#The way how I write paragraphs in the tags. I’m so sorry </3
fi3stazo · 2 years
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watch me make this man my entire personality
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 6 months
Find the word
Thanks to @sleepywriter00 for the tag here! Sorry this is a little late I got behind on these!
My words: spoon, energy, study, listen
Your words: future, slice, deserve, access
Tagging @jezifster @little-peril-stories @mysticstarlightduck @blind-the-winds @herrmannhalsteadproduction @cowboybrunch @i-can-even-burn-salad @aziz-reads @memoriethereaderandwriter-blog @mk-writes-stuff @buffythevampirelover @mantabanter @chauceryfairytales @eccaiia @pb-dot @frostedlemonwriter or anyone who wants to hop on!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @fairy-tales-of-yesterday - y'all can also hop on if you want
Keep reading for:
Talk about planners and Gabriel's nickname
Short passage of pseudoscience babble
Telepathy world building! Will this change? Who knows!?
Maddie helps Kelsey calm down <3
Spoon (twice!) - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Lexi POV)
“Oh, shoot, I forgot my planner.” I turned to see it still lying on the floor. I flicked my wrist slightly to teleport it in my hand. “You brought a planner to breakfast?” Tyler asked as he drank his orange juice. “It’s just how I manage my life,” I said. I opened it up on the table to show them the January schedule. “Wow, that’s really pretty,” said Carla. “I don’t need a planner, given my powers.” “Aw, yeah, I wish I could just stop time at my leisure,” I said as I closed the planner again. “I have a planner,” said Tyler. “It’s called here.” He pointed to his head. “Medina has one like yours, but it’s a little boring.” “One, you need to write things down in case you forget,” said Gabriel, pointing at Tyler with his spoon. “Two, I don’t see why a planner needs color.” “To organize different activities,” I answered. “Hm. Well, I guess mine is just schoolwork and my job.” “You have a job?” I asked, leaning forward. Gabriel nodded. “Construction job—perfect for terrakinetics. After school on the weekdays, I walk about fifteen minutes to a site—” “Wait, you live here full time?” I asked. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” “You’re fine, I don’t care. Yes, I live here full time.” I chose not to inquire any further, even though Gabriel didn’t seem that bothered by it. “After school, I do the homework that I need to get done, then I help the docs out.” “What do they need help with?” “Various things. Um, right now we’re sorting through the multiverse database to see if we can find Rosalinda.” “Oh, yes, that’s right.” “G,” Carla whispered. “I’m fine, Carla,” I said. “But thanks. It’s actually really cool that Gills is helping.” “Gills?” Gabriel sighed then continued eating. “You really have been spending way too much time with Stafford.” “When are you gonna accept it’s an actual genius nickname?” Tyler asked. “Then why don’t you use it?” “It’s too silly for you.” “Do you not like the nickname?” I asked. “We can stop using it.” “Unfortunately, Nakashima is right,” Gabriel muttered, spinning his cereal around with his spoon. “It’s a pretty clever nickname. It’s so stupid, it almost works.”
It's Gills because his initials are GLZ (surname not included)
Energy - from The Secret Portal Part One
William put down his tablet and rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses. He’d been working so late that it was now early. It was so quiet he could hear the snakefly behind him violently flapping its wings. He sighed, then reread the last paragraph he’d written: Replicating the negative energy density found in a chronokinetic’s rifts is no easy task. The level needed to connect one time to another is far greater than a Level-7 teleporter, but nowhere near the level in the portal that connects our reality to Ceteri, nor even a dimensiokinetic. If chronokinetics were less seldom born, perhaps this task would be accessible. William glanced at the chemicals bubbling in the flask on the table before him. As there hadn’t been a documented chronokinetic in a century, it was nearly impossible to replicate their powers considering the amount of negative pressure needed. He would have to work with what he had: a Level-7 teleporter’s DNA—not common, but much more so than a chronokinetic. Jumping through space required significantly less negative energy density than time jumping, so trying to get it up to what he desired was no easy feat.
Study - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
I'm probably gonna change the "in a century" thing. Not sure what I'm gonna do but it feels wrong.
“Telepathy is an exception to the classification of powers. It and shapeshifting are the only two recorded to not have their sub-powers build off each other, but rather have them separate.” “Why are there so few sub-powers?” I prodded. “The mind doesn’t have a limit, therefore telepathy shouldn’t, either, right?” Carla waved her hand side-to-side as if to say eh, kinda. Aloud, she answered, “It’s been said that there have been cases of telepaths with more advanced powers, but there has only been one recorded case. Though some conspiracy theorists say there were more, but weren’t recorded, and that they went into hiding, locked themselves away, or maybe went insane.” “Insane?” I repeated. Carla fiddled with the ring hanging from the chain around her neck. “The mind can only stretch so far. If advanced telepaths did—or even do—exist, there would be no way they could function. Their minds aren’t able to communicate the information that they can comprehend. They end up lost in their own thoughts, unable to reach out to another being.” I fell silent. “Carla’s in an online holographic course in Telepathic Theory,” George said, breaking the silence. “All of that is just theory. Scientists who study the telepathic mind made a list of potential powers.” “Can powers develop?” I asked. “Of course,” said Carla. “Most Alii, in general, start at a lower Level, usually a Level-1, and most become more powerful. It depends on the person.” “So, you’re saying I have the potential to be a powerful telepath?” Carla laughed. “No, the odds are you’ll be able to read minds and that’s it. Maybe one sub-power.” “Oh.” My shoulders dropped. “Okay.”
Listen - from The Secret Portal Part One (Kelsey POV)
“Kelsey!” I heard a faint voice say. “Kelsey!” I opened my eyes, lifting my head against the strong wind. A small figure walked toward me, kneeling down beside me. “Kelsey, look at me,” Maddie said, grabbing my hands. Her long hair whipped around her body, out to me. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I clasped her hand. My neck was ticking uncontrollably, preventing me from meeting her eyes. “It’s gonna be okay,” she said, pulling me forward into a hug. I embraced her, shaking, twitching, sobbing. “Kelsey, listen. Remember yesterday when this happened? You made the mansion toxic. Remember?” I nodded. “I don’t want that in my house. But you need to get rid of this… weird darkness stuff instead of just making it explode. Can you do that?” I shook my head. “Just focus on me, ‘kay? Now, can you breathe? Slowly?” I did, inhaling and exhaling. “I think you can make this black smoke go away if you imagine sucking it all up. Or maybe it just needs to disappear. Can you do that? Imagine it. Maybe it’ll work.” I closed my eyes, imagining the darkness fading away until it disappeared. I imagined the air in the room was still at breathable levels. That the smoke nor wind didn’t affect anything around it. The wind stopped. The darkness went away. Still in Maddie’s arms, I opened my eyes. The room looked untouched.
Pretty sure I've shared that last excerpt before but I like it
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superprofesh · 3 months
Hey there!
I just finished reading your ColtxReader story, and had to drop by and say some things.
I usually don't read xReader fanfiction cause I don't enjoy them as much as reading about my ships but the choices for The Fall Guy are still limited, so I challenge my luck with everything I can find. And your story really had me hooked from the start!
The way you write just feels so natural somehow, and kept me so engaged the whole time, I didn't even notice the little things that usually kick me out of it. Your use of words just caught me in some kind of spell, to the point where I kept reading certain paragraphs over and over again, because they were so well-written!
(So if you ever decide to write even more, sign me up!👍🏻)
I mainly just wanted to thank you for putting this masterpiece out there for the world to see! This little Fandom is bringing me so much joy, and people like you play such a big part in it, so thank you, thank you, thank you!❤️
English is not my first language btw, so sorry for any misspellings and such.
I hope you have a wonderful day ahead of you!❤️
Friend, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate these kind words 🥰 I’m thrilled that you enjoyed the fic so much. I had the most wonderful time writing it and imagining it all. Honestly, for a long time I didn’t like xReader fics, but I read some amazing ones a few years ago that inspired me to change my mind and try my hand at it. I so appreciate your kind words about my writing and word choices — that’s what I really try to emphasize in my work, and I’m glad it came through for you <3
I will absolutely add you to my tag list for future fics (and the epilogue I’m considering writing 😉), and I’m so glad you’ve found your way into The Fall Guy fandom! Thank you again for your kindness and encouragement, and I hope you have a wonderful day too!!!
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analoceits · 9 months
mushroom rings & faery things chapter 1: loyalty
A03 link
thanks to ChaosIsMyName on A03 for reading this over!! theyre the fucking best and yall should read their shit.
also uhh. felt fair to warn that i do NOT pull any punches on my body horror. its brief and skippable but i do get pretty intense when i do go with it soo, yeah. as well this is probably one of the darkest and messiest chapters in this whole fic, and the full promise of older brother remus wont come in till later [like chapter 3] so yeah 3 it will happen eventually but right now everyones too messy to be sweet. you can see the seeds of it start to grow tho!!
Disabled Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders-centric, Sympathetic Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Fae, Body Horror, (for like 1 or 2 paragraphs but yknow), Fae Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Light Sides As Family (Sanders Sides), Found Family, Things look Worse Than They are, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, implied/referenced suicidal ideation, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders Angst, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders has a Cane, Remus Typical Gore Discussion, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Discussions of Death/Grief, no one dies tho,
I’m so sorry,
I know you don’t want me to do this, but I know I need too. I can’t go another day not sure if Roman will live or die, and I doubt you guys can either. No matter what you say, I’m indebted to you. It’s time I pay that back. Go to the edge of the woods, my gift will wait there.
With endless loyalty, Virgil.
Virgil pocketed the note in silence. It was the last of many ugly, emotional, gut-wrenching drafts and the only one he could imagine having them read. The only one he had managed to write without crying. With it completed, he had nothing left to do here.
He took one last look at his room from the bed. It didn’t look familiar; he had cleaned up most of his things so they wouldn’t have too while grieving. Still, there were some marks of himself that he couldn’t hide under the bed. 
A scuff in the tile from his boots, old purple sheets torn where he pulled on them too hard, a single blind tied to the rest with green string where he broke it. Family carved into a bed post. Despite his best efforts, there was proof he had lived.
With that bittersweet thought, he pulled himself up off the bed and steadied himself with his cane. He smiled just barely, slowly making his way down the stairs and around the hall. As soon as he was off the stairs, his eyes locked on the front door, but he silently shook his head.
There was one stop before he had to leave.
It took care to ease the bedroom door open silently, but as soon as he did he was at Roman’s bedside. He couldn’t help the way his stomach twisted with guilt at the sight - white bandages wrapping around his stomach where a red sash should be. The only red left was that pouring out of his guts, now.
Between bouts of crying and frantically checking his bandages, Logan had called it a godly miracle he survived. That was, of course, right before Patton physically dragged him to bed for his own sake, but it still held some weight. Their luck couldn’t last them forever, though. 
His eyes darted down to his cane when the thought hit him. The cane was a gift from Roman, one he had carved for hours on hours with painstaking care after Virgil started to complain of his pain. The one with from your family carved under the handle in gentle letters. Virgil had to hold back tears of joy when he first used it.
It was the last gift Roman was able to give him, a gift to make sure he wasn’t in pain. Even with the cane, he couldn't help Patton forage, or Logan shop, or Roman hunt. The thought sent a strange spiraling guilt through Virgil, but it didn’t matter.
It didn’t, because he knew he could fix it anyway. No matter how high the price may be.
He slipped the note out of his pocket. It was so small in his hand, but it must’ve weighed ten thousand pounds with how hard it was to hold. He tucked it in between Roman’s fingers with painstaking care. It was the only spot he could think to leave it.
Sparing one last glance to Roman’s limp form, he turned his back on the bed. The satchel felt practically weightless when he pulled it over his shoulder - if you could even call it that. It was tiny, only enough to fill a small cup of milk and a tiny jar of honey. That was all he needed.
Right as he went to stand up, a sharp whimper sounded from behind him. He glanced back to Roman, twisting and turning fitfully in his bed between little cries. Right, nightmares. They had only gotten worse since his accident, Logan had mentioned.
He hesitated before turning around, but he knew he didn’t have the guts to leave him like that. He was loyal to him. His hands were practically shaking as he nervously brushed the hair out of Roman’s face and shushed him, “shh, it’s ok.. there you go, there you go bud. You ain’t got anything to fear, Ro.”
Slowly, Roman stopped his twisting and turning, quieting down. Still, there was the slightest furrow to his brow and Virgil couldn’t help the fond way he sighed. He leaned down over him, brushing a finger over his brow as he kissed his forehead.
As soon as he drew back up, there was a hand softly grasping at his wrist, and it took all his willpower to pull out of the grip. “I know,” he said as he fit the sheets back over Roman, “I don’t want me to leave either.”
It wasn’t hard to open the house door silently and it wasn’t hard to pace down the stone path without his boots or cane making a noise. No, that wasn’t hard, he had practiced. It was hard to not look back. It was so hard, to swallow his guilt and grief and not look at those unlit windows. 
He kept walking anyway.
Their house was near the edge of the woods, so he knew it wasn’t going to be a very long walk. Still, his entire body ached and he stumbled down the path as it turned from stone to gravel, then to dirt, then to overgrown grass. Brambles thickened on either side of the trail.
Finally, he reached the edge of the woods, and it was just as great and imposing as he remembered. Dark, thick leaves hung overhead and any trace of moonlight would be gone as soon as he passed under those trees. He knew he wouldn’t need the light, the path painstakingly memorized but the darkness felt endless nonetheless. 
With one deep breath he pushed between the leaves and made his way onto a deer path carved in the grass. There was just the barest shine from moonlight that managed to worm its way between leaves, and he thanked the heavens for that.
Every passing step through, though, had the moon’s light fading until pure black clawed at the edges of his vision and he could barely see his own boots. The old growth of the forest thickened around him as he went on.
He kicked through undergrowth and slapped at brambles with the edge of his cane. Thick brambles and thorns caught on the edges of his pants, as if the forest itself was pleading with him to head back, but he simply kicked through and continued. No matter what anyone said, he had a duty.
The walk was an hour at most, but it felt like ages. Every step he took he wanted nothing more to turn around and bolt home, but he was not a coward. He was loyal to a default; he would not give up when he was needed. Even if he couldn’t think to call himself a good person, he payed his debts.
Even with the misery, he had a slight bit of company. The sounds of nature churred around him; a breaking stick and then the delighted chirp of grasshoppers, a shrill whistle cry of a bird and then a distant splash from a pond out of his view. The closer he got to his destination, the louder and more frequent the noises became; an accompanying orchestra. He didn’t know if it was a hopeful heroic swell or a tragic one.
Finally, the woods started to clear around him; giving up on fighting him. Slowly, at first, brambles let up and the barest glint of moonlight shone through the trees, and then all at once as the last bit of undergrowth caught on his boots and he stumbled into the clearing.
It was uncomfortably beautiful. The full moon was bright, shining and hearty (he was sure it had been a half-moon when he had entered, but he didn’t think that mattered where he was.) The stars glittered above head along with it and it felt like they were winking down at him for some inside joke he was now in on.
The main thing that caught his eye, however, was the ring of mushrooms. They were stark, bright red and it briefly reminded his of Roman’s garish sash - then it reminded him of his blood, and his heart sank. It was fine, he told himself, he was making it up now.
He took a few paces ahead and then dropped to his knees right in front of the faery ring, carefully and slowly removing the pack from his shoulder and unloading the contents. Milk, honey, and a bowl. Perfect.
A strange sense of calm came over him as he placed the bowl in the farthest point of the ring. It was a painful, aching calm; like he was planning his own funeral. A singular mourner holding vigil for his own life, a living corpse. It was grim, but more than fitting.
The milk and honey smelled disgustingly sweet as he poured them both into the bowl, even if his hands were shaking. The moon and the stars glowed overhead like lanterns - no, eyes, eyes burning into the back of his skull. They waited to see what he would do next; lions waiting to pounce on him.
As soon as the contents were poured out, he lifted himself up with cane and took a step into the circle. His body rocked with invisible force until he dropped and was kneeling, hands desperately wrapped around the still up-right cane like in prayer. It wasn’t really that funny to him, but he didn’t try to move.
Instead, he bowed his head, terror suddenly pounding through his ribs and lungs like a horribly off tune song. Grief ran through jaw and throat, wrapping around it like a snake and making it hard to breath. Grief for himself and grief for growing old with them. Even if he knew he needed to do this, he missed home.
Still, through the aching pain, a deep, indescribable burning set ablaze in his finger tips and deep in his chest, and every spot where Roman’s nimble fingers would cart through his hair when he needed it. He thought that warmth might be called loyalty.
“I have an offering,” his voice was more hoarse than he had expected, but it was good enough. For a brief, but completely nauseating moment, nothing happened. The stars continued to blink above and moonlight danced in his vision.
Then blood welled through the grass, and the earth became an open wound. Dirt pushed itself apart and away, grass seeming to sway to avoid what was crawling out of the earth. Blood and sap, wood and flesh arose all at once in a spiraling tower of something, something that should not exist. Skin knit over pulsating, ugly flesh and a pair of eyes stared at him for something that was supposed to be a face.
Finally, something human like was formed. Human-like, because those few seconds taught Virgil that whatever fae were, they were not human. It stared down at him, a strange blank curiosity on its features. 
As he stared back at it, something suddenly clicked in his brain and he was sure he was going to be sick. He wanted to be wrong, but the only question left was a simple one. Why the hell was Roman here?
No; it wasn’t exactly Roman, but at the same time.. it could only be him. It was a strange, gross sight. The same dorky smile that showed just one too many teeth, but the teeth were as sharp as blades. The same striking green eyes, but an odd cold rested behind them.
The figure - person - fae, fae, had scars littering up and down his skin and ungodly green eyes and a wide smile. Passion and adventure and want burned behind his eyes but it was wrong, scarily feral, scarily.. animal. 
At a closer look, he was far too old as well. A decade older than Roman, at least. Age weighed on his face in the form of crows feet and a thick mustache, the same color as his hair. It was as dark as Romans, to be sure, but colder - without the red tinting it warm.
Was this.. some fucked up joke? Was this a near death hallucination? Or maybe, maybe this was the first form of torture planned for him, a reminder of why he was here. Either way, the sight made it hard to breath.
The fae spoke first, “I’m Remus, your local fae prince.” With the word Remus sickness and the cold scent of pinewood rushed through Virgil so hard he leered. The prince of the fae, the actual fucking fae, just gave him his name. Freely, just as that.
Virgil realized what it was a second later - a show of power. A quiet, but impactful way to remind Virgil that no matter what information he had, no matter how hard he fought, he was powerless here. It made his heart sink.
“Thank you,” Virgil whispered and in the same breath he cringed from his own words. Right, no thanking them. How had he forgotten? “I’m here to offer myself to you, on one condition.” It felt incomprehensibly stupid to speak of conditions when he was on his knees.
“I love conditions!” The too-shrill voice practically squawked out, leaning one elbow on Virgil’s cane nonchalantly. “What do you want, little stormcloud?” He grinned down at Virgil, clearly awaiting his response with delight.
“.. I have a friend,” Virgil carefully avoided his name, “he is gravely injured and, though stable, will not survive winter like this. I have another friend - he is trying to make a remedy. Theres one last ingredient he needs, a flower - oleander.”
Remus gave him a look, a single eyebrow raised at him. “Stormy - can I call you stormy? - Cool, thanks. Oleanders a poison, at least to you little.. flesh beasts. I don’t think your thinking of the right flower. It’d be cool to poison him and all, but y'know - doublechecking.”
Virgil thought over the words for a second, because he knew it couldn’t be a lie - even though that was exactly what his knee-jerk reaction wanted to say. After a second, he forced, “no offense, but I trust his medical knowledge more than yours.”
“Well, if you insist,” Remus shrugged then grinned, “still, that’s all you ask for your life!? Most ask for more than that. Money, power, fame, love - and lust~, of course,” the creature wiggled his eyebrows and Virgil bit back the urge to gag. “You can ask for more, you know. A lifes worth more than a flower.”
Virgil looked up, mildly stunned by what he heard. Was Remus.. trying to help him? The thought sent a feeling of vertigo through him, but he hesitantly spoke, hand picking each word that slipped out of his mouth, “there won’t be any extra.. stipulations because of this, will there?”
“Nah! I’m just bored, you see, and I love doing those little tasks for you mortals. They always go through the same cycles. First their filled with delight and shock at their new gifts, then grief and disgust as they ask why their daughter, or lover, or brother has went.” Remus turned his head back and practically cackled through out.
“.. Alright,” Virgil knew the fae couldn’t lie, and he couldn’t find much of a loophole in the words, no matter how.. depressing. “Some money to be comfortable for the following years, good fertile land to plant on, and a hunters blessing. For my family, please.” Virgil stared down for a reason he himself didn’t quiet understand.
Remus looked down at him with a strange expression. It took Virgil a moment to process it as curiosity, but before he could comprehend that, the fae spoke. “Man, you’re weirdly humble. Don’t even want any good shit! Or just, well, shit. Do you know how many farmers have asked for good manure?” He turned his head back and laughed, before looking back down, “well, they don’t usually offer their life for it.”
Virgil turned his gaze to the side. The words weirdly burnt at his chest. It was the reminder, he realized. He wanted to go home so fucking bad. The rough dirt made his knees ache and his hands blistered against the wood he held so tight and he wanted nothing more than to step out of the mushrooms, come home, and hug his family so close he didn’t have words for it.
“Will you stop mocking me?” Virgil hissed through his teeth, fear burning in his heart at every word that slipped out of his mouth without his permission, “I just want to get sacrificied in fucking peace before I spend the rest of eternity dancing as my skin burns off and muscles rot away, and- and-” suddenly, it was hard to breath. His lungs felt tiny and air was too large to choke down.
The fae thing gave him a strange look from where he hovered over Virgil, watching him have a panic attack like he was a mildly interesting rock. After a weird long moment of that, he spoke with delight, “wow are you killing yourself by self-suffocation!? That’s so cool!” 
That startled a laugh out of Virgil’s chest, then a few awkward coughs as his body readjusted to breathing again. He stared up at Remus awkwardly. “Nobody’s had a panic attack while sacrificing themselves to you before me?” He choked out.
Remus propped his hands up on his hips. “Not until you, stormy! You’re the first,” he said without a single sense of the weight of the words. For a fae, creature known for their odd but strict manners, he was wildly impolite.
Virgil couldn’t help but cringe with it, then awkwardly bark out a few laughs. “I can’t even kill myself right, can I?” He didn’t realize what he was saying until the words came out of his mouth, and then he closed said mouth tight.
The fae was giving him another one of those peculiar looks again before continuing to speak. “Man, is this meant to be your suicide? You’re like, really bad at that then because I have no plans to kill you!” The grin was strangely warm, now.
“Look, I- I’m gonna be basically dead by the end of this anyway. No old life to get back to,” he sighed quietly, before asking, like a slight plea, “can we get this over with, now? I don’t wanna spend longer here.”
The smile dripped off Remus’s face and Virgil felt oddly guilty. “Well, if you’re so impatient, then lets get this over with, stormcloud. You know what to do to stop it. Just give me your name.” The weight of the phrase was more than ever.
Suddenly, hearing the words - Virgil realized how badly he didn’t want to get it over with. Like a desperate idiot avoiding the death he handed himself, he stalled. “What, you don’t want this to end? You having fun chit-chatting here?” He said easy as you please, tilting his head to the side. The false confidence was familiar.
That startled a laugh out of Remus, who cackled so loud and shrill that Virgil could hear the birds flee. “Wow, seems like our little stormy has himself a sharp tongue. Wonder how long that will last you.”
“Long as it takes for you to get tired of me and cut it off,” Virgil hissed through his teeth, a sly grin on his face. It felt as natural as breathing, and just as fulfilling as it. Something that he knew from memory.
He realized the memory was of Roman.
Remus didn’t notice his realization of course and continued without a single hitch, “I wonder if it will be like a lizard tail, still wriggling and writhing after I cut it out of your wordy little mouth! I mean, I’m sure I can make that happen.”
Virgil faked a gag and turned his gaze up to Remus again, “you’re real disgusting y’know, for being a fae, a creature of manners and politeness, you’re real gross. How do you even get away with your wordy little mouth?” Virgil asked, half teasing and half genuine.
“Well, manners are oh so subjective,” Remus grinned, seemingly preening with delight at this fact, “and so, with just a little bit of squirming around through loopholes and the like - you really can get away with most things.” His satisfied grin seemed to light up the clearing.
Or maybe that was the sunrise, peaking over the horizon like an unwelcome guest. Remus turned his head back to stare at it. “Oops! Looks like your time is up, my dearest storm. No more stalling~.” He turned back to Virgil. “May I have your name?”
The words carried the weight of ten thousand stones.
Virgil knew what to do though, and he spoke his name, tearing it out of his throat and soul as the sun rose along with bile in his throat and as the moon fell along with his bloody heart. He whispered the first two words that would be in his obituary, “Virgilius Sentinel.”
A coldness wrapped around him, tight and binding. It was like a promise; a cruel, sickening promise, the type that edged on threat. His body shook, lungs wheezing through breaths that couldn’t make it all the way into him. 
Even though he could still see Remus above him, staring down at him with that cruel grin and hands on his hips, he could feel his hands on his face, holding him still. They were as cold as he imagined, but not as painful.
Despite the terror, breaths slowly became easier as his body became more used to the feeling, the control, the vulnerability of it all. He adjusted to it, the world spinning around him as he learned to breath with smaller lungs. Maybe, this wouldn’t be as painful as he worried.
Right as he adjusted, though, there was a sudden burning in his chest and around his lungs. It was the kindest fire and the sweetest pain, and his lungs were aching as if he had managed to breath too much. It felt familiar; it felt like being held by warm and gentle hands. The fire chased off the cold.
As suddenly as the flame overtook him, it drew back. The feeling of being held turned to the feeling of being dropped, and the cold leapt back in as soon as the warmth left him. He shook just a little with the nauseating feelings. No matter the attempt at a fight, it was too weak.
Still, it left a small thought: something else had its own claim on him, separate from Remus’s. He silently reeled from that, but before he could think too hard he heard that barking shrilling laugh again and the world fell from under his feet.
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liminalmemories21 · 9 months
Year in Review: Favorite Lines
tagged by @iboatedhere. thank you!
RULES: Share your top three/top five/however many favorite snippet(s)/line/quotes/paragraphs from your published fics (or wips, I don’t care!) and don’t forget to share the link of course!
One each from Knave 2 and Knave 3 because they're in conversation with each other.
The Knave of Hearts . . . he said he'd steal no more
“You didn't steal me, TK,” he says softly. “I’m here because I want to be, eyes open, and my choice. You didn’t con me, and I don’t want anything from you except you.”
TK’s hand tightens on his shirt, and he laughs faintly. “You say that like it isn’t everything.”
The Knave of Hearts . . . brought back the tarts
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep the Leyendecker for you.” She laughs ruefully, “I saw it and I couldn’t help myself, I know how much you loved it, how much it tore at you that you had to give it up for me. I’m sorry I couldn’t give it back to you.”
TK’s voice is amused. “I went straight, Jack, I couldn’t have kept it anyway.” He pauses. “And it turns out I don't need it as much anymore. I have the real thing now, I don’t need to look at a painting of a possibility.”
“You’re really happy?” She sounds dubious, but willing to be convinced.
“I really am. I love my job. I love Carlos. I love the life I have here. I know it’s not what either one of us imagined, because I didn’t know how to imagine this. But I’m not running anymore, not from or to. I think I’ve found where I’m supposed to be.”
We Were in Screaming Color (Chpt 1 & Chpt 11)
okay, so I love this partly because I put this in Chapter 1 so I could have a pay off in Chapter 11. I don't know if anyone else remembered that 11 chapters later, but it was on purpose and I like the symmetry.
Chapter 1
Once, staring at his ceiling gritty-eyed and unable to sleep during the endless months after he bought the loft, he’d cataloged the way TK uses pet names; a grim taxonomy of words he thought he’d forfeited the right to hear.
Babe is casual. It's a substitute for his name. It's an interjection, or the exclamation point to a sentence.
Baby is more intimate. Sometimes it’s teasing, and sometimes it’s serious, but it’s always affectionate.
TK had tried darlin' once and promptly made a face and admitted he didn't have the drawl he needed to pull that off.
Sweetheart is only ever for the two of them, soft and private.
Always Carlos, unadorned, when TK wants to be sure Carlos is listening, when TK needs to be sure that Carlos understands that what he's saying is important.
Hearing TK say babe now is a relief. TK wouldn't be using it if things were broken.
Chapter 11
TK still looks troubled. “I don’t want to lose you to this. I don’t want you to let this eat at you. I get that you want answers, but what happens if you can’t get them? When do you stop looking?”
“Not yet,” he snaps. “It’s barely been a week, and nobody else seems to even be asking the question, let alone looking for an answer. He deserves better than that. He gave his entire life to the Rangers, don’t they owe him something in return?”
“Carlos, no.” And TK’s words are gentle, but his tone is sharp, sharper than TK usually is. “Your dad lived for his family, not for his job. At the funeral, the people who showed up came for your mom, for your sisters, for you, because your dad’s legacy isn’t his work, it’s his family. Don’t take that away from him.”
tagging @rmd-writes, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @paperstorm, @strandnreyes, @heartstringsduet in return.
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gogandmagog · 11 months
Okay, cute! Tagged by @batrachised! Thanks so much for thinking of me, you’re the actual best!
1-How many works do you have on AO3? 
Aw, man. Not a single one. I’m on fanfiction.net, because I feel like it’s the best spot to find fellowship with other likeminded or book-based Montgomery readers. (At least for the Anne series.) 
2-What's your total AO3 word count?    Not a lot! I’ve written four weency sketches that don’t actually even count fully as stories, because there’s scarcely any plot, only niceties and overall sweetness. My word count is something around 6.7K, which is piteous, following batrachised! 
3-What fandoms do you write for?    Lucy Maud Montgomery. I’ve done a lot of Anne, and little of Emily. 
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?    I haven’t even written five! I’m probably unqualified for this whole list of questions. Is a kudo interchangeable with a follow? My most followed is the Smugglers Jug.
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?    Yes, of course! If anyone has a fanfiction.net account, and they left me a comment, I’ve responded over private message, which is the vehicle that ff.net allows for such correspondence. It never feels like enough, though! In a perfect world, I’d be able to take you out for coffee or tea, as a way of saying thanks. Comments or reviews mean so much. 
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?  
Angst? I don’t know her. 
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Sincerely all of them. Anne and Gilbert are happy in canon, and all I even do are canon expansion/inserts.
8-Do you get hate on fics? 
Mercifully, no. I’d probably cry. I can’t imagine what inspires people to leave hateful comments. It’s fan fiction! It’s supposed to be fun!
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind? 
Please, I’m blushing. I’m actually writing something right now (when I say ‘right now,’ I just mean that it’s a Word document I’ve glanced at in the last six weeks) that I’ll have to label as M! But it’s not all that explicit, and it’s really just something seen by a third party. And anyway, we’ll see if I can ever summon the courage needed to post it.
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not yet, sorry!
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?     I don’t think so! Small potatoes. 
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?    One time someone asked me if they could "podfic" one of my works, but this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to such a thing. 
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before? 
I didn’t even know that was a thing! I love it.
14-What's your all-time favourite ship? 
Walter/Una? Walter’s parents, too.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? 
I mean… speaking of crossovers! I have about 2K words done of an Ingleside/the Alienist (they exist is the same time period, and only 1200 KM apart; in my brain this is totally feasible) crossover that sees an awful murderer land in Glen St. Mary, and Doctor Blythe being relied upon by Doctor Kreizler for professional assistance throughout. I might have the time to complete this when I’m 85.
16-What are your writing strengths? 
I think it’s a strength that I always want to be writing, isn’t it?
17-What are your writing weaknesses? 
I can’t stop writing run-on sentences. Like… think an entire paragraph that’s one sentence. I’m wholly aware that I do it. But I still can’t stop. I’m out of control, really. In other places, while it’s true I always want to be writing, I also can’t write unless I have the right pen the exact environment and circumstances that I feel are conducive to my best writing. (A desk, my favourite lappy, an empty house, pink noise, and a coffee.) If one small thing is off, I’m useless to my own endeavours.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? 
I could do it in Lushootseed?
19-First fandom you wrote for? 
Lucy Maud Montgomery books. First I read for, first I wrote for, first I ever cared enough about to seek ‘more’ of. We can add ‘only’ here too.
20-Favorite fic you've ever written? 
Awoo, I don’t know! They all stress me out equally? No matter what, I’ll always think to myself, ‘yikes, I could have done that better.’ I wish this had asked for recs, though! I have a bunch of those.
@dandelionsandderivatives! 🫶🏻
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pristina-nomine · 2 years
so my knowledge about her is entirely limited to your posts, but may I request ophélie from la passe miroir for the character ask? 💌 very curious about this series!
Ah, I'm so happy that my posts got you curious about it ✨ (I’m also so sorry for the super late reply, but this week stuff just kept happening and I haven’t had a moment to write anything) Anyway! Thanks for allowing me to indulge in more obnoxious gushing u.u
Favorite thing about her: that she's devoid of any sentimentalism, even if the plot constantly puts her through super angsty scenarios. And that in her character arc of opening up to others and accepting the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, this part of her never really changes; she comes to realize that feelings are not necessarily melodramatic, that she can love and love deeply, but always in her own way
Least favorite thing about her: even though I really like the general theme of Thorn’s wounds running too deep to be magically cured by him falling for Ophélie, at times in tome 3 I did wish she wasn’t that accommodating to him. Which, again, is a fundamental point of her personal growth and objectively well done (and he’s like. very much accommodating to her as well), but there are a couple of specific scenes where it rubs me the wrong way a bit, can’t help it
Favorite line: Il n’avait pas le droit!!!! Character thesis statement. Iconique. Also, given that the whole series is her internal monologue, honorary mention to the resolve moment in the final paragraphs of tome 1
brOTP: so many to choose from, so I’ll go with: the scarf. Unironically one of my favorite characters.
OTP: Thorn, of course. I love that they’re one and the same obstinate communication disaster, that he realizes it almost immediately and does nothing at all to shy away from or hide his feelings, while she needs to go through her whole journey to understand and accept this new part of herself. Excited to read in which other way they’ll misunderstand each other in tome 4! (I’m not actually. Let them be content, at least for a while, please)
nOTP: given that Ophélie notp-ies herself with everyone aha I'd say Renard, Archibald, anyone of the dudes she forms a strong friendship with, basically (I’m not as opposed with the gals for some reason? But I’m also very monogamous with my ships, so still ain’t it)
Random headcanon: this may be more of a general lore thing because I also apply it to other characters, but the use of "of Anima" - ie the place she comes from - as a surname stand-in, Middle Ages style (mainly because I hate tagging characters with only their first name so I had to make something up aha)
(Wait, now that I think about it, they do use the Family Spirits names in the wedding ceremony... that's pretty much the canon equivalent of a surname... well, there goes my headcanon)
Unpopular opinion: welp, I don't even know what the popular opinions are, the fandom here is so minuscule aha. One thing may be that I'm very adamant about her being in her early twenties, or 19 at least? If she was a teen her uneasiness about romance/sexuality and frustration at feeling "half a woman" and "a child" simply wouldn't hit as hard
Song I associate with her: Alice's Theme by Danny Elfman!!
Favorite picture of her: this picture of an Edwardian young lady who looks precisely how I see her with my mind's eye, minus the scarf
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Bonus: these stunning portraits by @fantasy-seal and Ilenia Pastore
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raccoonfallsharder · 11 months
tiny lil violet anon here!! hh second guessing is really common w creatives (i would know.. i'm a digital artist) but i want you to know that you're probably one of my favourite fic writers and you actually inspired me to start working on a rocket x reader fic of my own a while back!!! (would you mind if i sent you my fic if i ever finished it?)
honestly, i dont think you have to worry about how well you capture rocket's voice bc honestly you're one of, if not the best i've read— your triptych day 17 fic was genuinely mindblowing for example?? your understanding of how different people write rocket is so in depth and the way you made all three renditions of rocket different but so clearly still rocket got me awestruck (do you have any tips on writing the 3 different rockets btw? i'd love to understand more about how you differentiate them! ><)
i remember reading the boring adventures of space pilot and sweatshirt girl for the first time after reading the rocket comics and thinking that helping rocket out on that ferry was exactly what i was hoping someone would write?? it was the fic i needed and didn't deserve LMAO literally every thing you've written has always filled a gap that i didn't know was there & didn't know i needed ♡♡
sorry for the ridiculously long ask ^^; your work genuinely means so much to me and im totally in love with how you write rocket— while ik every artist doubts themselves, i want you to know that the work you create is so much better than you give yourself credit for!
tiny little violet nonnie!! (⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄‸o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝) you precious sweet little flower. please don’t apologize for long asks - i love them (they just take a while for me to respond to). this was also so, so sweet, and the idea that any of my writing means a lot to you kinda makes me teary ♡
i would love to read your fanfic! even if you don’t finish it! you can always send it my way via dms or share via ask if you wanna stay on anon. or post it and tag me ♡ the fact that i was able to inspire you a little bit is honestly one of the most lovely compliments i could receive and it is truly an honor
i’m also so grateful that you enjoyed sweatshirt girl ♡ one of my favorite things about fanfiction is that it can give us the stories we need and deserve (or give us the opportunity to write them!). honestly reading grounded all i wanted to do was pick up that raccoon and take him home and feed him warm food and that’s how sweatshirt girl happened ♡o(╥﹏╥)o♡
so part of the reason i took a long time to respond is because i was trying to really think about how i write the different rockets. and i decided i only have one “tip” for you (or rather, one thing that worked for me and which i hope might also work for you.
but you know im gonna take ten paragraphs to get there!
tbh even though i refer to them by their respective authors, i don’t think “i need to write rocket like skottie young” or “i need to write rocket like james gunn.” i think “i need to know rocket, and understand him, and figure out how he would react & interact in skottie young’s galaxy” or “in the mcu.”
my short tip for writing any character is understand what makes them tick. what drives them? what do they long for? how do they hurt? what do they fear? in what ways do their insecurities and survival mechanisms weave together and impact the way they see the world, interact with friends, protect themselves from enemies?
your best tool as a writer of characters is your ability to empathize with them.
know and love your characters the same way you do your best friends. as authors we are playing god with their world and their lives and it’s a little bit of a sacred responsibility to at least make sure we understand them as well as we can ♡
so for rocket specifically…
fundamentally, my personal interpretation of rocket in any universe is someone with profound empathy, who feels pain very deeply. and since he hasn’t had the opportunity to like, see & practice healthy coping mechanisms lol, he has learned to survive by trying to hide that empathy and that pain under layers of calcification and sarcasm and spikes and blades. and it like, kinda works?? but sometimes it ends up hurting people who don’t deserve to be hurt and when he realizes that, the hidden empathy kicks in and he hates himself all over again.
and like many people, rocket also doesn’t really want to give up his pain. people tend to fight to keep their most hurtful memories or vulnerabilities locked inside. they build so much of their identities around them.
so the real question comes down to, what is each rocket’s source of pain? how does that impact how he interacts and thinks? what is his support system at the point in time that i’m like, crashing his party? how does that impact his interactions and thoughts?
skottie young’s rocket gets laid, so he’s not going to be worried about seducing anyone tbh. he’s probably got the most confidence out of all the rockets, at least on the surface. geez, the 2014 run? it’s like. all about his copious ex-girlfriends and about he’s the only one of his kind in the whole universe. if i were gonna write a full fic based on skottie young’s rocket, i’d base my foundation on the idea that the reason rocket has so many exes is because he’s constantly searching for something that he doesn’t believe exists (basically, someone who can make him feel not-alone) and he probably ends up sabotaging his chances every fuckin time he gets close.
ewing’s or rosenberg’s rocket? still canonically gets laid but has gotten treated like dirt enough times — including being betrayed by people he trusts at various points — that he’s always waiting for that to happen. and mcu rocket? that boy is so insecure about his worth on every level that if he has any pleasant interaction with anyone, he’s probably baffled about why the fuck it’s happening.
all this to say: how do you see (each) rocket? how does he move through the galaxy his authors creates for him? and how does that change when you step in and make something different for him?
it’s late here and my brain is foggy so i’m sorry if i didn’t fully and properly answer your question, sweet little violet .。༅:*゚*:✼✿ all this to say that if i am successful at all in effectively communicating rocket, it’s more about studying (my interpretation of) who he is in each setting than studying a writer’s style, if that makes sense.
ahhh good night, little love. i am an old baba yaga and i must sleep
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wambsgansshoelaces · 7 months
hi my lil stinky!
also just realized i don’t know what to call you lol
but i’ve come to you asking for writing advice! for moi wants to start writing again, i’ve honestly spent today looking for writing tips and tricks and thought maybe i’d come to you! (totally because i love how you write for succession)
it literally started bc i wanted some head cannons about reader who is Oliver Queens ward hanging around the batkids
and just being absolutely the worst bunch of kids to be around
but yes that’s all, any ideas to help me?😋
hello senior stinky!!!
you can call me whatever LDLWORK my name is layla but I’ll respond to whatever people call me in my ask box
I’d love to help!! It’s so flattering you chose me I’m honored actually like omg
okay so firstly, you need to get in your head that there is no right or wrong way to write- there’s so specific recipe. that’s what makes stories so much fun- every writer has their own style, and you get to find yours!! just start writing. the fancy prose or like super deep stuff will come with time :)
some basics, though:
-make sure to read whatever you’re writing out loud to make sure it’s properly structured. if it sounds dumb when you’re saying it, it definitely reads dumb
-please for the love of god break apart paragraphs
-if you think it’d help you specifically, write down a skeleton draft (basic plot points) for whatever it is you’re writing
-headcanons are fun though for that reason; you don’t need to have a plot!! do whatever the fuck you want
-not enough people punctuate dialogue correctly oh my god it drives me bananas
so basically, a speech tag is however you indicate your character says something, like “he said” “she yelled”. If you decide to use a speech tag, at the end of your dialogue, you put a comma. Ex. “Yada yada blah blah,” she told him. If you’re not going to use a speech tag, just use a period and live your life. Literally some book authors don’t use this rule and it’s mind boggling. Rant over sorry!!!
-just have fun!!! writing always comes out good when you can tell it’s a product of passion
-just write whatever comes to mind!! your brain knows what it wants to write; just give yourself some time to find the words and you’ll have a story in no time
I literally spend hours just staring at the wall writing a singular sentance
-I like listening to music or watching YouTube or TV when i write. maybe it’d help you!
-take inspo from other authors! obviously don’t plagiarize that’s crazy but like if you like the way a certain person writes, try mimicking it, it certainly doesn’t hurt
I hope this helps!! I’m ur number one writing fan you’ll be awesome <3
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profanetools · 1 year
Tagged by the wonderful @nuwanders and @wispstalk (thank you Frances and Ray) in this tag game. Most writers I know have been tagged, but I'm tagging @ervona @jiubilant @zurin regardless. Enjoy <3
A line from your fic that makes you laugh
She lurched forward, which made the bird – who she discovered was a crow named Gnorgi, could not eat carrots, and had since decided the piping of her external combustion engine was a very comfortable perch – very upset with her.
-- from my Free Day piece for TES summer fest this year. I think there's a few funny lines but I enjoyed balancing out the first section, where Bthemetz receives the most devestating letter of her life, with touches of humour.
A line from your fic that makes you sad
Clinging to that smock... and I think about how it smelled of her, her and fresh soap my omas made, and sometimes soot and hot metal and sometimes a little of the sea, because the soap couldn't always get rid of that smell. I didn't really give a damn. It was my uma. My uma. I'd just hold on to her, my uma, and try to bury myself in her clothes and cling on for dear life.
-- from Vyra: What's your fondest memory?
Think this one is self-explanatory.
A line from your fic you're proud of
The wind begins to roar. The seas surge inwards. The cold is sharp in the air. Kagrenac realises, despite themselves, that they would move the mountains to the stars to close the distance between them at that moment. That they would remake time and the world itself to lessen her pain, if they had such a power. The unspeakable things they would do, yet again, for Bthemetz! Those very same things that had torn them and the world apart. And where does that leave them, now? Here at the end of the world, apart and away from their people? They are only mortal. They cannot do anything. It is bitter, it is such a bitter thing, to reckon with. “I am sorry,” they say softly.
-- also from my Free Day piece for TES summer fest this year.
I edited this last paragraph a bunch as some adjustments got deleted by poor 4G connection on a train ride (fool me for trying to write on British Rail). Still, despite difficulties getting it back into shape, I love the core central irony of this. And it touches at the core of Kagrenac's character -- this is someone who has looked at the limits placed on them by mortality, by that injustice, and said 'no, I refuse that'. This is someone who moves mountains if those mountains inconvenience them.
IMO, there's power in that. TES is a world of petty gods and the dwemer, as I write them, refuse that logic and seek to write their own world, and I very much want to write that as something admirable rather than simply 'hubris'.
For Kagrenac, Chief Tonal Architect of the Dwemer, to say 'They are only mortal', that is such a concession, an admission of defeat. And yet, Kagrenac is so used to dealing with problems in this way that they don't seem to realise apologising is perhaps the most powerful thing they could do in this moment.
A line for your fic you think could have been better
”[...] Don’t you dare push me away because you believe you can think for me.” “I’m not trying to think for you, Bthem – I’m trying to warn you–” “And that’s fine, you can have your opinion – but you don’t get to tell me what is worth my time. That’s not for you to decide. If I end up dead or worse, that was my decision, that was on me. Don’t baby me–” “I’m not babying you.” “Then respect my opinion. [...]”
There's not a specific line but I do think It's the Opposite of A Problem has issues that really frustrate me in retrospect.
I don't think Bthemetz would have dealt with Kasmei self-sabotaging like a teenager (not entirely OOC imo, Kasmei has some immaturity) as gracefully or as leniently as she does here. I think it ought to have blown up into a big fight without a positive resolution. I also think the characters don't communicate in dialogue as much as talk at each other. I'm loathe to delete anything on my blog but I'd be tempted to delete this piece.
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character
“Have you lapsed back into an infantile theism, playing the dissident priest in a moment of senility in your old age, or do you simply wish to insult me, Bthemetz?”
-- From A Thesis On Twelve Tones: Chapter 7.
One of the most punchable Kagrenac lines.
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww'
I love you, you’ll tell her later, after you’ve brewed a pot of her favourite tea. you’ll nip out, when the sun’s still orange and she’s still trying to catch some not-actually-necessary sleep, and pick the dark stemmed leaves you know she likes, from the highest point of the mountain where the air thins, gets herself giddy over. it takes a lot out of you to visit her in person these days - you feel layers of you shedding every time you have to phase somewhere, like the world wants to yoink you back to the void like a naughty child. stay here says the universe. no, you shout back. you suspect there might come a day where you can’t do this, anymore. where you’ll actually be dead. wouldn’t that be funny, you’ve told Bthem, and she always tells you to shut your trap, because it’s better that you’re here. it’s better, so you’ll keep on struggling. you’ll keep on swimming, until they tear you down. “Good,” you say to her. “It’s a good thing, you’re still here. A really good thing.”
-- From The Sky is Full of Smoke.
I need to write a proper Kasmei/Bthem fic at one point because their soft moments are really good, IMO.
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism
When you raise a knife to your scalp, you think better of it. You finish your tea. It's the fourth era of some empire you've never heard of. Dynasties, what are they good for? You sign the guestlist with VYRA. You give no family name.
-- from VYRA.
It's on the nose, but I love the certainty of this. It's characteristic of and yet represents a peaceful coming to terms with herself - she does not need to be either precisely 'dwemer' or 'chimer' by the norms either group demand, nor does she need to hold family ties that hurt her. the shaving metaphor is less subtext and more text: she is no longer almost violently trying to cut off the deeply dwemeri cultural background she has. but she also does not necessarily align herself with 'Kemel-Ze' or 'Demnevanni' or any other clan or house. Despite her abrasiveness, Vyra has actually conformed strictly to dwemeri or chimeri cultural expectations much of the time (with mixed success, she's v autistic-coded), and has found navigating her dual heritage really hard, and I think there's a lot of power in her accepting that as soon as she accepts herself.
I think the next step after this fic would be about her trying to reconnect with other lost Dwemer and trying to build some semblance of community, in ways that don't trap her back in academia.
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg
They are the stranger of the two: both unfamiliar and bizarre. They are cloaked in a thick mantle, the colour long faded, that trails to the top of their boots, but between the edges of heavy fabric one can glimpse an odd angle, a strange glint, of what looks like a suit of mismatched metal armour, wrong times, wrong periods, wrong histories soldered together, a patchwork of replacements and remnants, walking. The guide had wondered if there was anything but a shadow underneath it. (A shadow, a spectre, a haunting thing that wears a crossbow large enough to spear through a dragon’s heart, steady on their back.)
-- from Where is Shor?
This is actually Bthemetz, but funnily enough I think a lot of people actually missed that because of the deliberate use of they/them pronouns here.
A line from your fic that's shocking
“You would be cut down in less than year,” he says, simply. “You have no credentials, no family, and most Vvardenfell Clans have no great love for anyone in the Western Mountains. What little you would gather would be destroyed in a matter of minutes.” “It would be better,” they snap, “than another year sitting and doing nothing.”
-- Bauble
Not that shocking on the surface, but there's definitely something self-destructive about 19 year old Kagrenac, refugee of Nordic Occupation and Bitter about it, here arguing with 24 year old Dumac, lawyer-in-training and layabout (until they came along), about whether raising an army would be a sensible thing to do.
A line from your fic you want to talk about more
Bthemetz stops. She flings her arms outwards. “You tried to kill me!” “I know.”
-- also from my Free Day piece for TES summer fest this year.
Cheating here because I actually have a half-written fic all about this, actually. Hoping I will finish it before the end of the month.
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lostin-thewild · 2 years
the bitch is back. hi! ! i’m gonna start by saying this is a terrible fking idea bc i’m the worst and i ghost a lot but… i love to write so here i am posting this again. i need people who are willing to jump IMMEDIATELY into writing. too often i spend a ton of time plotting or talking about characters… we can do that WHILE we write lol
i’d love to find a few chill rp partners! i’ll start with the other important things 1) i rp on discord only. 2) i can be a little flakey. i’m sorry. i cannot and will not reply every day. so if you’re looking for someone who will consistently reply to threads 10 times a day, that’s not me. HOWEVER i love, love to talk headcanons and about our ships on the daily in between replies! (you want someone who will make you a tumblr tag and a pinterest board? that’s me lol) i’ve also been loving discord for fast / fun text threads so if we do that in addition to threads, you’re likely to get a response from me every day. 3) if you’re looking for someone who will write 4 paragraphs per reply, that’s not me. i sometimes write long starters or sometimes i get in my feelings and write a lot, but a typical reply from me is 1 paragraph! 4) if we’ve tried writing / plotting together before and it didn’t work out PLEASE feel free to reach out! i’m just very shy and i think people hate me for ghosting so i feel awkward reaching out to them. I’M USING A DIF DISCORD NOW THO SO PLS MESSAGE ME ON TUMBLR.
i’m 30 and prefer partners close to my age. but at the min, 21+ muns only! i’m looking for some chill stuff, where we can try a plot/thread or two together and see if we vibe. if we do, i will want 30 ships with you. if we don’t, no hard feelings. we just might not be the writing partner for each other and we can part ways! you can always tell me if you’re not feeling something, and i ask that you be receptive if i do the same.
below the cut i’ll put some more info about me / what i’m looking for. plots, faces, ships i’m into, etc. it’s VERY long and has more info than anyone needs bc i add to it all the time. you DO NOT have to read it all! (kudos if you do lol) it’s just in case you want to learn more about me! like this if you’re interested and i’ll reach out via IM!!! or if you see anything below that catches your eye, feel free to just IM me as well! (you will get a response faster from me if you IM me instead of liking the post just fyi)
i love being friends with my rp partners, so please know that i WILL message you periodically to check in with you (not on your level of interest in the plot, you as a person lol), send you gifs, posts, playlists, whatever, talk about our plots, etc. i’ll make pinterest boards, instagam templates. all that. please know it is NOT me attempting to rush you into replying! i’m so patient and don’t care how long you take. i genuinely just want to be your friend lol. so if you will be annoyed by me messaging you, i’m probably not for you. and if you give me no enthusiasm in response, i’m less likely to want to write with you. it is what it is.
i’ve been more into creating a new muse with every plot lately. but i’m happy to play against any of your muses if you like to write with pre-established muses! i also LOVE mumus/having multiple plots in the same universe. i love real life plots, i love creating fantasy universes, i love scifi, horror, angst, fluff… literally anything. i’m open to nsfw and dark themes (no rape, incest, abuse, or grooming) as well as long as we talk about everything beforehand. i’m down for smut as long as it’s part of a plot, but if it’s not your thing, i’m fine not including it!
i’ll write m/m and m/f. i’m open to f/f, but i go for m/m and m/f more. always here for platonic things also!!! i do have a preference for playing men bc  like getting in touch with my masc side. i don’t care if you only want to play women just let me know up front. i’ll play muses 18 to 118. (ok mb not that old but i have had muses in their 60s before.)
here are some faces i love as well as ships and plots i’d love to do! i’m 100% not limited to these things!!! but if you’re curious as to what i like or if you want a jumping off point to start plotting, it might be helpful for you!!
M O S T   W A N T E D aka i will do anything in return if you give me any of these!! - i’d literally give my first born for this. i’ve tried it so many times but i suck and it keeps falling through! - i wanna use my oliver jackson-cohen muse in something like dark and angsty and smutty and like mafia-ish. idk if this sounds remotely interesting i can give you the pinterest and tag and stuff i have for him/the plot!! - also this, this, this, and this okay thanks bye. - rudy pankow x madelyn cline in a bffs to lovers just wait i can explain this!! - i also wanna use manny montana. maybe an age gap? maybe dark, maybe angsty, maybe smutty idk like the usual YOU KNOW  - i need a m/m hockey rivals plot i have ideas too!! - will give my second born for anyone who lets me play as or against milly alcock, emily carey, and/or olivia cooke in something fantasy/historical bc... obsessed with them in HOTD O T  H E R   P L O T S - books i’d love to do plots based on: red, white & royal blue!!!!, the selection plssssss, anything based on the grishaverse (especially SoC or wesper or helnik omg), the house in the cerulean sea, falling kingdoms, shadowhunter universe (OCs mostly, but i would also play matthew fairchild or an older kit rook!), captive prince, all for the game, the raven cycle, the winner’s trilogy, the lunar chronicles, IT (18+ eddie x richie bc i’m trash?), the crown’s game, the night circus, an ember in the ashes, the kiss of deception, the song of achilles, throne of glass, the cruel prince... proably more lol. tbh you don’t even have to have read any of them i can just scream the plot at you lol - i would KILLLLLL for a plot based on young royals on netflix! - absolutely a n y t h i n g enemies to lovers. especially if it’s like slowburn enemies to friends to lovers. pls. - bodyguard plots!! bodyguard x royal, bodyguard x politician’s kid, bodyguard x actor. anything. - any kind of age gap plot with an older woman x younger man pls  - SPORTSSSS. i’m absolute trash for hockey and baseball. (but will do any sports honestly.) olympic stuff!! gimme figure skater/hockey player. give me teammates secretly crushing on each other/hooking up after the game but no homo/etc. give me rivals. two people competing for a captain spot. etc. - rom com plots!!! (sweet home alabama, the proposal, just go with it, set it up, while you were sleeping, the girl next door, trainwreck, clueless, bridget jones’s diary, chasing liberty, LITERALLY ANY) - fake dating!!!! (or fake married or anything like that!!) any kind. in any plot. in any scenario. can’t promise not to cry if we also include the only one bed trope bc i don’t care how often i see it, i consider it literary genius every damn time i encounter it. - i live for friends to lovers. especially if they’re both really dumb and if it’s gay. - college! sororities! frats! sports! - i love any sort of crime plot. mob. mafia. anything like that. - royalty anything. real life or fantasy. - historical plots!! literally from any era. i just love history ok. - stuff with older muses! a couple of divorcees. single parents, second chance romance.. idk anything lol - anything in my PLOTS tag
i generally prefer to pick a plot THEN a face, but just to get an idea of the kinds of faces i usually go for, they’re down below! honestly i’ll probs suggest a lot of faces not on this list
F A C E S aaron paul, alex fitzalan, anthony mackie, aron piper, axel auriant, bill skarsgard, charlie gillespie, cody christian, dacre montgomery, dev patel, diego luna, dylan sprayberry, felix mallard, freddy carter, hero fiennes-tiffin, ian bohen, isaiah mustafa, joel kinnaman, jonathan daviss, logan shroyer, lorenzo zurzolo, lucien laviscount, manny montana, matthew daddario, maxence danet-fauvel, octavio pisano, oliver jackson-cohen, oliver stark, oscar isaac, nick robinson, rafael silva, rege-jean page, ronen rubinstein, rudy pankow, ryan guzman, suraj sharma, taron egerton, taylor zakhar perez, thomas doherty, timothee chalamet, tom holland, zethphan smith gneist.
adeline rudolph, aisha dee, amber stevens west, anya taylor-joy, aslihan malbora, benedetta porcaroli, brianne howey, bruna marquezine, chloe bailey, cindy kimberly, constance wu, dove cameron, dua lipa, eiza gonzalez, ester expósito, geraldine viswanathan, january jones, josefine frida pettersen, khadijha red thunder, katheryn winnick, kristine froseth, lovie simone, madelyn cline, maia mitchell, marilyn lima, meg donnelly, milly alcock, natacha karam, natalia dyer, paulina singer, precious mustapha, rachel hilson, romi van renterghem, ryan destiny, samantha logan, sofia bryant, sydney sweeney, tessa thompson, veerle dejaeger, yael shelbia, yara shahidi, zion moreon.
you can also look through my FACES tag for more ideas! but honestly, i’m open to a lot!!
S H I P S aron piper x omar ayuso aron piper x manu rios axel auriant x maxence danet-fauvel brandon flynn x richard madden bridgette lundy-paine x fivel stewart cody christian x dylan sprayberry evan mock x thomas doherty (x emily alyn lind) jonathan daviss x rudy pankow madelyn cline x rudy pankow oliver stark x ryan guzman rafael silva x ronen rubenstein savannah lee smith x zion moreno
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
i do not often talk about stuff like this, but i am now!! setting my bases on this one extremely particular feeling i have about something i see commonly enough to be confused by (will be talking about transmen in explicit fanfiction, put under a readmore in case any1 don’t wanna deal with that which is perfectly understandable. also obv disclaimer please don’t read this if you’re a minor. personal preference):
alright. i think it is weird how often transmen in fanfiction end up being the bottoms.
this is such a weird thing for me to talk about hence the read more, but for anyone wondering, in case it wasn’t blatantly obvious, i am a trans man myself and am basing this biased opinion on my life experience and not anything else really. my blog, my rules baybee B)
but anyway back to the topic at hand. whenever i look through a fandoms ao3, any fandom at all, whenever a trans guy is involved in an explicit fic, he almost always is described as the bottom whether it be in the works tags or be shown later on throughout the fic. i just. don’t understand why??
what is the idea here. that transmen are bottoms by default? that we will automatically be fine with using our genitals to satisfy a partner? i get confused. don’t get me wrong, there are many guys like that out there(nothin wrong with it either), what i am pointing out is the near constant of this trend wherein that is the assumption.
it reminds me of the abo conundrum i have talked about once before. why must the dynamics be so simple? hurrdurr alpha big strong top who protect weak omega mate. hurrdurr cisman big strong protect weak transmate who’s oh so small and fuckable and defenseless. do you see where i am going with this? i’m not going mad am i? to see that some authors just want to use transmen as stand-ins so that they don’t have to tag their work with abo?
please validate the words i spew. it feels almost perverted the way people write about us. as if we’re not real? goes all the way back to yaoi dynamics too. some people cannot fathom a relationship where it’s not just a simple top/bottom dynamic. idk man. shits weird and i see it wherever i go. (tragically even in the sonic fandom while scrolling through the ao3 tag. I DO NOT READ IT FOR IT IS ABOUT MINORS, OBVIOUSLY. THE OBSERVATION IS MADE THROUGH THE WORKS TAGS. prefacing that because i am paranoid <3
anyway. last paragraph because otherwise i will go mad. i feel deranged typing this out honestly. there are probably a thousand different explanations as to why certain authors write transmen the way they do in explicit fiction, but i just. cannot unsee the world the way i view it. cannot unsee the unspoken thread of if a man in a gay relationship is more “feminine”, whether that be by being an omega, or not being cis, or being short or whatever else, is automatically in the position of “bottom”. it just boggles my mind. feel free to add on to this. i’m sorry for going insane live. it just feels so weird, how many characters will be headcanoned as trans men just so they can get pregnant :/ feels weird tbh. that’s all you see us as? men that OF COURSE want to get impregnated and give birth why wouldn’t we? it’s not like there’s usually crippling dysphoria. oh wait lmao
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sflow-er · 2 years
7, 9, 23 🫀
Hi you!! Thank you so much for the ask - and I must say I absolutely adore your use of the anatomical heart emoji!
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
I had to think really hard about this and about what even counts as worldbuilding! I've never done a full AU, and I don't really feel any type of way about the fics or originals from my younger years anymore.
However, I am really proud of the way I fleshed out Henry and Walter's characters in 'Other people's secrets,' and considering we hardly know anything about them from the show, I'd say that counts! I put a ridiculous amount of effort into expanding their personalities in new directions, imagining the other people in their lives, outlining their stories before Hillerska, constructing their last names, and so on. Some of it showed in the fic, some of it was just background information for my own reference. I'm not complacent enough to say the characters I ended up with felt like real people, but I was tremendously happy with how they turned out.
9. How do you find new fic to read?
I want to preface this by saying that I haven't had much energy to read anything lately. New stories by writers I already love or random fics with a really interesting premise may occasionally be read immediately if I happen to be in the mood, but most fics have just been going on my ‘marked for later’ list.
As for how I actually find new fic... Mostly by chance! People may occasionally recommend fics to me or I may see several people praise a particular fic, but for the most part, I just stumble onto something with an intriguing premise while scrolling a fandom or ship tag on tumblr or ao3. Oh, and of course there are also fics I check out purely because I’m interested in the writer - maybe I loved their other stuff, maybe they commented on my fic, maybe we just talked on tumblr.
When I do open a fic, I read the description and start notes, the tags and a few paragraphs from the start to see if I want to put it on the list or read it right away (or neither). The threshold is higher for E-rated fics or long unfinished fics, but I don’t categorically rule those out; it all depends on how interesting the fic seems.
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
This one I already answered for someone else - but in addition to that, maybe an enemies to lovers fic. I’ve never written that trope, and it might be quite challenging to write a suspenseful but non-toxic narrative with a believable ending.
Thank you again for the ask <3 and sorry for taking so long to reply! Question 7 was a really tough one, haha.
Ask list for reference.
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clemencetaught · 1 year
get to know the author!
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name : ferre
pronouns :  they/them
preference of communication : discord, but i can do tumblr ims. honestly, i’m slow on both but i’m a tad quicker to get back to ppl on discord….although again, these days i prefer to keep my discord to solely those whom i feel ooc wise comfortable around!
most active muse :  this guy ( patrick ) clawed his way into single muse blog status with the number of times he gave me brainrot on my multimuse so i’d say it’s probably patrick :’D
experience / how many years :  like about on-and-off for about 8 years? i did do a little bit back in 2013 in quizilla ims which was my introduction to rp before i started formally on tumblr in 2015….that being said i was on-and-off for about the first three years until in 2018 when i made calum- he was the first muse of mine that actually like, stuck :’D that being said, i did also take like a year hiatus in 2020 before coming back in 2021 so uh….eight years might not be the most accurate number jfksdljfkl
best experience : this attempt so far?? Has been so wonderful and i wouldn’t change any of what has happened for the world- my mutuals and writing partners are so skilled and friendly and patient and LITERALLY some of their muses have managed to elicit responses and character development from my muses that i would have NEVER imagined :’D but if we have to go specific….maybe it’s the hunger games au verse i dragged some ppl into?? the plotting and characters they have come up with is PHENOMENAL and wow, i’m gonna stuck to them all like super glue for 5ever &lt;3
rp pet peeves : so many! my biggest ones, however, are self-centered and inconsiderate partners: those who disregard my rules, those who talk only about their own muses in every thread and plotting interaction, those who only seem to take interest in my blog(s) when it involves receiving writing from me. That and blogs that follow first but never make a move/any indication of interest, not even a like on my posts….no offense, but i’m not chasing after you. Other pet peeves include facechasing, trauma dumping ( ooc and ic ), and drama. oh, and partners who just don’t?? Respond to my attempts at some kind of ooc interaction- it can even be in tags, but if you’re not saying anything then that kills my enthusiasm very quickly.
fluff, angst, or smut : see, i want character development and exploration in my threads so i don’t think it’s fair to split up threads into these categories bc if done with intention, you can learn something new about your muse and your partner’s muse in any thread ( and yes, that includes the crack threads- DON’T UNDERESTIMATE ME :D ) i will say though, smut is highly unlikely here just bc patrick is demisexual + it’s gonna take like 2839402384098 years for him and hyuk to look at and act on each other in that manner :’D
plots or memes : plotting <3 but memes are good for starting off plotted dynamics tho!! most times, however, i’m not a fan of first meetings either. I like to have some kind of dynamic/backstory to go off of and would rather not overstep any boundaries so you’re not really a plotter… we might not be a good match. 
long or short replies : see, patrick is a literature professor. for someone softspoken and reserved, he has a TON of thoughts and opinions so whenever i do try to keep things short and sweet, he bucks against it and will give me at least three paragraphs….over 1000 words too. we’re very ( not ) sorry :’D
time to write : depends on what’s happening at work and what my mood is. I do try to do my writing in the afternoon/morning though as most days i feel like i haven’t done anything productive/meaningful until i’ve written at least something.
are you like your muses : hahahaha, nah. I mean, we do have similar interests ( ie. literature and working in higher ed ), but personality-wise he’s much more stiff and erudite than me :’D i will say i think all characters we write do have pieces of ourselves in them, otherwise they’d never be able to grow, but for the most part, no i don’t think i’m really like patrick <3 at the very least, i'm not nearly as repressed as him fjskdlfjsl
tagged by: @wynterlanding ( thank you so much ♡ )
tagging: take it if you would like!! i'm would be curious to see how you describe your own rp style :3
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sungbeam · 2 years
Hii so sorry for bothering you but, I love writing I’ve been doing it for a long time. I’d like to post on tumblr but I’m kinda new to it and don’t really know how to use it (gifs, text colors,…) so if it’s okay for you could you maybe teach me how to use it or give me some tips?
HELLO HELLO!!! omg i'm so flattered PLS TT but that's so great to hear that u want to start posting here and join the community!! :D i'll try to make a comprehensive, basic guide, but i'm def not the best with the technical things like color gradients and the like 😅 so if u wanted to explore about that, there r a lot of other blogs here who can show u!
besides that, i'll put below the cut my two cents, and anyone can feel free to add if i forgot anything!:
1. gifs! i'm gonna say right off the bat that i don't use gifs a lot, if not, at all. but there r a lot of gifs on tumblr that u can find and use!! usually if u search up the thing u want a gif of, u could probably find it, but pls remember to credit someone if u use their gif!! and if they ask u to like/rb their post if u save it, then pls respect that as well!!
2. text colors: ngl, they're really sparse and a little ugly 😅😅 at least the ones tumblr provides, so a lot of people either just stick to the plain text color or they go on desktop and do the fancy custom coloring w hex numbers and things. i really don't know how to do that (?) but again, if u ever want to learn, i can point u to someone who can show u! but at some points, i do like using the text colors one at a time to make things stand out more against the plain text! to use the colors, just select the text accordingly and u can press a color or press it again to undo it
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that's what it looks like on my end! ^
3. text fonts: personally, tumblr's method of doing this is really annoying sjxbksnfh but you can change the font of an entire paragraph without selecting it. the font button is the "Aa" in the left corner above ur keyboard. u essentially have to just click thru until u figure out which one you'd like depending on the aesthetic ur going for! a lot of people ik here just use this regular text in the three different sizes, or they go to like,, copy paste generators online and find a font they like their instead! i do use those frequently, so lmk if you'd like the link to the one i use!
4. tags: one of the most important ways to get ur works out into the world esp when ur just starting off is thru the tags! to tag ur fic, it's the hashtag symbol to the right above ur keyboard. u wanna use tags that pertain to ur fic, so try avoiding tagging ur fic w things its not (like if it's angst, don't put fluff). some common things i tag my fics w are "(group/idol) x reader" "(group/idol) drabbles" "(group/idol) social media au" etc. and usually if it's a pretty known/used tag, it'll appear while ur typing it in as well!
5. navigation menus: writers here usually have a pinned post or a post w a link to a "navigation" post or masterlist! i have my navi pinned, but it essentially is a central place where i link everything that i'd like people to see or things readers/other writers would want to find! things that include: masterlists, about me, faqs, recently posted works, etc!
6. fic formatting: it's unfortunate, but a lot of readers r put off by some types of formatting, which is why a lot of people stick to plain text color and plain text font. usually, u wanna include the title, the idol pairing, word count, genre, and any warnings abt the fic. none of these r required, ofc, but i recommend it! and most people do prefer that if ur fic is over 500 words, that u should out a "keep reading" bar after a paragraph or two! a keep reading bar is like the one i used at the beginning of this post, and u just go to a new line and type ":readmore:" and press enter, and it'll form for u! some people use pictures as a little border as well btwn their intro section and the actual fic.
if u have additional questions, feel free to send in another ask or thru dms and i can walk u thru any of this!
i'm sure i'm missing other important things haha but when in doubt, take inspo from all the other creators around u! pls do remember to reblog people's fics when u read them tho — that's one if the most important things!
(just thought of this and adding, but try to avoid writing directly onto tumblr TT usually i do it on google docs first and copy-paste it onto here to do formatting! tumblr likes to delete things out of pocket sometimes so 💀)
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park-king-lot · 2 years
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I posted 1,019 times in 2022
78 posts created (8%)
941 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 379 of my posts in 2022
#:( - 219 posts
#twenty five twenty one - 37 posts
#kdrama - 31 posts
#taylor swift - 22 posts
#25 21 - 21 posts
#nam joo hyuk - 15 posts
#alchemy of souls - 12 posts
#love all play - 7 posts
#kim tae ri - 7 posts
#kpop - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#these days i prefer eating in peace rather than stressing about acads and i feel like it's becoming a bad habit
My Top Posts in 2022:
Nam Joo Hyuk truly shines more in melodrama. His eyes speak volume. You can even see the light in his eyes dimming as we progress in the story 😭😭😭😭
27 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
How does the ending of 25 21 make sense?
<these are just my INITIAL thoughts 😭 so please proceed reading the attached pictures because they are far more accurate and correct than mine>
And for the record, Yi Jin did not choose work over Hee Do. It’s just that they have these irreconcilable differences and specifically their filial traumas. Read the pictures below to know more and just ignore my nonsense paragraphs written in small font haha.
From the get go, I have been thinking on how writernim approves of noona romance, of big age gaps between lovers. This is because in Search WWW, FL and ML's age gap is glaring but they somehow made it work. But then writernim writes story in a feminist point of view. She approves of noona romance but not the opposite of it that is ML being way older than FL. I think writernim considered grooming.
And this is perhaps why Hee Do said that it feels like Yi Jin is more sincere in apologizing than in telling he loves her. Because Yi Jin is aware and knows that Hee Do is younger than him so he always expects that she will understand and sympathize for him all the time. He is aware that Hee Do relies on him because of his emotional support. And I feel like their tunnel breakup conversation is Yi Jin borderline gaslighting Hee Do.
When Yi Jin asked Hee Do if she is sure about them breaking up if she can handle it, it gave off some creepy and icky vibes for me.
I think writernim doesn't want them to end up being toxic for each other that's why she didn’t do Baekdo endgame.
But I’m taking back all of these because I have found the perfect  explanation for the ending to make sense!
And I would like to sincerely apologize to Yi Jin for labeling him as a toxic character by the end of the show 😭 I'm so sorry. It's just that his selflessness was a bit of a stretch that it did some harm on the people around him? 😭💔
Let’s also not forget how Yi Jin ran away or ghosted whenever he is having a hard time.
Episode 2: Yurim and Yi Jin met again in the school and she was mad and hurt at how Yi jin didn’t contact her or even leave a word when his family went bankrupt. She told him all her struggles yet he didn’t even considered talking to her after the crisis happened. Episode 5: Yi Jin once again vanished without a word and moved to her mother’s hometown when the creditors tracked down his younger brother.
Episode 15 to 16: Yi jin didn’t tell Hee Do that he was having a hard time in New York and that he applied a job there
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See the full post
28 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
lee jae wook playing an asshole, bitch, hard-headed character is simply godtier >>>>>>
38 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
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See the full post
44 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
25 21 plotholes
(a list that I will edit from time to time)
Twenty-two year old Na Hee Do told twenty-six year old Baek Yi Jin that she wants someone who will constantly be there for her and her child and yet in the present day we didn't feel her husband's support and comfort on their child when she's at her lowest when she's doubting her skills on doing ballet. The irony. And the fact that he only sent her a ballerina dress and nothing more???
If the 25 21 brought her such transformative phase, why did Hee Do name her furniture shop after it? If I were her husband I would think that she still can't get over her first love?
How did Yi Jin's pictures end up in the album when we didn't even see Yi Jin and Hee Do returning their things to each other? Did he purposely leave it at the apartment? Then he should have left the diary along with the pictures in the apartment rather than leaving it at the rental bookstore.
Present-day Hee Do told her daughter that she didn't remember their summer trip that much yet at the final episode she said that she really treasured those memories. We are very confused ma'am. I get that we tend to easily forget good memories and easily remember bad memories but present day Hee Do looks so sad all the time? Or was it because she's just being nostalgic?
Yi Jin told Hee Do that they are bound to meet each other at some point in their lives. It got me thinking that maybe they are destined for each other but writernim didn't give us that 💔
Hee Do’s mother asked her if she was okay with constantly waiting and feeling disappointed on Yijin. But she’s also a reporter herself and her husband (Hee Do’s father) was very supportive of her career that the three of them even went to Paris. Isn’t she supposed to tell Hee Do that things will work out at the end just like how her parents did?
Why did Yijin's dad tell him that he was his consolation ten years ago? What does that mean? We need more background story of Yijin.
Scratch that. Bring it back. Here is how the ending of 25 21 make sense after all. 💔
76 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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