#ya girls having some tiny incoherent thoughts
emily-mooon · 8 months
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infiniteinquiries · 10 months
♡ Coffee shop au in which ellie is a barista and knows you like her so she keeps making you increasingly terrible drinks to see how far she can push you ♡
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pt. 2
(pt. 1 here)
It had been a week since you'd graced The Wayfarer's Roastery. Ellie often thought it was a pretentious name, but here she was, working as a pretentious barista all the same.
It was the kind of set up you'd expect: white countertops and fake golden accents with a smattering of green succulents sprinkled in. You know, the kind of place you pay $8 for a cup of coffee because you're paying for "the vibe". Two comfortable seating areas that were always full, and minimalist back-pain inducing seating for everyone else.
She thought about you a few times that week, wondering if you'd perhaps leave a scathing review or just decide the shop was trash altogether and take your money elsewhere. But on the breaking dawn of a Sunday morning where Ellie was struggling to get through her opening shift, there you were.
You didn't stumble in this time. In fact, you looked quite composed. So put together in fact, Ellie wondered if your outfit and confident gait was some kind of ploy to impress her. Her cheek twitched in amusement, barely visible; you wouldn't have been the first.
"Mm," Ellie hummed in an almost sleepy tone, "back again I see. What can I do for ya?"
She watched as your eyes scanned the menu above her head. She tapped the countertop behind the register absent-mindedly.
"Could I get a Frappuccino? I know some places make those," you smiled, tilting your had sweetly. It was a bit much.
Ellie sneered, taking joy in the fact that she could put you in your place. "This isn't a Starbucks. Do you see a blender back here?" Her words dripped with condescension.
You looked at her, flustered and wide eyed. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know. Um...uh..." Ellie raised an eyebrow at you as you stammered embarassedly, glancing up at the line of customers forming behind you that signaled the start of the morning rush.
Ellie loved messing with women that tried to impress her. She took pride in the fact that she wasn't an easy catch, and being with her wasn't for the weak, especially with her fucked up sense of humor.
"Just...whatever you recommend," you blurted out in her direction. She took note of how your eyes avoided hers, veil of confidence gone.
"Alright then," she sighed, trying to tamp down the urge to laugh as best as possible, "that'll be $8.50".
Ellie's eyes tracked your hands as you dug into your jacket for your wallet. She zoned out as she thought about what monstrosity she could deliver to you next. She was grounded in reality once again when she heard the sound of coins scattering on the countertop.
She coughed to stifle a laugh, biting her lip to keep the sound from escaping. You looked panicked, and she decided that as much as she loved messing with girls like you, she didn't want to ruin your entire day.
Ellie began to calmly set the coins into her palm one at a time, a contrast to your frenzied gathering. Once she finished, she unclasped her fist full of change into your hands, held out pathetically like you were begging for something. The coins were warm as they left her grasp.
"I'll get on that right away," she smirked. A second barista approached the cash register to address the long line as Ellie scooted over to the prep area.
During your exploding wallet dilemma, she had come up with the perfect idea. Subtle enough to taste off, but not to the point she'd get in trouble for it. She whipped you up an iced London fog latte with a tiny dash of lemonade. Something about that combination just felt so wrong it amused her.
She approached the pick up counter, tempted to mispronounced your name but deciding against it.
As she noticed you still averting her gaze, she glanced out of the corner of her eye to see you sluggishly lift yourself from one of the only comfortable chairs and take your drink, mumbling an almost incoherent "thank you".
She giggled quietly to herself as she watched you quickly exit the shop into the cold air, briskly disappearing around the corner once again.
She wondered if you saw the small cheeky note she etched in sharpie under the logo of the roastery that read:
♡ Ellie
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zedpercyfan · 2 years
PS Week Day 1 - Scuba Diving (Free Day)
What’s up, dudes, dudettes, and others.  I’ve been busy with college but here’s Day One of Pokeshipping Wekk while I work on the others for ya.
Seaside Fumbles
           MISTY WATERFLOWER blinked and did a doubletake. She wasn’t sure if she had heard correctly.  “Could you, um, say that again, Ash?”
           The black-haired Trainer raised an eyebrow and gave a silent snort.  “I said, ‘would you like to accompany me on an expedition to see a Dhelmise in a wrecked ghost ship outside of Cianwood City?’ and then you went silent on me.”
           “Ah, okay. Just wanted to make sure I was hearing correctly,” replied Misty.  “But why me?”
           “For a start, Goh decided he wanted to go looking for Tauri instead of helping me with this, and-” he gave her a tiny smirk, “I figured that we’d need the greatest Water-type Trainer to assist us on such a dangerous adventure.”
           The Ceruluean Gym Leader felt her heart skip a beat, but she suppressed her emotions and smirked right back.  “Aww, isn’t that sweet?  Finally admitting to what I really am, huh?”
           But Misty was wrong.  “Well, that was my plan,” explained Ash.  “But Wallace was occupied with the Hoenn League, so I just decided to ask the next best Trainer I know.”
           “Ash Ketchum, you dirty little liar-”
           “Kidding, kidding. I’m kiddin’, Mist!” laughed Ash as he waved his hand at her through the screen.  Misty fumed with rage.
           “Go jump off a cliff…”
           “So, you want to come or nah?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’d like to go.  When is it?”
           “About a week from now.  I’ll send you the finer details by email.  Anyway, I have to get going.  I’ll see you at Goldenrod harbor if we can’t call again, oh, and I was still going to call you regardless, I wasn’t going to ask Wallace, okay bye.” And before Misty could answer his sudden incoherent speech, Ash had already hung up.
           “Huh,” was all that came out of the girl’s mouth for a minute.  Ash’s call had really come out of nowhere.  She’d heard recently that he’d become a research assistant at the request of Professor Cerise, a prodigy of Professor Oak’s. Getting called out to help with some research had been very surprising.
           “Still,” she said quietly as she yawned and headed off to get herself some dinner, “even if it’s just to go see some Pokémon, it’s nice that we can spend some time together.”
           Time passed quickly.  Misty’s excitement grew and grew.  The thought of seeing a Pokémon rare to the continent was an enticing prospect.  She wondered how well the Alolan Pokémon was adapting to its new climate or if there were any more nonnative Pokémon species aboard the ship.  That was all well and good, but seeing Ash was a reward enough – not that she’d tell him. They met at the port as arranged and were soon out at sea.
           “Ah, this must be the place,” said Ash and Misty together as the boat slowed down and they dropped anchor.
           “Right,” said research assistant Chrysa.  “We’ll go down with the submersible and use that to check inside the ship.  If you two can monitor things from the outside, that’d be a huge help, and in case things go up sticks with Dhelmise.”
           “No trouble,” Ash declared.  “I choose you, Dracovish!”
           “Go my blue sweetheart, Gyarados!”
           Ash and Misty took the lead and swam alongside the submersible to the ship. It was large and very much in a sorry state, taken back by nature.  Beautiful yet ominous and rife with tension.
           “Careful,” Chrysa advised over the two-way radios they had attached to their goggles. “We can’t risk causing any instability with the ship, let alone angering Dhelmise.  Let the sub in and stand by.  Over.”
           “Roger that,” said Misty.  “Standing by. Over.”
           “Looks like it’s just you and me then, Mist,” said Ash as he pushed the sub toward the hole in the ship before swimming back her.
           “Dracovish, Draco?”
           “Sorry, buddy.  We’re just here to make sure things go right.  You might not see any battling today.
           Both Gyarados and Dracovish seemed discouraged by that.  Misty decided to offer up a different perspective.  “Hey, it’s better that things go right instead of wrong, yeah?”  The two Pokémon didn’t argue but were still feeling down.
           “I know, why don’t we say hello to the native Pokémon?”  That cheered them.  Misty sighed inwardly; it was always nice how Ash could quickly come up with ways to appeal to Pokémon.
           They went off, greeting schools of Goldeen and the traveling Tentacools.
           Suddenly there was a commotion from the ship.  First a shockwave that felt like an earthquake, followed by a burst from the hole where Ash had let the submersible inside.
           “Ash?  Misty?” said Chrysa frantically.  “There’s trouble.  Dhelmise has started to attack the sub!  Please go and see what’s wrong.  Me and the others are coming to retrieve the sub.”
           Ash quickly turned and began swimming to the ghost ship.  As he approached, however, part of the hull disappeared and Dhelmise’s anchor shot out in front of him.  “Guh!  So that’s how it is…” said Ash grimly.  “Dracovish, use Ice Fang!”
           “You go too, Gyarados.  Crunch!” Both Pokémon went in but then dozens upon dozens of other Water-types like Tentacools and Seels shot out from both in and out of the ship.  “I guess this must be their home!  They must not want us disturbing them!”
           “It’s not like we mean them any harm!”  Ash swam quickly out of the way as he said that.  “Dracovish, come back!”  His Pokémon came over but just then Dhelmise roared from within and more Pokémon emerged from the rocks.  “You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me…”
           “Gyarados, Hurricane!” yelled Misty as the Pokémon went for her.
           Dracovish meanwhile was taking care of the Pokémon attacking Ash and it.  Ash monitored the situation; it was luckily going in their favor.  Soon he saw the sight of Goh’s Dewgong, whom he had left at the Cerise Lab for any missions he was needed on, and sighed with relief as that meant help was coming.
           Then came some attacks, Ash got hit and as he disturbed some remains of the ship that had drifted away, he got a huge surprise!  “MAR!”
           “Wow!” yelled Ash as a Mareanie popped out at him from the rubble.
           “Mareanie!”  It lunged at Ash, hugging his face hard with its spikey tentacles and sent him into a panic. As the Mareanie let go, it had pulled the oxygen mask and goggles off.  Ash held his breathe but it went to waste when a drifting Tentacool fired a Poison Sting that shredded a small tear into his gear, piercing his skin, causing him to let all his air out.
           Misty heard a commotion, looked over, and panicked on seeing Ash’s situation. She had Gyarados clear a path and swam quickly over to Ash just as he was fumbling the mask back on.
           “Oh Mew, oh Mew,” muttered Misty as she helped him, placing the mask’s band back around his head before reattaching his goggles.
           Ash groaned oxygen flowed into his lungs.  “Ugh… Thanks, Mist.”  Just then, Chrysa and the other hired hands arrived on the scene, summoning their own Pokémon to help with the situation.
           “You have to get back to the ship for medical aid…”
“I know.  Dracovish, look after things here, okay?”  He gave a “Draco” in agreement.  Then Ash cringed as the poison sent painful signals down his nerves. Misty gave him a gentle push up before informing Chrysa over the radio that Ash was pulling out.  With some effort he began to swim back up.  Then Misty followed him.  “What are…you… Misty, I can make it on my own.”
“I know,” she replied, watching him swim unevenly yet consistently toward the surface, “but I’m helping anyway.”
“You…don’t…have to…”
A shockwave was felt, before they heard the cry of Dhelmise as it was attacked by one of the researcher’s Pokémon.  “Come on, before things get ugly,” said Misty, before grabbing Ash around his waist and pulling him up quicker.
“I…told ya…I’m fine…”
“Poison travels up the bloodstream quicker when you move, it’s better this way.”
Ash didn’t answer, he found breathing too hard and just quietly accepted Misty’s help.  They reached the surface.  Misty pulled Ash into the boat with help from Pikachu before beginning to administer aid. She held Ash’s hand tight when he cringed from the disinfectant touching the wound.
By the time she finished, Ash was pale and breathing hard, but only from the pain.  “Jeez,” said Misty, “leave dealing with Poison-types to your Pokémon.”
“It surprised me, that’s all…”
“Just be careful next time.”
“I’ll keep that in mind…when the next Beedrill hive chases me.”
“Yeah, yeah.”  Misty then sat down next to Ash and just stared at him.
“I’ll be fine,” he said upon noticing her.  “You should really get back to Chrysa and the others.”
“No.  I’m staying here with you.”
“I told you, I’m fine…”
“But didn’t you come to see Dhelmise?”
“Compared to making sure you’re okay?  You’ve just been poisoned, Ash!”
“It’s your chance though to get a good look at a rare Pokémon in the Johto region!” wheezed Ash.  “Remember all the buzz around Harrison?  Blaziken was hardly a common sight and…”
“I’m not going.”
“Are you sure?  I mean, it’s why you came along, right?”
Misty paused before muttering in a quiet voice, “I joined because of you.”
Ash faltered when he heard that.  He blinked a few times before turning his head toward her.  “Me?”
“Yeah.  I mean…I was just…y’know… Ugh…when I heard you came home from Alola and joined Professor Cerise’s lab, I thought I’d at least get a few visits from you now that you’re close by.  I was just missing you, that’s all.”
“Ah, I…I see…”
“Sorry.  I really must’ve messed things up then by letting this happen to me.”
“You’re one to talk.  I seem to remember you going headfirst into a lot of things and ending up injured.”
“Yeah…” said Ash with a tired smirk.  “Everyone tells me I should cut that out.”
“You should.  Think about what others want of you.  You and I barely get much time to talk and here you go putting yourself in danger.” Ash didn’t reply.  Misty sighed to herself and allowed herself to be honest. “I miss you a lot sometimes, y’know…”
“I miss you too.  You’re not alone in that feeling.  How about…when we get back to Kanto, would you like to go to a ramen place with me?”
           “You mean it?”
           “Yeah!” he said with as much energy as he could through the poison.  “To make up for missing out on Dhelmise.”
           “His minds on Pokémon as per usual,” Misty said to the sky.
           “Mm. But…I do think of you, too,” said Ash. “Really, you’re right, we should be hanging out more.  That’s...kinda why I asked for your help, I just wanted to see you, too.” Misty didn’t reply and just stared quietly at Ash.  “So…we good to get ramen and hang out?”
           “Yes,” she said a bit too quickly, “we are.  Even though we’re technically hanging out already.”
           “Yeah, yeah, I s’pose we are.  I…I just meant, more like a…a…”
           She considered for a moment, unsure if she ought to say it, but decided to. “Date…?”
           “Yeah, that’s…more or less what I mean.”
           “Awesome.  Then…we have a date, I suppose.”  She felt her cheeks burning red but didn’t stop herself from blushing.
           “I…would’ve asked you to go for ramen afterwards anyway,” confessed Ash. “I kinda realized I was thinking of that this morning.  Just as an excuse to be with you more beyond just helping with this.”
           “Ash Ketchum…you sure have a weird way of saying you want a date.”
           The Trainer from Pallet Town just snorted and went red.  “You got a problem with that?”
           “Well…given that I’ve got a date to look forward to after this…no, not really,” replied Misty softly.
           “Awesome.”  Ash game a small smile before sighing.  “Still, I could’ve done without the poison.”
           “Yeah, that’s true,” laughed Misty.  She gently poked his shoulder.  “Now then, just you hold it together.  We’ve got a date coming soon and you better be feeling okay when it’s time – don’t fumble on me like you did back there.”
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elysianslove · 3 years
i think that aran gets pegged once and didn’t really enjoy it but he DOES very much enjoy watching you fuck atsumu senseless
i don’t think you understand what this did to me. !!! not proofread sorry
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it is a rather— pretty sight, he supposes. never had the thought of enjoying something like this ever crossed his mind, because although not often characterized as so, aran tended to be slightly possessive of you. no one could blame him, especially not those he was particularly wary of. namely, miya atsumu.
when he’d first introduced you, his new, pretty girl, to his teammates and friends, he’d watched as one by one, they fell under your spell. maybe a little differently than he had, infatuation rather than love for them, but it was as clear as ever in their eyes. some had the dignity to be bashful and careful about it, others... not so much. naturally though, as a lifelong friend of the blond, aran had expected the worst from atsumu, and the worst atsumu had delivered. bold flirting and cheesy one liners spewed from his lips all night long, and aran would be angrier if you weren’t shooting atsumu down so fucking well. consistently putting him in his place was a rather amusing sight.
so it should be no surprise that aran finds this just as amusing.
with his face pressed into the thick, fluffy pillow, atsumu sobs freely, fists white knuckled as they grip the cushion tightly beneath him. he’s arched so perfectly, almost like he’s so used to being like this, almost like he was made to being in this position, with the curve of his ass pushed up. his entire body glistens with a thin layer of sweat as his chest heaves, the muscles of his stomach, thighs, arms and chest all tightening and spasming impossibly. he looks — pathetic; aran loves it. and although he’s so used to telling atsumu to shut up and quiet down, will you?, he can’t help but finally understand how atsumu being noisy does have its benefits.
he hasn’t quieted down from the moment your fingers had been barely hovering over his frame, quiet, tiny whimpers and whines and hoarse moans spilling from his lips. the more he lost himself in everything, he louder he got, the less embarrassed he was. loud moans and desperate cries and incoherent begging and pathetic sobbing all melted into a puddle right by where his tears were spilling and his drool was dampening the pillow.
and you— you.
when the both of you had decided to give this a try privately, the sight of the thick, plastic cock hanging from between your legs was odd, too odd, and a little intimidating. he’d been uncomfortable, worried, anxious, nervous, and halfway through he’d pushed you onto your stomach and took control once more, doing things the way it’s always been down with you. but seeing you now, a different cock strapped to you as you thrust into atsumu— he supposes he does get the appeal of this.
you’re really good honestly— the way you fuck into atsumu at a steady pace, leaving him whining desperately, until you’re upping your speed and forcing unbelievably loud cries from his lips. you’re good. you know what you’re doing as you reach for the sensitive, overstimulated cock between atsumu’s legs, stroking it even as he squirms beneath you, twisting around. the action only forces the strap to press harder, tighter against the exact spot he doesn’t want it to.
“hn— hh— fuck— fuck— fuck— stop!” he begs, truly, properly begs.
from where he’s sat across the bed with his legs spread, aran laughs. “you sure that’s what ya want?” he retorts, watching as, unconsciously, atsumu rocks his hips back against you.
“look at you,” you coo, removing your hand off his cock and reaching for his face instead. with your other hand gripping his hip steadily as you grind slowly against him, your fingers reach out for his hair. “you look like a common whore,” you giggle and his chest heaves again, gasps falling from his quivering lips. your fingers weave into his hair from where his undercut starts until you’ve got enough hair in your grip, and once you do, you tighten your hold, and pull.
“ah! fuck— me–“
it takes him a moment for his eyes to open and refocus, blurry and burning from all the salty tears forced out of him. out of his peripheral vision, atsumu spots a darker figure, and he doesn’t have time to process anything before there’s another hand on his chin, gripping his cheeks, twisting his head to the side. this hand is much larger, rougher too, and when his teary eyes finally focuses, his entire body heats up at aran before him.
“won’t you give us a proper show, ‘tsumu?”
and it’s just as aran says this that your hips pull back and thrust so awfully, so brutally, back against him. the strap stretches him out deliciously, and it feels so fucking good that his cock twitches, sticky precum oozing and dripping from the tip, and his eyes cross, his mouth silently falling open as his tongue lolls out.
aran can’t help but laugh again.
“so good at doing what you’re told,” he praises as he pats the faux blond’s cheeks, catching onto the way his blush deepens.
from behind atsumu, you hum out a giggle, falling forward till your chest presses against his back and your lips are right by his ear. your hand, your merciless hand, reaches for his cock again, squeezing awfully, and it hurts so bad it’s good. and then you say, your voice dripping with honey, “hmm, our little plaything,” and atsumu’s gone for the thousandth time that night.
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annemagus · 3 years
natural love potion; h.p.
Pairing: harry potter x fem!Gryffindor!reader Timeline: HBP / 6th year Warning(s): cussing, mentions of dying and blood, submission, reader pining Word Count: 5k
A/N: Hey there! This is my first ever post. I would love to hear your thoughts!
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Harry and Y/N are friends. Just friends. Much like Harry and Hermione, there is nothing out of it that is going on between them. Not until that day in potions.
“Are you done with my potion?“
“You mean, will Professor Slughorn call you by your name? Then yes, Wallenby.“
It was the first week of another year at Hogwarts. New faces, new prefects and even new professors are introduced, as usual. Professor Slughorn is the newest addition to the faculty and to have a good first impression with the students, he's given the 6th years Amortentia, the love potion, as their first Potions homework.
They were supposed to put it in their selected food or drink and it had to be unnoticeable. Why would the Potions Teacher assign this kind of homework to the students? No one knows. But this certainly gave him a good first impression to a large number of students.
“Blimey Harry, we've been rotten at Potions ever since. Now look at you, it's as if you've taken private lessons with Snape the whole summer. You’re the bloody Potions Master in our year now!“
The two Gryffindors are making their way out of their dorm room towards the Common Room with Harry holding a small basket of cookies to bring it in the dungeons where the potions classroom is at. Y/N is patiently waiting for them near the Portrait as several students greet her along the way.
“Where’s ‘Mione?“ Ron exclaimed without even acknowledging the girl’s presence.
“Uhm, shouldn't you know that, Mr Prefect?"
The male prefect then realized the time and his supposed agenda to escort first years to the Great Hall. Harry scolded him of how much he and others would kill to be in his position and yet he’s never given it any importance.
“Godric, have mercy on me. Hermione’s gonna kill me!” the redhead exclaimed after getting a playful slap behind his head from the Chosen One before rushing away from the two.
“Much worse than that, she’s gonna make him expelled,“ she jokes with a mouthful of cookie from the small basket Harry was holding. "Mhm, you have no idea how badly I've been craving cookies since last week! This is good, Har. Where’d ya buy it?“ 
Harry, before realizing what happens, freezes. He was too busy lecturing his best friend that he didn't notice a hand sneaking into his potion, the cookie. His hand slowly snakes its way to the contents of the basket that has supposedly four cookies but now has only three. “Y/N!“
"What?" she chuckles dreamily.
"We need to get you to the Hospital Wing."
“What for? You put poison in it, didn't you?“ Y/N continues to chuckle dreamily.
Harry stares at his friend as if she was some peculiar experiment. “How are you feeling, Y/N?“
“I feel like . . .“ she sighs dramatically as she gazes far away, mesmerized. The effects are plainly obvious. “I feel like falling.“
“Falling?“ Harry's stomach twisted. This is what makes Potions classes bothersome, the uncertainty of knowing whether the potion you brew is right or wrong. You can only know it if you’re a professional or by testing the potion done, which in Harry’s case, Y/N would do for him.
"I'm falling in love, Harry. I'm falling in love with you."
And boy was he really the Potions Master.
The raven-haired boy's cheeks got warm the second those words escaped his friend's lips. The two are only friends and have never acted more than that. Seeing this new side of Y/N for Harry is too foreign for him.
Sure, Harry has seen her date two boys from different houses, but being the recipient of her romantic antics has never crossed his path. His last romantical relationship, if you can call it that, was last year with the senior Ravenclaw Cho Chang. Even that didn't go well. He went on a single date with her just to make her believe he's in love with both Hermione and Y/N. Ever since then, he never thought about committing to any romantic relationship.
"Harry . . ." Y/N's hand reached out for his arm, grazing down slowly towards his hand with too much delicacy. Their hands are now intertwined. The both of them have never reached this close proximity, having learned now that one of his best friend's palms are soft but slightly calloused in the fingertips from playing muggle instruments and Harry fears that when Ron finds out about this act, he will tease them nonstop which isn't fair for Y/N. ". . . I know this may sound all too sudden, but, I have loved you ever since."
He didn't respond. He tries to block all of this sudden affection out of his mind knowing these are all artificial.
"Don't you love me back?"
"Of course I do. You're my best frie-"
If his cheeks were warm, now, his ears as well are on fire. Y/N has thrown herself to the flustered boy, locking his neck and face in her arms, squealing in happiness like a kid. Holding hands is a new thing for The Boy Who Lived but hugging him as if to let the world know he's someone's is another thing.
Very few people have ever hugged him in all the history of his 16 years of existence, knowing the story of his parents and the lack thereof. His godfather, Mrs Weasley and Hermione are the only ones — as far as he knows — written in a tiny piece of parchment of the list of people who have hugged him. Yet none of them could compare to this hug as those mentioned acted parental towards him.
Students are now starting to pass them out of the Common Room towards the Great Hall. One of those shouted, "get a room!" They're still standing just beside the Portrait Hole where Ron has left them both to deal with his own romance.
"Uhm, Y/N, why don't we go get ourselves some breakfast first, yes?"
"Yes! Let's tell 'Mione and Ron that we're finally together!"
Breakfast was agonizingly slow, to Harry's opinion. Y/N can't stop giggling beside him and feeding him like an infant earning them attention from the others.
"Oi, Potter! Didn't know that you two are . . ."" Seamus makes a kissing face earning a few cackles and sniggers from their other friends at the table.
The boy just ignored them with an eye roll, amusing the two friends in front of him.
"Leave them be, Harry. Besides, when was the time Y/N acted on you this way, huh?" They all diverted their gaze to the dazed girl. Eyebrows knitted in concentration as she feeds him but at the same time doing her best to get as close to Harry as the universe could possibly give her the opportunity to. They've never seen her this in love and affectionate. And the two thought that Harry just deserves it even just for a while. "Never, right? You better make it worthwhile."
"Thanks, Ron. Really helpful." He answered with his famous eye-roll.
"Always here for you, mate "
"I just don't get why we couldn't tell Professor Slughorn immediately. I mean, I'm sure he has something for Y/N. Or Madam Pomfrey-"
"Yeah? In which I'm sure is also your easiest ticket to detention."
The boy grunts some incoherent words of profanities under his breath. Not only was he getting embarrassed by the fact that one of his close friends is acting like his girlfriend but dragging Y/N along with his catastrophic life is just too unfair on her side. She didn't ask for this. Plus, detention in the second week of a new school year doesn't sound good.
The Brightest Witch reminded them not to take Potions lightly. It may sound like not the most helpful subject in a wizarding war, but can get you expelled once meddled with students. In short, what happened to Y/N is very illegal. You should not use or test your Potions project with another student. Plus, Filch will go nuts if he gets the news that a student gave another student a love potion.
“Well, at least, now we know that your Potion worked well.”
"Come on, we're going to be late for DADA."
On their way towards Snape's classroom — a fact Harry still can't accept — Y/N's fingers are interlaced with Harry's as they walk. She's given him her bag as that's what boyfriend and girlfriends do. In the classroom, Y/N didn't sit in her usual spot but literally kicked Ron out of his chair to sit beside Harry, the boy just mouths a sorry.
Her usual focus from the class was now inclined to Harry himself alone the whole class. Out of all their major subjects, Harry is known to have the Defence Against the Dark Arts class on top of it all. Y/N knows it, having been a member of Dumbledore's Army. Everybody knows it. But with Snape being the teacher and Y/N constantly caressing his left cheek every time Snape's back faces them, the said subject is somehow kicked out of its place on top.
"Y/N, do you mind?" He tried but obviously failed to ask her to stop in the nicest way he can utter. "I mean, it'll be really hard for us to pass DADA, and eventually NEWTs, if we're both distracted." His voice is hoarse and soft, one way or another. Afraid to hurt the girl beside him and cause a scene. Letting his former Potions Professor know his mischief doing is the least of his priorities for the day. Merlin, at least, let this day finish without anyone knowing.
"Harry, my love, it's not my fault your eyes are distracting. They're the most beautiful green not even the most beautiful forest in the world could compare to."
Once again, his cheeks and ears are on fire for the 37th time this morning. Most of the reasons are from the nonstop compliments he's receiving from the girl. It didn't take much energy from him to not believe all of it. He grew up with the Dursleys, they didn't fail to engrave in his mind his place and worth.
"Care to share in class what you're chattering about, Mr Potter?" The elder snarled in the middle of his discussion, letters extending out of his tongue as per usual. He finally notices, as always, Harry making another noise across the room.
"Nothing, Professor."
The said Professor narrowed his eyes to the duo. He knows, of course, he knows, he was a bloody Potions Professor ever since he accepted the job offered to him at Hogwarts.
"I'm saying this once and only once," he positioned himself in front of the two, now leaning to the Gryffindor boy to let just the two hear what he'll say. "Fix this, or you will face more vile punishment than getting expelled."
The class was dismissed with 50 points taken from Gryffindor. Harry is used to it, even his other fellow Gryffindors weren't surprised anymore. As a matter of fact, as long as he is breathing, infinite points will be deducted from their house.
As they were heading out of the classroom, Hermione gently peels the zonked out Y/N away from her grasp on the poor boy. "Harry, you can't let the other teachers know about this."
"Well, what do you suggest then?"
The next words that came out of her lips are like caffeine to the sleepy heads of Harry and Ron. They could not believe she could say such things. Even Y/N would have been gobsmacked if she just wasn't in a daze.
"Don't go to classes?" Her tone was laced with uncertainty. But she couldn't think of any other option, she'd rather let them take a day off classes than have Harry nor Y/N expelled.
"Can I come with them?"
Harry Potter's Monday was bizarrely different from his usual ones. He has spent the whole day with Y/N trailing behind him like a baby duck. His hand used to be sweaty the whole time with her's but now, it felt more comforting than awkward interlocked with his.
The castle was quiet, with all the students in class, it gave him privacy and away from the prying eyes of malicious gossipers. They couldn’t get inside the Common Room as some 7th years are hanging there knowing they have fewer classes and more time for reviewing for their NEWTs, library; some teachers roam around there, Hagrid’s Hut; knowing Hagrid, as much as they love the guy, couldn’t keep his mouth shut from secrets.
As much as he dreads going to class all the time, it was strange to see the castle this quiet without Ron’s company.
He was throwing pebbles by the lake to pass time as Y/N sat on the ground behind him, making them their Charms essay homework.
The boy studies her features. Y/N wasn’t so bad. Her hair’s tidier than Hermione’s. She was actually beautiful. He would’ve taken her to the Yule Ball when Ravenclaw Cho Chang declined his invitation and if it wasn’t for that Slytherin bloke asking her out instantly - her first ex-boyfriend who Y/N dated a few months back. Her hair tucked in her ear as she focuses on what to write next in her essay. Harry feels bad for making her write his homework but the girl insisted. Guess you’d do anything for the people you love.
He looks back on the lake. Thinking of the people who have loved him did everything they could to protect him, even dying. First, his parents, then Sirius even Jesus, what did he do to deserve this fate. What good will it be if the people he loves are gone?
Two arms wrapped around his chest from behind startled him.
“You’re tense.” Y/N’s hand unwrapped his bloodied hand. He didn’t even notice he was gripping the stone tightly, his scarlet blood staining the object.
“It’s nothing.“ He cranes his neck to stare at the girl on his right shoulder. Her eyes are full of concern and love. Love that he created out of a goddamn potion for a goddamn homework. A love that could never be compared to the love of his parents and Sirius. A goddamn false love. His brows knitted before jumping out of Y/N’s embrace with panic.
“I think we can go inside now.“
The rest of the day consists of Harry, trying to ignore all of Y/N’s pining over him. He tries to remember that all of these are not her fault, there’s nothing to get mad at her about. Running away from her is also impossible as she committed herself to cling to Harry’s arm as if her life depends on it.
Finally, classes are over and dinner is approaching. The two are reunited with Hermione and Ron in a secluded area of a random hallway, as Harry was hoping to get less attention from other students as they got earlier at breakfast.
“How are the love birds?“ Ron teases, seeing their hands locked still.
“Oh, it was majestic, Ron! Harry took me to the Black Lake even though today was a school day. I feel a little rebellious, to be honest.“
“Good hiding spot.“ Hermione commented.
“I’m not going to the Great Hall for dinner. So you two can bring Y/N instead.“
“No! I’m coming with you!“
“Y/N aren’t you tired of my company yet?“
“I could never! I love you.“
Ron snickered pretty loudly in front of them, even Hermione couldn’t suppress a smile.
“Aren't you two just adorable?” the redhead continues to tease.
“Don’t worry Harry, Ron and I will bring you supper instead.“
The day has finally ended and the effects of the Amortentia, as what the favourite book of Harry says, wears off after 24 hours. It was past Y/N’s get up time but fortunately for them, she took her time sleeping exactly until the effects wore off. 
She moans with pain as she tries to sit up from her bed.
"How are you feeling?"
"It's me."
"I feel like a full construction site is inside my head . . . and I feel awful. Like, waking up on the wrong side of the wrong bed."
"Do you feel anything . . . unusual? Like, something or particularly someone you want to obsess about?"
The girl looks at her strangely and then at the time. "Bloody heck Hermione, aren't we late for breakfast?"
Clearly, Y/N remembers none from the incident.
Meanwhile, at the Great Hall, Harry is tapping his leg out of anxiousness. If his Amortentia was too strong and didn’t ease away, he might as well pack his belongings and leave Hogwarts voluntarily. His precious book from the Half-Blood Prince has mentioned the cure for a love potion but the ingredients are only held by the Potions Teacher. The horrors there will be once he mentions this to a teacher is unimaginable, he’d rather spend the day with a dazed Y/N than get lectures from a teacher.
“Don’t worry about your girlfriend, mate,“ Ron’s words are muffled from a chicken leg in between his teeth from across him. “They’re here.“
Across the Hall, the two girls are striding towards their place.
“Why are you at my seat?”
“Uhhh . . .” stammering, Ron glances at Harry for help. They were normally sitting beside each other but after the incident yesterday, they thought Y/N would love to sit next to the Golden Boy. “I-I don’t know either,“ just sliding to his side to make room for the two.
“How are you feeling, Y/N?“ Harry asks the dishevelled looking girl in front of him. Both Hermione and Ron - who are sitting side by side - are listening to the exchange intently.
“Honestly, I feel bad. Like, subconsciously, I know this day would be so bad,” Y/N sighs depressingly. “Why, are you alright?“
“Yeah,” deep inside the boy, a strong wave of relief passed him. His body was cold from the nerves, but knowing his Amortentia had finally worn off, those nerves were showered off of him with a warm relieving feeling. “Actually, I’ve never been better.”
“Well, at least one of us has woken up on the right side of the bed.“ she chuckles half-heartedly. Harry felt guilty hastily after hearing those words. It’s all your fault dipshit.
As Y/N is back to sitting beside Hermione, she is also back to her normal self. Talking to her alone about their Charms homework that she never remembers making and some other random stuff that the boys could not give a care about. She was back to not paying any attention to the Golden Boy at the front who she absentmindedly know is staring at her.
Morning supper was finished and the quartet is now in Snape’s classroom. Y/N was back to sitting beside the cute Hufflepuff guy she's been crushing on and Harry is back stuck with his blabbering best friend.
As Snape discusses some more non-verbal spells and the techniques, he takes time to stop rounding the class in front of Y/N who was again, back to her normal self, her focus never leaving the Teacher. He stares at her, looking past her eyes and seeing that his student’s consciousness is back before trudging towards Harry and Ron.
“10 points from Gryffindor,” he grunted under his breath, which actually is the first compliment Harry has ever received from the elder man.
Classes ended and dinner came, Harry finds himself staring at the girl in front of him. She was talking to Seamus, one of their good friends, chatting and laughing with him as if he'd said the funniest joke ever told. The food on his plate has long been forgotten.
"Quit staring, you creep."
Harry looks back at his best friend beside him with a mixture of confusion. "Don't tell me you think I wouldn't notice."
What the boy was talking about, he has no idea.
"When will you tell Y/N?" Again, he replied with a look. "About the incident, of course."
Harry wasn't planning on ending his friendship with Y/N because of his carelessness. He could've just sealed the cookies in a jar or box so no one could see it, but no. He had to display it for the world to see. Hermione disagrees with his plan, of course.
The three of them found the perfect time to be alone in the common room, students are still chatting and scampering about their day anywhere but their dorms. So they decided then, to tell Y/N what happened.
"So that's why I felt bad. Isn't that the after-effects of Amortentia?"
Three heads nodded in front of her, studying her features.
"Well, I'm glad it was you, Harry. Could you imagine if it was Ron?" Y/N visibly grimacing at the thought. "But to be honest, it was all my fault. I should've asked you first before eating it. Thank you for being honest with me, Harry."
It wasn’t really what the boy was expecting as a response. He was anticipating more anger or embarrassment from the girl.
Their usual cycle is back. Y/N was completely Y/N Y/L/N again it's as if nothing happened. The four of them never mentioned the incident again and Harry catches himself being disturbed with that. It made him feel some things like shouldn’t Y/N be shy around me? Or shouldn’t Ron tease us still about what happened? Or shouldn’t Hermione lecture us and watch over us more to not repeat the incident again? These thoughts run through his head as every day passes.
He also catches himself getting extra angrier at the Hufflepuff boy, Y/N’s crushing about, every time they have a Quidditch tournament. Especially that time when she barges in the Common Room pretty loudly yelling at everyone that she got a date with the cute Hufflepuff.
“Y/N can you help me find a good present for Mrs Weasley’s birthday on our next Hogsmeade trip?” He tried, one Friday morning, to get in between them.
“Of course, Harry! But, can we do it after my date?“
“Right . . . you have a date.” Sounding a tad bit more disappointed than he really is.
“But,” Y/N responded with the syllable dragging along “I could tell him to go on the next visit instead and spend the day with my best friend?”
“Oh no, I don’t want you to cancel your date because of me.”
“Harry, I could even cancel my Charms class, Godric knows how much I love that class but, that’s beside the point. What I’m saying is that I’m here for you. Also, we’ve barely hung out anymore ever since you’ve been the, what does Ron call it, ah, the Potions master!”
“Not you too!” he playfully grunted all too loudly earning a laugh from the girl.
"Seriously, I would love to come with you.”
He never thought he'd say this but he misses Y/N. His Y/N, who cannot keep her hands to herself but Harry’s.
And before he could stop himself from getting deeper into his thoughts, he was left astounded. To his knowledge, all feelings he has for his best friend are only platonic but here he is, couldn't stop himself from the thoughts of Y/N. The way she used to have her focus engraved to the boy alone and him alone. It gives him so much angst every time Y/N hasn't given him enough attention for the day.
If this stupid Amortentia incident leads him into any feelings he'd be in deep shit.
Because Harry should not be bothered to get distracted. Quidditch season is starting, he's got new people relying upon his captainship. Besides Y/N has her eyes on someone else and he cannot risk losing their friendship knowing his feelings aren't being reciprocated.
Well there it is, he's already in deep shit.
So when their first game arrived playing against Slytherin, he is rather surprised to see Ron winning them a high rank.
He knows he deserved the glory that's why as the captain of the team, he let them have the post quidditch game party in their common room. The parties were usually lead by the twins, but knowing they're already gone, he didn't know that his fellow housemates apprehended their festivities.
"Weasley! Weasley!"
They watch as Ron finally gets recognition for his own efforts alone. Y/N was nowhere to be found, probably with her new boyfriend, and Hermione was shattered when Lavender Brown smothered Ron with kisses.
The two are in a random staircase trying to comfort one another. He doesn't know who needs more comforting, Hermione or him. Knowing he already lost someone who's never his also shattered his heart.
"How does it feel, Harry? When you see Y/N with another guy?"
To say that he's dumbfounded was an understatement. He couldn't be that careless with his so-called feelings now, is he?
"I know. I see the way you look at her. You two are my best friend."
He dreaded this conversation happening. The Golden Boy has never intended on developing feelings toward his friend. Unlike Hermione and Ron, the two have been having this romantical tension ever since their first year. His feelings toward Y/N is purely conjured by an incident they never dared to speak about. The boy believes that these stupid feelings of him will only break their friendship and Harry's not risking that.
"Why don't you try something?" Hermione is always the one they go to whenever they need help and whenever they're clueless about the next step. But this, this advice of hers is definitely one Harry's scared to listen to. "Hufflepuff boy is still not making any moves yet. You know, you're valid to think about yourself too. You've always thought about the others, you always prioritize us before yourself. You deserve to live too, Harry."
So Harry did listen.
In the Great Hall, he confided himself to sit beside Y/N all the time. Hermione doesn't mind the changes in their seating arrangement as she gets to sit with Ron anyway, so candidly speaking, it is a win-win situation for everybody.
He starts small, playfully feeding her (the way she used to), talking and listening to her talk about life in general. When they were walking towards their class, he would always offer to carry her bag, in which he never really waits for her response. Intermittently inviting her to do homework by the lake alone together. And every time they have Hogsmeade visits, he would buy her sweets at Honeydukes.
And Y/N notices. It didn't really take her long before she sees. She has convinced Hermione one night to tell her of her doings that day she was under Amortentia. Harry's new behaviour towards her has perfectly mirrored the story Hermione has told her.
Little did Harry know, the feelings eventually have been mutuals.
So when the Golden Boy was informed of this Christmas Party Professor Slughorn has assembled, he didn't hesitate to ask Y/N in an instant, too afraid that Yule Ball night might happen again. He was, for once, too grateful to be part of the Slug Club as Hufflepuff Boy was not part of it. Now that just minimizes his crush problem.
He has seen her in a ball gown back in their fourth year for their Yule Ball. But he never got the chance to be the one standing beside her throughout the night but now, tonight, he feels like the luckiest man.
Standing on the top of the stairway from the girls' dorm room was his best friend he never had feelings before until this year. She wasn't wearing the grandest of gown there is but this simple dress enhanced her features. She was walking down the stairs with a smile that gave a huge impact on how she looks. She was literally glowing.
"Y/N," he breathed, completely in awe of what feelings do to people.
He always sees Y/N every day, talks to her and laughs with her. She sees her perfectly like what normal best friends do. But after developing feelings for her, his mind is persuaded that she was the most beautiful person that walked on the planet.
Harry is infatuated. He felt as if he was under some spell. Is this how Y/N sees him, all those times she was under the love potion?
But Harry was sure, a hundred per cent, that this is not artificial feelings. He really likes her.
So after a very successful Christmas date, with Hermione being their third wheel, the two were back from being hip to hip. Harry was glad his Y/N is back. He's been wearing the pride of not having to use a love potion to get her back beside him. Because this time, Harry did not create an artificial love to make the girl he likes, like him back. This time, he did it right. He just needed to wait for the right time and place to ask her.
Christmas has passed and Harry's time is also running fast. Of course, his special assignment with Dumbledore has never left his mind. He would do the subtle talks with Professor Slughorn here and there. He felt as if he's running out of ideas to get what he needed and to make things worse, the Potions Master is already growing annoyed with him.
"Still no luck with Slughorn, then, I take it?"
"Luck . . . That's it. All I need's a bit of luck."
That evening, Harry was away the whole time. He missed dinner but Y/N waited on him in the common room. She knows that the Felix Felicis potion has no limits. Whatever the user's deepest desires, it will help give it to them. Y/N knows that at this very moment, Harry succeeded. She makes sure that there will be someone waiting on him to celebrate it with him.
Harry came back from the Headmaster's office bearing a report about Slughorn's memory with Tom Riddle. There, in the Gryffindor Common Room, he sees her sleeping in one of the tables far back. It was not hard to see her, with the time obviously past bedtime, she was all alone.
With the liquid luck still pumping in his veins, he rushed to her. Kneeling in front of her, the Golden Boy then gently wakes the girl up.
"Y/N . . . I think I'm falling"
"Falling? What falling? Are you experiencing vertigo right now? Anxiety?"
"Worse than those."
And Y/N, moving on from her sleeping state, was now fully aware of where the conversation was going. She holds his inviting hand. "What is it, Harry?"
"Love . . . I'm falling in love."
Y/N smiles at how adorable the boy is looking right now. His hair is ever so dishevelled and his lips as red as cherry. He was the most oblivious boy she knows. Has only dated one yet here he is, kneeling in front of her. Confessing.
She knows that Felix is helping him with some luck because knowing the sober Harry, he would never be bold enough to say such things. Little did Harry know, he need not some luck as she was all too blessed to have him in her life. Because to Y/N's honest opinion, in this room, she was the luckiest.
"I'm falling in love with you, Y/N."
(Shamefully) tagging these amazing ppl: @harryjamespotterxreader​ @harrypotterxx​ @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
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tulsa-trash · 3 years
We Look Out For Each Other
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WARNING(S): Alcohol Abuse
You never thought you'd ever step foot into Buck's in your life, yet there you were sat at the bar with your brother, Sodapop, right beside you. He was drinking from a dark brown beer bottle, which is something you never thought you'd see him do. He took a big gulp before letting out an obnoxious burp, which caused him to burst out into a fit of giggles. You couldn't help the huge wave of sadness that washed over you seeing him in this state. Sandy had just broken up with him, leaving him a complete and utter mess. You knew Dallas inviting him to this party was a bad idea, so you decided to tag along to make sure he didn't get hurt.
The place was absolutely packed, Buck always threw parties but you never understood why when the bar was so tiny. Everyone had to squeeze their way through a crowd wherever they went, it was madness. The air was hot and you felt like you were being suffocated the longer you stood in there.
You looked back over to your brother to find that a girl had caught his attention. She was all over him and he was too drunk to even return her touch. You internally gagged, you couldn't take it anymore. Deciding some fresh air would do you good, you got up from the bar stool and untied your sweater from around your waist.
"Soda! I'm gonna head outside real quick!" You yelled to the sandy-haired boy over the loud country music that was playing.
You got no response, him being too occupied with his new friend. You hopped off your seat and quickly squeezed your way out the front door. The cool, summer night wind immediately cooled off your overheated body. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you took a seat on the cement steps. You sat in silence for a while as you watched various cars fly by on the road in front if the bar, you wished you could just go home but you couldn't bring yourself to leave Soda behind by himself.
The door swung open behind you, making you unintentionally jump. You turned expecting to see a drunken idiot, but you were glad to meet the wary gaze of Johnny Cade.
"Hey, J." You greeted him with a smile.
"Y/N." He nodded. "Mind if I sit?"
You shook your head, "Don't mind at all."
He left enough space between the both of you in case someone else decided to walk out. You watched as he pulled out a pack of cools from his jacket pocket along with a red lighter.
"Want one?" He offered.
You sighed, "Boy, I sure as hell do."
He handed a cancer stick to you before lighting the one that was already dangling from his lips. He gestured for you to come closer so he could light yours, as you scooted over you couldn't help but feel heat rise to your cheeks when his face was only a few inches from yours. The familiar "flick" of the lighter sounded out and you took a long drag whilst looking deep into his dark eyes. He was so mesmerizing you had almost forgotten about your drunk brother that was inside.
"Thanks." You mumbled as the smoke exited your lungs and out of your mouth.
"You alright?"
"You don't look too good, your face is really red." He stated.
You began to cough wildly, you kept your head facing down so your hair would cover your now even redder complexion and embarrassed expression.
"Y-Yeah! It was just really hot in there is all." You lied.
Johnny chuckled, "Yeah... it sure was."
Silence filled the air, you thought it was an awkward pause but Johnny seemed to be comfortable. While he seemed to be deep in his thoughts, you couldn't help but stare at his side profile. His caramel skin, the growing stubble that adorned his jawline down to his chin, the scar on his right cheekbone...
"Why ya starin' at me?"
You whirled your head forward, trying your best to play it off only to fail miserably. Johnny laughed quietly and, to your surprise, he shuffled a bit closer to you and playfully tugged on the sleeve of your jacket.
"Sorry." You muttered quietly, only to begin laughing at yourself as well.
"Not that I want you to leave or anythin', but why are you here? This isn't the type of place I thought I'd ever see you hangin' 'round."
He was looking at you with his brows furrowed, both concern and confusion painted his features. Somehow your heart managed to sink yet leap at the same time. Johnny said he didn't want you to leave, but the reason why you were at Buck's in the first place wasn't to get drunk and have a good time.
"Oh yeah... Well Soda is in there."
His eyes widened, "Really?"
You could only give him a glum nod.
"Is this because of Sandy?" He asked.
"Mhm... I couldn't just sit at home while my brother left to drink his sorrows away. That's not who he is, Johnny. You know that."
He shook his head, "Man... that's tough."
You rested your chin on your hand, your elbow propped up on your lap. You had know idea what time it was or how you were going to get both you and your brother home safely. Not to mention that Darry had probably noticed you were gone by now.
"I don't know what to do." You huffed. "I just wanna get me and Sodapop back home in one piece but at the moment I feel hopeless"
You held back the tears that were welling up in your eyes, the last thing you needed after tonight was for Johnny to see you cry.
You felt his arm drape over your shoulders, he pulled you closer to him so that your side pressed against his own. He was warm and smelled like smoke. 
"I'll get the both of you home, Y/N. Don't worry about it." He told you.
"No, Johnny. It's fine you don't ha--" You began to protest but he cut you off.
"Nah, I'm goin' to. Think I'd sit here while you try to take your drunk brother home at this time of night?"
He held up his hand, silencing you. He got up and went back inside without saying another word, he returned shortly with your incoherent brother clinging to him.
Somehow the three of you made it back to the Curtis house in one piece, Johnny led Soda up the front steps and to the door while you watched from the sidewalk.
"Try to be quiet in there, man." Johnny told your brother.
Soda gave him a slow nod, his eyelids drooping down in the process. Johnny opened the door for him, and with that he stumbled into the small home.
Johnny snickered, "Well that was a mission."
You made your way to him on the porch and agreed, a smirk tugging at the corners of your lips.
"I really can't thank you enough." You told him sincerely.
The young boy merely shrugged, "No problem at all, doll."
"Yeah but... I just feel bad. You didn't have to help us out. We pulled you away from the party."
He placed both of his hands on your shoulders and looked you in the eyes dramatically, making you giggle and look down.
"Look at me." He deepened his voice playfully.
You covered your mouth to hold in the big guffaws that were building up in your throat. But you obeyed and looked back up to make eye contact with him.
"Don't feel bad, I didn't even wanna be at that party anyway." He turned back into his serious self. "We look out for each other, so don't lose sleep over me helpin' ya."
You leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Before he could even react you open your front door and began to close it behind you.
"W-What was that for?" He stuttered.
"Consider it a thank you."
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riffheartsgraziella · 3 years
Daddy’s Little Girl
Pairing: Riff x Graziella (AU)
Word Count: 967
Summary: Riff handles crying baby duty in the middle of the night.
Warnings: Absolute fluff
A/N: I apologize in advance, but I’m having way too much fun in my head with this AU.  If you’re interested in reading my original AU HC about Riff and Graziella’s children, you can check it out here.
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The clock had just struck three in the morning when the piercing sounds of an infant’s wails burst through the air, jarring both Riff and Graziella out of an exhausted sleep.  It had been a week since they brought their daughter home from the hospital and neither of them had known a decent night’s sleep since then.
“The baby…the baby’s cryin’,” Graziella mumbled incoherently as she rubbed her eyes and pushed the blankets off her legs.  After giving birth to six children, she knew what it was to go days, weeks, months on end without proper sleep.  She’d been woken up twice already tonight, both times to feed her and Riff’s newborn daughter, Katie.  For such a tiny thing, she sure could eat more than any of her older brothers.
Riff, bleary eyed and himself exhausted from having worked all day, watched through half-closed eyes as his wife attempted to stumble out of bed.  “Grazi, no,” he yawned, grabbing her arm and holding her in place.  “Ya’ve been up twice already.  I’ll get her this time.  You get some sleep,” he told her.
He didn’t have to do much to convince her.  Within a minute, Graziella was buried back under the covers, her eyes closed and her breathing getting heavy.  Chuckling to himself, Riff brushed a blonde curl off her cheek and pressed a kiss to the spot where it had been resting.  Throwing his legs over the edge of their bed, Riff took a deep breath and hoisted himself up, then out of their bedroom and into the small nursery that was the next room over.  Thankfully, the baby’s cries hadn’t woken up any of the boys—so far anyway.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Riff murmured soothingly once he was standing over his daughter’s crib.  It was the same crib that had held Riff, Jr., Sean, Michael, John, and Joseph when they were Katie’s size.  “Whatcha cryin’ for, hm?” he asked, carefully reaching down and scooping the baby into his arms.  “Whatcha cryin’ for?” he repeated, rocking her gently in his arms.
Katie continued to cry, hiccups rocking her tiny chest as she wriggled in her father’s grasp.
“Yer ma fed ya twice already, ya little piggie, so I know ya ain’t hungry,” Riff said softly, pinching her belly lightly.  “Diaper seems good,” he added, checking, “so it ain’t that either.  Just in the mood ta keep me an’ yer ma up all night, hm?”  Riff frowned slightly, hoping Katie wouldn’t end up having the colic the way Sean had when he was a baby.  God, but those were a rough few months.
After a few more minutes of rocking and whispering softly to her, to no avail, Riff decided to walk the baby down the hallway and into the small living room area, to avoid the chances of her cries waking up Grazi or the boys.
“Come on, Katie girl,” Riff pleaded softly, sitting down on the couch and resting his daughter in his lap, making sure to support her head the way Graziella always insisted.  “Daddy hates it when ya cry,” he told her, stroking her soft cheek with one calloused finger.
She was perfect.  A perfect little angel.  Every time Riff thought he couldn’t possibly love Grazi any more than he already did, she went and put a new baby in his arms and he fell in love with her all over again.  Even if those babies did keep him up half the night.
Katie’s wails were starting to finally subside, but the tears were still streaming down her face as she gurgled and wiggled on Riff’s lap.  Riff wasn’t sure what to do.  Graziella always sang to Katie when she couldn’t stop crying, just like she’d done for their sons, but Riff couldn’t hold a tune and he knew it.  So instead, he started talking, and once he started, he couldn’t stop.  He started telling his daughter stories about him and the Jets, stories that Grazi would certainly hit him over the head with for telling a week-old baby if she had been listening, but stories nonetheless.  Eventually, Katie’s tears stopped completely as she stared up at her father with wide eyes–she had Graziella’s eyes, which Riff loved.
“An’ anyway, we don’t rumble no more now that we’re all grown an’ got kids of our own,” Riff explained, tickling his daughter’s tummy gently.  “But when you get older an’ the boys start sniffin’ around…well then the Jets might just have ta—”
Riff was cut off in that moment as Katie gurgled loudly, grabbing at his finger and reaching for him with her tiny hand.  “Yeah, yeah,” he smirked, grabbing her little fist and pressing a kiss to it.  “Just like yer ma–always tellin’ me what ta do.”
Shifting on the couch, Riff slowly rose and carefully placed his baby girl into the small bassinet they kept in the living room.  Pulling up a chair, he sat beside the bassinet and watched Katie breathe until she finally fell back asleep.  Even then, he didn’t move, transfixed by the sight of this tiny person that he and Grazi had made together.  He knew that in a lot of ways, he didn’t deserve the life he had now, but he was damn grateful for it all the same.
The next morning, when Graziella made her way to the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast for everyone, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Riff fast asleep on the couch, their daughter sleeping soundly in the bassinet beside him.  Smiling, she picked up a spare blanket and carefully laid it over her husband, pressing a kiss to his forehead.  Peering down at their daughter, she grinned when she saw her beginning to open her eyes.
“Well isn’t someone just daddy’s little girl,” she teased with a wink.
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yukimoji · 4 years
Oooh your requests are open, I'm so excited! Could I ask for a Tanjiro x Reader in a modern AU setting (Kimetsu Academy, perhaps?) where Reader visits Tanjiro (who's crushing on her) at his bakery and he sees her playing with his siblings? It just warms his heart up and they're all like 'You should marry our brother!' and ahhh just fluff galore! Headcanons, scenario, short fic, anything is fine with me, whatever's easiest for you! Thank you so much! ~Oblivion~
(a/n: hi again!!! thank you so much for requesting! this is such an adorable request, im literally so soft rn ya hear??? tanjiro is such best boy im 😔✊✊,, i hope you like this and have a great day!)
(this became longer than expected, are headcanons supposed to be this long??? per usual, there will typos and grammar errors! happy reading!)
Total words: 1770+ words
Genre: Fluff
No manga spoilers
Warnings: None
Will You Marry Our Brother? ( Kamado Siblings x Reader, Tanjiro Kamado x Reader) I Headcanons
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During your time at Kimetsu Academy, you had the pleasure of meeting the owners of a nearby bakery, the Kamado family. You shared classes with the eldest son, Tanjiro Kamado. You became good friends with the boy, and eventually you met his younger sister, Nezuko Kamado. You adored his sister and the two of you instantly became close friends, because of her kind and caring nature.
Since Tanjiro was your classmate, you usually sat beside him. Each chance that he would get, his attention would be focused on you, chatting and asking about your day with an obvious flush in his face. Honestly, you thought it was kind of cute, seeing him all flustered up all around you. You sort of got a crush on him, not that he knew about it.
You would hang out with Nezuko in-between school breaks, eating Lunch with her as the two of you would have girl talks. She would always keep you company, and if ever you needed someone to lean on, you bet that she would always be there to support you.
You could say that you were more than shocked when you discovered that they had four more younger siblings. You didn't have the honor of meeting them properly, because of your busy schedule and just the overwhelming amount of academic pressure on your shoulders that hindered you from visiting their bakery. However, judging by the wonderful stories that Tanjiro would tell you in the middle of school breaks, they seemed like absolute sweethearts, and you were looking forward to meeting them.
However, you would later have the chance to meet them. It was a peculiar day, and the teachers weren't as harsh on you all like they would normally. Not only that, you craved for something sweet and warm. You just wanted to just bask in positive vibes, and you knew exactly where you wanted to go.
Your legs stopped in front of a small shop, and almost immediately, a wave of gentleness hits your body with so much comfort. You entered the bakery, a bell ringing as you begin to salivate at the sight of the delicious treats displayed on the counter. Nezuko takes notice of your presence, and turns around to welcome you with a big smile on her face.
When you finally picked out the goodies you desired from the shelf, you made your way to the cashier to pay for them. As you got near, you heard little strange noises coming from below the cash register. Confusion began to grow as you recognized the strange noises sounded like the sound effects from a popular mobile game. You became even more perplexed as Nezuko's expression hardened, and she instantly marched behind the cashier in slight annoyance.
A loud squeal of surprise erupted as the sound effects abruptly stopped. Then, suddenly, a young boy emerges from the cashier, a sheepish look evident in his face as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. The moment he notices your figure just standing awkwardly behind the cash register, he immediately turns red and mutters incoherent apologies as he would repeatedly bow profusely. You just give him a reassuring smile, and you said something about also liking the game he was playing.
You learned that this boy is Takeo, one of Tanjiro's younger siblings. As he continued to check out your treats, he couldn't help but find you so familiar.
Are you the girl in his brother's lockscreen photo?
After you paid for your orders, you introduced yourself to him, and his suspicions were confirmed. He couldn't help a mischievous smirk form on his lips, as he vividly recalls all the moments his brother would dreamily talk about a girl named [ Y / N ].
You asked him to play one round of the mobile game he played before with you. After seeing how the bakery was not really busy and getting Nezuko's approval, he accepted your offer. You bonded with him over the game, and the two of you had so much fun! You were pretty sure that you played more than one round with the young Kamado!
You were absolutely great at the game, much more so than him! You beat his high score, and he wouldn't admit it, but he swears he will beat your score one day. He could not wait to totally tease his brother about this.
Later on, you meet Hanako, Shigeru and the youngest, Rokuta. You were absolutely delighted to finally meet them. They were exactly how Tanjiro described them, they were all such big sweethearts!
Hanako and Shigeru almost immediately took a liking on you! They bombarded you with so much questions, asking you about your favorite color, animal, and all the little things you liked. The would listen to your answers eagerly, big smiles never fading from their expressions.
They would absolutely invite you to play a few games with them! They looked absolutely precious and you didn't have the heart to say "no". You played so much games with them during your stay, the most prominent being "Tag" and "Hide 'n Seek".
After they become tired from running around so much, they settled on listening to your jokes and puns. You swear they have the most adorable laughter in the world!
Just seeing them being giggling and laughing so much melted your heart into a puddle of joy. These two were absolutely cute and adorable, and they radiated so much positive energy that just fill your entire being with warmth and love.
They think that you are absolutely beautiful and wonderful, just like how their brother described you to be!
And then, there's little Rokuta. At first, he was a little shy to approach you. His big eyes looked at you with so much curiosity, and when you told him your name, his face immediately transformed into one of recognition.
Oh! So you're the [ Y / N ] my big brother keeps babbling about!
You would dote on him so, so much! You couldn't stop the squeals from escaping your mouth as he would adorably babble and tell you about his day! His big eyes hold so much innocence and purity in them, and your mind went absolutely bonkers about how cute this little Kamado is!
When he deemed he trusted you enough, he would raise his little arms up, and his tiny hands would make some grabbing motions. Nezuko would chuckle at his actions and tell you that he wants you to pick him up. You stifled a scream of absolute delight, mustering all willpower not to cry from sheer happiness. A cute and cuddly toddler wanted you to pick him up? Don't mind if I do!
The moment Rokuta is in your arms, he immediately embraces you, his little arms just wrapped around your shoulders. Nezuko cheered you on, commenting about how Rokuta had now grew attached to you. He was nuzzling on your neck, feeling secured in your hold as you silently thanked the gods above for giving you this oppurtunity.
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of Crimson hues stared at you with so much adoration from over the counter.
Tanjiro watched how the whole thing unfold. From your little game matches with Takeo, to your giggling fits with Hanako and Shigeru, and to how you held Rokuta in your arms with so much tenderness. All of this left Tanjiro feeling so much warmth and affection in his chest, and he wanted to cry out from the sheer joy of how much you had gotten along with his siblings.
You were absolutely Wonderful. Exquisite. Magnificent. Beautiful. Stunning. Heavenly.
Just so drop-dead gorgeous.
He's in absolute euphoria.
The boy won't admit it, but he's imagining his future with you. Seeing you being so happy with his little siblings makes him wonder what a family with you would look like. Gosh, how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
He practically had hearts in his eyes as he kept staring at you like a lovesick puppy, not noticing that Takeo was leaning against the counter with a smug expression on his face.
"Gosh, Nii-san. I knew you had a crush on her, but I didn't know it was this bad."
Tanjiro snaps from his day dream, and he could feel so much blood rush to his face. He was so embarrassed, much more so that Takeo had caught him looking at you all this time! Takeo laughs at his brother's red face, and Tanjiro could only shriek out erratic noises to desperately request Takeo not to get too loud.
You heard a commotion from the counter, and you turned to see a completely red-faced Tanjiro waving his hands vigorously to a guffawing Takeo. You could only giggle at the sight in amusement, and when Tanjiro makes eye contact with you, his face gets even more redder.
In your arms, Rokuta shifts from your neck to look at his big brother. Noticing how the two of you gazed in each other's eyes, he claps his hands in delight and looks up to meet your [ E / C ] orbs.
"Ne, [ Y / N ]-san, will you marry my big brother?"
Takeo laughs harder than he had before, grabbing at the edges of the counters to prevent himself from falling to the ground from the amount of amusement he was getting from the situation.
Hanako and Shigeru just burst out in full excitement, jumping and smiling at you, asking you repeatedly if you wanted to marry their big brother. They practically pleaded with you, their wide eyes constantly staring at you, in hopes that someday you might officially become their big sister.
Nezuko chokes in shock at her drink. She didn't expect Rokuta to say those words! She immediately goes to your side, and just repeatedly apologizes to you in behalf of Rokuta for putting you in such an awkward position. But, she cannot really lie, she would love for you to become her sister-in-law.
Tanjiro just looked at you in horror and fear. His face had hit the utmost redness it could possibly have attained, and he only wanted to crawl and hide at this very moment. He didn't want his crush on you to be revealed this way! He had special plans for that moment, but it didn't matter anymore, because you now know about his overwhelming feelings for you! Gosh, he felt so humiliated, and it didn't help that you were in such an awkward position just because of his attraction on you!
But then, he was caught off guard by your breathtaking smile. The next words sent Tanjiro's mind into a frenzy, desperately struggling with the urge to faint out of sheer bliss as the bakery exploded again into cheers of celebration.
"I would love to."
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Cheater by The Vamps
Summary: Kuroo's skills in reading a game has been expanded when he meets your boyfriend.
Pairings: Tetsuro Kuroo x fem! reader
Word count: 3.3k
Content, tags: mentions of cheating, a few cuss words, childhood friends to lovers!
A/N: this was such an impulsive moment🧍 Kuroo has been consuming my brain so here ya go fellow simps
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“Am I obligated to?”
“It was his request, Tetsu.”
Kuroo groans while you stare at him wondering what’s so wrong about meeting with your boyfriend. He sees your clueless reaction but he sets it aside knowing you wanted this to happen in the first place. Although you didn’t push him, your boyfriend insisted. It was a sweet gesture because he took the time to understand that Tetsuro to you is just a friend and nothing else. Disregarding his jealousy of the intimidating volleyball player, he initiated the hang out.
Meanwhile, the proud captain was loathing the hours before he could even step into your boyfriend's house.
If you could pick one of the words to describe Kuroo, obviously one of them is self-aware.
Which is the antonym of what you have under your own dictionary.
Kuroo always puts his best during a match and he wasn’t looked upon for no reason. Of course, he’s observant out of the court too. So, when that boyfriend of yours came in to the picture—he wasn’t exactly keen on befriending him. All he can do is accept whatever that decision was because he did catch multiple glances where you were smiling and maybe seeing that put him at ease making him less worried with your relationship.
But his intuition is stronger than the actual belief that your boyfriend is all too good.
Besides, as a best friend, it was technically his job to be suspicious of the boy.
“I’ll go over there after practice.” You smile at his words before linking your arm with his as you both walk to your class.
“Hey, by Saturday can we play again?” You asked him while he looks down on you with a chuckle, loving that you had to ask even when you didn’t need to do.
“Why’d you ask anyway? Of course.”
It was admirable that your path of being with each other actually started with volleyball. At the age of 9 after a ball fled into your yard from the Kozume residence, Kuroo had knocked politely on the wall asking if he could get the ball back. Seeing that the wall felt like a building to you, you took the ball out of curiosity before going over to the place next door and handing him the ball.
Wherein Kuroo had to pause when he saw you.
Ever since then, you played volleyball with the two. You three joined Nekoma’s volleyball teams, even practicing together. You were thankful to have them not only they were tremendous at play but also, they were your most trusted friends and their judgement is always important. So, when you got into a relationship—it was a mix of everything.
Kenma was subtly supportive. He knew you were capable of picking what you deserve and if that boy doesn’t cause any trouble, then the setter is all for it. Kuroo, on the other hand, was hesitant.
If only he wasn’t in love with you—then maybe he could’ve given the poor boy some sign of approval.
After years of falling, his chances were already taken the moment you said your feelings were growing for a certain boy from your class. Though you were classmates with Kuroo, he eyed every boy that could be the suspect. At first, he was just curious because he hasn’t seen you interact with them before but then the second time was more on the worried side when he wondered what could’ve been missing from him that he had to find in another guy for answers.
Kenma had to assure him at some point. The blonde noticed Kuroo’s feelings ever since he saw the older boy teach you volleyball without him. He could evidently see the blush on his friends face whenever you’d land a compliment to Tetsuro. It even surprised Kenma when he knew Kuroo was still attached to his feelings after years of knowing you. He at least needed to say something before it takes a toll on him.
“You’re actually going, it’s funny.” The setter mocks though the blocker knew what he meant. How can he agree this easily anyway? He knew it’d make you happy but making room for someone after a practice instead of resting isn’t really a good circumstance.
“I know, I know. I’d be home in the next five minutes.” Kuroo jokes but when the practice finally ends, he kept his attention to his phone when he received the message for his location. He sighs tiredly while Kenma stifles a laugh.
“Don’t go then.”
“As if that wasn’t my plan beforehand.” Kenma rolls his eyes but bids goodbye to Kuroo knowing they’re not able to walk home together.
God, he was irritated.
It was rather a small thing to be pissed off about. Who knows? It could end well with the two of them but that stupid intuition is what’s dragging his feet. How could he ignore it anyway? Murmurs were like rumors that spread like wildfire when gossip has never been this good so when he heard a tiny conversation of a certain girl meeting with your boyfriend—he doesn’t know what held him back from throwing a punch to him right then and there but perhaps it was because you can’t judge too quickly. Rumors were rumors. If he believed it right away then it meant he was feeding off of the possibility that you’d be single again but he doesn’t think like that. His main reason was that he couldn’t bear to see you cry over a guy who simply didn’t deserve an ounce of sympathy—especially from you.
And right at the front of his door, a pair of a cheerleader's shoes were there.
You being a volleyball player and the shoes didn’t exactly connect.
“I’ll see you next time then?”
“I can’t. My— Y/N is making me play with her and that captain Kuroo.”
“You said you broke up with her!”
“Look- I will just wait will ya?”
And he’s heard enough.
Go inside, Tetsuro.
Defend Y/N.
Beat him.
But I can’t act on my own.
Gritting his teeth with a tight grip on the sling of his bag, he makes a forced decision.
Kuroo doesn’t even hesitate to walk away now. His pace is way heavier and faster compared to his slow ones before. He wished he carried a volleyball so he could directly throw it to his conniving face. He would’ve hit it like Oikawa during a power serve and scream incoherent profanities as he lands a punch or two. Without Kenma, the possibilities were endless when he couldn’t be held back.
The moment he enters his room, he immediately reaches for his phone and calls for Kenma since the rage was getting out of hand and he can’t focus on anything else apart from beating the heck out of your cheater of a boyfriend- well soon to be ex considering that he could never let you stay with him for another second. He walks around his room wondering which one was the best options to let you know as the setter has yet to answer his call.
“Fuck.” He mutters at the exact same time that Kenma finally picks up.
“He’s cheating on Y/N.”
“Well shit.”
Kenma pauses his game once the words ring in his ears. He too feels the anger bubble inside him but soon it was replaced by worry when he realizes how unfortunate it was for Kuroo to be the one to witness it and actually be the person to face you with such a heavy topic.
“How are you gonna tell her?” He asks but Kuroo bites his lip at the question he’s been wanting to avoid. It was inescapable though. You were closer to him—too close that you two relied on each other to no end and would be each other's comfort at needed times. It was difficult for the both of you.
“He’s planning to break up with her on Saturday and she- fuck I don’t know what to do.” The troubled boy admits while Kenma sighs not finding a win in both situations or any of the options he and Kuroo thought of.
“Y/N will believe you. You just have to give her time when she denies it at first, I guess.” Kenma suggests while Kuroo runs a hand to his hair.
“God, I fucking hate him.”
“Who is it?”
“A fucking cheerleader— how low.” Tetsuro couldn’t sit straight. Every inch of his body was telling him to find your boyfriend and show him what a waste of energy he was. It had been three months since you introduced him and how does he gain that much of a confidence to cheat at such an early stage of your relationship? Was three months a normal pace to be bored? Too bored that he chose a cheerleader to make up for that ‘blandness'. God, if Kuroo was in that relationship—cheating could never be an option. How could he? He loved you too much that having a chance wasted like that is too big to risk or experience.
“Talk to him tomorrow.” Kenma says while Kuroo held his breath when he realizes how the tension would reek between him and your boyfriend.
“Yeah but-“
The notification sound on his phone echoed through the room and when he slides up to see whose it from, he sighs when it was from you.
Least annoying: how’d it go???
“Y/N messaged me.” He updates the blonde as his fingers hovered the keyboard wondering what lie was the most believable even if he felt guilty to do so but after deleting multiple answers, he just couldn’t t do it.
“We just have to talk to her tomorrow. I feel like she needs us more now—fucking prick of a boyfriend.” Kenma comments with spite in his voice. It wasn’t the first time where he cared too much that he too wanted to join Kuroo in a fit of rage to beat your boyfriend but Kenma is cautious of your emotions and thinks that when he does join in on the fight, it’d only bring you more stress.
But he can’t lie and say throwing a punch to the lying boy wasn’t going to bring him satisfaction.
“Okay. I have to go and think this through.” He bids goodbye to Kenma before hanging up and lying down on his bed with his mind racing nonstop—forgetting to text you in the midst of panic and rage. You didn’t mind the lack of reply, you knew he wasn’t really interested in going in the first place and he must’ve been exhausted from practice as well so you took a nap early.
Meanwhile, your best friend faced a sleepless night.
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Kuroo and Kenma were caught off guard when first period ended and you were yet to arrive.
Does she know?
The break came in and there still wasn’t a sign from you but as they ate, a certain hand falls on Kuroo’s shoulder making the anger between him and Kenma ignite once they see your boyfriend.
“Hey, you didn’t stop by yesterday.” Your boyfriend informs him while Yaku and the rest of the team wonder what’s got their captain looking like he radiated flames around him. Kuroo then removes the hand from his shoulder while Kenma nudges the tense boy from losing control out in the cafeteria.
“I was tired,” he pauses to find words that wouldn’t just expose him right then and there, “I couldn’t make it.”
Your boyfriend nods, a sign that he was thankful that Kuroo didn’t come to destroy the time he shared with the cheerleader.
“Well, we got Saturday to catch up. I’ll see you then!” He leaves with a sigh of relief while Kuroo stands up from his table, unable to contain it anymore but two hands held him back. He turns to see Yaku and Kenma holding his arm as he hesitates to follow what they want him to do. He then takes a deep breath and sits down while the two sighed that Kuroo managed to stop.
“I don’t know what’s happening but you can’t just do it here.” Yaku says making Kuroo remain silent. Kenma agrees but he too felt the urge to follow his furious friend.
“Sorry.” Kuroo whispers and Yaku nods not pushing the topic any further but he’s got a clue on what could’ve happened. Seeing their captain in this state certainly was more than a duel between him and your boyfriend. Of course, they knew about his feelings for you so connecting a few dots, Yaku realizes how bad it was.
Classes went on and still no sign of you making the worry rise more between the two. By the time practice came on, the two expresses their frustration through volleyball and the rest of their teammates wonder why their play that night felt like they were in a serious match.
But they were playing a difficult role of being honest with you.
When Saturday rolled in, Kuroo was already at the place you told him to meet. Beforehand, he warns Kenma not to come knowing it’s more on his responsibility and the blonde obeyed him because he too wasn’t ready to face a confrontation like that but Kenma is more than ready to comfort you once the terrible news was given to you.
“Hey!” You greeted him with a smile while he stands up from his sit and hugs you immediately catching you by surprise. With a laugh, you hugged him back wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulls you closer hesitant to let your smile fall.
Then he notices how you were unaccompanied making him pull away seeing the opportunity to tell you while he wasn’t there but he still wasn’t ready.
“Hey babe, didn’t know you were already here but let’s play some volleyball!” He shouts with a façade of excitement. You smile at Kuroo before staying by his side instead of teaming up with your own boyfriend.
“One versus two huh?” Your boyfriend taunts while you serve the ball as he receives, initiating the start of the game. Every spike or receive had Kuroo send knives to his way with his sharp and accusing eyes. The lonesome of a player envied the way Kuroo caught the ball effortlessly and because you chose to be with the opposing team making the rally last longer due to Kuroo’s rage and your boyfriends' jealousy.
Once you managed to spike a ball strong enough to make your boyfriend fall from the failed attempt of receiving it, you cheered.
But with the course of happiness, you pulled Kuroo in from the collar of his shirt before taking your lips in his while your boyfriend remains frozen as the boy who was stupidly in love only made the rightful choice which was to kiss back and cherish the way he’s waited for this to happen. Getting a little too lost in the kiss, he cups your cheek bringing you closer and tucking your hair behind your ear with his free hand snaking around your waist, gripping it lightly to make sure it was actually happening.
You pull away softly, flushed cheeks and a smile on your face.
“What the hell Y/N!” Your boyfriend shouts but then he couldn’t exactly move because of how Tetsuro would react once he actually takes a step forward. Kuroo had his arms crossed in front of his chest staring at the boy up and down while desperately trying to act like his knees weren’t just about to give out after what happened.
“What’s wrong? If you need some kisses babe, why don’t you call that cheerleader of yours?”
Kuroo’s jaw drops to the floor—almost in sync with your boyfriend's similar reaction. The sweat rolls down his forehead, obviously intimidated by the two of you catching him in the act while Tetsuro protectively wraps his arm around you once again and as he watches for your features to fall, he was stunned.
You were smiling.
You leaned on Kuroo’s side while he registers how you knew with questions multiplying with every second.
“I want you to leave me the fuck alone and if you even try to deny it—I'll let Tetsu do the talking for me.” He smirks while your boy- ex boyfriend- scoffs making the two of you raise an eyebrow at his reaction.
You removed your position from Kuroo, taking a few steps to be in front of the cheater with a smile as you land a deserving and powerful punch to his cheek, making him stumble at the impact while the other boy was left speechless but nonetheless his heart races with the scene replaying in his mind. You shake your hand as Kuroo crouches down to meet your boyfriend with a smirk mocking the pain he was in.
“Have fun with her— she's a bore anyway.” You look at Tetsuro who let out a laugh as he pats the head of the fallen loser.
“No problem then. I’ll enjoy her as much as I can.” He then walks away, which turned down your expectations of Kuroo landing a punch as well. As the frustrated boy slowly stands up, Tetsuro pulls you against him with a finger to your chin raising it to meet your lip with his as your eyes remained on him while the boy had his eyes do the taunting who were fixated on your ex.
“After all, she’s always been mine.”
With the end of his sentence, he shifts his attention back to you before taking your lips again as the two of you smile. Your ex then walks away with a scowl as he throws his phone in frustration that he lost to Kuroo.
“Mind telling me how you knew, kitten?” He asks when he pulled away with his voice low, taking your heart by a storm.
“I got sick yesterday and when I came to school to get all the work I missed— I overheard you and Kenma talking about it.” He frowns when he realizes how bitter that must’ve been but he continues to ask, though you really couldn’t concentrate when his hand was caressing your waist.
“So, you knew all along?”
“I knew about it a few weeks ago when I read the messages on his phone. When he asked you to hang out, I figured you’d find out about it too.” Kuroo sighs of disappointment before speaking.
“I’m sorry you had to meet an asshole like that,” He says while you shook your head before he continues, “Why him though?” which made you blush.
“I couldn’t get over a certain boy and simply thought it would work but you obviously saw the outcome.” With your previous statement, he lets a smirk fall on his lips now that you couldn’t even look at him straight.
“And that certain boy is?” He edged on, his heart pushing him to confirm if it was actually him— that all the years he spent loving you might actually have you reciprocating those feelings.
“It’s you.” You confessed while your heart sets on fire that you finally admitted it. It was an awful attempt to cover your feelings in the first place. In all honesty, it was your fault. If you could’ve just admitted it right away then you’d end up with him instead of the asshole of a man you wasted time on but then again—the kiss was worth it to ever change your decisions.
“No no I wanna hear the full name.” He teases more making you roll your eyes. He then plants a kiss on the crown of your head with a satisfied smile as he internally cheers to not embarrass himself with the overwhelming glee. You also mirror the same state that he was in. Hearing Kuroo at the gym say how much he loves you was enough of an evidence that you should’ve picked him in the first place.
“Well then, should I make my previous statement official now?” You blushed but muttered a yes making Kuroo smile and take your hand, landing a peck on it as he intertwines them with his.
“All yours, Tetsu.”
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kenmasangel · 4 years
you get shot infront of tsukishima
synopsis : you and tsukishima work as police officers and it is known that this field isn’t safe from dangers, in fact it’s one of the riskiest jobs out there. so what you tsukushim’as reaction to see his s/o getting shot right infront of his eyes?
characters : police-officer!tsukishima;  f!reader
genre : angst, fluff
warnings : injuries/blood, cursing, grammar mistakes
request : i have one AU in where y\n is a spy or work for police or something like that in which she get's shot or something like that and how the haikyuu boys react to it or more specific tsukishima or any other will be ok if you do it
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“straighten your arm, so you are sure to have a good aim,” tsukishima explains, holding your hands so he can guide you correctly.
the sound of the bullet being shot echoed in the practice room, lending on your target perfectly, “see? this is what i’m talking about,” he adds his warm breath carresing your neck. it would’ve sent shivers down your spine but you were taught to keep your composure, to have this poker face and to numb down any type of emotions; after all this was your work and you knew what you signed up for when you decided to join the police. “okay now that i got it let me do it alone,” you straightened your position and he got away from you
3 other shots, 3 other perfect lendings earning a smirk from the both of you. you turn around getting rid of the soundproof headphones, “don’t say anything,” he says before heading out of the practice room
“what? say what?” you hide your smile, now walking next to him
&#144;“you know what i mean y/n, i am not gonna tell you did a good job,” he rolls his eyes
“oh honey, i don’t need you to tell me, i know i did a good job,” he scoffs at your reply
you and tsukishima kei have been working together in the police for 9 years now
he was here before you and he didn’t miss a chance to tease trainee you every time he could
at the time you were focused and had one objective : integrate the police forces
and him butting in your buisiness everytime he could didn’t help and you weren’t afraid to twist his arm and threaten him to break his balls when no one was looking
as you finally got into the police, making yourself a name among all those cocky officers, fake peace guardians and mysoginist dickheads whose ego would get hurt easily by seeing a woman outshining them
tsk, poor things
one thing was sure is that you could always rely on tsukishima
and despite all the bickering, arguments and teasing, you couldn’t help but fall for the man who represented your pillar
of course you could count on yourself more than anyone, but kei was that breeze of fresh air that you inhaled pleasently after getting out of a suffocating room
needless to say he had also fallen for you, fallen really hard
he was known for being the brain of the team, very rare were the people who could go past his cold, inaccessible shield
to say it in another way, almost no one passed his vibe check
by now you guys were living together, everyone knew that you were a thing after you dramatically announced it once the contract’s interdiction to date was over
“omfg y’all, i made it! 4 years in the forces wohoo!” you held your glass in the air making your teammates scream back in entusiasm.
your teammates told you -lowkey forced you- to go celebrate this new chapter of your life in the police forces, it was the end of an era after all; an era that prevented you from many things because of that goddamn contract. you had alos gotten a promotion, everything was doing just great for you.
what no one knew was that you were dating tsukishima for quite a long while actually, you weren’t planning on telling everyone so soon but the events that happened that night lowkey forced you to do so.
“thanks everyone for celebrating with me tonight the beginning of a new era for me! let’s enjoy the night!” you weren’t one for emotional speeches.
everyone was drunk by then but tsukishima, of course, (mr. i am a mature man who doesn’t drink). he was watching over you, laughing at himself when he saw you fighting with your collegue about who would win a spicy ramen competition between, “i don’t care that you’re built like a whale or a blob fish, it doesn’t even matter! i would win that eating competition, i’m tiny but mighty narita-san! let’s wrestle so i can show you,”
“she really called him a blob fish,” he comments amazed at how incoherent what you said sounded. “need someone to share your thoughts with?” a feminine voice made an apparition next to him
“no,” he didn’t even bother looking at the woman next to him
“oh c’mon handsome, playing hard to get?” she gets closer to him. “just take a look at me and you’ll change your mind,” she whispered
“ew you stink, get away from me,” he pushed her off him
“you’re gonna make me sad,” she tried to get closer to him again
“and i am gonna make you feel pain, get the fuck away from him,” you appeared in front of  them, pretty pissed
she looked at you up and down, scoffed “are you his mom? leave us alone, we’re having a great time,” she tried to put her hand on his thigh but he pushed it away “most definetely not,” he answers
“i am his girlfriend, so back tf off don’t make me repeat myself,” you added getting closer to them. “you really don’t wanna mess with me,”
“is she really your girlfriend?” the glue chick insisted
before he could answer you  grabbed his arm and dramtaically pressed your lips against his making all your collegues and the people around you in that club gasp.
i mean the people who don’t know you started cheering and your collegues gasped, that glue of a girl included.tsukishima couldn’t help but smirk against your lips as he wrapped his long fingers holding the back of your neck pulling you closer, it lasted until you didn’t have any more oxygen in your lungs.
he grabbed your hand and led the both of you out of the club, “but baaaabe i till get to wrestle with blob fish-kun,” you pouted
the day after was supposed to be a weekend but you’ve been called for idk what reason
needless to say everyone was off, some remembered few snippets, some thought it was their imagination
anyway, everyone knew but no one really talked it out you know ? some type of unspoken rule or whatever but no one minded
anyway back to the present moment
you’ve been tracking for months a drug network or whatever the heck it is called
after months of intense tracking, following clues, interviewing suspects, sleepless nights and living of caffeine here you were going to finally stop the mfs
and tonight was the night
all your team was ready to catch them it was a matter of hours only
“areyou ready for tonight?” asked you tsukki handing you your coffee
“of course i am, especially after practicing my aim,” he smirks. “thanks by the way,” you add, head still down readeing your reports
“hey... hey yn,” he tris to catch his attention but you just hmm in response. “tsk, dumbass,” he flicks your forehead
“ow, what ? i am busy!” you retort. “yn i know you; you’re not busy you’re stressed, everything is gonna be fine okay? you’ve got this, we’ve got this,” he held your hand
kei was not big on affacetion, he never really showed it especially in public he was more of a sarcatic remarks and teasing type of boyfriend but it never stopped him from showing affection when it was needed, like this moment. it was also not your type to show affection or feelings as you learned how to control them; it was much needed in your job. yet it didn’t bother you when each of you got out of your way to be comfort each other
you smiled at him and peckd his lips quickely before anyone could see, “you know i love you right,” you smiled at him
“well, i’d love me too. i mean who wouldn’t after all,” you roll his eyes at his smugness
“excuse me sir, but i don’t mix up between my personal and pro life. would you please stay 6 feet away from me,” you nag at him
“so petty and for what?” you stuck your tongue as an answeryou continued checking all the reports and files before you went on the spot, everyone was getting ready by now and you were alone in the office when you received a very much unexpected call
“hello? please come help me i’m in depot 5, building 3, neighborhood koenji, in front of the subway station please hurry before they find me,” the call ended brutally
you place that person mentionned was familiar to you, of course it was where you were going to catch the heads of that network of drug trafficking. you quickely went with the procedure to report the call and the emergency to the central
“yuki please be quick we can’t let them go, i am going now tell the others to join me there and send more men,” you blurt quickely before taking your protection and gun and leaving
once you arrived there you parked the car where no one could see it
wearing your protection and your gun tightly held in your hands, you looked for a discrete entery where you could sneak inyou finally ended up getting in from the back stairs leading to the 3rd floor before taking the stairs to go to the depot basement
you tried your best not to make any noise, and when you heard some noise you quickely hid behind a broken furnitureyou mentally asked yourself if you team was going to be there soonyou heard the voice of many men, plastic and metal sounds, anyway; sounds you’d hear in a depot filled with drug dealers, ya know the drill
at some point you heard the sounds vanish and going awayyou waited a few minutes before you thought it was a good idea to come out your hiding spot
as you walked closer to their previous spot you stumbled into a metalic box that was on the floor, “who’s there?” you quickely hid behind a pillar
“i said who the fuck is there ?” the man shot in the air but you didn’t budge
“it’s rats, Mo’, let’s go,” another man added
great, just great yn you mentally scolded yourself
you decided to go wait for your collegues in the third floor since they would get there soon
as you saw the police car parking next to yours you hurried quietly to join them
“y/n you sick fuck they could’ve caught you,” tsukki hurries out of the car to see you
“shush! i couldn’t let them go, i wanted to make sure they didn’t leave,” you explained. “so they are there, all the heads are there. i couldn’t find the person who called thoough, and of course there are many bodyguards; 4 in the main entry, 2 in the back, i also heard there are some on the roof.” you explain when the others came in. “i got there through these strairs leading to the 3rd floor,” you add, everyone nodding
“okay so here’s how it’s gonna go,” starts daichi; since he is the captain of your team. he proceeds to explain how things are gonna go, the way you’re going to catch them ...ect
you, kei, and two others were teamed up together
the plan was going perfectly fine, everything was in order and it was bound to succeed
heads were being captured one by one, everyone getting neutralized
but nothing can go 100% fine, right ?
the four of you were going up to the roof so you can capture the guards there and finish the mission
you slightly opened the door and entered the opened space, before you could comprehend what was happening you a felt a horrible pain in your leg and a compilation of balls being shot in the air
“YN! yn, stay with me, don’t you dare close your eyes,” kei hurries to you after him and the two others had shot the guards and called back up
you felt him wrap his jacket around your thigh tightly, “yn baby please, everything is gonna be fine you-,” he gasps after he felt his hand getting wet after he took your head, his eyes widden seeing how bloody his hand was and as he realized you hurt your head when you fell due to the shock
“kei,” a feint smile appeared on your face before you succumbed to your succumbed and let your heavy eyes take a rest
“YN? YN? no, no, no, no, are they fucking coming?” he asked your teammates who nodded. “baby stay with me,” he squeezed you tighter before scooping you up and deciding it was better to take you down himself and not wait for the emergencies to come since he thought they were taking too long
you woke up with a horrible headache and how your muscles felt so sore, only the febril rays of the moonlight getting through the window illuminated the room. the annoying beeping of the machine next to you increased the pounding in your head
a nurse quickly came in, “hello there, how are you feeling?” you looked at her confused, finding a difficulty in letting the words slip from your dry throat, the only thing you managed to say was ‘pain’. “it’s normal,” she proceeded to ask you a bunch of questions, checking that machine and do her work
after she left you tried to remember what happened but the last thing you could remember was when you opened the door of the rooftop, hearing bullets getting shot and that’s it
“at least i’m not dead,” you sighed, going back to sleep
you woke up due to yelling in the hallway
“i told you to call me as soon as she woke up! you had one job!” you recognized your boyfriend’s voice
“sir, sir!” the nurse called him out but he opened your door and his expression softened as he saw you awake, softly smiling at him and rolling your eyes
he hurried to you, taking your hands in his softly, “i really want to hug you, but i don’t want to hurt you,” he started. he let out a shaky sigh, “ i was so scared, i didn’t want to believe i had lost you,” he burried his face in your chest, you noticed his shoulders started shaking slightly
“hey it’s fine baby, i’m here, you can’t get rid of me easily,” you started playing with his hair. “we’re gonna be old and bitter and people are gonna say how i aged like fine one and how your wrinkles are covering your grumpy face,” you chuckled
he lifted his head to look at you, “what?” you ask, your voice in a whisper
“i love you,” he said, you smiled soflty and carressed his cheek.
“i really want to kiss you but my breath stinks,” you chuckle, he rolls his eyes. “how long has it been? you ask
“week and a half, it felt like forever,” he pressed his forehead against yours, cupping your cheek
“i’m back now, right?” you smiled. “come, ow,” you tried to make somle place for him
“omg careful dumbass,” he leaned next to you and held your hand
“how are the others?” you ask, looking at your interwined fingers
“everything is alright, we got all of them we’re done with this case,” he tried to end the topic. “i’m glad,” you voiced your thoughts
“i’m glad you’re alive,” he added. “i don’t want to be away from you, i want to spend the rest of my life with you,” surprised, you looked at him with wide eyes. “love, life is short especially with our job and i don’t want to take the risk to spend one more day without you being my wife. i want to bicker with you over the dumbest things, see you tease me back when i tease you, wake up everyday next to you and your horrible bedhead, enjoy our food together and i can keep on listing what i want to live with all day long. i know this is not the best proposal ever but i’ll make it up to you,” he balbbered all of a sudden, you just kept staring at him this whole time, tears blurring your vision but you blinked them away, the situation itself was already way too emotional for you
“so, y/l/n y/n, do you want to become old, bitter and grumpy with me?” his eyes were full of hope
“i wish i could hug you right now,” you started. “but yes, i want to!”
he cupped your cheek and kissed you deeply, he still tried not to hurt you
“but you are the one with the horrible bedhead,” you pulled away
“right, you’re the one with the stinky breath,” he teased you
“hey, are you crying? i should be the one crying,” you noticed his glossy eyes
“what are you talking about, it’s allergies, tsk,” he flicked your forehead, you winced in pain and hid your face, over exaggerating, making him worried. “didi hurt you? omg baby i’m so sorry love, i didn’t mean into, should i call the doctor?”
you finally showed your face and stuck your tongue out, “dumbass,” he smiled.
he cupped your face and pulled you into another kiss
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
Where Harry's five years old bubba gets lost in a park while playing hide and seek. You help her to find her daddy.
Warning: Emotional and whole lot of fluff <3
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Pastel tutu frock, a lil bucket hat and shoes that makes 'puch.' 'puch.' noises when she waddles with her adorable toddler gait chasing her father.
It's still early in the morning less people more relieved Harry that he could spent some affectionate time with his lovin' little girl of four out in the park, as a single father he dresses her with more fashion indulgment than any mother could.
Cheeky smug He's. Kinda proud of it.
They were playing hide and seek a bit far from their picnic basket ontop of checkered blanket along her toys. She came all the way from their home to car and car to park sitting on her daddy's shoulders.
"Dawwy! That's cheatin'." She stomped her dainty feet into sodden lush grass underneath and Harry grinned booping her button nose just like his's, "cheeky bugger." He watched her in amusement when she caught his slender finger with her chubby ones, pouting cutely at him.
"Kay. lovie' we're gonna play, again." He assured her raising his palms in air taking two steps back at once, "this time no cheatin', promise." She bobbed her head enthusiasticly running to hide behind the nearest largest oak tree as her daddy told her not to go too far from him ever.
Harry was rounding her from other side when too impatient she went to found Harry on other side, "daw'wy!?" Her flight of run like a dove in sky was startled when she found her tall, curly head daddy nowhere in sight.
She toddled further away even though Harry has instructed her never to leave a certain place no matter what, her daddy would find her at the same spot if something happens.
"Bubba? love bug'?" He frowned as his daughter who just hid behind the same bark vanished. Not getting anxious he strided back to their spot but she wasn't there.
She has come so far away in search of her daddy at first she told herself that "she's daddy's big girl." . "she would get back to him and he'd give her alot of kisses." But then she got scared seeing alot of people here and there. Her ending point of bravery was when some little pal hit her with soft ball.
The pool of tears bursted like rainfall from her soft warm eyes, staining her coral chunky cheeks and she rubbed her glossy eyelids with the back of her hand with series of hiccups making her vision more blurry.
You were sitting under a shade reading a copy of Little Women. Eyes flickering when you poked your tongue out to collect some moist on your finger to turn the paper, right then your eyes fell over the cutest fuzz of a lil girlie crying with painful fat tears waddling her way lost towards the pond and with a loud gasp you left everything running towards her before she was too close to it.
"Hey. hey kiddo." You reached at the mean time quickly scooping her up in your arms and she sobbed out loudly, "dawwy!" You stroked her hair as she snoggled her snotty nose and moist face in the crook of your neck.
"Honey are you lost?" You tried to calm her down by rubbing soothing circles at her back and she nodded with incoherent blabbering.
"Lemme me help you, yeah? Do you know your parent's names." You asked her politely taking her back to where you were sitting under the large tree and she pulled her face out murmuring a tiny, "yesh." You beamed at her giving her a thumbs up.
"You're doing so good, darlin'." You tucked her loose curls under her ear and she tells you her father's name, "Hawwy. S'tyles." She doesn't have her way with 's and t's.' sounds so it was 'yles.' coming from her mouth and you had to comprehend it yourself.
"Honey you know his number?" She counts on her fingers as Harry made her learn his phone number in case of any emergency like this but she's so anxious she forgot, silent tears again spilling out from her struggle. "Sh. sh. lovie'. S'okay, you're okay. you're safe with me." You cooes at her softly wiping her tears and kissing her cheeks gently rocking her on your knees.
"B-but. dawwy!" She hiccups badly and you made her sip water, feeling pitiful for the poor bub.
"Bubs we're gonna find your daddy, yeah? you and me together are a whole power puff team!" You again rock her cheerfully standing up with her on your hip. Taking the challenge on yourself to find her daddy in no less time.
On the other hand Harry was loosing his mind. He pulled at his hair anxiously, worry drowning him into deep. Scared for his bubba. She's so little im this huge park. Harry never lets her dodge from under his wings and now he's on verge of getting a panic attack. He should have never came to park. He went from one person to another showing his petal's picture to them hands trembling as he did so.
"Sh-she's fou'. Little pink hat, tutu frock. Chocolate c-curls in specific." He gesticulated voice wavering and with everyone denying he went absolute crazy.
Tears glistening in his eyes and he's feeling as if he'd stop breathing. Putting his hand over where his heart is he took long strides of the whole park which's too big and in the end he fell on his knees with a thud onto grass when he couldn't find his only life, the piece of his heart nowhere. Sobbing loudly that made him bent outwards.
They live near by so he quickly dialed gemma. When she heard him sobbing onto speaker she abruptly stood up scaring Anne too, "Harry what happened?" She asked worriedly.
"Harry talk to me." She tried in a calming voice and he stuttered even causing Gemma to lost her breath, "d-dovie. lost her gem. fuckin' lost her. Couldn't find her." She was quick to act not telling Anne and assuring her she would in their car ride.
Harry was falling into his mum's embrace when they rushed to security department where Harry's at as the cops assured him that they'll find his daughter safe and unharmed.
He whimpered soaking her shirt. Whole body shaking, "can't lost her mum, she's the only one I've." She tried to calm him getting rid of her own tears.
"S'been two hours I've been searching her like a mad man. I'll fuckin' die if somethin' happens to her." At this Anne scolded him as gemma hugged him reassuring him. "It's m'fault. All m'fault." His tears and emotions were all where and he blamed himself.
"Shit father. never gonna forgive myself." Anne sighed shakily stroking his head. She has never seen her son crippling to this edge.
"She's fine. We'll find her."
Your back sweaty as the sun shines on you mercilessly while you hurriedly walked with Dove on your hip, her head on your shoulder resting sadly while you fanned her continuously with the paper fan and you breathed hunching a little seeing that some security department's few steps away from you. But, it's the one opposite from where Harry and his family are.
You immediately went to first table not waiting for your breaths to get back to normal, "hi. This's Dove Styles. Four. Lost." You informed them and they made you sit at the bench.
She was getting all tired and limpy from the crying. So you took her in your lap tucking her head under your armpit, "daddy's soon gonna come okay dove darlin'? Then he's gonna collect you fuzz baby in his arms." You took out a box of juice from your backpack tapping the straw against her rosy lips and you took in her features thinking how beautiful her daddy must be to her be this cute.
Even though her daddy has sternly taught her never to accept things from strangers but the poor babe's so exhausted she did.
Some cop came cop telling you they've found her daddy that he's at the other security building but you shook your head stubbornly squeezing her near to your chest. Because well you don't trust anybody not even the cops, most importantly not when it's a child.
"Tell her daddy to come take his child from here." The cop grunts at you. "Annoying lady." but you ignored him checking on dove cleaning her hands that were sticky from her drinking juice like how toddlers do.
You were hot on your feet when three panicked figures came rushing inside Dove on your hip and you asked her, "is that your da—" but you were cut off from her yearning cry.
"Dawwy!" It was like sky and ground meeting as Dove latched into Harry's arms, he was too ripped to shreds and with a loud whimper he feel stingingly onto tiled floor firm grip around his dovie's neck, forearm wrapped around her little body protectively. He clutched onto her for dear life, sponging endless kisses to her visible skin.
"Thought I lost ye' bubba...really thought–" He said in between wet kisses his tears smudging her cheeks and the duo's reunion infront of you made you sentimental too. "Never scare daddy like this dove. m'heart stopped." She muttered a 'sowwy.' At his anxious rambling.
"Forgive me, dovie. Daddy's bad." She shook her head. The four year old's too soft from heart to know what emotions are scowling at her daddy with her chubby palms pushing into his cheeks, "no dada." You smiled at her when she glanced back at you.
"Y/n helped mew. She say we were power puff girls." You chuckled that she still remembers ruffling her hair, "see? Told ya daddy was gonna find you." Harry rubs his nose wiping his tears standing up.
"Thank you so much, can't thank you enough." You found his voice so mellow even after hoarseness, "s'okay. She's safe that all matters." Anne and gem nodded while talking to Dove in baby voices telling her how worried they all got.
You were walking outside while talking to Harry, "and thank ye' fo' not trusting anybody you know...and no' lettin' her go." You assured him shaking his hand.
"No problem." You leaned down a little kissing her cheek, "and dove honey never go near to ponds, yeah?" She said a lil 'okie." wrapping herself tight around her father.
"Oh my god, dovie?" He asked her horrid at what could happen taking her chin but you quickly rambled not wanting to make him feel more panicked and anxious.
"She was crying and in haze that's why, she's okay now Mr. Styles."
"I owe you y/n. And please just call me, Harry." You nodded sheepishly now. Muttering a what the hell you fool at yourself and gemma quipped.
"Yes. Please have lunch with us?"
"Pwease?" You laughed out aloud at dove's innocent pleading deciding to let your English class go and bobbing your head at which Harry grinned, "perfect."
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Miss Ginger
Miss ginger
Blurb night- 2.5k
(request: can you plz do something about Harry being all soft with his kids?)
Harry had always been a family man. Ever since he was a little boy he dreamed of having his own family, couple of kids, a nice family home with a big back garden for the little ones to run around in and him and his wife to attempt to grow some fruits and veg and maybe a few sunflowers or daisies. Simple, modest, pure and quaint but most of all, happy.
The day Harry met Y/n he knew she was special. She had this aura that he wanted to wrap himself in like a blanket. A laugh as pretty as song birds in the morning, a heart of gold, quick wit and full of talent. He knew she was going to be his wife someday, and he swears the day she said yes when he got down on one knee his heart grew 3 times its size.
The pair planned their wedding to be an intimate, beautiful event and with the help of Harry’s lovely mother Anne and Y/n’s combined work they were able to pull it off. They had decided to invite their parents and siblings, their closest friends- which included Harry’s former bandmates who made sure to embarrass the newly wed man during their best man speech- and all of Harry’s god children as well as their parents.
Harry wasn’t shy about crying when he saw his bride walk down the isle towards him, her dress was a simple silk fitted gown with delicate trimming of lace. Y/n chose to wear the same pearl earrings her mother had worn at her own wedding and a diamond necklace Anne had gifted her for the occasion. He really couldn’t help the waterworks making their way down his face as he took in her beauty, he stayed weepy through the entirety of their vows a huge smile across his dimpled face when he finally lifted the vail over her head giving her the first kiss as a married couple. She was his, and he was hers and the pair couldn’t be more smitten for each other even as they stand where they are now nearly 4 years into their marriage.
Over the last 4 glorious, joyful years of being fully committed to each other, sharing a surname and living as a unite the pair had welcomed 2 beautiful children into the world. Alfie who was nearly 3, he was conceived only around 6 months into their marriage yet they couldn’t have been more elated to find out they were expecting. The second was their little girl Rosana that they affectionally called by her nickname ‘Rosie’ and she was now coming up on 10 months old, she was starting to become increasingly mobile already such a bubbly happy little girl who had her dad wrapped around her tiny chubby finger.
Harry was currently on a break, just finishing his first solo tour finally getting some downtime to be home with his family and he couldn’t be happier. He loved every part of fatherhood, he enjoyed getting up in the morning and starting the little ones routines. First Harry would go downstairs, putting a kettle on while taking some breastmilk y/n had pumped from the fridge to warm up, when both of those were taken care of he’d migrate back upstairs into his sons room where he’d usually find his little guy sitting up in his new big boy toddler bed playing with one of the various stuffed toys on his bed as he waited patiently to be gotten up. Harry adored the way his son would perk up when he walked in, opening the toddlers curtains to let the sunshine in giving him a nice morning cuddle before taking him to the bathroom to change out of his pullup into his new big boy underwear since y/n and Harry are finally reaching the tail end of potty training their first born. It had been a struggle, yet every time their little boy danced around with a sticker on his shirt for going on the potty it was worth every bed wetting incident, and all the terrible two’s tears that came with the teaching. After he had him changed, he tried his best to tame the boys hair. The little tyke inherited his fathers chocolate curls unlike his sister who wore a head full of ginger ringlets.
After all of the hygiene tasks were complete, he’d serve the boy his breakfast, steeping his wife and him a cup of tea using the remaining warm water to heat the breastmilk in for when Rosie decided to greet the day. Harry didn’t mind giving his girl a bottle feed so his wife could get a little extra sleep in the mornings, opting to nurse during the day and before bed pumping whatever’s left to hold Rosie over till her mother wakes up.
Unlike some people, when Harry heard the baby monitor start to go off with the cries Rosie gives when she first wakes up he smiles instead of groans. He didn’t get angry when his kids cried, he was actually good at reading the cry’s instead of getting frustrated which always helped calm it down quickly and his little girl would always have a little cry when she’d wake up and think she’s all alone.
As soon as her daddy opened her nursery door the little girl stood up in her cot, balancing herself by gripping the railing to get a good look at who was coming towards her. once the morning light was shining in from Harry opening her curtains the tears stopped and a sniffling nose and big gummy grin was shining on her face, a contagious smile at that.
“Good morning sunshine!” the man raised his voice a few octaves, a big grin on his face as he picked her up from her bed giving her a nice hug as he swayed back and forth. “Did yeh have a good sleep, miss ginger? You look very beautiful this morning my girl, always take your shirt off when yeh sleep don’t ya’ silly girl? I get it girlfriend, sometimes you gotta let it breathe babe. C’mon think it’s time for a nappy change and a bottle hmm?” the little girl giggled at her father, bouncing in his arms and babbling incoherently whilst her dad cleaned her up and got her ready for her morning feed.
Harry set the baby in her bouncer, putting the milk into her bottle checking the temperature on his wrist before giving it to the still topless baby. It was easier to just leave it off during the morning snack, she was a rather messy little girl since she always wanted to hold her own bottle now often letting it dribble onto her tummy as she removed the nipple from her mouth to babble at her father. She always had a lot to say, even if no one but her knew what she was on about, no one had created a baby talk translation app yet so until then her passionate rants wouldn’t be understood.
Alfie was at an age where he wanted to be independent more, he reminds everyone how he’s a big boy, whenever he puts his own dish in the washer or screws the top onto his sippy cup by himself. Both his parents found it absolutely adorable and humorous as well.
When Harry heard the pitter patter of his wife coming down the stairs around 45 minutes after he’d got the kids up, a soft smile etched itself onto his face. He swears every time he sees her, no matter what state she’s in he still finds her breathtakingly gorgeous. Angelic even. Even when he had pulled Alfie out of her as she pushed, he still found her beautiful. Nothing would ever change the love and attraction he felt for his wife.
“Mornin’ love, sleep well?” the man brought his wife into his arms, giving her a warm hug and a kiss on the crown of her head. “Mhm, thank you for gettin’ up with the kids so I could get a few extra minutes of rest. Love yeh h.” she stood on her toes to peck his lips, this far into a relationship and being parents a slightly morning breathy kiss didn’t bother them in the slightest. After you’ve changed some ungodly diapers, smells don’t affect you the same anymore.
“no problem, had an easy morning Alfie was good about brushing his teeth and me and Rosie had a nice cuddle. She woke up shirtless again, I’m starting to get her vibe think I might start just being half naked all the time.” Y/n chuckled at her husband, sipping her tea slowly before responding. “At least it was just her top this time, last week when I got her up she had taken everything off. Had to do an extra load of wash after that one. Silly little girl.”
The couple could fawn over their kids for an infinite amount of time, but a thud from the living room disrupted their banter. The two wore matching raised eyebrows while venturing into the room, being met with the sight of Rosie’s bottle tossed at the wall and the girl herself holding her feet up with her little hands in a split position while still strapped into her bouncer chair.
“Hey missy, throwing things isn’t nice. C’mon time to get dressed, can’t have nakey babies crawling in the garden can we? Neighbors might think we aren’t watchin’ after yeh well enough.” Her mother unstrapped her, bringing her to her chest to kiss her cheeks, her father deciding to chime in, “I think with that chubby tummy and those chunky thighs they’ll know our girl is more than taken care of.”
y/n bounced the baby in her arms, cooing at her and mocking Harry’s words with a baby voiced ‘is that true?! Rosie are you a chunky lady?’ which got them a chorus of baby laughs from the infant.
 Once y/n got both of her little ones changed as well as herself cleaned up and changed for the day, she took them back downstairs where their father was sitting on the couch glancing between his phone and the tv screen as he shoveled some cereal into his mouth.
Alfie made a b-line for his dad, excited to show him the outfit his mother had dressed him in for the day.
“Daddy! Daddy look! I got clothes on, mummy says I look handsome! Look I got turtles on my socks, daddy look!”  the little boy was over the moon about his clothes. Y/n had chosen some toddler size sweatpants, Alfies favorite t-shirt- a Gucci one Harry had got him which his wife thought was insane to dress a messy 3 year old in a 250 pound shirt, but their son loved it because his father wore the same brand- and some socks with little turtles as the print on them. It was going to be a pretty chill day at home so there was no need for fancy clothes.
“Oh my gosh! Bud you look very handsome, look at my dapper boy! Gimme five, big guy” Harry held his palm in the air, his son jumping to smack his much smaller one to his fathers, beaming from all the praise he’d gotten from his doting parents.
When Harry looked over at his wife holding his daughter his smile got even bigger. There stood his beautiful bride, clad in a pair of his black socks she liked to steal, some comfy adidas sweats and a t-shirt Harry had given her years ago. Her hair was in a sloppy bun, lips slightly shiny with some lip balm and only one earring in since Rosie had snatched the other stud from her right ear and tossed it somewhere Y/n too caught up in her children to even remember to take the second one out even after 2 weeks going by now.
His daughter was in a yellow polka dot onesie and her hair was in a little whale spout on the top of her head. His girl’s looked stunning in even the simplest of clothes, they were his angels and he adored them.
“And look at you girls! Little red head, you look dashing in that onesie! Red carpet ready my girl. And you miss yummy mummy, are stunning today. C’mere I want kisses from my ladies don’t be stingy.”
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh at her husband, even when she looked like she lived in a alley behind a gas station he still made a point to make her feel beautiful. Of course, she adored the way her husband talked to their baby girl too, they had a long talk while she was pregnant with her where Harry vowed to always build up their daughter from infancy till the day he died. No matter how old she is, what she was wearing, if she was covered in gunk from the sandbox or in her future prom dress, he promised to always let her know she was beautiful and loved. Harry never wanted his kids to feel any less than supported, validated and loved.
 It was around 1 in the afternoon when Rosie woke up from her first nap, nursing while Y/n and Harry sat together on the couch playing with Alfie and his blocks. The family had a quick bite to eat, hanging out just enjoying each other’s company. Y/n handed their daughter to Harry for him to burp her so she could refill Alfie’s sippy cup and grab both her and Harry some water.
After distributing the beverages she sat on the floor, playing with both her kids and holding Rosie up by her hands so she could dance around in her mothers grip. She loved to dance, she was always on the move crawling full speed everywhere and always squirming whenever she heard her fathers music.
Today the little girl had more in store for her parents, taking them both of them by surprise when she hoisted herself up to cruse holding onto the couch before looking right at her mother suddenly taking her first steps towards her.
Harry and Y/n both gasped, eyes wide and mouths showing huge grins while starting to cheer their baby on waving their hands and praising her whilst the baby took wobbly steps to her mom flopping into her chest before she was lifted in the air and spun around, excited cheers from the entire family as they celebrated her milestone.
“You’re walkin’ now Rosie! My big girl! Oh my gosh I’m so proud of you princess!”
Y/n tossed her into the air gently, catching her then setting her back on her feet letting her walk to her dad who was now in full blown celebration mode hands waving in the air while he cheered. His little girl toddled towards him, squealing as he scooped her up and kissed all over her face.
These were the moments he dreamed about his whole life, and he swears the dream didn’t even compare to the reality now. He’s never been happier.
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badb1tchbokuto · 4 years
Ch. 2 Alone, Together - Miya Atsumu x You
chapter 1: here 
(crossposted on ao3)
warnings: mild smut, alcohol, mentions of time skip
wc: 3.7k
As if you had sensed his worries, your eyes flutter open. “You okay?” You groggily whisper. Knowing he’s on borrowed time, he scoots down to level his face with yours and kisses you deeply. “Yeah baby, no worries.” He breathily responds as your hands begin to wander from his chiseled abdomen to his navel and down to the tufts of hair trailing to his boxer briefs.
At this point Atsumu knows he’s completely, utterly, royally fucked.
Atsumu tried. He really, really did.
Standing on the tiny kitchenette of his shared hotel suite with Bokkun(who was off spending time with Akaashi), he hangs up the phone after a long Facetime session with Samu guiding him on how to make the best onigiri and miso soup.
It really shouldn’t have taken that long. All he had to do was wash the rice, pop it into the mini rice cooker stowed in the counter, cut some fresh tuna, sear the rest, then assemble it all into balls along with the seasoning, condiments and nori.
He’d know how to make miso soup even if he was blindfolded. All he had to do was mix in the ingredients he bought on a small pot of water. Dashi, miso paste, diced silken tofu, sliced green onions, some more nori, all dropped in at different times and simmered to get the perfect taste. Plus, this was one of the first dishes their ma taught them how to make before he and Samu moved away.
Really, it should have been a breeze. He’d made onigiris for himself countless of times before, admittedly nowhere near as tasty as the ones Osamu makes, but they were still edible.
This time, however, it had to delicious. Mouthwatering, perfect.
For the umpteenth time, Atsumu is picking off the nori on the last rice ball, wrapping and rewrapping, then wrapping again because the nori just wasn’t hugging the rice in a fashion uniform to the seven others arranged in front of him.
“Why does it look so weird??” He frustrates.
Atsumu’s mind replays, yet again, to your shared conversation at the club. Specifically to the part where he realizes he didn’t really know how to talk about himself outside of volleyball. He surmises at this; a gnawing, alarming thought of wondering whether he really knew himself at all.
Three hours ago...
“How do I usually describe myself?” He repeatedly thinks as he wanders down the seemingly endless aisles of Isetan’s Depa-Chika, scouring for the exact brands of ingredients Samu instructed him to buy.
Lost somewhere in the frozen food section, Atsumu pushes a half filled cart in reverie. He resolves then and there to get to know himself, whatever that means or entails. Not just so he can talk to you or anyone new for that matter, but honestly more so to know how to articulate to himself who he really is in private. Without the cameras flashing, without the people buzzing, without having to watch himself through others’ incredibly varied perceptions of him, without using his brother or his friends and teammates as a crutch, however difficult or impossible that seems.
He takes his time at the store, tediously combing the shelves for a special kind of mirin Osamu swears by, then proceeds to have an internal debate whether he should choose chutoro or otoro (he chooses otoro, the fattiest and therefore the tastiest in his opinion), his supposedly quick trip to the grocery store devouring more than an hour of his time.
It is now 7:15pm.
You’re supposed to arrive in fifteen minutes, but Atsumu still hadn’t even showered, hadn’t even cleaned up the kitchen, hadn’t even finished wrapping that last stubborn rice ball.
The hotel phone rings and Atsumu panics.
It’s the concierge alerting him of your arrival. Sending you up, Atsumu races around the small space in a haste, swiping the counter and dining table with disinfectant, racing to throw empty packages into the bin.
The doorbell rings and Atsumu is sweating.
He’s an athlete for fuck’s sake, why did running around for less than a minute knock his breath out like that?
“I’m coming!” He yells, or tries to. What comes out is a cracked, high pitched attempt, sounding much like a prepubescent boy going through rapid hormonal changes. He cringes, mortified.
Atsumu hears you trying to stifle a giggle.
He clears his throat, repeats in his signature silky voice, then runs to open the door.
You’re smiling sheepishly, the tip of your nose frosty from the autumn chill, all bundled up in a casual outfit that somehow knocks Atsumu’s breath out.
“My share of dinner!” You announce, arms stretched out with a box of wagashi and a bottle of nigori sake.
“Yer’ so frickin cute,” he dotes. He can’t help himself, he snakes an arm on your waist and pulls you in for a gentle kiss.
“Yer’ early, missed me that much already?” He whispers teasingly on your lips.
You laugh as you kiss him back, gently patting his cheek as a response before pulling away.  Funny how it seems like he’s the one who missed you that much...
Atsumu sneakily sniffs his shirt as you take off your shoes at the genkan.
“Oh no...” Not musty, but he reeks of kitchen smoke, aburi tuna and dried sweat.
“Need ta’ shower real quick.”
“Oh sorry, want me to come back in a bit?”
He digresses. “No no. Gimme a minute, come in and get comfy.”
He excuses himself, leaving you in the kitchen as he rushes to the bathroom.
You look around the hotel suite, kitchenette roughly cleaned, flecks of nori and furikake smattering the floor but otherwise spotless. The cramped countertop had a steaming pot laid next to a row of neatly arranged onigiri on two plates, decorated with vegetables jaggedly cut in what you assume are attempts at flower patterns.
It’s a simple dinner, you know. But you still can’t help but be impressed that Atsumu put in that much effort, that much care in making you a homemade dinner. On your first date no less.
You smile, butterflies fluttering in your belly at the thought that this callous, reckless, stupidly tall and handsome man is being domestic just for you.
Pulling out your phone, you send a quick text to Kaori and Yukie, gushing over how cute Atsumu is and even sending them a quick snapshot of the onigiri he plated with special care. “Get it!!!” Kaori enthusiastically replies. “Send a ‘1’ by midnight if it’s good and give us a play by play tomorrow. ‘2’ if we need to fake an emergency asap!” Yukie responds, ever the more calculating but motherly one.
As Atsumu massages purple shampoo on his tresses, he elucidates a fact about him he already knows is true on court that he supposes could be said the same of him off it.
1. Miya Atsumu is a perfectionist.
He practices for hours daily to hone his craft, has been doing so since the fourth grade really. At first just to spite Samu, but then he just suddenly fell in love with volleyball.
To Atsumu, nothing short of absolute perfection qualifies when it comes to dedicating himself to the things he cares about. It is through this philosophy that he is now one of Asia’s top setters, that he’s certain anyone who can’t receive his set is a scrub; a roaring confidence gained from knowing he puts his all to whatever he chooses to set his mind to, whether that’s volleyball or cooking dinner for a very cute girl he finds himself wanting to impress and spend more time with.
He frowns upon remembering that one of the onigiris he made is lopsided, that he didn’t even have time to shower and properly clean up before you arrived, that the atmosphere you walked in on your first official date with Miya Atsumu the perfectionist, wasn’t, well...perfect.
He thinks about this as he readies himself, spraying on the woodsy, smoky vanilla perfume he swore you wore when you first met. He usually reserves the scent for special occasions, but he believes that this counts as one.
Atsumu finds you in the kitchen, fixated on trying to salvage the onigiri he was having trouble wrapping earlier.
He leans over your shoulder, and though your nerves are in haywire and the butterflies in your stomach seem to keep multiplying, you instinctually lean back into him. Atsumu smiles as he drapes his arms around you from behind, thumbs brushing up and down the bare sliver of skin on your hip.
Your mind is a blur, every thought suddenly jumbled and incoherent. All that’s left is you anticipating, thrilling where Atsumu will move his fingers next on your heating body. Dropping his head on your shoulder and finally getting a closer whiff of your sexy scent, he whispers teasingly close to your ear.
“Sorry for the wait, ya’ ready to fall in love with me?”
You swiftly turn around and pull him into a deep kiss as an answer.
By the time you’ve moved to sit at small table by the kitchen, your lips are sweetly swollen and your clothes are wrinkled. Atsumu is panting, hair even more tousled and a small love bite is beginning to bloom on his right collarbone.
You stare at him, mesmerized at how he seems to look even more gorgeous unkempt.
“Why don’t cha take a picture babe, it’ll last longer.” He smirks then sticks his tongue out to pose, ego inflating at catching you ogling him.
You quip. “Sure, can I take naked ones after?”
“Aww, you’re so polite. Whatta’ good girl. You don’t need to ask. I’ll gladly give them to you for free, even throw in a lil show if ya want.” He leans closer, resting his head on his flexed, chiseled propped arm, smirking a little more mischievously as he gazes at you in challenge.
You can almost see his ego rapidly inflating like a balloon, and naturally, you kind of want to pop it.
In your best faux posh British accent, you offer. “A most forthcoming and lucrative offer mister Miya. What do you say I start and manage an OnlyFans account for you?”
You giggle uncontrollably as the look on his face changes instantly from confidence to confusion.
Brows furrowed and lips formed into a tiny pout, he concludes. “It’s a good thing yer so cute, yer a weirdo.”
You laugh, snorting a little. Atsumu chuckles at this, finding your little quirk amusing and rather irresistible.
“Keep the accent though, it’s kinda hot.” You kick him under the table and continue to banter as you both set up the table.
Atsumu watches expectantly as you take the first sip of the miso broth. The soup is delicious, and as soon as you tell him this he visibly relaxes.
The onigiris’ fillings however, are inconsistent. On the first one, the filling oozes out whenever you take a bite. On another, there’s barely any tuna and a ton of furikake. You decide to spare him your criticisms and just enjoy the meal he so graciously prepared.
Still, your heart just feels so damn full.
You make sure to repeatedly compliment Atsumu on his cooking to show appreciation for his efforts, the first time anyone has ever cooked for you on a date and the first time he(and not his pro-chef brother! Ha!) has ever been acknowledged for his culinary efforts.
Dinner is pleasant, both of you exchanging stories of varied life experiences.
You talk about the places you’ve lived in, your childhood, life in university. Atsumu actively listens, enchanted with how different your upbringing was in comparison to his, especially since he’d forgone college and went pro immediately after being scouted in high school. Despite the stark differences, he asks a ton of questions; some in confusion as he asks you to clarify or talk about certain details you purposely leave out.
You notice that he’s very observant, so you casually comment it.
Atsumu decides then that yes, it’s true. He makes a mental note to add this to the little list he’s crafting in his head about who he is.
2. Miya Atsumu is observant.
He thinks that you literally could have told him he was a seaweed and he would have agreed just because he is so transfixed by your mere presence and voice, but he knows this to be true on court for him as well. How else would he sync up with his spikers? How else would he know which serve to use and how to to angle his sets best? Through thorough studying and keen awareness of his teammates’ likes, dislikes, mannerisms and ticks, he is able to turn a seemingly mismatched chaotic group like the Black Jackals into synchronized raging monsters, dancing to a tune in which he is the lone orchestrator.
Atsumu is earnest in asking you questions about your life; his genuine interest coaxing you to share seemingly inconsequential details you intentionally initially skip over, snippets of your upbringing you thought were too boring to even mention, some too painful to share. Hesitantly at first, then comfortably as Atsumu intently listens. You don’t know why he takes a keen interest in you to that degree, but you come to learn that Atsumu is transparent and rather straightforward. He asks because he wants to know. 
You relax, feeling touched and appreciated as you realize that he seems to just want to know every little thing about you, even the parts of you that you think are boring, unimportant or unworthy.
The conversation shifts to more light hearted topics as you both begin to indulge on the dessert and sake you brought.
Feeding you half of a red bean wagashi he swears is the best one, Atsumu continues to tell you about shenanigans from his volleyball team, particularly the initiation ritual of being ambushed to sing a full song at one’s first team dinner with a hot pink wireless karaoke mic on full blast.
“Bokkun, Omi, and Shoyou weren’t even there yet and I didn’t know anyone my age since they were all older than me.. I was only eighteen! They told me I couldn’t eat dinner and had to sit in a different table if I didn’t do it.. and I had 10 seconds to pick a song! A western one at that because Adriah and Oliver had to understand too and they didn’t speak Japanese then..”
Imagining a younger Atsumu with a bad dye job nervously trying to think of a song to sing out loud in public, you laugh as he describes in detail how awkward the whole ordeal was. You wonder if any of the older members have a video of this, making sure to ask Meian if you ever have the opportunity to see the team again.
He recounts how shameless Bokuto and Hinata were when they had to do it, with Bokuto even doing an encore with a dance routine that resulted in them being banned from a restaurant in Kyoto. You’re both dying of laughter as he wheezes out how Sakusa almost gave up his career upon realizing he had to do it as well. Thankfully his team sort of pitied him and let him sing to a small izakaya in Sendai instead of the mega hotel restaurants they usually celebrate in.
As the night progresses, you and Atsumu end up sitting side by side, legs touching due to the close proximity of your chairs, holding hands, and sharing sweet sake flavored kisses in between laughs.
After some time, the kisses start to linger, becoming more heated. It’s when you subtly lick Atsumu’s tongue then slowly bite and suck on his full lower lip that he loses control and pulls you into his lap. Straddling him, you keep one hand on his chest to steady yourself as you move your other hand to brush his soft hair out of his face. “You’re so beautiful.” You whisper as you stare into his half lidded hazel eyes before leaning in to kiss him.
Atsumu flushes at this. It’s the first time he’s been called beautiful. Handsome? Sure. Sexy? Even more often. But beautiful? It feels intimate, leaving him vulnerable and exposed in a way that seems to transcend the physical. He revels in this as he lavishes you with open mouthed kisses, starting from just below your ear and moving down your neck, his wet lips ghosting over the hollow of your throat to just above your cleavage. You mewl, aching to feel more of him, subconsciously grinding your hips on his lap where you can feel him bulging out of his sweatpants.
Atsumu moves one of his hands from your waist, brushing his large knuckles up your torso until it reaches the underside of your breasts. You notice that despite his kisses growing more desperate and him feeling fully erect under you, he hasn’t made a move to further the heavy petting. Respecting his boundaries, you ask. “Everything okay? We don’t have to go all the way if you’re uncomfortable.”
“Oh fuck.. sorry, yea, I’m good.”  He kisses your lips again as his hands rub up and down your bare sides, your sweater having ridden up a while ago. “Trust me, I want you. So bad. I’m just tryin' to hold myself back for once.”
“Huh? Why?”
“I wanted to take my time.” He gently pecks your forehead, then your nose, and then back to your lips. He does this while looking at you eye to eye, a stark contrast to the steamy make out session you were just having. Atsumu’s gaze becomes smoldering as his eyes move to your lips again. “I don’t know why, but I just know I’ll get addicted to ya’.”
You grab the wrist that’s placed on your waist, unfurling his long, elegant fingers. Atsumu is watching you in intense curiosity as you take his pointer and middle digits, pulling them up slowly to your mouth and sucking, all while looking up at him. Instantly, Atsumu groans and you’re positive you can feel his member twitch against your crotch.
You release his fingers with a pop, then lick the length slowly, gaze never leaving his as his focus struggles in anticipation of what you'll do next.
You guide his digits by dragging them from your exposed torso and up to the curves of your breasts to your hardening buds straining your lace bralette, his wet fingers leaving a slight translucent trail of saliva on the expanse of your stomach. Before Atsumu can twist his fingers to pay attention to your nipples, you hold his wrist and move the fingers down your torso, pushing past the elastic waistband of your pants. With your hand over his, you splay his saliva coated fingers against your dampening underwear, stroking your mound before resting the two fingers over your labia, coaxing your slick slit to open. Atsumu’s pupils are dilated, his breathing heavy and his other hand gripping your hips so tightly you can feel bruises starting to form as he tries his best to control himself.
“I’m afraid time is the one thing we both can’t afford Atsumu. But please, have me. Fuck me. Take your fill.”
It’s all the confirmation he needs as he moves your panties aside, circling his fingers on your throbbing clit before sliding them seamlessly inside your tight, soft walls.
It’s not until much, much later, after you’ve had sex in the kitchen, then on his bed, then in the bathroom as you both intended to clean up, then finally cuddling back in his bed before falling asleep that Atsumu remembers the rest of what you said right before he lost all coherent thought.
Why can’t we afford time? Why don’t we have the time? Surely you’re both busy with your careers, but you’re someone  he finds himself liking more and more. And now that you’re here, with your head on his chest, one arm wrapped around his bare torso and one leg intertwined with his, he thinks that this feels too good, too perfect, to not keep chasing, and he’ll be damned if he didn’t make time for more moments like tonight.
As his thoughts lull him to sleep, he remembers why time is beyond both of your control.
He's only in Tokyo for volleyball - for the league match they just won and now to train with the Olympic team for an upcoming friendly match in Shanghai. You’re here temporarily too, on a project with a definitive deadline that will not only mark the end of your stay in the country, but signal the end of you seeing him. Possibly forever.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
As if you had sensed his worries, your eyes flutter open. “You okay?” You groggily whisper. Knowing he’s on borrowed time, he scoots down to level his face with yours and kisses you deeply. “Yeah baby, no worries.” He breathily responds as your hands begin to wander from his chiseled abdomen to his navel and down to the tufts of hair trailing to his boxer briefs.
At this point, Atsumu knows he’s completely, utterly, royally fucked.
You’re both on borrowed time, but now that he’s had a taste of what it’s like to spend time with you, to be inside you, to just be with you, he knows that this growing hunger for you is insatiable. He thinks then that he finally understands Samu when he rambles about gradually getting hungrier and hungrier when watching others eat. His appetite for volleyball had always been there, like second skin and breathing. But for the longest time he didn't realize that seeing lovers around him display genuine affection towards each other(from his ma and pa, Bokuto and Akaashi, Meian and his wife, Aran and his high school sweetheart), all build bonds that can only truly be forged by sharing and accepting each other's hopes, dreams, and vulnerabilities, is something that he was growing hungrier and hungrier for without even noticing. Up until he met you that is. As you pull away from his lips and begin to slowly kiss down his body, following the trail of where your hands have just wandered, he thinks, “fuck it.”
Just as he became a setter even though he initially intended to be a spiker, just as he chose to be a professional athlete instead of following a safe path to success in university, just as he contorts and bends over his body in random, sometimes painful ways to make sure his spikers have the best sets, and just as he adjusts and twists routined plays in order to beat opponents, he knows then.
3. Miya Atsumu is a risk taker.  
He’d been luckily winning his gambles so far, it’s about time he try his luck in love.
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What Kind of Music Slashers Would Vibe to Headcanons♪
This little thing popped into my head. Fyi, the canon timelines are thrown out the window for this so... Yeah.
Bring forth the bop~
RZ Michael Myers
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"Let my weapons be your children, let my armies be your damned. Try to suffer on in silence, try to stop me if you can." --- This Cold Black by Slipknot
I think he'd really enjoy metal in general. I can totally see him unknowingly stomping to some Marilyn Manson and Meshuggah, though the lyrics and message probably will just fly over his head.
He listens to some heavy shit, but probably all the more mainstream bands/artists.
The loudness and organized chaos of the genre fills the void in his soul and reflects the state of his mind, despite his stoic and non-verbal outer demeanor.
Someone please do everyone a favor and introduce Michael to some death metal. Admit it, it really fits his aesthetic.
This is just based on speculation, but I suspect a 70% possibility of RZ Michael resonating with Cannibal Corpse. Fight me.
He hates classical music with a burning passion. Back in Smith's Grove, they played Bach's Air Sul G on tap. (its canon in the first movie lmao) He hates it. Mikey no likey.
Freddy Krueger
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"No stop signs, speed limit, nobody's gonna slow me down. Like a wheel, gonna spin it, nobody's gonna mess me around." --- Highway to Hell, by AC/DC
Freddy listens to classic rock, period.
This guy is ngl a supporter of music taste discrimination. You listen to pop? Disgusting. You listen to Jazz? Disgusting. Classic rock is the epitome of all music.
He'll call you music-related slurs you never knew existed.
As stubborn adamant as Freddy is, he does harbor some guilty pleasures, including 70's hair metal and glam rock. Pshh. What a heckin hypocrite.
Some of his all time favorites are Guns N' Roses, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, and AC/DC.
(Basic bitch)
*Hip thrust movements to go with his 'The Sprinkler' dance moves, Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses blasting in the background*
OG Michael Myers
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He doesn't listen to music, but if he did, he would probably enjoy Jazz.
Michael only listens to Miles Davis because he enjoys his music and can't be bothered to discover more artists.
Oml Michael I know Miles Davis is amazing but don't neglect other iconic artists plzzz. Someone please make him listen to some Teddy Wilson and/or Dave Brubeck.
I imagine him sitting stiff-straight on a rocking chair (he just likes how it moves), knife in his lap, rocking and zoning-out relaxing to 'Blue in Green'. (I love that piece)
He also hates classical music because of the same reason as RZ Myers. Seriously, if either of them so much as hears the opening chord of Air Sul G, expect the speaker to be stomped to a pulp in a split second.
Bubba Sawyer
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Alright let's all be honest with ourselves... 70's pop and country is Bubba's shit.
Look me in the face and tell me he wouldn't adore ABBA, The Jackson 5, and Dolly Parton. Thats right you can't
Everytime 'Dancing Queen' starts playing on the radio, Bubba will drop everything and start busting down.
Ain't nothing and nobody stoppin him. Drayton is powerless against the supreme sovereignty that is ABBA.
But let's also appreciate the fact that our Bubster can motherfuckin get down. *wipes sweat from forehead + heart eyes*
He would also do passionate lip sync with his heart and soul, to Dolly Parton's 'I Will Always Love You'.
50% chance of him starting to cry right after he finishes his earnest performance.
*Holding Bubba in your arms, rubbing comforting circles on his back as he bawls hysterically, incoherently babbling on about how much he loves you*
I also feel for some reason he'd really like Joan Jett & The Blackhearts.
Thomas Hewitt
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"For one moment, I wish you'd hold your stage, with no feelings at all. Open minded, I'm sure I used to be so free." --- Citizen Erased by Muse
Y'know what I have a hard time imagining the type of music Tommy listens to. Kutos, Mr. Hewitt, you have defeated me.
(This is where I yeet the timeline out of the window y'all)
Thomas enjoys Muse, Evanescence, and Radiohead. (Fight me)
He just loves how emotional their songs are. He'd have one earbud in as he works away at his projects for hours. The music helps him concentrate, it is also a source of emotional support to him.
Hearing the heart-wretching lyrical content of 'Lost in Paradise' performed so beautifully by Amy Lee's angellic voice is really comforting to him. It's like hearing about another person's experiences. It makes him feel less alone in dealing with his emotional and mental turmoils and burdens.
The first time Thomas heard 'Creep' by Radiohead, he almost cried.
He also listens to My Chemical Romance sometimes. He only knows the Black Parade album, but he loves it. If 'Creep' didn't make him cry, listening to that entire album from top to bottom sure did. He started sobbing half-way through 'Famous Last Words'.
Tommy is emotional boi 🥺
Brahms Heelshire
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C l a s s i c a l
No matter how stinky Brahms is, you can't tell me that he's not classy.
Schubert is his bitch. Schubert's style tends to be quite majestic and/or dreamy, (generally) and can change color/sound very abruptly yet appropriately. (This is just my opinion based on experience with Schubert's pieces, but then I only know his piano pieces soo) (let's still cue that maestoso to scherzando transition)
But of course, Schubert isn't the only thing he listens to. He prefers the romantic period, so Mendelssohn, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Shostakovich, Brahms, Schumann, you get the gist, all the staples. Oh yeah Elgar too. To be a proud English lad.
*Brahms swaying in the living room with the grace of a baby giraffe, engrossed in the beautiful melodies in Schumann's Kinderszenen.*
(Oml please check out 'Von fremden Landern und Manschen' and 'Kind im Einschlummern') (For those who play piano, they aren't that difficult too totally recommend) (Ok sorry I'm done now)
Brahms would totally waltz around alone to Chopin's waltzes and nocturnes.
Oh yeah apart from that classy shit, he likes to jam to meme songs.
"Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play---"
*cut to Brahms passionately fortnite dancing*
Listens to The Strange Man Who Sings About Dead Animals for a good laugh. (Please, all of his songs are gold)
Vincent Sinclair
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He'll have 'emo' and 'classical' with a side of metal, thanks.
I headcanon that Vinny McWaxy is an INFJ, so the boy is likely prone to crippling existentialism. It would make sense for some aspects of his music taste to reflect that.
*cut to Vincent sitting rock-still on his workbench/stool, hands hover in mid-air, staring straight ahead, some John Cage piece playing*
You'll never hear this from Vincent but he enjoys sexy-time music. He has this whole erotic playlist he listens to while working. (Boy likes to feel sexy on the job, I respect that.)
I think its pretty much canon that Vinny loves MCR. (Hello fellow emo piece of shit 👋) His favorites are everything by them really. A hardcore fan. He used to have MCR, P!ATD, and 30 Seconds to Mars posters plastered everywhere in his workshop until he had to remove them all to add to the intimidation factor of his waxy hell for passer-bys. For the record, he is very gay for Frank Iero.
On the metal part of his spectrum is mostly classic metal, groove metal, and thrash/heavy metal.
Rammstein, Pantera, Vildhjarta, new and old Metallica, Dream Theatre, Coheed and Cambria. His bitches.
He also uses music to scare victims when bringing them down to his workshop. *cue horror movie soundtracks*
Is a whore for the dramatics when in a good mood.
*Lacrimosa by Mozart plays as he makes a point to bring the wax painfully slowly down toward a drowsy and petrified victim*
A lament for your upcoming death, pitiful human.
Bo Sinclair
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"The day has come for all us sinners, if you're not a servant you'll be struck to the ground." -- Beast and The Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold
Bastard boy is into dad-music™. (same)
Dad rock, classic rock, pop punk, punk rock, old school pop, his shit.
He listens to a lot of the same bands as Freddy, but Bo (generally) doesn't discriminate and explores a more diverse variety of music.
Its a fandom canon that Bo loves Avenged Sevenfold. I totally agree.
A7x is the perfect amount of cynical, political, and shred for Beauregard, (I hc that ge hates his full name so plz don't ever call him Beauregard)
He listens to the radio whenever he's at work. Whatever that might be.
Will NEVER admit it, but he thinks Vinny's music taste is dope as hell.
He'll turn off the radio just to strain his ears to listen to Vincent's music downstairs. No one will ever know that though. You don't.
Actually likes classical music too. Its not one of his main genres but there's one piece he really likes, Second Movement of Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 2 in F Major.
He never thought he'd enjoy this type of music. Its so.... Calm. He discovered that piece from Vinny's playlist. When he first heard it on his brother's speaker, he fell in love. It was one of the extremely rare cases in which he'd be committed enough to ask Vinny the name of the music.
Tiny shuffle for man-kind, huge fuckin step for Bo. Good job Bo, we're proud of you.
Also pleeeeeaaase message me or request stuff, I'm bored and have little inspiration 🦊
I might do a pt2 of this, since I didn't write many of the boys and gals🤷‍♀️
Also sorry if I've neglected some genres/artists (Like i've neglected non-piano classical pieces.... Bc ya girl is just a pianist), a person can't know everything😗
---Zali 🖤
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kayr0ss · 4 years
By: @shmehua1 & kayr0ss | AO3 Link
[Collab! LWA, Diakko, drabble, CollegeAU one-shot, drunk authors]
Summary: When a college jock and a nerdy librarian’s assistant gets a little more than they bargained for.
Akko steadied the paper folded ‘football’ with her finger and aimed it between Amanda’s finger goal across from her on the table. This was it. The winning shot. There’s the goal. Steady and straight, all she had to do ‘kick’ and she was a hero. She’d be the conference champ of the study hall paper football league—a league created by student athletes, who didn't need to be in study hall, but still had obligatory time requirements. They were students like Akko, who actually had good grades and really didn’t want to sit in the library for 12 hours a week.
On the other side of the table, Amanda stuck her tongue out in order to distract her, but Akko had nerves of steel. Being the star soccer player at Luna Nova University, Akko could shoot goals all day, and could never be phased.
Akko took a deep breath and tucked her index finger against her thumb. She didn’t need too much power. It was all about finesse. And Akko was the epitome of finesse.
“You suck,” Amanda whispered on the other end.
Pathetic attempt… Akko thought.
In one swift motion, Akko pushed down on her thumb with her index finger and dragged it up to the tip of her thumb before flicking the tiny paper.
She held her breath as it glided through the air.
It’s good! It’s gonna be good!
Akko could already foretell the trajectory. She could already taste the bragging rights of being study hall champ. She could already see the fear in Amanda’s eyes as the paper football made its descent. Akko was just about to jump up from her chair and silently cheer when a voice stopped her.
“Miss Kagari!” It might have been a whisper, but the conviction in the tone could silence a damn concert. Instantly, an offending hand snatched the paper football out of the air before it could make those points.
“Gah!” Akko hopped out of her seat and flailed her hands, whispering incoherent words that could have been in several different languages. Amanda covered her face with her hands and wheezed. She sounded more like a seal with her muffled laughter and high-pitched pants. Akko was about to give a piece of her mind to whoever interfered with her game-winning play, but all words were stopped cold when she saw a pair of icy blue eyes glaring at her.
Aw crap… Akko thought as she slumped back into her chair. God damn, Diana Cavendish…
“I understand that you don’t have to be here, but can you at least behave for another hour? Some of your athletic friends actually need to be here,” Diana scolded.
“B-but! I was gonna win!” Akko tried to defend herself. She looked over at Amanda next to her. “I demand a re-kick!”
“Nah, dude. I know when to quit when I’m ahead,” Amanda chuckled and stood from her chair. The redhead collected her things and began making her way to the exit of the library. But before leaving completely, Amanda looked over her shoulder. “Thanks, Cavendish, for letting me keep my title.”
“B-but!” Akko turned back to Diana to plead her case only to be met with a book tapping gently on top of her head.
“Akko, please just read a book,” Diana sighed out in exhaustion. Akko looked up to see slight bags beneath the blonde’s eyes. She didn’t know too much about Diana, just that they were in the same year and she worked as the athlete study hall supervisor. “You’re almost done with your requirement for the week. Just get through one more hour, please?”
Akko could feel the guilt bubbling inside of her for causing so much trouble. She was known to be a little inconsiderate, but it wasn’t on purpose—she could just be a little ditzy at times.
“Yeah…” Akko grabbed the once abandoned textbook beside her and opened it up to a page she had been reading. “Sorry, Dia.”
Diana sighed, her shoulders visibly dropping. “It’s alright, Akko. Just one more hour, ok?”
“Ok…” She watched as Diana turned around and walked back to her deck, which overlooked their section of the library.
However, Akko couldn’t do it. Not out of lack of interest, in fact, Akko was very interested... just not in how the body creates muscular energy when exercising. She couldn’t stop her eyes from lingering to the blonde across the way. They focused in on the way Diana’s eyes moved seamlessly from left to right across each page, deliberately and methodically, as if she was taking in every single word and digesting it entirely. Akko couldn’t stop herself from watching Diana tuck her wavy blonde hair behind her ears. She couldn’t even stop herself from wondering how that hair would feel against her own finger tips. Would it be as soft and thick as it looked from afar? 
Akko had always thought that Diana was beautiful. Her eyes were the prettiest blue, even prettier than the ocean on a beautiful summer day. Her hair was peculiar with its blonde and teal colors. Oftentimes, her teammates, like Amanda and Sucy, would make fun of the highlights, saying that she had ‘cabbage hair’. Sure, it was a clever joke, but it was far from the truth to Akko. Teal and blonde? Akko never thought those two colors could meld so perfectly, and create its own unique colors. Her skin was flawless, not one scratch or blemish, unlike Akko’s skin—which was riddled with scars and cuts from years of training and sports, and being a klutz. 
Beauty was one thing, Akko couldn’t deny the physical attraction, but Diana was brilliant too. It never failed to amaze her how completely focused a person could be on work. Specifically, if said person was so entrapped by something that others might not have any interest in. Akko watched as Diana’s eyes sped through sentences in her textbook. She stared at Diana’s hand, which automatically took notes without requiring a single glance at the paper. It was commendable at the very least. Akko could see that Diana truly focused on whatever she was studying. Academics aside, she could also dish out some smartass comments that never failed to make Akko laugh. Yes, Diana was absolutely beautiful, but nothing, absolutely nothing was more attractive to Akko than someone answering her sarcasm with better sarcasm.
Akko would never be accused of being a star student, but she wasn’t a complete idiot. She wasn’t so oblivious that she couldn’t tell the difference between mere interest and a raging, gay crush. It might’ve been selfish, but Akko wanted Diana to look at her the same way she looked at Diana when she wasn’t looking. Akko often invited Diana to her soccer games, but had never seen her sitting in the stands. Akko could imagine that she probably had better things to do, but that didn’t make her feel any better.
Time passed, and before she even knew it, Akko was the only one at study hall aside from Diana, who was starting to pack up. Upon seeing this, Akko quickly gathered her things and made her way to the desk.
Diana didn’t seem to notice, even when Akko was standing right in front of her. The brunette swayed back and forth on her feet. She felt bad about earlier. Diana was actually really nice, and sometimes, Akko would catch her smiling at her, even when she was misbehaving. Maybe, today… Diana needed a break.
“Uhm… Hey.” 
Good one, Akko. Such eloquence. Much smooth…
“Did you need something, Akko?” Diana slung her bag around her shoulder and smiled. But Akko could tell, that smile was forced. The happiness and energy didn’t quite meet her beautiful, blue eyes.
“You really like what you do, huh?” Akko stated; it was more of a fact than a question.
Almost as if Diana was caught doing unspeakable things, the blonde was quick to pop attention to Akko’s voice. “What I do…”
“I mean when you study.” Akko grinned happily. “Like, you’re so focused. I’ve never seen anyone so fixated on one thing before. It’s kinda more engaging to watch you study more than actually studying myself.”
Diana looked down at her feet and once again, tucked her hair behind her ear. Akko was a bit surprised to see her become so sheepish. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just think it’s cool that you’re doing something that you actually love, ya know?”
Diana paused for a moment, and looked into her eyes. “Really? Do you mean that?”
“Of course. Why would I make fun of something that’s clearly important to you?” Akko giggled. But, enough playing around. There was a reason why she was here. “Hey, listen, I’m sorry for dicking around earlier. You know… I just get bored, and I’m kinda stupid…”
“You’re not stupid, Akko,” Diana quickly interrupted, but smiled, “But I accept your apology.”
Akko felt her face heat up once she saw that pair of flawless, blue eyes again—the kind of eyes that could see right through Akko, the kind she could get hopelessly lost in and never, ever want to be found. 
“Th-thanks…” Akko had to blink a couple times to bring herself back to reality. “I… ummm… I know it’s kinda late now, but…” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “There’s this coffee shop by the field where we practice, and they make a great pecan pie… Can I buy you a piece?”
There it was. 
It was all in kami-sama’s hands now. 
Diana fiddled with her backpack strap for a while, causing Akko’s smile to immediately drop. She mentally regretted choosing now as a time to request the other girl’s time. Diana appeared exhausted, so she probably was legitimately tired and needed to go to bed, not go out with some troublemaking jock. 
“O-or, we can try some other time?” She tried to save the situation from her stupid, reckless mouth, but Diana quickly moved closer. In response, Akko cut her train of thought.
“Yes, I would love to.” 
The corners of Akko’s lips pulled up into a stupid, lopsided smile. “Perfect…”
She didn’t even like pecan pie.
But here she was, sitting in a cafe at eight in the evening and ignoring every responsibility she’d thrown herself for that night. In about two minutes, Akko would return from the counter bearing a tray full of coffee and pie, the latter of which she really, really, didn’t like but was willing to tolerate if it meant spending an hour or two with a… a--
--a crush.
Yes. A crush.
Unfortunately for the young Cavendish, the processing and subsequent expression of emotions was not a topic widely discussed within her field of study—if it was even discussed at all. She’d never admit it, but she did, in fact, watch the entire exchange between Akko and O’Neill. She even hoped, with bated breath, that she’d make that goal—that she’d be fortunate enough to witness the inevitable smile and fist-pump of victory that Akko had often made when scoring historical goals on the field in Luna Nova’s favor.
But the need to be near the brunette had masked itself as a sense of duty to uphold proper decorum within the confines of the library, and she found herself catching the very goal she had inwardly hoped that Akko would make.
Besides, seeing O’Neill squirm under her authority was more than a little satisfying.
Needless to say, it seemed to have led to the fortunate situation of getting to share some coffee and pie—that she didn’t like, but nevermind that—with her ‘crush.’ Her annoyingly jockish, bubbly, and childlike crush, who seemed to be made of sunshine and summer days, and wow, she really needed to take it easy on the romance novels, but—
“Do you ever stop thinking?” Akko’s easy-going voice pulled her out of her thoughts. Diana smiled softly as an apology. As predicted, she’d arrived with her suggested orders in tow, and the blonde noted with a bout of affection that Akko remembered she preferred tea—horrible pie choice aside. 
“Rarely,” she admitted, tuning back into the conversation. About you, at least.
Akko sighed dramatically, throwing her hands behind her head while she fell into her seat, “That is just so unsurprising!”
“Is it?”
“Do you even see yourself when you’re studying? Okay—” Akko ran her hand through her hair, and Diana might have even thought there was a blush on her face, “—obviously you probably haven’t, but you have this, like, laser-beam focus where your eyes just go left-to-right real fast and—”
Diana watched, entranced, as Akko flew into a detailed description of her studying habits. She appreciated that the latter apparently bothered to stare long enough to notice her focus, but not long enough to realize that she’d been spending more and more time reading the exact same sentence whenever Akko was around. 
“I’ve seen a similar kind of focus somewhere else,” Diana gently interjected, smiling at Akko’s tendency to ramble.
“During the collegiate semi-finals,” stated matter-of-factly, “with our school going against Winterhold. I believe a certain someone was quite the star player of that football match with her winning goal,” Diana teased.
Akko crossed her arms, aghast, “Soccer, you mean!”
“No, I swear, you English peo—” Akko blinked, still managing to look charming with pie crumbs at the edge of her mouth.. “Wait, you watched that?”
When Diana leaned forward to wipe away the crumbs with a napkin, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. “I watched all of them.”
The brunette blessed her with what looked like a wondrous expression, and Diana felt her stomach tingle a little at the thought that her presence seemed to please Akko so. 
“You always invited me.”
“But I never saw—”
She was looking for her?
“I mean I—” Akko stuttered, blinking. “Really?”
“Yes,” Diana chuckled. “Really.” Why was this so surprising? Akko was notoriously persistent—she should have known that at some point, Diana would cave if she asked. Of course, it was just curiosity at the start (at least she thinks so), but Diana found herself looking forward to each game more than the last. Akko was a klutz everywhere else but the field. There was a fire somewhere in her eyes, a determination that she only ever saw when Akko had her eyes on the goal—and, in some cases, directed towards her in the hours the brunette spent confined to the library. 
But Diana never allowed herself to dwell much on this because assumptions were only just that—assumptions. Although, Akko had just asked her out for some late-night coffee, and she thought maybe…
Just maybe.
“Maybe what?” 
Good lord, Diana inwardly berated herself for her loose tongue, realizing she’d spoken her mind. “Maybe…”
Akko had scooted forward to the edge of her seat.
“Maybe I’ll make it a point to come and find you after your games.”
The grin she received showed it was the right thing to say. “I’ll look forward to that!”
They fell into an easy conversation—mostly from Akko—about anything and everything that came to mind. She was surprised at Akko’s attentiveness, a trait she never thought she’d ascribe to the normally scatter-brained athlete. She… listened. She listened with such depth when Diana spoke about her research, and the blonde found herself amused at how Akko couldn’t sit still to read a single page of an economics textbook, but could stay focused on her ramblings about moderation and analyzing variance. 
“I really appreciated what you said earlier,” Diana said wistfully, noticing that it was nearly nine in the evening. “When you said it was ‘cool’ that I liked what I studied.”
Akko beamed. Diana felt her chest swell. 
“It’s all practically gibberish to me,” the brunette scratched the back of her head, still smiling. Somehow, Diana doubted that all of it was—Akko was smarter than she let on. “But I’m just happy you’re happy about it, I guess.”
With a small smile, Diana realized she was pretty happy about that herself, and laughed at the sour expression Akko had made when she said, “We’ll make a statistician out of you yet.”
Eventually, Diana inquired about Japan, and Akko launched into a quick overview that sounded like it was ripped right out of a tourism infomercial—turns out it was—and Diana, in turn, began to talk about England.
“I’ve been studying here for two whole-ass years,” Akko groaned, “but haven’t had a single chance to go sightseeing!”
Maybe she’ll take a shot. 
“We should go sometime,” Diana offered. 
Maybe... Atsuko Kagari’s adorably nervous invitation to coffee at eight in the evening was a sign that Diana’s crush had some hope of reciprocation.
To her utter elation, Akko beamed, leaning forward and practically slamming her palms onto the table in excitement. “I’d love that!”
“But first,” Diana said pointedly “...would it kill you to behave in the study hall?”
Akko pouted in indignation, “Hey!”
The sight of it actually made Diana laugh.
After another hour into their conversation, Diana had finally decided to try the pie. Akko said something funny just when she’d taken a bite. She hid her laugh behind her hand, but smiled, thinking to herself that: It turns out, pecan pie wasn’t bad at all.
Akko grinned happily as she watched a very satisfied Diana munch on pecan pie. She sighed and rested her head in the palm of her hand. If Akko could see Diana this relaxed every single day, then getting scolded in the library was worth it. Every single painful hour waiting in the library for study hall would be absolutely worth it.
The two finished their drinks and their pies, and as much as Akko would’ve loved to spend time more with Diana, they had to go home. She pulled open the door and let her walk out first.
“Oh, I actually live near here,” Diana said as she studied the street signs. “I can walk home from here.”
“Really?” Akko perked up at the idea that maybe, she could squeeze out a few more moments with her. “Can I walk you home?” she offered.
Diana smirked and poked the middle of Akko’s forehead. “Of course.”
She stood there for a moment, completely shocked by the unquestionably, sexy smirk on Diana's face, and the fact she had the privilege to walk her home.
“You coming?” 
Akko awoke from her inner gay crisis, and looked to see Diana looking at her expectantly over her shoulder as she walked down the sidewalk. Chuckling to herself, Akko tried to wipe her stupid, love-struck grin from her face before jogging towards the blonde and beginning their walk .
“Of course!” exclaimed Akko once she was next to Diana. The two began to walk towards her house.
“So…” Diana began, “...did you not think that I would be able to walk home by myself?”
Akko burst into laughter. “Just tryna look out for you.”
“And who’s looking out for you?” Akko could feel the heat of Diana’s arm as it brushed against hers, and she had to do everything she could to not try and grab the other girl’s hand.
“I can run,” Akko cleared her throat, trying to keep her confidence, but their hands kept brushing together. Akko’s hands were beginning to have minds of their own because she found her fingers pulling Diana’s hand close. “I don’t wanna seem like I got an ego or anything, but I’m pretty sure I can outrun anyone.”
“I don’t doubt that…” Diana bumped against Akko, and Akko could have sworn that her fingers attempted to intentionally intertwine with hers. “I’ve seen you do it many times before.”
“I’m… I’m glad I don’t disappoint.”Akko couldn’t handle it anymore, she just wanted to hold hands… anything… Throwing caution to the wind, she tentatively reached. She could feel the electricity vibing at the tips of her fingers. It made her heart race, and goosebumps erupted all over her skin. 
This was better than a paper football game. This was even better than scoring the game-winning goal during overtime over a rival team. She could just barely feel the skin at Diana’s fingertips.
“This is it,” Diana said abruptly.
Wha… what?
Akko glances upwards to see a beautiful, quaint college home standing right before her.
“I had a nice time tonight, Akko.” Diana turned to face her, thereby pulling her hand right out of Akko’s reach. She then walked up the stairs to her front door as Akko just tried her best not to scream at her missed opportunity.
“I-I had a nice time too,” Akko said as she came down from her shock. Though a little disappointed in herself, she wasn’t picky. Overall, this was perfect.
Akko waited at the step directly in front of the door as Diana attempted to fish out her house keys. She wanted to make sure Diana would make it into her home safely before heading back herself. It was unbelievable how lucky she’d gotten tonight. Not only did Akko get to have pecan pie, but she convinced Diana Cavendish that pecan pie was a godsend and the best kind of pie in the world—no one could tell her otherwise. 
However, Diana was taking a long time looking for something that jingles her pocket, especially when she’s wearing skinny jeans that are really hugging her—
“I… don’t think I have my keys.” Diana quickly tossed her bag on the ground and opened every pocket, searching every crevice. She even tossed out her books as she frantically clawed her way through the bag.
“You don’t have your keys?” Akko repeated.
“I forgot that Hannah and Barbara were going out tonight… I was supposed to come straight home when we were done at the library,” Diana groaned, “Before they were going to leave.”
The realization hit Akko, she was the reason why Diana was now locked out of her house. She mentally kicked herself, knowing that Diana could’ve been sleeping and getting much needed rest instead of a mere slice of pecan pie. But Akko wasn’t the type to get down on herself! Her parents taught her better than that. She could make up for this and help Diana. Akko puffed out her chest and stood tall. 
But holy smokes, when she saw the distress in Diana’s eyes, Akko all but deflated. She just felt so bad. “Hey, why don’t you… stay with me tonight?”
Akko hoped to god that she wasn’t crossing a line or being creepy by inviting Diana out a second time tonight. That was the last thing she needed, considering she had just gotten a date with Diana. For Akko, it would go in as the greatest goal she had ever scored in her life.
Diana stopped her mini existential crisis. “Oh, Akko. You don’t have to do that. I can wait, I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“You wouldn’t be intruding at all!” Akko didn’t want to push too hard, but Hannah and Barbara were known to shut down a club. “If you didn’t go out with me, you would have been in your bed by now… It’s the least I can do, but if you wanna wait, I can wait with you!”
Diana paused for a moment. And Akko was hoping that she’d see some reason behind her offer and not think that things were getting overly weird or anything. But, all negative thoughts were quickly wiped away when Diana gave her a soft smile. 
It was so, so painfully cheesy, but there was something about being lent a football player’s jersey that made Diana’s ears burn a little. For the remainder of the evening, the surname printed on the backside of her shirt was ‘Kagari’, in dark and bold lettering.
The real Kagari had been so kind as to lend her lounge wear while they lazed about in Akko’s dormitory, speaking in hushed voices so as not to wake Lotte or Sucy up. The room was dark, save for the glow of Akko’s laptop, on which they watched a film about some bank along Wall Street that Akko needed to write a paper on—kills two birds with one stone! They had to share a set of earphones, pressing up against each other’s sides so that the flimsy wiring could reach both their ears. 
Diana raised an eyebrow towards a visibly distracted Akko and chuckled, “Watch.”
Akko grinned sheepishly, looking completely unbothered by the fact she’d just been caught staring, and shrugged, “I’ve got you to explain it for me.”
“You’re pushing it.” Diana playfully bumped Akko’s shoulder with her own. She then took the opportunity to summon every drop of courage in her body to urge her hand to move, darn it, move and reach across the three inches that separated her hand from Akko’s.
“You okay?” With that, there was a sudden warmth against Diana’s hand.
“I…” Diana blinked and looked down at their hands, wondering if Akko had somehow sensed her overwhelming need to hold hands and had just gone and done it herself. But then, Diana relaxed, fingers settling down into the spaces in Akko’s hand, and when she did so, she could’ve sworn the brunette had exhaled from holding her breath.
“I was thinking…” Diana decided to finish her train of thought. Screw it, she finally thought for once in her life, bombs away! “...if I could perhaps interest you in going out on a date?”
Akko blinked up at her, red eyes massively confused. “Like… a while ago?”
It was Diana’s turn to be confused. “That was a date?”
It impressed her how, even the dark, Akko could turn so visibly pink. “Well, I—”
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind if it was—”
It was a date. Akko liked her back. Her assumptions had been confirmed, and the way her heart was racing faster than her mind was pushing her into overdrive. Except, Akko seemed to be getting there first. 
“Shit! I didn’t even say anything and I should have made it clear. I, uh, actually thought you understood it! I-like-you-and-that’s-why-I-hang-in-the-library-and-ask-you-to-watch-all-the-time! I even tried to hold your hand while walki—”
“Akko.” She held up a hand, exhausted from trying to keep up with a thousand words per hour. The brunette happily obliged and shut her mouth. When there was silence, Diana immediately chuckled, “Let me rephrase and ask you out for another date, then.”
“So it was a date!” Akko had such a stupidly large grin on, Diana wanted to melt on the spot.
It was a date. It was a date—and she felt fantastic. The butterflies in her stomach threw a lovesick, little party. It was a proper, albeit initially miscommunicated, date, and she wanted to laugh at the serendipitous circumstance of it all.
“So, if that was—or is—a whole, proper, more-than-friends date...” Akko had tentatively begun.
Diana braced herself for mischief, Akko was hardly ever tentative.
“—do I get a whole, proper, more-than-friends-kiss at the end of it?”
A/N: Hey guys - and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANA I LUV YUUUU! I got the chance to work with the amazing @shmehua1 (yeah, the one who totally broke my heart with Broad Shoulders - please check her writing out!), so we decided to just kind of mess around and write a fic under the condition that we had to be drunk. Time zone differences aside, we managed to pull through and put this little piece of work together (There was lot of “WHAT DO WE DO NOW” “I DON’T KNOW!” “DO THEY KISS OR... HOW DOES THIS END?!”). Thank you to our special partners, whiskey and gin.
Big thanks to @koumagda for editing our whack and typo-filled draft because holy shit when I say typo-filled I really mean it cause I deadass wrote ‘smile’ as ‘smielle’ at some point ahahahaah. She did an amazing job and we’re very fortunate she could look over it! Hope ya’ll enjoy and STAY HOOOME
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Homeward Bound or Meeting The Family
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage contains potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and smutty content.
Summary: Rod pushes forward the flight back to Kirby's homeland by a day and meets her parents, her Mam takes an instant liking to him, her Da not so much.
Kirby's POV:
Rod shook me awake early in the morning of the Twenty-Seventh.
"Kirbs, we gotta pack."
"No we don't the flight back ain't 'till tomorrow."
"I called the airport, they let me push the trip forward by a day."
I shot up, giving him a worried look, "You pushed the flight forward to today?"
I rushed to pack everything I had into my bags, mumbling incoherently under my breath.
"When do we leave?"
Rod picked up my suitcase, walking to the door, "In about half an hour."
I threw my gym bag over my shoulder and rushed to get into the D200, waiting for Roddy to check us out of the hotel and join me.
The flight back was uneventful and we got a taxi to my parent's home, with me ringing the doorbell and waiting for the door to open, hearing my parents muffled voices from inside.
"Ya didn't order anything, Heaven?"
"No, Eric. I'll go see who it is."
I shot Rod a reassuring look and waited for my Mam to open the door.
The door swung open.
"fy mhlentyn melys." She put her hands up to cover her mouth.
"Hi Mammy." I dropped my bags and hugged her.
"Come in, come in." She guided us into the living room, my Da on the recliner chair next to the sofa in front of the TV, "We weren't expectin' ya back today. How long are ya staying?"
"About three weeks, ma'am." Rod explained.
"'three weeks'?" I whispered, he nodded in return.
My Da looked up and immediately got up to hug me, "Aw, my baby has come home. Who's your friend?"
"Well, Mam, Da, this is Roddy Piper. He's a co-worker and a close friend." I sheepishly explained.
"I'm ya daughter's boyfriend." He butted in.
"Oh, Really, Is that so?" My Da started, having decided to quiz Roddy, "If you're her boyfriend, what's her favourite food?"
"Da, question him later, please."
"Alright, you're off the hook for now, boyo."
"If you're home for the next week then you can come with us on Sunday to the family get together."
"Which is on Sunday because you expected me back tomorrow?"
"Aye. Your new man can come with us if he likes."
I shot my Mam my best look of 'shuddup Mam you're embarrassing me'.
"I'd love to join you and meet more of your beautiful daughter's family."
We sat on the sofa, with me between Rod and my Da in his recliner chair, my Mam stayed on her feet and the straggler, my old cat came striding into the room and jumped up onto my lap, quickly curling up and letting me pet him.
"Do any of ya want a coffee, or tea?"
"A coffee would be nice." my Da mumbled, focusing again on the TV.
"Yes, a coffee please, Mam."
"A, uh, a cup of tea please, Missus Trevor."
"Ya got yourself a polite one there, Kirby."
"Mam." I chided her as she walked out of the room.
"Who's ya little buddy?"
"This, Rod, is 'The Straggler', he's my cat, and he's a cute little fat blob of a ginger fluffball. Sometimes I think I'm the reason he's fat, other times I think it's him sneaking out at night and eating things he shouldn't, like grass."
"So, his name's 'The Straggler'?"
"No, his actual name is 'Tiger' but we call him 'Fat Man' or 'The Straggler'."
"So, where do we put our bags?"
I lifted the straggler off my lap and got up, placing him back on my seat, he quickly curled up again, happy to be in a place that I had been in seconds before, "Come on, I'll show ya." I grabbed my bags and led Roddy to my bedroom upstairs, putting down my gym bag and opening the door as far as it would go.
My bedroom isn't the biggest but it's big enough to comfortably fit myself and at least one other person. The wall facing the door was covered by a big gothic graveyard tapestry, my sofa bed in front of it, large enough to fit two people or one giant.
The wall to the right was covered by posters of varying designs and sizes, all being rather dark or darkly comedic in nature. In front of that was my desk, completely covered with small trinkets and tiny states as well as a small radio.
Next to that was a bedside cabinet with a makeup caddy on top and my Mam had seemingly gone out to a local shop, buying some fudge and chocolate which she had placed on the cabinet-top.
The wall to the left had a window and a radiator underneath, the curtains, a deep red tartan, were parted, allowing the somewhat bright light of the afternoon into the room.
We walked in and Rod sat down on the bed, bouncing slightly on the mattress and letting out a deep sigh. I walked around to the chest of drawers behind the door and placed my bags on top of it.
"So, your parents aren't as tall as I'd thought they'd be?"
"My Da's five-foot-nine, my Mam's five-foot-four. I have gigantism."
"I know that, but, I just, I guess I wasn't expecting them to be so," He seemed to be fumbling with his words, unsure of how to explain himself, he huffed and then continued, "I wasn't expecting them to be so nice."
"Well, they were kinda forced to be both protective and kind as I grew up. Kind to others who want to be in my life while protecting me from a potentially very harsh world."
"'Cause you're a giant."
"How old are your parents?"
"My Da's fifty-nine and my mam is sixty."
"They look a lot fucking younger."
"Kirby, coffee!" My Mam yelled up from downstairs, "You're Uncle David's here!"
"Oh wow, didn't hear my Da call him."
"You expected to hear a phone call from up here?"
"No, they live down the street. Trust me if my family wanted to, we could fill a small town."
"Big family."
"Big but loving family, mostly."
We walked downstairs, getting our drinks from the kitchen, as per the usual my Mam had put them in 'relevant' graphic mugs, mine reading 'Head in the clouds. Feet on the ground.' and Roddy's reading 'Scots know best'. We walked into the living room and Rod got a look at my Uncle David.
A Chubby man with a darker tan than my Da but only slightly shorter despite being older than my Da, as if that has any holding in height.
"Well now, who's this bright young spark hanging out with our Kirby?"
"Uncle David, this is Roddy Piper. Rod, this is my Uncle David."
"Hello, Sir, nice to meet ya."
Hours passed by like minutes just talking and laughing, when we noticed it getting darker, we said our goodbyes and then the conversation over dinner started.
"Take-out or are we cooking?" My Da quizzed
"Well, what've we got in the fridge?" I inquired, quizzing him back
"Enough for a fry up."
"Then I'll make us all a fry up."
"Ya sure?"
"Yeah, unless you're dead-set on having take-out."
"Well if we go down now, we can get a big pizza that'll last today and tomorrow and we won't have to cook."
"Good point, Da. Let's go then."
My Da quickly put his boots on and we headed down the street, bought a big square 32" pizza, walking home with a smaller box of garlic bread slices atop the massive pizza box. We ate and finished our drinks before going to bed for the night, my parents in their room, the straggler in a bucket on the landing and Rod sleeping next to me, or at least we should have been sleeping.
"Yes, Rod."
"I love ya, ya know that, right?"
"Yes, I love you too, what's wrong?"
"Part of me wants to be part of your family and another part of me wants to say it's somehow all a lie."
"Well, why do you feel that way?"
"I guess, ugh, no I can't talk about it. But, I've got to say this, just to make sure you understand me. I left home when I was thirteen because I hated how my parents treated me and I needed to get out of that situation. I think I'm just expecting your family to be the same deep down."
"Rod, I love you, I truly do, but, my parents are the way they seem, they're nice but we do get angry, me and my Da have had so many shouting matches I can't count how many times I wanted to run away when I was growing up, but we moved past it. We grew and changed because we knew how badly it would screw the three of us up. My Da's easily angered, my Mam is easily upset, I'm easily anxious."
"Am I going to be stared at on Sunday, baby?"
"Probably. But then again, no one's really used to me having a partner because they never met Erik, and he was never my boy-"
Rod cut me off with a rough kiss, quickly silencing me.
"I thought I said, don't bring him up."
"Roderick Piper. My parents are down the hall and I thought we agreed to only da that when we want to have kids."
"Yes, but that doesn't mean we can't make out."
"You bring up a good point, come here."
I pulled him into a kiss, intertwining my fingers with his short locks, feeling his hands under my shirt, skin against skin. Somehow the only person I want near me at any point from now onwards in a any way is him, it's like I've forgotten the feeling of anyone else's touch against my skin. He makes me feel sane, and understood, like he is truly 'the one' but only time will tell, I guess.
When we awoke the next morning, Rod's forehead was lightly touching mine.
"Roddy," I whispered, "Roddy, honey."
"What is it babe?"
"Wake up hon."
"Five more minutes, you elven beauty."
I let Rod go back to sleep and got up, dressing myself in some casual clothes (black overalls and a black graphic T-shirt with a skull on it) and headed to the garage/gym space my dad had built.
I didn't realise that half an hour had passed until a knock at the door broke my concentration on my current workout.
"Come in, door's open."
"Hey Sweetheart."
"Hi, Rod, whaddya want?" I asked, breathless.
"Ya Mam sent me to talk to ya, said ya didn't get any breakfast, wanted me to give ya this," He chucked over a sealed bottle of chocolate milk, "Ya alright baby girl?"
"I'm fine, I just missed being able to just come in here and work out."
"So, this is how ya trained when ya were younger?"
"Yeah, I started wrestling when I was sixteen and before that I did kick-boxing, gymnastics, rugby, football, anything really," I took a swig of the milk, "One day, my uncle Tony, took me and my cousins to see a wrestling show, when I was about fourteen, and I decided that's what I wanted to do."
"So you focused on wrestling from that point onwards, ya never wanted to do anything different?"
I took another swig of the milk, letting out a vague 'mmn' before putting it down so I could answer him, "Wasn't until I was, twenty-five that I started thinking, about what the rest of my life holds for me, I would like a house of my own, and someone to share it with. Potentially a small but traditional wedding, a couple of kids, maybe a pet or tw-"
Rod pulled me into a rough but loving kiss, cupping my cheek with one hand and wrapping his opposite arm around my waist. A couple seconds later he pulled away, kissing my neck and whispering out the words, "Mo chridhe, I promise you I'll do whatever I can to give you everything you need in life. A family. A home. A traditional wedding. Kids. Anything, you name it and I will try my hardest to give it to you, and even if I don't succeed, you'll still have my love. Forever and ever, mo chridhe, I mean it."
"Roddy, I … I have no words good enough to describe how safe and happy, and sane you make me feel."
"I don't need words. Actions speak a million times louder."
"C'mere you," I pulled him into another kiss, intertwining my left hand with his hair and wrapping my right arm around his waist, feeling his arms around my waist slowly pull me as close as he could get me, letting the quiet calm of the morning slowly turn into a small amount of chaos as he pulled away with that devilish grin on his face. It's shocking how that grin can make me feel intrigued but scared at the same time. ​
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