#going to hit my head on a wall okay goodnight
hotchscoffeecup · 2 months
summary: stuck inside an elevator with your boss, aaron hotchner, isn’t what you had in mind when you left work late. perhaps, you can get your supervisor to relax just a little. SFW
tags: minor blood, stuck inside an elevator
pairing: hotch x reader
word count: 3k
a late birthday fic for muffin <3
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“Alright, goodnight Hotch. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?”
“Hotch, it’s late. I’m tired. It’s hotter than hell outside. Trust me, when I tell you that all I need is some late night takeout, a shower, and eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.” You let out a short laugh. “I’ll be fine.”
He nods in farewell; offering a tired, albeit, tight smile before parting ways and moving toward his SUV a few spots down from your sedan. It had been a long day, and an even longer evening. The rest of the team had gone home hours ago, but Hotch had volunteered to stay behind and help you on your case report. Your skin bristles at the thought of the last 72 hours and you feel the tension pulling each one of your muscles as you reach into your purse and feel for your keys. After a few seconds of rifling around, your brow knits together when you don’t come across the key fob.
Releasing an exasperated sigh, your shoulders slump. “Dammit.”
“Everything okay?” Hotch asks, pausing after opening his car door.
You incline your head and wave a hand through the air. “Yeah, I just left my keys on my desk.”
A car door slams and the sound of Hotch’s footsteps echo as he moves towards you. “I’ll walk with you.”
You blow out a breath and wave him off. “No, go home. It’s just going to be a few extra minutes. Go see Jack.”
“He’s with his aunt until tomorrow evening, then hopefully I’ll get to spend the entire weekend with him before duty calls.” He gestures towards the elevator. “It’s no trouble, really,” he insists.
You can’t help but feel like a nuisance, but you don’t argue any further. A humid breeze blows through the parking garage and thunder rumbles off in the distance. Hotch presses the button to summon the elevator and as the gears rumble to life both of your cells start pinging.
Hotch reaches into his pants pocket as you reach into your purse. You both check your cells where a severe thunderstorm warning flashes across the screen.
“Hotch, really, you can go.”
Hotch arches a brow, sparing you a look that says not-a-chance as the doors open. “Come on, if the weather kicks up before we get back down, I’ll drive you home.”
He stretches an arm out to hold the door and you reluctantly step inside, accepting that he’s not going to leave.
You push the button for the ninth floor and cross your arms over your chest. “My car can handle a little rain, Hotch.”
He blows out a breath and shakes his head. “With the weather they’re calling for, your car will become a boat.”
“Careful, Hotch. That was almost a joke.”
A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth, but he doesn’t reply.
The elevator pings as you ascend higher and higher. By the time the elevator crawls past floor four the sound of rain pounding against the building echoes inside the elevator.
“Damn,” you curse quietly. “I can only imagine what 95 is going to look like with this going on.”
“I’m sure it’ll—” A loud clap of thunder explodes outside, cutting Aaron off.
You startle, gasping loudly and feeling yourself immediately flush red with embarrassment. Your eyes flicker over to Hotch and he looks calm and collected, unshaken by the burst of sound.
Suddenly, the lights go out and the elevator screeches to a halt, throwing you off balance. You stumble as the elevator rocks violently and in your heels, you’re unable to catch yourself before you fall forward and hit your head against the wall; dropping your purse and scattering its contents in the process.
Pain splits your brow and your hand flies to your forehead. Blood, sticky and wet, trickles into your eye and you wince. The emergency lights kick on as you and Hotch both collect yourselves and stand.
“Are you ok?” Hotch asks.
“I hit my head.”
“Here, let me take a look.”
His hand curls under your arm as he uses the other to tilt your chin up. His eyes are hard in the dim red light.
“I can’t tell how deep it is in this lighting.” He presses his lips together and reaches for his cell. “Dammit!”
“Let me guess,” you say. “No signal.”
He snaps his phone shut. “None, what about you?”
“My entire life is on the floor right now,” you quip, gesturing at the ground.
“Right, sorry.” His eyes scan the ground and quickly locate your phone. He scoops it up and after flipping it open, he shakes his head with an exasperated sigh.
“Well,” you reply. “Guess we better make ourselves comfortable until the generators kick in.”
You kneel down and begin sweeping your belongings toward you. Hotch crouches and helps you without asking.
“Let’s at least see what you might have that I can use to help clean it up and stop the bleeding.”
“Oh yeah, let me just reach into my Mary Poppins bag here and pull out an EMT’s jump bag.”
He aims a hard look at you that he usually reserves for whenever Penelope makes a comment that teeters the line with HR.
“I’m the one with my head split open, I think I’m allowed to be sarcastic right now.”
Hotch breathes out sharply. “Split open, that’s a tad dramatic, don’t you think?”
“Two zingers in a row, Hotch. I’m impressed.” He shakes his head but even in the dim lighting, you don’t miss the smile on his lips. He picks up a couple of items and hands them to you. “Here’s your,” he pauses to examine the items in his hand. “Lipstick and tampons.”
A furious heat races to your cheeks as you snatch them out of his hand and shove them in your purse.
“Wait, give me one of those. I can use it to stop the bleeding.”
“Hotch, I’m not giving you a tampon.”
He levels you with another hard stare and when he says your name, you can hear the amusement in his voice. “It’s either that or your sweater, and I know that was a gift from JJ on your birthday. Besides, I was married for a long time. I’m not embarrassed by tampons or pads. You know I keep a supply in my desk, right?”
Your brow pinches, but a smile plays about your face. “Ok, I’ll bite,” you say as you pass him one. “Why?”
He pauses before tearing open the packaging. “You wouldn’t happen to have any hand sanitizer in there, would you?”
It takes you seconds to find the mini Purell inside your handbag and pass it to him. He squeezes some into his hands and scrubs it over his skin. “One time, Penelope dropped a file off in my office. She was in a rush and not acting like herself. I could tell she was stressed.” He tears open the plastic and pushes the cotton portion of the tampon out of the applicator. “I asked her if she was okay and boy, was that the wrong question to ask.” Hotch turns his head, looking around. “Ah, thought I saw that.” He scoops your half finished water bottle off the ground and pours a small bit of water onto the cotton to break it up. After working it into a small square, he gently presses it against the split in your brow. You wince and he apologizes. “She burst into tears and told me that her cycle had snuck up out of nowhere and she was unprepared and needed to run to the drug store. I told her not to worry and that I’d go for her. I’d forgotten to ask what exactly she wanted me to get, so I bought a little of everything. She took what she needed and I told her that I’d keep the rest in the lower left drawer of my desk in case an emergency ever arose again.”
“Hotch, that’s actually really sweet.”
He feigns a pained look, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Your use of the word actually cuts pretty deep, you know?” He lifts the makeshift bandage and inspects the injury. “It’s still bleeding. I’m afraid you might need stitches.”
You blow out a breath. “Great, and what do I tell them? Hey, I fell face first into an elevator panel. Patch me up!”
Hotch chuckles and applies more pressure to the wound. You hiss and again, he apologizes.
“It’s okay,” you say and realize this is probably the closest you’ve ever been to your supervisor. In fact, from this angle you notice just how long and thick his dark lashes are; the way his coffee colored eyes glimmer in the low lighting.
Holy shit, what are you thinking? That’s your boss you’re ogling.
“It’s hot.”
You blink out of your momentary stupor. “I’m sorry, what?”
“In here,” Aaron answers.
“Well yeah, the AC is out with the power. What do you think is taking the generators so long to kick in?”
Hotch’s brow furrows as his eyes flick about the space. “I’m not sure. It’s highly unusual though.”
You shrug out of your sweater and take over holding the makeshift bandage against your forehead, your fingers brushing against his hand as you do so. Bunching your sweater into a ball, you place it behind you and lie back.
Hotch laughs awkwardly. “What are you doing?”
“It seems like we’re going to be stuck here awhile, might as well make myself comfortable.”
He pushes himself to his feet and presses the emergency call button. You’re not shocked when the only response is static. You watch as he paces, pushing the button every few minutes.
“This is where Reid would say something like ‘the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.’”
Hotch tucks his hand against his belt and pushes his suit jacket back with his other fingers. It's a gesture you’re all too familiar with, the one he uses when he’s exasperated. He swipes at the perspiration beading on his forehead with his opposite sleeve.
“So, what, we just wait?”
A smirk pulls at your lips. This shouldn’t amuse you as much as it does, especially given the fact that you have a head injury and probably need to get checked out.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’re so,” you hedge, searching for the word, “high strung.”
Hotch’s brow climbs toward his hairline. “Excuse me?”
Did you hit a nerve? It was a fairly bold statement to make. Situation be damned, he was still your boss. “I don’t know, Hotch.” You release a short laugh. “You can’t really be in control all the time, can you?”
“Doesn’t this team have an agreement to not profile each other?”
You roll your eyes and prop yourself up on an elbow, wincing as pain pulses behind your eye. Hotch’s lips part as he instinctively moves toward you and you wave him off. “It’s not about profiling, Hotch, look at you. Stop trying to solve everything all the time and just say ‘hey, this shit sucks!’”
He holds your eye for a moment, his expression unreadable.
“You’re right,” he says. He shrugs out of his suit jacket and drops onto the floor beside you. “This shit sucks.”
You smile and he returns one. It looks good on him. It’s something he doesn’t do often enough.
“Let me check your head.” He leans forward and you let him inspect the gash in your forehead. “I think the bleeding stopped.” Placing his palm against your jaw, he tilts your head toward the red emergency lights. “Everything looks,” his eyes glimmer and drop to linger on yours. “Fine.”
Your lips part, but you don’t find words. Has Hotch ever looked at you like this? Well, that implies he's looking at you a certain type of way. You clear your throat and Hotch drops his hand.
“Sorry,” he whispers.
The words are out of your mouth before you can think. “Are you?”
He says your name then, barely a whisper. He’s so close, close enough for you to smell his aftershave. You feel your heart rate begin to pick up, pulse pounding in your ears. Hotch’s chin dips and his lips are a hair's breadth away from yours. Before anything can happen, the elevator’s gears suddenly grind to life. The sudden jolt of movement causes your foreheads to bump together and you groan as pain splinters behind your eye.
Hotch immediately apologizes and holds your face in his hands, making sure the minor collision didn’t reopen the wound that had barely stopped bleeding as is.
Your hand reaches up to cup his against your cheek and you meet his concerned eyes. “I’m fine, Hotch.”
He holds your gaze for a moment before dipping his head. “Okay,” he says tightly. “Okay, let’s get you up. There’s a first aid kit in the break room.” He grabs hold of your forearm and loops an arm around your waist before helping you to your feet. You stumble as you rise to your full height, your blood not yet having the chance to properly circulate through your body.
Hotch’s grip tightens around your waist and you place a steadying head against his chest; fingers splayed against the muscular plane beneath the fabric of his dress shirt.
Only when the elevator dings, signaling your arrival at the 9th floor do you remember that it's your boss with his arm around you right now. You startle apart and laugh awkwardly.
“Here, let me—” His voice trails off as he drops to a crouching position and sweeps the remaining items of yours off the floor along with his jacket and your sweater.
You walk in semi-comfortable silence, letting Hotch lead the way to the break room. When you arrive, you let him pull out a chair for you and take a seat. He moves quickly, rummaging through cabinets until he locates the first aid kit. He sits opposite from you and opens the white box. After pulling on a pair of disposable gloves, he makes quick work of opening several gauze pads. He squeezes rubbing alcohol onto the gauze and apologizes in advance.
“It’s going to sting,” he cautions as he begins cleaning the area around the wound and the blood that had dripped down your cheek.
“I’m a big girl, Hotch. My dad cleaned my skinned knees when I was a kid.”
Hotch chuckles, and it rumbles low in his throat. “I certainly hope you don’t see me as your father.”
You nearly choke on your own spit and feel a furious heat blossom across your face. Hotch sees this and the smile stays plastered on his face. He presses the alcohol soaked cotton to the wound.
You hiss at the contact and dig your nails into your palms. “Fuck!” you curse, though it’s mixed with sharp laughter. “I don’t remember it stinging that much!”
Hotch laughs as he apologizes and works as quickly as he can to clean the affected area. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He finishes up and applies two butterfly bandages, which effectively close the gash. He discards the gloves and soiled gauze. After washing his hands, he uses a disinfectant wipe to sanitize the table and replaces the first aid kit in the cabinet.
“Efficient, as always.” You observe.
“I’ll have to fill out an incident report,” he says as he wipes his hands on his pants.
“Yeah, but that can wait until Monday.”
Hotch presses his lips together, not liking the sound of that.
“Oh, come on Aaron!”
His brow quirks. “Aaron? You never call me by my first name.”
You smile and gesture toward your forehead. “Head injury, I don’t know what I’m talking about.”
“It’s nice,” he says, a dimple in his cheek on show as he smiles. His expression shifts immediately towards worry. “Though, you might actually have a mild concussion. We should probably get you to a doctor.”
You wave him off. “A doctor is just going to tell me to rest, take ibuprofen, don’t sleep the first night, et cetera, et cetera…Frankly, I’d rather avoid the bill.”
“There's a protocol for this…paper work, workers comp.”
You slap your hands against your thighs. “Fine!” you relent. “Let’s go!”
Hotch smiles, relief evident on his face. “I’ll grab the paperwork.” You scoop your sweater and purse into your arms as he dashes out of the break room.
As you make your way back toward the elevator, Hotch joins you. “Forgetting something?”
Your eyes widen and you feel like you could smack yourself. “My keys!”
Hotch tucks the manila envelope under his arm and fishes around in his pocket, withdrawing your key ring with a cheeky grin on his face. You quickly grab them out of his hand and shove them into your purse. “The whole reason I’m in this mess,” you grumble.
You slap the button to summon the elevator just as thunder crashes outside once more. You and Hotch exchange a look. “On second thought, why don’t we just take the stairs?”
“Good idea,” Hotch agrees.
As you descend the nine flights of stairs, you can’t help but think of the long night you’re about to be in for. When you reach the parking garage, you can smell the rain in the air. You press the button to unlock your car.
“What are you doing?” Hotch asks. “No way, I’m taking you to the hospital.”
“Hotch, I’m going to be there all night.”
“Okay, so I’ll buy you breakfast in the morning.”
You freeze and Hotch does too. For a minute you just stand there holding each other’s gaze and in that moment, you both know something has fundamentally changed between the two of you. What that change is, neither of you can tell; but something in your gut tells you it’s a change for the better and you can’t wait to find out more.
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brittscafe · 11 months
Choso Kamo Headcanons
Synopsis: SFW and NSFW Headcanons. Choso Kamo x female reader.
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My poor baby is so touch deprived :(
He craves the warmth of your hands on his face or really anywhere.
Whenever your hands cup his cheeks, thumb brushing over his skin, he melts.
Choso leans into your touch, closing his eyes and letting out a heavy sigh.
He'll just collapse in your arms, head nuzzling into your chest and his arms secured around your waist.
You'll struggle to breath when he's crushing, whispering that he's too heavy.
Choso smiles against your chest and closes his eyes, saying that he's so comfortable.
Choso falls asleep quickly, especially when your fingers comb through his face or stroke his face tenderly.
In reality, Choso isn't really asleep, he's just off in another world, relaxing and relishing in your touch.
Choso doesn't really need sleep.
Choso watches you when you sleep and not in a creepy stalker way.
His eyes rake over your body, the way your chest goes up and down with each breath.
His hand runs over the curve of your body if you sleep on your side.
He'll usually sit on the edge of the bed, wishing you goodnight and watching you fade away.
If Choso has time, he'll cuddle with you until you fall asleep.
Hands flattened over your stomach and your back pressed up against his chest.
He likes to spoon you, but he likes to guide your head onto his chest sometimes, it makes him feel more secure.
Choso will stay awake, on guard and pressing featherlight kisses along your skin.
He loves to hold your hands and press soft kisses to the back of your palms.
He adores it when you play with his hair or style it.
He loves showing his hair off and cannot stop talking about what a good job you did.
His kisses are messy 😩
Choso's kisses may be messy, but they are super good.
Like he just kisses you out of nowhere on straight impulse.
His warm lips rolling against yours, heart pounding against his chest as he craves more of you.
Choso's eyes roll into the back of his head when you kiss his neck or kiss his abs.
His cheeks fluster when you lean in closer to place a kiss on his cheek.
If you compliment him when he's hair down, he'll start to wear it down more just bc you like it.
He'll patiently sit outside the dressing room, waiting to see what new clothes you're trying on.
Calls you sweetheart.
You can make him so nervous sometimes, his stomach doing flips and his breath hitching in his throat.
He's just sooo soft and cute.
He expresses how much he loves you all the time.
Whispering it in your ear before you fall asleep, cuddling on the couch and just blurting it out, literally anytime.
He loves it when you edge him, stroking his cock ever so slowly.
Salty tears will slide his face and he'll beg for you to make him cum.
Choso can't help the moans and whimpers leaving his mouth as your walls squeeze around his length.
He tries to be quiet, burying his head into your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin.
It works, but never for too long.
Choso loves having you on top, sinking down onto his cock.
Whenever Choso feels the blood rushing to cock and he wants you, he's super shy about it.
Let's you ride his abs and get off on them.
If you're cuddling, he'll tug on your clothes and you'll turn, seeing the desperate look in his eyes.
Choso is gentle and soft during sex, but there are times when he can rough.
You see the darkness form in his eyes, his hips starting to slam into yours, definitely going to leave leave bruises in the morning.
Choso just loves to hear the way you moan and scream when his cock hits that sweet spot of yours.
It just makes him cum even faster, hearing you cry out his name.
Choso has a hidden fear of hurting you, especially in the act bc he can get carried away.
He is always making sure you okay, knuckles running over your cheek or eyes soft, full of love.
Choso loves it when you praise him, his cheeks fluster and he'll even cum faster.
His aftercare is super sweet.
He asks you at least a million times if you're okay or if you need anything.
He'll run his hands over your waist, lifting you onto his chest and speaking ever so softly so that you fall asleep to the sound of his voice.
Of course, Choso loves it when you take care of him afterwards.
Hands running up and down his back, fingers brushing through his hair, or whispering sweet praises.
He'll pretend to fall asleep in your comfortable arms just bc he feels so relaxed and safe.
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astraystayyh · 1 year
Bang Chan x reader. highly recommend listening to Myth by Beach House while reading! <3
Skimming across the edge of being friends and something more with Chan is a dangerous game. Even more so when you're both sharing the same bed.
(@inniejeonginnie cameo because she's innie's gf!)
skz song series masterlist
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"The heater won't work," Seungmin announces to the group, and you all stare at each other blankly.
This was Seungmin's family cabinet. It was a tradition for you all to go there on your winter break- Seungmin, Jeongin and their partners, and then you and Chan. There were only three bedrooms along with the living room- that's where Chan was supposed to sleep. But the heater isn't working. He'll surely freeze in there all by himself.
"He can stay in my room, it's okay," you smile slightly, turning around to gauge Chan's reaction. He smiles back, but his hand is curled into a tight fist. He unclenches it once he spots you staring.
"Then that's settled! See you tomorrow!" Jeongin rapidly exclaims, happy at the prospect of not having to sleep next to Chan. He pulls his girlfriend Anya by the hand, biding you all goodnight.
One by one they all go upstairs, until it's only you and Chan left in there. Suddenly, the oxygen is sucked out of the room; and you feel as if you're standing in a field doused with gasoline, where a single flame teeters on the edge of igniting- threatening to set you both aflame.
"You coming?" you ask and he nods wordlessly. You walk ahead first, and Chan places his hand on your lower back. He drops it once you reach the top of the stairs, but the ghost of his touch lingers in there, his fingertips now seared into your spine.
The light is warm in your room, curtsey of the chandelier hanging from the wall. Its yellow glow reflects on Chan's honeyed skin, and you can't seem to take your eyes off of him as he settles on the edge of your bed.
"I'll go change and then you can go to the bathroom too," you say quietly, and he simply nods. He hasn't spoken once since you invited him in. It's driving you insane. Did he not want this? Were you reading all the signs wrong?
You come out of the bathroom; your hair put away in a braid to keep it out of your face. You can feel Chan’s burning gaze on the curve of your exposed neck, before he goes in after you without a word.
You climb into the bed, your back flush against the headboard. You watch silently as Chan comes out his turn. He's wearing a simple black t-shirt and loose shorts. Suddenly, you are hit by the domesticity of it all. You and Chan in your pajamas, sharing the same bed. Is this how it would be if you started dating? Waiting for him to get changed, to come onto the bed with you? Maybe you'd brush your teeth together, maybe he'd be the one braiding your hair.
"Good night," he whispers, his voice hoarse as he turns the light off.
"Good night," you say just as quietly, palpable tension oozing from the both of you.
You both lay down, heads facing the ceiling. The bed is big, big enough for you both to never touch each other throughout the night. And yet, you can feel the warmth radiating from his body, reaching your own in waves. He's so close and yet he feels so far away.
You can't sleep, you know you won't. Not when all you are thinking about is the man next to you. You don't know what changed; if you were in this bed one year ago, you'd both be cracking jokes. There would be no tense silence surrounding you, threatening to suffocate you under its weight.
But that would be a year ago. Things are different now between the two of you. You can't pinpoint when exactly, but suddenly, Chan's eyes on you were scorching, setting your body ablaze. Suddenly, each time your hand brushed against his, you felt butterflies roaming through your stomach, violently as if fighting for a way to come out and meet the man who's making you feel this way.
If you built yourself a myth, you'd know just what to give
Chan was abruptly everywhere. He was there, opening doors for you, and he was there wiping your tears away. He was there kissing your forehead gently and smiling so wildly at your unfunny jokes. Your eyes searched for his in every room, and you always found him looking back, always.
And he was there, when you were both tipsy over some cheap wine, giggling in the middle of an empty playground at midnight. He was there, caressing your cheeks and painting them pink, as if his fingers were paintbrushes and your face a canvas. And he was there, leaning forward and brushing his lips against yours, before moving them away.
What comes after this momentary bliss?
You've never spoken about that day, and here you are now, lying on the same bed, burning up.
"Are you asleep?" he asks after a while, turning around to look at you.
"No," you reply, shifting in your place to face him as well. "Are you cold?" you ask quietly.
"No. Never around you," he confesses breathlessly, making your heart skip a beat.
The consequence of what you do to me
He leans closer to you, his hand shaking as it raises up to rest on top of your cheek. You exhale a rugged breath, heart beating wildly in your chest.
"What are you doing?" you ask, and he shushes you slightly, his thumb trailing across your lower lip in an agonizing manner.
"Tell me this is real, that you feel it too," he pleads, eyes begging looking into yours. He leans even closer to you, until your noses brush against one another.
"Tell me I'm not imagining it, whatever this is. Help me to name it," he says as he places your hand on top of his heart. It's hammering in there too.
Help me to name it
You tentatively raise your free hand, tracing over his pretty features, and he closes his eyes, exhaling softly at your touch.  
"You drive me insane Chan," you whisper, "Why didn't you kiss me that night?"
"I thought you didn't want me to."
You shake your head, "I wanted you to."
Help me to name it
"Really?" he smiles tentatively, and you nod, "Really."
He's cautious as his hand slides down the back of your neck, pulling you closer. Your hand finds his hair, playing with its soft brown locks.
Help me to name it
"You want me?"
"I want you."
"What are we?" he asks, as his lips brush against yours once again.
"We can name it tomorrow."
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star-girl69 · 3 months
Guilty Pleasure
Caroline (KK) Harvey x Fem!Reader
synopsis: after weeks full of stress and homework, all you want to do is have a nice evening with your girlfriend. but it’s hard to let yourself do that when she’s working herself to death to prepare for hockey championships.
a/n: wow i’m a genius… based off of this ask!! i hope you all enjoy!! STREAM TOUGH BY LANA AND QUAVO‼️‼️‼️
a few notes:
shoutout to my wonderful sister wife @lovinpelova read her kk fic it’s amazing ILY AND OUR WIFE 🫶
and rip to laila’s ability to go live 💔💔
Guilty Pleasure - Chappell Roan
warnings: NOT PROOFREAD, i don’t know anything about college please spare me, college scares me, i’m scared, anyways, texting if that triggers y’all, the tiniest bit of angst, y/n is kinda like insecure and all self deprecating LOL, umm a little bit of kissing, hurt/comfort!!!!!!!! kinda!!!!, swearing, ending sucks so bad, this sucks, whatever, i think that’s all let me know if i missed anything!!
“Y/N,” your roommate groans into the stillness of your room. Besides for the natural humming of the building, it’s midnight, a school night, and the dorms are mostly silent. “Y/N, please. Turn off the lights and go to bed. You can’t keep studying, babe.”
“I’m sorry,” you mutter, standing up from your desk and flicking the light switch on the wall. You hear your roommate, Jackie, let out a sigh of relief.
Immediately, you sit back down, flipping the desk lamp on.
“Ugh, no, babe. That’s not what I meant- you need to sleep.”
“I have to study.”
Jackie had it so easy- you’ve never seen her study for any test, ever, yet she always comes back with 90’s on whatever assignment it is. Not you. No, you work your ass off and get an 80- if you’re lucky.
“You’ve been studying all weekend,” she groans. “You can’t do anything about it now, trust me. Whatever happens, happens. All you can do now is sleep.”
You’re silent, trying to cram just a few more vocab words into your head.
“Y/N, please!”
A pillow hits your head.
“Bitch!” You yell, glaring at her. Maybe you did really think she would be smiling at you, but she’s not. She’s looking at you with real concern in her eyes.
“Babe. I can see the dark circles under your eyes from here.”
And if you’re honest, the words on the pages are starting to blur, you can’t process anything- you know she’s right. You’re not helping yourself at this point, but you’re too scared to just give up and go to bed. What if you stay up for one more minute and it completely saves your ass tomorrow?
“Maybe you should call KK?” Jackie says, tentatively, but you’re not even looking at her anymore. “I won’t even complain that you’re whispering.”
“She’s probably asleep,” you mutter. “She texted me today, they had a really hard practice.”
“Yeah, but she’ll answer if you call. We both know she will.”
“No, I’m not bothering her. I’ll go to bed, okay?”
You meet Jackie’s eyes, and she looks you up and down.
But she doesn’t settle, not when you’ve flicked the light off. You can see her when your eyes adjust, she doesn’t lay down until she sees you in bed, covers pulled up to your chin.
It’s only when you finally firmly squeeze your eyes shut that you hear the rustling of her settling into bed.
“Goodnight,” she murmurs, concern in her voice.
“Goodnight,” you say back.
She’s right. She’s completely right about everything.
She’s close with KK and the rest of the team you’ve come to known like family just like you. KK would answer you. She always has notifications turned on for you and you for her.
And there’s nothing else you can do about this test tomorrow, you’re confident you’ll at least pass it, but since you’re not doing any sports like almost everyone else at this school, you feel like you should at least have better grades. But you just… don’t.
As you wrap your arms around yourself in the darkness, hoping Jackie’s eyes are closed and she can’t see you, all you can do is think about Caroline.
hockey queen: r u still coming over??
you: yes ofc do u hate me and want me to die????
hockey queen: no ily ❤️
you: ilyt i’m getting food tn btw
hockey queen: ok babe wtvr u want 😍
After days of turning down every invitation to go out, after forcing yourself to stay home and feeling Jackie’s disapproving eyes on you every time you stayed up late- your last class of the week had finished.
It was Friday afternoon, the sky starting to turn a pretty grey that let you know rain was coming. This entire week had felt like a battle in the long war that was college, and you desperately needed a night in with a movie and some takeout to replenish yourself for the next week-long battle.
And you needed that night to be with Caroline. Desperately. Even though you knew she was working herself just as hard, with your workload and her busy hockey schedule these Friday nights were sacred, and weekly.
No one ever skipped a Friday night.
Even when you were under the weather with the most horrible headache you’ve ever been plagued with, Caroline still came over and rubbed you temples, talked to you to distract you in a soft voice and let you drool on her when you finally did fall asleep.
Even when Caroline was so exhausted from a hard practice, and all she had the strength to do was brush her teeth and change into sweats, you let her pass out on top of you and stayed put the rest of the night, rubbing her back, just to make sure she got her rest.
With championships coming up, you’re sure tonight will be another night in which KK is barely functioning, but as long as she’s just there, tangible, you’ll be fine.
That’s what you tell yourself, even as you walk across campus, letting your mind guiltily wander to you just finally stopping for one second, slowing down and confiding in her how fucking exhausted you were.
The rational part of you knew she would understand. But the insecure, childish part of you that was scared you’ll be seen as too needy, too much, overpowered everything else.
You needed whatever bit of Caroline she would give you.
You sighed, kicking a stick on the concrete path away at a particularly vivid fantasy of you absolutely sobbing in her arms. And it’s not like you haven’t cried in front of her before- what scared you about this guilty fantasy was how good it felt, even in this daydream, to let her in.
She works so hard. You can’t dump yourself onto her either.
jacked 💪: do i have the dorm to myself tn??
you: yes 🤗
jacked 💪: inviting sexy boy from econ over
you: use protection ily
jacked 💪: BITCH ilyt
KK and Laila had the cutest apartment that wasn’t too far away, with a really pretty view out onto a street with lots of lights that almost made it feel like new york city.
Unfortunately, the rest of the apartment really did feel like the apartment of two college girls. There was perpetually dishes in the sink, the weirdest posters and inside jokes plastered onto the walls- you didn’t even try to understand them.
Laila likes to joke that she knows when it’s time to clean based on how bad your reaction is when you walk in. She decides they can go a few more days without cleaning. You roll your eyes, eating your takeout at the counter while you wait for your girlfriend to get out of the shower.
When she finally does emerge from her room, her slightly curly hair in its prettiest slightly wet form, dressed in comfy clothes- something immediately squeezes inside of your chest.
Maybe it’s your heart. Or maybe it’s a physical manifesting of nerves and guilt in that’s made its home in your chest. Whatever.
You can see the tiredness on her face when she walks over to where you sit, wrapping her arms around you and kissing your cheek.
You ignore Lalia’s exaggerated gag.
“Come with me,” KK murmurs into your ear, and you don’t need to be told twice, stuffing your keys into your pocket and following her.
“Don’t be too loud!” Laila shouts after you, looking into the fridge to find a snack- you all know that fridge is in desperate need of a restock and a deep clean- “There are other people in this apartment, okay?”
“Shut up!” KK responds, holding onto your arm tightly and shutting the door behind you.
After putting on some random movie from Netflix in the background, you were all too happy to throw yourself onto KK’s comfy bed, smiling when she let out an exaggerated groan, collapsing face down next to you.
“Aw, hard practice?” You fake cooed, and she nodded into her pillows. You played with a damp curl, twisting it between your fingers.
“So many bag skates,” she moaned. “I lost count. I swear I almost died. I saw the gates of Heaven.”
“Poor baby.”
“Yes,” she muttered in agreement, grabbing your hand playing with her hair and pressing it up against her face so she could trap you between her face and the pillow. “Everything hurts.”
The only light came from the flickering movie, and you could barely even hear it as you stared at her face. You press a kiss to her cheek and she smiles, and you sit up even as your own exhausted body screams at you.
She frowns when you take your hand away from her face, but doesn’t seem as bothered anymore when you straddle her legs and softly start to massage her shoulders.
“I love you,” she whispers, eyes falling shut. “Oh, my God, you could become a masseuse.”
You laugh, relishing in how intimate this moment feels, holding onto the feeling in your chest that erupted when she said “I love you” it’s not possible to feel guilt in this moment, shrouded in a haze that might be because of your droopy eyes but you tell yourself it’s because you love this girl so much.
“I haven’t seen you all week,” Caroline says after a second.
“I know,” you say after a long moment. Thinking of those long nights when you wanted to be selfish so bad. When you wanted her all to yourself. “Sorry. I’ve had, like, a lot of homework lately and stuff.”
“But the worst is over now?”
You heart squeezes at the hopeful edge to her tone.
It’s hard to find times when your schedules match. It hurts you, you know it hurts her, and sometimes these Fridays are the only thing that can keep you sane. You might actually end up in a mental hospital.
“Oh, um… I dunno. Hopefully, sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” she says, biting back a yawn. “I jus’ miss you.”
“I miss you too,” you say, so quietly it’s almost like a confession. “Okay, I’m sorry, I’m about to fall asleep,” you groan, slipping off of her and back onto the bed.
Laying on your side so you’re facing her, you watch as she opens her eyes and smiles at you in that sweet, slightly goofy way you fell in love with.
She reaches out and softly touches your under eyes, where you know there’s noticeable dark circles. She frowns, ever-so-slightly, and the unspoken question is thick in the air.
“Jackie keeps getting all pissed off at me,” you say, breaking the silence, making sure she doesn’t ask that question: “have you been sleeping?” You’re fine. You’re fine. “She thinks I’m studying too much but no matter how many times I tell her I’m studying a pretty normal amount- she won’t let it go.”
“Are you studying a normal amount?”
There’s a slight teasing smile on her face, so you roll your eyes.
“Yes. I stay up a little late, like, once and it’s like it’s the end of the world.”
It’s not just once, and it’s not just a little late, but KK is so tired, you can see it on her face.
She laughs. “Jackie jus’ loves you,” she says after a yawn.
“Too much, maybe.”
She puts her arm around you, tugging you closer to her. “You deserve all the love in the world, baby.”
You smile like a cheesy schoolgirl. “Okay,” you say, pressing a short kiss to her lips. “Go to bed, please. You can barely keep your eyes open and it’s actually kinda scary.”
“Come here,” she groans, pulling you even closer until you’re pressed up right against her.
And before you can even think about what you’re doing, you let out a sigh and press your face into her neck. This might be your favorite place- where you can feel her heartbeat and the way her arm is wrapped around you.
Your chest squeezes when everything fades out for a second, tiredness you didn’t feel until you were in her arms suddenly coming out in the form of a yawn.
“Damn, you’re tired,” she whispers, and you can hear the smile in her voice. You try to mumble “so are you” but it comes out as an incoherent mumble that she chuckles at.
Just as you faintly realize that comforting sensation is her hand in your hair, scratching your head, guilt consumes you. She’s been working so hard at practice- and here she is comforting you? You’re not going to national championships like her. You’re not doing anything important- you’re just tired from getting mediocre grades.
Sluggish, you moan and try to move out of her comfort, something inside of you screaming that you don’t deserve it, but she only mistakes it as you shifting in your sleep and softly shushes you.
And just as you push off sleep enough to try and get out, her breathing evens out. So, you fall asleep press tightly into her arms, feeling so guilty you think it might actually destroy you.
hockey queen: hi baby practice finished early can i come over?
hockey queen: are u studying
hockey queen: babe pls i’m bored
hockey queen: ok i’m coming over deal w it
You set your pen down, staring at the scribbles in the margins of your assignment- the actual questions still blank. You sigh, feeling pressure behind your eyes that you try not to let spill.
“Fuck,” you whisper, putting your head into your hands and allowing yourself one guilty moment to wallow in self-pity before you finish this fucking assignment.
It’s still early, but you know you should have done this simple one page of work before tackling the endless pages of review for another test you have tomorrow- now you’re so tired you can barely see, and your hand is cramping.
You softly scrunch your dominant hand into a fist before spreading it out flat, almost wincing at how sore it is. Is it even possible for your hand to be this sore? Covered in smudged ink, you debate going to the bathroom and washing your hands. Maybe you need to walk around, then you can get this one page done.
But all you can think about is that stupid test tomorrow, and maybe you should stay up late again, screw Jackie’s concern, study more-
The first tear that drops onto your paper shocks you a bit. And you feel so stupid for crying in the first place that you start crying more.
Pressing your face into your hands, you’re too tired to try and stop the tears, just letting them fall. Your mind races with thoughts of that stupid test, this stupid assignment- and some rational part of you knows that this is unhealthy- but it’s college, and it kinda feels like everything you do is a precursor for your adult life.
If you can’t juggle tests and homework- how are you going to juggle bills and work? Simple housework?
Someone knocks on the door.
You freeze for a moment, feeling your makeup run streaky down your face, eyes still full of tears and mascara messy-
Oh, fuck. Fuck. You know that voice, you know KK’s voice, you can hear her perfectly through the door.
And you’re just stupidly, completely frozen.
Maybe because part of you wants to just run into her arms.
And before you can make up some lie or do anything to get her to go away, she just opens the door, and you quickly turn away.
“Oh. Y/N,” she says, obviously very confused. “I figured you weren’t in here. Did you see my texts?”
“Uh,” you start, and you know immediately that she can hear the sadness in your voice. “No, sorry. I’ve been studying.”
“What happened?” She asks, and you would laugh at the way she looks around the room, almost as if someone is going to jump out. “You’re crying.”
“No,” you fake laugh, standing up. “Give me a second, there’s something in my eye-”
She grabs your wrist.
“Please don’t lie to me.”
The sincerity and love in her voice makes you cry more.
“It’s nothing, I’m fine. I’m just a little overwhelmed with school, I’ve had some late nights, it’s stupid that I’m crying over this. Seriously, babe, thank you- but it’s not that big of a deal.”
She’s got this kinda heartbroken look on her face, and you love her so much- you feel even more guilty for making her feel like this, for being the cause of the frown on her face, and you just want to go back in time and stop all of this from happening.
“…It is a big deal if it’s making you cry.”
You can’t say anything.
She wipes a few tears from your face. “You look exhausted, baby. I didn’t want to say anything because I know you’ve had a lot going on with school, but I know you, I know you’re tired and I think maybe-”
“I’ve had a few late nights, okay?” You finally meet her eyes, trying to convince her that you’re okay, because you feel so stupid and vulnerable and you can’t stand it when she has that concerned look in her eyes for you. “Like, not even that late. 2 A.M. isn’t even that bad. I mean, it’s not like it pays off, because my grades are still shit- but, whatever. It’s fine. I’m fine, okay? I’m sorry, I’m just not thinking straight, and- it’s fine. It’s fine.”
“You’re not fuckin’ fine, Y/N. Stop saying that, why are you pushing me away? You can tell me anything, I love you.”
She’s dropped her bag by now, her entire attention focused on you, one arm wrapped around your waist as if you might run away from her and the other softly brushing away the tears that continue to fall.
“I try so hard,” you say after a second. “I study so much. And I… I just can’t get good grades. And I just… I feel so guilty all the time, because I just want to spend time with you and I love you so much but you work so hard and I just don’t want to be another thing for you to deal with.”
And once it’s finally out, not curled up in your chest like a second heart leeching on the very essence of your being, the tears dry up.
Caroline softly smiles.
“What?” You ask, sniffling a bit, one step away from crying again.
“It’s just- how could you ever think that you would be something for me to “deal” with?”
“I dunno,” you say, slightly pouty as she helps you sit down next to her.
“You’re my favorite person in the entire world. I love you more than anything- even hockey, which is saying a lot. You’re never something for me to deal with, and I don’t do anything but smile anytime someone says your name, or you text me, or I get to see you- I’m sorry that it really sucks right now, with my schedule, and that you were feeling like this and I had no idea- but I really fucking love you.”
You smile softly. “You’re sweet,” you murmur, legs intertwining with hers. “I fucking love you too.”
She places her hand on the side of her face and kisses your nose.
“Don’t ever feel guilty for wanting to spend time with me. I’m never too tired for you. Besides, do you know what I think about during practice?”
“What’s right in front of you face?” You quip.
“Well, that, but also you. And, also, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about with your grades. Don’t you have like an 89 in each class?”
“It’s not a 90,” you groan.
“Still better than me, I’m like all 85’s. And, you’re literally the only reason I’m passing that one class that I hate who’s name I don’t speak.”
You smile, angling yourself to face her, finding that you can’t think of anything poetic to say to tell her how much she means to you, so you just kiss her. Long and slow, trying to pour as much appreciation and emotion into it as possible.
“Okay, game plan, I help you finish whatever work you have, then have you eaten? I’ll get us food. Then, you’re going to go to sleep early, okay?”
“It’s a plan,” you say, standing up and crossing the room to that one piece of paper, tear stain dried on it.
Her face spurs adorably just at the sight of the homework from her least favorite class. “Oh, you’re gonna love me. Don’t worry, I got the answers from the really smart girl I sit next to.” She takes out her own sheet of homework from her bag on the floor, smoothing out the wrinkles on her thigh before proudly handing it to you.
“Hm, I do love you. Just a bit.”
“I’m pretending I didn’t hear that.”
And later that night, with your homework finally done, takeout boxes in the trash bin, and your head on Caroline’s chest- heartbeat in your ears, her lips on the top of you head- it feels impossible to feel guilty about loving her.
Jackie walks in late, groaning to herself about the stupid kid in her study group who asks the most common sense questions- she quickly shuts up when she realizes you’re asleep in your bed.
“Thank God,” she breaths, grateful that she didn’t find you hunched over at the desk again.
She squints into the darkness, quickly realizing there’s two figures on her bed, and the other one is very familiar-
“What did I say?” Jackie mutters to herself. “Insufferably in love with each other.”
Then, she quickly snaps a picture before getting ready for bed herself.
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
‘Goodnight World’ I
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Summary: After Aether saves the forest, the Aranara’s take him to ‘The World’, but what does that mean? // The Aranara’s are protectors of Nature, and when the Creator descends onto Teyvat the Aranara hide them in a safe place until they wake up.
A/N: I was never going to finish this, so I decided to push this out of my drafts! Because it’s originally intended to be longer, the pacing might be a bit strange here and there. Not proofread
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The cave seemed to change. Walls on either side of Aether started to glow and shimmer, almost like fireflies had been trapped behind them. A soft breeze in the back guides Aether forward.
At the end of the cave there’s light. It shines brighter than the walls and it almost blinds Aether as he continues down the path.
It seems to be an opening to the outside world.
When Aether walks forward into the light. He is temporarily stumped when he realizes he’s still in the cave.
Flowers grow as far as the soil can reach, and a huge tree in the middle of the area makes the place feel alive. The trunk is arched forward, and from the tree branches vines flow down and stop right before hitting the ground.
It seems to be hiding something, and while the gentle breeze shakes the vines back and forward, Aether is unable to fully capture what’s behind them.
The cave opening creates a dome-like shape. On the walls there’s still that same glow he can’t quite place; 
‘Where did I see this before?’ 
Aether thinks of the night sky. The walls shimmer the same way stars would fill the dark night. But still, walls are still walls, and Aether does realize he’s still underground.
On his side he hears Paimon. Just like himself, she’d been in awe. When Aether turns his head he sees her look around with her mouth agape.
“Nara, careful. World is sleeping.” The Aranara that’s been guiding the two hops onto the stone platform carefully. Aether looks ahead. There’s a stone path between the flowers. He must’ve looked over it before.
Paimon floats over to the Aranara. “Y’know, this is great and all, but Paimon still doesn’t get why you brought us here.”
Aether follows the two from behind. He watches the small Aranara hop from stone to stone, carefully evading the flowers that grow between them.
“Aranara protected The World for many moons now. Like Nara Varuna, Golden Nara protected Varanara, so too – The World. World always protect us from afar.”
Aether repeats the words in his head. The Aranara’s had their own way of talking and it always takes him a second to decode their words.
From what he understands, the Aranara’s are showing him and Paimon ‘the world’ – which might be some form of treasure with the way they address it. He assumes that ‘the world’ is hidden behind the vines – or maybe it’s the tree itself.
“Gah, Paimon doesn’t understand a single thing.” She stomps her feet in the air. “What is this world anyways?”
The Aranara hops on another platform. “Nara must be patient.” It hops on yet another platform, “Almost at The World.”
As the two approach the tree, Aether could feel energy start flowing through his body. It’s stronger than before – closer, perhaps.
When the Aranara disappears behind the vines, Paimon and Aether take a moment to look at each other.
“Paimon doesn’t want to go in there first.” She hides behind Aether,
“You’re scared?”
Aether looks over his shoulder to Paimon. He raises his eyebrows teasingly.
Paimon responds, “Okay, maybe a little. Just go in there first!”
Aether moves the vines out of the way and he feels Paimon’s lightly push him forward. As he enters the area hidden behind the vines he sees someone familiar.
In the middle of the hidden area there’s a white stone that reaches his waist. It doesn’t seem comfortable and Aether wonders how the figure remains peacefully asleep.
It takes a moment for their chest to rise and fall, but they’re certainly alive. The energy flowing through Aether’s body is enough proof for him.
The Aranara climbs up the stone with a small ladder that’s been placed on one side and walks over to the left side.
“The World is asleep but says welcome to Nara.”
Aether approaches the stone with Paimon at his side. He’s unfamiliar with Teyvat but he’s seen this person many times before.
The Creator.
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saintship · 1 year
Could I request a fic for konig (and/or anyone in the 141) (whoever you think fits the best).
One where the reader has an eating disorder that she's been hiding for a while and the team is starting to notice.
Eventually they confront her and she tries to defend herself but only makes it worse. Saying stuff like she knows her limits now and explaining how it doesn't really hurt that bad to purge since she figured it out.
Like she's trying to comfort them but is only making it so much worse. I need my angst + comfort
I decided on Ghost because there’s a lot of König’s big ass on my blog
WARNING: potentially triggering content for people suffering from restrictive/bulimic eating disorders
This hits close to home, and v accurate to how a confrontation like this can go, I hope you’re alright ml
You’re not fine - Simon Riley x Reader, 141 & Reader
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You had a love-hate relationship with little celebrations like these; you liked talking with everyone, and you also liked that it was held at the base, so you didn’t have to worry yourself watching your back. But with celebrations, there will be alcohol, and then food, and then inebriated recruits spewing whatever comes to their mind. One in particular you were sat near was especially vocal, swinging his glass in arcs as he grumbled on and on. Many of his words were nonsense, their only repercussion being the drunk giggles of his friends.
You sat up a bit straighter when he leaned closer.
“Oi, I hate these, you want it?” He murmured, gesturing to the cherry adorning his drink. You looked away a bit, shaking your head.
“Why? You was eatin’ them before..”
“I had enough.”
He only grinned. “What, you think a cherry will make you fat or something?”
Your silence only amused him more.
“Aw, you starve yourself, lovie?” He laughed loud and bright, like what he’d suggested was the most amusing thing he’d ever thought of. His friends didn’t miss it either, now cooing comments and non-questions in your direction that made your head spin.
It wasn’t until you pushed yourself to your feet and made a break for the door that you clocked the eyes behind Simon’s mask, following you carefully. The embarrassment flashed through your mind, but you continued, leaning against the outside wall where people came to smoke or grope each other in the lamplight. You felt the cherry on your tongue, your stomach beginning to flip before you gathered yourself. You were in control. A sharp pain sliced through your gut. You’d been able to walk the line of hiding your self torture until now; if someone walked up to you, there was no way you’d play it off. You were in control. Everything is under..control.
You thought about going back inside, just eating the stupid cherry and getting rid of it in the common room bathroom. But you were tired, and the only 141 member inside seemed to have a habit of burning holes in your back, so what was the point? Going back to your barracks seemed best. Walking by the front entrance again, Ghost pushed open the door simultaneously.
You stopped and turned; Ghost rarely incited conversation. He approached you, scanning around the grounds as he walked. He seemed to be searching for the right words, a quiet grunt escaping him before he spoke.
“What’s wrong with you? You’re acting..” he gestured with his hand vaguely, his eyes glowering with suspicion.
“Acting what?”
He dropped his hand. “Off.”
When you didn’t reply, he sighed. “Look, I’m not good with this shit, yeah? If something’s wrong, I’ll only catch it once. So what is it?”
Your heart ached. You wished so badly there was a way to brush him off and reinforce his compassion at the same time. But there wasn’t.
“I’m okay, really.”
“Don’t bullshit me, Sergeant.”
His reply made you blink, but your head still shook for the negative. “I’m fine.”
“Goodnight, Ghost.”
Your tone only registered in your mind when you’d walked ten paces away from him. Simon Riley had just mustered up the courage to show a bit of concern, and you’d fucked it up. It would take a miracle for him to show vulnerability like that again. Your exhaustion urged hot tears to run down your cheeks, your skin heating up with shame and embarrassment. You didn’t get a wink of sleep.
The next morning it was pouring rain, and your walk to the med bay left you completely soaked by the time you opened the door to your office. The cold and discomfort of wet clothes were dull in your mind; all that played in your head was the encounter from the night before. The unit was empty other than resident patients, the rest of the staff likely at the mess hall. By noon, you were dry and warm, but every knock at your door made you jump. Just as you tried to convince yourself that you were being paranoid, your pager buzzed. Price’s voice rang clear.
“My office. Now, unless someone’s dying.”
Another day, you would have huffed a small laugh at his bluntness, but now, your anticipation weighed heavy on your chest.
Jogging through the rain again to the main building, scenario after scenario ran through your mind. Ghost outranked you, and you’d brushed him off without a glance behind you. You’d never had a charge of insubordination, ever. You admired and cared for your superiors in a way you hadn’t expected, and with that, there was never a time mouthing off even crossed your mind.
You lowered the hood of your rain jacket carefully as you eased Price’s door open, seeing it was already ajar.
Your heart sank through the floor when you saw Price’s expression, and then further some when you looked around the room. Soap, Gaz.. and Ghost.
“Is this an intervention?”
Your joke was met with a downcast silence, as Price rose from his desk chair. “Sit.”
He walked past you to shut the door gently, leaning on its surface. You obeyed his request, settling into a chair near his desk.
“Sergeant..you know that you’re cared for here, right?”
You blinked, glancing at Gaz and Soap. The two of them were so rarely serious that their concerned expressions were distracting.
“Uh..yes. Yes, sir.” You murmured.
“Since we care for you, we notice when you’re not all there. Isn’t that right?” The squad nodded, and you wished for a sinkhole to pull you into the center of the earth.
“Ghost. Why don’t you explain why we’re here?”
You couldn’t look at him, but you felt his eyes.
“You ran off last night. And I know it wasn’t cause of that daft recruit.”
The wood panels of Price’s floor were faded with a worn path of heavy boots. Gaz stepped a bit closer.
“We just don’t want you to be doing anything that’ll hurt you, love.”
You didn’t look up.
“Why would you think that?”
The sound of shifting weight was all that answered at first. Soap’s gentle voice filled the small space.
“You’re not eating, lass.”
Your eyes finally found their way upward out of surprise. “That’s what this is about?” You look around; no one’s expression had shifted. “I’m fine.”
“You’ve skipped every weigh in the last three months.” Price folded his arms.
“I’m a medic, I was busy! I think I would know if I had a problem.”
“So why do you drink your calories? Why do you work through mealtimes?” Ghost’s tone became a bit firmer.
“We’re just a tad worried-"
“There is nothing to worry about!” You interrupted Soap, making Gaz back up a pace. “I know my limits, I know how to do it right. I don’t need a lot.”
Price’s head tilted. “Sergeant..”
“I know how to do it right.” You repeated, a trembling hang raking through your hair.
“Do what right?” Gaz’s question hung heavy in the air.
“It doesn’t hurt anymore, I-I figured out how to..you know, purge. Correctly.”
“What?” Price pushed off the door, standing closer.
“It’s fine!” Tears pricked at your eyes.
“No, it’s not.” Gaz’s voice was low with emotion, his eyes following you as you got to your feet.
“I’m fucking fine!”
“Sergeant, lower your voice.” Price’s order silenced you, a tear escaping down your face.
“It’s—I have it under control..” your voice wavered.
Soap sighed. “That’s not how it works-"
You wiped your tears angrily, irritating the skin that was already warm with embarrassment.
“What do I have to do to convince you that I am fi-"
Ghost’s arms were around you. The rest of the room was silent. Your eyes were closed. You cried into his vest. He smelled like smoke.
“You’re not fine.” His voice was softer than you’d ever heard it.
“I’m sorry..I’m sorry..”
“Oh, love..” Gaz hand was warm on you shoulder.
“Nothing to be sorry for.” Soap assured. Ghost’s gloved palm stroked your back.
A different hand laid on your other shoulder, and you turned you head to see Price lean to your level.
“You’re not alone, soldier.”
That night, the entire team accompanied you to dinner. They made sure to tell you that even if you couldn’t stomach anything, just being there made them proud. Proud that you could face this disease that would follow your every step, and that you trusted them to walk alongside you. Ghost excused himself for a smoke, and you followed him out where he stood in the night air. The cicadas were chittering incessantly, but the breeze was nice. You stood by his side for a few moments before speaking.
“You called the meeting.”
He held his balaclava away from his face slightly with a thumb, exhaling a breath of smoke.
“I did.”
Your heart hammered in your chest.
“Thought you’d be angry with me for brushing you off like that.”
His head shook slowly. “No.” He breathed a sigh of the fresh air. “You’re not the snippy type. Something was off. So I went to the people who deal with that sort of thing better than I can.”
You eyed him. “Why do you always end with that?”
He glanced back, but continued to toe at the gravel.
“What do you mean?”
“You say you’re not good with this sort of thing. But you are.”
His brow furrowed. “M’not.”
“When I walked away from you, you could have just decided I was a dick and moved on, but you didn’t.”
His head shook again. “I had to get backup.”
“You knew who to put in that room.”
“Because I couldn’t do it alone.”
“You hugged me.”
Your shoes turn toward him, the glow of the entrance light glancing off the woven fabric covering his face.
“When I was freaking out, you steadied me. It really helped..” your admission suddenly embarrassed you, and you looked at your feet the moment he brought his eyes forward.
“Doesn’t mean I’m good at this.”
“You’re good to me.”
He blinked. “Am I?”
“You’re good to the team. Good to your trainees.” Looking up into his eyes, the apprehension there was gut wrenching. “I’ll tell you every day if that’s what it takes for you to believe it..”
“It’s true. You make me want to be better.”
Ghost shifted on his feet. “I just want you alive.”
You cracked your first smile in weeks. “You make me want to be that, too.”
He gazed at you a bit longer before outstretching an arm, pulling you into his chest while taking another drag with his other hand. Your smile stayed as you leaned into his coat, the warmth radiating from him making your heart swell. The gratitude you felt that Simon Riley was letting you be so close to him was exhilarating. He rubbed your back as he’d done in the office, but out here, where it was just you, Simon, and the cicadas, it was just better.
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verstappensrealwife · 7 months
Last Request - Fernando Alonso x Reader
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Part 2/2 part 1 here. Angst. Fluff. Smut approx. 1900 words.
Warnings: Sex, P in V, oral (Fem receiving), swearing/cursing, drinking, being drunk
fernando alonso masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
You hadn't seen him since that night. Of course, you missed him, but you couldn't have him anymore. It had been almost 3 months and still he wouldn't get out of your head. You couldn't stop thinking about him. About the way he loved you, the way he held you, the way he listened to every word you spoke.
Your friends however, agreed you needed to move on- or at least get a rebound. You really weren't sure about leaving your bed, nor up for the idea of a cheap hook-up to distract you from the once love of your life, but you agreed to go out with them since you did need to get out your apartment for a little while.
You went to a club in the nearest city- well a few clubs- and after a few drinks you were officially feeling like yourself for the first time in months. You took shot after shot, drank a dozen glasses of aperol spritz, and by the end of the night ended up singing Dolly Parton to a whole club of people for karaoke.
Once you stumbled off the stage, giggling to yourself about the applause you were getting, you realised your friends had disappeared. Huffing, you walked outside the club and you pulled your phone out, hitting your friends caller ID and immediately hitting call.
After two rings she picked up. "F-Fiona? Hey Fi, where are you. I think I'm a bit lost," You hiccupped down the phone.
"Y/N?" A man said.
"Who- Who are you!" You shouted at the phone confrontationally. "Where is Fiona Harris, Mister."
"It's Fernando," He said. On the other side of the phone, he was lay in bed, at 1am. He- in all honesty- was hoping you'd called him purposely, to get back together, or to meet up for... things... He felt slight disappointment when he realised he wasn't who the call was meant for, but he didn't hang up, he wanted to hear your voice again. "Where are you?" He said, already getting out of bed and pulling the first clothes he could find, on.
"Where's Fernando- w-wait..." You laughed at yourself getting the names wrong, "Where is Fiona?"
"Where is Y/N?" He asked, already out the door.
"I am at the club!" You announced happily, "The one with the pretty flamingo on the sign."
Fernando knew, by such a small clue, "Don't move okay, my lo– Erm, I mean Y/N,"
"Okay mister man." You slurred, "Can you stay on the phone please mister man..." You asked, but then interrupted him and started talking about how much you really hated the club scene. He already knew every single thing you spoke about during the quick 10 minute drive.
When he got to the club, you were leaning against the brick walls of the club, still talking into the phone as it the receiving end of your call wasn't 10 feet infront of you. "O-Oh hey Fernando," You hiccupped, "What you doing here- hey!"
He picked you up and literally carried you to his car- to any passers by they would be inclined to think he was kidnapping you. Once you were settled in his passenger seat and fought your drunk hands from trying to grab at his face while he was trying to put a seatbelt on you, he drove you both to his home. "When did you get this car..." You asked, as you inebriatedly messed with the radio, dash board, and glove compartment.
"A few days after you broke up with me..."
"Oh- I don't like that answer... Make a new one please."
He chuckled, "A new one?" You nodded quickly and snapped your fingers for him to hurry up with his new answer. "Oh- Okay... I got it last week after a party."
You smiled and nodded. "Is it home time now?" you frowned confused.
When you got to his house, you already knew the procedure he'd make you do. He did it anytime you were drunk.
First, drink water, water and more water. Check.
Then brush teeth. Check.
Then, attempt, to wash your makeup off. Half check.
And finally, kiss him goodnight...
You stepped out the bathroom into the bedroom. He was stood stiffly with a pair of your old pyjamas in his hands and another bottle of water.
"You- You are so good." You slurred, "C-can you help me." You said as you struggled to unzip the back of your dress.
He nodded, putting the items on the bed and turning you around. His hands lingered a little long on your shoulders after pushing your hair from your back. He, slowly, dragged the silver zipper down to the bottom of your back. He shamelessly stared for a moment before turning around. "What you doing?" You asked, "Why you not looking... You've seen before?"
"I- I know I have I just don't want to intrude."
"You can intrude..."
"Not when you're drunk," He replied. You simply nodded- not that he could see- and began to dress into more appropriate clothes to sleep in.
After a few minutes, when you got into bed, he was about to leave when you stopped him quickly, "Don't leave baby..." You babbled, tiredly. Baby... "I trust you- sleep here."
"I- I don't think–"
"I think yes. Come please." You demanded.
He gave in. Lying stiff next to you. You wriggled towards him, giggling to yourself as you, in your eyes, sneakily got over to him and grabbed him. He melted at the touch of your hands on his stomach and your head on his chest. You both fell asleep quickly, it was the first full nights rest Fernando had gotten in a while. When you woke up, you had rolled over to the other side of the bed. Nothing out of the ordinary since you moved alot in your sleep.
He heard you groan under your breath as you were waking up, then a gasp. You sat up quickly and looked at Fernando next to you. "Oh my god." You mumbled. "Oh, my god, oh, my god." You repeated it a few times before Fernando shut you up.
"I didn't sleep with you, stop shouting it is early." He said, in that deep morning voice you always loved.
"You called me drunk about how you lost Fiona and whoever else,"
"That's absolutely humiliating." You mumbled, "S-so nothing happened? Nothing at all?"
He shook his head, "Only you tried to get naked for me so," He laughed, when you groaned in embarrassment. "Don't worry, I looked away..." He said, "You want me to make you breakfast?" He asked, before you could reply he interrupted himself, "N- no, never mind I'll get you an uber- stupid thing to ask..." He mumbled, taking his phone from the side table.
You quickly snatched his phone. He looked at you stunned. "You know how i like my pancakes," You smiled. He looked at you, almost with hope in his eyes. When you smiled at him he felt his heart burst open. He shot up out of bed.
"These will be the best pancakes you've ever tasted," He promised. You chuckled and watched as he ran out the room, then minutes later hearing a clatter in the kitchen. You rolled your eyes and ventured the house to find him.
There was a bowl on the floor, three forks and a spoon, as well as a cook book.
You stared at his back muscles, you won't lie. You didn't forget he slept shirtless. "How's the cooking going 'Nando?" You laughed, his heart skipped a beat. He spun around quickly with a nervous look on his face. He slowly shuffled to the side to reveal a mess of what looked more like cookie dough than pancake mix. "Need help?" You laughed at him, there was flour on his forehead and half an egg yolk on the counter. He nodded silently. You're smile was still on your face as your laugh died down. You stepped infront of him, first throwing whatever he had made away, then picking up the items from the floor and finally standing infront of him. "You have a little..." You pointed at his forehead, he tried to wipe it off and missed. Completely. You smiled and pressed your finger to his head, carefully wiping it off his skin. He stared at your face, eyes, nose, the few freckles on your cheeks and finally your lips. He couldn't help but imagine himself against them again.
"Kiss the cook, huh?" You chuckled.
"Huh?" He was pulled out of his trance. You pointed to his apron, "O-Oh yeah, Lance got it me... the same day we uh... yeah."
You nodded silently, you were between the counter and his body, you hadn't even realised until he got closer and you were against the cold slab of marble. His chest was rising and falling quickly, his eyes staring all over your face, lingering on your lips.
You pressed your hands on his chest, he took a step back, maybe it was too far.
That was what he thought until your hands gripped the fabric of the apron and pulled him back into you.
"Is this wrong?" You questioned him.
"How can this be wrong?" He replied.
"Kiss the cook?" You asked quietly. He was quick to pick you up and put you on the counter, pressing his lips onto yours, he stood between your legs and held you by the waist, while you hands held the back of his head. "God, I missed you," you sighed.
"Not as much as me, my love." he replied, his lips then immediately back on yours. The kiss was needy, wanting and longing for you for months.
You pulled the apron off his body, putting your hands on his bare chest, wrapping your legs around his waist before he pulled you off the counter and to the bedroom. You shrieked a giggle as he carried you through the house, his lips never leaving your neck, his lips tracing the skin, savouring the taste.
He let go of you as you got to the bed, "This is okay?" He checked, to which you nodded thoroughly.
He pulled your pyjamas off your body like it was an inconvenience to him. He crawled down the bed and pushed your legs apart, licking his lips before putting his head between your thighs, your hands instinctively grabbing at his hair, your heels digging into his back as his hands firmly held the flesh of your thighs.
After pulling 2 orgasms out of you he was lining his cock up with your entrance. You nodded as he looked at you once again for a go ahead. He pushed in slowly, dropping his head to your shoulder and groaning curses. He sped up after a moment, and you quickly became a wreck beneath him.
A whining, moaning, shaking, wreck.
"F-Fernando..." You whimper, "I- I'm going to..."
You don't even get the words out before you scream and spasm, everything tingling and throbbing as you tighten around him, bucking and thrashing, pleasure and heat flooding your entire body. He's quick to follow you, bottoming out inside of you before pulling out of you and rolling next to you. "Jesus." You say, before laughing a little. "That was probably the best sex I've ever had."
He nods in agreement, he's staring at you like you're God yourself. "S-So does this mean like-"
"If you'd like to, then yeah it does."
You barely finish what you're saying when he jumps back onto you and smothers you with kisses making you laugh hysterically. "I love you so so much, my love, I'm not letting you go again," He announces, before getting up, pulling a robe over himself and then going to the window of the bedroom before shouting out of it, "She's all mine!"
El fin.
hope this was enjoyable. first fic I've wrote for Tumblr. anywho.
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grimesgirll · 7 months
currently thinking about what it would be like to be with rick during the apocalypse, and my first thought is say goodbye to your freedom! okay, not actually. it's not that rick wants to keep you locked up or anything, but he really can't handle losing you, especially after everything he went through with lori. it doesn't matter if you went to west point or were an assassin before the dead started walking, rick wouldn't want you in harm's way. he wouldn't want to lose you in a way that he thinks is preventable. of course, this gets in the way of you trying to pull your weight with the group and help out. before and after he makes his feelings known to you, you two have a lot of arguments on the subject.
sometimes you get away with shutting rick up with a kiss. at first, he doesn't enjoy being interrupted while trying to prove an important point to you, but being as pent up as he is during these trying times, it's hard to say no to you sometimes. then of course, there are the moments where he shuts you up with by locking lips with you and taking your mind off of whatever you two were going at it about. his favorite is distracting you right before the group is supposed to leave for a run. one time he caught you about to join daryl, maggie, and glenn on an excursion from the prison to a nearby pediatrician's office to poke around for anything of value. the sheriff asked for just one kiss before you left so while you obliged, he took the opportunity to wave the others away to hit the road. it wasn't long before he had you up against the wall, panting between kisses and taking his time for his hands to travel all over you. you broke out of your steamy embrace to realize that your party had left. it was all too evident that this had been on purpose from rick's smirk and him pulling you back towards the prison to his cell.
when you're safe and not dealing with the horrors of the road or the dead, rick wants you safe at home with him. he wants you waiting for him when he gets home just in time to say goodnight to judith before you put her down for bed. then you two are saying good night to carl and heading upstairs where he shows you exactly why you should never want to leave this bed.
with your hips pinned down by his arms, brawny from his newfound day job as a farmer, there was no reason you wanted to get up. not with the way he was working you from the inside out. his tongue coaxed sounds out of you that you didn't know existed. sounds that rick insisted you let him hear loud and clear whenever you had the privacy. otherwise, you're burying your head in the pillow or waiting for him to finish you off and then meet you with his lips and his stubble brushing against your chin. feeling him rock solid and ready to go beneath you, finally agreeing that yes, this a lot more fun than raiding a doctor's office on some stupid run would be.
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
A Leon x reader smut where Leon and reader haven’t been able to be spend time together because of their conflicting schedules. One morning he wakes up from an erotic dream and begs her to take the day off so they can pick up where they left off.
Thanks so much! Love your writing! 🩷🩷
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Author's note: I spent 30 minutes looking at shirtless Leon before I started writing this- Thank you so much for the request, Enjoy! <3 (PS I did not proof read this,)
Warnings: NSFW P in V fem body implied, rough sex, wet dreams, bondage, gagging, toys, spanking, orgasm denial, squirting, unprotected sex (Wrap it before you tap it) oral fem/ male receiving, doggy, Degrading/ praises. Use of pet names like (naughty girl, good girl, princess, sweetheart, cum slut lmk if there's more) fingering Leon is ROUGH in this
Rushing around the kitchen, you and Leon moved naturally around each other. You made his lunch as he poured your coffee.
"Do you mind tying my tie love?" You hummed in response as you turned your body to tie your boyfriend's tie. No matter how many times you have shown Leon, he still can't tie his ties.
Patting his chest you went up on your tippy toes giving him a kiss. "All tied," You smiled as Leon wrapped his arm around your waist with coffee in his other hand. Leaning down he gave you another kiss.
"Thanks, my love. I have to get going, have a good day today okay? I'll pick up dinner on the way home. Love you," Leon unwrapped his arm from your body as he shuffled out of the small kitchen.
"Don't forget your lunch," You rushed to Leon before he could step out of the door.
"Of course, where would I be without you?"
"Dead?" Leon only laughed as he waved goodbye and shut the door.
These past few weeks have been just like that. Always running around, never sitting down to soak in each other. Dinners were either eaten at work or in your at-home offices. One goodnight kiss was shared before rolling over to only wake up and repeat the cycle. Leon's job always required so much of him. Although your job was just as draining, being an assistant in a government building was never easy, especially with men in power where you worked. It always left a bitter taste on your tongue.
Tonight was no different, Leon came home with your favorite takeout. You both stayed in your offices till the clock hit 11:30 and now you guys were laying peacefully in bed dozing off.
A slight breeze made the curtains dance around the room. The full moon shone through, leaving a small light to cast upon your body. Warm bodies pressed against each other left Leon with a layer of sweat as his eyes darted across behind his eyelids. His brain was painting a vivid image for him.
Your ass wiggled up into the air as your moans were muffled by the makeshift gag that was shoved into your mouth early on. Your defined back moved as you struggled against the cuffs that deemed you immobile. Red hand prints painted each one of your cheeks as you moved your hips against Leon's.
Slapping skin filled the room as your arousal dripped down from your soppy hole onto the bed.
"Fuck just like that," Leon threw his head back as a moan slipped past his lips. You guys have been going since 9 nonstop. You were at your limit, despite your safe word and three taps to the headboard you still wanted more.
Leon's dick was insatiable, you were a glutton for him. No matter how much cum is oozing out of your hole you still wanted more, always more.
"F-fuck, I'm gonna cum-" Your muffled moans cut off Leon.
"Yea? You want me to cum in this pretty hole one more time?" His small laugh and filthy words had you rolling your eyes.
Hot white pleasure roamed across Leon's body before it finally reach his aching cock. His hips rammed against yours getting ready to paint your walls white for what seemed like the 100th time. His stomach tenses as his eyes closed. Right before he hit enteral bliss a ringing broke through.
"Y/N shut it off," Leon groaned as he rolled over onto his back. The tent in his boxers was painfully obvious, it was painful. A wet spot was forming and growing by the second as Leon tried to remember the sweet dream he just had.
You were quick to roll over, slamming your alarm clock before you threw the covers off to get up and get ready. Leon was quick to shoot up on his elbows to grab your wrist and bring you to a stop.
"No- stay with me, just 5 minutes," His blue eyes pierced into yours making your knees weak. His eyes were glossed over as he gave you his best puppy eyes that work 95% of the time.
Sighing you crawled back into bed, laying your head on Leon's chest. It's been a really long time since you guys had cuddled like this. Leon drew small shapes on your arm as you soaked each other's presence.
After a few quiet moments, Leon's voice brought you out of your haze. "Take the day off... Let's spend it together," His husky voice made you flutter as you clenched your thighs together.
"You know I can't love," Your fingers traced the faded scars on Leon's chest.
"Please, just one day," His voice was desperate and whiney.
Leon's hand wrapped around yours as he slowly brought your hand down to his raging cock. "please.." His plea was low and barely audible. The thought of your boyfriend being this hard for you sent a wave of pleasure down to your groin.
Leon stuck your hand down his wet boxers on his hot dick and left it there, giving you time to think. With the weight of his dick in your hand and the hot arousal that rushed between your legs, you caved.
Getting up you pulled Leon's member out of his boxers as you spread his thick precum all along his cock. "Just 5 more minutes," You mumbled before you licked a long stripe starting from the base of his member up. You kitten licked his slit lapping up his salty pre-cum. You gave a few fat kisses along his base before you took his dick in your mouth. The groan Leon let out was almost pornographic as the feeling of your warm mouth took over his senses.
You bobbed your head up and down occasionally taking it all before you let up again and repeated the process. Leon could see stars as he watched your head bob up and down. Drool dropped from the corners of your mouth with each suck.
Gagging and moans filled the room as you moved your hand to play with Leon's heavy balls.
"Baby stop- gonna cum t-too early," Leon gripped at your hair to try to pull you off. His attempts were sloppy as you stuck onto him.
His stomach tensed as hot pleasure flowed through his body. He gave up and threw his head back as he shoved your head down and painted your throat white.
Pulling off his dick you stuck your tongue out to show Leon how well he fucked your throat. White cum dripped from your tongue and out of the corner of your mouth. "Fuck you look good with my cum dripping from your mouth," He groaned as he tapped your cheek twice.
"Now be a good girl and swallow," You shut your mouth and took one big gulp swallowing his seed in one go. You opened your mouth one more time to show Leon.
"That's my good girl. I suppose good girls deserve rewards, huh?"
You nodded your head eagerly as you sat up on the bed, wiping your mouth. Leon smiled at you as he got up. "Stay there, love. I'll be back, I promise."
Leon shifted out of the bed before he walked out of the room. His dick was still hard bumping into his stomach with each step he took. When he walked out of the room, you could only admire his ass. Leon was sculpted by a Greek god, and you swore by it. That god certainly took their sweet time when it came to his ass. It made your mouth water and thighs clench.
Leon's light footsteps were covered by the sound of metal clanking together. Sitting up on your knees, you were eager to see what Leon got. Although, the small voice in the back of your head was already telling you.
Walking in the room, Leon held up the cuffs before his husky voice rang through your ears. "Be a good girl for me and get on all fours, princess." Nodding eagerly, you shifted on the bed.
Your knees dug into the mattress as your ass swayed in the air. Keeping your hands out you rested on your elbows. Leon crawled on the end of the bed leaning over your body. His boner pressed into your backside, feining for more you moved your hips along his crotch. Leon groaned as his big palm shoved your face into the pillow. Grabbing each hand he cuffed you to the headboard. The cold metal bit at your wrists as he clicked each cuff into place.
"Feel good?" Leon's caring nature never failed to make your heart flutter, even in a situation like this. He lifted his hand off your head so you could reply.
"Yes, it's fine," Leon nodded and hummed in response.
"Good, do you remember the safe word?" The mention of your guys' shared safe word had your stomach doing cartwheels.
"Safeword? Why would I need to use to safe word?" Leon got up and began to rummage through the closet where you keep your toys for when he is gone.
"Just answer the question,"
"Umm, vanilla,"
"Good girl," Turning around he held your vibrating dildo and your wand. Looking at the stuff in his hands your pussy clenched around nothing as a burst of red flared up your face.
Trying to hide your face you turned your head back into the bed hoping Leon wouldn't notice. Placing the toys next to you on the bed, he grabbed the lube from his nightstand and added it to the pile.
Crawling back behind you again he slowly slid your panties down your legs, patting each thigh twice for you to lift your legs. Standing on his knees he leaned over your again grabbing you by your hair to pull your head up. Tapping your jaw, you opened your mouth, and not a second later your underwear was being shoved in your mouth to be used as a makeshift gag.
"If it gets to be too much knock on the headboard three times. Understand?" His piercing blue eyes scanned your face. Looking back at him you swore you were drowning in his eyes. You only nodded your head slightly.
Leon threw your head back down as he sat up straight. Slowly he ran his hands from your shoulder blades to your ass as he raised his hand up spanking you. Surprising you, you jolted forward and let out a muffled groan. The pain was dull and aching as he rubbed your cheek. Leaning back he spread your cheeks apart to get a good look at your syrupy hole.
"Already so wet for me," Leon took two fingers to your clit rubbing slightly before continuing to trail his fingers between your slick folds.
Moaning you bumped your hips into him hoping to get something anything to rub against your achy clit. Leon clicked his tongue as he pulled his hand back.
"Impatient thing, you're already acting stupid and I haven't even fucked you yet....poor thing," His voice was very condescending as he brought his hand up to slap your ass again. This time the pain was sharp, he had spanked you harder than last time. Tears brimmed your eyes as you clenched your thighs.
Arousal started to pool between your folds, getting ready to spill over onto your thighs. In a haze, you didn't realize Leon leaned over to grab your dildo. The click of the lube bottle closing shook you out of your haze. Looking over your shoulder you were met with a sight for sore eyes.
Leon jerked off your dildo with a huge glob of lube. Leon was very generous with the lube, you watched it dripped down on the comforter. "Since you want to be so impatient, you have to wait for the real thing. Prove to me you deserve it." His husky voice was filled with demand.
Leon gave your aching pussy a firm slap that jolted your forward with a moan before he gripped your hip to keep you in place. The cold lube sent a wave of hot pleasure down your body as Leon rubbed the rubber toy between your folds. Teasing your clit you groaned, Leon kneaded your firm ass before he slowly plunged the toy into your soaking hole.
The prominent veins rubbed against your walls so heavenly that it sent stars to cross your vision. Before you could adjust to being stretched out, Leon began to pump the toy in and out of you. The feeling was overwhelming and it sent you to fall forward on your stomach.
The new position had the toy hitting spots you never knew existed. Leon picked up the pace making your eyes roll back as your bit harder on the fabric in your mouth. The pleasure was overwhelming it caused your legs to shake as you squeezed around the toy. Leon knew you couldn't last much longer.
"Is my baby about to cum," You nodded your head with a muffled moan.
Leon thrust the toy faster causing your vision to blur and your toes to curl. You were going to be pushed over the edge and Leon knew. Before you could reach your peak Leon brutally ripped it away from you. Pulling the toy out Leon tossed in somewhere on the bed and grabbed your hips to pull your body up again. Before your pleasure could fade Leon was spreading your ass cheeks apart and licking a thick stripe from your clit to your hole. His warm tongue shocked your sensitive nerves. Leon lapped you up like a starved man sending hot pleasure down to your lower stomach. The knot was getting tighter the more he feasted upon you.
His tongue circled around your clit and every time your stomach knotted and toes curled hoping for your release Leon would pull away and leave fat kisses on your dripping hole. The edging was agonizing, even when you tried to move your hips to get something more he was quick to lean back and give your pussy a small smack.
You couldn't take it anymore, spitting out the gag you moaned to Leon. "Please- please please please I can't take it anymore. I need you." Your words were like poison.
Hot pleasure flowed down Leon's spine. Nothing was more heavenly than hearing your pleas like a mantra. "Oh yea? Is my princess that spoiled she can't handle a little fun?"
Leon's voice was deep and full of lust as he pulled away from you and sat up. Leaning forward you raised your ass higher as you looked over your shoulder at Leon.
He had one knee on the bed while the other held him up. His eyes were squeezed shut and his head thrown back. He locked his bottom lip between his teeth as he slowly pumped his cock, lathering his pre cum all over. The veins in his forearms were visible and moved with each pump. Bringing his head forward he got his other knee on the bed to kneel right behind you.
With a few more jerks he slid his cock between your wet folds, collecting your arousal. "Fuck, you're so wet."
You mewled in response as you shook your ass against his hips, encouraging him to stick it in you. Leon dragged his hand up from your hip and smacked your ass and kneaded it right after.
"You want me to put it in you huh? Stuff this tight pussy full with my cock. You naughty girl," Leon groaned as he dragged his tip to your hole.
"Fuck! Yes yes yes, Please fill me up, use me like the cum slut I am," Your voice was whiney as you begged.
Leon couldn't take it anymore, he needed to feel you, be in you, just as much as you needed him. Only teasing your hole for a heartbeat more he slowly slid his dick in. You both moaned in pleasure at the feeling of being stretched and your warm hole taking him oh so nicely. Your ass sat plump against Leon's groin as he sat there trying his hardest not to cum on the spot. You just felt too good, Leon had to take a deep breath and think of something that would stop him from cumming.
"Ngh Fuck you feel so good, wrapping around my cock so nicely like your pussy was meant f'me." His lewd words had you clenching around him even more.
His moans were almost pornographic, Leon couldn't help it. The way you squeezed him so tightly had him seeing stars. Once you let up a little, Leon started to move his hips.
Moaning in pleasure, Leon started to move faster and faster. His hips snapped into your ass harder with each thrust. He was hitting that spongy part just right and you couldn't handle it.
"L-Lee S-stop it's too much," your words were slurred as you begged for mercy. The knot was getting too tight. It felt like you had to pee.
"Aw, poor baby can't handle it? I thought this is what your slutty pussy wanted?"
"N-no gonna pee," your words made Leon jump in excitement.
"Come on baby I know you can handle just a little more," Leon pulled out of you and hissed when the cold air hit his dick.
Pushing you down he twisted your body so you were laying on your back. Your arms twisted in a rather uncomfortable position, but you're too worried about the line you're straddling to care. The line of losing your orgasm to a little more and you'll be shaking.
Leon grabbed your legs from under your thighs and pushed them up so your knees were touching your shoulders. When he slid back in, he hit a spot that you never knew existed. Moaning, you rolled your eyes as his dick pressed up against it so nicely.
"F-fuck right there," your words were shaking as Leon grinded into you.
Leaning over just a little bit more, he grabbed your wand. Your eyes widened when you saw what was in his hands. Shaking your head 'no'. Leon only grinned as he turned on the wand. Snapping his hips into yours, he pressed the wand straight into your aching clit. The strong vibrations sent a new found wave of pleasure through you.
Leon could practically feel you gushing around him. He pounded harder and harder into your sore pussy. He was not going to let up on the wand. With Leon's moans, the strong vibrations and his thick cock pounding into you, you got pushed over. Your stomach tightened as you squealed. Kicking your legs out, you're crunched forward as your release came barreling through you.
Leon threw the vibrator to the side quickly as he pulled out. His hand went straight to your clit and he rubbed viciously. He was going to get as much squirt out of you as he could. You had soaked the sheets, his thighs, and abs. Leon didn't care. In fact, he thought it was hot.
"Fuck just like that," Once your body was done Leon was quick to chase is relase as he slipped right back into you.
His pace was ungodly, and you truly thought you were going to tap out. Noticing your fluttering eyes, Leon leaned forward and slapped your cheek a couple of times. "Come on baby, you have one more in ya, I know you do. Just for me, baby. Please I wanna feel you cum around m'cock," He left a fat kiss on your forehead before he straightened out.
This was it, Leon was going to cum. His beautiful seed was going to paint your walls white as your pussy milked him.
"M'so close," He squeezed, his eyes shut, and threw his head back.
Hot pleasure washed over his body as white dots flooded his vision. You could feel his hot seed cover your walls. Squeezing around his cock you milked him out of his high.
"Fuckk," slowing his hips to a halt, he just laid his forehead on your chest and catched his breath.
His hot breath fanned over your chest. It slowly evened out as he catched his breath. Sitting up straight, he pulled out of your and hissed at the feeling.
Next, he took the cuffs off and rubbed your wrists. Looking down at you, your eyes fluttered shut as Leon took care of your. Kissing your wrist he smiled.
"So, do you still want to take the day off?" Shaking your head, you smiled as you smacked his chest and rolled over on your side.
Taglist: @hermizery @alewesker @ballorawan740 @lastaceylia00 @chunnies @d10nsaint
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sapphicmsmarvel · 7 months
feysand vs spider
a little bit of fluff for this valentines day 💜
thank you for being my valentines for these past seven years and sticking by me during my random ass absences. 💜
You began the nice walk home from Ritas, you and Azriel had gone out to get him laid. Well to hang out but you had an ulterior motive for the evening. You knew there was a shadow trailing you home because you declined Azriel to walk (or fly) you there. You enjoyed the night time breeze. But he wouldn’t let you walk home without something even though he knew you could protect yourself. You were married to the literal rulers of the court, you knew damn well how to protect yourself. 
You got to the house, Feyre and Rhysand left the porchlight on for you. When you got to the door and walked in, you turned to the shadow trailing you. 
“Thank you.” You smiled sweetly and let the shadow twirl around your fingers before it took off to its master. 
You loved those things, they were just so cool. 
You took off your coat and shoes and that’s when you heard it. 
Your mates screamed from the bedroom, and it wasn’t out of pleasure, you quickly ran through the house. 
Can't be Nyx, he’s away at Nesta and Cassians was the first thought that went through your head. At least your son was okay. You would’ve heard if he wasn't by now. 
You barged into the bedroom and found your husband and wife snuggled into bed, well snuggled would be the word you used if they didn’t look so terrified. 
“What is it?” You asked, looking around with your dagger drawn. Yes, you went out to the club with a knife strapped to your thigh, so sue you. 
“Love, do not freak out.” Rhysand babbled, “It’s behind you!”
You spun, brandishing your dagger when all you saw was a blank wall behind the door.
“What?” You spun back around, looking at them with confusion. 
“The spider!” Feyre shouted. 
You turned back around slower in utter confusion (but love and support for your scaredy cat spouses) and that’s when you saw it. 
A tiny, fuzzy black spider that isn’t bigger than a coin. You smiled, “this is it?”
“Don’t mock us.” 
“She’s not mocking us, darling.” Rhysand, ever the sweetheart, began defending you. 
“Oh I am.” You admitted. Then you leaned down and used your hand to pick up the spider. It was very tiny, and yeah it’s a creepy little thing but your spouses were babies. 
“Open the window, Rhys.” He did so without question. Both of them looking at you with eyes wide, full of fear and amazement. 
You tossed the little guy out the window. 
You reached to crawl onto the bed to kiss them, when Feyre shoved you away with her foot. “No! Go wash your hands, heathen!” 
You rolled your eyes but got up nonetheless and went to the en-suite bathroom to wash them. While you were in there you changed from your dress into Rhysands shirt and Feyre’s sleep shorts. 
You came back out to see Rhysand smiling sweetly and Feyre was giving you a scowl. You leaned over and kissed her pouty lips. “I took care of it didn’t I?” 
“I know you well enough to know you were mocking us.” 
“Me? Never.” You gasped. She rolled her eyes but kissed you again. “Now scoot, I wanna go to bed.” 
She scooted over and Rhysand reached over to give you a kiss, “goodnight, love.” 
You fell asleep with all of your arms wrapped around each other, even though you’re going to wake up to someone hitting you in the face in the middle of the night, you couldn’t be happier.
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call-me-ninaaa · 19 days
On A Different Night - Matt Sturniolo
Matt sturniolo x fem!reader
i'm back again with another imagine cause why not.
not proofread!
also pretend like matt can drive a motorcycle for the sake of this story.
you recently moved to a new town and the only one you knew there was your brother nathan, along with his best friend matthew ofc.
after hanging out with them for a couple weeks already, the best decision was to finally put yourself out there and download some dating apps.
meeting a hot guy, y'all hit it off immediately and he asked you out on a date.
which leads you to now, in the restaurant with the guy named jason.
you're kind of having a good time and he's being a gentleman until jason started saying really crude things, telling you he'll go home with you rather you like it or not.
so that's when you excused yourself to the bathroom, going there rather quickly.
after calling nate to ask him if he can pick you up, he didn't answer so the only other number you have of someone in the area was his best friend matt.
deciding to text him that you feel unsave and asked if he can pick you up, he didn't reply for a few minutes.
'screw it, i'm gonna have to think of like a plan b, i'll just think of something.' u thought.
so walking back to the table while trying to figure out how to get home safely was the only option in ur head.
5 minutes in, the restaurant door slams open and there stands the one and only matthew sturniolo.
he walks over to your table and places the helmet he had in his hand on ur head saying 'we are leaving, let's go.'
jason tried to stop u from standing up but failed miserably when matt turned to him.
"if you get one inch closer to her, or one inch closer to me, i will END you, got that understood?" he rolled his eyes walking away with you behind him.
'why was that so.....attractive?' was the first thing that came to your mind.
you get on his bike and he drives you home, comforting you by rubbing ur legs the whole ride.
arriving to your place, you invite him in and you both start talking.
when all of a sudden you said
"yk what? i'm- i'm so sorry, like, it's a friday night and i just, took you away from whatever you were doing,like i'm just so sorry and like i should have just waited and i could have called my brother again-"
"shut up" he interrupted you.
"excuse me?"
"shut up... so do you wanna know what i was doing?"
"yeah." you answered his question.
"i had a bunch of friends over."
"oh my god i'm so s-"
"shut up!" matt interrupts you once again.
"...i saw your text, i saw you felt unsafe, i saw you needed me, i grabbed my helmet, i grabbed my keys and i left, i didn't say anything i just left, i just got on my bike and i got to you... because i will choose you over everyone else, every time!"
"...what?" was the only thing that came out of your mouth due to how speechless you were.
he began stepping towards you and leaning in.
"what are you- what are you saying?" you asked.
" i will choose you."
"okay, but what about my brother?" you thought he was going to say your brother was more worth it than u.
"over your brother every time."
"what does this mean?" you stupidly asked.
"i'll show you what it means." matt leans in, giving you the slightest peck ever.
"but we'll talk about it, on a different night when you didn't just come back from a shit date." he winks saying 'goodnight' before walking out the house leaving you standing there against the wall speechless as hell, thinking about what just happend when nate came into the house.
"what the fuck just happend?"
sorry if there are spelling mistakes, not proofread as i said at the start!
make sure to eat and drink enough today!!
thank you for reading and i hope you have/had a good day!
word count: 704
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edsnun · 11 months
migraines // miles m. x reader
silly drabble in which; reader experiences a horrible migraine.
a/n: hello being on your period sucks and i have the worst migraines during it so here is a drabble i made to cope
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“mileeesss.” you groaned, rubbing at your temple. “my headdurts.” you mumbled, stretched out on his bed, leg draping off it as you watch him draw, his back to you. the night sky was illuminating through his window, making his skin glow.
miles chuckles, taking off his headphones as he watches you cradle into fetal position. “make room on the bed, at least.” he playfully grumbles, carefully sliding you over so that your back hits the wall. “you okay, how bad is it?” he mumbles, laying down across from you, bringing your hand down softly and interlocking it with his.
“like i’m about to cry.” you whisper, closing your eyes in hopes of not worsening your migraine. miles smiles sadly and softly kisses your forehead, leaning more into you as he softly rests your head against his chest. “you deserve a break from these migraines, (y/n).”
“tell me about it.” you giggle, sliding your arms around his waist. “you want to go to sleep?” miles mumbles, cradling your head. you nod into his chest. “please.”
“okay.” miles whispers back, leaning back from you to kiss your forehead once more. “goodnight, (y/n).”
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everydaymanafterdark · 4 months
I finished reading the original Sam and Max comics by Steve Purcell, so I'm going to share some of my favourite panels from it! Let's goooo!!!
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He won him a stuffed horsey TuT Also I find it very interesting how Max's proportions are a bit more chonky here at the start, you can later see how they become more streamlined and intensified into the shapes we recognize from the games.
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Sam being protective of Max. 👌
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He's biking up a freaking volcano to save him. Call it what you want but that requires some immense devotion (Also, nice patoot there Sam)
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Loved this reminder that Sam, too, is a dork.
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Pretty sure that this is the first instance of "Max, you don't even like girls"
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They sleep in a bunk bed, and apparently Sam is on top. Also, those Western jammies.
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I'm just finding it very cute that their families celebrate the holidays together okay
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This one just made me laugh...
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... same with this one!
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Cute phone scenes! Always love the way Steve illustrated these.
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Speaking of illustration, the art in this comic goes HARD when it wants to.
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They're snoozing together. <3
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Just a very cute panel. I would be tempted to use one of these faces as an avatar.
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Also, let's talk about this gesture real quick. They legit do this a lot (see this post)
And I would just like to add that we even see in Beyond Time and Space when Satan tries to do the same head-pat on Max and he very visibly hates it. He genuinely only allows Sam to do it. I am deceased.
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Another panel that made me laugh.
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Here it's sweet that Sam keeps Max from smoking, but also the dialogue cracks me up.
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The implication that Sam wears his suit because he doesn't want to unsettle humans?
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They got a Congeniality Award right under a framed photo of them hitting a KKK member. Goals.
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EDIT: Also I forgot to mention this adorable picture wall from the beginning!! This confirms that Sam and Max took baths together when they were kids, as was implied in Beyond Time And Space. Cuuuute
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Again!! Kickass inking!!
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This page... honestly caught me off-guard for how somber and serious it is all of the sudden. Like, damn. The realization that Steve could emotionally destroy me with his comicking skills, huh
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And they still manage to cope. I think I saved this one because Sam calls Max "lovable and cuddly".
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That's all I got, thank you and goodnight!! 🙇‍♂️ ❤️
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loubouskz · 1 year
take care of you
lee felix x fem!reader
description: you keep going on and on about how boring sex is and that something is missing. and like any your best friend, he offers to help you find out.
warning: SMUT! bestfriends to lovers, unprotected piv sex, cunniligus, dirty talk, praising kink, minor degrading kink, breeding kink, aftercare and cuddles. if I missed anything let me know
wc: 2.6k
a/n: I finally got this done! I had to borrow a laptop. I found my old chromebook but couldn't find the charger for it so I have to order a new one and wait for it to come in😭😭 I wanna be able to finish writing my stories that are just sitting in my google docs, collecting dust. anywho I hope you all enjoy this! I had so much fun writing this! feedback is greatly appreciated!
and my requests are open btw, so send in your requests! I'd be so happy to write something for you!🥰
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“wait really? ” felix asked, putting down his water bottle on his bed. “yeah.” I said with a straight face. “not even the last guy you were with? you were so loud.” felix said in fits of giggles. “just because I was loud does not mean it was that good. he start off strong, lack in the middle of it, and was okay during the climax- but all together..it just wasn’t that good.” I said, shugging my shoulders. “i feel like i haven’t had great sex. good, sure. I feel like there’s not enough in the middle of it. it’s just kind of boring sometimes.” I said. “what do you think is missing?” he asked, laying next to me. I sighed and just looked at the ceiling as i thought. “anything. a kink. dirty talk. hell I don’t know.” I said before looking at the time on my phone. “it’s 2:23am, I need to go to bed.” I said as I sat up. “alright.” felix said in a kind of distance voice. “you okay? was talking about my sex life weird to you? i’m sorry.” I said as I got up.
“no it doesn’t, we’ve been best friends for years y/n. i’ve heard your best and worst of everything. we talk about almost everything together, we know each others’ limits when we talk about things. you’re good.” felix said with a nice smile, but I could tell his mind was wandering. i huffed out a small chuckle and said goodnight to him as I made my way to his door.
“what if I help you out?” i heard him say really fast as my hand grabbed the door handle. I turned back to him to see him sat up and looking at his hands. felix, my best friend of eight years and roommate for three. and maybe my crush of four…is willing to have sex with me. i felt my brain short-circuit. this has to be a dream.
“what? can you explain more.” I asked, standing in place. “what if i help you find out what you’re missing during sex?” he asked, messing with his sleeves. I looked at him with wide eyes. “are you being forreal?” I asked him. “i wouldn’t have asked if i wasn’t being forreal y/n.” he answered, while laying back. “well i don’t know what to say felix.” i said. 
“well you don’t have to answer right away nor do you have to say yes at all. but you know i would take care of you.” felix said, locking his eyes with mine. that sentence alone: but you know i would take care of you, the way he said it, made my knees go weak. “don’t say it like that lix.” i said as i felt my insides twists in ways i never thought they would for my best friend. felix’s eyes scanned my body and saw how my body reacted to his words. he brought his eyes back up to mine but now they were much darker. full of lust clouding his chocolate brown eyes. felix slowly got out of his bed and walked over to me. “say it like what y/n?”
i didn’t know what to do, so i started backing up. felix just followed with a small smirk to his lips. i gasped as my back hit the wall. he placed one arm right above my head against the wall and the other on my waist. 
“you gonna answer me?” felix said, placing his head really close to mine. “say it like it’s true.” i said in a small voice. “well it might be, you won’t know if it doesn’t happen. right baby?” he asked, tilting his head to the side a bit. my eyes darted to his lips and back to his eyes. i nodded my head. i could feel my underwear becoming more and more slick. “i need you to be verbal with me.” he said, dragging his hand that was on my waist up to my face. he kept his hand on my cheek, stroking his thumb in a comforting way. my eyes fluttered at the sweet gesture. my mind quickly coming up with the answer. “take care of me felix, please.” i said, just barely above a whisper.
felix sucked in a breath of air and smiled at me, ‘is it okay if i kiss you now?” he asked. “yes.” i answered. felix slowly brought his lips to mine and kissed me. i closed my eyes as i felt his soft lips on mine, but it quickly ended by felix pulling back. “want more?” he asked. i nodded my head, too breathless to answer. felix leaned back in and i met him halfway, making him groan into the kiss. he put more pressure into the kiss, sliding his tongue on my bottom lip. i parted my lips to let him in. felix placed both his hands on my cheeks as i gripped the sides of his shirt. felix took his time exploring the inside of my mouth, like he was trying to memorize it. 
after our little makeout, felix pulled away slowly. both of our lips, red and swollen. felix placed his hands back on my waist as he kissed his way back my jaw to my neck. sucking hickeys all over, i moaned as he found my sweet spot. i ran my hands into his hair, pulling at it lightly. felix groaned as his hands made their way down, just above my shorts. he kissed my ear, “can i continue?” he asked in his deep voice. “yeah.” i said breathless. i held my breath as felix’s hand pushed its way past my shorts and underwear. he continued marking the other side of my neck as cupped my cunt.
“oh fuck baby, you’re already getting slick and wet for me.” he said, dragging his hand back and forth. he placed his fingers on my clit, drawing small circles. i head feel back against the wall, moans becoming louder and louder as he picked up the pace. “oh felix.” i moaned out. he lifted his head, looking at my face. ‘yeah baby. you like that?” he asked. “yes. need more,lix.” i whined. “what kind of more?” he asked, kissing the corners of my lips. “fingers. inside. please.” i answered, chasing his lips. “good girl.” he said, smashing his lips back on mine. he pushed carefully pushed two fingers inside of me. i gasped into the kiss. 
“are you going be good for with me y/n?” felix asked. i nodded my head, “faster please.” i said, felix did exactly what i asked for. curling his fingers every time he brought them down, hitting my clit every time. i breath quickened, chest heaving as i felt the pressure building to its max. “gonna let me see how pretty you look when cum all over my fingers.” he said. “yes.” i said through a broken moan, keeping my eyes on his as i felt the knot unravel. cumming all over his hand. “oh god felix!” i said as he guided through my orgasm. he slowly removed his hand out and placed his fingers in his mouth, eyes never leaving mine.my lips parted out of surprise.
“you taste heavenly.” felix said. “fuck me felix.” i said, pulling him by his pants. “really?” he asked. “yeah, like you mean it.” i said with my own smirk.
he grabbed the hem of my shirt, making sure it was okay to take it off first before it was removed. i was ready for bed so i didn’t have a bra on. felix kissed down my body as he made his way to the ground. he pushed my sweats and underwear down along with him. face to face with my bottom half. “god, you’re beautiful, you know that?” felix said with meaning that was more than just lust. i felt my heart skip a beat. i smiled at felix as he kissed my stomach. he stood back up and grabbed my hand.
we walked over back to the bed. “lay down.” felix said. i climbed back onto the bed and got comfortable. felix removed his clothes, but left his boxers on. he climbed on the bed, over top of me. “will you let me eat you out beautiful?” he asked, placing a soft kiss on my lips. i shuddered at his words but agreed none the less. felix took his time kissing down my body once again. he took my legs, pushing them up and on his shoulders. he marked up my inner left thigh before doing the same thing on the other side. 
felix blew on my clit before giving a long lick up my cunt. i arched back and rolled my hips, making him chuckle. he kissed my clit then proceeded to suck on it gently. he opened his mouth, rolling his tongue out licking up. basically making out with my lower lips. i clamped my thighs around his head, making him groan. the vibrations sending shocks up my body. “felix!” i moaned out, threading my fingers into his hair. felix brought one of his hands up to my entrance, pushing his fingers in. thrusting his fingers in and out plus the motions of his tongue on my clit made my climax come even faster than last time. “i’m gonna cum felix.” i said as my body started to shake. “cum for me.” he mumbled. felix flattened his tongue, pressing it on my clit and shaking his head side to side. my body arched one more time before my vision became white. “good girl.” he said, slowing down his fingers. felix removed his fingers and licked up my cum till i pushed his head away. felix sat up with his hands on my thighs, stroking them lightly. 
“still need more sweet girl?” he asked. i nodded my head, trying to reach for his underwear. felix quickly grabbed my hands and put them above my head. i looked at him with wide eyes. “ah ah ah. didn’t you say you wanted me to fuck you?” he asked. “yes i did.” i answered. “then roll over. hands and knees.” he said, letting go and sitting back up. i quickly turned over. as i steaded myself, i heard felix removing the last of his clothing. 
i felt felix grabbed my hips and pull them back. he guided one of his hands down my back and pressed down. i put my arms under my head and pushed my ass out, learning it a playful smack. i giggled a bit as felix pressed his body to mine. “ready for me to take of care you? fuck you how you need it?” felix asked, lining up his dick with my opening. a moan slipped pasted my lips. “yes please lixxie. fuck me, i need you so bad.” i whined out. felix pushed into me with a groan. “so fucking tight even after stretching you out.” he said as he bottomed out. i clenched around him, bucking my hips back. he drew his hips back and thrusted back in once and hard. my eyes rolled back at the feeling. “be patient.” he growled out, gripping my hips tightly. i huffed out and felix heard…and did not like that. he started snapping his hips at a decent hard pace. bringing a moan every time..
“i was trying to be nice, but all you wanted was to be full and fucked, right baby?” he said, not really asking. “just so fucking needy, didn’t even care who it was huh? not even if it was your best friend.” he continued. i whined into the pillow as i gripped the sheets. the sound my wet skin echoed throughout the room. good thing we didn’t have neighbors. “i bet you just want to be stuffed full of my cum.” he said, making me clench around him hard. “oh am i right?” he asked, laying his body on mine. grabbing my boobs with both his hands, pinching my nipples a bit. without pulling out or stopping, he lifted my body where my back was against his chest.
“answer y/n.” felix said, grinding his cock right on my g-spot. i cried out from the pleasure building up. “answer or i’m stopping right here.” he threatened. “yes! i want to be stuff full of your cum. so deep inside me.” i said with tears in my eyes. “yeah, so deep that i put a baby in you?” he asked as i cried out again. “you gonna be a good girl and take my cum like the little cumslut you are?” he asked as his thrusts started to become sloppy. “yes!” i said. i could barely hold my head in place as my body started to feel like jello. i turned my head to see him. “can i cum?” i asked as tears fell into my cheeks. “fuck. yeah go ahead a cum baby. cum with me.” he said, bringing one hand up to my face and holding my head in place so i didn’t look away. 
one final snap of his hips and my body spasmed from how hard my orgasm hit me. felix followed and stilled his hips, cumming deep inside. “shit.” he moaned out. he gave a few more shallow thrusts before completely stopping. felix buried his head into the crease of my neck and shoulder. i took a deep breath and brought my hand up to felix’s hair, combing it out of his face. he lifted his head up, kissing my shoulder. “you did so well y/n.” he said, still out of breath. i chuckled and smiled. “you did to lixxie.” i said. “let’s go get ourselves clean up, yeah?” he asked, i nodded.
felix helped me up off his softening dick and bed. after helping me to the bathroom, felix went to go pick up our clothes. after i did my business and got cleaned up, i heard a knock at the door. “yeah.” i said as i was washing my hands. felix popped his head in and handed me my clothes. “thank you.” i said grabbing them. i put my underwear on first then my hoodie, deciding not to put my sweats back on. “so we made kind of a mess on my bedsheets, is it alright if we go sleep in your room?” felix asked as blush forming across his cheeks. i laughed out and turned to him. “yeah felix. lets go.” i said as we left the sex-scented room.
we both climbed into bed and under the blanket. “i forget how much softer your bed is compared to mine.” felix said, snuggling in. “now i know you’re just saying that because your sleeping next to me because we have to exact same mattress.” i said, cuddling up to him. felix wrapped his arm around me and pulled me even closer. “yeah you’re right.” he said with a big smile. “can you turn off your side lamp now lixxie.” i said. “why? i won’t be able to see your cute face.” he said. “well this cute face needs her beauty sleep, so please turn off the light.” i said. “alright.” he said, quickly turning off the light and turning back to me. 
“so did you figure out what you were missing?” felix asked. i closed my eyes and nuzzled my head into his chest. i nodded my head, slowly falling asleep. “what was it?” he asked quietly, most likely sleep taking over his body as well. “you.” i whispered before fallen into a peaceful sleep. “good. i hoped that it was.” he said, kissing the top of my head. “took us long enough.” he said before fallen asleep.
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reysdriver · 2 years
Drunk Walk Home | R.L.
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You take your drunk boyfriend up to his dorm after a party — remus x fem!reader fluff
warnings: alcohol, remus gets drunk, underage drinking
words: 1k
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You had come to the party with your boyfriend, Remus, at the beginning of the night. When you met by your dorm and went down to the Gryffindor common room, you two were almost immediately whisked away from each other by your friends. Remus had gone with James, Sirius, and Peter to play some drinking game, while you hung out with Marlene and Lily. 
You had lost track of time since you had arrived, and likely would have stayed until the morning if it weren't for Remus coming up behind you, gently wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your neck while you were listening to Lily tell the story of James' latest attempt at wooing her. 
"Hi." You said as a goofy grin strung itself across your face. 
Lily paused her story when she noticed him embracing you. You could smell the potent air of firewhiskey surrounding him and figured that he had lost whatever game he was playing with the other Marauders. 
"Hi, love." He slurred. "I missed you."
"You brought me to this party a few hours ago." You giggled. 
"Maybe, but it feels like it's been forever."
You looked over at Lily and Marlene, who both waved you off, telling you that you should be taking Remus to get some rest. 
"Well, that just tells me we should be getting you back to your dorm for the night."
"No, no. I wanna stay and listen to Lily tell you about how James asked her out. James told us this was finally the time she said 'yes'."
Lily's eyes widened. "He's telling people that? I'm going to kill him! Goodnight, you two. Marls, I'll be back." Lily said as she stormed off to find James. 
"I'm going to go see what she's going to do to him. Goodnight, if you're leaving." Marlene said to you, then followed Lily.
You realised that while they were talking, Remus had let go of your figure. You turned back around to face him. "Alright, come on, we need to get you upstairs." 
 "No, I've barely seen you today, I want to stay here with my girlfriend." He whined. 
"I'm coming with you, obviously." You told him. "Someone has to stop you from falling and hitting your head when you try to go up the stairs."
"I'm not going to hit my head on the stairs." He said, rolling his eyes. 
"No, because I'll be there to stop you."
He looked pensive—as pensive as someone on the verge of blacking out could be, that is—then he looked down at you again. "Okay, fine, I'll go with you."  
You flashed him a happy smile. "Perfect. Do you need to hold on to me while you walk? You can hold my hand." 
"I don't need to, but I will because I love you and I just want to hold your hand." 
"That works for me."
You held your hand for him to take, which he gladly accepted. You lead him through the crowds of students, saying goodnight to all your friends as you passed by them on the way to the dormitories.
You went slowly up the stairs to make sure Remus didn't fall, but it was relatively easy since he held onto the wall as he trudged up to his room.
You opened the door and let the two of you into his dorm.
"Okay, c'mon, love." You said, closing the door behind you. "You've got to get changed and ready for bed."
You turned around, going to grab the water bottle from his nightstand to give to him, when you felt Remus' familiar lips on your cheeks, kissing you from behind.
He spun you around, his lips staying on your jaw.
"Remus, what are you doing?" You asked him softly.
"What does it look like?"
"Something you shouldn't be doing tonight." You told him.
He sighed and stood up straight. "I can't kiss my beautiful girlfriend?" 
"Not when you're drunk and you need to sleep." 
"I don't need to sleep, you need to sleep." He pouted.
You rolled your eyes slightly. "Yes, I'll be going to sleep too."
"With me?"
"Do you want me to stay the night?"
You looked up into his eyes and saw a hopeful twinkle in his eyes as his lips curved into a faint smile.
"I always want you to stay with me." 
"Okay, well then, take a big drink of water for me, change out of your whiskey-soaked clothes, and get ready for bed, and I'll stay here."
You watched as he walked over to his nightstand, taking a swig from the water bottle. 
"Will you read to me?"
You smiled, happy Remus was still in want of your company, even in his inebriated state. 
"If you do the rest of the things I asked, then, of course. Do you need help with any of it?"
He shook his head, then stopped when it obviously gave him a stinging headache. "No, no, you just sit down all pretty like always and find the book you'll read to me."
He turned around and gathered a pair of plaid pyjama pants as you grabbed a book from his bedside table and settled under his blanket. He cursed himself out several times while he was getting ready when he stumbled or hit himself on some inanimate object, but he still insisted he didn't need help. 
You waited a few more minutes for your boyfriend to get changed and clean himself up before he walked over to meet you under the covers of his dormitory bed. 
You looked over at him with a cute grin as you held out your hand for him to take as he laid down. "Hi, Remmy." You whispered. 
"Hi, love." He said as he crawled into the bed beside you. He laid his head on your chest and you began to comb your fingers through his sandy brown locks, holding the book in one hand.
"Do you want me to start reading now?" You asked quietly, pressing a kiss atop his head.
"Start whenever you'd like." He said, already half asleep in your arms.
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ali-r3n · 2 years
After Show
Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Eddie takes care of his girl after her first Rock Concert
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Eddie could feel Y/N’s hot breath on the back of his neck as he carried her from the venue to the car.
Half asleep, she grumbled when he hitched her up his back to be able to get his keys from his pocket.
“I know, Sweetheart. I’m sorry. Go back to sleep.”
She nuzzled her nose under the collar of his band shirt and leather jacket before she settled.
He managed to unlock the passenger side door of his van and open it with the limited mobility he had. He let out a sigh as he stared at the sizable space between the ground and the chair.
“This should be interesting,” he murmured.
It took a bit of creative problem solving and a nearly thrown out back, but Eddie Munson still managed to get his beloved girlfriend in the seat without waking her.
He buckled her in and shut the door. He gave a stretch to loosen his sore back as he walked to the drivers side.
He turned the volume dial of his radio down before he switched on his car and began the two hour journey back to Hawkins.
Every now and then, he looked over at Y/N. Her head laid against the headrest, her mouth opened and released soft snores. Her chest rose and fell under the matching tour tee he bought with each of her steady breaths.
He grinned, satisfied. Her first ever live metal concert a success.
The Metalhead pulled up to his trailer and shut off the ignition. He climbed out of the van, and jogged over to the passengers side. The creak of the metal door made him grit his teeth. He held his breath until it was fully open. When he saw her undisturbed, he exhaled.
He grabbed the belt before he unbuckled the seatbelt so that it wouldn't go sliding up and hit her. He gently picked her up. Eddie cradled Y/N in his arms and carried her up to his trailer, using his hip to close the van door.
“Eddie,” she mumbled against his neck, sleepily. “Are we home yet?”
He smiled at the fact she considered his trailer as home. “Almost there, Baby. A few more steps."
Eddie placed her onto his bed. She gave a little stretch before she rolled over and snuggled into his pillow.
He touched the back of her head and ran his ringed fingers through her hair before he leaned in to press a kiss to her temple.
He walked to the end of the bed and gently removed her beat up converse. He stared at the light wash denim she wore.
"Sweetheart," he whispered.
"Hmm?" she responded.
"Is it okay if I take your jeans off so that you can be more comfortable?"
"Pajama pants?"
"Yes. I'll give you my pajama pants."
"The plaid ones."
"Okay," she mumbled before she buried her face into his pillow.
He removed her jeans and replaced them with his well worn plaid PJ pants. He grabbed the blanket off of the end of the bed and draped it over her.
He kicked off his own shoes and removed his jeans, vest, and leather jacket. Eddie climbed in behind her and pressed his chest to her back. His arm wrapped around her waist and gently held her.
Y/N unconsciously snuggled back into him. Eddie grinned into her hair as his eyes slipped shut.
"Night, Eddie."
“Goodnight, Sweetheart.”
Eddie Munson Taglist:
@seros-bitch @eddiemunsons-girl @m-i-1-0 @lunar-flwr @winchester-angel @angelbbygrl @madnessismylover @cherrybean1116 @edwardjamesmunson @3ternalreal1ty
@meaganjm @sweetpeapod @eddiemunsonsfavbitch @fangirling-4-ever @zzokks @mattymurdocksbitch @fillechatoyante @luvbug4728 @doll-in-the-walls @ches-86 @shenevertricks1831 @urlocalhippie2029 @celestair @ruinedbythehobbit @purple-storm
@sarai-ibn-la-ahad @livslifeonline @strangerthingsstories5255 @becca-alexa @aactuaaltraash @wren-2-d @mordechaisworld @spacedoutdaydreamer @warlockwithfrogs
Stranger Things Taglist:
@valeriiecameron @maruushkka @rainbows-dreams @april-foolish
Stranger Things (Billy excluded) Taglist;
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