it. The pressure of tears presses against your eyes and you try to steady your breathing. You’ve hurt Nancy, you’ve caused a rift between you that threatens to collapse into a chasm, and you don’t know what to do.
Steve sees that you’re fighting back tears and he tugs you against his chest. His embrace soothes you, but when he asks what happened, all you can do is shake your head, too overwhelmed to speak. There’s too much to explain, a history between you and Jonathan that you know Steve accepts, and yet now you’re terrified you’ll somehow hurt him like you’ve hurt Nancy. 
“I’m sorry, angel.”
Neither of you are sure what Steve is apologizing for, but it’s enough for now. 
So much for an easy summer.
“It is fascinating what twenty bucks will get you at the County Recorder’s Office.” Robin places a giant sheet of paper onto the table. On it are lines and shapes all drawn in blue with an intricate layout. You lean in close to inspect it as Robin continues explaining. “Starcourt Mall, the complete blueprints.” 
Dustin praises her idea and you hesitantly agree; you would’ve never thought of asking for the mall’s blueprints. “You’ve got my attention.”
She smiles and starts to explain her plan. “This is us, Scoops,” her fingers trace over the paper as she guides you and the boys through the blueprint. “And this is where we want to get.”
“I don’t really see a way in.” Steve points out, now sitting at the table with an arm wrapped around you. 
“There’s not,” Robin casts the top blueprint aside and reveals another one underneath. It’s similar in design, although this one lacks more shapes and is mostly lines. “If you’re talking exclusively about doors.”
You squint at the drawings, trying to figure out what they remind you of. “Are those…”
“Air ducts!” Dustin finishes for you, impressed with Robin’s idea.
“Safe, practical, and wouldn’t involve guns.” Turning to the girl, you nod at her and wink. “Buckley, you really keep your promises.”
Robin bows playfully. “Turns out, this secret room needs air just like any old room, and these air ducts,” she grabs a marker from the whiteboard and circles Scoops on the blueprints before drawing a winding line down to the hidden vault and circling it as well. “Lead all the way here.”
The four of you all look up at the vent above you, and while the idea seems like the safest option, you can’t help but wonder how horribly wrong it could go as well. You’ve never had the best luck, not when it comes to Hawkins, and the air ducts seem almost too easy of a solution to trust. 
Steve finds a screwdriver in one of the shop’s drawers and takes apart the air vent with Dustin’s help. You stand next to Robin and watch with slight weariness, unsure where to go from here. Once Steve has removed the vent, he shines a flashlight inside and winces. 
“I don’t know, guys. It’s a tight fit.”
“I can do it,” you step forward. “Can’t be that bad, right?”
Steve looks down at you from the ladder. “This feels like a trap.”
“Move, Harrington.” Once he’s off the ladder, you climb up yourself. When you look into the vent, your heart drops. It is a tight fit, there’s no way you’ll be able to crawl through it. Defeated, you climb down the ladder. “Well, shit.”
“I’ll fit.” Dustin now speaks up.
“No you will not.”
He rolls his eyes at you. “No collar bones, remember?” 
“Excuse me?” Robin has never been more confused in her life.
Steve begins to explain Dustin’s medical condition while you continue arguing with your brother. “I’m not letting you do this!”
“You got the healthy genes while I got the rare genetic condition, Y/N.” Dustin starts to climb up the ladder as you tug at his shirt to try and stop him. “Let me abuse it!”
Steve places a hand on your shoulder. “I’ll handle this, Y/N.”
You step back, hoping that he’ll talk some sense into your brother, but to your horror he only makes things worse. Dustin starts to climb into the vent with Steve below him, but he gets stuck about halfway in. “Steve, push me!”
The teen looks at you, unsure what the right call here is. “Do I…?”
“Yeah, just push the kid.” You rub your eyes, tired. “He’s already almost in the damn air duct anyways.” 
Steve pushes at Dustin’s feet to help him move further, but he’s quickly berated. “Not my feet, dumbass. Push my ass!”
“What?” You and Steve exclaim at the same time. 
“Touch my butt, I don’t care!” Dustin’s screeching voice is muffled from the walls of the vent.
Looking at you one last time, Steve sighs heavily and places his hands on your brother’s butt and starts to shove him deeper into the air duct. He can’t believe he’s doing this right now, shoving the butt of the brother of the girl he’s in love with. You stand next to Robin, mortified of what you’re currently witnessing, endlessly ashamed of the two boys. 
The two boys argue, Dustin commanding Steve to push him harder as the teen tries his best to shove the kid, and Robin leans over to you. “Remind me, why are you into Harrington again?”
All you can do is sigh at her question, having no good answer as you watch Steve now manhandle Dustin and scream back insults at him. 
They look ridiculous. 
“Ahoy, sailors!” Someone rings the register’s bell impatiently. “All hands on deck!”
You and Robin turn to find Erica standing at the register as she repeatedly rings the bell and demands her daily free samples. You’re about to respond to her when you see Robin raise her eyebrows; it’s clear she’s thought of something. 
“Would… Erica fit in the vent?”
Your hand snatches at Robin’s arm as you pull her away from the shop’s window. “Absolutely not. We’re not getting Erica involved!”
“C’mon, Y/N. She’s small, she could easily fit–”
“She’s ten.” She’s too young. You’ve always regretted that Dustin and the party were twelve when everything began. 
You’ll be damned if you ruin another child’s life. 
But Robin doesn’t know any of this, and she ignores you as she runs to the register and recruits Erica before you can stop her. Within a minute you have a very curious Erica Sinclair climbing the ladder up to the vent as she shines a flashlight through it. 
You stand below her, helpless. 
“Yeah, I don’t know.” She climbs down after a few minutes of studying the vent’s dimensions. 
“You don’t know if you can fit?” Dustin asks. 
Erica leans against the table and studies the four of you with distaste. “Oh, I can fit. I just don’t know if I want to.”
“Are you claustrophobic?” Robin teases her, but you only feel sympathy for the girl. 
You step towards Erica, trying one last time to reason with her. “You don’t have to do this, you know. You can back down now, no one will blame you. In fact, I will give you all my allowance if you say no.”
Dustin elbows you roughly to get you to shut up, he knows what you’re trying to do. You glare at him and rub your now tender shoulder. When you look towards Steve and Robin for backup, both teens send you pleading glances similar to the ones from last night.
Once again, you’re the odd man out. 
None of this is what you want.
“I don’t have phobias,” Erica informs Robin. Then, she turns to you, “and no one tells me what to do.”
Steve crosses his arms. “Okay, well. What’s the problem?”
“The problem is, I still haven’t heard what’s in this for Erica.”
Ten minutes later, you’re sitting in a booth with the others as Steve slides Erica a freshly made sundae. 
“More fudge, please.” She requests, pleased she’s won.
Steve looks at you, already fed up with the kid, and you feel no sympathy for him. “Go on, get the girl her bribery fudge. This is what you wanted.”
He cringes at the sarcasm in your voice and knows you’re once again pissed at him. Defeated, he hangs his head low and leaves to get Erica more fudge without another word. Once he’s gone, Robin opens up her blueprints and shows the girl the air ducts. “You see this? This is the route you’re going to take.”
You sit there quietly as Dustin and Robin talk to Erica. After they’ve explained the entire plan, she mentions that this all sounds like child endangerment. You let out an exhausted chuckle. “It does, doesn’t it? Isn’t that just hilarious to think about?”
Robin tries to reassure both you and Erica. “We’ll be in radio contact with you the whole time–” 
“Ah, ah, ah!” Erica waves a finger in Robin’s face, unamused. “Child. Endangerment.”
“It’s a shame only you can see that.” You drop your head onto the table, entirely over the situation. “I mean, how can only the ten year old see how insane this is, huh?”
Dustin throws a straw at you and shushes you, annoyed with your theatrics. Clearing his throat, he turns to Erica. “We think these Russians want to do harm to our country.”
“Unconfirmed, actually.” You retort. With every passing minute, it becomes more and more evident that this really is happening, and there’s no way you can back out now; someone sane has to be there to protect everyone. Dustin and the others all seem deluded by the idea of fame and adventure, but all you want to do is keep your loved ones safe. 
“Shut up,” Dustin shoves you further away from him as he tries to win over Erica’s agreement. “Great harm. Don’t you love your country?”
“You can’t spell ‘America’ without ‘Erica’.” She takes a sip from her drink, now listening.
You lift your head up from the table and share a baffled look with Dustin, both of you going through how to spell America in your heads. Amazingly, Erica is right. You really can’t spell the word without her name. 
“Incredible,” you whisper, in complete disbelief. 
Dustin shakes his head. “Uh, yeah. Oddly, that’s–uh, totally true… So, don’t do this for us. Do it for your country. Do it for your fellow man, for America – Erica.”
After your brother’s speech, Erica puts down her drink and mocks him, still not entirely sold on the whole child endangerment idea. Instead, she goes on a whole spiel about how she loves capitalism and paying people for their services while you sit there, head pounding with a headache. 
“And it seems to me,” Erica concludes with a smile, “my ability to fit into that little vent is very, very valuable to you all. So, you want my help? This USS Butterscotch better be the first of many. I’m talking free ice cream for life.”
Robin and Dustin mirror exasperated expressions on their faces, but honestly? You get a kick out of Erica recognizing her worth; she’s brilliant. Without saying anything, you lift your hand up for Erica to high five, which she happily accepts. 
“To child endangerment!” You cheer, your voice oozing sarcasm, and Erica follows suit as Robin and Dustin both slump in their seats. 
It’s your idea to prep Erica for whatever she may find after crawling through the ducts. You shoved a helmet on her head and forced knee pads onto the girl, which she adamantly protested against. 
“This is excessive, even for you.”
You held up money, which promptly shut her up. “Wear the protection and do exactly as I say, or lose $5.”
After she took the money, you then held out your switchblade for her to take as well. “And use this if anything happens, alright?”
Erica had stared at you, slightly surprised. “Why do you carry knives on you?”
“Ask questions later.”
Now you’re anxiously waiting on the mall’s rooftop once more with Dustin, Steve, and Robin as you radio Erica for updates.
“You nerds in position or what?” Her voice drones through the walkie’s speaker.
“Yeah, we’re in position.” Robin confirms. The three of you have been scouting the shipment deck for the last thirty minutes, making sure all the possible Russian guards were gone. “It’s all quiet up here, so you’ve got the green light.”
You take the walkie from Robin. “But be careful, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Be careful and green light, roger that. Commence Operation Child Endangerment.”
Robin snatches the walkie back and cringes at what Erica has said. “Can we maybe not call it that?” 
“That's exactly what’s happening here.” You say with a snort. 
“Thanks for the help, Y/N.”
You give Robin a thumbs up. “Anytime.”
Erica announces that she’s in the air ducts and you feel the familiar burden of fear creep through you as she now goes quiet. Steve’s hand finds yours and he attempts to ease your discomfort as you all wait. “Erica will be fine, Y/N.”
“Yeah, totally!” Robin tries to reassure you as well, though she looks nervous too.
The minutes drag by at an agonizingly slow pace. The three of you hold your breath, waiting for Erica’s assurance that she’s safe and okay, and you pray to whatever god that’s up there to listen and keep her safe. 
If anything happens to her, it would only be your fault for not having learned your lesson sooner. 
“Alright, nerds.” You let out a breath of relief when Erica radios again, and you can feel Steve exhale as well. He’d been worried, too. “I’m there.”
“Do you see anything?” Robin asks, voice alight with excitement now. 
“Yeah, I see those boring boxes you’re so excited about.” 
“Any guards?”
Erica pauses a moment, presumably scanning for any signs of danger, before responding. “Negative.”
You breathe out again with relief. At the very least, Erica is in a safe enough location. 
However, Robin isn’t done asking questions yet. “Booby traps?”
“If I could see them, they’d be pretty shit traps, wouldn’t they?”
You grab the radio again from Robin. “Erica, have I told you that you’re my favorite child?”
“You haven’t, but I know I am,” there’s a bang over the other end of the walkie, then a loud thud followed by a grunt, before her voice comes through again. “I’m in.” Then, not even a minute later, the door to the vault begins to lift up, revealing a smug looking Erica on the other side. 
You all stare at her in awe, and she snaps her fingers at you. “Free ice cream for life.”
Steve lets out a surprised laugh and a smile crosses your face as well. Even though you’re still entirely against what’s happening, you can’t believe that the plan worked. You guys successfully broke into a Russian vault. 
That beats Demodogs any day. 
You, Steve, Robin, and Dustin climb down from the roof to get to Erica as fast as you can. When you finally join her, you risk her fury and pull her into your arms for a hug. “You’re so much braver than I was at ten.”
Erica shoves you off of her. “That doesn’t at all surprise me.” 
While you make sure she’s okay, Dustin and the others investigate the room. There’s boxes everywhere with tape all over them. Lifting one up onto a table, Steve turns to you. “Can I borrow that switchblade, Y/N?”
“She’s got it,” you point to Erica. “Talk to the kid.”
Steve frowns, having unexpected this, and, being scared of the girl, he laughs nervously. “Uh, Erica? Can I have that switchblade now?”
She rolls his eyes at him and digs through her pockets to retrieve it. “Aren’t you the man in the relationship? Why don’t you have your own pair of knives?”
You cover your mouth to try and stifle the laugh that escapes you, but it’s no use. Steve hears it and sticks his middle finger up at you before finally opening the box. Cutting through the tape, he opens the box’s flaps to find a metal storage container within them.
When Steve reaches his hand inside the box, you stop him. “Please, be careful.”
“I got this, angel.” However, he slows his movements and carefully grabs at the container’s handle. Slowly, he turns it, and it lets out a terrifying hiss as air escapes it. Removing the lid, more air comes crawling out and reveals four individual cylinders.
“Definitely not delicious noodles and sensible shoes.” You breathe out, and Steve hums in agreement.
“That’s a weird way of saying ‘you were right, Dustin’.” Your brother snarks, and you hit his shoulder to shut him up.
Meanwhile, Steve waves his hand at the four of you, motioning you to back up. “Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back.”
Robin and Erica don’t hesitate to listen, but you and Dustin remain where you are. There’s a silent agreement between the two of you to not abandon Steve, he needs you. When he sees that you both haven’t listened, Steve pleads with you. “Just step back, please? I’m doing this for you guys, this could be dangerous.”
“No.” You and Dustin say at the same time. 
Steve tries to argue again, but you remain firm in your stance. “I’m not leaving you. Ever.”
His words falter at the sincerity in your voice, and he wishes it was just the two of you alone right now so that he could stroke your cheek and kiss away your concerns. He’s filled with warmth by your care for him, but just like you would never put him in danger, Steve would never put you in any danger either. 
He loves you with everything within him, he just wishes he could tell you this. 
“If you die, I die.” Dustin proudly declares, breaking Steve out of his thoughts. 
You stare at your brother, as does Steve, and together the two of you awkwardly pat the kid’s shoulder to acknowledge his sentiment. With a cough, you add, “Hendersons with Harrington.”
Steve clears his throat, overwhelmed and slightly off put by the bizarre support. “Okay, I guess.” He grabs at one of the cylinders and twists slowly, and when it unlocks, he lifts and reveals a bubbling green liquid. “What the hell?”
Robin asks what the substance is and you feel like you’ve lost your mind. You have no idea what the fuck is happening anymore. “God I hope it’s scary Kool-Aid”
As soon as the words have left your mouth, you feel rumbling beneath your feet. 
Immediately, you know you’ve fucked up.
Dustin looks up at you in alarm. “Was that just me, or did the room move?”
“Booby traps,” Erica whispers, looking scared as well.
A mechanical whirring sound infiltrates your ears as the room starts to shake again, and every part of your body screams at you to run. Something is very, very wrong. Grabbing Dustin’s hand, you start to head towards the door. “We need to leave. Now.”
“Let’s go!” Robin follows you, not needing to be told twice, and grabs one of the vials of liquid as she does so. 
“Which one is the button, Erica?” Dustin asks, fingers hovering over the control panel’s buttons after pressing one failed.
“Just press the damn button, nerd.”
You turn to her, panic rising. “He is, but nothing’s happening.”
“Press ‘open door’.”
Dustin presses the button again but still, nothing happens. Frantic to escape the room now, you shove him aside and try yourself. Your fingers press roughly against it, but still the doors won’t budge. 
Steve joins, sliding next to you as he starts to try pressing the buttons. “Here, press the other button.”
You slap his hand. You’re overwhelmed and scared and anxious and he’s five seconds away from losing an eye. “I already did that!”
Dustin starts to argue with Steve now and they push you back, repeatedly hitting whatever they can touch, as Robin and Erica shout their own useless and unneeded advice that is helping absolutely no one. You stand behind the boys, hands pressed against your head as you start to hyperventilate with panic.
Then, walls come slamming down on all sides of the room, effectively kick starting your panic attack. The lights begin to flicker as the room suddenly drops. Your stomach lurches into your throat as you’re thrown downward, and instinctively you grab for Dustin in your panic as Steve grabs for you. 
Everyone screams as you plunge into the darkness.
⌑ series masterlist
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saerotonins · 5 months
actor!yuuji & actor!sukuna headcanons
ft. itadori yuuji and ryomen sukuna 
content warnings: fluff, itadori twins au, overall cuteness, implied x reader (separated), jjk manga spoilers, characters are aged up to 20+
wc: 2.3k (jesus christ lol)
note: i miss my little actors so much lol. also, i think this is a bit too long, my bad 😭
jjk actor au masterlist
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as twin actors:
believe it or not, jjk is like one of the roles that had them cast together 
both of them usually like to play different roles in different shows because they just don't want to be known as each other's twins
love that for them, they're so real for that
but when they were cast, they accepted it since the script and plot were interesting 
yuuji is a sweetheart inside out and sukuna is the quieter one between the two, sukuna is soft for his brother though so don't get fooled by his tough persona
yes, he is the older twin LOL and always holds it against yuuji just to be petty
"dude can you get me that can of soda?""why are you ordering your older brother around? have some shame"
yuuji just rolls his eyes but before he gets up and get it himself, sukuna will wordlessly stands up and does it anyway
checks on yuuji whenever he does intense fight scenes
both of them do the stunt themselves since they ate both so physically active
education wise, yuuji graduated as a marketing major and sukuna has a degree in physical therapy 
which explains why him and his brother always practice fight scenes together and he helps yuuji with his stance and warm ups!
it's adorable really and he's so tsundere about it too
"no not like that, put your legs this way dumbass" like that typa stuff
sukuna started off as a model but was later on casted because casting agencies thought he has that great villain face
yuuji started off as a side character and really likes acting (he is the theatre kid between the two and sukuna is the quiz bee kid, their mom is BOOKED and busy) and later on recognized because he's just THAT good
yuuji is usually a romance lead or 2nd lead and a slice-of-life guy so when fans found out he will be in an action show, they are excited!
sukuna on the other hand has been casted as a tsundere in romance shows, sometimes a bully and an antagonist in action shows, but a villain that is literally so powerful??? that is so new so his fans are anticipating 
both of them usually arrive on the set together (sukuna is the one driving btw and yuuji just sleeps during the trip)
yuuji prepares both of their bento boxes btw
sukuna loves it
he can cook, but that's it LMAO
he won't admit it but yuuji is the better cook
lowkey a picky eater so yeah
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sukuna is the intimidating one (obv) so when him and the other casts first met + the first few readings, it was sooo awkward 
turns out he's lowkey a goofy guy
has fun with his costars and helps them with fight scenes too, gotta put that physical therapy degree into good use
both him and nanami have this silent bond because whenever they're together they just don't talk and bask in the silence as they sit, they just peace amidst their crazy schedule
also an avid toji fan so when this guy found out he's in the same show with his idol he's almost shitting bricks
let out a really loud cheer when he found out and only yuuji knew about it LOL
has a deep-rooted respect towards him and it's sooo obvious whenever toji is around
he is such a fucking fangirl
he just thinks he's so badass and feels so honored to be casted in the same show as him
feels bad that he has to beat up almost everyone 😭 he is also a sweetheart deep inside
deep inside, he's such a caring and protective brother for yuuji because even though he doesn't have any scenes to be filmed, he still joins him on set whenever time allows him
he may not show it but he's sometimes lowkey terrified about fans tearing him up into shreds whenever he kills their favorite character 
imagine sukuna dripping big sweats by the time THAT episode with [redacted] aired oh my GOD he was so fucking nervous considering their fanbase is so big
yuuji has never seen his brother THIS nervous before and he's enjoying it
luckily though, not much hate happened and most of the time it's just memes and playful banter
his ass is barely on social media LOL
in the years of his instagram existing he only has like 90+ posts or even below 😭 usually it's just promotion, being an ambassador, magazine shoots— very lowkey 
doesn't have much digital footprint and i love that for him
whenever he posts, his fans are EATING IT UP since it happens every once in a blue moon lmfao
as tough as he looks, he actually can be quite clingy, just behind closed doors though
lowkey feels bad when he has to beat up children (LMAO) and his co-actors and asks for cuddles from you for comfort
it's actually kind of adorable 
sometimes if his schedule doesn't allow him to have time to visit you, you'll get messages like "babe i just beat up megumi :(" 
since he's not active on social media, he knows some stuff online through you or yuuji
kind of a sad reason why he doesn't go online as much is because as tough as he looks, he's just a guy scared of the hate he's going to have just because he plays a villain or antagonist most of the time
he knows it's not his fault, he just knows that some people just don't know how to separate reality from acting
especially when that scene where he had to off a certain jujutsu sorcerer actor with a huge fanbase
oh boy was he so fucking scared and ran into your arms for comfort :(
he's a softie deep inside ok
when they have to go out of town or even overseas to film, he gets incredibly homesick and misses you so much 
expect a lot of "i miss you" messages, including selfies and candid pictures that he took around the set to
practicing his lines with you is close to impossible, this guy gets all blushy and shit because you're in front of him
and since most of his lines are mean as hell, he just doesn't want to be mean to you
he wants to impress you so bad but when you're around he just becomes a little high school boy with a big crush LMAO
he's such a sweetheart deep inside oh my god
when he decides he wants to post a new photo in his ig, you're the first and only person he'll ask for opinions
so this just means that most, if not all of his posts were handpicked by you
wears your matching stuff like accessories on set and gets sad when he has to take it off while filming
when he learned that his character would have face tattoos, the first thing he did was come home to you with his face makeup on (he had to ask his makeup artist to let it stay) and imitate it on your face
i have this headcanon that sukuna knows how to draw (and is very good at it) so it takes almost no effort to draw the tattoos on your face
you two then have a mini photoshoot (aka just taking a lot of selfies) with the both of you with sukuna marks on the face
it looks so cute that he made it his lock screen
he's lowkey such a sap don't let the character he's playing fool you
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he is literally a sunshine in or out of acting
so polite and so kind it's hard to hate him (not that he is even worth hating on)
so naturally, everyone on set loves to work with him!
unlike his brother, before acting, he doesn't really know a lot of fighting stance (he's a marketing major ffs lol) BUT ever since he was casted, he doubled up on his working out routine with the help of sukuna
even invested his time learning boxing which later on paid soooo much
can literally make everyone on set "aww" whenever his script requires him so cry or even witness a gruesome death scene *cough* nanami and nobara *cough*
during breaks, him and nobara do tiktok challenges and even those kpop challenges all the time and the crew enjoys watching them do it and the fans like it too
he does it too with choso and todo
this guy literally has 3 older brothers who are protective of him it's so cute
this man is so talented, he can cook, sing, dance, act, and is pretty smart too during his university days, it's so hard not to be in love with him
the greenest of the green flags (just like nanamin!) the girls the guys the folks LOVE him so much, literally the standard 
just like sukuna, he was fangirling so hard when he found out he's going to be in the same drama with THE nanami kento
he's such a big big BIG fan 
has a fan account of him on twitter that is pretty popular but you didn't hear that from me
it's so cute when they're together because they're literally THE father and son duo EVER
has the time of his life whenever he visits nanami and his wife's house and just chill there, sometimes brings his first-year trio besties too (both nanami and his wife don't mind at all)
aside from sukuna, he sometimes practices fight scenes with nanami too!
he is so active on social media 😭 interacts with as many fans as he can and posts all the time on ig and twitter 
has a lot of cute interactions with fans too
by extension, his account is sukuna's behind the scene account LOL
since his brother doesn't post a lot, sukuna's fans tune in to his posts and stories of sukuna behind the scenes or even just some pictures of him that he doesn't post
some of it are just pics of the brothers chilling or going out
yuuji is literally the sukuna fan's saint because of the amount of sukuna content he's giving them LOL
ok but don't get fooled by yuuji's sunshine personality, because he knows how to bite too
whenever he saw hate tweets his brother is getting for playing a villain, he is quick to respond and defend his brother
lowkey a nightmare for the PR team but they know where he's coming from
and despite sukuna telling him to just ignore it, he appreciates his little brother more than anything 
one word: ANGEL
he's literally so lover coded oh my goodness
leaves you some post-it notes on the fridge every single day before he leaves to film
if the trip goes on for days he will leave at least three long love letters for you to read when you miss him and he's busy
creates personal vlogs JUST FOR YOU so if the both of you can't facetime, you'll still know what he is up to
when he was contacted to be the main character of the show, he confided in you whether or not he should accept the offer
don't get him wrong, he is beyond grateful the people think he's capable enough to be the main lead but it makes him nervous 
this is his first main character role and the pressure of it all is heavy on his shoulders 
he asked for his brother's opinion too but he trusts you enough to talk about his feelings regarding this
of course, when you said that you'll be there with him in every step and support him all the time and do everything to keep the communication between the two of you going despite his soon-to-be hectic schedule, his heart is finally set on accepting the role
you are so proud of him! your baby finally getting the recognition he deserves? hell yeah
his busy schedule was never a barrier between the two of you, yuuji never forgets to update and call you whenever his time permits and he always appreciates every cheer you have given him
type of actor boyfie to show you off his social media platform!
he posts your dates and even hangouts with each other
his fans find it quite adorable and is in love with your whole relationship 
likes to do those couple tiktok challenges with you and post them online, you guys even have shippers lol
of course, if you're the lowkey type, yuuji would respect that and will only include you in his online shenanigans when you feel like it or allow him to post it
practicing lines with you is always exciting but never productive LOL
you both just end up giggling and laughing 
in the end you just both opt to cuddle instead (or even make our LMFAO)
yuuji just feels so lucky to have his ever-supporting partner along the way
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cutecatlov3r · 8 months
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kinktober: hate sex~ katsuki bakugou
synopsis: your rival is sneaking into your tent, seeing you though just in a tee and panties made his dick hard . and he hates you even more for that .
warnings/tw: aged up! dryhumping, hair pulling, piv, degrading, unprotected sex, choking, and creampie
character ai bot that I made in honor of this: here
not proofread
katsuki opened your tent, going inside, not caring if you were awake or not. he looked pissed off and annoyed. you were startled by the sudden intrusion, propping yourself on your elbows to look at his grumpy face… it may sound stupid but you honestly wished it would’ve been a bear instead of him being there. why was he here? you both hated each other.
noticing your confused gaze, he rolled his eyes, looking at you.
“tch! shitty hair and raccoon eyes are making out in my goddamn tent! so I’m staying here dumbass,” he said in his gruff voice, shitty hair being kirishima and raccoon eyes being mina. “it’s already past 8, I’m going to fucking bed so make some room,”
“what?! no way!” you furrow your brows yelling.
he looks at you, a disgusted look as he sees you aren’t even wearing any pants. you pull your cover over yourself quickly, not saying anything. he scoffed slightly.
“im going to. i wasn’t even asking, dumbass,” he stated in an irritated tone. he laid as far away from you as he could, turning around so he didn’t have to face you.
“ugh! are you serious? go ask-“
“shut the hell up and go to sleep. share your fucking cover too, don’t be a selfish bitch,” he grumbled, snatching away your cover.
you groan, snatching it back.
“go get your own!”
“no! I’ll be lucky as fuck if kirishima hasn’t already got his cum all over it right now!”
“okay fine! god, you’re so annoying!” you gave him some of your cover, facing away from him.
you try to shut your eyes after a few minutes… that was until you accidentally feel his back press up against you. both of you tensed up.
he was a guy, don’t blame him. don’t blame that his immediate thought was to feel those plush thighs of yours. he made a disgusted face to himself the more he thought about how you were in your underwear. were you even wearing a bra? ew! snap out of it, he hates your guts… yet the thought of rearranging them did make his dick ha- oh no.
you just stared at the tent wall in front of you. neither of you said a word.
“fucking shit,” he muttered. sighing, he turned to face you. “oi face me, I know your ass can’t fall asleep that quickly,”
you groan, facing him.
“my dick is hard,”
WHAT?! ew! that’s fucking disgusting why would he tell you that!… why are your thighs instinctively squeezing together at the thought that you were the person who made him hard…
after a long silence you wanted to see if he was lying. was he? you couldn’t tell, you couldn’t even see his facial features in the darkness of your tent. you silently move your hand, fingers grazing his abs. but once they reached his crotch it was obvious, he was painfully hard.
he winced slightly, he was sensitive.
“do something about it, whore,”
you roll your eyes at his insult.
“why should I? i don’t even like you,” you reply, taking your hand back from his dick.
“i fucking hate you too but this is your fault. you wanted to be a slut and not wear pants to sleep so you’re gonna fucking deal with it,” he placed a hand on your hip, rutting his hips upwards slightly, you can feel his dick rubbing your clothed slit and clit. you let out a shaky breath, feeling slightly turned on. “need to fuck you… dumbass,”
you stay silent, allowing his big fat cock to tease your clothed pussy.
he grabbed your chin, pulling you into a hot and sensual kiss, his tongue rolling against yours, your spit mixing together with his. you let out a small moan.
“take off those panties… im going to fuck you,”
without hesitation you took off your panties, throwing them somewhere in the tent, you didn’t care where, you just threw them.
he smirked to himself, you couldn’t see it. he went on top of you eagerly, pulling your legs apart. the cool air hitting the wetness of your cunt.
he used a finger to feel how wet you were, dragging it up and down.
“so fucking wet for me…” he mumbled, mostly to himself for his own ego. “you know, only whores get turned on this much over a guy showing them attention. are you a whore?”
“no!” you furrow your brows. he pulls your hair, gripping it at the scalp, leaning close to your face. “yeah I am,” you changed your mind.
“i know,” he rolled his eyes. “I’m only gonna fuck you so I can cum, I don’t give a damn about you. this is all your fault anyway,”
you didn’t like the sound of that. “what the fuck? no way, you’re gonna make me- ngh…” you pause in your sentence feeling as he led his, now unclothed dick, up and down your folds.
he had his usual grumpy face on, holding back his groans as he slapped the tip of his dick on your clit. it caused little jolts of pleasure for you and him.
he let go of your hair, throwing one of your legs over his shoulder. “im gonna fuck you so good,” he said, cockily, lining his cock at your entrance. your heart raced. anticipating on how full he’d make you feel.
as he entered in you and stretched you out, his other hand grabbed your throat, applying enough pressure to where it felt amazing. not too hard yet not too soft.
your fingernails dug into his back as he pushed himself fully inside of you. you felt so full, so so full. he kept his hand on your throat, rutting his hips. he didn’t even wait for you to get adjusted to his long cock. he just needed to cum, you were his useful toy.
he pistoned into you, his hand reaching down to lift up your shirt. no bra. he smirked, head moving down to suck on your hardened nipples.
“k-kah~ katsuki,” you moaned. you continued to moan his name.
he felt his ego grow bigger.
“yeah? you like being fucked like a dumb slut by the man you hate?” he asked, gruff voice in your ear, causing you to clench around his cock. “yeah. that’s what I thought. clenching around me like you need me,”
you couldn’t even say a proper sentence, just nodding off as he angled his hips to fuck you right where your g-spot was. his cock touched and rubbed against that spot, clit throbbing.
you felt as if you were seeing stars. oh god, katsuki wished he could see your pathetic face. drool falling from your chin because of the fact you were being fucked so dumb. his cock slipped in and out of you with ease, your sticky slick coating his poor needy cock.
the way he fucked into you as if you were nothing made both him and you so fucking horny. you needed release, feeling that knot in your stomach come so close to being undone.
“fuck yeah… yeah…!” he groaned, your pussy kept clenching the more he spoke those dirty words.
sooner rather than later you couldn’t stop, you couldn’t stop that insane feeling that was happening. you whined, fast breaths, shutting your eyes as you creamed on his cock, clenching him tightly, milking his fat cock.
the more you twitched around him, the more faster he fucked into you, he could feel the cream you made, a soft and moist feeling as he fucked into your velvet walls.
he straightened his posture, grabbing your hips in the air, fucking you like a fleshlight. sweat dripped from his forehead and he grunted and groaned. he was so close. he needed this.
he continued to fuck you, you moaning his name and only his, not caring if others heard.
“cum in me…! please! please!” you beg.
he let out an almost pornographic and sort of high pitched moan as his seed shot into you. along ropes of his cum filling you up. he kept rutting his hips, he couldn’t stop it, fucking the cum that seeped out of you back into your messy pussy. his moans getting so goddamn whiny.
“so good…! ah! so good, fuck! fuck!” he trembled, fucking you as much as he could.
after fucking you, his heart rate slowed down, as did his breathing. he set you down, collapsing next to you, heavy breaths as he stared at the tent ceiling.
“such a whore…” he mumbled, looking over at you. you were so drained, he pretty much fucked your brains out… and you wanted more.
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obsessedwithceleste · 2 months
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Theodore Nott Headcanons
Dedicated to this lil request here 🫶🏽
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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It’s no secret that Theodore Nott had a rough childhood
Between witnessing his mother’s death at a young age and having a particularly ruthless father, Theo learned to be quietly reserved early on
1000% Theo is an introvert
Despite being seemingly closed off, he’s extremely observant and good at reading others and picking up on things quickly
While he may not be the best at deciphering his own emotions, he’s able to sort through others’ easily
This makes it easy for him to be rather manipulative because he knows what makes other’s tick and how to go straight for the jugular
He may be distant and off putting in the beginning, but once you get close, he’s a clingy bastard because he doesn’t let many people get close, so once you make it there he’ll basically hold you captive forever
He’s also stupid smart
(Canonically he’s able to re-create an illegal time turner after they were all destroyed in the department of mysteries so//)
And this makes him a bit of an arrogant asshole
Looks down on people he thinks aren’t as smart as him
He definitely thinks that he knows best and can have a “my way or the highway” type mindset
Probably has some type of gifted kid™️ trauma and a crippling fear of failure
Anyway, he’s super intelligent and witty and has the potential to do really well in classes
But he has a nasty habit off skiving off with Mattheo Riddle
Who happens to be his best friend along with Lorenzo Berkshire
A lot of people think Theo is the “mother” of the group, or at least the one with the most impulse control
They’re wrong
Theo is the one that Mattheo goes to with his dumbass ideas and Theo’s response is generally something along the lines of-
“Absolutely not you tosser. If we’re going to do it, we’re going to do it right”
Queue Mattheo’s initial plan- only methodically planned out to cause maximal emotional trauma for the Hogwarts population
Theo and Mattheo are also a chaotic duo on the quidditch pitch
Theo is a chaser
Making the quidditch team in his third year is one of the only times his father showed a hint of satisfaction with the boy
Being on the Slytherin quidditch team, he’s often labeled a preppy jock
And Mattheo does help him break out of his shell more
But he’s a nerdy lil book worm at heart and likes to be holed up in the library most days
Theo also has quite the reputation of being a ladies man with rumors about his escapades swarming the student body
But really they’re just that- rumors
Lorenzo is more of the openly flirtatious pretty boy, and Mattheo certainly knows how to make his way around which is perhaps why people think Theo would be the same way
But he isn’t one to really form physical attachments- emotional or not
He prefers to fly under the radar
He may have had a fling or two, but isn’t one to kiss and tell
He has a hard time entering a real relationship
Mostly because when he first realizes he’s caught feelings, he’s convinced he’s actually just ill and stays in bed pretending to be sick
But once he comes to terms with things, he’s one determined wizard
Makes sure everyone knows that you’re off limits (possibly before you know yourself)
Definitely goes to Enzo for advice on how to woo you
With varying degrees of success
King of subtle PDA (just enough to mark his territory)
Confident and secure in his relationship, but also still jealous as hell
Will hex the living shit out of someone for breathing at you the wrong way
Finds it amusing when you get jealous though
But will shut it the fuck down as soon as he picks up on you being actually upset (probably embarrassing whoever it is in the process)
Not always the best at communicating his feeling cause he’s emotionally constipated af
But tries because he knows he doesn’t want a relationship like his parent’s
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Okayyy I think that’s all for now, but I have a feeling these will grow and evolve with time sooo- ongoing (?) idk
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justyanle · 1 year
Spider Boy, King of Thieves
(Miles Morales x F!Reader)
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Your footsteps were leading you into Miles' room, hopefully asking for his help on your AP Physics homework, though you opened the door to... him on the ceiling?
CW: mild swearing, nothing much, fluff
"Oh. My. God."
There you stood, mouth agape, eyes as big and round as the moon, and papers that have momentarily fallen on the floor.
Miles Morales, on the ceiling. Your long time best friend or you could say, crush, in a black skin tight suit. He was flimsy, almost a panicked look on his face alongside awkwardness. An almost silent "Hey.." was all he could murmur out.
Rushing to his desk, a random pair of scissors scattered was now in your hand. A rigid body and shaking, your heart was almost about to pop out of your chest.
Raising his hands in the air, he dropped from the ceiling and swiftly landed on the thin wooden floor of the bordering school.
"[Y/N]! It's me! Dumbass!"
"No you're not!"
"Yes I am!"
"My Miles wouldn't be crawling on the ceiling.. who are you? Wait, no, no, what are you?"
He sighs, now quickly grabbing the scissors from your shaking hand, and slamming it down on his desk. "[Y/N] [L/N], is who you are, of course you are, I'm Miles, your best friend!"
A humourous silence was clouding the air, "Oh."
"Yeah, I was going to tell you sooner. I just- I don't know, got nervous." He admits, now discarding black hoodie he occasionally wears on his nightly patrols due to the cold wind enveloping his body.
"Wait, so, how did all this happen? You're telling me you've been the spider guy around Brooklyn? Just swinging around?"
He sighs and plops down onto his bed, you following and taking a small seat.
"Yeah, I'm that g-"
"What! Miles, do you even understand how dangerous that is?" You cut him off, a yell, close to a shriek, comes out of your mouth, once again in shock.
"No, no! I mean, yes, I do," he sat up quickly to face you "but I know what I'm doing." he finished.
Looking at him unassured, you sighed. "So how did you start sticking onto the walls?" A beckoning question asked.
"I got bit by a spider. Sooner or later, I met this girl, Gwen. My hand suddenly got stuck in her hair and," he trails off "I think you know the rest. Suddenly, everything I just came around to, just started sticking to me? Me sticking to them? But yeah, I inherited the powers of a spider from that bite." He explained, rambling about his amazing experiences as Spiderman as he swung throughout the city. Turning to face you, "Wha-"
There you were, completely awestruck, mouth wide agape and eyes replicating the size of a planet.
"No way, man."
He releases a giggle, as soft and light as a feather. Going back to his discarded suit, "Hey, what are y-" your sentence was quickly interrupted with Miles grabbing a hold of your hand, his large and calloused ones intertwining with yours.
"Miles?" you questioned, confused his antics as he was quickly putting on his Jordans.
And without a warning, Morales had his tough hands snaking around your torso, having a gentle yet assuring grip. His hand flying to yours, intertwining his big hands with your soft digits.
"Do you trust me?"
Holding his hand tight, "Fine, Miles."
In less than a second, the breeze was swiftly blowing through your hair, your body tingling at the cold sting of the air as your view was focused at the window Miles had just led you two out of.
"Ahh! Miles! What are you doing?!" A frantic shriek leaving your lips, holding on tight onto your beloved best friend.
A wholehearted laugh, "Well, showing my favourite girl my favourite activities as Spiderman." a smile evident in his tone.
"Your wh- Huh?!"
Wrapping your legs around his waist, he swung fast and steady. Looking at dozens of buildings to find a spot to land. (He may be sneaking glances at your oh so pretty face once and a while as he swung by structure to structure.)
The once ignited light of your panic was dying down, now having the courage to get a view of Brooklyn up above, the bright city lights and the loud bustling of vehicles despite the sharp night and it's cold air.
Miles settled down on a rooftop, a particularly high building to look over the wave of the other ones scattered on the ground, people of all diversity as tiny as ants in your view, the gush of wind softly fainting through your hair.
His eyes were fixated on your awed face, the city lights illuminating your features.
"Yeah, woah."
He couldn't agree less, hell, he really couldn't.
"Miles, this is amazing." you smiled, a large grin displayed on your lips and eyes glistening due to the focus kept on the night of Brooklyn.
"Heh, I know right? Ever since I got the hang of this Spider stuff I've practically been all throughout this city, I know every crook and cranny of this place." he nodded, landing beside you, gazing at whatever it is you're looking at.
"So, you gotta tell me everything that happened since you became our city's great Spiderman." a teasing smile seen on your face, now turning to look at him.. already looking, no, admiring
"Ah- uhm, I-, y-you know.. Spider, stuff." he practically heats up, his body language rigid and unstable, his breath was raggedy and his cheeks were as hot as a kettle.
"Cute." you mumbled.
"What?" as if he didn't hear it crystal clear, thanks to his heightened senses due to his bite.
"Nothing, nothing, go on." you ushered.
"Was it really nothing, [Y/N]?" he thought.
"Well, everything has changed ever since I became Spiderman. I had great difficulty at first, y'know? It was just.. overwhelming. Though it was hard, I got some blessings, makin' me like superhuman and stuff." he rambled, watching the strobes of the city lights that shined bright in the dark.
"Wow, Miles.." there was a comfortable thick line of silence, the sound of the lively city was evident and loud, the series of vehicles honking and racing down the road, the distinct chatter of people passing, and the cold air nipping at your bare arms.
"Does being a superhuman make you immune to the cold too?" you joke, rubbing your hands together quickly to produce a source of heat somehow, covering your biceps as a way to cover yourself from the unwavering cold.
Miles looked over to your freezing figure, and without even a second thought, he unzipped the jacket wrapping his body and covered yours, the clothing material seemingly turned oversized as you hugged it closer to your body.
The fire quickly spread to your cheeks, resisting a toothy smile to leak onto your face. "I guess so, my senses are heightened after all, [Y/N]." he lets out a cheeky grin, snaking his arms around your waist, his chin landing onto your shoulder, his broad chest felt on your back and his body heat radiating.
"Damn, Miles. Damn." you laugh, grabbing ahold of his hand and giving it a kiss, "You're so slick, Miles, Jesus." you laugh, feeling him dig his head into your neck.
"Well, it's my duty to protect people, right? Especially my favourite girl." he flirts, a warmth swimming around in your body as butterflies were a colony in your stomach.
"Listen, Miles.. you have to stop flirting with me if at the end of the day, I'm still going to be named your 'best friend' to you. Everything I feel is.. not just for a friend anymore."
He felt like there was an invisible clock ticking, the silence becoming unbearable and it was getting harder to breathe.
"Am I dreaming?" he thinks.
"The sun's about to rise, I don't think there would be another night to call you my best friend if you could be called mine by the morning."
Holy shit.
You turn to face him finally, "Miles.."
No other words were exchanged, only left with the loud wind chasing it's high, as if the rest of the world was stopping and the only people left were you.
His hand was cupping your cheek, the tension in the air could be sliced with a knife, the only thing evident in the surrounding was an awestruck you, and an awestruck Miles.
In less than a minute, his lips sparked against yours, the colony of butterflies in your stomach now soaring as his hand rested on your hip, pulling you closer to his body and kissing you deeper, a passionate and loving exchange.
For what it felt like a decade, you two finally catch your breath. "I was wishing to do that the moment you asked me for a pencil during class." he says, the memory burned into the back of his head.
"Hell, I only asked for that pencil 'cause you caught my eye."
He giggled, cupping your face and planting a soft, delicate kiss on your forehead and snuggling his head into the crook of your neck, giving small kisses and bites.
"Well it wouldn't hurt to swing by a burger shop right now as our first date, right?"
"It's funny how you're saying swing by like that's a normal thing, Miles."
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a/n: NO WAY IM WRITING AGAIN???? WHAT A SHOCK ⁉️⁉️ 😱😱😱 NO BUT LIKE ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE WRITTEN ANYTHING PROPERLY AND ITS A NEW FANDOM AHHHH SPIDERVERSE ES SO GOOD, ive been drawing a lot more lately than writing and i was really busy with school!! :( all i could so was read and actually not write
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anghraine · 4 months
It's 11 PM, but one of my favorite little Darcy/Elizabeth moments happens while she still hates him and thinks he's a depraved monster, and I find it really entertaining.
It's during the Kent section, when Darcy calls at the parsonage and finds Elizabeth alone. During a longer, awkward conversation in which they both deeply misunderstand each other, they have this tiny interchange:
[Darcy:] “This seems a very comfortable house. Lady Catherine, I believe, did a great deal to it when Mr Collins first came to Hunsford.” “I believe she did—and I am sure she could not have bestowed her kindness on a more grateful object.” “Mr Collins appears very fortunate in his choice of a wife.” “Yes, indeed; his friends may well rejoice in his having met with one of the very few sensible women who would have accepted him, or have made him happy if they had. My friend has an excellent understanding—though I am not certain that I consider her marrying Mr Collins as the wisest thing she ever did."
So: they are in Mr Collins's house. Darcy tries to re-start the conversation with a polite nothing about the house. Elizabeth agrees about Lady Catherine's micro-managing, but can't resist the chance to make a sly jab at Mr Collins (who is not present) to Darcy (a genuine villain, as far as she believes).
Darcy's reply looks a bit like an attempt to redirect the conversation into safer waters (they can agree that Charlotte is cool!). But although his remark is only somewhat related to what Elizabeth said, I think it's a natural follow-up in his mind because he is also insulting Mr Collins, if more subtly.
He could have praised Mr Collins's judgment in choosing Charlotte or just said something nice about Charlotte; he doesn't. Instead, he suggests that Mr Collins's choice of Charlotte was a matter of good fortune—or chance, as Charlotte herself would say!—on Collins's part. Darcy and Elizabeth both know Collins is a fool and that his choice of a woman like Charlotte says nothing about his judgment, only about his good fortune. (Elizabeth has even better reason than Darcy to know how much Collins ending up with Charlotte was lucky for him, but Darcy can see it anyway.)
Darcy's phrasing gives him some plausible deniability, but I think he's generally quite careful with his wording and the implicit insult to Mr Collins is not accidental.
Elizabeth, I think, takes this exactly as intended. She's not at all confused about where this tangent came from or offended by it or anything. She readily seizes on the new line of conversation as encouragement to keep insulting Mr Collins and his appeal to women with functioning brainpower.
Elizabeth is pretty scrupulously polite in general, so I kind of love that she just starts venting about her absolute contempt for Mr Collins and the Collins/Charlotte marriage to Darcy in the middle of a tense and weird conversation in Mr Collins's house. And I love that Darcy, who is otherwise more or less dog-paddling his way through this conversation, is like "yeah, your friend seems really cool, that dumbass is lucky he accidentally chose someone with a brain."
Elizabeth: "Right? And, let me add-"
(Is it a bit of an asshole move on both their parts in the context of that scene? Yeah, I think a little. I also love it! Please trash-talk obnoxious hosts in their own parlours for the rest of your lives.)
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tgcg · 5 months
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ill break your shit adam
warning for adult lang
fuck you adam sandler
youre lucky karkat likes you
stupid fuck sees an amnesiac girl
and asks her can i marry you
that lady got issues mentally
you still down to do shit anally
deplorable zit on the ass of romanza
karkat told me to put that shit in this stanza
do raps even count as having stanzas
slam poetry tyke at preschool im no manza
youd probably jack it to a log with holes if they were wet ones
sitting on that stupid dock with her papa cracking cold ones
piece of shit id push you off that dock and watch you bubbling
kick your ass like her shitty bro failed when you were troubling
penguins dont quack like fucking ducks you dumbass
thats not part of the rap i just think that youre a dumbass
back to the rap sandler i bet you couldnt drop a single bar
too busy picking up stupid women at the stupid women bar
who even let you into hawaii
also did i say karkat liked you i was kidding he wants to kick your heinie
seriously watching that shit again made him start slamming his head into the cushions and screaming i had to pry them out his hands and he almost bit me
sorry i forgot i was rapping again
piece of shit forgot that you can like women while dating other men
still not over that chuck and larry shit adam
if you just said to the gov you were bi you coulda had em
firefighter of the year? well try putting out this heat
karkats gonna beat your ass like you do every night to your meat
gotta ask is this shit wish fulfilment for you
gotta say larry deserved better than you
i could treat him way better than you not in a gay way though
i just mean youre a massive sleaze basically the worlds shittiest bro
back to 50 first dates man sandler your shit is a bore
the stupid bits with schneider got my ass addicted to snore
if i was that stupid walrus id tear your ass to shreds
if i was that penguin i would also tear your ass to shreds
itd be harder but id still do it
bro fuck adam sandler im through it
TT: Wow. Bravo, Dave. You've outdone yourself.
TG: i wrote this one exceptionally fucking terrible to represent my inner darkness
TG: i can never unwatch those cinematic fossilized turds theyre like time capsules devoted to everything wrong with america
TG: you dont even understand how egregious that was
TT: I can sense the utter malaise and contempt in every word. It's beautiful.
TT: One particularly interesting point I'd like to make is the fact that you managed to refer to butts in a song about a male target, 10 times in the span of 37 lines. It's not an exorbitant amount, but it appears to be a running theme in your works. Very interesting, if you ask me --
TG: nooooo
TG: nope no
TG: not this shit again
TG: listen one of them is karkats fault
TT: No? Please, enlighten me Karkat.
TG: … yeah
TT: Okay, I'm willing to concede to that. On this subject matter, as an avid terrible movie enjoyer, you admittedly know better than myself.
TT: And you love them anyways.
TG: hes right
TG: you hear that shit hes right
TG: fuck death of the author im verifying that interpretation
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